The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 14, 1879, Image 3
THE OOLUJpiAN in, (to ;i huh 11 (i, ! it 1 11 iv, ma 11. M, is;ii PAMtNIIAIt I'Olt I8if). 'S 4lf!slilf lit line! 1 5 5 ? i iiisfe- 5 J-',,, ; I fi,i;',r ;, j IIS A. 12 111 II I.', li' iIiih. ii in; ic i; it i'i in ;n i : .-a tm i u'-ti 1 21 a : . . 211 JT .ll . 21 is V in 11 M.. 1 Act 1 ... 5 1 1 .'1 n ; ! 1 r. i; ; t 11 11 in 11 u 11 II if., 10 11 1. i.i 11 n in II 17 l- IIIJIl Jl 22 I, l- I1 flillistl ut 1 .-i .; . 11 a -jo 27 2- s'i 'io Bit... I . 31 . .. . 5 :i 1 f. 1 ; 1 Sell.. 1 v 3 1 o n ( i" 11 1.' 1.1 11 ii ; i' in n u n 11 ii 1 i'i -n.i 11 a v, 1; p i'i .n 2 1 2 1 ii 2: Mr 1 1 2 2 -2 21 ai , 17 , .10 11 .1.. . '2- April. . 1 s 11 4" Oil- 1 i .i I I ; i- n i'i n il r. c ; 1- p in 11 mi r, in 17 1- in 11 nn r, 11,17 is il .M If 2 1 Jl 13 21 I'i in il 22 23 21 13 . 21. 271-311(131. Bit 1 s 3 .. M. .. 1 4 f, (, 7 S i ID !3I(I 7 i II If II ill", in 17 11 in 11 12 13 11 if, I- P 2021 iiJ'UI I', 17 IS I'i 2(111 22 2.1 ill 27 .';'' Kl III 21 21 25 20 27 21 21) 30 ... ItU. I ! 'I I f, ( 7 Pet.- ... 18 31''" I- II lll'll 12 M II I 7 8 !' 10 III 12 n I.i in UiHi'i in 2iii ii ij in i; ii ii jo t! 21 21 23 20 17 Mi 21 22 211 iTSJS! 27 .vi..i . ... . I . II 22o;ml.ii... ... . Hull Komi Time Talilc. A C K A W A N N A A, I)I.OOMSIlUnn HAIL IMAD N0BTI1. SOUTH. Accommodation Train,,.., .. 6.t A.M. S.ooa.M, Mall Train 7.39 A. M 4.49 P. .M Jixprcss Train 1.S7I". t. 11,43 A. .M 0ATAW1S3A KAIL I10AD. NORTH SOCTII Accommodation Train A. M. 7,80 1'. M. Itogutar Ktpnun 4.00 p.m. 11,41A.M. Throngh nrson Express train either to New Vorl; or rhllaetolphl. Accommodation tram runs between Catawissa nnd Wllltnmsport. STAHK LINKS. Camiiri AMD Iti.O0Msnciiii. Leal 0 Catnbra Monday, HVdnenlay nnil Friday at Oiwn.m., nrrlvoat Hloomsburg by il:3oa.m. ..e.ive nionmsbiirgon same days after nrrlvil of l'.ii:ailelplila mall. Hlooiisbckii ami 1 AiiinsMi.i.K, Leave I-nlrdiVlllo Tucsilo" Tliursdiy nnd saturd.iv nt a. m nn Iving at Wonmsbtirg by 12 m. I,cnvo Hlooms burg on same daj s after arrival of Pnrladelphla mall The stage lino terminates at.Mlllvillc. llrnton nnd llloomsburg. A dally Rtnge line leaving Denton In tl.o morning nnd returning In the eie ntng of tho samo da'. MAIL KOUTES. Viiitr 1UU, and Iiloomshiro. Leave White Hall '1'upsday, Thursday and Saturday at C:3i a. in., nrrh In? at Illonmsbuo-by in a. m. Iavc Hlooms burg on samo dajs aner arrival of l'hlladelphla mall. llKNro-e and IH.iOMsnnuo. Leaves Ilenton Monday, Wednesday nnd Friday at 8 a. m.. arriving nt Hloomshurg at '2 p. m. Leaves, Muomsburp; Tuei div, Tnursdaynnddnturdayats n. in., airlvlng At iifntouatup. m. TO SUllSCIlIlJEltS. The date on the printeil slip pasted on your paper shows to what time t ho paper is paiil for. Tlicrfe namei and late are printed on lonjr; fheetii, nnd cut oil' and parted on witli a mail ing machine, each week, As each sulwcriher pay?, the da'o is changed cn the slip in pencil, and ihe corrections made unnlhlj-. Itsjiue limes linppcin therefore that the change does not appear on the paper for two or three weeks after payment, and e are often notified hy suh-scriber-i who think Ihe omiiion to eiiange at once is a mistake. ThU explanation N made po (hat all nmy understand why the change does not appear iniintdialely. It is n good deal of trouble to make the chnnges and much more convenient; to make nil ihe changes for the month at ono time, than to make each one as they occur. if! SALES. M. A. Ammerman, Administrator of John Kveiand will sell real estate on the premises in Kiahingcrcel; toivnhip on Saturday March loth at two'o'clock p. in. Andrew Laubaeh and Rachfl A. Hess, Ad ministralors of