The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 30, 1879, Image 3

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    THE 0OM1MB1AN.
n i, o o a s n mi, f n i ii a t , a t n, i s;
Rail ltond Time TaMe.
I Accommodation Train,.
..t.MA.M. 8.00A.M.
. T.M A. M 4.49 P. M
,. 1.M V. M. 11.45 A. M
I Mall TWln
lEsprcss Train .
T,3 1'. M.
Accommodatlon Train .ss A. M.
l,.Ml,r Kiorcss 4.0 P.M.
11,45 A.M.
I Throngs cars on Express train cither to New York
or rhlladetphlr. Accommodation train runs between
Oatawlssa and Wllllamsport.
nmiuu and ni-oovifarito. Iavo Camera Monday,
Wednesday and Friday at 6:aoa. m., arrive at
liloomsburg by liao a. m. Iavo liloomsburg on
turned ijsnller arrival of Philadelphia mall.
i!ironrBii ami I AmnsviM-i, Leavo iJilrdsvlllo
Tiiiiiliir. Thursilay and Saturday at J:30 a, m.,
Arrii Inir at liloomsburg by U m. Leavo Ulooms
liirironBamodavs after arrival of I'nrladelphla
infill "rue stage line terminates at Mlllvlllo.
iirnton and llloomsburg.-A dally stage Pno leaving
iirnton In the morning and returning In the eve
ning of tlio same day.
vnrTit lliu. and lli-ooMSBCRn.-Leavo Wlilto Hall
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6:3oa. m.,
mlvlng at liloomsburg by 10 a, m. Ia vc Ulooms
burg on samo daj after arrival of Philadelphia
niHTOV ani niAiBORn. Leaves Benton Monday,
Wednesday and Friday at 8 a. m.. arriving at
liloomsburg at S p. m. Leaves liloomsburg Tues
day, Tniirsday and Saturday at 8 a. m arriving
iitiumonaup. in.
William Hagenbuch,Execulor, of Isaac Hag-
Ienliuch will sell at Public Sale on the premises
on Saturday, June 7th 1879, valuable Real 1U
late. See advertisement In another column.
J. 11. Robison Esq., and Edward Harlman
tried their luck at trout fishing last week.
The residenco of J. A. Funston is being
repainted, which will ndd to its appearance.
The Christian Temperance Union holds a
Temperance meeting in the Lutheran church
next Tuesdav evening.
t, . Tt ,!. !... 1 ....!, Ill . .
aenaiur uuennuu, niiu una urcii iuue 111 III
IUrrisburg we are glad to learn is improv
ing. Col. King, a Texas cattle man, has a fence 75
miles long, enclosing about 337 square miles, on
which range 110,000 beasts.
An Ice Creim and Strawberry Festival under
the management of the Episcopal Church
Sociable will bo held in the Opera House on
Friday and Saturday evenings of next week.
The proceedings before the legislature com,
millfcin regard lo the impeachment of Judge
Harding of Luierne have been dismissed, and
the prosecution Las received a rebuke for the
unfounded attack.
Any one knowing the name of a young sol
dier who died in the hospital at Orangeville
during the summer oflSGl will confer a favor by
leaving the information at this office, or by
communicating wilh Capt. H. J. Conner, Or'
K. II. Ikeler and family, Mrs. Rishlon, Miss
i A. Armstrong, N. U. Funk, G. A. Clark, Ed.
Drinker, Clark Sloan, C. C. I'eaoock and sev
eral others, joined the excursion to Washington
la"t week. They returned on Saturday highly
pleased with the trip.
A twenty-five centbottlo of Wells, Richardson
it Co's Perfected Butter Color, made nt Bur
lington, Vt., will color SOO pounds of butter,
and ndd five or six cents to the market vnlue
ofeacli pound. Intelligent dairymen know
this, and they nil use it.
HMiop Howe confirmed two perfons nt the
Episcopal church in Catawissa last week Thurs
day a ficrnoon, fourUen at St. Paul's church
Bloomsburs in the evening, ten at St. Gabriel's(
Sugarbafon Friday, among theio, Hon. I. K.
Krickbaum, and one privatily in liloomsburg
I on Saturday. The Bishop'njsermon and address
to Ihe candidates on Thursday evening were
able, interesting and instructive.
All the resident soldiers of the late war, are
requested to meet in the Court House yard on
Friday afternoon at 2:00, for tho purpose of
participating in tho bcrvico of decorating the
graves of our deceased comrades. By order of
C. B. ItaocKWAY, Secretary.
Ai'ditob's Fees. The bill providing that
the compensation of auditors and commission
ers appointed by the court to audit Ihe accounts
of administrators, executors, etc., to make dis
tribution of the proceeds of sheriffs or asig
nees' sales, shall not exceed ten dollars for
lacli day necessarily engaged, unless the court
for special reason shown should allow a higher
rale, not to exceed fifteen dollars per day, has
paBsed finally and goes to the Governor.
They nre going to lmvo a grand time at
Sunbury on tho Fourth of July. The SoldierB1
monument at that placo is to bo unveiled and
decorated. In connection with this ceremony
there will bo a grand parade, about sixty fire
companies having been invited to participate.
Another interesting feature of the day, the
Democrat says, will be a regatta, tho first ever
held upon the river at Sunbury. Then there
will bo walking matches, gicased poles and
pigs, nnd other amusements.
Bounce Him. Attorney-General Lear de
cided that 'whatever the weights and measures
are used for, or by whom owned, It is the duty
of the Sealer to compare all Ihe weights and
measures uhich shall U brought to him fur that
purpose. But It confers on him no power to
call upon any person for that purpose, He
cannot Inspect them without your consent. You
can take them to hlra voluntarily, or you tan
permit him to do it at your placo of business."
And that comprises the sum total of his author'
It y. Bounce him, Exchange
Tho Decoration Day ceremonies will take
plate this iFriday) afternoon at 2 o'clock under
the direction of the Jsorninl School Philologmn
Society, The Firo Companies and Cornet
Band will Uko part, and F. P. Billmeyer, Esq ,
will deliver the oration. Persons having
llowers to contribute can leave them at the
storoof I. W, Hartnian. Tho Philologian
Society is entitled to the credit of the oberVi
anco o this day. On several former occasions
when no preparations were being made by the
town people tho Society has taken hold of the
matter and led In doing honor to our dea
Take WAitNi.Na.-What is sometimes gained
by taking a livo newspaper was illustrated n
lew days ago, by a gentleman who had hi
name entered upon our list. He informed us
tint if he had done so a year ago he would
have saved several hundred dollars. Ho had
been interested in an estate, but not taking
newtpaper, he was kept in tho dark until Itho
cstato was settled up nnd finally audited and
approved by the Court, and came out the loser
to that amount by not presenting his claims in
time. Just think that the amount lost by not
taking a newspaper would have paid for over
a hundred copies for one year, or one cop
for one hundred yeurs. Gazette American.
With a package of Kidney-Wort, the victim
oi kidney or liver disease, may exclaim
farewell, sickness! It cures obstinate cases bv
completely purifying tho blood nnd expelling
noxious elements. In bad cases of piles the
mre a speedy.
Thfl Improvements to the residence ol John
Qninn are about completed j and add greatly to
the appearance of the house.
The loss of the Misses Mears has been
romptl7 adjusted. And we understand ills
lerfectlj satisfactory.
To. season of the year lias arrived which con
verts the "Bluff" into a popular place of resort.
Neatly every day one can see psrtlea wend
ing their way up the hill.
Mr. C. F. Harder contemplates erecting a
bull ling on his lit near the cemetery for the
reception of his engine and machinery , That
would be a good step in the right direction.
It would renew all possibility of danger by fire
etc Hope he will carry hit idea into execu,
From present Indications there will be lots of
sport for Iiass fishermen this season. The river
seems lo be niraost alive with them.
Mr. M. Q. Hughes had the post in front of
his office painted red. This is very sugges
tive. Mr. Thomas Cherrington has completed his
building, and Is now prepared to do any sort
of wcrk in his line.
The gardens around Calawissa are looking
very nicely. Mr. O. Ellis has the boss one in
the town, although the credit for it properly
belongs to his better half.
The express agents at this place are kept busy
with the strawberry plant trade. Large quan
tities are being shipped daily to all parts of the
United States. The Sharpleis seedling is rap
idly becoming a favorite.
Kt. Key. M' A. Dewolfe Howe, of this Dio
cese, held services in St. John church Thurs
day afternoon of last week at 2 o'clock p. in.
