THE COLUMBIAN. in, od Jisnti mi. r it i ii a v, .mails', isj " roil istd.-" i CO Aug.. Sflt. Oct,. .ct. r,. I nil i";ii ."Lin r. i? lii'.n i" jii-ji i aiinii-H 2J awl, V. 13 4 II I"! r.iu !.n... i'9-.' " Kail lioiul Thno TiiMc. , ACKAWANNA & DLOOMSHUlm ItAlI, ItOAD NORTH, SOUTH, Accommodation Train,,, ,v. o.til A.M. s.onA. jr. Mall Train 7.39 A. Jl 4.49 P. M Kspross Train I.MP. M. 11.45 A M CATAW1HSA HAIL ItOAI). north, porrn Accommodation Train 6,29 A. M. 7,:s I. St. lleifiilar Express 4.00 I'.JI, 11,43 A. M. TliroiiBli cars on Express train either to Xew York or Phtladelphtr. Accommodation train runs between Uatawlssa and wllllamiport. BTAOK LINES. Camrra Amlit.ooMsnriw, Lcavo Cambra Monday, Wednesday ami Friday at c:a. m., arrUoat l.knnv-burtrtiyllrMa.M. Iavo nioomsburiron samo d s alter arrival of Philadelphia mall. Huiomsm-kii and J.aiiuihvii.i.k, Lcavo ljilrilsvlllo Tit'sdiV, Thursdsv and .Mturdav at T:30 a. .n nrrltlnir at liloomsburir hy n m. lilooms burg on samo li s atler arrival or I'nil.vlelpldi mall 'I ho idasu line terminates at.Mltltille. llpnton anJ Illoomsburi,'. A dally staife line leaving lionton In tlio morning and returning In the eve ning of tlio samo day. MAIL ltOUTES. " Viiitb Ham. and IlrooMm-nn. Learo Whtto Hall liiexday, Thursday and Saturday at !:.Tia. m arriving at llloomsburgby In a. m. I,eave lilonms burj on samo da) s utter antral of Philadelphia mall. Brnton anii Ili.ooMsnrKO. Leaves Ilcnton Monday, Wednesday and Friday nt 8 a.m., nrrlvlng at riloomsbure at 2 p. in. Leaves Illoomsburg Tuos. d ty, Tnursday and (Saturday at 8 a. in., arriving at itenton at i p. in. TUIILIO SALES. J. F. Clmpin will oiler valuable personal properly for pale at Itenton on Friday, April 4th 1S79. Jtcv. M. L. Smyser goes to Berwick! James Iilley, the popular barber, has remov ed his shop to the room under the City Hotel (leorgo McKelvy lists taken charge of the drug store at Millersburg, nnd II. V. McKelvy is traveling for a drug houso in Philadelphia. Tho Dcpubtican issued a daily during the Con ference. Tlio reports of tho proceed ings were accurate and full, John 11, Clark, has removed his office from tho Knt building to tho second etory front rooms over tho hardware store of J. Sclitijler A Son on Slain tired. "A flilcli in time saves nine." A botlle of Dr. Hull's Cough yrnp will often save largo doctor bills. Keep it handy, for it costs only 2"i cents. An interesting communication from Itev. I), Ji. Kintcrappears in another column. We hope others of the clergy will follow his example. Tho members of the Conference left a very fa vorable impression in llloomsburg. Tho .Meth odist preachers of this Conference nro n finu looking, gentlemanly and intelligent body of men. The Her. Henry S. Hell will deliver hi; lec ture entitled "1'hol.ifled Veil," in tho Opera House this Friday evening at 7;S0 p. m. Every body should attend. AdmisMon 'J5 eenR How H this. The il'iilj Record of the Time does not reach here until crening,but the Scran ton Jltpublican arrives at noon. .Spur up, Doc tor, Col.H. Knorr addrei-ed tho audience at the Opera House on Saturday night, on the occa sion of tlio Anniversary of tliu Preachers' Aid r-ociety His remnrks were well chosen. We regret that spaco will not permit us to give n synopsis of tho address- Tho Columbia County Mutual Paring Fund and Loan Association will sell at public sale, real estate in Jlilllinvillo on Thursday, April 3d, 187!) at one o'clock p. m.j at Stoneytown on Friday, April 1th, 187U ntten o'clock a. in., nnd nt Espy on Friday, April 1th at three o'clock p. in. Tlie fellonii g properities were sold by tho Sheriff on Tuenlay morning Match 27tln Tho ropirty of John I.utz to Isaac l.utzfor SO.'O ; the properly of Kflie and Caroline Lulz to George P. Learn for $59o ; the property of F. F. Dcrr to Jonathan lircdbender for $350. Agib Hickctts, it is said, lias gone to Harris burg for tho purpose of getting Judge Harding impeached. It is not likely that a republican legislature will condemn such an active parti san oa Judge Harding, whatever the charges rind proofs against him may bo. Ilev, E. II. Yocum will liavo charge of tho M. K, Church in this place for tho next two years. He is n faithful, nblc, nnd earnest work er in tlio Lord's vineyard, nnd we congratulate tho Methodist congregation on their good for tune in getting sucli n man to look after their spiritual welfare. Mrs. Yocum was formerly n resident of this town, and her many friends ivill welcome her back among them. Si'irn FiiKTTtu. Tinkering a discand liver and disordered kidneys, with harsh or stimulat ing drug', is like fretting a sick animal with the spur. These things do not cure. In Kidney-Wort is found a perfect niedicino.gentle but lire in its working. Tlio subject of building tie-valid railroads in l'hilujtlphla is gaining ground, and the prob abilities arc that before another twelve-month it will have a pair, at least, of thee lofty struct ures. The parties who are petitioning tlio Leg. iitature for the privilege of building theui- liie Pennplvan!a and tlio Heading railroads lire not apt to sue in vain fur favors. Whoi.Koomi: IUtomis. Judco Handler, of Scranton,has Instituted some win lesome reforms In Ills court, Jurors are fined for absence when llicir names are called, hwvers must have lb witnesses on hand, counsel nro limited to live iiiluuie speeches, and must be brief and to the Jioiut in (jucitioning witnesses, tlio sheriff must take his prisoner to and from iill. and last. though not least, no ono under twenty one years i age will lie admitted to the court room (lur ing biitlntM hours, t'liew Jackson's lHaTNitm Nuy Tubuero. coLDiKiis liiuvKs. In a recent Issue we stated that Congre had aulhoiizeil tlio erection of head stones over the graves of lTn Ion soldiers who wer buried In private or vil- llge CtlllfterieH. AV nrn Informed llmt llili u III I'll dfllO aS FOntl HA llm linwMrff nr,nnmni,lj cn l made. The Qnarler Master (leueral at WHthiiiL'tnn renuesls H uge of the burial places of soldier in village t-iuicierics to communicate I bo fact to him. J'1- f i I f iii I.'IJII 1.1 IMi IP.1VJI ux n , :H2?i a II Fit.. . s 4 f. i. ; ! ii i: n n in i! is I'l.n.'l iin b ji.1; . Jar ; ii 4 t, i. ; ! Ill III.' Wli ii, i: i i'i .in u u u a n i : . . ii' ii . .. April. i v ' i ; ii in n r: ii ir, in i;i ? mums n i .".i . JflJ .1? ' I . 