Alexander Hess will ofler Ihree valuable tracts of lind for sale in Sngarloaf lown-liip on Saturday March 22nd at teno'dock a. m. on tho premises. ' J. M. l!eifhline,Adminislratorof John iiei'h lino lalo of Ilenton township, will sell realeilalc premises on Thursday March 20th 1S7 nt 10 o'clock a, m. Xcxt Monday is St. Patrick's day. A number of clergymen will arrive on Mon day next. There will be an adjourned court on the 29lh inst., for motions and arguments. Rev. John Graham of Krie preached in the Kpiscopal church ht Fridiy night. lievs. Zihnerand Kescmlen exchanged pul pits on Sunday. t'lii'iv Jackson's iiest sh eei n Tiibnero. Wantkd. 200 tons of good Hemlock Hark by Silas Young, Light Street. Feb. 21 4 w A large deposit of iron oro has recently been discovered near Tapton, lltrks county. Col C. O. Jackson lias been appointed quart er master general on Oovernor Iloyt'a stall, Persons indebted to this ufliee for advertise ing ami job work will please fettle before April 1st. K. A. Uuckalew will move into tho house now occupied by D. A. lleckly on the 1st of April. Col. C. Q. Jackson of Ilerwick will scak at the Wednesday evening meeting of the Con ference. There will bo a prayer meeting at 0 o'clock in the morning at the M. K. Church each day dur ing the Conference. Wooden sidewalks in many parts of the town are in bad condition. They idiould be repair ed. Clean 1111 vour yards now. All vegetable matter should be removed before it begins to throw ofl'unhealthy odors. Tho nexl Sherili's sales will be held on the 7l 1 1 , nt Illooniibiirg in the morning and at Catawissa in the afternoon. Petition and bonds for tavern and restaurant licenses for sale at this office, 23 cents a set. III be sent by mall on receipt of 31 cents in stamps. Mar. 1 1 2-w John liurnsidc, who has been for ceveral months past in Delaware, returned last week, lie does not Ihiuk much of his speculation down there Wo have had our say on tho public printing ; question, As wo have since seen nothing to I answer and no occasion to answer it, wo have I not done o Tho Journal, under tho management of Mr. J. h. Itichnrdson, is making a vigorous fight in tho causo of temperaiicc. May its ellbrts bo abundatitly rew nrded. Tho members of the l!loomburg Silver Cor net Hand proposo giving a Social Hall, nt llrowcr'g Hall, on Monday night of next week, Ker)body is invited nsu "hugu" timo is an ticipated Tim Stkiimko Hook Covkii. Wo havo purchased tho right to use these covers in this county, and lmo 011 hand nn assortment of fcues. They make tho neatest und most con venient form for doing up noto heads, letter lieads, bill heads, notes, checks, Ac , and n cover will be given uway with every order oi 1000. Try it once nnd you will not do with out it. It is tho best thing of the kind ever invented. Cull and examine. tf. A WORD OV OA0TIOK. For some years past we Inyo somewhat sev prely n poitlon of the management of our Agricultural Society. The premiums for the real nrodiictlto inttn-fliti nf nttt AMin havo betn trifling, and favoritism universally dlsphycd In the selection of committed. Con tests as to stloctlon of officers nt annual elec tions have been moro the result of it combina tion of local, political, nnd selfish Interest", than llio good ot tho Association or people who pat ronUolt. Tho surplus Is loaned nt random, No permanent Improvements are made, The money received Is taken away mainly by jock eys nnd strangers. The prnctlve is not only Immoral but Illegal j nnd we are suprlsed that It should he fostered In a Christian communlly. It brings to our town a debauching class of mtn, who gamble on races, with the mere anal omy of horses. To show that the practtcj Is