it THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COINTY, PA. Miscellaneous. Sl'KIMJ 1MIKTS, AIIOUSB ! A Move to lNlmntp VA'inr to nn Aniirooln tion or I'oesy, snxn rF.nri:cn.Y iintkanciku r.rrusioNS OS HI'MNU IIHAII ATTItll FIMTCUN vr.srtoN or run coming poets. 'Nenredue. In the fulnes of Umib wo sliunlil be on iloclc, ready toRrupplo with our natiirHl enemy, the oil i tor I tuny my, the unapirectntlve alitor. Sprlnjr, that verdant dcavin, when all things green ntnrt from theeircumambliint oirtli, h on the eve of Iruitloti, and we shoulJ sprout, I may say, wiin nature's other proiliictloin,' Ttieia we rn tho ope'iln remark of llio hyiltn O Gall, Ohalrunn of the bprlnir IV Hs' Mnln.ll Almlr.ilon Asociitloii, that held Us first public lamentation in tbl. city one nay lat vvetk. It wa a Eitheriti of lofty souls, Hith sexes were reiirweuUil largely, and, althoiwli the halt was Urge, ther was not room stilfi cient to admit one-third of those who claim cd admittance, Hut two question were dlcued. Tho ncn-.'VVby should thoscrap-bi'ltetsurvlve?' and "Is it pimiule to ediieato an editor to a prnpr appreciation of not try on Spring V Tho opinion was unanimous. Tlien'rui basket was voted an Initiate devourerof Hintillntton) on Sprint?, and the editor wat declared to be an obdurate animal, with n soul too emuli to ever arrjve at a proptr a preclation of the Spring imi-e. Having settled lhee points, the aoc!a lluti ilrciJttl to enjoy a fea"t of reaoo, and every member, in. to and female, arose and drew forth yard and yards of exquisite vtro upon the sul jdet of Spring. U imeo Jellir Jlgplitter, an ethereal youth in black, wealing long hair and a il.rty dicky, was tho first to give vent to his burn ing soul. UN bosom heaved as he unroll ed five yards ol foolscap, and turned his r.l Ho? eye in the direction of llin ceiling, lie had concentrated his voice in his socks, and got o(T something sounding this wise ; dally Spring poet. In frenzy line, ticrupundgolt, And Jerk out your rhyme On spring; ilieen erring, v KioenajanemeraM, or as green as a lieu, As green ns n cIim. or as green 04 you could be," 'I have here,' said Diouysius O'Gall, K.q. 'what strikes mo as being a very happy thought on the subject that distends our.bos nms. It i.s in eighty-seven verses, and al though a little out of the common run, is in fused with fioo poetic feeling. The eccen tricity of lb, versification, you will observe, Is one of its hidden charms.' The fiist line runs thus: "Who would suppozeit, That any good l'oe-lt could parse Spring time and know It, And not eoinpozlt A varsc. By thetimo the last verse was read the association was palsied .vith admiration. It was observed that the corkscrew curls of dome of the poetesses gradually untwined as the readiog progressed until they hung liite sea weeds on a clay bank. Miss l'enelope Ann Bouncer, a lady with a hiavenly eleva ted nose, with many palpitations or the heart, unrolled seven yards of manuscript, and read In a high soprano key a poem, be ginning : "Editor, I do envy thee ; Thylot,howroyt To Mt by Iiours and days to read Odes, stanzas, verses and poesy On vernal Spring, by )Ing." This gem had a most soothing efie2C"-t- was remarked that the editor who could not appreciate this was an unholy, unchristian thing. From profound lethargy the association vas roused to a most exuberant state by the reading of a pastoral composition by l'yg. malion Gallaliu, which opened with thce lines : "I alius larl, a n' I alius sing j I set right don n w Mi a v ery broad grin, I match my pencil or soras Men till ng, I vvrlto like thunder ; I do by Jtng. About the grass and about the sasa. Green fruit and the lass, tolly wabble, which I pas. And other Joys or spring." The glory of being the parent of the only epic production read fell to P. Pewter Bang-, Eiq , a lobster-faced man with a breast like a crab. Ho heaved out forty-seven stanzas all about as bad as this : "My prophet feet I 1 know It The sensitive bunion, that nestles between my boot and tho great too Joint, swells with raptures ; Evry Individual corn aches aloud ; He still my throbbing heart I (ireat Cesar! What mean theso eirpilslto omens: Why ache and groan, these monitors ol changing seasons 1 O, gross and grovelling man, take heed ; Spring Is here J tho poet tells It In his feet and buom sim ultaneously. Stay not his sj in pathetic pen, O, Editor, but let him sing lis Joys. Ouch !" A weazened little lady, with a penny whistle voice, with a knob of thin hair twisted tightly between her ears arose and allowed sixteen verses to creep out between her six dollar teeth, which opened In this style : "The llttlo lambs gambol ; 1 he lovely gli Is bcrambln Their hair j The gripes an J the o-ille, 1-xcurslonB and frolic Andrairs Are Inducted with beautiful Spring.1 The best looking girl lu the collection, decorated with Irantie bangi and a bustle as big as a bolster, tripped off this little en trancing verse : "Thou art tho bene or the seasons ; Tls to thy chtrins mat I sing j For this there aro dozens of reasons. Thou bright young maiden, calledsprlng. "your handmaids aro numerous, sweet beason ; Some pleasant ; but others ob,dear 1 The collu and cramps aro the reason I give vcuttocxpletlv.ssoiiueer." 