The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 11, 1879, Image 2

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if HaltttnBfon.
SaOCXWAY IL772LL,Edllen.
Friday. April 11, 1870.
rLF.ASK ADJt)tillN
So far as we know tbo Legislature lias
ot pasett it single me fill or necesary m4
re, an I tlio people nre not crjrln f.r ny
Ugliln'.loi etcapt the pmvo of tlio no
niMrf appropriation bills, which l.i nut re
quire t4 n.tuhlp or ilMty. Of otiro
the pay of 9 1 0.0 J .i Jiy alter the lint liuii
4red days eUpel Is n ?rait tompt.itloii to
n Impecunious nnmber win lias no occu
pation at hom, bit tho people fret under
the necessity fur paying their repreientatives
fnt unperformed servlcos. Eed the iitnnst
limit of una hunlred mil fifty leaves only
bout thirty worlclniltys. It ic'ile down to
necessary work, (hatlemcn, or else, An
JOltr.N 1
8 nil" WUASGMSU.
Tho Djmocralla and It 'publican parties
In this stste are about evenly balauceil.
Willi a imh platf inn, gmd camlidste", atiM
unite!, linrmonlous action wn can always
win the d.iy at a Mr electlw. Hut it would
eem lliatourch-iiices are frnpetilly fritteie I
way, became of the senseless bickerings cf
few would be leaders. Men who have
njoyed the honors of the party should re
member that they do not own it, and that
they are limply its agents. The 3S0.000
Democrat! In this state therefore should
have neither lot nor part in the quarrels of
II tndall, Wallace, or anybody else. If such
menjdeslre to cut their own throats, let them
do It ; but that Is no reason why the whole
organization should suffer. The party needs
union and harmony, and will have it even if
certain ambitious men must step down and
More than one-half of the pensionois on
the'rolls receive from the Government less
than one hundred dollars per annum, and a
very large proportion less than fifty dollars a
year. There Is another large class that receives
from one hundred to two hundred and sixteen
dollars each, and only about twelve hundred
get over $300. The pensions range from
twelve dollars to 1861 per annum, the latter
sum being paid to eleven pensioners "totally
disabled." The list is continually decreas
ing by deaths, by the marriage of widows,
sad by minor children coming of age ; but
increases in rates and additions to the rolls
prevent a reduction in the amounts expend'
td yearly. In a very few years the minor
children will all be of age, and then, it is to
be expected, there will be a rapid reduction
In the appropriation annually required for
the payment of pensions. Ledger.
The Empress of Austria was filled with
wonder on meeting with Mr. Kavanagh, M.
P. for County Cariow, with the Kildare
hounds. He was born without legs or arms.
Id place of legs he has six Inches of muscu
lar thigh stumps, one being about an Inch
shorter than its fellow; while his arms are
dwarfed to perhaps four Inche of the up
per portion of these members, and are un
furnished with any termination approaching
to hands.-' Yet he is a beautiful caligrapbist
dashing huntsman, an artistic draughts
man, an unerring shot, an expert yachts
man, and drives four-in-hand. In writing
he holds the pen or pencil in his mouth and
guides its course by the arm stump, which
re sufficiently lone to meet across the chest,
When hunting he sits in a kind of saddle
basket, and his reins are managed with sur
prising expertnesa and ease.
lleavy Weather for Hayes.
Among the many beautiful things that
Joe Blackburn said in bis speech on Thurs
day, none was more powerfully said than
that which referred to tho attitude of the
President of the United States in his vole
upon thn impeachment resolutions of An
drew Johnson. In ono of the grandest
flights he made he alluded to Mr. Gaiiiud
as favoring the impeachment of that "great
commoner," and added that voting side by
side with Mr. Garfield then was one com
paratively obscure, and who, but for a com
blnation of accidents, would have remained
to this day, and to his dying day, in that
obscurity for which nature and hia Creator
seemed so designedly to have fitted him ;
that side by side with the gentleman from
Ohio stood and voted Rutherford B. Uayes.
At this point the galleries and the floor
burst into storm of applause, and I thought
It was the most humiliating spectacle that I
ever saw, when every one, regaidless of
party was willing to applaud the sentiment
that the chief of this great nation is an
Imbecile. Ex.
General Fitz John Porter's Complete Vin
dication by Court of Inquiry Icomposed ol
such soldiers and patriots as Generals Scho
field, Terry and Getty, valuable as it must
be to one who was in danger of passing
down into history as a traitor to his country,
is, after all, of greater value to the country
itself, which cannot afford to have an injus
tlce to a brave soldier done in the beat of
party strife, continued alter its true nature
has been exposed. The Court of Inquiry.
In its report, gives a clear and connected
narrative of the events on which tho con
demnatfon of General Porter's conduct was
based, which wholly exculpates him, and it
presents besides an explanation ol the rea-
son for the false judgment given during the
war when dates were confused and actions
that took place on the 30th of August were
assumed to have occurred on the 20tb, and
false conclusions drawn therefrom. Proud
words for the dlimisstd General will be theie
of the latter, cooler and better Informed
judgment: "That Porter's conduct was obe
dient, tulordinate faithful ami judicial. 11
tared the Union army from disaster on the 29M
af August." The recommendation of the
Court on this finding could not bo other
than the full restoration of General Porter
to the position of which be was deprived by
court material. Long-delayed justice will
not be done until all the effects of the court
martial which condemned him have been
wiped away. The only thing the Govern
ment can do Is to restore him to bis old
rank from the date of his dismissal. It wll
take long time to gel all the histories of
the war corrected so as to prevent the con
tinued spread of falsehood as to the charac
ter of the old commander of the Fifth Army
Corps. Ledger.
A 1'rospertive Trotter-
The celebrated trotter Goldsmith Maid,
was delivered of a fine bay horse colt at
Fashion Stud Farm in Trenton, N. J, on
the 2ud Inst. The sire is George Washing
ton. Jlr. b'mllh, refused an offer of tweuty
thoufsnd tlollais for it the same day. i
Margaret and Arthur, Duke anil Duchess
of Conaupjit, have cost England a pretty
penny. It Is reported that the prlco of fit.
ting up anew tho royal jncht Oborne for
their bridal trip Is about $100,000. And
trade Is bad, and wotk people on tho vero
of starvation. Some vlrtuo in a republlo
after all.
On the death of the Duke of Wellington
tlm bells of Trim, near Dangan Castle, his
father s seat in Ireland, for which, when a
yoiinir, man, Wellington had (it In the Irish
Parliament, rang a muffled poll, when tho
tenor, a beautifully toned bell, suddenly
broke. It was found by a curious coincidence
to have been cast In 17(i'J, the year of tho
Duke a birth.
The Republicans are finpicntly sneering
because the North has so few Union Gener
als In Congrc, and (hat it has but nno
colonel man. Too argument is against them
selves. The South send lis bos', men. The
North has a 1" in every Uougres.
sional District, hut why don't the Republi
cans elect them ? It has a large number of
in ire intelligent negroes North than it bus
S mill, but why doti't the 1! 'publicans elect
them ?
Miss Nncy Wa-p.-eontia, a dusky maid
en of the Miami tribe reading tienr Wabash,
lud,, a short time ago advertised for a
"white liiiband," and, probably attracted
by her reputed wealth, ono John Madi on
Hazelton, of Wayne county, arnid with a
letter of introduction, presented himelf at
tho tntraiicu of her wigwam and mado
known his errand : but appearances were
against him (being tall, lean, lank, knock
kneed and pigeon-toed), and lie was not on
ly rejected, but on attempting to press his
suit was driven from her procure by the
vigorous tue of a chair.