The Bishop delivered a very interesting ad
dress. A subscription paper is in circulation among
our citizens, to procure money for the purchas'
ing of a fire engine. From present Indications
their efforts will be successful. This is a good
move. Although Catawissa has been unusually
tortunate ic not having many nor destructive
fires, still no one can tell when our turn wil'
Mr. Jesse Mensch's residence is undergoing a
complete renovation. When completed it will
add greatly to its beauty as well as the comfort
of his family.
From present indications Decoration Day
ill be observed with appropriate ceremonies.
The committee Is composed of parties who will
spare no labor to make it interesting.
One would naturally suppose that with the
advent of spring the tramp nuisance would be
abated, But all conjunctures fail so far as they
are concerned . Our town is full of tbeni.
The Ashtons played here to good houses on
Monday and Tuesday evenings.
The following from our Orangeville corres
pondent was mislaid last week, but we now
instrt it.
The beautiful rains of the last few davs have
given the vegetation a fine start. Our f.irmers
re all busy at work.
Peter Kline who has been visiting in this
section for several months, started for his home
in Michigan last week.
Sil is Conner and William Harman left for
the west on Thursday.
Professor Canfleld of this place received an
pright piano on Tuesday. We believe it was
bought of Gomer Thomas of Danville.
We have been told that Profs. McLaury and
Harrison of the Academy, in company with
Ernest Sloan and Harry Low are thinking of a
rip to the Ivorth Mountain on Friday and on
Saturday of this week.
They say, that there has been dissatisfaction
among the members of "The 'Band," resulting
n the withdrawal of some of the prominent
members. We hope it may prove to be a false
A lecture was delivered before the students of
ihe Academy, on Monday evening by Prof.
Waller of liloomsburg. The subject was "In-
ustrial Schools." The address was both inter
esting and instructive, and was listened to witli
much attention by a large audience.
We have to mention the death of another old
resident of Orangeville. Mrs. Mary Conner o(
Mill st., died on Saturday night after a short
llneas. She will be much missed by her large
family of sons and daughters, and by her many
'liends in Orangeville, and vicinity. The fun
eral which was on Tuesday was laigely attend
Mr. William Harman lelt last week for
As ever,
The Soldiers' Convention of this countv met
at Corrtl.'s Hall at this place in accordance with
the published call. The number present was
not so large as hoped for, but still a number of
new members were present. The Association
was called to ordsr by ils President, Col,
Knorr. The Secretary, Capt. Urockway being
out of town, Comrade C. S. Fornwald was chos
en Secretary pro tern.
The following from the committee on By
Laws was adopted as a whole :
Sec. 1 This organization shall assemble an
nually on the Saturday preceding the thirteenth
day of May, Ihe hour of meeting to be 2 p. m.
bec. - I nis organization snail meet in var
ious parts of ihe county from 'year to year a
shall be determined by a majority of Comrades
Sec. 3 Adjourned meeting may be held upon
a motion made and carried.
Rules of Okdeb. Roll Call of officers
Reading minutes of last meeting ; Report of
Standing committee j Report of committees,
unfinished business, new business; DecUrna
tion j Essay ; Debate J
On motion it was resolved mat the nex
meeting be held at Rho'sburg,
On motiou It was further resolved that for al
succeeding meetings that there be three week
notice thereof published In such county papen
as will insert It gratuitously. Adjourned.
C. S, Fornwald,
Secy, pro tern
Allow a cold to advance m your system and
thus encourage more serious maladies, such as
Pneumonia, Hemorrhages and Lung troubles
when an immediate relief can be so readily at
lalneil. llosehee't German Syrup has gained th
largest sale In the world for the cure of Cough
Colds and Ihe severest Lung Diseases. It ii
Dr. Boschee's famous German prescription, and is
prepared with the greatest care, and no fear need
be entertained in administering It to the young
est chill, as per directions. The sale of this
medicine is unprecedented. Since first intro
duced there has been a constant Increasing de
mand and without a single report of a failure to
do its work In any case. Ak your druggist as
to the truth of these remarks. Large size
cents. Try it and be convinced, aug 30, '78-lf
On Monday last our tanctum was honored by
a call from Hon. S. h. Ancona, former mem
ber of Congress Irom Berks.
G. V. Drlesbach, wife and daughter of llaz
leton Pa-, made a vl'jt to our town this week
Gil is a good business man, and as fond of
horses ai ever.
This excursion left Scranton on the mnrnlnu
f the 19th , under the ansnlce, of the I'rotl.
ence M. E. Church of Hits cily, In celebration
i its A,tn annlversily. We joined the parly
t liloomsburg, The excursionist Were nil In
good humor.notwlthstandlng "the morning had
uawncu mil darkly and the rain came stream
ing down." In fad some were selfish enough
to rejoice at the state of the weather, because It
had the effect of preventing the paity from being
uncomfortably large, and the ride more pleas
ant Irom the absence of dust. Tho iotlrnev vm
devoid of excitement, we had made sure against
me possibility of rail road disaster, we had
eltcd fate by the fore lock, we were Insured !
hoever heard of one insured dvlne or irettlnir
killed save by their own hand or their own
illful contributory negligence? Well. we roll
ed on along the winding shore of the majestic
Ufquehanna, through pleasing landscapes, bv
towns and cities to the city of Washington
With what feelings does an American approach
for the first time this revered cily I the Mecca
of America! The statesman comes with feei
ng of patriotic; ambition, full of high hone
and grand plans for the amelioration of his fc!
low citizens and securing his country's great'
ness and grandeur. The ulitician annears
lib divided feelings of self and party, full of
schemes for obtaining to his party success, to
lniself the V, hite House. The lobbyist glides
n with feelings of a foiy nature confident of
ecelvlng and cheating Untie Sam into some
credit mobilier, as he slips his fat wallet, for
as he not followed bheakespeare's advice nut
money in thy purse V The humble citizen ap
proaches with feelings of veneration and awe;
he is about to behol I his country's greatness
condensed and localized Into a habitation and a
amc. We drew nigh with far different
feelings. Our predominant sensations were those
f ihe traveler at the end of a long journey.
ungsr and thirst. Early ol Tuesday morning
o sallied forth, and beheld from'the beautiful
hite dome of the Capitol, which rises 400 feet
Into the sky a magnificent prospect. Within a
grand national amphitheatre formed by a chain
of low wooded encircling hills, through whose
gorges emerges the broad Potomac, stands the
city of magnificent distances," Its noble nation-
1 buildings, beautiful churches, and elegant
private residences, its monuments, statues and
fountains, its green parks, lovely parked
thoroughfares and avenues, so broad and clear
nd smooth, constitute Washington the most
beautiful city in the Union. The street
run north and south, east and west cutting
each other at right angleswhile the avenues
twenty-one in number cross the streets diagon
ally and the principal of which radiate from
the Capitol. The city must have leen made
solely for the Capitol, with the design of
adorning and embellishing. And it should be
so, since we, the people, pay one half of the
muncipal taxes,
The Capitol itself Is a structure of vast pro-
porlions, its total length being 751 feet, its
greatest depth 313 feet. The ground covered by
the building is a little over oue and one half
acres. Ihe material of the main building is of
yellow sandstone,which has been painled white,
the wings are of white marble, Ihe roof of cop
ier, the dome of cast iron, which rises 241 feet
above the top of the building, and is surmount
ed by a colossal statue of Liberty in bronze.
The total amount of appropriations made by
Congress for the building and its decorations
were $13,000,000. Entering the building from
the west side we came to the Rotunda, a circu
lar room 9u feet in diameter and 180 feet in
bight to the Canopy. This Canopy is decorated
n fresco by llrumidi, and represents a deific.v
lon of W asbington with six allegorical groups
of War, Peace, Agriculture, Commerce, Scienec
and the Arts. The sides of this room are
livlded into eight panels, occupied by histor
ical paintings. The Senate chamber is located
in ihe west rectangular in form, and sur
rounded by galleries.
