THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COINTY, PA. Agricultural. RULES ton MAKING ltljT-KDUBt ItUTTEU. Theo rulM were recently printed In tlm Jlural iVtw YorUr, ami are no excellent anil concise tbat we re-prlnt fur the benefit of our readers. FKEDINtl. Select your cows with reference tn tho quantity and richness or the milk produced. The het cows are tbo cheapest for bu'tcr, o get tho best of wtittver breed ,you select. Olvo them RODd pssturaRft In tho summer, nd plenty ofpuro w.itor, with frequent nc C'BstoMit. In winter, feed sweet, early hay, well-cured corn fodder, roots, cabbage, etc., and a ration of bran, corn-meal, ground oats, and middling. implements. Have tlm best Implement, nud keep them acrupuloudy clean, well scalded, ,'and ofien etpo-e I tn tho siveetmitng Influence! of the sun. The milk pill mid pans should ho of the best qtiillty of tin. A reliable therninm eter Is a necessity to every good dairyman, Mtl.KIXO. Tho mllkihn should be dono iiuietly and at riKUlar lime, an 1 tlm utmost clcanllnc obor?ed. Nothing Is tuinted quicker than milk by foul odjr, and surely at times with, nearly alt therf is rnovuh auliual odor to it, without adding any more. feKTriNd. Sir.tiii tho milk itlunly into tho pans, four to six i cbe4 deep. It. Ii an excellent plan to strui i the milk into a largo can st In c ild wter, and cool down to sixty ittgrees Defore ptntlln i-Uo i0 small ian.. The milk mut be set in a pure atmo'phero at such a tuiuppMtura as will pemiit-tho cream to rise in fro.n thirty to thirty-six h-ours af ter B'tlint;. In older to do that the room should bo kept at about CO to 05 dei'icis. and nnt allowed to vary touch either above or.below. In hot weather keep a large pieco of ice In a tub iu the room. Cover over with thick blanket, an J, if arranged so that the water will run off, it will keep a long time, and keep tho room very uniform. In cold weather some arrangement for warming the milk roonijshould bo adopted, SKIMMING. Skim as Boon as tho milk begins to turn sour. When you pour your cream Into th cream jar, splash as little as Jposslble. Stir the cream every time you add more to it, and wipe the sides of the pot. Keep the temperature at about sixty degrees, and the cream pot In the coolest part of tho house covered with a fine gauze netting strained on a hoop, not with a tight cover. If cov ered too tight, ftrineuation Is often too rap id. cnun.Nixo. Churn often, as there .is nothing panied by long keeping. IJring the temperature ot the cream In tbe churn to 50, and not al low it to rise above 01. Churn early in the mornin?, while it Is cool. First scald the churn, turn the paddles a few times ; then pour In cold water, and turn tho paddies : pour oft. and pour in your cream. In clurn- ing revolve the paddles with an eay regu -4lar motion, not too fast nor too slow. the butter should come in about forty minutes, a little more or less if the tempera ot the cream when put iu was about OS', as certained by tbe thermometer. COLORING. When likely to be deficient in color add a sufficient quantity of The Perfected Ilutter Color (made by Wells, Richardson & Co. Burlington, Vt.,) to keep it up to the June standard. wonuisa and salting. When it has 'broken' and there is difficul ty to make the butter gather, throw in somo cold water and give a few more turus. Some, and 1 think a majority, of the best butter makers of to day wash their butter with.cold water before removing from the churn Gather your butter with the paddle and lift It out into the tray, pres? it gently and in cline it,. aDd ret the butter-milk run off. Work It gently with tho paddle, with a cut ting, geutle pressure, but not to mash it ; or, oetter.put it intu the butter-worker. iSalt in about an ounce to tho pound, or to the taste ot good customers : only with th best salt, and free from lumps and coarse' ness. Work tbe butter only so much as to expel the buttei-milk, but not to work it too dry. This can be done by the use of a weak brine prepared for tbe purpose Put the bowl away in a cool place. After stand twelve or twenty-four hours, gently ureas out with a Iadlo or machine, .the remaining nutter milt, and any brine that will flow- out with it, care being used not to work it too much. If this is done the butter has lost its grain and becomes salvey, and its keeping qualities are greatly injured. I'ACKINO. Pack in vessels which will impart no im purities to the butter. Fill within half an inch from the top, Place a thin cloth whol. ly over the butter. Over that pour cold brine as strong as can ba made of hot water and the purest salt, or cover with a layer of fine salt. The whole process of making the butter, from drawing the trill.: to the plac ing of the butter iu packages, should be hurried, as milk, cream and butter aro go ing to decay every moment when exposed to the air, however pure it may be. Such but ter is ready to keep or to sell. If to be kept long before selling, surround every package with coarse salt, by placing them in boxes prepared for the purpose. This process keeps the butter cool and hard, and free from sudden changes of air. When all these things are attended to promptly, and with as much uniformity as is under the power of man control, there will be a near approach to uniformity in color, richness and purity, If tbe new beginner follows these rules, aud keeps doing so, be will soon command the highest figures. Cleanliness and common sense applied from the beginning to the end are absolute ly necessary to Insure good butter that will bring the highest price In the market. J. 1. tianchett, of Tecumseh, writes: 'If the cows are milked a few days before they come in, when the udder becomes reasona bly full, I do not think they will he troub led with milk fever. Such at least has been my experience. Most of the diseases of cattle are caused by wrong treatment -too much fed at one time, too little at another j too rich at one time, too poor at another, etc. If all cattle and horses were fed, and watered, aud used properly, there would belittle disease. To clear a cistern, add two ounces , pow dered alum and two ounces borax to a tweu ty barrel cistern