The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 25, 1879, Image 3

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ti i, n o 31 n it u ii. r ii 1 1) a v, a i- it 1 1, St, i-.m
" llaiTlioait Time Tnldr-.
AC'iA WANNA HLOOMailt'lKl n.Ut. IlOAt)
Accommodation Train WD A.M.
Mall Train
Ktuross Train 1,M-
.Ammnilailon Train .H9 A.M.
UC'4lar nxprcsa ...
8.W1A. Mi
4.49 P. M
11.41 A. M
IfiO l'.M.
The Stkruno Hook CoYK.n. Wo havo
purchased tlio right to uso those covers in this
county, nml havo on hand nn assortment of
sizes, Tiicy mnko tlio neatest and most con
venient form for doing up noto heads, letter
bonds, bill Lends, notes, checks, Ac, nnd n
cover will he given awny with every order o
1000. Try It onto nnd you will not do with
out it. It is tho best thins of the hind ever
muiicu. uu nun cum no.
4.IH1 l'.M.
Tiirongh ears on Express train either to New York
or I'Wtadeipmr. accoiiiiuuuw" .......
c.dawlssa ani Wllllamsport.
pumitA An liimvunriui. Lcavo Cambra Morally,
c vv"diiesdav and Friday at 0:30 n. tn., atrlvoat
iiinoinsburif by ll!30n. in. l,oavo llloomsburg on
"!mo d.ijs nttir arrival ot Philadelphia mall.
ii,mnrK.I anii 1 AIRisvn.t.K,-I.cave l.nlrdsvlllo
l"y Thumdiv and Haturd.iv at 7:30 a. m.,
arriving at llloomsburg ny 'J m. Lcavo I'looms.
i, in: on a:nc da 9 ntler arrival of l'nrladelptda
miff Tlio stage lino terminates nt Mlllvllle.
umto'n and llloomsburg.-A dally stage lino leaving
11,'titon In tlio morning and returning In the ole
ums of tlio same day.
inttp HAM. Ann lltooMsncnn.-Loavo Wlilto Hall
Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at nana, in.,
irilvlnitat llloomsburg by 10 a. in. tavo lllooms.
burg ousniuoelajs ntler arrival ot l'lilladelplila
iikvton ano lltOMsiiuna. Loaves llenton Monday,
Wednesday and Friday ats a. in.. arriving at
llloomsburg at 2 p. in. leaves llloomsburg Tties.
a iVl'nnrsimy and Saturday at n. in., arriving
nt 'innton at i p. in.
Sufficient Ji'STirtcATiox. The almost
universal firnctico among dairvmcn.of colorini?
nil wintcr-mado hultcr intonded for market,
sufficiently justifies the farmer
best color lio can pet. Tim 1 rfnil1 Hulls
Color of Wells, ltichardson .fc Co., lturlingtoni
Vt., Is the purest nnd host J at the World's Dairy
l'nir It received Iho International Diploma.
Druggists keep it.
New York Millixkuy Stoiie. Jut opened
n Moyer Ilro. lllock. A full line of Milliner
nnd Enncy Goods, nil litest ami best styles, at
Ion est market prices. We know we can please
all, having had experience in New Yo'k, and
other cities. We Invite all lo come nnd see for
tlieniFclvcfl bofutc they pmcliae.
MI-sES Aj Grkss.
John A. Kunston, Administrator of Augu.
tns Ma"on will ofl'er real estate for sale at the
Court Hou'o In llloombtirg on Saturday April
2Gih, at 10 o'clock a. in. and ot Eyer's Grove
at'-o'elock p. in., of the Raid day.
The Administrator of Martha Thurston
decensed will expose vnlunhlo real estato fur
sale in llloomshurg on Saturday, April 2Gtb.
Hatry W. Sloui, Administrator of Maria
Higgs will oiler for sale valuah'e real estate in
l!loombuig, on Saturday , May 10, 1879. Pie
advertisement In another column.
Col. .lohn Snyder, of Ucrwiek, was in town
on Wednesday.
Mr. S. Edgar, of Espy is rending law with
Col. Knorr.
The accounts of the- Conyngham nnd Ccn
tra'ia l'oor District were audited lust week,
The Insertion Organization known ns tlio
hundred nnd one, (101) initiated four new
members in its ranks on Saturday evening.
We are pleased to learn that Mr. l'hilipl'.
Ever, is recovering nnd will probably bo utile
to get out again.
Reuben Hess, recently of Salem, Luzerne
county, lias purchased the Thomas Knorr farm
near Itupert, and taken up his abodo thereon,
It. A.Mcrcur, Esq., Ifegistcrin llankniptcy
will hold a meeting nt the Kxchango Hotel in
this place on Saturday. Ho was to havo been
here on theU2d but tlio time was postponed
K. K. Orvis, lias removed his law office to
Scranton. A. O Smith k Son have opened nn
ollice in tlio same city hut still keep their office
and practice in this county.
There has never been seen or tried, such
simple, faithful, tflienciom satisfactory and
lleasint remedy as Dr, Ham' Expectorant,
for coujis and colds. 23 and 50 cenU a hot-lie.
The If. W. Knrley l'lnning Mill nnd the
Wllllamsport Furniture Manufactory, of Wil
liamsport, were destroyed by fire on Monday
afternoon last. Loss S7H,0u0 insured for Jill
Rain, Thursday, April lClh.
Winter agiln on Friday.
Nol much Oats planted.
I'otatoes coming up, (in price),
Snow fell this week at tlio North Nounlnin
lo (lie. depth of Ifi inches. Thero Is good sleigh.
Ing for a distance of nhout 3 miles.
The County Commissioners have refused lo
nccept tho new sale heciuo it is not burglnr
Tramps still on the march as usual, they do proof, as ordered. It will ho returned nnd an
not ak for trori nt present, Ihey infrclr stop to other ono of tho right kind obtained
nk tor something to iat and then pass along.
Some of the old farmers bespeak a very poor TI1E "COLUM MAN APPLE,
i.nrvcsiami especially yau, they y mat the p0nie time ago we callest attention lo a cde
grounu n0l in cono.uon w sow sse,i, nnd ,,,,,, ,,8 BM htm n .-.,B
... .. ...c -u W mivuurra. .,..1. .,,,1.1 . I.H., frnn, I..V... M
Auditors retll'il the accounts of Supervisors Iluckalew in relation therilo, lly the hands of
ami l'oor Overseers on Momliy. Tins seems Mr. J). 11. Hosier. Mr. Iluckalew has sent lis
to be a lucky lownshlp In regards lo paupers, several crafis. and a communication which wo
there being none in Iht district at present . gladly Insert. It Is fair lo ay that Hon O. 11.
The road between Catawlsa and Danville liuckalew does not quite agtce wllli his brother
known as the AWous is reported to be in hsd as lo Hie history of the Apple. Wo don't like
condition. Come Fat man, you mint attend to the name of "Yankee l'ioneer," nnd with our
your unties, as that Is a bad road at bel. corrcspodnents permission would rill It the
The Hon. J. 11. Knlttleand GVner llliawn "Columbian," l.ecauso we have brought it Into
Cliriv Jackson's IIejt M eel Nny Tolmrro,
ii , oi vaiawissa pain mis out ot the way
place a short visit yeUonhy (S indiy). Casper
says apples ami cider are very healthy at this
season of Iho yeir.
The honest tillers of the soil In this section
seem tn lejoic- in knowing tint the 1'illsburi:
lllot Hill in dead or did not become a hw. Hut
Sciibner for May will contain an illii'tratid
paper on "The new Museum In Home," in
which the Italian people and government are
liking such nn enthusiastic Interest. Among the
rich treasures of this museum are the slatnes
Commodiis as Young Hercules," nnd of ' Uran
ia," llie terra-cotta havrellef of ''The Parting of
Tiieens and Ariadne," a bronze thensa or sa-
end car, n rhylon or drinking-horn of rare
beauty, sculptured sarcophagi, etc, nil of whlih
are reproduced in the illustrations. The sub
ject has not before been treated In the msgazin-
es, we believe.
On or about April IGih Alfred Irvine missed
a plow, and David Mouser a harrow from their
farms in Montour township, and Kli Wormian
of Caper township in Montour county, n plow.
Suspicion rested on James D Hall of Dinville,
and a search warrant was taken out and tins
goods found in his barn. They had been disfig
ured and taken apart ti escipa identity. Hill
has been bound over for appearance at next
Court. There is reason tn believe that he is
one of the gang which of hte has been raiding
through the Valley, and we have no doubt he
will soon give their names.
Miss Bertha Von llillern, whose latest feat,
that of walking 1G0 miles in 64 hours, and who
has proved that women, if trained, is capable
uf enduring fatigue without injury to herheiltli
during her feals of pedestrianism, bathes freely
with t7i7ta Liniment lotlidc lmmoni'a.
