THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUllG, COLUMBIA COINTY, PA. Miscellaneous. ATTKMITKI) ASSASSINATION. An attempt wai miue to ivxiasslniitfl tlio celebrated tragedian, Edwin Uooth, at Mc. Vlckcr's Theatre, Chicago, one night last week. The following particulars have been received t "The play wm Iiicknrd 11, near the finUh of the lan aC, when 11,0th eat In the glare of a calenm llrfht, with all the other lights turned down, and win e ngarcd In the aollln quy. He aat a little, to the right nf the Urre with the piUnn on one aide and the cottage nn the other. The Attending assassin sat nearly on n level with him In the lint balcnny,and pome thirty feet distant, with the pistol conceal ed In Ills sleeve, and Id his left hand hold' Ing a copy of the play, which he had evi dently been following, with the dire purpose or firing at the right time. When the first shot rang out there was a dead silence. Hooth did not stir, but as n recond shot came whizzing down and plowed its way through a piece of biard In the cottage an luch In thickness, Hioth quietly hue an! went towards the wing. A rush was Ininedlately made for Gray, and as there seemed to b some doubt which was the man 11 mth again stepped out, pointed directly fi him, and saw bun taken into custody All this time there was a wild uproar In the bouse, and shouts of Throw him over, 'Hang him,' 'Pitch him out of the window,' and the like were audible. He ", how ever, speedily hustled oil to the station and looked up. 0i his person was found . the following Incoherent letter, which cle.uly indicates his premeditated purpose : UlllCAili), April 2'Jt, W.i.-l)enr Katie : Kiv-givr these brief but horrible lines. left St. Louis Monday evening. The firm I was with would not Increase my salary so T mtrlo up my mind to return to Keokuk but being a lover of line acting I camo to Cuicao to see ltootb. Hut I was sadly nils taken. It would take U nth one year of comtant acting ti compete with Lawrence U rrsl's Richelieu. 'i'o-night he plays Richard I. Katie, if. I go to-night he will kill ma and I him. In all Shakespeare's (sic) I find but one man to compare with Iiooth and that is logo My judgment ought to firetelljrue that since I call Lfooth Iago ho could no more play Richelieu than the devil could be an angel, 'I don't no what to do. Every line I write I praDce the Jtour hat though I was plnj ing Hamlet. I'm sorry I came here for I think the hangman has a rope for me. Remem ber me to your mother and siiter. 'Yours truly, 'Mauk Gray ' Reading this note, the impression would re main that the writor was an incoherent lun atic, but conversing with him as he sat coolly In prison and talked collectedly about bis deed, the almost irresistible conclusion drawn from his manner is that he is per fectly sane with full knowledge and a well considered purpose. His story is that tie belongs in Keokuk, hut bas been traveling for a St. Louis dry goods house ; that about three years ago Booth wronged a friend of his (whether lady or gentleman he does not state), and that be coming rognizant of the wrong about two and one half years ago, he determined to avenge It. He has only met Iiooth once since that time, and that was in the streets of St, Louis, and was not prepared. He says he fired directly at the tragedian and wonders greatly that he missed him. He regrets his failure even more than he wonders at it. He says he has accomplices back of him, and that Booth will yet sutler. He came here for the express purpose of killing Iiooth. Mr. Booth Bald that he liefer heard of this man. He was not aware that he had been fired at during the excitement, and went behind the scene to quiet his wife.who feared he had been injured. The opinion generally expressed by the attaches of the theatre and by others who saw him is that Gray is crazy. Ho fired two shots, snapped his pistol again, and was cocking it for a fourth trial when he was seized. HOW THE TIMBER IS USED UP. We have about 00,000 miles of railroad; the annual consumption for tics or sleeper alone is 40,000,000, ;or thirty year's grpwtb of 7,000 acres. To fence these roads would require at least 130,000 miles offence. We have 75,000 miles of wire, which requires in Its putting up 800,000 trees, while the an nual repairs must take 300,000 more. The insignificant lucifier match consumes an nually in its manufacture 300,000 cubic feet of the finest pine. The briccs that are an nually baked require 200,000 cards of wood, which would sweep the timber clean from 50,000 acres. Shoe-pegs are quite as import ant an article as matches or bricks, and to make the required annual supply consumes one hundred thousand cords of timber, while the manufacture of lasts and boot trees tal es five hundred thousand cords of maple beech, and blrcb, and about the same is required for plane stock and the bandies of tools. The packing boxes made in the United States in 1S74 amounted to 12,000, 000, while the timber manufactured into ag ricultural implements, wagons, etc., is more than $100,00. The farm and rural fences of the country comsume an immense amount of lumber and timber annually, but as we grow older as a nation this comsunip tion may, probably will be reduced by the more general use of live fences or hedges, Our consumption of timber is not only daily on the increase, but our daily exportation of lumber is also increasing. Our staves go by the million to France annually, walnut oak, maple and pine, to Eugland, and spars and decking timber to China and Japan. Lumberman't Gazette. Tub RcnuLAli Fare. One pleasant day Captain S. stood upon the deck of bis steam er, tolling tbe last bell previous to bcr de parture, when be was accosted by a terlous looking individual, in tbe following terms 'Are you Captain 8. V 'I am, blr,' said tb captain, with a turn of tbe head and a quiz zical glance. 