V. IHE Gj)UJMi3AN' 111, o O II 111' 11 n, V II I IH T, Jl A II, SI, Isj iiu.iinhui van Ji!;. hi:, si Jr.. ,.-,1, "i ii hi Sir.. i ii H pi. ,4, ,-, ali: Ap.il. Oct., i' nil 1 .jlji'-ntai "i. "i iili'l 2321 Siy, :ki em III nil 6 11 II Hl'i -'1- i.Mi'-ffilio't;; 20 2122 5m.. I'm. fli H 11 i Ii I7l" 12 I iitei ;l'siwi i-'aninn Hail IIohiI Time Takle. UVANMA S IILOOUSDL'WI IIA1I, HOAD NOinil, BOCTlt. - riou Train H.ti) A. It. S.cnA. M. ' T.M A.J1 4.43 I. M ' lf"'n IJTl'.M. 1USA.M CVlAVrlSSA HAIL mP. NORTH POVTII 11 ml Inn Train c,s A.M. T.ro 1'. j. 'i "lev. 4.0C P. M. 11,43 A.M. .1, ' r.rson Express train either to Xew York 1' '; 'ill . Acooramodatton train runs between . 1 1 and Wllllamnpcit. STAOB LTSBS, Caiihiu Avo Hi.ooMnnrimi. Leaves Oambra Mon.liy, n tlr.i.,cl.iv 'inil I'rldoy nt G:3iiu. m., nrrlio.it 111 I'j.iinir.' I..v il:3'iii. in ive llloiuisbilrg on ni... it ....t ...w:, uu.vii ui i-,ti.uicipiii.i mnu. llt.0"usni-uo ami ' aiiiiuvii.ik, 1mo IjilriliVll'c in --u iv mucin is- nnu ssiuiiruas' 111 iisii a, ,u nri ,vi 1 : nt I'.l loinsnurj hv i'j in. ri. nlm Inn , on sntnn dtss nrirr nrrlvul or l'lirlidulpula mall .he stagellno teimlnatos al.MMillle. 11. lit m .11' lll ioinlw.-, dally stage I'nc leasing II 1.1 1 111 In I lie inoi ning ml ret 111 hlng In the cs e- iiuiK u. mi-muuu 11.13. JIAlIj llOUTCS. Vm r HAti. ami liinMin r.u.-I.oavo Whtto Hull 1'nwi.iv, Thursday an.) situnl iv at ca'in.in., arriving at I ll.j.iinsljui ir li.v ion. m. u-uvn lilnnms Imr? nn same iU.i nrierarrlv.il ut riiUacK-lplila m. It inssmv ami l!i.'.OMnciwi.-I.eaen Benton Jtonday, UrilBi'sii.iynn.1 Krlilay at s 11. in.. nrrlMng at Illoimilmv nt 2 p. m. Leaves lllnom-.liurir 'I ues. iUv, Tnurail iv anil Saturday nt 8 a. in., nrrlUni; a' I! 'Mount up. m. 10 SL'llCUIllCltH. The date on the printed slip parted on your p iper i-hows lo what lime Ihe paper is paid for. Thi-i' limn nnd ilntes are printed on long sin it. in .1 cut rll' nnd pa-ted 1111 with a nriil in ' to ichine. eac'i week, As cacli subscriber pa 1, il e dnlo is changed on the slip in pencil, ni'd 'li orree'ions made m itbly. It some tim h (nppi ns Iheiefore lint the change il.ies lint ppi ,r on the paper for two or three wteks afi t p lyineiit, mid we are often notified by sub seribcrs ho think the omi'sion to change n 0111. i a mi tike. This explanation is m ule o I' t : I 111 'y understand why ihe change does not npp r ininndiaiely. It is 11 good deal of lr. ' ' le u ir: ke ihe changes nnd nine1, !"oro cmviii. ut to make all the changes for the luoiuh nt olio time, than to make each one as 1'iey nccur. If 1TBI.IO SAI.ns. Andrew Laiibach nnd llachil A. Hess, Ad ministrators of Alexander Ifess will oder three vabmlila tiar' of hnd fur sab in Sugarlo.if township on Saturday M irch 22nd at ten o'd uk a, 111. on ihe pn nii.es. V are pici-cd lo have the M, V.. Conference in our mbl; nnd know that our people have giv n its members a 1.' rty wilcoma. It ii a pity however, that on such occasions, a few inouiili '..iuU take occasion to ventilate olj w ir fpuches, and deal in vilo ubii'U lb.it would 111,11.0 a '1 nag.iguo asliamed. Such was ihe i.iiir.L'T of two of the fpeechea on Wcdnis djy ev 'inng I i .i'h w 'l be paid for half .1 dozen lat spring he , ..1 ihi- effiee. Vpply nt once. tli w Jackson's Best sui-ei x,ny Tiiiiai'i'.i. ..ii ? 'uy lirowcr ii'Cuicd tlio sih cr medal 111 tho ladies' contest at tho bl.nting link last -Siitui'uu n.0tit. 1 . ...ti St. ratiiek's iliv, ti 11.11 jiii.' unm'h moiv had fallen Ilia A ni-ilit . , n , 1 111. 1 1 ny a uruzle during tho (lay. l ar..ni.ig 8 .ft and "ill 'gn"i." -idem has signed the ait aulborli'.'iig -yol.irto cioet beaUtones oiei' i .f I'nion -ol, litis in privato ctiiulcr- tin' 1 s, Th' ' If 1 i k Inib'iienileutsivs that it is rumor- 1 a1 Ji'iin S.'bjit, the mulo meat nun, lias Ij en Ivm liiil f,.r uurder in n no of the ucstrtu 'at Wer in . " ih. '1 ill.ll r '. 1 . 11 h, U lint we cannot ibis week pullish r til for a St tto Temperance t'ouven - .1 was handed us at loo 1 ito an hour. iv. 11 in lull iiixl week. ( M. Dri'ikcr niakos iv specialty nt repair ing sewiig machines. Ho is a practical mo chanle nnd und. i..inds nil kinds of ih llcito inael.lniry Onlers left ut his shop in Ihe Ojieu House will receive piouipt attention. I'- iih'ViI llult 'r Color, made by Wells, Uicli s.d on iV: ''0, li irl.ngton, Vt., is preferred by sucu aiulinriues in doing work, as Jones A l'aui. oir, winners ol the $100 fust prine, and It. S. IIoiisioii, Kino'ha, Wis., winiurof ihe $00 firsi pi.o at iIm; gnat Uaiiy l'air. Tiny 1. it r gularly. 1 ; uy llniijon. Thoiimi.ils of people it L) ilu dcTuuritg ilragon, who - W 111 LI SA i ill (llMU-lH Ol till Udl:lH , 1.1 l.Mr,aeUle .l.tuuiuliMii, cuu..cd us uu lions, nr.il ibu fift-natiieit y p 4 1 ri' suit roiiiiully cured by Kidney-Won. 1' ii 1'lc by nil lruggits. On 8 t j 'ay i-t,.Ir. J, I,. Olrlou the popular la- 1 -d ofiho t'ily Hotel at th'u place dlsi'jy J 11 t he Ii id mi ! ninm! a serious Injury. In - , 11 i.h b.Kiuhe anklo of hU'lcfi ' twas I, m.d unless upeedily reset lie miy i e -.l. Ilr. 0bjrn of Philadelphia ' 10 (lie case. T Vtt I'oinu. The bodlen of Tredcrlck ' 1 1 11 w tie) vere drowneil bdiih'iiioiuIi's ngo 1 in tlie SuMiiubaiiiia, havo not yet b nil . I'uilile die general break up of ' f' riirivbad to their discovery. 1! (o, 1 1! iwn ihe rive-r will be kind enough 10 '".r Uu noiice in mind if any unknown d '"wr.cd iiodiis are f.iund, LkmriUe liddlijcn f 'Ti,''... , wil, under the management of Mr. I It c'i .rd-on, is milking a vigorous light in ' 11 c .f timpcrpiiw, May its illorls be iirluuiy rewarJed." Coi.usiiiian of Maich "is t malice or stupidity which actuates lb rl Mi'uji in its misrepresentation.! ii,rife " '"' Journal t.( Mareh 10th. 'V;i' v never mentioned, or In any way r 1 1 1 ' I ' Journal except as above, we pan r 1 . , ,11 imlruiii ouly by ascribing the- ii'.iihiii" lo ".inpidUy," Woreally iv ure telling the irulb, and are for. r fr.iin tlmt iper il-elf that we 1 re mis ' it Wtt.'kelull l,aik, The Journal Is- ot h'ak 6 a timorous light In tho causo of tern- eici.ic, TOE CENTRAL mMSTLTAXlA ... Yonrorpnt'0 Wn' orfff on V eelncsilny momlnR tit 0 o'clock, In tho Opera lon.o, 1,y lti.liop It. S. ller, I). I)., Her. L ielia Iliitlcr conducting the opening exercise u jiisnop mnuo a lew remarks, niter wliicl; .no rou was called. Ilev. I). 8. Monroo was cloDted Secretary. After somo preliminary niouons 11 court wns Appointed for tho trial of H iv, s iijon ngalnst whom charges had been preicrrcu inlso 111 tho enso of K, V, Wonncr. 'Ilioi'oinmitlecaoii examinations tna.lo their reports In tho nfiornoon a lamo nmlloncn mi ml cl'esseil by Miss llnnilin, ami Mrs. Griffiths, of (I.