'That is most txcruclatlngly lovely,' said the chairman; 'but it has oue serious fault it Is too bhort. Never cramp your soul to less than sixteen verses. That is the advice of one who has written long and suffered.' Theu, addressing the association, President O'Gall gave the following sound advice to the members ; '.My dearly beloved but crushed and swoon ing sisters and brothers of tho poetic mute : The auspicious season Is at hand when you should shake off, as it were, your burnirg ef fusions, and send them to theunapprcciatlve editor for publication. Educate him up to n proper appreciation of your ability by per sistent 'lays.' Do not allow tho thoughts of the gaping tcrap-basket to startle your muse. Ilj not abashed by (he cynical editor ; for Spring -gentle, ethereal Spring is at hand, according to custom, and sighs that her charms are not sung. It is just ns easy to write poetry on Spring as it is to polish a stovepipe, Nature has cast you in n mould ubove stoveplpo polishing, and the muse cries aloud to you to grapple your pen and grind Some hidden beauties are still unrevealed by your tiumerous tribe. Go, theu, to your Mrveral habitations and write write of the iieauties of Spring, tllieuul Spring. J'hila, J.'e-ord. CULTIVATION OF CORN. How little tho world profits by annual ex' perlcnce. Every year as tho season for vn rious operations come nroiind, discussions Rrle ns to the valuo of certain practices In connection with these crop", which go over thosamo ground ns those formerly occupied, and which really tell nothing new, Jtit now the nnnual question as to whether It Is best to sow corn In drills or In hills is taken up with a warmth and enthusiasm which would do justice ton subject to be discussed for tho first time. Tliocuilous putt of this discussion is that the agricultural colleges seem to lead olf In it One would suppose Institutions of learning would know nil that was already known and not set themselves to expulsive experiments to find out what every Intelligent farmer knows. During the past fifty years hundreds and hundrods of people havo tried whether or not lrioro corn can bo raised to the aero by sowing In drills, ns marking out one way is cilled, than when Ills nwu In the check work or hill plan, and the evidence has ben uniform that when the plants are not closer than eighteen Inches npart In the row, tho weeds kept down, and the general culture the -111118 ns for hilled corn, there Is more corn to the acre produced. If thero evtr has been a doubt of this expressed afur act ual trial we have lint heard it. Hut the real point of interest Is whether this way of growing corn is the most profit able? Wo this question some time since, aud wo believe no did see an article in reply, to show that it was the most profita ble. The figures were given, and as they were given, made to appear In favor of tho drilling plan. In tho drllllm; way it is found that much more hand labor Is reiuir- ed than when planted in hills that the hor-e can do most of the wotk. Iu tho figures giv en the value of the horse's work on the hill plan was given as if he had been hired at so many dollars a day. In tho drill system as given In the figures, there seemed to be a great saving of horse labor: but In all prob ability while the osnerof that crop was hammering away at the weeds with a hoe along the line, the horse was idling away in the stnblo eatingbis head off. It seems to us that at times our agricultu ral colleges do not go enough Into the profits ol things. There are in farming a thousand things which aro true, but which are not profitable. iNow agriculture is not a sci ence, nor was It ever intended to be, nor will it ever be a science : but it can and docs re- celvo great aid from science. It is science which discovers that a rowof com will yield more than the same lineal measurement in hills ; but true ugricullure is that which de cides whether after all wo can make the lit tle bit of science profitable. Gtrmantoicn Telegraph, Tin: I'AKrr.inar.. To show how useful tho