The vice President of Ihe U. S. presides
here, occupying a raised desk upon ihe north
ide, while the desks of the senator are arrang
ed around him in a semi-circle. In the absence
of the.Vice President Senator William A. Wab
lace was presiding. The senators in the main
are a stately body of men worthy to represnt
their respective empires, many of them would
remind you of Ihe stanch old Roman Senator,
many bad lhat elear and hungry look so much
dreaded by Caesar, he loved fat, sleek men.lhey
never plot, lhat is "hardly ever." We found
the Senators on that ever to be debated ground
between Federal and Slate sovereignty. Are
we a nation in a political sense or a Confeder
ated Republic? It was the same question upon
which Calhoun and Webster had joined issue
n lhat gigantic forensic struggle 50 years ago,
the same question which has agitate I each suc
cessive generation of senators, and over which
they will continue lo war unto the end. Our gov-
eminent contains two principles wholly antag
onistic and yet inseparable from its very nature
and constitut!on,o nicely adjusted and balanc
ed as to keep empires harmoniously moving
each within its orb, v. iihout jarring against each
oilier or the vast empire within which ihey re-
volve.and yet with the complete predominantce
of either principle, the destruction of our pres
ent form of government must follow, for at the
end of one, is secession and anarchy, at the
other, colsolidation and loss of liberty. From
the Senate we proceed to the House of Rep
resentatives, where we observed In full sclion
that fine defensive wiuiion of political warfare
filibustering which the Republican Representa
tives were employing against Warner's Silver
Bill. The principal other rooms in the Capital
are ihe Congressional, I. Unary, the Senate
Library, Hall of Statuary, The Marble Room,
and the Supreme Court Room,
On Tuesday evening President Hayes give a
reception to our parly at tho While House,
This building is located in a beautiful park of
twenty acres, with walks, mounds, trees, foun
tains, and drives. The building lli-elf is ralher
unpretending, composed of sandstone painled
white, two stories high, with porticos on the
north and the south sides, supported by col
umns, tho windows are ('Id-fudiioned, with
small panes of glass. You would warcelv
expect lo find living here t lie President of Ihe
U. S. The President should have a new house
the Interior is but mildly finished unl mod
erately furnished. Wo failed to discern lhat
cushlondike appearance in the carpet as we
walked across the East Room. We were politely
received by the President, Gen. Sherman and
Congressman Wright. The President himself
headed the party escorting us through the
Green, ihe Blue and Ihe Red rooms, to the
Cabinet on Ihe second floor where he consults
with his ministers of State,
Armed with a letter of introduction given to
us by our Congressman Mnj. Klotz, a polite
and genial man, vho was exceedingly kind,
and did all in his power to make our visit
pleasant, we called on (ion. Schofield, the head
of tho Treasury Department. Tho General
politely received us and placed his private
secretary at out disposal, who took us to tho
cash room, the finest in the world, tho material
of which is ol marble, no two blocks being
alike. We were In the bond room and hail in
our possession, in our very hands, a package of
bonds valued nt $10,725,000; wo returned it.
After enduring considerable red tape regis
tering our names, residence and occupation,
we were admitted into the printing and engrav
ing rooms the money factory of the U, S.
There we sawthe 4 percent, bords, greenbacks
and national bank notes in various stages of
completion, A greenback receives six sepa
late Impressions, after each of which it is
immediately placed In tho drying oven, and
the ink dried for 21 hours. The employees in
this department are mostly ladies. We will be
obliged to omit from our description th
beautiful Botanical Gardens, with its plants
and trees of every clime, the Smithsonian
Institute, a most beautiful building of red
sandstone, with nine stately towers, tho Depart
ment or Agriculture, Ihe ( orcornn Art Gallery
with Its pnlntingj and sculpture, the Patent
Office, with Its printing press of Benjamin
franklin, the Post Office, the New .State, War
and Navy Building, tho Navy Yard with Its
Ironclad monitors, In order that we may say a
few words concerning cur beautiful ride of
fourteen miles down tho Potomac lo Mount
Vernon, On tho road from tho wharf to the
house Is tho vault containing two marblo
sarcophag, in one of which rcposo tho ro
mains of Washington, In the other Martha, his
wife. The vault is of brick, the front is open to
view, protected however by doors composed of
Iron bars. During' tho Into war tho soldiers of
both armies met hero, enjojing friendly nnd
quiet conversations, none daring or even wish'
ing to molest this sacred spot. Before np
proaching tho houso we catno to tho old brick
barn, the brick having been imported from
England. Tho barn is in a very good stnto of
preservation Tho houso is of wood, cut in
imitation of stone, and painted white. Along
the lawn nro the kitchen, laundry, smoke
house, butler's cottage, gardener's lodge,
servants' hall and a never failing well of water.
Among the beautiful trees that decorate the
lawn is a lino magnolia, which tho supcrin
tendant informed us, was planted by Washing,
ton with his own hands. The garden is now
as it wns laid out by Washington. In the hall
within a glass cae is tho key to the old French
Hastile, presented by Lnlayette. In the state
dining hall nre some portraits of Washington
One by Pealc, illustrating n little incident
that occurred between Washington and his
chief engineer before Yorktown. Washington
had directed him to plant somo cannon nt a
certain spot, which had not been done. At this
he was exceeding wroth, nnd he is said to have
reproved his officer in very strong language.
There is another painting of Washington, ex
ecuted by Trumbull. This Is pronounced to
be tho best likeness in existence. On the
centro table in a glass case, is a model of Ihe
Bastile. In one corner is a chair, that was
brought over in the May Flower, with our
Pilgrim fathers way back in 1C20. On the
second floor, Is a small room, with the bed
upon which Washington died. Hanging upon
the wall in a frame is a New York paper con
taining nn account of his death and bearing
date seven days after tho event.
In closing we desire to express to Messrs.
Shock nnd Shook, the manngers, our apprecia
tion of their politeness, and tho perfect ar
rangement which everywhere prevailed, thereby
greatly cnhaniing the pleasures of the trip.
An Excursionist.
A fair audience greeted the Ashtons at the
Opera House last Friday evening, and a better
one on Saturday. The old story of Rip Van
Winkle is well known, In the dramatization
the story is not followed exactly, some changes
having been made for stage effect. For instance
in the story Rip finds his wife dead on his re
turn from his long sleep, and his daughter
married to a young farmer, with whom he lives
the balance of his days; but in the play he
finds his wife married to Derrick, whom he
turns out of the houae.and enters into possession
of vast properly which according to the story he
never owned.
J. Ii. Ashton as "Rip," is good, He jierson
ates the rollicking dutchman in a manner lhat
keeps the audience laughing constantly, and as
the rheumatic old man his acting is pathe
lie, intermingled with ihe humor of his young,
er days. The support throughout was good.
Little Dorrit as "Fanchon, the Cricket," has
not been over estimated by the press. She is
indeed a wonderful little actress and one al
most forgets that she is but a child often years.
11- ir ... .. .
e nave seen -naggie .Mitchell in the same
play, and ihe only thing that prevents Dorrit
from being just as good as Fanchon is her young
face and small figure in the last part. Every
ldy was pleased with the Ashtons, and will be
cl id to see them again. We understand that
they have engaged (he Opera House for three
nights next October during the fair.
A- J. Pitman, the enterprising Druggist, cor
ner of Darrlay street and Broidway., N. Y
manufacturer nnd proprietor of "Ditman's Sea
Sail" says:
I sell large quantities of Giles' Liniment Am
monia. It is ihe best preparation I have seen
in an experience of many years, and do not hes
itate to recommend il before any thing of ihe
kind I know of.
Sold by all druggists. Send for pamphlet.
Dit. Giles.
120 We-t Broadway, N. Y.
Trial size 2-5 cents
t'liew Jicksos's lliaTNoeet ny Tolmrro.
We have had several frosts ibis week.
William Torrey of Ashland was In town on
Crops are said to be in fine condition,
weather is propitious.
John F. Peacock and wife relumed from their
wedding journey on Monday last.
R. A. Murcur E-q , of Towanda was in
town on Wednesday, holding a hearirg iu
bankrupty cases.
We have received from W. H, Yeargey of
Bear Gap some very large straw berries of a
new variety called Ihe "Yeargey Favorite Seed
ling,' Mr. Yeargey says that on the ?2nd of this
month he pulled a number of large berries one
of which was 6) inches in circumference. He
claims that his berry far exceeds the Sharp
less Seedling and a 11 iher kinds, especially in
earlinesa, it being two weeks earlier than Ihe
early Wilson. The specimens sent us would be
hard to beat.
On Friday last a disastrous fire occurred
ubout half a mile this side of Millvillo. 'Ihe
manufacturing establishment of J. B. Ees,
together with a large quantity of material and
prepared work was consumed, as well ns the
wagon-maker shop of Ellis Eves. The latter
wo nro informed was insured for $2,000. This
los is a blow to one of the best industries in
our country, and wo hope tho parties will
soon rebuild.
Tho committee who have chargo of gather
ing the names of deceased soldiers who have
no tombstones would like tho following infor
mation: Tho date of death of Jacob M, Armstrong,
n member of 2Slh Regiment New York Volun
teers, and buried in liloomsburg cemetery.
Ihe date of death of Adjutant Georgo S.
