TIUS COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, I L( X ) M SI U 1 G , COLUMBIA COINTY, PA, Miscellaneous WII.MAM I'KNS AM) HIS IIKIiUlC WHY. linn. Snninrl S l'a In the House, June 3. Moit iiotaMn l tlio cno of William l'enn. Ho wa Imllcloil it the OIJ Italley, In 1070, for titmiillnniily nimbllnj', with other, In OtH"e rimrcli street, l,m Inn, where lie liml jirmcliftl 111 Qiater doctrine. Hut tlialinht which shone within him, the unjust Judja couhl not quench. When mi linnent jutv win impHUeled, ami wiiilo lui wni InillVtcJ by JeH'royn, Unit tuner lilit broadened into r tailiaiii-e win, h fill tv Hof!il with It- Rlory. Tlio popinjay murders mi1 ImuI jililj;e. ol" Unit day mistiml; their mull ttm iuiol, nerfiio, u n W'ring ami mm -roi-tant Qu d.er j ay, Un, they iuit"''k llulr jury. White In dinner trial there had two a cotipicnoti (allure of the nyteni, jet, like the failure of the nlchoiiiUt, It nny he at trlbu.ed to impurity of the iiyreillotits ; hut on the trial tho unalloyed gild iippenred in the alembic. The personal heroism of I'viin lniurc I thi- liry. mi l. after it a'nuale of five (lav, between j i ltw, jnrnr-i and iieeti d, &b unt a enlmi came in, that l'eiin whi "d it tsU'lty " H m a eene lr an liistiir lopic'iiro. Ii iiliin'ritin one ot the noblest tielitnni'ti's ol our 1)1 aralimi of Imlepeti- ileiice. Wi Ii it I'll vlvanlti might ucll u'lnrn b. r b.a.1 of In I jWiidence. liinj 1 vant . 11 iw il"0ii n u whoe itfigy, chis eled bv 'i i'i'.i nrt, ilmU be sent in herb' mi., t .,rm ment our l.dcral uapitol. H ivcu-i li -aiie? La It bo Williuin l' n I i ! ii Ii r prairie', ir and f iti-ulrr ; n it a sian li'in ai ijtig the red men atShak amaxjii, lurjim tl.nt "covenant chiiiii" whtcii wm in l.t while "tin and moon ei. dure ; in '. ii a swindlem leagiitrate, law maker r humanitarian ; not defying the lieutenant of tiie tower ; but ai the clnun pion of Jury trod, when it nl iiiohi friend leu i'l tiie Htilisli Ulandi. On with me in f.ini'y to the L'itn1ii:i of two hundred and nine yean ago. Mow it loikcil then yon may wo by the Hide cut In a llltlo Vuliune nt lflSl, now on inv ile-lc. lleroaie the (jate.i, the elinrcties, rnllige, (fardem and inuiiiiiiienti ! Here Ii W-nt-mitnler Abbey and the parliament Mouse, White ll ill and The Temple, uinl here the wonderful umnof the fifty tndts and com pauiei out of which the lord mayor ii clue-eid And here, mirabite vim ! ii the lord mayor himself and, tier above tier, hii court of adipose aldermen I Seated at the top, be tween two heralds, one with a i-tnff and tho other with a sword, is the jranil mayor, and above him the arms of Knland, with a sword and a pennon, iucribed Dieu ct mmi droit. In their full wigs, ample gowns mid "full, round bellies, with good fit capon lined," sit the pompom, puffy alderm-u I These are the judges of tho hiroic Quaker. Thii book describes tho city Him as m brave, fair and stately ai to "outvie the mnt magnificent city of the universe." Ah I it had been a proud city ; and in other .lays displayed its pride against the craft of kin; a and courtiers who sought to rob it of iis charter. Now, it is low iudeed, under servile va9salage to a irivolout monarch, as tin ecsne of I'enn's tri il shows Parliament hid j'i't passed the convent! cle act against prohioc and loo-c persons who preached non conformity. One of these was the well born Quaker of twenty-five ycai who had already suirered for bis faith by ex pulsion from Oxford, He is seized by con .tables, while speaking to a crowd near hi chapel, whoso doors had been purposely closed. He is borne olf to Neagate ami there impressed. The gray and gloomy prison had receivnt many a miscreant and many a patriot. Hero had been immured Lord I'umcII and Jack Shcppard, v rie'l" llarron and the assassin lielliughani. It was no repector of rank or person. Nevtr before had itsjrloomy wall confined a dorr or firmer spirit than that of I'i nn. I''- n ' in''.d soul knew mi prison walls The trial begins on the i-t ol .September, 1G70, nt ,the old llailey, "which runneth dounejiy the Mall, upon Hound's Ditch to Ludgate," and was '.