THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BM)OMSBTJ EG, COLUMBIA COL NTY, PA. Miscellaneous. A WONIIKIIFUti CAXni,K. 1)J you evrr wonitar who first. Invrnteil or turd Rttlflclal light T 'nnJ what kind of light It win? To tell you tho truth, 1 uover thought auiitit It at all J but It happened that one evening not lotifl ago, I was mado tery much ashamed of my stupidity, I received au Ivltatlon to iend an even !ng with a learned professor and hts beauti ful wife, who live In a large house. on Mall on uremia In Ntiw York, and to witness nine electrical experiments What ii delightful and nenslhla Invitation! T knew I chiuld meet n t only the beit, hut the roost cultivated puple; and t nuttclpit i d fur uf'ftler wj lyrnent than If It h id been an ordinary etrnlng pitr'y. In tliU pl-ai-am expectation 1 was not disappointed. After th company Imd mnihlr!il, t'ley weio Invited log) tn the top of tho house, Wo marched nn tln stain In procession, tlm ladles Imvlnj? taken the nrim of the h'.ir led men. We were fisWivl Into a large rnotri from which all the furnl Ure had been re moved. U.tnip c'lalrs wrro arr.iiiRfil In nnv, and norp q'l'ckly Il leJ. Tnli worn opened lot i aiinllier, which was also filled will'p-chnir. B-'twn ihmiins was a high lnhle, on which were mysbrl 'in scitntinV binking j irs, nm of -which nuiia am ill c ip- per wires In fine coll. The tops of those aeemrtl to ha c .niiec'led logtlher by finer witen. On the table, beside llu"i, were a pn drop light, n cmnmiin tallinr ciiii.lir, ti lit.le bniiizi cuit iiiiing nil, witli a wick one end, a rrher shabby-looking I'ark rind1!- stick, or wliatlnilmd like one, and aomK iithe r thing", the mc-a of which 1 did not Innw, 1'nstcned was a wpiire. made of three colors of bi!c, brojd strip..- ol b!u, red, and green, mirr nlnded hy a vvid yellow horder, and I wondered to myself If it were a banner, and to what nation It be longed. After we were seated, there was a momcn tary silence of expectation, nnd I faintly heard something that sounded like the muf fled beating of a steam engine. I aaiV it af terward in the back room, a pretty Utile en gine hard at work, not bjillng wafer, to generate or make steam, but a petroleum oil, engine burning petroleum oil to to ge urate or makcan electric current which waa carried through a pipe to the ta ble betweeu tho rooms. The professor said that Ihiscuuning little engine coinumedonly one drop of oil a minute, and yet it was 'n horse and a half power.' I called it a hore and a cult power. You all know that the power of all steam cuisines it thut gauged or measured; that is,each one has the strength andean do the work ofao nnny hurses. The engine of an ocean steamer is of many hun dred horse power, a giant in strength and resistance against the mighty winds and wave, enabling the vessel, with almost re sistless power to, "Cleave a path majestic through the flood, As ii ane were a gonuess ol the deep. And now that I have qucted this elegant compliment to the steam engine, I will tell you what the professor said about light. "In very old times," he began, ''people went to bed with the chickens when the sun had Bet. When they wanted to sit up a lit tlo later, all tho light they kueiv ho.v to make waa from the blaze of burning wood. Afier a while, some observing old felloiv no ticed that when grease fell into the fire, the blaze became much brighter; so he dipped a reed or rush into oil and set one end on fire and thus ruah-lighta came Into fashion. Old books and songs tellaboutthe farthing rush lights. They were sold tour for a penny, and a veryjdismal illumination they must have made. Then people began to put oil In cups, preparing a rinJ of pork to set iu tho oil for a wick, and Imrned that. The great I'e.nta of the Roman-!, in the old clas sical heathen limes, before the birth of our Suvior, must have heeu most dingy allaus for all tliey had lor lighting up their tables were these lamps.' And hero the professor put out all the gas lights, and applied a match lo the wick at ono end of tbelitile bronze Roman boat. It was highly classical and very elegant in shape ; but the light it gave was so lUterly dismal lint all the company littered a funnv Utile groan, and a handsome old gentlema i who sat next to na said r 'Well, after t! at specimen of old Iloiian brilliancy, I am quite reconciled to psyin,r my big gas bills.' 'After thi,' continued tho professor, 'can dles wero invented. To show you what the first ones were like, I trioi to get as bad a one as posibK It should evolve or unfurl the traditional 'shroud' in the light, and be otherwise disagreeable ; but this one, I am afraid, will he far mora respectable and well behaved than the tallow caudles of our an cestors." Hero he lit the candle, and another dis mal groan saluted the forlorn yellow light. It looked as if It had lost all its friends. It sputtered and guttered ; callow tears ran down iu greasy sides, and very booh it be came, -if not a broken-hearted, certainly a broken-backed, tallow candlo. Ttwas not so many years ago,' said the professor, 'that candles were In general use, though greatly improved iu quality ; for the next invention the argand burner, or as' tral lamp could only be aflbroed by well-to-do people. The flame was fed by the oil made from the blubber of the sperm whale, which was rather expensive ; but the lamp made a great improvement In artificial light. Many of us can remember the astral lamp, which gave a soft, pleaant, steady light under its glass shade, quite sufficient to render a room of ordinary size cheerful and cozy. Gas has been discovered and utilized In placea of business a long time before it was introduced into our better houses ; and then it was that petroleum or kerosene took the place of candles In poorer localities, and it is still iu universal use. 