1. ' i I1 iiiiiiiii.-ii'; h i'i jiiji ii :i a m n n in in June., 'i ' i a I "f "f I i in II is n .i.viii 17 1 inn ir'i) j23'jo r . 1 uiiiiu s nrst lesson In art culture can proSt ably and plcumtlj he learned with Le.tnon', Dyts, which have twelvo colors, nnd by combln ng Ihcm any number wanted. These dyes are made by Wells, Itlclmd-on A L'o., Iluttlngton, t. For coloring soiled or faded ribbons thcro s nothing like them. Get them at your drug Rlls. . 14 Tlio ..Ifontoe Democrat, formerly edited by Mr. (Ireenawalthas passed Into tho hands of Hon. U.S. Staples & Bon. Our best wishes go with the retiring editor, nnd we trnt his suc cessors will find their new vocntlon pleasant and profitable. Upon the first evidence of stomachic or bow el disorders, promptly give the baby a few Jdos es of Dr. Hull's liaby Syrup and prevent much sunering on the part of tho little one. Price cents. During the recent Conference many of the visiting clergymen expressed themselves a3 be ing much pleased with our lown. There are certainly but few towns In tho Stito that surpass nioomsinirg in location, cleanliness, and well graded arid paved streets, nnd beauty of the surrounding country. i in: devil in Human Form. The Altoona Sun never tillered anything truer than this: "If there is on earth aiy man meaner than all oth ers,lt is he who deliberately tries by nil the arts oi entreaty, the bonds or old compmionslilp in wrongdoing, by sneer and ridicule, to entice n reformed drinker back to blscutw. F.verlatlni shame upon ruch a character, nnd all honor to tlio regenerated manhood which can withstand lit devilish seductions." He sure and remember that Dr. Haas' Ex pectorant Is a perfectly safe and reliable inedi- ?, fteo from all ohjcctioni and ttanoers con. necled with mixt of the advertised cough syrups ,,,l r.n .... . - ...... uu uuiu U UUlllft HOW IT WOHKS. Under the slay laws which was enacted sev eral years ago in (lie interest of the debtor class and which expired by limitation last fall, the Sheriff of this county, Mr. Strine, realized about six thousand dollrrs In fees that lie would not have realized had the law never been passed, and only one person who came under ills bain" mer tqok advantage of it. The law was any- lilng bu t a success .except for the Sheriff.-A'or(A- umbcrland Democrat, Tlio "poor man's friends," however, insisted on the measure. In this county also, the Sher iff nad but one cue where a defendant asked for its benefit. COLUMIHA COU.N'TV LLlllSLAVIOK. From tlio proceedings of tho Legislature on Tuesday wo get the fullowiing extracts from the reports : Hills on third reading. 'An net to vnlidato a certain sain of real rs. tnte by the administrators of James Hess, of Columbia county, was postponed until this af ternoon, after coiiMder.iblo dUcussion." AfterilOOIl : "All ant to vnlidatn n pnrtnin Mile of real estate bv tlm .ndniintstriilnra nf James Hess, late of Columbia county, deceas- eu, was mo cause ot a great deal ot argument between Messrs. Knittlo and Vandcrslice, of Columbia county, tlio former against tho bill and the latter for it. Mr. Dunham, of Sulli van county, nlso spoke in favor of tho bill. The bill was finally passed by a vote of 108 yeas. It now goes to the Senate, Heing a private bill we have nothing to say of its merits, but it should bo a strong case to require legislative action to confirm title. The Salary Dill. This measure came up before the Legisla ture last Tuesday. Wo quote "the net fixing tho compensation of members of tho general assembly, and the number, duties and compen sation of the officers and employees thereof, win next considered. 'Ibis is tho bill that caused so much discussion ill the house two weeks ngo. It reduces the salaries about 25 per cent, ami the number of employees nbout 1U per cent. J 1 ho bill was defeated for want of a constitutional maioritv. there beini? 98 in tho affirmative and 7 1 in the negative. Iteprcsentativo Knittlo voted for the Bill.and Representative Vnnderslico against it. Wo make no comments, becauso we have not seen tho text of tho bill, but would remark that it seems to bo n good measure to voto for. Wo should not preach retrenchment and economy unless wo vole for it. Tin: new nouiiLi: tostal card. The new double postal card is in size similar to the presen one cent card. It bears at both upper corners a one-cent stamp, and lines are Irawii from the centre, sloping downwards to be written upon. The writer of 1'ie card uses (he right hand side and the receiver u3es the lelt hand side for bis reply. The double letter envelope is stamped twice, and the sender lues the right and the receiver (he left hand side in writing the address. At the back of this enve lope is a double gummed Hip, divided by a perforated line. The lower one is used for seal ing by tho sender and the receiver ues his knife along the perforated line ahd has a new gummed flap ready for use. The letter sheet envelope is designed to do away with outer en velopes. Its patentee cliims greater merit for it for the reason that it often occurs that the late at which a writing has been mailed cannot bo ascertained because the envelope has been lost. Here letter and envelope are one. The new law does not direct the Postmaster General to is-ue lliei-o patented conveniences. It only allows him the discretion to do so. INVLSTWATIXO the dead. For some days past rumors of a most extrav agant nature, concerning the resurrection of a lead body on suspicion, at Espy, have been current in this locality. Years ago Abraham Hagenbuch lived in tho abovo mentioned vil lage, three miles this side of llloomsburg. He was married and might have done br" '. d ho remained where he was. I 17 r . iere about', however, lie removed ' , v ilkes-Htrre and took charge of a hotel there. Later he and his wife were known as the keepers of a plice of ralhcr doubtful character, ,and soniu time list fjll the old man ended his career rather sudden- by dying of heart dLease. Ills body was brought to Espy, buried there, and might have reted in its gravo for all time had not a queer story one that caused all