THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, B LOOM SB U KG , COLUMBIA COINTY, PA. Miscellaneous. IIATCIIINU CHICKENS EAUI.Y. Sitting hens are clearly annoying, wliero this desire I nearly constant, vet I have, fcen the time the first brootltnesi of a hen win balled with great Joy. On Home occaloti, especially with amateurs, early chicken aro desirable, and that Is when the birds are In tended for exhibition. Where egg alone are the desideratum, a constant, broodltiCM among the hens Is Intolerable. To avoid lhj, the non-sitters should be cultivated. H u really trying, when eggs are rl 30 or 33 cents per dozen to find the majority of your hens down with the sitting fever at mid winter. Yet the larger breeds will do It, no matter how great the emergency, llroodlng is contagious and where once Introduced among a flock of Itrabmah", Is likely to af fect all alike. Tho Infusion of Leghorn blood remedies this evil to a great extent, and increases the production of eggs. Where sitters for early chicks are wanted.the llrahma alt odd, Istobepreferred.notpnly from the fact that elieU astcady sitter, but from many other g -'nd qualities that she pos sesses above all others. According to my t-.x-pcrlence,lhe Light Ilralmm Is the more tract aide, belug made quiet. The Partridge Oo chlu hen is too sluggish and indifferent for a good sitter. She breaks her egg, and when her chicks hatch is liable to kill them by the careless, clumsy manner in which she got erns her movements. For very early chicken', an Asiatic moth cr is to be preferred before all others, as her body Is larger and wanner (I nevi r found ar titielal heat conducive to health and strength ) than the smaller bird, and this bodily warmth is highly necessary at all seasonsof the year. Sho posseos an ample coat of feathers, which retains the warmth, and is calculated to acccomodate and keep a large brood com fortable. The mother that broods them makes all tlie difference with the chicken, not only at hatching time, but ever after. Whero early sitters are required, allow the llrahma a separate apartment from the non sitter and there wilt bo found little difficulty when eggs are to bo set. Where the non sitters are allowed to associate with them they soon break up any tendency to brood ing, especially in cold weather. The smaller breeds generally have ascendency and rule the roost, if not tho rnn.t. The Drahmas are quite low-minded fowls, and a roost two Indi es from the ground suits theirtasie jint as well as one ten feet high. Tho sitting hen, should, where it can be done, always have her nest on the ground, that she may walk on and oft", and not be compelled to use "her wings in going to and from the nest. A reg ular sitter that means business seldom leaves the nest oftencr than once in two or three days. The first week of Incubation is the most critical one, for then the embryo begins its growth, and the tender life is sensitive. Any undue chilliness at that period kills the germ, and the egg becomes what is termed rotten. If the sitter sliowa the right turn in her movements and is set in tho same nest wherein she dropped her eggs sb.6 will man age affairs to best suit herself and her owner. It is not necessary to provide extra feed for her consumption, or put it in a place easy of access. It is sufficient if it be kept in the old runways; she will find it when needed. Nature teaches the bird through instinct how to take care of herself. Early chicks require more care than the later ones. The cost of rearing is greater, but the value also Is Increased. The early chicle is apt to re ceive a stunt and become dwarfed, but for exhibition purposes, when grown without l deformity, is valuable and highly prized. Only the early birds become feathered arid fully developed before the storms come on, and therefore they must come from the shell In the early spring months. IMPORTANT Til FARMERS. It is coming 'o be bettei understood that success in farming depends far more upon how much one gets per acre than upon the number of acres ho cultivates If a man's time, teams, seed, implements, etc, are worth or cost $500 a year to cultivate fifty acres, and the crops produced, whatever tbey may be, are equivalent to twelve bush els of wheat per acre, worth on a average fl per bushel.he has just $100 left for interest of the land, taxes, etc. If the crops equal fif teen bushels of wheat per acre, he has $250 surplus for land, etc. If they are tqual to twenty bushels per acre, he has $500 sur plus; If twenty-live bushels per acre, he has $850. Tho rule holds good for one hun dred acres, or any other area. The great question then is, how to increase the yield per acre, with only the same cot for labor, teams,lmplements and seed. Omitting ihe question of drainage, and of green, manures, and supposing the land in proper dryness and tilth, there is no doubt