The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 25, 1879, Image 1
Til 13 COLUMBIAN. K'olckbiI DMOcniT.atia or Tin kosth and colpm- Issued weekly, every Friday morning, at iiumMsnumi, colimma county, pa, , , , wn polum per year, t.0 en nts discount allowed! .n-nOll'im nuvuuuu, AinTuiuuiiurnnnn 0 tho pir r) bo charged. To subscribers out of the in n( v the forms nrs J per year, Knell In advance, 1 J ,,.i,.r illn'mit IMtod. except at Ihoonl on nr n, Inublllsh'TS, unMlnll arrearages urn paid, but lonif ,inttnu"l iTi-illw utter tbe expiration ot tlio lira , ir win inn u' ....v... mi p.ipi riii'iitoiitor mentals or to distant post . in nnh nu imni mi in "'i"',v uiuuss u ri'siion- mm In Columbia county assumes to pay the . iiciNon ripl Ion 'luo on demand. hi ' mnij. ,TOB rPIRXiNTTIlsra-. ti.iiirr iionnttinpntifif thn rof.CitfttivUvvn,! niuninc.'n.loiir.I Printing will tompnfe favora- Columbia County Official Directory. Irusi,1int.tud(fc-Yv'lllla:n Klwell. aswii'I .11' ilmli-ei-I. K KrlcWinmn, P. t.. S-human, ITut miin 'i ilv v. ,vo. Ilium Kilckbnutn. Co irt stetiOTrauber-f. N. Walker. . II -isler. HeeiirJer Williamson II. Jacoby. PHtrli't Mlorney-liobcrt H. I.lltlc. sin rirr Joiin V. Ilotrmnn. mrv' m siuriel Ni'yli ird. 'ir'iHi"'! -II A. swoppcnhelscr. i'MimHiiijn"rsloplien Polio, Charles JrrchatL i" ,ir.' "i T-'('ler'-J. n.Caioy. i.iliors-M. II. smith, V. Manning, 0. II. bee- "''il'i'f'i'ommlsloncrs-Kll llobblns, Thcoiloro W. "I'm't superintendent William It. Snyder, tuuo.n Poor District-Directors It, H. Ent, Scott, iV'ii. Kramer, liloomsburg and Thomas Heece, JCOit, Bloomsburg Official Directory. President of Town Counclt-O. A. Herring. I'ler -Paul II. Wirt. chief o( Pollce-Jas. C. sterner. IT. slilent of Has Company s. Knorr. Secretary -U. W. .Miller. iiiim usuurir lianktiig company .tohn AiFunsion, Presldem, 11. 11. llrolz, Cashier, John Peacock, Tel I er. KIM N.i lonal Hank Charles it. Paxton, 1 resident J. P. Tustln, Cashier. Cjlumbla County Mutual Savlntf I'nnd nnd Loan Assw'U Ion -II. II. Lltilc, President, O. W. Miller, sei'iei irj. Iilootnsuurir lliilldln? andHarlng Fund Association -Win. Peacock, President,.!. 11. llolitson, Secretary. Illoumsbursr Mutual Savlnir Fund Assoclallon J. I urowcr, President, P. K. Wirt, Secretary, CHURCH DIIiKCTORY. nvrrtsr cnoncii, i:ev..T. I'.TuslIn, (Supply.) suudiiy sen Ices luitf a. m. and of p. m. sundav School o a. m. Prayer Meeting Every Wednesday evening at 6j clock. So Bfreo. The public arc Invited to attend. HT. MATTIIKW'S l.l'TIIKHAN cnUHCll. Minister -llev. o. I). S. Mjrcl.lV. Sunday Services tuvr n. tn. and 7X P-ra-simd.i f School 0 a. tit. I'm er .Meeting Kvcry A'cdnesday evening at lys CICK'K. ,, Se its free. Nopcws rented. All aro welcome. I'KKSRVTKMANCIIl'KCll. Mlnlstcr-liev. Stuart Mliihell. mind iv Sen Iocs iom a. la. and Otf p. m. miinl.iv- Sctiool 9 n. m. Prayer Meoilng Every Wednesday evening nt oi ClOCK, sea a free No pews rented, strangers welcome, mktiioiiist EriicnrAi. CI1CHCII. Presiding Elder Ucv. W. Evans. Minister Hev. M. I.. Sm)ser. und.iy Sen Ices 1U and Gtf p. in. srhrml '1 n. m. r.luiu Class Kn Monday evening at njtf o'clock. lUUilK .null n I unci .livtii iuj i.c j tui.j fl7.'nlnial rtWf o'clock. (lenrral Praser.Mcctlng-Evcry Thursday evening I O CIOCK. RttronMEiiciinncn. Corner of Thlnl nnd Iron streets. I'astor l!ov. W. E. Krebs. Ki'sldciiCu-Corner 4th and Calharlno pjrceUi. Sunday Services lo a. in. and 7 p. m. stuida v School 9 n. m. t'rnjer ieetlng Saturday, T p. in. A II are lu Itcd There, Is nUvays room. St. rAn.'a cuukch. '.(eclor llev I,. Znhncr. Sunday seri Ices luys . m., IH V- m. sundav school 9 a. in. First Sunday In tho month, Holy Communion. Sit 'con preparatory to Communion on Friday evening before tho st sundav In each month. Pewsrcnted; but everj body welcome. KVAN0EI.1CA1. CItl'KCH, Presiding Elder Hev. A. I.. Kecser sundav Ser ice 2 p. in., In tho Iron street Church. Miniier uev. i.eorgo iiuiner. Priu er .Mooting livery saiinaiu ni s p. in. All aro Invited. All aro welcome. Meets In "the little Prick Church on the hill," known as the Welsh llapllst Church on nock street east i f Iron. Itcgulnr meeting for worship, every Lord's day af ternoon at 3 o'clock. scuts n eo ; and the public aro cordially invited to attend QCIIOOI. OltDEHS, Wank, int prinleil ami ; neatlv bound In small book's, on hand nnd or sale at Iho Colvmbian omco. J)I,AXK DKEDS, on 1'arclinunt ami Linen 1 Paper, common nnd for Administrators, Execu tor, in.! trustee, for sale cheapat tho coiX'mhian oi'.lce. MWUl AGE CERTIFICATES just printed nnd for salo at the Columbian onicc. Mlnls ur. uf tno tio'-pel and Justices should supply them selves wlththeso necessary articles, t I" TIC hS anil Con' nliles' I'eo-Hills for sale J atlhoCot.rMiiiAN omce. They contain tho cor rected fees as established by tho last Act of thn Lcg- ..ature upon tho subject. Every Justice and Con- tahlo should havo one. TrEXIU'E NOTES ju-t prinled ami for sale 1 cheap at tho Coi cmbian onice, TUB rUUKCll OF CHIIIST, 1,I.()0MSI!IJI!G I)IHECT()UY. l'P.OFESSIONAL CAHDH, (!. HAHIvI.EY, Office In llrower's building, Ind siory, liooius II. HOIIISOX, Altorney-aI-I..-iw. Oilice ' In Ilaitlnan'sbuUdlng.MalnbtrtcI. SAMUEL KNOIin. Atlornev-nt Law.Ollice In llurtuwu a nuiiding, Main s'ticct. U. VM. M. llK!!I01!,Snr);eoii ami 1'liTsT I clan, (inico .Market .met. Above tth fiast T It. EVANS, M. I)., Silicon ami Pliysi I . clan, (Olllco nnd llesldenco on Third street. J. D it. McKELVY, JL D.,Siirpin and l'liy , Mclan, north sldo .Main street, below Market. Ii. .1. J. KUTTEIti PIIVSIC1AN 4SUUQE0N, omce, North Jlarket street, liloomsburg, Pa. -Mar.JT '74 H. I. L. liAim, 1'ItACTICAL DENTIST, Main Slreot, oppcslte Episcopal Church, Ulooms-buri-, Pa. r- Teeth oxtracted without pain, aug 2), 7.1y. MISCELLANEOUS. JI. DKINKEK, GUN nnd LOCKSJIITII. V' sewing Machines and Machinery of all kinds re- dalred. Orxiu House Building, liloomsburg, 1'n. I) AVID LOWENI1EHO, Jlerchant Tailor ?inin ot., aoove cenrrai noiei. S. KUIIN, dealer in Jlent, Tallow, etc., Cent ro street, between Second and Third. UOSKNSTOCK, n.otoKrMier, Clark Jt Woir'sfeiore, Main blnet. t IIM11SI IIS . . YM 1Pi.nlTn..l Y Y. KESTEK, " MERCHANT TAILOli. HoomNo. 