'What is tbe regular fare to Louisville ?' 'Two dollars and a half. 'Well, captain, I am a Methodist preacher, What will you charge iue?' Apparently in a deep study for a moment, tbe capta! seemed to taku tbe measure of our clerica friend, and replied In his peculiar, decided tode, 'Well, I guess we sha'n't chaige you cent more than any body else I' Women are ttlll numerous among the pe destrians. In aSt. Louis match Anna Her ger walked 100 miles in twenty-four hours, One of the women in a Westfield (Mass.) contest seized her competitor by the ha! and the struggle became one of hands in stead of feet. Mrs. Anderson's latest at tempt is to walk a mile and a half every hour for twenty-two days in Cincinnati, Six day's walks by women are advertised i several Westeni cities. May Fanning faint ed on tbe track in Milwaukee, and lay two days in a stupor. Two girls of 14 are taken from place to place in New England to ex hiblt their remarkable speed in ten-mile MUltDKIl Fllll INSURANCE MONEY. Tho trial which closed nt Lebanon, l'a , last week Thursday with the conviction of six men of murder In the first degreofor the killing of Joseph llab"r Is one of tho most notable In our criminal annals. It has at tracted so much attention that we glvi the facts of the case. Joseph llaber was an old man, who had lived the rude life of Ills neighborhood In Indlantnwn Gap, a wild region among the mountains nl the ItUie Ridge, in the north ern part of Lebanon county. He bad tin family, and nobody had any apparent reas on for feeling much Interest in bis life or death. He was the last man In tho world to Indulge In any such new-fangled no tion as lile Insurance himself, and the last man alo In whom anybody eIo could be conceived to feel enough Interest to get his life Insured. Nevertheless, the time finally came when a life Inmranco agent was in duced to vllt that unpromising region to Issue policies aggregating some $!),000 on old Joseph Raber. lie did not send for the agent, and wou'd not have had tho money to pay the premiums If be had, but some neighbors who had a little more cash fettled the bills. There was no evidence that Raber was In their debtor that they had any lion est motive Tor Insuring bis life, but the old mae was probably too Ignorant to suspect that there was anything wroni, Time weut on till the second payment nf premiums was nearly due, when, on the 7th of last I)e cemher, Ruber was found drowned In a creek The circumstances wero so suspicious that investigation was made, which resulted in the arrest of six men on the charge of hav lug conspired to kill tho old man for tho sake of his Insurance money. The trial occifpied n full week, and the verdict can be no surprise to any one who has attentively followed It. Two men were charged witli having done the actual killing, which the other four had abetted an old man named Drews nnd n young man nsnied Stickler. The daughter of tho old man and her husband were the weightiest witnesses. They tettified that they bad beard tho mur der planned, that they saw Drews and Stlch ler start out with the old man from Drews' house on the fatal mission, and that from the garret window they saw the murdenrs push their victim from the plank acroa the creek Into the water. The daughter and her husband testified, also, how Drews nnd Stichler returned with their clothes wet and told what a hard time they had In keeping the old man under tho shallow water till he had ceaed to breathe. There was plenty ol other testimony to the fx'tence of the con spiracy, thp arrangement by which the two men who did the drowning were to be paid for their work, and the agreement among the six conspirators that any one who should betray the plot should mfi'er death at the ands of the rest. The defense, was weak almost to the point of worthlessne-, and n clearer rase of conspiracy for murder was seldom nude out in court. At the same time, such nro the vagaries of juries, that no body would have been much surprised il there ha I been a disagreement or, at least, a failure to convict all the defendants, but it required only five hours to unite the twelve n a verdict of guilty of murder iu the first degree as to all six. A raotiou for a new trial and in nrrekt of udguient was made and twenty days were given in which to file reasons. Tun Riot Bill in a New Form. The Pittsburg four million steal bill having n- ceived a fatal backset, last week, Mr, Nl- h .1 son, of Jefferson county, has introduced in the House a compromise measure ns a sub stitute. Its leading features are that Galusha A. Grow, Daniel Agucw and Auditor Gen eral Schell (Republican, Greenbacker and Democrat), shall constitute a commission to nqulre into the claims, nnd after ascertain ng the full amount of the same, shall cairy the largest ore before the supreme court iu a test case. That no money shall be paid from that treasury under tho act until favorable decision shall be given by the upreme court. Two million five hundrtd and twenty thousand dollars is the su.n named to be appropriated, of which two millions are to go to the Pennsylvania rail road, $500,000 to losers nf goods in transi', and f 20,000 for the expenses of the com mission. The Allegheny propl-, in thiir desperation, It is said, will accept this bill and abandon their