The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 20, 1879, Image 1

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Issued weekly, overy Friday morning, at
. nAtt.inA nor veflf. &0 rnntA dlflennnt. ntiAWA.t
inanniMIn advance, After the expiration of the
teat il.W will bo charged. To subscribers out of the
o inty the terms nro ti por joixr, strictly In advance.
si ,;,n.T discontinued, except nt Iho ontlon nt ti.J
Oiitilllshcra, until all nrronrnges ore i paid, but loni
'KiA iwrinn In CuiiimhtA county ammmpit to imv 1 1. A
'l'(HT.(iU Is no longer oxacld from subscribers,!)
TheJofhlcit Department of tho Colcmbiah livery
lomnMo, and our .1 b Printing will compare favora-
i,ir with taitot tUBiarito ciucs. All woritdoneon
lemand.nonl ly and at moderate prlceB.
Columbia County Official Directory.
President .tildso-Wttllnm El well.
Associate .luilnes-I. K Krlekbaum, P. Ufchuman.
l'rutliowitnrv. c William Krlekbaum.
court stiMKurnp'icr-s. , N. Walker.
,i .i.ior t u.'i'nr.lor Williamson II. Jacoby,
District Attoiho)-Hubert II. Little.
(Mi.TllT-'lolwi W. ilndinan.
Vir - fii HI Novlnrd.
i'r .HUmr II A. sweppeiiticlscr.
i i niiilKi'iiiers-steplicii 1'olie, diaries ltlchart.
Ai' iViusdiasn'i'lerK-J'. II. Casey.
A'lliUira-H, II. Smith, v. Manning, C. u. See-
"'ilir'-'cominlsslonera-mi Ilobblns, Tlieodore W.
"fl'i'i'ti' siiii-ilntcndent William II, Snyder.
in ii ii liir ijui net Directors II. s. Knt, Scott,
vv'm. Kramer, liloomsburg and Thomas lieece,
4co t.
Bloomsburg Official Directory.
President of Town Council n. A. Herring.
i'lerk-1'iiut K. Wirt.
Chief of l'ollco Jas. C. Sterner.
iTi-si di-nt of Has company s. Knorr.
Secretary-C. W. Miller.
Hioninsiiurir Hanking company .tohn . Funston,
president, II. II. (Iroiz, Cashier, John i'cacock, Tel-
Tirs' National Hank Charles It. I'axlon, President
J, V. Tust In, cashier.
Columbia County Mutual Saving Fund and Loan
Assw'1.1 lon-H. II. Utile, President, C. W. Miller,
nioomiljurg llulldlng and Saving Fund Association
-Win. Peacock, President,.!. II. Itoblson, Secretary.
Moon-shun-Mutual Saving Fund Association .1.
; uroiver, l'resldeni, P. K. Wirt, Secretary.
baptist cmmcii.
Itcv. J. 1. Tustln, (Supply.)
itinday Services lux a, in. and 6i p. m.
Sunday school 9 a. m.
Prayer Meeting Every Wednesday evening at 6jf
Saais free. Tho public are Invited to attend.
Mlnlstpr Ui'V. o. I). S. Marclay.
Sunday Services tojf a. m. and la p. m.
Sunday school Da. in,
Vriwcr Meeting Every A'cdncsday evening at t
seats free. Nopews rented. All aro welcome.
Minister Hot. Stuart MPHiclI.
Sunday services iof a. in. and eijtf p. m.
Sunday school 9 a. in.
Praver Meeting Every Wednesday evening at tyi
seats free. No pews rented. Strangers welcome.
Presiding Elder ltev. W. Evans.
Minister Itev. M. I.. Smjser.
Stiuday SerMces-lu and ox P- m.
sundav school p. in.
I'.lhle Class-Every Monday evening at y o'clock.
Voung Men's Praver Meeilng-Evcry Tuesday
cTenliig at ov o'clock,
(leneral Prayer Meotlng-Kvcry Thursday evening
7 o'clock.
Corner of Third and Iron streets.
Pastor ltev. W. E. Krebs.
lii'Mdei.ce Corner 4th and Catharine streets.
Sunday Services 10x a. m. and I p. m.
Suntfav School 0 n. m.
I'r.iver ieetlng Saturday, T p. m.
All are Invited There Is always room.
itfCfor llev L. Zaliner.
Sunday Services-lux a. m., 7X P. m.
suiidav School 9 a. in.
First Sunday In tho month, Holy Communion.
Services preparatory to Communion on Friday
evening tieroro the st Sunday in each month,
pews rented ; but everjbodv welcome.
Presiding F.lder-Itev. A. I., lleeser
Mlnl'ter llev. fleorgc Hunter.
Sunday serMeo a p. in., In the Iron Street Church.
pni it Meeting Every Sabbath at s p. m.
Mlnrolnvtted. Allure welcome.
Mei'ts In "the little llrlck church on the Mil,"
known as tho Welsh Ilaptlst Church-on Hock street
east if Iron. . ,
llcgitlnr meeting ror worhhlp, every Iird's day af
ternoon at ax o'clock.
seats nee; and the public arc cordially Invited to
OC1IOOI. OHDEItS, Manl, jut printed ami
m-atlv bound In small books, on hand and
or s ilo at tho Coi umman onice.
1)I,."K DEEDS, mi Parclmu-nt anil Linen
I ) pjper, common and for Administrators, Execu
tursatiJlriistccs, for bale cheap at tho Columbian
MA Will AO E CERTIFICATES just printed
and tor sale nt tbe Columbian OtUce. Mlnls
cisof tneiiospel and Justices should supply them
selves with theso necessary articles.
I USTICESanil Constables' Fee-Bills for sale
II at tho Columbian oftlce. They contain the cor
rected fees as established by tho last Act of the U-g-
lituruupon the subject. Every Justice and Con.
1 table should have one.
ENDUE NOTES jut printed and for sale
cheap at tno Columbian uuicu.
"1 O. HAUKLKY, AttnrncT-at-Law. Office
, In Hrower's building, 2nd siorj', Hooms 4 & r
I I!. llOlHSON, Atlorney-at-Law. Office
I . In llartman's building, Main street.
A.MUEL KNOIIU. Allnrney-at.Law.OHice
in Itartman s iiutiuing, .viuin sireei.
J lt. Wit. M. HKIIEII, Surgeon and IMiyei-
l1.ui. linico Market ,tieet. Above tth East
It. EVANS, ii. I)., Surgeon and l'hysi
. clan, (Otllco and Kebldcnco on Third street,
1!. ilcKELVY, ii. D., Surgeon and l'liy
, clclan, uorth side Main street, below Market.
onice, North Market street,
Mar.:7'74 liloomsburg, Pa.
II. I. L. KAI1B,
Main street, opposito Episcopal Church, lilooms
burg, Pa.
IV Teelh extracted without pain,
nug 24, "77-ly.
sewing Machines and Machinery of all kinds re.
uurcu. urKKA iiousK liuiioiug, iiioombuurg, i a.
AVID LOWENI1EUO, .Merchant Tailor
Main St., above Central Hotel.