Can it he tbnt tho (lenernl Garfield now in
Congress from Ohio and tho leader of the
Republican revolutionists who insist that
there shall be no legislation until the Demo
crats omit political riders from tho appro
priation bills, is the same General Garfield,
then in Congress from Ohio, who led tho
Republican side of the House in 1872 in
favor of incorporating in tho appropriation
bills the very legislation the Democrats now
wish thus to repeal 1 There was such a Geu-
tral Garfield in 1872 and there is such a
General Garfield now. Tbey bear exactly
the same name, they hail from the same
State and district, and they are of the same
politics ; but it must be a case of mistaken
identity. Genetal Garfield, the present
Congressman from Ohio, should rise and
explain. Timet.
Two cases from the New York Court of
Appeals, Williams against Weaver, partly
argued in the United States Supreme Court
on Thursday, presented two Important ques
tions : tirst, whether a nation al bank
stock-holder is entitled to havo his debts aud
exempt investments deducted from his bauk
shares in the computation of taxes there
upon ; and, second, whether the State law,
as construed by the State courts, which im
poses the same tax upon all national bank
shares without reference to their market val
ue, is not in violation of that section of the
Revised Statutes which prohibits a greater
tix upon national bank share ''than is
assessed upon other moneyed capital iutho
hands of indi.idual citizens of the State."
The first question was decided negatively
and the second affirmatively by tho decisions
appealed from, which were in favor of the
The largest Infant at birth of which there
is any authenticated record was born in
Ohio on the 12th of last January. The
new-born boy was twenty-three and three
quarter pounds in weight (tho oidinary
weight being about six pounds), and thirty
inches in height, (the ordinary height being
about twenty Inches). The circumference
of the bead was nineteen inches, and the
foot was five and a half inches in length.
Six years ago the same woman became the
mother of a child eighteen pounds in weight
and twenty-four inches in height. The size
and weight of the babe, though extraordi
nary, are proportionate to the size of the
parents. Tho mother, Mrs . M. V. Hates of
Nova Scotia, is seven feet nud nine inches
high, and the father, a ICenttickinu, is seven
feet seven inches high, 'lhe London Hos
pital Museum can boast no longer of its
giant infatit, which is only twenty-four
inches high, with lhe htad thirteen and a
half inches in circumference.
The first venture of the Chandler and
Garfield revolutions in Congress, before the
people has punned out badly. The munici
pal election of Chicago was chosen as jut
the occasion to sta:t the revolutionary
furore booming, and the issue was made by
the Chicago organs and politicians ns a di
rect issuo between tbo rule of Abraham
Lincoln and Jeff Davis. Even the usually
conservative Tribune was swung into the
sectional tide by the echoes of fools and
demagogues in Congress, aud it declared that
a vole fur Harrison would be a vote in favor
of the parly that, "having failed to shoot
the Union to death, now proposes to starve
it to death." Garfield had just given the
key-note and the stalwarts rallied and re
sponded in ciiorous through every precinct
of Chicago, The answer of Chicago is the
election of the first Democratic Mayor fu
twenty years, by a majority of marly five
thousand, and the success of the eutire Dein
ncratic ticket. Nobody will pretend that
tho Republican city of Chicago has sudden
ly become Democratic, hut the wayfaring
man may easily understand that the business
and industrial classes of that city don't pro
pose to becomo blathering idiots over issues
settled years ago, merely because political
lunatics happen to find themselves in Con
gress. Thus endeth the first lesson I Timet.
There is no class ot men who need so much
starting as young attorneys. Happy does
that one regard himself for fhoni the Court
endeavors by appointments to fill the void
occasioned by the lact of clients. Tho
Criminal Court is a favorite, though not
generally a very paying field for the incipient
man of law, and if he is ho fortunate as to
have tho favor ot the Judge, from here may
lead the path to fame and fortune. Every
prisoner is entitled 'to counsel, If he bus
money he can employ one, otherwise the
Court appoints one for him. Many a young
barrister, scarcely recovered from the alarm
experienced on his examination, has at such
summons, with much trepidation and con
fusion of mind, seated hiirself at the coun
sel table with the firm conviction that bis
client is guilty and that he himself 1-nons
very little of criminal Jaw, both of which
are ultimately proved to be well fouuded.
The Galveston AVirs regards Ibis procedure
with extreme favor, and claims (hat Texas
owes to it an immense debt of gratitude.
That while the young lawyer baa an oppor
tunity to practice bis profession and acquire
valuable experience, hq usually succeeds In
obtaining for his client the extreme limit of
the law. Though occasionally it is suggested
au luuoceiK man may sutler, T,e A'cut takes
great comfort in the thought that the guilty
never escape. J'rett.
Tho following aro llio palicnt points in tho
cao of Oenoral Fitz Joliii Porter, as taken
fioin the irpoit Itself !
That tlia ltccoidtr lias ucd great diligence
for evidence, especially such u might appear
to havo n hearing nJveiso to tho claims urged
by General Porter.
That duo caro Ins been cxcrctfcd not to in-
quire into tho military operations or tho con
duct of officers ol'tlio Army nf Virginia fur
thcr than was ncccuiry to a lull elucidation
of tho subject of investigation.
That the now evidence, in addition to tho
old, lias ii'accil bejond question many im
portant facts before t lie subject of di-pute,
in respect to which radically erroneous opin
ions were etitertnitttii by General Porter's
nocusrta, and, doubtless, by tho court mattial
that pronounced him guilty. '1'liu tcsult has
been to establish beyond rit nabio doult all
the facts essential to tho foiiiiatioii of aw
rect Judgment upon tlio luciits of General
Porter's r.ise.
The lepott is llierefoio tuado by tlio Hoard
with cutiio unanimity aud without doubt in
their mind', with tlio reasons for conclusions,
and what notion justice inquires should bo
taken by tlio President.
Tlio leport of tho board of officers then pro
ceeds to give a nnirativo of tlio cvrnin which
gave rio to tlio chuges n'.'iiinst General Por
ter, omitting unessential details and limiting
tlicui'clves to a plain statcmint of rscntial
facts established by proof, This narrativo
covers tlio lepoit of the beard.
Copccrniiig the charge ol which General
Porter wus found guilty, of not bavin r moved
his command on the night of August 27,
1802, in obrdictico to nn order fioin General
Pope, the boa'd report that it was a maiiifist
physical impossibility to ninicli over that
road that night ; that Lothing could hare
been gained by tlio attempt, and it would
have been wiser if Potter had delayed the
attempt still longer thau ho did ; that he ex
orcised tho very ordinary discretion of a corps
commander, and it was his plain duty to so
excrciso it.
llcgauling I lie situation nt tlio armies
on tlio 20th of August, 1S02, tho board
sustain, at very considerable length, Portit's
insistant beforo his original court-martial that
Pope's orders were given under a misappre
hension of tho true filiation ; that instead of
Jackson having tho only force with whom
Porter was to engage, the whole Confederate
army, with Longstrcct'o command, which in
eluded 25,000, were coufiontiug Poller with
only 0,0f0 men, and that Poilei'.s corps was
the only one ready for action of the 35,000
troops composing tho left wing of tho Union
With refcienco to tho famous 4:30 older,
tho board find that it was not received by
Porter beforo 0:30 P. M. of tho 20th of Au
gust, and that the officer who wrototho dis
patch only begun to wiito it at 4:30. Tho
board report that tho moment tho 4:30 older
was received Potter ordered an attack, but
daikucss came on, and using tlio woids of tho
repoit, "tlio Older was based upou conditions
maiiilVstly erroneous and diicctcd what was
impossible to bo done," aud that Porter
wisely ordeitd tiio further preparations to
The report dials at length with a!l the cir-cunis'an-es
which surrounded Poller after
McDowell had left him, and ays : "An at
tuck by Porter would have been a violation of
tlio spirit of his orders and a criminal blun
der leading to iucvitnblo d't-astcr. In short
ho had no chance as a faithful soldier but to
do substantially what lu did do ; that no
court martial would have condemned such
conduct if correctly understood ; that Porter's
Cfluduct was obediint,tubordiimte, faithful and
judiciaiu. It saved the Union tivmyjrom dis
aster on the 21WA of August."