Sold by all druggists. Send for pamphlet
Dr. Aim.
120 West 11 road way, N, Y.
Trial size 25 cents
On Monday evening tho engine and tender
attached to the fi eight train on tho I., A. II. K.
1!. was thrown from tho track opposite the
l'laning Mill, tho switch being turned. Fortu
nately nobody was hurt.
Miss Mary Mnloy, formeily of llloomshurg,
was married to Mr. Kdunrd Smith, in Wilkes
li.irre, on tlio 22nd inst. by Itev. W. II. Swill.
Jliss Mnloy's many friends hero wish her n
long life of happiness nnd prosperity.
Wehnoon our table the April number of
the Fducator, ft neatly printed monthly edited
by tho Principal, teachers nnd students of the
Orangcvillo Academy. Tho subscription price
is only 60 cents n year. Supt. Snyder is among
the contributors.
What a truly beautiful world we live in! Na
ture gives us grandeur of mountains, glens nnd
oceans, and thousands of means of enjoyment
Wo can desire no better when in perfect health
hut how often do the majority of people feel
like giving it up disheartened, discouraged and
worried out with disease, when there is no
occasion for this feeling, as every sufferer
can easily obtain satisfactory proof that Green's
August .Flower will make them us free from
disease ns when born. Dyspepsia and Liver
Complaint is tho direct causeof seventy-five
per cent, of such ma'adies as liilhousness, In
digestion, Sick Headache, CWivcncss, Nervous
Prostration, Dizziness of tho Head, Palpitation
of the Heart, and other distressing symptoms,
Three doses of August Flower will prove its
wonderful effect. Sample botlles 10 cts. Try it,
aug. SO, '78-tf jl
We print below tho list of applicants for
license at May Court, as an item of informa.
tion lo our readers.
Heaertwp. Hotel
llenton twp JJ
Berwick llor. "
Tho Street Commissioner proposes to com
mence clearing tlio rubbish from tlio streets and
alleys on tho lOlh of May. After that time tho
xpenso of cleaning will bo ehnrged to individ
uals. Clean up your own rubbish and save
Administrator and Kxecutors who advertise
their notices in the Columhian, and pay for
them when ordered will be presented with
neatly hound Iteceipt book for the estate, willi
out any charge. tf.
The Faster Music at St. Paul's Kpiscopnl
Church was repeated on Sunday. It was a
rich musical tnut, the Tc Ihum nnd Jubilate'
being executed in excellent stjle, nnd tho
whole progrummo being will selected and care
fully prepared. Prof. HoH'iuan manipulates
the organ in a skilful! manner.
tlo and Try SoMKTiiixfi Nmv. Kemojcd
(nd re-opened, witli a crowded room on Tues
day evening for the first. Will have lee Cream
with natural Fruit Flavor all the summer, ill
door above the old stand,
J. F. Cali)Wi:i.i
I shuman.
Jacob s liiuterlltcr.
llram lieas,
usM-i luirned.
II lloyl.
o W Mauser.
John l-Hjeock,
in nigger,
'eter dross,
.ml.-l w leoumns,
, .lacouy,
ii KKili r.
I, Kustcnbauacr Co.
s, Mt'ler.
Jacob llliawn,
aney w itrumuacu,
m rtent-r.
lianlel F furry,
W K Weldeiisaul,
lobanna .'Conner,
John L Kline.
saae Edwurds.
Mary .Monroe.
huniuel Ibwledlnc,
II lie merlon.
lianlel Ketireb,
v,eiiingion l eager,
A K Mull li.
Wesley Hlldlno,
i. ixiuL-enueitrer.
lloyd II. Yetler,
riarou vv uess.
Keuben llouch.
It. I lUU-i,
John Eekrote,
Jacob Miller.
t'arvln Kile,
The fact that Mojcr Pros, sell their goods
at rates as low as they can ba purchased for in
the cities is so well known to country dealers
that most of them send in their orders to this
popular firm and thus tavo the expense of u
trip to the city. Recently ono extensive ueale
on his way to Philadelphia left his orders with
Moyer Pros, and returned homo because he
lound ho could do no better in the city.
Tlio members of thelteseuu Hook.V, Lndde
Company No, 2, of this place proposo hohlin;
u Festival on Friday and Saturday evenings of
May 30th. and 31st. Iho proceeds uictobe
applied to tho completion of furnishing thu
meeting room, The "b'hoys" should bo well
patronized by the citizens.
Correspondence from diflerent points in tl
County has becotno a fentiuo in our locu
columns, which makes the Columbian more
than ever the best local paper in tho county
Wo invito correspondence t'lom all sections
but do not wish to bo held responsible for any
criticisms or personal allusions made in com
inunications. Of course anything of an o:
lensivo character will not bo published.
A Carnival of Jov. Miserablo men and
women, prostrated with disorders of tho liv
nnd kidmys, can bae n carnival of joy by
usirg hidney-W ort, and so restoring lost en
ergy to their vital functions, For lame backi
costivcnens and poor digestion, it cures by
constitutional ellects, For tnlo by nil Drug-
prominence, and 1 lie word Iris a local significa
tion. Were it not for the well known modesty
of our friend we would call It the "linikalew"
Fishing cnek April 21st, 1870.
Hon. C, II. llnocKWAY :
Dear Captain. I
rumor has It that the Member from the nppo- send you Hosier a few culs fur in
ile side of the Itiver voted in favor of said grafting of the apple you ileslred from tlio old
If that be the case the Hon. T. J. imi-t not
conic and nk tho support of voters in this town-
1 he lata bond of school Directors do not
seem to like the Idea of p tying for the lot of
books furnished list fall. The citizens or the
most of Ihem nt least arc able lo purchae all
JJoofo that their children require, and if some of
those vorlltia did not fed able, the account
could have been raised by subscription fur them,
Muclicr soon Ac,
1'i.ow Hoy.
McllKSiiV IntviNr. At the I.ulheian
Paisonsge, lllodinsburg, Pa., by Itev. O. 1). S.
The fifleelh nnnusl convention of the Penii'a
Stale Sibbilh-scho'. I Association will be hill
I.. ll. U. .,! !,.,. I. .I.,!-,, I,m,I, Allnn.,n.
Tuesday, Widnesday il, Juno a., M",r,:k.'jr' ?,f Alr'1 Mrllenry ,f Iler.ton, I'a..
Ith and 5th. The cjercl'es will open Tuesday '"" ' i "ningcreiK
afternoon, nt 3 o'clock, with a grand union low,1!hl''
children's- meeting, addre-scd by Itev. Itlchatd Kdoaii OoLtiKn In FMilngcreek lown.
Newton, D. D.,of PhllKMphla, and will close sl,p, on the ISlh of April 1871, by M. A. Amer
on Thursday night, at 10 o'tbek, man, K-q., Mr, 11. F. Kdgir lo Miss Mattle
The programme will ho praclical, and the Ooldtr , all of l'ldilngrrtek, Columbia county,
loplcs will be epened by Ihc ablest Sundiy
fchool men In the State, after which they will h "m-PrAllLrti.-On the 22nd day of
be given the convention for general discussion, Al'ril J870 "' I,0,".c f "'e brld" f,!,,tr in
The music will bo under the direction of Calawls.a Pa., by the Uectorof St. John's Prol.
Prof J. II. Leslie, with II. L. D.lo, of Alloona, M'copul chuch, Mr. Charles Henry 1-rllz of
organist. Pueblo Calorado, to Jliss Ida May l'fahler, of
The usual reduction of rales will be had on C'atawlssa.
all ldiding railroads In the Slate, for Informa- Mlt.t.Kii Z(R. On April 13th, 187S), at the
tlon of which report your name to 11- F. Cos- parsonage, in Calawisa, by Ilcv. J, F. Dlener,
ter, Ksrp, of Altoona, chairman of committee on Mr. Henry Miller to Miss Klla Zirr, bolli of
Irnnsportation. Citawissa
This will be a mass convention, and all him
(1rnti.vman whoauilcred tor years from Nervous
lisiiii itv I'RKMATt'iiK Iifcav, and nil the erTecIa
ot youthlul Indlserellon, will ror tho snsoof sulTer
llnf liuraanllv. send rieo to all who need It. tho uel-
pe and aireciton for making the simple remedy by
which ho was cured, sunerera wishing topiotlr,by
Woodwind orehatd in Huntington.
The apt le ! undoubtedly of Connecticut on
gin or brought here from thereat an early dali
Huntington was settled previous to the Wyom
ing inasicre, in 1773.
David Woodward the original proprietor of
tills orchard sellled here sonn where about 1790,
and set out this orchard about 1S00, he settled
under the Connecticut ciiarter nnd came from
Canaan in that slate.