tho secret talk and excitement got abroad. It was siid that dur ing a row at the deceased's late residence in the city it was pretty broadly hinted that Hagen buch had not died a natural death ; and that subsequent investigation had disclosed the fact that the head was severed from tho body nnd held in its place by being stitched to the trunk We are ghd to be aide to give the latter revolt ing humor the quietus, The real facts in the matter are as follows: Suspicions were excited in some manner that there had been foul play, il is truo i an investigation, headed by Dr. Case of Espy, was also held ; but the discoveries made far from warranted tho suspicions. It was on Saturday last that the grave was opened , the body taken out and submitted to the medical authorities. The proceedings were much the sujie, we understand, as a usual postmortem examination, but no traces ol violence or other evidence of foul play were fi'ind. WHY WILL YOU Allow a cold to advance in your system and thus encourage mote serious maladies, such as Pneumonia, Hemorrhages anil Lung troubles when an inimediato relief cm be so readily at. tallied, JAmcW German Syrup has galiwd the lirgest sale in the world for the cure of Coughs, Colds and the severest Lung Diskim-s. It Is Dr. Iloacbee's famous Germ in prescript! )n,and ! prepared ilh the greatest care, and no fear ne l be entertained in administering It to the young est chll I, as per directions. The sale of this medicine i unprecedented. Since first Intro duced (here has been a constant increasing dc inand and without atslngle report of a failure to du its uork in any case. Atk your dmggUt as to the truth of theso remarks. Large size 75 cents. Try nnd be convinced, THE COLUMBIAN AND Control Ponnsyvrtnia Oonferonoo. (CoKtmrsRi) from Tn CoxruRiixca DAtLt.) Thnnday, March 20. 1879. Tho Conference was called lo order nt pre ciscly nine o'clock, tho morning prayer meet. ing nnving been held during the past half hour, according to appointment. Tho Secretary read tlio Journal of tho first day, which was approved. A committeo of thrco consisting of i J i v-rcver, h liutler nnd I) Hnrtmati, wcro appointed to se'ect a court of trial In tho enso of Iter Curry, a local preacher from Altoona District. The character of J J Pierce, Prcsidi Ing Elder of Willinmsport District was passed and his report rend. iho character of W W Eynns, Presiding oilier ot unnviHe District, was passed nnd his report read. Tho conversions in the district number about 1 100 during tho year, and over 1000 additions to tho church. His report in Minding to tlio Mountain drove Cnmpitneeting contains n liopo that tho tinio is not fir distant when the gates may be closed on Sunday. Tlio Sellngs Grove church hns been completed, chinches nt Cntawissn, Northumberland nnii Hlnck Creek hnvo been very much improved. A new church is in contemplation nt Ilnmlin, on tho Hcnton Circuit. Church debts in tho aggregate to the amount of S5000 during the year. Dr AS Hunt, tho now book agent in Xew York, was introduced. On motion of Ilev S S Hucklmrlmm. V V Colburn was nppointed to canvass the Conler once fot tho Quarterly Hcview. I)r Onmlwl.,. from the south, Kev E Foster, editor of a Cy clopedia of Poetry, of Xew York, Dr Olin, uevs i.ttsweil, 8 S lennedv ofWvnm no fW ferenco wcro introduced. Tho trnnsfcra of Dr Holmes to k'fntf.l Conference, Ilev J Gray to Nebraska Confer' eneo wcro nnnounccd, nnd tho enso of Itev C J Hack was referred to the committee on Con ference Relations. The character of J C Clark. Prosidim. Kl.lor of Harrisburg District was passed nnd ho read nis report. Tho character of T Mitchell P residing riiloi. of Juniata District was passed and tho Secre tary read his report. Dr I' uller of Atlanta was introduced to tbn Conference nnd nddressed them. Mrs Kcno of Philadelphia, Secretary of tho Woman's Missionary Society was intrndn,! nnd addressed tho Conference upon tlio work of the Society, Tho report of Dr McCaulv was nrpsonti.,1 read by tho Secretary and referred tn llm appropriate Committeo, Tho following were appointed tho Committeo to which tho communication n ol.l,il. lesecrntion in connection with camnmcctine was referred, J Donahue, M L Smyser, J II McCord, II M Ash, E II Yocum. Lev h II locum was nppointed to represent the church in the trial. Tho rennrt nf K .T Gray, President to Dickinson Seminary was presented, roid and referred to the committee on tho Seminary. Tho report of Irving Female College was referred to committee on Eduoa. tinn. Adjourned after singing doxolosv nnd bene, diction by Dr Fuller. Friday, March 21, 1879. Morning prayer meeting was held from 8 SO lo 9 o'clock when Hishop Foster took Iho chair and called the Conference to order. The journ al of Thursday was read and approved, Iho character of S. C, Swallow. P residing Elder of Altoona District, was pised and his report read. A communication from Rev. William Eirnshaw, chaplain of the National Asylum for Disabled Veterans at Dayton, Ohio, was read. Itev. A. b. hockinghani, president of the court in the case of K.E. Wilson, presented their report which was read: limited, That we find the charges not sus tained. On motion his character was passed. Dr.C. H. Fowler, of the Christian Adroeatt. Dr. Kynelt, of the Church Extension Society ;' Dr. Freeman, oftheS. S.Union: Ilev. Eokman of the Wyoming Conference and Dr. -Mile? of Drew Theological Seminary, were introduced. Dr. Kynett addressed the Conference mion the business aspect of the Church Extension. I he el us of the 2d year was called and their characters were passed' The following is the class ; J. E Hell, J. C. Drown, H. C. Conner G. M. Hoke, Frederick ISuiremnn ami .1 i' Wood, jr. Dr, Fonler addressed the Conference, after which Kev. F. H- Kiddle, who had been ap" painted tu preach Iho Annml Missionary Ser mon, took charge of the services. At the close of the sermon at 11 20 the busi ness of the Conference was resumed. The re port of visiting committee to Dickinson Semin ary was read and referred to the Committee on the Seminary. The list of superanuatcd preachers was called and the characters of the following were pissed! II. Switzer, was continued in the same ro- lition, O. Ege. (from whom a very Interesting