that a sufficient amount of the right kind ot manure or fertilizers will secure this 8 to 13 bushels per acre increase. Recent observations, careful experiments and extensive chemical investigations, show that our cultivated crop need for their beat growth the presence of several substances. Three or lour are seldom in soils, or are largely available in but few, and are rapidly exhausted by the removal of crops. Tno of these, for example, phosphoric acid and nitrogen, aro itidispcnsible as plant food, and to develop aud prepare other food Lime acts like potash In feeding or prepar ing food for plants. Of these four substances, nitrogen, potash, lime and phosphoric acid, some soils nod crops want one, some want two aud some want three, if not all of them. Good barn yard manure invariably contains all of them. Bo long as one can get enough of good barn yard manure, cheaply and near enough to the fields, that is all that is needed. With It, if the other conditions of the soil, its dryness and tilth or mecbaulcal condition, be right, we can raise our crops from an equivalent of 12 bushels of wheat to 20 or 25 or more bushels per acre. But unless it be on farms mainly used in stock raising, there is far from enough man ure,good yard secure the higher profits. And just here another question comes in. If a soil lacks potash only, a small quantity of this in the form oi potash salts or of ashes, may be as useful as thous ands of pounds of yard manure containing only the same amount of potash. In that ease we could buy and apply the potash more cheaply than we could haul aud apply tie manure to a field distant from the yard, allowing the manure to cost nothing. If the soil lacks only phosphoric acid for a certain crop, a bag of superphosphate or dissolved bones will supply more of It than several tons of yard manure. If, then, we can ascertain just what a field lacks, we may find It very profitable to buy Ihe spec lal fertilizer the soil wants, and use the yard manure on such fields as need all it contain, or on those heavy hoIIs where Its loosening effect will be most useful, and where little battling is requlrd. American Agriculture Ul. If you want to feel well and lively uo Dr. Hull's Baltimore 1'ilU. All druggists keep them, l'rlce 25 cent, (UtAl'K VINES. Kvery family occupying a dwelling, In country or village, and nearly every city resident, can have and should have at least one grape vine growing, not only to 'sit un der,' but to eat the fruit of. Wherever there is, within reach of mimo sunshine, a bit of ground a foot or two wide nnd three or mare feet long, there a vino may be planted, trained for a long distance, on n fence, up tho dwelling, on a trellis, or up a post. Its abundant green follaire Is always grateful lo the eye, and its clusters of cooling, pleasant fruit need no advocate. The grape vine is one of the most uncomplaining, tinfastldlous and care rewarding plants. Keep standing waler away from its leet, give It something to eal to make stems, leaves ami fruit of, with some sunlight part of the day, aud it will go to work and keep at it as long as you live No food suits it better than a lot of boues, coarsely or finely broken, or whole ones If there be enough of them, mix ed In with the soil. It will fasten a net work of roots or rootlets upon every bit of of bone and extract nutriment as long as there Is a parllcle of it left. All the train ing it will need you ran give In a few min utes before or after tea, once or twice a month. It will p.ty In pleasure, in foliage, In fin it. Order the vine soon ; It can como or go anywhere by mall; chooso the placo; as soon as llie frost is well out of tlm ground dig it up a foot or more deep ; mix in the soil n peck or moro of crushed bones for each vine; thoso from the butcher, broken up with a hammer or axe-head, will answer. When the vine arrives expose its roots as little as possible to Ihe air ; make a hole, set it as deep as It grew beforo j spread Its roots out well each way ; cover them with earth, and moisten If needed. That's all, until you need to train its shooting stems. (Our columns have told and will tell how that is done) all the above Is a very simple mat ter. Header, If you have not done so, take our advice and plant, at least, one grape vine this spring; better two, three, a dozen of them, if you have the ground; plant at least one, whether you live on Fifth aven ue.orin the 'wilds of Oregon.' You will thauk us for the exhortation not very long hence. The Concord variety, better than almost any other, will grow nlmost everywhere. The Delaware, Creveling and Kumelan, are ex cellent among other good.'and reliable kinds. American Agricultural for April. THE PEACH CROP A LARGE YIELD EX PECTED. A Jliddletown, Delaware, telegram of the 24th ult. says : The prospect of the coming peach season is at this time very flatterinir, and