THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBTJ EG, COLUMBIA COl NTY, PA. II .1 tr ' Miscellaneous. A lluncurlnn ( My Under Water. , .calamity to which Hungary lint long 'considered peculiarly llablo lias over Ven Sifgfilln, tho second commercial town of ihtt country. At nlglit-tall on the 12'.h Inst, total darkness eclipsed what was n few lioura before n prosperous city. but Is now little more than a waste of iinMnor waters. Tho Rivers Thelss overflowed, despite tho precautions that had been talcen from the moment the danger of such tin necurreiico Wis observed, and within three hn.tirs the town was Inundated. The scenes that ensued defy description for, to add to the situation, the tremendous currei t undermined the foundations of the hulldlnps in which the Inhabitants llvfd or bad sought shelter, find nmld shriek", cries, and frantic appeals lor all that It was Im possible to render, the structures went crash ing Into the flood, carrying with them the Inmate. Kven tho synagogue, to which many people hail flown fur Kfuge, was not spared by the waters, hihI fell In, burying hundred in Its ruins, Thn practical oblit eration tf the gsa works suggested anew dltress to the minds of the survivors, and this proved only too real. When daylight faded they were left at the mercy ol the tor rent, unable to perrete what fresh danger threatened them, and til H state of prostra tlon from which death would have been a relief. Some years ago thn Government received proposals from an KimlMi engineer to fur nish a remedy fur the tmiiidali'in which the Theiss has threatened each spring, but the exOJe of the cuii'tructl m of the series of canals which he deemed essential to his scheme was considered too great, and his proposition was dismissed on that account. Had it been accepted, the terrible disaster now reported might never have occurred. The Thelss TUza in Hungarian has sit many tributaries that it is invariably swol len at the lime of the year when the ice be gins to melt, and It has long been looted upon as liable to cause great destruction to property, although tbe possibility of nich a catastrophe as that which has submerged an entire city could scarcely have been con templated at the moment the English cngi. ueer's scheme was discarded as entailing too heavy an expense. This rich river It is a saying with the Hungarians 'hat the Theiss has more fish than water rises In the county of Marmaros, in the north-east, flows west ward to Tokay, then south-west to Szolnok, when it turns south, und enters the Danube south of Titel ,near the southern boundary of Hungary. It is navigable throughout most of its entire length of COO miles, and is bordered by marshes, moors, soda lakes, aud swamps. For nearly 300 miles its lower course is parallel with tho Danube, aud from about the beginning of tbe present century it has been connected with that river by the Francis Canal, which shortens the mute down its waters and up those of tho larger river 106 miles.Its principal tributaries are tbe Hodrog, Ilernad, Sajo, and Zagyva, on the right, and the Szaraos, Koros.and Maros on the left. Besides Sezegcdin, it flows through such largo towns as Csongrad,Z uta and Old Becse-Szegedin called Szeged by the Hungarians is situated on the right bank of tbe Theiss, aud opposite tho mouth of the Maros, ninety-six mileo souh-east ol Pesth, and fifty-five miles west of Arad. Its population was between seventy and eighty thousand, and consisted chiefly of Magyars and Slays. The city stood in a marshy plain and was divided into a central town, or Falanka, in which the residences of the merchants were grouped around an old for tress built by the Turks in the sixteenth century, and containing extensive barracks, a house ot correction, and a church of its own ; an upper and a lower town, and new Bzegdin, situated on the east bank of the Theiss, and reached by a bridgo of boats. Besides the synagogue the inhabitan Is com -prised many Jews there were six Itoman Catholic churches, a Catholic gymnasium, a beautiful Greek church, and on) or two con vents. Tho market place was very large, and among tho places of amusement was a Magyar theatre. Reliant o had been placed upon several large dykes which protected the back of the town, but these gradually succumbed to the force of tbe water, and the inhabitants per ceived that their only sufetylay in strenijth cning the embankment of the Alfold Kail way. Desperate efforts were made through out Tuesday night, but early yesterday morning a gale arose, and, aided by this, the water broke through, carrying away part of the embankment and the rollit g stock of tbe railway, and rushing in broad streams toward tbe town. Th's was at 3 o'clock. Many persons had remained up throughout the night, anticipating some such danger, aud these fled at once. Others, aroused by the roar of the great body of water, sprang from their beds and hurrying on some cloth ing, sought refuge on the housetops. At day-break tho town was many feet deep In water, and the inhabitants had begun to re alize the extent of their calamity. Here and there a house, leas substantial than its neighbors, tottered and fell with a crash, and it frequently happened that at the mo raeut a boat was near a window from which half distracted people were appeal ing for aid, tho whole edifice would suc cumb to the torrent, amid the piteous shrieks of the inmates. Such of the inhabi tants a were so fortunate as to be able to do so fled to New Szegedin and more elevated parts of the town, hurriedly crossing tbe bridge of botts which separates the uew city from the old. As the day wore on whole rows of houses fell and the flood gained such headway that it submerged fully two-thirds of tbe town, including the citadel and post and telegraph offices. Be aides the synagogue.the orphanage succumb ed, burying its