Coleman, Cth Pa. Reserve Corps.
1 ho company, regiment aud date of deal!
of David Parry.
Tho company, regiment and date of death of
Charles Sage,
Tho company, regiment and dato of death
of H, Bisel,all buried iu tho circle in Blooms
burg cemetery.
Tho date of death aud placo of burial of
I.teut. William Evans, Co. II. 178 P.nnn,
The company, regiment, date of death and
place of burial of II. Randill. (This soldier
died at Cel. Tule's).
tho dato of death of Geo. K. Greene,
Co, h, 152d Reg. Penna. Volunteers, buried
at Espy.
This Information nnd ihe names of uny
others bhould be sent to Wm. H. Gilraore, or
r m. Gii more , liloomsburg, Pa., as early as
Work Is commenced In extending Fifih street
Ihe furnilute msnu factory of II, Yost li Son
Is being removed.
On Monday evening last the beautlfnl yacht
"Carrie," of Hal re de Grace. Md slenmed
gracefully In port nt this place, nnd "heaved
anchor" below the Mahoning creek aqueduct.
Ihe vessel had on board the lollowing pnssen-
gerss Mr. J. O. WrIiiiouIIi, of Philadelphia,
owner of the boati Cnptniu Jacob Poplar of
Havre de Grace; Mr. Geo. W, Ldgnr, formerly
of Danville, and Mr. Thos. C. Fowler, of Espy;
besido a full crow of gallant sosuien who
thoroughly understand navigation on tho
"briny deep." The jncht was built nt tho
Espy boatyard at a cost of $111,0011, under the
direct supervision of M ruler Mechanic Thomas
Rutledge, superintendent of In Wyoming
division of tho Pcnnsjlvnnia canal. Early nn
Tuesday morning she steamed off "like n thing
of life," cn routo for the Chesapeake bay,
whero she will bo used for pleasure) and pisca
torial purposes, Danville llecord.
If tho "enraged subscriber" who rushes Into
tho newspaper office to tell the editor to "slop
his paper" only know how outrageously silly ho
appears in tho eyes of tho publisher ho would
send the message by a boy, and instruct tho
boy to keep very quiet about it, too. Just
magine n rann who habitually buys fivo cents
worth of tobacco weekly, rushing Into n
grocer's red nsn lobster, frothing at tho mouth,
etc., and saying lo him with great concern, "I
won't buy my fivo cent' worth of tobnrco in
your dnm old store any more I won t I
won't because I found n nail in the last and
it hurt me in a tender place!" The grocer
doesn't sit down on n soap box nnd cry his
eyes out for the loss of such a customer ; nnd
tho publisher treats tho offended subscriber
with the samo Indifference, so that nil tho rngo
and venom which some men carry with them
when they call to "stop their paper" only
betray a donkey's nnture. If n person does
not wish to rend a newspaper longer, he should
have it stopped with ns little ceremony as
possible, because no publisher under the sun
would exchaugo the profit of five cents a week
for the charming exhibition of cranky human
nature which the angry subscriber displays in
a hows office, when his spine is arched.
runirr's i'utti lleportcr.
The Oxford Professor who, lo avoid the
wind when taking snuff, turned around, but
forgot to turn back, and walked six miles into
the country, was no more forgetful than those
who still use the huge, drastic, cathartic pills,
forgetting that Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative
Pellets, which nro sugar-coated, and little
larger than mustard seeds, aro a positive nnd
reliable cathartic, readily correcting all irregu
larities of the stomach, liver, and bowels. Sold
by all druggists.
The Sparrows must cio. Mr. Stephen En
gle brought to our sanctum, Friday morning a
handful of cherry blossoms, which he gathered
from the ground, c'estltute of the fruit bud
The blossom was fresh, and the work was nc
complished early in the morning by the Indus
trious and destructive English tp.irrows. An
examination showed the blossom eaten entirely
off close to the twig of the tree, and ihe inci
pient fruit bud of tho luscious cherry entirely
gone. These little pests will have to go, like
Kearney's Chinese, .unless they change their
destructive habits, or prove that they aro os
sessed of some olher compensating and redeem
ing qualities. We Americans are not of that
nature to witness these British invaders destroy
our earliest, best, and most luscious fruit with
out an earneft and vigorous and successful war
of extermination, the llritisli sparrows must
go ! - llazhton Sentinel.
Business Notices
Finest stock of Wall Paper ever in Blooms
burg at Clark's Hook Store.
Large assortment of new designs iu Wall
t aper at Ulurk's Hook Store.
Call at JIcKinney's for Shoes.
Spring Styles Spring Goods Spring Styles,
Call and sco
The New Goods. Tho New Styles at the
ew t'rice.
Cheaper than ever.
Must be seen to be believed, better goods nt
lewer prices
at I). Lonemierg s.
Hartman Ilros. arc selling a fine Oolong
Tea for 30 cents per pound, also a fiue sugar
at S cents per pound, 2w.
Shoe Store below Court
Twenty-five crnvt more of fancy pearl buttons
just in, with a great variety of dress trim
mings, silks in iMmasse and rlaiu on the
Bias with u great variety of Fancy Gondi,
Parasol?, Fans, -o , nt Clark & Son's.
George A. Clark keeps ihe but plain
Window Shades, the best Cord Fixtures,
the best Spring Fixtures,
Rubbers atMcKinney's.
Heautiful Silk Hats New Soft Hats,
Wool Hats, Fur Hats,
For Men for Hoys and Children
At the Popular store of
l, Loneiiberg.
Use Kuapp's Curtain Fixtures, warranted
for two years, lor sale nt Clark's Hook Stoie.
400 bushels of Good Potatoes for sale ut
Light Street by Silas Young.
.May J-w
A larire assortment of Lawns and Percales
this week at Lutz & Sloan's,
Attention Farmers ! Attention Mechanics
Attention nil ! I Now is vour limo to secure
Ilarguins in Clotliiug, lints A Caps, Hoot
and Shoes nt Gross it lira's popular New
York Clothing Store. He sure and give tliem
a call.
Admission free at McKinney'a.
i. -Now
is the time to paper. Get your pa
per at Clark's.
Good Calico. cents per
lengths at Silas Young's.
yard in short
May 23-2v
Hard tlmes.lianl times is the crv. In con
sequence, the New York Clothing Store has
reduced Hie prices ol good Hoots it Shoes.
50 per cent, cheaper than any other store in
For Dress or Ulster Lineu go to Lutz
A largo assortment of New Shoes lust re
ceived Irom New York which I will sell at
low Prices. A stock of from $1500 to f ISUO
worm oi boots and shoes to telect Irom.
t liildren s Misses and Ladies Slnmcrs
Gaiters, Morocco nnd Kid Shoes, luce nnd
button. Ladles Slippers for 50 cents, C.'i ct,
7S cts., 90 t ts, $1 00, $1 25 to $1.10.
Cliildren'sand Misses' Shoes, SO cents,
10 cunts, 50 cents, 00 miU,75 cents, M
cents, ?1.00,n.25, S-l.tO. $1 50. SI CO. M.75
Ladies' Gaiters and Shoes fur 75 lenls, !0
cents,?! on, fi.iu,, si -to Sl.Ml.Sl.lM,
$1 75,?1.'J0, ii 00. S 2 25. j2 60. 2 ). 2.75
Youths' HoV mill .Mens' Shoes, $.0 cents,
00 cents, Jl 00, iUO, $1.20, $125, $1.-10,
l DO, 1 I'll H.70, $1 W, 'J (It), 52,25, J2.-IU,
$2 50, $2.75 ri Light Street by
may 23-2vv SILAS YOUNG,
l op. Kent. A residence on l iflh street
iieivveen j'larket nun i c-nlre, lurnlshiil or
unliiriiUI nl, 1 erms reasonable. For in-
loruiatiou innuiro ut this tlhce.
May 23-2w.
The twenty days sale of Spring Dif-n
uoods oi tjiark- cc sou, at ureat
Goods moving oil' last. Call sunn fur
A fine selection ol Ladl-a' Gold Wit' his
una uialns, tiotli American uuel luipoittd
by the best makers ut L. Hetnharel's Jewel
ry Store.
Lntct Patterns in Wall Paper nt Clark's
Hook Store.
DOlllllN'S KLF.crilKJ SOAP.
Having obtained lln. ngi ncv of this
f'l:I.KliltATi:ii f-'clAP
for Illootusbiirg and tlrlnlty, I nppend tho
opinion of some of our best people as to Its
"I havo used Dobbin's Electric Soap made
by I. L. Cragln & Co., Philadelphia, P.,
for washing about ten years, and think It
superior to nny other. Mrs. O. (1. Hartley."