of rain water that is black ened or oily, aud In a few hours the sedi ment will settle aud the water be clarified and fit for washing, and even for cooking purposes. It is stated that a Minnesota miller has invented an entirely new process of grinding wheat, which does away wilii the luillstoue now iu use and substitutes therefor a verti cally running granite disc In direct combi nation with a circle segment of French burr. This new process produces 80 per cent of middling. TUB OBSTINATE WKATIIKK COCK. How did the ship happen to bo up there among the mountains? That no ono could ay j but everybody could seo It upon the school bouse belfry, and everyhod) did peo It. "Wo shall have a storm to-day, tho old ship Is sailing cast," tho people would say, as they looked at It; or, "Fair weather to- lay, tbe captain Is looking westward. When the bell in the belfry rang tho chll- lren into school the ship trembled, but it kept on Its course. And what was Its course? iVIways in the teeth of tho wind. It was a full rlpgcd ship, all salts set, and tho captain standing on the poop. Jle al ways stood thero rain or Milne, fair weather or foul, morning, noon and ntght such a faithful captain was he. Ills hands wero In his pockets, nnd Ills' tarpaulin was cocked on the side of his head, Captain Prim, tho children culled him. Captain Prim had al wb)s sailed this ship, llecoitld not remem ber tho tlmo when hn had sailed any other. It was a long memory, ton, that the csptaln had. He could remember tho tlmo when he lived In tho same liou-e with n golden cock and a galloping horse and a locomotive. Where wcro they now ? Gone, no one knew where, whllo the captain Captain Pilm was sailing his ship, "j 'J may bcllevo that tho captain thought none the worse of him self for that. Captain Prim was always ready to put his ship about whenever he saw a change of wind coming. At the slightest touch on bis bronzed cheek, ho would sing out! "Haul away on the main sheet I Iltlay there!" and round the ship would come, and the captain would look straight ahead and bo ready for the next tuck. Whither was ho bound? Ah, that's the question. You could not have got it from the captain, but I will tell you. Although he looked so sturdy and knowing, deep down in his brave llttio heart was his secret ho wanted to get out upon the open sea. It vexed him to to always iu sight of laud. He couldn't get away from tho dreadful mountains all about mm, ami once in a great while, when there was a great fop, he was terribly anxious lest his ship should go on the rocks. So it was that night and day ho kept his post and sidled in the teeth of the wind, fur those wero his sailing orders. 'Captain," said a man whom be had known in his early days, "always sail in tho teeth of tho wind and you'll do your duty." One day ho was startled by seeing a head looking at him over the rail. I say there," said the head, "want a pas senger?" and before tho captain could an swer, the stranger ha4 climbed over the rail and stood on the deck, where he shook him self. "Pretty dusty, eh 1" "Who nre you?" prowled the captain. "Landlubber 1 dusty I out at seal" "Hear him I" laughed the passenger. Why captain, you haven't started yet." When you are as old as I am, jounp stranger began Captain Prim. "When you've travelrd as far as I have. began tho passenger, "you 11 know whether its dusty or not." ' Captain Prim longed to ask him where be bad come from, but his pride prevented. "Miy be it isn't dusty between here ai.d Colorado. May be these hills are'nt pretty rough climbing. I'm tired of it. I'm ready for a voyage. Pull up your anchor and weigh it. O, I know a thing or two about the sea ; just weigh your anchor and tell me how heavy it is cap'n," "Who are you, any way?" akcd the cap' tain, his curiosity getting the better of his pride. "I? didn't you ever see one of my family before? Why, I'm a Potato Bug. I bav,e had enough of this country. I'm going abroad." Just then tho wind veered a little. ''Haul away on the main sheet 1" cried the captain, and tbe Potato Bug, not seeing anybody at work, put his head down the hatchway and repeated the order. "I Bay. chambermaid, the cap n wants you ;" but no one answered. "Well, this is a ghostly ship," said the Potato Bug. "I'm not going to work my passage." "Ileiay there I" cried tho captain, as the ship swung round and was still again. "0, we're going now, aro we?" listed the passenger: "this is comfortable," and he crossed his legs. "But I say, cap'n," he be' gan again, pretty soon, "we don't get ahead I've been watching that meeting-house and it dosen't move a particle. It ought to. It ought to look as if it was moving. O, I know something about motion." 'Mind your business," said tbe captain badly frightened. He, too, had always had an eye on that meeting-house, when the wind was in the west, aud it bothered him that he should never seem to get by it. "Well, I think I will. I'll get out of this Flying Dutchman," said the Potato Bug getting up and climbing over tho rail again, I am used to getting ahead in the world You may stay and sail to nowhere, if jou want to. Good-byol" and he dropped over the bide. "He's an ignorant land-lubber," said Captain Prim, breathing u little more freely but not daring yet to look at the meeting house again. He could see the Potato Bug a distant speck out on tho end of the school house, and then the Potato Bug. was gone. But Captain Prim, now that he was alone again, kept firmly to his post. His band: were in ins pockets, me tarpaulin was ocked on the side of his bead, and be kept his ship head on to tbo wind. Obstinate fellow I Horace E. Scudder ; St. Xicholat for March. A London coroner, writing in regard to a recent railroad accident where, 'as usual, the communicating cord will not work,' made use of the following significant wordB Should it fall to my lot to preside at any In qui ry where the evidence shall establish reasonable probability that proper means communication might have averted loss 'of life, I shall direct the jury that individual members of the board are guilty of man slaughter, and, after so many disregarded warnings, it Is quite possible that the