own, Er, A L00S1.MI JOKi:. prominent physician of Pittsburgh said jokingly to a lady patient who was com plaining of her continued ill-health and of his inability to cure her, "try Hop Ilittertl" The lady took it In earnest and used the Hitters, Irom which she obtained perman ent health. She now laughs at tho doctor for his joke, but be is not so well ploased with it, as it cost him a good paticut. Mr. Gibson, proprietor of the Gibson House, Cincinnati, wooed Miss Uunce, but his parents objected to the match, and be, although 45 years old, conformed to tboi wianes. .iu?) uunce Held mm to Ids en gagement, however, until he had bought her release for $o0,000 in notes of $10,000 each. Afterward he renewed his courtship. and she gave him back the notes, where upon he cut her acquaintance. This is the strry as told by Miss Ilunce in her suit fur damages. ADVEKTISIXG CHEATS. It has become so common to write the be ginning of nn elegant, interesting article and then run it into some advertisement that we avoid all such cheats and Bimply call atten tion to the merits of Hop Hitters in as plain terms as possible, to induce peoplo to give them one trial, as no one who knows their value will ever use anything else. THE GREAT ENGLISH ItEMEDV f GRAY'S SPZ0JFI0 MEDI0LNE fRADE mark Is especially rocom-TRADE mark, uiruucu us mi uu lalJlnkf euro for sem inal weakness.hper inatorrbra, Iin po tency, and all disea ses, tsuclitts Lobs of memory, Universal JiUiBl tilde, ram In tl.n llonl' lllrniMliiu' Before Tatbff of viMtm. iTema-. t i manv other flseaaeH that lead to nRanltv.Consumn. tion and r Premature (irate, ul! of uhlcnasarulo am first cuiimh) by deviating' from the tufhor nature and over Indulgence. lhe htvclflc Medicine In the result of a lire fctudy and many yews of experience In treating them) apfclal dlwawH. Full particulars In our rwmipblets.wnlch we desire ia Hf uu irew vy man iu ertry iuw. The riK-cino Medicine In bold by all PrutrcHts at II per pacltie, orfeU parkare& for - or will bo bent uy mail ou receipt vi iue money ny aaa renting THE OHAYMEDJCINKCa, No. 10, Mechanic's lilock, IH-trolt, lllcn, sold in lUooimtiurg 1-yC. A. KlelD'.end ly all HarrU Kwtne, Wholealo Atrenta, rttutmrg, Bepu , na-tf TUONOTAUY'S NOTICE. Notice 1 hcrehy tflven that O II. Jiiftsnn.Onmmir, fee of hi phen 1 Iioinas.u lunal Ic.Iioh tiled hU secund and final account intheonice ot the rrothonotu ry of Columbia county, which will Ik) rrebcntedto tho court of Common rieaa of Bald county on the cth day of May neit and win tie confirmed after four uajB unlets exceptions do uieawiuun that time, WM.KHICK1MUM, I'rothonotary's Office. J'rothT. Wooinsouiv. April t, 9-to 20ftMA1K IN A biNiiLK DAY. Jan. 80th ty an fljrem. rena i cent uuunp ror particular. If T. Ul'CK, JIUton, reMifiylvuiU. Jwicoapr.4- GIL S' LINIMENT IODIDE AMMONIA. Chits nil l'a In In .Hitiinml IH'Hil TESTIMONIALS! I'HOl.Arsrs l'txki Pnlllnii of thu nb.l A Won- dertul Cuu Mr.c jeurs my win sunerul Willi this terrible complaint, Mioxas aiieiiiieu ny uoctor ni ter doctor, wcutto tho different hospitals where to males nru treated i tried tluni nils More bandages nnd pessaries wllhonly Uhiporury rcllit. Her lite nan iniscmuio. ivh tippiiei 111, in la i.iiiiuitiib. Iter relit! was Immediate. Shu Is now well. Ii. .MclikKuoir, 40 West 13th street, Now Yolk, Iliad twelve rlrnkcs or l'lmmsK .My lcit.urm and linguo were useless i was obliged to nso uculli eler every day. limtor lilies' liniment lodMeot Ammonia linn cured n.e. 111 answer any Inquiries so that alt aflllced may know ol It. John Arm., No Hi liranford, Conn. Chestnut lllll, Plill.ulelplili, April Hi, Io. W. M, lilies, 1ii Dear Mr-Uwu )uur Iodide, ot Ammonia Liniment on I'lor.i Ten pie's hind pasiern Joint. Mio lnd been quite lame i the liTecl was wonderful; she wilks now quite will. Very ro sin cifuuyv ours, A.Wmcii. I'. S. I am now using It on Littleton's rltfht tore leir. A largo shoo boll on a va'uabto younrt horse was reuiuveu ny lines Liniinvui, louiuoui milium. NtlKl'IIEHll KNAPP, l 1,1 1'L I t.S!LII n,i., till IT lUlft. AsrnxiA The tortures nnd agonies 1 endured for six years, none but those who have sufTered with this terrible disease can know. My llfo was misera ble. In oesperall n I tried lilies' Liniment Io tide of Ammonia. It, gavu mo Instant relief. Used It in ternally us well us externally 11IOS. UKAMOIN, 127 west 27lh street. Xew York. 1 was In n rireaiiod condition. Joints swollen. pain Intense. Injections ot morphine Into iny veins failed to relieve me. lilies' lodldo ol Ammonia took awav uhi deposits from my Joints 1 wantevery ono woo suiteis 10 Know wuai win cute mem. 1'OKIIVlK UlTIIKOe, Viiilli Ilulft Park. Ijitinnnlllotn. Vt. Another Suireier cured. I'lseuarKed trom too Mas-Mtchusells Ueneral Hospital as Incurable, with Ititl.uinialory rheumatism to m,' Miouhlurs, nntfers pad feet j sulTered feurtully fur linen jears, tried ierMtdiUi lost all hope. Dr. lilies' I.tnlmenL Iod ide ol A i union la elTvcted a complete cure. r.LLMs -am u. No. Ta I'rano street, Fall IUut, Mas. Snralns. splints, bruises. Ijuneness In horses, Giles' Llnlnn-fit lodldo or Ammonia Is u -rrect spe cttlc. Motiersun uhoownsa horse bhould by with out It. M. ItOIiKVS. fina seventh avemio New York. In my family, nnd for Ihos'ook, I ha.o used Illlu't Liniment lodldo of Ammonia. It Is unsurpassed, and I am surprised at tho many dUTerent maladies In which It Is applicable. It tnies the utmoat satis faction, .Tons J. Oartfk, Superintendent Eastern Pennsylvania Etperlmen tal farm. hi c. and il : and In Quarts at I2.M, in which there ts a kTent saving. Trial alio 25 cents. Sold bv am. DarmusM, N. .1. llENHmtMUITT, Agl. fur lltoomsburn. may 4l'ls. ANTI-FAT ALLAN'S ANTI-FAT Is the (treat remedy for Corpu lency. It I purely etriUWe and perfl'ctlr harmless. It acta no the food In the stomach, preTcntlcftltscon TrMon Into fat. Taken accord Iok will rdur b fat pcrwtn from 8 to ft pound a treek. In placlnp thla remedy before the public as a poU tlre cure fur obesity, we do so knowing Its ability to cure, an attt-sted bv hundreds of testimonial of Mhlcii the following from a lady In Columbus Ohio, Is a samnlei "Gentlemen: Your Anti-Fat was duly rectlrel. I took It according to directions and It reduced me fire pounds. 