The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 27, 1879, Image 1

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, ,. r,,0CBAT,8TAR'0l' Tn NORTH AND COLBH.
issued weekly, every Friday morning, at
. .nnoUAM per year, W cents discount allowed
wnen P IW '".'!" ,,nrimi. Tn RiHiacrlhera mil nf l,n
ilntvliio terms aro ft per year.slrlctly In advance,
mner dlwopllnued, (Wt V Iho option nf tho
w. ' . .ihiii tiTi n rri. n rn iron nrn nnni. i,ur m
P'.'I'i Mniloii credits ntlcr tlio expiration of tho llrsi
tr viil not bo given, .. . .
' ii miners sent out or uiokuiio or 10 distant post
A- -4 must bo paM for In ndvnnce, unless a rospon
Jih i. m'riion In Columbia founly assumes topay tliu;
'"V,.VJil..,i..i. nnlnnircr exacted from Riibnrr ht r n
1,0 county.
.TO 13 jcortJ-JL-M JL J-xxi v.-i-.
Tun lobbing Department of the
XXtTamlour .1 P Printing villlcpim
.Oraniete.anciour.l Printing vtiucomparefavora-JC. D. BEOCKwAY, 1 .,
fe. nlSa'e'go prAn!eR!otl d0'"i 00 EIiWELL, EWorld Proprietor,.
i I h II lY 1 11 vvv li Vil
- hi nr . , n in. in in in m mm
irAci. In. n.
ono Inch t.oo M.eo
Two inches tM 4.00
Three incites. v. ... "
Four Inches ... . .. . 8.00 t.os
imrttr comma,. ., .oo
nil column in w
in. en.
ti.oo It.oo
6.10 8.00
T.00 11.00
g.mi U.WI
i.oo lu.oo hj
IS. 00 1JK) vs.oo
one column OT.00 3J.uo o.oo ro.oo iwah
Vnarlv art i.rtt.rmr nl . tiAT.1,1 nuartprlV. Trst
sunt adt ort moments must De paid for before instill o
eieept whore parties havo accounts.
lual advertisements two dollars per men ronnrn
insertions, an at that rato for additional insertions
witnoui rcicrencc to icdkui.
ttMHtfiv'.. Amiri.tratir'R and Auditor's nollcol
torce aouars. aiusi wpma ior-wun hkii.
Transienior i.ocni duiuth, iwcuij vcuia ..
regular adTertlsemcnts naif rates.
Cards tn the "liuslnoas Directory" column,
dollar per year for each line.
Columbia County Official Directory.
dge-Wllllara Elwell. T K. WALLER,
(lJes-I.K Krlclitiaum, V. UBhuman., ,JLi. ..
vrc.-Wlinam Krickbaum. A f f,,J '
jraphnr-H. N. Walker. Attorn C
President .ludge-Wllllara Elwell.
i)iHirlrtAttoriiey-lfnl;ert,li, Utile.
sii. rlit John vV.Tlnrrmnti.
Stt" or -funnel Ntiynirl.
vi nurer-11 A. sweppenlielwr.
i" .nnilitloncrs-Stepnon I'ohe, Charles Itlchart
nilnUriuncrVClefk-- T. IlCatey.
An! itors-. II. Hmllli, W. Manning, U. 11, Sec
Inercas ef Teaslens eUalnei, Collections aade.
I'lnte, wcona aoorrrom 1st National Hank.
Jm. II, IK,
J U. KUNh,
jiirv Uommlwtonors-
Kll Itobbln,, Theodore V.
I ,.iiitH'ipenni" -"!'"'"" !'"!!?,';,,.
Ill'liJ tl lii Jr imiwvii 1'iiii.ivi .1 in m jui . vi if
wm. Kramer, llloomsburg and Thomas ltecce,
Bloomsburg Official Directory.
President of Town Council (1. A. Herring,
eierk-l'.iul K. Wirt,
chief of Police Jas. C. sterner.
President of (In, Company S. Knorr.
secretary 0. W. Miller.
iiuio'nstiurg Hanking company John A.Funslon,
(resident, II. II. orniz, cashier, John Peacock, Tel-
Kirs' N'a' lonal Hank Charles II. Paxlon, President
J p, rusilll, un'siuci.
I'olumbla County Mutual Saving Fund and Loan lon-K. H. Utllo, President, C. W. .Miller,
' llloomsburg llulldlnz and Saving Fund Association
-Win. Peacock. President, .1.1). lloblson, Seorelary.
pionmsbnrg Mutual saving Fund Association J.
Attorn mr-nt-T nvsr
lucrcaso of Tension, Obtained. Collections
HLooMsnuiiti. PA.
orace In Enfs
A T TO It N E Y S-A T-L A W,
CotCMBtAN llcitniNO, liloomabwg, Pa,
Members of the United StAles Law Aasoelaiinn.
Collections made In any part of America or Europe
. in: and,v p, m,
Itcv. J. I'.TusIln, (Supply,
S'inday scrvlees-iux u. u
u.mri,u Hrhnnl g a. m.
Prnver .Meeting Every Wednesday evening at t)i
ssi sfreo. Tliopubllcarelnvllcdloattend.
Minister Iter. o. 1). S. Marclav.
sund.iy Services lo,v a. m. and 7tf p. m.
. Hrhnnl 0 n. in.
i'mver Meeting Every A'ednesday evening at IS
seals free. No pews rent cd. All aro welcome.
Mlnlsler nev. Stuart Mitchell.
Sunday Servlces-lo.x a. m. and 0 p. m.
u, it. Mehnrtl 9 n. In.
prnver Mcotlng-Every Wednesday evening at Htf
seals free. No pews rented. Strangers welcome.
Presiding Klder-llcv. W. Evans.
Mlnlstcr-ltev. M. I.. Smjser.
Sunday SerMce, 10 and 0 P- P"-
liiblo'ciass-Kverv Monday evening at Otf o'clock,
foung Men's Prayer Meeilng-Every Tuesday
e Hencntl l'rajer jiecilng-Evcry Thursday ovcnlng
I 0 C10CK. r '
Corner of Third and Iron streets.