S. KUIIN, dealer ii, Meat, Tallow, etc.,
i fiiirn birt'ti, nuiweuu ctxuuu uuu luiru.
HOSENSTOCK, I'liolograplier,
Clark A; Wolf's Store, Malustnt t.
.V pathlo Horso and Cow
Mi. 14, TJ-tf
UNI), I'raclical tinmen
Doctor, liloomsburg, Pa
IloomNo. is, urkKA Hoists Uuldimi, liloomsburg.
The afsfts of tnese old eornoratlons are all In
vem din SOLID SELTItlTlts andure liable to the
nnuiu or Fire only.
Moderate lines on the test rlsksore alone accented. l komiti v and honlmly ndlusted and onld
as uh ii as determined by ciimstus F. Enapp, spe-
viui .l Ul U1IU UJUMIT, 1 UOUISUUILT. I t 1IU U.
'ILe iltlztns of Columbia tounty hhould patronize
theuunicj v, here los'S, If any. ale adjusted and
I'm', v) ,1,1c ui lucirunu liiicub. uuv.iu,
X CY", Exclmngo Hotel, liloomsburg, Pa.
Atna.lnsCo., of Hartford, Connecticut . 0.500,000
Liverpool. London and Ulobe SO.imo.tKio
Hoju'ol lJierpool 13600,0110
Lancanshtro 10,000, 110
Flru Association, Philadelphia
firmers Mutual of Danville
Jiauvllle M utual 78,ikx)
Home, New Y'ork 5,eoo,ooo
As the agencies are direct, policies aro written for
he insured h itnout any delay in tho onico at Ulooms-
Ma'rch so.'lT-y
Ljccmlngof Muncy Pennsylvania.
f'0 American of J'hUadefpUla, I'a
leunsjiv'anlaof "
farmers of York, Pa.
Hanover of Mew York.
Manhattan of "
VJScS-? Mllfkot Street No. e, Bloomsburg, Pa,
oiu vo, 7T-ly,
Vou con get a Thorough Education with tho
For Catalogue, address the principal, JIEV, C K, CANFJELD,
C. B, BR00KWA7 1
0. E. ELWELL, Elllo Troprliteri.
Increase ef Tentiens eitalteJ, Collectlc&s aitie.
u uuur irom ist national Bank.
ULUUMsiitttin ii
i. II, 1ST?
J" U. l'LINiv,
Iticrcaso of Tensions Obtained, Coilections
omco In Ent's licit bino.
Columiiian liuiLDiNO, Bloomsburg, Pa.
Metrbers of thn i!,iitnH u,Q,&s , , ....
u,n naiHKmilUQ.
collections made In any ratt of America or Europo
liloomsburg, Pa,
onice on Main street, first door belowcourtllouso
Ofllce over Schuyler's Hardware store. '
tllninalinpn Hh
OrricK-In Harmon's Building, Main street,
liloomsburg, Pa,
H. LITTLK. pnnsp. b t tw
liloomsburg, Pa.
Ofllce In Brewer's bulldlng.secend Boor, room No.
uioomsourg, ra.
III ,mIUl!ITI,1 Tl
Oftlce in Unanost's "un-msa, on Main street second
(!.ui be consulted in German.
Jan. 10, 79-tt
yit. L. EYEKLY,
Catawlssa, Pa.
Collections promMly mado and remitted, omen
onposlte CutawlssaUeposltllank. m-38
,V. H. Abrott. w. II. HnAwN.
Att oi-neys-at-Law.
Pensions obtained.
dec 81, '77-ly
Dears, Sa:h, Blind:, UoQldlngs, Era:lcts,
and dealer In I.U.MIiKHand all kinds of 1IU1LDINO
-May ic, TS-sm'
The Old Eeliable
For Wells 10to 75 feet Deep
New Price LisTJan. 1, 1879.
o. a, Bi.ATt iii.i:y,
April 11, lsia-om
T ESl'KCTKUI.IA' announcert to the public
XVtliat im litis rt'optnetl
(old stand) Kloomsburp, Pa., nt the Forks of the Es
py and Lljrht Mreet roads, w litre all descriptions of
leuiutT wu w ixiaun in me mom fiiuhuiiiiiui hiiu
workmanlike mannpr. and koM at nrlces to suit the
lino a. The highest price In cash w 111 at all times be
iv i iur
of every descrlnt Ion In the country. Tlio public pat-
ronage is respectfully solicited.
liioomsourg, ucu l, lsis.
fRADE mark Is especially recom-TRADE mark,
menueu as an un
fatllnir cure for sem
inal weakness,sper
matorrbea, linpo
teucy, and all dt-.ea-ses,
such as Loss of
memory, Universal
lassitude, Palu In
Before Toiinrtot vision, Prema-,-mi.
B ture old Age, and&lter Uaime,
many other Clseases that lead to Insanlty.Consump
tlonanda Premature (Irave.all of w bleb as a rule
are rlrst caused by deviating from tho path of nature
and over Indulgence. 'J he (ipccinc Medicine Is tho
noilt of a llfostudyand manyjearaof experience
lu treating these diseases.
r un paniciuars 111 uur ,.iiuiiiicu,nuiu nu ut-auc
to send free by mall to over one.
rue SIMHUIC nullum la bu:u 11) nil 1,1 ukki-ib nv ti
nT pact i ge, or sl x pai kai-es for a, or vv 111 be sent
jy mall on rt relpt of tho money by addressing
No. 10, Mechanic's Ulock, Detroit, Mich,
sold In liloomsuuic bye. A. Klelrc.and by all
Drugglsta everwheie.
liains s jawing, iiuii-wuo .kviimi, ,
sept. 6. "Th-tl
liLOOMSIIimU, l'A,
Manufacturers of
Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs,
rirst-claaa worklalways on,band.
Prices reduced to suit the times.
Jan. MS77-ti.
should subscribe for
A Live Educational Monthly, published at
for so cents per year. Send six cents for specimen
April 18, 167-tf mtor,
A purely vogeiablo distillation entirely
unllko all other remedies.
:K thn Mrpurftiiou 1 1 ilm ri-mnrkiib'o rrmc'.r tterr
h I V.'"' ATK .N J h J ! J ihittiuiioii
vbrebr " tMuutlnl inrdicul .r(nrlilo U obtained la
MPi0!' f on'i,iI,BC:1 toitlftl. hdt rcnikltit in tho
till It Inttt, taltirifk, ami tt.tnllv unfit for u in tn
orMtiUirt Bi (itlirmc m Km riiil r)u?(ii. Yrt an
jnufll aro Insnlublf rnmpoujiiU of Wuuur utre ! alt tine
tare,aturated lulutiwnt.