inmates in the ruins, and two manufactories were discovered to be In flames. Noexcesses wero observable, how ever, on the pirt of the Inhabitants, pre cautionary measures having been taken for the protection of property. Duriur tbe afternoon tbe dams were cut In several places to allow the water to run off; the flood was still rushing with au awful roar over the city, and the practical destruction of the town was complete. Happily, how ever,whlle there was much excitement there was no disorder, and such of the inhabi tants as could be removed were conveyed to a place of safety by men who seemed to re tain their presence of mind to a greatertje greetban might have been expected. At Pesth active measures were taken to send assistance to the afflicted city ; the municipal authorities directed that relief trains bo prepared without delay, and ac commodations for fugitives were provided in the barracks aud public buildings of tho capital. ( Tbe Government sent 40,000 florins for the relief of the Inhabitants. This gener osity does not save It, however, from being violently attacked by the Radicals in the broughtDiet for having neglected to take pre cautious against tbe calamity, Every hour intelligence of fresh disaster. It appears that 100 fejuate miles in tho vicinity of Sezgedin were flooded and the crops in that district totally ruined. At the latest accounts the water had risen five feet more, and the situation was becom ing more and more critical, Sixty, thousand person wcro without a roof to cover them. The upper house wcro crammed with spectators In momentary fear of death. It was thought that some few stono houses might sttnd. The loss of life had, It was feared, been terrible, and It was certain to be increased during the night of terror. l'KKl) A UiUK CHUN MEAL.. It's t onseno to say It makes no difference- what you feed to jour milk cow. The qnali y of the milk, cream and butter de pends very much upon the feed ued, A little experience of our own inoy be worth relating In evidence of tire statement, Dur ing the winter and early spring we had been giving our grade Jersey cow a mixture of meal ai.d middlings, but when we put her In green panmr, we thought wo might safe ly discontinue the ration of tneal, ntid ac cordingly only fed a few quarts at milking tiuic. My wile soou began to wonder what was the matter with the cream, it was so thin compared with lis firmer state. Hhc becainn anxious about her '1.11,' and wonder ed If sho wasn't sick ; but her fat, sleek sid es and contented look sal 1 'no' to that. Af ter an experience of about two weeks with the bran dli t, we returned to the corn meal mixture, and tho very next day a change In tho cream was clearly perceptible. It now skims rtffthick and heavy, and the cream crocks fill rapidly, so that the churning day comes twice a week, We are satisfied that It" pa j s to feed meal both summer and win ter' SKKl) CORN AMI COKN'-KAISIXO. Tho selection of seed corn has much to do with the yield of the corn field, Tho best seed corn is cheap at almost any price, and poor seed cirn is dear even If given away, 1 here Is something more required ot seed corn than that every kernel shall ger minate that Is one requisite, but not the most important. The corn should be able to show n good pedigree ; that Is, it should be from corn that had been carefully selected for seed for years selected from fields where there were few barren stalks, and where tbe yield was large. About all the care that the majority of our fanners exercise in se lecting seed corn, is to choose the largest, longest aud most fully ripened cars, They take little or no note of tho yield per acre, whether it is twenty, thirty or seventy-five bushels. Seed selected from a field that yielded seventy-five bushels per acre, would bo more likely to produce seventy-five or eighty bushels, than seed Irom a field that had produced only twenty or thirty bushels per acre. If tbe seed had been selected (or years from fields which yielded heavily, it would be almost sure to produce equally heavy yields, provided sufficient were furnished tho crop. Tiie Bagdad "Date Mark" Recent Travelers in Asiatic Turkey mention tbe Bagdad 'date mark' a mysterious malady which affects everybody, whether citizen or stranger. It is a dry, citing sore or ulcer, which comes generally upon the face, lssts for a year, and then goes away forever, leaving a scar about tho size and shape of date. The cheek of nearly every man and woman brought up In Bagdad shows the mark, as though seared with a hot iron. No treat" ment, no ointment or medicine has the slightest effect upon it. The cause of this peculiar and disagreeable ailment has not yet been traced The general Impression has been that the quality of the water is chargeable; but recently two European phy -sicians went to the city to investigate the matter, having taken tbe precaution to provide themselves with water from a dis tanee.and were both attacked by the "mark"' "within a fortnight after their arrival. Horses should be watered in the morning before they are fed, A full drink of water immediately after being fed is a sure way of producing indigestion, if not inflammation. When water is drunk by horses, the bulk of it goes directly to the large intestines, and little of it is retained in the stomach. Some old and worthless horses, by way of experi ment.were fed with spilt peas, and then sup plied with water imimdlalely before being killed, It was found that the w liter had car ried the peas from fifty tn sixty feet into the intestines, where no digestion took place at all. New Housr. Shoe A cow hide hor,e shoe has been introduced, which promises (o be very useful. It is composed of three thicknesses of cow hide, compressed iuto a steel mould, and then subjected to a chemi cal preparation, It is claimed f.r It that it lasts