'You may think that there is nothing bet ter to be desired than gas ; but, If the ladies present would consider how this light chan ges and Injure many delicate colors, and bow unbecoming it Is, they would rejoice in that restless spirit of invention, that is ever crying 'Ercelsiorl' and Is now using all its resources to bring the exquisitely beautiful pure white electric light into common use. Let me show you the effect of light still more yellow than gas light ou the colors hanging up. It la a sodium, and sodium is only com mon salt prepared for burning.' Here the professor applied a match to one of the thlugs on the table of which I told you I did not know the uses. A dull dtep yellow flame sprang up. Alt the blue, red and green iu what we will call the banner vanished utterly, nobody knows where, leaving three ugly gray and feaden-colored stripes, while the pale yellow border had an attack of yellow jaundice immediately, and became orange color. The professor held his band against the flame, and It changid to a ghastly gray hand, and as to us, we looked like dressed upghv.sU, 'You tee now,' said the professor, 'how great au improvement a while light ought to be, I am told that when ladles purchase silk for an evening dress, they request lo huve it ehown by gas-light. Some of the larger store have a little room lighted only by gas for thU purple ; and H Is surprising to notice how a silk, beautiful in daylight, will alter and become dingy In color the moment the gas light flashes upon It.' And now the professor, putting out the hateful sodium light, touched n hidden spring. In nn Instant likn tho winking of an t jc a tiny, but most glorious, star, or, what it was still more like, or was really, n bit Of imprisoned lightning, flashed nut of the end of a colled copper wire, with thou sands of silver lumlnoiu rays iinanatifg from it. A Ii, how beautiful I how superb l' ex claimed everybody. Instantly all tho colors In the banner on thu wall' became perfect and true; blue was blue, and green, green, and yon know thro colors are o'ten mistaken one for the other at night. The colors of the ladles' drenc, soft lavender, blue, pink and gray, were In lovely and luraioulous contrast, and dia monds flashed like litilo electric points. Why everybody looked handsomer than they ever had before. The fine dark eyes of th pro feasor were sparkling, and his face beaming with pliamro to others, which after all Is the best, thu purest hoppiutss. Thin he put a viMtc pater lain shade over the elicire light, and with the fofienfd brightness, tni oilier delighted exclamation like a wavu nvi-r the crowd ;' for you know that light like souu I Irnvels In wave", though light beats sound hy nn Inllnlto rumbernf times in .speed. I might as well toll ,.vn here that while a sound would hi traveling leisurely about thirteen miles in a minute a Ihsh of light cm go the dl-tnnce of four bundled and eighty times round the wholi earth 1 '1 he porcelain shade over the dec trio light made It accm as If a moon brighter than a hundred moons, had fluted down upon us ; and yet it was nil tho tlmo that m-re speck of lightning chained up, bound down hand and foot by the professor. Soon, by a niystoiious turn of his lian J, Ii- light darted to another copper wire. This other was an English application of electric ity, and hns been used a good dtnl iu Knir land, in dock-yard', iron work", railway s'a tiomi and manufactories. It was very bright, but it flickered a little. Then ho made the light dart to the candlestick I mentioned, which was invented in Paris by a man whose funny name is Jabhlevjock,' then 'Ihimp- terhausen,' and then 'Butthurpurltles,' and none of them seemed right. This candle stick mado a lovely light. A large number of thorn wero used at the Paris Exposition, which must luivo been inagnlflcient at nijht illutiinaled by tills imprisoned lightning. Tho professor said that ho had tried to have Mr. Elion present, and tell us of his amazing Inventions ; h it ho was so ovir whelmed with business connected with elec tric light, that he could not como Let us all hope that Mr, Edison will suece-d in making electricity the light that will, like the sun, Sdiine for all ;' fir, besides Its be- lns so beautiful, and mi true, it will be fur cheaper than any liglrt we have now Fanny ; St. Xicholatfor March. HIS FlUST AND LAS r CASE. I studied law once in the Washington law ichool. In fact, I was admitted to the bar I shall never forget ray first cae. Neither will my rlient. I was called upon to defend a young man for passing counterfeit tnonev I knew the young man was innoci-nt,hfcauc I gare him tho money to pass. Well, ihere waa a hard feeling against the young man in the county, ai.d I pleaded for a change of venue. I made a great plea for it. I can lemeiuber, eveu now, hnw fine it was. It was filled with choice rhetoric and pnstirn ate oratory. I quoted Kent, and Black stone, and Littleton, and o'ted precedent af ter precedent from the digest of Htate re ports. I wound up with a tremendous ar gument, amid the applause of all yiuingei members of the bar. Then sanguine of suc cess, I stood and awaited the judge's dtcis lon. It soon came. The judge looked ire full In the face nnd said : 'Your argument is good, Mr. IVrtiri", very goo J, and I've been deeply interestid