- t ...1! S , . . . . ' uu i.uuics nun insiors umstlaii Union. In tlio evening nt least fourteen hundred peoplo gathered nt tho linll to attend tho An nivcrsnry ot the Irecdman's Aid Society, nnd lienrtho New Oilenns Singers. Ilev. H, CI, Dill presiilul, and nddresscs weio made by I)r Fuller, W, A, Stephens, nnd C. 0. Jackon. ..I"-.-1'- 'I' Wall"i ofll!oomhnrg, I'rcsMcnt r tho North and West llrancli rallway.ls push tnp hU enterprise wiih commcndnlilfl vlg.r, Ihe Luminary acknowledges tho receipt of a neit pimiililei with excellent m ips showing Ihe route or Ihe roads with Ihe grades between Wil II un'port and HMiim.it. nn Ida 1 i. f the I'lilhi.lelphU & Heading railroad. The U,UTeVC.l line I1141P4 !t ulm.l .1 Eat n nnn A... . i iKiowii ami sirik-es the Hesillng Itillroad at Hulls. The line between Summit and Wil liamport Is aI,ot 11 illrirt 0..0 nnd shortens Hi" distance between New Yoik and William" imrt by insnv mile. Tho Luminary wlhcs Jlr bailer anil his co-laborers succe in buildins llieir line, but Ihe eaic-t put of the woik Is lo gel a finily ensraved pimphlet. When it comes to rabin money lo buy Iron, build bridges am to make tunneb, tho business of railroad iiiahing in incso limes is ilillicuit to start. Manty Luminary. u liave not teen the map In ijueellon, but being .nterested in the success of the road, are ghd to quote the coinmendalions.of our neigh uor. DC.VT1I MK Mlit. MAUTIIA J. KUEUS, .Martha. J. Krebs wife of Dr. II. T. Krebs died at her home In Light Street on Sunday Morning March 9ih at half past four o'clock, of aliscesses of the bowels, alter n protrackd lnes of two months. All that medical skill cuelul nursing could bring to bear where in vain, nnd ihe col 1 hand of death snatched her away. Her siiffirings were of the most excru ciallng character ,but she bore all with christi: loruuKie nnd without a murmer. Only two short years had pakcd the very night her death, that she and i- Doctor w n of ricil. The entire community synipathhes with tin. Jjctor and friends in this sad and uncx peeled bereavement. r.YYINO OVEIIDUU INTEI1CST OX WILLIAMS" roliT BONDS. U ll.i.iAMfi'uliT, Jtarch 13. City Treasurer I.ongsilorf jesterd.iy received nn order from Judge Klwtll, of Culumbia county, before whom the now famous bond case is being adjndicated directing him to apply the sum of $8,000 lo wards the payment of overdue interest on bonds known as series A, instead of the entire amount now in the treasurer's hands, which amounts to 815,000. Judge I'J well s recent mandamus ordered the treasurer to apply the whole amount on Ibis payment which would have compl-tely blocked the wbeili of our niuncipal machinery. The balance of the money is to be used in meeting accrued and current expenses. HOIIUINO A TANNERY, On Tuesday night last the tannery of Mr Olden hlokes nt I'oundryville, was entered and about $300 worth of leather stolen therefrom Tho thieves elhcted an entrance by breakini: ll'c nek of tho outside door, and nlso thai of 1 1: leather closet door. They carried oll'tbeir honly without liemg heard by anybody in the iieigl 1 1 . . . uurnoou, nnu 11 was only wnen worn was re sumed in the tannery in the morning that the exploit was discovered, The property takm consisted of calf skin and finished leather, about $90 worth belonging to Jlr. Stokes and the re.-t to customers. The parlies evidently had a wagon with, which to cairy oil'the goods, nnd the rotibery was n daring one. Jlcrukk InJc- I!cv. Geo. C. Hart, Spechl Deputy nn1 Grand Lodge Lecturer will fill the following ap pointiiicnls in Columbia county : .Milivilk', Mnrcli t'.iih ; Khnrshnrg, March Jillh; r.'iilon. Mirvh 27ib 'ind SSlhj Stillwater, Mar. .)ih ; Oningevilla Mar. 3l,t and Ap'r llj I.iKlit Street, April 21 and i! I ; Kpy, 111. and .'Mb j Berwick, April 7lli and 8th ; Calami-si Apr ! 1 1 111 and 12ib j 111 xnn-btirg, April I I h ami lo. lleach HayeiijIizerno county April Dili anil 10:h. Sulijal. Teniplary, Its objects, and Metli nils in It-lalion lo Tenipi'rance, A TKIMHDI.i: KXI'LOhlUX. T1IR MA1I0MMI ieilMiFR Will KS IIHT101I1I AMlTUUSn 311 N kill 1 1.. Dixvu.i.K, i'.i., '.March 13 A terrille ex I Itsioii oicurid this afternoon at the Mahoning powilei woiks nf I'. M, Oalljghcr k Co., near this place, cumpletily destroying the building and iiiitanlly killing Willis Lloyd, one of liie proprietor, John J . Kvans nnd John C, Mow n r, their mangled remains being scattered in every diieetion. The cause of the explosion is llul'UOAU. Tut. Stkiii.inii Houk CoVKit. We liaio purchnsoil the right to tlio the-o covers in this inuiity, and havo on hand nn assortment of sizes 1 hey iiiako tho neiite-it and moit 0011 veiiient fni'in lor doing up nolo he ids. Mlor hinds, bill heads, noil's, checks, Ac , and a cover will be given away with every order 0 100J. J ry it 011.0 nnd you will not do with- oat it. It is the host thing of the kind ever invented. Cull nnd examine. tf. Wo regret to learn that Daniel Kalbfus Ivq has been declared hopilesnly inaane. He was a son of Ilev. Cliailes Kalbfus, formerly of 1'er- wick, anil lived there until near maturity, 1'or niaiiv years he was a leading lawyer at Mnuch Chunk. He was an uuii-iiully eleipient speaker, and hilpid Mr. Iluekiilew Ftuiiin tho Stalo in IbT'J. His many friends in this County will learn with deep sorrow lhat his brilliant Intel- lret is fortver clouded. Tho Ilev. S. Henry Il.llwill deliver n lecture inlillcdl'The l.lfed Veil," in the Opera House on Friday, the SStlt at 7:80 p. hi. The Mintr'n Journal, thus speaks of him : "lie has the gift aftilcipio.ee, and a line vein of satire which he has worked to advantage. We expect to hear of hint ninong the lending oc cupants of the platform nt no distant time. A rub treat U In store, for those who hear him. Tho first of April Is approaching. As we have not dunned our debtors through tho pa per for iome time, und ns wo need money, wo reijue-ft all lliose having accounts on our books to sotlle up by that time. Kecutors, udini'iis tratorsaud all otl.irs owing on job work, advertis ing or subscription will p!ouo respond prompt- Amomg tbocoutc-nts of Hie April Seribner will be illustiated papi rs mi "Aitors Mil Aldoses of New York," "John F,rli.on" (a sketch of -rnuikable iiitinst and freshness). 