15, OriKAlloi'SE Hcmiiino, liloomsburg. arrlll9.1M8. ItflTimi AXflWTfiA A tcm I xv.l. rrt E . . . . v NATIONAL I'lllE INSU1IANCE COMPANV, Ihe asKts cf these old corporations are all In- tlitldlll SIlMII M:i.1"ltlTIKS ntnlnrolluMn ttl, iiuilt-rate Hues ou llio tefet rlksurc alone acct-rtcd. 1 1. sea l-jtown i y unil uoNtfTi-v adjubiinl ami paid Ul Airi lit and Adlut-lt r. irrrf.mshum pn'ti-n ' 'III' tllliLHur toluriiUaiouiity Aiould imlrnnlp IIP Hvt r,IV Ulwni iuldb If onv nw. ..-n.T. .. CMtEAS UROWN'S INSURANCE AGEN- 'tna.Insro.. of Hartford. ConnDctiont . ftiMdrw I arvltnl i"i , lu'rP01 v . isir.ioIiKio lucanshiro 10 ooo 00 irn Association, l'hlladelphla s'.liw'.ouo irmers -Mutual of Uannilo oou iMiue Mutual t urn i ! ,l10 "gencles arc direct, policies are rlt'ten'for he insured without any delay in the onice at lllooms. llarch llAimiAN ItEfKkSBNTH TI1K (OUJIWIKfl A.V p IF It V TKR1M) A VHP fflMIII VI L-c . .. !.':m!I1S of Muncyl'ennsjlvnn'la. iaiuii ot "uaaeipwa. J'a 'uusiiTaniacf wnucrs of Yort i'n .uuoveror New York. iiiiaiiauor " iL vo HMiy kC'' BU'1t N0, S' 1!loomsturBi ra- T THE OUAiNUKVILLK AWIIKMY Von can get a Thorough Education wllh tho EEAST OUTLAY OE J10NEY. For Catalogue, address the I rluclpal, r . .it.,,., r. PH11S,187-M ' ' v","11- C. B, BR0CKWA7 i n LAWYERS. K. WALLEitT"' Attornoynt-Law. Increase ef Pensions ettnineJ, Coiieetlens made. omcc, second d oor from I st Nat lonal Hank. llLOOMSIIl'IUf, PA. Jan. 11, J" U. KUNlv, Attornoynt-r.nv, Incrcaso of I'cu-ions . Obtained, Collections Jin Jo. BLOOJISBUHO, PA. OfUco In Ent's llcii.niNO. JgliOUKWAY A ELWELI" A T TO Ii N n Y S-A T-h A W, Cot-DMBtiN IIciuiino, liloomsburg, Pn. Members of tho fnlled states Low Association. Colltctlons made In any part of Amenta or Europe Q H ft W.J.nTjCICAEEW, ATTOIIKKYS-AT-LAW, liloomsburg, ra. oracc on Jlnln Street, Drst door below Court House ATTOUNKY-AT-tAW, moomsburg.Pa. omco over Schuyler's Hardware store. P P. IULLMEYEU, ATTOHNET AT LAW. OrFicit-ln Hnrman's Eulldlng, Main street, Uloomsburg, in. ii. i.irn s. kos't, n. umi. H. h K. P.. LITTLE, ATTOKNEYS-AT-LAW, Bloomsburg, Pa. W.JIILLEU; ' ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW onice In llrower's building, second floor, room No. liloomsburg, Pn. B. EEANK ZAP.K, Attornoj'-ivt-Tnv. Hi.oo.Msiiuno, pa. omco In Unasust's Ucilbiso, on Main street second door above Ci ntre, (!an lie consulted in German. Jan. 10, '79-tf OATAWISSA7 yJL L. EYEIILY, ATTOIiNKY-AT-LAW, , Catawusa, Pa. collcctlons promptly made and remitted, omce ooposlte Catawissa Deposit Hank. m-3S . II. Abbott, y. n, hhawn, AIlltOTT Si IIHAWN, Attornoys-at-Law. CATAWISSA, PA. Pensions obtained. dec 21, 77-ly ESPY PLANING MILL. Tho undersigned lessee or the Espy Planing Mill. Is prepared to do all kinds ot mill work, Doors, Frames, Sash, BIMs, etc. rando to order on short notice. Satisfaction guar- uuicuu. Charlks Knro, IllocmBburg, Pa. BLOOMSBURG TANNERY. G. A. HERRING "I ESPECTI'ULLY announces tn tlie public he has reopened SN YDEIftj TANNEit Y, (old stand) liloomsburg, Pa., nt tho Forks of Iho Es py and Light strut roads, vvhero all tlosrrtptlnnsnf leather nil! bo made In Ihe most nibslantlal and WOrkllianllkO inillllilT. iilirl Rr.l,l ill nrlr-u,,. kill, ,1, n IllldS. 'Ihe ht'-hesL nrlen In rush villi nt nil tlinoa 1. ad for GREEN HIDES of every description In thpenuntrv. Tim nnMinnm. ronago Is respectfully solicited. jnuuinsuurg, uct. I, IMS. Pensions ! All SOldlors. Wounded or Itilliroil rnn niuiAl, pensions! under Iho now law tud.ile from discharge. Address nt onco with stamp for blauks and new soldiers c lrculars. W.O. IlEItNlSOKRA: CO., . !'f tiralUirtleM St. PITTSHUIKI, PA. tir- oldest Claim Agency In tho state. April -,1679-ltn jivfeo THE GHEAT ENGLISH KEMEOY1 GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE f RADC MARK Is especially recom-TRADE mark. r rX imiimu "3 Ull Ul- w H lalMinr cine for sem-Si-'K.v l'ia' weakness.Sper- luatorrliea, Impo lency, and all disea ses, such as Loss of memory. Universal ijvssnuae, ram in AJOiUiG XUIUIIiriii niuu, iTCIIia-a . mil many other cIsenseB that lead to Insanlty.Consump Hon and o Premature (.rave, all of vv lilcli as a rule am ilrstcaused by deviating from Ihe pith of nature iioiiuviT iniiiiiKrnce. -me pennc .vienicine it tnn result of n life study nnd manvearsor exnerienee In treating these special diseases. run particulars in our pampuieis.iv well vvo dcslro to send free by mall lo every one. The specific Jlidlclno Is sold by all Druggists nt II per pack ige, or six packages for JJ, or w 111 tw sent by mall ou receipt of Ihe money by addressing THE OKAY MEDICINE CO., No. 10, Mechanic's lllock, Detroit, Mich. Fold In Hloom'buig bye. A. Klelro, and by all Druggists even where. Harris Evvliig, holesale Agents, Pittsburg, sept, e, 'putt Dauchy & Oo's. Advt's. fiiarHi'iitU'r-! Itrforc Diiying a PjANO or (! ft AN" Do not full lo send fur my latest i page Illustrated New sparer wllh muih valuable Information PltEV. NKtt PIANOS, l'. IIS5 nnd upwards. NEvv' OH OANS.fiilio (uu. llKsfKEtowittoiuoteforebuv. lug tbew lure. Pfcvv ahe ot Iuitatoks. Addrets DNILLK II U ATI Y, Washington, N. J. April 11, '7D-4W d 4 ii A n-UIng I dilLed 3S JKT c IlllM'N MMNTllli-ror tho best and fast cm jitiiji.u nooks unu uiuies. i'rices re cent. National l'riti.iiiittsfi en . lOiit. adelphla, Pa. d April 11, '7-4w in 'in iinnfi ,n,'ste,, m wn street ll 1 V OHM HI Stocks makes fortunes ev ery mouth. Hook sent iree explaining eunthlnc. Addiess IIAXTElt 4; CO., Dankkus, 17 Wall street, New York. a aprll 11 'Ju-iw AfiENTS WASTED for Smith's lllblo Dictionary andiHiLjiAN-., p1(T0RiAL BIBLES Prices reduced. Circulars free. A J. HOLM AN 4 CO., Philadelphia, a April II, 'iww 1 BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER. There Is 110 doubt about Iho trreat. kiinHnH,.. of this article over common porous piasters ond other esternal remedies, such