THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCKAT,BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE OOLDMIAN. it i, o o Ji s u " . " " si a v sJ, ts;o lull Ho ml Time Table. , ACKA'WANNA llLOOMSllUitn HAIL HOAU NORTH, SOUTH, Accommodation Train,,... .. .f A.M. 8.00A.M. MRI1 Train T.8 A.M 4.4SP.M Express Train 1.M 1'. M. 11.4a A. M UATAW1SHA HAIL ItOAD. KORTIl. BOCTI1 Accommodation Train e,S8 A. M. 1,30 ). M. lics'ilaf Express 4.04 r. M. 11,43 A, Jl. Thronsn cars on Express train either to New York or I'ltlladolplilt. Accommodation train runs between Catawlssa ani Wllllainsport. STAOEI.INBS. i-iunitt and IlW)OMBORii. boaTC Camera Monday, Wdnesday and Friday at :30n. m., nrrltoot lllnotnsburir by 11 :30 a. tn. Leave Moomsuurtr on same d t) b niter nrrlvil of l'lillndelplilii mall. iii)omhi'i1 akd 1 AmnsviLLK, Leave Lalrdsvlllo utesiliy, Tliursdav and Haturdav at 7:30 a. m., an Ivlnir at Woomsburi by ' m. Leavo lilnoms imre on same daj s nrter arrival of I'nrladelputa nmll Tlio stngo lino terminates atMlllvllle, nmton and Illoomsburp. A dally stajte lino lealng lienlon In the morning and returning In Uio eve ning of tlio samo day. MAIL ItOUTES. vmm HAU. and nwoMsncRn.-Ix'ftVo White nail Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 0:30 a. m., arriving at llloomsburc by lo a. m, ls?nve Hlooms. burg on same daj s alter arrival of rniladelpbla mall. iuniov and iiloomsmjiio. leaves Benton Monday, Wednesday and Friday nt8 a. m., arriving at lilooinsburg at a p. m. waves uioomsourg rues. dav, Tnursaay ana aaiuraay ai i at llintouatsp. m. ID a. re., arriving ruuuo SALES. William IIagenbucli,Execiiior, of .Isaac Hag enbuch wilt sell at 1'iiblic SiW on the premises on Saturday, June 7th 1879, valuable Real Ks lole. See advertisement in anolber column. Court nt Hanvillo next week. Soldiers I Don't forget the Convention next Salurilay nt Comll's Hall. The thirsty earth wns greatly rcfresbeil by shower on Saturday ami .Monday. There will bo nn adjourned court on June 5th, when the nrgutucnt list will bo taken up. Think fortune there nre no walking matches in Columbia county. Judges' salaries certainly should be Incrcas cd. Tlicro is nn assistant law judgo In this stale who nftcr taking a newspaper for thrco years nnd half refuses to pay for it, and lawyers to whom tbo bill was sent for collection report that he owns nothing out of which tho amount could bo mode. Such poverty is not often covered by judicial ermine. T1IK;AHI1T0.N8. This Troupe, which will appear at tho Opera House this Friday evening, in the piny of "Hip Vnn Winkle," and to-monow night in 'Fnnchon the Cricket," are highly spoken of v) uio press, j hey have been playing with great success in many pnrts of this State. Littlo Dorrit Ashton is said to represent Knnclion nlmot If not quite ns well as Mnggio Mitchell. Tho Fitt-ton AYrninj Press cnlts her "tho tost child actress in the United Stales'" J. 11. Asliton has gained a wide reputation ns "Hip Van Winkle," and is said to bo superior to Carner who played tho snmo character hero some timo ngo to a largo liouso. The whole troupe is good, and no one should fail to nllcnd their performances. Give them n good liouso. COUKT rilOCEEDINGS. Abram Hill ct ux vs. Ann Hill and Stiner, verdict for plaintiff for $0.38. A. K. Maurcr vs. D.K. Hower, and Solomon Strausscr. Verdict for defendants. Iteport of viewers of road in Catnwissa twp. confirmed and review set aside. 0. W. Jacoby, Joseph K. Sands nnd John Mordan wero appointed viewers of a road in Madison twp. D. P. Curry's license was granted. Additional bond of assignco in estate of I. John & Son filed. Fctition to substitute administrator in place of deceased plaintift", Mercy A. Young; ordered to he lileil. II. P. While a young man named Slepp was dig, Kt"S im -.sniper een on a small tmnil nar Treverlon Junction , eleven miles below Sun bury, he came across the body of a man buried in tho sand, which proved to be Ihe remains of Fred. A. Willielm who was drowned at IXin vine, wiui in son m uecemoer last. lie was recognized by his name being picked with In A number of SlienfFs sales nre advertised ilia ink on his right arm, (Fred. A. Wilhelm.) Everybody Is Invited lo attend the Btrawber-1 ry and Ice Cream Festival to hel I In the Opera House on the evenings of May 30th and 31st. No admission feo. CENTRE TOWNSlllr NEWS. Wiutmiue, Col. Co., Fa., May 15th, 1870. F.MTOR9 CoLCvniANi As 1 have not seen any items in your pnper from this place 1 thought I would write a few lines nnd have tho people know how wo aro getting along. A Grand Croquet Parade will bo held in Bloomsburg on Saturday, May 21th, tho party will parade through Main street, nnd from thenco to a croquet ground. It is Intended to be gotten up in style. A grand timo is expected by all. J. u, Creasy, proprietor; II, White, Manager, Lots of potatoes aro expected this year. Mr. Wm, Shaffer has planted ten ncres ol potatoes. He thinks they will bring a good price next year. i ne new store creeled by Wm. l.nmon is occupied by I'dwnrd Wagoner, which was opened on Monday last. It is n cheap cash store. V subscription school was opened by Cnlvin Hcmaley, of this place, on last Monday n week. It is to continue eleven weeks. uur M. Ij. huntlay school is in n very flourishing condition at present, under tho superintendence of A. 1. lowler of Willow Springs, Yours truly, Plow Hoy. A' J. unman, the enterprising Druggist, cor neroflhrelay street and llronlway., N. Y manufacturer and proprietor of "Dilman's Sea Salt" sayss I sell large quantities of Giles' Liniment Am monla. It Is the best preparation I have seen in an experience of many years, and do not lies itale to recommend il before any thing of the kind I know of. Sold by all druggists. Send for pamphlet. Dk. Gilis. 120 West Broadway, N. Y. Trial size 25 cents. for June 10th. Wellington Hartman was injured by a fall from n roof at ihe Hed Mill one day last week. Moyer Brothers sods, fountain is in great de, raand Ibis hot weather. Catnwissa wants a fire engine nnd it looks ns though sho intends to have it. Word was immediately sent to his family here anil ins uroiner Shanes went alter liim, arriv ing here on the early train on Tuesday morn ing. He was fonnd without any coat, and it li supposed that he took it oil in his effoits to save himself from drowning. His walrh walch-key, comb, and a large knife were found upon his person. Ills body was in a good stale I of preservation. There is as yet no tidings of his son who was drowned nt the same lime, Tho Mountain Grove Camp Meeting will The funeral took place yesterday from Ihe rcsi EFFECT OF DIET ON LKJUOll DHINKINO. open August fith nnd continue until the 14lh. The Agricultural Society will hold its fair in October beginning on the 15th. John Wolf is ngent for the now Buckeye lawn mower. It is one of tho best made. denceofhis widow and be was interred in the cemelry at Riverside, An inquest was held on the body where it was found and the verdict was accord ing to the facts stated above. Mon tour American. ENMOi LIFE. Charles Napiar, an Knglish scientific manl has been testing the truth of Liehig's theory thai liquor drinking is compatible wit ti anima