letter was read) md J. A. Mellick were contin ued in the superanuatcd list, O.i his own ap. plication P. Ii. Kuch was located. G. D. Chenowith, was continued. A communication was read from T Greenly in which he declined to locato but requested a transfer. This the llishon said could not be lone, His case was left until the committee could report, In the case of D Hartman, his relation was changed to effective. The case of J P Kobb had not been reached by the Committee on Conference Relations. A communication was read from Wm Sch- riber : his character was passed and bis rela tion continued. Dr Freeman.of the S S Union, nddressed the Conference. Adjourned, Saturday .March 22, 1879. Morning prayer was held from 8.30 to 9 o'clock ledliy Kev James Corns. rt 9 o'clock Hishop Fo-ter took the chair and the buiines session of the fourth day began Tho journal of Friday was read and approved. Hie following paper was offered. Whereas, our beloved brother, Kev A Hrll- tian will complete his fiftieth year in tin iti nerancy (if the Lord spire Ms life) one year hence, Iluotrtd, That the Central Pennsylvania Con ference in Conference assembled respectfully request him to preach a semi centennial ser mon some time during the next session of our Conference. W G Fuitnusox, Wm II Dill The resolution was passed by a rising vote, The following resolution was also passed. lleaoleed, That w'hsn an etlective preacher Is referred to the committe on Conference relations It shall be the duty of his Presiding Elder to notify him of such reference. James Cukns, Geo Guylii, A K Miller, H HlNKLK, The superanuated list was called up again. Rev F E Crever's case was called, his character passed and he was not continued, Kev. J H Moore nt Ills own request was lo cated. The characters of Thomas Tanyhill, and George Herkstresser, were passed On motion the case of Mr Herkstresser was refer'ed to the coium'.tle on necessitous cases. Franklin Dyson when his name was called ad dressed Iho Conference, His character was passed and Ids relation continued, A communication from Noah Schlosser was read, At his own request he was located. The characters of J A Coleman and S G Mc Kethnn were passed. 1 he characters and rehtlons of a number of ptliers were acted ujion. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUltG, COLUMBIA CJNTY, For local Deacons orders the following were recommended nnd tlsilrd Willlampott DIs ttlct, 110 Conner, J A l'sllnn and Wm H llrcesc. Danville District, Chester E Dodson, Harrisburg District, John 0 llrown, Altoona District John A Wood Jr A It Cronce and Wm II Slngchfelder. DrMcCauley, President of Dickinson Col lege, Prof Waller of the Normal School and Rev M Swallow' of the Wyoming Conference wcro Introduced. The committeo of stewards made their rcpoi' which was adopted. Hy a rising vote it was ordered that the roll be called nnd the preachers piy their dues into tho treasury of the Preacher's Aid Society. Dr Mlley addressed the Conference on Drew Theological Seminary. Hie transfer of Jesse It Akcrs, from the Min nesota Conference was announced, and his reli (ion was fixed as supernumerary. The transfers ol C. W. Hnoy from the Phila delphia Conference, and of tlio Rv. S' L. How man lo Philadelphia weroalso nnnounccd. The Conference proceeded to fix the place for lis next session. Shanioklnj Lewlstown, Hunt ington and Altoont were named. The vote was taken which resulted as follows t Altoona S" ; Shamokin, M. On motion the vole for Al toona was nude unanimous. Resolutions of sympathy for Hishop Hownian in the sad bereavement which he lias suffered in iho death of Ids wife, while- he is traveling In a foreign land, were p issed. Adjourned, Monday, March 21, 1879. The opening services were conducted by Kev J S McMnrry from 8.30 to 9 nt which time Hishop foster took the chair. The journal of Saturday's session was read and approved. The cao of O II Huton was refer red back, R Loveland jr was made supernumer ary. The report of the Church Extension Society was read. On motion of Rev J C Clarke the Committee on Conference relations and tho Ha rrlshnrt Hook room were added to tlso standing commit- We. Hishop l'ostcr addressed the Oinferpnn. upon tlio work. The report on Dickinson College was read and Dr McCauley addressed the Conference in the Interests of the College. A communication from the Rook Agents was read giving the assessment Uon this Confer ence to defray the expenses of fllshops' sjlar! ies. The amount is $1000. The report of the Committee on Dickinson Seminary was read. President Gray made an address upon ihe in terests of the institution. DrReidoneof tho ics of the Mis sionary Sociely ad lressed the Conference. On motion of Kev N S Huckingham, it was ordered that when Conference adjourn, it be to meet at 2 o,clock. Dr Miley spoke for Drew Theological Semin ' Dr J E Smith of Wyoming Conference wis introduced. The Steward's apportionment for the present year was read and the resolutions they embody wcro approved. On motion Ihe apportionment of the nmoun' for Hishop's support he referred to Ihe Presid ing Elders. Kev J S McMurry was appointed to preside at the afternoon session. The doxology was sung nnd Ihe benediction pronounced by Dr. Smith, of Wiles-barre. Motuhy afternoon Semon. Rev J S McMurry in the chair. Kev G II Day conducted the opening servi ces. The report on Dickinson Seminary was called up. It was discussed, and then adopt cd. On motion of Rev I) Monroe, a collection was taken to pay the expenses of Rev J D l!ron's sou at Dickiuson Seminary. It amounted to $09 31. Mr F L Hiller, Secretary of Wyoming Con ference was introduced. On motion of Dr Hamlin, it was ordered that the expense for tho education of Rev J D Hrown's chill at the Seminary be paid from the interest upon the mortgage. Upon motion the new book of Israel Cook on "The heroes of Methodism in the Ililtimore Conference" was commended to the Conference. The report oftho Committeo on Conference Ibok room at Harrisburg was read. Dr. Ham. lin spoko in praise of the management of the concern. The manager Rev W M Frysinger' said that from their sales during tho last year the whole expenses have been paid and also the interest on the capital stock. The only defi