THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOM SB UliG, COLUMBIA CO LNTY, PA. m m timBinn. BROCEWATi: ELWSU., EUtori. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Friday, .Tuna 10, 1870. STVTK Our Rlati'liiil? Committee at its last wsainn wisely rufrulnfil I'rnin lii-liitctine; our Dele gates to tlio next State Convention, a4 to whom tlioy should voto for as our candiiUto For Stnto Treasurer. As they will bo on the spot, and, can compart) views with other delegates, they will be in better jiOMtion to niako a choico than a committee which was mt iuforincd as to candidate? or their merits, Our choico is Ditiiel O Barr of Plttsbutg. In 1877 we preforrfd Col. N'oyos fur icaous that it is not noccssiry now to mention. Mr. ll.irr iu the fifi-l p'aco has business iUalil!f v tious that euiiucnlly lit him fur thu office. His character ai an honest nun and ai an uti Mvcrvinjr, Democrat, is beyond question. West of tho Alleghenies our party strength has becu Mcvlily growiiu, and should bo foster cd by tho nomination or such a popular can didate as Mr ISarr. The insinuation that his nomination would bo tho succc-s of tho Itandall, Wallace, Huck slow or other factious is far-fetched. In tho first place wo do not know that any such fac tions cxi.-t, and If they do it is about timo to know that tho party is not going to bo pet by tho cars on account of nieio personal rivalry. Our only duly this year i to uominato tho b 'tt man for tjtata Treasurer, and wo belicvo that man is Daniel 0. Harr. If nominated, it is every Democrat's duty to go to work and try to elect him. TIIU VAXMBVY MUltDKIi. On the morning of September 9th, 187", tho citizens of Lighlstreet and the surround ing country wcro startled by tho report tliu' tho body of a murdered man had been fouud on tho Drakctown road near the widow John sou's. It was that of John Vanliew, who lay there with his head crushed, and a number of shot in bis body. Circumstances show that he had been dead for some timo wheu found, tho body being cold, and tho dew on his bair. It is probable that ho was shot when on bis way homo nt a littlo after eleven o'clock the night before. Ho bad been at Lightstrcet, and left there with Samuel Crevcling between ten and eleven o'clock. Mr. Crevcling test! fied at tho inquest that alter leaving Vanliew he heard two reports of a gun, which sounded about halfway between Aim Vauliew's and where the body was found. He also heard dogs barking in the direction ol Johnson's house. It is therefore probable that this murder was commuted at that time. A coroner's inquest was held, two arrests were made but the prisoners discharged at a h&eas corpm hearing, thero being no evi dence against them. The County Commis sioners offered a reward for tho apprehension of the assassin, and then tho matter dropped. Tho mystery is yet unsolved. Whoever committed the deed had a mo tivo. Thero was no quarrel or sudden heat of passion, and no ono would have been out at that time of night with a gun, without the intention of making some particular use of it Tho deed was deliberate and premeditated, aud tho person who did it, knew that tho victim would be along that way soon, and lay in wit for him, shooting him down without a moment's warning. The motivo was not plunder, as nothiog was taken Irom bis per son. This murder was cold blooded, and there is nothing in the dark annals of Molly JIa Euircism that surpasses it in atrocity. In sight of his own home, without any appar ent provocation, an lnotlensivo citizen was struck down and left to welter in his blood until death closed his eyes forever, and yet tho foul perpetrator is undiscovered. After a few days of excitement tho affair seemed to drop from tha attention of tho pub lie, and to day tho body of John Vanliew is in the grave, tho crimo unavenged and tho violated law unvindicatcd. If such things aro permitted to go unpun ished in this county what security is there to tho lercs of citizens ? Any man may bo as sassinatcd in his own door-yard, with impu nity. We owe it to ourselves to discover this murderer, and to seo that the full penalty of tho law is meted out to him. The County Commissioners with commen dable spirit have offered a reward of $400 for the appichension of tho criminal. This itself amounts to nothing. It will not alone bring tho offender to justice. The people must organize themselves into a detective force, and anyone who knows the slightest fact connected with tho crime should com juunicato with tho proper authorities. The murderer may sleep without fear of detection but so suro as there is a God in Heaven, so sure will ho be visited with a just retribution, It may bo soon, it may bo for years,but "uiur dcr will out," and John Vanlicw's assassin will one day ornament a gallows, unless death shall come before tho avenger overtakes luui l'arr Dead. THE SELF-ADMINISTERED STRYCHNINE DOES ITS fATAL W0HK. Philadelphia, June 10. Edward Parr, tho murderer of his daughter, who sank down in the prisoner's dock in the court room yes terday from tho effects of poison just after ho had been sentenced to death, died this morn ing at ten minutes before six o'clock iu tho ante-room of tho court house. A number of eminent physicians from different colleges were with him all night, but they failed to restore him to consciousness. All of l'arr" s immediate relatives are now iu custody, and a rigid investigation will bo had with a view of discovering the manner in which and by whom poison was conveyed to the deccatcd. The new State Loan of $2,000,000, was cageily taken on bonds having fifteen years to run at four per cent, at a premium $1.18 on tbo average. This not only show how good tho ctedit of the Commonwealth Is, but also that tho exaction of moro than six per cent, on good security, by Uanke, ba ying Fuuds or individuals, is extortion. No well regulated closet, iu a dwelling where frugality is esteemed, should be with out an assortment of Leamon's Dyes, prepar ed by Wells, Richardson & Co., Burling ton, Vt. They beautifully color wood, leather, muslin, silk, kid gloves, velvets, rib bons, grasses, shawls, neck-ties nnd all arti cles of drear, Thero li n central belief, not to say fear, that nowithftanding tho boon of biennial legislatures aconrdi-d under tho new Consti tution of tho State, tho existing Ijegislatuie, just adjournal (for which we nro all thank ful), will have to be called