In concluding tho leport thn board pays
that General Pope appears fioin his orders
aud from his testimony to have been whol'y
iutiornut of the true situation on the 8th of
August. Potter had undeistood and ap
predated tlio military situation, and, so far
as ho had acted upon his own judgment, his
action ha I been wiio and judicious. For the
disaster of the succeeding day lie was in no
degreo responsible. Who ever el.-e may havo
been responsible, it did not Ibw from any
action or any actions of his. General Porter
was in effect cjiideiunad for n)t lnviiiir taken
any part in his own battle. Such was the
error upon which General Porter was pro
nounccd guilty of tho uio'-t shameful crime
knuwn among soldiers. Wo believe not one
among all the gallant soldiers on that bloody
field VMsiess deserving of such condemnation
than bo.
Thn evidence of bid animus in Porter's
casp, ceases to ha material in viow of the
evidence of his soldierly and faithful con
duel. 1J it it is our duty to say that the in
d'screet and unkiud terms in which General
Porter expressed his distrust of the capacity
of his superior commander cannot bo de
fended ; and to that indiscretion was due,
in very great meaiuie, the misinterpretation
of 1jt.Ii his motives and his conduct and his
consequent condemnation.
Having thus given the reasons for our
concl-Jslons, we have the honor to report, in
accordance with the President's order, that
in our opinion justice ri qui res at his 1mnds
such action as may be necessary to annul
and ft asiJe tbo finding and sentence of
the court martial in the ciuepf Msjor Gen
tral Fitz John Porter aud to restore bim to
the positiou of which that sentence deprived
In in, such restoration to take effect from the
date of his dismissal from the service.
Very respectfully, your obedient servants,
Major General United Slates Army.
Alfred H. Teuuy,
Iirigadier General United States Army.
GEOnfir. W. Getty,
lirevet Major General United States Army,
Colonel Third Artillery.
A Tbuce with Folly. When tho suf
ferer from kiduey diseaso and liver complaint
uccompauicd by constipation and piles, has
becu to physicians without reliel, let him
make a truco with folly long enough to try
Kidney- wort, a certain remedy for his troub
Nevada newspapers announce that vast
numbers uf grasshopper eggs are Incubating
in Sierra Valley. A spadeful of soil is rep
resented to have contained hundreds of thou
sands of eggs deposited In clusters, Tho
farmers have not turned a furrow this
spring, knowing that with these pests in the
soil their work would be fruitless of result.
Grain crops will only foster the scourge.
while to let the grouud remain idle may
starve the Insects Into emigrating. Fears
are expressed that they may sweep down
upon the fertile valleys of California, but
whether they can cioss such mountain! as
the Sierras is doubtful. It is proposed to
dig trendies before they are able to fly, and,
driving them in, to cover them up. This
plan worked successfully In Utah two
years ago
A Positive Pi.eabukk. Tho facility
with which Luiion's Dyes aro used makes it
a p'casure to renovato old, faded aud discol
orcd gaimcuts. Tbey are prepared by Wells,
Richardson & Co., Burlington, Vt., and givo
charming effects to all kinds of goods.
Ily Tlrtiio ot sundry writs issued ont ot trio
Court ot Common Pleas et Columbia county and to
mo directed, will be etpos'd to public- sato at tho
Court House In tho town of nioomsburg Cclumbls
county, 1'cnnsrlvatila, at ono o'clock p. in , on
MONDAY, MAY 6th, 1871).
All that certain pleco ot land situate In Mimin
township, Columbia county, I'enna,, bounded and
dcscilncd as follows, to-wlts On tlio north by land of
innn Mon.eoH by II, Mmeppcnhelscr, south by
land ol Thomas Aton and on tlu west by land of
Chnrles Kllniriman, containing ono hundred and
ten acres, mora or leas on which aro erected a
fran.o duelling house, barn and out bullalng-s.
A 1.60.
One trot t ot land situate In Bald township ot Mir-
llln, boutiiled oo the ieith and cast br land ot
Tlimnos Atcn, on the south blaudaf Mlcbsel drov
er's heirs, on the ist by land of William Parr, con
taining tivciity-fouracrcs, moro or less, on which
are erected a frame houso and out buildings.
Ono tract In salt township of .MirtlM, bounded on
tho north bv land of 1. K. l-chwepi-enlielser and
Samuel 8nj dor, on th cast by Lawrcnco Waters, on
tho south by Abraham Schwppenh Iser and on
thn Mcsr by John Aten, containing tinny lour acre!.
niore or less on which aro creeled a frame houso,
turn, and out bulldlngi
Ono tract ot lant Mluato In said towr.shlu ot
Miniln, boiiuded on tho nor Hi by land of Stephen
ilearlnrt nn.l others, on thi oast by land of I K.
Kchivui'penhtl'ir, on tho south by lanlof John Aten
aud un the west by land of Joseph (learbart, con
taining onu hundred acres, mom or less, on which
are erected a frame house, barn, and out buildings.
ono lot ot Eround situate In tho town of Main-
lllo, ColuinM i county, 1 nn'iu, bounded and de
scribed ns follows, to-wlt: on tho north by public
road, on the east and soulhby land cf J.K. Longcn
heii'.r auilcn tho west bya public road, on which
Is tivcted a two story brick store house.
Seined, taken Inexccutloi , and to bj sold as the
propeityof I. K, Sclincpncnhelscr at the suit of
Esther Ocsihart asalost I. K. hchweppcnliclser.
C. W, -Villus, Attorney. Venj. lix.
All that tract of laud situate In the township ot
Heaver, County of CulutnbU and state ot Pennsylva
nia, described as follows, towlti Hounded on tho
north br lands of Eckroat and llennlniror, on the
cost by lauds of W'elltngton Case, oi the west by
lsnds of .Ijt'oJ lleubiger auJ on tho south by public
ro.ul, uintalnlQ? fuity-nluo acres more or less on
which nru elected a frame house, born and cut-
Seized, taken In execution at tha suit ot the Co
lumbia County Mutual SivlnirFund andiboan Asso.
elation ajralust Samuel Fisher dQd to bo sold as the
property tf amuel Fisher.
Lhtlk Miller, Attorneys. n. FL Fa,
Terms cash.
All that certain lot orplecoof land situate In Fish-
Ingcrtek township, Couuty ot Columbia and state of
rennsyivinla, luimU-U and described as follows, to
wit; On thi north by land of J. I) . Fullmer, on Lhe
east by land ol John Hide outho south by land ot
Elford Preston, and outho west by land ot Philip
Appleraan, sr., containing ono hundred and twen'y
six acres mor i or less, ou which are erected u plank
house, barn aa 1 out buhulnrs,
Seized, taken lu execution nt tho suit of Jacob Far-
cr for use ot J. U. Fullmer against George Cod,vaU
lader an J to bo bold as tho properly ot Oeorgo Cud
uallodcr. Wirt, Attorney. Fl. Fa.
A 11 that certain real estuto situate In Mala town
ship, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded and
described asfoMowstowlt ; On tho north by lands
ot John UearLart, on tho cast by land of Joseph (lei.
ger, on tho west by land of and on the south
bya publloroad, containing flfty.stx acres more or
Seized, taken la execution at the suit ot tho Co
lumbia County Mutual Saving Fund and Loan Asso
ciation ogalustU. J.Campbell and M. V. B. Kosten-
bauder.and to bo sold as the.proper ty of U. J. Camp
bell and M. V. U. Kostenoaudcr.