iu it ; and when a case comes up that your argument fits, I shall give your remarks nil the consideration that they merit. Sit down I' This is why I gave up the law and n soil ed to writing for the m wsppra EU J'trl int. A Child's Logic in Family Discii1 I.tNi:. A fiieiid iifnurs ( u .itle boy, who, as his mother is au invulid hi,-h-en most ofhislifo under the specisl carii of his uurae, and to whom he nhvayx xho'veil the strictest obedience. During lint unimer, however, Ids mother went away fir the sea son, leaving the nurse behind having with her th liltlo boy and his grandmother. Being unused to receiving orders from hi mother, he at one time rebelhd, and she was obliged to punish him to mike him obey. To this ho "toutly denurrej, affirm ing that only the nurse had a right to pun ish him, and going to his grandmother he complained that his mother struck him. That was right,' said she, 'if you were u iughty ; she is your mother nnd ha) a right lo whip you if you ibn't behave, The little fellow listened sobbing till she had fiuished, then looking up he asked, 'have mothers a right to strike their children ? 'Certainly,' she replied, 'Are you her moth er?' he asked. To be sure I am.' Well then,' tobbedjhe, hit her VJlanror, Me.) ir. Rabbits are so numerous and destructive in California that the farmers are being forced tocomhino for a warn! extermii aliou against them, The only memorial to dpt. Cook at pres en t existing in England is a mural tablet erected by his widow, who died in 1837, having survived him fifty-six years, in a church at Cambridge, where one of his sons, who died an undergraduate, is buried, Mrs. Cook left XI, 000 to maintain the tablet, the surplus to go to thu poor of the parish. I'roilt, i aoo. "To Bum it up, six long years of bed-rid-dcu sicknejs, costing $.00 jcr star, tola Sl.'JOO all of tlits expense) was stopped byl thtee bottles ot Hop Hitters taken by my wife. She has done her owu houso woik lor a year since, without tho los-s of day, and 1 waut everybody to kuow it, for their bene fit." sniiEns5 OOOGH syhupj Orir l,oo,oao hoiilon, it Inlliemmt pop ular ren lor C'OI'iJlls, 4411,11s, ciioi'i. IIOAItS!..NtAV, Anilitll 'l into IT ami I.I mJ iiUcum-h. limlit-eu hi ute tor httlttcttUury. Jk turn riomt!ietit It. J. I. lumn, Louu r.o.tlll., ruvr : 't i. (1 in? twochUetrni iiom lht craw." A, I., t- Mrmt (,f Htltunmo, Mel,. t,u mt1 fll will euro tiiii vfomt rou.'h imi ifdiatolf." ThU no otlicrl Trices, 3.1 irnn, All i cuts, and Kl.oo ct IkjUIc, n.rsi:ii.!:iLHvto., Jto,rittJarui, i'" aprllM cowl 20 MA UK IN' A HINCf.K DAY. Jaa. &oth:tyari oin'Ut. hend 1 wnt blamp lor iwrtlcuUr. Iter. )IUlK,MIIoq, renQbytv&ula. Jw&co apM-lm PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed nt thin Oflico ON'HOItTEST NOTICE A U ATTHB MOST ItEABONARLE TERMS. GULES' MNIMENT IODIDE AMMONIA. vijS Ctirva all rain In Man ami Ilcat TrcSTtMONlnL! rHOLPdUjitTTKHtrailtni nf tlm WnmtiA A Won derful euro. Mnc i him lay Mlc Kuncml with t Ml Itrj-xtor, wvuttii luo illltorent lia-rlUu wlit'to iv niiiftflro tifiVotlj irievltin m nil; worn OnmUiros una inMut(M tempi raty rviitf, Hit lifu wan mUeraMr. Wh applied Dr. (H es' MM menu hit rtrnui win iiniatHimu.'. nuo n now wen. I). McHKitMorr. 40 West Ifttb k. recti New YoiK. 1 It flit twnlrn tl rntnn nf PuraltklM. Ml- !( lirm ami tonjuo were uvk'si ; wan oOMirtil to uao a ca'li elef i:try iluy. iKxtur idea' iJnlmeut Itxlldrot A iiit no nl.v Im uurxnl n i 111 answer any Inquired b ttut ail 4iRl!C(M umv know or ti. ioii hm. Nrm iiMiirom, Cutin. Chestnut Mill, rhlhtdflpM i, April 21, V.. W. M. (UltH, Kq. Ptrtf Mr I uvrt jtmr iodide ot A tmn on! A LlnUiifiit on Iltin i'd-i DlcM hind muitrrii joint. fhe lud been qilllo lame J Uio i Heel was wuuicrfult fiiitj wiks nuw qulta veil. Very re Bpi'cUu.ijr jours, A. F.IJCU. 1. 8. I am now ulnr It nn T-ItLlptctiVrlJiitturn A inxfrp shoo noil on a vahianio oun1? noraa was removed by uiWa' Ulment ludldc t.f -iiHMurit.i, Mir.niEun KNArr, f'arpet, iti&lxti avt.. Now Vurtc. A9THU4 Th'S tortitrei and ftjpmlM I endured for k1tjcm. none but tlvwi who law aufJered this irribln dlape ean know My life wai minora ble. In UysptTutlim 1 tried til oV Liniment lo tldo ol Ammonia. It tfavu inn liitant relief. Used U In tern thy us well us externally. Tnoa. liRANinis. 12T west STIh sirre t, ew Vork. t waln a drertmul cundlttun. Joints s.vuhen, p.atn tutensn. Injections of mornhlno Intu my vein fulled t red vo lue. lillfa' Imlldu ol Ammonia took awttv tun (letHiblta from in Juliils lwuutetTy ouewho&uaerrito know what ni'lcmo them. Konnvcrs Uuhkop, North IIdf VaiK, Laintiiollie co. vt. Another Rurrervr enred. Itholurffed from tho Massncnu-wiu ttt-nentl Hospital us InecraUle, wlih lniU lumt'irj rliMtinntl-'tn Iu m. shoulderti, liners and feet ; hulftred feurliUly tor three taarx, tried eerthtn lo-t all ho;e. Ir. (iileV l.lnlment iod ide ot Ammonia effected a complete cure. I.Lt.KV "MITIt, No. ta I'rane street, Vnii uiver( .mush Sprnln. npIt.iH, brnlsus, Uimeii's In horses, Olles' Maimt i.t ludtda of Ammonl Is a perfect ppe ellle. 0lU'rauu who owns a horse should be with out It. M. ItonKNfi, rr.ft lovpnth avenuo New Yoik. In my fmlly, and Tor thofitoetj. I!ei: Mnlment lotlde ot Auniunla. it I unsurpassed, nnd I am surprised at the Ulfltreut maladies In whleu ltlaappUcaMc. It Kej tite ntmobt satis faction. .TohmJ. Cahtrk. Superintendent Ea&tcrn PennylvanU lixperlmen tal Farm. fio c. nnd ft : and taiuartaal2.0, in which thero IsairreatHavtnir. 