In eonsiepieoee of the difficulties between
the settlers under Connecticut nnd the lnn
claimants but little communications of a pleas
ant character existed an ibis border previous lo
1S10. This sati-fies me that the fruit must nec
essarily have been brought in by the Yankee
eltler ns none could have been procured out
side of the line short of Northumberland and
too tn my unpleasant rcccolleelions were fresh
day-schools and Sundayiseliool organlzitions
throughout the Slate, whether of a denomination
nl or undenominational character, are entitled
to representation. For nil duly accredited del
egates entertainment wld be provided If llicir
names are lepnrled lo llev. S W. Duffield, f K,1
Altoona. on or befire May 31st. All content- John II. iinl)UN,4J Cedar sL, Now York.
plillng allendii g the convention should nr"
range .o be presen , t ne t , ren a " K DM TCI Fiber's Colobratcd
and remain until the cloe of the convention HI! M T3,!-i T)b-,.j m,.
It Is hoped that the convention will be large hl.stoU.r known for I'll ssot every kind (lileedlng,
nnd enthusiastic and that every one will feel an llehlnii, lillr.d, Inward. Ac.) and nil diseases ot the
.... . ...... i. KfCTfH, whether recint or long standing. ItgUe.s
indlviiliial re"ionsihility for Its success, j as- Instant n lief nnd etTeeta a radical nnd iefinanent
lo, and snperin.endent, wi.l please read this SMtRWJSWa
call lo their respective schools and congrega- rlrSMMYMtTe
Hons. ti copy 01 tirogramme ami any iur- aoe. tvm ny mau on receipt or price, i-orsaieuy
Kr. S. Waoonku,
Sialp S.-rr..tarv. Mcchanicsbure. Cumbeiland fl,l 1? l- ITM V Urgcst Mck In New
" "' UiVll-l U LH York!
rs. TKc nor yard.
The warm wealher of the last few das has
kept our eoplc so busy making gardens, that
news is vtrv icarce.
We notice, however, that there appears to be in mens memories at that dale to suppetse such
ipiite a good deal of business going on ill other I a thing possible. The fruit is of large size, red
places than the gardens. tn color, slightly Rub-acid, persistnet em
N. A. Hobbins, the wagon-maker, is p,ijg stem, and subject when folly nature to small
tip a number of fine buggies ; he does excellent
work and is worthy of pationage.
A new walk has been laid in front of the
Centenial Holtl, This Hotel has itely started
under a new Landlord.
County Snpt. W. II. Snyder is also putting
down a walk in front of his residence on Main
Tlie Orangeville Cornet I! mil is improving
Iry spots or pin- running towards the heart
Season, February to middla of April,
As it has no known mine I would suggest
Yankee Pioneer," unless you have something
more appropriate,
Most re-p'ctfully vours,
John M.
Mn. KiitToii : Of course you do not care for
, , . . .... . , i
rapiuiy. narry i.ow e.neoi me princ.p... ., orn. , , f f ,
memuers uas oeen mucn missi.i. Me near mat vmt,,,,,, however, may lie of Intc-re-t. Thr ugh
ne is recovering. ,h(! n, of Casper llliawn, the popular tal
The weekly exercises of the Academy, which lor m Catawisa, was hauled to Iho picturesque
took place on Monday evening, were largely at- village of Slabtowii,so-called because s0me years
tended and were very successful, lhere is a ago slabs used to be manufactured there. Hell
fine body of students in attendance, number- town, once and a while called Mainville, is su
ing over SO. cilled, we presume beeiuse it raised-will, some-
Several of our citizens, hiving a desire to in- thing that gave it a name. Now Slahtown
crease their brain power by a ll'li diet, one not regularly laid out. No two hou-es are on a
night last week, set about 20 nets in the creek, Hue, but that is not tho fault of the loue
near the iron bridge. Hut alas ! In the morn- m.aiitow.v.
ing when they went for their fish, they found Dom Pedro is now llie reigning influence in the
some one had been before them, and left the 1 1 ice, and his last name is familiar lo all the
empty nets on the banks. Thev have conclud- citizens, hven the children cry after hi
eel tn set the nets in the trees next time and
then they will not be so easily found.
Yours truly,
Tho Roy. Mr. Peck officiated in St. John's
Episcopal Church at this place last Sunday
morning anil evening. Tho Itev. Mr. Fessen
don the ltector of this Parish olhciated at
Tho Itev. Mr. Deener tho recently elected
Pastor of St. Mathews L. L. Church has ar
rived in Town with Ids family. The new dwel
ling house being erected by U.F. Harder, will
be his place of residence.
Mr. William Swart, represented the Tom-
peranco Union of this place
Con) ngliain,
(irsenwood twp.
Hemlock '
Locust "
Madison "
Minim "
Montour '
Orange "
hcott "
faugarlcaf "
ltestaurar t
Liquor store
Lluuor Store
Local geography is studied by a sectional pnz
zle of Pennsylvania counties, and foreign coun.
tries are illustrated by a similir puzzle of New
Jersey Slate. In fair weither the principil's
amusement is pitching ijuoits at sixty yard'
and during a campaign, watching for cmdi
tales. everthelessIabtown is an mportant
centre, politically and commercially, and there
is always a crowd at a political meeting, an
election or a dance. Few travelers pass Yea-
ger'a Hotel, where there is always the best of
From there I tramped towards Numedia.
Why this was so-named the oldest inhabitant is
inelarkness. Xow I did not go afoot because of
the love of exercise, nor becau-e I had the ped-
scnteii me i em- eriiln lmahi blll r fljn,ny exp(.cUli ,iat yome
nt the State Con- illlc9,er or pacing lim?wagon would pick me
county, Pa.
I at one-naif Fokuik Pricks.
Business Notices
Pnrlnir Styles Stirine Goods iSnnncfclylcs.
Call mid see
1 he New Goods. Tho New Styles nt the
cw Price.
Cheaper than ever.
Must bo seen to be believed, better goods at
lewer pricca
at D. I.owcnberg's.
Ileautlful Silk I fats 1 New Soft Hats,
Wool Hats, Fur Hats,
For Meu for Hoys and Children
At the Popular store of
I), Lowenberg.
l-Vrmers attention I S. M. Iless. lllooms
burg, Pa., now offers cheap for cash or grain
all kinds ol tunning implements.
Spring Overcoats Spring Overcoats,
Ctieap, Durable, Neat and New
Just received nt H. Lowenbergs.
Full Lino of Notions and White Goods
tliis week at D. A. Creasy's
Good Calicoes 15 cts,' and good Ginghams
8 cents n yard at Lutz & Sloan's.
Finest stock of Wall Paper ever in lllooms
burg at Clark's Hook Store.
Boot headquarters at McKinney's.
ork city.
iiteuuallvlow prices. ulLCLOTlls all widths
from aso. per yard.
Lack LUfn'A Ins, ji.oo per pair, to the finest liCAL
LACE Imported, at
139 and 191. Sisth Avenue,
Corner 13th street, NEW YOItS.
nov. sa, Ts-cm ntco
I will m.lll (I'rL'L'Mlio rcctliHi for a Rtninla Vkort.
bi k 1UI.M thnt mil remove Tun, VKKL'KLr.Si, 1'lM
rLKSand IHotches IcaMiiff tho skin soft, clear and
beautiful: aho lnstmcllous for producing1 a luxuri
ant stow iu of lialrou a fcald head or smooth face.
Address, Ineloilntf 8C stacop, lieu Vandelf & Co., ;w
Ann st N.V, a.&co nov. 11. Ttv-.m
Tho advertiser havlntr btrn nermanent lv on rod nf
that dreAd disease, (.'ousumntlnn. hv a hlrnnW' nmp-
dy is anxious to inako known to hla fellow sutler-
ers i no means or cure, to au who desire u he
will fiend a copy of the prescription used, (free of
, charge ) with directions for prepailnffana using the
, a.u, nuiuu wvy win mm u uuru i;uro ior uo.ssrMi
i tion, Asthma, Uronrhttis, &c.
Parties wtshintf tho Preserlntlon. will nlnaso ml.
dress K A. WILSON, 191 Penn St., Ullanwburfj, N.
TtrilKniOAS, the lion. William Klwell
V President Judeo ot tho Court olOjer and
Terminer and General Jail Deliver)', Court of (uar
ter Sessions of the I'eaconnd tho Court ot Common
Cabbacre nlatits tiO cts. per 100, $5 per
Dlaagnnd rtrnliana' nrf In fhn Offlli Tmltolnl Ills
1000 at J . Garrison's, 0th street, Iiloomsburg. trlcti composed 0, lUe COUntles of Columbia and
,r Tr, .,, . i , r..t I Montour, and tho Hons. I. K. Krtckbaum and F. L
Jicivimieys ciioe oiu.c ue..u Miuman,Asw!ato.Iud'esotColumulacounty,have
House. ... issued their precept, bearlnK date tho 15th day ot
Pleached Muslin, at the old prices, and Feb. In Ul0 year of our tord one thousand eight
ii -i ..... i, ,i,o r.i inr n liundre'tl and seventy-nine, and to mo dtrccte'd for
Aldeton''.y l cents , by the bolt, lor a ,loWln-BaCourl of0ycr an'a Tl.rmlnt.rand,Iencral
JC.Y Ui.3 ,l J.u.c.-. k'.'JH.i oi
Large assortment of new designs in Wall
Paper at Clark's llook Store,
Call at McKinney's for Shoes.
