THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBVRC J, COLUMBIA COl NTY, PA. t l!L00M8ntTRG, PA. V v i day, April 4. 187 O. ( rrt'lf I'DIVIIUH.J roiav vr.vns au. KliITOl.s Cow Mm i . the Jjrlra lit it , i.l' l-'i i anil etlil-il i.y V 1'. II i" elall, b)tiiiiiiiiK '1 y If 1 ili(! tlio vh ! ri i.i,nvii, i i and Harrison ei, ta' M litltl HI l'i I nilte i 1 !,r,t- t l.nve licforn me II'C ISUir &H'i,s. mi 1 Ailing K II Id. Hi il t'ni' lei'l- tttet ii Vmi 11 r n if. An,l 1 1 r t' tinvi" 1. i ii a rn v- ouuiin1' i Ctubr r ii'nin ' ii i, mitl lNtn ,i r.t'u uiot i i c ri ii4 n t Tin' tir nun t I'lOCl'i ll.l lfS if Conve 'linn : a i ', Iil-l tn plf II II I A XI 1,hIii t-t .'fit Ill ' i ,ers nl ill i i "i- i i ti nl U.ii r " II. n, mini J 'ln i , i 1 ' nUioan Vices .i . iminr j Ii ii' , -lnr. , l In i i .1. Im A. lix nt a i ic ic U. ,- ti ti- i r nl Ni'v VurS, i i''iw t-s m y . ii i . .mi 1 It uli tlip fen. 'nisi i"ii til nun it 1 1 tui1 it veiition it mi i Aiimm; tho elite . I'm of M.ii.H , s , l'eesiil, tr ai il I tn ) I I'nrkv i I public I l Hi 11 'I . N;w V i k -nit' ttlor.i ui iv'i 'I l'Vrn i til. v .... i II ll' m . J Ir IV, ' . i I, mi tnr (. ri. ! ii, M B. F H.a.liv t i. 1'nr.k.ui i.i Mu. Simon '"attieroi ; limit r ilt ii 1'iesidV.i ; i,un. I I t i V U k, Ii "1 in K ) i'' y 00 'it V'ii- ' ' M-..-.I 11 jU Iff, tten. William A iiiit luit ne ' I rf -ntucky. Win O. rjuc o mlulato tor Vmd H i-s o i, I'clix llriiinl ; Irum Alttl'H'iial . I, l't-..v ; trim Mississippi Itob ti J. Wullier,S.crt.ur,, nt Treasury ami after.vartls ii v iult nt, under Pre Went 1'tnlt, Jacob Tli mps n Secretary of ivaru.itler l'ntUe'it llurlmiuin, ami A. Ci, Urown ince tleimcmtlo U. S. Senator ; ami Onv. Wn Carroll of Teiintwo wlm scives! iimlir lil Hickory, wai rrfMetit vi Ihn Ginvriitinii. Aui'inetho debater! in Cnnvcnttnn weie Mr. Kr zei, Mr, Oruinly, Omi, Duller, Mr. llimaul of Imlian.'i, Mr. Meilnry ul Ohio, Mr, C!y nl Alabama, Mr. Hubert J, Walker, and several others of le8-icUb rity, Til 1 ! !.niv tho changiM made b the muta'i itis nf imlitlci aud thn whlrl'Rift of time. Ai d wo ciinnot hrli fprlirg n ulnw of inti Ht'iii'ii to read aiming the leaili n nl forty ye.ira )" the name of inin yet a'uve and bonortd in thn eouneU nf tli pnrty. More men change their party n90ciuiiiini thrmiitli jiitpio than by reason of clianut nf opinions ; and therefore In n large majority of cases they are to bo blamed rather than commended. Upon an entirely new quai- tion, mtn may change party relatioim l,on eilly, bufsucli a ptopoiitiou very seldom is pretented. The Democratic party hai ever held H.itmd theories of government, and they are mm in a position to put them ipiito eUVciiuly into practice. John O. Kitunzfi. No Clerks are to bo hereafifrallowcd the Jury Commissioners. The County Cnin. luissioni ra have determined that there i i'iio law for paying such clerk?, and hence they will not do it. A law to abolish Jury Com mlsdoners and to turn over their duties to the County Commissioners lias passed the House of JlepreseutBtivcH, but as a similar bill has btvn rejtcted by the .Senate this session, i iflieve that by a rule of the Utter tu.v will not consider n like bill agatn, Y understand that when b'f'jre the Scnu'i', tho influence that defeated the bill was irum the eostern part of the State, They coniend that under the present law the rpi-u.ty of jurors haa been improved, and arecoulent to have t'ip law remain as it is. That D uci!s , I C until, i mcrs are now constituted m a , tion from both in' party reprcseiita i mi nut to have had due ivfig it wit.i i , cral. The iitienlior i 1 ers has bet n ctll 1 does n ,t provide ,' ir rnissiiiners. Th, i .oi k JIaven Denw- i, c .iin' - I''iu the f.ici that, the law , It rk to the jury ci.rn- ,is of tt.e latter are ccrtaiu y not so onerous that they cannot perioral Ho in without tho assistaiiue of a a clerk, It is hardly probable that the item of Slo for such clerk will be allotted by the uu Jitnrs another yeir, and it Is high ly pro'.,aMn that if It is allowed it till be appealed irum. ABuUM.ilillT. On n newspaper recently toot Judio Kl well fium Wisoousin the wrapper contained somo edit irial matter on the iuner tide. As ono item i.s mj veiy much to tlio iiotut wo print it. "There has recently been a tlioncr of ten unio sulphur in Allontuwu l'a. If thb Btrango .nurrenoe had taboo place in any oilier fc ti'iu of the country oxcejitinx in I'eiinslania the matter mialit have been (luestiumu. Hut in i cnusvlvania whero lte publii am-ui and (Jauietomsm prevail, thovi- ..'.. 1.:.. - .i1 .1... no in eiiipiiui ui iniyilllil eeO 111 lllu UUO suj-'geMivc ol tuturo reiriujtiiu may bo ox reeled. ' Abjut tun ni, il., ids ol dollars are asked from the .tat'.- by charttatablo institutions It is all nj;lit to be charitablo, but dimity begins at home null the taxpayers. Salaries and other small nialteis are mete fpilliugs at tho liiKOt, but appropriations by the hundred thou- it) I and tho million ato injured out ut the bung. Patriot. Ikworratic Victory In Chicago. Chic.igo, Aptil 2. At 1:80 o'clock this morni ig the returns ghe Harriaoii,democrRt for miynr, 22,3oU ; Wright, republican, 10, 250; Wiight, republican, 10,008 ; Schmidt, socialist, uoout fvU0,Tlio whole city donn cratlc i ci.t t i.s elected by a majority ranging from 3,-jiiJ t 4.&U0. The yote ou aldermen cannot be given, but the aociali.ts ilvct several rf their own men. CAJIKKtl.N V. DldVKIt, VtlHUW. At the cloi-o oftho aigumcnlB in tlio Oli ver Cameron cane U'edutrtilay, the judiro wid: ''Ocntlniuti ot the juty, lake this cumi and uisposool it, Mr. Uieik, tiaM tho paiicrs to tho loteuiau," The juiy then retire, and fchoitJy returned a verdict iu favor ol Uetru l aut. Artangi un.uu are so far rleotrd lint we feel wai i;i nt id iu announcing that tlicro will bo n convention of fai mors and other inter Cbttd in the inipoilnut question of rugir pro duction ut Klui'ra N. V. on or about the lOili day of April, lion. William ( li-Duo, the United Hiutos C'iuiiiiiwkiur of Agrieultuie, and I'.'ni' .-t Th. 'i tiueit, Secretary of the Maine J v. ug i I' uipauy, will b prest ut Tho gcnciid ubj 'et i tlte pioduetiou of au garfi' iii 1't'cts, iin r ane,aoru (talks aid other agricultural pl. uts will bo fully luniid orcd l!a.lnuJi),an, I IXi'llUMATIIIX WANTED, liM, CoLUMMAX : The law provldt-a thut tba County com mlMlnneni uliall "appoint a mltnble peturn a clerk, lin hll twp tli book and ac-Oi-unt of the linard, record or III their pro- wediiif Hii'l paofr.. nttrnt all order and warrant lulled liy thmi, anil perform nil uthtr ad ptrlnMng to hit ojjltx m tlerk ; he hall rer'flve fir hi nrrvleen nuch rum ai tho aniriiilmliiiieM ihall, at the!r fi rat meet ing meieh year, a(ir upon." The law further privtdra that tin jury commiwloiirrn nh.ill peifirm th ilntlM of their oiH.v thrn,i. ivrt. I .. . nl 1 like yo,or om on el tlirougti i'i- I'luiuiM of th Ooi.uMntA.v ti 111 in. . 