crim inals may not find the question of ball one of the easiest solutions.' In liln muiom dictlouary, Dr. Johnson who batej the Scotcli witli all the inteuao prejudice of which lie w.ncap.ible, gave this deCnition of the worJ "oati :" "A grain which In Unglanl U useJ as fjod fjr horaeH, Id Scotland far men." One of the brut things ever uttered wai the comment of a celebrated Scotch divine on tbU'definition, which wa intended fur a slur on the Scotch: "That accounts," mid the Scolchraau, "for the superior race of homes in England and of men in Scotland." A little girl visiting a neighbor with her mother wa, gazing curiously at the host's new bonnet, when the owner queried : 'Do you like it, Laura?' The innocent replied : 'Why, mother tiald It wai a perfect fright, but it don't scare me.' Laura's mother didn't stay long after that. " When a pair of skates gets to going faster than the lad who wears them, tho boy will almost Invariably sit down in a spiteful wauaer. GILES' jINIMENT IODIDE AMMONIA. Cure all I'll I ii In .Hun mill Meant TESTIMONIALS t rKOt.Arst'fltfTKKHriiinnif of tho Womb.) A Won derful euro. Mao jeara my wire Buttered ;with tins id I luiu i uiiipuiiTii . i-uuwi N' ifiiuru u uwwr al ter doctor, vv ent to tho ilinerenl Ii ispllais where fe males aru tre.itt-ili trlrs-ltiirin all! worn bandages iintlivHs-irk-s vvitliouly temporary relli (. Her life wiis uiliriitjlf. W.i niiplieil Dr. (11 es' Liniment. ucr reuci was immediate. Mio 1' Dow well. p. .McnsuMorr, 40 West lath street, .New Yoik, had twelve strokes or I'araivtit. My Icif. arm hd 1 1021113 Htlt, USVli'SS ! wiis ohll JOll to us 3 a cath- ler every dn.v. Doctor (ires' liniment loilldeof. Ammonia lit cured (i.e. vv in answer any inquiries so that all anllccd may know of It, ions' Al'l'M. ;sn in iiranioru, loon. Chestnut lull, riiltadclphlt, April Si, Tn, V. M. (Illes. Kn.. I war Mr I uW jour Iodide ot Atuinonl i l.tnlmcnt on Flora Totuple's Idnd p latent Joint, who had tir-en quite tamo j tho effect was wonuerrui i sue- wiks now qune wen. very re spectfully ) ours, - A. Kl til. P. M. f nm tinw ntlnir It nn t.lltleton'HHihtlore lcr. A larice stioo botl on a vsluablo yountr horsn was removed by Giles' Ltnlmont lodl-lo of sinmordi. ewiKi'iiMwi ivflirr, t'lirpets, ITsstuu ava.. New York. Asthmi Tho tortures mid mroules I t ndurod for sin years, none but thoso who havesuirercd Willi this icirttiloiilieaM) can know. My lite was misera ble. In desperation t tried titles' Liniment loilde of Amtnonu. It iravn nvi Instant relief. Used It In- terniliy as well as externally. l IIII.S. IIKINIU A, H7 west Sitli su-ct, New ork-. t was In a dreaa'ul con illlon. Joints swolteii. pala Intense. Injections of morphine Into my veins :ailea In relwvo mo. (Mies' Iodl.lo ot Ammonia took awav tho deposits from mv Joints 1 want every ono who suiters to know what Mill cum them. KOKDICK LOTURlir, North llydo Park, UitmnotUe co. vt. Another Putrerer cured. Iilsclmrircd from tho Massacliuslis lienors! Hospital as lt-curable. with lnlluiitnatory rhmimatlsm tu mi shoulders, fingers and reet : suffered fearfully tor thi on ears, tried ever)thln?: lust all hopo. lr, ones' Liniment lod- iue oi Ammonia eiiecieu a complete euro. JILI.KX e M ITU, No. 12 Prane street. Fall lilver, .Muss. SDralns. splints, bruises. Lameness In horses. eilles' Liniment ludtds of Ammonia Is a perfect spe cific. r.o person who owns n horse should be with out It. M. 1CODKS3, 569 seventh avenue New York. In mv famllv. and for the s'oclc. I have used HUc'c Jntment Iodide of Ammonia, ft ts unsurpassed. and I am surprised at the innny different inal idles In which It Is applicable. It glies the. utmost satis faction. .Touv J. CAnTRK, Superintendent Eastern Pennsylvania Experimen tal mrm. M c. and ft : and In Quarts at tiM. In which there Is a irrcat saving. 'l rui si w 'ii cents . HOLI RV AM, DHfoaiSTS. N. J. IIHNDKItslIIITT, Agl. lor IllaomsburK. may 41, 'JS- rare JUytuproatand thorough Mfod-purlfjJn(r proper tip", Dr. riercu'a loldrn Mrdlcni iMscorery tures tl Humon, from tbe wort HcwftiU to common i:intch I'lmpiV, or Krnptlort, MtTCUrltl disease, SllniTuI I'oljxmti, nnd their onVcts, am rraOJcntod, nml !gorMn liOHillntn'l a tKMiml constitution estah ItshoU. Krrmipcla, galUrbcntn Vcrcr tore Peal? or Keugh Mdm la short, nil !l season cnuKtl by bail 1 lootj, ura coikjucmkI by IbU powerful, purifying, ami i lomtln medicine. i;-pi'clniiy Inm n mnnlfrsted Its potency In c iirlnjr. Ttttrr. Hohs llauli, IIoDa, rarbunelc. More Vjt rXroruiou NnrM nnt Swelling lhtl Swclllff Goltru op Thick Nrck AnJ Elrr4 Cluida. If you ft I dull, drongy, Ocullltatctt, have fallow color of cklrv. or )tllowUibron tpoii en fact or hody, frequent hendiicbo or dizziness bad taste In nouth. Internal heat or chtlla alternated with hot Hushc, low fplrl ts, ttml gloomy foreboding, Irregulur nppetitc, nnu tongun roAlctf, )ou are suffering from lorplJ IJvrr. or ltlllnaBneM. Id many caCB ot I Live r Complaint vny part of thcM symptoms n ru fTprrlenrcd. A a rcwdy for all bucIi casea. Dr. rut-tV Ooliten Medical Discovery ba no equal, as it fleets pcrtcct and radical cures. In tbu cum of lirvnchiti. Severe Orach, and tho early stages of 0nmaatUn It has aaionmied tlm in itH ileal faculty, and etu incut physicians pronoun cu It the grcatist nierllral discovery of tbe age. WMIo I I cures t he severest Coughs, It strengthens lh iy sti m &nipurtfletlMlI4. Sold by druggists. IU V. l'ir.lUE, ii. I)., I'ron'r, World's Dlipensary aud Invalids', UcU.1, Uuillo,7f . Y. easaxn THE-'rCTBTtC. Nonsaoftaltlnathe large, rcpulstvnauwous pills, composed of cheap, erudV, and bulky Ingredients. Theio lMlets aro swoelf Urgtr tian nuaturd chi. llctn entirely vcetc4lA. no particular earu U re quired while uilng them. They operalo without til, turbaneo to the constitution, diet, or occututlnn. Tor Joundlr, Headache, CWtritlm, Impure ille4, laln In the fUMaldera, TUHiKot the bmU lUuloc, Hour Kractatlaas froaa tb Btomacaw Jtud TuU R the llooth, IlUloaa atltacLa, I'aln In relon or Kidneys. Internal fever, Illouled recllnsr nbuC Htemneh. Itu.h of EUand to Uend, take Ttr. re'a 1'Iroaani l'urcatlve I'elleta. In explanation of tin) PiirffMtivit IVHelN nvrr great ft variety of may ba said that their uctloa upon the animal econnmy Is unlvenal, not u aUnd or Ihwa ewnplnc their sanative lnpr. noca uob impair uiu umiani" They are sugurcoateU and Inclosed In glass bottles. any length of Utue, In any cliraaw, so that tlicy aro always frWh and reliable. This Is not the raw- with rills wit up In cheap wooaen or iiauurjouru win. 1 si nil rtiisoa nhpra n. Laxative. Alterative or luraratlve.ts Indicated, these lltlU 'ellets will give tlia inoft jTvrfect satlnictlou. (told hy dnjMUU. or drug lata. jrld'fl lilepentary it. v. riEitnc, m. i., I'nop'R, v orj anil Invalids' Uou.1, Uiuraio, r. fHtj! CATARRH 6A y ache.dlschargu millng Intolliroat, some times proAitu, watery, thick. mtirnna. nnriihlit. offunsllP. 