'Henry 15. mh and his Work," "II. M S. Pinafore foi Amatiiirs," "The Stricken Iiivtr and its (ilaci eis,""The Measure of .Mm," (by William I'jgi ), and "In a Sna K-ry," and other papers on "TI u Tti.dai cy of Modern Thought ius Seen in Itoiuanlsiu and nationalism," and "A Jour, new to a Polliicid Conwiilimi," tngi'ihcr with stories, I'liilrj, and lull and vnriid dtpiirtunnls, ami nn Inih x i f Vi buu" XV I. As there ate two voluuua to the jiar, ikuOncr ,is now tight -ind a half years old. COLUMBIAN AMD TIMMHANCi MRKTWO. In hirmony ilh tho programme as arrsnged by Ihocotuinllteo of Conf.rsncc, n largo au dience assembled on Tuesday fvtnlna- In Ihe Opera IIono lo hear addresses upon tho sub- jeci ni lemperance, the Ilev. b, A. Moytr pre siding prayer was olfered. After which the Ilev. John btoyd was intro duced nnd spoke more especially of the demands of the rum power, its first demand, he said wnsthe money of Individuals. In obtaining this, It often robbed men of their good namc'.of neir peace of mind, of their social pleasures at horns and abroad, and with relentless fury, Il of ten pursued Individuals to Ihe drunkards grave; and Ihe drunkards doom, Itjlemsnds of government protection, nnd rn more than one occasion Ins Invoked It, against earnest women crusade", and other temperance reformers. It not only demands protection of Ihe government, hut money of the pcopl 1 to irryon Its dreadful work of death The re maiki of the brother were well received nnd on tloslng the Ilev. F. II. Kiddle was Introduced who spoke wllh great force agalnt tho deflint acllon of the rum power, and miro cspeclsllr 1, the outrage upon the people in tlio sudden re pcol of the lile bcal option hw. Ho siid tint the rum wver ha I possession of nearly all the Slates, anil the nations) government and wai robbing the church annul 1 if fifty Ihoimmls of its members. 1 in' 1 nnu 1 in speakor lor the evening wa the ltev. I). O, Ilebcoc!: of I'hilidclphh. He said lint Ibu biMs of Intemperance was In the use and salo of intoxicating drinks. The sale ofsuch drinks, was according to any ins definition, a rriine, and rum-selleis were not aloi . responsible, but others wero accomplices to the criminal net. Hut how, and who thee others are was not eleaily cxplalr.csl by th speaker. We were lid, however, by the gener al tenor of his remarks to believe that not the court, not the legislature abne, b it the people of the State as a whole constituted the guilty parly in this matter. Tlio ltev. Secretary gay elear exposition of the subject, In its relstlon t the people, and could they see it in its true light as represented, our State would soon be redeem ed and placed upon the side of God nnd human ity. The speech of Mr. Ilabcock was sound lo the tore and its influences good upon Ihe audience, The negligence of some ecclesiastical denomi nations in not giving us full information as to their conventions is censurable. The readers of the CotA'MMAX belong to all puliesand creeds. We give gratuitously all matter that Is proper lor public information, but when those most inter ested in its dissemination are negligent, they should not blame us. A minister may reach 300 hearers a week, in this County, ll'e read 0,000 readers at least. Uy a distant exchange we learn that the Evangelical sociation recently m.-t at Lewis- burg, ami lor that District, W. K. Detwile was made presiding Llder, and the following other appointments were made : 1. Lewi-burg W. M. Cromm . 2. llullalo Z. Hornberger. 3. V hite Deer-O. W. Currin and D. W, Ilixler, under P. K. I. Danville Q. Hunter. C. llloonisburg L. IC. Harris. C. Columbia W. W. Ithovls. 7. lierwlck J. M, KttiiTger. S. Luzsrne J. M. Price. !). Catawis'a .1. II, Hertz 10. Wyoming O. L. Il.irson. 11. Lenoxyille J. A, Hollcnbach. 12. Susquehanna II. II. Douty, under P. K. 13. Dnshore -W. N. Walhce. 1-1. Hughsville-J. F.Shullz. 13. New Columbus W. II. Lilly. 10. Milton S, P. lieiuer. 17. Kingston To be supplied. A Goon Iloi'81'Avii'K. The good housewife, when sbo is giving her bouse its spring renov ating, should bear in mind that the dear im- males 'flier Iionse,nnd that their symptoms need cleansing by purifying the blood, leguluing the stomach and bowels to prevent nnd cure the Jis -cs ni isii'g from spring malaria nnd miasma, and she must know that there is nothing that will do it so perfectly and surely as Hop Bit ters, the purtFt and best of mtdicincs. See oth er colunm. Candidates of hist fall who havo not yet paid their printing bills will pleuse settle nt once. It is four months since the election, nnd thero are still a nuinbi'r of Iheso hills unpaid. Wo havo several times asked privately for settle' ment of Ihe-e ncc.unts, but no intention has lu'i'ii paid to our ieiUCct, Now, wo want them paid Si .VieWas evidently do's not L-t Its high st ind.inl shut nut hunting stories r.nd tales of a lventnre fur buys. Two such papers aro an nonnceil f ir ils .pril number, one a marvel ins story of a hninhnhill, ihe oilier an aicjnnt of "A Moiuing Cull fioni a Panther." Happiness an 1 prosmrlty ibpjnd to a very great extent upon good heul.h. All thoso suf fering fioui Hoarseness, Colds or Coughs,shnuld try Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup, It cures ami costs ouly 2.) cents For every disorder, nnd every Incipient or leveliped disease for which it is recomended, you will find Dr. Haas' J.xpectorant the best safeguard and cure witliin your reach, 25 and oO cents a bottle. Tlio following services will be held at ItiieV huni on Conference Sit ml ly, Match 23d : Love iiistatOa. m.j preaching at 10 30 a.m., by ltev. Henry Wilson j Sunday School nt 3 p. in., Ilev. William A. Carver, presiding j preaching in tho ceningut 7.30 bj l!cv. A.S. linwuum. Had a valuable boe dead lime last week. Two bottles ol (7i7tV Liniment Iodide .liiuiontd. made a complete cure. J. K. Knovs. 1721 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Ills Sold by all dniggits. Send fur punphlet. 1'u. Gii.i:s. 120 West I!roadny, N, Y. Tilal size 25 cents. Dr. 11. F. Gardner, nssislod bv Dr. M. Cnso and two students, recently operated on Thomas Sands, who wnsstill'i'ring from umbilical hernia, complicated with abdominal dropsy. The ur gency of tho symptoms demanded immediate surgical operation. Tho strangulated intes tines wero relreved nnd returned, und over threo dlens of water rcmoveid from tlio imtlent, who s now doing well, HOW TO BE BCt-UTItTL. Many hundred thousand dollars, aro nnnmllv expended by ladies, for "nrlficial" appliances lo bide tho wai oil form, or Ihe sallow skin, blotches , or lier spots, width are due to female wuikniss,dyspiisl,i, .torpid liver, and constipa tion. If u small per ceni. of this sum were in rested In Dr. Pierre' Favorite Prtscrintion idies would sunn really be what they now m'111 to be It readib coriects those weakiieai.es and llseasu upon uhich debility and cm iclnion depend. It cure6 dyspepsia by toning np the system, and when used in connection with Dr. Pierce s Pleasant Purgativo Pillits, speedily uvtrooiues ell Irregularities of the liver ami bow. U No "bbiun of youth," no "beauiilier cf Ihe complexion," can impm such periuriiitnt beauty of face and form as Dr. Pierce's health giving Favorite Pjucrlptioti, "It is bet ler to Inrgh 1 hen to he crying" decidedly ; nnd to enjoy your baby's laughing society use Dr. Hull's Ihby Syrup which re licves the chh I discomforts of bah) hood with out stupefying the ihitdrai. Price 25 cents a "ottle. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUllGt, COLUMBIA Cn.NTY.IPA. THE UtDiE' tUtA DAT. TUB sral.S'CI OMINt.S'O AT MES3R1, TnAWnnitm: & cLOTnir.n'0. Openings of spring go-ids, which, of course, havo to lio nrrangid f.r -omo tlmo In ndvsii. are just ns likely ns not In be nltended by the w, try and disagreeable weather with width we ro often creeled at Ibis eatly season, It was a curious and hsppy coincidence that' for llieir opening, Messrs. Slrawbridee tc Cloth, Icr sliotil I hit Uion tlie very day that brought us ine nisi rea spring west her of the Season 1 i..i... ... . ' f K. i.iui,, ,.ay..,ay i,Kr, .Mondsy (Match 10) w...,. ...mi, nuvo Hen nopai nr, and coming rlglit on tho heels of a severe winter, tho trnns. lllon to tho mild temperature and thin fabrics of summer wase-peclally refreshing. The opening was a success ol the most grail- lying cmracttr. Ihe Immcnso -alesroomsof the great cslal hmeiit wero il.r-r.,.1 .til. l.n rn m on early hour until the doirs wero cItciI The msny exprelons of admiration and dellgh. uttered by the pleased bOcs over the choic. ami various novelties dispbyed In nil depart mems ot tlie house testified to the hearty nppre ciation which stub a magnificent diiiliy of gonde cold 1 not have failed lo win. Ilspeclally was interest excited by the Euro pean novelllei In silks and line dres goods, wiiicu aro select, il hy a member of the firm in the great manufacturing centres across the At hntlc, with Ihe special view of sitisfylng the cultivated anil artistic lasles of the patrons of their establishment. Many of tho most unhpio siyies, wo aro inlormed, are in Ibis country con Illicit exclusively lo themselves, The Silk department also nttraetcd tlio alien. lion ol all. .Many lines of silk new lo Amerl. can ryes created n sensation among the ladies wn 1 examined them There were shown yesterday Fome new and desirable ilyles of lkln stripes, moire and rut- in stripe-, tlamawcp, brocntelles, jisper rjnrd rule, lonismes, etc. The last mentioned fabric impresses ns ns posHssIng In n wonderful ih gree 01 rich appearance and every essential for durability to wear, combined with moderation in price. As an instance of our own country's nroirreea in sille manul.icluro we men'iou nn Ameriean- mado silk t he Cacliemire Indcstrnctable In both colors and bhek, which rivalled Ihe mot famous Lyons makes in appearance, and which was guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in the wear A very large lino of neat and prellv siripeil ami e lucked silks were al'O shown. the line dress goods wo noticed differ iiiucli from Ihose in vogue last icaron. The prevail ing textures arc plain and neat in appearance, and ntlord a remarkable contrast to tho brilli ant colors and styles of the novelties of last year while no less beautiful. Many of the fabrics are interwoven with silk in very neat and ex- piisite styles. I he names of some !of Iheso su. perb novelilies which were o greatly admired were: Dray natle. draii mntilian. dran nm.nl urap de sole, theyioiis, bige ri)e, vlgones nnd others, too numerous tj mention. Two much admired new labrics were christened Panama nnd Yeddo clothes, We are Informed thai ceery steamer ufll.o American line will bring nuuiuoiis to this magnificent slock of foreign novelties in tine dicss jiood In lopular price fabrics, Messrs, Strawbridgo v Clothier seem lo have made a special ellbrt this season. The disphy was wonderful in its variely and lowncss of prices. The mo-t limi led purse could here he suited without fail, No inferio goods were di.-i b)id, and evm tho lowest priced looked as if they would .give tire sntisficilou in the wiar. fhe spnng weather made the beautiful dis' pla) ..! foreign cottons appear pailicnlarly villi, g. Satins, organdies, jaconets, zcihrs cheviot', niaiinc cloth", etc., were nil shown' in many new and pleasing designs. The hoisery counters were all day surrounded by buyers eager to inspect eomn delicately em broulercd nrlicle thai especially pleased their fancy The manufacture of hoisery has been so great ly Improved in qualities, designs and com; ara live cost, that only tho-e who have taken the pains to inform themselves upon this subject can have any just idea of Ihe artistic perfection and elegance attained in Ibis branch of foreign manufacture. All the most celebrated of hois- cry makers wero represented upon the conn tcrs, There wcie several departments ntw to us. and which wo learned had been established but a short time. They were dress triiumin men s furnishing goods and zephyri and wors. teds. We noticed at tho latter department an elaborately embroidered chair, the work of operatives of the hou-e, and which we consider tlie hntst specimen of ait needlework we have ever seen. In the sales ir.rloss en Ike second floor ciery Hung cm di. j lay vas new and bright. Muslin 11 111 1 1 1 w car fo clitnp cs lo a-loni-h one, corsets of nil makes nnd kinds, Lulu' md misses suits e.nd nhlte ilrcssis, Hub bos' eblhirg, infinls' outfits, etc., were nil shown in sty lot now to most id the visitois. Ihe basemti t was, as it always is, lliioiicod with buyers, ihe Linen Department mule grand disphy of newly-Imported goods, and very one marvilh'd at 1I10 extremely low prices. In tnrtain and upholstery material were shown m.iiiy new uesigns in cretonnes anil raw silk, ai about unc-fouith the price. New designs, in Marseilles quilts weie shuwn, and there were some colored borders lint -. e very eb'-anl. We were impressed all through the house with the extreme lowncfs of 1 tires. Ihe firm advertise that Ihe low cost of raw luatirlal, the mproveil ap liiinces for inanufiii lure, and il.e fctuin to a s eeie basis have nil combined lo main prices lower than evcrbcfoie, and certain. ly no house cm wbcic is mine fatornblv .imn. 1 lo receive iill the advantages than Messrs Strawbridgo iv Clothier. We cannot but regsr.l the brilliant success which i.'tended their opening as an augury of business of the season, iViiWirji'im V.'ien Ttltyrttph. 'ny Petition and bonds for tavern and restaurant licen-es fur sile at this office, 2o cents a set. Will be sent hy mall on neelpt of 31 cents in 'lamps. Mar. 112-w William Kramer has removed his sloro to the old Hi-owcr stnnd, corner Main and Iron streets. Ho has added to his stock ngcnernl assortment of dry goods, which will ho sold cheap for cash or country produce, Highest prices paid for muter and egg Our popular Senator, Geo. D.Jackson, Fpen, last Sunday in town. He b looking well, nnd promises to vi-it us again. VW l sli 1" 'fc'.'f wytj-aaao'TM WUNDSEY'S BLOOD SEARCHER Yt i t e ItrtMeM Jtiusl'si UltllltHtt Ol tho 4i I llllMHl 1 . .MS.I(lll.llBWGI,t.l- I 1 1 nu.r., It,f. Ill.tiitliathuHunriliilu ... n. ,1,., ,,, , 11 r rr,i m, Mil HI Scrsl. HU." Jf Hr.M 'i.,,il,. O. . "Isurrd. 