1-:. I!v Trhnl muliority li twenty-fire dnl ! ii- iiSl nved to theniinmltloner' clerk "fur j - aim.' accnuuu of 1S77" when lie received . i u'it hunilreil dollar for dolnj utfthc work , "t iIh nonnnll.)ner 1 1 2 d, lly what authority la the same per - ,n alinivcd fittren dollars a "clerk to the j ry cniimlsiiion-rV'wh-i liave no authority t ii eiiiptoy'iif pay n ,derk 1 1 !! d. lly what authnrlty n an item ofev mty -ilglit ' ollar ami sfveuty-nve cent "f ir work at iifllcc" paid by th county when the work an dnno wai the duty of the ootn iilil'iiipnt' clerk and the person named were employed by him individually ? Iuforr.mi.iii on the nbove points wanted. IXQUIItCR. Tlio report that r'ne Advisory Military Ooiiiiiiiition in the fit .mini IW'er oaV ex, uu lines Ueueral Turter Jrotn all bUnie in the a.-tion ot Auu.t '20, 15(12, anil th.- t weeding and mlueq ient tliaster to Hie ii ion arms, is not olli.-ial, but it enmes Irum Washiogl'iti m so mauy clintiu-'i-, in eluding some by no tupans ftieudly to thn aroused, that we are inclined to give it cretl mfn. Whatever tiny be the finding of the Ciililiulsninn, the verdict reached liy the puolie, in view of tho evidence so fully re ported, ii that (setiera' l'.irter is inhVply tvrotified inan,iititl that there is not a -clmil. I.i of protif mat ho was guilty ot t li hi'ii crime lilil to his account ii"tf (or which he has suffered so severely thr otgli long years. M"rn nend not He mi l until the result is olHciully declared. If tho board h.n ik cidetl that Oeneral l'utter was wrongfully convicted and sentenced by the gfoo ral court martini a grent rep lusibility re-ts iim'i th President. Justice would sfeni to rupJite, not a paidnn of the wroiiged c llicf-r, for that would imp'y guilt ;on his part, nor n mere removal ol political dnibilltif, hut also reinstatement nt his option. There iuio reason to believe that flerieral l'orti r " to reiiirn to the army, hut ho s' onld bo al lowed an opportunity to do i-o. 77m. This is the view which has always been tnkcu by tho CoLVMMAX. In fact, one of its iditors introduced into the lgi-.lature a lleaoliition reipiesting the President to ap point n comiuissisn to examiue this very question, which was unanimou-ly pis-id. The action of tho Oomoision proves Gen, Porter's innocence of 'the charges mule ag.dnt him, and justice to a hrave, f.iith ful, ami iiccomplilied soldier deminds his restoration to tho rank he held. Famine in Dsj'pt. Correspondence of tlia limes, d.ited Ar nient, Upjier Kgpyt, I'eb. 24, gives ahoirt- rendiug acemnt of the present condition of the population of tho Nilo Valley. The sceii"s descriljed resemble those in In li.i du ring tlio recent lamina. In some of the villa ges tlio people nro help, sitting naked liko wild beasts, eating roots, and sufferini; with tho cudurauco of despair. The madues'' woikcd on by f.imino stamps such a brand on tho starving fellahs as cannot bo easily do scribed. In ono town women and children fought over scraps of bread like wild animals The caso is believed to bo still worse in tho iuland hamlets, whero tho villagers are said to bo starving hko dogs. ino Jimct in comnicuting cuitorially on tlu letter of its co.TO'ponJent says: 'This state of affairs is immediately ascribed to last year's inundations and tho failure of the first wheat crop ; but tho ical causo lies in the permanent lielp'ossnoss of the fellah's condi tion. Ho is so mercilossly taxed that lio is forced to live fiom hand to mouth, and it is impossible fur him to uiako any preparation agiiinst tho day of temporary need; while ho is so oppressed with work, and so reduced by insufficient lood as to looso all hopo aud ener gy, aud all power of physicil or moral resi-t- nnco. l'lie solo and'o eiu'c of their misiry is to bo foil ..! in theii crushing tax.i tion, and iu tho injustice with which it is ex torted from them. And to vrit is this duo ? Simply to tho necessity of meetinj: tho fjuan ci-d demands required by tho cxtruvagint ex penditures of tho Khedivo and liisuoveni Hunt. Matters have now reached Mich a pass that ovory turn of the screw by hich a cou pon i forced from the Khedivo, iu spito of dulieieut levenuc, reprosents anotlior pang of tnrturo inflicted on tho happy fellahs. There is no loasou for thinking tho condition of Kgypt diipcriite. Good government would in a niodeiatc lime lestmo tlio country to a faiily prosperous condition. l!ut there i gnat lcason to believe that for tho present the Koglish aud French creditors must con sent to lorego their full rights. To insist on tlinse righ's might prove short-sighted for their own intetests, as well as cruel to tie lei lal.s, and it twill bo tho duty of our govern incut to !oi' well to the perniin'ut welfare of the Egyptian people in tho first instance, lather than to tho immediate claims oftho bondholders." Loss than a decade ago tlijUep'ibliciiu par ty a in full power, with its leaders posiess ed with the idea that destiny had set n mark upon iliem and their suco,,SHirs as tho rulers of tho republic for all tiiuo to com?. It was arguud that the ratty which had "saved tho oountiy" should alays rule it, aud thus the party managers apiurcutly camo to belieyo that they wore divinely appointed, anj that anything they might do would bis justifiable, and an with a roekles-noss tint would sretu amazing but for the iuipelliug cause, thoy set about enact'iig all sorts of ill advised ami np piessivo legisliti'Mi in whatever nrauner best suited their conveuiofoa. Obuoxious liws were passed with impunity as tideis to ap propriation bids, ami tho u." made of tho previous quition was, to say the h-ast, seen tilic. J ii efleet the powers of the Ueneiai Goicrnuieut camo to be t'olegited to a cabal ofSenatois, nhicli has b-en h ppi'y chaiac teriaed us tlio Senatorial Group, 'J ho truth is that under the leadership of those int'.i'lill j slutusiuon preocdruts were estab'isbod as m gaids both iiuuiUcr and character v hich could susroely Ihi improved ujmmi by tho wiektd Democrats, ua matlor how far they may be lad hy parliziri 'il The Chandlers and lllaines ami Logans seeuied to fotget that this ia a goverumtut of tlio people, mid (lut th- tables iru at all time liable t be turned upon the powers that tie. This they have Dow learned from experience, nliich, ul'ier all is the only cilicieut teacher. Itegarded in the light. of liistoiy, it ould seem that a vast deal of u-ii'unsoioua u-surapu is exhibiied by the ltepub'icnua in Coiutresa incouiiilaiiiing of the 1'' hi nit;, endeavor to expedite gen eral I.' nli Ii dug apieudlce4 to appro- ul, - I , doubtful .f the effrontery couit 1 I ' an hi ullribu'ul to iioor lucm oi its mi the ait ii the ltepubiicun uiauagers I'hila lluwtl. WASHINGTON IdlTTl'.l!. WasliliiKton, II. C., April I', IST9. iNxtiiusixd rnrtcprcTs of A ritoTitAffi 8iioM tiihtuo or uniiATii in mi nts TO HAY -A! OtlATOMCAl, I'AM PAtnX OJ1 TIIIRTV HAYB miRAIlOM I'l.A.VNKI) 1 TlllUSSATK flltft. (lAnflKt.P'a fllUMT gPKWlt tub jinVHMWtr to ousr Kllt.tiOfld A MAJOtttTY Ri:lH)tlT AOA1NST II KM.. It Is now vry gfitirrfilly btllevesl. that the extra session will In prolnieled far into the summer, and thura Is tin ibulit that It Hill be full of interest and at ttinea exciting. To-day, the real tug of dobalc will begin, both patties ate prepared nllli iirigazlnei ol artimunitlon In the way of cut and dried speeches. Columblads of invective III roar, ietiirds rd thetorio will hoist the Itidi vldii il, who will, bnivever, al nsyii fall on his feet, an 1 return tho compli ment. Personal engagement will give piquancy and variety to the grand onslaught while tho battle will rage beautifully all along tro lino. 