1 rial size eenH. Sold rv ah DitrnoiTS. X, .1. Iir.l)i:iEMl(TT, A?! lor IlloonisS.ira. may 41, Ofiy Iti great and thorotiRh blnotl-purifylnir proper ties. Dr. J'lerce'a OoUltit Mf-dlmi HlBcovtrj Cure nil Jlutnors frru tli" wnr-l rM-wfuIu to it common i:iotch. rintpir, or ijipiion. .titrrnrmi uibcoso, .Mlncrat l'olsoti", nnd Ihvlr circcts, aro (radicated, nnd Igomiiit Ii nn I a ftmmd ronstltutlrm i etnh IIbIkhI. .i:rrlprlais OftlUrlic-um, IVtcr horo, 8rafjr ip I touch Win, In rslnirt, nil iliPinstH cnuoccl tiy tm-l I loodturc ronturml by this powerful, purliylriij', an I iiiTlponttlit nutllclue. i:3it;cliilly Ihm It manlfi'Stcd Its potency In curing TttUr, i;oo JCiUth lloth, rarbnnrlc. More V.jt, tvrufulou Hnrr itnd hwclllnn, Vfalte Swcllln(fiv (iottro or Thick NecL, nnd KnlnrTCd tilantla. If )0-.i fL-cl dull, drowsy, debilitated, have callow rolrtr f pkln, rr jillolsh-Lrown spots on face or body, frequent hradatlio or dlnlntus, bkd taste la Moiiili, liiternnl heat or chills alternated with lint cptrlts, mid gloomy fonboUlnKs, lrn jrular rpTx-rifc, and tmjfni" rnated, you arc suflrln(j from TorpIJ Liver, or "UUIouantu," In many cases ot Uvrr t omplalnt only part of thise symptoms aru rprlj nrfl. A a rttuvdyfor all such caseo. Dr. pk'rrt' (lolden Jdedlcal Dfscorcry has no eqnal,oj It effects perfect and radical cures. In (lit? cure of HroitchltU, ttcTero Cough, and tho early stapes of Consumption, It has astonulied tha im-dlcal i acuity, and cuihitnt pliji-lclaus pronounro It the greatest medical discovery of the ape. M'hlli It cures l he n crest Coup In, It strengthens the ivitcin and puriflf a (be blood, rld by driiL'slsts. Ii. V. 1'IEIM 1 51. 1)., 1'rop'r, World's Dispensary and Invalids' HoUl, Buffalo, N. V, keasatft No ueo of taking the lae, repulslvf , nauseous nllK comnofied of cheap, cni'lo, and bulky lngrrdknt. Theso relicts aro mearctlr liritr tha miuUwd Med Illnc entirely Tcjret ablatio particular caro Is re qui re-1 whllo using ilicm. Tlicy opcrato without dls- iurbanco tn tho constitution, met, or occupation, 'or Jaansdlc Headache, CoiMttpatlon, Impura Mood, I'aJn In the fibiildcn TthtacM of the LbvU Hutncaa, Houf lnctallona from tho Iftomoch, lladl J-mxte In tbe Mouth, ltUlous ottacbs, 1'aln la rrton or Kldbfjs, lutcrnal Fever, lliontcU fetllng about (tomnch, lEush of lilood to llrod, take lr. Fiercer rienajjt lureatlTe IVIlcta. In cxplanaUon of thu remedial power of tiicso rurgatlro l'cllets ot r ao great a vailcty of diseases, it may bo satd that thclF action upon the ontmal rcouemy la nnlTeraal, not a eland or tbuue ccanlua the If saniitlTe bnpreaa. Acq doei not impair tlia proiK-rtlcs of th be 1'illets. They aro sucar-coatcd unu Inclosed In idass bottles, thtlr virtues being thereby preserved unimpaired fur (HIV irnsil) Ol ll UlC, III nujr I inu.uv, bu tua hicj iu always ftcsh and reliable This Is not the cast witu mi Ull IU CUUUil omniru wi iBiiituvsui uvalb. 'nr nil i1ibo.iu ttlicm a Laxative. Alterattvr. or 1'urorattTe, Is indicated, these little relicts -will give tlm most perfect satisfaction. Hold by drunlsta, Jt. V. 1'IEIU'K, L I.. rnoeTt. World's lli.pensary and Invalids' HoUl, ltuiTalo, V. CATARRH ache,dlschargu falling Into throat, sometimes profuse, eatery, thick inucous, purulent, oUlnslvi', Lie. In others, a dryness, dry, waU'ry, weak, or tntlai tjes, stopping up, or obstruction, of the nasal pas- lagcs, rlnglntt In tars, dearorss hawking and cough ing to clear the throat, ulct rat lons,se&b from ulcers, volcoalU red, nasal twang, offensive breath, Impaired sr loiai ucprivaiion oi senoe ui nutvn aim nt ilnofis, mental depression, loss of appetite, lwllgea lion, enlarged tonsils, tlckUng rouuli, etc. Onlv a Uvr of thesu symptoms aro llktly to be present lu any ;ase at oue time. DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY produces radical enrcs of tho worst case of Catarrh, bo matter of how long Etaudtntr. The liquid remwly 3iay in snuffed, or 1h ttcr apphetl by tho use of Dr. 1'IERCE's Douche. This Ii the only furm of Instru ment vet Invented with which fluid medlclnn can l ;arried muii up and VEiitrxTLY aitued to all parts of ihe affected nasd passups, and the iham oersor cavities commnulcatlng therewith. In which lores and ulcers fnqueiitly exist, and fioni which ;he catarrhal dlsrhnnre generally proceels. Its uso ,s pleasant and eablly understood, from direction icccmpauylng each InstrumeiiU I)r. Haofs t'a lirrh Remedy cures recent attacks of Cold In tbo lladn by a few applications. It Is mild and pi ins int to use, containing no strong or raustl" drujrs or potions.. Catarrh Itt m dy rnd j)nurheadbr drtur ruta. It. V. ricucr, M. 1.. I'mp'r.w urid'a Vi pensaryand Invalid' llotit, Uuffalo, M. , UUT, 10, I8 TUO ilS 11. I14BTH1N. ALBStTlUttftfl'4 THE RED FRONT, MOYBKS' BLOCK., HARTMAN BROS., DKAUillSIW TKAS, CANNED FRUIT, CIOARC, TOBACCO swurr, CO NPEOTIONERY. Spieos of all kinds, Glacs & Quoonswaro FINE GROCERIES, Foreign and Domestio Fruits, AND OENEUAL LINE OK Family Provisions UU door below Market street, Elcomsburg, 1'a. tr Goods dell m rid totll (Cits ct the town Aprll, J7-U rPTTfC;"I tl171 mojr l fouml nn IMe .1 Oca i lllOJ Al JVltr. liowillCo'pa (Jvertlilliiff ilurcskj l.u HjirtKst bllsftl. wlicts n'lvrr tiling ounlracu may bu road fur U IN NCW VOUli, leb. 14, 17-11 r Ha PElLETS.m o o o pkj ti COURT PROCLAMATION. TtpiEKRAS, Uio Hon. William ELwrxt, T rresldcst JuJro ot the court of Ojer ami Terminer and Oencrnl .IMI Pellrerjr, Court nt (lunr ter Sessions ot tho t'caco and tho Court ot Common rieas anil tirphnns' Court In tho Sth IM,. trlct, composed of tho counties ot Columbia and Montour, and tho lions. I.K. Krlckbaum