1 was io elated over the re sult Dint 1 ttiimfdlatflv Kent to ACKEHUAN'S drug store for tbe second bottle." Another, a physician, writing for a patient from Trovldcnce. XL I., ears. "Four bottles have reduced 1 pounds to 192 pounds, and there is a general Improve ment tn health.' A gentleman writing from Jtos ton. sayst llhrut special change or attention to tlUt, two bottles of Allan's Antl-Fal reduced me four and one-quarter pounds." Hie well-known Whole sale lirugglsts, bsimi, Doolittle a bit mi, of Bos ton, Mam., rite as follows! H Allan's Anti-Fat has reduced a lady In our city sevin pounds In threti weeks.1 A gcntlunan tn 81. Louts writes "Allan's Anti-Fat reduced me twelve pounds In three weeks, nnd altogether I have Inst twentj-nve pounds since commencing Its usti1 Messrs. 1'owell A l'LllirTON, AVholcsale l)niptriflts. of Buffalo, N. Y., write! "To tuk rnoeiUKTOKS or Allan's A NT I Fat i Gentle men 1 be following rt port Is from the lady who used Allan's Anti-Fat. r It (the Anti-Fat) had the desired effect, reducing tho fal from two to five pounds a week until 1 had lost twenty-five pounds. I hope never to regain what I have lost." Anti-Fat Is an unexcelled blood -purl tier. It promotes dlgestlou, curing dyspepsia, and Is also a no tint remedy for rheumatism. Hold by druggists, pamphlet on Obes ity sent on receipt of stamp. , BOTANIC MJGDICLNIC CO., TBOr'tis, Buffalo, N.Y. WOMAN By an Immense practice at tho World's Dispen sary and Invalids' llottl, having treated many thou sand cases of those diseases peculiar to woman, I have been enabled to perfect a moat potent aud posi tive remedy for these diseases. To deehraate this natural specific, I have named It Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription The term, however. Is hut a feeble expression o my high appreciation cf Us value, based upon per sonal obsen atlon. 1 hu e. while w itneseing Its posl the results In the special diseases Incident to the organism of womnn. tingled It out as the climax or crowidiur sent of my medical career. On Its merits, as a poblthe, eule.uud elk-ctual rtmetly for this class of dUeattes, and one that w 111, at all times and under all circumstances, act kindly, I am willing to stake my reputation as a h) klcUu t and so contldent am 1 that It will not disappoint the most eangulne ex pectations ol a single In alld lady who uses It for any of the aliments for whlrh I rtrommend It. t nnt I otiir and sell It under A 1'OMTIVE Ul'AKAVTEE, (For conditions, see pamphlet w nipping bottle.! 'I ho fHlowInz are among those diseases In which iny Favorite Hrewrlptlon has worked cures, as If by magic, and with a certainty never before attained by any medicine! Leucorrhcea, Kxctushe Flowing, l'alnful Monthly Periods, buppresslons when from unnatural causes, Irrtgularttle-s, Weak Hack, l'ro lansus, or Falling tit the Uterus, Anteverston and Introversion, Ileurlng-lown hensatlona, Internal Heat, Nervous Dcpre-slon, UebHlty, Deepondcncy, 'Ihreatened Ml (carriage. Chronic Congestion, In flammation and Ulceration ot the Ut rus Impotency. Barrenness, or Sterility, and Female Weakness. I do not extol this medicine as a "cure-all," but It admirably fulfills slnkc f purpoae, being a most perfect specific in all chroulc illseases of the (sexual system of woman. It wilt not disappoint, nor will It do harm. In any state or condition. Those who desire further information on these sub jects can ohtaln It In The I'eoi'LE's cosmos Bknsb .MEDICAL AUVISEH, a book nf over 0 pages, sent, post-paid, on receipt of $l.k It treats minutely of (host! diseases ieulUr to Females, and ghes much valuable advlcu lu regard to tho management of jhosu afftcllnns. , Favorite lrrtriptt sold hy DruuUta. f It. V. FIEIU'E, .M. 1.. l'ror'r, WorU's DUpmtvf ka laTaltds' UoWU liuffsio,7i. Y. a Lb'. 3, id H. C. SLOAN & BRO. IILOOJISHUIIG, VA, Manufacturers of Carnagos, Buggios, Phaetons, Sleighs, I'LATFOItM WAGONS, io. Plret-clRjjs worUIUwaya cn;iianil. HKPAIRINQ NEATLY IIONB. Vrlrea reaopod to suit the tlmep. Jan. 5, lsii-u. A FREE GIFT I Of a copy cf my MEDICAL COMMON HKNSB hook to any rtTMin burferlne wlthrovhVMnioM, ahtuua, L'.TAKiiii, !!iuNcmii!i,U)sa of Volee.or Mkk 1 hkoat. h.ln(l name and jiofet oillcu adirfss witutoiirfnl THtsiaifuhtainns and fctute your flcLnct. Tho book Urlrirantly IllUbtiaUsl. (144 w. li mo. 1ST. 1 lie information it contains, ! the providence ot flod, lias saved many lives. 'I no author has bet u treatliik' dlhcascu of tho Nose, Throat and t.uuirs. a-s a hiieclal nnutico In Cincinnati Muco H5T. AdJrcss N, 11. WOLrK, t INCISNiTI, Olllu. April 4. 