Kubbers at McKinney's.
.!-.. t.;.i. t.l l It I .
.e-.K.un u,u. uwm i.m.isuurg on lue I i , tlipv ,ij not. and I must confess I iliil
21th inst. L.i.ii!.mit'.iim. i . i.. r ,i.
Quito ii number of our peoplo attended the elevation on wnich Numedia is iierched, I toi:
entertainment at Danville on lliursday evening nt& to rest.
of last week. An excursion train was run on
tho P. 10. H. It. for tho accomodation of
tlioso desiring to attend.
J. 11. Hobbins, n law student in the office of
W. I.. Fycrly, has gone to Lyons, New York.
Mr. William Yeager is improving his risi-
My ambition to go further, however, was ex-
cited by seeing a sniill boy trying to pull ii
the hill a wagon geared about ten feet, with
wooden wheels, and loaded with a doien joists
eigbing less than a half ton. Mr lir-t impul-e
tuartcr sessions of tho Fence, Court of Common
1' and Orphans' Court, In lUoomsbui, In tli
county of Columbia, on tho first Monday, being tin
5th day ot May next, to continue two weeks.
Notice Is hereby i,iven to tho Coroner, to tho Jus
tices of the Peace, and the Constables of tho said
county ot Columbia, that they bo then and therein
their proper person at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of
l.lpst Patterns in Wall Paner at C ark's said 5th day of May with their records, lnoul-
Hook Store I siuoni ana omer rememoranccs, to ao inoso imngs
,,uie:uit luctr ..i;i luiu 10 uu uuuv. auu
ltenicmher that Lutz it bloan sell the thoso that are bound by recoL'nlzanco to prosecute
best Corset in town lor the money. I asalnst tho prisoners that aro or may bo In tho Jail
-- I of tho bald county of Columbia, to bo then and there
A fine selection of Lathes Gold atehes to urosecuto them as shall bo lust. Jurors aro re-
and Chains, both American nnd imported queste-dtobc punctual In tlielrattcnelance, agreeably
to their notices, lutewl at llloomsl)urg,lhe 15th day
f- 1 of Feb. In tho jenr of our Lord one
1 L. r. thousand eight hundred and beventy-nlne
; . ) and In tho ono bundled and third jear of
tho Independence of tho Fnlted states of Amei lea.
s-herlll'a OlUce, JOHN. W. HOFFMAN,
llloomsburg, April J tc bherlff.
by the beat makers at L. Bernhard's Jewel
ry Store.
UestSyrupdScts.ngallniiatD A. Creasy's.
Lutz ec Sloan haven large assortment of
Husiery and Gloves.
Lots of New I)rcs Goods, very cheap, at
Clark it sou .
Get your pa-
Fuowini, iNoiBTKDnKra, ac., or iui
For tho Year ending March Slst, 1 t, mado In ae-
coruuue-e wiui eno aci ui Asneuiuiy ui Airu mn
1S75, entitled "A Supplement to nn Act to regulate
tho Indebtedness ol municipalities, to provide for
thu redemption cf tlie same and to lmpce penal
ties tor the Illegal lncreaso thereof."
Prenared and oubllshed br the corrjorate author
ities of nalel Town.
ltond due August I, l!, not presented iw M
Itondsdue August I, W9 fr-i eu
Interest on same from February 1, 1H7. ..
Hond due uciolx-r i, Is7 Mo f
Interest on aamo from ("ctober 1, IMS...
ltond due January i, lvo Joe) no
interest on same from February 1, 1'ltl. . .
Honda duo February 1. IS-si Boa 00
Interest on same from February 1, 1679....
Honds due August I, ts-si 700 '0
Interest onaa ,,e from February 1,1S79. ..
Hond due January 1, Issi loo oo
Inleic&t on Biuue from February 1, 1879. ...
Honds due February 1, Issi , two 00
Interest on same from Feoruary 1, 1S79. ..
Honds due August 1, lssi ,, too oo
Interest on same Irom February 1, 1S79..,.
Hond due January l.lss-i ,. , loo uo
intere'ston same from February 1, 1S79....
Hondsduo February i, issa coo
Interest on hatua from February 1, 187. ...
Hoods duoAugust 1, lsi.. 6tio to
I merest on same Iroin Frbruary 1, 1879....
llunds due February 1, lssj ., too oj
liilereat on same frum February 1, ISTtf.,..
Honds duo August 1, lss.1 sou 00
lutein ton sainolrom February 1, 1.79,...
II jnd duo January 1. ltsi loo 00
Interest on same from February 1, 1S79. . . .
Honda duo February 1, issj , Too oo
Interest on samo from February 1, lsi9....
Itonds duo August. 1, lssi goo 90
Interest on sumo from February 1, is7tf...,
Honds duo January 1, ls.,3 2fo 00
Interest ou sauietroiu February 1, ls.9.,.,
Hondsduo February I, ls-3 Too 00
Interest on same from February I, ls.9. .,
Hou-aduo August I, ss. S00 oo
Ititeiest on same frum February 1, 1S79...,
Honds due January l, is-m soo oo
Interest uu same Irom February 1,1379 .
llouds duo February l, lss-j Too OO
Interest on samo rrom February I, ls.9 ...
Hondsduo August!, issa 600 OO
Interest on same from F-bruary 1, lsiy....
llouds uuo Jiiauar 1, iss7 Too 00
Interest on same from February 1, 1S79,...
Honds duo rebruary I, lssT 60J 00
lnteiestun same Irom February 1. Is79..,.
ilolids due August 1, ls7 600 00
luierese-un saiao irom rebruary 1, 1879.,..
lionds due January 1, lss..... coo 00
Intel est ou sauio from February 1, 1S79..,.
llouds rtue Feoruary 1, isss. f.oo 00
Intetvst on same from February 1, ls79. ..
Total funded debt, tu.eoo oo
Ileal property
l'ersunat property
Trades and occupations
Tot il valuation.
Two per cent, of nboio valuation $15,791
Tax on duplicate of H7S
Due from sundry persons on account...
Contributions duo ou street openings,
j.aitiuuu ui j reuauii-i s uauus,
j,fo0 oo
f9l,S0O DO
97,S40 00
$7S9,TOO 00
(.Ml) SS
1ST 74
u s
Amount recelred from F. r. Blllmycr.treas
urerot IS77 tet 11
Amount from .M. C. Wooilwardln full of
balaiiec of dupllcnle of 1S77 73 yc
Amount cotlected by C. (1, Hartley ou Iron
M reel contribution " T Di
Amount from Commissioners ot Columbia
cnuntyi tax on M-au-d land sold at treas
urer's sale 31 IS
Am iiint from (1. A. llorrlng.nneA licenses,
AC, collected during year Vim
Amount proceeds 'town bondsot lssuoof
olember n, 5T J.soo no
Amount tax assessed for the year f,t09 r9
Less exonerations and amount re
turned to Commissioners ot Co
lumbia connty to-wlti . . till to
Add amount uncolloctedtm
duplicate st em f f T
f,4TS M
state tax on Inlfrest of r5nd rfcelred by
T. ,1. Vandersllce . 9 M
Trital receipts.
Paid tor material, labor, teams, repairs lo
loots. Ac., durln? sear..
l'alds. c. shlve, etreet Commissioner for
services in isis
Paid s, Shaffer, Street Commissioner, for
wrvlca in 1s7s.
Paid K. .laeoby.balancp nn account as street
commissioner tor 171
Linrlneerlng, Samuel fsejhurd
J. H. Hoblson, services as solicitor to the
.1. .1. Drawer, rent Council room
C. s. Furman, rent Ho k A Ladder room .
I. s, Kuhn, rent engine room
Win, fillmuro, rent engine comiany room. .
