The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 09, 1879, Image 4
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBU.UG, COLUMBIA COINTY, PA. Miscellaneous. ' I'oxsrAiu.K's iti;riiitx. tiii: new ipr.i'Aimmu oiuiniir.n uvjunon CUMMIN. Heretofore the returns made. Iiy tho con tables to tlie court nt the various times have teen very much n mere matter of form ami the constable lia looVcil upon the re currence uf return day ha a good chance for H plcniire lr!to Wllllam-port with mileage and per diem thrown In, Judge Cummin, however ha made up his mind that here after the constables of ttili county nlmll eiiru their money and furnish the court and Dis trict Attorney with valuable information, lie ha caued to he prepared anil sent to each rnnstiilile In the county a blank form to be filled out and precented to the court at the return day of each term of which the fallowing is a copy. Tin: new form or iuirunx. Jl'tallera of liquors Under this Item must be given the name of all persons in the bailiwick engaged In retailing li'i'ior, whether licensed or not. Ketallers of merchandise Here mut be plven names of all retailer of merchandise, whether lleened or not. Komls mid bridges not kept In repair If there are no defects to report, the word "none'' is to be written. Index hoards not up at the Intersection ol public) roads This is to bo carefully com plied with, and all defects must beremc died. liistard children bom - Name, of mother j linme nl putative father. Deer or other game killed or "old out of eason Xames of offenders ; names of wit nesses. Fish caught, or sold, or offered for sale, in violation of law Names of offenders; names of witnesses. Handy and disorderly linmes Name9 of ollenders ; names of wltneses. Oambllng houses Names of offenders ; names of witnesses. Dliturbances of the peace at elictions Names of olTemlpr ; names of witnesses. Vinous, plrituous,maItor brewed liquors, or any admixture thereof, sold without 11 cense Natnts of offenders; names of wit newes. Vinous, spirituous, malt or brewed liquors or anv admixture thereof, sold on Sunday Names of offenders ; names ol witnesses. Vinous, epirilunus.malt or brewed liquors or any admixture thereof, sold to minors Names of offenders ; names of witnesses. Vinous, spirituous, malt or brewed liquors or auy admixture thereof.sold on an election day Names of offenders ; names of wit nee.s. Viuous, spirituous, malt or biewed liquors or any admixture thereof, sold to unv per son visibly effected by intoxicating drinks Names of offenders ; names of witness es. Keepers of public houses knowingly allow' ing or permitting any spirituous or malt liquors, wtne or uaer, to be UranK on or within their houses or premises on Sunday Names of offenders ; names of witne-ses, Intoxicating drinks willfully furnishe gift or otherwise, for use as a beverage, to any person of intemperate babits, to any minor, to any insane person, or to any per son when drunk or intoxicated Nanus ot offenders, names of witnesses. Selling or delivering intoxicating liquor to a person having the habit of drinking liquor to excess, alter notice in writing not to do so given Name of offenders, names of witnesses. The return is signed by the constable and certified as follows : Lycoming County, n. ' ,tb,e constable, having this day of T4Sr. signed his foregoing return, and being duly sworn in open court, did dipjse and fay that his said return is correct and true to the best of his knowledge and belief ; and he further sjith that there is no place in his bailiwick kept and maintained in violation ot the laws regulating the sales of liquors in this Commonwealth, except as hereinbe fore by him returned, to the best of his knowledge and belief. All of which is hereby certified. , Clerk Q. S. Any constable failing to make this return, as required by law, is liable to indictment and severe penalties. Any constable mak ing a false return is liable to indictment for the high crime of perjury. Uanncr. I, ITT hi: ITALIAN MUSICIANS l!ESCUi:i FKIDl SLAVERY. Some time ago the Italian Consul at New York city received a plaintive letter, dated at Syracuse, from four young musicians, praying to be taken away from a brutal pa drone named Oiovanni Komagnano, Thu Consul laid the case before the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, The padrone, hearing oilicers were on his track, Med to Canada with the boys, where ho re mained one mouth. Recently the padrone and his four little slaves came to Utlca. The boys had been instructed by the padrotie to give fictitious names in hopes of throwing the officers offtho scent. The Utica police finally succeeded in establishing tbo identi ty of the padrone, and he was yesterday ar raigned before the Recorder of that city. The testlmoney developed was pitiful to the degree of tragedy. The musicians told of the brutality of the padrone, and of their own starvation aud suffering from cold, The boys arc all below thirteen years, but with violins and harps have made an aver age $12 per day for the padrone. Return ing with a less amount they have beeu kick ed, starved and beaten. The padrone, when arrested, had nearly f 1,200 on his person, $1,000 of which was iu $20 gold pieces, sew ed in the lining of his coat. The Superin tendent of the New York Society appear ed us prosecutor, aided by eminent counsel. The padrone was ably defended. After hearing the evidence the Recorder fined the padrone, and compelled him to pay each musician i'0. The evidence shows that that the padrone system prevails throughout the United Stat es and Canada. The padrones are banded to carry on this traffic in musicians. They have large funds at their command. Letters found on the person ol the padrone confined here show that in the past eighteen months he has Bent to Italy over $3,000 realized from the four boys just released. The Sup erintendent of the New York Society eav" Romaguana will now be prosecuted in tbi United States Courts, and bis conviction Is assured, The boys left for New York, aud will bo sent back to Italy, The padrone has a handsome estate in Italy, and the Italian Consul gives assurances that the au thorities there will proceed against Roiuag liana for violation ol Italian law in taking children from parents under false represen tatious. The padrone Is a brother-in-law of Autonia Ilrlgllons arrested In New York for a dastardly assault on the person of liltl girls whom he held in slavery as musicians. The New York Society is determined lo break up the padrone syitem. JOSH III LUNGS' ADVICE TO A NEW CHOIR SINOEIt. Dear .Vim This is nn Important epoch into your life., Tha 1st thing to makea good quire singer is to giggle a little. l'ut up your hair In clrl papers every Fri day night so76 to have It In good shape Sun day morning. If your dsddy Is rich you can buy some store hair. If he is very rich buy some morn and build it high onto your head ; then get n high-priced bonnet that runs up very high, at the high part of It, nnd then git the milliner to plant some high grown artafishels onto the highest part of It. This will help you sing high, as so phraiio Is the highest part. When the tune Is giv out, don t pay at tention to It; and then giggle. Higgle Is a pood eel. Whisper to the girl next you that Em Joins, which sets on the 2nd sect from the fronton the left-hand side, has had her bun tilt with the same color exact she had last year, and then put your book to your face and giggle. Object to every tuna unless thero is a so low into it for the sophrano. Co IF and hem a good eel before you begin to sing. hen you sing n solow shake the arte fishels off your bunnlt, and when you come to a high tone brace )ourself back a little, twist your head to one side anil open the widest on that side, shet the eye jest n Iriph le, aud then put it for dear life. When the preacher gits under bed way with his preach ir, writ a note onto the blank leaf Into Iho fourth part of your note book. That's what thehlauk leaf was made for. Git sumbody to pass the note to turn body cUe, and you watch them whllo they read it, and then giggle. If anybody talks or IntTs in the congre gashun and the preacher takes note of it, that's a good chaut9 for you to giggle, and you ought to giggle n great eel. The preach er darseii't say anything to you bekaus you are in the quire, aud he can't run a meetin' house at both ends without the quire. 1 you bad a bow before you went into the quire, gle him the mitten you ought to havo sumbody better. Don't forget to g'ggle. CONVERSATION IN THE SEA, While on the subject of acoustic wonders it may be Interesting to our readers to htar of another practical nsc to which the tele phono has been put. It seems that a French war steamer has lately been engaged in tow ing an old ship out to sea, to use for a tor pedo training vessel. Attached to one of the towing cables was a conducting wire, with one end in either vessel, and it was found that by the action of the sea on the copper shea things of the ships, an electric current was set up, and telephonic communication was at once establUhcd along the circuit. So successful, iudeed, was the experiment, that conversation could be readily carried on be tween the two ship-; This result su rgesled to the commander of the French war vessel the idea of Impressing the telephone into the service of the diver, and in this ay : Oue of the glasses of the diver's helmet is replaced by a copper plate, and in this i inserted a telephonic wire. As in the ca-e of the ships, an electric current is establish' ed, by means of which it becomes an ess) matter to hold converse with the divers, even while they are "fathoms deep below" at the bottom of the sea. In cases where it is necessary that divers should make ob servations, whether as to the state of the keel of a ship, or as to wreckage, and report thereon, the marinal value of this new use of the telephone is obvious. The Cure of Marpingen, in Germany, finding church fees low, got up a miracle to augment them. Little girls attending his catechism alleged that they had ascended to heaven on a ladder, seen God, the angels, and t'ae saint, and had a distant view of thedevil. Much grist was brought to the euro's mill by pilgrims. A. prosecution for imposture was Instituted, The trial at Saarbruck lasted several days. The first news of the verdict was published in Taris by the clerical Unhert in these terms : "All the Slarpingen prisoners are acquitted. Joy is universal." The Univcn omitted a rath er important clause of the judgment, thus worded : "The pretended vi-inus are shame ful mareeuvres on the part i f the parents of the children and of the other defendants who supported the imposture ; but in a le gal point of view they aro not punishable." Alaska Jlo?Qunoti. A correspondent says Alaska has 'millions and hundreds ol thousands of millions' ot moquitos, and you 'open your mouth to speak or breathe, halt-a dozen moquitos sail ititojonr throat.' We don't print this for the purpose of in ducing our New Jer-ey readers lo (-migrate to Alaska, where they would, doubtless, feel very much nt heme. We shouldn't advise them to leave their State. The mosquito picture may he greatly overdrawn. We be lieve our healthy Jerey mosquito woulo weigh more than a regiment ot the Alaska breed. A'or. Her. Ailtertlsln Clieats. It lias bt come so common to write tlie be ginning of nn elegant, interesting article and then run it into some adrertisemcut that we avoid all such cheat aud simply call atten tion to tlie merits of Hop Hitters in as lin terms as possible, to induce people to give tliem one trial, as no one who knows their value will ever ue anything else. 'It's ouly a spring opening ma.' explain ed that awful boy, as h exhibited his torn trouners after a leap over tbe picket-fence. 'How doth the little buy bee?' He doth 900 miles to get an ounce of honey, accord ing to a Connecticut mathematician, And heedlexH man eateth it all up at n single luncheon , There is daoger lor children in tvery medicine wnich contains opium in any form anil we therefore cheerfully recommend Dr. Hull's Iiaby Syrup, which U warranted not to contain opiates or anything Injurious, The pedestrain fever has even extended to the most secluded precincts of tbe family circle, We bear of several young ladies of highly respectable parents in this city who are training to walk, and nearly all of them are under two years of age, ACaki'.fui. IUkek. On a recent trip of one of the steamers runniug to Km Francis co, bread was served at dinner mie day which tasted strongly of coal nil, The cap tain afterward asked tlie baker if he did not know that kerosene, had got Into the tl'iur. lie admitted he did, 'Why did'nt you feed the Hour to the chickens, then ?' was asked. 'O,' lie replied, 'I was afraid it would kill 'em,' A Shout Sermon. It was n generation ago that Hev, Jones Vesy, of Salem, was so complimented for a (ermon that he asked the grateful lady what special feature of the discourse had so pleased her, and she en thuaiastically replied, '0, it was so short, Mr. Vesy so short I' GILES' LINIMENT IODIDE AMMONIA. TRAOC MARK Cuwh all laln In Mini and lie TKSTIMONIA1.S . l'ltot.Aru'n rTKiinFnlllriif of the (lru A Uon derfiil ..'iirt. Mn y art my wU s I'li.witli tbti IVTl 1UIM VUllll'illlUl. -11U WH 111. I'll II I l' UltVIUI ui- ler doctor, went to Vw ilHT'Touf tHupltiu. wivre t mules iiro trviitril : tried them nil i won tti inl.itrta and in'ss'irles Miliouly tcmpurury relief, llcr lif.1 WHS llllMTUlHt,'. U pi HUM HI VH CIV Ldllillieill. Her relit'! win lmmedlntr. the li how well. I.. Mt'MKltMtVT. 4J West 13th ft'reet, Now York 1 hfid twtlwi stroke vt l'artiuM. My lei?, nrm nnd Uiiffiii' were uncles- j wan ob!Ud to ihp a c u h i'tcr fury day. liw.ior (Hies I Iiilmt'tit lodldi-ot .milium i ii i L'urt'H ii t v. in hiiwit any luiimnus so all unite rd tuny know ot H. .ion Aitki., No-tti uranford, Conn. CtlOMllHt ltlil, I'llUmk-lplit t, April '21, 'TO. W. M. tiltci, Km,, itetir Mr I usi'd jour Iodide ot Ammonia Mnlnicnt on I'lnm Tc"iiik''R lilnd imsU'rii Joint. Mio Jud iHt-n quite tame, the tirwt was vvonnrriui j mie wiikh how quue wen. cry n spfcuuily joura, A.Wrich. r. s, I am how using It on Uttlcton'srlstUt tore .eif. a lame shoo t-nii on a valuitdo jounjr lnrse was removed by it Ilea' Uiitmvnt Iodide of Anmonli. HhrilEUll Knait. Carpet, I'ssUtu avn.. Now ork. Asthma Tho torture ami up mien 1 endured for x yoar-i, none but. thoo who lime sutTered with thU terrible dlvaw can know. My lift) wai misera ble, in rtesptrnllh I trifd tiln' I.utlmouf loddeuf Ammonia, It jpivu m' Instant reller. raed it In ternally as well bit externally. TlUH, P,KtNMM, 127 west 27 tli street. Xow ork. t wai In ii rtrpnarul condlllon. .Joints nwi.)leh, pain Intense, liij.-etlom ot morphine into my -ln,i uiled to relieve me. (.ties' Iodide ot Ammonia tock awav tun deposits trota my JointH lwanteeiy one who sutlers t know what widcmo t'.cm. t'OKDVCB 1.01 HKOr, North Itvdo Park. Jjimm.'liie to. vt. Another sunvrer iu,ed.-id-uikM(ed rrom th3 MaaiachU'ietts i nr.l llosplt-.i m met r.ible, with InnafTi'imtory rlicumuil-'ni in in MiuuldtT, tin iters and f.'pt ; Buffered (eartutly for tun iMr, trlod certhln?i lost nil liouu Dr. (dies' Liniment Iod ide of Ammonia etreutcd a complete cure. Kittv MITII, No. 72 l'rane street. Kail Kltcr, Miws S pro If ii, spl Hits, brulseH, iJimeheHtt In hores. Cities Mnlmeiit Iodide of Ammonia is u perfect epe citlc. No person whoownsn horse should be with out It, M. ItOOENS, Wjfteventh avenue New York. In my family, and tor the kUh. I have used ililo'e Liniment lottMo of Ammonia. It Is unsurpassed, and I am surprised at the many different maladies In which It inapplicable. It given the utmost satis faction. .TOItV J. ClHTPK, Superintendent Eastern Pennsylvania K.t perl men tal Farm. 60 c. and ft : and In Quarts ut $2.JM, In which there tsacreat satn?. Trial sue 85 cents. SOLI) BV AM. Dlll'OOlSTM. N. J, UKMUMtNllOTT, Affl. Iwr lltoomVjitrfi. may4l,;i's- Oily Its prrat and thornugh Mood-ptirlrylnfr propor tics, l)r. rirrcc oWtn Mrslioiii Dlscovtry curt-s nil llumor. from tiu Morii s?roruin to a common ltlAtch. rimplo or Eruption. Mtrcurlal illsenw-, ilincrul I'cleon?, and itiotr ilTocts aro eradjcatoil, anllgor-.ushcltlin'l a Mun4 roDBtitatton fstab llshfil. .i:rylpclft rittrhrum IVtvp Nort BobIj op i:oush tLla, In diort. all ill-waars raiieil ly timt Mcxt.iire coii-iucrcHl bylhi iwwerfut, purirjltifr.un 1 lml!uri.tliH(iiieillclnr. , . , lHClnUyhn.ilt manlfrstcd Its potency In ciirlnir Tetter, II(m It Mb, llolU, rbunrlc, Boro l.jt-S hcrorulou Hrn ond hwfhlnfti U hlto PwtlllmrN (Joltm or ThUk NicU.atlJ Enlarged llani1ii. If you fill dull, ilrowfj-, ict)Uitateii, have sallow rolnr of F-k tn, rr jillowlbli-trown Fpoti u face or bosly, frcimut lir.iUailio r tllizlncsa, bad taste In i mm tti, liitinial heat or chMU altfrnatod lth liot nL.l.r4,1ow f plrlts, mid plooru j foreboding. Irregular tippttttp, ani tnnpi- rnatci, you are euffcrtnn from lorptJ Liver, or HIIlouncM." In many ca?B ot LlTt-r tomplulnt' only part of theso ijruptoma aro eTm-rlcncoil. A a rem.iy for nil such ca?s. Dr. IMit-Vs tioMcii Medical Discovery has no eqnal, aa It. V. 1'n.iiTE, M. P., rron'r, 'NVorld'B DlcpeBiary oud InTalida' llotU, UuiLdoN. V. ivetces asaw. Ko um of taking the lareo, repulilTP, natiBooui plUs tomposcd of cheap, crude, and bulky ln?rirtltnM. Thew! l'dlets are crcrly Urter thou muttarJ . IMng entirely TctiOjlisLT.o particular care li rc qulroil wbUo umz ihcin. They operate without U lurbaiire t the constitution, met, or occupation. Tor jauntller IteaJiwhe, ContlDatIon Impure Attooa, ruin In tbe bbenldcm. TlffhtncM of the Cbwt. IXulnrwv, hour lnetot lon from the Momwh. Had lwlc In the Month, ItlUou wttiu-LA, 11 n In recton or Kidney, lnternnl lTr, IIIoCel ft-ellnr bout Ptornach. Ituh of U1h1 to Head, taWc Irr. 1'leree'a i.. unt i...Mit. i-kIIIb. In exiilunatlon of the remedial powtr of ttitse I'urjratlve 1'clleta over preat u variety of ttlseasts. It maybe ealrt that their mtlon upon the enlmul economy U unUemil, not a ffland or tbwue Muptn their MnKtlve lmprtM. Aire 7,.-a hni imrslr ilm nrntM-rtlei at ttlffcfl rtUctl. Ttieyare suaitr-coaU'd ami iuclomd In elas-i lottleP. tlnlr iilrtutB belnjt thereby preitned unimpaired for any length of lime. In any t'tniate, that tliey aro atwa a ftuh and rt liable. Thla Id not the ca- with For all dl(M.a?s whtre a Luatlic, AlterBtlre, or I'ursstlve, 1 Indicated, tbtuo little Pellets will yUo tmuiiofct pfrft'Ct eat.ntactlon. rold by jlroggUt. 1U V. riKltt i:. U I .. I'lior'n, orM's DitptnBary ahd InvlldJ Hottl, Uuffalo, X. . CATARRH W ' . SYMPTOMS. Trcoumt he.l B A W ache,tlliicliar(rL' TaUliiK Into throat, Pjsipk Bometlmts I'rofUsi', watery, thick. In othrrl, a rtryncw, dry, water)', wi uk, or Inflame'! elf", etcpnlu? up, or ohtrucll.'n, or the nasal pa (apv", rUurlnK In oars, ilfanins, liaw Wing ami roucU Intr tuclcar tho throat, ulcerations, scabs rrotn ulci rs, tolce altered, nasal twantr. offeiwlTe hroath, ImpalriM r tuul depuration of ?aM or .rnell and taMiydlr iliwra, mental tlrpmslon, loss of arpei lyJIm Hon, enlarged tonills, tickling coutili, etc. Only a ' " - mucou.. Diirui.m. iwuinr. y.'iroi lueMj aymiJiouj. aiu nit iui.!!'"""-"1.' ;a!o at one time, " DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY produces radical cure of the worst caw of Catarrh, i matter of how Btaiidlnir. The UtuIJ nnie-iy nay U pniifli -I. or latter arpllel by the use of Ur. I'li-liCL's Douche. Thla U the only form of lnstru aiii.t ltt Invented wltli which fluid me-llctne can he arneU iiimi n and I'KltFECTLY Al'l'LlED to all part vt thu allfclt natl pasiatrt". anu the inam Urnor caltlC9 communlcatiuff therewtth, ! which hires ant niters frtxiutnily exist, and from uhlcli ;he catarrhal disctiariro pinerally tirocet'ds. Its usu ,s rleanant and easily unlerstoou. from dlrrttoi iccoiriPanvInK each instrument. . ur. ihaoes llrad1 by a rlw aripllcatlona. It is mild and tk-u snliona.. i'atarrh ItennHlvand Jlnucha mli by dru- ruu. it V. ricncE, il. I.. I'rop'r.AJ.orWt ui- jeciiry ana luikiiu nuiu, uiw-uvt . . ft Ug. 80, 1S M. C. SLOAN & BRO. iiLouMsuvun, r.i. Manufacturers ot Carriages, Buggios, Phaetons, Sleighs, l'LATFOHM WAOON8, IX. Flrst-elaaa worklUwaja on.hanri. HEPAIK1NQ NKATLV DONB. I'rt 'a reduced to suit the times, Jan. s.lsiMt. A FREE GIFT ! Of a copy of my MEDICAL COMMON BENMS HOOK to anv rtrson buffering with I'osbi'iiiTiON, Ahthua, CaTAKHU. liBONCUlTK'l.l'OSS Of VOlW'.Or SOKS 'I'll HQ AT. Keud name aii'l iMiht blttce a-llrexs with twos cent intaijo stamps and fetato your sl( kneb8, Tho lxxk ueiivariiiy liiuMrauni. (Hi p. mo, is.v). Ihu Information It corral as, in thu prurldence ot OoU, liisaiei many lives. I ho author has been treating Ul-aseiuf tho Noe, 'I hroat anJ Luogs, a-s a biH-clal nraetlen in flnclnnatl hluce lhi7. AUJrehS W ULr K, 1. 1 NCI N N ATI, OHIO. April 4. TSMm Jwico JjJEUV DIliKCI'On. TKACIIKIt AM) rITUDKST bhoutd subbcrltxi tor TH13 I2nUGATOR. A Lire Educational .Monthly, published at OKANOKVII.LE, l'A., tor w eenu per j ear. Send tlx cents for specimen copy, O. K.CANFIKLI), April 18, ISIS tt IMltor. 'PTTrOU l)l?l miiTiioriiun'tiinnieiit On I IllUi J l J 41 V 1'. lUUt-IICU'H l'WK)Ul.'r jvtnuina liurfuu nu btiriiiti tMns-ii. uii,r' Hinrr Alugfuutroiu luy U taada tue it l.N M;V VdllK fib. U, U-U I W.1 PELIXTS.m a a am o o o ak. Jurors for May Term, 1 879. SKC'ONII Ktr.K. Hloom-.T 11 Jtntro. A K Phillips, J V frnwforrl. Jon nlhw linchinan, llnltls Ujccck, It ' I (.bUlhs,.! .1 1 Intrr nlnicu ... Ucn or- Jnccb lmVcr, J'llm Ingctibt rgcr WtawTwa-f P Harder. II W t in k, 1 lo) tl.Vltler.Va. (iin Iff. .Inspnli M'.ltpr. I clih"!) Miller KIsliltHfTTiek Matlmti vnilln, Joan Halton, Joil.ih lli'n. Fntumiii-Mo os IliiH-rr . iit(M'ti irl-luitnn (Jiilek. Ira Hobhtna Ili'tnlnek-Wm I' Irlih, Jaiaes A Harm laiksi n-.l c .Main nn 'irorife WiiRoncr, Aimn Johnifjli, IsHaO Mi lirldn Main WIhs s itinn Miniltl lc Ik trover Montour -H H liocslv Ml I'li'asuhi Stephen frawtorJ ttr it.g"--Fin tittict Nnyiicr Aoituiffcrtck Win (-iitror . . mitfai II Ink, Msmuel llolwrli T 1ST Of t'Al'SKS 1-Olt TUI.Ui AT I J M V TC1IM, IS79. iwlpllck Hnslir 1 II II IV It H Co. nhn (ttinlmi vs r it II H i'o ,' ilalic Mills v) Will mu Mills i a wri.ii'iisnui n A W cienmpr ni?ni'r trr .v t'n lsr 1t tiarnca ft nx, I w Mi'Koivs tie vs Win simtferet al. Win strnthri's 'tut vs Vaniotel tjiilnii V I. Miinnan vs s ir in Klstler. t'oiirn'l litvilitt'niler's nsrts.liicob lllttenliontlsret nl Mnrrls .Mltrlli'Us. llotniT I'li'ima J.llil'S viintlnir KlIU'l vs Hi iiinos iTO'iMrH. L ill lls'll e 111"! Mlir ( ys l ll tm I n (jr.'iium;ii 01 in , w iri'inii'i is I'.itisMlli' M " tnsUo Wm Ni'iil ft .il v IViin'.i i mul e) r riinnii'i; "in n vs r itt-iier 1 1.' tirii'simi'ii n M univpr's nihnr's ,1 w suukey s M uroiersa hnr's .InmiiliHii roriiH'r's use s u u i. uosienuaiutr, Mex I rmlttiv. iniinii ja'jii. Ilniiijaii tVi'lssvs.l dm IbvTtnin I hnmusi'rt'M'ilnir Jr Mary ('nmllnj I r M l IVl IMS M rillT .V .lUOt'S, rnnV llent. as Ignw s Uinlrull.t M l'S Asfcoclv ti.ui Ahiin t'n II III vs A ril l 1 1 at Ii riK.'k n vstt ll rrmii'r saiimr 'hlllit A lllss.'l s Mcillll'n ii Wuir M Ji ltti's t li iri'li, cut iHlasm 11 1' IVillman. il'ninibur' trim t o lli'iibcn Seybert'a udinr's M V .lai'lrson is I't-niul M K Ins Co Mli'h ii'l Fniiitz vs 1'i'iina Ins lo Mh lint hmnlr st'iimiiiouciillli M I'lnsCo .liihii Ki's rvs lohu Kh D.inlil -mil r srs nmnr is nsnui mijut j-anu snrnli 1 r ll'lkln .lohn liosinir.s niiinttil.trat ir is Wr.i. 1. Parks t. ij in i.i ino s 'ish r ji .ippicniiin ei in I A Utl -"'III Ol I "HI I ll l VS I'll 11 J 111 1111(1 .luiii-1; lli'iwn is .i .1 llinnii'Hex'r M lliiiKil isA.l liniMi.' or Man Miiilpr vst'iiliiinbiiit'oiiiily llnnk Minili A Hum iris 11 II llitDbnlil F 1 Kliorr i a i: 11 lirnll it nx William liopirt s Mail tia Alb' rton M ii ruif hi'S a elllnmun Yeoiri r i t at A K MoiMTy s h.ivi l Kiliroerttiil .1 It llllllL-l, to IIII11)(1UII 1 .'IIJI'-I ) ii rsniM' ii is i no .Mimiai ruiiiiniff auu oav Iiil Kunil AsMirtutlun .r llloonisdiui; Alp l.Snillli is.l.ihti IV llttT'iinn s v Irlnnni'i is l.iizrrnH t'nunti' (tal il ll t I'lllT is l l. : i it ii i u Qitrn.vxs' coritr sai.k vr vai.iAni.i. SEAL ESTATE. In pnrsii.iiii'-j or an oplcr ot the orphank' Court ot roluinl'la count j , tl.n uhdtrstsuifl, administrator ot Maria HtsrH, Istf ot tho tun ti ot lilooinsburg, Co Idiiibta cuunly, l'a., will csiioso to imbllc salo In lltuomsburir, l'a , on SA I'UU DAY, .MA V 10 li, 187H, nt ti n oVlixka. in., a T,OT OL-1 OHOUNM), situate Inlhe 'town of lHoomrjuiif, 1 rt phM c unity, frot.Un,r on M'CijikI fcinrt of tall (own, un tiiu north stl'jot solJ tn'ct, tuiunleil ati-1 tltwiibul .ts fol- io.v.h: lleffiiinlus nt iho lino ut lut cf IT. Miaiplctf, htjnco by tlwllny of tivond stive t e.istwtinlly It'tj- two foet, inurror lfas, lollueor 'ott'I N. .T, I lender shot, thence by line ot lut ot N. J. Ilenilershut norlhwarlly t.o lmndiwi antl fuurteen feet &lx inches to lllJce alley, thente along tht- lluu ut t Uge alley westwurdly lltti-tivo foct, more or le, to lino otlotof I. T MurplessthencoalotiirtUollnoof lut uf L, T. Miait'h'.H southwtrdly two luinuret aim fouiletu ftct tlx Inches to thu lino of :-e..H)ml street thepl.iceof U-innliu', whereon Ueneteda i)OL"KLK'iso-srouv n.AMi: uvi:Li.tNt house Tekmsoi" sau:: Ten per cent, of onefuurtli cf tho purchase money to bo p.tU at the strl-lu tljwu ot tho property, tho one-fourth less tho tea iter cent, atcontlrmatlon aon-lute, and the remalulng tiirt'c fonxthslnone car theicutter, with Intert&I from continuation nKl. HAUltV W. SI.OAN, Adrnlnlslr tor. Uloomsbtirff, April NTff. : B o i Maj 2, '7'J-Om. HOP BITTERS. (A .tli'illcliii', nut ii llrlnli,) C ' TAI.N3 ""l'S IIUCIll'. .HANIHtAKE, HA.NOEI.IDV. 5D Tin rvcnr A:n Ilr r MiiwrAi, QriUTiiil V ' AW. HIRK MT-lEnJ. j'MI Dlca.iri 3t i'ie Slo-nacli. Iloirtlj. ninu.1. 1.lvpr I jrutni'vj, ma unnarr orsn , Nitvoumjcm, fclcta ijfsincM ana e. in'lalljr rnnalp Con plaints. SI 000 IN COI. II. . iVtil ba pala for a rap tlirr will not rare or help, or I. or snythla? Imniiro 3r iDluriou. founit lu Ibem, Ak your iruclst for Hop r.lttt r r.ntl try tben. deforo ou jlccp. Tain no oiIht. IlDPt'orouCPnclatliO flU'ootpet, Mfent an.l beat. Hie Hop Tap for rloninrb, Urer int ItMneya t- .uiM'iiiM'lo&lloihils. A.U n. . t. C, la an Qhohitn ami trrfRlMItilo cure for OruiilicDeiM!, umj ot ophtni.iolucto uud naro-yti Frnd for circular. rwfcgy All nbovt kI4 t trtiftu. Ilnp CltitmM ff. Co. Pa txtUr, N, Y May a, 'la tr. Rowell & Co'o. Advc's, SMOKlij TiuioM.v iii:m im: PRIDE of DURHAM. A pure Tobacco, not ilavored with poisonous druys, .Manufactured by 'A, I. LVoK t CO., Durham, N. .May i, iTa-lin r 3 Su mil imv An iiiuiiurviii thubiriiioutu ai.'l 'Xi" nn. ..or li i..lir:ii vuiniui..! n, lo.vll our livw ami .ii 1,'ifiil ii.ii'nli. i.k II. tnn it Aaf u.iity. .uii'l fn v, AUurt.. MiiaUAll .tl'o., Mai. ball, Micu. y1 1, 19-iin r T jnn profits on SuiUjslnvcslineutufil nf Ui-UU '. (im,.i.i, itriwrts. rue OXUU rriMHiriloual ri'lurus t'i-ry nfi'k on btockopttons III " C""t CU'l'i I.M'IF. .All' iinioT. I'ontii nwur & Cu liatki-rs, S3 inii hi. N. V r -May a, Jv-lm t,77 a Moruli olid nn I'M" Kuarniitffd to Agents w'l in tt:t inc. Mini d lo. luiri, .Mains, JtJ i, -,M 4 iv . r Irlir i,l!nniu-irl o' Jltacs lnscriea ono week In AflVrill SR H! I:""' """'"I' P'raror N'lul ,.,..,,i..,.,i,ir lor lUHuio'o pain pnii't. u. 1 HOW Kt.L CD., N. Y. 4.uj sii, ibiii nn r ESPY PLANING MILL. The unilerslgneu Kseu'tr urn Espy 1'laclnt," M 111 I prepAixU to do all Uud of uitll crk, Doors, Frames. Sash, Bills, etc. made to order on eliort notice, Satisfaction guar anieea. C1I1BI.M KllO, lilocmsburir, l a. 1 s mi wm 8 mi Ha&i i fD s&e He v B o i s5rS?3slS 3 1 I a 1 I BLOOM SB UHG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH KOHMAL SCHOOL JJlBTlttCT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. R-v. D. J. WALtTR, Jr., A. M., Principal. ' Mllol'i Twalthf ill an.i casv of accoss. TnachiTs PxtH-rlen-i il, emclont. ami allvo to Ihetr iiork. lllaclplln... "".V iS'.liV.'iTi """ "'lk'"' m'rato. Kit"' if nt a eok "iwliSloii to all oxpoctlhif to tau-h. dtiul-nta ailmlttod at any time. Kooms ruservtM him IofIu-.i. courses or slimy presuriot'u o uiu pmioi I. Mini -I Sdiool. II. Preparatory. III. Kleiiiinlnry. IV, Cla'slcnl. a.ii . f I A.....I i,. n.f',mnmer.'i'il. III. Coure 111 .Music IV. Course in Art. tup ra,n,ntnrv Scln.nttnc and epical coursns eorr ., ml i i "n.VirreP. i MiibIit of tlie Muni'mts : Must 'ooW Iiint their UileiiM,niM,u..unK 'I o ulUiiuh it pHmilne C'atnlM(5ue,aililrefli the I'rtnelnal. 1114 It I lllll.l.ll I. I. It 1.1. I. St'pt, 8, 'Til.- President Hrd WHAT TO WEAR AND HOW TO WEAR IT- CALL AND SEE THE NEW GOODS AND LATEST STYLES ilT THE LOWEST PRICES, fniiftisliiif- of tin olcsiint line of Cloths Diasonal and Casdcmcrtrs of Knglisli, French, German and Domestic maiiuiactuio, FOR DRESS SUITS, FOR BUSINESS SUITS, &c. Hue Fvemdly Wmk Bmimvmt U now reiilete with all the LATES T XOVELTJICS at VERY LOW PRICES. I f j Neck-wear, Canal's, Gloves, Scarfs, Half Hose, Hats, Caps, &c. THE PEARL SHIRT ALWAYS ON HAND. HBADQUAKTERS FOE Trunks,, Satchels, Valises, &c.Jf AT- BATO IrOffflllMI'S. f, f ENDORSED BV OVER THIRTY SEW NG 'v's h MACHINE EXHIBITORS AT the T&?3)2r ft fl EXPOSITION UNIVERSELIC. jyZfoSklisrs- f I C0 1 Paris, 1878 si. I I AND INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION JjtoLSZ&f!' 1 PHILADELPHIA, 1876, iSmBr O 3? t ? Allelnc V fy STRONG, SMOOTH, and iVlW 0.3..A.. V I L .ELLEI1T THREAD " jSS liM. t f s.r ENCOURAGE ffitAlUFACTURCD at I JiOME INDUSTKYfStoX MOUNT HOLLY, N.J. t TlTijiiTtT SWKvtiwu (PARIS. pkiladelphiaT I f rSwra0 NC',V YDRK 50510,1 . . April is, 'ia iy H0TICE ou CC"SUK lOa PARTICULARS " "xuin- - VhiteSewimo Machine Arm IS, '79 4V. v'tai ji If t nao inrtPtion,orfor improrcminta cntUtoufM.for w t tic-tor (-there eipi-nnil truile varl$ and labf'g, ( itt, Atnnnenta Inter ftrtn, .Appt-la, fiuUt'r J. fringtmrntt, and attcnt(SarUtngitnti rthe J'ntrnt t. it wh, prompt lu nttrmtftl to. I uri'utlon 1 that lut re t m l'j the PattntOf Ii- may tttll, in vif$t enset. le j'Htttit'tt by v. Jiii ,y t- ite tli I ,S Patent Dtpartnunt, (tint tngcgctl in PaUnt lunlns tx chttic !y, ce c in hk k c' r r in'., and fiir PnUvt moreprouiptli, tt ,I tcith brmxiltr claims, than tiinsf trh nr rnnntf rrmn Waahinnton r nn vk v mna tt or flixV of 1our di i tee; we taunt txuminaitou a it audi tsenx tit jmti nta'illitij, jrteof thurtfv. All c rrespnndt n-v t-trlrtt j r ,n Prlcttlotn undStt fit tHUJJ l'S- lj:ss pa 77. a r is .;( t urn, Werffir fn. 'tt$tint i, to V-n. Pottmnstrr Central , .V K H P. 7, p r r jr. (,: rmmi' A ttrtftn t,tttm il Ji :it U . -'Mil th V. tt. I tfritV - find to i t'i a ti ' ' p, t fatten in V qr- if dtspt !ti? vtttr ' J ,iee-ry State fn th I i tt , Vpt w. i ' t td , ti nyju, I, a Hb.T, Wj Jj VIltlTINdCAHris, LK1TBH UKAH8, HILL HEADS. , i(J.. Neatly end Cheaply j tlntd at tbe Colum wan uuice. ar.' I'ltDPKsst'jN- M and V Unts gr.vlii.itnir. to' t'i" sciences i Misti'rot tin) Classics, ttr.iiu.uea - j aid In ihjwioplnjr their wwera, aiid.thunlint opportniillh'! fur well p.iwi.m iruneriiuuiij.K.num. nf TriiUe. -:():- THE 0-"R3STTS' FUBNISHING DEPARTMENT Is now full of tho latest styles of (RL) O SIMPLE ."cn til!-" ADDRtSST Co. Cleveland, ohio. HIGHOLS,SHEPARD&CO., iiiittiu omiiii, .ni. ii. ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE " Arl 13 12. ATOR " THRESHING MACHINERY. 11IK Maldilcos Cniln-.Hli'-r. Tltnrailnir, t li r- tl'il ilnt nr1 f nft r I' U ui 1'iTf 1 1 Clt-uLltlg, I I'onrr l!in'lu r a frlnlt). rial I A , tl i .1 1 t - 1 (ur MiHU I'o if. Ol U I'nrhaUtl fsfum 1lin.licr 1 mrtiifn. 1" i I r .1 1 n 1 T' i ' . nh ilukU lui'rg pmiitt ut t-1 mliiiit kiln r iu i- j i niHCI'Mllt' ThrpflilntrVvixnx nnilnflfn A tt - td thu - i jt imoii ii) tun kp mmda If Hit Titr d Ul) lii't lni riud ilucUliKi. Git IN r.nlftPVH Mill ii "I mibmlt tnUr rnor in j uf i run ft. 1 1 lb" ttiftfior work dwi 1 I otti'f tu- in , w Urn win v' i ti.4u Itio 4ifIreuo. NOT Only Vnstl) Kurerlor for hcat.O. ll.i II'-. in t Lkl.t .in- 'tl ih Ut.Lt Btteci-ti ful T!.ri Tltil'tthi I'lover, knit uu Kowl.. It' i i no ' a It ii. LtuvUls tin luo- lf. IN Tlmrouzh A orkmaiikblju TUffant FlnMi, I" ' tlio i'f I' t t i' I t i - i f qiiliment, tU)., li uu to a 4crtn rum pi- itii-iiuij af uic. 7rAi;VKI.ors fr Slmpllrtly or I'arls uolnir ll uW hi iu i . .ft- m.rtnff, porn Sl( of v. p-intor JIailp, lEanluif frttm Sivr Tr 11 r-. -m, u4 l j .t lea or ilouui- 4 lion I'. i - k tit 1UU TOH l'tirllruUrx, Call on our 1rlrrit or rl(t 19 u IUutrtt4 ClreuUr, bkb t uU ft. Jan. lo,-cm r JOB l'UINTIXSQ Keatly and clieaply executed at the Cot I'm bun Office. kSi.."' A Sill 'I' ' t ' 111! ti' n I' .in ' b4 f r 3v nit In- i fi 3lNli&,abo,,.,tls,.b1.,y.,f,;ro,scn Bxprnsfi V. 1'our.isin l'liysipjil ( iilmrr. thwln. twelve tate . "0"t .T.'.' 'lir.1 "? !. nfcrrln'; tho followln 111 un.' oui.-i, Itlii'Miea V V. HH.LMYi: t, secietaiy. C- :". SAVAGE, liKll.KK 14 Silvjrwaro. Vatches.Jevrelry.Clcdts.&e. :r- llfinovdlto'li rout onit1-4 building, flrsTdoor fibove tlte K.u.itigu Hotel, All kinds uf U'ntrlu-s, 1ooks and .lew- Iry Ticat- iy r -pjiie'i aim warninicu. in ty it, ? rc SAVK 1"t PKUOKNT ox nt y or TiinMAKcit. iy?(fanl Xoultics ami Dtifjm unparathhtl for cheapness. An examination J our ttnck U hfrnntly urydh It n nfjfUnnahhj tlie Ittrgept in the Citij1 and for ijood wink the lonrxl price. Fcr Example : Uniitlsnmo Cotlni- Hertronm S'llN. Sic.mrt upward. nit'L-ant ucll rnadcj I'arlor Mit.R. $1. and upward. Snlid Walnut Itt'dmom iil'.s.f .'5 and upward. (Jtiwn Aiiiip l'a tern Mdi-htwiK $! and upward, ijueeii Anno Puttein IHi.Uu' t' Maud upward. And t wry description of Household Vurnlture Iti'ddlnff, Mirrors, Currtceb, Drjiieilcis Ac. at the lowest prices. tiii: "Kmii:kl-s" imtent mmuuiouk iikd, innuufactuiTd solely by us, l-i tho chcipubt and bol article ortho Kind et Inented. GEO. C. FLINT & CO., MANUl'ACTL'lIKnS. Stores : 104, IOC & 103 West 14th Street, llotw ecu cth nnd Ttli A C3 onu door west of ct li Ap NEW -yOKK. nico April 4-!mos. The most cxten ive ManuMciurtrs r.f Iiilliard Tahli m cM-itcnt e le J. M. Brunswick & Balke Co. CHICAGO, CINCINNATI, ST. LOUIS a:.D 724 Broadway, Wow-York. Newt&i and m'-t elcgani t.t 1c t f BILLIARD TABLES at lowest run ns. I'legant I'arlor. I)uun(;, Library and Bil Hard Tublcs combined, size 3x6; slate KM-., perfect cushions, complete with balls and cues if 50. Atlwltl vOiidin rh im: it nearest your City. Iho J. IJ. Brunswick & Blbe Co. IVb. 7, A Purely Vegetable Remedy 'J'llO l-Ul'i. nilHl.'nt 11111 J5-Mt OVSJ1' tl InOUVOl'fll l'f KIDNEY COMPLAINTS. PILES, GRAVEL, CONSTIPATION, LUMBAGO, RHEUMATISM, DIABETES. (fl WONDERFUL DISCOVERY) A pnrily vogctiblo compounil, not ioctoroil n llh loUonouslliiuors,bi Insdry-n grntk. cathartic ami clcctli 0 tonlt-suro to 1 ffoctually euro sireio ot thu ino.-t common anil painful iltaraacs that bafllo mi il ical ek.HL Those m ho haic been curcil Mhm alt other means failed, JnttljrE3""H la tho greati'bt bl.'fluof tho age." "I billevo I ilionM not now boalUobntforit." rhyslclan.lnrcgulariiractlco sayi "It worlts llko a charm niiij effectively." l'OU SAI.i: ItV AM. UiU(J(;iSTS. IT-lf ll",llirn.l..Urr..l'lycl,uliil. llXt, UllUUUjoX1 i. CO., I'm! rlrus,, llurlu pi, i. JIaaU 7, i7'J-ly AN'Il Paper Hanging. WM. F. nODINE, WON ST., IlKbOW Ml ONI), llUIOMSJIl'JKl, l'A, Is jirt'iiareil lo ilo uu KlnJs ol house rAiwriNo I'Ulii anil drnaraenui, PAPER HANGING, BOTH HIXOIiATlVK AMI 1'I.AIN. All uiiiiIn ori'iirniiiii ti :ti'iiiict. and iiuiiiu un koimI as new, .NONE JUT K1I1ST CLASS WOllKJIENfJIl'LOVEl) Estimates Made on all Work, WM. 110D1NK. Oct. 1,1811. HUH I'lfUK IS O.I ni.E HUH R DWELL & pKtSMAH - Advertising Agonts, THIHP4CHtSTNUTST9., T.t.OUI, Ut s mn Ann rtELi aqle. ? jjDti. Svsrono'i Livnti tNVinonATonS i U it aUiulir.l IVmily li "U -ily for 'iliaens-flof tho Liver, Stumiu'h 5 SnniUloweU, I. 13 l''""" ( 5 VcRetaltlC ll never fc. JDi-bllitntra It is 5 50.itlmrtlonnil TfJ1 jtiivviw m iwS'Mfl lilies H'aHHimnBorntorS Bus'' 'jnB "'c'n uhc, Pp"' in my iimotico HVj for more than 30 yrnrs.S BJi.' ivilli nniircccilentcil rcBtiltB. S ;." SEND for circular.; 5S. T.W. SANFORO, M.D., MSiSS ait nni ii(.ir itt. tpi t. xniT-ntrn rtnov. S ftltr'ilV11 AJUII i-, . ,. RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES VTOHTIlKliN CKNTJtAL JtAILWAY l WlNTIUl TIMK TAliLi:. On nml niter Sitml iy, Vtnoinbcr in. 1!M!ic tta'n on tin' I'lil ndcirhu i:rlr- lu Iro id Dlilalunwll, run us rollow 3 1 VK.TlVA!tl). Kile Jloll leaves l'lill.i'elpiii ' llnnlsbuii, " " W t' irt " " lersey lioro " " Dick' llnvcu llenovo M nrrtie at trio Niagara Expicsa le.ncsl'lilliuli'lplil.a " IInriisr.tii " arr. nt Wlliumspuit 14 Lock llaicu I'ast Lino leaves riill'iilelDhla llni rlshurtr " nrrlie at Wlilliiiiisport " " Lock HllM'll EASl'W'AItll.l Tacinc Kipress leaves Lock Haven ' " .lersoy s-noro " " Illl.imspoit 11 'ipin 4 ur 11 in b . .1 11 111 II in u in 40 a in 11 11 am T us p m 7 so a 111 III fri a 111 2 imp in 3 v. p 111 1141 am B :iv p in 7 ! p 111 s 40 p in r. 411 u ni 7 14 n in 7 i 11 111 11 IB a l.l a tu p in 11 Vil a 111 l'J 40 p III urrnu 111 uuirisours " " 1'llll.nlelplit.i l)ayEspressleaes LoeklLiien " i Hllainsport arrnoai iifirriMmrir ' " l'lillailclphtii Lrlo Mali lcai es l!eno o 4 1 ' p 111 " 2" p m S.I 1 t in " " i.ocKiiveni " " NUllanst'iiit " arrives nt llarrls.l)iirir " " riilliiililpliu Fust Ltno loaves Wllllainsport 9 45pm It ii.'i i in '2 4". utii 7 1 II 1 in li i'i a in nrnves ut iinrnoiirff " " I bllaiieliHil.i 3 e a in 7 411a m Parlor cars Mill run betueen 1'litla clphn and Wlll.unsport on Maynra l.xpiess iest, Krle K pus west I'liUarlelphti llxpi' eu 't, Il.iy llxp n ast nml Sunday Kxpiess cofat, Sleeping curs 011 all nlfa'bt trains, W.M.A.IIALHUIN, (ienerul upt. ATOllTlU'ltX CKXTJtAI. ItAlI.U.VY 1 COiirANV. on anil after November 20tli, 1S73, trains will ' .ive faunbury us rollows : .NOHTIUVAHD. Erie JIall S.20 a. m arrive Llmlra 11 s " Canuiidalgua 3.;i.i p. la Itoclicbter...... C.lfi ; lagaia. 9 111 " licnovo accommodation 11.10 a. 111. nrrUo ui;s..u portl2.6np. m. Elniira -Mall 4.15 a. m., arrive Kim Ira 10.2H a. m. llullalo Express 7.15 n. in. arrlvo Uuffalo a. n feOUTllWAltl). Uuffalo Epres ..SO a. in. arm e Harrlsburg 4.t.a a. " ' ElmlraJtatl 11.15a.m., ariUo llarrhburi;l.Mi " Washington 10.30 " " Ualtlmore 0.311 " " WusUlngton s.JO " Ilarrlsburg accommodation 8.40 p. m. arrlie li.irr'a burglo.fjOp, m. arrive Ualtlmore 2.25 a. m " Wnslilr.glon c.u " Erie Mall 12. M a. m.anhe Harrlsburg3 05 a. m " llalltmoi es.40 " " Washington 10.35 " All dally cxcjpt Sunday. D. JI, liOVD, Jr., (lencral I'asscr.. r Ac r.t A. J. UASSATT, (ioneral Jt 1.1 .. r piIII.ADKI.I'HA AND ItEADIKti lii'U) AIUlAXOKMIvNT OK I'AENt til TRAINS. Nov. 10, 1S73. TKAINS LEAVE KLTKRT AS 0M.0WSgl'VDAT F.XCEl'i FP For New York, I'hllailelplita, Heading, I'otttMUe, c, 11,45 a. ra Tor Uatawlssa, 11,45 a. in, 7,21 and 7,S5 p. 111. For WllllamEport,c,2S 9,05 a. m. and 4,no p. in. TllilKS FOB KTPEBT I.EAVF. AS FOLLOWS, (SL.SPAV tl CKl'TED.) Lca;c New York, 8,45 a. ro. Le.11 0 Flilladclphla, 9,45 a. m. Leave Heading, ll.ts a. in., rottsMUn, 12.S9 P m andTama'iia,l,45p. in. Lcavo Cauwlssa, c,20 9.50 a. m. anil 4,00 p. in, Leave Wlll!arasport,,2,15p,m.and4,r p tn Passengers tu .1 nl from New York and I'liilaJt I- pUl.i ko tbrouga without ihaugo ot cars. J. U. WOOTTEN, General Jlau.iger, C. (I, HANCOCK, (lentral Ticket Agent. Jan. 14, lio ti. D i:lavake, IjAcka wanna WESTEHN ItAlLHOAL). I1LOOMSBUKG DIVISION. ASE Tlme-Tablo No. D9, Takes effect at. 4:30 A 51 .MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1878. NOHT11, faTATIONS. HOUT1). p.m. p.m. a.m. u so 4 12 9 40 a.m. p m. scranton llellevuo TaUorvllle .. . ..Lackawanna., 1'lttston . Weht l'liLston. 9 35 2 III 9 23 9 17 9 IU S 54 3 61 KM 3 41! 8 40 3 4 2 10 2 il 2 0 2 s 2 41 9 37 9 30 9 21 9 19 9 14 9 43 5 Wvoming MO 07 2 4j ilaltby " 12 41 12 10 liinneti Kingston 10 18 Kingston to S3 ..I'll tiinnlh .Inr.r. 2 5i i .' s 1 3 III 3 I 3 1 3 20 8 33 3 30 b 13 3 10 9 04 8 44 8 23 3 20 8 W ....l'lymoillll 'lO 29 ..AVIldate I 8 12 3 12 8 47, . .. NantlcoLo 11134 8 04 3 04 S SU .IlunUxVs reek.'lu 42 8 47 8 39, 8 28 3 7 61 2 M 2 39 3 31 . .Milckiihlnny...,,lii L3 3 5n ....Hick's Ferry.... ll of 4 iu 7 8S 7 2 7 23 7 18 7 14 7 10 8 17 8 12 8 11), iiui en. u 14 2 Si iwrwiek ... lirlar creek.... '11 2) 4 . ' ...Willow Orove.... ...JJoie Itldge Espy. .. .IlloomsburLr 4 2.1 4 U 11 S9 4 42 11 45 4 49 11 5 4 61 tt 87 5 0' 12 18 6 IS 9 '8 o 30 12 45 6 45 7 12 2 4 0 tO 1 67 6 60 1 61 ll IK I ..t 7 41 7 3S 7 S3 Itupert 7 llrldgc. 0 27 I 27 7 111 DailMllO r ,. cbuiasky. 0 1 . I Cameron c no 1 oo 6 .Northumberland, P.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. a,n W. F. HAL1TSAU, hup i iserlotoadeat's obto. scraitoo.. Juno '3, ' yAINWKIGUTACO., WHOLESALE C1HOCEI1S, l'HiuutLrniii Dealers In TEAS, SYltur.S, COFFEE, SUOAU, JIOLASSES, KICK, SPICES, BICABB 80DA, 4c 4C N. E. Tomer Second and Arcli streets. r-orders will receive prompt attention, tt THIS PAPER JS KEPT OH 1'ILE AT THE OFFICE OF. TIMrc PHILADELPHIA BUILDING 1 or, Chihliiut nml ICIiihtli HI. i ii n ns mi m rj ( M .iusc 11 r I Ml ho leu'.o A"l 'inentf fur til i I FCTIfJIATCO l l-unt t'nsli Hull' COI llllftl Lotrriiri.r.eirMMrtilirrtl.l ' ktua nac. ror Avuit & jlvmai