1 LC. In others, a dryneas, dry, watery, weak, or laQamed eyes, stopping up, or obstruction, of the nasal pus Ing to rleur the throat, ulcerations, scab from ulcers, rulcoaltt red, nasal twang, oOenslve hreatti. Impaired or total deprivation of sense of amell and tastr.tll tLncsa, mental depression, IniS of appetite, liiillgi tlon, enlarged tonsils, tlcUlng couirh, itc. Only a tew of thesl symptoms aro llktly to he present la any ;ase at one time. DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY produces radical cures of the worst cast of Catarrh, so matter of how long standing. The liquid remdy nav It! snuffed, or l iter applied by thu use of Dr. riff.RCE'8 Itouche. This Is the only form of instru ment yet Invented with which fluid nji-dlctne eun lc wrried luou CP and j-kufectlv aituxd to all parts of the affected nasal psBsapes, and the'eham bers or cavities eommunlcaUnK l here with, In which mres and ulcers frequently exist, and from which (he catarrhal discharge generally proceeds. Its use .s pleasant aud easily understood, from direct . iccompanylng each Instrument. Dr. SAnF.'S t'a :irrh Remedy cures recent attacks of old In tho Mead" by a few applications. It is mild snd pleas tat to use. containing ni strong or caustic druir or Dolaona.. Cntarrh Iti inily and T)onrheald by druc riata, K. V. lMEitcc, l. I'rop'r.Woria'S XJ1 peusary and Invalids ltoU, DuAdo, N. , Hug, SO, 'IS In Proceedings for the Partition of the Heal tstate ol Kebecoa Smith, Deceased. COLUMBIA UOUxFi', SS: TllK Con MONWE1LTH 01' PlNNSY LV1NI1, To A. K. Smith of Madison township : James Wll DlfU BUM DUMU UUI FIIUlll uaiiti.iu, .11UIIIUUI CUUUVJT, renn'a.; Charles llodon and i'almetta hu wire or Madison township; Alexander 1 1, smith or sala Uan viuoi JohnHmlth ot (ireenwood township said Co- 1'imoua (hjudiv ; umiie i k. nmiia or Baia tireen wooa; Anna .M.hinituor said Danville ; 11. Y. llat tln, Guardian ot Hosa Kmlth and Urantbmlth. mi nors ororeenwooa arorcsald; Jacob Long or line township said Columbia county; Martha Long of said Mad'son ; liaolel Loo?, Jacksonville, Lehlghcounty. l'a ; IJesao Wclser and Mallnda his wlto or ureneld, said Lehigh county : KdHln Itabenold and Matilda htswire ot said Urcncld; Henry pottery and Hannah Ms wile ot uuth station said Lehigh county ; John Klotzand Kmellno his wlfeot Columbus Junction, Louisa counly, Iowa; Peter llaaa and Amanda Lis wife or Altentown. said Lehlch county ; Milton Git, and Abigail his wlto or said AUentown ; Jacob Lo bjen una Isabella his wlto of Iron ton said Leblgh cotinlv; Oeoive Htchardand Busan his n ire ot said Allcntown ; llenry II. Werlejr, Hosa M. Werley and Alice V. Weiler, a minor ami Mai ban Krum.uuarn lan or sal 1 AUca V. Werley or said AUentown. lineal descendants ot Hebecca Smith, deceased and to all other persons Interested, (Jrcclliiir: You and each ot you are hereby cited to bo and appear before the Judges ot our Orphans' Court to be held at luoorcs. burg on tho first Monday of May next, then and there to accept or retube to take tho real estate) ot said Uebccia Hinltb. deceased at the atwalsed val i- l atlon put upoa It by tbo Inquest, duly awarded by tno said L'ourt. ana rciurnea Dy tne snenrr, or snow cause why It shall not be Bold. And hereof (all sot. Witness tho Honorable William Klwell, rresldentof our said court, at Bloomsburg, the beventeenth day ot February, A. U., W9., WM.KmCKIUUM, fsKAti Clerk 0.0, X$J M. W, Ness, Deputy. (eb, SI, K69-IW DMINISTItATOH'S NOTICE. leT.ri or whxiiu wuiti, siciisiii, Letters or administration on tho estate of Wllllim White, late ot bcolt township, Columbia county, (le ceaaed, have been granted by tho Keglster ot said county to tbe undersigned Administrators to whom all persons Indebted are requested to make Imme diate payment and those having claims or demands against tbo estato will make them known to the Ad ministrators without delay, JOHN M. WHITE, OBO. CONNEIt, Ugblstreet, Aamlnlstrators, OW, MILLER, Att'y. a week In your own town, ts Outrlt tree No risk. Header If you want a business II I at which persons of either sex can make s s great pay all tne time they work, write lor partltulars to 11. luixrr Co., Portland. Maine. march ti, IS ly EGAL IILANK8 OF ALL KINDS J ON HAND AT Till COLVMUIAH OWJO Jimm TRADC MARKi &t 1 NVaTa 0i?pBBBBamaawS s os m. PELII5.m 0 BLOOMSBU KG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DI8TUIOT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. TIIISSCII(01,. anut present constlluteJ.of'craUiovc 1M1 UUIllirSSnnClUUS. IIIVIIinirUllUeUUllllUlUUUA , L-UllllUC'ivn iifim-u iJ oiuaiu, nvn .v.. i. ....... o . snrlnir w-HtiT. M.icuiion llHUllllIUI, unu uust oi uccrns. i sucucra u Taflchors tnodcratp. Fifty cents n wei't ilcilitctlon to all expecting to toauli. Courses of study prescribed hy tno Ntalot I. Mrxtel School. II. I'rep.irolorv. III. blemcntary. IV, Classical. A.IJmiet Cour-cs ! I Acnlemlc. It. Commercial. III. Course in Music. IV. Course in Art. Tlin Elemintarr Hilentlilc nml (1aslcal Courses eorrrspnndlnir tierces i Master of tlm Klements! Master in ; r attainment, signea in jno imi ers oi i no iioiiri i ne course or hki y precniH-u ny mtj nuuu 11 um'nii, un i i ;n-nutu. um. w.. ; "1.1110 uimnl 1.1 hpln 1n fteouru It. I)V furnisntng inu'iw The Male renulresa nnrher or,l,T of cltltensliln. The times .1 . 