ciency is in the managers salary. The report of the Committee was adopted. The reports of iho Committee on Sunday Schools, Hock Committee, Hoard of Church Ex. tension, Neccessitous Cases, Temperance, and Foreign Missionary Society, were adopte.l. The re-olutions regarding the, observance of the Sibbnh atCimp meeting, were offered and gave rise to a lengthy debite, in the midst of which the Conference adjourned until Tuesday morning. Tuesday, March 25, 1879. Conference session was openel at 8.30 the services being conducted by Dr Frost. The journal of Monday was read and approved. The death of Rev T II Switzer, who was a superan uated member of this Conference was announc1 cd.,I)rothers John Gush, U F Stcvens,H M Ash' Hiles C Pardoe, E II Yocum, and II R Bender, were appointed a committee to prepare resolu tions of Condolence. The discussion on ti.e report of the Committee on the observance of the Sabbath at Camp meeting was resumed. A Bubstltuto was oll'ered requesting the managers of the camp meeting associations to chse the galea on the Sabbath. Tho discussion was engiged in by Messts Riddle, Dyson, Torrence, H F Stevens, A K Miller, J S McMurry, Dr Frost, Dr Hamlin, W A Hotick, G W Miller, S Creighton, S C Swal low and Elisha Kutler both pro and con. On motion the voto was taken without further dis. cussiou by the ayes and noes upon the passage of tho substitute. While the vote was being counted, Rev II Lime was granted a location, and Kev J Sline was phced in the Superniimer, ary list. Kev A M Ketterwas transferred from the Kansas to this Conference. The lote on the substitute was announced I?7 for to 45 sgainst. The following wcro admitted en trial, J 11 Graham, Geo E King, Henj A Mosser, A R Crounce and 0 V Hartzell. 'I l.o report of the committee on Statistics was read, showing a membership of 31,271 and a missionary collection of $15,31b' during the year. A resolution of thanks to Mr IW McKelvy for the free use of the hall was passed by a rising vote. Reso'tillons of friendship and sympathy for Revs S L Hownian and Hi'gh Linn, who have been removed front the Conference ; of thanks to tho citizens of llloomsburg for their hospital ity; of hope for the speedy restoration of Rev II S Mcndenhall's health ; of thanks to the sec. retar'esj and to the railroad companies for their accommodation j also the resolutions cuncern, ing the Presiding Hishop, were passed. The Standing Committees were announced. A collection for the seiton was taken. Prayer was, offered by Hishop Foster, the appointments were rend, and the eleventh session of the Cein tral Pennsylvania Conference passed into bis lory, A I'l'OI NT.M E NTS FOlt THE DANVILLE DISTMOr William W F.nim, Presiding Elder, ISIoonwi burg Post-ollice, Diuvllle, ht Paul's, South Danvllh nnd Riverside, J Max LanlzJ " T,rlnity-Ver J'StrammU Northumberland Martin L Drum Wvlilngtonvllle-Klchard II Wlurton loll George V Savldge Hutkborn Alciu Hrittain Moomsburg Fxrn II Yoctira Espy and Light Street John Moorhcad Oral gevllle Thomis O Clees llentjn Henry II Former Herwick Msttln L Kinrsrr Miflllnville Crawf.ird'L 11 'nscotet Heath Haven Robert L Arimliuin Hloomltigdalc John Horning, llenj IT Mo.tcr Miililenburg Owen lllcks Shlckshinny George Warren White Haven-James T Wilson Hickory Run JacobP lien ford Weat'nerlj Richard II Colburn Stockton nnd Heaver Meadow Cambridge Graham Haziclon G Tarring Gray Janesvllle nnd Aii'lenrltd John W heckle Conyngham George M LaYncd South Hcberlon Edward White, John CDrovn Catawlsi John 11 Polsgrovo Catiwlsi Circuit Joinlhan Ouldin Elysburg Gideon H Day Sh.imok In Thomas M lleeso Halfensteln and Gordon Nathan II Smith Centralla Ceybn W Marshall Ml Oarmel S Milton Frost A' 111 md William G Furguson I'rcvorton John Lloyd Georgetown Ms-sion Oliver II Huston Snydertown John Guss S inbiiry Hiles C P.trdoe Selins Grove John W Hucklev Hugh A Currnn Professor in the State Nor' mil School, member of llloomsburg Quarterly Conference. Itvin II Torrence, Secretary Pennsylvania Hibla Society, member Trinity Quarterly Com ference. Tho necessity for a new jtil is amply de monstrated, Samuel Stratisscr was arrested and imprisoned on tho charge of stealing a horse from n certain Stlno in Locust town ship. Ho wanted to go homo. At night tho warden neglected to lock tlio inner iron door ot tho cell. The outer wooden door when locked gives n space of about six inches. Wei presume the architect intended this opening for ventilation and for tho benefit of such men as Strattsser. Certain it is that on Fri day night of last week, Strausser pushed the unlocked iron door against the wooden one, and squeezed himself througli the opening. There was an open vacant cell to which he bled. In tho morning the unsuspecting warden started around with his usual hash for tho prisoners, and lorgot to closo the outer doors. Strausscr then quietly walked out from his hiding placo, lost his breakfast, and "broke jail." Tho Sheriff, when in formed of tho fact, sent out numerous tele grams and posters, offering a reward of $25 for the recapturo of tho prisoner. For fur ther details we refer to our "special corres pondent" at tho jail "Rusiness Ilecrs:" l!LOOM9iiuun Jail, March 2ii, 1S79. Samuel G. titrausser escaped jail at llloomsburg on Sattitdny morning, March 22. He had been watching the turnkey for several mornings bring breakfast in, and he never shut tlio iron gate,that is the main en trance, and on Friday night when ho camo in to lock up, he put Strausser in his cell and locked him up and th3 blind door is on a hook nbout six inches wide. When lie shut the iron gato he shoved the slides over and neglected locking it, and at about 11 o'clock in the night ho squeezed himself through tho blind door. Ho states that iio stuck fast 3 or 4 hours, and if he could liavo gotten his head back ho would not have come out at all. Hut he shoved himself through towards morning and shut his gato the same as he had found it. He thou wont down to the second cell from tho main gato that was open, nnd watched until they brought in breakfast and while they were going up the steps ho made his escape, nnd they did not notice it for fifteen minutes. He run up the canal as lar as Hunlocks Creek and then took