nnd F. L Nhtiman.Assoctatei .Iiulges ol ColumMn county, hato Issued their precept, bcarlnj lUto tho 15th, day ot Feb. In tho jrnr ot our Lord ona thousand cl;ht hundred ind seventy-nine, and to mo directed for holding a Court otoyer and Terminer and Oenoral (Jmrtcr Sessions ot tho Peace, Court ot Common l'leas and Orphans' Court, In Dloomsburir, In tho county of Coluinbl.i, on tho first Monday, being tho Mil day ot May neit, to continue two weeks. Notlco Is hereby (tlven to tho Coroner, lo tho Jus tices ottho I'eice, nnd tlio Cunstablca of, tho said cudiity ot Columbia, that they bo then nnd ther. In their proper person ntlo o'clock In tho forenoon of snld 6tli day ot May with tholr records. Inqul sltl ins and other remembrances, to do thoso things which to their orfleui appertain to bo done. And thoso that aro lioun I by recognlianco to prosecuto against tho prisoners that aro or may bo tn tho Jail of tho said county ot Columbia, to bo then and there to prosecute them us shall bo Ju.t. .furors are re quested tobo punctual In their attendance, agreeably lo their notices. Dated at llloomsburg.tbc 15th day ( O of Feb. In the cr of nur lord ono i I. s. Mhouand ili;bt htimlreil and soenty-nluo ) and lu tho one hundnd nnd third jcar of tho Independence of the t'ldltd Stoles of America. HierlU's iiillce, JOHN. W. HOFFMAN, liloniiikburg, April 4 m .vhertn". Jurors for May Term, 1879. O It AND JUKOItS. Hloom .1 WKjer .T.IWugonst'ller Ueaer Jacob lllnterllter, VL Uredbendor, Henry II lllmlerller v names. A T Ikeler, lijer Mo s Hrlarcreek-Char.iH CniniMl c.Mtanlssa Peter ll lialdy, Charles lhirtman, Jacob K Itnawn. (Vntrv Adam f-lllcr, .tjhn S Heinley rishmg reoK Andruw Park t, Uuuro Itaber Fr nklin Win Mocker Oreetmoisl .loliu Leviolt llcmlotk Hlmon tVKhird Madison .loliii M Johnson l'lne John F Fowler, .lbn limner Scott-Joliu Ilariln;, John Mavngo TKAVEUSK JUltOItS. FIRST WltSK. !oora-C!ns Km?, t.S Wlnlcrslern. K C Knt, John I'tMCO k, 0 I 'luomas, U'ui Morgan. Dudel lioleo 1li.rlcK-m 11 iiiutnian, James wither, rtinj Mi)der, Win Muitou, Lyman Fowler, Snuuel Stmpion, lientin -Cornelius shuitz Sil It navls llrlarivck Snmol shut Himuel .M.irtz, Ocorgo in- r, JamnH SntinentsTg. Catawisn (ivonte Sirloker Centre Kil Harliniii, s epnen McEwln Hshlngertek-hllis Ash Fr.ti.klin 1-nao'lltsworth, o 1) L Kostcnbauder Orecnwoot-iienjimla lleililne, Jacksou Uobblns, Win llj -ait. iram Albertson Hcnilo k fuliu jioore, Illchard Henry, Ooorgo W Wiilienlglit Jaekson t'liiuk Derr, Henry Iturleman, r Midison Friuk Itoai, Muln Win JlciiSlniter, r, J n Nuss Montnur Wm 1' Mouier Jit l'lejHint David Mrcup, liobert Howell Omngu W Meirantlo, M U Keller lloinncreex Long soon -ilenrv (lining, s It Ilwiv.Jnhn Sliollc-bcrger 8igarloaf-n Freteruian.Jclm IUltz SECOND SEI. llloomI II Maize. A C 1'hllllps, J W Crnwford. Jon htli iu Haejmiau, ItaltU Licock, Ii W Hobblns, J J ll.igcnb'icli'-ob I aVcr, JohnLongenbtrger lienton 1! J IhtIs latiwlssa C F Harder, (I W Claik, Lloyd MllIer.Ka Ihau llclwlg, Joseph Walter, l.euben Miller ri'Jilngjretk Mitban Bmlih, JclJi tiuttcn, Jolab 1 1 ess. l'rnnklln Mo-es llower UreeiiwoisI ILirton Quick, Ira Hobblns Hemlock in I' I eldj, James A Harris Jackson J O Christian Madl-oii-iiiorgu Wagoner, Amos Johnson, Isaac Mclirldn Main bllas shuman Miniln Jacob uroier Montour U 11 Hoody Mt I'leasaiit Stephen Crawford orange I m inuel Snyder f o iruucrcek Wm en,;cr bugarlimf Joliuu lirlnk, sjmuel llcbvrls ADAlIISTItATOUiS' SALli OF VALl'AIIt.l! HEAL ESTATE ! It. 8. Slmlnston, Atlmlnlratorof M.irlhi Thurs ton, doc 'uo-l, l.tto oi tlio township of Lltwitylu the county of lotO'tr, will expono to public salo tho followinj uesoribca estate on Ihrt premises on SATURDAY, APRIL 'J(5TH, 1S79, at ten o'clock n. m., A HOUSE AND LOT, Blunt e In tho Town ot III ximsb irg, Columbl i coun ty, Pennsylvania, luumlcd md descrlb-jd as f jIIjwii Northwardly by Main srrect of said town east- wardly by lot of I. Willi una, southwardly by Pino All'y uni westwardly bylitof U. Ilrobst, It belnt fie sotith'vesl halt of lot No. 1 and fronting on Main street twenty-four feet nine inches nn I e Icnllnrli flpth two hundred and fourteen and a lnlf f'-eu on which ureerectcda two-ttory I'l-.nm; OtVi-!11:? ESousu, Tliro are frulL tr-e on llmpremtjes ; also a hilt Interest In a well of water lEIi.Ms OF SALE. Ten p"r cent, of ono fourth of ths p ir.iiuwo money to be paid at tho strik ing of tho pioisrty, the oue.uurth less tho ten percent, at coDtlrmUlon of saH, nnl tlio remaining tlin.0-fourths In one year tlierearter with Interest rruin cmnr.'uitlon nisi. IL S. SIMIVOTON, Administrator. April J, 'ID ts ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUMILB REAL ESTATE ! Hy virtue of nn order Issued out of tho Orpluns' Court of Columbl county, John A.lFiinston, Admin- utrator ot Augu-dui Mison lato of tho ToMiof Bloomsburg, decease 1 will expose'jllo Ealoon the premises on Saturclny, April 20tli, 1879, at two o'clock p. in. , tho following describe 1 proper ty, to-wlt: 12 "Lots of Ground sltmto In His vlllagoot Eyerj Orove, In tho County ot Columbia, bounde-J as follows : On tho south by Centio street, on the we?f- by West Alley, on tho north by I'lua Alley and on the cast by church Al ItfV, b-lllglo'S Nos 23,31, 31, 3(1, 01, 01, 03, 01,01, 10 07,09 Inaptot ordiaft cf tald Ullage. ', FOUIiOTIlElt LOTS OFdliOUNO, Bltuato In tu!d vllla,'t) bounded as tallows s (in tho north by Centre- Htr-et. on the east by Church. Alley, on tho south by Mill Alley, and on th 5 west by West Alley, said lots b'dug -Nos. 21, ii, 23 and 21 in tho