food, but not with farinaceous diet. The ex periment was tried upon twenty-seven liquor drinking persons, with results aubtaining the Liebig theory. Among the most striking in stances of reform brought about by a change of diet was that of a gentleman of CO, who had been addicted to intemperate habits for ve years, bis outbursts averaging one a week. II constitution was so shattered that he had great difficulty in insuring bis life. After an attack of delirium tremens which nearly ended fatally, be was persuadrd to enter upon a farinaceous diet, which, we are assured, cured him com pletely ill seven months. He seems to have been very 111 in at the beginning of the experi ment, but at the close of the period named had gained twenly'eight pounds, being then about the normal weight for a person of his height. Among the articles of food which are specified THE AUIUCOLTCUAt. SOCIETY. The members of the Agricultural Society met n the Opera House on Hiturday afternoon, May 17th, and were railed to order by Ihe President, rank 1. vans. On nutinn of M. W Niks, I.. It. Iketcr, lq., was elected president of the convention, The minutes of the list meeting were read by the Secretary M. W. Nuss,and ap proved. The financial report was bho read by the Secretary. On motion of Mr. Smith, O. 11 Brockway, C. M. anderfllce and J. 0. Brown were elected Secretaries. After a motion by Col. Knorr that the convention proceed to the consideration of amendments to the charier, Mr. Nuss offered the following resolutions! WitKiiF.A.3 It ti desired to amend the charier of the Columbia County Agricnllural,Horticultural nnd Mechanical Association, and it Is believed In would be beneiiclsl to salil society nnd Im prove Its usefulness to have nnd poess all Ihe nowers and tirlvlleges of cornorat ons ol l ie lirst clas, specified In the Act o( Iho General Assembly of the Commonwealth of rennsylvan la, entitled "An Act to provide for tho curpoi' allon and regulation of certain coriHirallons."aii proved the 2'J Hi Hay of April, A, IJ. lod, and Its several supplements, Therefore lie il Jlerotml, 1st, 1 lint ihe charier of the Columbia County Agricultural Horticultu ral ami Meclimlcal Association be amended ns fol ows. to-wit I 1. lo accent the provisions of the Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to provide for the Incorporation and regulation ol certain cor porntlnns," approved the 29lh day of April, A li. isri, anil us several supplements. 2nd. 1 hat the business of said corporat'on be transacted at the town of Bloomsburg, In said county of ColiimbH. Jrd. 1 hat the business of said conoration shnlllbe conducted by a President, a Board of Directors, consisting of 7 members, a Clerk, Treasurer nnd such officers, agents and factors as the corporation authorize lor thai purKse. 4th. That the said cor;oration may issue cap ital stock to the amount of $50,000, divided In to 5000 shares of the par value of $10 each. olh. The members of the said corporation shall consist of stockholders, subject to such conditions and regulations as shall be prescribed by the liylsun of said corporation, bth. Only members resident In Columbia coun shall vote nnd hold office. liaifhed, 2nd, That the President nnn Secretary of this Society be authorized and ill that tho present business of the N'orfh Penii Senator nnd tho Bound Brook roads will not Increase With tho Philadelphia terminus nt Ninth nnd (! recti streets, Ihe traffic between tho two citiot must Increase, nnd this ntone, Mr. Gowcn rnys, would make up any deficiency upon Iho lenses, leaving Ihe large sum nbovo mentioned ns thn actual nnnunl profit to tho Heading resulting from tho transaction. Mr. Gowcn further says that the Baltimoro nnd Ohio rnitrnad has no connection whatever with Iho lencs just mndo and he docs not nnticlpnto any row or disputo with other lines. As for iho Lehigh nlley rond, ho says ho has written to that company, expressing lils desiro to continue tho friendly relations with them, nnd to move nil the traffic they can give him. As to tho Pennsylvania road, Mr. Gowcn says tl'cro is tio reason to assume thnt there will bo nny rivalry or antagonism whatever between them; hut, on the contrary, they will doublless find It to their mutual interest lo work in harmony with cacli other. Pennsylvania official think thnt tho new scare is calculated to revolutionize passenger trntli; between Philadelphia nnd (he metropo lis, by reason of tho advantngo extended, should Ninth ntd Green streets bo made the Philadelphia terminus. Already property owners adjoining tlio present depot fed that their wealth has been materially increased by tho lat net of the Philadelphia and Heading railroad, and await willi nnxicly the next step in tho way of improvement upon tho property owned by tho company in tlio locality ol Ninth and Green sticets. The situation is very well understood by the Pennsylvania railroad people, and they admit that unless they make n mcve in n similar direction there will be u very large percentage of the passenger traffic to New York taken from them, 'i hey do not fenr, though, that the leaso will affect their freight business, because in that respect tho position will he just the same as when the jiouiui nrooK roulo was under its former management. As the New York passenger traffic i comparatively n small portion of thtir business, they look witli aimarent unconcern upon the foretold transfer reeled to present to the court of Common Pleas of y;cv, York travel from their road to the She Icnineil to swim only last summer, hut now she can swim cntlrtly iirniin l Ihp basin, mid she ll mis very welt too. Women ns u rule II at better than men; It Is Imrimhp llielr tiom-s nr lighter, their Itcsh bus less solidity nnd they nre morj buoyant. Hero is tho habit of Mrs. j l'cel tho weight of It ; you could not swim much with that tm. Let mo see ; how is it 7 It seems to be wrong sidn out and up silu down, All I now I lnve it ; Ibis is tho nay It goes on. You tee It con sists of waist, sleeves, skirt, nnd pantaloons f II In olio garment. When tho ladies first enmo here they had long sleeves to thetr of Columb'a county, the iwtition of this corpir ation, praying for the nmendmeut and altera tion of the said charter, and do and perform all other acts and things necessary to he done, for the puriose ol amending and altering the said charter in accordance with the spirit and intent of the forgoing resolutions. ,dr, Brockway offered n substitute that any person before being elected to otlice shall pledge himself to opposo the change into a stock company. Tho original res olution was supported by Col. Knorr, C G. Baikley, Ksq., Win. Neal nnd A. P. Young. After discussion Mr. Brockway withdrew his substitute and the vote was ordered on tho original by yeas and nays. The Secretary called the roll and on competing it, Hon. T. J. Vanderslice demanded that his name bo called as he was witling to pay his arrearages to the Society. This gave rise to a long dis cussion upon the right of Mr. Vnnderslico to vote and membership generally. Upon motion it was ordered that any person who would buy a ticket would be allowed to vote. The presi dent declired that the amendments were lost ECLECTIC MAGAZINE. Tlio June number of Iho Eclectic closcstbo OTth toluinoct the new series, nnd Is provided with nn Index which, comprising nearly oue hundred titles tosldesthcLdltorlal Iiepartraent shows how wldo Is the scope and how varied Is tlio Interest of tlio magazine. Permanent value as well as current in terest Is ulscd nt In making tlio selections, and It Is worty of note that In tho entire contents of tho tot time tlicro Is scarcely an article which does not still retain Us value and Interest for tho render. 