Pastor-Ucv. w. E. Krcbs. Corner 4th and Calhartno sjreets.
Sunday Services 10f a. m. and 1 p. m.
stindoy School 9 a. m. .
I'rnjer Meeting Saturday, 7 p. m.
All aro Invited There Is always room.
Hector Kev L. Zahner.
Sunday Services 10) a. m., IX p. m.
Sunday School 9 a. ra.
..,-, ......Hn.. In tl. mnntll HaIV CnmmUnlOn.
Sen Ices preparatory to Communion on Friday
evening neiumu.o .ivvnuuutt, w
Pewa i rented ;Tiut everjbody welcome.
Presiding Elder-Kcv. A. L. Ileeser
lf.iv nnni-cn llnntpr.
stnidav Servlce-2 p. in.. In Iho Iron street Church.
Pra er Meeting Every sabbath at p. m.
All aro Invited. Allure welcome..
u..i. in .in... nttin itriplr (!hnrrh on the hill.". I
known as the Welsh liaptlst church-on Hock street
Hegular meeting for worship, every Lord's day af-reo'-'oSaSe
public are cordially Invited to
ripitnnt. nunv:i!4 l.lntil?. int nrinted anil
O neatly bound In small book's, on hand and
or Sale at UIO l.ui-uiar, uiuvu
1I,ANK DKHDS, on l'arclimdnt and Linen
") Paper, common and for Administrators, Exeeu
t(,rs and trustees, tor sale cheap at the Colombian
Hloomsburc. ra.
omce on Main Street, first door below Courtllouse
Uloomsburg. Pa.
onico over Schuyler's Hardware store.
Office In Harmon's Hulldlng, Main street.
loomsburg, Pa,
llloomsburg, l'a,
ODlcetn Browcr's building, second floor, room No.
i. Bloomsburr. Pa.
omce In Unasost's 'JnLDiNo, on Main Btrcet second
uuur auovo v.cntre.
(!an be comulted in German.
Jan. 10, '79-tf
A'lTOKN Bl -at-la w,
Catawlssa, Pa.
A burglar cllmed Into an editor's room-
Needy and poor was ho
And ho saw In Iho dim, uncertain gloom,
w tin legs as long na the stem of a broom,
A pair of u-ousers. 1 I'll Just freeze to 'cm!"
Ho chuckled u 1th llcndlsh glee.
Ho lilted them up from the b uk of tho chair
Lightly they hung on till arm:
They were tho editor's only pair,
Thtrher than gossamer everywhere:
Oh but the knees were worn and bare!
Good clothes when tho weather Is warm!
All over tho room lie searched In vain
There was no more to find;
Thcro was no sign of sordid gain,
Nor passing drop, from a golden rain
Only tho wealth of a sleeper s brjln,
Tho peace of tho editor's mind.
Ho turned hi, bock oi tho happy home,
Thoughtfully hett'ng thoso pants;
Out of the window ho cautiously dome:
Ho emptied tho pockets a broken comb,
A stub of a pencil, a manuscript poem,
Answered his searching glance.
He started; the tears noshed Into his eyes;
He leaned up against the fence;
A look of pitying, muto mrprlso
Softened his face; ho stiaed his cries;
Ho looted at his swag, and measured lis size,
aiue about nine evuls.
Into his pockets hlsoitn ho went,
Ana ho dragged out a ten-dollar bill,
And ho hastily crammed It, every cent,
Into tho editor's pockets, nnd bent
Tho trousers Into a wad, and sent
Them over the wlndow-slll,
l.en on to a wealthier houso ho sped,
"Twas a charity well bestowed,"
He sold to himself; and when night had fled.
And tho editor rose from his virtuous bed,
And found tho money, ho whistled and said.
"Well, I am essentially mowed!"
Select Story.
collections promptly made and remitted. Offlco
opposite catawissa Deposit uank. em-3S
Attorney s-at-Law.
Pensions obtained.
dec !i, Tt-iy
-m r.MMMAni" flKRTIFICATESIiut printed
1 and for solo at tho Columbian Offlce. Mlnts
Jraot tho ocpel and Justices should supply them-1
selves Willi tueso necessary
JUSTICES and Cnr..iUbtes' Fee-Bills for sale
at the Columbian office They contain tho cor
reeled fees as established by the last Act of t ho Leg-
..aiuroupon too huujuuu .cij
-table should have one.
"IfENDUE NOTES just printed and for sale
V cheap at tho bian oura,
C G. IJAKKLKY, Attorney-at-Law. Office
j. In Hrower's building, 2nd story. Rooms 4 4: s M
Dssrs, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Brackets,
and ilealerln l.UMHEHnnd all kinds of HUILDINO
.MATERIAL, 11A11UW ake.ic,
May 1, It-Sm'
The Old Keliable
New Price LisTJan. 1, 187
B. R0B1S0K, Atlorney-at-Law,
;) . In Hartmon's building, Main street.
April 11, ls70-6m
AMU EL KNORR. Allnrney-at.Law.Ollice
in Ilnrlman s Hulldlng, Main street.
It U't M ltl'llKIt Surirenn anil I'll vm-
" " " ' -0--V. .. .... A. . I
clan, oincu Market stieet. auovo nu j-.usi
T It. EVANS. M. D.. Surgeon and 1'hysi-
, clan, (Omce and Hesldcnco on Third street,
U. McKEIA'Y, M. D., Surgeon and Pliy-
Riciau.uorm biuo miiiii bircet, uuiuw iiiui&vv.
It. J. 0. RUTTER,
omce, North Market street,
Uloomsburg, I'n.
K. I. L. RABB,
Main street, opposite Episcopal Church,
burg, Pa.
JW Teeth extracted w Ithout pain,
aug 24, 77-ly,
sewing Machines and Machinery of all kinds rc-
dalred. Opera House Building, Bloomsburg, l'n.
