I'll E COLUMBIAN. II L 0 0 f) II It II 0. K II I A T, M A T 1(1, ISI9 tint I lloait Time Table. APK WANNA DtOOMSDt'HO I1A1L liOAD nokiii. SOOTH, Accommodation Train,,,.. Mull Train . e.te a.m. T.SS A. M 1.67 1'. M. 6.00A. M 4.49 r. M Express Train 11.45 A. .M OATAWISSA HAIL 110AD. NORTH, Accommodation Train s.ss A. M. ttemilar Uxr-rcas 4.M P.M. south T,8 P. M, 11,43 A.M. Tli ronsh cars on Kx press t rain either to New Yoi k or phlladelphtt . Accoinmodal Ion train runs bclwetn UaUwlssa and Willlamsport. BTAOE LINES. CAMIiRA Alt" iiiw.."."1" ..v.nu i.muin jiiuiiuuj, u ilrmd.iv and Friday at (l:Boa. in., arrive at ltlooipidjunrby ll:3on.m. I.eaio Ulooinsburi? on same d 11 s alter arrlvil ol Philadelphia mall. Ill ri.)ni'H(i ANn 1 Ataivii.Mt, Leave Lnlrdsvlllo Tues'lsy Tiiursuav ana ttaiuruav at nan a. m .ininnir at liloomsburir Oy 'a m. Leave (dooms. bunt on same days after arrival of I'nrladelplila maU Tho stajo lino terminates nt.MllMlle. IIMiton and llloemsburir. A dally Btagel'ne touting teuton in ino muriiiiiif aim rciuming iiitno eve ning ot tho same uay. MAIL ItOL'TESI H1TB IlAlt. ANI1 l!I.OOuni'lin.-Lt'aV0 White Hall Tltestliiy, lilurtsuur nun calumny at o:.ioa.in., arrltlngot llloomsburgby I" a. in. U'avo Illooms. burg on same UajB alter arrival or I'lilladelphla mail. IIKNTOV and iiijiimshliii,, iA.'it'3 iieutou .Munoay, 'cdn"sd.iy and Friday at 8 a. in., arrliltig at in.-iimul.iirc nt. fl n. Tn. llinvpx lllnnlnshur- 1-nn.i. dav.Tniirsday and Saturday at 8 a. m arriving pi It 'iiiuuai. m. 1'UIILIU SALES. Wllllmi lIagenbucli,Kxeculor, of Isaac Hag cnWIi will sell at Public 9ila on the premises, on.Situnl.iy, June tit toil), valuable Keal Ks. tale See advertisement in another column . The "Ashless" are coming. Sec advertise ment on 2J page. The attendance nt rait I this week was not large Dr. J. 1''. Chaiih of Iknton lias removed lo Scl.onlcrafl, Michigan. I'lasti:".. Nova Scotia Piaster, In barrels' very cheap for cash by J. Sciiuylek. J.J. liroivcr, Ki., mid family spent a few tlavs In l'liilailelphia recently. Dr. W. M. Ueber went to Philadelphia on Monday, II, (J, Hnrtman has put nn iron fence around his property on Market street. Tho Friendship engine took a little exercise in front of the court house last Friday evening. It appeared In good condition. The 0 lvernor has signed the Hill repealing the Act of 1S20, which prohibited horse racing at agricultural fairs. William Krenmer is improving his property on Iron street by putting nn iron fence around the y a 1 1 1 . llishop Foster will deliver a lecture iti the Opera House Thursday evening of next week ; subject ro be announced. An I' xcursion from Illoomsburg to Niagara and return about the 2Slh of May is expected nt very reduced rates. The grass , grain, gardens and roads all need rain. A heavy fall of water would be liailtd with delight. Decoration diy will soon ba here. It is time eorae arrangements for its proper observance were being made. The Third street school closed on Saturday afternoon with appropriate exercise". The room was crowded, and the programme was en joyed by all present. On Saturday last the Normal School Societies payed a match game of ball which resulltd In favor of the Calliepian nine by a score of 73 to Notice. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the late firm of J. Schuyler & Son had better call, pay up, and save costs. J. SclIUYLl:!!, All binds ofhnir work done cheaply, neatly and promptly by Lizzio B. Jacoby, Iron street, below Fourth, Patronizo home in dustry. Certain parlies amused themselves one night last week by carrying off other people's front gates. If the offenders fall into the hands of our police they will be summarily dealt with. We ate glad to learn that some of our enter prising citizens have already taken steps to wards a proper celebration of the 1th ol July. Keep the ball rolling, and let us have a good old fashioned Fourth. We have received a copy of the Osceola Rec ord mhUUed by (II. C ) Ilittenbender it Buellt at Oceol.i Poke county Nebraska. Among the advertisements of the paper we notice the cards of George P. Waller M. O., and II. C. Ilitten bender, Attorney nt Lw, An improvement has been made in the post office by moving the frame work and boxes about four feet further out into tho room. This gives abundant room for the operators inside, and still leaves sufficient space for the public, Joa engineered the job. Ul. Itev. M. A. DeWolfe Howe, Uishop of the Diorese of Central Pennsylvania, will con. firm a class of candidates at the ivpiscopal church in this town on Ascension Day, May 2-d, in the evening at half past seven o'clock. There will be Holy Communion in the morning at half past ten. FMVOLOt'S COUNSEL, The idle talk of unscientific people who know nothing of the invisible action of medicine, Hiould not be heeded by those who have kidney or liver Iroubles, One package of Kidney Wort is then the reasonable thing to have. Vour Druggist has it. We clip the following local from the Fillmore county Review printed at Geneva Nebraska : "lly the lime the next Rerieie appears, wei and ihe other half of us, everything being fav c-raule, will be at the mouth of the great Mis wuri, lluslncss will not cease in Ihe Review ilhie however, for the same will be left In the bands Of M. II. ltcno mil Mr Will W Win lio will be pleased to attend to all business matters. On Tuesday nt the residenco of S V. Itoono John V, Peacock, teller of the Illoomsburg banking Company was married to JlissThirma Myers, Tho wedding was very private only he near relatives being present. Tho cere mony was performed by Itcv. K. II. Yoeum. I he happy couplo left on the noon train for cwork. May they havo n long, happy nnd prroperous life, ( The Anhton who are to render the play of 'liip Van Winkle" and ."Fanchon the Crick- on May "3d and 21lh, at Ihe Opera House, wme will recommended. The Towauda cor. 'WjioiKJent of the Wilkes Darre Record of the Jinosaya; "Tl... ... . . ,l i Ti , "l0nB wl' w"e ''ere all last week, tio-hi their i-erles of firsfclasa entertainments lnflfiVi'rtS' Li"le I)orril A8ll,on a Us . i 1 '"'e'l'KMH child of eleven years, "ll l ,eaJifB rH In each performance. 1 1 S fnch,an"'S " Capilola in the "Hidden '"Ml, Irrcslstably lovely in "Fan.hou." The ii.i n. i ur"c;ellent, but ''I.iule Dorrit" " simply wonderful. '"Ibos's VUThHtt'l K.ny Tobncro. Jlr'' PKcc. In j K tuuniies, ihe scene down " "nsgranu. me lop of the "nw ft, crowded with a ridge of flamB llll. nUnB the sky In all directions. Much damage V, """"'0" Jiicnsrtowns a tract on the Noscopeo mountains, whero be Is linue much l..n i h.im , . , i , i i . s" " cii mm, ard sub . ill inn, in Dr.nl in... I , . . , - " neavy rain won d uuench l bo (1m. .i , Z; ' i""erve n large amount "i i . : 1, eures'e supped to have "finaim irom locomotive sparkt. The marrlsiri sfrt.oa nr r. it ... .. McK, vy and ML, Iconor,( Jacot ,u , l'K)k II a III I ... t ,l r.i.. , J. , "r i-nurcii,nii llmrn ay Ulomlnir ill l.olf ...... i... i ... ' t. . ' """er marge ol Itev. O. - 1'"""' mr mosi inierestlng charac ter, 1 he f irmnl .aa .n.t,, t. ., . . i n Y . "7 me pastor, es- peclally for thl, oc-csslon.and was very beautiful , .. . " "uugui, me aitar was beniltlftlll v unit lnitnr.,11. .1 ..i . t.. , , , iKoinuu wiin uounueis 1111(1 pr r li n rrra nt L.I. I.I .1. . ... h-"' '""r melius oi ino bride. A VerV laTL'd ftS4ftlllill(Ta wna ll.n.A t- .