" e have Used Dobbin's ElectrlcSoap ami
find It superior to any other or all others.
Jiirs. W. II. Jacobv,
.Mrs. 11. II. Stohner.
I desire nil my friends and customers to
(7ic rViis Soap one IVfal,
so that they may know Just how good the
Best Soap in the United States is.
.1. II. Maize.
july 12, '78-ly liloomsburg, Pa.
Hoot headquarters nt McKluney's.
All kinds of hair workdono chenolv. neatlv
and promptly by L'zzio II, Jncoby, Iron
street, below Fourth. Patronize homo In
dustry. For a Eiuo Suit of Clothing go to Ihe
New York Clothing Store, also nice Suits
from 3 to 5 dollars.
For the cheape't nnd finest patterns of
Iron Fenco go to S. M. Hess, liloomsburg,
More Dross Buntings to come In at Lutz
ti Sloan's this week.
Boots and Shoes cheap at McKluney's.
All the popular colori ol Oil Window
Shades at Clark's Hook Store.
Spring Overcoats Spring Ovrrcoit",
Cneap, Durable. Neat nnd New
Just received at 11. Loweiibergs,
Farmers attention I S. M. Hess, Blooms
burg, Pa., now offers cheap for cash or grain
all kinds of firming implements.
AI'RIt.14, 1S79.
To Horough Dupllcato
a mills Poor, $ CJ5 S3
do do w 1 mill special, t 110 oa
To township Duplicate
10 mills Poor. 6.osi) c!
do do (J s mills Special, 2,r,io S3
S.CSiO (.9 6,620 4S
lly amts, returned to Commissioners on Iloroush
Poor. Special.
Daniel Dlxnn ts 16
Phillip lleflron 1 2i
Mary Mcllreartv 1 on su
Richard 1'urcell 1 00
I 13
Township Duplicate.
4 13
Wm. llrown....
11 511
1J hS
1 l)
3 3S
3 25
1 11)
4 no
5 U)
2 on
a in,
a in
12 00
Jacoi Itenner
Andrew nuit
Hernard Hreslln
Nathaniel llrown....
Joshua Ream
Jno. s. D. Cosgrove .
Turrenco catu
Danl. Callahan
Catharine cook
DaUd cook
David Davidson
Cornelius Donahoe
Ann K.vans
Thos. Hennessey
Jno. Houston
Peter Kline
A. W. Kreamer
Jas. Morrlsson
Terreiire Mcuulre. .
Peter McManlman. .
Felix McManlman .
'ihos Mellon
Jiarr fz Kendlg
11. s. Marr
Mary Rushton
Thos. Rushton
Lewis DrlcsDach
Jacob Trlon
Jacob Trlon
Frank Yocum
Henry Yarllng
Jno. Young
15 l0
25 75
2 10
0 51
2 0(1
h no
1 75
10 00
4 is)
a on
c isi
1 25
21 10
lly ami, of exonerations on Rorough Duplicate
I i)
a ro
l 73
1 so
1 50
II 1!
Elizabeth Clears-
ills. Thos. Langon...
" Jno. Monohon
Thos. Monohon. .
" Jno. DaMs
" Jas. McManliuun.
" con. Lentlion
" Mary ejuunlng
2 22
Exonciatlons on township duplicate.
Wl low Cnulcy
Anlhony cosgroie.. .
widow ilerrafity
Widow conrey
Ilemy Ijiielle
li Mow lluglns
P.itilek Cunrey
i men cntac;.iii
Riyan Monohon
Itrjan Kllker
2 nn
1 no
-iu lies .-saiiguion
4 2S
.,114 Gs,
lly collector's commission on
5 tier cent, it-iruiar tav.
27J 21
lly amount paid to Tieaaiirer,
5,172 45
Total credits.
6,1)2$ 4
lly exonerations on special tax Hor. duplicate,
2 M
1 VVIl. " 4 i'
ain't refd to Comml sloners on Tvvp " 79 0'
" " ' ' nor. " s
Collector's comtntsilon on tl.!6 20 w 5
ner cent.. 124 l
lly am t special tax paid Treasurer, 2.4 J5 99
B.C-0 69
We. tho Auditors of Coninclinm lo-.vcshln and
c eiur,iii,i i-our uisinii. 11 ivi- e.iiinui"(i me e oueci
ur s ueeouni, unu nuu it usaooie fcl.uca
'RI'llY, 1
Vis, .ir , tTvvp. .'
CC, su-j.l
i. r.u. i, , Hi v
THOMAS CMSF.Y. , lior. Auditors.
Centralis, Apill IV, 1S79.
U1I.1M iieiii itcrc.
To ain't of poor tax ree'd of Collector,
ii-u u iiuiu cuuuui&Mumrs unseaieu
land tax
lly orders redeemed us follows, viz :
2. Fen. 20, Isir., is. Y eager meat & Shoals,
17. Sept. 29, 1S77, Jas. Deviey keeping Mrs.
is nn
43. Dec. 81, 17:
"77. Thos. (Jallagheras director, 99 no
ss. .Mur.20, is, ti, r.u, i.crrauiv ror itiruitiiro
45. Dec. 31. ISii. Ihos Chaoinan as tllii-einr. wt u
so R. M. 1-asheil in'dlcaUenlce, 23 00
47. Jan. so, 1S7S, (.asp. Khan n clothing, t on
51, Apr. 9. " Mrs. Ed. (Jerrality, as mation, Ms 84
v, nenry i.erramy, as hired man, 200 on
11, Miss Ann lierrahtv, as girl, so no
2:, ls7s,ch'is. .Mi-iiiilri', audtlns 1P77, 25 en
-nun. i-ian igau " "
" " Jas Mii.'icihou. "
" " (1. W. Halls Jr, " "
" H103. Muiphy. " '
25 0-
25 Ml
25 0
2 1
ui, " ' " wm II, Price, "
01. " " " Wm H. Price, transcribing
auditor's report Ac
fs., lsis, D F. Curry, 100111 lent,
CO. 27, 1S7s, 'Ihos llcirahtv, .al.i,eii.
log -ladliecior,
i-9. Apr. 2',1 7s, Thos. Chapman, srilecs,
07. Apr.v7, ISIs, Tins, (Jerrality ttlteiidliit;
audits of '77 und '7-,
cs. Apr. 27, 1s7s, Jno. Snyder smith nork,
7u Apr. 27, ls7, '1 raw. Chapman attending
audits of '77 and '7B,
7'i. Apr. 27, lh7F, Jos, (1. Smith, smith ivoik,
,1 Apr 27, sis, Thos, Ceirahti team on
farm In 77 und '7s,
76. 77 und 'is, '1 hos. (ferrahty coal for out-
duor paupers,
70. May 4. ls7s, llurk Pros. 4 small cofllns,
Wm. Prison leu 11 ser-i-is.
.." ' " -Niaryo'llojletur attending
Anthony Dougherty
M. May 4, isis, p. is. iiucic hardware and
25 CSJ
15 Oil
35 110
40 5ii
8 33
21 (0
21 in
15 10
.15 611
35 00
20 CH)
12 no
S5. Julys, 17S,
A. II. Ruck, hardware A
14 CO
M. iuly s, lsis, M, T. Donahue wn'l paper.
t7. July t, 17, It. M. lashell medical m.
11 4
3 u)
1 ices,
8s. July s, ists, llurk Pros, furniture,
?f J' .'1 ;'.-.W-Dills medicine.
91. Sent. 9. Is7s. Jus Dlkntn.m,
U 75
10 35
bo SO
Jas di ke meat ami cloicrseed, 21 62
. , V, "J'los Kearns dUrslnz grilles, 4 (m
i-u. " uii. nuriv neaier work on (arm 14 0
wi. auiy,is s, Joanna 11 ct-ntifrhur) him, mi id
us. ii i-, .5,.-,i)uih nrus. contni ro. Junius no im
; .s, 11. 1- n uit-r iiiiv ui e &c., 1
Wi. " " " p. nu;k hardware und
phosphate, ,
101, sein. 9, lsis, Yeacer ARro. Itjnets
I S9
; i-uiiif.iM o piiiiuig Mumps, 1
'IIU (MlVUtr MnUlllllir
199. ' " Mrs. Kelly attending to
20 t'
i.eurKH lliiffi-rs lltirr, yn (,
i,ei, , is,s, iturK oroK.cnnins, 4s ihi
1" 1', V .:..'! rorihirfclmeilnidware u
Aui:.2iJ,, 'Urns. (ieriubiy.uBil it-clcr Smiu
NO!. 1 1, l,s, Mllus MeNiilll. lor cu', h.5 0"
I'-'- " II II. I. tiUldlll, hi'ISluiMl',
ftiewum imacuoiiur, titie
. ....... ikoi.v, iiven iia
su toi, n,i.u iiurpnv, merchandise, ran
UO. Nov.trs, !S7(1, K. D. knit mnllliluif,
ii,. in- . iio uniiiio. l li.loll. Ihu,-, 6s 211
uau, i. ,3... ,111 nam riu lor, iiltclnl.