(juallv celebrated then nsuow lor iis i-rimiiml HmsiunH. The hero nf that trial, n. x In I'-irn, is one Kdward llusbel, a i .1 , its stianie is the iiirions liiaVor. Sir S i mih-I -ti.rli.iir. in,d one .lolm JIowp!, ihe ins dent recorder. The ahltr- uipu auu biienus are laiuer lay nurt-s in the scene. Tne court is ciowded. iSileniu is called. The iineses are heard as to tho assembling in the streets Pwnn riies to ac kuow edgo tho facta and vindicate his right to meet incessantly to reverence and adore msOw. "You arc not here," naid a blulf sheriff, "for worshiping god, but fur break ing the law I" I'cnu asks, "Wiut law ?" "fho cimraon law," said the recorder. Af ter mucu coimquy, Willi insolence on one side and meekness on the other, l'enn is or dered away to tho dungeon. Itefore ho is drained out, be appeals to the jury and plead for Hie fund luieuuil law of England, Of no avail. Ho is hurri-.d to the bnledoik protesting against the jury being charged in his abvmco. Ot no avail. The jury at first return an evasive reidict. that he bad preached no irtoro. "We will have a ver dict by the grace of God, or you will starve for it," tays the rtcordtr. Again the jury is sent out. When the mnckcy of the trial is over and the jury fceeni firm for aojuittal, abuse ami threats are rained upon them and their lead er. "I will set n mark upon you" is the threat ol the mayor to Iln-liel, one ot the jurors. He even threatens him with person ul mutilation, i enu interposes with ijuiet dignity: "W hat hope," cries out l'enn, "in having justice done when jurors are thieat cued and their verdict rejected?" Ho de nounces, in the name of Magna Charta, the arbitrary conduct of the judges, "ritop his mouth," cries the major; "jailer, bring fetter"' "I matter not your fetters,'- repll theself complacent Quaker. Again the jury are tent out, and again they return n verdict of "not guilty." Then it dmnalis sceno einuei, which I faithfully traiifcribwl: Iteeorder-tientleuion of tlio jury, I inn sorry vou have followed your own jii'lmiieuu rather than the good nlvice nhicli wasgiteujuu, liod Wen my life out of your hand! Hut for this tho court huts ;ou Umy ii'iirLs a muii and im prisonment till pant. W I'i no I demand my liberly, being freed by mo jury Mayor No. Yon are in fur your fiats W, l'enn hines fur what? Mavor I-'or comemnt of court. Y l'enn I ask if it he according to tlio fundamental law s of 1-higlaud that any Kng-li.-Umim thould be fined or uinciced but by the judgment oi inspects or jury, since itexpressl contradicts the fuuileeulh and tneutr nlutl chanters of tiie great charter of J.uchiod wliK-U jii, '.No freeman shall bo nuitrcul but by I. ii oath of good und l iwful men ot the . iruiue lit'-oi Ur -Take him away. l , I'i mi I run never urge the fundamental 1 ' i i jlioid imt jou cry "Tukchim anoy," hM no vioiidL-r. (iod, who is juL will ju'i'' -iiii toi u.l these things. T.ie jurors und tho atrjuittcd prisoner are i"ni i-ent to j il; from which the great wr t r -cui s them. (. I h.H judged llifcse tilings. Ho has ruscd up .i tnatcommonwealili which luais " nD)-"! 'oe t'uakrr tribune, by whom Jul- I .V v,4"ivi t Jr. in repr awU. il uiul y lias stlgmatid William l'tun, with mote llippaticy than ttulh.as rntber a mythi cal Ihtui mi histotical pctson, While be .limits that rival tuitions nud hoitile mis have ngrerd In canoniatng Pcnn, and that nngland Is proud nf bli name; while tho historian likens ihe reverence to his name, tiv the great commonwealth beyond the Atbiitlc, to that which the Alhfnlfttu felt lor Thecm and the Homans for Qulrlnti", and cnnfeei (h.il h!' name Is a synonym for purity anil philanthropy; while this most crltlcil anil hoitile of liMnrlani thin in dulges In encomiums, there Is nothing In l'enn'i character, whether ilfallng with the red man nr preaching In his conventicle amidst hostility and perrrculion,tiiiat lohls mmly tand for the sacred right of trial by jury. We cm see him standing In hii brnnd brimmed hat and oo.it of formal cut, and not tinlike Sydney, whli undisturbed pulse and dim demeanor, Insulti'd nnd berated, hut nnswsrlng not aenln, ave to challenge In the name of l.ngllsh liberty, (he Infamous mayor, recorder, sheriff- and aldermen of London, who sought by outraging the tra illlloos of the realm to siippros him and bli learhlne. His wonN rlfg down the years lite the old bell nf ltolnnd of Ohent, which Motley siys rang the people to arms when liberty was in daimer. When that other bell from Indepenitmco Hall tolled out the death of l.nelih tvranny, it rang to nil the land and the Inhabitants Iherrof, from il.shraz"ti thrnit, the wedding of lib erty and Independence; but It also had another voice tho voice of a great state, wlioe foundations were laid in justice to nil, and whose solemn, sweet vibrations, Like the voice of Christ slid: "pesce." Puch servility of judges and juries, which l'enn denounced nnd contemned, bpcaino the reproach ol history; but this very ro proach lifted tho jury above tho ordinal--inaehintryof justice nnd gave it a lofty place in our jurisprudence. i,i:i:niKs at MiiiiK ix a sm;ktf.i:. If Ihero he onn thing morn uncomforlable in a sleeping-car than another, it is a leech. A few weeks ago the passengers in a car riage of a night express train from Vienna to Uerlln were aroused from sleep by the shrieks of n lady who insisted that she was being stabbed with sharp instruments in several places, rihe would not submit to nn examination, and the guaid wai at his nits' end what to do, when