-I. ivlc tu wnnss uie cerrmnnv. Tim .i....i .. . Dauphin county, where they intend making maii incnu accompany them. (V few ycam neo the (!oi.tfntiv t .1.- i ...... 1IJ uiu J icret of Ihp notJp nA b turnipi ring uuHiHwie jau jou. We were aenounced by the parties interp?leil at il.o d.. nn.i .1 " "'-i mm in 1 rat- ened with official vengance. That meant the 01 county patronage. We counted the cost and have pecunlarilv sufferi-d sinpo l.m il, life have sustained us in our cnurs. Ihe reason, therefore, why the Mercantile Appraisement docs not niincsr In m,, i,. s 11 nas uone lor thirteen years past, is because last year a Democratic lmnrd nf Pmm!..u.., gave the appointment nf Mercantile Appraiser 10 a iiepuuncan, who naturally inserts his list I.. - U II'.. . . . - .11 u Jiri'uuncan paper anu omits the CoI.l'M BIAN. Seli.inci Liquor nv thk Hm-rn- ti, i.. ry Freeman says lhat Judire Junkin. i il, ro. cent term of theconntv cinrt. i.vi. xnmlnn to the hold keepers about the practice of selling mpiors oy me Dottle, lie said the landlord was bound 10 know who were to use the liquor, and that no landlord had the right to sell a bottle ful of liuiior to a sober mnn wlin IrnnHfrrDfl It to those who were in tho habit of hpmnilnu- In toxicated, or to minors. It was always suspic ious when a sober man bought a quart of whisk ey : he generally was cmnlovcd lo luiT it l.ir those to whom innkeennrs would nnt sell it 1 rooi 01 its transfer and use lo drunkards and minors was sufficient cause for revoking the innkeeper's license. had lanouaoe. li.ul lint-nnce runs into had iWds. Kpli rl any society vou :dease ; RiifTpp vnnrsptftn n-n verse in its dialect, to use its slang, to speak in the character of one who relishps it. nml T need not tell how soon your moral sense will lower down to its level. Becoming intimate with it you loso your horror of It. To be too much wiin bad men and had places, is not on ly unwholesome lo a man's raoralitv. hut un favorab'e to his faith and trust in God. It is not every man who could live as T.-.I iliH I Sodom, and then Ihj fit to go out un ler God's convoy, lias obvious principle, of Unit, fur nishes a reason not only for watching the ini. gue, but for keeping ourselves as much as j cs sible out of the company of bad associates. FlitE IN CATAWISSA. About noon on Monday. May 12th. a fire broke nut in the frame building on the west side of Fourth street Catawissn. nnnpil ami nc. cupied by Misses Mears. The buildincr is a Inial loss. Insured in the Franklin of Philadelphia by H. F. Hartman agent. The next building owned by .Miss hoplna Knitlle and occupied by lenani was damaged by lire, insured In the lirilish America, by 0. F. Knann atrent ami ad. jinter. He was informsd of his loss at 9 o'clock p. m., and the next morninc before fl n'r orlt was on the ground, had the loss adjusted anil satisfactorily setlled. 1 his is quick work, con" sidering time and distance. Mr. K. is the right man in the right place. OHANOEVILLE items. There have been two deaths in Ornnuevilln this week. Jacob Coleman, who ha.s been sick for a long time having had his leg amputated about a year ago, died on Wednesday May 7th. Samuel Coleman died Monday nicht. he has been sick for somo time. Tho May number of 77c Educator is out and has somo very good articles. We learn from it that tho Academy is to be supplied with guns. Hie crops in this section begin to suffer for want of rain. The peach and cherry trees uro full of bios. soms. Mr. Low has got bis new coods onen andnn- pears to be doing a thriving business- Nothing new appears to turn up, 60 I remain in waiting Wilkens Micawuer. to supekintendests. The signs of the times indicate tho applica tion of largely increased numbers of persons for teacher's certificates during the current year. They will come to Ihe examination possessing all degrees of qualification for the work of teaching, very good, good, fair, poor and very poor. The purpose of this article is to request superintendents lo adopt at their examinations such astandsrd of qualifications as will shut outall applicants except about enough.to supply the schools. In this way the schools will be protected from the rush of incompetent teach ers, the teachers' profession will be strengthen ed and elevated, and the educational interests of the public will be greatly subserved . The threatened evil is a swarm of incompetents in our school rooms at very low salaries. If not checked, it will drive the best teachers out of the profession and greatly decrease the efficien cy of our schools. The men to guard the school Interests thus jeopardized are the superintend ents. It is iheir duty to do it without fear or favor. Vmuyfrania School Journal (official uY- jvirtmciit). AS0TI1EH 7JH0OT1NO. lly the following dispatch to the Philadelphia Timet dated Mauch Chunk, May 10th, it would seem that a couple of Hob Klolz's fesllve friends came lo grief: "Since the Mollie Magulre times there hasn't I it-en so much excitement in Munch Chunk as the shooting of Sebastian Hahn by Fred Wag ner,whlch occurred at I lie American House this morning at 7 o'clock, has caused. Halm and Wagoner are both Germans, but have resided here for yeais and are equally respected in Ihe community. The former is employed by Hon. Robert Klolz as general utility man and as pri vate watchman at the savings bank of G, II. Linderman & Co. He is nearly seven fret high, and very owerful. This morning lie and Wagner were "fooling" with each olher.lhe latter being behind the bur of the American House and Hahn in Ihe yard outside. Wag ner picket! up a small air-gun, and In a joke said i "Hahn I will shoot you.' Hahn replied ; "Go ahead," and Wagner pulled the trigger. The bullet entered Halm's breast near the shoulder and penetrated into ihe lungs. Hahn was at once earned into the Kuropeau House and Dr. Horace De Young summoned. The ball could not be found, Hahn is in a very critical condition and it is not believed possible lhat he can recover. Wagner did not know that Ihe gun was load ed, and he Is In great'distress at having shot his friend. Hahn made an ante-mortem state ment, holding Wagner guiltless of criminal in tent, declaring that they were having a friendly bkjlark, The gun shoots a balj calibre 22, and had been loaded by Mr. Lenlz, the proprietor of the house, to shout rats. Hahn has no re latives in this country. Wagner has a wife and two children, is u young man of 2D, and has an excellent repulutlou, AJi.UAimAN AMD COUltT rilOCKKDINGS. May 8th. Heport of viewers of n road In Centrnlir, borough In favor of n road, confirm ed nisi. lteporl of Auditor distributing funds in the hands of tho administrator of Sarah Ilartzol accented, confirmed nisi. And now .May 8th, 1870, ordered that a veniro bo Issued for n grand jury for September Sessions, also for thirty six travcrso jurors in tho Quarter Sessions nnd Oyer nnd Terminer for the first week, nnd for n like number in the Common Pleas for the second week. Hv the Coinvr. Samuel Trimmer vs. tho county or Luzerne, nnd A. P. llarbcr. Case slated filed on mo tion of 0. 