together again next winter by tho Guvcrnor. Inquity mado of well informed metuWs briugs the welcome intelligence that thero is no real necossity for extra session noxt year i that tho Governor, if ho chooses, can get along very well with out the LcgUlaturo until 1881. So may it bo. Meanwhile wo shall have an election in 1SS0. Ledger, In the United States senate on Friday, Senator Wade Hampton took occasion to make a nfn-t pertinent and telling remaik. He said that the south "could not he hiameil for tnntlng her Interests in peace to those who 1 1 -ked their lives and fortunes for her In war" and that "If tho north had In like manner honored thoe whose who fought her battle, the legislation of the country would not be embittered by tho renewal of section al strife." At this juncture the stalwart leaders began to glance around blankly for s iino of their number who have a war re cord. It may bo well to state that the eyes of all wcro not turned upon Zacharlah, tho standard bearer of the bloody shirt. Patriot, KXDUKSIMJ AMI "uOl.SU UAIb. These aro two of the great evil-t of the d ly, and we cordially eudnrie the following sensible remarks from the Patriot, "It appears thai It is some times necessary to swear olf other things besides whisky niiking. A man up In New York state, ho had lost considerable motisy by endoM log tho commercial paper of friends.recently went before a magistrate an 1 took a solem n ath that ho would from that timo forth nevermore endorse any paper of a pecuniary alue. Some man with the "gift ol gab" ho Is casting about for an easy way to make living might strike a bonaoza hero by the organization of a reform movement of this kind. The reason for signing such a pledge would be nearly if not quite as strong as those for signing the temperance pledge. The endorsement of commercial paper for frienJs amounts to almost as great an evil as social drinking. It Is the cause of a vast amount of financial distress over the whole country and wo venture to say that statistics ould show that it produces nearly as many murders and suicides as the use of strong rink." Of course there are cases in commercial transactions and in legal proceedings where the practice is proper and necessary, but we refer to the indiscriminate methods now in vogue. A man may not intend to "stick" his friend, but unforseen causts may lead to that result. Exciting Court Scene. Philadelphia, June 9. Quite an excite- meut was caused this afternoon in the court of oyer and terminer, when Edward Parr, convicted of the murder of his daughter,was brought into court to receive the sentence of death. The prisouer was brought up the little stairway leading from the loner story and placed in the criminals' dock to be sentenced. While thejudge was pronounc ing the sentence, it was noticed that Parr placed a bottle to bis lips and drank the contents, and in a moment fell over. The court room was at once cleared, and the apparently lifeless form of Parr conveyed to an adjoining room. It was stated that he took a dose of strychnine. Restoratives were at once applied and medical aid summon ed. Dr.Chapman and Beveral other pbyslciana who have been In attendance upon Parr ever since be was carried out of court, have made every exertion to restore him to conscious ness, but at half past 2 o'clock this after noon Dr. Chapman stated that be thought it was all up with the prisoner, and that he did not think he could recover. It is thought Parr had the poison down in the lining o his coat, us he had made a threat, it is stated at the prison, this morning, that be had something which would prevent him from being taken to the gallows. Thejudge who sentenced him said that he noticed that, as soon as the sentence was finished and when he had spoke about his soul, the prisoner seemed to fall back upon himself and be gan mumbling. Somebody remarked that lie was saying his prayers, but be soon com menced twitching and bad to be removed from the court. At one o'clock Parr appears to be some what improved, but it is not thought that he can recover. Barney and Edward Parr, bis sons, were arrested on the 9th inst, on suspicion of having mrnUbed their father with the poison. Disgracing the State. Looking at the utterly disgraceful pro ceedings iu the Harrisburg House of Rep resentatives in the last two days, there is one point of relief that the disgrace is the work of a minority of the members. It Is not a majority of tha House that says th Pennsylvania Legislature shall be a free field for the operation of bribery, aud that corruptionists shall go unpunished. Thii mitigates the humiliation in some degree, but it does not lessen the gravity of th damages done to the Commonwealth au the people. The corruptionists have been shielded because there were not enough members with a sufficient sense of duty to join the majority and vindicate the House and the State by expelling the men who had broken the law, the Constitution and thei: oaths. This failure Is as effective as if th corruptionists had been acquitted by a unani mous vote, and is as potent in assuring them and all uf their stripe of Immunity for the future that is, all of the future so long as the people who elect legislators shall choose men as unscrupulous and as dead to sense of sworn duty as those who have done this thing. It is the work of "ring" politics and machine voting. The offenders have been protected by a minority that was within thirteen votes of being a majority of the whole House. Eighty-eight members out ol one hundred and eighty-six who voted declared by their votes that the corrupt practices of which Petrotf, Ruraberger and Geo. K. Smith were reported to be guilty hIi all not be punished in the Pennsylvania House of Representa tives by the only penalty within the power of tho Legislature. There Is the shame, there the disgrace, there the Irreparable damage to the public. It may have been reserved for some such outrage upon public decency as this Four Million Riot bill and its corrupt career to arouse the voters of the State to their dere liction of duty in going to the polls llko cat tle driven to ttie hamble,to ratify the nom ination of any sort of mau for the high trust of making laws for four millions of people. Yet who expects otheiwise than that, when the next election fur members of the Legi'laturo shall coma around, submis sive voters will be found following the vaine