1 in 1 It. It Is oao of th" prlmn objects of 111 s school to neiP w m 11. m iui 1 k gent nnd eniclent Teachers for her Schools. To this cud It wmclt.s yemn,' persons of go'id umillie J awl boo J' P'a "'ViS iVhor after leaving school. Kor nnd their talents, as Mudents. To atl such It promises aid In itovclopluir th!lr powers, andabund inl oppurtunllles for well paid lauor auer icui iiik Catalogue, addres tho Principal. utrTMVru seerptftrv. HON. UII.I.IA.ll KI.M I.'l.l., ITo-lilent llonr.l or.,TruMri.. F' 1 ''M, W""ar' St'fit. S,J713. BARGAINS ! CALL AND SEE a Xj O T BLOOMSBTJBQ. Mens' Overcoats from Mens' Suits from $6 00. Good Working Pants 90 cents. Good Wool Hats for 75 cents. Winter Caps from 40 Boys (Japs from 25cents. Good Working Shirts 50 cents. Mens' Vests from 50 cents. Good White Shirts, linen fronts 65 cents. Mens' Socks, 3 pairs for 25 cents. CALL AMO SEE THE BARGAINS At the Popular Mtore oi AYED L(0WE1BIK(& Z' VIBRATOR' y Bi. Mucin, THE ORIGINAL & ONLY GENUINE Vibrator" Threshers mi luniOTED MOUNTED HORSE POWERS, And Steam .Thresher Knglnrs, Kade only by NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO., BATTLE CREEK, ?:iCII. 1 1IK Itlnlchlms GrnlnHnTlng, Time GRAIN Rnlner Trill not Hnbmlt to tho ritomana WMt.c. .lOntla Jk lit. In.rrlor wurk ai.n.u ly tb. .tliur tucbluc wImd ouc. w.tail uu tu. uularaaM. JIIK r.NTIUK Throhln? r.xprn.p. tUti OMll S lt Jt 1 lfll loitt tilllulllil Ulnw I JO HCTOlrlnj fhnrtii Ineldn Iho Prpa.' in M ralur. tutirety frvit Irom Heatara, I'lckct. fcaJaln, rftlloua. Prfrrt)y aapi4 In ill KltvUftii.t Ccn-lltlou ! Urlu( Wl of Pr, Um$ or SUu t, U04 r ItuuuJ. NOT obIt Vatlr Hapcrior for Wtirnr, 0tt. lUiiai(Kj,tn4 lik Uraiua, Lm, tUa vt, bto rrHli. ThrWi la rial, TknolUy, Ulllel, flovtr, nl )ikSu. kttrirrBaMticliJiicui" r xlmiWUir Iu cUaajrrutUriat4B0(lJ. MARVELOUS for Plmpllf Ity or artn. VilDf tr tlutn on-hlf Ilia uaual Italia ail 4 iara, tUkrt um U(lcrtu(l or ticaltarlos. FOUR Biof Hrparntontlrfnilr, raor lm troro Mi l Twrlva lln aUatu4 I wo tnic vt jUuuittvtt Uwtm Iwart to taulcti. STEAM rowrr Thrmhera n HiM-r.nltr. OUR Unrlraled Htenm Thprthrr En n, vtiu vlUa iiurxtcmiiia ti li.-tltM.tiv Vtaiuvs, lor UyoM my uLLcr tuk or klaJ. IN Tho roach Workrannnhlp, F.J I-mm PlDtalit 1 vriarimn ft lrt. ltutnMlruMa of uiimirin. etc, our ViittUTU" 1 urwlHr OWllU ara lactxuparaUa, FOR Particulars, call on oar Dealer n wrlU iu w lor lltwtraUd UrvuW, tilth lull In a. Jan. r l-Yb.7, Wy ESPY PLANING MILL. Tliounderfcljfneaiessfect inoEspy l'lactnsr Mill, Is prt-parud to do all klttls ot mill Wtric, Boors, Frames, M etc. made to order oa short notice. Satisfaction guar. CiuKuts Ksro, ItlocDibburg, l'a. TyA1NW1U0II,rACOi W1IOL1WALE UliOCJt9, PuiUDXLruii, Dealers In TEAS, HYItUrtJ, COFFKff, 8UOAU, M0LABfcK8, KICK, BFICK8, BICABB SODA. &C, AC N. B. Comer tiucood aod Arcn btrtets, V vordera will recel?e prompt attoLUon. u wttlia boUDtlful-upplf otpurt-, ....., ..,., h.i.un.i,. niwinttnp.nrm but kind, uniform ana thorough. Kxptnsef OTnerlenci'it. cfll ji.i - ri - vm. . u j, a...i V'',..i .. ;:.., Vi ,!n. HtujL'nts admitted at any time, aro I'ltOKr.ssKiXAI,, and Rtnlents (rrnduiini; innrcin. n .1". ..'"tl1. ii; nr n.incntes ofrlho sciences : .Master of tho Classics, unmuaics ui w tr,.rior tn Ihoso of our best Colleges. BARGAINS ! HI3STG - $4 50. cents, FOR YOURSELVES NOW SELLING oltaintdfor neio invent ton , or or improvements on oUt ontn.for ireticalor other eompovntts, trade marlt and labels. Caveats, Assignment. Inter' ferenees, Appeals, faults for Infringements, find atl cases arising under th 1'atent Latrnt prompt' lu nttentfed to.- tnrfuttom that have hren lythe ratent Of fice may still, tn most cases, b pnteiUtU by vs, htin'j vnpusUe th u. A. Patent Vepartment, and engaged in Patent business ex clusively, ics can make closer searches, and seenrs t aiems mors promptly, aa tcim troaaer claims, thtrn tkottt wa art remote from Washtnaton. senti vs a moil el or skttch 0 vour tlertce.' we mime cinnmuimns ana aurt8e as lapazentaniuty, jrrenfeftarffc. All correspondence strictly con fidential. Prices low, and XO CIl.lUUV US- mjjss patext is Hi:vvni:nt We refer in, M'ashlnnton, to Hon. Postmaster General Key, J!ev. F. J). Power, TU fitrmnn American Katlonnl Hank, to ofUctals in the l S. Patent Office, and to Senators ami Ptnreimtiittiuj in Congress; and especially tn nvrUtents tn every State in the I'nlon and tn Ctmatta. Address Opposite Patent vjjice, Washington, J, a H. C. SLOAN & BRO. 5 niaOOMsntriro, pa, Manufacturers ot Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs, PLATFOHM WAOONS, o. Flrst-cuus work'.always on'.hand. IUSTAiniNQ NEATLY DONE. rrlces reduced to suit the times. Jan. 6, isTT-u, jyOIiNINC PAI'KIt. ALL TUB NEWS foit BltEAKFAST. LIVE EDITORIAL?, Full AxNuclntvil VrcHH DemmtclicN COMI'LWE LOCAL ItEI'OItlS. NEWS FJtOM THE ENTIRE WOULD. Arranjoments have been completed for the Issue ol the Dally "ltccord of the Times," of Wllkes-Harre. Ha., aa ,a morning paper, contnlnlnir fulIAssoclaU'd frees ueapatcbes from the entire world, with Bneclal renorta from Washington and Uarrlsburff. 1 wJri reacb Hloomsburg In time for doll?fryto subscribers each morning by noon and wlu be ret'u. larly served to patrons at the rate ol mty Cents per Month, In adrance. The Bret number will be Issued on Monday morn Injr, March 8d, ier. n Agent wanted In every town and hamlet. For furtlie r jnirtlculars address IIECOIID OV TIIK TIM EH, Wllies-Ilarre, fa. feb. 14, T8. DEAR SIR; Jf jou are In want vt anything in the way of uuas, HirLKS, rkvolykus, I'i&tols. Ammunition, iiui lalerifll.,rTabia or an other Kin cwktimi t,ooMpleate write for my largo Illustrated Catalogira andrrlce List which I msllrasi. VouraUuly.JolINHTON'SUKaiT Wibt- knui'n nusiH, riTTssvaeo, n, wwrTFil when dcslrca. , V. Course in V hysical C''''"; inineumi "' O. E. SAVAGE, DBALEa IN Silverware. Watehos.Jewelry.Cloeks.