'Ihe present (June) number Is emtielllshel with a fine steel -engraved portrait of I'rof. fienier Y, Halrd, the sin-censor of Prot.Ilenry In tho secretary ship of the Mnlthscnlan Institution. Tlio table ot contents Is as follows i "On the thou cor hooks," a lecture by I'redirle Harrison; "Tho Egjptlan crisis," by Edwnrl Dicey ; "On sensation and the l,il,l .I....... I.,, , ..,.. c , i i .., f-cnslfcrousOrgahs'by Prof llinley; ".Mr. lluskln's ,, b " r ' """ society," by a member ; "The Defcnc them ofl closo up lo the shoulder, which ft dedicatory Poem to tho Princess Alice," by gives tbem a inucli Ircer tiso ol llieir arms. Alfred Tennjson:"i:odlly Illness os a Mental stlmu lant." by It. A. Proctor j "The southern stales of the .,. , i t. , ., , i American i won "v-omeinpoiui j uivmuin-wiv Bsi hi me wnier, spin.suing cncn oiner.iaugn. . , . , ,.Mllcl(,moi9Hle HcMer ing, nnd screaming ; four women will niako pac," chapters VIH, and IX. ; "Chapters on social. more noio llinn n dozen men." But. since Ism," by John Stuart Mill (conclusion) ; "A May a great Frenchman has said that, "to illno lETTZ with perfection tho presence of women is Work 'Tho viier nud the Horse ;' "Professor Inadnilssablc," I will parody him by sty- lia.rd,' a biographical slctcli, by the EJltor; Liter- ing that for women to swim with perfection ar Ko! Vngn Literary Notes: Sclencoand .1 r , , ti,, i Art , iirletles tlio presence of man is itindmissable, and imoikiiwI bv n. 11. Pellon. S3 Ilond street, New ho will turn to n subject apromt of (lining, Yonc. Terms. 't pirjear ; single number, js. rents: 'I rial Mibucrlpiloii tor thrco months, 1, A 0 HEAT LlTKItAHV WOltlv. A work that every lover of good literature wanu nt constant command, treatise, while It Is superla tively attractlicnnd Interesting In Use!', It Is also a key and Index lo all other good Digltsh literature, enabling one to st-e and J'ldge for himself what au thors and books are most destrab c for him to read- such Is iho now ' Acmo" edition ot "Cham Ur"s cycloptolli ot Engllili Literature." In Its Philadelphia and Heading. PHILADELPHIA LErTKIt. (Special Correspondence.! Descriptions of fashion centres are always of interest to your lady readers , so this week I place before them the result of an hour's ram ble through an establishment which l,ol Is the anie enviable position in Philadelphia as does Stewart's in New York. On a late stormy day, we entered ihe mam moth establishment of Slrawbridge A Clothier, at the northwest corner Eighth and .Market streets. Notwithstanding the unfavorable wea iher.customers enough to be considered ru-h' in a house with a less active busines, were be sieging the counters of the various departments. Very few, perhsps, of our readers ore slriin gels to this popul ir dry goods house, but those who have visilid the store within the past few weeks can form any idea of the im mense assortment now on exhibition of eviry variety of dry goods suitable for cummer. A description of the vat array is not our object, and cou'd not be attempted in a single letter. The internal arrangements of Ihe building oino Indies of Washington havo beet: re cently thrown Into n simmer and Mew of ex citement by tlio ndvent of n lecturer who demonstrates from the stage with battcrk) de cuiiinctic most useful of all science. Bi fore tho bright viion has pissed away of neat teachers and "sweet girl graduates' learnliig to make coffee, mix omelettes, cutupound and bnko puddings It may b wortli whib- to inquire Into the necessity ol nearly s.wo pages It glics biographies ot all noted Ibis great fuss, about gridirons, stew-pan, lectures nnd larding pins. It lias been lb custom of Trench nrtists of the kitchen to deny to Americans the commonest ncqtinin lanco witn culinary lines, ui late ytars wo havo certainly biruggltd to cast off some of our ignoiance. Cookery was once nn oc cult mystery to nil but tlio inmates ol the kitchen, and well bred young Iniliis scorned acquaintance witli the commonest duties of tho cook, but tho art of dining in i flicial and political life has acquiud serious pro portions, and there tiro matrois in Wash iugtoii, wboe husbands arekuown, by name at least, in both hemispheres, who take keen tlielr.table, and who tin tut on stale, or any prandial occasion, leave everything to the chief. If that I'reucli Latest PattcrM In Wall Paper at Clatk's Hook Store. , A fine selection of Ladies' Gold Watchc ! nntl Chains, both American and Imported by the best makers at l. jiernnnra'R jewel ry Store. DOUlHN'tf KLKOTH1C SOAP. Hiivlng obtained tho agency of this Cp.t.KiinATKii Soap for lllooinsbiirg and lclnlty, I append the Pinion ol some ol our dcbi people as 10 us merits. I have used Dobbin's Electric bonp made by I. L. Crnglii & Co., Philsdelphia, Pa,, lor ivashhii' about ten vears. and think It superior to any other. Mrs. U. O. Harkley." We have used Dobbin's hlectricboap and find It superior to any other pr altothert. n. rs. , ii. uncouy, Mrs. 11. II. Stohner. I desire all my friends and customers to Giie tliit Soap one Triat, ) that they may know just how good the Best Soup in I lie united states is. .1. Ji. .tiaizi;, july 12, '78-ly llloomsburg, Pa. Hoot headquarters nt McKlnney's. All kinds of hair work done cheaply, neatly and promptly by Llulo II. Jacoby, Iron street, below 'Fourth, l'.itronlzo homo lu- itislry, I-'or a Fin Suit of Clothing go to tlio New York Clothing Htore, alo nice Suits from !) to li dollars. For the cheapest and finest pattern", of Iron Fence go to S. M. Hess, Bloomsburg, Pa. Boots nnd Shoes cheap at McKlnney's. All the popular colors ot Oil Window Shades at Clark's Hook Store. Ilrltlsh and American authors from earliest times to the present, with cholco and eharactcilsttc selec tions from their writings, thus being a concentra tion ot the best productions of modern Intellect, it Is published In eight h.indy and beautiful lGmo vuluines, nt prices so low as to seem leally uslonl-li- lngtumost book buyers, viz: In paper complete, Jl.tsi : cloth, ta.ot ; halt morocco, Ji.'s ; halt moroc co, tlio four volume edition, M."J. rromtlit'se low- rates n discount ot 10 pjr cent. Is allowed to those ordeilng before June 1, nnl a further discount ot lu per cent, when ordered In clubs of IHeormi-re. H is not M,ld by dealers or agents, but only lobioeis direct, by the ptibllsheis, the "Ariicrleiiii Ituok llx- change," r.i lleeKmau ttrt'tt, rew Turk, whowlll send specimen pages, Ac., free, on request. Marriages. Deaths. Givo Dirzel a trial nt the Kxchange lhrber shop. He will be sure to please you. Mrs. Richard Edwards died on Tuesday morning after a brief illness. The remains were