AVID LOWENBERG, Merchant Tailor
Main St., abovo Central Hotel..
ROSENSTOCK, J'hotographcr, over
, Clark Wolf's store, Main street.
AUGUSTUS FREUND. Practical homeo
pnthio Horse 'and cow Doctor, Hlonmtburg, in.
itu. 14, la-'i
ltoomNo. 15, Opera House Building, Uloomsburg.
The nshrts of tiieso old corporations are all ln-
vetted In SOLID sECURlTlts audarollablo to the I
hazard of Eire only.
Moderato lines on tlio best rlsksare alono accepted,
t.nhhps pwomiti.y and noNRTLV adlusted and nald I
as soon as determined by Christian F. Knapp, t.
Clai Agent and Adiuster, 11 oonisuurg, i enn a,
'I hi, rtii7Ptisfif Columbia countv sliould natronlzi
the ugeney whtre Iusms, If any, are adjubted and
paid by ono or their o n citizens., i i-ij
; CY, Kichango Hotel, Uloomsburg, Pa.
tna, Ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut.., 6,600,000
Liverpool, London and Olobo
Roiifof Liverpool 13.600,000
Lancanshtro 10,000,' 00
Fire Association, Philadelphia 3,100,000
Farmers Mutual of DanvUle 1,000,000
Danville Mutual , 7s,ooo
Home, New York. S,oo,ooo
As tho oi-eneles are direct, policies are w rlttcn for
tho Insured wltnout any delay In tho onico at Ulooms-
juarcn 20,77 y
represents THE followiko
incoming or Muney Pennsjivama.
North. American of Philadelphia, Pa
franklin, of " "
Pennsylvania of "
farmers of Y'ork, Pa.
Hanover of New York.
Alanhattannf t-
omce on Market Street No. 6, Uloomsburg, l'a,
You can get a Thorough Education with the
For Catalogue, addreaB the.Prlnclpal,
' IlEV. 0 K, CANF1ELP.
Dick Whittington and bis Cat are among
the important personages in English hi1
tory, however much of romance there may
be in, the story ; nnd it is difficult tq say
which is the more important of the two, for
the cat is credited by tradition with being
the making of the Liord Mayor. We have
recently had more than one inquiry in regard
to them, and our readers, young and old.will
be glad to have the following, which U
made up from the most authentic traditions,
although it is not vouched for as absolute
history. We copy from The JUovs Own
Paper of London :
A poor boy, meanly clad, and carrying in
his hand a small bundle, trudged sadly along
the road which led over the moor of ! ins
bury to Highgate. The first streak of dawn
was scarcely visible in the eastern sky, and
as he walked, the boy shivered in the chill
morning air. More than once be dashed
For Wells 10 to 75 feet Deep from his eyes the rising tears, and clutched
hn little wallet nnd quickened bis pece, as
if determined to hold to some desperate re
solve despite of all drawings to the contrary,
As the road rose gradually towards Uigbgate
the sun broke out from behind tho clouds
on his right, and lit up fields and trees and
hills with a brightness and richness which
contrasted strangely with the gloom on the
boy's face, and the poverty of his appear
ance. The birds in thehedges began to sing
and the cattle to low and tinkle their bells
the whistle of tho herdsmen came up from
tho valley, and all nature seemed to wake
witli a cry of gladness to greet the new
Even poor Dick Whittington could not
wholly resist the cherriug influence of that
bright summer morning. It was impossible
to believe that everything was miserablo in
the midst of so much glad ness, and Dick's face
brightened and his step became brisker al
most without hia knowing it, as he trudged
higher up that steep road. His thoughts,
too, took a less desponding turu.
"After all," said he to himself," "per
haps I am foolish to be running away from
my master's house. I had better be tho
scudery-boy of good Master Fitzwarren, al
though his cook does ill-treat me, and lead
mo a dog's life, than a vagabond idle boy
which I am uow. And yet I cannot endure
the thought of returning to that cruel wo
man. Would that I knew what to do I"
Thus he thought and questioned with him
self, when he came tonetoueeet by the way
side ; and here he sat to rest, and ruminate
further upon bis evil fortune.
If BOtne voice would but say, 'Return,' I
would return," said he, "even thuugh sho
scold and beat me, for I know uot what
e world. Was
ever such a wretched boy as 1 1"
And he burled his face in his hands and
gave himself over to his misery. Suddenly
in the quiet morning air there catno to bis
ears a wonderful Bound, up from tho valley,
where, in the sun, shone, the towers and
steeples of London town. It was the sound
of distant bells, and, as the boy listened, it
came clearer and clearer, and seemed to fall
the air with the very voice for which he had
but a minute since beeu longing. But what
a strange story the bells told
"Turn again, Whittington
Tbrloo Lord Mayor of London 1'
Over and over again they said the same
words. Over and over again Dick persuaded
himself he was dreaming, yet felt sure he
was awake, "Turn again I" that was plain
enough, and he could believe it.even though
Bow Bells said it. But "Thrice Lord
Mayor of London i" what could that mean?
That was uever meant for the poor ill used
scullery-boy of Master Fitzwarren, the mer
cer in the Minories 1 And yet, what could
be- more distinct thati the voico of those
He sprang from bis seat, turned his face
in the direction of that wonderful sound
and ran. And that morning, when the
family of Master Fitzwarren assembled for
their early meal, and the scolding cook took
possession of the kitchen, Dick Whittington
was in his place, scouring the poU and pans
In the scullery, singing to himself a tunc, no
one had ever heard before.
Only a ftw days after this adventure o
Dick's news came ol the arrival in port o
ono or Master Fitzwarren' vessels with a
valuable cargo on board. Now It was the
might send out ; and when, many mouths
before this, Master Fitzwarren had been
(quipping tho vessel now In question, he
had summoned all his servants together, and
beginning with the chief, had called upon
them to put their savings into his venture,
promising each n fair return of whatever
profit his sharu should entitle him to at the
end of tho voyage.