,.c ,, ui ...iiiiiaii i.uri, 1
, 1 .',!-.' ,.v . " k, pun! ni'r uts, 11
...... I-.,, , Hiiit, nam, htli.Hil nit y,, ,
.... . , '-;.". ii. -uui. iu, uioiillia.
uuidoiiriejhf. :,
wi. r u. 21. 1 I. Mil,, h.pmui,. I,,,, .ha- ,r ,.,
i- .i. i-.i. .ui'i. 1 rani-. - a uirieti.r. u.
i':',,J !,',' ' l ull- keeplu.- v-u'ih, lu 00
Apr . lsl7,'ll,i U1.11 nuu to r" lilro
. .un,,, ii-iiiri luineugiiuui.
9 a Jurec isis, p. laiuu ur liav,
-,rj. June 5, lsis, Put I'ljim, uurk it Poor
10 00
lu 00
Apr.2S, Kit. 1:, 11 Ktirts forum hlu-.
vs. Mi,,- ' ? (I. I. Ml ,,, , u 'J)' '
- t J' , 1, u in ( h 't n . fi r h -i -J
Ja-i, t", v -. . , 1 &
4. 1 1 1 ti b, 1 -1 r
Wm l.rerm 1 . - n
Wi.T.c,v f,".-.Jiit luiiiu.iv rkcnlaria.
tin. Julys, " Bias thiider, lor Uour, '
fi. Mar. si, is:a, J.J. locum, medical ser
vices and i-ost, M trl
M. Nov. 3, 1ST7, Alfred llancroft for Md.. an lo
151. Apr I", 1T, Kami. Keller.acct. of nerve., w w
ltd. Iiatld Walsh, ' as director, mi to
ir.B. " " " 'Ih.tlallnitlier, " as ' sow)
wt. ' r. p. linrtc, "as clerk, win
Its. " in, chapman, ' as nlrector, limoi
1M. Niunl. Kcler. " asslcwsrd, P in
lloct of Marks Mcuiat.i, M ir. 8S Ts no order, mi i
" for prnt'g auditors n-p i In 1S7S, no order, 8ii ei
.ImleiM-nt of Danville lns,ino Asylum, No.
iw Mny irnn, in I u, nu orucr, wi
Danvuis Asylum, keeping II, I'cirrcr, no order, 19 so
ay uit
Tntnl nmntint ri-ilwmiMl.
Ry Treas. coinm on i,wm 91. at rr cent.
.ii.iui,- una j inv i iviiBurer,
To aint. of special lax ree'd of rollc-ctor,
tly comm. on tJ.s'ss n ntJ per rent. H fi
iingmeiiT oi it nrjbon k i o., use
li. II. Mauirer. No. . Feb. term
1S70. In full or liiihrmcnt. (2 At
On Judgment of same to uw of Baine,
No. am, Sept. term, !", s.'.o as
Coslson llurk ,t Urns. J ldgment, No.
am, -May term, ls;s, 1! 33
rornian unnaiis, juagmenr, o. go,
I'eb. term IS70, 113 ta
(. .Murphy, Judgment No. 'is, Feb.
term, i.i, How
II -Millard. indzment No. W.Feb.
ti nn,, on account, 800 00
. II. M lli.i cl. judgment. Dec. term.
on aceouat, tis Qi
2,213 92
Halance or special tax In hand of Treas.,
212 C7
8,135 99
Wp. tLn Auditors of Comncham townslitn and
Ccntralli Poor nistil-t, have examined the accounts
nnd vouchers of the Treas. and nn t tliem as above
oko. w. liAVis. Jr., Vllor. Auditors.
w.M. II. PRICE, secy.)
THO. CASKY, J-Twp. Auditors.
Ceutrall.i, April I'.Hli, ls;s.
1 ho following orders were credited on JaniOH l).il-
ley's balance duo Hie district :
189. -Ian. 2S, isw. Wm. Ilarrclt, attending
M (1 lno er. Sil 00
150. Mar. i ls79, Mary l'adden, nunlng
-Mrs. wm. irenn in. s 00
117. (H't.iS. !S7s, riias. Mrausser, carpentering, 9 (o
.1 tu v i--;s. Mrs. curran. nursln?. 15 no
51, Anl. is. 7s. Thos. CienaUty. director. 120 00
lira. Deo. 7, W7, m. Ilarrclt. attending M.
ill 1m cv. lo OD
91. July w. 17. s. p. Iz-van, for moat, ei 09
l-il. Diio. 2s, 17s, ,1ns. Dke, tor meat, 2i! r7
Gl. Apr. ', 17"., Mrs. iAllvy,kc-p ngThos.
.MoNelliiHiind famlli. 7 SO
no. Jim. w, ist'.i. c. (I. Murphy, for Milse., is o
.in. tud r lu f.iur ol Mild, sulllrun, lust, lis) iu
tans u
Orders Hsuotl diirlnffttie year nnd nnt ledecim-il t
Apr. 27. IMS. J. J. Ilcrner. ccllin for J.
KnlitleK lte, fjiiig
Anr. 27. is,s(.i, ,i. lurin-r, oltlii fur J.
Unltlle, sr., 2, 00
Apr. 27, lsls, Ihos (laltegker K-rilees
as director. s 3.1
2. Apr.,27 17S, Thos. OaKcgher, altend-
intrauuiisin is,, anu is.s, m
-May 4, ls.s, Ed Foy, attending Hryan
Kllkcr. hurt. 15 on
so. -Mnyi.isis, o.ll. Millard, for Mclso., i.ih 4S
si. May 4, is7s, o. H Millard, out door relief, rso o
ed. . i uiy is,-., ii. ii .Minaru, s.ii w
S4. Jull'8. ls.s. o. 11. Millard, for mrtsn . 4 si 72
9. J uly s, :7s m. 1 lller Keeping vuirrants, si 75
9J sew. 9. IMS. R. M 1-astiell. meu I si nues. 2.) 7o
IU2. sept 3 1S7S, E. 1). cults, for smithing 6 ch)
ll, Sept. 9. lsis, Rt-ubeu Fahrlnger, legal
her lues i i i.i, it cu
sept 9, 1S7S, Reuben Fahnnger, legal
services In !7s, 47 no
sept. 9, is7s, (i. W.Davis, medicine, '.3 o
sept. 9, s7S, 'Ihos. Ualicghcr, hcrMccs
as director. 1-. oo
111. eiet. 4, 's7s, p. e inn-k. for phosphat, 4ti 10
12. on 4, isis, s. l- u .in, bah duo uaor-
uer his, jan. i, la 62
13. Ott. 15, p.7s Jno. llerner. roiuh-box
and hearse, 4 m
115, net 15, i37s, Mrs. Sweeny, making .
Miruuii lor.ids. hane. 3 oo
a. oet. 15. wm Pirfer.kecnluir variants. 15 16
Us. Nov. 1.', lsis, (1 w. luils, medicine, 23 13
!. " " " 1). F. Curry, h jrso hire and
keen nc vairranis. 21 60
12.1. Nov 14, ls7 p. v, Hurke, rtx-m rent to
.l.llll HI, ISI-, S.1 X,
a. Dec. ;, is7s, .11. Murphy, for mdse.. awl hi
" P. E. Iluvk. h-uilvvaro, 4 14
' " li II. .Millard, furmdso.. 101 in
an, " " " Wm t'loaier, luiuii-r. 24 37
2-. 11. M. ljisht-11. medical serv. ill v."i
33 P. M. Ilea7er. notntm-s. 7 sit
134. John snjdi r, smithing. 19 61
1.15. Clio.-,. Chainberlaln.serv ices
remiert-u. 2 2i
, Die. 2s, IS7S, Win, i harman, horse hlie, nooo
Jan. 2, is79, S.iml. Keller, acet. of sel-
l lees as stiivvaio. so (s)
13s Jan. 26, ls79, ii W. D.n Is. medicine. ill u
II. 26, Waller Illllnun, rcpilrtiu
eiirri.iL'e. 13 n ,
IK. Feb. us, " Casper Rhawn, clothing, 7 in
14.1. " " " Owen catuiran. nurbtti?