&c, srr Kemoved to the rost Ofllco building, flraT door aoovo tno Exnango noioi. Atl kinds of Watches. Hooks nnd Jewelry ueat- ly repaired and warranted. may u, ta-ii (tREAT reduction IN PRICES ! Wo will sell tho Very Best Tamily Sewing Xttachino For Twenty -Fivo Dollars IX AS1I, on an orr.ampiitcd Iron stand end Treadle, witli walnut top nnd drawer, and necessary Attachments and dellUTlt nt any Deput lu the United Mates, Free of Charge. Tlieso machines nro wat ranted todi th3 whole line ol Famtly .ewlntr with moro rapldlty.more ea-e or mannsjemcnt, and lcs tatltfue to thu operator than nny machine now in use. send tor a circular. nery inacuiuo wairameu lor inreo years. Agent; wanted in Uncoupled Territory, Centennial Machine Co., Liimted "29 FlLtEUT ST., 1'iinni'hU'ilIA, PA. Oct 4, '73-Cm. S. W. Douglass, Civil and Mining Engineer ASHLAND. PA. General Surveying and Engineering Business attended to with Oaro and Dispatch. I am prepared to mako drawings, Plans and Models In Wood, Ilrasa, Iron, or the abovo materials combined as necessary ot Brldjes, Mine:, Ereaters, Baildlsrs, Enfloes, ri'Ml'H, and all kinds of machinery for us' of cases at Court or for applications to secure patents. I'titciitM Hppuri,! march iMrortTAHV TO YOU.'.'Q The Biyant & Strattoa J!o. 1C8 Ztzih lOtlt Btrs5l,iL!lii'a. Olfer.-i iiitum'iiasHt fittstlUieq j"orii"quiriiiK' v:i8inefiae;lt!. caiio::. Ktts-;i-jnt ca cniei nt any ilm ,. Zict T;'".liui:a. H.ScUvsloa citanlr.n tarn, aug. 30, I8-80W A k s The most extensive Mamifaciurers of Uilliard Tables fa exiitenre. The J. M. BniDSWlck & Batte Co. CHICAGO, CINCINNATI, ST. LOUIS AND 724 Broadway, Now-York. Newest and most elegant ttylct r.f BILLIARD TABLES AT LOWEST 1'RRT.S. Elegant Tarlor, Dining, Library and Bil. liard Tables combined, size 3x6; slate bed., perfect cushion., complete with balls and cuo, $50. Addm uluchevtr hum if nearest your city. The J, U. Brunswick & IWlcs Co Feb. 7,79 hw Ucan rr ako money faster at y, ork for 11a than at anything else Capital nut requlrud; we will HS.ZES:,. ,"'r 01 Uomo mad(J uy Costly outiltand terms fri. 'Address T a "i ,..HbHaw, j,.Mur. marcn rt. 7S-ly THIS PAPEIl 13 ICEPT OH 1'ILB AT THE OFl'ICE OP -JTJMES III MMB Bk DUriAiNO rmLAUbLPHIA JU1LOI bo reecho Advertisements ?ur thla lMncr 1 !, 'SI" L l-" t" AiNrriilrrrlMiir kcjd 83c. ror AY 121 1 h6JSvau JOB riUNTlAG Neatly and cheaply executed at the Couiiuiam Office, Ml nil Tho Seaside Library. t'lititeo books no longer for tlio few only. Tho best stntidsnl novels wlildn tho resell nr every ono. Hooks usually sold from fi tots given (unchanged nnd unabridged) for 10 nnn sn cents. int. A N' Un Life, tiy Jllss Mill K P s. Hard 1 Imes by (.hnrlos Dickens lm. A nr. mi Uidy, by .Mls Mulock lei. Peep ti' liav, by lohn t'nnlm His. AtthcKlgnot tho fellvcr Ungon, by 11 I, 100 100 soo 100 100 list iu. tnn.ier f f Hie utm t.inrl. bv Mrs llrnry ond W P". lil.ido-o'-Hrnss by 11 1, t'nil.Dti mo lni.Hie'ci King, by raptnln "nmat 1 tm. Illismnr's V Icier). In jiim .M I. rnddon tnc tin. '1 he iilrlsct rovcrnhnm, 1p llnreneo Murryatloo 111. A Tour of tlio World 111 Uglily iujs, iy Jules Verne I if. linrd l ash, by Chnrlcs Kendo 111, uolden iirnln, bv II I, I'orjeon HI. ImrrHI Mnrkhsin, by Miss M I! Iirnddon II . within tbo .Maze, by Mrs It Wood Its. Hnlford 1 IT. Tho I'cmnlo .MlnsHr. bv R t les lis, (irent nspectstlons, tiy C tilckens 1.0. lMrnitcl. bv ll.irpiiiM Afnrrint. 120. Itnnnnco of a Poor Young Sinn, by O Feu. II t'L HI. A ilfefnr a life, by Miss Mtitecfc HI, The I'rlvntei minn,liv enptnlii MAirynt las. lil'h legends, tiy supnul uner 111 I, squire irevljn s I'eir, by .Mis II Wood till Mnrr PnitOh, by Mrs (in'lelt 124. Krrnia; or my I'uthcr'HMu.bylt lilllack. more 1ST. M Indr Mallow, by rs (lii'kell ri 1 niiMn 1 nil iis, iv .ui. ihimscu 1. The Watidirlug Jew, (1st Pall) b Tugcno Sun 129. The Wondering .lew (2d bnlf) liv Kngcno Sue sue ISO. SiTtTinlin nut rr f'litirc Ii. hv Mki Mtl.ock: jiiu 1HI. Mii liail Mroj-olT, b .lulei Vi me loo soo is., .hick innicii, ity i nines i pv r 1A.I. 'I Dnrhr s.Mrf KnKpiniirv tjinp. bv II I, Tar. Jcoll IdO 131. My Pjf.llier's lfi, by Amelh II Kdwards l"c Hi. Atiitlm's lluvlianil, I'j Ml-s Mtilurk Hi! lui. Kktlo Mewim. by mis ullvbai.t lio Ai.A item in n i huiii. ii v i niir cs i evt r i"o 1 s. wbnl lie foM IM r, h .Ininis I'ajiie H'C lay. Inndoii' limit. b III V'urji'on sue no Tbo Ijidy l,lli-. In MIs .M I! I million lc 141. .Mnsli ii' iui lieaily. b t'n.talii s.inrjnl 1110 lll.lho lloiulDtibp I'mnlly. by .Miss Mulock so HJ. Tbe Haunted 'I owir. ly Mr llenry Wnod !oc 144. 1 be Twin 1 Iciitpnants, bv Alcxstnler Dumas loo 115. Halt n million ( I raom y, by Amelia II. Ed- winds soo 140. Charles ii'.lauv, tlio Iilsli Dragoon, by l er. ITrlp o ") 14", Itutt In, Hie Heeler, n C.ipislii Vnrrjnt m. A Hum siocklnir, by Anrlo Idwards 143. .lO'iimi "un!. by 11 1, tarjiMin IS'i. Mldldpinan I an , byOnpniln M.irrjat. 1AI. 'lb,1 Itti'.ht'm I . rs , ny Alex Huinas 15. Arltmr"'l.rnr, by Charles 1-eer l.'.a, Wnrd of wire! 154. A I'olnt of Honor, by Annlolldwards l The count or ,onie-i risio. Ai.'x nuinaa 15ii. Hip King's (inn, by enpt. Mnrrynt 157. llimil ami (ili,r, by Amdla 1!. I.dwards lfH. -1 leaMire I loe, ny Miinuei ijvit l.'n. Tbe r'niinlom -lilp, by cnptnlii .Marryat inn. 'I be lllirk-Ttilln. by McxalukT Dumns inl. Ill" World Wrll lot. 1.. I.JHI1 LUltcll lm. "l.lrley ( Imrloltc lliont. in... rank .Mliilumr, by captain Mnrrjot. 1M. A nung lie's Mnry, Hairlet Powrn lar,. a jiijtici'ii iiiia'er ioi. i.i i iif'ieiy iNovei Ifia. Tlm i nH Aldlnl, b (itorgo and K7, The ()ae b's .v klnee, by lex. Dumas ltw. Con f regan, by i baih-s I pcr t'"ii. M. riiirirk's Kve. by Charles fever nn. Nwti n Kor&lcr. liv Can! a n .Marryat IT!, llobtage to Foitutie, by Miss Ilraddon 172. ( bevalltT do Iabon Uoilge, by Dumas lis. .lanhet In besrch of a Father, by Captain T.irrjai. zuu 174. Kale n'Doiioghtie, hy Charles lever Kilo 175. 'Ibe 1'aeha ot .MnnyTnlus.CapialnMarryat loo 170. ivielval Kecne by Captnln .Marryat 10c 117. (leorso Canterbury's Will, by Mrs. IJcnry Wood MC 17i. Hare (lood I.uck, by It. Ti. Francllllon loo it'i. '11,0 msiory or a crime, ny victor Hugo ioo I'D. A rmalirt by Wllkle Collins hoc Pl. Th counters do Charny, Alex Dumia 10c, by Mrs. Cameron lao I- n. Kenllworlh, by Mr Walter Scott 20c Vt. 1 ho l.lttlo "nvagp, by Captain -Marrj'at ioo isi. "uood-ltj e swei Ihenrt." by lthoda llrougton 1oo 1", lta Id Coppprlleld, by Clmrlps Dickens 2oc Nalion, bv Alexander Dumas loc II- . Hii sw Iss Family llnblnson loo 1S9. lit nry Dunbai. bv Miss brad Ion loc U'U. Jlemolrs of a l'hvslclin. bv Alex Dumaa Silo 101. Vhe Ihieu cum in, by captain Jlarryat ire utt i iim i l iisrinunr'i, uy a ipxanuer iiurnas hio mi. lleirtvf Midlothian, Mr Walter Scott 200 li'4. K intent ions, bv Horeneo Mnrrjatt loo lin.l- W of liaaila. b xlexander Dumas lao IP i. Mi I'.IasM'klpbj.byChailtsDIckens 20c 17. Nancy by llhmia UruUSiliton loo Hw. 