1 1 Cl 1 I II rjB.p. li - trr,, f, Smtltirw f, Im.r-, H. In.. II 11. I' S1I I 1.1 i. III.. aer 19, 'is-u-s vown in Tin: lic7Liriiiijir.njiMiL'i)ic.ixi:. No prepara lon has ever performod such mar vellous cures, or maintained so wido n reputa tion, as Ayer's Chcrrv Pectoral, which is rec ognized as tho world s remedy for nil discuses of ihe throat mid lungs. Ils lorg conl'moed serhs of wonderful cures In all climates has made it universally known as a safe and n-lln-lilii agent lo employ, Agaiint ordinary colds, which ure the foiernnners of mine serious dis orders, it nets speedily and suiolv, alwuis re lieving suffering, and o leu saving life. The protection it ullords, by its timely uso Ir. the throut and .ung disorders of chililren, make it uu intnluublo remedy tu l,0 a.pt ulwnis on baud In every home. No person can ullord In bo without itj nnd lliose who havo once ntcd it hierwill, I- nun llieir know lodge of its com position and efiects. Phjsicians uso the Cherry Pectnrul eMen.iicly in their practice, and Cleriiynieii leiomincnd it. It is ahsubitily cer tain in its remedial effects, and will always cure where cures ure possiblo. Foil Salk iiv all Dealeiu. jl uo 1. Tno Orr-tit Discovery. K. F. Ktinkcl'a Hitter ttlt.o 0' Iron l'or the euro weak stomach, general debility, Indigestion, dlso ot tlio nmoustijslpm. constipation, acidity of t stomnrh and all cases requiring n tonic Tlio wine liiclinlestbe most ngreeal.lo and e filch nt Sail of Iron woposs-ss. titrate of Msgnctlooxlle, combined Willi the must eiicrgtll: of igetablu tun lea Yellow Permian Htk. The) cftcct In many casem, rtctitllly, lossef appe tite, and general prostration, of an enicientsalt ct happy. It augments Hie annetlte. rslwn ii.n nnisn iron combined wltn laleiuble Nene tonic Is most ,"kl,, o!t muscular nablnesH, removes the pallor ol " "sr ui iniuuTiuioiiunco. IwjouwnntBomethlngtostrengtcn joiiv Hoiou want a good appetite t iwjo'i want tebulld up 1 our cocs'ieimon r no you want to Ircl Wi II r Ho you W4nt t0 Bet tl1' nervousness 1 Do yon wit ener- WJIwjou want to sleep well ? Do you u misk "lT"" ul"lo.,1u' W This truly valuable toula has lieen thoroughly test- 1 UJ 0"cla9e' ot the oommuolty, that it Is now """innuio as a i-jnio mcmcme. it costs but lit tie, purines the blood and gives tone tothestomsch, renovates the system and prolongs Hro. I now only ask a trial of Hits valuable tonic, r Jl rcr bottl:. 18. 1'. KmiM Polo rronilctor. ridi-i- delphh, pa. Ask ) our liruggM tor Kunkel's Hitter w me or iron anil take no nth, r make Hold only In $1 bottles. All others are counterfeit so bewaro cf mem. net six boiilosfor fi. WOHMHltUMOVBIl ALIVK. 1.. 1. leunitci aworra MTunncvci falls to desimv Pin, Scat, and stomach Worms. Iir. Kunkel lsilm uiiij-successiuiriijsieun liithts country rcr the rc- moiai or worms. He removes Tno W01111 with head, aiilall comrlete, atlvo In twohours.and no lee until removd. Send er a circular or call on lour uruggiseanu getu bottl. of Kunkel's Wormsyiup, piiee ii, 11 neier t.ills. (IOOI) ADVICE, Now is iho time of vriirfnr l'neiimnntn T., Fever, Ac. Everv family slinn d burn n Lniil.. ol Jlnschco's German Sytnp. Don't nllnw for nno moment that cough to tnko hold of jour .l.ll.l r it.. is Y'iui, ;"ur i.iiiiuy or joursen. oiiisumptinn. Asthma, Pnciinionia, Croup, Hemorrhages, ami other fatal diseases may set lu. Although it is true German Syrup Is curing thousands of iii'se dreaded diseases, yet it is much better to iiiivu 11 111 nnnii wnen unco doses will cure you nno iioiiio win lust your nliolo l.imily a wilder nnd keep you sufofioni danger. If vim aro consumptive, do not rest until )OU hnvn tried tins remedy. Snmplo be tics 10 cents. Jieguhir ai.u f.jeeuis. ouui oy your Urtlgg SIS. .,,, nn 'ru.,r 11 " Business jNotices Spring Styles SpringGoods SprlngStyleu, Tho New Goods, Now Pries. Tho New Styles nt the Cheaper than cvrr. Must bo seen to be believed, better goods nt luivcr prices nt 1). Lowcuberg's, Beautiful Silk Hats New Soft lints. Wool Hats, Fur Hats, For Men for Hoys and Children At tho Popular store of D. boweiibeig. Spring Oveicnnts Spring Ovcrcojt-, OtsCiin. Durable. Neat nml e. me Just received at P. Loivenberirs. A very larsro nssortmcnt of Ladles' nml uinwreii.1 Hose just received nt bulz & Sloan's. A full line ofj usllns Calico, Oinghanis Tickings, Denims, Shirtiiies etc.. at the low est prices at 11. j. uiark ec Son's. Finest StOCk- llf Wall I'at.cr ever in llh.mna. uurg at e-inri;'H nook IMiire. Jloot headquarters at McKinney'u. A full new lino of 'lies. Hows. Coll. .is euus, uuciiings, ltiUUons, Hoisery etc., at H. J. Clark ei Sou's. Mclvibiieys Shoe Storo below Court House. Large assortment of new desiens in Wall Pancr nt ClnrL-' It.in'j- sitnso Lulz & Sloan's 5 cent ('illicnca nrn fast colors and good quality, Call at McKinnty'o for Slice-. Zephyrs, Canvass, Sixony nnd Shetland Wools, Yarns, etc., at 11. J. Clink it Son's. Hubbers nt McKiuney's, Latest Patterns in Wall Paper ntClaik's lljuk Store. The price if Mtilin. have uone up in tho ciues, uui i.,iiu .v cioau are selling liiec )et nt ihe 0I1I puces. sV fine selection of Ladies' Gold Watulis, and Chains, liotli Aiiiericnn and luinouiil uy me uo5i uiaxers ut ij. jieniti.trilu JckcI ry Store. Dress Goods, Silks. &c nt law Prices nt ti. j. uiurK ev sou s. Now is ihe tiuio to paper. Get your pa tr nt Clurk's. Hoots nnd Shoes cheap at McKinncy's, New Driss Gincbnms nnd cither Drrss. Lioodsjiist rccelvcit at Lutz .t Sloan s. Ladies)' nnd Children's Shoes nt 11 T Clark it Sou's, The most complete line of Corsets in town it popular plicts nt 11, ,1, Clark it Sen's. Genrne A. Clnrk keens tllO hf-kt Til n in Window S!.fHW the lr-L rw.l I 'I YIN rot. the bcit Spring Fixtures, ' Lulz it Sloan expect u larire nssortmcnt e.f new oiiringounnis 111 this week. DOiiniN's KLi:crRif soap Having ohtnimd the agency of this Ci:i.i:i!i:ati:i) Soai- for Illooiriaburi: and vicinity, f nnii.-n.l (Ik, opinion of some of our bct 'people as to lis merits. 