much longer and welghsonly ouo-fourth as much as the common iron shoes ; that it never causes the hooftw split, nor does it have the least inj irious iufluenco on the foot. It requires no calks ; even on asphalt the horse never slips. The shoe issoelaslic that the homo's step is surer and lighter. It adheres so closely to the foot that neither dust nor water can penetrato between the shoe and the hoof. A correspondent in tbe Sural World shows souio points of difference between British and American methods of feeding stock, as follows : In Great liritlsn turnips are cut, reduced to a pulp and mixed with cut bay or straw and allowed to ferment. Uay and straw are always cut up and mixed with meal. Slock raisers in Kngiaud buy oil cake, which Americans consider too ex pensive. They wet und use it with cut bay aud straw and meal aud pulped turnips. The manure from such feeding U regarded as of great value. Custaud. Beat eix yolks and four whites until very light ; add a quart and a scant pint of rich mtlk ; flavor and sweeten t- taste ; bake for one hour. Heat the reserve whites to a froth ; add two tablespoonfulsof sugar, flavor, spread over tho custard aud re turn to the oven to brown, Pickled Egos Boil tbe eggs until very hard : take off tbe shells : have nrenared some nice spiced vinegar, and pour hot over the eggs. The spice should be tied in a lit tle muslin bag. The most primitive way of making bread was to soak tbo grain in water, subject it to pressure and then dry it by natural or art! Acini heat. The man who stopped his paper lately be cause he could not atlord It, recently sold a hundred bushels of wheat at twenty cents less than the market price. An idea of tbe importance of tbe potato In Maine may be obtaiued from tbe fact that the farmers in Aroostook realize from f 105, 000 to $170,000 yearly from that crop. The day before a Turkish girl Is married she is takeu to the bath by her lady friends und lumps of sugar are broken over her head m a forecast of the sweets of matrimony. A year or so afterward her husband breaks tbe whole sugar bowl over her bead. New York JferalJ. QILBS' UNIMENT IODIDE AMMONIA. W TRADE ASC Cure all INiln In Man it ml IlcaNt TKSTMUXtAtAt pROMrsi'H tTTRHi (KfillltiK o tho Womb.) A Won ilerfiticiiro. Mini jcara my wUo nuncm) jwlili this ItTrlttlP complaint, nho m aitcndcil by iloctur nr lor doctor, u-iitio tho ilinvrctit hospituH where fo .milt' fire truuuvi ( tried them all t worn Linmlrures find immirlon .Mthonly temporary relit f. Hit life miserable. W applied Dr. (lies (Jmincut. llcr rullof riv immediate, Mio p now wtll, II. AIcDkrmott, 4(1 Vrtl3tti R! recti New Yotk Iliad twelve ntmkes of raraijls. My letf, arm and tJiitftio were ,isl"i was obliged to mo n cttth cter eury day. Doctor (lies' liniment lodtdcot AmmuriU h w cured u.v. 111 antwor any luqulrles ho that all umiced may know of it. .Ions Ami., No: Hi Hranfonl, Conn. Chestnut 1 1 111. rhiinddphl, April ri, Tn. W. M. (.Ilea. K"i Dear Mr I untl our Iodide of Ammonia Liniment on Flora Toit.pte'H hind pastern Joint. Mho had been quite lame llio liTect was wonderful j sho wnks now qulto veil. Very re spectfully ours, A. Which. I. S.I am now using It on Littleton's Wht tore lCff. A larjro Rltoo boil on a vnluablo young horso was removed by Giles' Hulmwnt lodlJcof Aintnonbu II K I'll Kill) Knafi, Carpets, IT.islitii avo., New York. Actiima Tha tortures nml neon 1cm I endured for Mt jears, noim but thoto who nave suffered with thl terrible disease can know. My tlfo was misera ble, tn ueapt'rattwn I (rttd (Hies Liniment. lotldoof Ammonia, It ja,H my Instant relief. Ifccdll In ternally as well as externally. J IIUS. II HAN Mi API, t7 went S7th street. Now York, was In a dreaaml cunitlltoti. JulnM swollen. fniln Intense. InJ-'Ctlon of morphine into my veins ailed to reltfvo me. wiles' Iodide of Ammonia took awav thn deposits from my pints Iwantevery one v, ho suffers to know what u ill cute them. rOKntCK ITIIR0P, North Iljrto Park, Lammollto co. Vt Another sufferer cured. fihchartfed from tho Masachiist'tts Ueneral llosnttnl ns Incurable, with Inlla nmatory rheumatism In m shoulders, n hirers and feet ; suffered fearfully for threw ears, tiled everything; lot nil hope. Dr. CHleV Mnlraent Iod ide of Ammonia effected a complete cure. C.I.LKN WITH, No. 7a PraneBtreet, Pall Kit cr. Mass fDratn. snllnts. bruises. I.ninenHit In hnrsefl. Olles' Uolineiit lodlda of Ammonia Is a perfect spe cine. Noperson who owns a horse should bo with out It. H. IlOPFNS, Ma seventh avenue New York. In my famltv, and for the siook, ( have used Ullee Liniment Iodide of Ammonia. It U unsurpassed, and I am surprised at the many different maladies In which It is applicable. It gles the utmobt satis faction. .ton J, Cartkr, Supprtntendent Eastern Pennsylvania Kxperlmcn tal Furm. fioc. snd II : and In Quarts at $2.60, In which there lsapreatsavlnff. Trial slzo 25 cents. SOLI) BT AM. DltL'0 GISTS. N. J. IllLNDKItMIIOTTt Agl. lor Illootnsburff. may 41, 'ii- flylt9(rrrtand thorough Mnnd-purlfylnir proper ties. Dr. Pierce's (JolJin Mallear Discovery cures nil Humor, from the worn Hcroful to a common ltlolcb. l'lmptr, or Eruption. Merrurlal Ulsta, Mlncrul Poisons nnrt lliilr effects, aro t radlcatpil, Hinllgomualtrnlthan'l a round restitution stAr llt.l'tl. Krjalpeloa, halt fa ruin. FcTtr Hare, Hralj or Hough MJm. In tliort. all Ulsonncs rauurd hy tml I lonil, are conquered by 1 till powtrful, purl A lng, and Im I.Tor.itlnR medicine. P.ip cl-dly lm it manifested Its potency In curing TV Iter, Koto ItMh, IIoU. Darbunrlrft, (lore Ijm, Hero futon Horn and btrcllbic, Whlta HwtlUitfS Uottra or Thick Neck, and nUrffd UUnda. If yon firl dull, drowpy, debilitated, hue t&llotr color of skin, or )illowla!i-brown spot! on face or IkxJt, frequent )icaluch3 or dizziness had tattc In rioulli, InUmal heat or rlilllt