beautiful and harmless partridge i, it is stated that a (lock of them was seen run ning along the rows of corn just sprouting. and seeing them engaged at something vhich was believed to be pulling up tho voting plants, one of them was killed and its crop examined, which was found to contain one cut worm, twenty-one striped bugs nod over one hundred chinch-bugs. Ano her man says he has adopted measures to protect the birds, and tbat they have become to numer ous and so tamo that hundreds of them, alter the snow falls, can bo seen in the barnyard with his fowls when they are fed. As a re sult of their presence upon his premises, his wheat crops wvre unusually abundant, while in many other places not far off the chinch- bugs and other insects had destroyed half tho crop. jMhanrc. "1 Don't Want That Stuff," Is what a lady of Boston said to her hus band "hen he brought home some medicine to cure her of sick headache and neuralgia which had made her miserable i6i fourteen years. At the first nttnek thereafter, it was administered to htr with such good results, that she continued itsuso until cured, and made so enthusiastic in its praNe, that she induced twenty-two of tho best ladies in her circle to adopt it as their regular family medicine. That 'stuff is Hop Bitters. Wap.p.anied. MLs Djd's cooking lec ture the other evening. Lady soliloquizing : Now that she's got it cooked, I wish she'd tell us how to use up cold mutton.' Next lady overhears and remarks: I haw some infallible recipes.' I'irst lady, alert with pencil and note book: 'Will you please favor me?' Second lady : 'Six boys!' Vn7. Jlulle- tin. HOP BITTERS. ii .uctiiciue, not u Ilrlnk.) CXJXTAlSt HOI'S, 1IUCHU, MANDHAKE, IIAMlKl.inv. A3n rut IfEMT AMD IlMT UEDICAL QUAUTtxJ vr alu OTUKH 11ITTXB3. IAU D!eaei of the Stomach. Iiaweli. nuu.A t tttldacyi. nd Vrtu&rr OrjnNnousnei,bUt:H ife 61000 IS COM). ft III bo paid for mm llief will not cure or helo. oA mr aujiuiDic impure or jaiunoui round la tbem. i. . ... . : AK your Jruggm for Hop Dlttrri sad try then before you ilccp. Tuk no other, Uop Coca li Citue in the swoetcht, ufest and hctt soak iituuriu. Tbe noi Tad for F.toinarh, LWfr M KIdncji jJ . I. C. fi an ahholuie and lnrHitrWe care for muaeu,um of opium, tobuct-u km naro-Xlca. BM Scud for circular. mmmmm Mi lx oW by drocrV. Jlp IUttMfj.Co.Bjrhi44,N,Y May , IV U- JOII I'lUKTIlNQ Kchtljr anil cheap. exctuUxl at tbe Columbian Oflic, I iii fliff f& sin. hy4l 1 Mm la , -,1-cm. GILES' LINIMENT IODIDE AMMONIA. TRADE: MA(it Curi'M all l'n In In ,11 it ii iuitl l!cnt Ti:riMONtAii IKOl.Arr t'TRiil ( t-'nllinu nf thnU'mnli.t A U'nn. dormi C'un,--MtKi jours my lre mineri-d fwlth thli H-l t mir lUllliillUIIU "HIU w HI HIMMIueU I IV (JlA'lUr in ter doctor. ut-iiLlo tln rilfTorvnt hmtrltflU nhfr fp. malcHiiro truatttl ; trl-l ititm nil t worn tiandiiL-es hihi iit'Hfiinc wiin uniy icmporary reucr. ner nro was miwrauie, wo applied Jr, ui ta' ummciii, Ucr relict was Itnmeillaio. Mil' is now well. It. McDrrmott. 40 UVL Iftlh H'net. Nnw York. Iliad twolve strokes of 1'nrni.vsK My leff. arm nntl tODjruo were tiwi(Hi ; was obliged to uso a cath eter cury an jr. Itotlur (i lies' liniment lodldeof Ainirionia n.i cured n v. 111 answer any iiuiuirics so that all afflicted inav know of tf. Jonv Arrbh. No-tli Itranford, Conn, Chestnut, lllll, I'hlladelpliU, April 21, ",fi. W. M tllles, K-ij,. Dear Mr I iivd jtmr Iodide of Ammonia Mnlincnt on 1'lora Temple's hind pattern Joint, she hid been quliu lame; the eiTrct vm wonderful iho wuks now qutlo well. Very re fipecifully joins, A. WKI-Cir. P. S. I am now iwlng It on Littleton's rlhitoro lej?. a lurjre shoo boll on a valuable joun horso was removed by Ulles' Liniment Iodide of Mumonla. SlIRl'HKKH liNArr, Carpets, U.alxin nve., New Vork. Abtiinu Thn torture anil t.irotilf4 I finlnrpd for six yearn, none but Ihuw who lime suffered with this lerrible disease can know. My life wui infera ble, in fiesperatlon 1 tried titles Liniment Iodide of Ammonia. It pave me instant relief. Used H In ternally as well as externally. j noa. isii win an. 127 west 27th street. New ork. I was In a dreaainl conOitton. .lolnls .swollen. fialn intense. Injections of morphine Into tny u-lns ailed to lelleve me. (tiles' Iodide ot Ammonia took awav tbe depoMls fiom my Joints I wanteery ono who sutTen to know what wiiiente them. FOKuicK ixmntor, North H.wla Park. liiiminoillo co, vt. Another Sufferer cured. blseiureed from tho MasMaehus-tti (leneral Hospital n.s incurable, with Inflvniuatory Ism la my fehouldi-rs, tinkers nnd feet j MitTered lenrrully for three j ears, tiled everjthliu ; loH all Uuo. Dr. (Hies' Llulment lod- mcui Ammonia tiiecieu a euiupieie cure. Kl.I.KN MITH, No. 72 I'rane street. Kali Utver, Mais Sprains, (.pllnts, bruises. Lameness In horses, Giles' Liniment lodld? or AmmonU is a in-rfect spe ctric, Noper&on whoownsa lione should bo with out It. M. ItonKNs, M9 soventli aenuo New Yoik. In my family, and tor the stock, I have used Glle'c Liniment Iodide of Ammonia. It Is tiriurpa"-HHl, and 1 am surprised at the many dirrereut maladies to which It bupptlcable. It cues the utmost satis faction. lOIlS J. CARTKK, Superintendent Eastern Tennijlvanla llxperlinen tal Farm. fioc. andff i and In Quarts at J2.W, In which there Is a trreat &alusr. Irlilsle 25 cents. S0L1 IT AM, DHCnOtSTS. .1. 