Dick, poor boy, had no money : nothing
in the world but a cat, whom he loved as his
only friend, and to whom ho owed no com
mon gratltudo for the manner in which she
had protected iilm against the rats that in
fe.sted his garret. When it came to Ms turn to
put his share Into the voyage he had not the
heart to otrer this companion and ho had
nothing else he could call his own so he
begged to be excused. II is master, however
Insisted that, as his servant, he must put
down whatever he had, however little, and
even though this cat had cost only a penny,
to sea she must go, nnd Dick should have
full value for her when the the voyago was
Dick wept at this, and tho young daugh
ter of Master Fitzwarren, being moved to
pity, offered from her own money what
would preserve to tho lad his four-footed
friend. But not even this would the stern
merchant allow, and Dick therefore had to
bid a tearful farewell to his favorite nnd
resign himself to his loss.
Ml this had taken place many months
Now when tho "Unicorn" for tltat was
tho name of tho vessel returned to port,
great was the astonishment of everybody
(and no one's greater than Dick s) to find
that the principal portion of the treasures
on board belonged to the little scullery-boy
of Master Fitzwarren.
The very first day of its arrival there was
brought to the house a cabinet of jewels,
forming part of the boy's share, which was
considered too precious to bo left on board
ship. And tho men who brought it told
this wonderful story.
When the ship reached Algiers, in Africa,
the ruler nf the land ordered all the crew to
wait upon him with presents, which accord
ing they did, after which he prepared a feast
and invited them all to partake. But uo
sooner were the covers removed than a swarm
of rats, attracted by the scent, .of iJlb good
things, come and devoured atl the victuals
before their very faces. This, the governor
told them, was no unusual thing, for rats
were the plague of his land, and he would
give any price to know of a means to be rid
of them. Then one of the sailors bethought
him of Dick Whittington'a cat who had
already distinguished herself on shipboard
by her industry in her art and accordingly
next day, when the feast was served and the
rats, as usual, prepared to make away with
it, puss was produced, and not only drove
away the pest, but killed a considerable
number. This happening for several days,
his highness was so delighted that he in
stantly offered an enormous sum for the pos
session of so remarkable an animal, and
loaded the crew with presents in token of
his joy and gratitude.
Such was the story of tho men, which ex
plained this wonderful prize which fell to
the share of the fortunate Dick Whitting
ton. M
T ESl'ECTKULLY announces to the public
vuiai no uos reopenea
I fold KtAndl Hloomfibure-. Pa., at tho Forks of tho Es
py and Light street roads, where all descriptions of
feather will bo mado In the most substantial and
workmanlike manner, and sold at prices to suit tho
tines. Tho highest price In cash will at all times be
on lor
of every descrlDllon In the country. The public pat-
ronige is respecttuny soncuea.
uioom&ourg, ucu l. isis.
TRADE MARK Is especially rccora-TRAOE MRK,
mrnutju us tui uu
falllnircuro for bem
i lnal weakness.Sper
matorrhea, I in po
tency, and all disea
ses, Buclias Lous of
memory. Universal
Bafoie TivVWot Vision. I'reina-
-o, tia ,
sture Old Age. and&fter .taking.
KITHN. ik-aler in 2kTeat. Tallow, etc many otnerClseAseaUiatleadto Inftanlty.consump-
centre street, between Second and Tntrd. tlon and a fLSff
and over Indulgence. 1 hu hpecitlo Medicine Is the
result of a life study and nianyioarsol experience
In treating thoso special dlsoases. ouuiu mu m mr, i".
t0 d0 !viluout a frienU m
C1UU leUIUiUC lO HUlu ujr ... ft "h."ia
in uo seni
nnr nnr-lrit-P. Or RlK backa?C8 fOT W. OT Wl.
by mall on receipt ol the money by addressing
No. 10, Mechanic',! Block, Detroit, Mich.
sold in Bloomsburg by C. A. Klelm, and by aU
Druggists .everywhere. ,.,tr
sept, e, n&-U
i Ti, imrir t i i m
He, poor lad, could not understand it all
aud went on, with his drudgery in Uie scul
lery as if nothing had happened, until h'is
master compelled hint to quit it, and from
being his boy-of-alLwork made him his
partner in business.
Then Dick remembered the words (he
bells had sung to him a week ago, aud re
joiced that ho had obeyed their call.
He rejoiced at another thing, too, which
was that the kind young daughter of Master
Fitzwarren, who had pitied him in his pov
erty, did not avoid him in his prosperity,
but smiled happily upon him, when he took
his seat at the family (able to eat out of the
dishes ho had so recently scoured.
So this scullery-boy became a rich mer.
chant, and being just and honorable as well
as wealthy, he gained the respect aud love
of all with whom he had to do. When he
grew to be a man he married the kind Miss
Fitzwarren, which made him happier than
all his wealth.
Not only did merchants look up to him,
but nobles and even kings came to him in
their money dilllculties, aud he was the
same upright gentleman to all men. Hon
ors increased, and at last the prophecy of
Bow Bells became true, aud Sir Richard
Whittington was made Lord Mayor of Lon
In that capacity he grew still in riches and
fame, aud when bis first term was expired,
his admiring fellow-citizens.aftera few years
made him Lord Mayor for a second, and
when the second term was past, for a third.
His third mayoralty happened in MlD.wben
King Henry IV. was on the throne of
England J and then it was his honors' rose to
their highest pitch, for, ho entertained at
his own table the king aud queen pf the
land in such grand style that Heury sam o
him, "Never king had such a subject."
Aud never poor bad such a friend. Hi
never forgot the little forlorn boy on High
gate Hill, and it was his delight to his latest
day to make the hearts of the needy glid
and show to all that it is not for money or
grandeur, but for an honest soul and a kind
heart that a man is to be loved and bouored
by his fellows.
IlLOOItlSItllKO, 1A,
Manufacturers of
Carriages! Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs,
First-class workalwaya onlhand.