Ii. Mcndrrw. fi no
41 I eb. 2s, is79, Hurke k liro. conin A hearse. 57
15. lieueial llhoads. lime. 12 hi
ii. (I. W. Hails, ineillelne. r,S
it - " " " ueo. Iljjer, repairing reaper, 3(0
149. Mar. 29, " Mrs. Doulan, sen Ices rc-ml. lies.
us. school Dlst.. 5
lnfts. tuition fur paupers. 16 PO
161. Mar. 19, 179, It. II. Ijisiiell. med. sen'es. 5n oo
'2. ' " " 'Ihoinus Kearns. att'md-
1112 Miles (llllonlev. una
153. .Mar. 23, li79, Wm. l'clfcr, k'plng vag'uts, 11 4
F.illl cs
2,5.9 OS
Amf of Hits ear's Issue red'd as per list.
Total Issue for I ho year, Including recta
nu tsj p., iur vvnicii no orii'-is were
(1,190 71
Amount of outdoor relief orders lv,ucd dur-
lntho vc-ar, $1 29i CO
72 bus. Wheat,
73 iiu s . Rye,
10 bus. ItiiL'kvvheat.
325 bus. com In ears,
4 bushels Onions.
Ueo lbs. Pork,
372 lbs. Doit,
6 tons sir.ivv.
:2.i nils, rniiuoes,
4 ton- Day.
3J heads c f Cabbage,
loiusi-jrii i-iHKltr,
11 lbs. leal.
ihi bushels Oals,
1 acres or land tract
0 " Win. Miller tract.
1 1 .VM) ('(
mu tw
dwelllmr house, 1 lui n. 1 wKon shed l
I'uin crib a: 1 nl t-enon lUrhimpi n.nt
Addliluii to l'uor Uuumj .t ivpalrlrig lurn.
ri:ii.s(Ais l'Uoi'KitTY.
rartnlni,' Vtenslls.
I TliiWiinp M.ichlnc $ r-not
1 Wind Mill lino
1 t'utiinsf Hox sol
1 2-lbir-e Sniltitf Waijon rioo-)
1 'Mlur.-i agon :uMrti
1 riicrt munj
2 vis llurneHS iiooi
2 " 20 uo
I I' ll.'b Mods 6)0
1 I'luw r,ut
I Hue llarruw 2 (w
1 rnrn I'lougU 2 ii)
2 srjthes ,,,,, 1 co
3 H.tnd l.'akt'b 40
1 diaui unit looui
l Selt'utrUffe llarne-hS ioih)
l Wht-e'tM.ruw 2i
1 nt 1 vat or tun,
1 2-lKirbu Melili , 20 (0
3IIor.-es 150(0
4 ITiVVS Pill (HI
9 shoau , m oo
10 lleds and ISeddlnjj on upper Iloor, V 0 oo
- M-eou i hi in
' " " In 2 rnfvm n, nil
i C'liolc Stoves 4(,0
i lleullnir stove ano
1 i.o'in.i. i-uiing-ieat '1 able 3 oo
I I-ouniro is mi
1 V 1 11 In Desk with llfiril:, yn
1 it.. c'liiiiniou chalri am
aui. cam, notioined t'halrs 9iw
lcupUo.ird son
1 sink j o
A Ili'ilrmnn stands j ii
t Kllihc-n tables -j i,
i tatlo 400
'2 iMijUn cl.isikjH 1 mi
1 New heallnL' fetnvn. lam
bo Yards I main carpet svmo
v.'Jiltw. nork , ,., -in 00
liw " iluur ftr-i
5'ibusheUpouitoi-i, .' 57m
, ' vvneai 8 40
VO " corn In 1 .irs ,-. ibi
a " oats &i
atotiBothay M joj
1 inncciiircMiaer 9111
1 ton straw in 01
11.UI. duo by .las, lialley, Treas, for '
1ST7 ci
Hall, duo Ivy Pat. A. liurko Treasure
ii'l 19. 1), issa4
Hall, duo by Thos. (,'errlty lor Ed.
Curley loris-s,
Hall due b) Nell Lcnlhan, Collector
furlsK. 95Hj
llaP. due by Thos. Chapman, Troan.
lor lsts, poor JST4 4s, tin-clal
f "2 CI, COT II
S.4S0 41
Total amt, of assets
J10.91T OS
1 hO amount Of .IlldtrmpntR nml nr.lpj nf f.,-.r,fl-
latiues still outstanding vv as not ascertained,
Nunibi'r In Po r Hous January 2nd I"9, III.
Admitted during the uuarler. t.
It'll " 8i
llemalnhig Apuusih, is;s, 89,
We, I lie Auditors of coniinliam township end
Ceniralli Poor Dlsirlet, unify that tho f.mgui.ii.'
smtiuant Iscuiris-t ulU Hue tu the test 01 cur
knnvvli-dtre and t-cltif.
Wo lurtliHi-iiKriii bv resolution that Ihe puv ,.r
eai'i. iiiic-oior shall tm three doll-irs m r dai icr e. 1 1,
dai ni-ci-ssarllv sH-nt an dliiclor 'iho numli-i .1
reiiuur met Hugs c-f sild tioaisl shall not c ei i .1
twelve per annum, tinir of whli-h aro lo l- 1 , ,u
nuarieily al th 1'uur llonwj of mild district, uLoihai
Iho nmiiber of special meetings shall hot euvid
,!"',V,,,Mr VV",' ll,at llln following n.t s
shalllK-lhehlnhenchiiyitii for horse lilie :
iliiliaiHlcr- single and dollais foru double 1, dn.
AUo Hint 110 ihocth shall be drawn by ihe aireini
Iiu their lime unill the sume Un bten subin luu (.,
thouudllurs lor their uppruval.
TIUiMs( ,,KY. -Tnn. Audi!-rs
'I HUM WVII ' ' V 1
!i' l;!,.!'V' Jr't ""' -vtiu iuis
vv m. 11.'j.j
Ceutrall.i, April Willi, is;9.
May BO,
DMiMKTitA mil's .Nont'i:
KUTill! Of UiVlt, V. CKIlk, Ml'imii.
Itrrsof dmlt.lnrailouc.n lUeesuieot Di.m iv
rlies l.ii-.u i-riuiKlhi ii.vvnsi.ip, 1 uluuit-lft evict .
iuiii. ii ui 1; , i.'-L'nt, 1 1 ' -1
1I1 1 Ni ui S
si Hi,
I , V, Mil ilk, Ally
May 9, '(9-t.w
tvO I 111
AU1. 1 1 1' i
l ttUiuL sj, l a.
K. I', ii 11 11k el's Hitter Whip (if Iron,
lias never been known fo fail In the cure of weak
liens, a'lcndnl Willi symptoms, Indisposition to ex
ertion, losscf memory, diniculiy of breathing, Kcn-c-rnl
wruknesfl, horror of disease, weak, nervous
1 1. million, dreadful horror of death, nlghtmreata,
mid feel, iveakiiess, dimness of vision, languor,
until mat lassitude of tho muscular H) stern, eronl appetite, with dispeptlo SJMlIn, hot bands,
flushing of the body, dryness of the sktn, pallid
countenance and cruf lions on tho face, purltjlng
the blood, pain In the back, heaviness of the eyeilds,
frequent Mack spots Iljlnfc before the eyes with
temporary suffusion and loss of sight; want of at
tention, ele. These sitnptoMs all nrlso from a
weakness, and lo remedy that, uso 1'.. I". Kimkel's
Illller Wlnu of lion. II never falls. 1 huusands aro
now enjoying he-allh who have used It. (let tho
genuine, (sold In ti bottles. Take only 11. F, Klink
Ask for Kiirisel's Hitter Wine of Iron. This truly
valuable tonto has been so thoroughly tested by all
classes of the community that It Is now deemed In-
drspcnslbleai ft tonto medicine It costs but little
and purines tho blood, and gives tono to the stom
ach, renovates the system and prolongs life.
now only ask a trial of this valuable tonic. Price
stperbotlle. K. V. Kt'NKKU Solo Proprietor, No.
299 North Ninth St., below Vine, Philadelphia l'a.
A-k tor KunUl s Hitter W me tf Iron, and take no
other. A photogriph of toe proprietor on each
wrapper, til others nre counterfeit.
lleware of counteifelt Do not let your druggist
sell you auy but Kunkeis which is put up only as
above repres 1 nted. nu can ff't six bottles for f5.
All I ask is one simple trial.