'J he forces are so evenly divided that it will hardly bekiiou, when the roll is called on resolutions, miididnients and bills, which siJ" will have tlio victory. The Dtiinojr.itlc nnjnrity is pin ill, and the physical disability of some of their members, as Messrs. S epheus, Acklfn and Liy, makes tSeir strength an unkii iwn and very inter esting quantity. Ilmiy be in the power of the Uopubliciui', by lillihitsterinjr, to post poue, indf finitely, or even to prevent the pissige of the bills with ilio obnoxious arneiiilnients. It is cimcded that not leu than n monfi will suffle) fur the Senaln to ly its say on tlie proposed mnsures, all the prominent leaders on liuth sides urn prppar ing spetohes, nnd at least thirty arc booked on tho speakers I i.t to ba heard. General GitlWd's speech on Cn'.u i 1 ,iy ,u 1 1 1 thn man ner iu which it was received leav-s no litubi as to the llepublicin nttittide on the question nf tho propose I amendment". Grn. (I irliell said plainly that he did not propose to argue on the merits or demerits of the Deiiucratio position, but that his pirty saw signs of a new rebellion, Iu nn attempt to engiaft political legislation on approprla tion, and, as iu 18(11, thrt llepublicans would meet the incipient rebellion in united phaUiox. The p?ech created u decided sensation on both sides of the House. At its conelu-ion nearly all the republicans came and shook hands with him, indicating their approval of ids words nnd hisitmiil, Democrats had not expected the republicans to assume quite so deli intan attilu le. Gen, Chalmers, of Mtssinippi, has the flior to day for the first s "Cecil on the Democratic side. Ho will reply filly to the speech of Geii.Girfi-lil, Tho general itnilers'anding is tint tho I tin se will go on with the debate on thi army bill tod I7.ini continue it until finally disposed of. It is no, improba ble, however, that other questions may be brought up that will co'i-uoin n good deal of tlio tosinn. 'The tver.d resolutions that have been ollered, linking to a change of rule,., tnav bo brought up to day for action, The mi-tiibers who offered tl.em are deimus to get them before the Committee on Doles, and in this they are largely supported. The proposition to divide the work of preparing the appropriation bills amii g the varirus committees of the Home lias mauy friends in both parties. The resolution introduced by Mr. Co,of New York a few days ago authorizing the appointment, at once, of the select committees on tli cen-u, ou the re vision oftho mode of electing Presiilent,and Vico President, on epidein'o d!seais, and on ventilation, will be reported favorably to-day by tho committee o.i Holes. At a meeting of this co nniittee, li'dd yesterday, this resolution of Mr. Cox's was agreed to, and it was nlso agreed to increise (ho fol lowing committees to tho number given : Committees nn Privileges and Klcctions, on Agriculture and ou C inimerco to fifleon members etch ; committee on Enrolled Hills trnm five to seven members: cnmmtlto on Printing from tlneo to eve-i, and com mittfe on Coinage, Weights and Measures from soven to eleven members- The com mittee, will meet again to-day, and the ex pressloiis yrklerdu indicito that they will ileelilo to inrren.e the committees on apprn pria'loris, r,n Judiciary and on Ways and Means from eleven, tho stan lard number, to fifteen members each. This week the SSenato committee on Priv ileges nnd Elections will biiu an examina tion of thfchirees made as.ilnst Win, Pitt Kellogir by .Inib-e Ppoffird, nf Louisiana, lh elaimmt of ICellnfg'a soit in the ?enato The msjorltv report on the claim of Clins. II. IHI, to b a bnltted as a S?intor from XcvHa in pshire by appointment of the Oover nor, will In made. The majority report in Hell's cue is against his titln to tie seat, nn the eround of lack of jurisdiction in the premises hv the appointing power of the Sf-ite. Kellogg Is aware that an attempt will bo toido to iins-at him. Ho will re sist tho attack by charging fraud against his opponent. There sepms to In no definite knowledge as to whnt th final position of the President will be with regir.l to the proposed appto- 1 r.ation bills with their amendments. It is paid tint he has assured the republican lead ers in Contrress that if they will obstinately nnd unanimously resist the propo-ed legis lation in the two houses, ho will veto th" bill when it comes to him. On tho other hand, it is reported that both Schurz and Kvart", who have more influence with him, than Sherman, Thompson, and MtCreery are urgiug him to sign the bill, 0. A. S. Jesse Arnntt, a, wealthy and respectable resident of St. Louis, was astounded when an ofiicer arrested him on a charge of steal ing a dog. He went to court, and there met the e- iiirdaint iu tho person of Sir. Toma skewii, the chief clerk of a leading dry goods store. Arnott was suio that he had stolen no dog, but Tomnskewilz made the accusation so explicitly that tho Justice did not feel justified in dismissing the ca-o. Then Tounskewltz quietly added that the prisoner had also stoleu tlio doors and win do.vs out of a church, and the tombstones from a graveyard. He had, in fact become insane, and the firt evidence was n mania for accusing persons of Imaginary crimes, Sir Vincent Eyre, n retired Major-General of the Indian army, found the grave and tombstone of Keats, the poet, who died in Dome in 1821, and who was burled in old cemetery for English Protestants wholly neglected, The inscription ou the stone : "Here lies una whnst name was writ in wa ter," was almost llligilile from dirt and d i cay. He made n collection, repaired the grave, cleaned the tombstoue, and placet a medallion of Keats ivi the wall near the grave, with the following acrostic : Keats, It thr cheilstied mine bo writ In water, Kacli