11. llucknlew, of counsel for platn tiff, nnd Court grant lenvo to discontinue ns ngninst A. I. llarbcr one of tho defendants, nccording to tho ngrccmcnt of tho pnrtics in the said case stated. Sheiiff's return of sale of real estate of Moore Creveliug rend In open court, nnd a rule grnnted on tho Sheriff to pay money into court. Sheriff acknowledged deeds in open court. ' Mny 12th, second week. List of jurors called. Jacob llakcr and J. Ilnchmnn excused. Auditor's report making distribution in es tate of William Stall deceased, presented nnd confirmed nisi. Auditor's report in estate of Cornelius Ki hernial! deceased, confirmed nisi. Opinion of tho Court on tho Auditor's re port in I. John A; Son nssigned estate, filed. Widow's appraisement in estate of John Knt deceased, tet nide. m Hctttrn to order nf sale in the following es tates confirmed finally i Fstnto of S. D. White, estiilo of Isuiah Veag cr, estate of Peter Hclwig. Estate Maria lliggs confirmed nisi. Inquest in partition awarded in estate of Andrew (Jingles. Michael Walter appointed tipstatr. Itoad in Greenwood township near J. Ited line's, confirmed finally. Hoad in Centra township near Alem Whit mire's, confirmed nisi. Hoad in Pine township near A. J. Lyons, confirmed nisi. S. Wolf sworn in ns constableof Mifflin. Wagner, Stnrr & Co., vs. 0. 11. llnrnes,ctux. Verdict for defendants. Danvillo National Bank for use of I. W. McKclvy, s- G. W. Shaffer ct al. May 1 1, verdict for plaintiff for S771.5I- JaneK. ISrown vs. A." J. llrown's execu tor. Verdict for defendant. Petition of L. K. Mnurer for writ nf hnh.. corpus for the body of J. D. Hall, to testify in court in Montour county. M. Michel vs. (1. Thomas. Verdict for plaintiff S22. Hannah Weiss vs. J. W. Hoffman. Verdict for plaintiff $108. TOWN COUNCIL 1'itOCEEMNUS The regular monthly meeting of tiie council was held Wednesday evening May 7lh. Present, I.S, Kuhn, president, and Lockarib Drinker, Habb and Kvans, members. Minutes of April 9th read and approved. Mr. Kvans reported that the by the Hook A Ladder Cmnnanv rrmitntillf gets in bad condition by reason of a leaky roof on the building. Messrs. Habb and Kvans were appointed a committee to wait upon the proprietor of the building and call his attention to the matter. Mr . Evans also staled that the Hook A Lad der Company desired new hooks. Messrs. Habb and Lockard were appointed a commit tee to procure Iheru and report at next meet ing. Levi Cox Jr., was added to the police force. The following resolution was nflprt-il l,v Mi- Drinker who moved its adoption. Resolml, That a town tax of eight mills on ihe dollar of valuation of "Iiuilt un nrnneriv'' and proportioned according to law on all other taxable properly, trades and occupations.be lev ied and assessed for the current vear. flST!)! and that of the said tax , Ihe sum ol $2760.00 be assesed, levied and collected, clear of all man. ner of deduction for the tiavment nf the intpr. est and the liquidation of the securities issued by the town and falling due during the current year, the classification of property assessed to be the same as last year. The resolution was adopted by an unani mous vote, On motion the fcllowini? bills wprp amirnvpil nnd Ihe secretary authorized to draw orders for payment.of the same Street C'nmmissinnpi-' Mil i-i -t Illoomsburg Gas Company, -10.03 isrocuway i: lMwtll, printing, 10.00 I). I.-irrnrk. imlii-M . on C M. VantlerrTice, printing, 13.00 .H. u. noon ward, pad-lock, ,30 Secretary's salary. 13.00 Total, SlOl.fio F. P. llillmyer, Town treasurer, prevented his bond with I. W. McKtlvy, and Peter llill myer as mreties, approved by the President" On motion approved by the council and ordered filed. Adioutncd, Died, in Or.mgeville on the 7th inst Jacob H. Coleman , aged 31 years -1 months and 12 days. While engaged In boating near liufialo in 1862, Mr, Coleman, whose elcalli is announced, had his right leg crushed betweed the boat and an aqueduct. After remaining in the hospital of that city five months he was brought lo his home in this county. Under treatment of Dr. lost his limb was apparently healed, llut In the fall of 1S77 it festered, which finally necessitated its amputation last June. His limb healed rapidly and in a Cet weeks he was een tion the treets. Cut lat fall it again fes1 tered which proved fatal by eating through one of the arteries. Mr. Coleman was a ioor man and laboretl hard to support his family, Dur ing his sickness the kind people in an I about Orangeville contributed much t$ his support. lie leaves a wife aim four Utile children to mourn his death, whom we commend to the kind regards of the community nnd to our com mon Heavenly Father. A. II. DO.NT LOOiC MIAHUV, When using Leamon's Dycs.prepared by Wells Hichardson & Co. , liurlington Vt , your entire wardrobe can be nnde as handsome as thoueb just out of the store. These dyea are more sat isfactory in action than any of the crude color agents heittofore Bold. Sold by druggists, FASIIIONAIILE FOOLISHNESS. There is no modern fashionable notion quite so absurd as the generally received idea that lo be beautiful and attractive a woman must pos sess a wan, npirituelte face and a figure of sylph. like projiortion a fragility in nine cases out of len the result of disease. Ily many fashionable belles It Is considered a special compliment lo be sKken of as frail and delicate . They forget that the naturally delicate face and jicfi'le figure are very different from the pale and disease stricken faces that meet us in Ihe ciiy tho.-ough- fares, look out from Ihe luxuriant carriages of wealth, and glide languidly through our crowd ed drawing-rooms. If dbease were unfashlon. able, as it ought to be, not a lady In Ihe land but would lake every lossible precaution to se cure the fresh, blooming face and well-rounded figure that only health ran give. Ladies should remember that as much as gentleman may pro fess to admire the face and form paled and em aciated by disease, when they chose a wife they prefer a blooming, healthful, buoyant-spirited woman. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the acknowledged standard remedy for female diseases and weaknesres. It has the two-fold advantages of curing the local dixease and im parling a vigorous lone lo the whole system. It I Is sold by all druggists, DJKMWJUT.BJLOOM&BUliG, COLUMBIA ( yy, The Fashion i Fans. Fmi are very hand- SOtnn nt Wfll am nln..L ...1.1 ,1.1. . .... ......uir.j wui 1,119 reniHiii . some have ebony sticks and tho tops are ol tllllsb In Pprslnn lUat.m, .!!.. l t.h. ... , -. ... . puu.v nuiMi l.lll-tlllu I I t .1 . . .... viiiuruiuereii in me snipes or painted lir liaml .!.!. II. .1. tl . l . . wiui iiiiio A onipviiiur boquets j others have black and while s illn stripes, and the bhek stripe is filled with llnsel, Faifj are nude in all tiie handsnmo aatin ttit.u.l tnnilA1. .....1 .....,-v.. I.ID.lliaiS 119111 for dresses, nnd are especially arrtnged to suit LOSlUUieSl Ilin I.lfiS flhil rrrnta ara ;l. ..1 ' b'"lB ' til iii.il nun are in satin brocades. PotlLTttV, Young chicks will thrive best when Ihey aie kept dry and clean, and moved frequently to fresh ground. There Is no better place for a coop than the garden through which Ihe thicks will wander frrtlr. nl-dilm nn n. driving oil' many Insects. A bed of young cabbsges may be kept clesr of flea-beetles, and other crops may bo preserved In a slmilir man ner, by a few broods of chicks i IWliln an abundance of elsan water, tight shelter over bend and n dry tl wr. There will rarely be gapes if this plan is full awed. TOItONTO, (JUEEN CITY W THE DOMINION. The energy of ils Inhabitants, the bcauly of Its public buildings, seals of learnlng.board nnd well ri-guUted thoroughfares, placed on the shores of L-ike Ontario, among (lie many busi ness firms, none stand more deservedly high linn the house of H. Hooper & Co., Plunn-ic-Ists. A rare skill, extensive nnd long exper ience in the manipulating and compounding nf medicine, and a determination that nothing but pure Drugs shall emanate from their estab lishment, has carried the firm to the highest pimcle of financial success. Oilet Liniment Jo didc Ammonia an I 1'ilU are by them considered as a most valuable addition, ami in all casos f enlarged Joints of the Hinds or Feel, Neur.il gla, Chronic or It.il unmatory Hhcumatisui, su perior lo any remedy now known. Sold by all druggists. Send for pamphlet. Dit. Oii.ik. 120 West Ilroadwny, N. Y. Trial size 23 cents A Murderer Caught. A SCOTCH DETECTIVE, DIStlUISED AS A IIAO l'll'EIt, CATCHES HIS MAN. Wo met tho detective named in the fol lowing paragraph from the l'ollmlle Chroni cle, at the Wyoming Centennial, llo was then and there in search of his man. For nearly two years past a young man, wearing tho garb of a Highland piper, has been wandering about in tho coal regions ol Pennsylvania, playing his pipes in the streets, attending picnics and dances, nnd apparently depending on his instrument to make him a living. He vi-ited Pottsville frequently and will be remembered and re cognized by Chronicle readers all over the Schuylkill region. On the night the skating rink opened he played and danced iu James Murray's restaurant for a party of Scotch citizens who pronounced him genuine. A few days since, says the Shenandoah Herald, he was playing in a mining village on the outskirts ofScranton. A crowd had gather ed around him, among them n mine laborer named Hraidy. Suddenly the piper ceased his music, and stepping from the crowd .seized liraidy by the shoulder, announced that the laborer was bis prisoner. At tho same time he produced papers which he said was his authority for making his ar rest. liraidy seemed entirely overwhelmed by the arrest, and made no opposition or pro test, but accompanied the piper to the au thorities, where it was revealed that tho pi per was a detective. For two years ho had been on the track of his prisoner, who is charged with having murdered a wealthy man named Findlay,in Scotland, in January, 1877. liraidy was in the employ of Find lay. Karly one morning the latter was found dead by the roadside with his skull crushed with a club. Hraidy was discharged the morning before for drunkenness. He had been beard to make a threat that ho would get even with Findlay. He was nowhere to be found, but was traced to Glasgow, where it was believed ho had taken a vessel for America. William Male, a detective, was emidnvptl by the relatives of the murdered man to come to this country and search for Hraidy, who it was thought would Iring up in the Pennsylvania coal recions. where ho had friends working. One of Hriady's pectiliar tics was his love for the music of the hag pipe, so the detective.being a piper, adopted the disguiso of a Scotch piper, and played about in the coal towns, in hone of some day attracting the attention of the man he was seeking, he beiug sure,from information lie had received, that Uriadv reallv nn. somewhere in the coal regions. The ru-e succeeded, after two years' patient trial. Malo is now on his way to Scotland with the alleged murderer. Tho culturo of sugar beets is attracting a good deal of .attention among tho New Eng land farmers. Maine tried tho experiment several years ago, tho stato rendering foiue assistance, and it has proved a success. A good many Xew Hampliiio farmers are goiug to plant small sections this spring, and in the fall cotnparo notes as to tho cost of raUiug and the amount ol' the yield. In Massachu setts tho farmers of tho Connecticut River alley propose to go into tho business on a large scale this, year, many of them turning to beets from tobacco, which has brought low prices of lato years, while its continued culti vation exhausts tho soil at a terrible rate. In Kuropo thtt cultivation of sugar beets has reached enormous proportions, and about half of all tho sugar consumed on tho Continent is derived from that source. 1'hila. 'limes. wuv WILL YOU Allow a cold to advance in vour system and thus encourage mote serious maladies, such as 1'neumonla, Hemorrhage and Luns troubles when an immediate relief can be so readily at tained, UoicMt German Syrup has gaine-d Ihe largest sale in the world for the cure of Coughs Colds and the severest Lung Diseases. It is Dr. Hoschee a famous German prescriptbn.and is prepared with Ihe greatest care,and no fear need be entertained in administering it lo the young est child, as per directions. The sale of this medicine Is unprecedented. Since first iutre.- duced there lias been a constant Increaslm: de mand and without a Bingle report of a failure to do its work in any case. Aek your druggist as to Ihe truth of these remarks. Lirra size 7 cents, Try it and be convinced, nug 30, '78-tf A LITEUAIiV AVALANCIII- An cnMable tamo among peoplo who love good bonks Is belni,' achleied by the "American Hook Ex change," tn Heekman Mreet, New York, simulta neously with tho completion of their wonderfully cheap and successful Acmo edition ot Clumlnrs's cyclopiedla of English Llterature.they announio the publication of six other standard and popular books all choice editions, at pi lecs heretotoro unheard of They are "Itollln's Ancient History," l.ldi u-ry larto double-column pages, large type, price cloth, fi.no, sneep, ij.m; "Arabian Nights," largo t)p), cloth is cents; lluujan's Pilgrim's Progress," very largo tj pc, cloth, to cental "itoblson Crusoe," largo tj pi, cloth 63 cents ; and Haron Munchausen," extra largo type, clotb, M cents. A discount of 10 per cent f torn theso prices U allowed to all whoso orders are ru celved before Juno 1, and an additional; discount of 10 per cent when ordered in clubs of five or mom of either book, or to the amount of no or more select, cd from tho list at one time, circulars siting full particulars, specimens of tj pe, c will be sent free on request, bold only to buyers direct, and not through dealers or agents. Forest l'lres, Tho destruction of so largo a proportion of our American forests Hiiiiually by firo is ir -coining n mntirr ofsciious concern. '1 lie fnagnitudo of (ho injury riimot he estimated simply by ihe loss of tho timber ns anar'iele of marketable value, nor by the frequent do Mructiou ol buildings and crops, and iu somo instance tho annihilation nf entire Tillage, All these may bo replacd in oourw of time by human energy and thrift. The grant dam age of our forest fires can only !. ptopo'rly appreciated on a thorough comprehension ol the important part of which our forests per form in tho economy of nature Tho lor est treo is endowed with a power of suction by which it nbsoibs a proportion ol tho moisturo of tho ntmophcro, and consequent ly tho humidity id' thu ntmosphcro and tho consequent rainfall is always greater in wood ed districts than in barren wntn. f ii fuft the agricultural history of tho world proves that the destruction ol timber is always fol lowed by drouih and consequent aiitlity of soil. In tho old world large districts of coun try which nt ouc timo wero covered with ver dure and fruitage, are now scarcely capable of sustaining their spares and widely scattered population. Tho opinions of somo of tho mo't eminent modern travelers coincide with tho traditions and history of tho pa-t, in tho theory that m.mv of the arid w:ilp nP Kii. ropo and Asia, wero once tho sites of dense luicsts. i no trees liavo been cut down or de stroyed by (ire. and nlonir with tlmm In tho course of time, has disappcaied almost oveiy vestige ol vegetation. Tho same lesult, in a partial degtce, Ins been obscned iu this coiititiy. In die wooded districts cd Maine and tho initliwest, whcio tho woods have been cut down or destroyed, the decrease in tho annual rainfall is nlrt.nlr nntiWnhln appieciablo extent. The absence ol ticts is ino cluet reason lor the ficqucnt nnd long continued drouths which sometime c.uisunie the harvests of the great west : while in those localities whero tho settlors havo gone to the trouble to plant and cultivate trens. tl,m i. already an increase of rain nt rxiMiNr npiimU Tho only rains they get upon the plains me from the storm centers, which swrnti in inn . jestic grandeur from ono end of tho country to tne other. Uicliuanly the refreshing lncal storms arc unknown. Iu the stato of New York tho matter has f'rormentlv been lirnnithi to thonotico of the legislature, and the plan proposed to keep tho rainfal uuilbrm for tho commonwealth to purchase and set apart cer tain extensive wooded districts in clcvatod portions of the stato, to bo held for public parks, and to bo carefully guarded against firo and the woodman's axe. This legislation is very good so far as it goes, but something more efficient is needed to prevent the tecur renec of our foicst fire?. Those cnnlligratinns arc either tho result of accident, us where t hi- fi ro is kindled among t lie dry leaves by the sparks from a locomotive, or a burning wad Irom a gun, or the coals from the camn of a party of hunters or li-hers, or tho burning of brush by settlers in tho clearings ; or they arc the result of design nnd malice. In either event tho law should be able to at least great ly curtail the number and extent of these conflagrations. Hallway companies should bo required to provide their ensines with tho most effective spark extinguishers. Persons who kindle mountain fires lor the purpose of clear ing the underbrush from their on n lands, and permit them to be communicated to adjoin ing forest", should be held lo a strict account ability for thedjiuagetheymayloccasioii ; and t should bo made :i penal offense lor hunters or fishermen ! l-.:i;i!!c :r"s in any wooelod district. These nreoautionarv tntutsurt-H niav tend in somo dogiee to loen the iminL.'iate damage elono by those disastrous ooutlagra lions, as well as then- disfiguicinent of the landscape and the iniuiv thev will ultimately entail upon tho country by diminishing the annual rainfall and tho consequiit fertility of the son. Here is a iruultil held for ambitious statesmcti more promising in it, results than creditmobiliersoriiotd.iniagebiils. If ho is pronouueed a public benefactor who makes two blades ot'gras., grow whero only ono grew be I'oie.how much nioio he whubv tho enactment of w so law- preserves the grass and tho liuit- age oi an entire district of countiv to benefit and bless future ages. Tho time is coming when the American people will have to give tins mipoitant ptoblotii some practical thought. Tho rapidity with which our tim ber is disappearing ii a subject for alaiiu. The iinmen.se drum upon our forests f sr manufac turing purposes is thinning them out even more rapidly than the forest liros, and meas ures will have to be taken at no distant daw not onlyjfor the protection of fotets, but nbo for tho cultivation of ynunj timber to take the place of that which is being removed Somo petty ruler once issued an edict that for every child that was born to a hnus hold a until ot acorns, or ehc-tuuts, or hickoiyimts hould bo planted bv the nareuts. tbn nm of which should bo mado the especial duty oi the youngest whoso advent tho pl.intiiu hud eommeinoiated. Tho icsult was that tho new generations found the forests growing up w ith them, ready to supply all their wants, lly n little foresight a similar icsult mav bo niodu- ced in any country however steiile, and even the most unpromising soil in a generation may bo made to blossom as the ro.-e. liecaintj Uhrom etc (lotlsvt lie. ) Kxinlui. A statement orininatinc no ono knows where is going through all tho newspapers, that tho Pennsylvania railroad "has carried five carloads of emigrants daily for tho wet during tho month of April, mostly from Penn sylvania stations." If this bo so the nciiro exodus is nowbero Fivo car loads per day, say 00 to a ear, is 250 per day ; 80 times that is 7,500 a month. The Philadelphia, Led'ier irivos tbn iiil'nnn.'iiiiiti that "3,500 emigrants left Ilani-burg" for Kansas during February. If that 1m non-net an 1 a guess is ventured as t(j tho movement iu .uaien, say s.uon, wo have 10,000 as the contribution of Pennsylvania to Kan.n "or tho west." The.-o are all whiles. The greatest number of neurons that lnu yet reached St. Louis is given as 8,500 to April and since that tho estimate is :i,500. So that relatively Pennsylvania is contribut ing a gieater number to the we-t than all of tho negro exodus put together. Tho best ol it is that they aio iudustriou-, thrifty emi grants, who go to stay, ami aro nit d-pend-ent on tho chaiity of llio political philanthro pists wno aro now "collecting fundi," to sus tain au emigration in no wise lit for the rudo blasts ofn Kansas prairie. Can't any one soo the icturning wave as toon as tho new census has bceu taken. I'atriol. The Heading papers sav that lhern U person traveling tliiough llerk, Chester nnd Delaware counties, who has nnntiW utmr,. trick to get farmers Into trouble. He left a pbw at a farmer's, with the verbal consent to use the plow, and if not Ill-eel to return it llo alsoletta printed adverti-ement of its incrils. Tho farmer in Imking over It found a notice In due form, sta'ing that when trll is made of tho plow the agent iiiu.t be nutj- iicu wiiniu two uays ol it. .Many farmer, will never soe the notice, but will uk.ii,,. alvcrliscmeut heedlessly, and then ihreuuh tullurn to notiry iu two days ill In tnm. , ! ed lo keep the plow, inasuuiili ns u , agent can be qualified that tho farm, r can not deny nceiving It. Items. I'Vim a military point nf view abas ball club Is a battery of nine-poundcM, lUts ar eating up (he village nivi liihr houses In MnsnarhunetK An mictlnnrr-r Is mmi of more bid tastes. Liidy clerks are now wmployetl In the court offices In Chester County, Oor. Hovt has slunwl the trump net, but lhetresi(t nnnounolng the fact hm not bce.il "flit lo tins SeiiRle. Hon. John tsiia of lledb.r.l fans Iwn cured ofa uatirer lhat fears were entertained would remit seriously. Now that California has a new cinntltn. tlou It should have a ne legislature. Penn sylvania offers hem Iree of charge, and will probably pay n premium for ill removal, The law prohibiting opium unnklnglii Nevada, under a penalty of $1000 flue or two years' imprisonment, went Into effect on the lt of May. Governor It blnnn, of New York, h fullv rfcuvpK-d from tho complicated diffi culty with ono of his eyes, from which he has long suffered. A cargo of 1007 hag of rlcemeal from Genoa was recently eh-sliojed by judicUl order at Lsverpwd becau h was proved to he adulterated with marble dus'. A Iondnn I'ulice n-Hglstrutn hadecldd lhat the coiidiic'or nf an omnibus lis a right in krep cnN vaemt I -r r. g -ur pas-enKt-rs who have rnpit-led him in r! s,-, ftul t,,,,., ladies standing who mo oi.ly ' chance pas sengers." Queen Victoria's birthday will be cele brated on tlni 24th of this month. She bus r.'lcne-d nearly tony to , wr success,-. l'V) and it is to her honor that" n !..; U e lr-s li. is prized mure as u tv-mi.i t:mn as a sovereign. Hon. Alexander II. Sk pl.nm' l.p.-dth is improving so tapidlv Hint the Oingrel"t)al aspirants in his ihstritt.ire ssdly mnklocr up their minds lhat they will have tn wait two years more. As long ns Mr. Stephens llvt s h will represent his tli-trh t in Congress j ihnt inilcn is settled beyond cmilrover-y. , T1,e physician (old Tlmmss Smith of rtamntown, Mo , that he mu-t die witbin i lew hours, "Aro you -lire nf that '!" Smilh ronir-vtly aked. The medical mini ai 1 there could bo no mislRke nhnut it. I hn fsnilih rtnifeed the murder ot Green, bury L'lnrk, forty years ngo. 1'bat Turks aro not altogether in nn pa ble ol god work Is show i by Ahmt n V fyk Pasha, who has in twomontr-s drained some thousands of acre's of a swamp in the I ran 'Iful plains of Ilrnussa. He- is now employ ing r vast number of ti,P iinortu nati Mus sulman refugees in planting and sowing this laud. There Is to be a cenlennlal celebration nt the town of Cummington, Mass , nn the 2Clh of next June, nt which Mr. John II. Ilryant, brother of the late William t'iilli-n llrynnt, will read a poem lend United Htma Senator l).wcs, of Massachusetts, will de-liver nn address. Miss Mary Anderson is n doomed giil. The nibiii'Mit she nib, wed the world lo kn-iv that she hat! $S(l,0(i0 ahead it became simp, ly a question bs to what masculine instpuiion aim ahniiM 'PI I ..... .......... i .,.. , i iifit; in lit, escape. All nclress witli .gt),(iOO has to forswear Inp-dnirs .....I ..... I 1 . I .. i . . 1 ft nm, 'uiii;s ,1,,,, Keep a utis'iflnei, .s.,ll,,l.Arf tl.a' l..n..l.1.l 1.. .1 . . ...... ...v ,iii-ie-nsMs,l ill i)p t..ir of liussia, is now kept inthelVte, ...... in ,i jmuneu room ami in a strait-waiscoRt. Tho Kinpres is stated to be erii.usly indisposed, in consequence ot the excitement she has gone through. Humor says that the Czar hiin-clt shows much ner vousness hince tho attempt. Mr. Cyrus W. another poor man ot New York, has imitated the example of the impecunious Vandt rbllt, and lass made af fidavit that he has nn personal property in that citv thstis subject to taxation. Mr. Field very lately boasted tin.' hid mado over three quarters ofa mil .j un single speculation and now poor fellow , can't pay his taxes. The Fall l!iver(.Mass.) Ae-s relates the following as a fact : "Two men were con crsiug about the anticipated striko tho other lay, when one of them, a mule-spin-nei. remarked that he had been in twentv si:; strikes during his lifetime. "Well'," said the other, "did vou ever make anything by it ? ' "Not once' was the renlv. "lost every lime." The wife of a Pittsburg baker tonic f 900 from her husband's, safe, a year ago, nueJ started her futh.-r in th hntol business." She eontracteel a bill t.f $150 for liquors in her husband's name, and a few days ago took 1,100 Irom the sale and sent it to her father. The husband is at n los what to do, ns he e-innot indict Ins wife fur larceny. At the present time there are no tidings of sixteen ves-els which, within the past lew months, havo sailed rut of Atlantic ports, and arf hiippewd to be lust. Five of these aro steamers. A number of the-p ves sels were buid.'il w ith mi-cellnnei us careor-s, and it is thought by sunn- tlni Improper -towage of thi Ir icbt in. v haw had somo thirgtodo with I Ik ir i..'-. .m otihe -iiMiners carried pr-sHi j.-i m, a,, n iti rno excepiinn.tlicy were liojr.is'i-l.iiilt and e-,ni-naratlvelv new. l-'.-w ,...r.,.l.- .. i... ,- ...... .... nm uni connected null maritime ali'i rs appreciate in-- utiiigrr e-iieotiiiien ci ny i:mse who fo down to the sea in 'hips." ' A tiger tamer went into a cute at Allen town to quiet the nnimaN, when K vai -truck in thebren-i and the fl.-li 1-ml open to the bone. While nf I 1 nMiv.M, li-m broke loose and ciea'ttl for n tiew ineb-seri-'able confusion, Wo'm n f..ii u d, children screamed and several l.tdjes ;,i,d children were injured in the rru-h to got t u'. The lion ran lo get out under the ckiivi.s, ii :..-n the tamer caught it around the nrr' i-d held it until it was securely tied ni.ii in.t back into its cage. Lulu Vellng, the ten-year .'d d nig' tcr of Prof Veling of IlcadinK, is quite a n.n,i eal prodigy, and has received nnnn ene-tnu-in ins from such artists as Camilla Vr-o, Scuerek, Jacobsohii, Itobeyn, Aiihert, Ht-in-dl, SchiilU nnd Mnllenhaiir, all of whtm have listened with pleasure to her pmno lllniinf. WilllAtml tua. rt .lull.U.n.l 1...- strike that he offered to take her In Hum- ourg, ejermany, mm put tier under the tui tion or the best teachers. Prof. Veling will probably accept the offer. THK n.t'W SEMsl'Apnu, There is a growing Icelipg in every healthy c immunity against the journals which make 1 their special object! I" minister to pervert, cd taste, -pek lug out and serving up in a seductive form disgustiig scandals and li evniions revelations, There is got.d reason to believe that the clean new-paper is more highly prizod It. day thau it was four or five ye.iisngo. It is also safe to nre diet that a. people in all nnk of life, who protect their own at least Ironi contamination, become eoneious of the Derniclous inttiunra ,.f certain class of journals, o.illed enterprising uftmuso iuey are nmuiltous to servo up ditty scaml its, they will be camful tn u tl.st il. j..urn.us they permit to be read iu the family circle are ol the class that never forg t i Im propriety of life. Alreudy men and women of lefuieiiicntaud healthy morals have hud Iheir attention called to tli nprnt.-tniw In. thli'iiceof bad literature, mid hove made o'.niineod.eble efforts to counteract the same by oau.ing sound literature! to be published ami biii.i ut popular prices. These ell'orli are working a silcut but sure rrvoluitnn The bct authors are more tr.-nrrutlv i4 io-ony man at any previous time. The tick' iy seuiun-ntai storv Utioks uro s ow v vUM. ing the tield to worthier olain.iiiits. To the prni-e of the decent newspaper, it may 1 said, mat where it lias a p ,, ti,,. larailj. mid litis been rend ti,, u.r- ly j nag and old. it has develop, i ,,,., ' .meand sue'.i a ui-crlmlm- . -i. , llura tur" 1 1, the- sluir i Firtu n it- ly, the nui t j, i r.sinBint ehll.( r - i li. i. r urir. 'Mil y will le i- i'i-:,,j PA. The lliinnway I'onras, The ITimKn Statu Corrvr at Omaha nr.- HOUR THAT Til ICY CANNOT nr. rofK'lBl.Y TAKKM TO Imil M T'F.IIRITORY. Omaha, Neb , Mny 1.1. Nome weeks ego H. Tibbies, assistant editor of the Omaha JteralH, engaged counsel to sue out n. writ of habeas corpus to release "Standing Hear" and party, who were being relumed lo the Indian territory by military foioe, having fled therefrom on account of sickness, which wis rapidly exterminating the tribe. Hon. .1. I.. VV'ebsler and Hon N. J. Pop,.let'n at giled (he case for the Indians without fee. Judge Dundy, of the United Slates court, gave a decision yesterday. The points de cided are : First. That an Indian ti a jieraon within the meaning of tho laws of the United Sta tes, and has, therefore, tho right tome otita writ of habeas corpus In a federal court and before a federal judge, In all cases where be may be confined or In custody tinder color of the authority of the United States, or whero he l restrained of liberty In vlnla'lon of the constitution or laws. Second. That General Cook, the respond ent, being commander of the military de partment of the Platte, has custody of the relators under color of the uitthority of the United States, and in violation of the laws thereof. Third. That no rightful authority exists for removing by force any of these Poncaa to the Indian Territory, as General Crook has been d I reeled to do. Fonrth. Indians possess the inherent right of expatriation as well as the more fortu nate white race, and have the inalienable right to life and liberty, and the pursuit of happiness so long as they obey laws and do not tresspass on forbidden ground. Fifth. Iteing restrained of liberty under color of Ihe authority of tl.c United' States. ami in violation of the laws thereof, the ro- lat-irs must be discharged from custody, and so It is ordered. Marriages. Hiss Siiui.tz In Snxuliaf lowi ship al office of Andrew Laub .th F.i-q,, on Monday th- 23th day of Apnl A . I). 1870, Mr' Frsnk Hess of Sugarlcraf township lo Miss Julia Ann Snubs of Jackson township. Deaths. IIOWABI). In Orange town-hip, on the SOth of April, Mr . Charles Howard, aged 68 years, 6 months and 10 days. FUNsroN. At r.lowi'b'irg, May 14th, 1879 Hnni uii Futistuu itgiil 70 it-ins. Funeral lo take piuce from the house of .la cob IXiff'iil.nrh em Saturday May 13lh. In terment at Jerseytown, til nubia county. Miixku In Iltrirk on the 0th inst. Jo. seph Mi ler, aged 53 yeats 3 months and VI d ms. KusiiiUiSs iNoticcs Finest Mock of Wall Paper ever in Illnoms lurg at Clark's Hook Store. Large assortment of new designs in Wall Paper at Clark's Hook Store. Call al McKinuey's for Shoes. Spring Styles Spring Goods HpringStyles. Call mid see New Goods. Tho New Styles at the :cw Price. Cheaper than ever. Must be -ecu to be believed, better goods at lower prices at O. Lowenberg's. llarlman Ilros. ore telling a fine. Oolong Tea for 30 cents per pound, also u line sugar at 8 cents per. pound. '2k. Best fc-yrup IS ctsa gallon at D. A. Creasy'. NiW Drejis Linens and Grow 0()ti -it Clark .t Son's. McKinnen Shoe Store below Court uouse, Itemember that L lltz it Sloiln llfll-rt ti vm-v large stock of Huntings and other dress goods and want to sell them. Creasy bum for Cash and sells for Cash. Is the reason he sells Gonels Cheaper than any one in town. Call and see his fine stock of Ury G ,ods, Notions, Groceries, Georee A. Clark keens llio In ! t.ln'.n Window Shades, the best Ct.nl Flvmi-.s the best Spring Fixtures. Clark fi Son offer Bargain in Dress Goods Hubbers at McKinney's. Beautiful Silk Hals New Soft Hal', Wool llain, Pur Hats, For Men for Hy and Children At the Popular store of I'. Lowenberg. V Knnp.p's Cmla'.p Fluures, warranted for two yvars, fcr sale l Clark's Book Btoie. Ne w Goods this week at I). A. Crcay's. l.utz & loan have the banilsmnost. mi.l cheapest lot of Bilk and fancy fringes ever on. ii u in jjioouisuurg. Attention Farmers! Attention Mechanics Attention all 1 1 Now is vour tim tn sepur Bargains in Clothing, Hats & Caps, Boots ami Mines at Gross & Ilro s popular New York Clothing Store. Be sure and give them a call. I A full line of Ladies and Misses Hosiery fit- e'l,.rt- ssnnt sVdrnission free at McKinney's. Now is the time to paper. Uet your pa iu. ut niu.t-'o 1 . a. V ' ... n. p. Spool cotton 10 ctsa dozen at l).A.Crcny's Tor dres or pant linens go to l.utz. t Hard times.hard times is tiie cry. In eon seouence. Uie ew York Ulolhini; Slore has reoueni Hie prices oi good Boots A Shoes. .'0 per cent, cheaper than any other store in IUWII, t laik & Hou ltavo just received another larjic lot of Pearl and Taney Dress Bultoi.s. Silk Iringos 35 and 10 cts and upward. Parmeis attenilon ! y. M. I(s, Bloons bur,; , Pa., uenv oilers cheap for ca-h or j;rain all kinds of farming implements, Spring Overcoats Spring Overeojts, C e-ap, llurable, Neat anil New Ju-t reo'-ive-d at I.'Loweiibcr?s, Kor' heavy I'ottoaadea and Kentucky Je-ins fur l-'urmers and Moohntiicn wear go to Luiz iV tjloin's. ' " ' - '- 1 , A chigar 10 cents at U. A. Creasy'. A large line of Fans nml Parasols just opeued at Clatk & Son's. All the uTla7"d7t7oTQll Window ShadM at Clarks Book Store. HooU and ghoea cheap at McKloBeyy For the cheapest and fioest iiatti rns of u iTiKo 8o m u. M, ittas, Ulooniatiurg, Ladles India Oauxe uuderwear a Clark & Niu'a. Kor Flu t?ult of Clolhlnu ro to i ISeW or Clothing Store, al.o hi--Irom a to 5 dollars. t'lmii I- New I ir. i ' 'i u in l e l i Is I II l. , Latest Patterns In ,VtH'l Paper at Clark's Hook Store. A fine selection of Ladies' Gold Wn!cbcs and Chslns, both American nnd imported by the In- t make is ul L. Ileriilinid's Jewel ry Htnre. Doiini .vs Ku-ibrifi u so a i Having obtained tho agency nf this CKi.r.nnATiH) Soap for Illoomsburg nnd vicinity, I append the opinion of some of our best people as to Its merit-, "I have ii-eil Dobbin's Electric Soap made by I. L. Cregin Co., Philadelphia, Ph., tur woshing nboiil leu years.and think It superior to any other. Mrs, U. U. Hartley." "Wehnveused Dobblu'sKlectrlcSoapand find it superior lo any other or nil olhert. ri.rs. V. II. Jacoby, Mrs. 1). H. Stohncr. I desire all nj friends antl customers lo fi'ire Mm Soap one Trial, so that they may know just how good tho Best Soop In tho United States Is. .1. II. Matzr, July 12, '78-ly Illoomsburg, Pa. Hoot headquarters at McKinney's. t vniAjr.r.niA or litkhatuiib. It will bi wolcomc news to all lovers ot good liter ature ttmt the nesr.beaiitirui ami marvellously cheap Acm eultlon or "Chamber's Cyelopa'dla of Kofrllsh Literal are" Is to bo completed on Juno 1. Volume IV. in Just Issued, and tho remaining four volumes ' to be Issut-fl nnd delivered at ono lime on Uio date stated. The work richly deserves tho sale It has " oliltilncd of nearly ion ooo volumes alri'fidj .nnil ousht lo attain, us It probably will, to a round million. The print , which has varied at dlllercnt times. Increasing as the publication has progressed, has now been pe nunniitly nied at K.oo for tho papcr(S ols. com plete, nearly B,MM paes), 1 8 no tor cloth, S4.T3 for half monitvo, nil' top. nnd I8.TJ for tho 4 vol. edition In ha't morocco, (tilt top binding. A discount ot 10 per cent frtim tliesse prle-os Is ollowedto thoso whoso orders are received before June 1, and n fur thr discount ot 10 percent, lo those ordering la clubs of nve or more sets at one time, l'ostaje, If by ranll 4s cents extra, orders will be filled In tho or der ot receipt. Specimen pages and full particulars will 1 1 M'Ut fre on request American Book 12t- t-h ni.'