Ttipo WoniiH Kcmoved Alive.
Head and all complete In two hours. No fco till
head r uses. Seal, Pin and stomach Worms re
moved by Dr. Kui.kel, 569 Nrrlh Ninth st. Adilco
free. No fee until head nnd all passes In one, nnd
ailie, Dr. Kunkel Is the only successful physician
In this country fur tho removal of Worms, nnd hts
Worm Syrup Is pleasant nnd sate for children or
giown persons, Seud tor 1 for a Imltti',
of K' likel's Wi) lu sjlilp, I'll' i' f l.i'nn ti'i'll". (ii't
Hor iniirdruiruht. I' nev. rrd's.
Dauchy & Go'a. Advt's.
I',!,,!r,,,,,.,,, JOIN OUR COLONY !
.Mftps and romrhlfAs live. J. F.
fount, V11. ti
MANTUA. I'tarc
Ma 23-siw
C1 Oin'urMln muiiwon inM'st.'l.
Of- Inn l MKK.
Ik--nrotliVf AvikU m slcwk uMIuiih of linloti.
iUlu"H r. 1'onnt nutr & i'o., JtASMtu-, Wall
t., N . rt May i.t.-4n
cjo'pn (trxnnn ; -"i'1'1 ,,msh inu-mimuh wuti
LVJ CtJUUy 1 v( , ui' rmiiulnMon for
sulmt.iiitlal ro'tiuu" ft wi'ik, iml pa an lm-moti-M'
(wrcci.tnirt1 of ,irj'its Ijv tlir New i'apUallza
tii,ii stein of oiirnitliiLr lit MocKh. Villi t'Kp'aUA-
1 lun on tinnlloati n lu Ui um. itiuun.t co.. tunkera
20 liroud St., N. V. a Mil) S3 4W
iVll i lit 1 Mr i-aca stato. salary
fro 11 sm. i tolsM per .Mimth anil expenses, llefer
v .c n- i'ilru. i,a lli:i. I.i: .ni"J t ii.
May 23 4r d ai (. jhk rniKErtciucAoo.
DoLwaro Farms ! ai
Adiluss J. F. M NC11A CO.,
Dover, Delaware1.
May 'ii 4
I (HAT". VANTi:i)-lVr the best and fastest
-ell'n' PKtirial IViks aid Hlblcs. I'llces re-
diiei-il 33 percent. National I'fntisiiisu Co.. Phil
adelphia, I a u Jloy 9, '; -ivv
11 IV t'lv I I A Vor.MJ .MAN who can
' 1 ; tx I I1 ! ; co tml the Hon nnd Shoo
lnilin-s in this county. Address with references.
.1.11. VAN I'A-SES. Wl JJ uat street. Philadelphia,
l'a. II .Mil) 9, ,9 4VV.
, , IIIWrsUN's ( ll-( IM!
mAm l'tiitor-. Pi.tsTi.'it.
vrirj Sec that each plaster tiasthe word C-A-P-1c-l
V cut tiii"ii''h It, and lnsisi n having
I ItiOilhtr Asl: jvurovvn Phvsict.inastolts
liients Ovci al. ollieia.
Way 9, T9-4W
LI I? H!
lsiiif title or a now I'ttnplilef ot pages. It con
lalnn the bl(rii-Ii of uU (li I'i rridt'ni of the Uni
te! states frum Wiioltlnuifni 1 1 1 1) r with their
portraits (l in all; enprau'd cxph-hsU for this work
liNT 12 1101 trait of (uindUn notabilities. TlioNa
tlnniil Mr will he s nt tu any address by mall, on
rt-ei lpt nt .1 it stump Addrtss II. 11. stevens Ikw
tu, Mjl3. d May 7, '79-tw
fDiluirs NOTICE
The tindoirilirned, iNItnr nppoli.led bv (he Or
phan's t'.Miit uf ojlumbt.i county to dlstrlbuto
tlie balance In thf hands of John v. jioiTtnan.
'Irustvo tu h'.1 estate, will attend
to the duties of his appointment at hla otuco
In Iiluonir-lMiiK', on baturdy tho 2!st day of June
isTJ at ti n o'elock a. m. at which time nnd placo
ul) pinion Inivu'ftted may attend It they think
prowr, or be debaried fiotn a hharu of said fimd.
L. K. WALMilt,
May w. ;o aw Auditor,
letters of Adndnlstratlon with the win annexed
on the estate or b.irutt Arnwlnc, late of Centro twp.,
I'liiutjiUla cuiim j i'euns tv idU, deceased, luc been
ifi.intid by thf UetfUterof said county to the un
Ut'iMgned AdrulnMiMtor. Alt pernou liaMnsclattns
uiri.iiift tho uslsHU1 of tlio dLcedeul are rnquthttd to
pr.-s -nt thutji fur wife 1 1 nt ..n Ihose Indebted to
uKo pnniint to the und Mned wtihout delay.
Ill KA M W1111MIIIK,
prll If.. lM?-fw Whltmlro, ( olimibl,, tu., iiu
l-PTTE OF 1AV W, PCl'JI, Pt-CKAi1!-1,
Letters of udinlnlMr.iUon 011 tho estate of lald W.
Yoeuijt, late ot lit-ritoa township, t olumbla co., do
eeiii'd, Imw Wvn grunted b Ihe lt.'gls,ter of said
roiinty to the midrrstned Adndnlstruiorn to whom
all j'c rsnn tndt-btftl dre rf(pi(-hiod lo mako lmtne
dlaic paj inent und Uti-te bavlntf claims or dernanda
i.tfjluft the (statu mako them known to tho Ad
minlBtraturs without d U.
Kl.IAS mi.
April 11, '79-fiw e. o. lientou.
The utiilei signed uuilltur apuilntC't In ihe(;ourt.
uf CoilliiiOl 1 l u.. lu lnul.e dlslt iblttliili ol 111 - h,.hlifo
in the luimlsor the dnilnisrators, iu mid nintiuir
Ihe , jlil. 'S entnli-JiUiretj, will t,ll at h s ul lua lu
lil'Miiiisimrrf, nu s.iiurd.iv , ,inne 's, is.y, ,.1 tea
ii'lIupi. 11 in , rur 1. ii- pur, t or his aptiulntmenrj
vvlHIi mil vv In re nil ) 1 t snlis llit, rei-l' d --hall apiM-ar
and pr ivi-1 hen cl.ilu.s ur tie dchanud Hum cuinlnc;
in lui a sluro of said luud,
May 2J-ta Auditor.
The follow lug valuable propsrty, Ihe Kstato ot tho
laUJohiiSvvlsher,decea3ed,wtll bo oHerud at private
lab up to
si:i'TEMi!i;n it istu.
Tho rroperly la siluato In the Milage ct Jersey
town, Columbia count j l'a., and contains olout
of excellent farming land upon w Well arc TWO
HOUSES, 23 -A-n TNT, and other out
buildings, ami Is one of the imc-st localities In Ihe
county. There aro
on the piemlsos.
t'rur lnlurtuatlon eniicernlng the property ap
ply to c. 11. uroikwnv, if ii'uomsbiuv. or T. J.
s-vv lule-r, if J' rseitovvii.
May 2.1 -ts
M All K ElVREPOirTsr
vv'Leat per bushel
II) e '
Com, new, "
oats, " "
Flu'ir it-r barrel
Clove) wvisl
in led Apples
sides shoulders
Laid pel pound
Ihii per ton
I ' I - W il.S
1 iiuuii j se.-T
n'i 4 , i iv i an .
I J.oorerlon
I D.I6
J S.nO "
I "
14 W "
,1 'li
nln -
l.v -ileillclue, nol ri DrluU,)
TUS IT,r-r i - D P.I-.T MlDICil. QClUTHlJ
' f a: u -nira I1I1TES9.
All Plirj-. I f I i- n , 11, , I. niooJ. ti,
KlvldDrrs, ir.d
V rnn.Drs.,61ecr4H
w acl c
1 1 .in inunu.
UICpo i (;oi.ii.
1 bo paid for 1 a 0 ' 1:1 not . nro or beIp,oH
auj-uioK -'ii-' i-1 iini.r.oiiiinundlnlhcm.
Allcjour -Iru.viv f .r II -p MIll.Tj nnd Irvlhen,
ociorejouieip. -i-nkr no nilicr.
HOP COCOU CVia M m i' -rs, ,fr,t ta Vjt.t.
ETho nop rn f. r fi
1 1
r nil Kidneys
f vuperior 0 1 .
Bt. L.C. I r- r'
EDrnalccai , c
" cure for
U kXov woU by ir-