a stout ecullemen roared out that be, loo, was being pricked crudly Fortunately the train was near a siation, at rthlch the guard gave orders to have it stopped, and the lady and gentle man banded out, their companions billow ing them, with tin small curiosity, Into the waiting room. The gentleman was prompt ly searched, and six colcs-al leechtp were discovered to be fastening themielves upon his leg. The lady had swooned from friuht and weakness, and had lo be left behind in care of a local doctor. It appears that one ol the passengers bad brought an insufficient ly-covered j.tr of thee blood suckers into he carriage, and had placed it upon the suit. They escaped and did the mischief. A lUnil) LAWX. No greater fallacy exists than the idea, that a spading is better than plowing of au eijual depth. Xo tilth cati be better than that given by the plov,followed by frequent nud continual applications of the harrow. Leveling with tho t-pade can then be execut ed in the most perfect manner, aud the fin ishing touch can be given by a light cross plowing and harrowing Seed should be always liberally applied ; and instead of the various lawn grass mixtures, we believe in the Use of the simple red-top teed, together with ;i very little while clover; and when it is thus applied (during the quiet hours of the day that it may fall evenly), two or three years should sullice to grow u thick velvety turf. Weeds are tho great enemies of good nit 1', and every lawn should be kept as iree irom thtse pests as a flower-garden. The mployment of good artificial fertilizers greatly helps to secure permanent fretdom Ironi weeds, siuce foul seeds cannot lurk in t hei ii . .SW liner's Mon th ly. FIUK AT b.UAYhlTK ((Ihbf.Ui:. At eight o'clock on the evening of June 1, Pardee Hall, one of ibe Lafayette College building", win discovered to bo on fire. Owing to the scarcity ol water the efibrti ol the citiz?m and firemen were unavailing nd at midnight the building win complete ly gutted. The building was erect, d ;i few j ears ago at a cost of S22,),0o0, donated by Pardee, and the fixtures cost !r75,00(J more, 1 he bus is almost total, tho lire is supposed to have originated in the labma- tory of the chemical dcpaitment Ironi spon taneous combustion. During tho progress of tho fire n man lell from the third story and was ludly injured, Insurance on tin building amounts to if 120,000, and on the furniture to $20,000. The citizens of IVi-ton have resolved lo rebuild the Hall. Ilaiinli'il Me. Debt, ioverly and suffering haunted mi me for juirs, cais(il by a sick family aim largo bills lor doctoriug.whlcb did no good was completely discouraged, until one year ago, by the advice ol my pa-tor, 1 pn -cured Hop Hitters and commenced their use, and In one mouth wo were all well, and none of us h.ive been sick a day since ; and I want to s.ty to all poor men, you c.ui kep your families well w lib Hop Hitters for less than one d dor's v-iiit will cos!, A Work- hum in. 1Iai'.ms CiAI.i, It is a cruel thing to work ii bor-ctbat has u sore neck worn taw by a lindly lilting collar. In putting hor-e that have bet u comparatively idle (or ouie time to Ibe hard wolk of the plow and the harrow, painful and unsightly sons mi i Jten cull' d which prove of long standing, often permaiKiitly dbligurii g tho animal. When the abrasion first appeals, give the horse a diw or two rest. Ills letter to do this even if imporiaut work ii unnewliat drlnytd. I iilotide of itic diluted with filly parts of water ami applied vitb a soft sponge ii a good ailriugeut, serving to hardeu mil toughen the skin. Hut after nil, tho but way to previtit galling is lo bate the collar. and evety part of the harmss, touching tlio horse, a pcrkct lit. Keep It well uiltd and pliable. '1 hen inure the animal to hard work gradually and kindly. IJ G. Oivein, Druggist Altoona, Pa writes: 'Dr. Hull's Haby Syrup has n won derful reputation, the demand for it Is really astonishing. Mothers will havo no othtr, It Is destined to supersede all other Soothing yiui. Instructor iii German, after asbiulshlu the division by Ibe announcement that the German words for 'heaven' and 'shirt' have tbc same root, 'Mr. X., can you see auy re w i.iblance between l eaven nud a (clean rti.tr , I r in ta.c ' Mr. X, hesitating ' v ell, sir, they ate both good things for uiau to get iutol' Yatt lttcorti, Rowoll 8c Oo'b. Aclvc'fl. EMPIRE THRESHER MANurAcrunEo A r HAGERSTOWN.Md. Vrm:HACieisTiwhisiu.tsiNCU!ACf:i.i:c THE BEST IN THE WORLD. .Tunc A, llijiiinll Vli.lim I'muiiiltis. 