Prices reduced to suit the times,
..u, d, loit-u.
Should subscribe 10'
1M-I15 12I3UOATOK,
A LUe Educational Monthly, published at
lvl viirv I 1 .1 .h. I'A
UUluiuw, ... - I , , - , , -
Send six cents for specimen custom in tuose nays, m ".uo UUu,
the servants ot a iauuiy to luvest numeming
in the fortunes Of any vessel their master
I for 50 cents per) ear.
Curing hay in the cock is preferable to
sun drying. The sweating and fermentation
improve, and prevent heating in the mow or
stack. The writer prefers to put up hay, af
ter the dew is off, in moderatoly large cocks.
fourfeet wide and high, after it has lal
spread in the sun for one full day. It may
thus stay safely for one week, if necessary
and a hay cap will protect it from 24 hours'
rain, The day it is drawn in a mau should
start early and throw open the cocks, to get
a fiual airing for two or three hours before
is taken up.
General Grant's Arabian horses those
presented to him by the Sultan have ar
rived by sea at New Haven. They were
taken to a blacksmith's to be shod, an
many persons came o see them, ollering to
purchase the old shoes, or even a single uail
as mementoes, at almost any price. Whilo
the horses were being ltd to the New York
boat, one of them kicked a spoke from lb
wheel of a passing carriage. A writ was
served, and the Bum of $12 was paid to set
tie the rase. The sum was considered by
some people a high price for a elngl
The New York World of June lOth.prinls
a two column interview which John V.
Mines had with Gen. Stewart I,. Woodford
relating to the closing days of Grant's ad
ministration and the proposed Use of tho
troops In New York, Gen, Woodford said
he had accepted in 1877, by tho advlco and
consent of Conkllng aud the Cabinet, tbo
position of II. S. Disttlct Attorney for the
Southern District of New York, because
Grant foresaw trouble, nod wanted In that
place a man "who had smelt powder." Gen.
Woodford said : "It was openly stated that
in all the Democratic States bodies of men
were being marshalled and drilled for revo
lution. Threats were mado here and at
many other points that Mr. Tildcn would be
Inaugurated on the 1th of March in spite of
Grant and his army, that the Custom Houses
would be seized to create a revenue, and
that the Democratic President would be
sented by a grand popular uprising. New
York, It was plain, would be the central
point of the new revolution. Mr. Tllden
vould take the oath on tho steps of the City
Hall at the hands of one of tho Democratic
Judges, and simultaneously tho Custom
House aud the Sub-Treasury would bo seiz
ed. I know that President Grant and his
advisers wero very much afraid of tho ro
sult. But Grant, though he was anxious,
never hesitated about the course ho was to
pursue, He had determined to use every
soldier and sailor and gun at his command
to put down anything like a Democratic re
bellion. If it had been anybody but Grant
who stood in the way Tilden might have
been inaugurated and have gotten possession
of the revenues in spite Of Congress and the
Electoral Commission.
'But you have asked what I intended to
do in case Mr. Tilden attempted to carry out
his coup d'etat, and had himself inaugura
ted on the City Hall Rteps or elsewhere in
this city. My orders nnd intentions were to
seize him at once under a warrant, charging
him with high treason, to convey him se
cretly and securely on board a government
vessel lying in the East river, and ship him
Fort. Adams or some, other secure point
here he could undergo his trial. The first
thing that anybody knew of It, he would
have disappeared, and the suddenness of tho
ow would have either disheartened his fol
wcra and taught them a salutary lesson of
respect for the law, or it would have been
the first blow of a terrific conflict between
the law and its violators.' 'Do you really
believe, General, it would have beeu possi-
e to arrest Mr. Tllden ?' 'I don't believe
; I know it. Of course, it would not be
one by calling out the regulars from Gov-
erner's Island and marching them up to
ramercy Park, but it would have been
one so quietly and effectively that all re
sistance would have come too late. Just as
sure as he had dared take the oath of office
he would have been whirled through these
streets and landed in a gunboat. When he
had got through with his trial for treason
e would have been sick of playing Presi-
ent. While I was in Washington I had a
long talk with Secretary Robeson on this
ubject (you don't know him, do you ?
lie's one of the best fellows in the world)
e made all tho arrangements for the use of
ills boats and men not only to secure Tilden,
ut to overawe tho mob by tho gunboats.and
to shell them cut if necessary. Robesou is
very genial, but he is not a mau to be tri
fled with, nnd we worked together admira
bly. Under our plans any resistance by Mr.
Tilden would have been utterly impossible-
As for tho Custom House and Sub-Treasury,
they were prepared for resistance and could
ave been strengthened by a sudden rein
forcement of regulars so as to resist any
mob. Regulars and marines inside the walls
and a shell or two outside would have.scat
tered an attacking patty like chaff. Per
haps it was this knowledge of what the na
vy could do in tho way of dispersing mobs
that kept down tho evil-disposed throng at
Washington and New York.
You see now how, near we all were to
trouble, and you can understand why I
accepted this position at the time. Grant
felt that he knew me aud that I would carry
out his orders under any aud all circumstan
ces. It was a time that might call fpr
(harp and sudden work on tho Atlantic line,
aud Grant, like a, prudent General, made his
reparations accordingly. Troops wero
quietly brought from the West aud South
aud massed at W ashington, lort McIIonry
and in our harbor, aud you will remember
ihat complaint was made in Democratic,
newspapers about this matter and about the
gunboats at Washington and New lork,
Republican newspapers laughed at it, of
course, and most people did not know what
to believe. Ii'they had known now close
the truth was their fears might have brought.
nbout the catastrophe. Iu that event the.
navy could have attended to tho Atlantic
cities, but a rising at the West wouid have
bean even worse iu reality than iu the au
ticipation. Thank God, Tilden was a cow
ard, and the whole thing blew over,' 'But,
Geueral, how is it that you were ready to
crush out tho Democratic party under
Grant's admiuistration, and you are uow au
advocate of the llnjcs policy of concilia.
tion ?' 'In the winter of 1877 I was in favor
of vigorous measures, if necessary, for the
inauguration of President Hayes,whom I be
lieved then, as I believe now, to havo been
fairly elected to tbo piesidency. It was
trying time, and .Republican opinions were
divided as to the proper course to pursue
Without violating confidence I may state
that Grant, Sherman, Sheridan and other
military men wero outspoken in their opiu
iou that the army ought to be used lor re
pressive measures, though Sherman frankly
expressed some doubts iu respect to the
Democratic tendencies of tho rank and file,
Of course tha navy was at the disposal
Secretary Robesou, ami It could be relied
upon under all circumstances.