19 im Jwtco lVKItV DlltKn'OV.. TKACHKK AU hhould aubiicrlho fo' TIIK finUOATOHi A Uvo Kducatlonat .Monlhly, published at OKANUBVJM.B, I'A,, for co cents KT)ear, bcndblxccnU for specimen copy. C. K.t'ANFIKU), April IS, 1STU tf iUltcr, rnrrrci T t Till mar Imi found nn flip at flea. J Ilia 1 A I J'jItl luiuell Aiw.uiier AJurtUlnir Itumiu ;u bi.ruiv Hlns-n . wlrj..ii.ler' Ljunuinir i ulDtfuaitracll feb. 14, 1I-U Ulatfu"iitrui-u way Ui niiulu fur It 1 Milt ltlliu OOURT PROCLAMATION. WHKHKAS, tho Hon. William Ki.wkll President Judgo of tho Court otoycr and Terminer and flcncral Jail Delivery, Court of tjuar ter Sessions of tho Peaco and tho Court of Common I'leaaand Orphans' Court In the Slitli Judicial Dis trict, composed ot tlio counties of Columbia and Montour, and tho Hons. I. K. Krlckbaum and 1". I. Rhtiman.Assoc'nto Judges of Columbia county, liavo Issued their precept, bearing date the 1 5th day ot I'eb. In Hie year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine, nnd to mo directed for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and (lencral Quarter Sessions of tho Pence, Court of Common Pleas nnd orphans' Court, In Hlooinsburg, In tho county of Columbia, on tho nrst Monday, being the 6lh day of May hunt, to continue two weeks. Notleo Is hereby to tlio Coroner, to tho Jus. tlccs of tho Peace, nnd tlio Constables of tho said county of Columbia, that they bo then anil them In their proper person ut HI o'clock In tho forenoon of said Slh day ot May wltti their records. Inqui sitions and other retuembi ances, to do tlioso things which to their oniets appertain to bo done. And those that nro lsjiind by recognlzanco to prosecute ngalnst ttio prisoners that are or may bo In tho Jail ot the said county ot Columbia, to bo Ihcn nnd there to prosecute them as shall bo Ju t. Jurors nro re quested to lie punctual In their attendance, agreeably to their notices. Dated at llloomsburg.tho lfithday fail of l'eb. In the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and scventj -nine unu in ine one nunoreo iimiiiuru jcur 01 the Independence of the t'ldtod states of America. SherlU's onicc, JOHN. W. HOFFMAN, Hlooinsburg, April 4-tfl Sheriff. Jurors for-May Turin, 1879. (IKAN'lTlTniOIld. lrooml W Ejcr, .t .t W bfIIit l)i'.cT-.laC(ib iiinterllkr, W L llrcilbcnilor, Henry li llliiacMtcr Hi-ntou-M! is V ltirn-s, A T lkelcr, I))tT .Most ItrlaivrwK dim Ivt o.itortipll i nuivisui L'uttT l( luiuy, C'lKirlcs llartman, Jacob K lllllli. (Vtitro Attn Mtlcr, John M ltcmlpy Flsliliicni-R Aiulrew rarks, ticuro llntier (Jri'uuwiKnl -John l-i'vriroti iitiinocK-Mmon it icn !i Maillsim .lohti M Johuon l'lnu -Joliii F Km k-r, Jdlm Uninor ek'oit-loliii ll:iru!ii', John !avaso thavkiwi: Junous. llloom-flnn Km?. T. S Wlnt.rstrpn. It C Knt. .Tohn HcrwMc Wtn II Jlartmaii, .l.iinc; Wither, win I Mijiior, win .Moitou, l.jmnu rowicr, Nioiuei ShnuHun. Iintii t-'ornMlmshnltz sol II D.irH nriiir-'roeK n-uiiiipi miht simut-i Mam, t;eorgo lii'-v 'f. .Tames SiiMiieiibeiu. Oatiiw is i tL'ure Mrlcker l-lshlnffcrffk hllis Ash Franklin Itnic Tltsworth. t Il L KotenbaudiT uret'iiwtHKl-l'.enJiinla lit'dilno, J(v;ksoa KobUlns, " in luir.irt, iimm alu'.'uhoii Ilcnil'x-k J.tini v Atoure, ltlcliard Henry, (leorno WdlieniKlit Jackson Frank Dorr, Henry Httrleman, jr MadtMon Fr-mk Main Win MeiiMnirer, Jf, J H Nusa Montour Win I' Mo itcr Mt riLMSiut iuvm ftronn, itohert lion ell t)rany W t .Meislo. M u KelUr lt'iinijciec li.nlil Iawix hcolt -Henrr tiitiUift w it llonnVo'if Hhollcnbercr rt ijjurluur-ll v I'L'tcnn in, .John imtz SECOND KLK. Uloom-T II Mr.lcA EI'hlMps,.T Crawford. .Ton .itlun Ikiohuuu, Italtli L.icock, U W lEoliblns, J .1 ll.ueub'ieh i:ea f r - .1 wvh linker Iolin Longcnbergcr llenl ni-lt.r 1 vh tatiwla C V ManltT.ti W' auk, Itod Mlllor.Na- tlian lletvsltr, Joseph Walter, i euben Milter Flshltiireretk atliau Smith, Joliti sulton, JoslaU Ut'isS. Fraukiln Mo m Hower (irc'iiwotKl-ILnton Quick, Ira Ilobblns Ili'mlock Win 1 I eldj. Jumes A Han Is -lackam-J C Christian Madison (leoro Wagoner, Amos Johnson, Isaac Mcltrhlu Main Klla-t Mnunan M 1 n 1 1 n J acob t i rove r Montour It II Iioody Mt PlfOdatit reolieiitYawforJ orango Kmanuol Snyder rioarliiicreek Wm eutjer huffai lout John U llilnk, Samuel Itoberls T 1ST JU M.I 1ST OK (JAUSKS FOU THIAL AT 31AYTEIiM,lS79. Frederick Hotter s l II Sc W 11 It Co. John (inrdon vi I H It It Co le llah (J Mills ts Will am Mills II A W eldensaul s A W Creamer Wagiier Marr k Co sO It names tt ux. I t McKe'vj's use s Wrn hUafferet al. Win Mruthers t ux s Marpaiel Qulun F L shaman n Sarah Kltler. Conrad ltredbecder'a Ubes Jac b Itlttcnbendcretal Moi rli Mltcnel s. (Joiner Thomas James A Whltlnir uuard vi Win. Mllnes executors. C& ugn Chief Mftf Co vh'I homas W llaBenbuch et al A W i reamer s I'ottstUleM Fins Co Wm Neal et al v IVnirn Canal Co V s Fnimlrs Vl'l Co s a l He ler (1 F Iirlsbiuh M tlioM-r'a alrar'3 .1 W Sankt v M (irovi r s ailmrN Jonaihun FirinerN use o i L Kostenbauder, Aiex iraun vs i-nin u .jaeouy. Hannah McImvs John HuOinm 'l nomas creveilnj: Jr s Mary Cievtllnjr II F HaKoACo s MTner x Jones. Frank b'enlz as-krnee vs Cciitralla M V S Associa tion Alur t a Hill s I! t'l ft i V .toeuum siil II Fowltr'R .ubnr ridll.n a Mssl vs Medhen II Wuif "t.Juhh's i h-iMi, Cntiwlssan H K Hnllman. H Inrin burj,' Iron cos HiMih n SijUrt'if mlinr's M W'Ksoh tviJiM M V Ins Co Midi it'l Fr.ti I, vh I'eniiH Ins u Mlrlnel Fr.intz s Cuiniiionwe.ilth M F Ins Co John Kest rs lohn K.i u. Daniel mdrr sr's adm'r s H.inltl Snyder Iranil John lioaion'a lumlnUtrat r vs w m. L Parks K ljali Ia-hio b n.'.o s 1 U Apnlemau et al I ocust -ehool Disirlft vs Uinld Jielwl Juno K Hrown v A J llrown'sex'r A M Kupert sAJ Hrowb' er Mary snder h Cclnmbla County Hank mraiiA Howtrvs It 11 itelnbold F 1 Ki.nrr i h K II ilroh tl u William Hogait s Martha AlbTtwn M I'liyhrS 8 vt'l!lllHton VfajftT et al A K Mourry R HaUl If.llovver et al M ti HueU's s Hllti2toii Veacrer J V" SanKei r nsu s 'l ho Mutual Ituildlng and Sav- ink' niim rtn.-M'iiauuu ii mutiuiuui Alex Ij smith vs John W llnrrman S w Trlminei M Ijizfrnn County et nl J II ietlerslL4. W It It Co O1 ni'iiAKs' counr sai.i: OV VAI.l'AUI.K REAL ESTATE. In pursuance of nn order of tho orphans' Court of Columbia county, tlio undersigned, administrator of Maria Illsgs, Ute ot tho town ot Uloomsburir, Co lumbia county, l'a., will orose to public salu In uloomsburf, l'a., on SATURDAY, MAY 10th, 1879, at tn o'clock a. m., a T.OT OP GROUND, situate In the Ton n of Hlooinsburg, In said county, fronting on Second street of said town, on the north sldeot said street, bounded and described as fol- lows: lifglnnlng at tho lluo of lot of L. T. Murplcts, uenco by lli.i lluo ol tecund street eastwardly tlfty- two feet, mower less, Io line of 'otof N. J. llendtr shot, thence by Hue ot lut of N, J, Hcndershot northwardly tno bundled nnd fourteen feet tlx Inches to ltldge alley, thence along the tine of Kldge alley westwurdly Ilfty-two feet, mire or less, to ltno of lot ot L. T. buarplcss, thence along the line ot lot of U T, Murplcsa southwardly two hundred ana fourteen feet six Inches to the line ot Second street, tno place of beginning, whereon Is erected a DOUHLETWO-SrollV KHAMU DWCLMXO HOl'SK Tkbmsof Kale t Ten per cent, ot one-tourtn of the purchase money to bo paid at tho striking don n of too property, the one-fourth less tho ten per cent. at confirmation absolute, and the remaining three- fourths In ono year thereafter, with Interest from continuation utsl. IIAUUV V. SLOAN, Administrator. llloomsburg, April 23, 1S9. T El'OUT OP AUDITORS OF 1IKAVKK Ji TO OW.NSHIt FOU 1SH. MosKS tciILIciIUIt, ovirseerof roor for year. To amount rccclu'd from all sources ror year . . m n Ily amount of expenses for jear, ITS To llalauce duo township H 16 .IOIIS PATTERSON,) A,lrtitrs JAMES T. FOX, ' Auditors. A prll IS. lSK. 1 Kl'OHT OF AUDITOHS OF IlKAVEll It i TOWNSHIP FOU l7i. ISAAC KI.INOAMAN, In account with Beacr town stilp as Uoad hupertsor. To amount ot receipts from all sources for yt'ur W0 iu lly cah imld expenses tor jear, (Material, labor, n'h ion 01 llalauce due I. Kllngaman,, n si UKl'liEN IIONSE, tn account with Beaer township for 1S78. To amount of receipts from all bourccs for ) cur Ily cih paid eiuses for 1 ear (material. 019 10 labor, Ac.) 630 IB Ua'anco duo It. K'onte jj yu JOHN I'ATrEUSON,) JAR.T, rox, I Auditors. BLAT'.'IILKY'S PUMPS ! Tho Old Roliablo STANDARD PUMP For Wells 10to7i feotDeep New Price List Jan. 1, 1819. ADDRESS v. a, iu.atciii.i:v, 411 April 11, 1879 cm MAUKET ST.,1'IIILAD'A, PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed at this Office ON 8IIOKTEST NOTICE A ! AT TUK M09T UEABONAULE TERMS. ... MWm ii fcai ' mm wrsmv .. ATllK.JVHPJ'iv IiU S.V. IU IHU Kill I 'i tMi. IKIII IKK K r JTV , Ml BLOOM SB URG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rsv. D. TiimwiitHii. Matorciiont conitltulcd, ot'en the very bostfaclllllri for rrofossloiial and clnsslcallearDlnij. v,niimi tnnniv of miri'.sdl Iliill 3l"pacCs"K completely heate.l by steam, elUentllatea, ll?htcU by gas, ar,3 furnlsh-.l wltu i bountiful f unr of lm 'ffitloffiilthfiil. ana easy of acce. Toachers OMwrloneeu, elllelent, an! alho to their work. Discipline, tlrm b'lt MnJ, 'inltoria and thorough. Uxpens-ef moaen'le? fifty ai iTwcefcrtcilucllon to allcKpectlntf to teach, students adraltteJ alany time. Itooms reaeriru.1 when dealicd. Courses of stuly prescribed by tho state t 1. Moiltl School. 11. Preparatory. III. Kleinentnry. IV, Cla-slcal. Adjunct Courses : I Academic. 11. Commercial. III. Course I,. Music. IV, Cour,e In Art. V. Course In -; Tho i:iementary Sclentine and Clavlcal Course, are I'ltni'KSStUXA!,, and students uraduatnc; therein, rccdro dtiito 'I'P'0'","'?,? 'inmiates corresnondnffKrees: Master of i ho Elements ; Master of tho sciences i Master ot the Classics, uradu.ites In the otli-r courts reeeHu .Normal luiiULaits their attainments,, slirned liv thn nnieers of tho llpanl The course ot study Drescrlbi Tiit! stato reuulresa Matter on Cent and eniclent Teachers for he nnd tht'lr f ivlritifM. HQ St.tldentS. T calaloitiie, nddres.tne frineipai. HON. U II.I.IA.H 1're.liti-nl llnnrd Mept. s, '7a. ., WHAT TO WEAR AND CALL AND SEE THE NEW GOODS AND LATEST STYLES AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Consistinc of an clccant line of Cloths Diagonal and Casscmeres of Eughsli, Ii reneli, uennan ami Jjomestie nuinuiaciure, FOR DRESS SUITS, FOR BUSINESS SUITS, &c. ... - 1 s-i Is now rciilotc with all the LATEST NOVELTIES i.t VERY LOW-PRICES. Neck-wear, Collars, Gloves, Scarfs, Half Hose, Hats, Caps, &c. PEARL SHIRT ALWAYS ON HAND. HEADQUARTERS FOR Wtwnlrsz .'o 7j,aQi April 18, oltainnlor neto inrrnttoni.orfjr improvemrnti on old ones, for medical or other compounds, trade mark ami talrft, Carents, Atntanmentt, Inter' ferencts. Appeals, Futtsfor Infringements, ami ail cata arising vndtr the J'oteHt l.u ten, prompt ly attended M - Invfutlnut that have bcrn ly the Patent Of' fee may still, in must eases, be patented by vs. Ltuiy vnpuaite the l K. i'atent Department, and engaged (n patent business ex ctusittly, ue can make closer searches, and secure Pattntsmore promptly, and with broader claims, iintiwFiw tp nr. nr rmine rrnm ivasninqion fiiit t a mod' el or akttch of 1 vour ttevtee; hartic All correspondence ttrirtly con Prices low, nnd JVO CIIAItUU l.V. Mix'vr js Hi:ciTiti:ti. We refer in. Washtnnton. In linn General V. M. Key, llev. P, I, Pmrtr, The (,'irman American Xatlonnl Hank, to oflcials in the V, ,S. Patent Ojjlce, and to tknutors and Representatives tfi "are'si and esptrialty to our clients in every Matt in the t'utrm and in I'avpda. Addrtss Vt'l'Vlttfi J'ltttiit t'ne, i,uttitlljtun, i, (A Ftli.l, Wy BUSINESS OAJIDH. VIHITINIIOAHna, LKTl'KH HKrn, BILL IIBADS Neatly end Cheaply rintcsl at the Colum UIAN Office. If ,yj ENDORSED BY OVER THIRTY SEWING 'jjpjiHPP' VA MACHINE EXHIBITORS AT THE CvV" O fl EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE, Clki f 1 Paris, 1878 I iAND INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, BLINSr . I PHILADELPHIA, 1876, AWBfQ 37 TT f Ai being ' Very STRONG, SMOOTH, and AAlffiF kT5 . fi . i. V EXCELLENT THREAD." MXvjy tPUWO MS. r ENCOURAGE . ..ViyjMAHUFACTURIlD at I iiOME INDUSTRYrfSvir MOUNT HOLLY.N.J. BY y SING- fWSTUARnDRO(uMiTCD) IGESlTS.h'Yl ClA i ilP "3?5M5PIPARIS. PHILADELPHIA. 1 . Aprina, lyAy 79 4W, d J. WALL R, Jr A. M., Principal. of T'l nf Trnur. HOW TO WEAR IT- 1-f-v . i THE C3-"P3SrTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT Is now full of the latest' styles of THE 7c Fa7jpflc n NICHOLS, SIIEPAP.D SCO., llutlliiCriiok, Mlt'li. ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE "VIBRATOR" THRESHING MACHINERY. THE MuffMo (irntn.WmT. Tlnie-lsTlny, ftnd llimi'j.sim Ing Tbr U- rt of tliU tlij uJ gintrt Hod Uo)pnJllrliilryf rltf i Wort, Frict C1lIe(, STKIM I'otur TttrioluT a itccldll). spcclil tliei cf StpariUir iuu k mjir ! Ut telcau otr, OUll t'nriTaleJ Ktoam Tlirrt.her Fnulnri, Imtti TortibW anl Trvtl"u, Ub ValutV. Iniro nienu, fnr tjiuJ Djr vihtr wk r IU4. THE 1 UllV. TlirpKhlaK :wnst f&rnl nTten tLrt w t iluit tint tmouut) tin b nitj k Ui KiU drain At U Ij U m InnirvtcJ Uactluci. GIU1X lUUtm "III imt huhmlttolli enor muui attiK3or drain au4 l h ufrlor work don fcj all etbir machluii, Len nuce ou tUa dilTrrtrubt, NOT Onlr aj Superior for V hrat, (tlt llirlry H)t, aui lika, Lui tba IImlv tiuccrit. ful Thrvthrr iu Hu, Tlirthj Ullltt, Clovvr. and Ilka Isctdi. Itiiulri 110 'attac boi(.LU ot TsLuildlnj" W ebafift from Grain to Bevdi. IN Tliorouuli Uorkmont-lilii, IJiirant KlnUh, I't rfectlitn nf Tarl , C tulMcu of rquli mt-rtl, ilo , tur- ViaiuTVl' ILrcliirOaUluaraliieotinwatle. MAUYM.Ol'S Tor SlnipMrlt) or PirU, ualnv t-t than iua-half tba niual Uetu and ura. Uakta I loan uik, with i LHtAirluga or UtalKriuf. poi'U Sln of rvparalor Made, Kantrltiff . 11 U w la,aa4 taattiUi ut liwuui. r4 IturM atr w uub, WOK l'artleularB, Call on oar Hrtltn or t iank-r lUumaUd OlnnUr, UkL t uail tt Jan. 10,-cm r JOB HUNTING Keatl and cheaply executed at the Colum bum Office, m i P., nri?- .-.A-irii-3r--7, f a in iti E5.M,B,'ra mi mi n. ia f u." V. V. UIM.MYKH, Secretary. C- E. SAVAG3, PKAI.KII IN Silverware. Watehcs.Jcwelry.Clecks.iiie, :tr i:omoltnthc I'ostOfllco bulldlns, IlrsT door atoo Iho Kxli.iniro Hotel. All kinds rt Watches, floels and Jewelry neat ly n paired mm warranted. may 11, is-ii SAVK23 "PUKCKXT. ox FURNITURE. "BUY OF THE MAKCIt.' Kktjnnt XoviUks and Vtfiijns unparalleled for cfit apnew. An rramhutlion of onr klock is tlconghj urtjed. It w unaueKt tonally lite lanjcd in the City, and for yood vork the lowed price. Tot Example : Hnndsome ('ottiiffo Heilroom suits, $ic anil upward. Klejrant well-made I'urlor Mill s, f & nnd upward, solid Wftlnut lledroom ulin.nnd upward. (;uoen Anno l'a torn Mdfimnrds fi and upward. iiueen.nnu Pattern Dliiluj Clmlr, J2.50 and upward. Ani eery dehcrlptlon of Household Furniture lleddlntf, Mirrors, cornices, Praperles, &.c, at tlio lowest prices. Tin: "KMniEss patent WAitnnoun ued, manufactured solely liy us. U tlio cheapest and best article of the kind jet Imcnted. GEO. C. FLINT & CO., MANUFACTUHEKS. Stores : 104, 10G & 108 West HthStroet, Iletwecn cth and 7th Aves.. one door west ot ct li A o NEW YORK. atco April 4-2mos, The most extensive Manufacturers of Ililliard Tables in existence. TheJ.M. Brnnswick & Balke Co. CHICAGO, CINCINNATI, ST. LOUIS AM) 724 Broadway, Now-York. New tat and moit elegant Hjlcs f BILLIARD TABLES AT LOWEST I'RICKS. Hepant Parlor, Dining, Library and Bil liard Tables combined, size 3x6; slate LeiK, perfect cushions, complete with balls and cues, $50. Addrets whichtvrr houe is nearest your city. Tho J, H. Brunswick & BMke Ca Feb. T, T9-2(iw i A Purely Vegetable Remedy ovoi' (llKjf vrtML tv KIDNEY COMPLAINTS, PILES, GRAVEL, CONSTIPATION, LUMBAGO, RHEUMATISM, DIABETES. (fl WONDERFUL DISCOVERY) Apuri'lyvcgUUocomponnJ,notdoctorcdM!tU poisononlliuors,bt.lns dry-a grntlo cathartic and elective tonic sura to effectually euro sumo of tho most common anil painful diseases that bafJe racd ical skill. Ttiosolio have been cured when all ethenncans failed, Justly tay:"ltla tho greatest blessing of tho nge." "I bdlevo I should not now bo allvo but font." Thyslcians Inregularpractlco say: "It works like a charm and effectively," 'FOR SAM'. IIV A Mi DllUlKilSTS. tirif Iht KIDEV.WOHTniiotilhrwW.UM,lllTol,ulnw!. WILLS, luLliAMbW CO., I'KliWUin.UuflliiiUi, u Jlarch 7, H7a-ly AND P Hanging. a per WM. F. BODIN32, IKON ST., IEUW SIX'O.Nl), ilI.t)OMSHL'IIO, I'A. Is prepared to do nil MuJa of noUSE rAINTINO Main and Ornamental, PAPER HANGING, UOTII DECOItATIVE AMI 1'IJilK. .ill Minis ul'I'iiriiiliiro Iteptili cd. ami iiniiiv h gootl UN unr, NONE HUT KHtST CLASS W01IK.MENUirl.OYEU Estimates XKtado on all Worli, WM. V. ISODINE, OCU 1. 1671. this nee.R is o niK wim R DWELL & pk'tSMAN . Advertising V Agenls, THIRD A CHESTNUT STS., 6T. LOUIS, Mt. 2 ULU MilU llbLinubui SI)a SANFonu'fl Iiirau iNnoonATOnS Jinn Stmnlanl Family llomcdy for i t diseases of tho Liver, Stomach Vfi) i nnd llowcls. It la 1'urclygVI J- j J Vegetable-. It ucvcrXTj. (J JJ j 5 Debilitates uis i 5 4 tes1IFUS i i . r n r i id. ci ni wu rr i . m I www mm iBET.iv,S ill my lrnotico5 Rnuil by tho public. S for moro than 35 yenrs. i H W in i i... j,nn Willi nupri'ui'ueiiiL'u ri'uuiiB, K orun ent) nlDfllll ad 5S,T,W,SANF0RD,M,D. ait pri fiMiT witt Tri l ior m ntn Tnni. S A pi 11 IN vj--y. RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES AJOHT1IKHN CEKTIIAL KAILWAY X1 W1NTKR TIMK TABLE. On ami alter Minday. cmbnr io. I'Sfs.tho trnlnt on ttwl'hl adeipluai Krio ll.i lro id lilvl.-lou will run ns follows : WEVTWAIIII. Eric Mall ca ea 1 lilladi Iplil.i 11 r.r. p m " Ilarrls-lmrir 4 21 uiu " " WlllUin port siaain " " Jersey Miorf u 07 a in " Ijck Haven l)4nam Henovo lluinm " arrive nt Erie 7 lis p in Niagara Express leaves I'lilladelphln 7 20 u in " llarrlsburK lusunin " nrr. nt Wlllamsport t mi pin Iek llneu 8 25 p ni Tast Line leaves l'lilladelnlila 11 41 n in " IlairlsburB aavpm " arrive nt Wltllnmsport 7 i p in " " Lock Haven 8 40 pm KASTWAIIIU Pacillo Kspress leaves Tort: Haven r. 40 a m " " Jerev sl.oro 7 1 1 11 111 " " VMIUamsport 7 Win 111 " arrive at HarrKbuiir II Main " I'lill.ideipuU 3 so p m DayEipress leaves Ixiek Haven 11 211 11 111 " V llllainsiort 11411pm " arrive at llnrrKbiirir 4 to pin ' " Philadelphia 7 211 p m Erto Mall leaves Henovo 831pm " " Loekilavenl 9 41pm " " Wllllamsnort 11 in P in " nnlvesnt Harrl-slmrp; 2 41 a in " " Philadelphia 71011m Fast Lino leaves w llllamsport 12 35 n m arrives at llarrlstjurff luani " " 1'hlladelpnl.i 7 40 11 m Parlor cars will run between l'hllaielphla and Wlllnmsporl on Niagara lixpress west, Erie Espies? west. Philadelphia Express east, Day Exp ress east nnd hunday Express cast, sleeping cars on all night trains, WM.A. lULIlYVIN, ( htipt. OUTIIKKN' CKXTHAL it,ULv"AY COM I'A NY. on and after November 20th, 1S73, trains will Icavo Sunbury as follows : NOltTlIWAItD. Erie Mall 5.20 a. m., arrive Elralrn 11 .6 " Canandalgua. . . 3.35 p. m ltochestcr 6.15 " Niagara " Henovo accommodat Ion 11.10 a. ra. arrlv c W Ultainc- port 12.55 p.m. Eltntra Mall 4.15 a. m., arrive Elmlra 10.20 a, m. Buffalo Express 7,15 a, m. arrlvo Ilurralo 8.50 a. ro bOUTIIWAltl). lluffalo Express 2.50 a. in. arrive Harrtsburg 4,:s) a. " llaltlmoro 8.40 ' Elmlra Mall 11.15 a. m nrrlvo IIarrlsbure;1.50 " Washington 10.SO " ' llaltlmoro 0.30 " " Washington " Harrlsburg accommodation 8.40 p. m. arrlvo Hairls burg 10.50 p. m, arrlvo llaltlmore 2.25 a. m " Washington 0.13 " Erlo Mall 12.55 a. m, arrlvo Harrlsburg 3 05 a. m) " llaltlmoro 8.40 " " Washington 10.35" All dally excert Sunday, D, M. UOYD, Jr., (ieneral Passenger Agent A. J. CASSATT. General Mnnater pillLADEM'IlA AND HEADING HOAD AHUANOEMENT OF PASSENGEll TJtAIXS. NOT. 10, 1S7S. TBilNS LEAVE HCTEKT iS IOI.I OWS(srKPAT EXCEI'TIP For New York, Philadelphia, Heading, Pollsvlllo Tnmaqua, 4c, 11,45 a, in For Catawissa, 11,45 n. in. 7,21 and 7,35 p, m. For Wllllamsport, c,28 0,05 a. m. nnd 4,110 p. m. TKtlKSFOH KCrKRT LEAVE AS FOLLOWS, (HMUT EX TEITEP.) Leave New York, 8,45 a. iu. Leave Philadelphia, 9,45 n. m. Leave Heading, ii,55a. in., rottsvlllc, 12,39 p. m andTamnqua, 1,45 p. m. Leave CaUin lssa, 0,20 e,uo a. ra. and 4,00 p. m. Leave Wllllamsport, li,45a.m,2,15 p. in. and 4,50 p. m I'assengers to 11 nd from New York and Philadel phia go througa w ithout change of cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, (Ieneral Manager. C. O, HANCOCK, siuuoi,ii. (lencral Ticket Agent,, isio it. D E LA WARE, LACKAWANNA ANC WKSTEKN HA1LKOA1). BLOO.MSBUKO DIVISION. Ttme-Tablo No. 39, Takes effect at 4:30 A. M jiu.mjav, junk 10, is;s. NOHTII. bTATltlNS. south. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m 1 so 4 12 9 23 9 40 .tscrnnton Hellevuo Tuylorvlile.,.. ..Lackawanna..... . Pulsion .. west lULMoB... Wv oining.M.... Mnltby Hennett Kingston Kingston ..Plymouth June. .... Plymouth Avondalo , 9 85 2 10 0 is 2 10 6SI 2 22 b 21 2 30 0.1 2 88 6 40 9 17 9 (IS S 6 -i 3 61 8 61 3 40 8 40 3 4' 9 37 9 45 9 30 9 21 l 69 9 19 9 14 2 41 0 43 2 49 0 Ml 2 63 0 i fiT a fit 10 07 12 41 12 K 3 80 3 10 8 33 8 13 10 IS 116 7 to 10 33 3 13 3 10 3 15 7 IS 7 e 7 25 8 23 3 20 8 55 10 29 10 31 10 42 21 T .15 8 12 3 12 S 04 3 04 7 61 2 61 7 88 2 3'J 8 47 8 39 8 28 8 11 .Uunloek'a 1 reek" 3 20 7 43 3 35 8 14 . -hUickMiinny..... ....Hick's Ferry,... 111 60 8 23 11 07 4 OJ 6 45 7 fl 2 84 S VI ....ucutu iiaicu,. lierwlck .... Hrlar creek ...Willow drove. ,., I.tmn IMr1f.p II 13 4 10 8 K) 7 25 7 18 2 28 8 00 11 2 1 4 IS 9 1-5 4 i'5 7 15 4 29 7 23 4 33 7 80 11 89 4 42 7 44 11 45 4 49 S 11 m 1 A .ii 7 14 7 10 7 02 2 f4 5(1 1 67 0 50 1 61 0 45 1 40 0 27 1 27 0 15 0 00 1 00 7 44 T SS 7 33 7 29 7 11 ...........Espy........;; ...uiooiu-juurg...,. Catalssii Url'dge; 11 67 6 0') 3 6 12 18 6 18 8 21 .... .1IUUV1IIO chulasky...... U 18 VDI rli 0 r.i e is .Normumbcrland, 12 45 5 45 to p.m. p.m. a.m p.m. p, l.ra. a.m TJSAU, supu Hnperlntendent's oaice, Bcrantoa, Juno 10, 1 11s. yAINWHIGHT&CO., WHOLESALE OllOCEItS, 1'UILADILI'IIIA, Dealers In TEAS, SYHUl'S, COFFEE, SUQAIt, MOLASSES, HICK, BrlCES, BICABB 60DA, tC, AC N. E. CornerSecond and Arch streets, '"Orders will recclvo prompt attention tt THIS PAPER IS ICEPT ON FILE Ibyj;rti$iM BiTfflo PHILADELPHIA .... .i. .iiiiipii wim jwiimu i.i. Who receive Adu-rt!nmcnu this J'np-i-. t Vil" ' t" r' enir Ailn rlMi'if aOa. tar, AYUll ii hUH'H MA.MJA1- an VA 1 SIGH
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