as liniments, elec trical appliances, to Ask I'b) slclaustn your own lo"allly ulout II. It Is vvonderlul. Sold by drug gUts. prlct SJ cents. d opr. ll,'7!i"4w ouxiiineiujissBKEinsiKmi. ;id,tt .44i.m Luil ijvuiutMlaiier, kUm, kuuk April 11, 79-4W d 4 t H, T. HELMBOLO'S a o ivr po tjjtsrxj FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU. PHARMACEUTICAL A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES OP THE BLADDER & KIDNEYS For Debility, Loss of Memory, Indisposition to Exertion or JJusi ness.SJiovtness of BreiitliiYonbled with Thoughts of DisoiisejDiinness of Vision, Pain in the Rack.Chest nnd Head, Rush of Rlood to the Head, Pale Countenance and dry skin. If these symptoms are allowed to go on, very freiniently Epilep tic Fits and Consumption follow. When tho constitution becomes af fected it requires tho aid of an in vigorating medicine to strengthen and tone up the system which "Helmbold's Eucliii" DOES IN EVERY CASE. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU IS UNEQUALED By any remedy known. It Is prescribed by tho most eminent physicians all over tho world, In Rheumatism, Spermatorhoea, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Aches and Pains, General Debility, Kidney Diseases, Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility, Epilepsy, Head 'Troubles, Paralysis, General 111 -Health, Spinal Diseases, Sciatica, Deafness, Decline, Lumbago, Catarrh, Nervous Complaints, Female Complaints, evrc. Headache, Pain in the Should ers, Cough, Dizziness, Sour Stom ach, Eruptions, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Palpitation of the Heart, Pain the region of the Kidneys. and 11 thousand other painful symp toms are the ollsprings of dyspepsia. HELMBOLD'S BUCUU IiiMKoraOs the Sloiuucli. And stimulates the torpid Liver, Bowels and Kidneys to healthy ac tion, in cleansing the blood of all impurities, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. A single trial will bequilo sulli cient to convince the most hesitat ing of its valuable remedial quali ties. PRICE $1 PER BOTTLE, Or Six I.'oltli'N lor $". Delivered to any address free from observation. "Patients'' may consult by letter receiving the same attention as by calling, by answering the following questions : 1. Glvo your namo and post-otneo address, county and State, and your nearest express onico 7 1. Your acre and sex 7 s. Occupation 7 4J Married or single ? 5. Height, weight, now and In health 7 6. How long havo ou been sick 7 7. Tour complexion, color of hair and eyes 7 s. Havo you a stooping or erect gait 7 9. Uelato without resurvatlon all you kuovv about your case. Encloso one dollar as consult 11 Ion feo Your letter will then receive our attention, and we will give you the nature of your disease and our candid opinion concerning n cure. Competent phjslclans attend to correspondents, All letters should bo addressed to Dispensatory, 1217, Filbert street, I'hUadclphla, 1'a. II. T. IIBLIVinOLD, Druggist and Chemist, HHUDKU'lUA, PA. S03.U i: V Y WII March t.isiwy BLOOMSBtniG, PA., Poetical. GRANDMOTHER'S SOCKS. lint, bht you vvbuM laugh to see the fits (Irnndlna makes of (bo socks she knits i I'm suro It wduld puzJo llio wlest wile TO know how lo vv, nr sued w omUrtul fits. for though she won't own it sometime,, you know, Her head win nod, and then, Viry slow Her finger more, unlit-down they fro J (irnndina'shadnnap I en, no I oh, hd I Well, nfler her nap, siii forgets, you see, hero she Intended Iho heel to be j She sometl mes makes-one, two, or threo In a single sock, as Iho case may l 1 fco (trandma's Socks nro never a III, Hut nev er A word shul sli know of It I ror her Joy and comfort It is to sit, Day after day, and patiently knit. And loving hands lay tho socks nwny, v Ith a word of rral-te 10 (irnndma Orny. ' Who, over her kntttlbif. continues lo pray fine liny lie useful Ull Life's latest d.iy Much ot our life-work, llkonrnndina Gray's, Hay provo to bo useless j but lovo win pralso What wo'vo tried to do j In our several ways, for Love's sweet sake, tluough llfo's (letting days. loslon Trantcript, A HINDOO LEGEND. A Hindoo died-a happy tiling todo When tw enty years united lo n shrew. Helens d, he hopefully for.entrnnce cries llcforo Iho galea of llrahiua's Paradise. "Hast been through Purgatory;" Uraturia sal j. "I havo been man led." And ho hunghls held. ''Como In, come In, nnd welcome to, my son I Marriage and Purgatory am as one," In bliss extreme ho entered Heaven's door. And knew the peace ho ne'er had known before. He waretr had entered In the Harden fair, A nothcr Hindoo asked admission there. Tho self same quest Ion Ilrahma oked again : "Hast been through Purgatory 7" "No-what then'." "Thou canst not enter I" did tho (lo 1 reply. "lie who went In was there no more than I." "All tlutts true, but ho has married been, And so on earth lias suffered for all sin." ".Man led 7 'Tls well ; for I've been married twlco 1" "Ilegono I We'll bavo no fools In Paradise 1" Select Story. GHOST STORIES UNVEILED? now thfi si'pniiNATi'iiAr. ihsappkabs o.v I.NVllaTIOAIIO.V. Tho following are related In tlie conrern tioiml style in which they vvero told tn a contributor lo Chamber's Journal. ' am sure nono of j-ott were ever so terri fied by a Rhost ns I was,' said my Aunt Mabel, 'It was an American ghost, which perhaps accounts fur its having been more wild nnd weird and altogether electrifying than any thing ever met with in the old com try. You know that I went tb Ameri ca when I was young, and that I spent many of my early years in a lonely fami-houso in the backwoods.' 'And without servauls, Aunt Mabel )' 'Quite true, dear. Servants would not stay in such an out-of-the-way place without higher wages tint) we could give them, and indeed tho 'help' we triod weraolten more deserving of the name of 'hinderers.' lint we were all voung and strong, and wo never had happier days than when we all kept bonso together, and did tbe work with our ov n hands. Capital training It was, though at fird of course we mado majiy mistake-, every thing was so new and strange to us. 