tho top of a passenger coach and camo down as fur as Espy, and took it afoot over by Light Street, down tho croel: as far as Vastine Rooties', took dinner there and from that lie went in a wagon to Catawissa and walked to where he ibno the crime, and de manded his revolver and pocket knife of the constable and told him Iio vas out on bail. He went from there to Hear flap and was captured on Sunday morning by the samo constable that arrested him in tho first plac2. Ho w.n brought back to jail on Sunday night. H. Wo may add that the Sheriff Is not to blamo for this escape, as the j ill at tho time was under tho charge of an appointee of tho Commissioners. COfbUJII'TION CL'liEI). An old physician, retired Irom practice, hav ing had pi iced in bis hands hy an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetabh remedy, far the speedy and permanent cure for consumption, bronchitis catarrh, asthma, and all throat and lung atlecllons,also a positive and radical cure for nervous compliints, after hav ing tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by tills motive, and a desiie to relieve humiti suf fering, 1 will send, free .of charge, lo all who desire, this recipe, with full directions .for pre paring and using, in German, French or Eng. II". Sent by mail hy addressing with stamp, naming this piper. W. W. Sherar, 1 19 Pow ers' Block, Rochester, New York. IlK.MonnoiDs. I suffered terribly. Had made arrangements willi a prominent surgeon to operate. A friend advised me to try Gilei i.iniKicvii ami juui. i uid so, anil to mv un. spe'akahlo joy, got immediate relief, and am now cured. J. .. Kesms. Metropolitan Hotel, N. Y. Sold by all druggists. Send for pamphlet. Dr, Giles. 120 West Hroadwny, N, Y. Trial size 25 cents. GHOSTS. NolCcd Ingetsoll's "nri-tecrncy of the air, hut real human ghosts. Ghoststhat were one healthy men and women, but are slmjly the 'ghosts of what they onco .were." As we meet them, and inquire the ciuse of 'all this change, they repeat the old story, "a cold," "neglected cough," "catarrh," "overwork," or "dyspe pla, "liver comphint," and "constipitlon," with un successful physicians and .remedies. In oflVr ing his Golden Medical Discovery and Pleas ant Pnrgativo Pellets for the cure of the above allections, Dr. Pierce does not iceomuuiul them as a "sure cure" in allttagct. For if tbo lungs bo half wasted away, or there bj a can. ceruus complication, no physician or medicine cen cure. The Diseovery is, however, nil tine qualeil pectoral and blood-purifier. It speedily cures the most aggravated cough, or cold, in its 1 ...M 11. . . ., ciiuy ur iuii.-uie Muge, consumption, UY cor recting all irregul tritlcs oftho stomach and liv er, it really cures bbtehes, pimples, scrofulous ulcers "bunches," or tumors. Hundreds testi fy that It lias restored their health, nfier em. incut physicians had failed. For constipation, uso the Pellets, As n bcal remedy for catarrh, me Dr, Sage's Catarrh Remedy. TllK StffliLlMi Hook Cover. Wc, have puichascd tho right to use these covers in this county, mid have on hand an assortment of hiies, T hoy make the neatest nnd tnojt con venient form for doing up nolo holds, letter heads, bill heads, notos, checks, o , and a cover will be given nwny with every order o 1000. Try it onto and you will not do with, out it. It is the best tiling of the kind ever invented. Cull and examine, tf. sntlSO MOT1M0S. 0. 13. Savage has; romnvod from Iho post olliccto bis old stand in Unniig-ts building, Main street. Rev. S. Mitchell has moved Info Dr Ri tier's house, corner of Market and Rock trccls, .1. L. Richardson has moved to tho prop erly oil, W. McKelvy, Third and Jefferson streets. Thomas Webb will move Into William Hart's property on Centre street, and Wil liam Webb has moved to corner of Market nnd Fourth streets. O. W. Sterner, will move Into N. Pursel's houso on Market street, A Goon IlocsKwii'K. The good housewife, when sho is giving her house its spring renov ating, should bear in mind tint Iho dfar lin mates of her houc,and that their symptoms need cleansing by purifying the blood, reguhllng the stomach nnd boweis to prevent and cure the dis eases ai islng from spring malaria nnd mia"inn, and she must know that there is nothing that will do t bo perfectly nnd surely as Hop Hit ters, the purest nnd best of medicines. Sec oili er colunnt. Subscribers who purpose changing their resi dence on the 1st of April, will please notify ns of tin- changes giving belli the old and new pnt oltice addresses. Koriiiyu Shout ok I'miistakaiii.s riKNFriTS Conferred upen tens ot thousands or sufferers could originate and maintain tho reputation w hlch AJcr's f-nrsapariiiaenjojs. It Is a compound of the best tcgetable alteratives, with the lodldesof Potassium nnd Iron, and Is tho most effectual of nil remedies lor Scrofulous, mercurial, or blood disorders. Uni formly successful and certain In Its remedial effects, It produces rapid and complete cures of Scrofula. Sores, Polls Humors, Pimples, Eruptions, Skin Dis eases and all disorders arising from Impurity of tlio Llood. Hy Its Im Igorotln? effects It always relieves and otto n cures Liter Complaints, Kemalo Weak nesses; ind Irregularities, and Is a iwtent rencwerof vitality, l'orpurlfjlng tho blood It has no cquat. Ittonesupth8)stem, icstores anil rrescries the health, nnd Imparts Mgor and energy. For forty j ears it lias been In extensive use nnd Is to-day the avallablo medicine fur tho suffering tick, .anywhere. TOR PAIR BY 111. DESllRS. HO'2, (1001) ABVICE. Now is the time of venrfor Pnpinnmim.T.tirm Fever, Ac. Every family should have n bnliln of Hoscheo's German Sytup. Don't allow for one moment that cough to tnko hold ot your child, your family or jourself. Consumption, Asthma, Pneumonia, Croup, Hcmorrhages.nnd other fatal discuses may set in. Although it is true Herman Syrup is curing thousands ol tlieso drended diseases, yet it is much better to liavo it at hand when three doses will cure you. One bottlo will last your whole family n winter nnd keep you safe from danger. If nu nro consumptive, do not rest until you have tried this remedy. Sample bottles 10 cents. Regular si.o io cents. roiu by your druggists. aug 30, '78-lf jl Business .Notices