old cry, "stick to the ticket," "stand by the regular nominees ofthe party," Thhj Is the anchor to windward the wire-pullers of the machine always rely on ; and It has proved to be a trusty reliance in many a bard blow. Le dgcr. "The tlranJ Army of the llepublic" It will 13 nliserved by our readers that Just now tho ltcpublican newspapers or tho coun try aro full of notices of tho Grand At my of the llcpublic, which they speak of as being revived in every direction and establish ing now "Potts,'1 as they call them, nt every point. Tho Decoration services this year woro generally conducted by tho members of this association, nd there seems to bo a gen eral arousing of interest in it among its ad herents. Wc long ago charged that tho Grand Ar my, wlulo containing among its members many unvispectitu Democrats, was neverthe less a spawn of tho Henublican party, and used in that party's interest. Wo have nev er yet seen any reason to change our opinion on this subject, and still believo it to lie n hcuio of the Republican party to capture and hold tho votes of tho soldiers. Wo ar o tho more inclined to this belief from tho fact that such great efforts are uow being made to recruit the ranks of the Grand Army, which for tho past couple of years havo been suf fered to becomo depleted and thinned, Th t the year before the presidential lection of ISM), and this accounts for tho activo inter est now taken by tho Republican politicians and leaders in tho Grand Army. They want to havo it recognized, its ranks filled up, new 'posts" established, and every soldier or sou f a soldier who can bo deceived, enlisted ndcr its banners. They hope and expect to bo ahlo to control its voto for Grant or who ever tho Republican notuiiiMj for President may bo, although, as usuai, they disclaim any political intention In tho matter. Hut as it was in tho past, so will it bo in the futurc.and no stone will be left unturned to accomplish their purpose. They controlled it for Grant before and they will do it again, no matter how cunningly they may cover over their ue- sigus with the cloak of a patriotio purpose. The Graud Army of the Republic Is undoubt edly a Republican device, and this is proved by their efforts to revive it just on tho eve of a presidential electiou. If there is nothing political in it, why is there such a stir in the camp just at this particular time ? Why is so much wore interest taken in it note than for the past two or three years? We have only to say to Democratic soldiers and Democratic voters, keep out ol this or ganization. You will be warmly solicited to join it, aud will be assured that it has no po litical purpose whatever.but we tell you if you ato wise you will not allow yourselves to be thus deceived. There is a political purpose in it, and that purpose is to gain votes tor the next Republican oandid.ite fir President. Any man with half an eye can soo this, when he takes into consideration the present active effort to revivo and strengthen it an effort that is being made onlv br Republic in lead era. Wo warn our D'luoeiatio friends a gainst it, and if alter this warning they are foolish enough to lx deceived, their fau!t will bo their own. Bellefonte Walchmin. Killed Uy a Pin. MISS SOPHIA LKItmiEHOErtS DEATH FROM SWALLOWING ONE MORE THAN A YEAR AGO. Miss Sophia Lehrberger died at 325 East Fifty-fifth street, from the effects of swallow ing a common brass pin. When the piu was swallowed, neither she nor her mother nor siiters have any idea, hut the supposition is tint she had the habit of putting pins iu her mouth, and that over a year ago she inadver tently bulled the bit of metal. In July or Augu-t of last year, Miss Lehiberger began complaining of occasional severe pains in the lower portion of her bowN, on the right side with sometimes sharp paius iu the back. These troubles gradually increased until Jin the lat ter part of September, wheu sho suffered a violent attack of inflammation ol the bowels. Dr. J. W. Ranuey, of 17 East Fmtysixth street was called in and treated the apparent malady, of the cause of which nobody then suspectid. Thecase, as ho relates it, then progressed as follows : The inflammation of tho bowels was controlled, but then a large abscess formed in tho right groin, from which when I lanced it.was discharged a great quan tity of pus. It continued op-u and discharg ing, and about a week fiom the time I lanced it there osuie out through it a haid lump as thick as a crow quill and about au inch and half long, which upon examination I found to be a common brass piu imbedded in some cat careous substance. Hero is the pin. Where I have cracked off the chalky shell fiom its centre and poiot, you see plainly what it is, When I first saw it, the calcareous covering over it all was of the thickness that you see it still is on the head a littlo thicker than a common quill pen. The abscess continued opeo, and ten days after the pin appeared this tack head came out. That was about the latter part of November last. Although the abscess developed into u fistulous connection with the bowels, the you-jg lady grew strong er, and in ten days alter gettiog rid of the tack head was able to be about. Two weeks ago she was attacked with peritonitis, or iu- flamuittiou of the bowels, and ou the 2d of June died. "The autopsy showed that there was an adhes'ou of the bowels aud the walls of the abdomen, and through this extended the fis tulous opening fully as large as a crow quill perforating tbe intestine. That was the channel through which the pin and tack head passed. Those foreign substances bad un doubtedly passed successfully through all the convolutions of the ileum or small intestine, uutil they reached the blind cul do sac known as the appendix vermiformis at tbe end of the caecum or large intestine, below the en trance into it of the ileum, and theie h lodged. The infiammation caused by the ir ritation ot their prescnoe commenced at the entrance of the lieuui, and from that point tho adhesion. Pins may, aud doubtless some times do, pass through the body without do ing any harm, but they are liable to be de tained iu the cul da sao mentioned, and, in stead ot passing through the natur al channel, form for themselves an artificial channel, as this one did, through the right groin, with the consequences seen in the pres ent case. I have met with no such case be fore in my practice, and know