every day adds to the assurance that there will be the largest crop ot fruit ever grown on the peninsula; 12,000,000 baskets will not more than cover the present esti mate. The estimated luxuriance of tie coming crop is attributed by the beet judues of peach culture to the close winter and backward spring. The early fruit, the Hale's Early and Troth's are now in full bloom.and every twig and branch that is capable of be ing occupied by a bud is filled to its utmost capacity, and upon examination, the buds are found to be in a thriving condition. The falling off of some fruit will necessarily en sue, which will enable the trees to sustain and mature what is left to a state of perfec tion very seldom attained. The Crawford's Late and Reeves' Favorite eivo promise of a very large fyield in the eastern portion of Sussex county and will exceed tho last year's crop which was very large. In Queene Anne's county and Caroline, and on the Eastern Shore, the trees are in a fine condi tion, and undoubtedly will give a handsome yield. Some of the largest fruit-growers of these counties say the crop will be the larg est known formany'years. Also in the Mary land counties tbe orchards are all in a thriv ing condition, nnd not in the least injured, and the prospects were never better. In New Castle county, where there were no peaches last year, the production will probably equal that of 1875. The prospects of Kent county for an enormous yield were never better, "PEER AMI PIILWINY." 'Dls mon, he comes into my blace last ight, und calls for peer and pologuy,' began lid witness, as George Dart whs handed out by llijah. 'I ain't tbe man,' replied the prisouer with cheerful promptness. 'No talking back,' said the court. 'Let the witness tell what he hss to bhy, and then you can have a chance.' Vhell, Shudge, be come into my blace und give him peer and pologny. und he eats und trinks, und vhas going away mitout paying, vhen I dakes hiru by ib r collar. He strikes me here utul here, uud bo dries to pile me, und I haf to calldcr police.' 'Now, I'll tell you how it was,' aid tbe prisoner. 'The beer was all Hunt, onlv tco much vinegar in it, but that bologna had a ten-penny nail in it, and when I shut my teeth on it I broke two of 'cm on" aud it nearly killed me. I refused to pay ol course I did. I ain't going to pay for bolog nas with nails in 'em. I buy my hardware at one placo, and my bolognas at another.' My gracious! Vhat a shtury-vbata shtory 1' groaued the witness. 'Und I haf it In my pocket, Shudite. und I brnves vhat a shtory he dell. Here it ish I' I!ut it wasn't there. He felt all over him self from too story to basement, but the link was missing. It had dropped by the way side to be seen no more. Ty colly ! l'y colly !' casped the witness. as he gave his body a last bearch. 'I'roiluce your hardware, cooly observed the prisouer. 'Although there Is a missing link in the evidence,' remarked the court as he gathered up the papers, 'it Is evident that the prisoner was inclined to raise a row when be should have accepted an explanation, I shall there fore fine him $5.' 'Fiue me $5 becauso 1 couldn't bite through a ten-penny nail 1' exclaimed tbe prisoner. 'Dot is shust right, Shudge, shmt right, chuckled the witness. 'This is a world ol accidents and surprises, Mr. Dart, aud we should always be prepand for cast-srou bolognas or oven stranger things, and to gently demand explanations iiiitcajof throwing beer tumblers. You will have to pay or go up for thirty days.' The prisoner trio I to borrow $5 of the witness, aud failing in this he went up. "I Don't Want That Stuff," Is what a lady of liostou said to her hus band when he brought home some medicine to cure her of sick headache aud neuralgia which had made her miserable for fourteen years. At the first attack thereafter, It was administered to her with such good results, that she continued its use until cured, and made so enthusiastic In its praise, that she Induced twenty-two of the best ladies in her circle to adopt it as their regular family medicine. That 'stutP is Hop Hitters. GULES' LINIMENT IODIDE AMMONIA. r Clll-VN till I'd I II III ill II II II II 1 ItCIINt TESTIMONIALS I I'hoi.apsi's t'TKRI (Falling of Hie Womb.) A Won derrul cure. -Mno jeurs rny ulto surfercd ;with this terrible complaint. Mioas at tended by doctor af ter doctor, went to tho ctirrerent hospitals where ro mattsnro treated! tried I hern all t wore bandages and pessaries with only Icinporary relief. Her llfo was miserable. vn implied Dr. (II e' Liniment. Her relief was Immediate. Mio Is now well. II. .McPkkvoit, 40 West tsiti street, New York. Iliad twelve strokes of Purno&K Sly loir, arm and tongue were useless was obliged to uso u cath eter every day. Doctor lilies' 1 inlmcut lodldoof Ammonia has cured n e. Will answer any Inquiries bo that all anilcted may know ot It. .Ions Aitki., No:th llranford, Conn. Chestnut lllll, Philadelphia, April 22, T. W. M. fllles. Ki Dear Mr I used jour Iodide ot Ammonia Llntment on Mora Temple's html p.tstern Joint. Mio li.ul liecn quite lames lliu etlict was wondotful; Mia vtks now quite veil. Very, ro sped fully jouts, A. WKii ir. 1'. IS. I am now using It on Littleton's right tore leg. A large shoo bolt on a valuable young horse was rcmou't! by tltlea' Unlmcnt Iodide ot Ammonia. HIIKI'IIKUU UNA!'