alternated with hot Hushes low spirits and gloomy forebodings lrrrpular ppnettle, and toiifn"1 eimtetl, yon aro luuerlnjt from Torpid Urcr, nr ltlllouaacM. in maay rases of 'Liter Complaint w only part of these tymptoms aru rtptrlinred. As n remedy for U such uses Dr. Pli-m's tJoMen Medical Disco very has no euaal, as It effects periect and radical cures. In the cure of Hroacbltta, SeTrra Cough, and tho early stapes of Consumption, It has astonished tlii medical faculty, and iulneut phj sicians prononnio It the greatest medical discovery of the age, VhIlu It cures the severest Coughs, It strengthens ue Titcm and purl Bra tha blood, bold by druggists, JLy. Pimtt'E, M. l)., Pron'r, World'i Dispensary and InTaUda' UotU, Buffalo, rf. Y. No quo of taking the large. repulsive, nauseous pills, composed of cheap, crude, and bulky Ingredient. Tt'Cbe Pillct aro acarerly larger than muatard areds llclnc cntlrel; ty vegetable, nu partlc lng tncm. They open he constitution, met. ntilrml whllrt ni litrbanco to the constitution, met, or occupation. t'or Jaundice, lleadarhe, Coaatlpatloa. Iaipuro Hood, I'ala In the Bhoulden. Tlghtnraa of th hiS lllazlaeas Sour Eructations from the Ptomach, liad Taste la tha Uouth, IllUoaa attacks 1'aln la region of Kidneys. Internal Verer, Illoated feelUf about fttonuwh, Uush oflUood to Head, take Pr. IMerec'a l'lraaant 1'urgntlre I'cllcta, In explanation of tho remedial power of tlieso purgative Pellets over an great n l arlety of diseases It may bo said that their swllon upon the animal economy Is waive rui, not a fflantl or llaue roeaplna their aaaatlve tmpreaa. Ago i oca not Impair the properties of these 1'illcu. They tire sugar-coated and Inclosed In slats bottles their Mrtues being thereby preserved unimpaired for any l ncth of time. In any climate, so that they aro alwajs fresh nud rt liable. This Is not tho rasttwltti 1 Ills put up In cheap wooden or pasteboard boxes, j'or all diseases where a Laxative, Alterative or l'urgntlve. Is Indicated, these llttlt! Pellets will gUo the most rerfect satisfaction. Bold by druggUta. 1L V. l'tKltrK,l. I).. I'noe'R, World's Dispensary and lnvnUds UoUl, DuiTalo, N. Y. CATARRH AVUlTOUfL Frenuent head ache, discharge falling Into throat, sometimes profuse, w atery, thick miiri-inn tin ni lnt. nitrnRlcp. t tr. In others Aryness dry, watery, weak, or Inflamed tjt'S etopplng up, or obstruction, of the nasal pus tapes ringing In cars, deafaoss hawking and cough ing toclcar the throat, ulcerations scabs from ulcers, voice altered, nasal twang, offensive breattt. Impair d Or total deprivation of sense famed on1' taste, illr ilness mental deprt salon, loss of appetite, Imllgnr tlon, enlarged tonsils tickling cougli, etc. Only a tuw or these rvmptoms are llkily to be present In any ;ase at one lime, ' DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY produces radical cures of the worst case of Catarrh, ao mattir of how long standing. The liquid remedy nay be snuffed, or b tter applied by thu uwi of Dr. I'ltitct'a Doucbe. This Is tfio only form of Instru ment et Indented vrlthwhlch fluid medicine ran l Mrrled HIGH CI ami fKKFECTLV AffLIEU to all parts of the affected nasal passagts, and the thaiu Dtrs or cavities communicating ihercwllh. In which mres and ulcers frequently exist, and from width Hie catarrhal discharge generally proceeds. Its uso .a pleasant and easily untlerstood. from dlrectlom. ircoropanylng each Instrument. Tr. Haoe's :nrrh ftemedy cures recent attacks of Void la tho Hftdbya few nprillcatlnns. It Is ndld und phas tnt to uw, containing no strong or rautl drurs nr pnisoni,. Cntarrh lUmetlynnd Douche sold by drug rata. 1L V. Pintrn, M. D., ITop'r.Wnrki'i Dl pensary and Invalids' llotil, Uuindo, H, V, r aug-. SO, 'IS DMINISTKATOIl'S NOTICE. EKT1TE Of WILLliU WniTB, DECI1SED, Letters cf admlolstratloo on the estate of William White, late or Scott iownt.hlp, 1'olumoia county, de ceased, have been granted by tha Ulster of Bald county to tho undi-rslgued Administrators to whom all riersous indebted are requested to make Imme diate payment and those having claims or demands u,uuib uju esiaiu win inako mem Known to tuo Au nunlstratorj without delay, JOHN M. WHITE, OKO. CONNKIt, IJKhtstri't't, Administrators. O W.MILUtlt.Atfy. TI10SU8 11. IUKIMiN. ALBKar lUnraii' TUB RED FRONT, MOYERS" BLOCK, HARTMAN BROS.. DKALEItSlIN TEAS, CANNED FBU1T, CIOAB.B, TOBACCO srturr, OONFEOTIONERY. Spices of all kinds, Glass & Queenswaro FINE GROCERIES, Foreign and DomestioFruitBi AND QENEHAL LINE OF Family Provisions Ith door below Market ttreet, Sloomsburg, ra. iv (loods delivered to all (eiuot the town Aiirlin, u-u '1'irrC 1) 4 DIM) m bo rouml on Mlo at am. 1 lllu 1 ll i'ilV 1'. RuwrJl a Co'. Newipapcr " t u tv ny u w wiirn" ruirrr1 Ualny cvutrocu tuoy U uuultj lor It IN NEW YORK feb. J4, 7T-U r marFl PEllEIS.h www B. oPk BLOOM SB URG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rav. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. Tlliw SCHOOL, ttsatrirewntonstltutcd, oPers tho very best facilities for l'rofciMonal and riawleul learnlns. h..niifni.i,nnintmin liulldlnin snaclou?. Inlttnu aud commodious : completely floated by steam, well ventilated, lighted by gas, and furnished with a Dounurui supply 01 pun, sprlnit wuler. ia)ciuiou nenuniui, ani eaiv 01 acccsi. 'loacners expenenrea, enicienr, nut wiyo to ineir wum. imivijjuhv, m.n u-.v mmlerato. Fifty cents a week deduction to all oipectlng to teach, htudents admitted at any time, ltooms reserved when desired. or study prescribed by tue stato I I. Moilel School. II. 1'reparatory. Ill, Ailjunct Courses ! I Academic. 