1II:MI:iIh1I(TT, Agl. lor niitoin.liur. tfi.lV41,IS ANTI-FAT Allan's anti-Fat Is the frrcat remedy for Corpu- Sencv. It Is purely rttretable and perfectly harniUaa. I ai-ti fn ttiv food in the atomacli, pre Tenllng Its ron-(-rlon Into fit. Taken accord I ufr to directions. It will reduce tmt pfin from 8 to B pounds wwlu In placlnfr tills remedy before tlte public as & port fire cure lor oheiltr, e. dosoknowlriK its ability to cure, m attested by hUDdreds of testimonials, of which the following from a lady In Columbus, OhK ll a sample. "Gentlemen! Your Anti-Fat was duly received. I took It according to directions and It re-liiced me Ave pounds. I was so elated over the re sult that I Immediately sent to Ackeruan's drug More for the second bottle." Another, a jphyilcUn i riling for a patient from Providence, JL L, earn, "Four to tiles have reduced her -wchrlit from 1W pounds to 192 pounds, and there Is a central lmprme ment tn hi alth.- A gentleman writing from llotr trn, says i " lllmut special change or attention to (Hit, two bottleJ rf Allan's AntlFat reductd inr four anl one-quarter pounds.- The well-known Whole sale ltrUKglsU, bMITU, IXtOLlTTLK A bMlTlI. rf HoS ton, Slass., write as follow si Allan's Anti-Fat has reiluced a lady In our city Kevin pounds In Vuicti weeU. A gentleman In fau Louis writes: "Allan's Anti-Fat reduced me twelve pounds In three weeWs, and altogether 1 have lost tHentt.flije pounds since cnmmtnclngltsuse. Mesia. I'owellA I'liuiton, Wholesale lmvglsth. of liutfaln, N. Y., wrllei "To the riirtniETOita of Allan's anti-Fat i tiintle nier,, 1 tie fol lowing report Is from tho lady who used Aran's Anti-Fat. It (the Anti-Fat) had the desired effect, reducing the fat from two to tire pounds a week until 1 had lost twenty-five pounds. 1 Impu heter to regain whal I hate lost." Anti-Fat l uu unexcelled blood-purlllcr. It promotes dictation, c urine hiDen-da, and Is also a potent remedy fur rheum at Urn. bold by druggists. Pamphlet on Obee- WOMAN Jty an Immense practice at the "U'orld'J Dispen sary and 1 n v allda' Hotel, having treated many thou sand rases of those dlHases peculiar to woman, i hue been enabled to perfect a most potent and pobl tl e rt medy for these diseases. To dut-mate this natural Epeciflc, I have named It Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription The term, however, 1 t a feeble expression ct my high appreciation of Its value, based upon per n nal obneratlon. 1 have, while wltnesblogiL tsl- tho results lu the 6 pedal disease Incident to the oivaalnn of woman. blngUnl it out as tbe climax or ri-ovrnlux sent of mj nedleal eurecr. On Hi merits, as a posit he, safe, and ttfei tual rtniedy for thlsclasj nf Ilaeai'fS, and oue that will, at all times and under all circumstances, act kindly, I am willing to stake my reputation as a ph)lclau: and fco confident am 1 that It will not disappoint the most sauguine ex pectations bt a single Invalid lady who uses it for any of tho allmenu for which I reeoninun I it. thit 1 olkr nud sell 11 under A POSITIVE ii V A ItANTtC, (For ion-llllon, seo pimihK'l wrapping bottle.) 'ihf f.HlowInt are among those diseases In which my PuTorlte Preftrrlptloii 1ms worked cures, an If by lii.tglc, and with a tt rUlnty never be fore att.dued by tiny medicine) I-eucorrh.ea, Excetslve Howlng, Painful Monthly periods, bupprewdous when from tinirttural caui. Irregularities, Weak Hack, Pro- lapHU, or Falling at tli-t Uterus. Anteverslon and Ileal, Nervou Ieprelon, ItebHlty, Inupondeuey, 'Ihreatened Miscarriage, Chronic Congestion, Iu iUmmatioaaiid riceratloiiortherterus impolitic) Itarruiness, or Bttrlllty, uiid Femalo Wenknens. I do not extol this me-dlclue as a "enn-an," but It adiulribly fulfllls BlnIeiief of purpose, Ulng a tijut iierfert sjeclQc in all chroidc dleaws of the K tuul sj stein of n o tn an. It will not dUjppolutt nwr will It do harm. In any sUU' or eotidltlcn. 