In the course of time we shall get the
whole history of tho conspiracy by which
Hayes was put in the Whito House.
Every one knows how large a space Is
occupied by tho Levltlcal laws regarding
leprosy, and most persons who have thought
about it havo probably been perplexed by
tho fact. Tho subject has hitherto been ob
scure, owing to our Insufficient knowledge of
the varieties and symptoms of that terrible
disease. Indeed, It Is only within the last
few years that medical investigations, car
ried on in tho countries which are Its special
homes, have cleared up all tho debated fea
turcsjoxcept, perhaps, Its supposed contagi
ousness, in regard to which tho committee
of our London college of physicians "con
sider that the weight of evidence Is decided
ly on tho negatlvo side," although there is
a considerable amount of testimony that
'the disease is contagious in n certain stage,
when tho ulcers are running." Now all this
recent Information is condensed, from which
it appears that the truo leprosy of the law
was not tho common white leprosy, lepra
vulgarit, or dry tetter, which, unless ac
companied by ulcers, did not render tho suf.
ferer unclean; but WfphantiruU, under eith
er of its chief forms, the tuberculated
and the anaesthetic, the various symptoms
of which in their earlier stages are delineated
with remarkable accuracy In the rules laid
down for the priest's guidance. Should the
student of tho law wonder why a physical
disease should be tho subject of such min
ute religious legislation, he will find enough
in these "Notes" to convince him that an
ample explanation is to bo found in the
sanitary aspect of the subject. Egypt was
in ancient times the chief seat of this most
malignant and horrible of diseases, whicl
as a poison in the blood descended from
parent tq child with a frightful persistence ;
and the Israelites, in their crowded nnd Ber
vile condition, must have been peculiarly
liable to contract it, and carry its fatal germs
in their desert wanderings. Hence the
necessity, to their prosperous development,
of hedging it round with the most stringent
restrictions, and by the laws of uncleanllness
and separation checking its spread through
intermarriages between the healthy and the
tainted. Of course, we are not precluded
from seeing a religious meaning underlying
these sanitary ordinances, and Mr. Clark ac
cordingly sums up his dissertion by adding
that "the proper treatment of leprosy as a
disease of the body became a type of the
proper treatment of sin, not through a
mere resemblance which might recommend
itself to tho fancy, but through the law be
ing an inspired interpretation of the truths
of nature. The Quarterly Review.
ON A lllllll I.IMH OF A THEE.
A Mayvillo (N. Y.) correspondent of the
Buffalo Kxprttt, under the date of the 3d
Inst., gives a graphic account of a tragedy
in Chautauqua county, N. Y. The account
says a blood curdling and determined sui-
cldo occurred In tho town of Stockton, Chau
tauqua county, on Sunday morning. Rich
ard Mack had been living with a woman
who had a young son, and had often tried
to have her gat rid of the boy some way.
The little fellow recently died under sus
picious circumstances. The neighbors sus
pected foul play, and had his stomach sent
to Buffalo for chemical aualyzation. On
Saturday night Mack was informed that the
examination of the stomach had been made,
and that he would be arrested on Monday
When Monday morning came, pools of
blood were found In the house, but Mack
was missing. Search was made in and
around the house, and tracks and a trail of
bloOd were found leading towards tho woods
qulto a distance from tho place. Tho neigh
bors, now in a high state of excitement, fol
lowed tho trail over the fields and over
fences, where, as some short halt had been
made, a large pool Of blood would be found,
Tho excitemeht now became raoie than ever
Intense. Had a murder been committed,
and tho victim dragged away for conceal
ment, or had a suicide started the life-current
and walked away tn die ?
After reaching the woods they found
bloody marks on several trees as If they had
been examined, and then the trail led on.
After going some distance a terrible sight
was encountered, High from the ground
the dead body of Maek was seen hanging
upon a tree by a rnpo around the neck. Up.
on close inspection it was found that he had
before leaving the house, cut his throat
from ear to car, evidently intending to di
in that way ; but he had failed to cut auy
of the great veins, nnd finding that he bled
so slowly he then went out into tbo woods,
climbed tiftinto a tree, the body of which
was covered with blood, adjusted the rope
carefully, and jumped down. i. lie corpse
was a sickening spectacle to behold.
There is a good deal more broom corn now
raised by the farmers in the interior than
was formerly done, and which, when prop
erly managed, gives some employment in
the winter season when, for a least a couple
of months, there is not much to do for the
force in reserve. The ground Is prepared as
it is for Indian corn, and the seed is put in
after the planting of the latter has been
done. Some sow it in drills and some in
hills, the rows being from three and a half
to four feet apart. When in drills the
plants stand about a foot apart, and when
in hills about two feet, Three seeds to a
1,111 art ahniinli a. tast lliatr otintiLl
Split abiscuit with your finger, instead of " Mig np ofincheji ;be t0
Bread should bo broken not "cut." In
"breaking" bread use a curb bit.
Do not fill your moth ton full, rather al
low some of the food to get into your mus
Of absorbing Interest A sponge.
Tho latest thing In hoso is ladles' feet.
"Mortgage" is Latin for "Death (!rlp.
Russia has one hundred legal hull-
A real estate conveyance A mud-
There Is no beautiful spring in Niagara.
It is all fall there.
The consumptives are In favor of a new
Going the rounds of the press Tho
girl who waltzes.