II. stohner, rent lock-up
Itetit of pound
llloomsburg Has Company for (las during
liit.-rent on Town lionds paid by orders on
Printers' bills ,
(leorgeA CI irk, Btatlonery
I'oal, stove grate, lumber, Ac , at lock up..
street lamps
Town Auditors
W. II. .lacoby, recording
costs Second Mreet op-ulng
Police services to suudry persons
paid by M. C. Woodnard Sis T5
" J.C. sterner ol Wl
James Thomas, services as High constable,
sorting notices. .J
C. tl. llarkley, balance for services as Town
.solicitor In 1577
W. Wirt, wrvlces ns Secretary.......
Paul K. A lrt, services as secretary
Tho above being total amount ot
orders Issued during nscal car
ot isis. as follows i
For expensed Incurred since April
1, isis $5,202 OS
Fur expenses incurred prior to
April 1, ISIS evict 87
$.i,r.7 13
129 HI
!09 tt
4 an
j w
M )
SO oo
II) 4
so oo
SO 00
30 OO
9 00
T09 01
101 111
M 00
21 29
100 04
2 CO
Id 65
27(1 23
101 00
22 tl
80 OO
133 00
Amount orders tsts paid ......
" ls7t nald
stnlolax paid ou Interest
Town booits pal-1
Interest paid with lnmd No 4
Coupons uu bonded debt ikild
Commission allowed Town Treasurer..,
Cash lu hands of treasuier
fl'otallosp-mdl uri'3,
Deduct unpaid orders of 1S7S
Amount equaling receipts see receipts.) . . ts.ost B4
: 8i
323 10
47 01
2,100 00
5 UK
772 89
9 S3
IS t
$9,t9S 65
, 1,114 19
(1,017 40
Amount orders 1875, outstanding, $1 62
i8io " a e..i
" " ls77 " a rs)
" " 1578 " 1,114 19
Total In-.- debt. t .131 M
Kxccssof tloattugdibtui-r assets, $ii4 5a
UUolldE W. OOUIMLL, Collectjrot taxes for 137s,
la ,u;uum nun lun lunu ui uiujuisuurg.
June s, 1873, tu amount of duplicates ot 1373 $2,34t 29
October 5, 1378, by amount paid
T. J. vandersllce, treasurer,
as per receipts $130 oo
October 31,13 3, by amount paid
T. .1. Vandersllce, treasurer.. 637 81
December lo.lats, by am't paid
T.J. Vandesltce, treasurer.,,. 320 52
December 81, 173 by amount
paid T. J. Vandersllce, treas 143 70
March s. 1379, by amount paid
T.J. Vandersllce, treasurer.. 609 37
March 24. 1379, by umount paid
T. J. Vandersllce, treasurer . 130 59
March 29, 1879, by amount paid
I", J. Vandeisllce.ti-easurer.... tin on
Exouerat'ns allowed by council 112 so
Halanco on duplicate uncollected,
2,024 4'
616 S3
SttCbt !
(i. A. iiEimtN'n,
l'rcstdeat ot Town Couno
The undarsliroed Auditors o! the Town of n'oom B-
burg do hereby certify that they have examined tho
lureoing accounts auu siatemeuus ana nnuiueui
correct aad do appruve tho same.
11 C. HAHTMAN, VAUdltOra.
llloomsburg, M ircli ai, 1379.
Rrawell a Go'a. Advc'a.
V Jl1 1 "J U tor caca State, salary
Irom T. to s l(hi per .lunth and expenses. Itefer
jnevs a-ipilred. I, 111:1.1.1: .lir'e: CO.,
April 4, liii-lm r 91 ct.AKK;-)TKiisr,cuiciQO.
w u w ill pay Ag'-nts a salary ol moo per mouth,
tn t exM-m..,or allow a Urge cummiMlon, 10 sell oar
b.s .nU wouJeTful Invpnliotis. IW mean vhat win,
hwnplo frse. AdirefSaEiitAif&Co., 31u.batl,Mioa.
April 4, "79-lm r
si n nn protlts on 30 dajs investment or nrt
bi.ciJJ oniclai lleporta. tree s?XWU
Proportional returns eu'rywee-kon stockoptlons
of?io, - mill, MOO, - 300. Ad
dress!'. Potter Viuiiit A2 Co., Hankers, 35 Wall St.,
N. Y r aprtl. '79-lm
M. C. WOOlHVAItD. Collector of taxes for 1377,ln ac
count with tho Town ot llloomsburg.
March 31, 1S7S, to balance duplicate) 1877....
March 31, 1S79, by balance duplicate '77 paid
1m estcd In Wall St, Slocks
fortunes every
Ing even thing. Aa-
IIankehs, 17 wall street, X. Y.
S1 TO SlOfiOmakes'
mouth. Hook ire-e explaining even thing. A
uress ISAATKR lo.,
April 4, T1.-4W
fljf IT A DAY to agents canvass'ng for tho Flri
X Kldi- Iniii.r. Terms and Uultlt free. Ad-
$75 90 dress P. o. VlfKEHY, Augusta, Malno
April s, -,mw r
Jurors for May Term, 1879.
GUAXD junons.
V.V. HILLMYEH, Town Treasurer for 1877
count with tho Town ot llloomsburg.
April 1, 1878, to balance cash in bands as per
last annual statement
Mav is, H.73, to amount received from M. C.
Woodward, Collector torIS7T, as per re
ceipt Clt.
Junes. 1S7S, by amount paid T I. Vander
dtirsllce, treasurer, batauco In hand as
per last nuual statement is per ri-eeipt .
June s, is7.( by amouut paid T. J. Vander
sllce, treasurer being amount received
from M. C. Woodwaid, collector for 1877
as per receipt
tn ac
119 24
100 87
$229 11
$119 24
109 87
$'.'2J 11
$77 a Month and expenses guaranteed to Agents
tl outlltfree. siuw s Co. AtacsTi, Maine.
April 4, '70-lWj r
Newspaper Advertising Bureau 10 Spruce stMY.
Our readers will notice In another column
advertisement of Stmple's Six-Coid ool Cot
ton. This cotton is fast gaining a reputation
and is fully as good as any made. It has been
highly endorsed by many leading manufactur
ers, and was awarded a Gold Medal at the Paris
KiHMit!on. American I idles will, we Ihlnk
encourage "home Industry" and give it a trial.
All dealers keep il. Ask for Seuiple's "8. 1
T." and take no other.
The article recently published, calling at
tention to the action of Congress which nu
thorized the erection of headstones over the
graves of union soldiers who are buried in
private nnd village cemeteries, has caused
many to Inquire) whether the provision applied
to soldiers who did not die in the service, but
subsequently. In order to ascertain tlio facts
on this point. Col. A. 1). Sccley of llerwiek
wroto to t'npt. A. 1'. llockwell, A. ti. -M-, lT.S.
,V., at Washington, and received the following
answer: In reply to your inquiry ol the .th
nst. you are respectfully informed that the law
u regard to hendstones applies lo all unmarked
graves of soldiers who served in tho army of
tho United States during the war for the union
whether they died in K-rvice or sinco their
muster out or discharge"
Col. Sccley now requests that all in this vi'
ciuity who know of unmarked graves of soldiers
communicato the fact to him, together with the
mime, rank, company, regiment and dalool
death ot tho deeen-ed. He has received all
tho necessary blanks nnd paper-) and will seo
that nil tho names are forwarded to tho War
Department and receive proper attention. We
hope that all thoao interested in teeing the
graves of our denil heroes rescued from ob
scurity will respond promptly with the required
information. !eruick Jiulejiendenl,
For the Colvubian,
Missus, Lnnons : I closed a prutracted
meeting nt Benton on Monday evening, lilst
inst. which resulted in fifteen baptisms, one
uliteil who hail been baptised, and several re
timed their covenant to God. The Church
took anew lif'o and tho members covenanted
togstherto keep the ordinances of tho Lord's
House, and to watch with and over eucli other.
The religious status of the church is better now
than for tho last eighteen jeurs, and we trust
w il1 bo u power for good in that (dace.
llenton has had a hard namo abroad, owing
to tlio vile Liquor trafic carried on by tho two
hoteN, hut as to tho citizens generally, they are
vorv excellent lieonle. and wo hope in another
Year to ereato such u religious -sentiment in
them as will enable us to ptevent their getting It is a Btrango phenomena, to the
christian philanthropist, that twelve, or any
other number of "sober men, in any com
iiiunitV". will nk tho Court to licenso u man to
carry e'n a business in their midst that is n
iios tivS injury to etery mau. woman, nnu cniiu
in the community, except the man whoeloes
the hiKiness no other is henifited. With your
permission I may huvo something more tu suy
ou the Liquor question occasionally,
Stillwater, April 23, '". J. M. Kintku.
lence on Pine street. When completed it will was to help him, but then his pride might have
present a line appearance. been injured, and po everybody lot In in tug and
Mr. M. . Hughes leeeivid a luckace from P"11 "'K- -U Ochres I wis male welcome,
IlloomsbiirL' a few days since by express. Won- aml proceeded to rest my weary limbs, for I
der whether the contents were worth the exnress- M"!'1 walked nearly lira tmlce! After a penial
1L, visit to Dr. J. II, Vastine'a popular store,
Mr. Oeo.S. Gilbert and W. L. Hvcrlv Ei.. "which is also me post-oiuce," we investigaleel
were out trying llieir hands at tlie speckled E""l' Swank's power press. It is not us Urge
as mat oi tne IvIii.umuian nor uoes it no by
About this time my attention was called to a
strange procession coming from tlie ilireclion of
Dan. Morris's. It was headed by live peace
able, but vigorous looking pigs. In the rear
centre followeil "W," who wanted to emigrate
them, armed with a ten foot rail. Ho was
beauties a few ilays since.
