The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 09, 1879, Image 3

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It I, o o a S II I' II , F II I l A T, M .1 V II, ls;
Itnll lloml Time Tnlilc
Aerommodntlon Train tM A.M. S.ooA.M.
Mall Traill A..M 4.49 f. M
Express Train Utl'.M, 11.43 A. At
north soi-rn
AiTommnttBllon Train MS A. M. p, j,
Hi pillar Kspress -m 11. A.M.
Turonffh ears on Express train cither to New York
oi rnlladelphtr. Accommodation train runs between
catawlssn und Wllllamsport.
w ilM'ilnV mil ITIIty nt (Una. m., artlioat'
IlloonwwiiM ny maun. in. im iiinoinujeirifon
s.itiw il is after nrrlvit of Philadelphia mall.
IiiomnnrKil ami t Aliens'., Leave Ijilrdsvllle)
Tii"selev l inirsil v unit M.itunliv at T:3ii a. .n.,
nrrlWinr at liloomsbiir.r ny in in. luio blooms
huru on same tl.i) s afler arrival of Prirl.idelplita
mil) Tic stagollno tcrniltialcs nt MlilMllc.
II. ntnii and lilootn1jnrp. A ilally stace l'ne leaMnir
Illlion HI e uu iu'ji iiiiik uiiu ii-iui uiiik ill eiie eve
ning of the same day.
i iiitr lien, and Iit.oisnntnii. -U'avo Whlto Itnll
Tuesil iyt Thill-slay ntiil Nature) ly at r.::im. m.,
artivuiiat litooinsburgliy 1" a. in. I.cavcI!lonnis
burrf on Miiic rt.i)B alter antral of I'lillailelplilx
Hestoi am ttlovisnoiiii. t.onves Ilenton Mnnd.ty,
Wednesday an I I'rtdey nts n. m., arriving at
Illoomsburg at 9 p. m. leaves lilooinsburg '1 lies,
div. mursilay ami Saturday nts a. in., arriving
st'H'ntonat up. hi.
puiir.tu sale.
Harry V. Slom, Administrator of Marl
HigC will ill" for sale valuib'c real c.lalc in
llloomstiiirg, on Saturday, May 10, 187ft. Sie
tiilverti'cment in another ccluinii.
The Democratic Slntc Convention will be
IieKl nt llnrrisburg on Wednesday July Kill.
Candidates cards printed nt this office at low
er rates Mian al nny oilier office in the cumily,
John F. Fowler of Pine tow nhip, was fjrt
inan of lie Graml Jury.
William Uilmore had a hop in his hall on
Wednesday evening.
Tltero is quite a eli' 1 1 of agricultural ma
chinery in front of the Court house.
Sweet potato plants, cheap at J. Garrison's
"lli sirect.
There was a large attendance at Court on
John 0. Jacoliy of llervvick, candidate fur
ShciifT, was in town on Monday.
It is said that Kej. Murphy of Con I nil il is
good on a horse trade. Kollischild ol Ashland
says su anyway.
W A. Marr Hup, of Ashland, F. C. Angle
l'n , of Dinvllle and J. M . C. Kmck of Scran
ton hnd business In Court this week.
The ladies of the Presbyterian church had n
supper at the residence of I. Kiinyon one eve
ning last week and realized river thirty dellirs.
A weather prophet says wo shall not
hno Killed wni in wuitlier until after May
S, M. Hess u ill lioitly put up one of his uu.
rivaled iron fences nround the lot of Stephen
lCnorr on Third street.
The jurors were dichaiged on Wednesday nf
Urnnon , all the cases on the criminal list hav
ing been tried or otherwise di'posed of.
It S. S. llunyan, a prominent cilizen of Madi
son township died on Sunday last. He was
highly respected in the coiiiinnnily in which
he lived.
A free lecture will be given in the Iiiptist
church on Saturday evening, .May 10th, at half
past peven o'clock by P.ev. W. Cattt II of ller
wick. Subject. The Koad to lticbcs.
There will be a meeting of the Ihr Asbocia
tion at the Law library next Tuesday evening
at 7 o'tlock. A full attendance is desired, as
btniness ol importance is to be transacted.
All tie licenses asked for nt this term of
court weio granted on Wednesday afternoon,
there being no remonstrances, and all tie pla
ces being old stands.
round nt list, tie plnco wheie you can buy
a good all wool Suit of Clotling for S(.0n, at
t ho Xow York Clothing Store, oppoito Clark
& Son.
Mctherclt's Cornet Hand will hold an enter
tainment in Iluckhorn on Friday and Saturday
evenings, May 0th and loth. Proceeds for
benefit of the band'
An effort is being made to raKe money by
subscription to purchase a large pipe organ for
the Lutheran church. Such an instrument is
much needed, ond we lope the attempt may
prove successful.
i: It. Drinker, Paul K. Wirt, and Geo. V.,
Dwell lave been elected lay deputies by tie
vestry ofSt. Paul s Kpiscopal church, to attend
the Dioce-an convention which meets at Lm
cafcler in June.
A lorso of Moyer Droller wlile being driv
en by J. L. Moyer one day last week became
unmanagable.threw Mr. Moyer from i lie buggy
into C, W. Neal's yard on Fifth slreet and ran
through several streets, ladly demoralizing the
wagon, Xolody lurt.
Tne Kxchange Hotel Darber shop ha been
handsomely refitted, and newly furnisled and
Mr. TleoX. Deiztl of Philadelphia las lessed
il. He Is an experienced barber and will
undoubtedly secure a liberal slare of patron
age. His work gives general satisfaction.
Whipping school tenders is not n prolltnblo
lu.incss. Two boys aged nbont lli from Mnd
ison township were convicted in court on Mon
day, of indulging in this pastime, and were
fined $2,1 each, nnd cOfts of prosecution, which
their fullers paid.
A married lady says : "I feel quite proud
ince coloring my old dress and i-lawl witli lie
leautiful Dyes of Leamon's made ly Wells,
liuhardpon & Co., llurlington, Vt. They were
"Imoft no trouble at all lo e-olor and they look
t'on.tnlle Helwig of Locust went to Centra
la last Saturday to give possession of a ptop-e-rty
to tie owner, and while engaged in setling
out the goods le was slot at, tie ball grnzing
Ins left tloulder, only cutting tie coat. Nu
meets Invo been made.
(In a reeent occassion, Join J. McIIenry, lie
oil liraud fisherman for trout, on tlo Filling
eritk alleges he caught fourteen trout, the uul
"d length of which mea-ured 101 Inches, A
liyntmidrr suggests that they were not "calico''
Ifcut, and that the figur.s should le reservul.
(ireat excitement prevails in Dloomslurg.
(t A: Ilro , lmc just returned from tie city,
i"l are selling Clotling, Hats and Caps, Hoots
Hill Sl.r.n. n...... 1.' !!!.. . ,
v.viiia t linilMllllg UOOUS, iC, ii.l
lr cent, tlenpcr tlan imy other etlnllishmcnt
in lie countv l-nll ... it.., v... vi. r.i..i .
j, hiih. i..v inn tui. VlUlUlllg
"'ore, Slarpless building before purelasing
il-ewLcre ami lo ceimim-il.
t. A. Creasy, one of onr leading merchant.
. In-t rc.urned from the clly wl.h .7
.. Tunmem, winch le uro
1"me",l0'el ""livery lowes, rate,. Call and
examlno them.
Will, kidney trouble a man 1, utlertr demor
11 il. Itislotnt Inn In irr..i I i.i .
.. . , , , s. . v;t,iiii tai, oe
ala!mdl,ythell.t.t,fKi,nl..Wori. It cites
the dull distress In the baek .1,1 i ...
novrs Rravdly depoiits. It I, cathartic but
noes not debilitate.
The minimi me,, ins ,,f il. iii,.,.i r,..