Spring Styles SpringGoods Spring Styles. Call nnd seo The New Goods. Tho New Styles at the Now Prico. Cheaper than ever. .Must bo seen to be believed, better goods nt icwer prices at D. I.owenberg 4. Reatitiful Silk Hats New Soft Hals, Wool Hats, Fur Hats, For Men for Hoys and Cliildrn At the Popular store of D. Eowcubwr Spring Overcoats Spring Overcoats, Cneap. Durable. Neat nnd Now Just received at 1). howenbergs. The Central Hotel fur sale or rent. Terms easy. Apply to John haycock, mar 2S,3w HROWN LEGHORNS, Eggs for hatching $1.00 for 13 if called for at my store, orifl.ou packed nnd shinned to uuy point, i'ruin is mney s strain, lrapjrled direct front Leghorn in 1870. J. H. Maize, llloomsburg, Pa. Wantfil by Silas Younir. I.iaht Street Good Hutter 20 cents per pound, eggs 15 cents per do7en, and the highest market pri ces paid for Side, Shoulder, Hum and Pota toes. Livingston's Patent Catholic, Nest Egg ef fectually exterminates nil Vermin from sit- ting or laying hens, nrnl thoroughly reno vates and purities the nests keeping the fowls frco from contagious diseases so preva lent among poultry, t or sale bvj. n. Maize, llloomsburg. Price 12 cents apieco Finest slock of Wall Paner ever in lllnnms burg at Clark's Hook Slore. New Lace Curtains this week at Lutz & Sloan's. . Root headquarters at McKinncy's. MeKinnevs Shoe Store below Court House. Large assortment nf new dt-sirns in Wall Paper at Clark's Hook Store, Adarge assortment of Gloves nnd Hosiery this week nt Lutz & Sloan's. Call at McKinncy's for Shoes. Rubbers at McKitmey's. Latest Patterns in 11 wk Store. Wall I'aper at Clark's A. fine selection of Ladies' Gold Watches and Chains, both American and imported by tlio Dost makers at I,, lleruliard s Jewel ry Store. Now is tho time to per tit Clark's. paper. Get your pa- Xew stock of Kid Olnves this week nt l.uu& Sloan's, Price fit) cts. mid upwards. Roots mid Shoes cheap at McKinncy's. Cieorgo A. Clark keeps Ihe best plain itulnw Shades, tbo best Cntd Fixtures, tlte best Spriof; 1'ixtures, Another lot of Sloan's. 6 ct. Calicoes at Lutz & DORIJIN'S r.Lr.CTRIO SOAP. Having obtained tho agency of this Cill.EliltATLl) Soap for lllonmburir and vicinity, I tippenil the opinion of some of our best people aa to its merits. "I hnvo used Dobbin'aKlectrlo Soap made by I. L. Craeln & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., for washing nbout ten ycars.atul think it superior to any other. Mrs. t). (1. Hartley." "We have used Dobbin's UlectricSnap and find it superior to any other or o others. Mrs, W. II, jnenby, , , Mrs. II. ll.Stnhiicr. I desiro all my friends and customer; to Give this Soap one Trial, so that they may know just botv good tlio Ileit Soap in the United fetutf s Is. J, II. Maizi:, July 12, '78-ly Hloouisbiirg, Pa. Talte Llnctn and Nnpkins very cheap at Lutz & (Sloan's Ue Ktinpp'a Curtain I'ixluros, warranted for two yjars, lor sale st Clark'n Hook Store. Lutz it Sloan's new Sbawls ar cheap ami pretty. 1 Admission free at MuKiunej's, All the popular colors d( Oil Window Shades at Clark's Hook Store. A largo asiortment of new Skirls at Lutz pa. sellers' GOIlJOH syrupi nlnt ri-.K-i r.r loLiiHs. oim.h. ruoi r, HIO VIINLl;s. am.i mi i nitnATnn.i I.I Tit rtUnC4. lln1rtii tn uw for tml a Ctnturp, Ixx -tun r ointTiomt ft. J. K. Tot ah, t.nut Jto.,111.. mjr ; " It ii i rt tu v t'ir'iiMrfn tn tn tht frrrr." A-).. nf niltirrtrtlK, M., ftlm) mtm 'Il will ruro llm v .rt r ii h imt m fiintflv." Tnl no olltrrl .Pi-Icon, Cl nii, so ccnKfind M.m tr ijottlp, tt.iVSi:i.i,i;itsAro..v7',( i'iu.inruii,i u co wt Marriages. ItAnnow HrLwio. On tho Oth int, nt the residence of the bride's (brother Wm. llelwi nrarnmeum, by Hev. u. 11. Dccliunt, .Mr. llulnnd A. Harrow of lllngtown, Schuylkill connty, to Jliss JInry Ellen llclwlg of Nttme- dln, Columbia county, Pa. Di:nt-Cli:avp.k. On tlie Oth Inst.,, nt tlio residence oftho brido, by Rev. L. I.indcrstrutli Mr. Albert Dent lo Elln Cleaver, both of Cat- nwiMa. ll.vniiMt Ttmxniim. At tho residenco of tho brido's parents, Rlaekcreck twp, Luz. co.nn tho nil, instant, by Rev. G. M. LamrM, Charles E. Harbor nnd Emma Tunibnch, daughter ot Commissioner Turnbncli. NKYlnnn. On tho 20th Inst., at tho house of the bride's father, by Rev. A. Houtz, Mr. S. Y. Mather to Miss Moggie Ncy hard. Deaths. DlKTntcK. In lirinrcrcck on tho Sth instant, .datn Dictrick, nged CD yenrs nnd 27 days. Zvmt, At Catawissaon tlio 5th inslant.Hnn- nah arr, nged So yenrs, o months nnd 21 days. AlAlllCE'lVRJiPOllTS.: HI.OOMRHURG MARKET. Wheat per bushel.... lio IHO .( . CIS! B.frJ l.sVI IS '12 it .Gil Com, new, " .... nats, ' " e lour per narret t'loverseed Flaxseed .. , Iiulter , Tallow t'ntatoes , Dried Apples ' Hams sides A, shoulders Lnrd per pound Hay per ton lieeswiis; . . . Ot .17 set S5 i.w Timothy Seed No. 4 on Wharf j," a.m per Ten No. 6 " " y ;5 .. No. " . ' i J im IJ I1I'STK1U 11,11 t'llkl Blacksmith's LMun on Wharf t " " Ultutnlnous " t4 M) " CARPETS Largest stock In New York city ailttlU Ull rOKUKK 1'HiCVS, Conn liitussbi.s caki-kts. T.'.c ner v. vJ&s ,U 1- ' W1L10SH AXMINSTIill, l'lns ut eq.ijlly Io,v prices. OILULOTIH, nil wMUh ntifl Til til. iviii v a t !'c!!;Vl''tl'A,;NSf100 Per fair, tothcllnfM IiEAL LACK lmportPfl, nt SHr-PPAUD KNAPP'S ISO r.nd 101 Sixth Avjnso, Corner liitli stieet, Mov. Si '7s-cm saw Ytiittt. aAco FIHEFIiSSS. 1 will mall (Free) tlierecelpe for n simple Veocta ?.'.?. y.'.liat'. v,m remote. Tan, l'ltKCKLI. TIM l'LKS anil luotchcs leaving the sun soft, cl.