!', Carpets, ITS stun ato., New York. AKTHUA-Tho tortures and agonies f (iidurcdror six J cars, hone but tttoso ubo liavo suffered with ttils icirihlu can know. My llfo was misera ble. In desperation I tried Olios' Mnlment looldo of Ammonia. II gnio mo Instant relief. I'sed It In ternally as well as externally. TllOS. IllUMlUN, 127 west 27th street, Kew vork. I was In a die.idrul cundlllun. .lolnts swollen, p-aln intense. Injectlous of morphine into my veins failed to relli'vo me. ulles' lodlJu or Ammonia took awnv the deposits from my Joints I want every one who sutlers to know what win cino them. KOKOUK LOTIIROl', North llj do Park, Lammollle co. t. Another Surrerer cured. lilschnrged from tho Massachusetts (leneral Hospital as Incurable, Willi lnJU'ninatxiry rheumatism la m shoulders, ringers and feet j suffered fearfully for llireo jeara, Irled ever thin? ; lost alt hope. Dr. Mies' Llntment lod Ideof Ammonia effected a complete cure. Eli rn tMiTU, No. 7a Prune street. Fall Klvcr, Mass Sprains, splints, bruises. Lameness in horses, ones' Uuiment Iodide ot Ammonia Is a perfect spe cinc. No person who owns a horse should be with out It. M. ltonrsa. M9 seventh avenue. New York. In my family, and for the stock, I have used Olle'r. Liniment loatde of Ammonia. It Is unsurpassed, and I am surprised at the many different maladtes In which It Isappltcable. It gives the utmost satis faction, John. 7. Cahtsk, Superintendent Eastern Pennsylvania Experimen tal Farm. so c. and 11 : and in Quarts at 12.50, In whtch there Is a great saving. Trial size 25 cents . sou bv am. DKrcwisTs. N. J. IIKMIKKMIIOTT, .Vgl. for lllooiii.bnrn. may4t,,'is- sIlyltsjTratand thorough Mood-piirtfylnir propor tion. Dr. Pierce's OoMtti Mfsllnl Discovery cures all IlunorN rrom Hie wort nfsftila to h common Jtlctck. rinple, or Eruptla. Mercurial ttlBeaM1, Mineral l'olon. tin.) their effect, are eradicated, ami vigorous health and a sound constitution estab lished. Eryslpetaa, Patt-rheun, rever Bore. Beabr oe slouch Skim In pliorf. all tll-eases caused by bad Mood, nre conquered by ttils powerful, purlf) lug, and Invigorating wedlclue. Ksiieclally has It manifested Its potency In curing Trttee, IIom stash. Ilotla. Carkunrles, ekiee Ejea. Hcrorulona Hast and SwrUlnaa, Whtto Swelling., lioltra or Thick Neck, and Enlarg-ed tllanda. If you feel dull, dropsy, debilitated, have sallow color of akin, or jellowlsli-brown spots on face or body, frcqueut headucho cr dizziness, bad taste In nioutli. Internal beat or chills alternated with hot flushes, low spirits ami gloomy fortbodlngs, Irregular appetite, and tongue coated, you are suffering rrom Torpid liver, or M lllUou.aras.' In many cases of uver i Mnpui.i " only pars oi mese symptoms aru ifscoverr has no cunal. as Ittffecta perfect and radical curca. in Uiu cure of Ilra-nchltla, Herere Coucba, and the early stages of Ccnsumptlon, it has astonished tho mt'ffleal faculty, and eminent pli)slclana pronounce It Hie greatest niedlcal discovery or the age. While, pvcrest Coughs, It sirengthens the system Use blood, bold by druggists. !l'E, Jl. Ii.. ITop'r, World's Dispensary anil Bunneai 11 cures inerevereM urlfleatk and Invalids' Hold, HutTalo, N. Y. It. V. PIEI 1. I'ltfld'F. M. !.. IW easaw. size 1 OP PELLETS C5 t GIANT No qm of UlttaB tho taw, repulslTP, nauwous pllla, comnorwl of cheap, cniir and bulky InKrctiimt. TheJe l't lift aru MarotMj Urircr than muiUirJ mwU. llttiv nt!ilrvrret'a!rno particular care Is re quire!. bile utlng Mem. Tliey operate without ilia, lurbanre to the const! tutloD, met. or occupation. Knr laundlcr llrftdtwhe Conattatton, Itnpura blood, I'aln In the hhonldcra. of the 4'bt-at, iMtt.ftt'sM, Bour ltictnt1ona from tbe Htomoch lUtfl Tm. In tk 11 out h, HltlOBO ttlttu-Vav I'olii In rrhn r Kldnt-fk Internal Ftrer, I.toot4 feltnc about Momarb, Ituavn of Wood to Head, take lr, Fierce' I'lcoaont rurtlte rU. Id explanation of tho remedial t-owir of thiwi i'uriratlve l'olltu ovir a treat aarlety of ulcnc, K maybe eaut tliai ineir action upon tbe animal rronamy U unlfcr!, not m (land er (Imuc nwaplnc t brtr MHatUe larra. Afro the They arc augar-coateil and InclOBetl In Kl.ias bottle. Illtir unilt'S nt-iUK imrvuj jjivmi uiiiuijjBiii.v4 iui any Iructh of time. In any t liniatc, bo that they aro ala)afrthaml reliable. Thlals not the case wltH fill! put up In cheap wooden or past board boxes, or all diseases whero a Laxative, Alterative