Interred in Kosemont Cemetrry. What a truly beautiful world we live inl Na ture gives us grandeur cf mountains, glens and oceans, nnd thousands of means of enjoyment Charles A. Moyer has taken ou t letters of ad ministration in the estate of the late John K. Moyer. Do not fail to attend the performances by tho Ash tons at the Opera House this Friday nnd Saturday evenings. They are first-class. alcohol, are macaroni, haricot beans, dried peas, and lentils, all of which should be will boiled and flavored with plenty of butter or olive oil- We can desire no better when in perfect health The various garden vegetables are said tobehtlp' but how often do the majority of people feel ful, but a diet mainly composed of them would like giving it up disheartened, discouraged nnd not resist the tendency to intemperance so ef- worried out with disease, when there is no fectually as one of macaroni and occasion for this feeling, as every sufferer food, From Ibis point of view, high glutinous can easily obtain satisfactory proof that Green's bread would be of great utility, but it should August .Flower will make them as free from not be sour, such acidity being calculated to distune ns when born. Dyspepsia nnd Liver I foster the habit of alcoholic drinking. A like Complaint is the direct cause'of seventy-five I remaik might be applied to the use of salted nre complete. On the first floor spacious and by Naiiiar as pre-eminent for antagonism to na ttm n.snrv iwn.ihirili did nnl vnin In il. brilliantly lighted are many cireidir ami affirmative. On motion of Mr. Neal, the sala ries of the President, Secretary and Treasurer ro fixed the same as last year. Mr. Hupert offered the following amendment to the constitution: Rewlval. Thst anv person wishing to become farinaceous a member of this association shall buy their tickets and pay their dollar on or betore the first day of January preceding the nnnunl election in May, to constitute him a voting member tor the ensuing yenr. This was objected to ns not having been advertised according to the provisions of the per cent, of such maladies as Dilliousncsa, In-1 food. If we inquire the ciuse of a vegetarian's I charter, and it was then offered as a new rule digestion, Sick Headache, Costivencss, Xservous I alleged disclinalion to alcohlic liquors, we find atll passed- The convention proceeded to the Our Catawisa letter has not appeared for Prostration, Dizziness of the Head, Palpitation that the carbonaceous starch contained in the I election of officers. Messrs. Frank F.vans the past two weeks owing to the engagements ofl of ihe Heart, and other distressing symptoms. I macaroni, beans or oleaginous aliment, appears I anj j.;, j, Mcilenry were nominated for Prci our correspondent. We hope to be able to pub lish it reguhrly hereafter. We do not observe that M.F. Eyerly Ksq.. looks any more venerable than he did a week ago. and yet he has n perfect right to. He is a grand. father now. The Officers nntl stock holders of tho Irondalo Furnace are holding their annual reunion at this placo. The "Kxchange" can now got rid of some of its fine old champagne, which poor people nro unnblo to buy. Mr. Joseph K. Sands requests us to say that when he voted for the nppointment of John Hartman as Mercantile Appraiser, ho supposed of course that tho list would bo in Iho Colum bian ns usual. Three doses of August Flower will prove its I to render unnecessary and, therefore, repulsive, wonderful effect. Sample bottles 10 cts. Try it. I carbon in an alcoholic form. aug. 30, '78-tf jl MIFFL1NV1LLE ITEMS. Hev. W. ! Kribs, pastor of the Reformed church will hold n series of services at Hel ler's, beginning Thursday morning at half past len. The meeting will close on Sunday evening. Hellervllle narrowly escaped a destructive fire last week. The house of S. II. Swank was discovered lo be on lire, but with hard work it was subdued after a part of the roof was burned. We nre requested lo announce that Gen. J . Kllpatrick, at the Opera House in Danville on June 31 next, will deliver his celebrated lecture "Sherman's March to tho Bea" for the benefit of Goodrich Post. No. 22 G. A. H. At the meeting of Ihe Trustees of the Nor mal School on last Monday evening, the old otticerswere reelected, viz: Hon. Wrn. Klwelh President; F. P. Ilillmyer, Kq,, Secretary, and II. F. Hartman Treasurer. The Stale has selected agiin D A, lieckly and Charles W. Miller Esq., as Trustees on its part for the en suing three years. Mesirs. IJecklyand Hark ley went to HarrUburg on Monday to aid the Normal Appropriation Ilill. It is to be hoped that it w ill pass as t.ur School has been obliged to let the Insurance run out for lack of funds. The respective Standing Committees as coc stituted by the President, are as follows viz : Committee on Finance ; Wm. Neal, John Wolf and Chas. W. Miller. Committee on Grounds and Buildings, L. 11. Hupert, Jacob Schuyler and David Lowenberg, Committee on Household j Jacob Schuyler, David Lowen1 berg and C, Hitlenbcnder. Committee Instruction and Discipline, C. G. Darkly, L H. Drinker and D, A. Heckley, Committee on Furniture, Library and Apparatus; S Knorr, C. H. Huckalew and C. 11. Brockway. Committee on Heal, Water, and Light : John A. Funston, M. E. Jackson and E. Menden- hall. The store of W. C. Hartzel was entered Fri day night or Saturday morning by burglars taking goods lo the amount of about $200, and made their escape, it is supposed by the way of the river, as a boat was stolen from Mr. George Feller. It is honed the rogues will be caught, as such robberies are of frequent occur rence in this locality. dent of tho Society. Tho chair appointed Messrs. Young and Hupert, tellers. The roll was called, Mcilenry received 33 nnd Evans 32 votes. Mr. Nuss wasje-nominatetl for Secre tary and unanimously elected. Wesley How mnn, Sylvester Purscll, J. G. Quick, M. G Hughes, U. II. Knt, A. P. loung and l reas Fowler were nominated for Vico Presidents : the result was announced as follows: Young, 48; Hughes, 47; Fowler, 32- Quick 31; Ent, .11; Howmnn, 30; and Pursell, 27. Messrs. Young, Hughes and Fowler wero elected. A second ballot was taken in which Knt was elected ns The young people of the Lutheran church tho fourth Vice President. Messrs M. C. will holtl an ice cream, strawberry and floral festival on the "ill of June, A nice time anticipated. A musical entertainment was held in the M. E- Church n short time ago, and was decid edly a success. The Rev .Mr. Shadow attended Ihe Luther an Synod at Shamokin. Vance, Wm. Shaeffer, Peter A. Evans and N. Sup; lies of all kinds fir personal wear straight counters, each devoted In a particular line ot goods, ami mere nre uisjii.iycii in pro fusion, silks, dress goods, mourning fabrics, tlolhs. cassinieres, hosiery, underwear, men's furnishing goods, cloves, fancy goods, tlrr-s trimmings, art needlework, foreign anil domes tic cottons, parasols, uiubrtllas, fans etc., etc. The basement, one of ihe inott unique salts rooms in Ihe world, is occupied by the depart ments lor linens, curtain materials, piano cov ers, flannils, blankets, quilts, inu-liin, etc. The second floor easily accessible by e.cvator, is handsomely lilted up and