1 1. Commercial. III. Course In Mulc. IV. Coure in Art. Tho Elementary Scientific a corresponding IK'grees i Master i no course 01 Ptua y prescnueu oy 1110 Maio is uoerai, me rtaie reuu resa uuruer oruer oi ciiizensuin. gent anil cmclent Teachers tor her schools. To this and their talents, as students. To all such It promises Catalogue, nddrest tho Principal. IKIN. WII.I.IA.ll!l,l President Ilonril nepi. s, to.' BARGAINS ! BARGAINS! CALL AND SEE GLOTHHsTG- iasr BLOOMSBURG. Mens' Overcoats from $4 50. Mens' Suits from $6 00. Good Working Pants 90 cents. Good Wool Hats for 75 cents. Winter Caps from 40 cents. Boys' Caps from 25certs. Good Working Shirts 50 cents. Mens' Vests from 50 cents. Good White Shirts, linen fronts 65 cents. Mens' Socks, 3 pairs for 25 cents. CALL AN0 SEE FOR YOURSELVES THE BARGAINS NOW SELLING At the PqjpmI&f Mtaz of ATO) LOWENMM T 'VIBRATOR' THE ORIGINAL & ONLY GENUINE " Vibrator " Threshers, with nmorn) MOUNTED HORSE POWERS, And SU&m Thresher nglnef Had a only by NICH0L3, SHEPARD&CO., BATTLE CBEEK, MICH TIIE Mntchirea caraloHavtng( Time 6tn, u4 Miotr-6tvln( lbnhri m ii.Ii tUj bi4 rtMrMlon. htjon all HivtXrj tor Rapid Wtuk, Pif. fcl Clwalm, aod for bavlof Urals (Void WmUs, BRAIN Ralirre will not fiabinlt to tfco rnuntuitia vwufi oOnla k lua Inirrxr wurk Uttmir U wttcriucliiik, wlia ones omu oa IIm iariBc. TIIB KNTIRK Thrnbinc Gxyenae lo4 ultra lt h 1 lini ImI inuHul icku 1 iua tr Um Extra Qrela liV0 bj Umm liuprovaj HrUlnti NO KoToWlnc Hhnfts Inildo the Beu. ratur. LntUvi ir Irtxa !! r. I'Ukara, JUdJka, and all anca tima-waMlac au.l (rala-vutlut; ccinpll ralloua. rrfrIy alaplvtt ta all Kluda and CvadUloua uf UraiB, Wat mt Pr, Luuf r ihot I, Uaadd r bona J. NOT onl IMta. iui rrMlkUl OT onlr Vaitlr Baprrior for What. XltTELOCS for RlmpIIrltr of Part. mIbk Icb Ibau aita-lialf lua uaal jIUa aud baaia. Ud(i u Uiterlui-a or Ucaiurlnfi. F OUR Sixes of Heparntoro Mndrt rans'- Uoauid law Powara to uaicb. STEAM Power Thresher n Hoeclalcr. t lactai al MaTaUir tuada axraaaJjr tot biaau f rr. OUR TJnrlrsJed 8 1 eft m Thresher En. MitM, rlili VJuU laipruvtoauia aud UaUat.Uva Vaaturea, Ux LayuuJ u; vtbar uak r alad. X Thoronsh Workmanship, Elerant tc, wr " ViaaAiva" lliraaUr UutOu ar laMtuiwraLu! FOR Particulars, call on oar Dealers it writ U wa lur III ui rUd C UraW, bka , awU Iraa Jan. 10,-m r Fcb.t, TWy ESPY PLANING MILL. The undersigned lessee ri tbe Espy 1'lanln? MUI. Is prepared to do all kluda ot mill wurk. Doors, Frames, M, BIMs, etc. made to order en eliort notice. Satisfaction trans. antoed. CoiKLii Kara, iiiocmitoiinr, ra. "VyAINWRIOHTACO., WHOLESALE OBOCKItS, ruiUMUBU, Dealers in TEAS, HIHUrS, COFPKB, 8UOAB, MOLASSES, met, tncaa, iiciii bom, Ac., Ao. N. B. Corner Second and Arch ttroeta, ir-ordcra will recelre prompt attention. U laaBaa ....... ,. ...... Elementary. IV, Clawical. Iflc and Classical Courses aro fltOFHSSlONAL, and Students graduatng therein, receive i state I'lP'0"''''1;",1"? !l!S.mlca sterof llio hlcmcntsj Master ofrtho Sciences j Master of tho Classics, tlraduatcs In tho other Courses recelvo. Normal Lerttncates jv the onicersof tho Hoard of Tustee . .... . v anniueKCieniincani uiassicai courses are not uiienur iu iumu ... .pv ""f am c ass cai courses are not interior 10 w f,niiiin tnlelll- ItH oneot tho prlm'i objects ot I hi, school to help to securult, M furnishing nicm Vn. ni i.n,i Iihiuties ind trood nurposes.-thoso who desire tqlmprop their tune incli nes net l.inci il. il h one 01 i no Druii'i uu yuia ui end It solicits younj persons of good abilities and good aid In davetonlnir their powers, and abund.uit opportunities for well paid labor alter lea in;, scuooi. r ur nr..Trnstres. obtatnfitfor nno tnvtnUont. oror improvements on old ones, for medical or other compaundt, trade mark! and labelt. Caveat. Atnlnnmentn. Inter fereneel. Appeal), Suite for Infringement!, and allcaen arising under the Patent J.awitprompt' ty attended to. Inventions that tnrr&rci ly the rattnt Of- Ace man still. , in most caita. atenttii by uj. iitmjj vpjtusitt the C. 8. rattnt ItDartment. and rnnnniX in l,inf !..,.(. ctusivtty, we can make closer searches, and secure Patents more promptly, anit with broader claims, thamthnse who art remote from Washington. ima us a mod el or sketch of vovr iter tee: we ttatinna nail n.lfts n t t... ti. i tt.. frctcfeharge. All correspondence strictly con tirtfttptu Prices low, and A'O CItAllUU VJf- refer in, Washington, to Hon. rostmaster General J). il. Key, Rev. F. J). Power, The German. American National Jlani, to eciais in the U. S, Patent Office, and to Senators and Representatives in Cwar'sstnnd especially to rmr clients in every Btate In the t wtnn and in f'-anndg, Address Opposite fatent vjhee, hashtngton, D. a H. C. SLOAN & BRO. WW 11LOOMSHURO, PA. llanutacturere of Carriages, Bnggiee, Phaetons, Sleighs, PLATFORM WAGONS, to. FIrst-claaa workjalwaya onlhand. ItEPAIRINQ NEATLY DONS. ITlces reduced to suit the tlmea. Jau. 8,mt-tf. AND Ptaper Hanging. WM, F. BODINE, IKON ST., BELOW SECOND, ULOOM3UUHU, FA Is prepared to do all kinds of housb rannwa, Flalu and Ornamental, PAPER HANGING, 110TU DECORATIVE AND PLAIN. All kltidH orFurnlture nepalrcd ub1 umdo u h good un uew. (MJB BUT HUST-CLABS WOltKMEX KMPtOYBU Estimates Made on all Work. WW. V, DODINE. Oct. 1, 187. awu. nirnrm nnrt thnrnuirh. Expenser V. Coiirro In Hiyjical Culture. inn .-uui.'