1 have tcncd Dobbin's IClectrin by I. L, Cregiii it Co., Philailelpbii, Pa.. lor washing about ten years. and think it superior to any other. Mrs. C. G. Harklev." " e have used Dobbin's Klectrie Sunn nml find it superior to nny other or all othrrs. i.rs. . it. Jniotiv, Mrs. 1!. II. Stnlmr I desire all my friends and cu-toiuers to (jii'C this Soap one Trial, so that they may know jist how good Ibe nt'si soap in the united Slates is. J. 11. .MAIZE, july 12, 78-ly llloonisburg, P.i. John Ilenton Idlers his services u rumr. al laborer nt reasonable wages, Use Knnpp's Curtain Fixtures, wnrranli il i'.rtwo yjnrs, for tale it Clark's Hook Stoie. Hamburg Edulnes. Irisli and Rvcrbmln-. Tr.nunini's, nuillings, Pulling, Ac, ut II. J. Clark it Son's, Admission free nt McKinncy's, Lutz & Sloan hnvo it oomplele I'Mk of Table Liiieus.Napkins, Tuweb nudCrashes, All the popular colors ol Oil Wituluw Shades ut Claik's lhok Store. OA H P KTS U jc in New at ur.o hstr Kiikiilii I'kicks. c.oon iiki'ssels i tait-rs, 150 per yarJ. Inoksivs 'romfje. M inin'l ILblNH. AXMINSIKft vki.vrts iwii1v.iist s.-.i:iJi,ui,n'nliti. u i-i" Ya : steTiiillylOA'rrtces.e.lLt'LiiTIl, nil, laths rrnm 86c, isr j.ird. LAt'K Ir l'J,r' 10 ,lie " SHtiPPAHD KNAPP'S 189tr.dl51 Gisth Avenue, f'orieriaih siieet, NKW Yo"; uov. 8i, t Ota ' nico ' 1 will malKh'rte) ibu recelne lor asluinio i,ibti. 111 M that wlllrouioie Tun, KKUk. i7u. i'"" ". ii'iivins i ne skin uu. ut, nml tiaulilul ! , i-o iiistiiieilinis inr produe i , nu,, uiiUiunlh in lii.tr nu ii b U 1 1 ,'d or -,,T , , ',' i'lK'-'61 bu -'!' um 'audi Ii a i ., . ju ALUtt,, N. Y, uto noy. Si, "18-siia TO CONSUMPTIVES. n .iH. 'irfi 'ruMn ''"' nn menlly cured of wiisiiin,. ,i n Minpio reme- "anxious to mnke knownlo Ins fellow siinrr r.Mi !'". 1"'""'' "f rur.''' To nil who desire it he will s.'iiil n cm or lbs prosriii! nu Usui, irrec or charge i with dlie. linns fn, pi,.,',, ,,! lisim, Ihe . i ii ! win ii nu n sure t in-. (,r (.'ONst'sH- ,.t ,. - ii, hi ,,. .ni in, r. I'lirMes wlsi , if ii . pn- -rliitinn r I'l i lease n dress u, A.ilL.s..N,t9ll',i,nse., iiinnUiira, I 1 a.teo i.uv, jj, 'Tlm ERRORS OP YOUTeT t ( ssTiVMiKwhosiiffi'reil tor years from Nervous V lits MiTVI'KKMAu-hsilisoAV.niid nil iho erTecis nr ontlitul incllm'ii lion, will inr tho sake of surfers lug Inininiiitj , semi lite to all w ho need It. Ihe reel p.; 'iiil iilrcctli'ii for maklriglho simple remedy by whl .i he n ns curd. Nurreicrs wishing lo rrorii by 111 pMfei t eunmlenee: " - r uaressmg . J"l';',"'lh.'MJt'',lar6t., Nc.r York, nor. si, -19-fiin oAco Pil.ES! Dr. Fat:r's Celebrated Fa'.nkss Ecrasiv is tho i?i i.S,1!,"0."? r"r I'li'sofeierykln l (I'leedlng, clihia, hind, inward. Ac) nnd all ill-eases on ife men, whether leci nt or Innir slandlrnf. M imes i' ?i in mil eui'i cs u ra Ileal nnd rsTinaiitnt i .. , I. i . UJ 1,11 t '.'' ems wnoareac uualntnl wdh it chronie enios readily eh n to It. .Mj.ursi.-ai oiKrannn rnpllli'I 'i l It nnrl relelo ... i " "" "'ai'ror a i aikik I'aik- a b. fi'iit by mntl on receipt of price. Inrsslebv ail urnggiftH. lire. .1. 1'AHlift cv vs Ann st.,.N. V. nov. tut, js-om atco "wins ii j,,..MMi,.taiaiattsj,m Dnuchy &X)o'a. Aclvt'o. rilOTItlTDlXU T01'. r,'m,l,i'JlS'J.?.'.1 'T':',1,'.1.? '.."' ,"".: 3or aceeULt of hoiks tiiotoii Hie Tons, tniieriho SILVIili "Or A. ,n. 'I', i', Will Provont Thin. Ask roit tiiise i-iioes wiies licvi.va. march U, ':n-4w d si-'siAit''iJist.jjiis!'isii:-' TTJteic. Katarr' 13ACK- A .'" " V1 ,r 1 a 1A In 1 HIT I'vanv'ii Pitvotris ini.nr. ii. . . l m Hhin, fuiil nil lo-nl nrlif. , i iuiiiLi.1.31 ui iti-uiiutH m inn UilL'K.IUH'ii. rt'ini f t'ni,wn. It la in. ,.. r . ' L"D 'Vl( tl..' .low ictlnn of the iamnaVrVurou," 7a?n"s byuerlsi l'rice iVwniV;- d rnnrVis?,"0 i"aaM'A'jjiiaittJjiwB.lj. .t w wvr.ri .isstjifl AN ILVt'lTI.NI! lltlllK ! '.'U.IKIO Slll.l) STANLEY'S OWN STORY Of lit". "Wllil AiHi'iilnri-s" nnd "Trliiiimlis" rc wntteu In lie eranhm ml,, nf iin i .V. '...? Is the only nuilientlo nnd cnpyrtzhlod cukai' foi.' V,'.'.v',f '"' '? ?"mg thanunj oiiu r bonk In Aiiurteii c.Uesa it'll. uiToiivor his "Down tiii c oniiii." The press commend It. Purchasers praise hardffs9. " Wr 'r 1(' teC'"'S0 " acs"lw Agents Wantod! 'fXPi?"am,i nVi.U.UtniliK)rilE,Publl,UersViiaelelphl.t. mar. l-t, u 4w j HOW TO OCT THIM In thebeil rrt of th it.'. (T,0(M,(tOl r" I '.r fro.e -f"" r. " Toeino lloiwt- tli-ud, UJ.f-ft Luuil CuuiinUtluner, itliot, Htciu. march 1 1, 'TO -(w a HAY A R I ) TA jTaO H dferTt'e; ACIK.NTM WAXTKII. seenrn lerrllnrv i ...n.. CJcaseh city Pen. House, 72:1 sanso'm -t . l'lil'a. reo. ','j 4v d CUTICURA. This firpflt Skin ('urn U U'M'l'iVTPit inr Halt Itheum. se.tla IItui, Dindrulf, rimpies nml t iiiiu'ilorirH. soM cnrywlitre. Sfnt on uccl, ! or rmnii i.nji"i on ("cuis, iare ti rrMian 1 liv lar and tCbdmonUW. ht'nil to box 350ti lor clrcu- DIPTHERIA ! .IfihiiNuii-s Ano.l.ue l.tiilnii'tit will iini-lil., treent this terrible dlstMse. nml uin ,,n-itiT-. . eurenlno cases In ten. tnforinillup that will kau manj ucs s,"nt tree by mall. Don't delay .1 moment. I'rcicnilon Is betier than cure, sni.i riervi.m :. S. Johnson ,i fo. Btatioi-.ialuu fcb. as, 'TO -iy d SlIEIUiqra SALE. ny 1 trtuo cf a writ of 5d riurles n. Fa. Issued out ot tho Court of Common Pleas of Columbia coun ty, and to me directed, will bo exposed lo nub. lie sale or out-err, on the premises at two o'clock p. m. on FRIDAY, MAUdl 23, 1871), All that certain lot or piece of ground sltuato In S'cott township, Columbia county, nnd state ot Pennsjlvaiila, described as follows to-w It t Hounded on tlio north by land of lljnJamUi lllchart, on tho east by land of John Lee, on Iho south by land of Abraham Snjder, Hiram Truusoaml John Shaman and on tho west by la ud ot nancy Crcvellntf, con taining one hundred and forty-i.lno acies more or less oin.hlc'aaio erected auirifi) frame dwelling honse.bank bum und out-bmidl'ica. elied, laken In i xccutlou ut tho suit of Hours- .1. JlcUncn agaluat Moore Cnivellng mid to bo bold as tho property ol Jloore Cieselli.j. IIowcll, Attorney, Terms cash. JOHN- w. HomtvN, bi.erlff. march 7, 'rs-ts FOE TEN DOLLARS CASH wo will Insert a'sesen-llne adrertlsemi i.t one eek . ... ..:'''' iwier,iir s ii .es in a nt;i. eri ut iht oro.17 papers, or ten lines iv.o we. ks In iieliolci. of either nf four sepnrule nnd iltstn.c lists contulnlnir from toiouhi mniisfn,iiM r,.i...i!.,. one week In all four of tho sum. 1 lists or on- lb e m nil sly ll.ts combined, belli',' biore ttiaii 1jon panel -, i- iiisu uase nils or papers by slap s tlirouslunit the I lilted States, ami t'nnnil.i. Si.ti.s 111 i,.,,i e,..-...... ion pa?e pamphlet. Address, ;. p. Kt!, 1:1,1, A; '." f.esssimper AuverusinK lnueaii, lo sniue -c, I' .-. If Vnil Will KUnl HQ llin nan.ao ,M.l,n .1-,. t;1J.'".s.'1.l"1":(lr'nl'ra 1,1 "'.tell jem wi.iilrt'.iilv'ertise V....V 'hi ." ' 1." " suusiaciorj- iiici'iceinent is made, we will lUbinlt a proportion, by return miitl.wulcli wen, ink will pitusi' jmi. jionev savsu isjvm.i rctivni send npyoi ihe a.Aerllseinei.t jou will Use '.iidsintolnwhi,tp.,xrouRaw this. A !'- ,0 ik'ents ennvnss'nif for the ITri svf a sliti. ls.tiir. TermB and outltt trie. Ad. dress I' o. . I 'hlliiv, Augusta, Malao m dch ,'T.