""'t't'l'lnim! tmr dr, n t l applied to
'' .hl """f eii'rctlln. rrj.nilnir,
r.p.!rif,l,',f""1 'rrrtii.n. Int, mull) ndmlnlMernl
molit, an.l licutrnllrrs itn scld eolinn Itist tiu found In
wty Into th ftlomitrh n't thrnro tnto thn Mood. Thin
ft enr prnri-M s In Imth dlrertlnnii, and It doci not
Sif SfJVY' u,f rr liani" InKtnuliy to aevm moro
rstloai,l traatmmt.
llOfTMUh i taltu-r kfiup'g tilJ f ulVt umert Troun at
Manor singer, I tu..k n apvtrco.J aa im UIJ up at
Jjawark.K J. lliUro l bruitltui aaturo attack or
(atRjTh.Ytilchi 1 lultlctt 1Ui vrr known rrmrdr for
ronr utekt vitliout vlt1ftn 1 iu fit ally oLlljfed to
plM np a trn it dtalr ibl totiloa and ri-turnlioine,
unatila to Un a lioU. For tlirt'j years altrrwardt I
wai unablotuHniifltiill, 1 ltd Brat itt.trk cf Catarrh
hadlcit uiy tiiaul (itkhi ant t ..roat no aentith e that tho
llgbtMt cold touM tir nftm ft fr hit al'ark, luavlnfr
jn iirottratrd. In IhU r 1 rnnttnvod Ij utter, lh
fcrcd the mott trru Ih'Ij tt paui'iT r r head, Vn ao
hoarw a to Iks aearc ly ailu 1 1 iiak,and comrhfd
lumptlon. anil I firmly bfllna that lid thrio lymp
torn contlimea Uhot niuf tiuy uuuld haro ren
acred mo an ray U-itm. Vhtn In tl.ia dutfrMlnjf
fondltton.l comnifnct-1 ihn.f i fFAT?iti.n' Kamcai,
Cure ron Cat mm, very tflui tn onfrta, aalhad
tried all thn Htlrrrtlscl rciiif nl a m ithout btnvflt. Tb
"' vitnti lun -aimarnut niruiciiis (tara ma me
Breatettrrllcf. ltlM.ttrd y ioaiMe fur one whoie head
achet.ejea arh, whuPHn atarccly arilculate dUtlncdy
on account cf thu t tirtklnffhcmmnlatlona in hit throat,
to raallt a how uuch Mi'-f 1 ohtalnut from tha Brit ap
Sllcattonof8sFiinn' liuitnL ti ek. Lndr ttt in
ae np, both Internal anl f xtemitl, 1 raptdlf recovered,
and hy an occaaloni.1 in r ths renn-dy Ince, Tiara
ben fniircly fne fn-m Calami, fr th tri time la
twelvu yean.
HcspcctfiilV yfnr,
TrUTlUM, yik Jan. 8, Ifft'l.
Y. B. - piirthuNed tue liWMPtt, Cvbb of GEO. U,
RUG K US. lrukt'lit, Uuiuford U JllulLh',
Kaeh pactnre cortalni Dr fanfnrfl'a Improve! Inhal
Ufie TiiImv wltti lull dirrrtlrttit dr uo In uil cui. i.
Pries, V 1.00. tor al ly all Wholesale and littall Druii
gldli thrnnirhoiit tlia t'nhrd e-'atea and r&nadan.
.Drug gtti, ltobton, Jvrus.
An Etcctro-Galvanlo Battery combined ultli
a highly Medicated Plaster containing tho
choicest medicinal Gums and Calsams
known to modern Pharmacy.
Theiflriiattrs hnvc hait 1jcmi l-cfurr the public for
two ean, Hnd, Hutw 111 HtHtidlHif Hit; imun'tifL' nutiititr
of remedlvi in the ronn of llnlint'iit, loiliti a. i ai.
mrt-ri, mid ordtmiry piufcicrit, tliry litvu tUndll in
creei in aali mi I HU mim-irnl appruul, a-i
evidenced by over o u th-li Hlid u m.ljrlu-d ti'limo
nlali In our poni-rfton. Many e. nrki hie mi t h iro
ttern ccrtlilnl I ly ucll- ,t w rttizi t 1 1 i..l imrw
of tho t"iilt d vt , t .'" 'f hlfh ft 1 l.i ieiit frco
of chnr't) t t uny 1 tn v t.- ui, lmpi oiniiei t,
In many nll. hat.) hrcii in .ili. t a anp' nu-d ly u
pcrieticu anil ii-, until It is l-i m- fit -t ti c arc nor
ptrfert In rv-ry rtppeil. mil iiettA pUuitr ii the
worMoftntdicme. A I h n- imi 1 1 vi ry n.tTtrT In
theUnd Ii it alt ilc trt ,1. T'' prici Islcents.uitl tm-h
th" cost U ilouhl.i t t of 1 11 y ether t lnt r. ltul, not
wltlittandlim 1 liu ltirM f llii prnprlcnr to uiaku tho
brt plantir lit t1 0 woitd l.T tin IcnnL morev, any
luillar remedy full tmiielit. nunS-Tt of nnArTipu
lout dealers w ill W fuuinl 1-i'ndy ti iiimrfproAm 1 them
for teyith tivxict Kitil rndeHViir 6Uiatltute ottiert.
Do nut allow ournelf ti be lup&scd ujvn. Ak. fwr
And lmlst upon Tiavlnn hat you art vllllnjrto pay for.
Sold by all Wholes alo and It tall PrucKlHta through-
X"crrTaa, i rwjvrtoiurs, juvjoiuii, mum.
June 1379-tf.
lly Tlrtue of sundry writs Issued out of the Court
of Common ricaa of Columbia county and to me di
rected, will bo exposed lo public sale at tho Court
House in the town of llloouisbuig, Columbia county,
Pennsylvania, nt two o'clock p. tn , on
Siiturday, June 21st, 1879.
All Hint certain meisuace pleco nml parcel of land
Mtuate lu Madison tovvnsbli,Culumbla county afonv.
sald and described as follows : Ueelnntnir at a post
In line ot land formerly of Epliralm Mccollum.theneu
by the hame north thlrty-elt'ht deirrecs east one
hundred and twenty-two perches to a fallen oak,
thence by Imd formerly or Isaac lleudershott north
tltty-one degrees west forty-two perches and eU'ht
tenths to a post, thence by land formerly of Mary
Mclirlde south thirty-seven and one-lnlf degrees
west onolmndred and fourteen perches to a post,
thence by land formerly of llarmau Dlldluo south
forty degrees east forty tin 10 perches to the place of
beetnnlng, containing thirty acres of land and al
lowances. On which are erected a , dwelling house,
barn and outbuildings, also on tho premises an
apple orchard and other fruit trees.
tnln-il, taken In execution nt tho suit of William
Mcltrtae against Isaac N, Hunyan Kxecntor of I'rls-
clll.1 liunyan dece.ised.vv It ti n ttce to Clarence Carey
tenant In jiossesslon, and to be sold as the properly
of Isaac N. llui.yan Executor of l'rlsi Ilia Hunj an.
IUkklsv, Attorney. Levail Fatlas.
All that certain lot or piece of, land situate In
Jackson township Columbia county and state of
rennsvlvar,a, bounded and described as follows, to-
vvlt : tin the north by land of John II. rrlt, on the
east by other lands of Juhu II. i Itz and laids of
Kel liner Co., on the south by land of Samuet
Knousennd on the west by Washington Knousc,
containing seventeen acres more or less, on w hlch
arc erected a 1 lank house, barn and out. buildings,
also on the premises an apple orchard.
sclzca, taken lu execution at the suit of I Ii.