'It was -non after ournrtival at this lonely place that I met with a terrible fright. My sister Isabel and I sband the same roonyind one night I was awakened ly hearing her crying by my side. 'What is the matter, Isabel ?' 'U, a toothache, a most dreinlfiii tootbsche and I have nothing to relieve it. If I could only get some brandy; a little burnt brandy wi.uld cure it in a moment.' 'My dear,' I said, jumping out of bed, 'I will pet you some directly. I know where it i in the parlor cupboard and I have got the key.' 'Hut you have no light.' '0, I can grope my way to the room, ami then I can eutily light my caudle at the stove.' 'So sooner said than done. I wrapped a shawl round me, went mi inly and quietly down stairs, felt my way through the dark and deserted room, and succeeded In 'icht ing my candle at the stove. Hut no sooner did I hold up the lighted caudle to make my way to tho cupboard, than the most un earthly shriek ran through tho room. At the same moment the light was suddenly ex tinguiahed. I waslelt in total darkness, and all was still and silent as before, 'Chilled with horror, and trembling in every limb, I groped my way back as well as I could, and told my story to Isabel ; but she was In such pain that it did not make tbe impression on her that I expected, I got but little sympathy. 'It must have been the wind, or a wild cat oulsido that screamed,' he said ; 'and as to the light being put out, that of course was shrer accident. Candles often go out when they are just liahted. Of coutfe, she added, 'we are not such fools as to believe in ghost'.' 'This rather put nie-on my mettle, and moved, beside, by her moans of intense pain, I at last braced myself up to a second attempt, I went with great determination, resolving that nothing should now hinder me from bringing the remedy to my sis ter. 'I'roceeding down stars again, all went well till I turned from Ihe stove with my lighted candle In my hand. Instantly the siine yell resounded in my ears, while some tiling, I could not tell what, swept past me and dashed out llio light I 'How I reached my room I never knew, but I crawled into bed more dead than alive and ns soon as I could speak I told Isabel that, no matter what happened, nothing could induce 1110 to make the venture agaiu. 'Morning came at last, and w ith it tho so lution of the mystery. My brothers had come home late, bringing with them a crcech-owl which they had caught, and had put iuto the parlor for safety till the morn ing, The light had of course disturbed it, and it had tluwn against tho candle and ex tinguished it while uttering Its peculiar and singularly hideous cry. My terror at Ihe midnight ghost was a joko at my expense for ong after, 'I think you were very bravo to go into the room a tecond time, Aunt .Mabel.' 'Well, I think I was, I must admit, Jiut I would have braved almost uny thing for Isabel, and I was a strong, courageous girl who hardly knew what fear wa. Still, I can assure you that even to this day wheu I recall the scene, I teem still to feel the thrill FRIDAY, APRIL 25. 1879. of (error that shook'hie attli6ourtd of that unearthly shriek, IleUrd for th6 first linlo lirtho dead of night and so close 16 my ear, It wa truly Biartllnfc nnd dreadful. It was a great relief whert the mystery was nd sim ply explained. Hut only imtiglne If It had never been cxlalnfd I If th6 owl had got in n'nperceived, and had ecapcd by the chimney or' nn open' window I How that ghostly shriek tftut have hniltitcd me ever after I' It would have been ai frightful a ghnst-Sitory ai you ever heard.' Hut, sec I at tho touch nf the lilllo wnnd of truth tho ghost vnnMies, and only a poor screech-owl reinfllns!' 'Now let me tell the story of otlr 'family ghost,' nai'd Miss li. 'Such' a Useful, lalth fiil.dcvolcd spirit ai it was I An Irish ghost; but not a banshee morrj like a 'dollcftto Ariel' or household fairy. I only fear its race ls extinct now, as well M that Of the invaluable servants who iiel to Identify themselves with their master's family, Our ghost was before my time ; but often and often have I heard my grandinotLer talk-of it, nnd what a mystery it was, The house hold was large and varied, consisting of tho old couple, somo grown-up ones, one of them married, an orphan niece, nnd two or three young children in tho nursery. There were no railways in those day, nnd when any of the family intended gnlng to the ciuntry town, they had to bo up at dawn of day, take a solitary breakfast, and set out on what was then a formidable expedition. Of course the alKiir u-ed to bo diseased in tin family the' evening before, commissions given, and the time of starting fixed 011. 'And now comes the strange1 part of my story. Whether tho servant were up in good tiuiB or ilot, the fire was always light nl, the kettle boiling, and the breakfast ready at t'h6 appointed time I The clothes which came from the wash' were f6ilnd care fully sorted out and apportioned to their respective owifcrs honfc could tell by whom. If a firo was required in the nur sery, it kept up by invisible hands. Xursewaj a' heavy sleeper' but no riiattcr her deficiencies vvero supplied by' the ob liging nnd Indefatigable ghost. Nurse Used to find as bright a fire In tho morniug as she had left at nighi, the' turf-basket re plenished, and all as neat and orderly as hands could mako it. To get out the break fast thing, irty grandmother's keys must have been taken from her roDm, but by whom 110 one. could toll, ' 'Leave the key-basket in my room,' said a visitor, the night before he left. 'I am a light sleeper, and if tho ghost comes to get my breakfast, I shall know it.' 'Toward daybreak he heard the keys tink le, and. instantly threw a dagger, which he had hidden under his pillow, to tbe spot whence the sound proceeded, In the morn ing the dagger was found stuck into the door, but no clew to the mysterious visitor could be found. 