drop Ins fallen rom a mourner's check, A sacred tribute such as heroes seek, Tbouifii ott In valn.tor dazzling deeds ot slaughter, Meep oa not less for epitaph so meek. The llnll or Hie flnllnwj, "i:w KliNTCotnvr Hottsr., Mu nh 20. This morning nt 0 o'clock closed i nc of the most rcmarl-ablo bulls tier khoviii iu tho history of Vlrglnln a gallows ball. Yeter. day two negroes, Patrick Smith nod Julius Christian, were batigtd for murder, and the hanging attracted hundreds from eviry part or the country. I he negroes came in lmmeno numbers It was n gala day for them, nnd they were all in holiday attire. Tho field in which the men wete hanged looked like n country fiir. lliotha were erected. An enterprising Yankee had a side show and educated plsr, and libelant musicians enlivened the oc-euduii. Alter the hanging the crowds of whites weut swny but tho negroes hung about the field and around the shallow craves of the felons un til datk. They had deu rniliied to have a ball, but necordinV to smne supeisiilloii among them it could begin until nfier the midnight hour. A largo barn near the field was sept clean by hundreds of willing hands. At I2o'olcck it was crowded. On a sin ill stage In a comer tlm "land for tho musicians was placid, which was occupied by fair I'anj . players ami one fiddler. In the middle of tin- rn"iu was another stand, upon which the iiidii who called out the figures stissl. It was n weird scone, ltovs stood in the corners of the room with pint! knot torches, which filled tho place with black moke, and niinle a murky light. At 12:lli the festivities Piter Jo'innni, a hurley tobacco hand, occupied the s'aii l in tho middle of the room, and sang out In s'entorinn loioet "Chooe your partners." The strangely made-up orchestra struck up "The Miilppi Sawyer," n wild Ethiopian iir, and the dancing grew wilder and wilder, lint 1 they shouted and sang as though possessed by the devil. .Such ex elsnutlons us "I could tlio dis moment I' "Oh, Loul, ,o'v happy I is I" and tho like were beard, ep.'islly froai tho women, At nbnut 2 o'clock Lieindi M.fnn, nn edd Volition Hearts-, .tHierilv made her appear ance iu th lurn. Tiie musicians aod danc ers slopped in terror. The old hair slipped Into tl.e middle of the room, and then be- iran a r-ries of strange inc.itita'lnrt sei nes. Tlio "trick" dufresswas dre-d in an old blue and whito eheekeresl dress, and had in her hand a laiga bin die, tied up in a red- handkerchief. Mm opeued it, and after muttering ft lot of pibborish, in what the ne groes say hern was an Atrican dialect, sho said she had the rop with which -" men were liaiiBed.nnd that after she had toui-hed any bit nf It. that piece would seiirthp possessor -wainst, t'.e evil designs of any person who tricked thnn or poisonod tVm. She cut It up in small hits, and over each bit she muttered and sprinkled something from an old jurr, and then s'ip sold it for five cents. The rush for these pieces of rope was great. The men fought fur them. This ceremony wn kept up until 21 A. SI. The ropp did not go around, and when this becam-- known, those who did not get a piece acted like fipinl', and lipfged the hag for a threat! onlv. She told them that -loth ing elso would eff-ct thn charm except small particles of the clothing in which the men were buried. A largo party rh,-.n rtarted off to the grave underneath the irillows, for the purpose of disinterring the b-nlles and bring ing back the garments. They spnn returned in horror to tho the hall-room .sivearinr that they had seen the two men ho were hanged walking around thn grave The hag added to the cxcitenipnt by declaring, at the top of her voice, singing out thn words, that Smith and Christian had not died, bcrau'e she had given them a charm. The secret is that the visit ol tho dancers to the cave frightened off two resitrrectiotii-ts who wfre after tho bodies fur tho doctors. Tho darning and siiizimr was kept up until f o'clock. It was announced by tho Voiidou doetress that all who danced at t'le gallows hall would be able 1 1 dance as long as they livid, no in liter if thev lived to he-'Jl, byiit'lifd nn.l Cfi'iiiafpil. St. Lnuis, Srarch 27. A dispatch from Port Scott, Kans'is, mys ; "On Tuesdiy 21th lilt , Hill Howard, a tie. gro, who cruelly ami diabolically oiitraced tdara Pond, a twi he year old daughter of George Pond, was discovered in an ..Id mine a half milo distant Iroin the residence of Mr, Pond, and about six miles fiom this city. After mime little parley , 1 1 ow aid enmo forth nn 1 delivered himself uji, lvfr being promised by his captors th it ho should re ceive no bodly harm from them. About two o'clock the cortere arrived io town and the prisoner was promptly lo lled In jail. The excitnifiit rose to ft vcr lo-at, and threats of lynching were made with eiiiplial,ilu- ficls of the crime being so hcrrib'e as to Le with out parallel in criminal history. About 7 oclock last'eveniug n crowd of people, numbering Hilly 1,00(1, acoo.iip.mied by thirty pi isktd men iusolij revolvers in their hanil-.marchtd tothejiil, and, overpowering all resistance, ti re the iron grating the window of Howard's coll, ami forcibly tmk l.imout. A rupe was tied around his neck, aud iiniid tlUaiiri shouts he was dragged by a hunditd Ion Js, a I'i-taiiCH of live iiick, and luo ielioa lamp post on the curnerof the puldi square. llie iniiiiratttl mob, whoso anger and ex citement had pii-cil nil bounds, i.fur ihe body had hung some fifteen minutes, on n shoutoflJurn him! burn hind" being started took it down and dragged it to the fquare, and, in spite oftho losistcnce and olijoelion of the morn calm ami peaceable portion of the crowd, literally roated and burned the remains in a fire of dry goods boxes and coal oil, amid demonstrations that rivalled a pandemonium Good citizens regret that the excitement or the pc qde btnt onto vengo should bale led thnn iuto sUCh bar barons act, but it is only jut to thncitlzens of Port e'eott to say that mo-t of the active participants ato residents of the countrv and largely of the coal banks in this vi cinity. Tlio march of improvement iu the naluie and styloid' matches is almost as unabated as that of tho ui.itches th'-ui-clves. A later nov elty iu matches Lids lair to extinguish tho bleeping match, tho pie-catin,' match, and tho match for tha consumption of hard bdled eggs. Tho proposal fir the new uipiiaut for I j ma is 1 1 walk up and i1q.ui stairs more and lougcr th in any other man can. It is sug gested that tho Hunker Hill Monument would bo a gi id placw for tho excicis nf this m in's inu-cle. Hut Hunker Hill Monument has its olj ctiotn principally in tlu lack of batii-tcrs and an tlevutoi. The stair walker who would succeed will liii l gieit omfoit iii taking au ooo.isimial lido upward in tho, r uud u slilo djwiiward ou the banisters, and will sluwa gioat want of f irethought if lie should select for tho scons of his match a building n it J'uruithol with thaso oonveuieiioes. .Mtiliral Ki'llli'-Hruuis. It needs no mod col kctlo drums to aUI in proclaiming tho virtues of Kidney-Wort. Tho worst kidney or liter difficulties yield to its efficacy, and as u remedy for piles or chrou io rheumatism it has no equal. Sold Ly all Druggists. l'roflt, $1,200. "To sutii itup, six long jenrs oflcdriJ- den -sickness, costing $t(l per jcai, Iota 1.200 -all of this cxictiso was stopped hi three liottles'of Hop Hitlers taken by my wife-. She has done her own homo wotk for n year sinco, vrttliont tho loss of a day, and I want everybody to know it, for tlioir liono fit." ilAKCII WHATIIfll!. 