Ill ick against Abraham Manning and to be sold us
the pioperty of Abraham Manning.
M11.LEU, utorney, Vlerl Facias.
All that' certain lot or piece of land sltuatfl In
Flshlngcreck township, Columbia county, and state
ot 1'cnnsylvaDla, containing twcuty-sW acres more
or less, bounded as follows, to-wlt : tin the north by
lands of Joseph Craw ford, on the east by lands of
John Ileiiry,ou the south by lauds of llarmanllrlght
und on the wtst by landsof William Long, on which
are erected a Irame house, barn and out-bulldtngs.
beled, taken lu exicutlon at tho suit of Charles
W. Miller for use ot Sarah A l'ctrlkln against Illcli
urd 11. lirlght ui.d to lie sold as the projieriy of lilch
ard II. lirlght.
.M11.1.KU, Attorney. Vend. Ex.
1 he undivided one-eighth Interest of Wm langcn.
berger In a certain tract of land In lit aver town
ship Columbia county and stato ot 1'ennsvlvaqla
containing three hundred nnd sixty four acres nore
or lss and adow ances, surveyed In pursuance of a
warrant granted to Catharine I. on gen berger, ad-
Joining a tract survejed lu tuo namo ot Oeorgo Long
enberger on the north, John Kiesooti the east.Jesse
llrookeand Ueboroh htcwart on the south, and An
drew Clark on tho west, w hereon are erected a coal
breaker and .Machinery aud several dwelhnghouscs
tavern, store house and other buildings with opened
coal mines, tuereon.
S Ued taken In execution at the suit of I'rlas
sevbert, against William Lnngenbergt r and K. E.
lABgenberger, and to bo sold us tho prupert) of
I nam 1 otigenberger.
Ut'Ciii.Kws, Attorneys. Vend lit.
JOHN W. 1IOFF.NHN, shcillt.
i'rivale Sale?
The follow lug valuable property, the Estate of the
late John bvvl5her,deceasod,wll bo offered at private
sale up to
SEl'TKMHKU 1st 1870.
Tho pr opetly Is situate In Iho vlllago of Jersey
town, Columbia county l'a., and contains about
of excellent farming land upon which are TWO
HOUSES, BAEN, and other out
buildings, und Is onu ot the finest localities lu the
county. There are
on tlio premises.
i"For Information conecrnlns Iho property ap
ply to C, II. llrockwoy, ot liloomsburg, or T. J.
hvv Isher, of J ersej tow n,
May M..W
Neatly anil tlitaply eiecuttxl at the
fVltnMSIAN Ortie,
. Advertising Agents,
He who tllttl at Alan temU
THi lo eomfutl nil hi fritnitt,
I'allhtul irlends 1 It lies, I know,
Tale and vvhltoand cold as snow;
And j o siy "Abdallali's dead 1"
Weeping at the feet and head.
I can see your falling tears,
I can hvar your sighs and prajers i
Yet I smile, nnd whisper this
"latn hot tin thing jouklsst
Cease our tears and let It Ho i
It was nine, It Is not 1,'"
Sweet friends 1 what tlio woman lave,
Forltalatt bedct the grave,
Is but n hut which I am quitting,
Is n garment no more fitting,
1 s a cage, from w hlch at last,
Mko a hawk, my soul has passed.
Lovo tlio Inmate, not the room
'Iho wearer, hotthegarb-the plumo
Of the falcon, not tho bars
Which kept Mm from the splendid stun.
I.ov lug friends 1 Ho wise, aud dry
Straightway every weeping eve j
What we lilt upon tho bier
Is not worth a wistful tear.
'TIs an empty ono
Out of which tho pearl Is gono j
Tho shell Is broken-It lies thero s
The pearl, the all, the soul. Is here.
'TIs an earthen Jar, who c 11 1
Allah soiled, the while It hid
That treasure of his treasury,
A mind that loved him ; let It He I
Let the shard be earth's onco more,
since the gold shtnes In Ills store 1
Allah glorious I Allah good I
Now thy world Is understood i
No tho loug, long wonder ends t
Yet ye weep, my erring friends,
While Iho man whom c call dead,
In unspoken bliss, Instead,
Lives and loves j ou j lost, 't Is t rue,
lly such light as shines for on 1
Hut In the light ye cannot see
ot unfulfilled felicity
In enlarging paradise,
Lives a life that never dies.
Farewell, friends I Yet not farewell
Where I am, yo tevo shalt dwell,
I am gooe betoro our face,
A moment's ttme, a little space ;
When 5 e come wlicro I have stepped
Ye vvlllwonderwliy vevvept :
Ye will know, by wise luve taught,
That then Is all, and there Is naught.
Weep aw Idle, If j e are fain
Sunshine still must follow rain s
ouly not at detth for death.
Now I know. Is that llrst breath
Which our souls draw w hen wo enter
Life, which Is of all things entre.
He j e certain all seeres love,
Viewed from Allah's throne above ;
Ho ye stout of heart, and come
Hravely onward to your homo 1
He Hint tlicd at A:itn gave
This lo Ihote who mailt his grave.
Select Story.
It was Carl's first business venture, thai i,
in a mercantile way. To be sure, ho hud
swapped jack-knives, invariably getting the
worst of the bargain ; hud bartered marble,
tops and whip?, ever since he became so far
advanced as d-o-g, c-o w, I remember, on
one occasion ho traded his new Sunday suit,
sent home from the city the day before, hat
boots and all, for a small music-box, of the
hand-organ stripe. For days thereafter the
neighbors were entertained with the inspir
ing strains of "Old Dan Tucker," tho sole
tune played by that music-box, which, alter
incessant grinding, probably got disgusted,
for it refused even to squeak out ils only air,
doubtless much to the delight of the same
neighbors. So the box was consigned to the
attic where to this day tho dust falls quietly
upon, and the spiders weave their ftlmly
webs peacefully about it ; just as the dust
and cobwebs of oblivion have covered the
whole transaction so far as Curl's remem
brance of it is concerned. You see he tries
to believe be has entirely forgotten it, yet
wo notice he does not like to hear it men
tioned. 1 began to tell you about Carl's first ex
perience as a merchant, but first let me tell
vou about Carl himself.
He is really, truly a live boy, short and
stubby, with elbows and toea that have the
greatest faculty for poking themselves
through the cloth and leather. He has the
blackest eyes and hair, curling in little rings
all over his merry head, the rouudest, red-
lest cheeks, nnd freckles who ever saw n
boy without freckles ? Carl has .1 temper too
and very often in years past, occasionally
now, I grieve to say, bis black eyes snap and
Hash, his red cheeks grow redder yet, his
lists clench, and his feetlly against anything
that is within reach of them. Still we are
not sorry that ho has a temper if he but
learns to control it. Then he teazes the
little girl across the way. Carl has no sis
ter or brother, and he eats randy and green
apples just like any other live hoy.