. . . " -.i'.....-,ijiu nit
ompniiy ws hi 1 . 1 ni il, m.. . r i ....
i ,, 1 1 II .Illl-
'i I.Mp, on ,Moily eei,iiUl t. All,. H,0
following ollicoi, ,., lt,(M, tcMenl
- ainuel Knorr Secretary, C. W. Miller Man.
nge.s, J. I,. Mover, J,iua Ketierman, (leorKc
K. Klivtll nml I. K. VH,r. () Wcdne..,lay
evenuiK dividend of :i per cent, wa, declared
payable nfltr Juno lOlli.
The following persons weio elected Trustees
of tlo Normal Scion on Momlny lat. E. It.
Irn.ker, Join Wolf, David I.owenberg, C. H
1 rockway, ,)(lrl of gicU,ol,lcrs to serve
three yenrs.
'lie following were recommended lo tie
Superintendent of Public Injtruetinn from
which to select two Truslees on the part or the
state. I). A. llccMoy, C. W. Miller, Dr. J. 11.
MclCclvy, I'reis Drown.
Landlord Kellnpg inform, . thai the r.lwtll
IIoue i. to le . tdtrged and valuable Improve
ments are to le made. A new brick bam wili
be built soon. The building owniil by I)r.
Smith, and occluded bv him . ,tnif., , n:..
' v ' '.v.. in. .jinn-
and rfsidence, has been purchased by Juib-e
J.iwell-consiileralion SMOO-and will Income
part of the hotel at once Joimml
The name of tie louse will lm i l 1 .1 11 trci I In
Central Hotel.
A Sllrvev has been tnmln nf n unin. I..
over beyond Mninville. An outlino of the
course can bo seen nt .Mover II
This is said to bo tho lest source from which
tlo town can lo supplied will wntcr. It is
J00 feet above the highest point of the Xurmal
School, nnd the quantity is said to be never
failing 'I here is plenty of capitnl in this i
cinity, nnd n coricspnnding spirit nf enterprise
is all flat is needed to ensure water works for
tie town.
There was quite a scene in Court on Wed
nesday afternoon. An old man from Sugarloaf
was convicted of malicious mischief nnd surety
of the peace, and sentenced to pay costs. His
bail desired to be rela-ed and propo-cd to de
liver him to the .Sheriff, but the old man was
ill an i,i'enible t'ordilion, whether from sick
ness or drink, mid the sherill objected to taking
charge of liini in such a situation. His tail,
ocr anxious lo le it leased, went afler lie eld
man, and with some assistance carried lilm to
tally unconscious into the court room and plac
ing lim in a clair informed lie court lliat lie
nowdeliverel lim up. The Court, aware that
tlie hail had charge of the old man's farm, un
der an article of agreement lo take care of him
said that while the bail would be dii-charged,
tne court would not direct the shcriiTto take the
prisoner in that condition , as it was tlie eliily of
the pirly to look after him, himsel f. The sur
ety was inclined to be Impudent, and if lie had
not picked up his burden and carried lim out,
it is probable there would have been a commit
ment for contempt of court.
Tie property o f Samuel l'i-ler was sold to
tie Columbia county Mutual Savin- I'mul and
Loan Association for the sum of $2(10.00.
George Cidwullader's property to Jedin A.
l-'unstoti for lie sum of $-100 00
Tie property of IT, J. Campbell and M. V.
D. ICostenb.inder to Claries W- -Miller for tie
sum of S100.0O
Tie undivided lialf of Iiolert V. Walls prop
erty to Ddward Wagoner for tie sum of $920.
00 The properly of Henry Helwig to M. G,
I Ingles for lie siiui of $500."
Three lots of land of George Doyer to Ilen
jauiin Helm, 1st described, $7.10.011; LM describ
ed, $200 00 ; lid described, $221,110.
The property of Lluibeth Miller lo Mrs,
Abraham Hico for tie sum of SI 00.
Tie property of Patrick Fogarty to tie Cen
tralia Mutual Saving Fund Association for the
sum of $2UO.OO.
The undivided one-eiglitl part of lie proper
ty of ltobert F. Walls to D lward Wagoner for
sum of $.1.00.
The propeity of M. A. Watts to .. T. Fow
ler for the sum of $15.00.
Six tracts in the borough of Cenlralia sold as
lie properly of ltobert Garrell, 1st described to
C. G. Murphy for tie sum of $15.00 ; 2nd des
cribed to G. M. Prevost for tie sun, of $S0 00 ;
3d dc-cribed to G. M. Prevc-t for tie sum eif
$175 00; -llli detcribed to G. M. Prevost for tie
sum of $1-10.00; 5th described to G. M. Provost
for the sum of $10.00 ; 0th described to G. M.
Provost for tlie sum of $100.00.
The property of M. V. E. Kostenbauder to
J. K. liliawn for tlie sum of $210.00
The property of J. W. Sankey, 2d described
to John A. Funston for the sum of $705 00; 3d
described lo John A. Fun-ton for the sum Of
$725.00; -lib described to John. A. Funslon for
the sum of $1001. 00; 5th described to John A
Funslon for the sum of $205 00.
The properly of William I!. Peterman to 1!.
I). Cole for the sum of $10.00.
On Monday evening Sheriff Hoffman hell
lie usual Inquisition for tho condemnation or
extension of certain real ei-tale levied upon.
The following gentlemen constituted the Jury :
Wm. Lawton, Geo. Hissert, II. Iliuterliter,
Wm. Stoker, Jacub Khawn. A Truckenmiller
Divid Jones, John Lore, Isiae McDride,Diirtl
Freas, Clas. Has-ert, Jacob (Irani.
Tie following is lie result of their delibera
tions :
Tie Mutual Iiuildirg A Saving Fund Aoc
ialion of Dloouburg, vs. Carper I. Thomas.
Properly condemned.
C. W Miller for lie ue of S.iral . Pelriek
en vs. H. II. Driglt. Property condemned.
F.lias George, vs. William Sluliz. Properly
llowman & Jackson vs, II. C, Freas, Prop
erly condemned.
Tlie Ashland Siving Fund A Loan Associa
tion, vs- Samuel Houek,witl notice to fore ten
ants. Property coneleuined .
James Lockart vs. Nicholas Cole, Intend
ed at $10 per annum
Moses 1 lower to Elizabeth Hower, late Lliz
abell Dilner in right of said F.lizabetl vs, Dav
id S. Helwigand Klias Helwig. Properly con
demned. John Waltz, Gcarilian of Denjainin J. Nuss,
Aaron Nuss, ami Amanda Nnss, vs. William
Menidnger, Property d ndemneil.
Urias Seybert vs. William I.ongenberger,
Properly condemned.
Oliver Yolie assigned to John Williams vs.
William Yohe with notiec lo Ilenjjmln Seiner,
lYrre tenant. Lxte-ndeel at $30. per annum.
Abraham V. Cool assigntel to the Catawissa
Deposit Dank vs, Jacob Lrvln. Property Con
demned .
Andrew Claik vs. ('Union Mtiicenhall. Prop
erly condeinneel.
ltobert Gorrtll, now a. to John L. Au
denriid vs. Clinton Meneleuhall, Lli Meiiden
hall, Llias Mendtnball and 1'.. H Drinker
Property eoneleiuncd.
lien JiekHiS'B IIISThnerl Sn) Tulmrru.
Tho rcirularMnv Trm nt n,.i
Monday, May 6th. lion. William K Iwell, l'rcs
dent Judge, nnd Huns. I. K. Krickbaum nnd
I' L. Shiiinnn em tlo bench.
Iteturn of Constables were taken, nnd Con
stables elect wero sworn in.
Tipstaves appointed for tic first week, M.
''" Co c- K' Hughes, K. 11. llidlemnn nnd
Amos, llnrlinan.
The following Auditor's reports were filed
nnd confirmed nisi.
l'stnlo of Joseph Ituclle, making distribu
tion. Sale of real es'alo of P. (1, Hodman, mnk
ing distribution of proceeds.
lXnto of Sarah Nnglo deceased, making dis
Itlbiiliou. Kslnlo of Andrew Oncii eletcn-ed, making
Iteport on exceptions lo account of admin
istrators of John Iloston deceased.
Tlo report of sale of real csUto of Alex
ander Hess deceased, pri-cnted and confirmed
Petition for rond in Madison townsllp. N.
P. Moore, Willinm Aimlem .111 llltlt II A t.n.,-
appointee! viewers.
Ann Wcnner estate, sale confirmed nisi.
Augustus Mnsou estate, nle con firm oil nisi.
.Martha Thurston estate, sale confirmed
Petition of Hcbeecn J. Heniinger for her
scpnrnte earnings. Petition oidcred filed and
Assignee sale in esl.itn nf I. .Tnl. n.l ..
confirmed nisi, '
Deed of II. A. Sweppenleiser, ndmlnislm
tnr of Win. Henderson ileccn'cd, confirmed
Petition for nltownncp tn (Jrmi t
minor child of J. P. Smith. fnr nllA,...
oi eiaie.
Frank C. Ancle of .Monhmr i ..i
" -.....J ...V-illl-
mitled to prnclioc law, on motion of M, 11.
iKeier t-.sq.
ulo in eslnte of Jlihn l.V-nt.,.1 ,l ...i
..v. ...... ncvi;.tii;u,
coniirnied nisi.
Pclilion lor snccific nerfhrmnnxn ..r i.t
of Join K. F.ves nnd Geormi Mnsh.ra ,lo...
eel, ly James Mnster.
.oinmonwealtl vs. John Mikhler. Malicious
misclnel. A true bill.
Commonwealth is. Irani Piatt. Indictment,
larceny. Plea net pnilii-. .!,,. n.i ...i
find tie defendant not guilty '
Commonwealth vs. Iiernard Dougl-crty. In
dictment for perjury. Jurv cnlleil l)f..,,.
dant not guilty.
Commonwealth vs. William I.owriennd Wil
inm Shetler. A true bill as to second count.
Commonwealth vs. .Innnli Mni,w, v...
true bill.
Sale nstn purpart of estate of Cyrus I.ansli
ueceii"i'u, cnniirmeil nisi
Conimontttaltl vs. Samuel Straucr. Foi-l-.
try. A line hill.
David Welsh nniiointed enntinl.l,. nr n...
tt al in, to fill xncancy.
May Oili. David Wel.h
lie of Ccntrnlia.
Ciiniinonwealtli vs. Lnwiin nnd,
Guilty. Sentenced to pay a lino of $21 eacl
costs oi prosecution. 1 his is tie sclool
case elsewhere reported.
(ommonweiillh vs. Samuel Straitsscr. Lar'
cony. A true bill.
Coininonwcnltli vs. Jacob Tronsue. Forni
cation. Found guilty, and sentenced to pay n
fine of $15, and costs, $15 for lying in expenses
and 75 cents a week until tho child is 7 yenrs
Commonwealth vs. Slrnuer. Larceny and
lorso stealing. Jury culled. Plea of guilty
Commonwealth vs. John Mitchlcr. Malicious
mischief. A true hill. Jury called. Defend
ant pleads guilty.
Commonwealth vs. J. D. Hnll. Larceny. A
true bill, two indictments.
Pctitition of Margaret Campbell for her sep
arate earnings crdered to be filed and record
ed. Commonwealth vs. John Mitchlcr. Jury
railed. Verdict guilty.
Diehard Ves-ncr was sworn in as a citizen
of tie United States.
Commonwealth vs. Peter Slmuklin. Assault
and Il.itteiy. A true bill.
Commonwealth vs. ltobert Howell. Assault
and llatlery with intent to commit rape. Not
a true bill. County pay costs.
Petition of James 11. Kline for nu nllowanco
by lis guardian, Elias MciKionlall, allowed ly
the Cou it.
Hrink estate vs. W. K. F.dwards. On jn-ti-tion,
defendant allowed to pay money into
Di'eec Dawson, Daniel Nungesser and Thom
as Stewart discharged under tlm inar.n-n..i
Commonwealth vs. John .Midler. After
hearing, the Court sentenced defendant to give
bond in $100 to keen tie Hence, and mv tlm
costs of prosecution.
Coininonwcnltli vs. James I). Hall. Lar
ceny. Jury called. Plea, not guilty. Verdict.
Commonwealth vs. Valium ri.m.,,.,.,. tw
eeny and horse stealing. A true hill.
.May, th. Commonwealth vs. J. N. Pifer.
Nol. pros,, allowed.
Commonwealth vs. Henrv VnnM.t. yi
pros allowed on payment of costs.
e-ommonweiiltli vs. M. S. I lower. Nol. pros,
Commonwealth vs. P. Glassmoyer. Not a
true bill. Prosecutor to pay co,ts.
Writ of partition in the estate of Michael
Thouiv, confirmed nisi.
Writ of partition in eslate of Jacob Drible
bis , confirmed nisi.
The Grand Jury made their final rcwt and
were dischargee! .
cowmtu COUXTY, s .-
To tho Hon tho Judges of the Court of
Quarter Sessions of Columbia countv. Mnv
term, t7.
Tie Grand of tin ( , I. nf
Peiin.ylvnniii inquiring fur tho hoely of tho
county of Columbia, respectfully report
that lave pursuant to our required duties 'calm
ly aid deliberately iuvostigateil nil llo bills of
indictment nresented tor our enniili.rnf;,.i. .....i
lavo pa-seel upon them nccurding to their mer
That we lave examined tie liullic buihbnr.
nnd find tlo reservoir on lop of tlo jail in n
leaky condition and recommend tint iniino-
i ........... , .
nine uiieniion ne given to us repair.
All of which is respectfully sulmitted.
John I-'., Foreman.
Cotuiuonwe-.iltli vs' Peter Sliinklin. Surelv
of tie peace. Jury called. Verdict, guilty.
Commonwealth vs. Nallan Clromis. Jurv
calleel. Plea, not guilty. Afler hparim utl- became nmurnl II,-.
defendant bad a leeal ricbl lo tnkn il, I,,,,.,
and the District Attorney said lie would not
I. r ... ....
au lor ii conviciioii. i lie court elire-cted Ihe
ury to render a verdict of not guilty, whleh
was done-
Commonwealth vs. John Midler- Surety
Couimoiiwealtl vs. J.I), Hall, Larceny. De
fendant pleads guilty,
Henry Hetller vs. Kflle and f'nrrl:,, I , i,
The petition of Matthew Lvert to set aside tlc
snerui sale presented,
Petlliun for road in Pine lownsllp. S. W
McIIenry, Ilenjsiuln Savage and J. F. Derrap.
pointrd viewers,
L. J. Albertson was appointed Supervisor of
Sugnrloaf township lo fill vacancy.
May Sih.
Petition of Amanda Smllh for Attorney fees
in divorce iiistiluled ly her husband filed.
Commonwealth vs, Jacob Slrausser, defend
ant found guilly of larceny of a horse belong
ing lo Jae-cl II. Kline, and forgery of a note
passed to Hon, M. O Hushes. The court or
dered that the reward of $20.00 lie paid John
lli-ofee, Daniel Knorr and Jacob It. Sllne and
f ll 12 cad for mlllsge, On lie first dafge tie
defendant was sentenced lo pay a fine of $10(1,
costs etc. nnd Iwo years In lie Kistcrn Peniten
tiary, at labor, and on lie list charge $50 line,
costs tic. and nn additional linprlotuu-nt of
one year .
In the eve of Commonwealth vs. James 1),
Hall, the sentence was deferred because II was
stated to the Court Ihal he would be needed as a
wllne-s In Monlniir county ngaind confederates.
uiininonweallli vs, Peler Shanklln, sentence
So 00 fine, and costs of prosecution.
Wltll'I'lfiiK ScifooL TEACHER.
On Tuesday May 0, .luelgo Klwell pronounc
ed a sentence upon William Lowrio nnd Wil
linm Shelter, Iwoyoungtuen.tiutillsiifnsdool
in Madison townsllp, for nn aggravated assault
nnd lattery upon William C. Johnson, their
lender. As lie case is one of gcncrnl inter
est, wc give the sentence in full.
A person employed as the teacher of n pub
lic school is dolled with tie authority, for tie
time being, of n parent.
Tliero Is delegated to lim ly operation of
law i, right to command olcdienco to reasona
ble rules nnd regulations, and it Is lis duty lo
maintain order nnd subordination in lis. sclool.
Without this nutliirity, nil e.xpcrienco las
flown tint confusion would result, and tie
lenefit of lie leading bo almost or entirely
lot. Whether tin loader is young nnd Incx-
pcrieni-pil, or nf mntiirer yenrs anil fully ex
perienced, can make no dilli'rcnce in regard lo
the duty of scholars.
They must yield obedience to the reasona
ble requirements ol tho teacher, whether ho be
)oung oi old.
While a tender Ins n right to inflict corpor
nl punishment reasonably, lo las no right to
go beyond that. II he does, lie mnv be indict
ed nnd tried for nssnult nnd battery, and, if
convicted, punished by fine or otherwise.
Willi the progress of refinement those lming
the care of yonlli have learned to enforce obe
dience by kindness rather than by soerity,nnd
although the courts are reluctant to interfere
in matters of discipline, they will discounte
nance every species: of cruelly which may go
by lie name of parental aulliorily.
A pupil has no right to nssnult lis teacher,
because tlo teacher punishes lim. If tie tend
er commenced nn unjustifiable 'assault, tie pu
pil might defend himself ; but ho could not, by
way of revenge afterwards, assault his teacher,
without incuning the penalties of the law. In
tins case without stopping to inquire whether
lie teacher went beyond wlat lie lad a right
to do, in striking Mr. Lowrie one of the defen
dants with whip, it is conceited nn ns
snult nnd hnttcry was committed as charged ;
niidtl e matter of ,tle preuous whipping can
nut le considered as lau'ng any lenring upon
the ca-c, f.norablo to lie defendants, unless
perhaps by way of mitigition of the ofi'eii'c
they cominiited while still smarting under re
cent chastisement. As lo justification, it is not
land could not be) pretended tint it existed in
this case; certainly not, after the plea of
Although denied by Lowrie, yet there is that
in the circumstances which seems to indicate
that the-o two persons, who supposed they lad
been wronged by their teacher, were drawn to
getler by sjnipatly or something else, nnd
made n simultaneous attack upon him ; wheth
er by previous concert or not, it would seem
that the two engaged in the same act at tlo
same time and for the same reason.
At all events, this nirair was carried to fx.
tremcs, and the conduct of these defedant, is
not to bo treated lightly ; we are disposed 'o
impose sucl n line upon tlem as will be n suf
ficcnt lesson to tlem nnd to nil others in like
cases to refrain from such outbreaks ngams
tleir instructors.
To tie defendants
You allowed yourselves to le carried away
by passion, to do a wrongful net. It is pret
ty evident to tie Court tint you tlouglt 3011
might take liberties with your teacher, because
lie was a young man, and that, when directed
to elo certain things, you made, as lie says, sau
cy answers What Jar 1 I tem't do il, and the
like. This was wrong. If you went to that
school, )ou were bound to abide by its rules.
If the school-directors saw- proper to employ
Mr. Johnson, n young man, even though you
might be of his age or older, jou were bound
to obey his reasonable directions, and jou had
no right to use impudent language towards
lim ; nnd, if you did so, and le undertook to
iullict punishment upon you, and jou resisted,
and happened to get hurt, it was your own
T lo sentence of tie Court is tint yon and
each of you piy a lino of twenty-five dollars
tn the Commonwealth and the costs of prose
cution, nnd stand committed until
is complied with.
The following is Ihe meteorolicnl summnrv
or record of the weather at Ctawiss.i during
the month of April 1S79, compiled from obser
vations by W. G. Yetter.
IUromelric pressure corrected for tempera
ture and elevation. Highest pressure on the
22nd, 30 -171 inches; lowest on the lOlli, 29-
Temperature of the air. Highest temper
ature on the 2tit'i, 81 elegrees; ljwesl on tie
5:1 23 degrees ; average for tie montl 10.3
legrees; (average temperature of lie same
monlli in the previous year 1S7S50.S) uionlh
ly range 5S degrees j greatest daily range on
the 22nd 39 degrees i least daily- range on tlie
lib, 7 degrees.
Moisture. Mean relative humanity 02 ner
cent J number of days which rain or snow fell ;
10; amount of snow which fell elurinu month:
9 inches (neatly); tolsl amount of rain fall and
and milled snow, 3.25 inches : (rain f-11 dur
ing the sime monlli in the previous year 1S7S
2.S5 inches).
Winel. The iirevailincr wind was from ihe
Northwest and the highest hourly velocity du
ring the monlli was 35 miles from Ihe m rth
west on Ihe 31 inst.
Miscelhneous Items. Ice and frost has oc-
cureil quite frequently during Ihe month; the
I liter on tlie 21tli inst, An Aurora of medium
brilliancy occured on the lOlli ; the highest wa
ter in tlie North Iiranch of the Su-oiielianna re-
corded 11 feet 3 Indies above low water mark
on the 1'Jili inst.
Wo understand that letters have been receiv
es! from Hey, H. S. Mendenlall and boys. They
are well pleased will, their new loiue, being
pleaantly situated.
Mr. Low has been to tie city and relumed
will, a fine stock of goods.
Prof. Md.aury arrived from New York,
where lie las spent tie winter sluelying Tleel
ogy,onS.,Iurelay last. He took charge of his
cluses in the Academy on Monday.
The Presbytery of Northumberland which
met nt ltenoyo recently, adjourned to meet at
Orangevllle next Octoler.
A new fence las appeared between tie lots of
Itev. Canfield and Nathan Fleckenstlne.
Henry Weller, a student from Kichange.went
home sick last week ; he hoped soon to le
able lo return.
Yours truly,
Superintendent Catter of lie Pennsylvania
F.xpetlmental fjtm, endorses luaitily, the Per
fected Hutler Color of Wells, Hielaidson .v. Co.
llurlington Vt. It gives lie Irigllest and Les,
color to butter of any preparation in tie woild
Jilt (gists keep It.
SOllEnonY'3 CHILD.
Somebidy's child Is djlng-elylng with lie
flush of lope on lis young fice ond an Indc.
i ribald' yearning lo live and take an honored
place In the woild leslde lie companions of
hl joiilh- And somebody's mother Is think
lug u( the lime when that dear face will le
hidden where no ray nf hope can brighten II- -where
ler leart and home will be lcfi dese Idle-liecau-c
there was no cure for consumption.
Header, If Ihe child be your neighbor's, take
Ibis comforting word lo the mjlher's ncir
lrorc it ii loo late. Teil her tint com-umpllon is
cur.ille. that men are Httm? ln-d.iv. n...,l. s...
bust men, whom the physicians pronounce.! In
curaeiie ni ine ago ol Iwenlj-live, because one
lung had been nlmost tlettroyat hj thix eiusc
iT.i-eerce s iioucn .Medical Discovery le a
mo-t efficient nllcraiive for st pirating lie scrof
ulous mailer Irom I lie Lljod and lungs, and Im
parling slrengtl to tie system. Il Ins cured
hundreds of consumptives.
To be a good judge of a horse, requires that
ine person so judging sboul l lie a lover of horse
nesli , nave a keen eye, a practice-el hand, great
ellscritiilintion.aiii well informed. Such a ir
son is Mr. H, N. Wood, Druggl-t, In Toronto,
uanaua. one can more quickly discriminate
nun ten ine good or weak siints of the animal
as a remeely for the cure and removal nf
Lumps, Hunches, Lmictitss, Hingbones, l
tirodliees 7i7m' J.lnhnrnl lntli.1 .l,...nnn.'n .1.
nrllcle long neeeleel by Horsemen,
r-olel by nil druggists. Send for pamphlet.
Dr. Giuk.
120 West Hroadway, N. Y.
Trial size 25 cenls
Funeral of the. Murdered Cliilil
man. Ktllili Free-
Huston, May 4. Tho funeral of little
Edith Freeman, the victim of her father's
lanatlcism, took place lit tie Methodist
Chtireli in the village of Pocnsset this after
noon. The body was brought to church in
a casket by Alien P. Davis, a sympathizer
ofF fecman in his deed, and one of his die!
abettors. After depositing tie casket near
the altar lo announced lis Intention of ad
dressing tlie audience, but le was prevented
from doing so by threats of arrest. Tlie
sere, ices were brief and appropriate.and were
conducted by the Her. Mr. Williams, pns.
tor of the Methodist Church. The Adveu
tists, who, in their blind superstition, fully
believed that the dead child would be resur
rected or bodily translated to leaven, are
deeply mortifieel that their prophecies should
result in so apparent a nou-fulfiliiiciit.
Freeman is a native of Vermont.' He
was born in Highgale in 1810. He turned
Adventist in February of last year and has
been one of the mo-t zealous in the cause,
llo was married in 1 SOS to Miss Hattie li.
Ellis, of Pocassct. They have had three
children, but one, Lilliar, died wlen in her
babyhood. Ilessie was bom in 1872. Editl
the murdered child, hail she lived, would
have been five years old In August. She
was the pet of tie household. The Adven
tist society in Pocasset is of recent date. It
was started two years ago by one Nathaniel
Wing, a former Methodist, who had become
converted to the doctrine of the Second Ad-
ventistsj by attending a camp meeting ot
that sect in the centennial year. Freeman
was ono of his first converts!. Twenty-five
persons soon formed the little band of Ad
ventists. They still attended the Methodist
church, but frequently created disturbances
by ar-uing with the pastor. Finally they
withdrew and a strong feeling sprang up.
Freeman was a shoemaker before the war.
He served three years, and finally, four or
live years ago, turned farmer. He has n
pleasant, open countenance, has a light com
plexion and light blue eyes. For some time
he has had nn idea that ho was to be a sec
ond Abraham. The Adventists have up
hell lim in tills idea and since the murder
lave stuod by lim. They lave thorough')
believed until to-day that the chi'd would
be raised from the dead. Their chagrin is
deep. Tlie woun J which caused death was
between tlo fifth am! sixth ribs on the lelt
side, one ami one-quarter inches wide, three
inches deep, entering tlie heart. "I killed
my child," said Freeman, "by order of the
L'.rd, as Abraham was ordered lo sacrifice
Isaac, and if the Lord bad not meant that 1
should kill her He would have stayed my
hand." Mrs, Freeman said that she con
sented to tie deed, but did not see it done.
Freeman, when taken to jail, entered with
his wife leaning nn lis arm. They bars ex
pressed no fears for llo future, but spend
much of their time in singing religious
hymns. They say that tho Lord told tlem
to do tie deed, and He will take care of
Freeman first made lis crime known on
Thuisday afternoon. He called a meeting
of tie Adventists and said he had a verv im
portant communication to impart from the
Most High. Tho usual praying and singing
were dispensed with, ami Freeman proeeded
with the recital of bis terrible crime, giving
every point with painful minuteness. The
Adventists then quietly dispersed, and each
kept locked in his own breast tlo awful se
cret with which they were now possessed.
Mr. and .Mrs. Alden P. Davis, both Adven
tists, remained all night in the house of the
Freemaus, the latter couple retiriug early
and s'eeplng soundly, the boely of their
murdered child meanwhile lying in the bed
where it had been struck down. It was their
daughter, Mis Minnie, who first told Offi
cer Hedding of tho unnatural crime. When
Freeman was asked about It he did not en
deavor to hide tie truth. On tie otler land.
he told everything aud trusted in the I.ord to
restore his child to life. The most intense
excitement prevails and Ihe Adventists aie
objects of scorn throughout the village.
ivlter the funeral services over tlie Free
man child in the church at Pocasset the
body was removed to the village cemetery
hard by and deposited in the grave. Davis,
an Adventist fanatic, mounted a marble
lombstono and began an address to the as
seinbled crowd, tlo tried to tirove that
Freeman was justified by Ond In killing his
child. He was interrupted by the crowd.
who compelled him to desist, The casket
was covered with sods. Tho Adventists hav
ing threatened to remove the body and throw
it into the water near by, so that the climax
to the sacrifice might not be Interfered nilh,
the She rill's oll'cers are guarding the grave,
and will remain on watch until morning.
enjoy LIF1-.
What a truly beautiful world we live in! Na
ture gives us grandeur of mountains, pious ami
oceans, nnd thousands of means of enjojiuent.
o can desire no belter wleu In nerfect lenlih
lut low often do the majority of peoplo feci
lilee giiug il up ilisliearte-ned, discouraged nnd
worried out with disease, wlen there, is nn
occasion for this feelitifr. ns evrrv &iif1'..i-,.r
can easily obtain latislactory jiroot that Green a
august, i-tower "ill mauo tliein ns Ireo mm
disease as when lorn. Dvsnensln and Liver
Complaint is lie direct causo"of seventy-fit o
per cent, of such niubdies as HiHiousness, In-
uigestion, fticK lleauaclie,tostivei.ess, Nervous
Prostration. Dizziness oflhollend. Pnlniliillon
of the Heart, anil other distrcssiuir sinminms.
Iliree eloses ol August l lowcr will proeils
woiulerlul ellect. cample bottles 10 cts. Try
aug. 80. 7S f jl
To 1'Mwin llnotb Accept my congratula
lions. 1 know how it is myself'. The Czar,
I'ennsylvania lias tho largest number of
pn unices ol any ol tho Stales, lavingll.OlS
unices tin .iiurcii i, ioi'.f.
When the linml bill distributors begin to
iguoro you ii is iiign time to get a new tuit
oi clonics,
Ti(j1'rils M,orr'ti'i sexton of Mifflintown
h alleged to bate dug between ten and eleven
nuneircil grates.
Koutti en years ago thcto was only one
esseiuer sice'i e'scauiisiinicnt in tne country.
Now tlero are 11. with nn minimi itioilitoiinu
of 609,000 totn.
livery speech delivered in Congress costs
this Oovctuineiit from $1,000 lo $1 "00. And
yet i-onio howlin maniacs can bo kept a
whole j-f ar for less than half that sum.
Throughout Northampton countv, l'u.,
many farmers wero cotiiiielleel lo l'eplant
their oals on account of cold and frost.
There are now only two vacancies in the
I tencli Chamber, which consists of 385 Ho
publicans, s.'i llonnparlists, and 03 Monatch-l-ts.
Tho l'ennsylvnni.i Itailroad during tho
month of Aptil, averaged daily about livu car
loads of emigrants fur tho West.
Tho Amount of timber rafted to tinrket
this jcar is estimated at jut double the
amount sent last year. Thu prices are only
Tho Philadelphia police would not per
mit a competitive, exhibition of shtcp slaught
ering on the singe of a atiety thcatio.
"Go West, youtisf man, gu West I"
John Harke.v, 90 ears ol age, formerly of
tins fetnte, lelt several weeks neo for Kansas
iwicio ne cxpceis to tcltle ana grow up witli
the couutry.
Tho striking Hint glass blowers at Pitts
burg sav that thuv havil ennnpli l',ii..l. tn List
them for tlie next'fivc veals to come, and they
.1.1. u eeio eeiioiu ejlllieil C1I1S.CS CO U3CK UlCtll.
Tho tolal number of men that will be
called out this year lo do military service in
braiicej is "'.10,1-10, thus distributed over the
three branches of the service: Tho active
attuy, I7C.I,100; reserve, 141,070 ; territorial
army, 11S.000.
l'ottablo gas is sold ami delivered in Eng
land like milk. Kciple in the country and
in villages receive it in copper vessels from
large cities. This method is additionally pop
ular (rum the fact that it dispenses with the
ciratte and depraved meter.
Mr. Wondbridge of Hillsboro, Texas,
went into a drug store, drew a revolver, com
pelled a cleik to give liim some strychnine,
said that he would shoot anybody who tried
to prevent his suicide, took the poison, ami
died with the cocked weapon in his hands.
Sac Ostcrman, aged 104, dieelin Chicago
latelv. llo was one of Napoleon's soldiers in
the Russian and Siianish caiiinaiL-ns. Hie w-ns
afterward drafied as a war prisoucr into tlo
Prussian army. His son is a prominent Chi
cago detective, and has verified his lather's
recorel thoroughly.
Fred. Douglas say., of the negro exodus :
"I .unopposed to this exodus becau-u it will
cast upon tie people of Kansas and oiler
Vx.t C...- . . I ,1 , ,
uieue;iii oeiiees, ii luiiitituue OI llCIU'ICli,
hungry, homeless, naked and destitute people
to be supported in a large measure by alms !"
. A gang of pickpockets who weio attend
ing a fair at Dcrdav. France, recently, lai-ed
a cry of Gro in a thcatie, and at the same
moment turned the gas out. In the panic
ami confusion they plundered tho audience
and the box office, and escaped under cover
of the darkness.
Advices from southeastern ICnnsns s.-iv
about two thousand men have gono into tlie
Iudian Territory within the past week ; also
that rich silver mines have be cn discovered
just south of the Kansas line, and diims in
largo numbers aro being registeteil el.nly in
the Squatters' Registry office, two miles liuiu
naxter springs,
Tho llurlington JIawlcuc thinks there is
nothing .so painful at this season of the year
as the disheartening spectacle of a nine-year
old hen looking through the fence at a man
digging a garden, vhilc she exercises her
rugged legs and incisive claws on tlie plank
walk, inst keepiug iu practice until the garden
is ready,
The cheapest freighting in the country is
said to that of coal fioin Pittsburg to
points on tho OJii.i Jiivcr. Harges capable of
carrying 21,000 bu-hels are built lor S.00
each, and kept load 'din readiness for s fresh
et in the river. When the desired rush Or
high water comes, Irom eight lo twelve ot
these boats are strung together and started
lown stream, will asteanier in front tn emdo
tlem mid increase the speed. The boats are
sold to bo btoken up on arriving at their des
London tesnects Oueon Viotnii.i. but will
laugh at her occasionally. It has been said
'hat Her Majuty has an enormous stock of
India shawls, and that whenever she is called
upon to give a present she always draws upon
this stock. Thereloic, when the Duku of
Connaughtwas about lo bo inairied,bets were
made at the clubs upon the chances as to
whether tho daugbtcr-iti'law would get a
shawl. She did, and nioro than one, for the
Court (Jitculav announces that the Queen
piescnted tho bride with three India shawls.
Pacts about tho city of London are al
ways interesting, aud wo hnd a lew u, the
Corntill Magazine. London is spread -over
about 7,000 sejuare miles. There is one death
there every six minutes, and ono bitth every
C.,..- Tt. 1. ..i'.l. I...;.... . . .i.L
mite, i nc ,e. en u, euu population is in toe
rate of 73,000 a year, or 20" each day. Tho
total length of sheets in London is aliout
7,000 miles; there aro built every year about
9.000 new houses, by which tho length of
tho streets is increased bv twentv-eiebt miles.
In tho jails tlero is an average of 7.1,000
prisoners. The foreign-born resident of Lon
don number about 100,000 ; but thiity-scvcn
per cent out of the whole population wero
born out of the city.
At the last Oxford examination a student
was required to translate into Greek the fa
mous philippic of Hcaconsfield on Gladstone,
"A sophistical iheloiician, ineliiated will,
tie exuberanco of hi own vcrbosity.and gift
eel with an egotistical imagination that can at
all limes command mi interminable and in
consistent series ot arguments to malign an
opponent and glorify himself." Tlo student
iranlaltil tlie passage, but nntieinleel tho lo
lowing note "Tho b-iinb-j-iiu and itiilneil
stylo of Lord lieiu'oii-lield cannot be convert
ed Into tlo pure Greek of Demosthenes; but
it is probable tho wotso tlo (heck lie mine
lU'Ciiialcly would it represent tli t.isto and
"llifit of tllCOligilial." 1 lie osam-'nnrs elid nnl
like (he note, and deducted maiks in conso
iiiencu linn, the candidate, win nevertheless,
we aro told, succeeded iu celtim? llo sebnl-
Henry Smith did his Cal.fornia ..old
turning in a peculiar way. He was a watch
man iu the Government Mint. Atthoclo-o
nf each day's work, the einiiliu
erniii'. mil ni' el. a
building, and all the precious metal on tho
remises was carefully locked up. Then
Smith went ou guard fur Ihe night. In ono
ol the rooms tinder his ehargo wn a strong
mm iuiin, ni which granules oi gonl were
plao-d to be wa-hed. Au iron cover wa se
curely locked on, but through a small hole
rati a rubber tube to carry a slieam of water.
Smith unscrewed the tubo every night, and,
will a mrrow spoon removed a small iiuan
lily of gold, Tho loss was so small in each
in-lance us to bo undiscovered, aud it was
only wlen the thief was caught selling tho
metal that he wa suspected, lie confesses
that he ha made iiO.OOO in two years by
In operations,
- Aceonling tn the ltov. Mr. ScinMer, a
missionary in India, four men bought a eiian
til id cotton iu copartnership. That iho rat
might not mjuro it they bought a cat, and
iiL'ii'fil that inch should own one of its leg,
fvich leg was thcu adorneel with beads and
olherninaiiicnN by its owner. Tho cat acci
dentally iiijmcd ono nl'it legs, and the owner
wound a lag around it, Miakcel iu oil. The eat
by cliunoei tot tie rag on lite, and, being in
great pain, ru-hed among the cotton bale,
whoioshe had been accustomed to hunt iats
Iho cotton was totally burueel. The thice
other partners brought suit imain-t the own
end tho invalid leg in tee-over He value of
uie-i 11)1,01, unci mo .luiigo decided that as
ei.u iiiiurcu leg couiu not uo used, tlo cat ear
ned thorno to the cotton with her three re-
Illumine: loirs. Tl iih mill- wumi I
ie owners wero reeiuireel to compensate llo
unuui ui wiu injured leg lor Jilssliaro ol loss.
Tho lanse of Ihe ItlncV Man.
The people of tho North slnrerely desire
to promote the Interests of the colored race,
If It would elevate the condition of the
blacks and make them more Independent
ami prosperous to transfer tlem to the fertile
lands of tie West, money would bo gener
ously contributed to promote llclr emlgra
thin ns rapidly as might bo practicable. The
N'orth profoundly appreciates tho helpless
condition of the frerdmen. Tley are Ignor
ant, unskilled and generally helpless main
ly because they have been In slavery, mid
now that (ley have been made free, nnd
charged with tho care ol themselves
without cltherexperleiicoorlhe sympathetic
support of the whites of the South, they
have strong claims upon tho protection of
tho laws and of patriotic public senll
Only nu Ignoratit nnd nn Intensely super
stitinus race like our frecdmcn could have
been moved to the present suicidal exodus
from a general climnte nnd acceptable pur
suits to an Inhospitable region where severe
winters nnd entirely new channels of indus
try must bo met. The semi-tropical climate
that demands no special protection from the
frots nf winter and the almost spontaneous
growth of many articles ol food, make the
hotilh the natural home of tho black man,
and the attempt to transfer tie colored race
by thousands to Kansas, where the severest
winters are to be laceel and where they are
entire strangers to every channel ol Industry
Is worse than folly it is a crime. A few ol
the more adventurous who are unincumber
ed with families, may do well in Kansas ;
but, as a race, they are utterly unfitted, alike
by habit and inclination, to go upon the
public lands of Kansas and gain homes for
themselves. They are not farniers.nnil lave
little capacity and taste for learning how to
tarm, and tho bleak storms of a Kansas win
ter will make all who survive it glad to beg
their way back lo their own sunny South.
There are now not less iban ten thousand
colored men, women and children, on the
Mississippi river and in Kansas, who have
been deluded from their homes by agitator"
and speculators like Mr. Tandy and tlie
small politicians who lope to increase their
importance nnd power by increasing the
sorrows of a helpless race. They are iu a
strnnge land without labor, food or slelter.
because they aro ignorant and hao been de
ceived, aud their necessities sppeul, and
earnestly nppeal, to tvery generous citizen
of the North ; but humane people will be
slow to contribute their money lo n-seicia
tions whose chief purpose is tn multiply the
number eif toliireel paupi ts in Kansas, in
stead ol supplying their nnniediaie neee-si-tics
and helping them back to thu only cli
mate in which they can provide lor them
selves. The Slato authorities ol' Kansas are
in hearty political sympathy with the friend
of the coloreel race, and tlie Governor nnd
otler State officers are oiganized as a com
mittee for tie relief i f the coloreel emi
grants. While they encnursgo legitimate
emigration of both whites and blacks tn their
State, they will not waste the money nl
philanthropic people by sending chromos
and seductive circulars among I tie blacks
of the South to increase the sufferings ol
the race. Contributions should be -nit lib
erally aud promptly to the Kansas State au
thorities for the relief of these deluded and
helpless colonists, nnd traveling agitators
-hotild be unheeded in their efforts to profit
b) the woes of the freedmen. 'nVn. Times
The cost of sickness is an annoying enlail for
the invalid who lias suffered for years will kid
ney trouble, lumbago and rleumatic pain,
Kidney-Wort radically cures tlese, and is also
a wonderful remedy for all forms of piles. Sold
by Druggists.
Odd Fellows can scarcely be considered
"odd" nowadays, seeing that theie are l-IO.-000
under tha jurisdiction of (lis (Jrnnd
I.jeJge nf tho United States. As a rule the
benefits of the t'r.'er are wisely and econom
ically distributed, and the twrnty-six mil
lions of dollars disbur-ed for the relief of
members since 1S19 have doubtless eloue a
great deal of good, much moiogood in fact
than that amount could elo if dispensed in
clarity properly so caWed. Tlo Order in
Pennsylvania i particularly strong, and does
its full slare of the good votk.Lfilger.
Business iNotices
Finest stock of Wall Paper ever in Illnoms
burg at Clark's Hook Store.
Large assortment of new designs iu Wall
Paper at Clark's Hook Store.
Call at McKinnry's lor Shoes.
Spring Styles Spring Goods Spring Styles.
Call and see
I lie New Goods. Tho New Styles at the
-e. . ill;!:.
Cheaper than over.
Must be seen to be believed, better goods at
ie.nci UICCS
at D. Loweuberg's.
Hartman Ifros. are selline- a finn Onlnm.
Tea for SO cents per pound, also u line sugar
ai o ce-uis per.pounii. ''ev.
For plain or Itrocade all wool
go to Lulz it Sloan's.
McKinneys Shoe Store
below Court
George A. Clark keeps the best plain
vt Indow a hat es. lie best f!.,r.l l'ivi. ......
l. l,,. s;..- r-!... ......... ,
niu uesifc?inug rixtures.
Uubbers nt McKinnry's.
Heautlful Silk Hats New Soft Hat,
Wool Hat, Fur Hals,
For Men for Hoys and Children
At the Popular store of
I). Loveenberg.
Use Knapp's Curiam Fixtures, warranted
for two years, for sale it Clark's Hook Store.
New stock of elress linens at Lutz& Sloan's
Attention Farmers ! Attention Mecl anics
Attention all ! ! Now i your time tn secure
liargalns in Clothing, Hats Cap-, l,u,u
ami cooes at liross iV llro a popular New
York Clotling Store. Hesureanel give tlem
n mil.
Admission free at McKinney's.
Now is Ihe lime to paper. Get your pa-
nor ne rl,..l.',
Hani limes.lard limes is the cry. In con
sequence. ineNew York Clothing SNore has
reduced (lie prices of good Hoots A l-hoes.
00 per cent, cheaper than any other store in
lun ie .
....... v.o .iiiiiiuuie .- .u. iiess, iiinntns-
burg 1 a., now offerscheap for cash or grain
nil r i n 1 1 j nf l'.i..nt.. I l . .
I armers attention ! S.
M ...
all kind of funning imiilen'ients
Spring Overcoats Spring Overcnits,
Cnenp, Durable, Neat and New
Jut received at I). Lowenbergs
All the popular colors ol Oil Window
cuauea at uiarli's Hook Store.
Hoots and Shoes cheap at McKinuey's.
For the 'cheapest ami finest patterns of
Iron I'euce go lo S. M, Hess, Illoomsburg,
For a Flno Suit of Clothing go tn ihe
New ork Clotling Store, also nice Suits
Irom .! lo 5 dollars.
The largest stock of dress goods in town
a nil silks to match at Lull & Sloan's.
Latest Patterns In Wall Paper at Clark's
Hook Store.
A lino selection of Ladles' Gold Watcben
and Chains, both American am! ImpcMtetl
by the host makers at L. llernbard's Jewel
ry Store.
Having obtained tho agency of this
Cr.i.KiinATKi) Soap
for Illoomsburg and vicinity, I nnpend tho
opinion of some of our best people as to lis
"1 have iieil Dobbin's Electric Soap made
by I. L. Cragln & Co., Philadelphia, l'a.,
for washing about ten years, anil think It
superior to nny other. Mrs. O. G. llarkley."
"We have usee! Dobbin's ElectrlcSoap and
find it superior to nny other or allothcri.
rrs. W. 11. Jncoby,
-Mrs. H. H. Stolincr.
I desire al! my friends and customers to
Give thit Soap one Trial,
so that they may know just how good the
nesi conp in me uniieii stales is.
J. II. Maizi:.
july 12, '78-ly Illoomsburg, Pa.
Hoot headquarters at McKlnncy's.
JYii,oii:niA or mtkhatchi.
It w III be welcome news to all lovers of good liter
ature that the new.benutllul nnd marvellously cheap
Acme edlllon of "clumber'a e'yclopicaia of Kngllsh
Literature" Is to be completed on June I. Volume
n. is Just issued, nnel tho remaining fonr olumes
aro lo tio issued and deltrerect at ono :lmo on tho
date stated. Tho work richly the sale It has
obtained of nearly ten oewvolurnes already .and ouoiit
to attain, nslt probably will, to a round million. Tho
price, which has arledat different limes), Increasing
as t ho publication has progressed, has now been per
manently tlxed at $2.ii) for the paper (S vols, com
plete, nearly 3,M pages), 3 00 for cloth, tl.TMorhalf
moioeco, gilt top, and I3.7S for tiles' voUcdlltonln
ha'f moroci'o, gilt top binding. A discount of lo per
cent from these prices Is oltowodto those whoso
orders nro recelred beforo Juno 1. onl a fur
ther discount of lo percent, to those ordering In
clubs of lire or more sets at ono time. Postage, It by
mall. 4 cents eilra. Orders will bo niled In tho or
der ot receipt. s.peclmcn pages nnd full particulars
will be sent fro" on rcqnesl Atncrloan Hook Et
chine. 53 Iteckmnii street, N'ew York, Publishers.
Sold only direst to pun nosers, and not through
alers or agents
II I'- Kunkrl's Hitler Uiino or Iron,
lias teerbeen known to fall in tli-cu-c of weak
ness, attended wpl, sjinpinins. Indisposition to ex
ertion, loss of men, ry, dlflleuliy ot breaihtng.gon
eral weakness, horror ot disease, weak, nervous
trembling, dreadful li rrt.r ot deatli, ntghtsweats,
cold fict, vcukness, ellTiness t.f vision, languor.
iiu'crsal lassitude eif the muscuhir system, eroni-
uus appetite, with eljspeitio sjstem, hot lands.
Hushing of the boly, drwicss cf the s51n, pallid
uuntenaneit and eruptions on the face, purtfylDg
! e blond, pain Iu the beu-k, In ailness of the eyelids.
Irnuent btaek spots tltng tsfure the cjes will,
tempoiury suffusion ntel hiss of sight; want of at
tention, ele. 'Ihese sjmptoiua all arise from n
wcakn.'ss, and to remedy that, mo V.. V. Kunkel's
Hitter Wit e of lion. It neeer falls. Thousands aro
now- enjjjlng beullh who have used It. Get the
genuine. Suld tn $1 battles. Tnko only B. P. Hunk
ers. Ask f.ii- KunVers Kilter Wlnoof Iron. Thil truly
valuable tonic lias been o ihoroutfhlv tested by all
classes of tlie con minute in .tit Is now deemed In-
ills e-iislble a e-enl- ni"alclne It costs but little
.end pu il'es 1 1, bi in J, mid gives tone to the stom
ach, lenovales the sst'-at and prolongs life.
I now only ask a trl il of this valuable tonic. TVIco
pei-bi.ttlo I. t Kt'NKl'f.. s-ole Proprietor, No.
D Norih Ninth sr., below- Vine, Philadelphia Pa.
A-k for KUhkcl s Uitter Wine of Iron, and take no
other. A puotognp! of t'io proprietor on eacU
evrippT, Ul ctiiers sre counterfeit.
II wuri- or eouaterte t . Do not let your druggist
sell you any but Kuukel's which Is put up only as
above repi est nted. loucau get six bottles for $5.
All I nsk Isone simple trial.
Tape Worms Kemoved Alive.
Head and all complete In two hours. Kofcotlll
head p-sses. Seat, pin and stomach Worms re
rnoicd by lir. Kuiikl, 519 Nrrth Math st. Advlca
free. No reel uuilILcad aud nil pssses lnone,and
aiue lir Kunkells the only successful physician
In this country for the removal of Worms, and his
Worm Sy up Is pleasant and safe for children or
grow n persons send for circular or ask for a bottle.
ot K nkel's Wo insjrup, 1'ilce ll.'Xm Iwttle. eiet
It of i our druggUt. It never falls.
Wlie-nt per bushel....
11 ei "
Corn, new, " .....
Oats, "
Flour per barrel
TullOW ...
rounossr is
Jrled Apples 114
llama ii-
sides Shoulders es
Lard per pound i"
Hay per ton s.uo
Iteeswax is
nmothyseea j.isi
OlTeiTATlONS Kent e:tAi..
No. 4 on Wharf t s.esi rer 1 on
NO. 5 ' f 2.J5
NO. 6 " 41 t S. J "
MiacksLnlth'sf.utup on Wharf S.ii '
" IlltumlnouB " M ! "
i e.'K'.TI.KMAN whosultere-it ror ve.lrs rrmn .Vernii
Dfbihtv I'liEHATL-l-.K llecev. and all Iho etreelH
ot joiilhtul tndl.seruiun, will for tho sake ot suller
liigliuniaiilt), send m e to all who need It, the reel-
is- unu eeireciion ror musing ine simple reined) uy
w hleh lm was cure d. Sunerera lshtng to pronr by
tho adi e'rt tser's experience can do so by addressing
in perfeet counuYute.
.uiti.-s 11. ii.iji..n, cenar su, .sew 1011:.
nov. Si, Tsveim nieo
Dr. Paber's Celebrated
Painlcis Remedy is tho
besteier known for 1'ii.ks of every kind (bleeding.
Itching, mind, Inwarel. no and all diseases or t bo
Uteres, whether leeent or long standing. ItglU's
instant re-ller and etTi-e ts a radical and permanent
cure. II Is preserlbe-d by till phislclans who aro acv
ipiatnleel with It. Chronlo rase-s readily leld to IU
o surgical operation icquliol. 'irylt and relievo
your sulleilnus. o.NLYHi cents for a Iakor I'uck
aiib. s-ent tiy mail on reee-lpt of price, lor sale by
all Druggists, lm. j. FAUE11 A Co., 22 Ann st.,N. V.
nov. vi, .s-eim ua;co
CARPETS Ursi.yu-New
at one-lull Kokmkk Prices.
noon IIki-s-els cahikts, "so per yard. Imikains,
from rev. M-.('t'KTThN WIMOSs AXSIIN8TE1I,
UU IS IS llOliV-lneL'.vsEI.S.nnd'nillKI'-l'I.VCAlt-t'KTS
at equally lo prices. OII.CI.OTUs. all w idths
rrou, S5o. is-r jurd.
LACK tThTA INS, Jl.oo per pair, to the finest HEAL
LACK Imported, nt
189 and 101 Sisth Avenue,
Corner 13th street, NEW VOllK.
nov. li'i. Ts-cm aco
I will mall eTiecHhe receipt for aslmple Vhiita
bik liAisitlmt will icmoiei Teen, I'HKe'KLEs, 1'IM
I'LINnnd liIuicheslealnirtlio sUu soft, clear and
Lauutiful : apo instruction for producing a luxuri
ant i:roth of hulr on a bald bend or smooth face.
Address, Inclosing So sta-np, lien Vandeir & Co., se)
Ann st.. N. Y. aAxo nov. i2. is-tim
'I be advertiser ImMng been permanently cured ot
thai dread disease. Consumption, by a simple reme
dy ts anxious to tnuke known lo his fellow suffer
ers I Ii means of euro. To all w ho desire' It ho
win send it cony of the prescription used, (tre-e ot
e hurte i with directions for prt parlnsana uslne tho
buuie wnlclithe wtlltlnd asuro Cure for cossCHr
TieiN, Asilri.a, liionrhtlls, xc.
Parlies wlsiiug tho Prescription, will pleaso ad
dress L. A. w ILNcN, mi I'enn st ( Ullamsburir, N.
' aico nov, u, is-sui
Io rici:.
llin annual meeting ot Iho Columbia County At'
ricultuiul. Horticultural and Mechanical Association
will U-held In tho eiptra House, Uloomsburi;. on
AT, Itli.W, the 11th day ot May, A 1)., lsl'J atone
u clock p. in., fur the e lection of ofllcers.
Also iilsald annual tnei-llng there will bo eons Id
ered and proposed fur eedopllou by the corporation.
uujeiidiiji'Ms and utteratfons of the charter i M.
Toiiecept thetpioit-lonsut mi Act of Assembly, en
tilled 'An Ait lo proMdo for thu Incorporation and
regulation ct ceitoln ooriRjiallous." approeel April
vy, ls.4 und lis SL'eial supp'.e-ments. ad. Todeslif
nale the place ot business ot the e oriioratlon. aid.
lospi'iiiy tho onicers by whom the bii.ioe ss shall
be eonduetiil. in,. "loautuoilM- the corporation le
issue rupllal stock. Mb. To deteuutne the member
ship of the corporation.
M. W. Nl ss.
April ,l;g, sec-.
ISTAlkOI SAKAll t KS WINE, lire lASlll.
Ltternof Administration with ihe wlllauhesc.1
on tne Mate of !rah Atnw tne, late cf centre! I n .
Columbia evuniy Ivuiisjli ,ula, deceased, hate ls-1 a
t-rantrd by the eif sajd county lu the nu
etcn.lj;nest Administrator. All peisons having claim
uTOliiklllwetUtxni the decodeut ure iwiuesied to
pieswnt ihein for witieii i-i,t am the i,ide.e.l l
hiako pujineiit totho uud'rslifeiest without eleiae.
.,,,,. ,. Adenleilsliulor,
April If t-lw Whllmlii'. I olmabla ro.. pi,
KsiAiEi r mini w, voeiu, nu',
Utters of admlnl-lrallon on the en.leet. ut i eeild W
tut'Uin, lute ot liciilou iciwiiKlelp, resuoibla esi.. de
iiesM. 1..U granted bj Hie lUglster of said
eouu'y to the nnd. rslgned Administrators to whom
all isrsons Indebted are rcuiietesj to ihakn lunun
dlale purulent uud those hailinr clulins or de-iosDd
uifulnst the estaie will inuku them known to Iho Ad
ministrators without, deU .
A,.iiii . Administrator.
All 11, w ., Ui iM.m,