'Jhn following Is a summary of the .Met- eofological tecoril at CaUiwisisn for lite month of Starch 1S70. Compiled from oh si rem Ions by W. O. Yeller. Dsrnmetrlc pressure corrected for temper- attire and elevation. Highest pressure on tho 1st, .10 (387 Iiioihm ; lowest pressure on tho iWili, 29,170 Inches ! monthly range I, 217 inches ; monthly mean 00, 122 Inches. Temperature of the air. Highest tem perature on the 10th, (i3 degrees j lowest on the -1th, 12 degrees ; average temperatuie for ilia month !1 i.7 degrees ; monthly range 01 degrees j greatest dally range !)1 degrees, ou the -till and the leasttl.illy ni& 0 degrees on tho b)lU. .Moisture. Mean relative humidity CO per cent ; number of days on which rain or snow fell 1(5; amount of mow and hail which foil during tho month 2.40 inches ; total amount of rain fall and melted snow 1.158 Inches. Wind. Tho prevailing wind was from the north-west and the highest hourly veloc ity during tho month was 12 miles from thu north-west on theillst imt. .Miscellaneous items. The first thunder storm of the season occurred on the Sth. Tho Ice in thu North llraneh of the Sii'tpie hanuri Diver (which had been closed for 7,j days) broke up on the II th, The highest water In the river recotded 15 feef above low water mark on tho 12th Inst. Profiling weather occurred on 21 days ol tho month, Tho rose rod of Liainon's Dyes tnado hy Wells, Dichardson & Co., Hiiiliiiiton, Vt , is not a moro drsirallo edor for dying silk, cKto'i, or tvioleu goo!, than tho yellow, scar lot. purple, bin?, mirom, vVilet, bliok, ciim sin, areen, or broivn, out of which colors can "is c,l tnliii il In :inv ivtnnt Tliecoiiiaiiinit)-owe Diclor Giles, of New- York, a debt of gratitude for the discovery and iinroductinn of his Liniment Indite Ammonia ami 7',7s Gout, Illieuinatiiii,ei larireil Joints. Piles, Losiivenoss, Doused Liver, Headache, I'omau (roubles, are nil eitred by their use. 11. A. Mncin:u,, Whole? lie Drng'ist, L ' id n, O.itario, SCnf'yc-co;,!FOUND' SVJUiU OS? nit) ol . J llio mot i).c..r tuttuitl i t.uucioiinr. mcslv I'HWU lor ILlt Clllej nf rnn-jh. f ',. ..iMt. f , x, frtrtfttt T the I A-Tfif !. rung, Crnnp, K A ihinatVho'pig Cnngh, ami all tUnrpv mitly f. iii iu i HiNTonnrt wntVH'Vtwn, TTfJV IX ljln-rTiitoldocrlrPTit73-inrii. 1 1,1 I 9 JsU,if,i;.'5f.i inrtfftlvitiu- .'(, nti-i n 1,(10. -i, 71, i i hi7... ili'Cl 3T, 8m dtco NEW AVOERTISEMENTS. jSiuixiE notTckT Ailltl lend of nve per cent, on tlio capital stncl: of i hi t,uiii.iny win i,ti j'uiii iu lie- MOCKlHiltlers or nil! t'ntiinls a lirlilse cniiipanj on and nficr Aprd 1st, ,, tlu tuv U1I1I.C, Ut J 11.113111 l'i , eu:o. s. (HLDEItT, Treas, April a, litB, UDITOD'S NOTIci- in t no matter at the rstate ct W Ullam Stull, latcof itiaii.ietik L'jniisilii, llft;tlisril. Tim, rsiirncd Aulltor appointej by tho C'ci.rt, liyeonseiH or tlio Dtrtl!s Inteiesle l lo ueikn tlistrl. l-ullon or ttie funils In tho hands or Ihe ix -cntor ot .u it stiti e, tt 1 1 sic ai inooiiice in .tii i-:. .lack.-on c S)a In 11 'rwlelc o-i s tt.iii-,1 1-Hit- -au. isti t ntno o'clockln iho forention or said di, ut whlehtlinu anil pliioo h11 perfoiis liailnja- el.ilu.s on salil ruii'l uinst attend, one Utbiirrttl irum any share of'1 , ' (i no. k, ni.vvr.ri,, April 4, -tw Auditor. ADM LNISTK ATOIUS' HALE OP VAI.r.l;t.K HEAL ESTATE ! It. S. Mmlnjton, Administrator or Martin Thurs ton, dcciiasod, late ot tho totvoihlp of uts-ity In the county ct Montour, will expos" to public Rido the roilow in? tlescrlhoil nvil estato ou th- premises on S.VTUliDAY, APiilh 2IJTII, 1S7K, at ten o clock a. m , A HOUSH AND LOT, sltuifeln tlio Town ot Il'ior.isb ir. rol'iinbli coun ty,, b mnde 1 and dOs.:ri!i 1 as r jIIo.vs: N'ut'thnardiy liy Mala sireut ot bald t-awn ci-t wardly by lot ot I. Wll'linn, sn'itiitr.i'ilty by I-Ino .VI .y mil westward!- by lis of 1). tli-thst, II lieln; t'ac soullntest half ot lot No. 1J and rruiul.'in on Mid'i strei t twcnty-tijiir feet liluo lucli s un 1 ex teaillnjli d-.ptli two Iraudred and f.iutleea nujn halt feel, oa which are erected a two-stury 1'i-aiiio On'elllui? CSiiiise:, Therj are fruit treoa on tha premises j also a half toteresL la a well of water, 1RIIMS OP SAI.K. Tea per cent, of una faiirth tt llnpurch no money to bo pud at tho si rik. iDg flow n cf the r ropertj , tho oue-iuui th less the ten tier cent, .it confirm itloa ot site, ami tlu remilntui; three-fourths In one year ther.Mtter with Interesl froin e jrillrmatloii nbl. It. s, sruisiriTox, April 4, ';9-ts Administrator. SAVK '2d UIJXT. ox nr. m !u:tt." Klcijanl AoLrtiiy emJ Iksi'jns uhparalUUd for chtapnc. An amninalim of our flock U ttronnhi umnl. It is wiqiic'lmiiitUij thtlttrgat in the Viitj, and ur wui a in, eiii t fi pi l ire. For Esamtlo : Itsnlsime Cottase liedrooni suits, floand upward. Kietmnt wc'll-uiaile I'urlor Suns, lis anil unit am. Solid Walnut li-ilroom -nils, f 5 and upward, ouoen Aiiriii Pa ti rn sideboards, fan and iiim.ird. ijueen Anuo pattern Dluliig Chair, ti.rsl uud upward, Ant itery description cf Household furniture nodding-. Mlrrurs, Uumlces, Uraiierles, Ac, ut tho lumc-bt prices. TtIK "KMPHKsS" PATENT 1VA1I11IIOIIE 1IP.1), miinuliictuit.t s.,li h bv us. is tho cheapest and bckt Ul IK le ut th-' kind j i!t nil t l.led. GEO. C. FLiNT&CO., JIAN'UPACTUP.EItS. Stores : 104, 103 & 105 West 14th Street, HUwoen cth and till Aves.. ono door west of Mil Am NJ3W YORK. nco April 4-!mtis. OOUltT iMtOCLAMATIONT "WfllKliKAS, il.o lion. William Kuviii.i. II Ptcfeldelit .IililBe ot thuC'ouit ufllel and Tenslneraud lienerul Jad Dellverr, court of ;uar ter Sessions of tho Peace uud the Com t of common Pleasaud orphans' Com t lallio Ids. trlct, composed of the countlus of Columbia uml Mouto ir, and tho lions, I. K. KrlcHmitm and P. L. Minium, Xss'ic'nto Judes of Coliuiibta eountjr, hntu Issued liiulr proeept, bearing date tho istiulayot IVb. In tlm year of our fjird one thousand ctsUl hundred and suvD.-ity.iiln.