However, During luis particular summer
Carl had not eaten much candy, simply be
cause in the first place he had none to eat,
and in the next had no money to buv any
with ; that i", no money where he could get
atit. There was n little red hank in one
corner of the mantle, with a most n tural
looking frog crouching on its roof ; it was
such Inn to see the greedy fellow take u five
cent piece into that wide-open mouth of his
and gulp it down as if it was the most de
licious of real flies and he the most hungry
of real frogs, that Carl quite forgot candy
until loo late, for the frog never gave back
Htivthing he once had swallowed and the
hank was not to be opened until the fourth
of July, Carl's birthday, when he would be
ten years old.
So the tiauk got Metier and Heavier iluy liy
day. Carl had lots of aunts and uncles who
were always pinching his red cheeks, tweak
ing his hair, pulling his black curls, and
then giving him live cents to buy candy
with. Carl rushing through the sitting
room on his way to the store could not help
seeing the frog perched disconsolately on
the bank, with wide open, hungry month,
It drew the fi 'e cents like a magnet, eveu
though a chubby and very often I am sor
ry to say, a dirty little hand was clasping it
closely, Carl couldn't resist the temptation
of seeing how far down the iron throat the
five tenia might get without leaving his
fingers. In a moment he would pull 'hem
out, the mouth would lly open again, Carl's
faco would wear a much aggrieved expres
sion fur ten minutes, and then the perfor
mance was all ready to begone through with
again whenever Carl's fist was closed over
vnothcr bit of silver, Still I think if temp
tation must needs be, that was a very good
way to be tempted, and if I could have my
will, I would give every little boy a money
box with a frog to swallow tho pennies. An
Iron frog you know, that would give the
pennies back again "in good order and con
So the hank grew heavier, and tho Fourth
of July was coming, nnd Carl had nn Iden,
not an original one, perhnps ho wanted
to mako somo money, Surely that's not
original. So ho thought nnd thought nnd at
"Father, I wish you'd say ye."
"To what, my loy ?"
"To can I hiven store just like you do.
day after to-morrow and sell candy and ap
ples, air things. And have n big ledger
book lo keep 'count In, Take tho money
Jut's In my Irog hank ; you know you always
said I'll have lu be a merchantman. Can't
I begin, p l-c a-s-e, father ?"
Cart wasn't too much of n mau depito his
'ten-year-old nextFo'th o' duly, ir,' to put
his arms right round his lather's neck and
give hi in a good, sound smack.
His father laughed and said :
"Ye, I gues.sso j how much money has
your frog swallowed?"
Curl didn't know;so thebank was brought
and tho little boy sent out of the room
while the frog was made to disgorge. C.ul
wasn't allowed to see tho process, lest he
might try it for himself some time. When
he came In again a glittering little heap of
silver lay on the table; the bank was empty
the frog perched Innocently upon It with
mouth wide open as ever. When the money
was counted, Carl looked over his father's
shoulder and croaking (he can't sing a
note :)
"The King was In the parlor, counting out Ids mon
ey, Thcii'ieen was In the kitchen eating bread and
all through the operation of putting the five
cent pieces Into little piles of twenty, and
the quarters into little piles of four. When
all was done, there were just ten pl'esof
quarters and one over, three half-dollars and
eight great big coppers. How much money
was there ?"
Fifteen dollars nnd ninety-eight cents !
seemed quite a fortune to Carl, and the
chance of, perhaps, doubling it by invest
ing it In "candy an1 niiples an' pics an'
things 7" No wonder Carl's snapping black
eyts shone big and bright with joyous an
ticipation. ' And you'll have Aunt Puttie Fields to
make 'em lor me, cakes, you know, an'
pies," ho sa'd, throwing bis arms around
his mother's neck, nearly choking her in
his earnestness.
Aunt Patty Fields, so-called by all the
village people, though she had neither kith
nor kin among them, had in her younger
days been a pastry-cook in a famous city of
Xevv York ; so, since she had at ono time
kept house three weeks for Carl's mother
and Carl had, with her permission, slutted
himself sick with delicious tarts and cake
and pie.he had come to bo her fast friend and
to believe devoutly In her ability to concoct
anything in the cooking line.
"Mayn't she, mother, please?"
And his mother smiled nnd said "yes,"
too. People say Ihey spoiled the boy, but
I don't believe that I
So the next morning Aunt Patty came ;
and of all the silting of flour and of stoning
of raisins and picking over of currants and
measuring of sugar nnd spices nnd beating
eggs I Carl bad a linger and sometinns
two or three of them in each and every
pie. At night thero were rows onrovvsol
cakes and tarts and pies on the i aiitry
shelves. Perhaps that fact may account for
Carl's sudden nnd irresistiblo ihirstiness
and his consequent frequent visits to the
kitchen for water.
The moruingof tho Fourth came at last
as all mornings, however anxiously looked
fir, do come. Carl was up earlier than he
had ever luen before in all his len-year-life,
carrying his wares from the pantry shelves
to his little "booth" he wanted a store by
himself, you know, which had been erected
for him. He looked rather di-dainl'uliy,
I nm afraid, on other ten j ear-old boys,
whose chief enjoyment seemed to be in snap
ping torpedoes and crackers.
Kverylhing was so fresh and neat in Curl's
store that I wish you could have seen it;
the narrow counter, made of rough boards,
had nevertheless, a piney suiell that quite
made up for its lack of elegance, so Ctrl
thought, aud so I think.
Well, he arranged his cakes and confec
tions along the shelyes, opened his ledger
took his pen and vvroto on the clean white
pages in his scrawling, school-boy hand:
"Account with Mister"'
Presently people began to flock into the
villace, and Carl was in a fever of excite
ment lest ono should not notice the sign in
black letters : "Xuts, Cakes, Candy, Ap
ples, And F.very-Thing JXise For Sale Hear."
The last two or three words dangled down
ignominiously. There was not room on the
lint people did notico him and his little
store was filled with customers, One thing
troub'ed Carl ; they all paid down, aud he
could see no Use for his ledger.
At last however, there came a golden op
portunity and he snatched it, A red-headed
freckled-face, bare-footed stub of u boy, af
ter buying "five cents' worth of checker
berry pipe, if you please," suddenly dis
covered that he had no money.
"I'll irust )ou," cried Carl, eagerly, going
to his ledger, "rallier'n not!" Then think
ing of something lie had forgotten, he said,
Vv hat h your name, did you say sir ?"
"No, I didn't say, sir !" returned red-head
who, it seemed, was "up," in slang parlance
to a great many things, snulX included. I le
looked at our 1 it t lo merchant, steadily for a
moment, "taking his measure," he would
have said. A quiet snicker pulled itself
through the thin lips, and then : "Itobi.-i
Hood, sir, is my name,"
Straightway was entered in that ledgei:
".Mr. Itobin Hood, in account with Mr.
Carl Ilonney. Dr. to five sticks of checker-
berry pine."
Alas I and alas fir the sacredncss of his
torical personages) Hed-IIead, uliai Uobin
Hood, went out and told the story to his
mates. Carl soon had need of his ledger,
There was not much more ready nay.