Men of eye-dears Loafers who stare at
pretty women.
"Utah-lizing the female sex" Is the new
definition of bigamy.
Is a schooner of Ilager so-called because
Of its sails over a bar?
The best sleigh bells ever invented area
pair of rosy-checked girls.
There is nothing like a shorthand re
porter to take a man down.
Buttercup bonnets are the correct head
gear in Washington at present.
Intelligent Canadians are emigrating to
the United States iu large numbers.
A piano is an instrument which tortur
es many persons lor the pleasure of one.
It's a good deal better to bo a live cab
bage head than to be r dead beet.
It is said that muskraU damage the
Erie Canal $50,000 worth each year.
Tho next census of the United States
will foot up over forty-eight millions.
To have as many ribs as possible in the
Biinshades or the period Is the fashion.
When tho office seeks the man, it doe
not find him loaling on the street corner.
William Penn also remarked that it
was just as easy to love a rich girl as a poor
When convicts are released from the
-Michigan State Prison they each receive
7 00.
Timely advice by the New Yoik Com
mercial lu time ol peane prepare for sun
stroke. "Madam," said a tramp, "would you
give me an old pair of pants, tor I'm starvln'
to death."
A real nice lace parasol, with coral
handle, can be had as low as seventy-five
Authorities say that tho fan is no lon
ger to be attached to the waist, but carried
in tup band.
A grocer advertises in tho following tereo
manner: "Hams and cigars, smoked and
Butchers should know something about
chemistry, considering their famallarlty
with ox bides.
Au Amsterdam paper speaks of a man
who was fatally Injured while attempting to
commit suicide.
A country blacksmith out west put up a
notice: "No horses shoddcJ Sunday except
sickness and death
An Irish sailor visited a city where, he
said, they copper-bottomed the tops of the
nouses wttb sneet-ieau.
opening it with a knife like an oyster. If
the biscuit be hard, a beetle or wedge are
admissible lu the best of society.
Do not pick your teeth at the table. Pick
them at the dentist's if he has a good assort
ment to pick from.
Salt should never be put on the table
cloth, but on the side of your plate. If
owevcr you want to pickle the table cloth
n brine, you must put salt on it, of course.
A barrel of salt table cloth would come in
play should your pork give out during tho
winter. .
Do .not rattle your knife and fork. A
knife and a spoon will bo found more mu
Eat your soup from the sidoof your spoon
ither inside or outside.
Do not take gamo in your fingers. This
however, does uot apply to a game of
Do not rest your arms nn the table cloth.
Stack your arms in a corner of the room
before beginning dinner.
When asked what part of the lowl you
prefer, answer promptly. If you want the
whole of it, don't hesitate to say so.
Ho not drink, with the spoon in your cup
put it iu your pocket. I'orgetting it, you
will be so much ahead, A close regard to
this rule has enabled Beu. Butler to aceu
muiate a competency
Potato water, or water in which potatoes
have been boiled, is now recommended i
various quarters as not only an effective but
an immediate remedy for lice on cows and
other cattle ; also for ticks. The affected
parts are to be bathed with the potato wa
ter ; ono application is generally sufficient.
This remedy (if remedy it proves) has th
merit of being exceedingly simple, easily
three. Uover over the Beed not quite so
deeply as for Indian corn. Of courue, like
every other crop, the weeds must be kept
down and the ground harrowed. Broom
corn requires about the same attention as
other corn. The crop should be harvested
when the heads are in full bloom, or a little
earlier, the beginning of which is the break
ing over of the brush. In cutting off and
gathering the heads, this should take place
wheu the seed is pretty well ripened, and
they i hould be cut off with a sharp knife
just above the upper joint. A wagon or cart
should lie at hand to carry away the beads
at once and not allow them to touch the
grouud. As they are cut ofT. lay the heads
In the vehicle all one way and haul to a dry
woodshed where shelves should be arranged
about eighteen inches apart. Some place
the heads in dry1 stacks where they should
remain until the seed is pretty hard and
then the seed'should be separated by an or
dinary threshing machine. The motion of
the machine should bo reversed , and bunch
es should be held to the cylinder, and turn
ing them back and forth until the seed is
removed. If the brush ts to be shipped it
must be pressed into bales.
Watch for insect pests. If the trees
Pay no attention to accidents or blunders infested with,bark lice, take them at
on tbo part, of servants. If Bridget blows.! time the.young are moving forward, and
herself up while encouraging the fire with kill them with a wash of strong soap suds,
kerosene, keep right on eating just as if you in whiqh a. little carbolic acid is mixed, as
had uever (kero)sono it. heretofore advised by, the Prairie Farmer,
Never help yoursolf to articles of food When canker worms are infesting the trees.
with, your knife and fork, Use a harpoon
or lasso.
When you have finished .your meal lay
your knife and fork on your plate side, by;
syringe thoroughly with London purple and
water, Sot, traps, for codliug moths, or use
hay bands about the lime trees,
Look for the first appearance of tent cater.
side, with tho handles towards the right, a pillars early iu the morning and late in the
little south by southwest, bearing northerly evening, when they are clustered in tbei
when the wind is off the sideboard quart- nests. After they get size they are not so
gregarious. Have an old broom along, fas
tened to a suitable pole; with this the worms
and web. may be easily taken away. Kill
them iu any manner that may suggest itself.
Beating on bard grouud is pretty effectual
Do .not scrape trees because the bark l
rough. Many people keep their trees scrap.
ed flown to, the quick. They think it looks
nice. It is, wrong; the bark is for protection
If the trunk is mossy, it shows the tree 1
not doipg well, and that it wants fertilizing,
Scrape the old, scale away in this instance
wash with very. strong soap suds, and culti
vato and manure, the orchard. So if insects,
have found a, lodgment in the rough bark
6Crape it away so tho truuks may be easily
washed, Do not scrape to the quick ; the
bark is the skin of the. tree and should not
be wounded. Alight scraping is good, th
moss shows that the soil is too wet, and
probably poor. Under-drainings and manur
ing will help this,
In going over, your orchard, ktep an eye
out for bad shaped heads, and abrading
A tough looking citizen, says the Virginia
Chronicle, walked into one ol tho Justice's
Courts yesterday forenoon very much intox
icated, and requested that he be allowed to
swear off drinking for a year. His Honor
obligingly put him through the solemn mo
tions, and the convert, with a confused rum
ble of well meant but profanely expressed
resolutions, stumbled out of the court room,
Bet ho don't beep It an hour,' said one of
the grinning lawyers.