'ettlers In Canada, by captain Marrj'at loc 1P9. ciolMei- and tlie Hearth, by Chas. Hondo 20c 200. Iho Monk, by .Matthew 11. Lewis, M. I (Monk ton ls. loc 2at. Calhnrlnn mum. by Alex Pumns 10c 202. Mr. (UHll's I ove Mory by (lerrgo Eliot loc 203. Cloister and tho Hearth, by Chas. bendo sks 204. 'I'lio Young Man ro. w. II. (!, Kingston 19c 20i. The in slerlcs ot l'arls, (1st holt) by Kugeno Suo 20c IJ. 'Ihomjtterlesct Paris, (2d ball) by Kugeno Sue 20c inc. t'olsnn of Alps, by riorereo Marryat loc 2)7. Hie Children (I tho Now Potest by leapt. Manyit loc Wi. Noiib anil Fouth, by Mrs. Caskell sue 209. A.Iewclotnillrl loo 210. Young Musgravp, bv Mrs. Dllphant loc 211. Handolph (-ordon, bv "ouidi" loc 212. Hrlgaller Frederick, bv Kickmann-Cliatrtan lite 213. llarimby Hlldge. by cha. l)lcl.eiis voc 14 Mnstowe, by Ml-s. I.ellh loc 215. II rds of I'rey, by .Miss iiraddun 20c 21S. Itgcnasr f tho mack Ualch. by.Tt mesorantior 217. Tno had Fortunes of liev. Amos liarton, by (leorgo Kllot loc t Domiiey and Son, by Charles Dickens voo 219. My own Child, by l'lorene" Marrj'at loc 220.iieorge cahteiburi s will, by Mrs.;nenry , uuu 221. Poor Zenh, by F. w. Hoblnson 22Z. Ijistof the Mohicans, by .1. r. Cooper 223. 1 ho Marriage Verdict, by Dumas 224. The Deer t layer, by .1. F. Cooper 2-.'5. Two Destinies, by WliMo Collins 22ii. Tho Path l luder, by F. .1. cooper 20c loc mc loc loc loc 1oc loc in, iiaiuiau, in i,uss iiikick 221. 1 he HeLrent's D.iutrhlf r. bv Dumas 10C 229. The Pioneers, by .1, Fenlmoro Cooper 230. unto (irand and tho Marchioness, by ioo "Oiilda" 211, The Prairie, by .1. renlmore Cooper 232. A nark Main's Work, by Mrs. Haskell 233. 1 hn Pilot, by.l. Fenltnoio cooper 234. Ilis TeLder Kccollc ctlons of Irene Maeglll cuddy 235. a ii open Verdict, by Miss lira tdon 230. Shepherds all nnd maidens Fair, by Walter l'esant and .lames nice 237. Wandering Ilelr, bv clinics Kendo 23S. bealrlce, by .lulla Knianagn 239. No 'I horoughlaie, by Chailes Dlckeus and Ullkle Collins 240. The laurel Hush, by Miss Mulock i4I.TrleolrIn, by"i nlda" 242. 1 he Three Foithers,bv William Illack 213. Dalsv ijidy llardv 241. Tho Three (luanlstnen. by Dumas 213. .lack Manly, by .lumcs drant 240. 1 eg Wellington, by Chat les Ileado 247. Maitln chult ilt b Dickens 2is. bread and Ci.eese and Kisses, by II. t. Far Jeon 249. ('cell cnftlemnlne's (l.ige, by "OuldV 10c 10C loc loc 10C loo 10c loc 200 IOC 10C 20C IOC 1HC 20C 1nC 100 soo IOC loc 20C 250. No Name, bv U llkle coIIIiih" 2M. lady Au"lej 's secret, by .Miss M. K. Ilraddon loo 2,1. Hard to (leorglannt. .M. cralk loc sw. a iiue man, oy .11. u. Mining 254. 1 ho octoroon, by Miss ilraddon 255. lAthalr. by night Hon. II. Disraeli 250. l.oid oakburn's Daughters, by Mrs. Henry Wood 2vr, That Hoy ot Noreott's, by Lever 25. Pin Ills, 'iho Ducbets 259. Valentino Vox, (1st halt) by llenry Cockton 259. Valentino Vox, (2d half) bv llenry Corkton 200. Charlotte's Inheritance, by .Miss II. E. Ilraddon 201. U's Mlserablps-Fnnllne, by Hugo 202. U's Mlserables Colette, by Hugo 2HJ. MNt rallies Marias, by llu-o 201. to.i Mlserables-st 1 eimls, by Hugo 2i'.j. les Mlscratles Jeai. Valjean, by Hugo 201. lacob Faithful, by cat tain Marryat 107. 1'ho Uist ol the lladdons, bv Mrs. Newman 201. l'orty-nvo (luardsir.en. by Dumas . 209. I'ed as a Hose Is she, by Hhoda Drougbton IOC loc 100 271. The Diary ota 'hj slclan, (1st half) by Samuel t nrreu 20c 271. -iho Diary ot a PhysLlon (:d half) by Samuel vtarrcn 20c .... , uu luo titui iu, uy LUailCS DICK' ens too 2.3. i-naneyyow, Dycnpt.Marryat 10c ','.:.r' ,luuBualu " .ear,! i&i nan) Dy samuel S".rrenV, 20c ""v.. " muuouuu u ivur (uiiuii)oy bamuel Hay iiiivMioiu, oy .Mary Cecil 270. Tho Page oftheDuko or Savoy, by Alex. Dumas 10c 277. Hrot her Jacob, by (leorgo Pilot 274. six Years Later, oy Alex. Durans 2,9, a Ix'iif lnlbo storm, by "Ouldi" Sso, The reck of tho "drosvenor" 2sl. Ijidy Marabout's Troubles, by "Oulda 2s2, poor Jack, bv Captain Marrj'at 2s3. Twenty Years Alter, by Dumas 214. Oliver Twist, bv Charles 2ss. Cometh t'p as a Flower, by Hhoda Ilroughtonloo 2s. Atu r Dark by Wllklo Collins iiic 10c 100 s(, 1 eiguicn uriingH Sss. Tlwchannlugs, by Mrs. Henry Wocd 2iu. A Christmas Carol, Dy C. Dickens 290. Dick Itod'iev, byJanfesilraut 291. Olive, by .Mln Mulock ''"'Thomas''01"1'1" N(I'l?"e em" Annlo 293. Tom l'rrlilo,by Samue, Lojer 200 10c loc 20c ioo ioc 200 2'JO wt. inv i.gioies, UV.VHSS .Mulock 295. 1ist lor Imp, by Mls Ilrsddon ixisi ior ixjje, uy mi s.'o, 'i om burko or "Ours," (1st bain bv Charles lHT 290, Tom llurko of "Ours," (2d halo by Charles 297. The Haunted Man, by Charles Dickens v. ( aplal 1 Paul, by Alex. iMinas 299. Hy Proxy, by James Pnv u t"r ilf"" Mbor b' Jamis Hesant and Wal- ?rma,'2 hy R" I'0ol:se"';rs fln"1 Newsdealers, or t-v,.bu hipu, l-lviji 01 price. c.EoitOE MUNiio, Publisher, SI, 23 and 25, Vanduwater St., N. Y, I". 0. 1101 tA57. aug 3, 'ii-cuu TRUTHS. HOP BITTERS. (A Medicine, not a Drink,) CONTAINS IIoiis, Itui hn, .IliiiiilruUe, Damlviiuii, And the Turest nnd Itest Qualities of all otlit r Hitlers, THEY OUHE All diseases oflhe6tomach, bowels, blood. Ilrer s-.&IA'i" ,lr "ar' pnrans, nervousness.temale complaints and drunkenness. ."w $1000 i isr qold Will bo paid for a cafo they w 111 not euro or heln the'" ahytwai: lo,puro or tajunous foimd S wkyour.drur'Elss 'or Hop Hitters andfreo notier" " " mUn t'ure oSK The Hop Covgh. Cure and J'ain Relief " . ,v wtiuJM,, ui(r.( ana jJctt. 