Lima Ml llsb. Attorneys. FI. Fa
All that certain lot and parcel ot grou nd situate In
tho tonsnlp of Mala aforesaid, bounded and de
scribed as follows, to wit : lleglnalng at a stone in
Uis public road leading from Malnvllle (to K,py In a
lineonand no v or law of Isaac letter and running
from thence by said lino north seventy-four and a
quarter degrees east twenty perches to a post,thenco
by land of John J Gearhart north ten and a half de
grees east twenty and a half perches to a post, thence
by the same south seventy-lour and a quarter de.
grcs west twenty perches to a suone In the aforesaid
public road, thence by said road south nre degrees
west tnirtecn pjrehes to a point In said road, thenco
by tho same south f ourteeu and a quarter degrees
west nine an t Ihrao ton tin parches to tho place of
beginning, containing two and a half acres strict
measure, on which are erected a frame dwelling
nouso nnuout building.
srized, taken ln execution at tho suttof Lhe Co
lumbia County Mutual Savlug Fund and Loan Ab-
siKlatlon iiratnstM. V. II. Koitenbauder , and to bn
sold nsiho property of M, V, II. Kodten bauder.
LirrLBX Miller, Attorn-j) u.
10 ALSO,
All that certain farm sttuite In cott townshtpi
vuiitiitu,., luuu.j- t-fiiusjiviiuia, containing one nun-
dred and Ihlrly-'-even acres inoro or less, a llolnlnz
lands or w in. cre ellng on tho north, ou tho east by
lain! or ueorgo Keller, on' tha west by lands of Geo-
Kri-ssler, and ou the south by land of E. It. Itelcrs,
whereon Is erected a two story dwelling house, bank
barn and out buildings, nearly all cleared land.
11 ALSO,
All that certain pleco or parcel ot land situate In
tho township and county aforosald. adjoining lands
of Jacob Mclllck on the north, lauds of Reuben Culp
on the southlands ot Mrs. J W.Sankeyon the west,
and on tha east by lands ot Samuel Hut bison, con
talnlnr ten acres more or lew, all improved.
12 ALSO,
All that certula piece or pircel t.f laud , situate In
the township and county aforesaid adjolnlnglands
ot Jacob Mclllck on tho north, lands ot Jacob Melllck
on tho east, the public road leading to lip J town on
uio soiiui, uni public road leaulng to Illooinsburg on
tho west, containing one acre more or less, whereon
Is erected asteam tannery with vats, &c.
13 ALSO.
All that certain lot of ground, situate la the town
ship and county aforesaid, fronting on the public
road leading to Ploomsburg nn tho east, an alley on
the south, another lot of said J. W. Sankey, on the
wesr,andMUl stieet on tho north, containing one
aero moro or less, whereon Is erected a large two
Btory frame dwelling houso, an oftlce, a urge two
story framo room and a double two story dwelling
house, barn and stabla and other buildings,
14 ALSO,
All that cert tin 'ot ot ground situate In the town
ship and county aforesaid, fronting on Mill Street
on the north, a lot Francis Frances ou the cost, an
allev on the south, a public road on tho west, where
on nre erected a two-stnry frame dwelling house and
out buildings.
Seized, takea In execution nt the suit of I. S. Kuhn
aeMuM J, W. Sankey, and to be sol 1 as the properly
ot J, w, sankey,
Milleh, Attorney,
15 ALSO,
All that certain lot or piece of ground situate in
suganoaf township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania.
described as follows, to wit . Hounded on the north
by land of Mary Peterman, ou the east by Andrew
Hess, on the south and west by land of Elijah l'e-
terman.containing nfly acres more or less, cn which
aro erected a nouse, bain and out buildings.
Seized, taken In execution at the suit ot II. D. Cole
against m. II. Peterman and to be so, da3 the prop
erty oi vm. n. reterman.
Millib, Attorney, TeLd.Ex.
10 ALSO,
A certain trat of land situate in Ftshlngcrcek
township, Columbia oounty, being the eastern divis
ion ot the homestead farm or John Lazarus, deceos
cd, and bounded and described as follows, to wit i
Iieglnnlng at a stone In the lino of land ot Philip
liuangsr.mence oytuo same south seventy and
ono quarter degrees west nfty.two and nine-tenth
perches to a stone, thence by lot No. 3 ot tha same
tract south nineteen and threo quarter degrees east
ntty-tlght and eight-tenths perches to a stone, thence
uuo east forty-nine perches to a stone south
In el vo and one-fourth degrees east ono hundred and
tifly.two and nlno-tenths perches to a stone, thence
nonncignij-one aim a naif degrees east four perch
es to a itone, thence south sixteen east atty.
two and two-tenths erchos to a stone, thence by
land ot Matthew McDowell north elghty-two and a
nan cegrecs east lorty-six and eight-tenths perches
toa stone, thence by land of Daniel Merkle north
sixteen degrees west dfty-three and four-tenths
jerches to a post, and north fourteen degrees west
eigut nine and one tenth perches to astoue. thtnee
by laud of Iitrnard Ammerinau west eight perch-
is uou norm lourteen degrees west ntty.four perch
es toa stone, thence west-twenty-tlie perches toa
white oak grub, thence by land of 1 nomas J. Hutch.
I ason uorth thirty-two and three-quarter degrees
west ninetr-eigm ana nve-tenths perches to the
(lacoof beglnnlng.contdlnlng one hundred and eight
acres at a ninety-nine and two-thirds perches strict
measure, on which are,erccted a frame house, bank
oarn anu out nuuaings.
Seized, taken In eiecutlon at the suitor Sanlenwn
uuarus, Administrator ot William Lazarus, deceos
ed against George Lazarus (by his Guardian Iliratn
It, Kline) with notice to John 1', Creasy terre tenant
and to be sold as the property ot George Lazarus (by
us uuoraian uiram ic. unnej wnn notice to John I1
Creasy terre tenant.
Mask, Attorney. J-erart Facias.
17 1180,
All tut oniisis lot or of land sittiat u mt-
Bin township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as roiiows, to wit I untno
north by Abraham rchweppenhctser, on the east by
Peter Mlchasl, on tho south and west by Horaco
Schneppehelscr, containing eighty acres moro or
less, 6n which aro erected a two-story framo houso,
bank bam, a large framo grist mUl, mill houso and
all necessary ont bulldlngs.
Seized, Uken In cxi cutlon at tbo suit of J, II, litt
ler assigned to F, Jordan Sons against Oeorgo Nun
gosser and to bo sold as tha property ot George Nun
geser. IlsociwiT s elwill, Attorneys. n. ra.
18 ALSO.
All that certain lot and pleco ot land situate In
Hearer township, Columbia county and state ot
Pennsylvania, boundd and described as follows)
Iieglnnlng at a pine, thenco by land of Jacob Harri
er, north eighty-ono degrees, east flfty-lwo perches
to a pine, thenco bysamo south eighty-eight and
one-fourth degrees east one hundred and thirty-two
perches to a plue, tnence by land of William Mlchaol
south two an I three-fourths degrees wcjt fifteen
pcichcs toa stone at Catawtssa Creek, thenco down
Bald creek south elghty-soren degrees west eighteen
perches to nstonc,thnce down said creek Its various
coursts,ono hundred and srxty- three and nve-tenths
perches to n stuno, thenco by land ot Daniel Slnglcy,
Sr., north nine degrees west forty-soven and flvo
tcnlhs perches to tho plaeo of beginning, containing
thtrty.tlvo acres and ono hundred and twelve perches
strict measure.
Seized, taken In execution at tho suit ot Abraham
Pico to use ot Moses Rico against bllzabeth Miller,
Administratrix of Daniel Miller with notice to terre
tenants, and to be sold as tho property of Elizabeth
Miller, Administratrix of Daniel Miller, with notice
to Icrro tenants.