-ar and lieiitituul : also tnstiuctlo'is tup produeluc n luxuri ant growth utlmlr on a bald brad or smooth race. Adiln ss, inclosing Be Ma up, Hen Vamlelf K Co., vu Ann St., N. . neo nov. a, 'itM'in SUMPTIVES. The wlveitlserhaMng bien permanently cured ot that dieml iliseasp consumption, bv a t-'innle reme dy Is nnxlrius to maVa known to his fe.low hiinnr e rs tlio means nf cure. To nil who ilMre It be will send a cony or tbn prescription tisi. ifreo or chargu ) with directions for prepanngnim tiMni lie same welch they will nnd a sure Cure fur Cosocur nov, Astlma, liror.rhttls, tc. turtles wishing thn I'rescrlptlon.wlll please ad dress E. A. IL.MJN, 191 l'enn St., Itllamshurg. nirco nov, va, 'Js-otn BRRORS OP YOUTH. A'Ufnh ksun whosufrerod for yenrs from Nervous Unm.iTV I'KEitATi'HE Iitx.n , and all ihe effects or youthful Indiscretion, will for this hake of surtcr lcg humanity, send fico to all who need It, the tecl )h; and direction for making tho shnplo remedy by wlilchluui as cured n'srtii. rs ulshlng to prom by tho ndiertlscr'sc.xp il n .' audoso by adJressmif In perfect conndenee. JOHN it. ociiiLN, 42 cedar St., Now Vcrtc nov. 22, 7s-cm aico PILES! Dr. Fabcr's Celebrated Painless Remedy is the liestMcr known for oteiery kind (Weeding, I chlm, mind, Inward. Ac.) nnd all diseases or tho HtcTi'v, whether recent or lout- standing. It Kites Instant I ellef and elici ts n radical and peniwui'iit Cuie. ir Is prescribed by nil phjstUins whonroae nuainli'd with it. Chronic cases rcaiill, ticldtott No surgical operation rerpiiie'l. 'irj It nnd rcil.-ve J0iirtUTeiln,s. onlycu cents rr alAiuiBlucK aiih. sent byinall on receipt otpilce. Kir sale by all Druggists. Du. j. FAlllilt A" ca, V2 Ann st.,X. Y. nov. mi, 'isim af co Dauchy 8c Co'b. Advfc's. iMtOTitiimx'; toi:.. PMIEN1S, you noctl no limner ilmm- mmj jour rim.iuiK-.'s shoes before they are IIaip nnu, ou account ot lloi.BS tucvuu the Tots, tlther the SILV33K "Ur A. s. T. l'o." was? Will Provont Thir. Ask rou tiissb Shoes when liuviso. maicu H, 'T3-4w d LAME HACK- i ip Pus-son's CArClSK POROfS rn'TPii Is Mr C lameness or w eaknesa of tho baek.liheu matlsm, and all lo-al aches and pains, tho best remedy known. It was Invented to oiercome tho slow action of the ordinary 1'orous I'laVtei-, It relieves palu at once; nnd cures where other plasters do nor even relieve. Isold cv. rvvwhere by driti'gWs. l'rtco 23 cents, d mar. 14, 'I9-4- -i.s i,.iiin,i, muni ; t;ii,uM sii,t STANLEY'S OWN STORY (If his "Wild Ailx-iiturr-," nnd 'Trliimnlis" rc wiitten In the eraphtc stj le of lion. .1. T. I .' 1(,.,. Is the ony authentic and ropyrljhtod cheap kim 1?,1h0,llnl.' thinly other is, ,, Aineiict. illvesn ten, msTOKyor his "Down tub I osuo." 1 ho pn-ss cominend It. 1' nrAi, It iftT" . aK ,.1:trrorll.b";-sultc hard limes. Muru Ail'outs Wanted ! l or full pirtlculars and nt lili.Utli IlItOTIlLIts, I'uWl.uen, I'liitadolPhla. mai-, 14, 'ii)-tw ,1 ' .uir HOW TO CtT THIM lath.e.u p.rt.rth. int.. it.oiifi,ooij II" i S ".'? w,f,,iM.riiiiiiut. Until" isittit Laud 1-uiuiuU.loiier, ktlms, Ksuui. tnarcli it, ;o 4w a ,mOnnS'."?nsln s"laysonsl((lmc,fd Of. l.lko proms weekly ou stock options of tio to $-jii V" v "iiiura; ea. haskhhs, 15 all " .I1U1CI1 xs, w ...,"l'T!!" " 1 "'"' 1'IlN 'iiak-n New lilcli Itlnoil " ",' -vii'lHf u iv en anu tiic blou 1 In tn cntiro fin 7 ...i. . ,u"n us' A" isrsonwiti. wi 1 1 ike t fclll caeli iiint from t to la wi oks nuy bo restorca Ina"!'; ,ruri1i;:.;.,!;.,',s,'c1' a "".' twiHJi.MUto.Tuit; I.S. .Idliiison iiC'o -March is, ;a-tw lltiii);or,.1!iil!iu FOR TEN DOLLARS CASH i a 1st ?r S . , " advertisement one week e i".,t ut ,??, I "-l'iipers,or4 1luc8li1a(lltT a i'imii ,.0,',?'1 t'l'l"-'!". or ten line tnouf.kb lu a choice of either ot tour binnrnt ,i .iuh.v. ,?.,' coiitmnlDL' from 7ii to lis) pane-is imcli or four im! "S1;,"l,T1i1" "ll.foiiroftlw nutlllffi'or.inS UoaiJ.i, .... i, . """s."1"10 u,ui i,' liapi-n. IM?iflrA .liL1'hlV,Ma'ri'Lla,':,'rol.'ln tbo Xt vSrk.pilX,r AdvrUlnB 1'iiroau, to .spruce sf IV S. If VfiU Mill ftn 1 mb tia i t . .?.n, ".ut."a "lofinliiryliianisiaetiti, mmt,. we Vi Km' .5 ',r',rull""'i return Emu, il Si maim, iv-mi ' ' ; "" dVn?rc;;iNN:l:,,V'Au,!U,'VMal''' S7 7 J .m'.?,1!' an1 Jrc -.sen cuarunt.'od to .UTnts. Iflllli! Ih. T. HELMBOUVS O OZVrHPOTJJSTHD ELUID EXTRACT UCHU. PHARMACEUTICAL A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES OF THO BLADDER ot KIDNEYS For Debility, Loss of Memory, indisposition to Exertion or JJusi-ne---:,Sliortiies- of Drentli.Troubled with Tlioulits of J)ibP!ifse,Dininess of Vision, Ptiin in the Jiaek.Chest nnd Ufiwl. Husli of .Blood to the Head, Palo Countenance and dry Kill. If these symptoms are allowed to go on, very fiequcntly Epilep tie. Kits and Consumntion follow. When the constitution becomes af fected it requires the aid of an in vigorating medicine to strengthen and tone up tho system which 'Ilelmbold's Buchu" DOIiS IX EVKRY CASE. IIELM130LD'S BUCHU IS UNEQUAI.ED Ity any remedy known. H is prcscrllwd by tho tnosi eminent pliyslclans all over tlio world, in Rheumatism, SpentiHtorhcea, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, .Aches and Pains, General Debility, Kidney Diseases, Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility, ulepsy, Head Troubles, laralysis, General 111 -Health, Spinal. Diseases, Sciatica, Deafness, Decline, Lumbago, Catarrh, Nervous Complaints, Female Complaints, etc. Headache, Pain in the Should ers, Louiili. Dizziness. Sour Stnm- ich, Eruptions, Bad Tasto in tho Mouth, Palpitation of the Heart, Pain the region of the Kitlnevs. and a thousand other painful symp toms are tho oil'snrings of dyspepsia. IIELMBOLD'S BTJCHU Iiivteoiuti N tlio .Stomach. And stimulates the tornid Liver. Ilowels and Kidneys to healthy ac tion, in demising the blood of all impurities, and imparting now lifo and vigor to the whole system. Arsinglo trial will bequito suffi cient to convince tho most hesitat ing ot its valuable remedial quali ties. FHIOE $1 PER BOTTLE, Or Six liotllCN lor $3. Delivered toany address free from observation. "Patients'' may consult by letter receiving the same attention as by culling, by answering tholbllowiug questions : 1. i!e your namo anil postnico tuWresg, county aua SUto, ana your nearest express omce t i. Your ago ana bcx t 3. Occupation ? JJ JUrrloJ or tluglo t 5. Ilelclit, weight, now ana In health? . How Ion;; hao ou been tick t T, Vcur complexion, color of hair ana eyes t t. Have you a ktoopinj or erect irult t V, ltelate wltaout rervatlomUl you know about joureaso, Encloso one dottar as oonsultitlon fee Your letter will then receive our attention, ana we will civo you the nature otyour disease ana our cucdtaopinlohooriccrutusra cure. UoioicU'iitpli)slct.ius attenato correspondents, All letts-rs should be addressed to Ulsiieusatorr, I'.MT.lUbeit street, Philadelphia fa. II. T. ICSLIVISOLD, Drnpglst and Chemist, PHILADELPHIA, PA. cv moau h, som urniiYM iir.iiK Maxciijr.isiwy