'Bet he sticks to it a week, anyhow,' ob
served the (Jourt with commence.
'Nonsense I' cried everybody.
'What'U you bet ? asked the Judge.
'Twenty to ten,' exclaimed, an eager attor
ney, producing tho money.
'Done I' cried His Honor, and the stakes
were turned over to a reporter,
'Constablej' said the Court quietly, go out
an 1 fetch that man back,'
in a lew minutes tlio reiormeu ono was
limbs. When you find them, prune. Do
dragged In, and the Judge ascended his dais, ' fof , he reKul" J,r,UDlnK ason
..,..i iv,.. .,io- ,t i,t,.i .., There should be none such in a well-regu.
nhnrrrwl with helm- drunk' '!,! hH Uted orchard.
Court ; 'what's your plea?'
'Guess I'm fulL' admitted prisoner, with
au idiotic smile.
'Ten ays lu tho county jail. Constable,
lock up your prlsqner. Ir, Reporter, baud
this Court that wealth, Court s adjourned.
Boys, let s go and Hood the lower LycI.'
A Large linoice of Chinese.
Let your piuning be as
light as possible. The more top, the more
root; and in the West a thick head is not
objectionable. In fact, tlu thicker th
better, so all parts of the tree get a fat
amount of light. There Is, as a rule, more
damage doue by injudicious pruning than
by uo pruniog at all. I'rairie Farmer,
No Hospital Needed.
No palatial hospital needed for Hop Bit.
tera patients, nor large-salaried talented
San Francisco, June' 10. The steam
ship City of Toklo has arrived from Hong puffers to tell what Hop Bitters will do or
employed, and without danger or injury to Kong, vta. Yokohama, bringing 1,020 Chi- cure, as they tell their own storv by their
the cattle. i, 1, Hotia, I neee passengers. I certain and absolute cures at home.
A Hartford religious enthusiast under
took to fast forty days, and became a man
iac at tbe end or mo nun nay.
Janananese farms average about one acre
each in size, and it doesn't take lorever to
Hunt up the cows in tno pasture.
There is nothing more likely to estrange
two friends than a small debt. I and U
may some day be scperated by an O.
In San Francisco hangs the sign of a
Chinese washer-man which reads thuat
W ashing and Ironing by Wa Shmg."
A Chicago barber refused to color the
moustache of an Intoxicated costomer b
cause he did not want to dye a drunkard.
An ounce t.f honey consumed at lunch-
con costs the bee who manufactured it 0G0
m ilea of travel , and he gets no belt either.
A elance at the fashionable new hats
trongly suggests tbe idea that some of tbe
earers ought to get ttieir neaas Diocgea
A vounir ladv. when solicited for a kiss
by an inebriated suitor, refused, but couldn't
prevent him from pressing her hand. She
escaped by a "tight" squeeze.
No man in this blessed country need
ever die of hunger. He can always have a
roll in tbe morning, if thcrejs only a little
patch of grass in his neighborhood.
"I want one of those long, felt bats, pa
pa," said a Toledo girl to her. father. The
indulgent father forked over the money ,and
her head now fills the long-felt want.
In Paris Dhotneranhs are taken at night
by the electric light, and ladies who wish to
have their pictures in mil evening ureas
stop at the photographer's on their way to
the ban or opera.
Tbe Indiana Supreme Court has decid
ed that a subscription made on Sunday la
not binding in law. Tbe effect of this will
be to Invalidate subscriptions on Sunday to
lidquidate church debts.
A man mayn't have cent in his pocket
or a place to rest his bald bead, but1 if be
can procure a tootnpicg ana stanu on inn
street corners talking weather, there's hardly
any danger of the country going to tbo bowwows.
-Alwavs keen them on delay in
creases suffering ; and if you feel sickness
coming upon you taee a noe oi ut, uuira
Baltimore Pills. They can do you no harm,
and may save you from the sick room. Price
only 25 cents,
-Most of us pass our lives in regretting
tho nast. comnlaining of the present, and
indulging false hopes of the future, when it
would be vastly better to cut a pole, dig
some bait and go fishing, says the Der
An illustration of prevalent skepticism:
"Papa," said a six-year-oldster, in, our hear-
lug, "liennle says mat Heaven is an e legsnt
place, and that the angels live on food; but
I shouid like to know how he knows any
thing about it."
Next to taking a glass, the most danger
ous tiling is to throw the glass into the
street, as is the prevalent practice. Let
barefoot gamins take warning, aud drivers
take extra precaution to avoid the worse
than torpedo glass.
A story is going the rounds of the press
about n man who, upon waking up one
morning and finding thieves bad stolen his
entire saw-mill, thanked heaven that 'be
robbers had left his water power. That
man was a philosopher, and should be re
cognized as such.
Mr. 0. D, Brown, of Norway ,Me.,wrlta
to the editor of tbe New Religion that be
recently tested the plan of stopping a blaze
in a chimney with salt. A little salt thrown
on the open fire, and two liandfuls up tbe
chimney, stopped a conflagration threatened
to tie serious. The effect was Instantan
eous. Stop it at onco. If you see your nuue
giving the baby Laudanum, Paregoric or
any other soothing remedy containing upla.
ie.s. Stop it at once. If you waut a good
medicine for your chlldreu, get Dr. Bull's
I! iby Syrup warranted tn contain nothing
injurious, but safe'and efficient. Price 5
A pill IB, I0IV II
April 18, 18T-