afore mentioned plot. AUo, Will bo exposed to public salo at tho COURT llOL'SKIn Uloomsburg at ten o'clock a. in., on SATURDAY, APRIL 2th, 1879, the following described property, to-wlt : All that undivided ono halt pirt ot six acres ot land situate In theToivnot llloomiburgatorcsalJ, bounded and described as follow s : lleglnnlng at a stono In centra of roal from Hloom Furnace to tho Ferry at tho Husquihanna river, running thence eastwardiy by land lately sold to McKelvy & Ncal, thirty-seven and eight-tenths perches; thence south wardly twenty-five and Bve-tenths perches to centre of road opened or to bo opened upon land ot Joseph V. llenlcrshot; thence westwardly by centre ot .said road thirty-seven and eight tenths perches to centre ot the Ferry road aforesaid, an J thence corih wardly along said road twenty-five and nve-tenths jierchcs to place ot beginning, It being l'AUT ot tho FA KM of said llendershot. The above last described real estate will bo sold subject to balance ot purchaso money due on same to Joseph W. llendershot upon articles of agreement for sale of satd land to Augustus M ason, deceased. TEltMSOF 8LK.-Ono-thlrdot purchase money doffn Bt llmeot sale balancoln one) car from con firmation nisi ot sale with Interest. JOU.V A. FCX8TON, Acrll 4, 'I9-ts Administrator. TRUTHS. HOP BITTERS. (A Medicine, not a Drink,) CONTAINS Hops, Itiubii, Miiiitlrake, Dandelion, And the Purest nnd Heat Qualities of D ull inner isuu-rs. THEY CURE All diseases ot the stomach, bowels, blood, Urer Ihluevs and urinary organs, nervousneHS,temale complaint and drunkenness. SIOOO 1 1ST GOLD Will bo paid for a case they will not cure or help or for an)lhlng Injpuro or Injurious found In them. Askvour dructrlsta for lion nttlnt anrtfrfw book, and try the bittern before you sleep. Take no other, The Jioi Cough Cure and Ixin Rtlief u tht Cheapett, SaJtU and IStit. FOR BILK BT UOTER BROTUIKS LEGAL BLANKS OFALL KINDS ON HAND AT TUK COLUMBIAN OfTICli. BLOOMSSUiaO STATE H 0 R M A i SCHttCU tilXTII NORMAL aCilOOL DlbTltlCT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. 3. WALIiKl47jA. M., Principal. THIS SCHOOL, as nt present constituted, oi'trs tho very best faculties tor Profesf lonal and Classical l??J"r,1fT-,,.-, bountiful sillily ol pure.stft llulldlmrsr raduus. ImltlnB and commodious ! completcV heated by steam, well M-ntllaled, lighted b) gas, and turulshea Willi A ooutm..u s 11 piy oU WW"-. n. - oderate. Fifty cents a wSic ileducuon to nil oxpVctfhg to teach. Students admitted at any time. Hooms moilernle. Klflv, courses ot study prescnocu oy uio biiuoi I. Mralel Hchool. II. 1'reparolury. III. A.ljunct Courses: I " Il.Cmn.crcin!. III. Cour In Mu-ic. IV. Course in Art. rho niementary Sclentltle and Clclcul Courses are, Clt.iFINIONAU nnd student, responding Degreos: Ma3ter ot tho Hlementsj Master ofrlho .seleuccs i Master ot tho Claries. Uraluat Tho corresponuingiiegreesj .iiaaieroi 100 j.ieuiL-nioi nmu-i uhv. their attainments,, signed bv the onicers ot the Hoard of Th i no course Thu Slale gent ami and their nntnlriirui. nilrlr,.. Ibn Prlnetnnl. .lit.. ,. .f,!, , U.Miiii, ll.,n,..l hept.8,'70.- '' - ., M . BARGAINS ! 01 Blue, JF BTOHTll" o .uicnuuu s ou. in, i'o-uiJ- -;"" "' y''"?'':''.r.. ii.iS.ii Mils Heunnl In h"lll to s.'Ciri) If. by fllMI slilnif inn reou resa higher oi i rur cuzens up. i.ioumoinoiiai ti CALL AND SEE OLOTSizisra- I3ST BLOOMSBURG. Mens' Overcoats from $4 50. Mens' Suits from $6 00. Good Working Pants 90 cents. Good Wool Hats tor 75 cents. Winter Caps from 40 cents. Boys' Caps from 25cents. Good Working Shirts 50 cents. ft a ens' Vests from 50 cents. Good White Shirts, linen fronts 65 cents. Mens' Socks, 3 pairs for 25 cents. GALL AWO SEE FOB YOURSELVES THE BARGAINS NOW SELLING BAYW L0WME1EG TIB B AT 0 R' B. Unci II. -X 117- THE ORIGINAL & ONLY GENUINE " Vibrator" Threshers, WITH IJIPIIOTZD MOUNTED HORSE POWERS, And Steam Thresher Unglnei, Hade only bj NICHOLS, SHEPARD St CO., BATTLE CREEK, MICH. TUB ninteliirnft Ornln-HoTina, Tlmr brln, a4 lm j-tsln 1 limiiprm oi iiiU ti iy aiitl praitoD. l'jood all IllTklry tar Rapl I Wgil. lt feet OUulnxi sd1ur balof 0nl4 from WmUs. GRAIN lEnlirrxvlll not Submit to tho iiarmoDa wUicf Oram A nm tnnrmr v irk noun ly tktoUtir tuu til utBf when out'itc4ou tLu dllli.reuc, THE EKTIU1? Thrcshlnjr Exp mum laailullruSlut 'limp ut uniotiuueaii tuntuv ty tb iat Orala UX LI) If Ihtt Ituntfi JUclilue. NO HoToIvlnar Rhnfa Inaldn tho Hrpn talor. fcutuly fn l.wa Ii.irr, 1'KK.ii. liim, al 11 aurti tlm-wanin u I crinwMlluv rompll (tttoua. lerin-lly a InpUil to all ami C.ih.UUqu of OraiD, Wal r Urj, Lou( or Him t, UJ1 or lKuo J. HOT only Vnntly Superior for Whent, Uala, l)aiicr,l(jr,an) Ilk Uratua, tut th oil) buo ccaafui Thrabr lo f las, Timothy, Ulllet, I Ilka 6aa4a. Kcqnlra n aitacbma&ia " r rtmU4ln ta ctma from Grain la beaUa. MAtlTEIiOtS for Simplicity or Parts, nalni IrM il)a anoiialf tu tiaual ilalla aul bua. iUlta ca Ultartaii w SeaiUrluf a. FOUR Sires of Separators Mndo rnnf lux (ram Nt to Twrtta lioraa aiaa.aua twuatiuatir UuaaU4 lioraa rowtra 1 luatcU. STEAM rorrcr Threshers n Specialty apvdai alaa beparator ua-ia (raai lor bwuu lwir. OCR Unrlmled Strnm Thresher En Hu, II4 ValuaUa lintfrottmauia au 1 DiatlBUiva wunu, Ur Uywud mat uUur uaka or klud. IS Thoronsh Workmnnshlp, Flrirnot nnlaa, 1 anaemia tf I'aria, UianiUaivtMna f t-quitMuvut. tic, out " ViaJUTa" Ittrwaliar UutUU an lacutuaraUa. FOR Part lea la rs, eatl en oar Dealer wr wrlU U m Iwr UlualraaM UrcmUr, blU t uaU Ida, Jan. iot-fim r Fcb.T, my ESPY PLANING MILL The undersigned lessee