Miss Kliza Sharpless is having her house re-
A new floor has been laid in the barroom of
the Susquehanna Hotel,
The oflice of llie Central Kxpress Company
has been moved lo lliuard's store. Mr. J. II.
liinaid is the agent.
Xow is the time to paper,
per at Clark's.
.I.o 'M. ..o.f nn.l finoif ,.- 1 1 r,w nf IllOOm-J W T7J or. J J WO Sfllt'l
r '. i.- ' , . , . i IL. nU.n,m, lilJ"rr.',a.t''.l.'lnttrllter. w' Dredbendar, Henry
...Ml 4 elM ftU HI --. - ., jw... , 11 IJIIIUl-IIHL-r
1, i Henton-silas t' names, A T Iketer, Dyer Mos
- I llilare-reek Charles Camnbell
More Xew Calicoes and Uress Goods this ;";nwl8-FeU-r It lialdy, Charles Ilartman, Jacob
week at l.uiz iv: nioan s.
Ladies call and see our New Spring Stock,
full and complete in all departments, at
Clark & Son's.
For White Goods, Lace Curtain, and Em
broideries, go to Lutz & Sloan's,
Want 200 Tons of muni Kock Oak- Hark.
Good liutter 20 cents per pound, cood Pota
toes 7,1 cents ner bushel ami tho hmliest
market prices paid for Side, Shoulder ami
Hani at Light Street by Silas joung. w
A Snenr If) cents pound nt I). A. Creasy's llenton Cornelius Sliultz. Sol II Davis
Hrl.ire.reek Samuel siller, simuel Martz, George
l ir.s Shawls. Parasols, etc.. at Clark .,..'!?! "C' "'"'i .W.eiitwrg.
, , 1 --- , I.UL.K.ISO., ..i-ijiku .-.ericiii-
Centre Adim sltler. John S Itemlev
Flshliigcieek Andrew Parks, (leorge llaber
l-'r jiiklin w la stoeker
eireeuwood John Leggott
iieinioe-iw r-iiiion iieieiuril
Madison John M Johnson
Pino John I' Fowler, John Ilruncr
scolt John Harding, John savao
it Son's.
Nearly every evening one or the other of our flanked by half a dozen boyr,nnd Iho reserves
bands is upon the streets. Their selections are consisted of severaljuien, who looked ns if they
good and considering the short time they have were returning from nn unsuccessiul fox hunt.
been organized the execution is much better
than could be expected.
Dr. Willils and wife rclurneel home last Fri
day evening-
As many of our readers are not familiar with
tho manner in which j'urors tiro selected, we
will given brief statement nf tho method as
witnessed by us tho other day. To begin with
we may stato that the Jury Commissioners are
frequently solicted by citizens' to placo their
names in tlio wheel Interested parlies make
nular nnneals, and then tho Ccmmissioners
havo their personal and political friends tn look
after. Tho law is that "It shall bo tho duty of
id inrv commissioners, president nidge, or law j'udgo of Iho respective distriit
or a majority ol them, to meet at tho scat ol us-
tico of the respective counties, nt least thirty
days before the first term nf tho court of com-
"W," weighs about 230 pounds and was
evidently mad and exausted. The pigs
were urged to take the ICernlown road, but ob
serving the tavern sign dtleberately stopped.
l earing that they might mike a thnk move
ment towards Slahtown a fresli detachment of
reinforcements were placed on that road under
the leadership of Mrs. "W." who WUs burden
ed with some freshly purchased ciockeryware.
D'e zeit is zu kurlz for mich niein brief zu
emlen eliese woche ober die neehle weche kon
nen mier veleichl m,ne schreiben.
Itoots and Shoes cheap at McKinuey's.
George A. Clark keeps the best plain I Ilemlwlt Ajiin" w ioorc, lllchard Henry, (leorgo W
.... . ' .. . i . : ,..-.1 I . n uuviiiKlll
winuow annues, uie uesi. v-uru i-iiiurcs, Jacksou-l'runk Derr, Henry Ilurleman ,lr
the best Spring Fixtures. M.a?lsuu.l"r.'lnli Hoat
... . . .uutii, jr, d 11 .-viiss
., i i. ..i-. u i .!.. i...i.. ... Montour Wm I'Alouser
,1 POUllll lUrilX OUll CU.I I 1U UU UUCSei III Mt l'leaSlllt-ll.lVI.I Slrnnn T.r.l.rt lln-n
.i . r. ,. i ....... :r .:'... ::"'v ...
it. j. Vyrea'iy a.
Having obtained the agency of this
CF.LF.ui'.ATr.D Soap
for Illnoiiisburi; and vicinitv, I append the
opinion of some of our best people as to its
"I have used Dobbin sElectric Soap niaele
by I. L. Crogin & Cel., Philadelphia, Pa.,
for washing about ten years, and think it
superior to any other. Mrs. C. G. llarkley."
"We have used Dobbin s Electric Soap and
find it superior to any other or all others.
Mrs, W . ii, jacoDy,
Mrs, is. H. stolmer,
lleggared spendthrifts, tn whom money has no
exchange value but pleasure.
Persons whom will persist in dving by inch
mini pleas In every yenr,and thereupon proceed. t's witl1 dyspepsia and liver diseases, when Dr,
with due diligence, lo seli-ct alternately, from Pierce's Golden Mcilleal Iiisrovi.rv anil I'lf.-is.
the whole qualified electors of tho respective ant Purgative Pellets are unfailing remedies
ffMni.,'e,tn"i 8.T.' "?.!l'":0.:Cr'i,i 0f for these maladies.
llin i.iuii ... i i.iiiiu.i i jxi.o tiu.ii jii i-ii-iiin
shlll by tho said court bo designated, of sober,
intelligent ami juilicious persons to sero us ju
rors in the several courts of such county durni!
thnt) car. And tho said j'ury commissioners,
president judge, or additional law judge, or a
mninri V ol them, "l ull lu the modo nnd man
ner now directed by law, placo the names of
persons so selected in the proper jury wheel,
and tho said jury wheel, loekeel as now required
Parents who spare the rod and ruin the child
Fast young men and women aro generally siuil-
eel chlhlien to begin wilh.
People who suffer with catarrh, when Dr-
Sage's Catarrh ltemedy is a safe, riliable, and
we 1-testeil remedy for this loathsome disease.
People who marry for money, and find too
hv law. shall temaln in tho custody of tho said I .i.. il.-.i n, nnl.l. .. ,.lln..r : ii .... i.i.,
l.ipi. nml tlio l.-(vs tltprnr In llin I '
custody of tlio sheriff of suid county." llcfore Women who suffer death every day of their
iroceeding to drnw n jury the otheers must nil lives, when, Dr. 1'ieice s l avorile Prescription
m sworn. They then bi-cin work. Tho iurv will ,.n:..n,lt ii.n ...,i.r.,i ....t.
door unlocked hv the Sherilf The wheo', by 1110 'tllole Ti
the iraajiu urn c. ru-eru, resciiiuung a l'eople who live beyonel their means nnd
lifVlSii,, m,r .,ia :
eter. In fact It looks ivs if it had fir.t been used ihiA world, unless ilaced ujion n secure founda
in drawing a Jury that tried Cain for killing ion, are subject to the law
Abel. This mnchinotho Sheriff place between ivnii, ,0 ,t ,. ,n
his knees, turns tho crunk several times, nnd 1,,Tal" f wh0 " '",ore 0
of gravitation .
ward fostering
then proceeds to drnw Iho grand jury fust, ca4e. Miving and sleeping in lliu low, uny en-
i-.acu ticKei, wiiiioiu iqie-iiiiig ii, nu iiiiiKis iu iiiaicn luuiits ui uiv oruiuury nouse, man me
one of thu commissioners, who rends tho nnino (jest medicines can nccouu lish toward recovery
in. uui. V"" when at a moderate expense I her can secure si
no clerk oi ino uoarei rei'unis e-aeii iiiiuiu us i . . . - "
u.v iiigieiiie unit suuunry auvaniages oi tt
Invalids' Hotel at Ilufl'alo, N. Y. Every phy
sician knows how much recovery deiemU upon
good nursing anil the hygienic conditions of II;
silk room. Chronic diseases are especially
subject to these conditions.
rend oil', wilh tho occupation and township.