.-. si H'tkman street, New York, Publishers. 'i!it only direct to purchasers, and not through 'a't-rs or u r'-nts. MIHU. I . .il IIIIIMI.III HIL I HUB ml w K K. Kmikel's Hitter Wine of Iron. U i iitverbi-en knnn to fat! in thr euro of weak m v , n'tnd.-rt with syiiipiimis, itidtsposltlon toc I'ttlfiii, I" .r ni"mry, tlinitjiiltj of lire.ilhlntr.ircn ii.il vi ikiirss, hoirnr of dlm-osc, weak, nervous Ii intJiiiti, an nilful bu'inr of death, nlghlsHcalJi, cc'-l ri'c', wcakn-'ss, dimness of vision, languor, u..l'.crsal lassitude of the niusciil.ir sstcm. e ronl nus iippftlie, with dyspciiitc system, hot hands, rin limy of tho body, dryness ct Ihe skin, pallid I'o'itiit'i.iince and crurtlona nn tho face, ptirlOlng fell .ul, pjln In Uir back.licnvlnpssof the cyedds, rr. ipn'iit blHi k spots lining Ufort- the eyes with temporal v sutTuston and loss of Mghl ; wantot at ts'titlon, t ic. These symptoms all arise from a wim!;n-sj, and to remedy that, use K. t Kuukel's Bll'i i wt nf i.on. II ncNerfstls. Thousands are now ei 1 Mtn? heullli who have used It. Oct tho iff milne. Stild in tl liotties. Take only K. V. Kunk el's. Ask for Klinkcl's littler wtno of Iron. This truly valuable tonle has been su Mictroujlily Itsteil by all f-l:iss, t-r the c, I'tniiritly llut It Is now dev-tiiM In di i .-i.sHi.i- .i .. ' mil' i.i.-Jli'lni' II costs but Ilttlo and pui lt'.'-o Uiy blood, nml i,-tf-s tone to tho a-toiu-aoh, i-enovut's Uie systt :n mid imilinis lift'. I now orlv ask a trial of Ibis valtiablo tonic. I'i ice ptrbiitt't'. t '.' M'NKKf, Solo ITopilftor.No. 959 North Ninth ft., below Vine, Philadelphia Pa. Ak for Kimk-l's lllltcr nun- of Iron, and take no otlu r. A phototrrtph ot the propi h'lor on each wrai vv, t,h ut iici.1 are counti-ifelt. H'-w.ii'j ot I'li'mterfolt . Do not let ynur druggist sell you any but Kunkel's which Is put up only as abovo it-pu't nit'd. You can get eli bottle forM. All I ass Is one simple trial. Tape Worms Removed Alive. Head ami all comp'ete In two hours. No fee till head p s-t-s. seat. Pin and stomach Worms ro mover) bj Dr. Kuiik.-I, i.vj Ncrlh Ninth St. Advice fr-e. Nu ice until head and all passes In one, and alive Dr Kunvetls tho only successful physician In this i tmntrj for the removal of Worms, and his Woimsy up I-, pu-tu-ant and sato for children or grown persons Send for clrcularor ask for ubottle. of K nkel's Wo in syrup, l'rlcetl.ooa bottle, (let It eif .tour drugijht. It never falls. ,! ARKEIMIEPOIITS. ELOO.MSUUIJd MARKET. Wheat per bushel t.no Kyu " .M Corn, new. , s tul, " " 2S dour per lwrnil .isi Clovenwrtl ;- , 30 Plajrw: .' i... I.ivi mater , is Bir.-s ' in Tallow .'i potatoes 7s Dried Apple oi Itanw Sides & Shoulders fj Lurd per pound ut uay per wu S.CU PtTSWttX V5 Timothy seta ito IJliUTATIUSS tOlt COAL. No. 4 on Wharf s.no nor Ton No. " " f 2.75 " no. a " 2,00 " lila'ksmltU'Kl.utUB on Wharf..... t3.oo " " mtumlnous " 4 u " ERRORS OP YOUTH. e.'isTi f.man uli.isutlrri'.l for years from Nervous in sunv I'KKMAirio: Di.cAi.asd all ihe eirrcts "I MMinuiii imhwii mm, will for thn sake of sulfer- 1'ipr il ' li . send frtti to ull who need It, the recl- r"- .ij.l ttti-t -i it.ti for making Die simple remedy by h' h li . iiasriiii'd. Mim-iein wishing to pront by tin- ii.iit rit-.tr'.Hoxrtencu can do so by udilrcfisluir In ; i rtei t cnnnileiii-e. .1 iHN li.eji.DI-.N,J'2Ccdarst., New York, nuv. 7s Sin a.Vco PILES! in -i i wr M.own : Dr. Pabcr's Cslcbratcd Painless Remedy is tho t-l- ll.nwn filr I'n.E.s f.f fivt'rv k-lnil tllli-.-rtltii. lii-lun , imihiI, inward. &o) nnd all diseases of tint ki i ii-m. win tiit-i- re-CHi,t or lung standing, ltgties liisti,i,i utter iindrlTi-iisa radical and iiermaucnt t'nif It is uri'M-rlbed by oil phjslclans whoaioac l'iai' led nun li. ihronlccuM'S readily Weld toll. Nut.iin.it ii i pi-r.ilion require, iry It and relleia jonrMilti-iliiKh. ONLY Mi cents for n I aiiok 1'ack ai.k. mui bj million receipt of prloe. Kur salo by ull Druggists. Dk.J. FAUKit itu, 22Annsi.,N.Y. nov. iii, is-cm nco CARPETS ,Jirs(,YoNew at one i..ilr Kokiikii Pricks. i.oou t.ui-ssKi.s t'eiu'KTH ,;.io per yarl. Inukaiks, iriim-iw. i nl K'lTKs., WILTONS, AXMINhTKK, KI.Vl- I s l'.il,.H!l-.:l..1iintTlKi: PLYCAlt' I'UIm t ii i .iu iinv prices, oil. CLOTHS, all widths from Jt'ie. per anl. I. s i ' i: e l i r I ns, ji.cki per ralr, to tl.o II nct.t HEA I, LACK Imported, al SHtPPARD KNAPP'S 180 and 151 Sixth Avenue, corner istli street, NEW YOKK. nov. 7-sim aico I will in .11 il i, . ) lie n'Ce'iie for n simple Vttim. nit i.Aiiitli.t will reraoif Tan, rilKCKI.Kt', 1'IM I'Ll.s .mil lil'iuti. s having thn skin son. clcwr and bt .iuiiiid : iii-o iiifciiucilous tor producing a luxuri ant uiimth of hair una bald bend nr smooth fact-. Addiehs, iiiei.wiiig m siaiip, Den Vundelf n Co.. vi AmiM., N.. bacu nov. 22, ';s cm TO CONSUMPTIVES. 'I in- udiertiser having bt en permanently cured ot lhat citt-ud di-cMU-e (unMimptinn, bv a Mmplo reme dy is aimluus to make kie-wnlo Ills fellow butTer trs Hi means ul i lire, 'lo all wliodoMlu It hn will n-nd a copy or the prescription used, (free or eliaige i nitii dlret linns lor prt'purliiBonn iisIiil' Uio same wMihthey wlliilnd astiro euro for Cossine. iios', Asiirtia, lironehlils, Ac. Turtles wlhiui! the I'ltscilplloii. will please ad itiths K. A. Vt lLscN, I9 Ptnn St., llliamsbnrK, N. atco nov. ti, 'Js-um joriLi:. I lie annual meeting of tho Columbia CountyAir rii'iiliural. Ilotilculiural oud Mechanical Aflsociatlein S!1.!. ,:.'.it'i "!u"' "lra House, liloomsburit, on sTi IIHAY, Ihe 17th day of May, A 1)., niti uiouu uVltKk p in., fer Ihe flection of olllcers. Alro ul s Oil annual meeilnir there will be consid ered nil I prut dior udnpilon by the corporation. uniei,iin,ei,i nml ulieratloiis of Ihe charter i Isl. 'I " a. i .-pt uie, pun isloiis ot nn Act ot Ast.,.mb!y, en nileii- o .At I ui pruttdo fortho lnoorporailgiiaiid rtul.iilim 1 1 cuiiulii i orimiallons." approved April ". ls;i iii.i! iu teii riil suppU'inents. d. i o deslir n .le ihe iiituv nf bulr.t'k of the corporation. Hid. 'i.is- ny ihe c,nie"rn by whom tho tniklneiwMiall lie tsmuui ti it. 4iu, Toainiuul.e mo corporallon lo labia) capital stock, uii. Tu determine I ho member sliluoi llieCuqioraUuii. M. W.Nt ss. April ,17. Wy. l)JllNl?n!A'101t'SN(7rK:K " ESTATK 0' SAKAM AHMMNK, UtCEAbtll, Isire-rsof AdmUiUlrution with tho will nne.ie-d ou the estate of amah Am wine, late or Centre two , Columbia couui l't-iutilvnla,iles.fiase'd, haiobetii IfnviilA-dby Hie Itt L-ti-tf r ot said esiuiily lo the un. liewlgnt'd Ailniliiiblraior. All poisons liavluu claims ii.'oliist Un t-biuli- of tho riiH'esleut are retiuvktrcl lo prus-ut I hfin fts'MMUaumutaiil those udv blt-d tu inako ,'U. uuui to llie uad-nOifiied wiihoui tlrlaj. HIIIA.M WIIITMIIIK. AdtutDtsirulor. April i. l-l-fw hllii.lr-,Coluinblaen.. pi. iJMpiixi(A run's Miiict;. " " aartrg o uaviu w, voei'n, nae kasfb, lAi'it-ra i r aiii!iiiiiir.uion ou Uie oslute of i mld W, is-.liii, lute in in-uivii tuwuiuiiii, i oiiiiubia Co.. de li i li Ki allied Ly Ihf Ib-b-lt-ler of kald i: lull rs", ed dmttiibirnit'ii towlcni 1' I'll. I 1. 1. Miuistt'd I., liukf lllllif. ' .i.ltl. s(. li.ninn ciiouis or dnnunds ' ''Wi In ike Un m kie wu lo Ihe Ad- : 1 'Ut detjv WHS IIILS Ailiiilni'.irutcr. w j- o. Ueiilou.