Knohb, Attorney. Levari Facias,
19 ALSO,
All that certain lot or pleco ot ground situate In
Henton, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, described
as follows, to-wlr, : Hounded on the north by lands
of Iicnjamln McIIenry, on tho east by public road,
on the south by an alley, on the west by land of III
ram Kvcrltt and Uenjamln McIIenry, containing
thrco-fourths of an acre on which aro erected a two-
story f rarao dwelling house, storo house, shop and
Btabloand outbuildings.
Seized, taken in execution at the suit ot Tlio Co
lumbia County Mutual Sating Fund and Loan Asso
tlon ogulntt Samuel Ileacock and to be sold as the
property of smu?l Ileacock.
Miixin, Attorney. Ai. ri. ra.
20 ALSO,
All that certain lot or pleco of ground situate In
Ccntralla borough, Columbia county, Pennsylvania,
described as follows, lew It t Hounded on the north
by an alky, on tho south by Hall road street, cast
by land ot Itlchard Flnnel and on the west by l'axton
street, containing ,twenty-nvo feet front and ono
hundred and forty feet In depth on which are erect
ed a dwelling house and out buildings.
Seized, taken la execution at tie suit of the cen-
tralla Mutual saving Fund Association against Pat
rick Fogarty and to be sold as th9 property of Fat.
IUrilzv, Attorney. Vend Ex.
21 ALSO,
All that certain lot or pleco of land situate In
Bloomsburg. Columbia county, Pennsylvania, boun
ded and described as follows, to wit: On tlio north
by an alley, on the east by an alley, on the south by
Main street, on'lho west by ltobert Cadman, on
which aro erected a frame houso, stable and out
SIzcd, taken In execution at tho suit of layton
Runyan & Co,, against William II, (lareoo and J. II.
Strieker and to bo sold as .the property of William
II. Garson.
Ikelbb, Attorney. Fl. Fa.
22 ALSO,
The undivided one-eighth part of nil that certain
lot or piece ot ground situate in Centre township,
County of Columbia and Stato of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Iiegln
nlng at a stone corner near the head race, thence by
lands ot Jesse B. Freas nd William Lamon north
twenty degrees east one hundred and eight and nve
tenths perches to a stone, thenco by land of Emma
Dclttcrlck south seventy-eight degrees east tw enty
and nine-tenths perches to a stone, thenco by land
of Weiley D. Freas south twelve degrees west forty
seven and nve-tenths perches to a stone, north Bev-enty-elght
degrees, west nve-tenths perches to a
Btone, thence by same and land ot GeorgeK. Hess
south twelve degrees west flfty-nlne perches to a
stone, ond thence by land ot Jesso II. Preas north
seventy-eight degrees west twelve and four-tenths
perches to the placo ot beginning, containing four
teen acres more or,on which aro erected a frame
houso, stables and out-buUdlngs ; also, one frame
grist and flouring mtll, together with the water
power, fixtures and appurtenances thereunto be
Seized, taken In execution at the suit of zacbonan
T. Fowler against Robert F. Watts and to bo sold as
the property of Robert F. Watts.
Iiiler. Attorney. Altos Fl. Fa.
The undivided one-eighth port of all that certain
lot or piece of land situate in Centre township.Coun
tyot Columbia and State ot Pennsylvania, bounded
and described asfoUows, to-wlt: Beginning at a
Btoae corner near the head race, thence by lands ot
Jesso II. Freas and William Lamon, north twenty
degrees cost ono hundred and eight and nve-tenths
perches to a stone, thenco by land ot Emma Deltter-
lck south Beventy-elght degrees, east twenty and
nine-tenths perches toa stone, thence by land of
Wesley D, Freas, south twelve degrees west forty-
seven ond nve-tenths perches to a stone north seventy-eight
degrees west nve-tenths perches to a
stone, thenco by samo ond land ot George K, Hess,
south twelve degrees, west ntry-ntne perches to a
stone, and thenco ot Jesse II. Freas, north
seventy-eight degrees west twelve and four-tenths
perches to tho place ot beglnnlnj, containing four
teen acres more or less, on which ore erected a framo
hou'c, stables and outbuildings ; also, ono framo
grist and flouring mill together with the water-power,
fixtures, and appurtenances thereunto belong
ing. Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of Z. T. Fow
ler against M. A. Watts and to be sold as tho prop
ertylot M. A. Watts.
Ikxlek, Attorney. Alias Fl. Fa.
24 ALSO,
Two lot) of ground situ Uo In tin Borough ot Ccn
trollo, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, being mty
feet In width and one hundred and forty feet In
depth whereon are erected two two-story fiamo dwel
Ung houses, sold lots belng;boundel and described
as follows! North by Park street east by
street, south by vacant lots and west by lots ofM,
25 ALSO,
A lot ot ground situate In tho borough, county and
State aforesaid, bounded and described os follows:
Number one (No. 1) Ulockone hundred and eighteen
(118) north by Park street, east by an alley, south by
lot lately owned by William Torrey, ond west by
Locust Avenue, whereon Is erected o two-story
frame house.
20 ALSO,
All the right, title ond Interest ot said Robert Gor
rell In the estate ot Mary Gorrctl, deceased, said es
tate consisting ot a certain messuage and lot or plero
of ground situate In tho borough of Centrallo In the
Cousty of Columbia and stato ot Pennsylvania, con
sisting of tho lots numbered eight, (S), nine (9), ten
(lo), eleven (11), and twelve (19), in block numbered
nlnety-slx (9) oi tho general map or plan of said
borough, each ot Bald lots being twenty-flve (!S) feet
in width and together eno hundred and twenty-five
(lis) feet In width and extending of that width In
depth one hundred o?d forty (140) feet, with the ap
purtenances, consisting Mat o-story frame dwel
ling bouse, and one-story framo omce. Also,
A certain other messuage and lot or piece of ground
situate In Bald borough of Centrallo, and consisting
or. tho lots numbered one (1), and two (2) in block
number ninety -six (98) oo said general map of tho
borough ot Centr&llo ; each ot said lots of ground
beln j twenty-tlve (45) feet in wldthand together fifty
(59) feet In width ond extending ot tint width la
depth one hundred ond forty (UO) feet with the ap
purtenances, consisting of a two-story frame dwel
ling houso ond a one-story frame dwelling house.
A certain other messuage and lot ot ground situate
tn sold borough of Centrallo and numbered on the
general map or plan of Bald borough one (t) tn block
number (91) being twenty-five (!5) feet In width and
extending of that width In depth one hundred and
forty (UO) feet. Also,
A certain other messuage and lot otgiound situ
ate In said borough ot centralis, and numbered one
(1) In block number ono hundred and four (lot) on
t)e general map or plan ot Bald boroug h being twen-ty-tlvo
(U) feet In width and extending ot that wldl h
tn depth one hundred and forty (I iti) feet with the ap
purtenances, consisting of a ono and-a-nalf story
plank stable and ware house.
Seized, token In execution at tha suit ot the First
National Hank ot Ashland against Robert GorreU
ond to be sold as the properly ot Robert Uorrcll,
Fruzi, Attorney, P), Vend, Ex.
27 ALSO,
AH that certain lot or piece ot land situate on the
north-west side ot Seventh Street In the Harough ot
Berwick, County ot Columbia ond state ot Pennsyl
vania, bounded and described as follows,to.wlt : Be
ginning at the corner of Seventh street and lot num
ber 8i,thence along lot number 3D one hundred eighty-one
ond a halt feet to Eighth street, thenco olong
Eighth Street forty-nine and o bolt to et to lot num.
ber K thenco olong lot number 31 one hundred elgh
ty-one and a hall feet to Seventh Street, thence along
seventh btreet forty-nine and o half feet to the place
of beglunlng.being lot num ber it of M. W. Jackson to
addlUon to Berwick,
Seized, token li.ciecutl on at the Bult ottho Mu
tual UuUdlng Loan and Saving Fund Assoclatl on ot
Berwick against William II, ciewell ond Nathan
Uartz.ond to be sold aa the property of WfUlom II,
Tuoursox, Attorney. PL Fa.