richly carpeted. Here are scld ladies' misses, children's and in fants' costumes, wraps, shawls, underwear, etc , and boys' clothing. This loom is considered one of the most magnificent salesrooms in the United Stales. The floor above is occupied by the Mail Or der Department (so popular with the 1 idles ot your county) where the wants of out-of-town consumers are uuentieti 10. no aumirabiy o: ganizetl is this tfepirlment no longer it necessary to come to Phihdelphia lo ulcct ll season s mpplits ol ttry goods. A letter care fully stating about what is wanted, will receive a prompt reply, accompanied with full lints of .aniples, lU'irktHi at Hie lowest prices at wind; any bouse in this country can k-II simi'arqusli' ties, A lady in any pari of the United Mates can now, while remaining coinfortitl ly at home, m ike selections of ihe choicest slylts ol whatever mav be needed and rtceive the sunt- without the tioubloor fatigue necesaiy for trip to the city. The dry goods htiu-es of to day are vastly inherent from llio-e twenty years ago, ami are the lecjgnizeil tmsints4 centrts ol the times. unit "PllACTICAL SCIENCE." Under the above heading, Ihe St. Croix Cbur- II. W. Ilrown were nominated for Executive Committee; tho ballot resulted as follows: Urown, H; Evans, 44; Shaeffer, 33; and Vance, 30; thus electing Hrown, Evans nud Shaeffer. J. F. Peacock was reelected Treas urer without opposition. Chandler Eves and Matthifs llarlman were nominated for Libra rian; Eves was ciocted. On motion convention adjourned. t'tn.KMv.v -In OrangevdV nn the 13. b mst Mr Samuel Ci-Liuan, aged 71 vcars 1 iiionll and 21) ihvs. Yr-ieiKii Cnnisv. At the home uf th bride, Miy 13th 1S70, by Hv. J. A. Admin !of Etiersburg. Pa.. Mr. Darius Yeager of Koaiing gourmand had a little experience dining in Creek and Mi-s Hinnali K. Creasy of Nu- nshiiigtoii ho would learn to say that : media nil of Columbia county Pa. "to dine in perfection the supervision of a woman is indispensible." These demonstra live lectures will do much good if they suc ceed in teaching us that tho basis of all g'jod cookery Is cleanliness. There is a wonderful contrast between the average dowdy American conk w ith hertlirty apron and apology fur n cap, surrounded by black saucepans aud greasy dishes, per.plr ng hugely over an enormous lire, and the nimble fingered immaculate skirted French urti'te, wearing her large snowy head-dress the (listening coppe r saucepans ol' her pro- ession rangeti systematic illy over a rtim- pact cniircoai or gas-slme. Hie one is n queen in her sphere, the monarch til nil ihe urvcys. The oilier, when she is not too much absorbed in sentimental reveries to ignore altogether the fact that upon her, more than upon all the medical faculty, tie pends the health of "the nation ir t' "representative republic of soverigu statu-, is engagen in a oaruarous warfare witli livr tools ; red in tlio face and as smoky as the dihes she concocts, sho lays about her heavy handed and furious with the best in tentions, but ncr productions are very u:i- atlsfuctory, C.A. Aw till Annie. MAKRIAOT. OP A WHALTII V Will fi: (illtl. or IIKAVr.K COUNTY TO AN ltiNOKANf Nl'.ailO -Notices Finest stork of Wall Paper ever in Itl"oni- burg at Clark's Hook Satire. Large- assortment of new designs in Wnll rnper at Clark s Hook store. Call at MclCinney's lor Shoes. :pnng Nyles r-pringuoods Spring My If Call mid see The New Goods. Tho New Shies at ll New Price. Cheaper than ever. Must bo seen to be believed, better goods nt li wer prices at 1). Lowenberg' Clark & Son open this day an elegant lin of Counterpanes, Lices.Collnrs, Cull's.ljlovi-, anu i'arasols at greatly reduced prices. The largest stock of Corsets in the county and at lowest prices at Clark & Son's. Hartman Itros. are selling a fine Oolong Ten for 80 cents per pound, also n liue sugar at 8 cents per pound. 2w. Spring Overcoats Priring Overcoats, C cap, Durable, Neat.and New Just leceived at 1. Lowenbergs. Ftrmrs attention ! f?. -M. lies', Hlooms' uiri'. Pa . now oilers chenp for cash or grain all kinds of farming implement. I', P. Kiinkel's Hitler Wine nf Iron. Ha. r.c,-r hi-i-ii known to fall In the cure of weak nc, a'ti'ii-led with symptoms, lnillposltlon to ex- rtt in. Ins-, of mennry, dllli-'ulty of breathlng.gen- rial w.iikut-ss, liorror of tllsease, weaK, nervous ml hint, tin aitful In rnir of death, nlghtsweata, cultl feet, weuknij, Ul'jauiss of vision, languor, universal Lvsslludo ot tho muscular tystcm. e-ronl- us nppotlte, with dyspeptic sjfctein, hot Lands, Hu-lun;: of Iho hn,ly, urvuess c. the skin, pauia . -I'll ince snrt eruri'tius o.i t:i- face, puilfylng die blow!, pain In the. back, lieatlneuof tho eyelids, tr iiueir blank spots lljlng before tho eyes with irmporar) sufruloa and low of sight ; want ot at- lenil.m. tU-. These ssmploms all niiso rrom a w nKiirie, nntl to ri-im-ily that, use E. 1", Kunkel'n Bitter Wiui- of iw n. It never fills. '1 housands nro now entiling health who ba-e used It. flettbo .mine. "Mil lu i' tiii't'es. lake only r..r. hunk- el's. Ask tor Knn'el t littler W tin. of Iron. ThUtruly vat , it'l.- tt.nle tin I "i so thoro'ishly tested by all tiiwhtif the t tint It Is now doomed ln illspenslble am tonic wntrlne It costs but lltllo nutl purines Ihe hlnnd, untl glit-s rone to tboitom .uli ii-iii.vjtr-s Ihe sjst.-m andprolongs life. I now onlj ask a trial ot lids valuable tonic, l'rlco f I per bottle. K. V Kl'NKKl . s-ule Proprietor, No. 233 North Ninth St., teit.w Vir.e, Philadelphia, I"a. k for miter VHno ot Iron, nnd take no n i. A ptiotogr pli ot tbo proprietor on i-ncU wrapper, Ui otiurs aic counti-rrelt. li-witrf of ctmnterte'i -. i)u not let your druggist sntlyo'1 nnv but Kunkt-l's whlcl Is put up only ns nb-iit- ie rfsAhti-d. lour.'in get sK bolt les tor 5. 11 1 nsk Is one simple trial. Tupi! Worms Removed Alive. )lt all complete In two hours. No fee till lit-iiil p s-es. frcat, l'la and stomach Worms re luuMMlby Hr. Kunkel, s59Nrrth Mnth St. Advlco fp-e No rce un'tll ead and all passes Inouc.nntl ailvu lu l'.unkells the only successful phi slclau lu this country Mr the lernovat of Worms, and his Worm sy -up Is pleasant and safo for children or grow n I erions. Send for circular or ask for a bottle, of Ka-i-el'uvio msyrup, l'rlcotl.ooa bottlo. (Jet It. of our druggUt. It never falls. Shoe Store below Court McKinneys House. Huntings. Ties. Hows. Ribbons. at Clark & Son's. M MiKEIVREPOllTS. ISLOOMSUUHd MARKET. Wheat per bushel.. ne ' .. Com. new, M out, " " Flour per barrel .. ('lovem-oa naxset-d , nutter Eggs Tttllow I George A. Clark Window Shades, Iho Huntings son s. Rubbers at -McKiniiev's. A LONG, DELlUllTl'UL DAY ir, of St. Stephen, Jf. B., in referring tu the I Of sunshine and pleasure is the earnest desire, analysis of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov of afllictetl mortals, Hut without health there ery and Sage's Catarrh Remedy, recently made is neither rest, comfort nor happiness. Riches by Prof. Chandler, of ewiork, anil oth- anil glory are worthless withiiit it. Disease ers, says: "Nothing was discovered which we j makes life cheerless, and even home gloomy think obiectionable, and Ihe published analysis Relief is more precious than gold. In all cases should increase, ralher than retard, their sale, of headache, pains in the back, side and chest; To us, it seems a little unjust to call a man nervousness, kidney and liver complaints, dys- a quack, simply because he seeks to reap as I pepsin, diseases of the genital organs, impure much pecuniary reward as o'her clisses of in" blwd, depressed spirits, and all female troubles rr-t ii ti: a., i.