'InosettAhodenlreifurtlK r Informal Ion on tin ru-ful-j'-ets cun oiitaiu It In Tun PtoeLE'3 common bENhE Medical Aivi-eh. u hook of over pages, wnt. iwit-pald.on receipt of IDl. It tre-ats minutely of tlioHe illKa-k's ix-cull ir to Females, and gives much valuable advlcu lu n gurl tu tlio liiaujgetiiCtit of .those atti'CtJous. Favorit IrMriptloa Mld hj Ih-ugglsU. f It V. PIEKCK, At, 1.. Prop'r, ortd'a Uliptusary k&tl lnvaUds' Hotel, iJulIalo,. V. aug. so, M. C. SLOAN & BRO. HLOO.usitutt;( i.e. Manufacturers or Carnages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs, PLATFOHM WAGONS, c. flret-clasa worklalways OD'.band. KEPAIIUNQ NEATLY DONE. l'rlxa re'uerd to suit tbe time Jan. 6, Ibll-U. ESPY PLANING MILL. The 'intlmignca lessee or tueKspy I'laclngillll, la prepm'U to do ail klndi o( mill work, Doors, Frames, Sash, BIMs, etc. made to order on short notice, fcaturactlon guar an teed, Cn&HLES Kura, Ulocuisburir, I'a, lrJllY 1)111 KCTO. THACHICK AND 111 HrrnusT MiouU subscribe (u TH13 13DUGATOH, A I.Uo bluontloual .Mobthly, publlsbtd at OKANCil.Vll.U., I'A., rorM cents X'r'ear, Send six cents (or specimen copy, 0. K.CANFIELI), April IS, IST.-tt Editor. ri'rrfOT) 4DTM) niny . foiin.1 on file ot Ut-a i II lb J A 1 IMt 1' lla1llJtlki, M AdtertUlurf llurruil 10 bprucv Mrt-W, vl"T'', '1- U.Uitftx.iilract. luuUfiitAdururu IN M-.W illulit teb. u, tl-U r H, T, HELMBOLO'S aoivi3?oxjjtsriD FLUID EXTRACT UOHU PHARMACEUTICAL SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES OK TIID BLADDERS KIDNEYS For Debility, Loss of Memory, Indisposition to Exertion or I!u.i- nwliortness ol oreiith,! loublcd with 'riiouht.s of niseiiL'.lJimness of Vision, i'liin in the Diick.Cliest iititl Head, Rush of I'lood to the Head, Pale Countenaiae and drv skin. If these symptoms are allowvd to j;o on, very fiequently Eiilep tic Fits and Consumption follow. When the constitution becomes af fected it requires the aid of an in vigorating medicine to strengthen and tone up the system which "Hclmbold's Buchu" DOES IX EVERY CASE. IiELMBOLD'S BUCI1U IS UNEQUAL'ED I!- any remedy known. It Is prescribed by tbe COS eminent pbj slclans ail ever Mif vTnr!d, In Rheumatism. Spermatorhcea, Neuralgia, Nervousnes-s, Dyspepsia, lndige.-tion, Con-tipation, A cites and Paiiis, General Debility, Kidney Diseases, Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility, Epilepsy, Head Troubles, Paralysis, General 11! -Health, Spinal Diseases, Sciatica, Deafness, Decline, Lumbago, Catarrh, Kervous Complaints, Female Complaints, etc. Headache, Pain in the Should ers, Cough, Dizziness, Sour Stom ach, Eruptions, Bad laste in tho Mouth, Palpitation of the Heart, Pin tho region of the Kidneys, and a thousand other painful symp toms are the ollspnngsof dyspepsia. IIELMBOLD'S HUCHU IiivigoruO'fc llic Stomach. And stimulates the torpid Liver, Bowels and Kidneys to healthy ac tion, in cleansing the blood of all impurities, and lnmartiui; new life and vigor to the whole system. A single trial will beouite suili- cient to convince tho most hesitat ing of its valuable remedial quali ties. PRICE $1 PER BOTTLE, Or Si l.oUles lor $". Delivered to any address free from observation. "Patients" may consult by letter receiving the same attention as by calling, by answering the following questions : t. (Hve your name nnu poH-omce address, county and btate, and your nearest express onico ? t. Your ai'O and sex ? 3. Occupation 4; Married or tingle 7 5. Height, u eight, now and In health? 0. How Ion;; havo ) on been sick T 7, your complexion, color of hair and ej es ? . lUve )ou a hUjop'ns or erect gall? I), lielatu ult'umt rei.l union all) ou know about yourease, Eucloss one dollar ai consultation fee Your letter will then receUe our attention, and we will Clvejou the nature ot your disease and our candid opinion concerning a cure. Competent physicians attend to correspondents, All letters Fhould be addressed to Dispensatory, I'.'ITi nlbert stm t, I'hlladclphla, I'a. iz. v. iielmhold, Druggist and Chemist, 1'lllLADELl'IIlA, I'A. sm i:vi:uywiii:ui: Uarch I,16U-ly BL00MSBUR0 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NOltMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALL R, Jr., A. M., Pxincipal. THIS SCHOOL, asnt preicnt constituted, olttrs the very best fjrllltlesfor Professional and Classical learning. ......., Iiulldlnirs spacious, li!ltlngnnd commodious i completely heated by steiun, nclM entllated, lighted by gas, and furnished with a bountiful supply 01 pun, sou "'fIcStlonealthrul, ami easy of access. Teachers cxtwrlen'wl. i'Hlclont, nnd alive, to their work. Discipline, tlrrn but kind, uniform and thorough. Uxpenscr moderate, fltty cents a week deduction to all expecting to tmch. students admitted at any time. Kooins reserved when uelrd. L-ourses oi siuay prestriwu uj iuc nm.u i 1. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Ailinnct Cour-c : I. Acailemlo. 1 1. Commercial. III. Cmr.e in Mulc IV. Course In Art. Tho momentary Scientific and ClasMenI Coursei corresponding Degrt es : .Master ot tliu Elements t Master of the sciences ! Master ot incirnti.iinmcut.,tS!gm'u nv iiie niiin'i in ih.j uumuui i iun The course ot Mud j nreserlbed by the wnte Is ni Ti..utnianniit.n..iiili..,i.rit.iri.I.'ll..ii.hln gent and'enicletitl eaeiiers for her elnnls. Tothlsendlt sollells young persons of good abilities and gool and their talents, as Hudents. To nil such It promises iatawguo. miarcss me rnnnpai. Ill. WM.I.1V.U la.WCI.I., I'rr.lilcnt lliinnl sept, s, 7t. WHAT TO WEAR AND HOW TO WEAR IT- CALL AND SEE THE NEW GOODS AND LATEST STYLES AT THE LOWEST FRIGES. Consisting of an elegant line of Cloths Diugonul nnd Cnsscineres of English, French, German untl Domestic manufacture, FOR DRESS SUITS, FOR BUSINESS SUITS, &c. Hie fte.sidly Mmk Mmrhmmt Is now replete with all the LATEST NOVELTIES at VERY LOW PRICES. Mm ' Vfl Hi .,M ALWAYS ON HAND. HEADQUARTER SPOB Trunks $atclwls. Valises, &ct. A liOWElBHM'S. A.J ENDORSED BY OVER THIRTY SEVIUG 00 . f MACHINE EXHIBITORS AT THE CvVvi 1 jjfj EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE, yf's' CQ 1 Paris, 1878 1 U AND INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, jl&k'sfe&I$r i PHILADELPHIA, 1876, jG&S&My' Q 37 T' I f Aibeloe V ry STRONQ,SMOOTH,nd jd$?V$Siy VT3 . ii JL- V EXCELLENT THREAD." JSSS l,.ufyj iTTe. i ( ENCOURAGE SaMAIJUFACTURED at Home iNDUSTKYfcST moumtholly.n.j. by ysmir i3xBL&STUJiRTiB((QnivtM ccurs.m"ui I 5 Ji$iSjgrM'mE0 NEW Y0RK B0ST0M' j April 13, 'I'J ly Jricffu Pure, By WhiteSewing Machine Co. Cleveland, qhio. April IS -T0-4W, cltatnfil fur neio inventions, or for improvements en old on(9. for wtittcal or other cotnpountt,tratte marks and labels. Caveats, Assignments, Inter ftrtnets. Appeals, hutsftr Infringements, and alt cans arising undtr the Vntmt I. a im, prompt lif attended t im-tif Inn tUttt lutvv bvi n ly the patent of tjice man still. in i must vtise. o pattnUd ly u. Jiti.ty vppuutt ths .V. patent Department, and engaged in Patent lustatss tx cluslvtly, tee can make clostr stanhes, and t urs I'tiUnts tnors promptly, and telth hraadir claims. i i !' icnti irr rrtntum r mm II Utmnnion MMMil vovr device, tea make examinations and udt i ti tt patrntalility, free vf chary c. AH c-jrrespondrnc sti trthfrnn ftdentinl. Priris lorn, and A'O CIIAtlUi:' I JV-XX-'.SV J'ATJIXT IS six uiti:t, Wcreftr tn, Washtnih n, to Urn. Vr'tmrtter Gtntrat, Ky, Etc. F. D. ' t The fHnnnn Amertran Xuttunal i:ankttotSlch's in the A', PaUnt Ojltre, and to ,S' natarsuuii Keprattntutlees in, Congress: and tspfialftf f tr clients In evtiry Aofc in the Vni n nnd in f gu '!. ArWrtsS rjjuHc lut .1 I'jft , ULiliiuyton,!), a Klb.T, BLSlfJESH 0AlirH, VlflTINHCAltlVJ, LsrrKK ii k a ., HILLIlKAn.-. Neatly anil Cheaply rluttd at tlio BUN UiQce. 10-iy Kleiuenlary. IV, Clawtcnl. tin UDFKssioNAI. and students graduatng therein, receive stale Diplomas, conferring Hie followin t tho Cl.uilos. (lr.ulu.ites nnd tho ' -Mentlllc and Classical courses nro not Inferior to those of nnr best (Views, itnt tn.l If. It la nnn nf I ho t.Htno r.hlPCt S nf UU ILi aid tu dev IC1UI'UI lUCir port LTS, .lll'l UUUlUt.lUU upttUHlt'llHa lu, ni ll jhu'I i hvi ituci ii.i-titu' nf Trn.trr.. THE GBISrTS' K FURNISHING DEPARTMENT Is now full of the latest styles of Neck-wear, Collars, Gloves, Scarfs, v Half Hose, Hats, Caps, &c. PEARL SHIRTC NICHOLS, SHEPARO & CO., llntllu Oroolc, Mli'Ii. ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE VI 13 J.?- T 0 12. " THRESHING MACHINERY. Till. MitrlilcvH C! nil ti-'-Ja tins, TImp-aTlnir, Pii'lUii -i ina T ' iti M d.4 iirufrt tlin llo 1 11! 1 rl.l (uct Llt.blCf. 04 iff asrii- STKlM I'm. it ilin".li4r.f'p-rlult), Sjitrlil Un of ikut pi i . -1) f jt b'iftiu 1'owtf. Ol'It 1'nrtmtiil Strum Thrciher KuRtnfs, inDU, fr btind itj tthcr (ak r klail. THE I.MlliV ilirPNliltifT I'spi'nM Cuinl oflfn 11 nf tu brtt tlitx-i mi moi nt) n kf in4u j lb Ktr (iriln SAVl U I j Imj twu4 jlkcblDii, G.HU.V Katitri 1U mt huhmll (o 1 lie mor luiui RTu-;ii . t ,rnin m tl InWlor uf k Uotxi 1 kit otlier lun'Liu. , win i vi. l u J on the M&.reui.e, NOT Onlr Vn.lly Kufprlar for liral.Ottti, Lbi B-' r,4 fitta (-i-iu- 1' i th Okiv iiucn ful Tbn h r lu Jim i 1! ii. t Clowr, ni Ilk ffU, li I'ili ii- 't biucii'i r " riluildlog " to en mi from ur&ln t SwJi, TTN Tliorounh lVorWiuoit'.liIp, Ufpint HnMi, A r r ii n . t v t , t , 'imrnt, m, ur miuTas T r iitUu., w Idi. JiuBlr. Ml llVFMUS Sli.pllrlli or rrt, u.lnir "" hnlt """J lull. iKd , M.U. ( Icku TTor., vlilt no Ull. iut'i cr tkattertnii, 211)111 Klxi r Smril(ir JUile, lUudni d IUrM I'uw.ri u Atkleh. Tt'llt rartlruUr. fill on our Drilrra or w m fwf lllu,uatc4 ClrvuUr, ufakh , iuaI, (rn. J. E. KUU.MM & llltt),, Tfrnioivium, I'a., Ari nts rorKortbumbcrlanil, Montour and Columbia i'ouiittea. Jan. 10,-ciu i V. Coure in Culture. in tuc otieTiuurses receive .oruiui teruutun-s this SeUd ll f.n tieln t'l settlire It. bV riimlll Tl2 Ihteill nrpt",-l!inse whrnieslrelolmprovolhelr time V V. lllt.LMVi:n, Secretary. O. 12. SAVAGE, DKU.EIl IS Silvcrvaro. Watchc3,Jov;elT7.Clccks.&e, ! KiTiiooilto tli I'Ofit Oflico tulMlng, llrsTdosr nut iv ti me Mi.i'igv nuu'i. All kinds ot WntcheH, Clocks and Jewelry ncat- ly rt'p.iircii arm wantiuieu. may IT, SAVK '..-) PKK CKXT. O.N IV 1 I "Itt'Y OP TIIUMAKEII.' IZlefjnnt Xoulltc ant Dtsigni xtnpainlUlal for cuapnm. Ancraminatian vf our btock n tlronaht uracd. It is unqutl tonally the larycH in the City, ttnd for youa iron: iuc wivta! price. Fcr E::ample : Handsome t'oUaco Itclronm suits, flrt anil upward, Klzant well-iniuie 1'arlnr suits, and upward. Solid Walnut Itodroom stiirs.t'iiiml (Jilt-on Anno I'a tern sidflioards $ and upward. (Jufcii Anno Pattern Dining Chair, J2 50 and upward. And nery ilebCrlplion of nousfhold I-'urniturfi nodding. Mirrors, Cornices, Diapeiio, Ac., at tlio Tlin "HMl'ItEW lATrT WAIiniiOlin HRIl mnmifactiired sulely lv us, u tiie cheapest and bubt WIllVIU ui inu blUU ivx, IllU'lUtU GEO. C. FLINT & MAXUFAcrrritKits. Stores : 104, 10G ii 10S West 14th Street, Uetwecn ctli ami Ttli AU's.. ono door west ot ctli Ao NJEW YORK. nco April t-smos. The most extensive Manufacturers of Milliard Tables in existence. The J. M. Bruuswiclc & Balke Co. CHICAGO, CINCINNATI, ST. LOUIS AND 724 Broadway, New-York. Newest and most elegant stales of BILLIARD TABLES AT LOWEST PRICES. Elegant Parlor. Dining, Library and Bil. liaril Tables combincJ, size 3x6; slate beds, perfect cushions, complete with balls and cues, $50. Addict whichever htm.e it nearest your city. Iho J, H. Brunswick & Bnlks Co Feb. 7, '70-iiOw A Purely Vegetable Remedy 'Xlio Hnl'oNt, 3aHlMt niul Hunt ovtir 11hovvc;cI lor KIDNEY COMPLAINTS, PILES, GRAVEL, CONSTIPATION, LUMBAGO, RHEUMATISM, DIABETES. (h WONDERFUL DISCOVERY) A purely vegetable corapound.'not doctored wlih poUononHllijuow.bcliig dry-a geiillo cathartic and elective tonic suro to effectually euro eoiiioof tho mot common and painful dlii-ascs that baffle med ical skill. Thosoulio have been cured when all other means fjilcd.Justlysuy: "It Is tho grcatc.t bleislngof tho ago." "I believe I ahoidd not now bo allv c but for it." Thyelclans in regular practice ay : "1 1 ork Uko a charm and 1 flVctlvcly." roit sai.k itv a Mi imuiaiisT.s. HTII thi KIDNCV-WORTcMiniilolhrrwfc. ta oluliml. " ' EI !'i "iK'.'l",7nJ;WlM;J'." Tl 1 f" n JI"! V. LLS, tUClUlOXy A u., Itvi rkwi., llarlunrtun, u March 7, lsTK-ly AND Paper Hiing-ing. WM. P. BOmXE, IKON OT., IlEl.OW hCfO.MI, HI.flO.MsllL'Ua, PA, iu uo uu Kinds ut HOUSE PAIMTINO I'lalii and Oruaiaental, PAPER HANGING, IIOTII PEC01IAT1VU AND l'UWt. All UlntlN nl InriiKiini It r pa I red, tuul 111 11 ilt! ax guuil iin new. NONE llLTFIltST-CLASS WOHKE.NFSiruiYEI) Estimates Made on all Worlr, WM. V. liODlNB, Oct. M87S. Tim rT.R is ok hi.e nn,, R DWELL & ph'tSMAH . Advertising Aflenls. THIB & CHESTNUT SIS., ST. tOUIS, Ml H HI s-S (H I OLD AUD RELIABLE, ; l)n. SANFontfl Ltmi iNvmonwortS Sis ti SlAattanl I'"ii'y ll trai ity for iliscniica of tlio J jiver, atomncit S nnd Uowds. It In Purely Svi I "Vegetable It novcr A. 5 jjcmuintcs n is f. 20.ttImrtionnJ f,na ,110111c, STltYi I' 5 V' J. H"OVl 2 S w 1 7tt' vwe r AoQ. rA"i I 'Livor.! PjInvigoratorS Jins been nseilS IX" In ray prr.eticoS !:-nnit by tlio nubile. 2 Pfor moro than 85 venrs. 2 P J with unprecctlentecl results. 2 9eiiii For? emeu i ad 5s, T.W, SANFORD, M.D., 5g,?f giSSS S , k ma (ii"T n l rrt t lor iti nrn rtnot. J April is 'ti' ,. RAIL ROAD TIMETABLES jOllTHEltN (JKNTKAL HAILWAY WINTKlt TIMK TAI1LE. tin and after Sunday, .oeinljer til, 1i",tho tratns 011 thel'hl ndolphla A i:rlc ltd IroidlllMMannlU run as follows : Wfi-TW.Mll). Erlo Mall leaves I hlLulelrhU It "5 p m " llnrrlsburir 4'2.uin " " William1 jn.rt s.Aain " " .lersoy Miorn 07 a in " " Uick Haven 11 40 a in " lienovo 11 01 am M nrrho nt Krle 7b. p m Niagara Express leaesrhllndelphU 7 211 a m ' " llnirhtuirt; In Mam " arr. at llllampoit '2 00 p m ' " lack lliueu 11 15 pin I'nst Lino leaves I'hllaclclnhla It 41 a 111 " Hairbburir s 35 p m " arrive at Wllllamsport 7 23 p in " " Lockllaen S4ujim EASTM'AUD. Pacific Jlxpress leaves Lock Haven 0 4ti a tu " " .lersfy sboro 7 U a in " " w Ullamsport 7 a iu " arrive at Harrlsburir It 6ft a in " ' Philadelphia 3 40 p ni DayExprcss leaves Ixickll.iven 11 voam " w Ullamsport latupm " arrive at linriMiure 4 Muni ' ' Philadelphia 7 20 p m Erie Mall leaves Uenovo sipm " " Lockllavcm 0 45pm " ' Wllllamsport 11 11.1 pro " arilvesnt llarrlsburi; 2 45 a 111 " " Philadelphia 7ionin Fast Lino leaves Wllllamsport 1215am " arrives at llairbluirg 3r5aiu " " riilladelpula 7 40 a in Parlor cars will run between Phlla lelphla and VllIainport on Madura Kpiess vvebl, Krlo express west. Philadelphia Kxpicss cant, Hay KxpieM ea'.t and Sunday Eiprets e:u.t. sleeplni; cai s ou all night trains. W.M.A. lULinVIN, liencral supt. -jvrOKTIIKJiN CKXTUaT.- HAILWAY 1 t'O.MI'ANY. On nnd after November 2'dh, 1S73, trains will leave Sunbury as follows : NOUTHWAllD. Erlo Mall 5.20 a. m arrlv e lllmlra 11 .5 " Canandalgua. . 3.35 p. m Ilochester 6,t5 " Klagara u 40 " ItenoTO uccommodatlonll.Kia. tn. arrlvo Williams. poi 1 12.S5 p. in. Elm Ira stall 4.15 a. m., an lve Elmlra 10.20 a. m. Uullalo Express 7.15 a. m. arrive Buffalo S.50 a. to SOUT1IWA1ID. Uurialo Express 2.50 a. in. arrli e I larrlsburg 4.f.o a. " lialtlmoro s.40 ' Elmlra Mall 11.15 a. m., arrlvo Ilarrlsbure t.r,o " Washington 10.30 " " lialtlmoro C.30 " " Washington S.D0 11 Harrlsburg accommodation 8.40 p. ni. arrlvo Harris burg 10.50 p. m. arrive lialtlmoro 2.25 a. ra " Washlnglon0.t3 " Erlo Mall 12.55 a. ra. arrive Harrlsburg 3 05 a. 111, " lialtlmoro .40 " " Washington 10.35 " All dally except Susday. D. M, EOYI), Jr., Hencral Passenger Agent A. J. c.v-SSATT, General Manager JpiIILADKLI'IIA AXI) liKADIXG KOAI) AllUANGEjir.NT OF PASSENGEll TltAIXS. May 11, is:o. TnilKS IE4VK Kri'KIlT iS FOI.l OWSfSl'NDir KXCEl'Tm For New York, Philadelphia, Heading, I'otlfcvllle Tamaqua, tc 11,45 a. m For Catavvlssa, 11,45 it. in. 7,21 nnd 7,35 p. m. For Wllllamsport, 6,2S 3,05 a. in. and 4,00 p. in. TRAINS FOK BCPEBT LEAVE AS 10I I.0WB, (a t MU V El CKPTED.) Leave New York, 8,4s a. ru. Leave Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m. Leave Heading, 11,55 a. in., rottsvllle, 12,30 p, m and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Leavo Catavvlssa, c,20 8,50 a, ra, and 4,00 p, in. Leav 0 Wllllamspoi t ,0,45,2,l5 p. m. and 4,f.o p. in I'assengers to a id from New York and Phlladi 1 phla go throug.i Ithoutcbango of cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, C. (I, HANCOCK, General Manager. General Ticket Agent, Jan. 11, is7c tr. ELAWAI!E, LACKAWANNA AXE WliSTKllN ItAlLHOAIJ. BLOOMSIiUKG DIVISIOX. Tlmo-Tablo No. S'J, Takes effect at 4:30 A. M .JU.NUAY, JUNE 10, ISiS. NOKTH, STATIONS. &OUTII. p.m. p.m. a.ra a.m. tun. n.m 0 30 4 12 9 23 9 17 9 US 8 6S 3 51 8 51 3 40 9 40 scranton Uellevuo Taylorvllle... . ..Lackawanna.... ntmon .. West rittstou,. Wyoming ..Mallby licnuolt, .. ..Kingston 9 35 9 43 2 10 j 13 2 it, ti '.ti 2 22 6 25 2 mi 0 2 Si 0 4'l III t ) 2 49 6 !'l 9 37 9 30 9 21 19 53 9 19 1 ,'lt) 0T i 411 9 14 12 41 12 ta 3 30 3 10 I 2 67 0 t'J 10 IS 3 15 7 m ,10 S3 3 15 7 - 8 33 8 13 ..riymouth Juiicv 8 10 3 15 til J'iJ 8 55 ... -j lyuiumu Avondalo Nanlleuke .lliinlock's treek. . SllleL-ehlnnv 10 So 10 34 7 -.1 7 J 3 tl 8 IS 3 12 8 04 3 04 7 51 2 51 8 47i 8 20 7 12 8 I S i5 8 39 8 2S HI 42 10 55 11 07 3 95 .1 Ail 7 S4 2 39 8 17 ....Illck's Kerry"" j 11 . k is 7 7 25 7 IS 7 14 7 10 7 OS 0 Nl C 50 0 45 0 27 2 31 2 2S 8 12, ....ueacn naven... liervvick .... Hrlflr I'ruwL- ll 13 4 10 b n S (Hi 11 2J 1 Is J J 4 15 T 15 4 '29 7 1 .At Wow drove..'.'.' ..Lime llldge...!. 4 S3 7 . 2 C4 1 57 1 51 1 4a 1 21 7 44 7 34 7 33 7 29 7 it ...........ijij ......., li u HI ( , . ..lilooinsburg 'U 45 4 4'.' 8 HI ....liupm ll 5, 4 55 t L'atavv lirfji llrldge. 11 57 6 0) SO DanMllo 12 18 5 1) i ' .......rjsiy......., 11 4 42 7 41 t'ntnu 6 u 8 VI 11 14 Q tl ..Chulaskv. 0 15 0 UO 1 UU 6 45 ifofuiumberlarid. o 30 9 15 12 45 5 45 11 ttl p.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. a-ra W If HIT .ITU's Rupjrlutendent'B OSlce, Boranton, Juna 10, is:9. "YrAIXWIUGHT&CO., VVIIOLESALE GltOCKHS, 1'UILADELrUIA, Dealers In TEAS, SYIIUl'S, COFFEE, bUOAn, MOLASSES, KICE, SPICES, BICABB B0DA, C., HC. N. E. dornt r Second and Arch streets, l-Oiders wUl receive prompt attention. THIS PAPER IS KEPT ON THUS AT TITr ATT-irt-n na nMsNO PHILADELPHIA .... or. Ch, 1,111111 nn,l Kliilitli fin. "ho r. 0 nt4 1r hi 2 Paper. FTIMATTC -tliontitl'uili 1UIK fc... vSi1 L"V.r" r"r Aew.liaperltlHTlMin. btud IDc fur A Villi ii hO.VS MAM'AU 1 ' W3 t'n tk.A nn uiin HI