-lw S77 1,".1;,'1.1!1 a"a 'incuses Kinranteed t- Aifents. "'';. II"'. SIIAWiCO. Al'OCSTA, Maixs. ORPHANS' COURT SALE Of VALt'AIILK REAL ESTATE ! A d ew Uiibaeli nnd ;in n,.i .. nevi .'..luilnlsiri. tors, sr., of Alexander Hess, I.1I00I Huinulasl town. shin deccawd, wilt ctposo to public sileoutLo premises on antui'tlay, March 22el, 1S79, it ten o'clock a, m., the foUowtnif dascrlooj, nroiwr. ty, to-wlt 1 No. 1. A itossuam tu'lnir the MANSION lini'si: anrtTHACT Of' LaNI) sltuala lu hufjarlcwf lowu Sthlp, in t'olumbU eounty, 1'oiiiisilvai.la, Hiljotiitnif lands of Uunjaiul.1 riler.an's Ue.rs, Jolma bavage via., huu uuil'iv, uuiiunuiei- i:ioirrY-N!xi: aciif.s a nl 11 perelies, hereon areer-ctod asmsll I'Iiavk tlul'SK', a loir barn and ria 00 wtcoii fcned. about Hi ny oures of w Won Is cleared at.il In a ir.,od -.lam ot cultivation, a Gsed Apae Crch:.rd & Gced Siunr Cina on the prrmlsos. No. . 1 he iinttlvlled half of a ceruia TKACl' OV I.AM) situate In Sumrloat townshln. Columiitie nnuniv I'enusyliAiita, bounded by titul., of Alesauder m.ri Joshua Hews and other lam of djoeitimi contali.lui- TIilr1y-pf!ltt .irrt M and one hundred suet thirty-elght porvhea and allow, anew of la'.d, the same Vieinj unlmprovKt laud. No a.-TUo uiidlMduetoiie-tialf ol aoeiUln Tl.' ACT of LAN's, situate lo Suaarlo.it ton uiU?, tvlumbla count', reoiisj IvaWn, oonialntiut y S ACRES! described BUfollows 1 ACJ ilnliur laadi of the Lelns if loshua KavaKeoutho soaiu, land ot truet Xn. on the east, lands cf John rants and- PaiUon ui" west, und lunda ol i ritK It Mkucuant wi Uie nui.uiosariiuiKlu; 'J'lMr.KK LAND. ICLVH of sAt.B.i-Ten jicr cent, of one. ' 1 in i,f the purolssksi uoiiey tsibepsldatUwBtrlk- down of the property, the oue-toui lb less Uie ten 1 cent, at oonnrmatlou of sale, and the reinalnliiir ic fourths Inoue year tuereuiti r Kith n,tei,..t lr uu eonilnnittiun n'st, NDKl. HI IIUTI, ItAlllLuA, llhss, ' ftb.ss, -JH-U AaiaitiUtratcrs. H, T. HELMBOLO'S FJjUID extract PHARMACEUTICAL V SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES op tiii: &KSDNE For Debility. Loss of IMcmoi'v. Indisposition to Exertion or l.ns'i necs.bliortness of Brcatli.Troubleil with Tliou.L'hts of Disciise.Diiiini-.- of Vision, Pain in Iho JJaek.Chcst and IJead, Rush of Plood to the Head, Pale Countenance and dry 111. If these svmntoms aro allowed to go 011, very frequently epilep tic Fits and Consuinption follow. When the constitution becomes af fected it requires the aid of an in vigorating medicine to strengthen nut tone up uie system which "Hel m bo Id's Euclm" noi.3 IX EVEItY CASH. KELMBOLD'S BUCIJU IS UNEQUAL'ED 'v any remedy known. It Is prescribed by the most ..nnene pnysicians all over tho world, in Rheumatism, Sperinatorhoea, Keuralgia, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, -Aches and Pains, General Debility, Kidney Diseases, LiVer Complaint, .Nervous Debility, Epilepsy, Head Troubles, Paralysis, General II! -Health, tfpinal Diseases, Hciatica, Deafness, Decline, Lumbago, Catarrh, Nervous Com plaints, Female Complaints, &c. Headache, Pain in the Should ers, Cough, Dizziness Sour Stom ach, Eruptions, Pad Taste in the Mouth, Palpitation of the Heart, Puin Iho region of the Kidneys. and a thousand other painful synip- , si if ; i' 1 J .' sumo in u inu unspi iiigs 01 (lyspepsn LTELMBOLVD'S BUCHU Invigorate s iUv .Stuitiiteli. And slimulales the torpid LivLr, Eowcjs and Kidneys to healthy fic tion, in cleansing the blood of ail impurities, and imparting new life ami vigor to tho whole system. A single trial -will beqtiilo suffi cient to convince the most hesit it ing of its valuable remedial quali ties. PBICE $1 PER BOTTLt!, Or Six oItIes (or G5. DrVyered toany ad dress free from observation. "Patients'' may consult by letter receiving the same attention as by calling, by answering the following questions : 1. oive your name and pcka-oiilee addicss, count anj state, and our u'aint express oflloo ! 2. Your aire and sex 7 11. Occupation ; i'. Married or sloirto 7 6. llelsht, weight, now and In health t 8. How long hae ou been sick T 7, Your ooiup'.e.lon, oolur of hatr nnd eyes ? s, Hae j ou a stoop: ny or erett ijatt j 9. liclate wltiout rescrvallon all you know about jour ease. Baeloae one dollar as oamult uto-i fee Your letter w 111 thdnroeelvo our attention, an two wlllglroyou the nature ot jour uiwaso aal our eacidlJ opinion concs-ruln a cure. OoaiiwtentphysL-lans atteulto correspondents, All letters blioult bo uJdreised lo DUpeusatory, 1417, filbert blreet, PhtladnlpliU l'a. H. "2. Mnriivriior.1), 3rugf;ist and Chemist, MULADELPIIIA, I'A, Marcli 7, lblWy SHERIFFS SALE. iiyHrtrm ota writ ot Alias VendKt. Isiueit out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county and 10 me directed, will bo esposed to public sile M tho Susquehanna Hotel, In Iho town ot Catawlas, Columbia county, I'ennsylvanU, at two o'clock p, ra. on TIIUUSDAY, JfAUCII 27th, 1870, All that certain lot or pleco ot ground sltuato In the town of Cata'lssa, county ot Columbia, and sti to of Pennsylvania, tiounndcd and described sa follows 1 llegtnatng at a post set for a corner fo sam lot at iho Intersection ot the two pubiloroaeU leading Irom Iho town ot Catawlssa, respectively to noiiitijsiiead andMcKelry mills, and running frois thencotij-the north sldeot said road leading , 'front McKelvy'a mill soulli etghlcen and one-half degrees east ono hundred end fo.ty-flvo feet tlx Inches to a, post, Ihenco by land of J. II. Knltlle north nay and one-fourth degrees east one hundred andnvo feet to .1 post north sUo of aforesaid road leading from Catawlssa to llolllagsliead's Mllt.thcnco by tlie Sam north sixty-four degrees, west ono hundred snd for 1 j'-four fect to tho place of lx ginning, whereon Is erected a Uirec-story brick building, thonrsteiory ot which contains two storo rooms, now occupied by a dry go ids and grocery merehsat and watch-maker, second story by publla hall, a-d third story by Ma mlo Isidso and Chapter I also a ono tory frame wire house,belnlli" grounl upon whl hsaU build ing Is erected bounded by tho ro ids betare men tioned, and In tno rear by property now or late of uo catawlssa Seminar.. Seized, taken la ctccutlwanJ to bo a)lda?jth property of the Catawlssa Masonic Association. Abbott & Uiiawk, Attorneys. ALSO All that certain lot of ground sltuato la the town ot Catawlssa in tlui;county ot Columbia, - tate ot I'eun sjlvnnli, bounded and described as fo los, to wit 1 llejlnnlng nt a post set for a corner ot sal I lot at the Intersection Of tho two publla roals leallngfrom tho town of Catnwlssi respectively to Ilouinasbead and McKelvy'a .Mills and running from thence by tho north sfdo of said road leading from Me Kelvy's milt south eighteen aaloao-ha1! degrees cast ono hundred and forty-live feet si Inches to post, thence by lan Is of Joseph II. Knlltlo north nf. ty and a quarter degrees, east ono hundred and nv et to a tsi.st on tho nori h eldo ot tho aforesaid roil leading from Calawlssi to llolllngshead's mlll,thenc by the samo north sltty-tour degrees west ono hun dred and fourty-fo ir feet to the place ot beginning on which are crjetid a throo-story brick building, store rooms, public lull and Masonic hall, being th ground upon which said building, Ac, Is erected, bounded by tho the roads bef ore mentioned; and la the rear by property now or late of tho Catawlssa Seminary. Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of C. B Ilrockway ajatnst Hobert Oorrelt wltii notice to Cat- awbsa Masonic Assoclatlou (larntshco nnd to bo Bold as tho property ot sail CaUwlssa.Masonto Associa tion Garnishee. Elwbli, Attorney, At. Vend, Ex. ALSO, All that certain lot ot ground situate la Roarings creek township, ColumbU county, Pennsylvania, described as follows, to wit : Hounded on the north by !.ia1 ot Abram lileo, on the south by land of Con rad Ilousman.on tho west by land ot .Michael Straus ser and V.Tll.im Yeaer, and on tlio cast by land of Kphralm lailhy.contalnlng sesenty-threo acres more or le is, oa which aro erected a dwelling house, barn, and out-butiaings. ALSO, Ono other pliceof land, boundo Jon tho north by land of Jacob Strauser, on tho west by land ot Nolimoa strausser, on the south by land of lvtsr llowcr and oa tho cast by land ot Con rad 11 msmnn and William Ycager, containing eigh teen acres. ALSO, One other rleco of land bounded onltho north by lands of Judge cox, on the west by land at Solomon Strausser, on tho south by laud of Abram Illco and on the east by land ot Abram ICIo 0 and Leonard Ad- am3, containing flftcenlncrcs. ALSO, All that pleco or parcel of ground situate lu Hoax ing creek Township Columbia county .Pennsylvania dcscrlbod as follows, towlt: bounded on tho south by lands ot Franklin Yccum, on the West by land ot samuei iiauck, on tho north hy land ot Wm. Hrcls- bacliandontheeastby laud of J. 11. Kllnger, con taining thirty acres more or less, on which are erect ed adwelllng house ami out buildings. . wiled, taken lu execution at the suit of Wam Swisher, Administrator ,of Elliabeth Kllngerman gaunc iiaviri i'. uower and to be sold as the nrorj- crty ot David It. 1,- wer. HucciwAV & Klwiix, Attorneys. Al. Vend. Ex. ALSO, All that certain inessusgo, tenement or tract of laud.sltuate In Locust toanshlp, Columbia county, btato of l'onosjlvanla, bounded and described u fo'lows: thatls tosey, beginning ata stonolnth public roa 1 leading from blabtownto Malnvllle run ulng thenco by land of Solomon Strauser and Wil liam Adams north thlity-elght degrees, west eighty four nnd IHc-tenlhs perches to a stone, thenco by land ot Oorgo Strausser south sevcntj--slx degree w est slxl j -twu perches to a stone, thenco by land of Lewis Ilungo south eight degrees west thlrty-frr and live-tenths perches to a stone, thence by the samo south thlrty-ctght degrees cast ono hundred and three perches to a stone, thenco by th same south lifty-threo degrees, west three porche to a stone, thenco by land ot Sulomon Strausser south rlfty-clght degrees east f ltty-clijht perches to seono in mo ceniro or 1110 public roa 1 cadlcc; from Slabtowuto MalnMllo, thenco in sal J road and by land of Solomon s t rauaser north tw euty degrees east nineteen porches lo it'stone, thenco In and by th name north flvedogrees east .tlxtj'-elght perches to the place of beginning, cuntululng slxtj-tn-o acre strict measure, on which aro erected a frame dwel ling house, barn and ether out-bulldlugs. M'izeu, taken lu execution at the suit cf pa Id ncl. w Ig, Ku'cutor of leter Helnlg' deceased against Isaac Lewis with notice to John Ail nn-, t. rre tenant and owner, and lobe sold as tho propel ty of issao Lewis, with notlco to John Adams terre tenant and owner. ABEOrr A- ItiiAw.v, Attornejs. Levari I'aclas. All that certain tract of land situate In Catawlssa township, boundel und described as follows, to-wlt 1 i-eginniug at a pine, corner ot late John Ilarlman' land, and running thenc by the same south eighty six d-'greee, east thlrly-slxperehes to a stone, I hence south Iltly-three decrees ono hundred and. twenty- nvopercnes 10 a stone corner ot Moses Jlaiuram's land, lh"uce by tho samo soutli sevenl j -four degrees west eighty-four perches to holcs, soulli seventy degR.es wust elghtj-.mo perches to stones, north, twenti -seven degrees west thlrty-slx perches t etons,south eljhty degrees w est sixty-nine percbe to stones, thence by land of John Hitter north thre degrees ear.t ono hundred and eighty-one and three tenths perches to stones, thenco by land ot Samuel f human south clghtjvsli degrees east ono hundred an t tUc-tenths perches to stones, thence by land late of John Hantaan bouth four degrees, west six-tj-.foi.rand hve-tenths perches to the placoot be glntlng, containing ono hundred and sevcntj'-slx acres and ono hundred and thirty-four perchcs,strtct measure, whereon aro erected a large two-story 1'ramc Dwelling House, born at.d other necessary out-hulldlnga. Seized, taken in execution at the suit of Gcorg Huglics against isulah John, with notlco to J. If. Smith, As: lnee ot 1, John 4 Son, and to bo bold aa the prorty Italah John. W. J. HrcuALKw, Attoruej-. Lei arl Taclas. Terras cash oa day of sale. , , nJ . JOHN W. HOFFMAV. fob,2S 78 fcs bherltl. A Purely V egetatle Remedy 'X-lio Hufi'isi , nSnaloHt tuiel llcat over illHoovoroel for KIDNEY COMPLAINTS, PILES, GRAVEL, CONSTIPATION, LUMBAGO, rheumatism; DIABETES'. WOMDERFUL DISCOVERY)' A purely vegetiblo comporind,notdoctorcd with poisonoasllquors.bclng dry-a gcntlo cathartic and electlvo tonic sure to effectually curosomeoftho most eoinmon oud painful ilbeascs that baffle med ical kUL Thoso who have been cured w hen all otherracanstailed1Jaitlysay:"Itl-. the greatest blesslngof tho ago." "I bellcTo I should not noir be ollvo but for It." Physicians In regular practlc say: "it works Uke a charm and effectively." rou sam: hy am, dhuggists. tlTir tks KIDVr.Y.WORTiu.olrtk.n.bbnJllr ekUlo-L ttWlffilteir Jlarcn I, ssm-iy A UDIIOU'S NOTICE. istati or sim 11 BtHTzsi, puxtsm. T he unehrslgnoU Auditor appointed bylhi Oourt if CiHumbla noutii.i .to ui-ti liiute finals in and .inistir parties enticed lb. rs to In Ihe lit mis of the Aui Inli raior xlll utts nd lulheduilew el his npi'olmiii'iiltt Ihoomee or Abbuit i; l.lmwn In ri ia ss., 1 ,fj. "a Kuluieluy, AKrll rtb.lslu st ten o'elio-i 1. ;m .at Kick uie and id ue all parlies 1. 1. rsi. it uiuv uf. nd If 'aid find ,'rue'r'trl,,1 "itauii'sl Hon u thaieol .JhV;..,w W'"'A,1AKcr. f LUAL 11LANKS OF ALL KINDS .ij w hand -.'. iiitE 1tm.j1.xiA orno