-, and to mu dlreetod (or holdluja court otojeranl '1'eriuliiei-aud lienerul e(u.irter Sessions uf tliu Peaee, couif of Coinmou I'lt-us uud Iirphaiii,' co.irt, In Illuuiusburir, In thu co'iuty ot Columbia, on tlm first .Monday, bt-lny tho Dili day ot liny next, to coatln'i i two woaks. Notice Is hereby trlvuu to the Coroucr, to the Jus. tlcos of the Peace, uud tho Constables of the said comity uf Culuuibla, that they bo Hum and third In tholr proper iierson at le u'cjuk In luu forenoon of saui oui uay or .May Him llielr rc-ourds, lmm. hllllns und other r,n,,,l,,n,. .,,., .... .. " vthlciuo their onieivs appertain to bo done. And those tlm arc bound by recugnl.unc to prosecute aLMliiat (ho !rtionera that anwir (iinv i.. inti... i.n of the sold county of Columbia, to behem and ibc I imestedtolwpuuctitallnthelniltcndauce.ngiecably I to thotr notices. Hated at Illuomsburgtho ICIlidat filof Ft-b. li. the jear ot our ton one c-d. suiuuauuii ii,'iic uunorcu and seteuty.iiino t) and In tho outi huudud and third tear nt I tho Indeiiendeiico of tho VnlUd btates of America HierltPaOnlce, JOHN. V. HOFFMAN, lllouuisburg, Aprll 4-UJ bhtilff FU1I Till "P.i v or , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HlIOK KbECTIO.N. ttieli ' in wllllelieldntthelinisrf J. U.Klsller, Cutiittlssi, b. iweeu the luairsot nn! sal x o'cl vr p. in., en MiiNIUY, MAY tlh, cf olBfcrsot iMUata- wissa linage c ompany . tt au, a, , II l,t)fl!l I April 4, TO. sts 'y. plUlTIIONOTAr.VS.NOriCK Nisltels tlAlsihv fftVfln lht r- n .tnetr.nn enmmll.. lea Of Htenhen liiri'tlle.lias fllnd Ills rrnn1 ami flfial areount In tli niilcn of the I'rottionnta ry of rolnmnta county, wldeli will be riresen'ei In irte conrc oi uuiumoil t'leiis ii s u i eoiiaiv on i lie i.lit il IV of Mnv nest and will tie n mflrmed sfler four dsjs unless osoeptlons bo iPedaltlila that tlm i. WM.KHKKIIXUM ri-othntiOLari-'s orfle. ITutli'y. liljoinsfciirg, April 8, '79-t WIDOW'S' AITHAISKMKNTS. I 'lliti fellowluir nnnralsementa ot real and personal prri ert set apart to widows of decedents liatn Imi III. i,1 I,. Mm r.nixn ,,f tt.A PMrlilM nf f-nl- umbln eoitnt.i . under Ihe Utiles of I'ourt, and will bo priiscntel for absnpite enntli'mitlon to tho orphans I'ourt to be held In nioniuvirs.lti and forsnt.1 coun ty, on Mundiy, the stli div of Mar l"f. at oclnek p. in., or said d iv iituess eseepttonslo soeti cnntliinutliiii are pretl msl tiled, of wliluti all per- nvun uiieieBiA'ii 111 stiu ent'tit-i win tltse nuiteei 1, Wlipov rf Jacob lijwcr, late of Drliroreek town- ship, d.'Ceast-d. J. IVIditv of At-tanaer Itess, lito ot Saguloif Imrnsldp, tloceased. 8. V1 low of William Klsncr, late of Msdlwn totvn ship deeen.d. 4. Wl tiw of I) n M Dcmolt, UteotOreenwood town ship dtte.iseti, Ilivlsler'simtee. I W. U. JM-jltV Uot,i -U-r B'ojinsbiir, aprll 4, IsTs, i ry fjGisTKK's Koncus. IV iiiilrfi Isi licroTn. irliin tn nit lit rtrs. pisitlt. tnrt .ni'l nihcr pf-riint rnti'Pcstcil Iu llio ttntPS ti the rtfiihc iiivciiciiH nn.l mlriorM, lint tlm fui I'lttliii' .i.lmlul'.ip.itlin an'l iirinrill.m nocoiints hate tM-fti illc 1 lit tfiPtilik't nf tho KciTl-rtfr uf rntumlitu ci'Hit, .in. I Willi" priMt'ntc I fur cuinlpimtlon 'iiitl lllKPWiUlCM 111 I IR trTHlt. UV I. thlfl IU l' !)(' I III lUtwtiWiunr, wi. MoiuMy, tliu 61U day ut .May, ut 'i u'cloi k, i. in, ou siiltl tlayi 1. Clritnnl nirilal atvirint or lihvatil llartmiu afi'lJ. F LIiMiilxiy, Bxt-outorrt ut J.icou IMinbu, Into of Hcott townh p, deueutjt'il. 8. rirt ,inl flnrtl amiiint of owen riierrliuft m an! .tufob Hi ).'N, XitmiulMrHt-or-tof Ellt iu ig, 1U of lioailntfiMt'ok township, tleceap-l, 3. Flrt and ilnnl awiunt of Juhu Wennnr. Admin- l-xTaiorot Mt'Ijaviii JtiHi, late or i-'UliiHgcroek iutviiaiiijj, iijl'IMI.m, 4, Kli-tnnl llnnl nrro'int nf Tlmirv Kltchpii. fltnrs tliinnrTerliila ILiiiMi'li, minor Hill I nf Ml rimui.iiayt'iiijucii, jatuut uranu t juiHtiln, d 5. First nml acrci-int cf rfnlimlti F. Tiitlin. uuaidluu ur Sjihui'I K. MiiHli, lulnnr rhtM of iiui.i r. waau.uiooturL'ennoJd tovnshlp. dc i. l'a so I. (I. Klrht ami tlnal nccomit or it. P. Znrr nn l Wlillum 'I'. Miuifiui, lialiil-slralorscf Andrew (i Ingles, 7. unr ondllnd acmir.ttf Wllitam roi&ict. Ad uitiiUtr.Llor uf I'.ittloK McClokv, 1 He of iiiiioiii-i- btirr, d-cta-sod. as Hied hv ci irl-m r.aoocU, lit tcuitU ur William 1'wae'jclf, how diseased. . P 'cund uud Until aroiintof vlllinm 1. .lolm, A 1 lulnli' r.iur ut 'advn Under l;otKrti'(latoof Mou lt) ir low nlilp, di'C'ai'd. y Aoi'ount rf .Tuliu W. HoiTunn, Mvulrr, Trttslt'e n i(iiiiiium ui uii; miri, io ii nai fi.iu' 1 1 i.y dla Volu-, li'tiiif Mimin township, dtfuAht'd, 10. I lur mi'l Mu il areount or Alfred IVk. Admlnt-t trator t iiuivcy Huk.late uf Catawi4a Iuau- It. I'I standtlnal acc.vnt nf .rnicn!i Crawford, Art mlnMrator ot WilMam Mlllliran. Ivto of Mt. rie.i-i.iiic lownsiup, nm-aBeu. 12. 'ihe llrst act'onntot .lolm Kllag-aman. Kxrcutor uiMtnii cimiman, iuc vi i.eutr iowiisnip. 13. Second andllnal aeeo'int or JohpdIi w. Kvpm. E ucnt'it ofJoim K. Jives, la to or (ireenwoodtown- ENip, UL'CIMM (1. 14. Si-cinl anl tlnil n-"countof .IovdIi V. Chii.-t man and rl irk .M. curlitmau, i:fCutors of Ann tiuisLiiuu i or iro'innrj ir'f (13.; wssa, 13. FlrstotiiltlnalftCOtJiliitof Morris K. Mn-den?. Ad- mmnMrtiur oi Momor a. SU-i.-Utu or (la-en ltl. rirstand flinl aceo'intor Mllto'-i Kvoh A itminf. t rutcr ut nii-itt.'ili jcvea, lato of (Ireenwood town (htp, d eixkjol, IT. I'lrni ami partial account of Kit'dtTlek llaffen ltni'h ancir II. Ilas.'iihiiidi, i:cfutorsot i inUl uiigi'uu'K-.i, uitooi t' 'Lift,' towiijiiip. ueceised, lb. l-'lrbttuid liiiiil m count, or -lohn IVmct, unaidlan utt'liarli'S SUsliTi'r. I htiOdtini sh .np. lnrr.'nnei Muitrer, Kannlo sbarferautl .Tutin ShalTer, minor eluiflietof WiMdhalTtT.jr.. tatoof litlaicretk 1?. Itlimt iiejonnt of lVlrr MvjruV Mlmtn. Uirator f lunard Adams lata ut Louust townMilp. dt ct aud. 30. I'lrht and final account of I. K. Krlkbinm, tliur tllan ot Kltiart. l.ans. vtirrr. Kv.nn. i:ii77tt v. KvanHith'i W It. Kviris.miiiorclilMreuor (itoiu a..,-nrj, itiwj ji i 13111U jyi ii;: uiuiif, uu I'tM-ied 21. eeou-it of to nh it. Kidltlf. f.tnrdlan of Knima .Mi'iicnry, (iat- hOiffiiDnniinr) minor child or.i i c 1j ho-tenbaa l -r, la'eot Kranf Jin tonn5lilp,de- 21, 'i he p conn ncrvmr.t of dus-'pti tilir, sunlvtuir iiAfiuMT ui iiij nisi win iui'i u .i un.Mic ui i it'll ry ui i.uu ui in'.nt.r iuii60ip, iitfiiSfii, S3. Ihe account of lMward i:. ntils Administrator oi inomia jitbd, uio or r.tnton township, ea-tl. 21. 'Hie accounts or Ittibr-n rahrlner, tlmrdUn ot un u-ik'a ?i. tox .loan m an I t'li u lolm (fox, ml n .rrliil Irenor II. II. Vox I ii nl 1 n-u'-.t town- hblp. iljiiMsed.nsilledby Mt'rr.ian Kahrlnjfemnd j".i;.ni iiij.ver, Aummi'jirat'jri ut luaoon nu- tinker, oecea.