"Those "Accounts with Misters " I keep
that ledger now, aud whenever I have it ii
attack of the Indigoes I get it out and laugh
over it. a tan uoy vvnn iiasiiiug eye-, Dore
himself proudly as Alexander Selkirk
meek-looking, white eyed boy rejoiced In
the namo of Jefferson Davit; then there was
Otorgo Washington, not al all, as I should
think, rcsenibliug the"fatlieroflilsciiuniry,'
and a counterfeit Kobin-on Crusoe. That
name struck Carl as being a liltle familiar,
but in the rush of customers he soon forgot
U. Walter Ilalelgh, William Shakespe are,
Oliver Cromwell, (another familiar name,)
Hen. l'raukllu, Isaac Ntvvton, Thomas Jef-
fcron, Patrick Henry Ah, if Carl had on
ly paid more nttentlon lo his history nnd
less to cooking pins and a host of oilier.-.
A big black-haired boy, nnd n llltlo
rrd'hnlred boy look tho same natne.Wllliam
Tweed, Carl was puzzled at the coincidence,
nnd asked the the black-haired William
what it meant. Ho looked blank, but W.
T. number two c.tmo to the rescue with n
lying audacity which would have delighted
his namesake,
"Me and him Is cousins, was famed nflcr
tho same chap, nice man lie was ; como to
think, shouldn't wonder a t It If 'twas your
father," evidently wishing to conciliate the
little trader.
Carl looked tho red-haired William Tweed
square In tho face, bis fists clenching and
his h'ack eyes snapping ominously, W. T,
stepped back the counter grining.
"I believe ynu'ie telling libs," Carl cried,
"my father's namo ain't William, and your
name ain't William either, Joe Iirnwii. You
don't remember tho time you stole my ball
and then kicked mo hecauso 1 aked jolt to
give it back ? You stole twenty five cents
once, loo, and said you didn't have It when
you did, 'cause Uncle Tom searched you mid
found It way down in your boot. Iv'ow you
jut get out no, you shan't have it."
This last remark was addressed lo Henry
Clay, who was meekly asking for"five cent's
worth of peanuts, mid would Mr. ltonny be
so kind as to trust liiin?"
lieforo that "Mr. Ilonney" uttered so
reverently would havo tickled Girl's vanity
amazingly, but he didn't take the bait this
time, and made answer as before stated, ad
ding, "Nor none of you shan't have any
more. I ain't going to trust another
It was the signal for a general scramble.
Such an uproar was never heard betore nor
since In that civilized community. Oliver
Cromwell, William Tell and the twoTwceds
Jef. Davis, and all, vied with each oilier
in who should obtoin the greatest lot of con
fections. The Tweeds seemed to he adepts
at stealing. Poor Carl was powerless to pre
vent the robbery, even if he had known
viliat it all meant. Ho was screaming "fath
er 1" at tho very tip top of his lungs, and
consumption is not hereditary in his family.
When the row sulisid.d so that he cntild
make himself heard, his father catue,though
quite too late to mete out justice, for Oliver
CroniA'ell's heels were just flying around
the corner, and Oliver being short and lat,
was behind them all.
Carl told his story, nnd his father nearly
choked in trying not to laugh. He did not
try when it came to reading (he ledger ' Ac
counts with Mister Thomas Jeller-on, with
Mister Isaac Nutnn, etc.," he jut lei his
pent-up laughter go off in ono loud, long
roar. Then lie took the little pile of inoiiev
from the box just one dollar and ninelv
seven cents looked over the ledger casting
up accounts, put on Carl's cap and went
home to dinner.
"Well Carl, if you had sold your wares
for money, you would have made two dol
lars and fifteen cent', besides what was stol
en, now you havo lost fourteen dollars and
one cent.
"Shan't never trust anybody again," said
Carl, shaking his head decidedly.
His father laughed.
"F.xperience is cheap at fourteen dollars,"
he said. "People have paid many thousand
mid even millions, for it."
Very often now, ns Carl sits nt breakfast
lie sees Hobin Hood in tho street, bp he
jumps, nearly knocking the table over in
his clliirtJ to reach the door. When he does
Robin Hood is never to be seon.
Carl will sell those ledger accounts, for five
cents on a dollar.
This story is intended as a moral lor
everybody but newspaper men. F.ns
On the left of tho road leading to (Jrmi
iteville Corners, in the quiet litt 1h village of
firiitiiteville, Staten Island, is a lint-looking
three-story mansion. It is but n shnit
ilislanco from the site of the residence of one
Polly Hoydne, who, tbitty yeats m;o, was
tried on the double charge of murder and
arson, The house has now been standing
many years, and recently the village has
been aroused by the story that the structure
is haunted, Tho particular portion of Hit
premises which are said to be disturbed by
ghostly visits is a bed-chamber live i the rear
kitchen extension. The house was last no
cupied by Mr. David Deeker.whosedaught
ers slept in the chamber in question. The
family lived there but a short time, how
ever, when the young ladies complained of
queer noises and mysterious movements nt
the furniture in tho apartments between
midnight and 2 o'clock A. M. Their 1 uher
laughed at their story, and attributed the
strange manifestations to their excited im
aginations. As they subsequent ly refused
to sleep in the room, however, pleading a
constant repetition of the iiol-cs, Mr. Deck
er, with Captain Oeorge Wood and several
members of the village Ilaptlst Church, de
voted n, night in investigating Hie mystery,
and discovered, it is said, sufficient superna
tural performances on the part of the furni
ture to bear out the stories of tho young
girls. Captain Wood said that an iron bed
stead, upon which Hie entire pirty of seven
sat, lilled itself several inches from the floor
at least twenty times during the night. Mr.
Decker vacated the house after his night's
investigation, and it has stood empty ever
iuce. Captain 'Abe Tyson, an old resi
dent of the village, says he once slept in the
same bedroom vv ith .Captain John Mercr
eay, now dead, about a half century ngo.'ind
heard strange nol-es during the night ; and
the family of the Itev.'Mr. Young, while
occupants of the prem!-es, w."r mibjecteil to
similar annoyance. -Y. Y. Timet.
Prejudice Kills.
'Hleven years our diughtir sulIVred on it
bed of misery tinder care of several of the
best (and some of the worst) physicians vvlo
gave her disease various names hut no relief,
ami now she is res'ored to us in good health
by as simple a remedy as Hop Hiltcrs, that
we bad poohednt for two years, before using
it. Wo earnestly hopo and pray that no
one el. e will let ilielr sick sutler as we did,
ou account of prejudice against so good
medicine at Hop Hitters' Tho Paretits.
Tho "ivoiuun's fiieiul," Is what Dr. lluli'i
Haltiuieue Pills may well be Icitued, fo
evil woman that has mice used thtm m
ma lie without them.
the Chinese are exceedingly delicate In
their diet, They even dry their eij-iers,
whereas Americans cat them while they are
slill nlivo.
i:n iiy a imiHcii or 1'ito.MisB et'ir.