-it f il,. i.n i.o.l l,nn ntiomlino ibn nnmml mpilni nf venlions." The Knglish Press is conservative' I Sandaune is a certain and sure cure. Powerful JOHN HICKS, DECEASED. It is with sadness we record the sudden death of this estimablo man. On Monday evening ho returned from Philadelphia where I Kxchange Hotel have been handsomely papered the Society of Friends, apparently in good yet after a careful examination of U the evi. -though genlle-in lis action, it directly read., in panels, which adds greatly to the appearance health. After supper he went to East ttreet dence, it not only endorses but recommends the es the seal of disease, cleanses the system of all ' ' o i i ..... H..I!.! r..i ...... 1 I... TI- llln-n. I tni.,,ril,i-j ami nnmnloltil ? rMlnro. It tn lienlth number of to visit n married ilnugutcr, and when return- r.nuny .ncmi-iuni luaiiumiuitu u, a ............ household nteds, exctptiug those whic'.i btl specifically to other brandies of business, ; for iiictanee hats and shoes, are collected ur il one roof lo the great convenience and advau lane of buyers. While we cool I but wonder at the vast arrav ct llected in this e-htal lishment, we were infurm ed lhat only goods properly btlaiiging lo III dry goods business were kept, aud lint ll: firm s vast ficilities nnd entire personal alien lion were concentrated on their own specia business, and, as a result.their biisiues itsmll. ing lo great proportions, the best aud most sub stantial people being their steady customers. We coul 1 but admire the general appearance of the throngs of customers that surrounded the various counters. Jhey were Iho sub-tanluil people of the city and surrounding country. They were opparently people who tio their own thinking, who desire to buy reliable uoods only, of a reliable house, whose custom is not easily obtained, but when once gainid, is retained while the same fair system of dealing is observ ed. That the firm of Slrawbridge it Clothier tie- serve success for their reliable methods of deal ing with ad their customers, all will admit, and that they are achieving that succi ss in Un building up of one of the largest and rtli i- ble businesH enterprises of the lime, is patent to every ob-crver. Hats Heautiful Silk Hals New Soft ei'il lints, Fur Hats, For Men for Hoys ami Children At the Popular store of I). Lowenbt r. All Wo d Dress buutiii! yard at l.uu it Sloan's. of the interior of Ihe house. A rooms havo also been pipered. All the appoint, mentsofllie Exchange are complete and no better hotel can bo lound in the country. A Post-Master in a distant county of this State informs us that a certain distinguished Judge of this State declined to further receive the Colummax. A bill was sent but ho plead poverty. "0, most just Judge," why did you wait until you had reaped the benefits of our capital nnd labor for seven years until you made this discovery? The festival held by the ladies of Ihe A. M. I'., church in Hartman's hall on Tuesday and Wednei-day evenings was fairly atlendeJ. There was music by ihe band, singing by the choir, and a cake walk among the attractions. " llur ny" did not get the cake, though his majestic stride certainly entiltletl him lo il. A special train ran from hereto Danville on Friday night, last week, to carry passengers to see "Pinafore." About forty from llloomsburg, ing, and near the iteiormeu i,uurcn, -nr. Richard heard him give ft shriek of pain, and caught him before he fell. Assistance was summoned, and he was carried home, where he died soon after in great agony. We are not competent to say what was the cause of his death. On Wednesday last he was buried in tho Friend's grave yard at Catawlssa. Mr. Hicks was bom in Quakertown, Ducks county, Pa ,in February, 1821, nnd died at the age of G8 years. Ho came to llloomsburg in 1819, and walked from Pottsville here. II then went into tho pottery business with his brother Elias. Ho married a daughter of Charles Hughes, deceased and she and three children survivo him. Mr. Hicks was a quiet, I unostentatious man, respected by all who knew him, and his death is generally regretted' THE ODD FELLOWS' UNEXAMPLED SUCCESS OF THE ENDOWMENT AtSOCIATlOX, The Odd Fellows Endowment Association No remedies ever offered the afllictetl give such perfect satisfaction as Dr. Pierce's Golden Med. ical Discovery and Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. LKTTEK yitOM FHANKL1N. There will be several weddings neighliorhood. this and vigor. It is an unequalled diuretic, haV ing no alcoholic properties, but possesses incom. parable sanative virtues. In several cases it should be alternated with Sandallne Elixir. Will do just as recommended, used as directed, or money refunded, 1'rice 5-1, Ask your druggist, Thousands of testimonials attest its worlli. Terre Hauta, Ind , Dec. 11, '78. Dr. , you em , at Clark .t buy Iice, Deadlier Son's for IS cents per Lulie Hunting yard. Use Knapp's Curtain Fixtures, warrantee; for two y.'ius, ft r sale it Clark's Hook Stuio 100 bushels of flood Potatoes for sale nt Light blrett by Silas l otlng. Mav 23-2 w Dress linens, from 10 cents a yard Lutz it Sloan's. Mr. A. Roarbach left l.r the west several Oounod, 5 West Uth St., N. Y. : I am perfect weeks ago. We hope he may be successful In his business. Prosi eels are lhat hav will be cheap this fall. "Tramping il." The Supervisors on llieir respective highways. The Tramp who kindly favored us willi a ly willing to certify that bandallne l-.luir, a prescribed by you, entirely cured me in a very short lime of mercurial poisoning, which I had contracted in my former business of a mirror manufacturer. My bones were as much affected as my skin. In fact, my whole system was In a" state of disease. C. H. Stamford. Dr' Rupert, nnd Catnwissa went down. Ihe I which commenced operation toveinber 1st 1878 singing was good, but ihe orchestra was thin, U meeting with unexampled success, the mem- consisting only of a violin nnd piano. Ihe bershlp being continually en the increase. ''special train" consisted of a passenger car at tho end of a freight train. It took a little less than two hours to come home. The Lodges of the Order pay a slated sum u,Hn Ihe death of a ".ember, but the amount is The oaf obJ(conl usually sman, seiuoiu uver ftw , ouu mc w sketch of his experience some lime since, must I Gounotl'a great medical work, full of Interest have had his store of Geographical knowledge 1 0Ter 250 pages. Price $1. Send for it. brought into his active service by the Sectional map that he mentioned, and Dom Pedro as he says must have held the best hand, His sight must also have been at fault, or perhaps it was too early lor him to see the exact bcation of all the houses in Ihe ancient village of Slabtown