All tha undifidcd half of that certain plocoorpar.
oelot land situate tn Centre twp., Colurabla,county,
bounded and described as follows, to wit I Begin,
nlng at a stone corner near tha head race, thenco by
land of J, H. Freas and l.lwood Hughes northtweivo
degrees cast one hundred ami eight and halt
psrehos to a s'.ona cornet, thenco by tho samo south
soventy-elghtdcgrooseast twenty and nine-tenths
perchos to a stjno corner, thenco by tho samo souiu
twelve degrees wost forty-seven and one-half perch
es to a stono, thonco by tho samo nortli seventy-
eight degrees wost oso httf porih to a stone, thence
by thi stui) and lot ot II, W, anIJ. 11. Homboy
south twolvo degrees west forty-nlno perches to a
sto 10 oornor, thonco by land of J. H. Froos north
seventy-eight degrees west twenty and four
tenths porches to tho placo ot beginning, containing
fourteen acres strict measure, on which aro crcctod
frame houso, stables and out-bulldlngsi also ono
framj grist and iburlng mill, together with tho
water-power, fixtures and appurtenances thereunto
Seized, taken Inlcsecutton at tho suit of Oliver
Watts, Administrator ot Robert Watts, deceased
against Robert F. Watts and to bo sold as tho prop
erty ot Robert V. Watts,
Jacxjo Sox, Attornoys. Levari Facias.
23 ALSO,
All that tract ot land situate In Locust township,
Columbia .county, Pannsylvanla, bounedd nnd de
scribed as follows, to-wlt I On the north by lands ot
Willi itn Krwlne.oa tha cast by lands of Henry Ilea
ver, outho south by Hnds ot H, Lcvan and John
Snyder.on tho west by lands ot Peter Kline, contain
ing ono hundred acres mora or less, oa which nre
eretted a gojd frame house, largo bank barn and
outbitlldingi.excollent spring ot water and good ap
plo orchard ou the premises. .
Seized, taken In execution at the sultof William J.
Helwlg Trustco for Catharine llelnlg against Henry
Hclwlg and to bo sold as too property of Henry Del
wig. ikxiisb, Attorney. Alias Fl. Fa.
30 ALSO,
All thoso threo plsces ot land sltuato In Locust
township, Columbia county, l'ennsjlvonla, bounded
and described as follows; that Is to say Iheouo piece
beginning at a stone In the p ibllo road leading from
SlobtoM n to Kerntown,nnd by land ot Henry Rhoads,
south fifty and one-fourth degrees west nlnety-ono
and two tenths perches to n stone, thenco by land
ot John Itclnbold south forty-seven and onc-hilf de
grees Ufty.slxBnd tvto-tciiths perches to n stone,
llienco by land of Peter Hlionds north mty nnd
threo fourth degrees, east seventy and ilve-tenllis
perches to a stone, thenco by land of William II,
Helnbold north twenty-four and one-halt degrees
cast thlrlj-threo perches to n store, tho flnco of be
ginning, containing twenty-eight teres and seven-ty-two
perches strict measure. The second begin
ning at a stone In the public road leading from Cat
owlssa to Kerntown at a stono nnd by land cf W,
II. Helnbold north fifty-six degrees, east thirteen
and thirty-live ono hundredth perches to a stone In
street, thenco by said struct south twenty-four do
grees east, thence by land of Teter Weber or Mary
Bleber south fifty-six degrees, west thirteen and
thtrty-flve ono-hundredths pcrrhes to a stone, thenco
by land of said Peter Rhoads and tho public road
south thlrtj-four degrees east twenty-four pciches
to the placcof beginning, containing thirteen acres
strict measure. The third pleco sttuato at the foot
ot the Little Mountain, bounded and described as
follows : Iieglnnlng at a post In Unoot land of Lew
Is Bush running thence by land of the same south
seventy.two nnd a bait west twelve perches and
two-tenths to n post, thence by landot Mlllam Mil
lard south twelve and a bill degrees, east seventy-
six perches toa post, thenco by land of tho samo
norlh and one-fourth degrees, east twelvo
and one-half perches to n post, thence north twelvo
and one-half degrees west stventj-seven nndone
half pcrcheB to tho place of beginning containing
five acres and ono hundred and twenty -nvo percnes
strict measure, on which aro erected a frame houso
bank barn and out-bulldlngs.
Seized, taken In execution at the suit of Benja
min Bchin, As'lgnce ot Peter Rhoadsagalnst George
Hojcr, with notice tollairls Kreltther, terre tenant
nnd to be sold as the property of Georgo Iiojcr, with
notice to Harris Krclschtr, terre tcnint.
IkkLEit, Attorney,, Levari Facias,
AprlU, 18-ts
By vlrtuo of sundry writs Issued out.of tho Court
of common pleas of Columbia county, and to mo
directed will bo exposed to public sale at tho Court
Rouse, Bloomsburg, at one o'clock p. m. on
SATURDAY, AI'ltlL 1!) h, 1879.
Tho undivided one-fourth Interest In tho following
tract of land sltuato In FMilngcreek township, Col
umbia county, State of Pennsjlvanla, described as
follows, to-wlt : Bounded on the north by lend of
Henry Bclshllno's cstate,on tho east by i ther lands ot
lunry Uelshllne's estate, on the south by land of G
M. Howell, and on tho west by lands of John
Crevellng containing two nnd one-fourth acres
more or less, .on which . ore elected a large brick
house, stable, out-bulldlngs and blacksmith shop,
Seized, taken In execution at tho suit ot J, F
McIIenry against W, 11. Pennington and to bo sold
as tb'j property of W. B. Bennington,
Tho undivided one-fourth Interest in the following
tract of land sltuato In Flshlngcreek township, Co
lumbia county, State ot Pennsylvania, described as
follow b, to-wlt : Bouudcd on the north by land of
Henry Uelshllne's estate, on the east by ol her lands
of Henry Belahllne s estate, on tho south by land of
G.M. Howell.and ou tho w est by lands ot John Creve
ling, containing two and one-fourth acres more or
less.on which ore erected a large brick house, stable,
out-bulldlngs ond blacksmith shop.
Seized, taken tn execution at the suit ot J. F
McIIenry against Georgo II. 1'enulngtonandtobo
Bold as the property of Georgo 11. Pennington.
Tho undivided one-fourth Interest In tho following
tract or land sltuato In FMilngcreek township, Co
lumbia county, Stato of rcnnylvanla, described as
follows, to. It: Bounded on the north by land of
Henry uelshllne's estan, on tlio east bv othir lands
of Henry Uelshllne's estate, on the south by I. nd of
G. M. Howell' and on tho vcst by lands of John
Crevellng, containing t o and one-fourth acres moro
or loss, on which are erected a largo brick houso
stable, out buildings ond blacksmith s lnp
Seized, token In execution ot tho suit of J,
McIIenry against W, C.I'cnnlngton and lo bo sold as
tuo property ot W' U. Pennington.
W. J, Ui'ckalew, Attorney.
Terms cash,
mar. ss, ta-ts sheriff,
Frederick Hosier vs D II & W It It Co.
John Gordon vs P & 1 It It Co
Do Huh c Mills vs William Mills
II A u eltlensaul vs A W Creamer
Wagner Man- & Co vs O It Barnes et ux.