1 ley ruin the tonu ut tho tunr:s Mul muKii the illiiti.lUn. '1'iirriiiil's l:ilt-ri-s,-riil Aio-rlriil Is tiseil by rallonnl tannin ns a tm-nns of rellcMnirall He l.uiti'ini ms of the tsfnttiiirti. liver nml intestines iHi-iiuse it n-tiioves ollriii lions Kltliunt twin, and InipurlsMsOrlotlie urgans which It purities nil l,KUl"u'"- s(.LtnivAt.t.i.RnmiSTM. r May n 'T9-4W. We will pwv Alt,UHtaluryo cnwiiTiitoutli nn 1 t iib -, i'l nil i.Mr. Iti t-" Ooninihmti", tOfvll out Lr nu'l it ml fitl tnti nlir.ii Ut mrr.n hat imiavi famj In fno. AaJu'namiiii A.tu., itariLalltilicU. May 7 liu r $10 tfl $10001; Invented In Watt St.. stocks makes tui tunes put)' inontli. book lent free explaining L.er.vtlilnir Ail- (truss IIAXTEH CO , lluukirs, It M all St., V, Y. r May nn, l-lw. TO 1'. Ii. Itlt'll iV 1(1.. rnrtland, Maine, for best Apt ncy business la the World. Kxpcaslve ou'nt Free. r M.iy an, i-iw. 77a Mnnth nml exirtnes Kiiarartred to ARcnls V I I IMItnitllT, .May an. '70-4W SlliW & CO. AtllCSTA, MllNK. r its nnrrA Yr..It nnd pxrrnsc to areola, out outfit N'liu. Addriafcl'. o. VICKEi Y, Augusta, .May a", '7-iw. Allan's Anti-Fat Is th (treat remedy for Corpu lency. II Is iHiuly trtn-Uhle an1 pcrfl-ctlT iiarTnl.-s. It nctsnu Hie TooO In the itomach, preTrnllnKllscDH urilon lnt. fit. Taktn nocnrdlnit to dlrntlori"-. U will reduce ft pernon from 2 to b ponntl o nt-oU. In niacin this remedy before the public m a pol tlve cure for olC9Ur, we donoltnnwlnK Its nblHty to cuie n att.stcd b hundreds of tcJtlmoiilaU of whtcii thf lollowlnir frora a lady In Columbus, Ohio, It ii Mmnlei "Gentlemen Your Anti-Fat vrs duly ricrlit-ii. I took it mccordlna to directions and H n-'luced me flte pounda. 1 ws o elated oer the re mit that 1 Immediately fent to ACKErtMAH's drup More f-r the second bottle,1 Anotlur, a nhrslcUtu nrltlng for i patient from rroTltlcnco, lu I. ftajs "Four hotth-s have reduced lier welplit from pounds to Itfi pounds, and Uiere lsa frt-ner&l tuipnire nifnt In lit-nUh." A frentleman wrltlnK from I(o Idii, eats! " W Itliout npeclal chance or uttentlon to dlJ, tw o lottU or Allan's AntlF at reduced me fmir nnd ont-quarter poundO llie wtll-known IkIp (alo IriiK)fisti, HillTir, IiOOUTTLK &, bMlTlU of iiot ttiit, Ma write as followit Allan's Antl-Fut luu rtluced a lady In our city MTtn pounds In three wt'tks." A Kentlt'inan In bl. Ixtuts writes) Allan's Autl-Vat reduced tnc twtlve pounds In three wkK. and altupetlur I have lost twenty-flTe pound slnrp roiiiratntlntr ItsuMv' lleflsrs. I'OWei.l! 1'LlMtinv, AVholeiale l)rnpplsta, or Uuffalo, N, V.,wrltei ""Jo tiik l'noi'itiEToia or Allan's Afai-FATi Otntie men, '1 lie lolloHlnir report Is from the lady who uwu Allan's Antl-taL Ot (the Anti-Fat) had (U-deMred fuvct, rciucuie me mi ironi iwo io nvc iiuiiims week until 1 had lost lwentyflre pound llllTMl unexcelled Tjlood-purlier. nevrr io rco-nin wimi nate ioui.-- viuti-i 'e train Anti-Fat Is an It nromotes dictation. curlnir dysptpbia, and Is also a potent remeily for rheumatism, gold by druggists, i'ampluet on uiah Jly etnt on receipt otstamn. . UOTAN1U iLEDICLNK CO.. Tnor'ns, Buffalo, N.Y. WOMAN By an Immense practice at the "World' Dlspen eary anl lUTallds' llotel, havlni; trenttd nuny thou tiui rases of thoe dlcjss pt-cullar to woman, I have been enabled to perft-ct a most jvotvat and posi tive rt medy lor thtsc diseases. To designate this nataral tpeclllc, X bare named It Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription The term, however, is but a fible expression of iny hlah apnrecUtlon of Us alue, based upon per ianal observation. 1 ha e. while witnessing Its posi tive results In the special dUeaaes litfldent to the rraanliiii of woman- olnykd It otit as the iIIbwi vr rrownlnff sent of 7 mrdlcal fareer. On lis merits, mfi nofcUlve, sari?,Kud iileetual nn.edy fur this class of diseases, und one that will, at all times and under all circuiustam.t.B,act klndl), 1 am wllllnK to stale my reputation as a p!i)slrUn; and so tonliilentara 1 that It will nnt dl-tappolnt the most sanBUlneex ln'Ctatloiisot a fcluftle Invalid lady wlio uses It for any if the ailments for 1iU h I reroiumj ; n 1 IMh , tl 1 oUer nnd Mil It under A riWlTlVK GfAIIANTEE, (For c.'ii lltlnni, sen junipldet wrapplne bottli-.V' 'Ih" fiHltmliiit are amontf thiwe dlteM-9 in which my I'uvorltw ri-crlptlon has worked cures, as if by iii iiile. and with n itrtalnty neerl lortj attlnetl by nnv iiietllolnct Iucorrba-a, Excestlve Mowing, 1'aluful Jlonthly 1 rln lfl, fcunprefdons when from nniutural iaut.'i, lrregularltu, eak Hack, l'ro l.inus, or Falling ol llio Utertta, Anteverslon and Jb-troverf-lon- H arlnfs-down hensatlona, Internal lb'iit, NtrTou Ufpnufllon, DeblHty. J'Bpondency, 'ihreatened Jllnrurrlaae, Chroulc Concestion, lu ll unmatlonand t'lcerallouot the Vtirus lmpottnc). Jlirrcnneas or fterlllty, nnd remain Wakness. I do not eitl this ine'Uclne as a 'cure-all," but it ndinirtl'lr fullillfc lnclc' of purpoM-, l-eliig a I ioil ierf-ct fpat-ito In all chronic ilkiu of lue i xuaI system f woman. It will not disappoint, nor vm Kilo iiarm, m any siwnr vuiiu tmu. 'Ihoiwj who desire fnrllM r lnfonullon on these sub iil1l hll ohtal.I It in 1 1IK l'EOFLta COMMON blNSK ltDIi L AllLli. a book of over 9"W ls. M-Ut. ii st-ril'i.on reetjpt of It treats minutely of IliOfM disia-MS poejllir to Females, and (rlvts much iluable advice In nt'ard to the manutfenitnt of 'roHt4 ln-MriBtlet Mid bj lcfflta. ' it. V. rir.ltci:, -' I I'ron'r, Werlu'n Ulspensary ku-l Invftllds Hotel, lluQalo,. 1 , any ?flt t J! ESPY PLANING MILL Tiie 'jodersiffiiea lei 3 preparea to do ail k Doors, Frames Tiie 'jodersiffnea leswfl or itie Eepy rianlDt' MU1, Sask BliDils, etc. made to order on fhtrt sotlce, SatUfactlon su&x Cuiulss Krco, Uiocmfaburt, 1'a. Send is Bents lu btaranaor currcn l rew nttitK nuuK irmtu ut uu (IIsojmk, iiaHSittDHenvruvlnirtiisriouliitr POtolllOUK RkhUimU V) fclCk llUl M B. K 1UUIU VI 11UWM, I l)f1S I'UV'1 rolltctltnor VAI.IIA1II B HKC IX IX MV li'KS. rulin (or ti'Ulnir t'.e siro cl i liorBi,wltli un eni;ralDtr .how lot ti'i 111 c( cuih )car Ur. Win, II. Hull FBa, "1 lium bounlit IxHjksthatl tuitt und no lor whlr-n I do not, like uu uell an I Uoyoura." hinu tun i tlmim. Afenu WatiUHl. If. J. hl'Dduii, i, ii., i.nuMJiirku riuiK, vi. May , T-ly JOB ritlKTIftO. N tally and cheaply nociitiJ at the Columbian OfHu, Mb IP? PCS I H. T. HELMBOLD'S aonFOXJjrsrr) FLUID EXTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES or THE BLADDER&KIDNEYS For Debility, Loss of Memory, ImliMptwitioii lo IvNorlion or Uti-'i-ne--.Short nosss of Rreatlirmuliletl witliTliongltts of DiafiisejJJiiiincrti of Vision, Rat 11 in t lie R!iuk,L'litt tiul llcail. Rush ol iMootl to tlio Head, Rule Coiiittuimneu und tlry in. f these Hvniptoms aro nllowed to go on, very hequently Lpilep- tic lits nnd Consumption lollow When the constitution becomes af fected it rctittiicri tho aid of un in vhroratint; medicine to streni'theii and tone up the system which Helmbold's JUuchu" DOK-3 IX 12 VERY CASK. lELMBOLU'S J3U0I1U IS UNISQUAL KD By any remedy known. It Is prescilbed by the most eminent physicians atl 01 er the u orKI, in Hhcuniatisin. Spcrnintorlioca, Neuralgiii, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Aches and I'liins, General Debility, Kidney Disease.-, Liver Complaint, .Nervoti-s Debility, ipilepsy, lle.td 1 roubles, Ptiriilvsir, Ocnentl 111 -Health, Spinal Diseases, Sciatica, Deafness, Decline, Lumbago, Catarrh, i'ervous Complaints, I'cinale Complaints, ivc. Headache, Pain in the Should crs, Couch, IJizzincss, rour btom itch, Kruptions, Bad Taste in tlio JUouth, I'alpitntion ol the Heart, "urn the region oi the .kidneys. and it thousand other painful symp toms are the oll'springs of dyspepsia HELMBOLD'S BUCLriJ Iiitiiruti-s tliti Muniiicli. And stimulates tho torpid Liver, Uowols iiiifglvKliievs to healthy tic tion, in cleansing the blood of tiT impurities, and imparting new life ind vigor to the whole system. A single trial will bequite suili- cient to convince the most hesitat ing of its valuable remedial quail ties. PRICE $1 PER BOTTLE, Ol- Sl Kottlcs lor $". Delivered to any address free l'rom observation. "Patients"' may consult by letter receiving tho wimo attention ns by lung, by answering the tollowing fjuestioiis : 1. cino your namo awl iiost-onico nrtdrcsa, county nud suite, ami our nsarct oxprcss cmco 1 l. Your age and text 8, (H-cupatlon T ; Married ur flDirte 1 I. Height, weight, now und In health T 6. llow long have JouUenUckt T. Your coiuplexton, color o( hair and eea 7 b. llato jou a btooplng or erect galtt 11. itelato wltlout rehcratlon all ou know about jonrciiio. Knclosu one dollar as consultation tee Your letter will then rccelro our attention, and we will five jou the nalnro ot jour disease and our candid opinion concerning a cure. Competent phjHlcIans attend to correspondmu, All Inters lOiould te addressed to lHnpensator)' Vtll, Hlbcrt tlreet, rblladelpliU, I'u. IX. T. ilEfcMBOLD, Druggist and Chemist, I'lllLAUKU'lllA, I'A. i: 1:111 wuuiti: Maxell 1,18T-Iy BLCOMSBURG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRlCi. Bloomsburg, Columbin County, Pennsylvania. Rsv. D. J. WALL 1i7Jv7a. M Principal. TIIIM vullttoi.. iwat procnt constituted, oftn tlio liiilidltiir Hpaclous, lnutlusnmlcoiiimociio'.n i L - oinpnii I. ' 7.1 !! . ..,..., n. u. ,h Tunoltncj nvnni rr. ...Hlll.rn Inoiicrato. Kitty I'tnta a wi-e dilnrtlnn to an cjii I.IH'ttllfin ufnii mill, hum van' iw-t - I'.inrMi.a nf .tliilv MdscrtbU llV till' HUIC t I. Mmkl Sdioul. II, l'rcinrnU)ry. 111. Klumentnry. IV, Classical. AiliiinctOmrsHi I. Ae.ul.inic. ll.Com.iierclal. III. Coiir-e in Music. IV. 0,i.r.e ... n-i, , r.. ininonmirinlcu Course- are I'll iKKSSION t ami tii'l'iigra.luatnettl m.inrtTiiiiririH.! Ma.teroriiii-l-.ifivntii Masteror th.- s-lence. ; Master ol tne i-iussics. uranuan-. tli.-lr altalnnicnm,, "iKned bv the oRU.;r- ut tin; l'"1'1'.1"''1'",1. "'',,,, H ,.,, ,, P,., . not Inferior Th,i,t ,.,nir..ii'hiffiii.riir,liiriit ililitinlilii. Ttte (tout ami em lent rcacm rsr.ir ii.Tf'iin. ,.,1'"7 lltil llieir lait'tiiH, Hi -nuu-un. ma win r vui.T-. Catal01rue.11 idres Uii l'rllielpit. HON, U ll.I.IA II 111. M lllil I'resbtint llonrit hept. S, WHAT rC0 WEAR AND CALL AND SEE THE NEW GOODS AND LATEST STYLES AT THE LOWSST FRXOBS. Pmi-UiiiKf nl' un eleirnnt line of Cloths Diagonal and Cassemeres of Isnglish, French, German and Domestic manufacture, FOR DRESS SUITS, FOR BUSINESS SUITS, &c filii'B Iteidly ILaidlB IDepmiiEeiiiit Is now replete with all the LATEST NOVKLTIES at VJ3UY LOW P KICKS. Neck-wear, Collars, Gloves, Scarfs, Half Hose, Hats, Caps, fie. THE PEARL SHIP ALWAYS ON HAND. HEADQUARTERS FOE Trunks, Satchels, : Valises, d&c. EES3 r " tV3 " - - - IDaVWO :;L0)WGN5B if ,- ENDORSED BY OVER THIRTY SEVINO K J XI 7 MACHINE EXHIBITORS AT THE CONjKT t 5 V mI) EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE, y&OS I ICO'VI Paris, 1878 I AND INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, kL 1 PHILADELPHIA, 1876, AmWO 317 HP X Ai b.lnc-'Very STRONG,SMOOTH,nil j&i9xiyr kJ.jC.X. EXCELLENT THREAD," 4 ' snuisKto UM. j f ENCOURAGE . &VvSjrMArJUFACTURED at ; JlOME INDUSTfYgh3jr MOUNT HOLLY, N.J. . BY .USING- jgfJrSTIARTSB!OtiMTCD'ASCUr.liri'l lt'l ttV ; ; ; tM VJ3r5llf0O I NEW YORK li B0STOII. , April IS 79 ly ithtatniilfvr nt w fnr 'i ti' vr itnT$ ono'lo( fi'ru t'ltal or other ijhmml twit in is a , ' f. ( 'it A i liiUr ftrtncSy At, ' S 'ts f-rl f nnmnta mut till -ng' ini'h u'UHt' r4' JVif ut t.ttwi.nr' mi't- t'j nttr niit ' t" -liiri nliini t ttutt mt" In n 7ji737:rrr ly thr I'nl, r,l Of- U- iii'j ( ' H. VMtnt III J'ltt' i-t I SUHS tX' ii i i'i j- r t tr 'iff. (ii( ttfeure j'f't, tt ttcii'i ' r."iiir rtaims, it teffm nhiii'jt'n 'M ml t( a wild- il ,i , . vl.f. h ..I ,'r I-. , .- tre make jnnlmJun$ (mil n.i I i,h I . ;.ir ul"1 1 ,. Jrt'erfchaiyr, All vn tn wh ?" , 'r !,n. phtilMl. I'i " it low u,.l .Vrl fll.llMl: U.- xrsv r.irvxT - .s.-t i iti.n. Cfnrml J A, Ifl.-rM, 11 ( rtftr (rt. UiiKMnor- i, ! lion rmlmntttir I) ,v K, ;. Jl i: y. 1). Xil ,,l l,.,nk "V" ii ' i i th, r. s. llU'li- tjti,t , 'I.I'M -Cf; J',.,-Ml( Hi ! It,, ),. Slut (iK'l JK tA rcb.7, m't'N CAKDN, It VlblTlritlCAltliS. LtTl klt IlEAt'H, UILL 1 1 I'A OH. I'tit'lBMI, HO ('.. Neatly end ( 1 cj'y riiiltti rt ll e Coi.tim 1I1AN ('ll'W &r,nn ,lar t-riiil io c ui k lu 1 ii i.t Mjii iwiur Cinjw n um. Hlif r 1'iatHl 'il.lml.lc nluiliirlte V5 CfntB, ULd lintn lioiv to iiitile t.t.m) u t-br, uu liniiibuk'. only tt itf Lo uimu LubluintiiKidiiii- V,' A. T. llUf'K A CO, Millun.l'a jn'Aicu Hu)'V3-lm PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed at thin Office O.N B1IOHTR8T NOTIOK P AT TIIE WObX KEAEONAI1LE TEIIMS. jiiHti.itit uy ii r(nii., i't t (Urn thimn trfu L W vcr; brst r,-l tor 1';''" mJj S mV, - ij ltiPPil. m.-1-nt. aii-1 alive lo their wort. 1""" ......... tag w 1ua.11, SluaeiiuiauDinHiimiHNj niuv, limes ilm wiut It. Ill on" ot the prnneonjocw 01 ' , , , , ,VA,7i .ir ,V.w eiW merioiianl iro'iil x' .lilt I aatiu i.m ... ... . .. .. 1 llllll alillllU Ul. Ul'.nJ.v- nf Trii-lies. HOW TO WEAR IT , . - . . . - -rfi L.-r m tn;T r F- THE Gr-FI-TTS' FURNISHING DEPABTMENT Is now full of the latest styles of (PEARL) IT ! ft - T - " : " NICHOLS, SHEPARD S CO., ItuttlL- C'rt-.t'U, Mluli. ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE " V 1 13 Xi. A. TOR" THRESHIfiG MACHINERY. Kill 1 t - . Hilt I mm. .) 1'iiwer I'i :if.t.er nSrtllly. Spt-rlal , r r- . i I si , ,i (or fcieant i-rur. Oil; t'iirlTuli.1 Mm hi Uirihlier Fni;inf8, both 1' -uM ut.l TruM n ith TilutUt Iiuprav ucbl I .r I i i tu i tt'i r n ik ir kind. pyillF. I M1U lhriM.intr I'xinnsfi fan-l ftflen tli re. 1 1 1 th n .1 urn mil) m fed mJ j Iti l.itm ( i r n WMM i'i If., rtTcl Utcbltifi CS.HUX Ulrn will lift kulimlt to tlio fnor T in us i. t ii i i il - lufwlorw rk ilcuiftlji kit oilter utul hi i v I-.U4 fcO Itttjlllmiict;. NOT lnl . a.il upfrlcr for Mhrat. (I.its I i v I! ii' i ( ti i tut thf OkLY (tlWf fUl Thr. t Ii iI.n i i Milla l'lw n-t Uk S"e4 I. i ir " nun Liuiuti' r " rebuilt! Lug " W eban Ir m .n in . -tail I.V Tlmroiuii UorViiiaiisliIji, Floirnnt Mnlsli, J". rfu-tl it of Tin. i i ' t m-ii nf hnulj.mrDt, CIO., llUAl I IU0OBtlfLlt. raFJ HIP tVTlllVI'I.iH ', for Mini.llrltr of l'urt, uslnir ' 1 ' ' It 1U sn4 tlan. ItkM CI " 1 i r ' all rkng4. yjoril si.-rs of Vimrutorii JIjiIp, ItaniMnir -s tr. in n j, i i.,'.iii,uJ tsgttjle4ntUoutil. i J H-r.L r, u i ii, V"UU Partlrulurh. Call on our llmlrm or s. vriM iv i.i fer lliu.trsuil Clrculitf, sLkli uisll frss. J. K. KltUMM' llltO., Tl UCOTVIIXE, I'l., Aftn'K (or Northumberland, Montour and Columbia I'UUlllltMi. Jan, 10,-cm r li'XTl" T I 'y Till H a remarkable l rin 171 linn nutiii'inuu in cure r. In. Dtlnt L'nrb. Calldus. Ac ur unv i-lilarirt-lm-nt. A It WIM. IIKlltlVK HIK llllvf'll WITIIOfT Ql Ul V III.IST KltlNII or caucus a Dl A t I i Mirt', ho ri'iui'ity fiir Ul. t'civtliil t-uilul" It fur curtatntv uf df oi lion In fcto)rlriir tlio Iiuhoms-h nml rouiotlnir tiie bin i n. i nni il no. Kcud lur (Ireular iilttrifr ( 1 1 1 I I? 1'1,01' ""W t'V drujKllii, or bint tu ' ' ii j mijr umiRNt ny uiti liiinilur, 11. J, Kendall, ll li.. liickljurt'li tullb, tt, ,Mocrlir(si. Apcniii luocuibbure, lu. Hoy 3, 1..l)- a w T EQAI BLANKS OF ALL KINDS Jj ON UAND AT lUKCOLlMUlAiN OKKltE news mm kK a UWm i,Mw. !'ii h .ir nnTtiiriiUli-tl with a boiintttul simply ot l.iuv.sotl ' aVS'" " . t.,v.!l Culture r. N. ,11(.r(,0WlI1 ;iclii. n 0 to tlio "1 our beat Oilleyes. ,..,,, iu is 1 .,,.,.. . iml,m. 11,, n- time P'"i nil u Ul pain laoor uiwir leai nil; .u-vwi. For r. r. HIM M K.I!, seerelnry. O- 23. S."V-OE, rKU Ml IN Silvsrvarj. WalcLct.Jewelrj' C'cc'cs.&o, ii- i"cmot uti n 1 . ,t onic au lands er i i' . (N-i. 1 f ) i'l w 01 mt il Udln nrsxdoor unil Ji ncat- If you aroa nun of buslnosB, wcakunetl by tLo strain Of j tLoe Une j uur uuues, um uu mo mail anu i If jrouaro fttnunof IpttPrtoUIiiK ovrr yonr mWatebt work, to restore brain nervo an J waste, use If yon nro young and suflerlnn from anylndlncretlon or dissipation! If you nro tnarrlrd or finitlc, oll or mm yuuutf.euiIi'rLngfrom poorliealthorlanyuislilDg M C on a bed of blckncfw, rely on I to vncs I Vdfwvcryouarp,wliCreTeryonftrr,wIicncTPr yoa foel that jour pjHtetn nrrdft eleanflrp, toning or n itunulatlntf, without tntoxtcaUnfftt&)to W H&to you (ttfiptpxtit, kuhieif or urinary campUtint, tJU- case of the womiirh. boicel, bioiut, Uvtr or nervi Z3 You will bo cured If you uao If yoa arc flmplywcalt anil low pplrttfd.try It I linylL Input upon It. uur dntclHt krrpM it. It tuny rnt e ronr Hfplt Un nxvt liunrfvla. I t"p rtik'h Cum Ii the wit tutt, int. ilniiJ bef I. At rhIMrrn. Tts 1 Ii p l'n J forbtoinvh,IJTtTnl KUnj-,ltoprlcr (oUluilMrtw It liferfoct. Aik draasttt. P. I. C. Il an kbmlut KitJImititAlila mre for dnmlwwi, W of tDSSa f 'on, ti-t'SM-o nr narmtlit. mmWKM Atl abuve mi 1 ly AnttK l p V-tien life. Co., Rm herter, M. . Mays, v:o-tf. TIIISPAVKR. Aih-rtHliiK t'u hi tlblllrfCuIJtt.U it . V ti li. t .1 fob. II, 71-lf ' unci 'in nip nt (ion. .v CO Mi rMl4'r i t tier" it'lvi-r IN M!V V(M!K. The most ctcnlvo Manuf.iclurrrs nf Billiard T.ibh 3 in cxMenre. The J.ffl. Brnnswick & Balke Co. CHICAGO, CINCINNATI, ST. LOUIS AND 724 Broadway, New-York. Newest and most tlegaut styles of BILLIARD TABLES AT LOWEST I'KICLS. Elegant Parlor, Dinint;, Library and Bil liani "I'ahlcs combinttl, iizc 3x6; slate Ltd-., perfect cuihion-, complete with balls ami cue, 50. Adtin.s-whiclicvi.rk ti . - n art -it your city, Ibo J. II. Enms77ick & filko Co r !). 'jew A Purely VegetaWe Remedy vi'i' Uc voi'iMl J'or KIDNEY COMPLAINTS. PILES, GRAVEL, CONSTIPATION, LUMBAGO, RHEUMATISM, DIAB ETES. (fl WQHDERFUL DgSDOVERY A puril vciretnblo componniirriot doctored 1th poisonous liquors, btlng (lry-a gi-ntlu i atlnrtle nnd rim tlvo tonli suro to t il. LtuaUy cur,- somroftho ino.-t common and palnTiil Ulscon 3 that bafilo rocd leal (kill. Those ho Iiom. I). . u cund Klna all other means faJ.-d.JUbtly say: "It is the greatett Ucwlngof tho age." "I bilhve I should not now ho a!lo butforlt." Physlcl inslnri-irularpractlco eay : "It works llko a charm and effm tlvily." ' l Olt SAI.i; 1!V ALL DltrtililSTS. I-lf lh KIDNEV-W onTrMim.tollirrwlMl n.lllvpl.ulnl. w",."..l.l;BIul','is"'.I'"J'al'l,ir-vl.l .1 iIib vri., ,.nH d I!,, WtlXS. lUCIlAtaiilos'ji tc, lteirkl,lLlU.ilJi, lu Maun ,-.;y.iv I F AND a per Banging. IKON 11ELOW tsllCONI), IIUHUlkllUItU, I'A. Is pivruiiul to do all Muds ut HOUSE rAINTINO l'laln and Ornamental, PAPER HANGING, IIOTH DECOItATlVE AND 1'I.AIN, All ItiiitlN (it'I'iirnltiiit! It ('paired, tiutl iiiitilu us K')il :in netv. NONL HIT Filth? t LAS WOliK.MLNJMl'LOVEl) Estimatca IVIado on all Worli. WiM. F, IJOD1XH. UCt, 1, 187S, TIIH I'AI'EH IS V lll.K Mint R DWELL L pHLSMAH . Advertising Aflcnts, 1HIHCHtINUr sts. ir LOUIt, Mi fit I CM 1 1 1 5 Da. HtNroiiii't Ijivrtn iNVKitniATnitS SianHtntitliinir' v It-mi lyfor S i dist'itscs of tlio Liv T fat'juidcli 5 mill Uowcl. It. is J,U'b'li?i' Sj ; 5 vegrtniiic 11 nocr Debilitnlc8 It in "fif 50;itlmrtloniiil STonlo HIiiTigorntorS Jins been used liL in my iirncticoSI 5nii(l by tbo public, J for moro tlmn 35 years. S vitli unprecedented results. S SEND FOR CIRCULAR, S 5 S, T. W, SANFORO, M.D., SafSSJS 5 ?vii nnijisr nn t th l lnr itk iirpt rirnt. $ -iul if j RAIL ROAD TIMETABLES jOUTUKUX CKN'i'KAI-. KAILWAY WINTI3U TIMi: TAIJLK. On nnd nfler Sundiy. November tn, lt"sth6 tratni on tin- Hi! iKk'li'liUiV l.ilc Jtu Ho ul i-lou will run us follows : WKvrWAKI). Kite Mull lcncs Ililb'Ipld.i " " llarifsbuix " " Wlill.uii'purt " " -U'l-suy Mior " " Loci; Incii ' ' Iteuuro " arrlvo at Krlo Niagara nxprts loaves rhlladclphla ' " llnriHtmrff " arr. at uiillamport ' I note ILiM'U Fast Line leaves I'MnuIriuhta HarrUburj; ' arrive at Wlill.unsport " " Lockllaen KASTWAUD.a raclflc Kxprcss loaics lcfc ltavcn " " .Icr'Vl.oro " w llil.iinspoit " arrUc at ILiri lsourc " Phllj.iMpliT.i Day Kxprcss leaves Utck Haen " MIIlunsport n r.r p m 4 2, iv in s .'13 a m i v'i u in ll 4U a in 11 ii, n in 7 lis p in " :o u ni in Ml a. ui 2 ("I p in 3 tl.'i p III 11 4i ll tn 5 .13 i in 7 2.3 p in li 4U p in r, 40 ;l in 7 it Hill 7 fi. II III 11 sr. a la 3 m p m n ma in 12 40 p 111 I In p 111 nrrnu ac iuiiii-imh I'lillddelplila Erie .Mall leaves Ifenow) " " iAiek Haven' " " Wltlli nirit " airhcsat ll.inlsl'uri; " I'liil.utrlpIH'. Tast Line li'aei 1 ll.ininrt 7 1 p 111 H.,-,pill 9 4-1 l I'l 1 1 111 1 III 2 4 ll 111 I 'Oil 111 li .ir, ii -ii !! .'i U 10 uniwa at narmhiirif " ' 1 llll.Klclp.iU 7 40 ll III Parlor cnr.s will tun lutween 1'hll.i .elplit-j and wlllani'-port nn Madura hxp-eiss west, Krlc L pre s w"t I'lill I'MphU Kxprussea.i, Di IWpie i vnt andsunUai Upiesse.rtt. sleeping earn on uii night t ruins. VM. A. 1ULKU IV. tieiieral upl. kTORTIIi:it. CK.NTKAL liAILWAY tO.M I'A NY. On and nfu r NnvrinbiT '.nth. 1S7.1. tr.tlns will leaio hitubury aslollons : .NOIiTUWAHD. Krlo Mall C.20 a. tn., arrive Elmlra " Canandalua. I'oche&ter.... ,11 .1 3.35 p. m CIS " ll 40 " 'la,'ara,.. lli'novo nccommodat Ion 11.10 a. in. urrlte llllatns- port 125 p. m. Eliutra Mall 4.15 n. m., ihtIvo nimlra 10.20 n. ra. llurtalo Kxprcad 7.16 a. tn, arrtvo UulTalo 8.50 a. in RorrmvAiw. liuil.ilo Kspross 2.;.o a. m.arrUo UnrrlsburB t.5o a. " IlalltinoioMO ' KliulraMall 11,15 a.m., arrive Harrklmrir1.50 " Wa-ililngton Id.S'i " " lialtlnioie o.sn " " Wahlli;;toli 8,3ii " llarrlstiin g nccomLnoil.itlon t.4ii p. in, anlvu Harris hurt; lo.wi p.m. ftnlvo l.altltnoro 2.25a. ra " Washington c.t:t " Erie Mall 12.55 a. m, arrive Han Mmrg 3. osn. in, " lialtlmoro s.4o " " Wa-shlngtou 10.35 " All dally ejeept bunday. J), M. UOY1), Jr., tieccral rasicnger Agect A. J. cassatt, (K'tirial Manafir piULAIJKI.I'll.V AND JIKAUlNCi KOAD AIUIAXUOIKXT OK J'AS-SKNUKit TllAIXtf. May 11, ls;o TIUIN3 LKAVR lirrEl'.T Art rOM.OW F(Pl'KIIAV KXTKl'TH) For New York, Philadelphia, Itvadliiir, rollallllo Tamaqiia, Ac., 11,4: a. m I'or Cataw tssa, 11,45 a. in. 7,21 nml 7,85 p. m. For Wllllainsport, 0,29,03 n. 111. and 4,00 p. in. TIUIKatOlt HUPKKT IKATR AS rOLLOWS, (SC KPAT K CB1-IEB.) Lcavo New York, s, 1 j a. iu. Leave Philadelphia, 9,45 a, ra. Leavo ltoadlnj, 11,55a. ra., I'ottav Ille, 12,33 p. m and Taraarpia, 1,35 p. in. LeaveCatawlssa, c,20 s,50n. m. and 4,00 p.m. Lcaiu WllUarasport,,j.45n.m,2,l3 p. in, and 4,50 p. ra rasscusi'i a to n nd ll om New York and I'hlladt 1 plita xo tlirous.i v. Uhout change ot cars. J. 11. WOOTTEN, General Manager, O. (I, HANCOCK, l.eui'ral 1 Icket Agent. Jan. 11, lilft tr. D K LA WAKE, LACKAWANNA ANC WKSTEltN ItAlLI'.OAI). llLOOMSEUllCt DIVISION. Tlmo-Tablo No. SI. Takes effect at 4:30 A. M MONDAY, JfNE 10, 1S7S. NOltTH, b'l'ATlUNS. soi'Til. p.m. p.m. a.in. I a.m. p m. p. 9 W) 9 2.1 4 12 9 411 Seranton i Itellitviiu 9 37i Tajlorvlllu... t II' u 2 10 6 2 ".I Ii 2 i0 A a si 0 2 41 li 2 4J 0 9 17 9 OS N t1 3 51 .Laci..iwauua.... l'ltutoo Went l'iltstoii. . Wvommtr...... Mollliy .... liennett ....Ktngitim ... . Mansion... Plyinouth.Iutic. 9 21 .. 9 191. 9 ll! 51 4ii 40 a 4. 12 41 i U I 57 .1 5 a 5 3 10 IJ 0 3 30 3 1U S 33 t 13 9 01. ! 41,. 10 18 19 33 8 23 3 90 8 53 . ...ri)iiiouin . . Avoudjto ,. .. NuntleoKo .. ,lliinloek-8 reck ...slilckhhlnny ....Illt'k'a Feiry ...Uoacli Haven. Iierulck .. ....Ilrlar creek,, ...Vlllow Uruvo, ...Llmo l:idi;e.,,, , Kspy, ...liloomtiburi;... 10 '.'9 3 15 3 i 8 12 8 111 7 61 7 38 7 2 7 95 7 IS 7 11 7 10 7 02 0 Mi 0 50 C 41 0 27 6 15 0 ll 3 12 3 ni 2 51 2 89 t -4 2 28 8 47 8 3 S 21 II 31 10 42 III 15 11 07 II 13 11 2j 3 21! d Ih'l 3 50 4 0.1 8 17 8 12! 8 tkil 4 10 S 4 IS" 9 4 -1 I ti 4 13 4 4i 4 19 4 ' 6 0- : i 1 67 1 61 1 40 1 27 7 41 7 as 7 33 II 89 11 4". 11 5 111 57 12 .8 7 29 catawlsbalirtdgo, 7 11! Uamlllo. ..L'lutUsky. 9 11 30 6 45 Oanifroii.. . I (M 8 45 .Northumberland. 12 45 p.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m W. V. IIALSIISAU, tpt biptrlntendeat'joaloe, Scraiton. Je.oo '9. .s(8. 7"AiNWiumT&co., WlIOLKjAIX UltOl'KHS, l'lllLAPKLFlllA, Dealers In TEAS, HYHUI'S, corfEE, bUQAH, MOLAbSES, nice, knees, bicadb soda, ic., ic. N..E. Corner Second and Arch btreels, tirorders will rVcilvo prompt attention. tt THI3 PAPEa 13 ir :pt ON TILE AT THR nrFICl! OP tim null nnri nillrt svamuo vim.nuzi.rnm lur. til 11 t nml ITIflitli M. Who it v -nU for tii ' I'cncr. ESTIMATESr.iVr! r NcnriiaiifrAdrfrlWiis-. btllU U3c. fur AYEIt (to hO.N'S MANt'Al- mm sHbil I'l