..i'. purposes, those w , F. I . Uir,l.M KU, Sel , Secretary. C. 23- SAVAGE, PRALEH IX Silverware. Watches, Jowelry.Cleeks .lit, tv ltcmoTcdto tlie rost Ofllco building, tlrsTdoor above tbe Kxhange Hotel. All kinds ot Watches, Clorks and Jewelry neat, ly repaired and warranted. may IT, TS-tr GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES! We will sell tho Very Best Family Sewing- Machine For Twenty-Five Dollars IX CASH, on an ornamented Iron stand nnd Trndi. with walnut top and drawer, and necessary Attachments and deliver It at any Haliroad Depot In tho United 'Free of Charge. Theso machines are warranted tnrtn thn whnin line or 1'amlly ewlnB Willi more raptdlty.more ease or management, and los t.ttlj;uo to the operator man any macnino now in use. K'nd tor a circular. Every machine warranted for three ears. Agent: wanted in Uncciupicd Territory. Centennial Machine Co., Liinited Ta Filueut St., Pnu-ADEmiM, pa. Oct. 4, "s-cm. The most extensive Manufacturers of Ililhard Tables in existence. The J. M. Bronswi & Bie Co. CHICAGO, CINCINNATI, ST. LOUIS AND 724 Broadway, New-York. Newest and most elegant styles of BILLIARD TABLES AT LOWEST PRICES. Elegant Parlor, Dining, Library and Bil liard Tables combined, size 3x6; slate beds,' perfect cushions, complete with balls and cues, $50. Address whichever home i nearest your city. The J. II. Brunswick &Bnlko Co Feb. 7, 7D-SCW A Purely Vegetable Remedy Tlio BnfOHt, KttRloHtuiiiIJnwt over l!Mcovuia-l for KIDNEY COMPLAINTS. PILES, GRAVEL, CONSTIPATION, LUMBAGO, ' RHEUMATISM, .DIABETES. CI WONDERFUL DISCOVERY) Apurtlj vegetable compound'not doctored ti Ith poUonottsIlquom.bctns dry- gcntlo cathartic and effective tonic sure to effectually cuniBomcof the most common and palnfal dlscaaca that baffto med ical skill. Those who havo been cured v,hcn all othermcansfailed,JuitlyBay:"Itl tho greatest blesslngof tho age." "I believe I should not now bo alive but for it" rhyslclanslnregularpractlco ayt "It works like a charm and effectively." FOR saw: I1Y AM, imuCCIISTS. T.'.' u,lK'D!!':''-wOnTnotkm.U.b. tJUjcit.utiMj. WILLS, lUUUUftiorf a ta, livJ.rWl.n, lUulm, C March 7, lhio-ly I T ,,E?ke'?one?f,afit'l'nt'f''fcru8lhanat Ur...l . '--f1' "wnnimreu; ho win KSf,., l.Kr y at homo made by the ".- -i.u, ni'uicu, wya una inris tlmn.tCdr.T,e17,enrf.,5.C,,lt 'f US- NOW IsShi Co., Augusta, Maine, March SI, 18-ly jUDITOH'S NOTICE. ISTlTt OF liKlM U1KT2EL, DECHSKU. "cr fluullw Bpi-umu'a nyino oourt ot columb a distribute funds to and amenit parties entiled therein tn ,hhn,..ia.., .Jtrir Ku'S!i,';"1 fSMP.V0 Lu.e.clut,e's orulsuppolninentat thoomco of Abbott tlihavn In Culaw Us. I'aT on Saturday, April Mb,1.7t at ten o'cioclc a.I nTat v7hl?h t me and place all parties Interested may attend l" iSfcf fund proper' r be debarred iroLia hlre "l this nrta is on rn.r. with R DWELL k pKtSMAN . Advertising Agents. THIfP 4 CHESTNUT STS-. 8T.I-0UIS, aft- EQAL BLANKS OF ALL KINDS J OH HAND AT TUB ICJUfcWAl, OPH Tho Seaside Library. t'linlen bool-R nn lomrer for the tew only. The best utiimlnnl omeln' wllliln the, rracli of ntnr D Hooks UMialiy sold from i to Riven (unchanged nnd unabridged) for 10 and so rents. lol. AN. JiiisMi iocK b 3 Hard 1 1mes by Charles IHtkens JJo ina. A Urate Uiy, by MUs Mulock Jjo lot, l'cep t)' Hay, by lolin imnlm . ii lra.AtthnBlgnof I ha Hllvcr llngon, by II I, l( n. i ho master of the (Ire) Inndi, by Jlra Henry od ... int. lilade-o'-nrawbynl. I'arjeon I W. 1 ho Hea King, by I'nplnln ini rint w 11 . Kieanort Mciory,l)y1l;JI Kwaddyn vno 110. nin nirHct l eiet'linm. b' Unrenro Miirrjntioo 111. A Tllliror IIIO VHirill I" i.ikiii j too s.i Ho IOC Si 101) 100 soo loo 100 sue 100 1K! SOO 10C 101! 100 U'O .luiei verne in. Hani I'asii. hv rhnrle Hondo 1I. Hiilden nrotn, by II I. Farjenn 111, Darrell Mnrkbnm, by Miss M K lirnddon n iiiiin mo inze. iijwnii "ww ItA. I'niilli.i.. hi I. It U'n fnril lit, Tho Kcmalo MlnMor, by K lies lis. (treat Ktpectaltotibyu lilckens 119. Pelrcnel, by nrri'ii Mnrrjnt . no. liomonco ot a Poor Youtg .nn, by o leu- UI, A 1 lie for n 1 1to, by Ms Vulixk lit 'I ho I'nfloln Marrynt toj trl.l, I. ,., t.v hitinlif-l 1 Jit, r 1S4!Miulre'ireMjii 1'elr, by Mis II Wood m .iury iianuii, ny .mn 'tnnen U'l.J.remai or iny l'alhei' II 11 lllaclc- mnrn 1S7. .M IjhIv I inllow, by rs (la'kell 13 riiiiiipi, n.v .tiis iiicii Iki.'IIw wniiditlne Jew,(lstl.nil)b liiigeno Kiln SOO 129. Tho Wnnderln?.loiv (Jd half) by Kngeno Suojoo IS'l. r-eroiOllH out 01 lliirill.ny mis jiihuck "" ll. .Michael MrugulT, bv .Mile' Vellio i" 13i. .lack Klnlnu. bv Cliarles I ewr SOO us. The lmciicvs of Husemnry Ijine, by II L I nr. jeon 1W. .My mother's Wife, by Ainelli II IMwards li. AKnlha's llu.b.inil, by Mi's .Mulock 11(1. Katie eiewu't. by .Mrsollphant 13!. A llenl Tmrci U'Vi r 1 s. What lie i (t lloi, bj .loinis I'ajne 139. 1inilou'H lleatl. by 11 1 Karjcon I4ii. The Ijidy I.Me, In MM M K lirnddon ,41. Mnati ri 'iin lleii.ty, In cnpliiln Morrjiit 14J.1ho Mead i.f the 1'amlly, iiy .Miss Mulock 111 '1 hi, I (minted Tnni r. I.v frH MelirV Wood HI. The Twin LIimiicuhiIs, bv Alexander Dumas 10c 143. Holt a milium it money, oy Amelia i. r.u waidi 14(1. Charle' O'-Mnlley, tbe Irldt Dragoon, by Iur, (Trip e Mi) 147. Hall In, the Peeler, by Captain Mnrrynt in. A Hliw, b Air le rdttanls 119. .1o-hna Mnrvtl, hy II I, KaiJ 'on SOO ino, Mhwnpinnn ins. , uyuuinain .'inrrjiit. 1.11. '1 he llusfhin (i rv,liy -Mox Dumas Arthur iiT'im. I v I harlos lver 153. Wiinlut lie V 154. A Point of Honor, by Annlo Ildwanls IM. I no ( (Mini ui MOlne-criMO, ri"x rumua loo. i ne iin a un, vy iijiu .ihiiiil 1.17. Hand aud (ilove, by Aimlla II. Kdard3 15. Treavurc Trove, by Samuel Uiver 19. The t iinniom -liln, b Captain Marrynt lco. 1 ho Hlack Tulip, by Alexander Dumas 1(11. 1 ho World Weil l.ol, II. I.J rn I-lnton His. Shirley th.irlolle luonu KI3. 1'rank Mlldinsy, by I aptnln Mem nt HH. A minis w lb' s Morv, Harriet llowrn K..1. a Modern vuiHiir (oi. i.) i.neieiyovci KM. Tho I an Aldlnl. b (lenrge !-nnd 1C7. 1 ho (lue-i.'s Necklace, by len Dumas in, Cuu Ciegan, byi hniles lever H19. M. 1'iiiritk's hvc, by Choils lever 170. Newt'.h Korster, by Captain Marryat 111. Iloslare to Pnttnne, by MKs Hraddon 17'. Chevalier do MaUon liollce. bv Dumas I73,.npnei in ealcu oi a raiiier, oy captain Mnrrynt soc 174. Kate iT'onoBhue, by Clinrles Levi r soo 17.1. 1 he IMchnnf Many Tnle, Caplnln Marryat loc 178. 