I v McKelvj 's uso vs Win SUalTer et ol.
Wm siruthers e t ux vs Margaret oulun
F 1. Shuman vs Sarah K latter.
Conrad Bred bender's uso vs Jacob Blttenbendcr et ol
fliyrm .mim-ik-i vs. uomer i nomas
James A Whitlow eilard vs Win. MIlnes'pxpcutorH
Cayuga Chief MfgCo vs Thomas W llagenbuchct al
a , iieiMuerva i oiisviuu .vi r i lis 1,0
Wm Neal et al vs Penn'a canal Co
U s Funning Mill Co vs A I" Heller
G K Orlesbuch vs M Orover'a ndmr'a
J W Sankey vs M Orover 8 odmr's
Jonathan Fortner's use vs o I) L Kostenbauder,
Aim 1, ouiiui vs joun it .locooy.
llaunoh Weiss vs John llonman
Thomas Crevellng Jr vs Mary crevellng
II F llawko&Co vh Sterner A .lotirs.
Frank Rentz as.-lgnee vs Centrallo M F s Assocla-
Alvaruta 11111 vs A Hill et ol
o II urockway vs (1 11 Fowler's ndmr
Philip a Kissel vb stedhen II Wolf
st, John's church, Cntawlssavs II F Dillinan.
Bloomsburg Iron Co vs Reuben Se bert'S udiur'a
M W Jackson vs I'enna M F Ins Co
Michael Fruutz vs I'enna Ins Co
Michael Krantz vs commonwealth M Fins Co
John Kestrvs.lohn itauiz.
Banjel snjdt-r sr's odm'r vs Daniel Snjdcrjrand
John Boston's administrator vs Wm. I. Parks
Klljah Lemon s uso vs I' U Appleman et ol
lAicust school Ills) net vslluvld Helwlg
Jaiin K Brown vs A J Brown's ex'r
A M Rupert vs A J Brown' eir
Mary Snyder a Columbia County Bank
Sarah A lloner vs B II Helnbold
F I" Knorrva K II eirohet ux
William llogart vs Martha Albertson
M (I Hughes va W ellington Yeageretal
A K Mowery vs David ICllowcretnl
M (1 Hughes vs Wellington Venirer
J W Sankey'8 use vs The Mutual Building and Sav,
Alex I, Smith vs John W HoUmau
S w Trimmei vs Luzerne County et al
J II lletlcr vb 1) L 4 W R 11 Co
The Old Reliable
For Wells 10jo75 feet Deep,
New Price List Jan. 1, 1879,
April II, ISTMm
Letters of administration on the estate of Hand w
xocum, late of Benton township, Columbia Co., de.
eease d. have been trranted bv the Ret-ister of hum
county to the undersigned Administrators to whom
all persons indebted are requested to make Imme
diate payment ond those having claims or demands
vkuiubi, iuv rsiaio win make tnem known to tne Ad-
luuiutmiun) miuuut ucuty.
, , . Administrator,
April 11, 1-w p. o, Benton.
Icr tlmt cannot liiil, to 'bo highly nttructivo to every buyer within reach
of Philadelphia. ' mtttnm.r
Wo lmvu nn iinincnso stocic in
. in,,nvrsj - 1.!...- ... tl.n t
AlvllMlllLS lO, rOUUIIIII I'l M'u
DKKSS auOD.S nlono to
The latest bargains in the
24 Inehot Me,
A-r fisit.- Iwil.t. 1 It.
In nil tho now oioruigs.
ti,u utii u-MiKt. nn,l hoit.i.vons silk over offer
ed nt the price, nnd tin lljnilcil goods can bp
found on tho c-juutcrsuf most of tho leading retail
houses attl.23.
All tlio finer initios of both Black
surpassed assortment at equally low
l'tinoy and su.u.ur.R Sims wo also
A few of tlio latest bargains in
FOtllt tiHALtrilH,
tn 23 ant Hi Inches.
!5, sl.B.lan l H7'Cts.
In 34 to 33 Inches.
.V, CO and C3 cents.
In Cashmere Beige,
o, 6V, ,3, stjio. and fl.
PlllCHS t
Our assortment of Dress Goods
best productions of French, English nnd American Looms.
Some of tho latest bargains in this
Thcti p V, ! mvda tnour on oTnross ordar aro
believed to bo perroct In every ssentlal point color,
quality, and especially reliability In wear.
Keenlni nD Interior goods, nrlccs range os fol
45, m, 5,1, S, 01, 73, S7JJ Ul fl Od.
Wo also show tho largest and most
Black Hcrnanies
Ever shown in Philadelphia, either
most mode rate prices.
Wo invite especial attention to the
And particularly tp our threo grades of carefully mado
MEM1 "8
which are believed to be the best
THE GUSTO 31 MADE, at $1.00.
THE STANDARD, at 88 cents.
THE FAVORITE, at 75 cents.
Boy's Shiits in Great Variety, &c, &c,
In ordering send size of collar worn.
Please Note : Wo employ no agents, fiend directly to the
house for samples of whatever you may need, and secure tho advanta
ges of our low prices.
StFtHiwlbrMgiB 4 Q'D'itMeFj
Iff. W. Cora Eighth and Market Streets,
.Notice Is hereby given that the partnership here
to tbrvextsilng between llll IHrlon and Kilns Mend
enhall In the;nusluess of tl.o manufacturing anddeal
lug In lumhi-rhas heen this da UNsolved by mutual
consent. The business will lc continued by hit Mar
ten, settlements nt occountsof the lib) partnership
will bo mad"", and inoni-y rccelpn d and acquittan
ces given by each of Hi" I.Uu partners. 'Iliu books
and accounts wUl ho lelt lit the late place ot business
In llloom-hurg, where all Recounts must be settled
as promptly as possible,
Notice Ishereby given that the business of manu
facturlng and dealing In lumber w 111 be continued by
Kll liarton. That lhe place of business In Illooins
burg win beatiheCouiiilDgltooinof Ellas Menden
hall, who Is uuthorlzcd lo make tales and ri-echu
money on account us my ugent.
March !1, ts-it.
Tho undersigned. Auditor appointed by tho Or
ph in VCourt of Columhl i count) to dlstrlb He balance
In tho hands ot Ilia Administrator will sit for tho
purpose of his appointment at his ofllce tn blooms
burg un Tuesday, April 13th, 119 ut ten o'clock a.
m ,at which tlmo nnd place ull parlies Interested
mav attend It they think propcr.or bo debarred from
a share ot said balance,
mar. U, tsww Auditor.
u election will be heldnt tho houso of J. Il.Klsller,
Catawlsn, h,tu-r-n lhe huiirsot cue and six o'clock
p. in., on .MtiNliA V, MAY Cth, of olllcers ot the Uuta
wlssa bridge Company,
April 4, ;. M-c'y.
Notice Is hereby given that C. 11. Jacksou.Commtt.
teo of Stephen 1 nonius a luuailchas Hied his second
am llual account Intlieonico uf tuo Pruthonota
rvot Columbia county, which will bo presented to
tho court of common of said county on I ho Cth
day of May next and wM be coullrmed after four
dajs unless exceptions be ttledwlthlu that time.