or 1'urratlTr, It Indicated, tbcae little Pellet will glT9 tho moat rorfect satisfaction. Sold by dracskt. It. V, l'tEitt-'E, M. !.. IHorR, WorKTa Dlepeneary and Invalid Hotel, liuffalo, Ji. y. CATARRH BVMPTOU&Frcnucnt head ache, disc barge felling Into throat, Bnmctlmrr. nrnftiw. WHlfjrr. Illicit (viiwruia. TuiriilerjL. offensive, fie. tn other, a rtryneaa, dry, watery, weak, or lnflaniJ tyea, atopplnji up, or obitrucUon, of the nasal pai aKia, rlnclUK lo mra, deafae, liawklng and tougli Idk to clear the throat, ulceration, aeaba from ulcer. Voice altereU.nafial tw ting, otk oelve breath. Impaired sr total deprivation of Kme of eruell and tasU-. dlz llneea, mental deprewlon. lot of appetite, litdlge lion, enlarged touills, tickling cough, etc. Only a fcir of them symptom are likely to be prcet nt In any ;ase at one. time. DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY produce radical enrea of the worst cases of Catarrh, ao matter of how Ion standing. The liquid rein.-ly Biay t wiuffed.or Intux applied by thH usu of Dr, I' IE mars Uouctie. This is the only form of lnstru aicnt 5 et Invented m Itti which fluid indlKine can Ixi ;arrled high tT and perfectly aitlikd to all part of the affected nasl passagis, anl the cbani ber or caTltlea communicating therewith, la which lores and nicer frequently calst, and from which the catarrhal discbarge generally proceeds. Its umj . plcanant and easily undiTstood. from dlrvtlaaa ice.iropanTtng each Instrument. J)r. An, urrh Remedy cures rtcent attacka of cll I" llra4Mbya few applications. It 1 mild and pkat int to UMveonUlaliig no atrongor eauatli drum or oolaona.. Catarrh IU mi-dy and Douche aold by 4rf ruta, it. V. tierce, M. 1 lrop'M orla's Ui yeutary and InTalldtt JIoU.1, liuiTalo, X . & ug, tu, 'in II u) Tii-iin. ESPY PLANING MILL. The unileralnrd ietaj of tbeKfepy HaDlug Mill, la pitpircU lo do ail klocU bl ulJl work. Doors, Frames, M, Blinds, etc. made to order en short notice. tdllitacUon guar. CUlKUUKlVO, luoctuburg, n. toUum' m fm P cr o trf t-H al Izr 8.1 s-r TwSX B l-S If FaaVI Z3 i B f 0 a UU kJ S. L ? p s i H. T, HELMBOLD'S COMPOTJJSTD FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU. PHARMACEUTICAL SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES OF THE BLADDER & KIDNEYS For Debility, Loss of Memory, Indisposition to Exertion or Uusi iiess.Shortness of Breatii,Troublc(l with Thoughts of J)isoiise,Dinmess of Vision, Pain in tho Buck, Chest und Head, Rush of Plood to the Hend, Tale Countenance and dry km. If these symptoms are allowed to go on, very frequently Epilep tic Fits and Consumption follow. When the constitution becomes af fected it requires tho aid of an in vigorating medicine to strengthen and tone up the system which "Hclmbold's Buchu" DOES IN EVERY CASE. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU IS UNEQUAL J3D lly any remedy known. It Is prescrllK'd by the most eminent physicians all over tho world, In Rheumatism. Sperniatorhcea, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, lndige.-tion, Constipation, Aches and Pains, General Debility, Kidney Diseases, Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility, Epilepsy, Head Troubles, Paralysis, General III -Health, Spinal Diseases, Sciatica, Deafness, Decline, Lumbago, Catarrh, Nervous Complaints, Female Complaints, itc. Headache, Pain in the Should eis, Cough, Dizziness, Sour Stom ach, Eruptions, Uud Taste in the Mouth, Palpitation of the Heart, Pain the region of the Kidneys, nnd a thousand other painful symp toms are the otlspnngs ol dyspepsia. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU Iiivigoi'iatf n Hie Sioinncli. And stimulates the torpid Liver, Bowels and Kidneys to healthy ac tion, in cleansing tho blood ot n'l impurities, und impurtinir now life and vigor to the whole .system. A single trial will bequite suili cient to convinco the most hesitat ing of its valuable remedial quali ties. PHIOE $1 PER BOTTLE, Or Six ItoKlcN lor $5. Delivered to any address free from observation. "Patients" may consult by letter receiving the same attention as by calling, by answering the following questions : 1. Olto your nomo and post-onico address, county and state, and our neareal express omco t 1. Your aitj ana bex t 3, Occupation T MarrMorilniclot 6, lleli'ht, weliht, now and In health 7 t. How loaf havo )ou Uen.lck T T. Vour complexion, color or lialr and eyes T S. Ilae you a btoop'ns or erect gait ? . ItelaUi wlt-iout reRTVutlon all jou know about ourcaae. Kaclosti ono dollar as consultation feo Your letter will then receive our attention, und we will lilvo you tho imturo or jour itlseaw and our candid opinion concerning a euro. Competent physicians attend to correspondents, All letters thould bo addressed to iljiensatory, IVI7, nibert street, Philadelphia, i'o. H. T. HULMBOLD, Drnuglat and Obemlit. I'lllLAUELl'IllA, J'A, SOLD EVEnVWUEIti: Marcli.I,lSJ-Ir BLOOM SB URG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rov. D. J. WALL R, Jr., A. M., Principal. TIUSSCIKKIl ICIKMll,. Mitt present constituted, olltrn llw very best r.telllttesfor 11-orpssloniil and niusslcaltearnlnfr. ii;si.iel0U8, liitltlnj,' andeommoillous j eumplettb' heated by Mcam, wellu'ntllated, lighted by gas, and liiriilslmd with n ltiilldlncsKti VUKit loi'i henlthtut, ami tusr nf .ircess. Tuael.ers exiH-rleneed, rm.