Tlio tickets nro filed nwny after once used. Af
ter drawing tlio grand jury the wheel is again
revived and jurors drawn for the first week,
and then for tho second. The notices are serv
ed partly by tlio Sheriff and tlie halanco by the
commissioners, constables, and others.
Dloom Chas Krug, L s Wlnlersteen, K C Ent, John
ivacock, c I '1 honiiis, Win Morgan, Daniel Hotco
llerwle-k-Wm 11 llarimau, James Wither, iMn 1
Snjiler, Win Morton, Lyman Fowler, Samuel
T.J. VADSltsLICE, Treasurer for 1373 In account
with the Tow n ot llloomsburg.
Juno 8, 1873 to amount received from F. P.
Hlllinyer, Treusurer for 1S77, balance In
his hands as per last annual statement.
lis per receipt $119 24 I
Junes, is7s, to amount reeeiveu irom t. r.
Hlllmier, Treasurer, 1377, being amount
colloeted and paid him by M. C Wood
ward eeille-ctor for 1377 as per receipt . . 109 s:
Juno s. i-,73, toamonnt or ussi'ssiucnt on
tax roll tor the jear 1S73, viz : (1,103 29
V The following appraisements of real anel
iiersonai property sev uiiart lo wiuows oi aeceaenia
hae been Uled In thoofllco ot the Register of Col
umbia county, under tho Rules ot Court, and win be
Cre'senicci ior uusoiiue couunnaiion m ino urpnans
ourtto bo held In lltoomsburg.ln and forsald coun
ty, on Monday, the 5th day of May 1879, at 2
o'clock p. m., ot said day unless exceptions to such
conllrmation nro previously nied, of which all per
sons Interested lu said estates will take notice:
1. Widow of Jacob Dower, late ot Ilrlarcreck town
snip, eieccaseu.
2. Widow of Alexander Hess, late ot Sugarloat
luwusiup, ueeeaseu.
8. widow of William Klsner, late ot Madison town-
snip ueeeasco.
4. Widow ot David Demott, lato ot Greenwood town
ship deceased.
a. Widow of John Oulllvcr, lato ot Itemloiktown-
suip, ue-eeasuu.
Register's onice.
Uloonisburg, aprll 4, 1879 I
IL J -vrtiPY
Notice Is hereby given to all legatees,
turs and other persons Interesti'd In the e-stal
July to, 1878 toamiunt received from C. (1,
llarkley. Esq . collected from s. It. Thom
as, Iron street contribution
lie-c. 7, 1373, toproceeds ot bonds Nos. 91, oi
and o.i, each $200 00 of Issue of Noeinber
13, 1S7S, iSTs, to proceeds ot Town bonds
Nos. 63. 81 and ss each $100 00 of Issuo of
Noi ember u, ib73
Dec. l1,1s73,toprceeeds of Town Hond No.
soot issue or ovemoeri3, is, 3
e'enlio Ed Ilartman, s.epnen McKnln
1 s JHUS .ISI1
Franklin Isaac Tltsworth, e) I) L Kostenbaudr
(ireenwood-lienjamln Itedllne, Jackson Kobbins,
.,111 ovp.11 1, 1111 am iiiue-risou
orungo M Mcgargle, M o Keller
uoanuiTi-eK wa mixing
scott-llenrv (ilillng, h it I!oone,.Iohn Shollenbtrger V Petennan. John Dlllz
HlOOm 1 II .Mr.lze. A l: l lilltlns. .1 W (Tanfonl. .lon-
ntiuu liaeiiiaan, Halm La cock, H W Hobbins, J
Leaver la.-oli Daker, John Longenbergcr
llenton It J Duls
e. at iwlssa-0 F Harder. 11 W Claik, Lloyd Mltler.Na
than llelw lg. Ju-u-nh Walti.r. lv..iil,.n Mll.t.r
FUhlngcrctk-.Nuiliuu snillh, John sulton, Jo-.lah
Fraiiklln-Mocs Mower
ilreeiiwoesl-llarton (iulek, Ira Hobbins
Hemlock W m P Lehlj , James A Harris
.lachsou o v euiisiian
Madi-on-ileorgo Wagoner, Amos Johnson, Isaac
I desire all my friends nnd customers to I Main eii.m shuman
Gift tins Suan one Trial. .Miniln-Jacobiiroier
l,f....(.itr II II ll.u..l..
tliat they mav know just how good the I Sit pli-nsaut-siciihencrnwtord
at Soat) in the United States is. iminEinamiel snder
july 12, '78-ly
J. H. Maize.
llloomsburg, Pa.
r.oarlneeri-e-k Win V ejL-er
sugarloat John it Hrlnk, samuel Iloberls
Use Knapp's Curtain Fixtures, warranted
for two yws, for sale it Clark's Hook Store.
1J m-
AY TERM, 1379.
Frederick Hosier s D II & W It It Co.
Juhn cordon vs P k H It It t'o
Denial! 0 .Mills vs William Mills
HAW eldeiisaul vs A W creamer
Wagner starr A: Co vs c H Harnes et ux.
1 11 ..icivi-n j-s usu vs i m snaiie-r et nl.
1 Illttenbenderetal
Admission free at McKinney's.
All the nonular colors o( OU Window w "' sirutherset ux vs Margaret (Julun
-. . . V.V ' , , S ,1,n"u" FL shuman vs Sarah KIstleTr.
Shades at Clark s liook Store. courad liredU'i.diT's usovs Jacob Hlttei
viorrli ailtcuel vs. l.omer 'l nomas
Spool Cotton 1 cent a spool. 10 cents a r!.',"u'sAV.,1,.l,.,.1P fuard vs Win. Vltpes' executors.
.i.A ... lv o!. 1 i.d., uiju wiii i .'i ig m s i uoioas 11 1 lageuuucu ei ai
dozen lit I). A. Lrcasy's. a VV e'reamcrva PottsvllloM K Ins Co
. . I , 11. .11 iii vi ui . s 1 1-1111 11 1 anal ill
... , , , I F s Fanning Mill Cu vs A I' Hellt-r
Dr. It. 1'. Ivltlliey. llloomsbure Pa., has I II FDrlesbaeh vsMtlrover'aailmr'a
three strains of the finest Plymouth Rock ' ,w W'Wii1 ',yera adinrs
r 1 . 1 ! . 1 11 ; , 1, Jonathin leirlners use vs'o D L Kostenbauder.
fowls to be found ill this county, also llrown Alex I. smith vs John 11 .lacoby.
Leghorns ami Light Hrainaa lirst premium liaunaii vviKsvajohn Ilonmvn
fl.UU ior 10 ntllio yarns or packeel una ship Frank Rentz usilgne-u vsl'tLtialU MFS Assucla
I.e. toany point at jl 00 per sitting ; two a Hill vs A HW et at
sittings lur ?2 00. A fair hatch guaranteed e-11 nruckway vs 11 11 Fowler's admr
or duplicated tree of charge. Also a few Philip a iiisse-lvasu-diirnii wmt
. , til 'a I'll 11 mil fiitiiiliLinu II tntvinit ..
lovMs lor sale, I ltlexuusliurg IrouCo vs Keulun See he-it's adinr's
April 18. 'J w, M W Jutksun vs I'eniiii .M K InsCu
. viiehai-l vs Peima Ins 10
Lots of Spring Goods just received at John YM'A'i. Tjohii !:"'"
Clark & Son's. ')alMinh'Ururu'lna'1'n'r luuhl Sn)der Jraud
20 0o,,l Horses wanted at the Champlo.i Jr,.rF.r,VviVroir,'ix!rl''Mlk'
Reaper Agency in exchange fur Ileal erstind a m 11 u-ert a.i iiiown' ejr
Mowers, where you can get all kinds ol tlie M l.11,.5,?''"0
best implements' in the market on reaaona- I,uAnrVr.Biinoi,"tuxK'M
ble terms.
Sami'ki. 1 1'HNiiACii, Agent,
Uleiouisburg, Pa,
V llllain HOV-art VS Martha Albert mn
M 11 Hughes vs Wellington Yeugeret al
11 j unnj ,s i,ii,u imiuvvereeai
.ii .1 iniKiiiw vs iie-iiuigion jeager
J W suiikev "s use vs 'I ho Mutual nuildlnerand sav.
I lllir l-'llti.l llul.1 illi.n . f lll.u..nuh.
More Cloth for tnakfnir niautles. this dav Alex LsmlinvsJouu w iionuiau
at Clatk t Son's. f iV i,Lll,M,',
Do 28. 1878. to proceeds of Town bends
nos. ic.ii, is t9 aniiNi or issue or Nov.