'At last my graudmothcr determined that tho mystery should be solved, whatever it might be, and she prepared to sit up in her room all night, listening for the faintest1 sound. For a long time all was still ; and my grandmother was beginning to fear that her long watch through the winter's night was only wasting her strength iu vain, when at last, sntnewhc re in the small-hours, she heard a slight thud iipon the stairs. In stantly seizing her candle, she rushed out in time to seo a slender figure in white car rying a basket of turf on its arm. Tbe fall of a sod from the file' basket was the sound shu had heard. My grandmother was a brave woman, and swiftly as the while fig ure llittwl on, swiftly did sho follow afler, up staircase,, and along passages, till jut as it reached the nursery duor, she overtook it, and discovered her nkco walking in her sleep I 'It seems the poor girl was so anxious about the household arrangements that she u-ed to ri'o in her deep to accomplish all that she knew ought to be done. How her zeal nearly cost her life, through the foolish rashness of .1 young visitor, I have already told you. She was never again permitted to sleep alone. .My grandmother took her to her own bed ; and clasped iu her loving arms, tho poor girl learned to forget her cares, and to take the full benefit of ' Tired nature's sweet restorer, balmy bleep.' 'Had not my grandmother po.sesed good sene, courage, and resolution, the story might have had a very different ending,' LACE MAKING. The following legend is told concerning the introduction of luce-making iu Flan dirs : A poverty stricken but pious young girl was dying of love for n young man whoso wealth precluded all hopes of car nage. One night, as sho sat weeping at her tad fate, a beautiful lady entered the cottage, and, without saying a word, placed 1111 ncr knees a green cloth cushion, with its bobbins tilled with fine thread which on autumn evenings floats iu the air.and which tho people call 'lils do la Vierge.' The lady, though of romantic hearing.vvas a prac tical manufacturer. She sat down in si lence, and with her nimble fingers taught the unhappy maiden how to mako all sorts of patterns and complicated stitches. As daylight approached, the maiden had learn ed her art, and the mysterious visitordisap ptartd. The price of lace soon made tbe poor girl rich. She married tho mau of htr choice, and surrounded by a large fami ly, lived happily and rich, for she kept the secret to herself. One evening, when the little ones were playing around her knee by the fireside, and her husband sat fondly watching the haimv group, the lady suddenly made her appear- auce among them. Her bearing was dis tant ; she seemed stern and sad, and this time addressed her protege in a trembling voice. 'Here,'. she said, 'you enjoy peace and abundance, while without aro, famine aud trouble. I helped you ; you have not helped your neighbors. The angels weep for you and turn away their faces.' So the next day the woman arose, and going forth wllh 11 green cushion and its bobbin iu her bauds, went from cottage to cottage, oner ing tc all who would be taught to instruct them iu the art she had miraculously learn ed. So they also became rich, and lielgi urn became famous for its manufactures, Tin: (iiimTKST llt.tssixu A simple, pure, harmless reuusly, that cures every time, nnd prevents disease by keeping the blood pure stouiuh regidir, kidneys and liver aclive, is the greatest blessing ever confrrtd upon man. Hop Hitlers is that reuudv, and its proprietors aie Ulng blessed ly lliou.aiid who have been saved unit cured by it. Will you iry it ? See another column, TIIH IIIOIIKST IMIAIIITEI) POINT. Tin: sifiNAt, SKitvicn nnsHnvKM at tile TOP OPPIKli'g ITiAU. Tho United Stales Signal Service Station ntl'iko's l'eak, Is. tho highest signal In the wtirld ; It it also the highest Inhabited por tion of the globe, it was opened In the month of September, 1873. That it wa4 A wise provision of tho government in estab lishing a signal ttatlnn, at this point is no longer questioned, the facts having already demonstrated its practicability, nnd the present tucceiw promises that 1'lko's Peak Signal Station is yet to stand at tho head of all astronomical and meteorological stations in the world. This point Is wonderfully fa vored by nature for the study of astronomy and meteorology. The rarity of the almost phero brings out n remarkable brilliancy and clearness to the stars and all the heavenly bodies. The nights are almott always cloud less, and cloudy days are the exception. Nine-tenths of the storms nro below the Peak. The best and most complete report of tho Inst total eclipse of the sun, received at Washington, was the report of Prof. Loud, of Colorado Uollego, from observa tlons taken at Pike's Peak. The signal station is now underthe charge of Sergts. Choate, Iilske and Sweeny. These officers are detailed from the army be cause of their peculiar adaptability nnd special qualifications for the accurate exeoution of the nice duties of taking astro nomical and meteorological observations. To Sergt. Hufiis Choate I am greatly indebt ed for the particulars embodied in this: ar ticle. Tho summit of Pike's Peak contains sixty acres. It is H,330 feet above the level of the sea. On tho highest point of the sum mit stands the signal station, a rough stone building, twenty-four by thirty,, one Btory in height. It is divided into four rooms and wood room. And here, in this' blenk spot, nearly twenty miles from tho habitations of man, thee men live the larger part of the year. The station is three miles from the timber line,-where the greater part of vege tation ceases. Short grass, tufted with del icate Alplni-flowers, struggles for an' exis tence against the frigidity of the atmosphere, and creeps toward tbe mountain top ; but there are' hundreds of acres of cold gray and reddish rocks where not 8 vestige of verdure exists. Like the dwellers of the Arctic regions, the Inhabitants of Pike's Peak have but two seasons summer and winter. Two months of summer August and September aud ten long, cold months of winter. The sum mer season passes quickly. The atmost phere is congenial ; the