Mr. C. A, Knoir a candidate for slier ill' paid us a visit some time ago, Charley seems lobe a nretlr nice sort ofa fellow, and there is no HEADING BIO LEASE. What Mk. Gowen says about it-tjie on-iurr aimeii at ny the movement1 a oain or NEAIILY $1,OIX),000 1'Ell ANNUM t'lCl'IlEIl ur. WASHINGTON LETTER Washington, H. C, May 20, 1S7U. TUT. WASHINGTON bWIMMINU K'llOOL AND Tlin I.ADIKS WHO I'ATltONIZK IT WOM AN AS A SWlMMLIt AND I'LOATUR COM I'LICATLU llATHINO DttlVSSCS WAliT SKIIIT AND l'ANTALOONS IN ONli IIAKMIINT L1XTU1UH ON COOK ING NATIONAL ri'CULIAItl Tlf'S LADILS TltYINtl 10 FATHOM OCCULT MYSrLKY. During the winter the skating rink was the chief attraction in Washington. Thea tres, receptions, hops, paled before its black- asphalt floor roller skates, music, and gal lery crowded with the Ion ton of the Capl tal and a few unhappy diplomats banished from European centres to this frontier. Hut the skating rink has had its day. The weather Is too warm for exertion, and the swimming school has usurped its place. The Mr. Gowen. nreaident of the Philadelphia objection to all swimming Bchools, except and Headinir railroad comnanv. on being ie surf, is mat they are not social. Here '"l . .7. . . ,. In.. i.. .1.. t 1...1 . i . i i ..!. ... i m. ir in erroiraieu eaiuruav last wiin reierenco 10 ins wto lain" siiuimuuut, in uiu unu.vii-u unit. ll-'UUl lie wutllil wane n TtJ K"1 uumi n - I ,, , . ns that the people see object in leasing the -North Perm ami Jiound uniu is ai., nuen iney vacn Xo book can be more useful to horse owners than cne recently published by Dr. H. J. Ken dall, Enosburgh Falls Vt. The price being onlv 23 cents, all can all'ord it. Every one who recs il is very much pleased with it, and il has Ii5 fine engravings illustrating positions ofsirk horses, and treats all diseases in a plain and comprehensive manner. It has a large number of good recipes, a table of doses, and much oili er valuable horse information. The book cau be had of Ihe author as above, or at this offic8. jaeter Myler being President, jects of Ibis Association are to increase the fun eral benefit to an amount that will be of some assistance lo the bereaved ones, which is ac complished by means of combined Stale organ. ization such as this, thus placing the families of deceased members beyond want. This Association, while distinct from the Grand LoJge, was approved by thai body at Ihe semi-annual session in November last, by a unanimous vote, and a majority of the Grand" Lodge officers have become members, Grand Under the In w JjcitOK'B Best Mi e-e-t Nuv j Tobacco. HOSCS AND LILIES. idan by which this Associalion is operated.iuem hers of the Order can make provision for their families at comparatively small cost, there be- acate for the gt n- t. ii,.i TOnmn ...mi tnmvptall I'luiYuiniv iilli. UrooK ranrouui. UIS principal ooject uuiiieu, nuu lane uie iviurr uuriiig uie ai- r-er. thev now liavlne litem nearlv all filled ' lBli'n: "e - lenses was to secure an ternoon aim evening, lour correspoii'ient " - 1 1 X- V-l- 1. t 1 I 1 11.. ... .1 ( 1 . .1 t wtih men from the r own n ace and that the inuepcnueiu ouueno iew lor lor mi cum, occasionally goes iu me aivuuuiiug scnooi Still we wuicn wouiu enaoie mm not oniy 10 moie u u i out never oiucinuy, anu r.i cottrso never in great deal more cheaply than it now costs, but I the forenoon, Little suspecting that he was also to continue the business during the winter talking to one of the profession, whose bus months. He figures that it costs his company ineB, toclveft veracious account in writlnir $1,710,000 to put 2,000,000 tons Into Iew ofaii Ue hears, the swimming teacher said .oris ana its waters, wnue wnu me new uncs l0 Ine . t.A .l)0rter 0f one of tho city pa lie can put the same quantity Into the market ,. c.nB ln ve.terdav lo eet tho iiamns t, at a cash outlay of only $850,000, thus saving , ,ajiei ttll0 ,mlroniZB tie H.,oo) i,llt j nr-n flf TI. I .! I uo.i-oo per milium, i ..en, tm. ing a" "ui.ev , , , , , . ., , ill i..u winter .tiuiiius rv... g.iv wis vuittptiiiy business which will fully equal nn Increased profit of a half a million dollars on his own present sheriff i from that township. should like to see Mr. Knorr elected. Those 5eAoo. Hook mm do not have anything to say for their defense because Ibey know that I Ihey are at fault. Poor fellows, you should have known this before, iou might have known It If you had any Gumption about you that the tax payers of lids township not going to blindly submit to such Hulldozing in these hard times. We underitand that several of our enterpris ing ycung men propose building a church for i;nes unuouuieuiy aa.,. this to Ihe $950.000savcd bva chanee a dies who como here would not like such publicity. Oh yes ! many of them can swim, but they do not swim as well ns men for one reasou,because they wear such heavy Attention Farmers! Attention Mechanics Attention all I ! ow is your time lo secure Hargains in Clothing. Hals ,v Caps, Root nntl Mines at Gross & Hro's popular New York C'uthiug Store. He sure and give them can. Twenty davs closing i-alo nf our Pprin tock of Dress (iootls at great reduction, ha lts, now is the time to buy. Clark .S: Sin The town of Heaver wh'ch has turned out more office holders to the square inch under Republican administration than any oth ir point upon God's footstool, has quiten the best Spring Fixtures sensation A young girl, possced of many personal charms, belonging to one of the best families iu this part of the State, reared in luxury and finely educated, left her home nf refill ment in an angrv mood and mar rietl an ignorant negro coal miner. Annn Moore is the only ilAtighter ami youngest child of a well to do gentleman Her three brothers occupy positions of pub lie esteem, two of iheui being talented mem bers of the R-aver comity bar, and one an accoi-.plisheil Philadelphia physicim. The family is highly cunnectel. She Iris been a wayward, thoughtless child for years,wrinLr ing with anguish the hearts of her parents by her unreasonable conduct. Argument ami entreaty wre aliko in v.iin. Her evil course continued. She bad been ub-ent fiom homo several days this week, and it is c mi- monly reported that her brother from Plnla ilrlphia, who was home on a visit, proceeded to administer a severe chastise ment. As early as half past five o'clock Friday morning -Mr. Divon. County Tre-stner, glanced out of the window nntl saw her walking along the pavement, nud a few feet behind her two colored bloods. He remark ed to his wife, "I wonder whero Annie can bo going at this lime? ' This seems to have been the last seen of her until Geo John son, the cilored oral miner already referreel o, walked into ihe liouso uf Rev. Robin-mi (colored), at Rochester, accompanied by her. Mr. McGowati, Clerk of the (Jommi.