1'erclval Keeno by Captain Mnrnut loc llT.nroieo Canterbury's will, by Jlrs. Henry Wood sec 171. Hare (lood Luck, bv It. K. Frnndlllon 100 179. Tbo Illsiory ota Crime, by Victor Hugo loc l'O, .vnnaUde. by VHIklo Collins ioc ISI, Tho Countess de Chnrny, Alex Dumas 10c 12 .Itillets miardlan, by .Mrs. Cnmeron loc tvt. Kcnllworth, by Hr Walter Scott soc 14. Tho Utile Sainge. by Captain JIarn at 100 ls.i. "nood-Hjehw eel heart." by lihoda lirougton loo 1m;, Daild copperlleld, by Clunles Dickens -I'U 100 10O 10O 80C ICC 100 ii, .uuuu, u Aiexuinier wiiiii. 9 li. n he sw Iss Family Hoblnsou 19. Henry Dunbai, by Miss Hraddon 19ii. .Memulrs ot a nijslclflii, by Alex Dumas ii. .no j nree cuners. ny i-npiain .uarryai; 19J. 1 he conspirators, by Alexander Duinas 19.1. Heart of Midlothian, t'lr Waller Menu 191. No Intentions, bv Florence Mnrryntf. 195. Nobel of Haiurla, bv Alexander Duinas 19. r I, holas Mckleby, by Charks Dickens 197. Nai 'y by Ithoda Hrwughion 19-. setMers InCannda, by Ciirttaln Marryat 19. (Tohtc rs ami the Health, by Chas. liendo son. Tho Monk, by Jlatthcw a. Lewis, Jl. 1'. (Monk l.cwls. 200 100 IOC 200 100 100 200 loc 201. Catharine ltlum. by Alex Dumas 10c 202. Mr. (HHll's lovo Mory by (leorgo Eliot Hie 203. Cloister and the Hearth, by Chas. Heado 20c 204. 1 ho Young Llanero, w. II. (1. Klnirston 19c 201. The mysteilcs ot rails, (1st halt) uy uugeno buo 20c 203. iho mj stenos cr l'ans, (2d halt) ty Eugcno DllU 200. Poison of Asps, by Florence Marryat 207. The children ol the New Forest by ICapt, Marryat 201. Nr.rlli nnd South, by Mrs. Uaskcll 209. A.Iewelotadlrl sio. Young Musgrave, by Mrs. nilphant 211. ltandulnh i.ordon. by "(luldv' sis. brigadier Frederick, bv Erekmann-Clialrlan loo 213. llarnaby Itudge, b.v Chai. Dickens 2oo 214. Wlnstotte, by Mrs. UIili Adams loc 215. 1! rds of Prey, by Ml Hraddon 200 210. legends r f the lllack Watch, by.Tenies Orantioc 217. Tne had Fortunes cf llev. Amos barton, by (leorge Eliot 10c 21s. DemlK'y nnd Ron, by Charles Dickens toe 219. .My own Child, by Hoivnc.olarr.vnt loo 22u. (icorgo cunierourj's win, py .Mrs.;nenry 200 221. Poor Zeph, by F. W, Itrblnson loc 100 100 loc 10c ioc ioc l'li. ljisioi 1110 Monicans. oy .1. i. cooper 223. Tho Marriage Verdict, by Duinas 224. The Deer Mayer, by .1. F. Conir tn. two Destinies, by wilkte Colllni 220. n ho Path Finder, by H .1. cooper 27. Hannah, bv Miss Mulock 22s. Tbo Ifegent's D.iughier, bv Diiims 2W. The Pioneers, hy .1, Fenlintire coier 2.10. utile Urand una llio .Marchioness, by "oulda" 211, The Prairie, by.T. Fenlmore ccoper 232. A Hark MghtS Work, by Mrs. (lakcll 233. The Pilot, by. I. Fenlmoie Ou""r 234. The Tender Recollections ot Irene llasglll. cuddy 213. a n open Verdict, by Miss liraldon 230. Shepherds nil and maidens Fair, by Waller Iiesant and .lames Hleo 237, Wandering Heir, bv Charles lleade 231. Heatrlce, by Julia Kavanugn 239. No 1 horoughfai'c, by Charles Dickens and Wllkle Collins 240. The Ijiurel Hush, by JItss Mulock 241. Trlcolrln, by", ulda" 242. 1 he 1 hreo FeitherH, bv William lllack 213. Dalav Ijioj 'Inrdv 244. The Three Ouardsuien. by Dumas 243. Jack Manly, by James crant 210. Peg Woltliigtnn, hv Charles Hondo 247. -Martin Chuzzlfwlt by Dickens 211. Dread und Cheese aud KIsacs, by II. L. Far Jeon 219. Cecil ("astlemalne's Cage, by "Oulda" 210. NO Name, hv Wllkln Cnlllr.H ioc 100 1oc 10J ioc no 10c loc 10c 10c 20c 10c 10c soc loc 10c sue loc loo 2.'c ioc 10c 20c 211. ljidy Au-iley's secret, byJIIssM. K. Hraddon loc 212. Hard to (icorglanna Jl. Cralk 10c 100 ioc loc zjo. n Jiui .nail, uv M l. Mining 254. The octdtoon, bv Miss lirnddon 25.1. Lothalr, by night Hon. II. Disraeli 23(1. Lord Oakburn's Daughters, l.y .Mrs. Henry " 000 20c S17. That Hoy or Norcott's, by Lever 10c 251,1'hyllli, 'llio Duchess p 2.19. Valentine Vox, (1st half) by Henry Cocklon 200 2.19. nlentlno Vox, (2d half) by Henry Cncklon 200 -uu. v uunuiie a luueiiiunee, oy aiibS M. n. Hraddon 201. bes Mlserabies Famine, by Hugo 202. Lea Mlserables cosctie, Ly Hugo 203. U's Mlserables Marlns, by Hugo 214. Is Mlserables st Dennis, by Hugo S03. If s Mlserahles .lean Vatican, by lTut-o M. Jacob Faithful, brc.1r.tnln lliifrn, b 207. The Last of ihe lladdons, bv Mrs. Newman lno 201. Forty-nve (iuardsir.en. by Dumas oc l-l- Zi'a ?;1.n J10," ?!"'',hy 'llwCU "roughton ioc 2.0, The Jilt, by Chas ltcaelo inc 271. The Diary uf a l'hjsldan, (1st half) by Samuel arren 2oo 271. The Diary of a l'hysl.lan (2d halo by Samuel , S.fS?2.i. ,. . soc .... .v .uu iitauii, uy wuanes uiCK' ens 1fwi 273. snarleyyow, by Cap', Marrj at (J; . "" cui,iii, uau) oysamuei Warren ' 20(, 274. Ten Thousand a Year (2d half) by uatnuel i orrcn hm 275, A Shadow on tho Threshold, by Mary Cecil 270. The rage of the Duke of Savoy, by Alex. Dumas 277. llrothertaeob. by (Senrgo Fllot 27S. six Years Later, oy Alex. Huuias 2.9. a U-af In thu storm, by -ouldV' ISO. Tho reck of the "(Irosienor" nil. Ijidv Marabout's Troubles, bv "Oulda" 2s2. Poor Jack, by captain Marryat 2ss. Twenty Years After, hv nunu 211. Olli er Twist, by Charles Dickens m mSv 'inr'iPr fen'Kr-ite ""da llroughtonioo SS7. 1 elghton (irangu Sss. Tlwchmnlngs, by Mrs Henrv Wocd svj. a Chi li mas tJ irul, by c. 1 lekens 290. Dick Hodney. by James Irani 291. olive, by Miss Mulock WJ'Thomast'm,;m iit,l''l'h0 Sjld." Annlo 293. Tom 8 imue. Lover 294. The Oglliies, by Miss Mulock SJ,'fftt y me- y MHs iirsddon Lev?r 01 "6urs-" lsl ua") bi- Charles 2M,i'mmrUurliOC't,'0urs','Mtl,llr) byCharlcs 200 297. Ihe) Haunted Man. bycharlss Dickens -iv. 29, . captau Paul, by Alex. I)5mas 21'9. Jiy Proxy, by James l'a n S ur lilcS Mh0T' ly Pc8:"lt Wal- .For ""'! by all Hnoksellers nnd Newsdealers 'or sent poitagu prepaid, on receipt of price. ' OEOItnu MUNlto, FublUher. aug'sl ,t5L S1' 83 lM Van"ter st, N. Y. TRUTHS. HOP BITTERS. (A Medicine, not a Drink,) CONTAINS Hops, Hmhii, Miiiiiiiuuo. Ilamlcliuii, ' Anel the Purc,t nthl Uest Qualities of all other Ililten. THEY CURE VM?',fuas?,,0,,.llOBto'''"li, bowels, blood lifer SIOOO IlNT qold roKStLII BT MaAa ar..."' blE WHITK 3 SEWING oVJAClllME exin HCr or az,x,. Unrivaled in Appearance, Unparalleled in Simplicity, Unsurpassed in Construction, 3 Unprecedented in Popularity, And Undisputed in tho Broad Claim tr ntisa tut vijuv itr.sT ojr-Kit.vriNa quicicr.r nr.i.i.iNtj, MANlHmi;T, AMI Moot Porfcsl Bowing liaehlao IN TUG WORLD. 