many visitors at the Peak enhance its toclal life with joy, won derment and mirth. Duriug the summer of 187C, upward of 1100 people, in parties' of from five to thirty, visited the Peak, amoiijf them many ladies. They registered from four quarters of the globe, and they all ex pressed admiration and astonishment nt the grandeur and sublimity of the wonderful views as seen from the Peak. To behold a sunrise from the peak is an event of a life time, and for this purpose visitors often re main over night nt the station, to be ready to catch tbe first glimpseof the sun as It ap pears above the horizon, gilding with its bright rays the mountains, hills, valleys and plains, to the wonder and delight of the amazed beholder. The duties of the officers are various Seven observatious aro taken daily ; all storms are closely watched and each special and distinctive characteristic duly recorded. Sunrise aud sunset demand close attention. Kvery peculiarity of the heavenly regions is viewed ami a record made of tho same, and monthly reports of these are sent to headquarters at Washingtcn. The present year has been unusually prolicfic in sun-dogs, which are said to prognosticate earthquakes, subterranean explosions, immense freshets, and troublesome times. A government of fice at Pike's Peak is no sinecure, for tho officer must bufiet all storms and brave all weathers. Sergeant Choate was at the Springs in December, and on December 21 ho loll for tho Peak, wearing Norwegian snow shoes twelve feet In length. The summer months are also occupied in prepariog for tho long seige of winter. Dur ing the months of August and September upwards'of 3,000 pounds of tho usual varie ty of family stores, and about "twenty eoids of fire wood, are snugly stowed away. These are all carried to the Peak in small quanti ties, on the back of the poor, despised Hurro, whoso head. has the appearanco of being in-ca-ed In cloth, aud whose ears aro nearly the length of his legs, nnd who walks at the paco of a Fnail, and a very sluw snail at that. lloslon Journal. AIJUUT CtlitNS, Corns aro known as hard and soft, but their difference is entirely owing to locality. If a com is situated between the toes, where it is kept inoNt by is of the soft variety; but if locate 1 on the outside of tho toe, where it could get no moisture, it would necessarily be hard, Corns aro pro duced by pressure or friction, and are sim ply a protective growth thrown out for the purpose of preventing the tissues being iu jurnl. Corns are sufficiently painful at all time, but they are the most unbearable when u accumulation of pus takes place beneath them, the escape of this drop of pus is prevented by the hardened and iblekenpil cuticle, which must be poulticed, or soak- eu 111 warm water, and then removed by a sharp-pointed knife. The entire corn can be taken nut, with a little care and patient work, without drawing a drop of blood. The application of caustics should be avoided iu tho treatment of corns, especially in old people, as fatal gangrenous inflam mation tiny be the result, Temporary relief from n unlnful corn may readily bo obtained by applying strong carbolic acid. Take the cork out of a small bottle of carbollo and annlv It ftt, cork) to the com, Itelief will come at once and you will be enabled to walk with com parative comfort till you cau find time to remove tho corn with a knife. Hard corns may be treated as follows; Take a thick piece of soft leather or felt ; cut a hole in the centre. Upon going to bed at night fill the holt in the centre of thu leather with a paste made of soda aud soap ; wush it oil In the morning, and re peat the same process for soyerul nights, aud the corn will be removed. The merits of I)r, Hull's Haby Syrup are acknowledged by all who have ever mod it for the diseases of Infancy. Price only 25 cents a bottle. THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XIII, N0.18 COLUMUI A DRMOCRAT, VOL. XLIV, NO, WAITING1 FOR MILLIONS. Detroit alio has her share of helri-expect-ant, and it is a poor day when onecan'tturn a street corner and upset at least one person who believes himself entitled to half the money in tho Hank of England. A few of tho more Important cases may be interest ing. Henry Smith Is the second cousin of a man whose great grandfather was run over by a carriage in which George III, was rid ing. Henry was lately Informed by a law yer that his chance nf securing possession of ab6ut half of England is first-rate. Steps have already been taken to provo that Ulng George was drunk when the accident occurr ed. Thomas De'ahoe Is one of the G,457 Del ahoes who are heirs to the great Ulumlum estate In Scotland. All Thomas needs to do Is to prove that one of his ancestors ran away to sea, landed In the East Indies, mar ried a native, set sail for America in a canoe, landed here In good health, and died of hon orable old age, Just as soon as the draylng business slacks Dp a little, Thomas Is going to set about collecting his proofs and build ing a vault in which to Btore his money, Mary Von Ilium, a servant girl, has just been left a fortune of $3,000,000 by tbe death of her uncle, a German count. There are some little trifles to bo attended to be fore she cau pay for a new bounet out of this legacy. The principal trifle is to es tablish the fact that her uncle had more than enough to bury him, and that ho ever heard of or knew of a Von Ulum In his life. Just as soon as she receives her money she Is going to demand an increase of fifty cants per' week in wages, and tell her mistress just what she thinks of a lady who wants pota toes pared thin. Edward Sklles Is heir to the vast, Lancast er estates in England, or will be in a few (lays. His great-grandfather; was keeper of the hounds for the Duke of Lancaster, and once helped his Grace out of a mud-puddle. In return he was promised a fat reward. He never got it. It is tho inference that the duko meant to will him the estate. Of course he did. Edward .stands ready to prove that his lather was a son of his grand father, and if those blasted