-tenl, nnd .tllv.i to their work. Discipline, rtrm l.iit kln.l. imlform and thorough. Hxpf riser modemti" Kltty eent!) week dedui lion In all rtppi niiK tu l.-.ttli. Mudents ndmllled ut any lima, llooins lescrud when deslii'd. Courses of tstudy prencrlDed by Ihe M.ue : I. Mtxlcl Scliocil. II. 1'rciHrnloiy. III. Adiunel Courses ! I. At-aileinle. Il.Coiiiiucrt'i.'il. III. tViursp In Mii'Io. IV. Ctiurse in Art. Courses : 1. At-aileinle, ii.tiiiiiiicn i.'ii. 1 11. murse 111 .mihic. 11. uuiesiueii, , ,v..,, ntary. sclentlllc Courses am PUOPnssitiN'At., and students tfr.idu.itnslhereln, leet'lte suit; '"PXii'oN'Sn.e!? 1 iVfi IcaU-f? litlieirn-ps; Master of tlm hieinentsi Muster of tho . sciences I .Master ot tho Classics. ilradu.Ues In tho other Courses ieeelo Noriinil ccrtllltates Tlio riementjiri' enriesnnnillnL hi'i lll'irHIUimini'insMKI'U ii.v tiiuwiineintM in-,, 'l iet'ourse ur muiii iire.scriueu uy me riatc isuuenu, ana me? jieiiiinu imnuiiuiutuuni iuiv Th,.sil,.rmiii1r,..LlilLrliernnl,.riireltl7i-n.hln. Tlmllmi'S del Mild It. Ills onoot tlir Krlmo oblects ot gent anil efficient Tfitehcra for her To thts end It sollelts ynunir Persons ot i;ood iitillttlcs and rjood pm poses i hose 1. d'-sii e in 11 n r m, 111. ir HUd t tielr talents, as students. 'I'd all such It promises aid In developing Ihctr powers, and abundant opportunities Iul w l'-llJ 'll,"r al,f r ,LM "" Sl-"uul- f or uaiaio-jue, unures. 1110 rrincipai. IIO.V. WII.I.IA.II i:i.ll'l!l,l Prr.tilriil llanril sept. , '7U.- WHAT TO WEAR AND 110W TO WEAR IT- CALL AND SEE THE NEW GOODS AND LATEST STYLES AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Consisting of an elegant line of Cloths Diagonal and Cassemeres of English, French, German and Domestic manufacture, FOR DRESS SUITS, FOR BUSINESS SUITS, &c. -:0:- i'llne Beaidly Made BqMinlmeiint Is now replete witli all the LATEST NOVELTIES at VERY LOW PRICES. Neck-wear, Collars, Gloves, Scarfs, Half Hose, Hats, Caps, &c PEARL SHIRT ALWAYS ON HAND. HEADQUARTER SFOB Trunks j, $&tckls, Valises, &q ida LowEBEim ' ( .1 ENDORSED BY OVER THIRTY SEWING 1 : : I A MACHINE EXHIBITORS AT THE rTV O 0 EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE, WOjr C0 I Paris, 1878 JGSO& AND INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, JtLMr PHILADELPHIA, 1876, LC IP T1 ' As being "Very STRONG, SMOOTH, and Htata f J EXCELLENT THREAD." JaGXNXjr tiiD ,77c'. r "pn"RAGE . ,a?MyyMArJUFACTURED at ; 3USTRY2,flr MOUNT HOLLY, N.J. 'jfcEfSrtDALSPkRS.. PHILADELPHIA. April IS, '70-ly WhiteSewing Machine Co, Cleveland, qhiq, April IS vlt dint d for ntw invention .or for improvement! on old ont for wftltcalor othtr compntmrtt, trade wnrkt and liiltft, (ireats, Atinnmtntt Intet ftrenctt, Avpealt, fiutt for Infringements, and alt can t arising under the 1'titi ut, prompt tu attntded to - t nrrnlioim that htivr bten lythe patent Of- I Jlee vmu still. 1 1, tn jiattnUa by us. Jittuy onpustts the lT, .V. J'atent Department, and. engaged i a Talent lusintts ex cluslvtty, tc can make closer starches, and stents Paitnts mora itroinvtlu. ttnd toith hrmtdir clalma. 1 most cases, oe than thoKt whn ar rnnntt from W'ashi anton senn us a iiki tl or sittch of fnur dtrlit! tr make txaminatitfiis and tide Imm ,im in imttntnhllitij f'ri-e etfeharffr. All correspondent strtrtlyton Mential. I'rU-es lowtiind S O It.ltttii: C.V- W'snftr tn, Kashtnatnn, to Ifan. Po&tmaster Otntral IK SI. Key, Jtev, K U. puwr. The firman American National iank,t vflelals tu the V, H. Pattitt Ojfiit, and to tirnutors and liertstntutlets in lthQreis: and vttptctnllii to ourtlitntstn entry btatt in the lutein and in f'utunttt. AddrtSS Opposite J'attut OjiUt, lushinytou, D. U BUfllNESH CAKDH, VWlTINOCAMDf. LUTTBHHKA H, lilLL IIKAPM. miKKS, AC, AC., Neatly tnd Cheeply jrlnKd tit theCoLUU lilAN Oic6, 79 4W. d Klenieiilary. IV, Cl.iwieil. ui of Tn e. THE GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT Is now full of the latest styles of PEARL, NICHOLS, SHEPARD CO., llattlu Ori)i, Mluli, ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE "VIBKATOR" THRESHING MACHINERY. TI1K Matclilev (.rsi.n.Sn.Imr, Tlmp-SaTlair, and )1un v lux Tl r tT f ihl 1i sti'l fDr liun Hr ! Hr ilry I-r I: 1 W.rH, lrf,t t Ivkalof, kua iur but lug urum irum h S1KVM I'oMi-'Ilii.htriiSi.iilHll). KjiCfUl ftltctof hcrfttiri lUfcJo tinljr for Xuaw i'wwtr, OVU Vnrtrulctl Mram llinfclier Knlnfs, luenU, far brjuttil ruj