ot tbeEspy I'lanlne MUI. U rrepartd to do all kinds ot tutu wcri Doors, Frames, Sash, Blinds, etc. made to order on short uotlce. Satisfaction guar anteed. CIUKIBS Krio, liiocmsburi;, ra. "YTTAINWHIOUT A CO., WHOLESALE QltOCKRS, PHIUDILruu, Dealers la TEAS, SYlll'IH, COnRB, BUQAK, M0LA8SKH, xic, aricu, nciii aoci, Ac, Ac. N. X. Corner Scond and Arck Btnets, nrordera will recelre proairt attention. mnt nn,i iivn m iheir work. Discipline, Klcnienl.'iry. IV, Classical. nr T-.olrr. BARGAINS ! o'rjinffriifio InrrnttoT, or for Improrrmtnti onot toiift.farwftttculorvtherionw "nt,trarie tncvis and lahtls. Carats, Aiqnmrntx Inter ft,f irrs, Avpenlt, futts for Infriv rne.i'n, and aUtoets arising umfrr Vie Vatt nt 3Mw,vrnmpt htattrminl tn Invention thttt htrr hn n f4ttMr i"jttii, ,, r j,. v av-fit wffwv ?i ?h nJ !JMsi wtt va"t b 3itentU Oy us. htixg oujitnita V. V. ,S Patent l(partmenttainl engaged ta I' 'cvt luihtest ex clusierly, tee vim male closer vht, and urcvrc I'aicnti more prompter, n,d . I r-.tdrr claim?, thnn thnst r' .) nr. remote from ihi .nidm, viahe ertimt 'tuttons nnU adt istuH tn itrf'vtttblUtir, Jrtcofchartjr. All correfpnmlenre nl .-'.cthf cn. Prtfei hup, and Xtt 1 HAIKU? (.V- We refer in, whlnttm, tn j;n. Paymaster General I). .V. Key, Jev. F. J. Puwer, Tlie f! rmnn Anertcnn X"tlfnnli:ankttof,prtalt l.i the V, 8. J'atrnt OJire fnif ta t'ii'nntnrs tttul PepWHtuttrtK Cn Confirm, vvd tnjHtnlhf tn inrcltfv'iirvcnt Cfate in th- r in vd In r.motf,. a , r M J Opposite J'uui.1 note, Uvkixgton, 1), a M. G. SLOAN & BRO. HLOO.IISUIJUG, VA, Manulacturersot Carriages, Buggie:, Phaetsn:, Sleigts, rLATFOItM WAGONS, io. Tlrst-class or!i;aIwa5-s ontand. IlErAIltlKO NEATLY PONE. l'rt"3 roJoced to suit the times, Jan. 6, AND Paper Hanging. WM". P. BODINEi IIIOM ST., I1ELOW FE'-O.M), 1IL00.MS1II,'I!0, l'A, Is prepared to do all kinds ct HOUSE PAINTINO, rialu and Ornamental, PAPER HANGING, 1IOTH DECOIIAT1VE AND J'LAIS. All Id n tit urrurnlliii'o n i:ilroil, and iiuiiio tin koiiiI as n v. NONE BUT FIHSTLASS WOIIKMEN r JirtOYFIl Estimates Mado on all Work, WM. F. IiODlNE. Oct. 1, 1178. ,. .c fi.uuln',m an not Inferior to lllOSO Of OUT bOSl COlNUTeS. . .. V1V KJ firm but kln.t. imlMnn and Ihorujgn. Kxptut" resened when desired. V. Wc In I'liysionl Cttltnre. ffi. s in tho otuor ooursos ricone .souun. ... followln tlilcntes clll- mc for 1 I". nir.I.MYKH, feerctnry. O- . SAVAGE, niAi.p.t ti Silvervaro. VatctK,Jcv:liy.Clecks.(ic, CTf" Hcmovrd to tho I'ost onice building, flrsT door nl'Ovo tho Ilthnnso HoteL All kinds cf Wiitcti'-s. Clocks and Jew lry neat ly r. pilro.l and watranled. in.ty ii, ,s- u savk 25 ri:u CUNT. itv.v' or Tim make.:." JCleaant Xovclttcs and lhwmi unparalleled for claapncnx A n culmination of our stock is froimw urged. It if unqHfMionabhj the largest tn the Ctly, and for good iron; the lowm price. For S::aintlG : iT.inlsorr.o rottntru Heilroom suits, ijldonrt upward IlJotrant uolt-mailn 1'arlorSulis, Jin nnd uimard. Mild Wilnut Hetlrootn Mil's, $23 uii'l iipwud. uucen aiiiio I'll icrn MUf-uoanis. iy nrm unwnni. (Juen Anno iMttern IHulns Chair, t'i.coumi upward. An1 r-vtr.v dw-crtntlf n it moup1ioU Vurnlturo Ilfdilin,.'. MliTLift. Cornice?. Umrit.'rlj.s. Lc at ilie IOAt prices. run "nii'iti:ss" ptrnt WMiiutoun iti:n. mnnuMciurt'a m-iy ny ui, n uio ciraapo-ji ana ucac aitlcloor tho kind jet Invented. GEO. C. FLINT & CO., MANUl'ACTUUEUS. Stores : 104, 106 i; 103 West 14th Street, Itctwreu ctli nnd "th Avcd.. ono do jp west ot nth A e NEW YOKIC atco April 4-23ioi. 11 soldiers, wounded or Injur"!!, cm nnw obt.iln liin luii-s; ii'ini-i' me nev ivv ud i o rroni tiiscnnrire. Ad lress ut oiwo wltu stamp fi.r b'auka nn I new hoMltr-eIr;uj.irt. W.C HKItNISOKIt A CO, 1 10 SMllutlleld s.. I"l 1 1 IIIL'IICI, l'A. i'f Oldest f'l.tim Agency In i hi Slat". April-, lSTU-im Jn,tco ot n copy of my MEDICAL ro.M hn sksi; ii oic iu i iu tTJ-nii niiuTiui? wun t o.ssmrnov, astiism, Catikkh. lli(Ovcnnw.Loa or VoIcl' or s imr 'i iiKniT. Stni riiime nnd post niilco a I iri'm wjtu two a ctnt po t.isen anps and ftalo Tour Met osd. Tho book fi lcjrantiv lUiHtratwl. (.44 pp. U no. is7!0. Tho iiHoriuauuu ii- uuz r.ins, in me p'ovniiMifu or (Ul, lias s.ivt d many Ilv -s. 'I ho uuttf.r has umi tie.itln dls'';issut tl.t Noe, 'ihroar and I.uocs, as a fepet'al rract'e. tn Cincinnati stneo isj7. AUJiVfca si, 15, "vi-r r., tiiin.AII, UU1U. AprlU, 'T'j-liu JwAeo iffis-v i,y The most extcn ive Manufacturers of Ililliard Tables in existence. TliellBriraciFJieCo. CHICAGO, CINCINNATI, ST. LOUIS AMI 7S4 Broadway, Kov-York. JJcwt and moit elegant styles ot BILLIARD TABLES AT LOWEST MUCES. Elegant Tarlor, Dining, Library and Bil. liard Tables combincO, size 3x6; slate beds, perfect cushions, complete wlih balls and cues, f 50. Addrcfcs uhtchevir hou'e U ntarest your city. The . II. Brunswick & BUce Co Teh. 7, '70-2fiw ovur illHoiivori'tl lur KIDNEY COMPLAINTS, PILES, GRAVEL, CONSTIPATION, LUMBAGO, RHEUMATISM, DIABETES. (a wonderful discovery)' A purely vegetablo compound, not doctored with pojononll(iuora,bclngdry-ngcntlo cathartic and elcctlvo tonic uro to effectually euro tonio of tuts most common and palnfuldlscascs thatbafflo incd. leal skill. Thoso who have been cured w lien all other means failed, Ju.tly say: "It , th! greatest blcsslngof tho age." "I believe I should not now bo alivo but for it." I'hysiclans in regular practlco ayi "It works Uko a charm and effectlvclr " J'OU SAUJ 11V AM, IItU(UiISTS. JUichl, ihiu.iy ' VIS1TINO I'AllB'J, LKTfltH H-JAUS, BILL 1IEAW, reatly nnd Cheaply prlntia at the Coltjm iiia v Oificfl mil is oh my rifn P DWELL & OSMAH x. V. Advertising Aaents. KI4 THftrsu? stS. S .nm. V ON FHUflll a. WZW A Purely Vei J Oil HUNTING OF EVERY DESRIPTION EXECUTED PKOMPTL-Y At thk Ooldmbiau Omen T 3 O LVYiHUJ IjSSHUMIfJt Tiifi nunT or Asw,, Unrivaled in Afrcaranre, Unparalleled in Simplicity, Unsurpassed in Construction,' 3 Unprcccdentcil in Popularity, And Undisputed In the Broad Claim tt Ulna trt visnv is?:aT osli;tiATxn;o JJUICICllBT U1XWNO, Host Torfcet tiowlng liaohino IN TIIC WORLD. Tha (real peputarlly cl tho Whlla Is Via most ccn. 