Englishmen kaqw what's jjood fur 'em, they will at once set about shipping the Lancaster estate to Detroit in sections. Free, Drett. TI1E I'AUPEIt LAW. An important opinion was recently de livered by His Honor Judge'Cummin, in the case of Davidson township, Sullivan county, vs. Moreland township, Lycoming county. The question at issue was as to the residence of Ann Sperry, a pauper. She was a native of .Luzerne county, where she resid ed with her father until she reached 25 years of age, wheu she moved with him about 1827 to Davidson township, then being in Lycoming county. She had charge of her father's house until after her father's second marriage when, in corisequenceol difficulties she went elsewhere, and was employed at different places. In the year of 1868 Bhe moved to Moreland township, Lycoming county, into the house of a family named Taylor, soon after which she fell upon the ice, injuring her leg so that she was unable to work, and became a charge upon the township. The overseers of Moreland took the woman to Davidson township and left her there. Tb.3 overseers of the last named township obtained an order from two justi ces, removing her back to Moreland, charg. ing tho expenses to that township. From thisorder the Moreland overseers appealed. Judge Elwell, on tbe bench of Sullivan.sus tained the order of removal, holding that the evidence showed Ann to have gained a settlement iu Uenton township, poluiubia couuty, aud that it was the duty of Moreland township, where Ann first became charge find her last place oi legal settlement. CARRIED UP. The case was taken to the supreme court and Judge Elwell's opinion affirmed. The overseers of Moreland then obtained an or der removing Ann to Benton township, Co lumbia couuty. , From this order Benton township appealed. Judge Gamble, before whom tho case was tried, decided that Ann had not gained a legal settlement in Benton township, and that the township could not be charged with her support. An appeal was taken to tho supreme court from this decision by the Moreland overseers and Judge Gamble was sustained. The More land parties then obtained an order from two just ices, removing Ann to Davidson. From this order Davidson took on appeal to the court of quarter sessions of Lycoming county, and the case was argued before His Honor, Judge Cummin, in February last, Hon. O. H. Keigbard, and Frank F. Drake, Esq , appearing for Davidson ; Judge Linn, Judge Bently and Bently & Parker for Moreland. Arguments were made by Mr. Iteighard, for plaintiff, and by Bently tc Parker, for defendants. THEDncrSION OIVEV. The court gave Its opinion last Tuesday de ciding that Ann opcrry was not chargeable to Davidson township, she never having had a settlement there. The decision of tho court turned upon a point that was nev er before decided in Pennsylvania, viz ; Whether a child, after arriving at the age of 21, and removing with its father from one district to another, Will gain a derivitive settlement by reason of remaining in the father's family and without coming within any of the requirements of the act by which an original settlement is gained. Judge Cummin held that a child, sound In mind and body, capable of maintaining itself, is legally emancipated at the age of 21, and if a father removes Into another district and his Jemancipated child goes with him, the child will not gain a new settlement in the district to which they remove, by merely serving In the father's family without any contract of hiring, or otherwise coming within the act of assembly, AN EXPL'NStVi: CASE. Moreland township has been subjected to a heavy cxpeuse In this case, not only hav ing to support the pauper, but defray all the expenses of tbe litigation, lucludlug Ihe car rying of the case twice to thesupreme court. The woman is now dead, aud the contest will hereafter be to determine who shall pay the costs of keeping her since 18G8, The only course for Moreland to pursue will bo to recover from the township of her birth iu Luzerne county, which was her last place uf legal settlement, The Texas Tribune says : "the late 'at uiospherical freshness' has brought ou many cases of Coughs and Colds, and Dr, Bull's Cough Syrup is iu greater demand than ever," 1'rice only 25 cents, RATES OF ADVERTISING! IPACl. lit. til. IM. iH. 1 oselncb , .,,.11.00 u.eo 11.00 Hco mm iwoincnrs ,,,, 1.00 4.oo e.uo s.oo rhree Inches, 4,10 7.00 U.00 four inches e.oo ?.oe t oo 11.00 II.Mt lit l.W M.M, (Jusrlcr column.... e.oo s.oo 10.00 11.00 lull pnlntnn 1a nn Im ii m n. aa One column." toioo ic.'oo lo.'oo bo'.OO Im'j Yearly advtirtlsrmfinfit naablA nuAHr1y. Tnft ilentailiertlsementsmustV paid tor beforolnseru except where parties hive accounts. Lriral adfertlnementstvndiMlArfir4trlnrhfArttir4i iiiwiimiiB, nn uiBbrnie lor auyuionai inHlliuU; niiiiouireierence loiengin. Ki-cutor's, AmlclBtrstor's and Auditor's notice) three dollars. Must be paid for vhrn Inserted. I Trantlentor Local notices, twenty cents alls n-Kumr nuYurvineiiienui umii riviHi Cards tn the "nnstnrss'Dtrectcry" eelnma, dollar per year for each line. Items. Lucie Zarale, aged 6 pounds'Is tb mar ry General Mite, aged 0 pounds, The difference' between pefseverinea and obstinacy One Is a strong will( and1' the other is a strong won't, Babies never cry 'for spilt tnllk, It la milk that hasn't been spilt thai they cry for, A Texas sluggard, aged 18, has gon to his mother's auntt aged 52, and married her. Col, Kobert Q, Ingersoll makes the bold, statement that he Is the only man In the country who has read tho Bible through in ' the past year, Mexican papers rire able lo prove that the United States has lour murders to lta one, and, that Mexican officials are. far mora' honest than ours, Ex-Congressman Woodbrldge Is Mayor of Vergenncs, Vermont, and his colored coachman is the city Sheriff. Good morning, Mr. Brown, you're first at last ; you used to be behind before, but I notice you have been getting early of late." The Princess Louise Is just dying to see that Brooklyn regiment aud dear Chaplain Beecher, The boys