'he great popularity el Ihe V.'MI j Is tho most cm. voicing tribute to III ciccl'cr.ce and lunctlcr.l, over oilier machines, and In cuamlttlnj (t to the Irado we put It unon Hs merits, nr.,1 In no iosanco has II cvtr ycl failed to CilU an tccomaicnilalion InltiUiror. The demand ter the Whlls t-na Incrcarcd to sueh en extent that wo are now compelled to tjri eA Ji. Cem.Flcti' ItaclHao ovory tlireo raili. 3 1a tio day to ciipjiiy Cvery machine It warranted lor 3 years, t-J soldier oh at liberal open t payncnts, to suit iho convenient ot cusiomeis, JWrASKlIS VTAKTZS lit TCCKJIieS tI13:T:T. WHITE SEWINCTmACHINE CO., M 353 Euclid Ave, Clciclir.d, Ohio. J. Siillzcr, Agent, RLOOMSRUHG, pa. Oct. 2. is;s-cm RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES jOHTllEHN CENTKAL, KAIMVAY WINTElt TIME TABLE. On and after Sunday. November 10, 1?7s,the trains on tbo Philadelphia & L'rln lia lroadDIlslonwlll run as follows : WIKTWAIID. Erlo Mali leaves Philadelphia 11 CI p m " Ilarrlsburg 4 2.1 am " " William port 6 .i.l a m " 11 Jersey Mior 0 07 a m " " lxk Haven 0 40 a la ' Henovo llo a m " arrive at Krlo 7RRpm Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia 7 20 a m " Ilarrlsburg lonnani air. nt v i!:tninport soupm " ' Lock Ilnvcn 2.ipiu l'ast Lino leaves Philadelphia 1141 urn " llnnliburg 3 apm " arrlvo at llllamsport 7 21 p m " " Loek Haven 8 40pm EAST WA IIII. raclllc Express leaves f.ock Ilnvcn c 40 m " " Jersey Sl.oro 7 14 am " " llllamsport 7 r,n a nt " arrli o at Ilarrlsburg 1 1 S3 a m " Philadelphia a in p m Day Express leaves Iick llai en 11 2oam " llllamsport 12 40 pm " orrlve nt llnirl-burg 41 inn ' Philadelphia 7 20pm Erie Mall lcave3 Henovo .pm " " Lockllaieni 43pia " " w miamfirort llospiu " arrives at Ilarrlsburg 2 41am " " Phlladelphra 7i0am Fast Lino leaves llllamsport 12i&am " anliesat llnnlsburg .I'Snm " " l'hlladelputa "touia Parlor cars will run between Philadelphia and Wlllnmport on Niagara Kxpress west, Erie Kxpi ss west. Philadelphia Express e'att, Day Expre.s cast and Sunday Express oust, bleeping cars on all night iruins. WM. A. BALDWIN, (lencral hupt. -fcTnOTtll'tiv rti?X"riT it tit tetvl Kji4yn.u jWAii.ttai XS COMPANY. On nnd after November 20th, 1S73, trains will lean Sunbury as follows : NOItTHWAItD. Erld Mall 5.20 a. m., arrlv c Elmlrn .5 " Ciinandalgua. 'ip.ra Hochestcr m, " Nlagaia a lo " Henovo accommodation 11.10 a. in. arrive rtlllL.m;. port 12.M p. m. Elmlra Mall 4.15 a. m., arrli o Elmlra 10. .0 u. ra. lluffalo Express 7.15 a. m. arrive Euffa'.o a. a bOUTHWAHD. lluffalo Express a.m. arrlvo narrlsbur? a. " Elmlra Mall 11.15 a. ra., arrlio Harrlsburn i.' p.o " Washington n..o" Haltlmoro c.-o " " WashU.gtons..J " Ilarrlsburg accommodation 8.40 p. m. nripe Harris burg 10.50 p. m. arrlvo llalilmoro eM " Washington 6. j ' Erlo Mall 12.55 a. m. arrlvo Ilarrlsburg It. 05 a. in) " Baltimore S.W " " Watldngtou 10..15 " All dally except Sunday. J). M. HOYD, Jr., tlcncral I'ast nger ri I A, J. CASSATT, (lencral .v.4 -,-ef I P HILADEU'IIA AXD 11EADIXO I'.OAD ARRANGEMENT OF PASSEXG EE I TRAINS. NOV. 10, 1S73. TKA1K9 LEAVK HUrKRT AS IOL1 0WS(SCKHAV EX "U I For New York, Philadelphia, Heading, PcII.villel Tamaqua, sc., 11,15 a. ra For Catawlssa, 11,43 a. m. 7,21 nnd 7,33 p. m. For 9,03 a. m. and 4,06 p. m. TltAlNSrOH KUrSRI LEATI AS FOLLOWS, (StMlAIIl I CkrTKD.) Leave New York, 8,13 a. ra. Leave Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m. Leavo Heading, 11,5.1a. m., rottsvllle,12,j9P. I and Tarnaqua, 1,45 p. m. Leave Catawlssa, 0,20 8,50 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. Leave Wllllamspon ,9,45 a.m,2,15 p. m. and 4.0 p, a I rassengers lo 11 Ld from Now York and I'll: I phla go througa v. uhout change cf cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, General Mantgir. C. O, HANCOCK, (leneral Ticket Agent, Jan.ll.lsiO tf. TVELAWA11E, LACKAWANNA U WESTERN KA1LIIOAD. BLOOMS11UKO DIVISION. Timc-Tablo No. 89, Takes effect at 4. A. I MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1ST NOHTH, bTATIONS. KOI -a. p.m. p.m. a.m.1 9 so 4 u 9 40 a.m. p 9 J5 2 2 n.n Scranton. Iielleiuo. en I in ml : SKI 9 23 9 17 9 (IS 8 SS S 51 9 37 Taylorvllle... 9 45 2 . ..Lackawanna..... 2 I'ltlstuu 9 39 2 ..West Pulsion.. V .....Wjonnng 10 01 1 9 3'1 t. I 9 21 9 19 9 14 8 51 S 40 ,4 6J 8 40 8 41 12 41 12 16 J 0 t (."I Mauoy,. . -Dennett..., .1 10 '1 8 33 3 SO 9 04 Kingston Kingston ..l'lvmniith .liine. l 8 13 8 10 8 44 8 55 8 47 8 S'J 8 2S .10 .1 II '"I 7U "I 1 1" 8 23 S I ....Plymouth,... 10 2j 3 Aiondale I Nanlieoke, 10 51 ! 8 12 S 01 7 61 S 12 3 01 2 51 .Hunlock's t reek 10 a sss I ..-Hhlckshlnny-.. ....llick'8 Kerry... ....Leach Haven. Herwlek .. , 10 ts 11 07 11 i 7 88 2 89 8 17 8 U I ill I II I .5 7b I 7 ! 1 23 7 IS 2 34 2 23 8 12 8 06 11 2 Hrlar Creek 7 14 7 10 7 111 2 C4 6 5(1 1 57 0 50 1 51 6 45 1 46 6 27 1 27 0 15 C (10 1 (JO ...Willow (irove...,i ' Llmolildge Esnv... 11 "9 4 1 7 44 4 741 1 49 sr 7 SS ...Kloomsburg..... Hubert 7 S3 II 6 4 11 67 6 12 li 9 5' 7 29 Catawlssa llrldge. 7 11 ,,,.iaimuu. .....Chulasky. .....Cameron Northumberland. , I 9 3) I 6 45 12 43 3 13 IWl P.m. p.m. o.m. p.m. p.B W. V nALSTBAD. uporlateud3Uf 021;e. Sirantin, Jun- THIS PAPEIi IS ICEPT Oil HI AT Tun nrrifir. OP s a f ' ' ' SltiQ FUtLADcLrlllA Cor. ( lu.lnitl mid Klelilli f(i. ho rceeliT) A nertlkeinents lor lb , r' to I I IY1 A I tS rre for .Nenniulier idtf rlMM. ktiul aj. fur .WElt fc fcO.VS JIAM'll- TOll PKINTIKG Neatly anel cheaply eiecultel at Colombian Office T Mi MBi ..Ti ---n