Prothonotary's Oflleo, I'roth'y.
ui ibe matter of tho estate of William Stun, lato of
Itil.f-l-rtlAlf tnu-n.lilt, ri.u-,,nc,,r1 '
The 'inderi-lgned Auditor appointed by the Court
by consent of I ho partus Inteicleil to make dlslrl
but on of tho funds In tho hands or the Kxccutor of
said estate, win sit nt thooltlce ot M. E. Jackson i
ton In ll'rwlokonmturdiv May 31, lsiy, at nine
oclocklnthe forenoon or said day, ut which lime
and plao ull persona having claims on saldi fund
fund atten!'' or w d,-'barreJ "ou any share ot said
n!n , . OEO.E. ELWEI.L,
AprlU, 'T9.iw Auditor,
IT The following oppralsernents of real and
PUbonal prone rty set apart to w Mows ot decedents
hate been Ulcdlu the onice ot tho ItegMer of Col
uinbla county, under the Itulus ot court, nnd win be
presented for absolute eoullnnallon to the orphans
tourtto be held lu Illoomsburg.ln and forsald eoun
ty, on Monday, the sth day of May I8T, at s
o clock p . m., or said day unless exceptions to Buch
coudrmutlonarepretlouslyflled, of which all ner
sons Interested lu said eatuu-swlll take notice:
1, AVldow of Jacob Power, late ot IMarcrcck town
ship, deceased,
s. Widow ot Alexander Hess, late ot Sugarloaf
township, deceased.
ship d K,8ner' Ut0 ot S'acHion town.
' ll.rtoiv ' "av J Icmo"i lto of Greenwood town-
fillip dfCCHStu.
6. Widow of John Gulliver, lato of Hemlojk town
ship, deceased.
lieglster's omre. i W, II. Jcnnr
liloomsburg, aprll i. 1S f ltflgtl-ter.
Printed at fULa Office
tlin inlticcinonfs oflbrcd arc of a chnrno.
every ono ui out- imn n uji,
wn i Int n f ,,l n 11 1 a nt Si I I .K W t,,,l
viujHiiiiiiuiui) v. "-""V uiiu
st Inches wldo.
-ao oy
This Is undo ibtodlv tho best ono Dollar Ulack Silk
ever placed on any ouster lu America.
nnd Colors arc displayed in un
prices in proportion to quality. In
oner uio greatest. iio.-siuio aurac-
this department aro :
nt 8lc.
at 33c.
at Me.
nt st.
at sic.
ot 31 1,0,
is bewildering and includes nil the
department aro :
Tho prices begin at 87)rf cents and advance regu
larly hk eta,, viz i
87 C. ll.Oil, $l.ltf, t.23, l.S7Jf, 11.50, 1.61,',tl.75,
tl.siys and HM
Wo imported these goo Is largely, Having bad them
mado to our own direct order, as usual, but never
before havo they corao to no so nearly prfect la
quality, oolor, aol general appearance, as tho pro s
cut season.
attractive stock of
and Grenadines
at wholesale or at retail, are at the
department for
goods ever offered at the prices :
Notice Is hereby given to all legatees, credi
tors and other persons Interested lu the estates ot
tho respective decedents and minors, that tho fol
lowing administration nnd guardian accounts hao
been riled In tlio nillco ot tho Keglster ot Columbia
county, and will bo presented ror eoullnnallon anil
allowance In the orphans' court to bo'lield la
bloomsburg, on, .Monday, the 6th day of Slav, 1579,
at 3 o'clock, p. lu. on suld da :
1. First and parti il account of Edward It.irinian
and P. E. Iioniboy, Executors of Jacob Iloinboy,
late ot scott township, decoased.
2. First and nnal account ot Owen W. Chcrrlngton
and-Jacoo Khoads, Administrators of Ellas Ita
rlg, late ot Uoarlngcreek township, deceased.
3. First and anal account ot John Wonncr, Admin
istrator ot Solomon lliiss, lato ot FlshlngcrueS
township, docoasod.
4. First and Ilnal account of Henry Kitchen, Ouir
dianotTerlnda llagunbuch, minor child of Mi
chael llagcnbuch, lute of oraugo tawuihlp, de
ceased. 5. First and final account ot Benjamin 1-'. llaltln,
(luardian ot Samuel K. Smith, minor child uf
Johal", Smith, laloot Ureenwood township, de
ceased, 6. First nnd final account of II. F. Zarr and William
T. shumau, Administrators of Andrew Olngles,
lato of Alain township, deceased.
T. First and final account of William Peacock. Ad
ministrator of Patrick McClosky, lato of UIooiik
burg, deceased, as niedby Clarissa Peacock, Ex
ecutrix ot William l'eacock, now deceased.
8. Second and Ilnal account of William II. John, Ad
ministrator ot Cadwallader Itoberts,latoot Moo
tour township, doceased.
. Account of John W. lloftman, Sherltr, Trustco
appointed by tho Court to sell real estate ntLj
dla Vohe, la'o ot Mifflin township, deceastd.
10. First and final account of Alfred Eck, ACmlub
trator nt Harvey Eck.late of Catawlssa loan
ship, deceased.
11. First and final account of JoscDh Crawford, Ai
nilntatrator of William Mllllgan, lato of J1L
l'leasant township, deceased.
12. Tho first account uf John Kltngaman, Executor
of i John shumau, late of Beaver township, de
ceased. 13. Second and Ilnal account of Joseph W. Eves, Ex
ecutor ot Joun K, Eves, late of (Ireenwood lira n
ship, deceased.
U. Second and ilnal account of Joseph V. C'hrbt
man and Clark M. ChrlUmau, Executors of Ana
Chrlstman lato ot Illoomiburg, deceased.
13. First nnd nnal aceoun t ot Morris E. Masters, Ad
ministrator ot Kleanor A, Eves, lato of Orcen
wood township, d 'ceaod,
16. First and final account of Milton Eves, Adminis
trator of Elizabeth Eves, lato ot Oreenw ood to n
ship, deceased.
IT. First aud partial account of Frederick Ilagen
buchandK. II. llageubuch, Executors ot I'snl.l
llagenbuch.lateot Centre tonushlp, deceased.
IS, First and Ilnal tu count of John Fester, (1 u.irdlan
of Charles Shaffer, Theodore Shifter. Torr -ui '
Sharfer, Fannlo shuller aud John Shaffer, minor
children of Matld Shurtcr, Jr., laloot lirlarcretk
township, deceased.
19. First and final account ot Peter Nwank.AdmlD
tstrntorot Leonard Adams, lato of Locusttonn
shlp, deceased.
!0. First and nnal account of I. IC. KrickMum, fiuar
dlan of Ellas s. Evans, Mary C. Evans, ElUzle E,
hvans nad W B. Kvans.mlnorchlldren of licorge
M. Evans, lato ot Flshlngcreek township, de
ceased. 21. Account ot Joseph II. Knlttlo, Guardian of Emma
McIIenry, (lato Kostenbauder) minor child of Ja
cob Kostenbauder, lato of FranVUn ton nhlp,de
ceased. 2J. Tho second account ot Joseph Lehr, sunlvlng
Executor of tho last will and testament of Henry
Lehr, lato ol Heaver township, deceased.
23. The account of Edward E. On Is, Administrator
of Thoinss Hess, lato of Benton township, ce
ceased. 21. Tho accounts of Iteubcn Fahrlnger, (luardian of
Charles s. Fox John Fox and Charlolto Fox, mi
nor children ot II, II. Fox, latent Locust town
ship, deceased, as lllod by Herman Fahrlnger anil
Isaiah Mower, Administrators of lleubeu lao
linger, deceased.
23. The nnal account of Ellas Mendenhall, (luardian
of Mary Kesier, di-censed, minor child of James
tester, late ot Bloomsburg, decea-ed.
8tl. First and final accountof Letlshatrer nndW1
Fester, AdmluMrulors ot Hald Sharfer, sr,
lalo ot Brlarcreek township, deceased.
VT. Tho account ot peter llclnhach and Panlol Pal
lor Admtnlsl rators of Teracy lla lor, lato of Mon
tour township, deceased.
Hegtster'B onico, I W. II. JACOHY,"l
Bloomsburg, oprll i, 1S79, Keglsi"'
I Neatly and cheaply executed at Ibe
Couwmam Office.