ultttr luAi r avlnd. TIIK i:N TIKK Thrcliinir Kxj.i-uim find nfltn lliroo Ut ait time I hat ftiuouul) u k rvia4 if lh Eitr Uraln U t'j i Inij nneJ Untlnti, Git V IX HaUeri ntll not ttutmlt to Ihe tnor mom wiMtutis t-f (lrlii ttml th Infitrior work ittut kll otbrr tuacLiltsii, leu iuc oitetl ii tb 41lTerci.o, NOT Only Vastt) Surtrlor fur hem, OH-, Pari It. kd4 Ilk (ir.lni. tut th iLr ueci ful Tbr,h-r In H.a, Tlcmihj Mlllit, Cktwr, a4 UU hewli, Rnjuln no i'BtUchtiK!iU' f "rctuildliif " u I. Tliorbuifh Horkniantlili), tlfirant Flntih. lrrfti tloa uf Pari. ttu, U tone bt Kqultimtot, tia.t ur Yniuit'R Tbrmlur (Juifiu r UoooiiiwaHe, Ilea Work, liU ito Uikrlui c r b:ttUti1iifi, FOl'U hlirit of Kvpuraton Mailt, ltanttlnte (fbu hi luTvclToIluiMilu, auii tHklilMrUuUbi tl Utr f v or W Oialch. ' FOU Wrtlculara, Call on our UeaUra or nt u ui luf llUuUftUd Ckniaiku.wbkb t luail tlx J.CKItUMM & into., TIKB0TV1U.K, l'A,, AKtnu for NorlUumlicrlani), Slontour and Columbia counties. Jan. io,-cia r TO 1VrAUVJI,()IXfLsliL cif I'.rf uwl.tu- bountiful supply of pure.soft . Uinr( in l'ii.viciu Liiuure. ,i.rtn t nn, l.,.u (.,tlnina lv.:;', , 7 v.. T, rnrnutiiMr. inirlll. Ihls SOUoul to help In see ire It. bi t urn sill IK in cm; ,, u V. V. IIIt,LM, Secreliirj, C. IE- SAVAGE, DRAI.EIt IN Silverware. Watchcs.Jowclry.Clccks.&c, :r itcinowl to the Tost onicu bulWinK, flrsTdoor atKjte ttio Kxnnnre uotci. All Kinds pt Wntchrt, Clocks and Jewelry neat ly repulied and warranted. may 1", 'Is-tt SAVE '2r VM UKNT. FMISflfR "IIVY Or TIIK MAKKIt' VMyanl Xoultics ami Disigni unparalhtcd for cfuapnetA. An era minationof our stock is xtronnlii uraid. Jl m unquestionably thr larycM in the City, ami for yood won: the loueu price. For Example : llnndsomo t'otlnc Itctlroom uitfl, $lfi nml upward, KlPtrani well-mmlf l'flrlor.ulis, i-isaml upward. Nina Walnut Itoflroom suits, fiSiui1 upsvurd. Oupl'Ii Anno I'.i tern MdNioanN. Jilt hikI unward. iuccn Anno rat tern DlMiij chair, fa .o and upward. And i:erj' description of Household furniture Iti'ddln. Mirrors, fornleca, Draptrlt's, &c, at tho TIIK "GMPtrS" I'ATJIST VAltl)l)ltI2 UKIV manufactured (solely by ts tho cheapest and be&t GEO. C. FLINT & CO., .MAKUl-'ACTL'KEns. Stores : 104, 10S & 108 West 14th Street, lletw eun cm and "Hi A cs.. one door west or Ctli A e NEW VOllK. ateo April 4-2mo'i, The most extensive Manufacturers of Ililhard Tables in existence. The J. M. Brnnswick & Balke Co. CHICAGO, CINCINNATI, ST. LOWS AND 724 Broadway, Now-York. NcwLtt and most elegant st) les of BILLIARD TABLES AT LOWEST PRICES. Elegant Parlor, Dining, Library and Bil. liard Tables combined, size 3x6; slate beds perfect cushions, complete with balls and cues, $50. Adores uhichi vcr hutue is nearest your city. Ibe J. It. Brunswick & Bailee Co Feb. 7, 1H-2CW A Purely Vegetable Remedy KIDNEY COMPLAINTS, PILES, GRAVEL, CONSTIPATION, LUMBAGO, RHEUMATISM, .DIABETES. (A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY) A pnriljrvegctablo compound, not doctored with polaonousllquora , being dry-a gentle cathartic and cffcctlvo tonic nuro to iffectually euro omoot tho most common and painful dlscacs that bailie med ical skill. Thoso ho have been cured when all othcrmeanjfailed,Juth,ay:"Itls the greatest UoHlogof tho ago." "I btllcvo I ehonld not now bo alive but for It." Fhyslcluns In regular practice ay: 'H works Ilko a charm and effectively." 'oit sam: iv aij, imuwiisTs. I V-ir lb, Kl DNT.V.W ORTrsanvl other h W r.Ily bbltliml. Waixa, JUCItAlatoU 4 CO., lrul tlctun, iwUuKtuii, u March;, iTti-iy Pi i p c r Jlanging. WM. F. HOJ51NI3, IKOX bT., 1IKLOW hlX-O.Nll, IIUIOMSIIUIMI, PA. Ii piepared to do all kinds of HOUSE FAXNXX1VO I'laln und Ornamental, PAPER HANGING, UUTII DECOKATIVC AND PLAIN. -Ill IUiiiIn r I'liriiitiiiu ltfiali-Gil, ami uiailtt us kooiI ax nnv. NONK UUT KlltbT CLASS WOIIKJIENIJIPLOVEU Estimates Mado on all Work, war. F. nouiNE. Oct, 1,1879, una fij-Kit is e pub irn ' R DWELL & pHtSMAH - Adverlising Agents. THIHRta GHttlNUT ST8.. r. LOW, Ml. rXDlNDnlLIADLE?"! $ l)n.. HANronn'i) Liveii Im-monATon $ Jinn Standard 1 iimlly Homctly for t diseases of tho Liver, Stomncl nnd Bowels. It is rurely J Vegetnlile. It nevsr lVl.ililjiles It is Tl 9fT SCntbnrtionnJ ,Jjrt 5Trmlc. H-Z 8' A6 ' VB1 5 i 5y 5 .tPcfl 5 ' tlcO The 2 jji rer T I 1 'tOVSlI MWm Kl InviirorfitorJ v-kM BalBaSja a... una own used in mv urnotinnS d br tho nnliUn. 2 more thmi Hfi vonra ! " iritli unprecedented results! " o r n n pod riDnin a iS. T.W. SANFORD, M.D., MSiS J 7 AtriiMiiiiiiTniUTULtni'mitiriTtnni, S April is, 'in o'. V RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES JOUTllEItN CKNTKAL KAILWAY WINTElt TIME TAIiLE. On and ntter Sunday. Noember in, ts:.tho trains on tliol'hl'adolphla & Erli Ita iroad Division v II run aa follows : WJSsTWAUli. Krlo .Mall leaves l'lilladelphta 11 f'.'