are getting their uni forms cut low in the neck. Turn a clerk out of n JCOO position la Washington and in flfUeti minutes the try comes North : "The Confederates havo captured Washington." The amount of lumber to be sent down the West.Branch, from Pino creek, this sea son, will, amount to.22,0Q0.,000,feet., County. Treasurer D. F. Chestnut, of Fulton county,.Pii,owned, a paw mill a.few weeks ago, but when he went to look for it the bther day he found It gone saws, saw sets, wrenches, devices, dogs, crow baM.lbgf, and, in fact, the whole concern, The war' minister of1 England has ia agent in this country lor the purchase of liven hupdred mules Jor Africa, to assist the Brit ish troops in fighting the Zulus. Only, th best animals are purchased, and good price are realized. Gen'. Lee asked a straggler one day, whom he found eating green persimmons, if he did not know they were unfit for food. "I'm not eating them (for food,, General,, replied the man. "I'm eating them to draw my stomach up'lo fit my rations." A terrible story comes from Russia. ,At tho Kieff prison the political prisoners mad a tunnel, intending to escape. The authori ties were informed, and as the prisoner emergod ,they were shot. Alarmed by tha noise many refurned, only to be.ehot dawn like dogs at the other end. A married' man In New Hampshire haa adopted an original method of securing' do-" mestic leconomy, One morning when h knew his wife would see him, ho kissed th servant girl. The , house expenses were In-, stahlly reduced $300 per year. This plan, however, is1 rather hazardous, and id not to be recommended for' general adoption. Curiosity brought Alexander Berid fo an 'untimely end. lie was a colored boy ot Alexandria and in an .evil moment wa tempted to investigate an old thirty-two pound shell. Exactly how he proceeded U not clear, but they found the string that had tied his trousers in the next yard, and held a funeral over one of his tracks. It wasn't much, but (he minister, said he was satisfied he had Benn there. London has more Roman Catholics than Rome, more Jews than all Palestine, 'mor Irish than Belfast, more Scotch than Aber deen, more Welsh than Cardiff; its beer ' and gin shops, placed one after another in a Hue, would reach sixty-two miles, and, one entire quarter of the city is inhabited by three hundred thousand of the mbst mis erable wretches and worst thieves to be found on earth. Suspension or a Pennsylvania Bank., jiiuii 10. ine .rroviuence Saving Bank and Trust Company, of .Pror- unite, x u,t :.uieiiueu yesteruay, Deing un able to meet its obligations after having ...atrii uuvnuuiu in iuu sixty uays law. in liabilities are $75 500 and tbe assets $100.-' 000, principally notes and bonds, of which probably not mpre thau half can be collect ed. It was not loose society, or the Tine cup Or l?ntnhlinf- nr Rfni-!r UllPPIllfltlnn in l,a 1 that ruined a bank officer in Honesdale, Pennsylvania. If we may accept the ver sion of the affair put out by his friends, he went to tbe bad by an original route to wit, via the pig sty. Iu an evil hour lie be- tumc ureu uy an amuition not culpable in itself to improve the breed of pigs in his beloved Pennsylvania. For that purpose he invested In a 40 .inn i,ntn,.- . nn.l .I,!. unlucky purchase proved his financial and inurui uesirucuon. Bishop Whittle of tho Episcopal diocese of Virginia has issued a pastoral letter for bidding the use of flowers in church deco rations, even at Easter, and disapproving of evergreens at .Christmas. The Rev, Dr, Armstrong of the Monumental Church, Richmond, replies with a calni but vigor- ' ous denial of the Bishop's right to mate any such prohibition, and argues that the order will excite "widespread talk and much dis satisfaction '; it will interrupt the flow of harmony which has so long very prominent ly characterized this church, and what seems to me no less deeply to be deplored, it will, in the view of many, elevate to the plane of importance subjects which surely cannot but be acknowledged both In tnemselve and relatively to be unimportant." Dr', Armstrong is sustained by the vestry of hit church, but the Bishop will be obeyed un der protest. Indians Who Say that Coster Kilv ED Himself. An Indian account of th death of Custer will not, I think, prove un interesting. The Indiaus say that, after th general stampede, Custer tried to rally hU men around him. H- waved his pistol In the air and shot it off twice, to attract bia men. Two or three gathered around him, but, as tbe Indians still continued to advanoo one of tbe soldiers tried to run away, (Juste fired at bim and killed him, and then s ing the case quite hopeless, the Indiana gathering around from all parts, turned hU lovolver on himself, preferring to die by hli own hanu. The Indians say that they think this person was Custer, as he was 'a chief; but thev are not certain of the fact.' Rain In the-Face took a soldier prisoner, but ha was not allowed to live long, as he was killtd at a dance that followed the fight. The In dians here all agree on one thing that tha Indiaus killed in ithe fight was thirty-six 1 they gave their names. WHY A HOItSK IIALKED. A Hartford man recently bought a youig horse for $200. Within a week or two the horse began to act badly, and finally de veloped such a balky disposition that tbf owner could do uothiug with him. Persua sion of every kind and finally severe beat ings wero resorted to, but still the horse re mained stubboru. At last, Iu a desperate uiood, the horse was taken to the original owner, who bought him back for $25, Th cause of the whole trouble was soon discov ered. The horse had beeu broken to wear a bames collar, and had ncer worn any other kind hU owner had put a breast collar on hlin after using him a little while, aud no one 'happened to think' that this change had produced the sudden obstinacy in the ani mal. Wearing the collar to which he had been acc stomed, the horse Is all right again and the gentleman who has got him back at a profit of $176 in six wests considers hlra worth fully $200 again.