'QK am bt hoviii SRorniim UE WHITI2 OHIHIP OilBnlllMC 3 3LyirU f.m-iuiinjL. Unrivaled in Appearance, Unparalleled in Simplicity, Unsurpassed in Construction,' 0 Unprecedented in Popularity, And Undisputed in tho Broad Claim veiiv ni'.ST ors;si.vTXNO (jricititwr oi:i.i.xro, xiANisoMi:o'r, and Most Perfect Sowing Machine IN THE WORLD. The area I popularity cl Iho WMta It lha mostcon. vtneino triblte lo III cccclttnca M upcrlorlly over other machlno.nnil In tubmllllnq II 10 th trade wo pot It upon lis nerlU, and In no Inslanco has 1 1 evtr cl iJilcd to tatltly any rccoramcnilatlon InlUlavor. The demand tor the Whits has Increased such anontcnt that no are now compelled to turn out a-vaT-r tlireo anla.'toa ill. tiio &B.zr to o-u-ppiy thj aomaadl Cvert machine Is warranted for 3 years, nnl soldfor c-sh at liberal discounts, 0 upon cay payments, to suit tho convenience ol customers. oTruum rA'.nn nt r.::::ur:s3 ikeitcs-. WHITE SEWItIG MACHINE CO., ' Nj 3:0 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, Ohio. ,T. Saltzcr, Agent, RLOOMSBUKG, PA. Oct. 25, lS7-0ln RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES jORTIIEKN CENTRiVL RAILWAY WINTElt TIME TABLE. On and after Sunday. N'OJember 10. 197,lho trains on tbo Philadelphia Urlnlta lroad Division will run as follows : WEST W AMU. Erlo Mall leaves Phllndelphti 11 63 p m " ' llarrisburg 4 21 am " " Vllllam'port ssiam " " Jersey shore. u 07 a m " " iick Haven 9 40 a m " Henovo llo a in " arrive at Urlo 7 nn p in Niagara Express lca es Philadelphia 7 20 n m ' " Ilarihmirg 10 to am " arr. at Mlllamsport 200 pm " " lock Haven 3 23pm Fast IJnc leaves Philadelphia 11 45 a m " llnirlsburg 8 B5 p m " arrive at WHll.iinsport 7 25 p m " " Lock Haven S40pm EASTWAIID. raclflc Express leases bock Haven c 40 a m " " Jersey shore 714am " " vv llilamsport 7Cvam u arrive at llarrlshurg 11 Mam " Philadelphia 3 40 pm Day Express leaves 1-ock Haven 11 20 a in " v llilamsport 12 40 pm " arrive at llaubburg 41opm ' " phllailelphla 7 20 p m Erlo Mall leav es Henovo s m p m " " lock Havenl 9 41pm " " WHllansport llo-ipm " arrives at llarrisburg 2 4",uni " ' Phlladclphu 7 10 am l'ast Lino leaves Vv I llanisnort 1 C5 a m " arrives at llarrisburg 8 fi5 a m " " Plilladelpnla 7 40 a m Parlor cars will run between Philadelphia nnd VVUIam.port on Niagara Kxpiess west, Krlc Express west, Philadelphia Express ea-1, Day Express east aud Sunday Express east, bleeping cars on all nlaht imius. a. - WM. A. 11A7.DWIM. f , -DWIN, f 1 ;ral bupt, J oencral t ATORTIIEUN' CENTRAL, RAlEVVTi 0.- COMPANY. on and after November 20th, 1S73, trains will leavo Suhbury as lollows : . KOIlTIIW'Aim. Erlo Mall 5.20 a.m., arrive Elmlra 11 .5 " Canandalgua . 3.35 p. m Itoehestcr S.PS " Niagara 9 40 " Itenovo accommodation 11.10 a. in. arrlvo William1- poitn.Mp. m. Elmlra Mall 4.15 a. m., arrlvo Elmlra 10.20 a. m. Buffalo Express 7.15 a. m. ai rlvo llutTalo s.10 a. a fcOUTIIWAltl). Iluffalo Express 2.50 a. m. an lvo llarrisburg 4.50 a. " Ualttiaoro s.40 ' ElmlraMall 11.15a.m., arrlvo llarrisburg 1.W) p. ra " Washington 10.30 " " Haltlmoro c.30 " " Washington 8.S0 " llarrisburg accommodation 8.40 p. in.airivo Harris burg 10.50 p.m. arrlvo Ball lmoro 2.25 n. m " Washington 0.13 " Erie Mall 12.55 a. m. an lvo HaiTlsbui g 3 05 a, mi " Baltimore 1.10 " " WasUngton 10.35" All dally excert Sunday. D. M. BOYD, Jr., General Passenger Agent A. J. CASSATT, General Manajtr piIILADEI.I'IIA AND HEADING ROAD ARRANGEMENT OP PASSENGER TRAINS. Nov. 10, 1S78. T1UIN3 IEATS HUrKRT AS TOI 10W8(SrNPiT EXCErTIP For New York, Philadelphia, Beading, rottsvllle Tamaqua, tc, 11,45 a, m Per Catawlssa, 11,45 a. tn. 7,21 and 7,r6 p. m. For WUllamspoit,6,2S 9,05 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. T1UINSF0R HCriET LE1TK AS FOLLOWS, (ST. KD1V Bl CErTEO.) leavo New York, 8,45 a. ra. leavo Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m. Leave Beading, 11,55 a. m., Pottsvlllo, 12,39 p. ra andTamaqua, 1,15 p. ra. Leavo Catawlssa, c,20 8,50 a. m. and 4,00 p. in. Leave 'Ullamspoit,9.45a.m,2,l5p. m. and 4,50 p. m Passengers to a Ed Irom New York and Philadel phia go througa vv ithout change of cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, General Manager. C. fl. HANCOCK, -u.uiua.n. General Ticket Agent, tr. DELAWARE. LACKAWANNA ANB WESTKHN JtAlLItOAD. IJLOOJ1S11URG DIVISION. Tlmc-Tablo No. 89, Takes effect nt 4:30 A, M JIU.-MJAV, JUNE 10, 1S78 NOltTH, bTATlONS. KIVITTIT. a.m. p.m. p.m ...... .scranton -Bellevue Taj lorv lite . ...Lackavvanna..., Pulsion .. West Plttston... vV'j oming ...Maltby... . .......Bennett, Kingston Kingston mouth June. ....Plymouth..., Avondalo Vanilla u aa 2 iu u ii 9 10 2 2J Ii v 2 I'O 0 2 SS 0 40 '2 41 0 45 2 49 0 60 'J 63 55 2 67 0 19 8 16 7 10 9 1 T 1 9 45 9 69 10 07 10 18 10 S3 3 10 7 1 10 2j 3 15 7 W S SI 7 15 ,i, ., Ui, T i'l 'ill 42 8 ffl 8 (4 .u,iiuvji n iti'K. ill 4. a o i- Nlllf L-ulilnnv llll ... 1 f.ik H V.S ...Hick's Perry.... 11 07 4 03 s 45 ...Beach Haven..' 11 13 4 10 8 16 -Berwick .,.,,11 21 4 is 9 03 ....unar i reeK VVlllnwl!i-nv.. 4 .5 7 15 4 21 7 23 A HI T SO Mtno ltldge.!!!! rjipj- .Bloomtburg 11 89 4 41 7 44 4 49 8 of) 4 U 8 hi ,.n a hit 11 43 I fi Cutaw Usa Ilrldgo" 11 i u " 12 II 1 11 I 2J 11 67 fan vino ....Chulasky, y is . o.t a rs Northumberland. 12 45 6 45 9 to p m. p.m. a.m -,. , . . . W. F. nAtSTE'.D, bupt BuperlntetidenPR oaija, Scranton, Juno to, isis. rest; business vou can enr-sra In. tt to 120 lieclsv Iiiailn liv nn umkirr.r elihir sex. rl jht In their own ineuiitb-s. Par ticulars and Bamples wortlnstrec. Improve our f paro time at this, business. Add is brissns 4 Co., 1 orllaud, Maine, march it, '7X-iy p.m. p.m. a.m. a so 4 12 9 40 9 23 9 17 9 37 0 08 9 30 8 64 3 51 9 21 8 61 3 40 9 19 111 Sb 9 It 12 41 12 H 8 33 3 SO 0 04 8 13 3 10 S 44 8 23 3 20 8 65 8 H 3 U S 47 8 Ol 3 04 8 39 1 61 2 51 8 VS 7 88 2 39 8 17 7 12 1 34 8 12 7 25 -2 2S S 06 7 IS T 14 7 10 7 HI 3 T4 7 44 6 60 1 67 7 as O 60 I 61 7 S3 8 45 J 46 7 29 27 1 27 7 11 15 6 00 1 CO 0 45 p.m., Trrisvi,KiirrTi0M AilVfrllKluir Ilm, im i i hitrii.'.. sni-i. h-r ii'l'i' tUlnii uuiilruet. way bo luadu ur U IN NKW YOIIK. leb. 14, 17-lt r NEW PENSION LA W. All pensions by new law, begin lack at day of dis charge. Rejected casesalso re-(' nl, lvnUcnirs and applicants, tend two btamps for new law.bluuks and Inst'uciloiis to ?l:ivV'iTi:oliltAU,.,,11' WuthlBston, D.R Jfvb. I, 1-4W )KiM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers