TUE "COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUKG-, COLUMBIA COL NTY, PA. fjf itttitntruitu. ed. BB0:KWAY& ELW2LL, EMlsn. BLOOMSHUHG, PA. Fritl n y, Mny 10. 1870. AMirilHI! VKril. Tho acting l'resiilent of the. United Stales on Monday Inn sent in rilu'ectloiH to the Mil prohibiting the presence of troop Ht the poll Ill's bill vviisiiiivIp partoftLe Army bill, and pa"l by both Hoine of Oougre? linn Hayes vetoeil tlie hole bill lecatic thu "rliler" vvns put to It. Now wben the Mine matter it put in n separate bill and paoed be vetoes it beciu-p "It abrogate' an obi law and placet States Ulglits in the fore' Krounil." All Intelligent people will under' ttand Hint thin cecotnl veto Is a purely pur tian production, tt was an after thought dictated (solely by partlnn uecesjltb, and it wantonly unettUs the barmony of tlie important department of the government to in vole a fresh Hood of sectional stiife, The PhlladelpbU 7iifj?ays: And what txciue is ollVreil for Ihls be trayat of the tranquillity of the country, in nbetlience to the nrrojant commands of revolutionists ? If the I'reiddt-nt had not (leeHiid bis approval of the bill after Its tuorojeh investigation by the Hoil'o, It might bo aMumeil that be lias honestly do ceivtd lilinelf into bis cecoiid veto : but with a manifest purpose ol the majority of Omgrtfs to yield all that tho Executive in. kul ( u the iotie, for the sake of attain ing harmony between tlioExicutivn and the legislative authority, the l're-ldent sudden ly recoil upon himself and presents a eto measasc that Is notable mainly for its feeble ness In all till i gs save ils relf-iontradictlnns. In ono paragraph of tho vein the cjtlutry Is assured that "any military Interference whatever at the polls is contrary to the spir it of our institutions, and would tend to de stroy the freedom of elections," and in an other paragraph it is stated that certain ex ceptions "recognize and concede the sound ne's of tbo principle that the military force may properly and constitutionally be used at the place of elections, when such ue is necessary to enforce the constitution and the laws." The fact that the President feels it In be necessary to npnlogi.e for his assuuip lion of revolutionary power over elections is manifest from ids voluntary pledge, given in the veto message, that no soldiers shall be present at the polls to perform tho duties of the civil police force, "under ordirslroiu me during this administration." Perhaps not; but the country would feci much better assured on tho subject If tho pledge had come from Contllng and Cbandler,who die tated the veto for tho two-fold purpose of bringing tho administration into public con tempt and to deepen the political convul sions which are expected to recall Grant to a third term. STAGE TIIU.NDEK. Of courso any man who has ever beard the original thunder, should bo able to detect the imitation, and yet tIiousandswho.se nerves arc slightly strung, or w liich are unstrung preler tho latter to tho former. During tho lato war tbo men who mado the loudest noise were Ithoso who staid at home, but never suiclled gun powder from a foe. It is now saught to divide our peoplo by reviving the dead issues of tho past. It is not wise nor patriotic. This couutry was mado to bo oue. and ucithcrllteeji0f-4eg!sl.!vtian can separate Tt.'' "What God lias joined togetlierTlui man put asunder." Tho attempt to array the North against the South is criminal, and those who speak of a "solid south" aud a "solid north," do not realize the mischief they are doing. Among other means used to fo ment sectional discord is tho circuluton of ox tracts from au obscure paper called tbo "South ern Statu" published at Okolona, Miss. Its editor is a carpet-bagger, aud bis sentiments are disavowed by the people of tho south and yet aro maliciously quoted by Republicans iu the north. The following letter from its editor will give our readers a true insight into his motives. Office of Titr. "Soutiiep.n Static, " Okolona, Miss., April SO, 1870. General J. S. IIomnson : Tl-o papers bavo been sent agreeable to in ttructions. Tho points aro mado red hot this week.and alloftbcui will hit hard, It is advisable to havo them as extensively corned as no: bio. Wo will mark them for our Northern exchanges. Congressman Frye regards it as a great sue CfW. Wo will civc them hell according to the ex tent of the circulation. Tho larger the sub scription list tho louder the thunder. Yours with respect, Will II. Keknan General Kobinson is chairman of the Ohio Republican Comuiittce. Kcrnau is ono of tho editors of tho Southern State: ).!o is, by bis .own confession, published in a letter to tho uotv Greenback orgau, a native of Ohio and a carpet-bagger. Tho rf-oplo d uot want another war aud will not bo ogged on to it, by tho speeches iu Congress, nor by publications fioui Mich a tource, Evils Anions Young Men . Of all the evils pievalent among young men, we know of none more blighting in its moral frects than to speak lightly of the virtue of a woman. Nor is there anything in which young men are so thoroughly mis taken as the low estimate they lortu as to the Integrity of women. Xot of their own mothers aud sisters, but ol others, who, they forget, are somebody else's mothers and sis ters. As a rule no person who surrenders to this debasing habit is to be trusted with an enterprise requiring integrity of character. Plain words should be spoken on Ibis sub ject, for the evil Is a general one and deep rooted. If young men are sometimes thrown into society of thoughtless or depraved wo men, they have no more right to measure all other women by what they see of those than they have to estimate the character of honest and respectable citizens by the de velopment of crime in our police courts, Let our young men remember that their chief happiness in life depends upon utter faith lu women. No worldly wisdom, no misanthropic philosophy, no generalization, can cover or weaken truth. It stands like the record of itself for it Is nothing less than this and should put nn everlasting teul upon lips that are wont to speak lightly of women. Commonwealth, Tlie DeiouiposeJ UoJy of a Little (llrl Found. PoiTSVILLK, My VI. The body of a little daughter of Michael Hoary, living at Locust (jap, was found iu the creek at Mt. Canucl in a partly deeomiioscd condition yesterday. She was misf-cd froui homo several weeks ago and It was supposed to had boeu stolen nwuy by I'Vps-ira. Judgo Asa Packer is lying In n critical condition In Philadelphia. At 11 o'clock Wednesday evening he appeared to be sink- Who are llin linotiilloulsts? Wo bavo a l'icsiJctit who never was elect Wo liavoa supremo court, three members of which violated law, oath and justice to count in tho itti-clccted President , Wu bavo a congress icprcscntlng tbo ina bility or tho people, but not permitted