13, 1878, eacu f 100 00
rebruary 1, 1879,to proceeds of Town bonds
os. si ana s? cacti t iisj esi 01 issue or .No
vember 13,1878
February 1.1S79, To proceeds of Town bond
X'n 1,1 r.rtjan.1 a. I'm- 1 IhTd
Feb. 1, 1879, to proceeds of Town bonds,
Nos. ks ana S9 ejeu f -zoo eio oi issue or No
vember 13, ls78
February t. 1879, to state tax on Interest
pvia Dy uoiuers oi i ow n uonas
March s, 179, to amount from Commission
ers or coiumrna county lax on sealed
land sold at Treasurer s sate
March 10, 1579, to balance of amount on du
plicate rur is,-j receivea irom .n. c. vv oou-
ward collector
isee account of M. C. Woodward
.March 10, 1879, to amount received from 'I.
a. Herring, i resiuni oi mwu e.ouncil,
m es, licences, &c , during 1S78
March 10, 1S79, to amount from fieorgo W.
uorreu, euiiecwjr oi iais iur isisusper
receipts ot October 5, 1878 to March 29, '79 1,011 52
Total, $10,722 03
T. J. VANDEItsLICE, Treasurer tor 1878.
June 8, 1678, by amount of duplicate of 1878
Riac a in nanas oi ei. v. uorreu ior csl
ctlon ; iK-ing amount uncollected by
said treasurer 2.!
Decembe-r 7. 1878, by amount bond No. 4.
warn pam principal sum.... coo oo
Interest paid with bond 6 as
February 1, 1879, by amount bond No. 1I.
si-cuuu issuv, iuiu e iiuiipai BUU1
February 1,1879. by ntuount bondtNo.20of
issue oi .vpru iu, i8,o; uia principal sum
Februiry 1. 179, by amount bond No. 21 of
Issue of Aprll 10, 10 j paid. Principal sum '
Feb. 1. 1879. by amount bond No. 29 of Issuo
ot April 10, ism i paid. Principal sum.... loo oo
Feb 1, 1879. by amount bond No. 23 of Issuo
ot April 10, 187t; paid. Principal sum....
Feb. 1, 1S7S. by amount bond No 21 of Issuo
of Aprll 10, Islet ; paid. Principal sum....
Feb. 1, 1679 by amount bond No. 23 of Issue
of AprU 10, 1670 ; paid. Principal sum....
Feb. 1, 1879. bv amount bond No. 27 of Lsauo
of April 10, 170 ; paid. Principal sum...
Feb. 1. 1879, by amount bond No. 5$ of Issue
uf May v, 1877 i paid. Principal sum....
reb.?l,ls79, by amount bond No. locuncs'U-e-d.
Returned bv David Struup lu ex
change for bond No. ss
March , 1878, by coupons to Town bonds
paid during tho Jear, viz :
March 8, 179, by orders paid during Ihe
3 cur, viz i
Orders ot 1870 7 87
" 17J 82a 10
" Isis , 4,734 74
Hy Ftate tax on Interest paid.
H. commission on f3,s24 si ev I per ten
" ' $z,2oo oo a v
Cash lu hand ,.
turs and other persons fiiteresti'il in the e-atats of
the resnectlvu decedents and minors, that the fol.
low Ing administration and guardian accounts havo
been llle-d In the onlco of Iho Reirlster of Columbia
7 93 I county, and wlllbu presented for confirmation and
allowance lit ino urpunus eoure to ne nciu in
moomsuurg. on: .-uomiay. mo am aav oi aiav. isi9.
at 2 o'cloe-k, p. m. on salu day:
1. First and partial account of Edward Ilartman
andl. i:. itomboy, Kxecutors of Jacob Hatnboy,
lam ot scott township, deceased.
2. First and final aci.ount of owea V. Cherrlngton
uou.iacuu jiuoiiu. iveiiiunisiraiors or t-nas ua-
rlg, late ot Iloaringcreek township, deceased.
3. First and llnat account ot John Wenner. Admin
istrator or soioinon nuss, lato ot t isningcreek
township, deceased.
4. First nnd final account of Henry Kitchen, Quar-
uuuui ii-iiuia iiagt-uuiicu, minor l-jlliu Ol jHl-
chael llagenbuch, lato of orange township, de
5. First nnd nnal account of Ilenjimln F llattln.
eiuui-iiiau ui r-auiuei i. annul, minor cmia or
.loua l'. smith, late or lireeuwood
ft. First and final account of II. F. Zarr and William
T. siiuman, Administrators of Andrew tllngles,
late ot Mala township, deceased.
7. First and final nccouutof William Peacock. Ad-
uiiiiisiraiur ui raincs vicuiosKy, late or lllooms
burg. deceased, as rtleel by Clarissa Peacock, Kx
ecutrtx of William Peacock, now deceased.
8. Second and nnal account of Wlltlain l'. John. Ad-
niinisirator oi i-auwauaaer itoberts,iateoi Mon
tour lownshlp, deceased.
9. Account of Joliu W. HotTinan, Sherltf, Trustco
uppoinieu uy iu uouri 10 sen real estate ot io
ula Yohe, la'o ot Mlfltln township, deceased.
10. First and nnal accountof Alfred Eck. Adminis
trator or narvey cck, late oi uatawissa town
ship, deceased.
11. 1'1'st and Boat account of Joscnh Crawford, Ad-
niiniiiraior oi vviiuam .Miiugan, lato oi Mt,
Pleasant township, deceased.
12. Thollrst uecoantuf John Kltngaman. Executrr
ui aiuu suuuiaii, laiouineaver towuauip, ae-eeascd.
t3. second andtlnal account of Joseph W. Eves, Ex-
wiuw- ui uuuii iv. r,,vs, iaiu ui uieeuwuuu uiw u
bhlp, deceased.
14. Se'cond and nnal accountof Joseph V. Chrlst-
iiiau uuu 1.1111 n .ii. i.urisiuiau, ii.xeuuiors oi .ana
Christtn m lato ot llloomsburg, deceased.
13. First und Ileal account of Morris E. Masters, Ad-
miuisiritor ot nioauor A, lives, lateofurcen
woest township, deceased.
lei First and tlnnl account ot Milton Eves. Adminis
trator ot Mizaocth tics, late of f'.reeuwood tow n
hhtp, eleeease-d.
17. First and partial account of Frederick Uagcn-
.".Luituu . . ii, i,ai-uiiui.ll, r.Al-uuiAlls ui UllllCI
Ilagvnbui'h, late of Centre township, deceased.
18. First und final at count of John Fester, (iuardtan
in inn irs r-iimit-r, meuuuro nu.iier. lurreuco
shatler, Fannto Sbarter and John shatTer. minor
chlldrciot Havld Shaffer, Jr.. lalcot Urlareris-k
township, deceased
19. First and nnal account of retcr swanlt.Admln-
i-iiiuiiu ui w-uuttm .maiiis, laiu ui uxustiowu
bhlp, deceaseel.
20. First and nnal account of I. K. Krlckbaura, C.uar-
uiuit ui r.ims e. r.vaus, warj t . t.vaiis, .uzzie K,
Kvans und W 11. Kvaiis.mluorchtldrenof Ueorgo
M. Evans, lato ot Flihtngcreek township, ou-ceased.
21. Accountof Joseph II. Knlttle.Tluardlan ot Emina
jii iienry. nam Kustenuauuer) minor emiii ot Ja
cob Kostenbauder, latent FranUlu tow
22. The second accountof Joseph Lehr, surviving
lunuiui wi inu lesi ill mill ii-MUUll-lll UI lll'Urj
Lehr, lato ol Heaver tow nshlp, deceased.
23. The accouut of Edward E. Orvla, Administrator
ui i nun, is iii-as, laiu ui iieuiou luwnsnip, to
21, Tho accounts ot Reuben Fahrlnger, tiuardlan ot
manes . rox Jon-e rux ana ciuriotte fox, mt
uorchildrcno! 11.11. Fox, late of Lucust town,
ship, do. east-d, as tiled by Ilermait Fahrlngerand
Isaiah llower, Admltilslraturs uf Reuben FaV
rluger, desTeased.
83. The Ilaal account uf Kllas MendeuhaH, Guardian
or siary iiesier, eie-ceaseu, minor cnud or James
Kester, lato ot Hluomsburg, del-eased.
W First and nnal uee-ount of U-v I Shaffer and Levi
resier, .vuminisiraiors ui naviu suauer, sr ,
late uf Hrluiirei k township, deeeusid,
27. The account ot Piter llilubacn and I'nnlel Ilay-
lor Aununistraiorbur i eraey iiaj lur, late of Men
tuur township, deceoseeL
Register's Omce. 1 w. II. JACOHY. I
llloomsburg, aprll 4, 1879. Hcgistcr.
S.07V Tt
47 03
rs s5
11 oo
1 28
Printed nt this Oflice