-ieu. Hj. ''If rinal account ofT:ila.s Mrn lenlintl. (Juartllm or Mary Kt-ster. di-eoa-f d, minor chltdor Jamca ucsier, ian' ur irooni-o ir. ueee.iiM. iii Firt ml fin il nee Mtn of l. I MiiiTt and I-evt 'Ilr, a iininiM raiora or iuitl -lulier, sr Ino or iirlareavli towus'dp, decawJ. 27. 'Ihe aeco-mt of ivter lltlnbicli an 1 1 anhd IUv loi' VitmlnMrutorsot Wrac lljjlor,! iioor Mon Itejrjsti r'a oniee, li:ooiiisbtii-ir, otnu, isto. W. lI.JACOltY.II SHEIUFFSSALE. lly tlrt'io uf sunJry tirlta Isjued out tuu Conic of C unman I'iean ot coluiibla eouutt and to ine directed, will b-j epoed to public sal- ut tl.e couit House In tboloit',1 ut lies iiisbtirscoiuni Uacouu', Poniisylvaisa, at one o clucfc p. in. on MONDAY, .MAY 6tlt, 187D, Ail those t'n-eo pl-.ces ot Lint sttiiniuln Lccust tutviitldp. 1-oluiiill.i iruiit), I'cnn'jlriiiil.i, boun ltd and d.-scitb -d us fullnns; thai Is to say the 01 o piece biuluulDk' ut u slonf In Ihe public io.ul li iirilntr from siiiibtonn tu Kcniiott u.nnilb) lindot Penry Hhoads, soiilliilttyar.d one-fdiirlh degrees v est idnetj-oiio aim ino uiitiis pel cues to tt ncne, tlicneo by land of Juhn KclnnuM south furiy-seven inn one-lialf de irrees tirtj -six unit ttto-lcnlhs ptic-hcs to a stone, Iheiee by land of leter lihonds ncrlh mty and tluee foiiith decrees, vast seieUy ai d lite-tenlhs pen-lies to a Hone, thence by mud ot William It, l:ili,l,f 1,1 i,oi Hi tivciit.four mil cie ljn'r devnes e.ibi tLlrty-tnrcertuUstoafctot thicc ir le Kluiilior. eoiit.dnluir twet.ty-t Igl.t .crts i.iidnun ts-tsoperelics miet lnmsiie. 1 he mend Iccln iitiiButahtenu In the public loid leadlni; fit m ( at awissa lo Kirtitown nt a stone and by land cf IV II, llepabi ld north llfty-slx c'lgrees, lust Ihlrlicii mil t hlrl -ll o one hundiettth peri lies to ustone in sir it, tin u jo by said street suiit'i tw nti-.four do glees east, Uiencc by land of Pcttr imbi-rur Man metier south mty-su do.oecw, weft lalitccu aud thtity lite oiie-hun It edi lis is rehes to a stone, thence by land ot said Peter Ithouds and the nubile road lontli ihli t, -four tli-Kiies east tninty-foiir ptiihes to the r laced t Kliiiilntr, cciituliilng thirteen ncrts Hiti'tniLUUie. Iho third pltKesltuate ul the loot of thti Little Mouulaln, boucded und descilbid as follows; -r.eBlnnlnirut a post In lino f laud uf Lew- I- 1'ush running thenco by land of I lie same suulh seviiij-two aud a ludf west twrlto perches und itio.ieniiistoapott,theiiceby landor Ullliuiu MJ. lurd south tttcltcuud a lcilf derm's, eust sttcnty six purchos to a post, thence by land of tho same north eljrhty-ono and one-fourth degrees, eust tw elt o unit one-half perches to a post, thence bortli twelve. mhi ciie-hult degrees lu-st sruMj-uuii niiaciiC' bii'f pen hes to tho p'ac-e ot beglnnltig containing mum-res and ono hundred and ttveiiiy-llvti percwa sinct nteusur- Stlzed, latenln execution at tho suit ot Penli- tntu 1'i'iim. As Ignee cf Peter lthcsidsugulnst lieurgo nojer, tenui, and to Le sold as Iho propeity of (Jtoigc liujer, with i.ouue io iinrils IiriUlur, ttiietiiiuit lhf.LHi, Altoiney. lnuil Facias, ALSO, '1 wo lots of ground situate In the licrourh uf Con tral'ii. Columbia county, I't iiisj It aida. Lclnrr lltlv ftet In ulillh iiudooe luirclrtd and lotty ft el lu tie pin wnertouiiroiiccteutwotti-u-suryfiuiiiadwel llr.g houses, said lots U'tugltiiiuiifo I una described us nun s i M,rth by Park strict east by- siretl. soalliby lacaut lots and Host by tuts cf.M, aatwiti-, AIO, A lot of ground situate In tho borough, co'jtty and litulo Bforeauild, uuuuiled and dt-:rlbed us fallows s XtimUi'ore(Vo 1) Illookcno liuodiud unJolghttieti tusi norm iiy run: streot, eust by an alley, south hj lut lately by tllllluin Tomy, und itett bj leiu.t Ait-sue, vttttcoti Is i-iutt-d a ttto-ttcrj 1 1 H UIs- 11UUO . ALSO, All the right, tltlo and luturest of saldltoU'rt fior- reu in tu es'ule ul Miirt oorrel. dt ceased. Sdi-d, Uikea Iu vnnciitliii at the suit of the First sail mat jumk cf Mhluhd against ltcbert ijurrcll uim io oowiia as too piopcrly uf liolert iimrell, I'm ri, Attoiniy, pi. VtLd.Ilx. AI0, All that tractor laud sltuato In thjtown.htn nf IL-att r, Courii of Culuu.bU uhj Mute it l eunsjiia. Ida, descillcsl as fuilows, lo-tuts IKiunltdou tho nonlibt latds it IXkiunt uud Penulugir, on the -". " M I lupdiel JucoD llc-nlng r .Vud Z ' roa.l, cuntalDlug lorty-iduo acres moii onis in i ... . u.uui ur ks ou buildings. """" L0UW'' "J ,, ,f ' Uleu "' rtcu,luI"'t tlu but cf the Co. luC,),", Jlulual H'"'.' d and.Luau Asu. cla"u"ufal,18t "l "d to bo sold as tho i'vi"t v.cuwue. riitr. Littli: & .Mna.Es. Attomevn. i t. . Little Jt .Mna.EK, Attorneys, Terms cosh. JOHN W, HOFFMAN, biitriJ. A j rill, is-ts NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. STIUWBRIDGE now fnllv uinler why, ntn'l the iiuliiconionfs ofleretl nrc of it clmrac- Icr that ciinnot fail to bo li.glilj' attrarlivo io every buyer within reach of l'liilmlulpliiii. o hitve an liniiieiHc siocK in every ono ot our jijlui i 'Al! MikN IVj, rcsiiuliiug in tlio two (iopttrtnicnts of HILK8 and )UKSsi GOODS itloiiu-to SEVERAL HUNDRED Hie latent bni't'iiin-i in the SILK DEPARTMENT AltE tiDPiitim-i Oliu'JIt I.YO.VS SILK, ve Inches WM, AT(sJK 1UI.I.VII. In all th" now siMruiis. nils Is tin wtlj.t h i I h's' bviiisSilk over offer ed nt tlio prlco, Aid tin ll-iiooil woo I s nan lis ro'l el oil in i o ,'i ierst.1 iiusvui ino ttniiu il-lhii heises at !.. All tliu liner trnnlc of liotli Muck f,iir()ii-si'd !t-H n tnicnt tit equally low Kiiney uml M'kh wo also tions. IDIIKJSe A lew of tlio lutfJt liaro-ains in Uj WOOL I1BIUK3, Fol'tto.U.u.iriiii, l'.ttctss t 'ii 3a an 1 11 Inches. 21, m.ssanl I'm cts.'ALtllDS, Inst toCtl Indies. l'tttcn-i t FIVEIJUALITIE-S, nticr.sii .11, iW und 85 cents, lu Cashmere llolje. r.'.ci, TS, s;ic.and $1. Our assortment of Drtw Goods best productions of French, English mid American Loonu?. Some of the latest burgains in this IN IlLAalv CASHMKr-ES. T1:,oi-oi midi trio'tr ovnexnnss orlsrnro helljveit to lie pui-feet liiererv'.ssenihil pjlut-color, q-ial'ty, uu 1 especially i-ell iblllty I a wear. Keerinj ni tufclor cood?. orlces ruirire a3 fol lows 13, b 5), C I, 01, 7a, S71j' an I ft 01. We also show the largest and most Blacli: Hc-fsiaiiics and Gz'cnctdincs Ever shown in Philadelphia, either atwholesalu or at retail, are at the moot moderate prices . We invite especial attention to the department for iiO'S FURNISHING GOODS, And particularly tp our three grades of carefully made MEN1 '8 S MIST'S, which are believed to be the best goods ever offered at the prices : THIS CUST031 MADE, at $1.00. THE STANDARD, at 88 cents. . THE FAVORITE, at 75 cents. NIGHT SHIRTS, Boy's Shuts in Great Variety, &c, &c, In ordering send size of collar worn. I'r.EASi: Norn: We employ no agents. Pond directly to th- house for samples, of whatever you may need, and secure