to act by a fraudulent executive and a fanatical mi nority. We bavo tho monstrous theory that tbo legislative is to obey the wihcs of tho execu tive, not the cxecutivo to execute the laws of tho legislative. Wo have the assumption that there isbut ono man to "save tbo country," and bo 0 rant; but one party to rule that is, tho llepubli can party; but ono great duty of the day, that to defy the will of a clear majority of tbo people, Is ibis a real republic? Is this popular self government? Is it not, on tho contrary, breaking up tho character of the government very fast? Whiib is worse dividing or destroying a republic? Which is more terrible brcakin: up tho form or tho character of a govern incut? Had the rebel of 1SG1 succeeded, tboy would have onlydividid tho republic. Kut if the stalwaitcnw of tho Indefinite Term and JioboMin order succefd they will do stroy it St. Louis I'oit-Dirjiateh. AITKIIi'HIATItlX IllhbS, 'HAItY. .NEW I'EXITEX- The House at Harrisburg proceeded to the consideration of tho appropriation bills on Monday night on second reading with the following result i When the act maklnc an appropriation of fGOO.OOO to tlie middle penitentiary at llunUnuoon came un lor consideration it was moved to amend by reducing the amount to 4-2OO.O0H to be paid iu the years 1S70, INN I nun ism. Mr. llenit moved to amend by providing hat the 5200,000 should b panl in two years nsteail of three: SIOO.000 iu 1S7U and 100,000 iu 1SS0. Mr. Provins moved to indefinitely post' pone the whole mntter. Mr, D.ivle onnosed tho motion in a few re inaiks. He thought the penitentiary was a needed improvement, and tnat t no legisia ture should mako the necessary appropria tions for its completion, Mr. Colborn honed tbo bill would bo in definitely postponed. He said his people could co to Pittsburg in three hours, while it took from morning until night to gel to lluntlnEilon. If there was a necessity for a new penitentiary then it should have been elected at Harrisburg a more convenient and more suitable place. He did not think the erection of n new peuitenriary was a ne cessity. Mr. Colborn nnd Mr. I'rovins favored in definite postponement. Mr. Hewitt thought the state could III afl'urd to stop tlie work now. That tho building of tho penitentiary was a public ne cessity was made apparent by tne over crown ed condition of the eastern and western pen itentiaries. The state should find revenues enough to meet the wants of the people. The oppropriation has been reduced trom $000,000 to $200,000 and there was now no further reason for opposition. Mr. Khoads could not find sufficient force in the gentleman's arguments to induce the house to grant the appropriation. Mr. Welsh thought that the state would need increased facilities forvictims since the passage of the tramp law. Mr. Davis, of Philadelphia thought tbo bill was a meritorious one and should be passed. Mr. Wolfe said n former legislature, the board of public chaiitics and the officers of the l'hilaiielphia penitentiary nud an decid ed that another penitentiary was needed. Tho time was fast approaching when the east and the west would ned penitentiaries for the exclusive useof thelrvarious sections and as a matter of course, the middle por tion of the state would then need a similar institution for their ue. In view ol these facts and that money bad already been ap propriated to this institution, be hoped the lie use would mute too necessary 'appropria tion lor its completion. .Mr. Nnkle also favored the appropriation of this money. The motion to indefinitely postpone was then defeated bv 91 navs to f0 yeas. The amendments were then agreed to and the bill as amended passed second readin by a vote of 81 -yeas to C4 nays. Defeat of an Absurd bill. A few days ago there was ou the calendar of the Harrisburg House of Representatives a bill imposing a fine of live thousand dol lars, or an imprisonment of not less than five years, on any employer of labor com pelling any person to work more than eight hours a day. This utterly absurd thing bad pasr-ed second reading, but when It or a simi'ar bill came up again the other day it w in the very much modified form of a fine of one hundred dollars or au imprison ineut ol thirty days, l-.ven in the very much mitigated shape it was rather too much for tho House, and it was postponed indefinitely by n decisive vote, Of course it had been put forward under the pretence of benefiting working people, but it would have required very little thought among the intelligent working men to enable them to see that such a law is incapable of tquita ble execution, and must havo been a cause of embarrassment to them. A very large proportion of the work done in these dr.yB iiiiut, from its nature, bo done us "piece work ;" another largo proportion depends upon the seasons and tho weather, and ad vantage must be taken of tho favorable time fordoing it; still another, and much the lamer proportion of any, is done under agreement by tho hour; and yet another proportion is done by the lump job. All these would have to be counted out from the operation of the bill, making it extremely partial and inequitable in its operation, Aud then, if the design of the bill was to mike eight hours work the equivalent often hours iu the matter of pay, that would fail for two reasons ; First, all new contracts or agreements would bo based on the lesser amount of labor to be performed, or else they would be made to run by the week of sixty hours. Ileal working men themselves "real working men," in contradistinction to the noisy demagogues who use their name and assume to speak for them understand this right well, They know that such a system cannot be made to work out its pretended purpose. The ba low legislators who try their bauds at such law-making might as well attempt to legislate upon tho nor'heast wind or enact that it snail rain but twice a mouth and that rainy Sundays shall be abolUlud, As to 'compelling" men to work more than eight buiirs a day, that is nonsense. Nn man can be so compelled. If he works nine, ten or eleven hours, it is because be agrees and chooses to do so ; and the industriou man who does choose it, whether he does it to make mote money or because of the nec essities of his ease, would not thank the Legislature fur attemptlngtoputsucli shack les upon the labor market, Iloth employ ers a d employees would have been Injured by the bill, for It Interfered with the rights of both, aud if passed would have Inovlta bly made trouble fur both, by introducing a new element for disputes, quarrels nud "strike." Myer. Tun Man on Horseback. Grant will run no licttor in 18S0 than ho was ablo to make Hayes run in 1870. In 1870 Grant held tho purso and the sword, nnd his presi dent of tho Pennto held the count, but in 1880 n weak Picsidcnt holds but tbo idiadow ofn sword and a very empty purse, nnd tho oc cupation of tho returning board is gone. Mobile Hegiiler. Mrs. Small W. Underwood, of Mllwaukeo n lltllo woman of lino appearance and polished manners, the has Ion been Known as a "rtheat-scalpir." Hecenl alio made $23,000 by one Investment Iu wheat and not long nllcrwards lost that amount and sever al hundred dollars moro. A few days ago she was arrested on tho charge of uttering $111,000 worth of forged paper. It is alleged that she made h'er husband, Albett U, Un- lenvood, n weak-minded man, who has been In nn asylum more than once, give her eight small promissory notenslgned "A. 0. Wood wind.'' These notes she put upon tho mar ket with tho statement that they were given by Alvln 0. Underwood, her lather-ln-law, a wealthy resident of Mllford, Mass., nt which town they were nil dated. AiiotiiorMina Horror. Shortly before midnight on Tuesday of last week an explosion of gas occurred at tho Stanton shalt, near Newtown. Tho Stanton belongs to tho L. & W. Coal Co , and is being operated by Chat. Parish & Co. Thcie aro various and conflicting theories ns to tlie causo of tho explosion. Of the men woiking in tbo mine at tho time, tho following nauicd wero more or less injuied : Levi Gibbons, David Morgan, Samuel Lloyd, Wm. Smith, llichard Kail, .Jno. Davis, Jno. ltichards and Wui Watkins. Shortly previous to this un fortunate oecurrenco a slight explosion had injured Martin Kerrigan, but not seriously. On Wedne-day Win. Smith, who had been frightfully burned, aud John Davis both died in great ivony. HiehurcU, Llojd and at' kins wero at last aecouuts in a ery pie' eaiioiis condition. Tho others are not so so veicly iiijurtd. Shortly after tbo explosion tho mine was discovered to bo on fire, aud the lire soon get' ting beyond coutrol, it was resolved to flood tho mine, which is being done, it is sid it will take at least six months after the fne is quenched to pump tho workings diy and per mit of a recommencement of opcia'ions. In order to make piovision for the men thus thrown idle Messrs. Panish k t'o bavo de- cidoil to start up at tho Diamond iu about two weeks.aud t furnish euip'oynieut to thoso laid idle hi thu Sucar Notch di-a-tei Nos. 0 and 10 at that place, winch hai e lint beer. operated for two years, resumed yestenl ly. L'luoii-f.tmlcr. l.ATElt. Wimcksuarm:, Pa., May 'J. William Watkins, Knottier victim of the Stanton shall disaster died to day. Preparations are being iog made to turn water from lllackman cieck into th? uiioo. I mmenso quantities of black damp issuo fiom tliemnutbof the mine. This indicates that the fire cnveis a largo area. It is believed that bla:k damp is being generat ed very lapidly, and ili predicted that when the water rises MiOiciviitlv high to shut off the air there will be a tcnific explosion. The water iu tb'i mine is thought to be ten feet high. It will be necessary to flood it to the depth of three hundred I'eet to extinguish the fire. The dimige to the mine will be very great. IMitli Freeman's Murder. Till'. UOrillMl STAUVl.NO lIKUsr.I.V AND HY ING or (imr.K. Harnstahle, May 12. L was announced this morning that Mrs. Freeman was dying and investigation slinks that the probabili ties ate that she will live a short time only. She is weepingand starving herself to death, although sh dues not seek to commit sui cide. Confiufd ulone in the cell on the up per floor of the burn like building, sbe has, since tlie first Sunday alter tho killing of Edith, wept constant!) day and uight. She has tried to eat, believing that it was her duty to do so, but iu the ten days of her im prisonment slio has eaten l(s- than would make an ordinary meal. When the Sunday pastd and her littlegirl was not resurrected, as sbe firmly believed she would be, Mrs. Fruman at once admitted that she and her husband bad made ou nwlul mistake, and with this acknowledgment the maternal in stinct that pleaded so strongly in pra;er that her child might bo spared, has returned. She has said that she could not have con sented to the sacrifice had she not firmly be lieved that Edith would be res'ored to life ou the third day. She also says that It was revealed to her husband SO hours beforo the sacrifice that Edith's immolation was de manded. He went to the barn and prayed for hours that God would take the cup from him, and she at length went to the bam and kneeling on the hay beside her husband, put her arm around his neck, ai.d both of them prayed to be spared the necessity of doing tho act, but they got no peace until they deteimiued to do it. Hersorrow is most dis tressing now. She is In eutire possession of her reasoning faculties, and the jailer's wife thinks that it would bo a mercy if she could bo berelt of reason. She moans, "Oh, my little darling child, how could Qod have permitted us, who loved Him so and tried to follow Him, to do such a wrong ;" and then sbo bursts into the most passionate sob bing that lusts for hours. The seraphic look that was on her face when she was brought before the Justice is gone. Her lace has wasted, leaving her cheek bonvs prominent, and both are bright red with hectic Hush which indicates fever. Her otherwise wbito face and bloodless lip-1, and her great eyes that are red with weeplng.her tottering step, and her inability to eat or sleep, are regard- ed us indications that very soon the reserve nervous strength will be exhausted and that she will rapidly decline. Her love for the baby aid her remorse have over-shadowed her religious faith. Her husband knows nothing of this. He is perfectly self-contented, and eats aud sleeps well, still confident that God com miuided the act. He has been reading "Ere mont's Explorations." He said to-day to 77ie Sun correspondent that he did not want any pettifoggers to defend him for notoriety but that if an eminent lawyer of Hoston or New York would take his case and conduct the defence on the principles of the light of every man to follow tho honest convictions of his conscience, be would accept such de It rice. Justice Hopkins, In his verdict given as Coroner and filed to-day, says that Editli Freeman's death was caused by the act ot her father, who premeditated it, and who committed it without provocation, alette by the mother, and that such act was done because both honestly believed that they were commanded b) God to do it toillus trate their faith. The Justice believes that If any lawyer dares go before the court and argue that the act Is consistent with a belief iu the literal or supernatural teachings of tlie Bible and liable to bo Ibereforo repeated again, oue of tho most remarkable points will be placed before tho courts of Massa chusetts which they hae ever beeu called nn to consider. Senator lien Hill, of Georgia, hit tho nail squarely on the hoad when be said last Wed nesday In the Senate : "Members of Congress gel $S,000 a year and mileage for one regular session. I do not proposo to accumulate the expense of extra tesslons. I know that some noise Is sometimes made that an extra session of Congress costs the Guvcrnmentso much. I think, when members of Congress are paid by the year, If the Interests of tho country require that they should attend hero a dozen times, they ought to attend on their regular salary, aud not be increasing their pay on account of the extra sessions. I do not think an) body ought to have anything ex tra. That U my Judgment on It. Half the year we are getting pay without services any way." WASIIIXIirtlX LETTER Washington, I), I' , May 111, IS70. Tin: last xnvf vtrro -viiat wim.tiih.ma- jorsrrv no? 1'iioiiAnt.r. continuation of 1'iu:si:nt Ai'i'nopiiiATioNs until Jan. Isr., lfso a rum: hiinaoi: silvku iiii.l to nr. PAsswi r.vnuYiionv ri.i:.feKi with tiii: ciitsis- rnt: IIAU8SMANI.AT10N Ol1 WASH-IVOTON-Tltll I'llllSlPLNr TO MrMMUK AT SOI.IItr.USj' iio.vti:. To parodv Hymn's famous definition of man, Congress has become a pendulum be tween a caucus and a veto. One week ago all the world was positive that the President would sign IIib "antl bayonet bill," as It Is called, but while I write the newsboys aio yelling here's your evening paper with the President's veto message. Tho next ques tion is what will the Democrats do about it. Thtre is in tho mnjjrity a strong sentiment in favor of nljouriimeut without provision for the nriuy, but it is certain that the num ber Iu favor of this policy is not as great as ;t was when tlid last session adj turned. Sju ntoi Ttitirmin, who is the acknowledged leader of his party In Washington, is report ed (I say reported) to have said that it would be a great mistake for Congress t "ad journ without having passed the noJesmry supplies for the uulitsry and civil services. Just what will b-s duno it Is, of c.mrse, Im possible tosiy, but soaie pi in of action will beaureid upon beforo the end of the week, and that plan will probably be to continue the army appropriation bill of last year until the 1st of January, 1SS0. Although a veto of the legislative appiopriation bill is antic ipated, the Senate will proceed to pa-s it in tho same funn as it has been passed by the House. If the bill shall be met with the ex pected veto, Congre-s will pa-s t'o jurors' test oath k peal and the supervisor's law, ami if they sba'l be vetoed, supplies will be voted, as in the case of the other bills until the 1st of January next. It is confidently predicted that the majority will pass a free coiuae silver bill nnd give tho President something more to do in tlie veto line. Sen ator l!"ck 1ms said : "Mr. Hayes' vetoes shall be made cheap by overstocking the market. Outside of Congress both parties profess to be happy over tlie legislative crisis, 1j publicans insist that they will gain by the veto of all legislaslon that has for its object the abrogation of legislation arising nut of the war and the Democrats insist that there will now be a clear aud simp'e issue at th polls on the question of free elections. It had bcn tlnught that Congress vould adjourn before the loth of June, but this last new veto complicates matters somewhat, and it may make a longer se-s:ou necessary. Spring has come upon us almost within a week. The many parks that dot the renew ed Capitol City are clothed in green. The fountains that have bren still during the winter, have commenced lo play, tin J of evenings the settees in the public gardens aro occupied by all sentimental people of all ages, colors and previous conditions. Wash- nyton has too much park space and too much width of street anil avenue for its mall population, lloss Shepherd has out- llaussmanized liarou Haussmtn,who is la mnus in architectural and engine! ring his tory for his modernization of Paris, Tho streets aud boulevards aud parks of our lit tie capital are out of all proportion and the expense entailed iu keeping them clean and n order Is very groat. Moreover, iu sum mer, the only season in which they are at tractive, Washington is practically deserted. No one who can afford to leave the city, but Hies from tho malarial monster that lurks n the swamps of tho Potomac. The Presi dent will soon leave the White House for the more healthful heights of the Soldiers' uome. lie win occupy tuo cottage in which President Lincoh lived during the war. The Secretary of War will also leave the city for a cottage in the Bams beautiful park. Members and Senators who own res iderices in the city will abandon them to the charge of servauts or rent them to carefnl tenauts until they shall be ready to occupy them for the next session. Four vears so living iu Washington was very cxpeusive, Now, in no city iu the Union can be found such cheap board and lodging. Many o the first class hotels bine reduced their pri ces to anti-bellum rates, and atcommoda- tionsean be had in excellent boarding hou ses lor from $25 to $30 per month. Next to parks nnd streets we havo an excess of eating houses nnd restaurants : at many of tbese excellent meal can bu obtained for 25 cents. After adjournment I hope to vary my cor- respondeuce by writing you from the mining di-tiicts of tbo Pacific slope, from eastern watering places, and, perhaps, from Euiope, C. A. S. John .1, Andrews, a Philadelphia uier chant, lost the sight of his left eye twenty years ago, and physicians told him that there was no cure. The useless member gave him no trouble until 1877, but thereafter it was occasionally so painful that ho writhed on the l!-or until the attack was over. Many of the best occulists made careful examina tions, and were unable to ascertain the na ture of the disease. Lately he nut himself into llu hands of a Philadelphia physician, of whose investigation he says : "He blis tered me around the eye to draw out the In flammation, and at last be said : 'I know what it is not ; it is not inflammation, and tbat is one pulut gained,' He drew out a diseased tooth aud cut out a piece of the jaw bone aud did some probing ; finally he said: It does not come fiom a tooth nerve, and that is another point gained.' He dosed me with ijuluiuc until be was satisfied, nnd then he said: 'It is not uilasna, and that is an. other point gained.' Last Thursday he put we into a darkened room, aud, throwing an Indescribably bright lijjht into my eye, look ed into my eyo fer two mortal hours. At last he exclaimed: '1 havi tho secret.' Look ing in through tho pupil of the eye he could see u live eystlceicus, or embryo tape worm,'' This was the first ca-e of the kind in Amer ica, and was exhibited to most of the phvsl- claii-i lu Philadelphia, An operation with a knife removed the creature, UNIFUH.MITY PItESEHVEIl. By u-lng the Perfcled liutter Color of Wills Richardson & Co., llurlington, Yt,, a complete uniformity in the appearance of butter Is pre served and a desirable shade, easily maintained, It is the beat preparation known, for coloring butter. State Senator Jones II. l'rench.ol Mas sachusetts, has given all his salnry and mil eage for the term for the relief of the families of tho lost Gloucester and Hock port fishermen, Emllng a Court House War. Thomas Ilrown was elected ono of the Commissioners of Wayno county In 1875. He was then well to do, nnd occupied a fine residence Just out of Houesdale, Pa. lie was the leading member of llio Hoard of Com missioners and controlled It His son, II. S, Ilrown was appointed clerk of the Hoard, Honedale became the county scat of Wayne county in 1S13, Tho frame Court Houso then erected had never been Improved or en larjied, although the population and business of the county had moro than doubled. The subject of building a new Court House had been agitated for somo years. In 1S7I5 the preliminary proceedings required by law bavin? been taken, the Court ordered tho C. bounty Commissioners to build n new Court I louse. With a population of 10,000 In tho county, and no county debt it was thought that a $100,000 .Court Houso would not bo too expensive. Arrangements were made to erect n building of that clas. From tho beginning tho peoplo of the county were trongly opposed to tbo work. The feeling was worked upon by ambitious politicians, nnd it becimo so strong that ordinary party lues were forgotten, and the only pirtles l'i tho county were tho Court Homo and antl Court House parlies. Of the former Com mlssloner Thomas Ilrown was n conspicuous leader. William Hartwcll, a wealthy and influential farmer of au Interior township became a power in thoanti-Courtllouse par ty. The opponents of tho Court IIouo ham pered tho work by injunctions and legal proceedings of various kinds. Thorns Ilrown used liberally of bis means to carry through the plans which were devised to lefeat tho efforts of the autl-Court llousi people, lie was an old contractor and builder, ami had set his heart on perpetual iog his name lu the county through work on the new Court House, On the result of tho election In the county In 1877 everything depended. The Court House party ha l control of the olfices, nnd the nuii-Court House party were putting forth extraordinary efforts to secure several to be filled that year. They elected their tick et by an overwhelming majority. Probably to no other person In the county did tho re sult give more joy than to William Hart- well. He bad if solved that Thomos lirown and the other Commissioners should not complete the new Court House, and tho suc cess of his party nt the polls virtually put an end to the Wurk. The disastrous result of the election bo nlfected Commissioner Hrown that he died a few hours after the news was received. Last fall William Hartwcll was elected to the position Thomas Drown had tilled, two other anti-Court House men taking the places of lirown's colleagues in tho Hoard, and Hrown's son was removed from tho clerkship. The county was in debt SCO 000 for the work that had been done on the Court House, which was nearly half finished. The old Court Houso was torn down iu 1877, It is not likely that tho new one will bo completed for years. Meantimo court is held over a bar room in an out-ut-the way part of Honesdale. It was supposed that Thomas Ilrown had left his family well provided for, but the troubles of the past two years had involved him ruinously. The claims against his estate were pressed, and a few weeks ago tho sher iff levied on the Ilrown homestead, and ad vertised it for s ale. His son H. S. Brown, desired to save tho property, if possible, and appealed to Commissioner William Hart. well, thren weeks ago, to pay off tho claims against the estate, and take a mortgage on the property. Ilartwell's wife had died a few days after he was elected County Com missioner, lie had never seen the widow of Thomas Brown. He went to see her in re gard to making the arrangement about the transfer of claims against her property. He was so pleased with her that a few days after ward he mado a proposal of marriage to her. Sbe accepted him. He paid off the claims against tho property, and made her a wedding present of a deed to the homestead. They were married on Wednesday of last week. CAST-IKON FELLOWS. Men of endurance have healthy kidneys and liver. No aches in the back, no piles or spinal pains. The remedy for tliese distresses is un doubtedly Kidney-Wort, a vegetable prepara tion, which harmonizes all the internal forces of the body. Candidates. The following persons have been proposed for nomination by tho next Democratic County conven tion to bo Imld August 12th, 1879. Candidates an nounced la this list are pledged to abide by tho de cision ot the Coutcntlon.i yOIl SIIEItlFK, SAMUEL JACOUY, of Bloom, JOHN O. JACOHY, of Hemici, JOHN Q. QUICK, of Montour, JOHN LORE, of rine. CHARLES A. KNORK, oj Jiloom, SAMUEL SMITH, of Filhingcrcel. II. C. KELCHNER, of Scott. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, 'THE ASHSTONS" OFEKA HOUSE Friaay anil Saturday Eveninp, May 23d and 24th Friday Evening May Sid, tho eminent character actor MK, J, II. AS11T0N AS 'RIP VAN WINKLE,' Saturday Evening May 24th, THE UHEATKHT LIVISd CHILI) AKTlSTK LITTLE DOIUUT ASliTON "FANCHON THE CRICKET." Great Reduction in Prices, IIEN'KltAI. ADMISSION, - - 113 CENTS, ltESEUVED SEATS, - 35 CENTS. Seata may he secured alter Monday, Stay mihat o, A. cunt's Hook btore. Ell. U. YOUNI1. May 10, W-8w Agent, QLAUK V, llAHDKH, BCII Vtll S1I MlSCHCTl'KlIKOl- Doors, Sath, Blinds, Mouldings, Brackets, and dealer In LUMHEltand all kinds ot 1IUILUING MATEItlAU IIAIIPWAHMC, TUIltl) STltKET, t A I'AWIESA, PA. May 16, H-am' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SHERIFFS SALE. liy virtue, ol sundry writs Issued outot tho ourtot Common Mens ol Columbia county and to m directed, will bo exposed to public sale at the Court ltouo In the town of Illoomsburg Columbia county, Pennsylvania, at two o'clock p. m on MONDAY, JUNE 10th, 1870. The foltowlng described real estato sltuato In Main township. Columbia county, to-wltl t. Ileirlnnlneatastonoln tho nubile road leading trom Mnlnrlllo to Mirulnvllle, llienco by said road north fltty-seven degrees east ono hundred nnd one and 4-10 perches to a Rtono.theneo by same north seventy-seven and one-hall degrees east thirty-one and eighteenths perches to a rost In said road' Ihcoco by Unit ol Stacy John south twenty-scv degrees east Htn perches to a stene, thenco by land of J, li.Yetter and heirs ol Henry Bail man, deceased, south clghty-slx ilegrcesi west ono hundred and thirty-four perches to a stone heap, thence by purpart No. 8 of Daniel Yctter.de' ceased, north thirty and ono-hslf degrees wet one hundred and forty-four percties to a stono In tho middle of tho nforesald public road, the place ot bo glnnlru, containing ono hundred and forty acres and ono hundred and thirty-four perches neat meas- uro more or less, w hereon aro erected a stono dwel ling house, barn and out-bulldlngs. :. Beginning at a stone Ir. tho public road leading from Mftlnvlllo to JItnilnvllle, thenco by said roid north thirty-four and bnc-half degrees, east seven' ty-threo perches to a stone In said road, thenco by said ro.vl north fifty-seven degrees east twenty-six nnd slx-tentlis percties to a stono In said road.thenco by other lands of Joseph Clclger south thirty and one-halt degrees cast one hundred nnd forty-four perches to a stone heap, thence by lands ot C llearhirtand J, 11. Yetter south elghty-slx degrees, w est ono hundred and four and one-half perches to a post, thence by land ot J, 11, Yetter north thlrt) ono nnd one-fourth degrees west slsty-four and three-tenths perches tolho place of beginning, con tatnlog tltty-slv acres and four perches neat meas ure moro or less, whereon aro erected a dwelling house, barn and out-bulldlngs. 3. Tract ol land on tho right of tho nubile road MlnllnMlle to Malm llio ami adjoining lands ol C. II Gearlnrt on tlie cast, ,t. J, (iearhart on the north and others containing about seventy acres more or less. i. Tract adjoining lands ot Peter Mil er on tho north, J. ,T, (Iearhart on thu east U J, Campbell on the south ana J. I'. Shumau on tho west, containing about forty acres, 6. Lot In tho Mllaseof Malnvlllc fronting on Jtnln road and ndjolnln; on tho south another lot of Jo seph Uelger, on the west by lands of .1. W. shumnn, anion the north by school house lot, containing three acres whereon are erected a dwelling house, large barn, blacksmith shop nud out-bulld ngs, 6. Lot In village of MalnMlle adjoining last above described lot ou tho north, on the main road east, south by William T. Shumnn, and west by W, J. shuman, whereon aro erected a dwelling house and out-bulldlngs seized, taken In execution at the suit of stany John against Joseph Oelgernndtobcsoidasthc property of Joseph Oclger. Knckk, Attorney. At. 11. Fa. ALSO, All that certain houso and lot ot ground slluite In Main township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded on the e 1st by public road leading tt rough the town of Malnvlllc, on tho ssuth by lot of Samuel Shuman, on tho west hy land.of Jacob 11. Yetter nnd on tho north by lot of J. 1-1. 1 ongenberger, on which are erected a two story frame dwelling house, fr.im e stable and out-bulldlngs. ALSO, Another house and lot of ground situate In said Main township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded on the east by public road leading tlnough the town ot Malnvlllc, on tho south by lot of the Public school District, on tho west aud north by lot nrUndof John W. Shuman, on which are erected a lanrc two story frame dn tiling houo, barn and out buildings, ALSO, Alsj u certain tract ot cleared land sltuato In sal d Main township Columb'a county, Pennsylvania, bounded on tho east by iand of Joseph llelgcr and others, on tho south by land of John W. Shuman, on tho west by public road leading from Espitown to Main-, Itlo and on the north by lot of M. V. II. Kos tenbauder, containing twent-two acres moro or less. Seized, taken In execution and to be sold as the property of V. J. Campbell. Zahr, Attorney. ALSO, Also all that certain lot ot ground situate In Zerr's addition to tho town of Catawlssa in tho township or catanlssa, bounded and described as follows, to wlt : Hounded on tho west by Fourth street, on the north by lot N'o. 18, on tho east by an alley twenty feet wide, nud on tho south by lot No U, being lot marked and numbered on tho plan ot Zerr's Addition to the town of Catawlssa N'o. 13 containing In Iront on said Fourth street llfty feet (50 f eel) and extend- lng In depth southeostwnrdly or the same breadth bylines parallel to tho stiects ot the town ol Cata- n issa aforesaid to tho aforesaid alley twenty feet wide. Seized, taken In execution at tho sultot George Zarr agnlnst W. E. John with notice to J, M. Smith, Assignee aud W llllam Hhawn, terre tenant and to be sold as tho property of W. K. John with notice to J. M. Smith, Assignee, and William IChawn, terre tenant. ZiKii, Attorney. Levari Facias. ALSO, All that certata tract of land situate In Itoarlng- creek township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, de scribed as follows, to-wlt: Hounded on tho north by land of William Ycager, on the cast by land ot William Dretsbach and others, on tho south by land of William llellg, and on the west by land of Conrad H&ussnian, containing one hundred and thirty acres mroe or less, on which are erected a house, bank barn and out-bulldlngs. ALSO, A tract of woodland containing about torty-tlie acres s.tuato In said township adjoining lands of Ezeklcl Delcpialo, William Z. Soult, L. Duty and others. ALSO, A tract ot woodland containing about thirty acres situate tn Sild township, adjoining lands of M. Han hart, F. Yocum, Will I.nuan and others. belzed, taken In execution at the suit ol Stacy Jokn against Samuel llouck and to bo sold as tho property of Samuel llouck. Kkokk, Attorney. Al. Fl, Fa. ALSO, All that tract ot land sltuato lu Main township, County of Columbia and Stated I'enns Ivonla, de scribed as follows to-wlt 1 Hounded oa the north by land of Wi-llain Mcnslnger, on the east by landot David Ilrown, onthe south by land of II. W.Brown and on tho west by land of Nathan Miller and others, containing one hundred and slxteen acres more or less, on which aro erected a brick house, bank barn, tw o w agon sheds, andlother out-bulldlngs; also good fruit orchards and a flno spring of water at house. seized, taken In .execution at tho suit of John Waltz, (luardlan ot HsnJ. I, Muss, Aaron Nuss and Amanda Nuss against WUUam Menslngerand to be told as tho tho property of William Mcnslnger. Abbott Hiuwn, Attorneys. Vend. Ex. Terms cosh. JOHN W. HOFFMAN, May ic, n-ts buerltr. Rowell & Co's. Advc'a. SMOKE tiii: oni.v iih.m'im: PRIDE - DURHAM. A pure Tubacco, not flavored with poisonous drugs, Manufactured hy Z. I. LYON t CO., Durham, N. C. May, lsis-lm r Vvo will pay Atrt-ntitubalary ul fel)periuo Ana i e lis, n, vr ftlUtwa larg,! cuniiuiwkon, laej I Iiwiitl ou-itrrul liivpiitioua. H,.ukiu, month lour cmlii lri,, AtJJtcjaSmiHAii&Lo., M4iitll,Micl May s. Tj-lm r "l ono proliu on BU days Investment of i1 fn Proportional returns every week on Stock Options dress T, Porrictt Wiuiit i Co., bankers, S5 Wall st,. it, r .May x, ivwm ma Month and expenses guaranteed to A cents outtit rue, biiiw a Co. AcucsTi, JUine. lot 4 lines; Inserted one week In I aim newspapers lor slo bend 10c. lor 1011 natre natntihlef. O. I 110WEI.I, CO.. N. Y. ,ay !d,lsl9im r A DMINISTIUTOK'S NOTICE KSTITH OF 1UV1II V, CKITES, DECK18SD. U tters of Administration on tho estate ol David V, irues iai. in rruuauu ujwnsuip, uoiuraeia count deceased, have U-en cranted bv the lteeiHt-r or cnl county to Jesse John and Noah S. rrltes.caian Issa, All pcrMua having claims against the estate are re quested to present thein lor settlement and those uiui-uit-u iu iuafc.u yu) uieui n iinout, ueiay, JESSE JOHN. . .. ..... NOA1IS.C1I1TES, O. W. Mimkr, Atfy, Administrators, May , IK ow cataw Issa, Pa. TT A1)C! II-10'1 85 "eats tn stamps or currcn. 1 1 J l0 Ilicy lor anew UOItsK HOOK. It iream ui un uiseases, uasss one entfravint,rsbllovilOL positions luisumed bv sick horses, a lahlo or dosra. a OOfM larKB collection ul VAI.UA1ILEHKC I31JI I Ii'ES, rules lor tenuis thu age ot u uune,wiuiau engraving snowing teetuor tucn ) ear ium u mrgu uinuuutui vaiuuoie norse inrorinai ion. Dr. Wm. II. Hall sals. "1 have bought books that I paid 15 and 10 tor which I do not like as well as I dojours." Bsno kor i.ciKci'UR. Agents Wanted. u. , niuuttu, ju, v.. caiuBimruu runs, v-1. May, ItMy NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. STRAWBRID&E & CLOTHIER nsro'W OFFER IMMENSE LINES OF SFK.insro- goods i Which should be Inspected by every buyer within teach pf l'liiladelpbia. Those wbiulo not visit the city can sHdiro every advantage offered by our unrivalled stock and very low prices throiiuh tho Mall Order Department. l'lVMR Noti: ! We employ no iigcnts, Send direct to tlie house for sample". SPHINO MMfS lilaek silks of nil rellablo makes, coioroi Silks In nlllhostnple and lashlon.able color ings. The latest effect In stripes, i hecks; Jaspers, Ixmlslnes, sc. All silk Novelties In Immense assortment. Satins, Velvets, fou lards, l'ekln stripes, Dainasses, llrocades.tc, Sl'HIMl LHKss HOODS. A Islt of Inspection w IU verlfv nur statement that we have th Isr-rost and best nssorled st nel; ot spring and Summer Dress Holds, Paris Fabrics, novel In texturo nnd deiln,nt a small advance over cost of Imparl atlon, and Immense lines of l'LMN FAlillll's, In as sort ment ot texttit t s and colorings (l lite be wllderlng. SPIIISO HGIINANIKS AND nltKNADl.VIH. Tills stock Isslmplv wonlertulln arltv ofslvlesand textures. It Includes All-Mik, All-Wool, Mlk and Wool, silk, Wool and cot ton, etc. Al Iho Mime counters will b found the largest line of m'NTtNiii cv r offered at retail anywhere, In Blacks and colors ot ev ery conceivable ipiallty nnd price. spitiNii roittiins c vrrosJ. Tlie designs In toretgn Cottons for t he pres. tnt Spring and Sii-niacr are pal tlcularly pleasing. Tlie variety wo are showing from whlchtnniake selection, nnd llio rlchnesi nnd eleiianeo of our exclusive stjles, must cjnvlnce buyers, nrter a careful examina tion? hat our stock cannot possibly he excelled. SPIttNO COSTfMI'.s FOIt HtllF.s. Tills season wo present to buyers a new feature. In clressnikln.-. In1eid of high priced Imported Mill s out ot the reach of ev- Lrirnnn w, nfT, r Pfls! times Iliad,' Of COOuS MMIsli andatlracilre In appearanocln stles taken from I he latest Paris patterns, im ported bv ourselves and m irked at t ho most moderate prices. SI'KIN'O St'lTS SOU CHII.DItllN. Our stock of these goods, as Is universally seknowledged, Is not even approaehe.1 else where. ourCommencenient.lMityand school Proves are In neat, stjllsh nnd appropriate design, which can seircely bo Improved upon. Wo have a large lino of suits made espiesslv for wear nt the seashore, country and mountains. In stjlUh effects and nt surpris ingly low-prices. SPltlNII Wit PS, MnNTLl:, I1TO. We n-n showing nil tho newest styles in silks. ("ihi'M's llalr, liligon.als, Dnn d Kte, ,Ve.; also, a lull line of spring nnd summer sieoues In Co-durov. Camel's llalr, Mottled, Pliln and Platd Cloths, nreiilirs, t'lstcr.s and .tintl"s In every conceit abUi hind ot light weight goods. SPlttNtl SHAWLS. Heal Irdli shawls, tar Mow former prices; Pnlslev shawls, with open centres, nilo I ceil trcs rich borders, and sub tucd colors ; 1 nih il, Shetland nnd Zephjr Shawls In it I colors, weaves nnd d.'slgns, at prices that defy com petition. SPliINO Ct.OTHISn FOIt HOYS. Wo have prepared for Ihls sprlngn slock of I ho most cai ef ullv mafl o and stj llsh goods ltlsposslhlo to procure and hive tnirked every garment onthe basis of our uniformly low prices, ourstts'k Is all new and every tMi ment of tho latest styles ot material and workmanship spitiNii sr.xpi.i: noons. our Mock of Ihnso goods Including Call eoes. Percales, -oinghams Muslins,sheetlngs, FianneKetc , we ale distributing to custo mers at one small unttonn prollt atwive Ilrst rest ns lessened by prompt cash purchase In large lots. We l i lieve our MAONU'lCENr Srocic till of every lady who vvishts to unite gooil taste 801 803, 805, 807 & 809 Market Street. PHILADELPHIA. H III tho faco cf everything, Wanamakcr it Brown incrcascil their great Clothing business last year at Oak II. .11 ncaily a quarter of a million doll .is, nnd for 1C79 the new pUns will mako the house more popular nnd increase the bu- ,r.c s much more. Eighteen years in tho people's service r.t tlie old corner of Sixth and Market has taught us how to do the business well, Whatever may be said, no house in the United States sells any thing like so much Clothing at Kctail n3 Oak Hall, and no house in Philadelphia cells moro than a quarter as many goods na Mr. Wauamakcr bells ill Clothing alone. Doin' this largo business shows the pcopb's regard far our goods, and enables us to buy cheaply and sell at small profits. New patterns have been m.u'c this year and new styles intro duced throu-!i Mr. Itobcrt C. Ogdcn (formerly partner of tlie famous firm of IX-vlin & Co., New York), who is now associated with Oak Hall, and will give his whole energies and valuable experience to improv.ng the manufacture of our Hoys' and Men's Clothing. We ilo m t buy Clothing like the dealers, but make it expressly for our own sil.s. The Spring stock is splendid, and no ether mako cf goods, so far, have r.s much merit, or aro told as cheaply. Impressions havo btn erroneously given L the effect that Mr. John Wanamal.. , v,ho founded Oak Hall, L na interred in the old store, and that it docs not h..vc his attention; rn the contrary, his ownership of it remains unchanged, anil lie! h.; l, -.t none of his love for it. Lvcry day finds him rupcrvi.ir." .-.11 its departments. Mr. William H. Wananukcr tpuids his entire time on the Oak Hall business. A VISIT THIS SPRING PARTICULARLY IIIV1TED. WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, 6th & Market St3., Philad'a. THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN AMERICA. May 1, 79-ai. SHELlinrs SALE.. Ily virtue ol a writ of PI. Pa. Issued out of tho court ot Common Picas of Columbia county, and to mo directed will bo exposed to public salo on the prem ises at ono o'clock p. hi. on SATURDAY, MAY 3Ut, 1R70. A rleco or parcel ot land situate lu Urlarcreck town, ship, Columbia county, hounded and den'rtbed as tolluvvs, to-wlt : Beginning at a stone In Hue be. tween the counties of Luzerne and Columbia, thenco on lino ot land ormerly owned by It. i-'. sej bert six-ty-slx perches to stono In lino ot landot peter Hay. man, thenco by Ha) man's land south to degrees, west eighty perches to a 6tono corner, thenco north elghty-cight and ono-hnlf degrees, east, thli ty-threo perches to a stono In tho county lino aforesaid, thenco by the county lino aforesaid foventy-clght and live tenths perches to a stone, tho placo ot beginning coLtalnlng seventeen acres and iilncty-ono perches strict measure moro or less, nil Improved. hclied, taken .In oxecuilou nt tlie suit ot M. E. Jackson against 1). V. Sej bert, (ieo. II, Sej bert and Charles 11. Jackson, Administrator ol Elliabeth Smithers,and to bu sold as tho propel ty of Elizabeth Smethers, deceased. JicksoN, Attorney, Terms cash, JOHN W. HOFFMAN, nay 9, lata bherirr. A SSIGNEL'S NOTICi:. fiii 111 Pistkict CoruT or Tin: Unitbu States iur TUE WkSlEBN IIWTHICTO PUkSVLVlKU, In the matter 01 1 Wellington Ycager, In Ilankruntcy, a liankrupt. ) ' ' Western District or 1'ENNsvi.vixii , Tho creditors will 1 nke not Ice that a third general meeting ol Ihs creditors of said liankrupt will lio hcldatllUIOUbllfmi.ln said District 011 the iih day of MAY, A. II.. 11,19, ot one o'clock p, m at tho Exchange. Hotel, before II.A.Mereur.l&q,,onoo! thn Heglaters In Bankruptcy In said Utrlct! lor tho purpose named In thoKUh becllon of ihe bankrupt Act of March lid, 160J, to-wlt : A Ilnal distribution it said bankrupt's estate, and at that meetlug I shall apply for a discharge from all liability as AwTgneo of said estate, In accordance with the urov Isloua of tho sth hecttou 01 bald Bankrupt Act. Numedlo, Pa May , ,M,-!A'EL V.t. BI lllmt ..M Lrbl il VI tl Hull it ik.llli Althmiirh thu department has been In creased to muro than lour times llatormer kIc, It Is now scarcely larjro enough to ac commodate Its many patron. Nosuch Block cantbe round elsewhere. '1 ho department Is situated In our rcllnd second story parlors, eastlv ncees-lhlo by elevator srillNIl llliSIKIIV ANDUNDKItWKAIt. The products ot all tho best maker ot Trance, K tgland, (lermany and our own country nro onexhIMtlon at our counters, All thu novelties In silk, line t'o ton nnd l.lslo I two tor I idle, children and men. our slock In all grade of Underwear is tho most coin pteto In llin city. SPItlMHIMIVIlS Hie "Trcfotisso" and other brands of Kid lllnvei, In shades to matcn tho new shades lu sllki and PreiKloodr Men's Kid (Hovel lundsomely embroidered. Lisle. Thread nloves in assortment greater than wa ever beforo shown In Philadelphia. Fabric (lloves of all kind. SritlNIl NIS KWHAtt FOIt nP.NTMlMEN. Wo have all tho newest shape, material, effect and coloilngsln Neckwear, at prices at least one-third le's than I usual. Our three brands ot shirt, "I'ho stand ml," llio Favorite," " riio Custom Made," have proved to be Iho most popuiar shtrtH ever sold In thlsctty. SPHINO ll!-liJSKKEEPIN(! LINENS. parunent requires us lobe dally In tho mar ket, so our customers are assuted ot getting thu tresiieit goods, In every cL-scrlpllon ot I.tno'ts for table or house use, at the very lowest possible prices. Wo have also n very large slock ot Cretonnes, Haw silks. Jutes, SPIttNll IJUII.TS AND 11LANKKTS. Wo havo In stock all grades of .Tncipiard, Honeycomb and Marseille Spreads, lu sizes for cradles, cribs, ship berth, single nnd double lied. We aie orrertng largo sl7.e bt'.M MKIt llLANKEISat I4.IKI per pair, which Is lower than such excellent quality of goods has ev er beforo been sold. SPHINO ULOAK1NUS. our assortment U complete In all tho new est slj les aud rolorlng". The newest thing forLidlos'iindChll'Iren's Co its Is soft llu Ished coiduroy. We have 11 in all tho wp ular shades. SPHINO l-AltASOLSAVIl l-MHIIEt-LAS. Tho newest styles of Parasols are an en tire ilepartuiclrum thoso In vorfiie last sear, Wowero conlldent that they would meet with popular favor, nnd laldlnalargo stock oftlio choicest shopes, stjics and liand.es. Though Iho prices havo been advanced on nccoiintof scarcity, wo shall oner ours as originally Intended.at a small Increase ou the the manufacturers' prices. SPHINO CLOTHS AND CflSSIMEUES. For Men's and Hoys1 vvcur wo now havo the largest and best assort ment ot these goods ever shown by us. i-cotch suitings, Flno Stitt- Ings, neat I'lalds, stripes, Checks, Diagonals, In great assortment and at very low pi Ices. In blue Flannels wo have tho standard ludl go Hoods. SPlilNU WHITE GOODS. White Is to be very popular this senson for warm weather costumes, our assortment of PiqiU'S, Swiss, Nainsook, India Mutlln, Sc., Is unsurpassed. The prices aro as low as cau be marked on goods of similar qualities, SPHINO IlllESSTItlMMINHS. Everything new or novel In theso gods that has appeared this season vv 111 bo found at our counters, a very great v nrlety of ev cry stv !o of lluunns and a well selected stock ot Notions. season cannot fail to com'manJ the attention in selection with economy in expenditure. PUBLIC S-A-IiE OP VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ! Tho undersigned, Executor of Isaac Ilagenbuch, lateoforango township, Columbia cjunty, deceas ed, win expose to public sale at two o'clock p. m.,on Saturday, Juno 7th, 1879, tho following described mcssuago nnd TRACT OT LA.VU sltuato In Flshlngcreek township, Columbia county aforesaid, bounded an! described as follows to-vv It on the north by lands ot Daniel llogart and ivnnl son Brink, on the cast by lands ot Dennlson Brink and John I Creasy, on tho south by lands of tho heirs of U. W, Montgomery and on tho west hy lands or Nathan Flcckenstlno and John Henrlo, containing 102 AOItES AND U PER0IIES, strict measure, on which aro erected a two-story OOOl) FRAME DWELLING HOUtiE, Bank Barn nnd olhcr out-bulldlngs, a GOOD OHCII Alt!) on the premises. Teiius of Hale. Vivo hundred dollars at tho stri king down ol the property on day ot sale. 1 he bal ance to bo secured hy bonds and mortgage, payable lu lour equal annual Installments, with Interest on the balance due from April 1st, 18o, payable annu ally, and one-fourth of the balance to be paid April 1st, 16). when possession la to bo given to the pur chaser, Tho crops that may be sown this fall will be sold with the place. u.. o . WILLIAM IIAOSNBUCH, May,19-U Executor. JjLXL'CU'J TOll'S NOTICE. ESTATE or SIMON BIIEIillAMEB. DECEASE!,- Letters .Testamentary on the estato ol Kimon SUei hamer late of Beaver township, Columbia county, l'cnnsjlvanla, deceased, have been granted by tho Itegltier of Bald county to the undersigned fxec ?'?? A1L Persons having claims against the estate of the decedent aro requested to present them for settlement, and those indebted to tho es tato to i make payment to the undersigned Execu tors without delay, PCTKrf MIKI.I.HAUKK, MUMS bCHLIL'llKlt, Executors, May , T-Cw Mountain Urovo IX I ( r J