of none re corded in tho books, though there may be, Llko results have, however, followed the lodgment ot cherry stones in tho appendix vermiformis. I have had numbers of eases in which needles that had been swallowed worked themselves out after the lapse of con sidcrable time, and without any serious inju ry. They are prone to follow tho line of the muscle they first reach alter making their es cape from the intestine, and may come out iu the most unexpected places and ways. Hut the beads ou the pins prevent their travelling so freely, and they are, consequently, more dangerous." N. Y, Sun, Solovieff, Ike Czar's Would-be Assassin, Ex touted. St. Petersduro, June 9. Tho scutenco against Alexander Solovieff, who attempted the assassination of the hmperor ot Russia ou the 14th of last April, and was convicted ou tbe 16th lust., btfore the supreme tnbu ual, ol belonging to an association for the overthrow of tbe state, was carried out to day. He was hanged at 10 o'clock this morn ing in the Smolensk! field. WASIIINUTON LKTTKIt Washington, IU!., June III, IS70. EXIT EXTRA SESSION MANY APPIlOl'IltA- TION 11ILL8 UNEXPECTED UNANIMIIY A SCORE OF DEMOCRATS Vori! AUAINST THE ARMY BILL AN ADJOURNMENT ALMOST CF.1l TAIN I1Y THE 16th, t'ROHAULY THE LAST CAUCUS Ol' THE 81MS10N MULTAN1.MOU8 DtSAOEEEMENT ON THE SIL VER mix, Somo surprise Is expressed at tho very large majority vote by which tho legislative appropriation hill was passed In the House nn yisterday. It had been urged iigalnstlhe bill that Its prnvliniis were not clearly do- liunl and that it would be dllliciitt ol con struction. Some member, Democrats as well as Republicans, were iu favor of tho vetoed bill, witli tbo repealing section and appropriations for court expenses omitted, and there was au cuilearor to havo this sub stituted for tlio committee bill. Gen. Haw- ley was of opinion that a sufficient number f Lemocratic votes could be secured to car ry a bill to this effect through the House. In the late Democratic caucus the speaker f the House proposed and advocated a new bill biit he was voted down, the caucus otitic; in favor of a continuation of the present law with certain additions. Gen, ltawley finally voted in favor of the com mittee bill, ns did nil the Republicans. Tho twenty two opposing volts were cast by Democrats, some of whom wcro not willing to favor the bill denuded of the repealing legislation originally proposed, nnd by others who objected to the form of the bill. Mi. Cox refused to vote for the bill giving as his reason that bis constituents insisted upon the first stand taken by the party and wrre unwilling to abate their demands. Tho Army bill will be brought before the House by the committee on appropriations to-day and will be passed immediately. Yesterday Mr. Ryan, Republican, of Kansas moved to pass the army bill, as reported by the com mittee, containing the clause forbidding the sending of troops to the polls. The Demo crats moved and carried an adjournment be cause they were unwilling to allow the Re publicans to have the eclat of passing their bill. The supplemental sundry civil bill containing appropriations tor judicial ex penses will certaluly be passed as soon as to morrow and it will probably get through to-day. The Impression generally expressed among members now is that Congress will adjourn next Saturday or Monday at the latest. Con gress is very anxious to get homo, and since both houses are practically unanimous on the appropriation bills, iu their present shape, there will be little or no debate, and the only work expected will be the routine of passing the bills. The Senate will take up the legislative bill to-day, and, it is ex pected, will get through with the other ap propriations by Saturday. Yesterday immediately after adjournment there was another caucus of Democratic Senators. It remained in session nearly three hours. The Warner silver bill was exhaustively discussed. It was not proposed to make the bill a "caucus measure," except to the extent of inBuriug prompt action up on it, but the discussiou yesterday developed such immovable opposition to the bill ou the part of some Senators, and such irrecon cilable differences nf opinion as to the ques tion ofexpediency that no proposition what ever was pushed to a vote aud consequently the caucus adjourned without takiug any action and without its members being any nearer an agreement than when they as sembled. The speakers in favor of the bill were Senators Thurman, Beck, Voorhees, Garland, Maxey, Hereford, Coke, and Pend leton. Senators Bayard, Eaton, and Ker- nau made tbe priucipal speeches in opposi tion to the bill. The merits ofthe bill were debated only incidentally, there being evi dently no hope of changing opinions con cerning tbem. But the question of the probable effect of its passage by the Senate in connection with its anticipated veto by the President, was the subject of very ani mated discussion. On tbe one hand it was argued that the effect would be to give Increased strength to the Democracy in tho West, and especially iu the coming Ohio contest, on the other hand, It was insisted that, aside from the doubt whether the bill would obtain a ma jority vote in the Senate, its passage by the dominant party in that body would tend to alienate Democratic votes in Eastern States, and notably in New York and Connect! cut. It was also earnestly argued iu opposition to the demands for Immediate action upon tbe bill that the friends of the bimetallic system would most effectually promote the permanent establishment of a double stand ard In this country by deferring the present measure until the next session, and thus avoid an alleged threatened embarrassment to the efforts already in progress to establish an International common ratio of values be tween tbe two precious metals. The indi cations Iu the caucus were that at least eight or nine Democratic Senators will vote against Mr. Coke's pending resolution, and that It will therefore be defeated. 0. A. S, i'ermanenry an Object. i troubles with tho kidneys or liver a cure Is worth nothing uuless radical and per manent. Kiduey-Wort assails the causes of the disease, by gently acting on the stomach and bowels. For piles it is better than any known specific. Candidates. .The tol lowing persons Iiate been proftbeU for nomination by the seit Democrat to County Conven tion to lw lild August inn, ism, CundltlaU)s an- nounco.l la Oils list axe pledged to abide by the de cision or Uie Convention.) FOR HllfiltlFP, E. UNANGST, WILLIAM MILLER, of Centre. A. K. SMITH, of Madison. SAMUKL JACOBY, of Bloom, JOHN O. JACOBY, of Ilerwici. JOHN O. QUICK, of Montour, JOHN LOUR, of Pine, CHARLKS A. KNORR, qj Jlloom. Samuel smith, of fiihingvrtel, if. 0. KELCHNER, of Scott, OIIITUAIIY. (IKOWIE MAIITZ. This morning at 8 o'clock, Gtorgc Marti died after a long and painful llhiees, lie was taken sick about four mouth) ago with a com bination of dUe.ises of the heart and kidneys, This was followed by several paralytic ftrokei. For the list three weeks he was speechless, snd suffered the greatest agony. On Sunday he hail another stroke and was unabto to Like any nourishment at all, and this morning, at the hour stated breathed his lust. Mr, Mart: was lurn in Roinng Creek, Columbia county, on tha 8i!i day nf March, 181-1, and was conse. ipienlly In his Crtth yeir, At an early age he was apprenticed to Samuel Mc.irs with whom, and (leorge Mesrs he learned cabinet limiting ami carpentering, lie got no schooling except a month In the winter though every pinny of his small earnings was invented In books,whlch he studied at night sitting on the wood chest behind the slove at the country farm house, Upon obtaining his freedom he went to Canada, where for some time he worked at his trade and witli the money he saved paid for six months schooling, Returning from Canada, shortly after he went to Columbia county again and from there to Sliamoktn where he upa'n worked at his trade. Whils there on the, Sth of November 183S, he was married to Mel!ss, daughter of Ural Hopkins, of Light Strcct,who survives him. They remained at Sbamokln for five or six years, when llicy moved ot Potts vllle and occupied the residence at the corner of litis and Market streets, wlure they remain ed f,r thirty-one years except nn interval of 3 yenrs. Mr. Marls, first engaged in breaker building and like work. Having earned eon1 siderable money he went luck to Columbia county nnd ran an iron furnace lor three yenrs. Losing in tills he relumed to Potts ville and re-eugnged in building. The first breaker tricled by him was one atXorth Atmr ica. Subsequently he erected Johns' at Mt. L-ifiee, lleckscher's at Shenandoah, and others. He obtained several patents lor mining mn cliineiy, some of which is new iu operation at Wadesville shaft. At tho time of hi" drath he was working on a machine for hoisting coal aud water at tlio same time. Tbe models are completed and had not his Illness interfered, letters patent would have been taken out lids summer. Mr. Martz was always actively engaged in politics. He was a whig first, then are publi can, anil lately a greenbacker though he declin ed to be known by that name, saying always that the republican party had forsaken him and he the party. lie was a member of the school board for several years from the Middle ward in which he then lived For several years back he lived in the upper part of Pea cock street Fisliback. He was a man of sler- lini- worth on whose word dependence could he placed. He was liberal and public spirited and Ins ileum will he generally regretted. 'oiu- NEW AVDERTISEMENTS. AN FORP'.S RADICAL CURE For CATARRH INSTANTLY" rrllovcs mul ipnTi(.nent1y cure tills lu ml i noma (lliiiRae In nil l!i Yn inir H)tuen. it nua- m'fKt-ii lliu nootlilni anl heulfiur jiropertkB of jilann. Iierbs ami liurksln thulr 'Ki.c..lia. form, rruu inmvcry filirou ronin.mlii.ulun, ftiM ! tM-t respect dill its from tvi-ry other knowu rruieily. In one uliort year It lin fitun 1 Its wy from the Atlantic lf the I'nclllc cnit, ntiil v. l.erve r known l.u bviuiue thumand&rd remedy for tha treatment uf CuUriii. 1 tie iiruprlvtom Iim teen wnltcd utmuuy rp Dtlemcn of national reputation hohaa teen curi'J by ttiU remedy, and who ti&rr. tit cone! lerabla eipeuno nd personal trouble, iprctul the good uhuii tiroOKhout tlie circles In which they move. When you hpur a m-tilthy KeUmit of InteM ire nee nnd refinement Bay, " I owe my Ufe to banford'i i:a. Ileal Core," you may reel nimurcd that It 18 nn article of jrreHt value, and wort by to be classed among tha tana u rd medical ipeciflci of the day. 'TUT: benefit I derive from Its dally oie lito mo it- X I'utuahU. UKNUI WKLOJi, UP YV1LLB, I A BOO t 10. IT ha enred me alter twelve year of uninterrupted uaerlng. . UfcU. W. UUUUIliUi, )Y ALT1I All, MABI. iKOLtOWKDthe direction! to the letter and am hap py to lay I barfl had a permanent cure. I), W. UltAX, II. U.,2UBCATIME, JOWA. I HAVE recommended It to quite a number of my friend, all uf whom have exnrrMt-d to mo their high culm ate of lt Talan and pood effects with them. m ai. iiu n c.i , i tit it a 1. 1 aii t olio. AFTER Ming two bottlca I find mypelf permanently cared. I have ilnce recommended over ono hundred bottles with the jrreatpftt anrcesn. Wll. W, AKM51I.UMJ, 159 IIabbihon Ave., Bobtox. WK have sold Saxfobd'h Radical CritK for nearly v one vear and can sav candidly that e never soiu a similar preparation ti ireuaratlon Ibat cave such nnlvrrsal satisfaction. e have yet to learn cf the first com Dlalnt. r o rt nnfiiriw J. fi w . T ... fpilE cure effected In ravcase by Sanpord'bKapical L Cvux was so remarkabhi tlint It seemed to llioso who bad suffered without relief from any of the uhuuI remedies that It could not bo true. I therefore made affidavit to It befe-re Seth J. Ihoroas, Kq., Justice of the i'caer. Host on, V.&eh nark ape of Rixmnn's Radical Cms contains Dr. battlord's Improved liilmllnir 1 ubc, and lull dirt c tlons for its use la all cam. 1'rice, $1 CO. or sale by all v holcaalo and retail druggists and iit-nlcr thronch oiit tho United States and t .tnadas. Wl I- US X PuT TIIU, General Agents aud A bolesale UrufKitU, ton,3laes. COLLINS' VOLTAIG PLASTER An Electro-OaUanlo Buttery combined with a hlfhly Mctllcati-it Ktieniftht'iiliitf Tinnier, foi iiif-tho lrt ri:itiT fur milii uiiil tu-lies In cito World uf MeU Jlie, A MORBirTsWELLIKO. Oentlem'n, sent for one of COLLINS' VOLTAIO I'LAis 1'KUS, und it has been of jm'ut benefit In reduc ing a swelling In my left side thut two pnjslclana pro lionnced hnlarpement of the t-plcen, and one pro nounced It an Uturlau Tumor L A- lilsTLII. CVNTUIANIA, I.SD., Murt!i S3, 1S7T. THEY ARE THE BEST. CtiHlemm, KnclcpJ ou will Ami l;.t', nn.l 1 wl,h ynu winilj ftend mu Huothf r luzcu nf jour ( OLL1SS IIL1A1U 1'LAbVl.US. V,y tun ubovc ou 111 bru Hint I can 1 .umi'lltliur to help outers Iu ,ma tvea if I mn not Mi to bu up and arouutl. Time ure a num. that all planter, were Kooit jr notliluir, and now Join witli lua Hint tliev aro 1 ha lie.t tliej' lmu eer trleu. 1 tme vol alonkT till, whiter better limn 1 bn before In mr who iia. tri.'u jour pia.ier. vtiiu nal iHvcn Wifclivu I.eouM liatu b.aru of jour pi... ' l.i'itirTTA M. tT.OS. 1H1XHTO.N Siu, N. V.,llarcli :7, lflT. 1'l'lno, U. Crnla, r. eareful to eall for rol.MXV Vdt.TAIP n.Af.Tr.n le.t lull uet lotue worlMeb. Imitation. hoM ty all Whole, .lie and llilall liroyul't, throughout the 1'iilud State, and t'anad ih. anrl I.y WKhhB 1'im Eli, ITo- priClOr,, XIOIIIOU, .MUib. June 13. 19-tf NNUAIi STATEMENT SCOTT SCHOOL DISTMCT. J A CO II TKUWII.MUKU, Trcumucr. UK. IS FT 8CBOOL. Ily cash rul'l f.W.Kileur,tcucher, 10 00 " John (.'raveling, " 110 00 " baiuliC. bnjilur. " lluciO S. A. Wnrnmn, uloro bill, 3 47 " W, II. lloulnson M30 " K. II. 1'urnul, ItitilU'B ltlM " II. W.Aul. cmtl !) 38 " l',E.llniuboy.t bon,rcp'rs lo5 " rl A. Wornttin, llluss, etc, 2.11 " W.E. Dletlerlcll 177 " Ilurtuan A Uusswrl 1 Ui " E. 11. 1'urbcl, repair 3 (1 LlOHT STREET BCUOOL. BytJ.M TiTwUligi'r.U'Uclier.oino HOW) Win Mcl)oeI, ' " lwon " ri.nilm Hinder. " " 110(10 ' J. 'lYrwllllixi-T, coiil, broom, otc 43 50 4C3 70 arroN BcuooL. Ily nouglox Whits, t metier, 6 mo 140 00 ' W. W. Moorlieud, ' " 11000 " A, Mood, plaitf ring, cto 10 oo " Uco. W. UrevelliiK, coal, etc,.. 17 U) A. Mood, black board., Vi-a CROSS RO&PS SCHOOL. Ily A.I.Yan(tcrslice.tettchcr,.1mo 140 00 ' IavM Joncs.coul, floorlng.eto 31138 " Terwllllger,coal,etc 3 Oil 173(7 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES, Jly duplicate, to K. II. l'arel 513 tlcoptu bcliool Journal 1)00 school books, I. W. Ilartuiun.. 10 71 salary becrelary, K. II. I'ursel 30 oo ' Auuitnrs auu " printing thU icport CIO ' commission to Treasurer 0107 107 08 11SLS llalanco,, Mill 17 Pr. Jun3, 1ST i, cash from Henry C KelcUuer, lute treasurer June ,"7 casb received rrotn collec tor 11 N While, during eur.... 334 (I -IIW4 IT Ilia es 131 a llalanco In hands ot treasurer, . Amount In handni I oolttclor... Amount or exnonerauoLs , 101 u HM'L A. WOltMAN.I ,EKN.;aLK,,Aullw"' JunelS-Sw' K. V, Kunkel'ri Hitter Wine or Iron. Tho itrcnt success nnd delight of tho people. In act, nothing of tlio kind lias ever been offered lo tho American pcopl which has no nulekly found Itn way into their good favor riDd hearty approval ns K. I'. KibEtt's liimR Wine or Iron, It doos all It loposcs, and thus glros universal satisfaction, It lit guaranteed to cure the worst caw ot dyspepsia or Indigestion, kidney or liver disease, weakness, nirvouuess, constipation, acidity of tbe stomach, c. (let tho genuine Only sold In 11 bottles. Depot nnd Office, S3? North Ninth St., rhiladelphiti, Ask for Kunkcl'8, nnd tako no other. Hold by nil drug gists. Dyspepsia, Dyspepsia' DyBpepsia, K. F, KL'nkkl s Hitter Wine of Iron Is n suro euro for this dlscsse. It has been prescribed dally for many yenrs In tho practlco of eminent physicians with unparalleled success. Hymptoms nro loss of ppet ire, it lnd and rising of food, dryness In mouth, head.iche, dizziness, sleeplessness and tow spirits, (let tho genuine. Not sold In bulk, only In 11 bottles. Sold by nil druggists. Ai.kforH. I'. KcNkKi-'s Hit- trh Wink or Ikon nnd take no other. It.oo per bottle, or six bottles forfJ. All I ask Is n Irlal tf this aluablo medicine. A trial win convince you nt once. Worms. Worms, Worms. E. r. KI'nkkl's Worm Svrit never falls to remoo nil kinds ot Worms. Seat, Pin and stomach Worms nro renitlly removed by Kunkel's Worm Syrup. Dr. Kunkto Is tho ooly successful physician In this country that can removo Tnpo Worm In from two to four hours. Ho has no fee tint II head nnd nil rasses nllro nnd In litis space of timo. Common sense tenches It Tape Worm can bo removed, all other Worms can readily bo destroyed, sk your drug, gist for n bottlo of Kunkel's Worm strcp. rrlco l.oo per bottlo. it necr falls; or tend to the doctor for circular, No. 9 North Ninth fct., Philadelphia. Advice free. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. UUITOll'S KUl'OIlT tit" Kuirarloaf township ol supervisors of roads fo tbo 5 ear ending April nth, ls;. Andrew Ilcss nnd John Lewis, Supervisors. l)r. Cr. To amount of duplicate of road tax iu Auiireiv iicss nuiius lor mu vear of lSIs (1S4 cs To amount of unseated land tajc,. . 133 CJ Ily w ork done on road Ily time as Supervisor uy receipts ana omers rcacemea. .. Ily exonerations Hy orders redeemed To order 2 t7 J 15.', 44 tigs st To amount of duplicate of road lax in junn turns' nanus ror lue iearof is:s ar,2 no riy work done on road 339 32 Uy time as supervisor o9 BI Ily exuonoratlons a bo To orders 09 85 92G S3 f92G 63 To amount of orders Issued on over worx 343 24 Tlio above U tho indebtedness for the year isis. Wo. the Auditors of Huimrlonf tnwnsbln li.nve ox. amincd tho supervisor's accounts nnd nnd It ns nbovo stated. uy order or Auditors, ELIJAH PETKUMAIO AAUO.N KlilTZ, r Auditors. J. II. DAVIS, I Attest, ANDREW LAUBACH, Clerk. Juno Id jw SHERIFFS SALE. Ily Urtue of n writ of Fieri Facias Issued out of thcCouit of Common Pleas of Columbia county and to mo directed w ill be exposed to puollo salo at Williams' Hotel, llerw lck, I'a., at 10 o'clock, n. a., on TUESDAY, JULY Sth, 1879. All that corlaln pleco or parcel of land Bltuato on the south easterly side of Front, betweon Mulberry and Vine streets, in the borough of Berwick, bound ed by Front street north, lot of Andrew Fowler cast, Susquehanna river and Western It. Ii. south, and ot of Baptist Church west, nlnety-nlno feet, moro lor less, In front, nnd feet In depth. Being Water Lots Nus. 0 12, ns marled nnd numbered In the general plan of tho town of Berwick, seized, taken In execution nt the suit ot Andrew Fowler, against (loorgo A. Beam, and to bo sold ns tlio property ot (leorge A. Beam. Thompson, Attorney. Terms cash on day of sale. JOHN W. HOFFMAN, June 13 19 ts Sheriff. 1IIAN0IC OK NAME. ntho matter of the DCtltton of Llzzlo Fisher. prespotcd to tho court iu open bt-sslou, February And llOW. Mav 14. 1S79. It nDnfflrtny tn tho Prmrt. that three months have elaDed slcct- tho nn'KPtitincr of tho petition In l hi to the Court, and that tho prayer of tho petition should be granted, the Court hereby makes decree that the name of the petitioner be changed from Lizzie Fisher to Lizzie Conner, and dliect? that notice of tula decree shall be published In tho Columbian, a weekly newspaper published at Hloomsburff, fir four succeeding weeks. Certified from thn Ilpnnn! Juno o, im. m. KHICKIIAUM. 3 4 w Prothonotary. SHERIFFS SALE. By vlrtuo of sundry writs Ibsued out ot the Court of Common I'leas of Columbia county and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court llou.w lu Uio town of Bloomsbun; Columbia county, Pennsylvania, at two o'clock p. in., on MONDAY, JULY 7th, 1S79. All tnat certain lot ot ground situate In the town of CaUnlsbO, in the county ot Columbia, state ot rennsjlvanta, bounded and described as follows, Uvwlt: Beginning at a post bH for a corner for said lot at the Intersection of tho two public roads leadlDL from the town of Catawlssa respectively to .McN'lnch and McKelvy'u Mills, south eighteen and a halt degrees, east ono hundred and forty-ono foet hlx Inches to a post, thence by lands of Joseph 11. Knlttlo, north rttty and a quarter degrees, east ont hundred and Ave feet to a post on tho south side of the aforesaid rood leading from Catawlss to McMncb'a Mill, thence by tho samo north Mxty-lou; degrees, west ono hundred and forty-tour feet to the place ot beginning; on which aro erected a three story, brick building, storo room, public ball and masonic hall. Seized, taken In execution at the suit of U. B. Brockway against Ilobert Gorrell with notlco to Catawlssa Masonic Association, garnishee, and to be sold as tho property ot Catawlssa Masonic Asso ciation. Plur. Vend. Ex. Bkock at, Attorney. ALSO All that tract of land situate In tbe town of Bloomsburg, viz : Lots 10 and 11, bounded on the north by land of bhaffer and HofTmati, on tbo east by East btreet, on the south by lot ct wtlliam digger, and on tho west by strawberry alley, containing one hundred feet front by ono hundred aud nlnety-olghtfeetln depU, being two full lots,;on which are erected a two story frame dwelling house, stable and other out-bulldlngs. ALSO, One other lot on Railroad street, West Bloomsburg, bounded on the north by an alley on tho east by tho Irondale railroad, on the south by lot of Henry Hartmao, and on the west by an alley, containing flfty feet front and one hundred and sluy-stx feet deep, more or less, on which aro erected a doublo framo house, two large stables and other out- bulldlngs. f elzed, taken In execution at the suit ot M. a. Uughes, assigned to C. It, raxton, against Casper I. Thomas, and to be sold as tbe property ot Casper I, Ihomas, W.J, IlrciiLKw, Attorney. Alias n. Fa. Tetms cash on day of sale. JOHN W. IIOKI'-MAN, luno 13 73-ts sheriff. SHERIFFS SALE. By vlrtuo ot a writ ot nert Facias Issued out of tbe court of Common I'leas of Culumbta county and to mo directed, will bo exposed to public sale at the storehouse, on the first described property In Centre township. Columbia couniy, Pennsylvania, at ten o clock a, iu. on THURSDAY, JULY 10th, 1870, AU those pieces and parcels of land with the ap purtenances, bounded and described as follows; ono plecu situate In Centre township, Columbia county, bounded on lha north by a public road leading from Whltmjer'a storo to Evansvllle, castwardly by ueorgu k, Hess nttd Jesso r'reas, south by M, w. Jackson, Paul Zabner and John lllicr, and on tbo west by a public road, by Aaron Kelchner and Ellis Itlngrose, containing ono hundred and rllty.four acres more or less, all Improved land, on which aro erected oue storehouse, two small frame dwelling houses, two largo bank barns, ono stable and a wagon shed, on which Is a good appleorchard, being me same premises purciiaseu by aofendant at Or, phaus' Court salo as tho property ot Gilbert II. Fow. i er, ueceaKd. ALSO. The one-elghlh title and Interest ot defendant In au that tract ot land situate In township of Briar. creek In said county on which the defendant now resides, bounded on tho norm by land heretofore of John anpelt, now M. E. Jackson and of John lleavcnt r, on the west by said Adam Diet rich and Francis Evans, on tho south by land heretofore owned by p, M.TraugU and now owned by pettlo and on toe east by tho said Pettlo and others, containing two hundred and twenty. live acres, more or less, about one hundred and fltty acres of which are cleared on which are erected trame bank nam, frame dwelling bouse, with other outbuildings, on which Is an excellent apple orchard ana outer rruit. ALSO. ono other tract of land situate In said town ship of Brlarcreek, bounded on the east by land ot Hannah Muer, south by land of Isaac llower, on tha west by William mtler, and on tho norlh by Yost's estate, containing forty-seven acres, more or let oil Improved, with an orchard thereon, 1 belzed, taken In execution at Uw suit of susanah Hunt against William Lainon, and to be sold as the properly of WUlUun Lainon. Jiribos & Hon, Attorneys. Terms cash on day of sale. JOHN W. HOFFMAN, June 13, tt-U Bhciin. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. i irviiimMni; & clothier i'lai:. PLAIN TLA IN PLAIN PLAIN PLAIN INVITE ATTENTION TO T11J5 FOLLOWING STATEMENT OF FACTS. A 1W PLAIN WORDS TO ALL BUYERS OF DRY GOODS. WE DEAL IN DRY GOODS EXCLUSIVELY. PLAIN PLAIN PLAIN PLAIN PLAIN PLAIN PLAIN Tlio rcnU of n lifetime experience; In tliis special lino of buslnesi ; tbo concentration of nil our timo nnd irnonnl nttentlon niton It; the faciltles flll'onleil by ample capital invested in DRY GOODS ALONE ; h thorough knowledge of nil market, Kiiiopettn and American J con stant personal supervision of every detail of (lie business all tliewo ad vantages combined enable in constantly to unfold opportunities to our patrons which can scarcely be found elsewhere. Other houses may lead in other special lines of business, or oven attempt to do a littlo in all branches of merchandise ; we prefer to DO ONK THING WELL, and m LEAB in PLAIN V PLAIN PLAIN PLAIN PLAIN PLAIN PL UN Owning the largest retail stock of Dry Goods in Philadelphia (having six Honrs ol our largo building packed witli goods), till pur chased EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH in the best markets of tho world, we submit that we aro in a position to ofTcr unequaled inducements to all buyers of Dry Goods. In addition, our store, built by ourselves, ior our own business, Is conceded to be the most conveniently appointed and the best lighted business establishment in tho United States. To be able to examine goods under a perlect light is no small advantage to every pru dent buyer. Consumers everywhere wthin reacli of Philadelphia cannot fall to see the advantage of obtaining their supplies where not only tbo heaviest Dry Goods stock is carried, but where tho largest business admits of tbo smallest prollls. (Signed) Strawbridge & Clothier. Out-of-town consumers are informed that all orders for goods or requests for H.iuiplcs, will receive prompt, careful and intelligent attention iu a department organized for their special convenience. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER IM. W Cor. Eighth nd Market Sts., PHILADELPHIA. In tho face of everything, Wanamaker & Brown increased their great Clotbin;; business Inst year at Oak 1 lall nearly a quarter of a million dolljis, and for 1S79 ,uo ncw plans will make the house moro popular and incicasc tlio business much more. Eighteen years in the people's ccrvicc at the old corner of Sixth and Market has taught us how to do the business well. Whatever may be said, no bouse in the United States sells any-' thing like so much Clothing at Retail as Oak Hall, and no house in Philadelphia sells more than a quarter as many goods as Mr. Wanamaker sells In Clothing alone. Doing this large business shows the people's regard for our goods, and enables us to buy cheaply and sell at small profits. ' New patterns have been made this year and ncw styles intro duced through Mr. Robert C. Ogden (formerly partner of the famous firm of Devlin & Co., New York), who is now associated with Oak Hall, and will give his whole energies and valuable experience to improving the manufacture of our Hoys' and Men's Clothing. We do not buy Clothing like tho dealers, but make it cxprcsslv- for our own sales. The Spring stock is splendid, and no other make of goods, so far, have as much merit, or are sold as cheaply. Impressions have been erroneously given to the effect that Mr. John Wanamaker, .!io founded Oak Hall, is not interested in the old store, and that it docs not have his attention ; on tho uuiurary, m3 iiwncrsmp t,i n remains unchanged, ami lie has lost none of his love for it. I'.vcry day finds him tupcrvising all its departments. Mr. William II. Wanamaker spends his entire time on the Oak Hall business. A VISIT THIS SPRING PARTICULARLY INVITED. WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, 6th & Market Sts., Philatl'a. THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN AMERICA. Mays.tiMim. THEBCST THE WORLD- SOLD BY rim SI 500.00 nrufDr tioVCE cv ctoauts FOR PARTICULARS ' "UNHtrl on ADDRESS: WhiteSewing Machine B IUDOE LETTING. A eotered wooden brace brltk-e lo 1m built, oer Westc reek near Ell -Mendfith til's saw mill, llenton township, ii fret between abutments, length of abutments Itt feet, will be let at the commission er'aonieeon Monday, June th, 1MU, between 10 A. M. and J P. M. old hutments tu bo repaired to ltd. mltot Mtewback threo feu from lop of wall plate. Plans and speculations can bo seen at otllce, Stephen pom:, 1 comity CHAM. HEICIIAlt'l',- Comr'a. A. II. HE1IUINU, I Attest! Jons II. Ciskv, Clerk. Commissioners' unice,liloomsburg.Pa., .May 30 ID-sir. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS A UDITOH'S NOTICK. Iu tho lnattorof tha distribution rif thn run. i Court Irom tho salo ot tho property of Mooro Crete- IlkSKV J. MCEWSK, , m May SW HOOKS CHCVEUNU. j ''1Ur' Now, Hay 13th, ISIS, the Court appoint Oeo. E Kltiell auditor lo distribute the funds In cou't oils Ing Irom sale of real estate, by consent of counsel. Hi TUBCOl'KT. Pursuant lo tho above appointment tbo under signed will sit at his onice In liloomsburg on Hutur day, July 6th, 1B79, at leu o'clock in the lorenoon, where and when all persons Interested should appear, , , IEo, E. ELWEI.l, Junel3-4w Auditor, $400 REWARD! The above reward 111 be paid for the apprehension and conviction ol the murderer or murderers of John an Llew.of Orange township, Columbia coun. temiberl8,jT D """" G' "stUl 01 Hep" HTEPIIKN I-OllE. CIIAIILK8 HKIClIATtT, County Ooinrutssloneti. ACll. si. lIKItltl.MJ, Attest, JOHN 11. CASKY, Clerk. jjCommlaslonrs (Jce, Bloomsbuiig, Pa., Juie , PACTS PACTS PACTS PACTS PACTS FACTS FACTS FACTS FACTS FACTS FACTS FACTr! talhi Tin: 1 Aim Irra FA FACTS FACTS FACTS FACTS FACTS FACTS 0 .in simpi r ' m. ... ..into and o&Ziit FACf re. Co. Cleveland, ohio. APPLICATION FOR WATKPv COMPA .NY CJIAKTElt. Notlco is hereby glien that application will bo made under tho Act of Assembly of Anril sath 174, to obtain a charter Incorporating u WATKIl COM PANY, tha object of whldi shall bo to supply puiu water to tho public at the Town of liloomsburg. In Columbia county, Penn'a, anti such other districts In the ilclulty thereof as may bo deemed ndtlsuble, which Incorporation shall havo all tho tirli lieges Incident to Incorporated Water Companies under tho protlslons ot tho laws of this Commonwealth, invin STiiorr, 1. W. McKelyy, .MOVKH IIKOT1IBKS, 11. O. llAUTUAN, (ISORliE IIBKKINO, FllKiS 1IKOWK, JiMiS HiltTON, UEOKU W.COHKEL, For the Company, liloomsburg, fa., June o, 1ST9 3w, Jitou mine's Admr's, In Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county. No. ins lay Term, Ibis, Vend. Ex. 34 Mav Term. lsID vs. S0I.0U0N YE1I1EK. J And now Jlayls, 1S7D, on motion of W. L. Eycrly, Court appoint Samuel Knurr, Kstt., Auditor tu dls ttlbulo moneys In court arliluglrom tho sale of tho Ileal Estate of tbo defendant on tho aboie stated Vend. Ex. Ily TUB COl'KT, Tho undersigned appointed auditor by tho abovo order w 111 sit at his onleu In Uloouisburg, ou Monday June so, i79 at ten o'clock a. m., for tho rurimso of his um'Olnliutlit when and w hero all persons Inter ested should appear. HAMUKL KNOllll, Junoc, 1S79, Auditor. A UDITOlt'S NOTICK IM T11H BHT1TV f.lf Wtl II1U XIII 1 HUM. IlvrBlSEl). The undersigned Auditor appoluted by tho oourt of Columbia distribute fuuds tu tiud autetig parties entitled thereto.ln the bunds of tho Admlu Urator.Hlll attend to the duties of his appoint ment at bis uHlce In liloomsburg, I'enu'a, on .Monday, .1 uly Hit, 1879 at ten o'clock u, m., at w bleu time and place all parties Interested may attend It theythluk proper, or be debarred irom a share o said fund. N. V, FUNK, May 90, 19-U Auditor. OB PRINTING I K tally and ihejoly executed at Die Colmuiaji Office, J