the advanta ges of our low prices. Xil. Ws SSigMb. and Market Streets, PHILADELPHIA. OllHlANS' COURT SALE o? v.M.ti iiili: RJ3AL ESTATE liy virtue of an ord-r Unnl out of tho orphins' foMrtot CuluinbU couuty, .lolm Arnnton, .VlrUn. str.itor of Aujriutm Jil.ison Kite of llu Town of llloo'n-i'j'ir.UeijL'ise'l will uxpow t'j.p'iijlle s.vleon int-'pruniW4 on Saturday, April 2(5th, JcS79, at tivo o'clxk p. in. , the follott lo des ;rlhol propc-r-ty, to-wlt: 12 Lots of Ground sltmte In tlr vlll I'jo ot Ej "ri ili-otv, In thu county of Columbia, bouudu.l as follJivs : on Ihe soulli by Centre street, oitlie tve-s' by West, Alloy, oa tho north by Pluo Alley and on tli-i e i ,t by Cliurcli Al ley, b.'lu,' lots Not 33, .11, Sa, 31 111. Ill, CJ, 91, Ct, if. r.r, ci. la a plot or draft cf sutd vll'age. ' ALSO. I'lll'ItOTllEIl LOTS OP l.liOl'Nl), situate. In said village bounded us fuilows : On tho north by Centre str-et, on tho cist oy Churoii Alley, ou thu south by Mill A'lt-y, and on tha west by West Alley, said lots being Nos. il, il, 5J unUl In the afore mentioned plot. Alio, Will bo exposed to public sale at tho COUNT not sh.tu liloomiburg at ten o'tlouk a. in, on SATUUDAY, Al'ItIL 2'itli, 1S7U, thn ful'ott In ili-serlt,e,l property, to-wlt i All that it"tllt-idiJt oan bait put of sit acres of land situate lu the Tun not i:ii')nib'ir'uforesald, bounled.indil-seritied.n fallow s : Ik-gluidngata stune In centre or mat train lllnuiu Furnace to the I'tri-y utilw isiisipathaunu rlter, ruo-.lug thenco enatvaruy oy l tuu lately Mild to MeKiltyJt Ne.,1 lhlitj-s nen und ilsht-teiithsiiert'liJs; llience south. tvuidiy t.veiit.t -lite und flie.ti-uths pi rehes tocentre or ruaU ojened or to bo opeuol upon lin I of ,lo,t'l h . Mull l-.-rshot j thenio vettttardly by tthlieuf said road thirl -seven and tight tenths pen-lies to cenirc oi in terry roud uforesald.und tlience north- uardly along salil mid Iwenty-tlvu uud flre-ttntlis pi IChnsto placet of beglnulug, It bllug I'AItTll the I'AltM ot Bald lltiidershot. The ntiuve I u,t dascrllx'd renl estate w lu bo sold subject ta balai.eo of parehao niaiiey due oa same lo Juts-ph W. Ilend isiiot uponurtlclestf iKioenunt for sale nf s ill land to Augustus ji osun, deceased. TKIttls op s it.K.-Oiie-ihlrd ot ptnvlune money don t llini of sale-balanio In ono jear from eoti ni'iualluu n'sl of sal; with I tr re-t. Arrll 4, ;o ts JOHN A n wsrciN, AUii,toitrr.ttt-r7 W A XTrP l?. n .: sm.ksmaxI fruiu ttl.t iu 61b, M. IS-V.'... '.' -'..'"! ' '' salary ; Ul.e. ri-II'lir,',!, A1IU, lea nn r "i oiai s',K , 1 1 inciuo. . Apnu. -in-iia r $1200 1r""V;,!;n, B0Sl'-' Invest mcut cf 4-1 nn ' Z . . onvia- Kept rls. fin, CJ-UU rnr.,,iiousl ,c-..,r,;, ettrytti'tkoti stui.tTop,,,", tlressT. I'oma Wsiuur Co',' piLkers. aS'wulls't.; r uprtls, 'fa-tin 81(1 TO SI (Will 'tt'cdluulTstMoeks S7 i W" agents cainoss'in-iortboi-ir,,. 4 .hie W.,i.,e. liimsuiid oiTn.t Ir'c. Ad- diesp. o. VI, wri v ....... ., -u , AprUi.t-iw --su....,a,uii.o tVjlWs ' J!r":':2!L ' ' lrB" ,W'T & CLOTHIER'S THOUSAND DOLLARS at riBons nr.Aoit MILKS II luchss wtd j. AT OMR DOLLAIt, AVOIUKPOim.VONS, liildj by Tills Isi und-rabtodly thebeit nno Dollar Dlack Silk ever placed ou any ciuutBr la America. and Color.-) are displayed in un- price.-! in proportion to (jimlity. Iu oner me gmuesc po-siuio uttrac- G-OODS- this departnicnt arc : MBDIUSt P1U0E TKXTUUF.-j. IMUOItNi: SUITISOS, at s;w,o. axulhsia stiriNGs, at 25c. svxosYsnnsos, at tnc. STUVKNH' C1IRCKS, UtSM. SILK FANTAI.-sir.Sl'ltlPE'J, at Sic. rilKN-CH PLAIDS, at 3TJ-c. is bewildoriii"; and includes all the department are : IN HENltlKTfA CLOTHS. The prices beielu ntS",vcont3 and advance regu Lirly IV,- cts, vl. t sfwe. l,oi, $UStf, ll.M, UTv,$I.M. t.0J"1$U5, II s-v ,ni,i seam We linpnrted those go) Is largely, liavlnThad theta tuiido to our dlruc-l order, us usual, hut neter berorj have they i!n,ni to nisi nearly perrectln ipiallty, color, uudgcnorul appiirance, us tho pres ent seavm. attractive stock of d iLtJ Jurore for May Tcnn,1879. OltAN'D .miions. lllootn-.l W rjer. J.I wagonsrller 1!L",l-TT,."'0,, Illntcrlltcr, WI, llredbvndar, llir.ry II Illii'lirlller lieiitou-Mias p ii irnes, A T Ikelcr, Dyer JIos lirla-xreek-ihar't-s C'linpi ell i-ataitlssa-l'eier li ilildy, Chatles lliirtuun, Jar all K Itliitvu. ' reiitrc-.VIini sitter, John s Iteinloy 'lshli,"i'eHi,Ai,,ruw jiurk, tieorgo ltnbei-l'l-oiklin-tvm stoiker tlrreiiiinod Jonii Le-olt II inlm k-sltuon lltlclurd Madlsiiti .lolm M Joliiistiii Pine -Juhu l' Fouler, John limner scott-Johu Harding, John Huvago TKAYintSK .lUllOItS. lIltsTlVKSK. llloom-Ch-is Kru,-, L S Wlntersteen. K C Ent, .Ic'in ,' '0;M' t; ', 'hnmas. Wm .Morgan, liaultl lu leu Ilerttlek-ttm ii itaitmun, Junes Wither, tt tn I J"Jner, ttm -Mot ton, Lyman Fouler, Sauiuel r -Vurn''11"'1 s"" lz' St" " ""Vis iRU ?-7s""'iel Sltler. Samuel Mirtz, Ccai 'j now-r, James Snonc-nberg. ?;'" lji-leonfo sttL-ker c-eiitre-bid llarimin, s.erucn Mclltvln llshlrigei-eek-Kllis Ash iiniv,','1'',?'-' ;"''ortH. O D L Kostenb .udi i it!,n o1.11:'I'JVula ""ddne, Jackson Hob n , WMeii'''ht MC",r' lllclurJ lleIlr' '!'ori.c 11 S28Zz'$i& 'IZ," I,urlcman' " fcuT!5K5.rr',,ls,M oraii't'w1 li'MM flro!'P' a"1'" Howell wrun,M M .McMrglti, M O Keller "''"inc-reo'c-li.ivtdia'iii '"" SucurTo r'lln'v',;lV''f' 14 " ,?'10n '-,o!" Shollenb. r ouiunoar i FPctirman, John DHu, StCOMI fKEK, ':1?n,7;' i""0' A r' iiips, J W Crawford J ll igei burt."''' IU1Ul WX- W "oW"- 1 n,oimtn7i.Vi'fsU'r' iaHu,?'!,7.nJJ'?ukr: ".'.W cu'"-". I-lojel Miller Na ... ,'"i,J "l Iff. Joseph Waller, i.'eubi ti .Miner l-Phliigirtik-MiihaiiSniiih, John button, Ji luu l'i-iiiklln-Moea llotver , liitu ten ijutek, Ira llobblna lleiuliKsk -u in p ij-idj Jan cw A Harris JiKkson-.U' ciirutiuii .Mud-on-iieurgo Wujioner, Amos Johnson, h ao Main UiasShutnan Mimin .1,11.,,,- Montour-lt II IlOOlly .11 1 Pleas i ill st i.i t ,n orimg,.- Kiruinuersuyiifr Ro n riicci i ek-Wm , eager sugar lout-John o Hrink, soimic ) )!obt rls tfiA MADK IN A siNiir t- n iv .,. ,in , ' ',Uh Ml"""' IVl"lt'"i"'' J" "i r 1 Pensions nen. wo'.'nded or Injured, can li K'P, '!I "t"1'''' U.o i.oiv law lu date fium dt buid;s"cuiu.Hllu f,u""' rw wauii3 "", " ' W, C, HKltNINOKIt IJ. ,,, . i' smiihtiitid st pn rsni itu, t'i, st f aeopi nf my mkiii AI COMMON S, Si i'.'t..,,,;,".'!"" h"1Il'"ng "lllu ossi'tinios istahiiii, ot Vulit.or s r seud name mi, pji oiiiiV udin s- wit it iwstaiisuiuin und Unto jour Mt km ss. 'in ' isi-iiiautly iiiusLruted. (i a.t up. I in , 1-'.:' iifaniulluii it eiualus, lu ih.'proild. iiee in J' ' 'sof II o No., 1 und l.uugs, u a Kvh lj ". ' """'iiatl slaou, Ad r HOLrh, i im ukat. hio. till ""ye" many liven, -llio uutiior has be u i Aprll 1, IM ISNiTL Ohio. 'tit Uu Jvr.tio KUB SALE HAND Bl' t-S iTinttKi at tliia Uliice MOST REASONABLE TEliMt.