- ioners of Heaver county, passing by, was called in, and, though not recognizing Mis M, nt first 'iglil, witnessed the marriage cer emony. .Miss M. being rather a brunette, it is pot-siblo that even the clergyman knew not of her social standing at tbo time. The young couple Immediately relumed to Hea ver and made immediate arrangements for hometeeping. They went to what is known as the Marratta place, neat the fair ground, a small house of four rooms which they nre to share m common wilii several blacks. She went home fur her piano nntl trunk. Miss M. for the last three years has caused her parents unspeakable anxiety by persist ing in her strange career of dis-ipation Some fifteen mouths) ngo sho became the mother of n little girl, ami nfti r the shock of the digrncn was somewhat tempered by time, she revealed ns the name of her sedu cer a yotttig law student, named Cran ford in Attorney Wilson', olli -e at Heaver. The matter was brought before the court, ami lie, refusing to admit his guilt went ti jail ami served out hi-, time. Miss Moore Is a daughter uf Alfred R Moore, a prominent citi -en of Heaver enmi ty, and a brother-in-law of ex Chief Justice Agncw Judge llice of Heaver county i also a relative of the young lady, lie having married a daughter of Judge Ajnew. Critic. keeps the hfst plain best Cord rixture-, mid Dress Linens at Clark A 'otatous lrti vppies urns MUt-s ASIiouWers Lartl per iioiiud nay i.-r iou , lteeMi ax TlmotUj deed ijuui'Ai juas run cuau o. 4 on Wbait t s.i per Ton No. 6 " " .." S Hlucksmlth'8 Lump on Wharf s.'si " uiiutninous w s fir 2-i cents a up, nt Vt can be obtained. , ,.i ,i.i.. i,,.. ....I ..u.tiHi I the use of all denominations. ,Ug .U sirs., U. , ..... - , ... , . , .,. . .. ""-- .vs.M, b hathint. dresses f!,.m Intn IhUrnnm nn.l I paid lo officers. Any membr orilie Order, ii i wiuniuiii.r m .... - in tbe coal trathc, ho says, the entiro net proht , , .hysically qualified, can become a memler.and ual footl, necesssry for Ibis and Ihe life lo will be about f14o0i00o, To be deducted will .how yoij gome of Here is Ihe here is but lltlledoubl that this Association wil come. A grand undertaking young men, and fr0m this profit will be from$CO,000 to $100,000, '"Immmg habit of the wife of the pr'.prie- which under the present guaranty in the leases "' "' ""'-' -!'ugu uo is a Is the utmost deficiencv that would he imposed very htotit lady, he swims very well. This The charming efl'rct of roses and other besu ti ful flowers is given to ribbons, feathers, kid .,l..., I t.i l. .t T Tl ... K.v.c-v am. KIIH.KIUKS ur uii.ik l.vnuiui. a i' t. . , , ,. , . .. .,,' i. ui. nimnlre,l t, ilia frater- we trust a successful one. n.u.woi.iu.uuu , i.u bi..... w ..... .-..., , - . -. , ... nr.i.. .... i .i..t. ..I ..... :..,. i ...t. nmi tinni v become a uibuucuvb ucueutia. i , w. mc tniliv i.ll4lij'ai tuiuta anj im. i n"j -"- - v feature of Odd Fellowship, Plow Hoy. I upon his company by them, even assuming I pink costume belongs to tho daughter of HEVISKI) AND IMIT.OVUD. Ajtcr a tickage of Kldnsy Wurt.a grn il. man who has hem iniscrall-' wiili kidney ei I icr iIi.o.ise said : "l am revived and luiprov itl. It has cured ine of constipation, aud piles tioui la me no more. I orale by all Drug go-is. Tie -iii.m-ibis , hriday i nings. ),- and II Pa'rasols from Sloan's. 15 cents up, nt Lutz Admission free at McKinney's. Get jour pa Xow Is the lime to paper. per at Clark's. Good Calico, ft cents per lengths at Silas YoungV, .si .45 .! 6.HO S.M l.fsl IS .10 . I .IJ .04 vty, .!- .OT 6.1 0 .VS li.t) DMINISTIiA'lOU'SNOTICK EsTU'E OF ?A1UH AUNW IKK, DKCEUFIt. I.rtti-is of AdmlnUtratlon with tho will Annexed on tlu- t--.tute ol Arnwlne, late of Ontro iwp.. 'itiuu.bu. couiny.rt'imsviviiiit..ueceawa. nave uct-n L'r.uttfit t.v llm Kt-irKtcr of Hald county to tho un- UiTi-.ltf.uMl AtlinlnlMruior. All persons liaMng claims mmhiftt itif t"lnU' of tho dPCfdent are requested to present them forM-itlu.rcnt ani those indebted to maw.' pajim'm, iu uiu unu-TMifiieu wmium. uuiuj. 1IUIA--1 111 1 .11 111 Cf Administrator, prlllf.. ii70-fy Vhltmtic, Columbia co., Va. A DMIMbTIIA'l OK'S SOl'lCE. ESTATE OF 1HV1D W. YOCTM, DECEASED, U ttsrsof riilmltilst ration on the estAteof t'avltl V. iM-iitn. itttt tr lienton townhltlD. t'olnmtita co.. de eds' il, luvt- bt-t-n granti-il by tlio ltcgtster or said ruuuiy iu my itiiut-rsiKiitu AuunutMrtiiura w itum nil IK-isona inittbtcU hic rt-tptesieu to make imme-dlatt- pamt'tit una those hiving claims or demands! aictiln--t ihe i-htato m HI mafco them known to the Ad- utmisiraiors wiinout ueiay. -.I.IAB II11A. Administrator, A prll il, Ta-iv I'. o. lienton. ( . yard in short .May 23-2w Hani times is the cry. In eon enuence, the New York Clotliing Storn lias rpilucrtl the prices of good Hoots & Shoes. 50 per cent, cheaper than any other store in tulM). Plain and Kancy Brocade Silk fur Trim mings at Clark ft Son's. A largo assortment cf New Shoes just re eivetl from New York which I will sell at tiw prices. A stock of from $HO0 tn S-1MMJ worth of boots and shoes to select Irom. t'hililien'a Mi"es' ami Ladle' SUppiis. (Jailers, Morocco nntl Kid Shoes, lace nntl button. Lulies Slippers tor nil cents, ti- cts, 75 cts., 90 its, SI 00, jl.'Jftto $1.10. Clitlilrtii satiil .Misses' Mioes, cents. 10 cents, 50 rents, (il) cenls,75 cents. !o ceiil.,J1.00,jl.'i'., $.1.-10, $1 50, ?l 00, sl ; Ladies' U .tilers anil sliues lor o cents, no rents,! OO.Jl.lO, fl.25, fl.40. l 501 tw, $1 75.1.!H1, W 00. i2 25, 2 5o, --2 00, J.7." itiulhs Hovs' and Jlens Mints, W) e'-nis, 00 rents, H 00. S .10. if 1.20. "... tl -10. $1 50, $1 fill tl 75, $1 110, 200.S2 25, J -10 $2 50, S2.75 at Light Street by may z.i-zs- oii,.rj itJUMi. of Hmbroiderics nt Lutz ,c THE ASHSTONS' OPERA HOUSE Friday anft Salurilay May 23d and 24th. Friday Eu-nins May ii U, tlio eminent character uetur MB. .1. 15. ASUTOX AS 'RIP VAW WINKLE Sfvtunlay Evening May 24th, TIIK l.REVTESr UVISO CHILD AllTISTE LITTLE DOIUUT ASHTON "FABCHOH THE CRICKET." Great Reduction in Pricos. l.UXEUM. AUMIs-MOX, HKSSIIVllU ETf, S5 CENTS, SJ CENTS. St-a's may be aecuretl alter Jlondiy, May 19th aC ll A, e UrK's Uook !-toro. Mai m, "a Sti Kl). C. VOVSO, Ak'cnt. QLAllK V. IIAUDKK, nCll.nSK IND MiM-FiCTCKEROr Bear:, Saik, Blind;, Moulding:, Brackets, na ilt itUrlu I I'MllKHnnd ill kinds ot 111 II.DI.SO MA'lfclllAU HAltllWAltL'.lC, TIllltD h'l It EET, t A rAWIblA, PA. Ma 16. '; 'ru New Stock Sloan's. A full line of Uaiiiburf,' Kdglnr rnd White Hoods cheaper than ever at t-'luik A Son's. Ton Itr.NT. A residence nn Fifth ttntt between Market iintl (.'nitre, furnUhui .r uiiluruislitil, Teims leaumable, l- i m furmallon inquire at this ollice. May 23-2- The lare-t line- -is iu town nt l I'.uii iv u 1 , I lurk tV iSii. in to-uioirow ,s.,.i y;cvc- prices aud 300 doziu mure lo cuuu mu-Jday. HOP BITTERS? ia .llidlclur, nul n llrlnli,) C' NTA11.I hops, nrciiir, jiashuake, DANDV'.l.lllV. ."JID TUK PIUIST XS.B lltST MCDIIUL QCiUTlUl sr Ai-l. Tuzn 1IITTCSS. rxra"5r ocrxt33 All Dlscmoj of tiw .-tonarh, nowe-ls, lllood. Ltrer, ludarriLatid r.- vn..n..... u.uvm uuu t . ' ; tuy t cmiii- coiuputat. si ooo i (iiii.n. a Mid for t ca- thi-T trill not rare or tela. 01 in.tnir Imtmre or Injurious fountl In ihm. Am rour lruggut lorllop nitipri snd trTihenJ 1. .. . . - 1 jcivrc- )i)U Hirp. THUS no oturr. IjllopCocjnCcmillllio iwrptrat, latent aM best VUilUlt u. Iff WW b error in R ll III TMllillU rho Hop rn for Pion, - ti, Llv-r rtl Klflnfyi U Ip. I. C. It ;n rl ao -v SUrunxi-n . ui ( vv I n& tor ctrruUr na in-sMlpttiiT run for AM m i 'it