. p 111 " Ilarrlsburtf 4 2. am " " William" port sarmiu " " .leincy hhoro 11 07 am " " lck Haven 040 a in ' " ltenovo 11 11 1 am " nrrtvo at Erlo 7 SB 11 m Niagara Expressleatcsl'hlladclphla 7i0am imrnsuuri? inwatii " arr. at W llliamsport 2 011 p m " Iek llaten 3 25pm Fast Lino leaves l'hlladclnlita 11 43 a 111 ' llarrlsbur 83pm M arrlvont Wllllamfeport 7 25 pin " " Lock lln i'ii 8411pm EASTWAItl)., l'aciilc Express leaves lack Haven 0 40 a m " " Jernoy M.oro 7 14 a 111 11 " llllamsport 7 bs a m " arrive at llarrlsbure 11 65 a in ' " Philadelphia 3 10 p m Day Express leaves Iok llaten 11 211 a 111 " ' V'llllamsport 12 4iipm " arrltont llartlsUuru 4111pm ' " l'hlladelphla 7 20 p in Eile Mall leaves ltenovo ssspm " " Ixiek llaveni 043pm " " Wllllamsrort lti3pm " arrltesat llarilsbnrg 2 45nm " " Philadelphia Tiuutn Fast Lino leates u llllamsport 12 S3 11 in arrlt es at I larrlsburir 3 r.3 a m " " Philadelphia T 40 a m Parlor can will run between I'hlla iclphla nnd Wlllainsport on Nlajrara Express wcht, Erlo Exprefes west, Philadelphia Express east, Day Express east aud lunday Express cast. Sleeping cars on all night trains. WM.A. 1ULDW1N, (leneral supt, TVrOKTHKIlN CEXTItAI. KAILW'AY 1 COMPANV. ()n and after November 20th, 1S73, trains will leavo Sunbury as follows : NOItTIIWAIID. Erlo Mall 5.20 a. m., arrive Elmlra 11 ,r, 11 Canandalgua... 3.35p.rn Hochcster 5.15 " Niagara 9 40 " Itcnovo accommodat Ion 11.10 a. ru. arrlto Wllllamt- portl2.&sp. m. Elmlra Mall 4.15 a. m., arrive Elmlra" 10.20 a. m. Buffalo Express 7.13 a. tn. arr he buffalo s.w a. m SOUTIIWAIID. lluctalo Express 2.50 a. m. arrive Harrlsburg 4.i a. " llaltlmoro 8.40 ' Elmlra Mall 11.15 a.m., arrive Ilarrlsburgl.M " Washington 10.30 " " li.Utlmoro 0.30 " " Washington 8.30 " Harrlsburg accommodation 8.40 p. in. an Ivu Han Is burg 10.50 p. m. nrrlv 0 lialtlmoro 2.25 a. ra H Washington 0.13 Erie Mall 13.63 a. ra. arrive Harrlsburg 3 us a. m) " llaltlmoro 8.40 " " Wasldngton 10.35 " All dally except Sunday. D. M. liOVD, Jr., Oeneral Passenger Agent A. J. CASSATT, General JIanattr pmi.ADKl.PII A AND HEADING KOAD ARKAN'GEMEKT OE PASSENGEll THAINS. May 11, 1S71I. TRAINS LEATK KUrKKT AS KOLI.OWS(srNDAY KXCKPTEU For New York, Philadelphia, Heading, PollsUUe Tainaqua, Ac., 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,43 a. ra. 7,21 and 7,55 p, ni. For V!lltamsport,C,2S 9,03 a. m. and 4,o! p. m. IllAIKSKOR BrrSRT LEATg A3 KOLLOW8, (8lnAT BX CKITKI1.) Leave New York, 8,45 a. iu. Leavo Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m. Leave Heading, 11,55 a. in., Pottsvllle, 12,89 p. ra, 1,35 p. m, Leavo UaUnlssa, 0,20 8,50a. ra. and 4,110 p, ra. Iat e Wtlllamsport ,9,45,15 p. ra. and 4,50 p. m Passengers to a r.d from New York and Phlladtl phla go througa u uhout change of cars. J. B. WOOTTEN, C, 0, HANCOCK, Cicneral Manager. . tieneral Ticket Agent, Jan.i4,i37o-tr. TT EI.A WAKE, LACKAWANNA ANB X vm-11'll.KJI UAILKUAU: BLOOMSIIUKO DIVISION. Ttmo-Tablo No. 39, Takes effect at 1:30 A. M ttnWlllV lltvt, in ,o.a SOUTH. a ma ir ill sm mm m m . c . aW - , s w r" . a " .t mm sm a . aW mA m 0 s miu. uw mm m mw Siyilan mem w or-. m mm lor seranton llellevue .'luylorvum... . ..Lackawanna. 1'lttstun .. West l'lttiton... Wyoming. JIallby Dennett Kingston Kingston ..Plymouth June. Plymouth Avondalo a.ra. p.m. p.m 9 35 ' to 0 IS 2 10 C 21 i!l t 25 2 SO 0 SI 2 S8 C 40 i ii a 17. 9 45 19 58 I 10 07 2 49 6 60 '.' 6.1 6 63 2 S7 U 61) 10 IS III I 10 10 33 3 15 I M 3 10 7 18 3 15 7 25 3-21 7 S3 3 20 7 ii 10 29 10 34 .Hunloek'sircek'.' 10 4 2 8 35 8 1 4 .MiicK(tninny... ....Dick's Kerry,... ,...Ucaeh Haven.. Itf.rwlclr 10 63 3 50 5 25 11 07 4 OJ 8 45 11 13 4 10 8 66 11 It) 4 18 9 OS briar I'reek.".!., ...Willow drove,... 4 23 7 15 4 V) 7 2J 4 S3 7 30 I Jl 1 44 uino jtiuge r,,v ...bloom&burg,.!,'! lrnn,-t 11 39 11 45 4 43 8 (l Catawlssa bridge! 11 67 12 18 5 Oil 9 5 6 18 8 21 111 9 6t o 30 9 65 6 45 9 to I'uuviue .....Chulasky. .No'flhumbcrtancL 12 45 p.m. p.m. a.ia p. , , . W. F. HALSTKAtJ, bupt. Hupsrlntendeot's onice, Bcranton, Juno 10, 1818. "yAINWIilOHTACO., WHOLESALE OltOC'EltS, PUIUDILI-lllA, Dealers In TEAS, BY1IUJH, COFFEE, KUOAlt, MOLASSES, KICK, bl-ICSa, SICABB SODA, 40., tO, N, E, Corner Second and Arch streets, I ""Orders v. Ill receive prompt attention. THIS PAPEn IS KEPT ON TILE AT THE OP MM AT THE Ori'IOE OP TIMro r rttus - nni. BtfffofllVo I'HILAUtLrHlfl .... 'ur. t'ltialiiiit mill Klululi HI a. ho receive AuvirtUcments 7,.r thl PaKr. FTIMATCC ut lalHtat dull llutM VSi" L1-" '"' Kv'.ir Ad,f rlMm "a 3c fur A VKU tb hliKH MANlAU p.m. p.m. a.ra. 30 4 12 9 10 9 23 9 17 9 37 9 OS 9 30 8 68 3 61 9 21 8 61 3 40 9 19 8 40 3 4l 9 14 1! 41 12 M 8 33 3 30 9 04 8 13 3 10 8 44 8 23 3 20 SB 8 12 3 12 8 47! 8 04 3 04 8 39 7 61 2 51 8 28 7 88 2 S9 8 17 7 F2 2 34 8 12 7 23 2 28 8 00 7 18 7 14 7 10 IW SM 7 44 60 1 67 7 Ss 0 M 1 61 7 3J IS In 7 J9 0 27 1 27 7 11 0 15 Ul 1 00 6 43 P-m. p.m. a.m. T