As I strolled around the closo of Christ
Church Cathedral, n day or two ago, my
companion, a member of the Montreal press,
stopped mo as we reached an odd-looking
brick structure occupying tho Northwestern
cottier of the grounds. 'This,' ho said, 'Is
'1'reach of Promise Hall ;' It Is n monument
to one of the many queer romances of this
queer city.' There vns a great deal to take
stock of. The hall was of tho gloomy Cloth
Ic pattern, finished lu stnlucd wovd, It
serves for the meetings of the Anglican
Synod, is a lecture and Sunday school room,
and Is garnished with abundance of Gospel
texts in red Lombard letters'. One half of
the building is Used ns a theological college.
I listened to the following tale : Some time
ago, when sociely lu Montreal was a groat
deal stricter than it Is now, Miss (lalt-a
daughter of John Ciall, the novelist, ai d
sister of the present Sir Alexander T. O.ilt,
whom you Americans have several millions
of na-ons for knowing from Ids connection
with tho Halifax fisheries award was a
great belle here. The Galls were prominent
people, as much from the father's fame as
an author and ns the founder of thn towns
of Guelph and Gait, In Ontario, as from tlio
political and commercial eminence ( f the
son Alexander, Among the wealthy mer
chants of Montreal was Mr. Smith, whose
name still stands lu the firm of Multli A
Cochrane in tho stock raiser nt Compton,
Smith wooed Miss Gait ardently, and they
became engaged. Hut between the betroth
al and the time fixed for the wedding Smith
saw and became infatuated with n Mi-s
MacP.irl.tnd, a regally beautiful woman, nnd
he coolly jilted Miss Gait. Miss
land was not impervious to lb ) advances of
a rich suitor like Smith, nor was she ills
inclii cd lo enjoy a triumph over (l.ilt.
Put he had a hit of a history. She had
long been loved bv, and really did lovo n
lino young Ivllnw In Three ltivers named
John R'iptist lieptist was hiind.-nmc, clev
er and enterprising, but he was poor, while
Miss MaeKarlaiid was ambitious and in
tensely practical. Smith and Miss Mac
Farland were ui irried in grand style Hard
ly hud they got settled d nvn in their new
home before .Miss Gait instituted a suit for
breach of promise. The suit was not ini
tiated for the purpose of extorting money
damages Irom Smith, but for puiii-huient,
fir Mi-s Gull declared she would never touch
a penny ol Smith's coin in tho event e.f a
verdict in her favor. The trial resulted in
a verdict for Clu.OOO damages. That mon
ey she invested lor the benefit of the church
in the puichase of the grounds upon which
the Synod House, the dwelling attached, and
Iiishnp's palace are situated, and the
erction ot tho hall lor a church school
Every pennv of tlio judgment was spent in
this way. Smith diul two years after his
marriage, leaving the bulk of his fortune to
his widow. That estimable lady, as soon as
a brief season of mourning was passed, gave
her hand and Smith's capital to Johnuv
II iptist, wha had faithfully waited lor her.
Such is the story of Preach of Promise
Hall. Montreal Vorrerpondent.
a scorcn iikku.
The Abbe Iteynal was the first to give
publicity t the following remarkable in
stilment' Highland ingenuity ni:d courage.
Th" hero of it was a sergeant of Montgom
ery's I iirbland llegiiuent, and his name
Allan Macpheisnn. Heine taken prisoner
by the Indians, he was doomed to vviiue-s
the niisei.ilile spectacle of several of hi
cuintii'hs toi'Uiretl to death. J-eeing them
prep.ui ig lo commence the same operations
upon himself, he made signs tnat he I. ml
something to communicate. An interpret! r
was brought. Macphcrson told tiiem that,
provided his life was spared for a few mm
ules, he would communicate tho secret of an
extraordinary medicine, which, if applied
to the skin, would cause it to icslst the
strongest blow of a tomahawk or sworj, and
tha il they would allow him to go in the
woods with a guard to collect the plants
proper for this medicine, lie would prepare
it, aud allow tho experiment to be tried on
his own neck by Iho strongest und most ex
pert warrior among them. The storj
easily gained upon Iho superstitious creduli
ty of the Indians, and the request of Iho
Highlander was immediately complied with,
Heiug sent into the woods, ho boon relumed
with such herbs as lie choso to pick up.
Having boiled these herbs, he rubbed his
neck with their juice, and, laying his head
on a lo of wood, desired tha strongest man
among them to strike at his neck with Ills
tomahawk, when he would find that ho
could not mako tho smallest impression. An
Indian, leveling a blow with all his might,
cut with such force that the head flew off to
to the distance of several yards. The In
dians wero fixetd with amazement at their
own credulity, nnd the address witli which
the prisoner had escaped the lingering death
prepared for him ; but instead of being en
rageel at this escane of their victim, they
were so plcastdwilli his ingenuity that th-y
refrained from iullicting further cruelties on
the remainder of tho prisoners.
Tivu newsbojs were standing in front of a
Houston cigar store, when one of them ask
ed the other, "Have you got three cents?'
Yes." "Well, I've got two cents ; give
me your three cents jnd I'll buy a live-cent
Iluvaniii cigar." "All right ;" says No. 2
liar d'n g out the money. Ho enters the ci
gar store, procured tho cigar (on credit pi's
ibly), lights it.and puffi with u great deal of
satisfaction. "Cnie, now, give us n pull,"
says No. 2 ; "I furnlsheel more than half the
money." "I know it," sahl the smoker
'but then I'm president and you're only a
tockho'.der ; you cant spit." Galvatuu
AV' wit.
Mrs. Hatch has for years been a'conspic
nous spiritual medium in llo.-tou. Her
specially is tho production of flowers from
spirit sources. Shu gavo a seance, a few
evenings ago at a private residence. The
lights were extinguished, as usual, and th
persons In the circle were enjoined lo hold
las' to eitber's hands, Flowers noon
drop) ed here ami there, find Mrs. Hau l
began to explain how they had been bruu hi
from disiimt places by spirit hands,
the gas burutrs in the room hid been
necifsl with an clt'Ctrlu lighting appars'i
and suddenly Iho apartment was brightly
illuminated. Thu medium was wunpletrly
exposid In her 1 ip was a pile ol f -.,i.
and she was caught in tho act of v
them in the r ir.
. Itif llrt'H
rtiret- Incited.
U "
. B.I1I
1,1 II
111. H. Cm,
II.M) a.o .'. on
4. en a.m d.isi
4. Mi too
; m (Hi liu.
on ii' mi mm
Hnrter itiliimn ei.nn
Half cnl'inifi . .. .In m1
one cnluinii .... 9".nn
IB nil iB.rm vr.iu wi.oo Iwuvj
Yearly ailv erlWlntlils pioable (luortcrly. Trail
in nt novel I iM Miibta must In paid for befot f Inst I Ud
extept win re parlies have ai-counla.
Legal advert iM ini ntstwodoilBrsperlnililorlliree
insoiiii iis, and nt that rate foraildltlocalinscrllost
wittiotii reference to lengtn.
Bxeeutor'a, AmlnWralor'a and Auditor' notice
three dollars. Must to paid for when Inserted.
Transient or Local notices, twenty centa aline
regularadverttsen.enlslialf rates.
cards In the "liustneas Directory" column, one
dollar per earfor each line.