'vlnclng tribute, to lis cxccl.cnca and sunctlonl, ever other nichlnes. nnd In cubmlttlni It to the trado wo put It upon 113 Ri"'il3. c.U In no Instance has It ever yd fallid to satisfy cr.y recommendation In lis liter. The demard forthaWhllo has Inerraitd lo su'h sn extent llisl wo are now compelled to turn out .A. Cempleto Caw-lac aciiliio ovoxy troo xrlivLtoa in. tlo cXozzxcuia.1 Ever machine Is warranted tor 3 )ears, r , t sold lor c-sh at liberal upnn e ,s paynenli, to suit the convenience ol cusion n.. arA0IHI3 TAII3 lit TOiKCna liSIIISST. WHITE SEWlWMACHINE CO., Nl 353 Euclid Ave, Clovcland, Ohio. J, SaltKor, Ageni, BTOOMSBTjilCx, PA. Oct. &, is; -m RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE 7 ATOUTIIEliN CKNTKAI, KAILWAY WINTER TIJin TAI!i-E. On antl niter Sunday. November 10. lc;vho trntni on tbo l'lipadelphla k Urlr Ha Iroad Ull lblon w ill run as follows : WESTWATtD. Erlo Jlall leaves rbll.idelplil v 11 rr p in " " llitrrlsbtirj 4u;uni " " Wlill'ini port sa'inin 11 " .Tcrwj ; lior u o i m " " f.ock Ilnvcn OJii a n ' ' Kenoo 11 ti ti in " nrrivo at Krio 7 .t n m Niagara Express leaves l'lillndclpiila 7 ill m ' " llnnlibursr 10 n . u " arr. at .pint t n " " loc'i Ilaien u . . , i Fast Lino leaven I'lill id lnlii.1 in. m " lliml-bur' 8 . p in " arrlvoat Wlillainbiiort 71! in " " Lock Haven &4 t, EASTWAIil). raclflc Express leaves Lnck lluven fi 4i i m .lerdev Minru 7 1 1 a iu " " i llll'imsport 7 .' i in " nrrivo tit Ilni i Is urc li".nu' " ' I'iillnilrlplila a u i in Day Express leaves Lock Hum ii 11 20 i n " Vllllunoport 12 to v ' i " arrive at linrrWmnr 41', in ' liiil.itlelplila in m Erlo .Mall leaves llenovo s L i.i " ' Lock Haven 0 4 I. " " wmiaub: oit 11 ti' i in " arrives nt HarrWinrir I 41 i n " " l'lilladelplua 7 oai Fast Lino lc.ves ,bliitiuurt 1 .' arrlven at llnrrisbtirjr ai-.un " ' riilladulpuU 41 ' t Parlor ears will run between l'lilla c!, i 1 Wlllamport on Niagara ' ess west, i:i i ' wo-.t I'liitadrlpbla Ilxpro-is ua r. n.ii !. 41 and Sunday Express east, sleeplutf car-im t 1 trains. WM. A II T.t) I- ticner tl 'Uit. ATOIITIIEIIN CKNTKAL liAII. 1 CH.Mf.VNV. On and aftt r November 20t!i, 1S73, trains v I A VY 1 1 at-' auuuur; usiuuums : nokti;wi:i). Erlo Mall 6.30 a. ti., nrrl. e Elmlru ' Cunandal,!!. lloelit'rti r ' 'laj,j.r,i s llenovo nccoinmodat Ion n. in. urrlit port 11.55 p. m. ElmlraMall4.1t.a.m.,iirrlve Ci-n'ru in. 1, lluilalo Express 7.15 a. ra, onlve cuiuii xt." . I OUTlrWAUD. nuffalonxpuM2.5on.uj.arrtvcrnir. ' hi " E.lUr - , Elmlr.iilnU 11.111 a. ra., orrive 'luin-i 1 " v.. p. " lialilmon i... ' " WlLSl.111 ,t j Harrtsiinrcacecmitiodallon 8.40 p. m. barg 10.M p. m. arrive Ualtlmrr " Washing l Erlo Mall 12 a. ra. arrlvo ITarrlsburg 3 or a. 1 " L'altlmorc s,40 " Washington w..a " All dally except Sunday. V. M. IIOVI), Jr., (leucral Pa. rr -A. .7. OASSATT, Gem 1 .1 .M pilILADKLl'IIA AND 11EADIN'. 1.1 D AKRANOE.MENT OK TASM-.M t'l. TRAINS. Nov. 10, ip-i. TH4INS LKWK KUl'EUT AS f0I.L0VVS(PVKP4YI 1- ' " For New Vcik, l'hlladclphla, Ecat'lni., 1 Tamaqna, c, 11,45 a. in For Catawlasa, 11,45 u. in. 7,St nnd 7,5 p. in. For.wnihiinsport 0,28 0,03 0. ra.aud J.tip. tn. TK4IN3 FOR HUrlllT I.EAVK A3 FOLLOWS, (St'AT ti CKl'TEO.) Leave New Vork, s,45 a. ru. Leavo I'lilladelphla, 0,45 a. m. Leave Heading, ll,S5a. m PottsTlUc, lt,.9 p, c andTamatiua, 1,43 p. m. Leave Catawtssa, 6,20 8,ro a. m. and J.oo p. tn. Leave wmLunsport,,2,15p.m.and4,- -.a Passengers to a Ld from New Vork and l I- puia co througa w ithout chango of cars. J. E. V 30TTEN. CO. HANCOCK. WneiolMiuuit. OeiieralHeket Agent. Jan. 14, liio-tr. D iELAWARE, LACKAWANNA ASE VVtSTElia 11.V1LIIOAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. Tlmc-Tublo No. S5, Takes ehect ta MONUAV, Jl'NU to, 1S7S. . NOliTII, bTATWNS. SOI p.m. p.m. a.m. U fill it 0 ill 9 S7 9 SO Scrnbton i 9 35 2 lleltpviii, .1 t! 9 23 V 17 0 OS Tavlorvlllp ., .Lackawanna.. I'ltt.i'on ... .. West I'lttbMn. 9 43 J9 55 8 CS 8 M . 8 40 3 El 3 49 3 4 9 21 9 19 9 14 13 41 I ...... ,1UUilUlf. Malluy. "l 07 11 10 8 S3 3 30 8 13 3 10 iH-nueiu KtTII.LtriTI 9 04 8 44 . 10 8 w ktni,'Ston.,.i!. 10 U 8 23 3 20 6 65 ..iiyuiouiujun .... Plymouth , ,10 20 8 11 8 04 1 El Avonuai. Nantkokn 'in 31 .llunlock's Ret. '10 41 ...hlilckshinny.... 10 f ....nick's Kerry.... ll i'i ....lleacli Haven.. I 1 : -llenvlck ,.,.11 2 Itllnr IT,.pl-.. 3 11 3 VI 2 51 8 47 5 39 R 23 6 17 8 12 S 00 7 SS Stl I '1 2 34 7 23 2 2i 7 13 7 14 7 10 7 02 2 M ...Willow Oiove...,' tlimiTKilmi 1 I Jll fispj- II "9 I ....Uioomsbuig 11 4 7 3J Hupert 1 s 7 2) CatawK-u liildgv.'ti 67 7 111 Danvlllo. '.. ,2 S 0 5(1 1 57 4 4 1 51 1 41 1 27 6 41 27 13 C (4 I t'hnlaky I I'ami'rorj. ... 6 iSi.NortriUDiberlind. 9 1 00 12 43 6 45 P.m. p.m. a.m. n rti. .r . ID v. v. !) -.ivorci'iuunr'suuee, 2rant9a, i .no THIS PAPSll 13 Ul."? OU riLE Bifmnrio t riSLAUELrt'iA MM t'"'- ' 11 ""' ",,, Ulftlltll f ' VMio rm.vo . . , j( r ,1 i - estimates, ,.vv.,,:?r,,;;' . i-Jcfur i j,OAVJ H ...v. Ai- JOB I'RINTIO Neatly antl cheanlr executed at tba COLOMBIAK Ollice.