The army at the polls The world' bar
There are over six hundred finger-nail
doctors in Paris.
It is a curious lact that rain is only
appreciated when It doesn't come.
One pound of egg Is equal to one pound
of beef in making flesh.
Nothing will enforce Iho Sunday laws
hut a smart rain-storm.
Money never ruled at so low a rate of
interest in the market as it doss now,
live did not about "murder" tho first
time she saw a snake,
In war, our lair countrywomen fall in
love whli soldiers ; in peace, with coach
men. IfCharley llnw were now alive ho
vvojild be nine years old.
At tho communion service of one of tho
Hartlord churches, recently, n Chinaman of
ficiated ns deacon. .
There are very few men who are home
less, ,ut there are n good many who aro
home less than they ought to be.
Little places, where the people live on
fish and strangers, will soon blossom out
into full-blown watering places.
Mohammedanism has ir0,0(W,000 follow
er'. In Syrian universities ltl.OOi) boys
study nothing but the Koran. ,
A crust of bread with contentment
therewith, is better than ndisli of strawberry
Ice-cream with a sore tooth.
It is almost time for SuniUy-.-chool ex
cursions, and gjod little boys had better lo
cale themselves in time.
rhe siirn on n returning emigrant's wa
gon read, "Hough on Texa. Going back
to my mother-in-law."
There was a diminution in the tobacco
revenue in France duriiu the first quarter
of this year, and the Inference is elrawn
then Irom in n the rising generation smokes
less than its parents.
It is said that an enterprising Sandy
il. i ik pibit hearing I'nil "II. M. S. Pina
ffire" vvas couilng, jmi lo s, a in order to
to lot ' i i-r i i a '1 Tins urea hatidsiimo fee.
He h ir lly i v, i 1 1 !. rs !o Iho subject now.
A I'outeiupurarv employs two hundred
and fitly vvnids in lieseri'i'mg how in make
an ml hit' rid. The n'd niellnsl of taking a
hole and puitiog st&v.s aud hoops around it
is much more simple.
Tlio Chinese are beginning lo make use
I tinlk in tn-ir o iiiutry. Heretofore they
have nvoi.itd il oulinly, as they havo cheoso
and butter.
It is stated that a German-American
vvus forbidden In lecture ill the city of Her
lin on Hip prosperous condition of tho Uni
ted States, le,t it should promote emigra
tion to this oini ii try .
A nr nt diminution has taken place in
tho n i ber ot unemployed mechanic in
N- w York ciiy. Three winters ago it
contained sixty thousand idle men; there
are now less than tvvelvo thousand. Waaes
have indeiil fallen from S4 fit) to $2.50, and
Irom ill ot) to i-2 (10. Hut laborers have ac
oepted tho is it ii it t i' n, nod are at work again,
A Chicago surgeon, called m tho night
to perform mi operation, put the necessary
iti-trunieiits in a big tunt started. A police
man stopped him. examined the contents of
the bug, refused to believe that they wero
not burglar's tools, aud arrested the surgeon.
'My Soul's at the Ga'e-' is the title of a
new piece of music. He hud better bo care
ful, or lie might lind toe old man's sole at
the gate, too, some of these lino evenings.
About now each individual hair of the
small hoy stands on end, and is about one-
hutidrenlih of an inch in length, giving
is head the ireneral "hceny appearance
of a vrry light brown velvet ball.
-Joseph A. G mid ofKnfit-M, Me., died
lately a splinter of bone about the sizo
t a match, vvhion bail been uenetratliiir the
brain since 1800. The wound was received
in tin- nrmv.
In six iriiluries meat l as nearly trebled
in price, anil vv.ivres li-eve increaseit more than
sven-iolii, u ages during the llurtceiitu
century were about fiiiy cents a week.
The political diet in Cuba see-uis to con-
Mt rif quite a variety. First nonrse, rebel
lion ; second nurso, revolution j third
course insurrection ; revolt ; etc., etc.
'gypiian mummies are frequently ground
into paint, i Ins treatment may not mule
them nisd, but it must certainly mako some
or them "madder. "
If Noah had foreseen tho future,
nail killed the two inosquittis which took
refuo in the ark, ho would have renderetl
somu of the strongest words in all modern
languages unnecessary.
-Tho uniform of the Zulu warriors con-
ists of a chest-protector. There is mi ad
vantage in Ibis; there are no coat-tails to
impede one's progress while the enemy nie
in pursuit.
The Fo'id dtt I,ic Reporter, after re
viewing the matter carefully, thinks it will
bo well for Wisconsin farmers to plant at
least one bulldog for each water-melon seed.
Riles of passage to Iluropc wore never
before as low as now, aud the wonder is that
ansportation ii.tlU'i inile-, to say ol board
and lodging lor eiaht or nine days, can be
given lor stioh a small sum of mouey,
V man can never succeed in holding
two or three dozen pin. in his mouth us n
vviini.ui does, no nutter how much he prac
tices ou shad,
In Maine, a man once got too much of
tho aide nt aboard, and was put into a cof
fin to sleep oil" the effects ot liquor. Whi n
e awoke, no sprung out in naste, exclaim
ing, "Glory lo Gideon! The rrsllrrei tion
morn has o one, and I'm the first man ou
tho ground !''
Last season the Utica Herald recorded
livo well uuthonticatod cases of swallows
having been found hangiu.', and one where
birds of that species were seen hanging
another by a corn from a tree. At Canton
reoentlv a robin was fi unei lianciug bv a
cord to the cotiniy clerk's cilice.
-Pr ilessor, lecturing on psychology :
"All pheneuiienn nro sensations. For in
stance. 'hat leaf appears green to mo. In
oilier words, I have a sensation of greenness
within iiiu. ' (Ji ooiirsH no harm was meant,
but still the i'U'S would laugh,
l'ho Presbyterian Church is now ren-
rewuted in Uith by It) ministers, against
four years ago. There aro eight organized
churches, and 800 Mormon children are in
the iluy school anil !Hii) in the Sunday
schools supjiortnl by tho Presbytery,
A glass manufactory in Hanover, Ger
many, makes glass which Is a close Imitation
of nimble, and tables and floor tiles which
are proix.uuc-d preferable lo marblo on ac
count of their extreme hardiie-w.
Within a few days 2 000,000 pounds of
ooti,.n has been brought by rallroivd lo Hid
diih rd, Mp , li.r tlie ue ol the mills. Tie
mills at have also been laying in
a large supply of cotton.
It i now sealed llmt the water r,f bell
d i plrry in a mie inn- for ilieiiii'iiil-in,
'this lesves li lv be i.iluieul for which e'e 1
ery i- not prtiih'd i. u mrr, mid ihut s
n-ivirtv. And In) el.iubt it wi u!d Hire this
.l ihe pxiii id wrie to rat inching but ceh ty
ir several weeks.
- Ni vi r put i tl'till In n
ui elo t . d t . i s; , ci I ,'
. ir vv ti e d"'lnr' Yi in
Itieiid n.Lii sp'-nd I' 1 n.
rre w v. bet v , ,i
ii jn. i i nt to
' e ,-ii.nn i luting
' r