illegal we give the following extract from a re cent decision by Juilgo Kiss 1 "Horse raring under section 1 of the act of AFsomblyof 1820 Is dechred ,1 nuisance. All wages and Lets depending upon such trials of pecu,-sociiieir'liorsoraciiigln reality, and aH executory contrads In relation thcrelo, nre turn miner seci on J 01 t Mat net. nm 1 . entered on such raojs nre forfeited. A purse trolled for Is mmhll 111? II ml tip I tin Iiujj nr !.... . , " '."I ui i-ini- V-vniiH. The winner cinnot recover itm linni, purse, Hakes or prize unless llic company liooses to nav him. Tho hrrs ,fn.l. ,..i.,. ant is forfeited j and tho whole arrangement is a palpable evasion of tiie law. lint there can be 11 evasions of the laws against gambling, as it is bren well ruled In Wngonscller vs. Smith, 7 I'atts, 313." Hilt the law rr(iet sllll fnrlhpr. mul ll.a.T.,.1 Constables, and (Irani! Jurors should make n note of il, as well as Agricultural Societies, and uiiors, nocauso ignorance ol the law will bo no xcine. The Sixth section , film ai .rtiw provides, "Ifnny person or persons within this taie snail print or cause to be printed, set up r cause to he ' t up, nny advertisement men loning the time and idice for rnm,!,,.. , b( paring or trolling of nny horses, mares or gelli ng', or ehsll knowingly snhvran advertisement is nforesiid to he set tin. in or imnn hl. bar .,f their divclling house.or authorize or shall know ingly sutler the same to remiin mi , nrnrD,.:,i any person so oflendlng shall forfeit and pay uuiuinoijai, nils section nnil the first, of the same ncl, are especially worthy the attention 11 me managers or tlieso societies. Tho first eel ion declares that "nil mnnlm. ,n , 11 -..v...h u. trotting of horses, mares or geldings for money, goods or chatties, or other valuable things, shall be and are hereby declared to h mim nnl.,n. ces and offenses against this Stale; and the authors, parties, contrivers nnd abettors thereof man ue prosecuted anil proceeded against by indictment.'' All constable nrn l.nnnit fr r..- turn common nuisances, under oath, at tho next sessions, nnd these statutes are in full force and vitality. We have cited lliem as a wirning, and a word to the wise is sufficient." DEATH Ol' K. W. FULTON. Edward W. Fulton, agent of the Philadel hia & Heading railread company at ltnncrl, died at Iiis home In that place on Sunday morn. ng at 9 0 clock, of cancer 111 the stomach, after a protracted illness. His age was twenty-eight years. Kvery family in ntlliction of Ibis kind las the sympathy of the community, but a sad- ler instance of bereavement has never come to our knowledge than the present one. Mr. Fulton was married on tin- 10th of October lSTii to Miss Lizzie, daughter of J. II. Harunn of Hiipert. He was robust and hearty, and the pair had the prospect ol a long and happy life before them, in a pleasant home, surrounded by friends and com torts. For several months past Mr. Fulton has shown strong symtoms of dis ease, and a few weeks ngo the doctors pronounc ed his ailment t j he cancer ill the stomach, an uourable disease. While Mrs, Fulton watched anxiously at the bedside of her dying husband, heir infant son nnd only child was ntlacked with croup and after 11 short illness died, and was buried on Sunday the 10th of February This second visitation of the dark messenger eaves her a widow and childless just at the opening of what promised hut a short time ngo to be a bright future, Truly her cup o( bitter ness is filled to overflowing. iV post mortem examination was held on Monday by Drs. Mclvelvy, Htb;r nnd Hobbins, resulting in the discovery that there had been no mistake as to the ciuse of death. The funer al took place on Tueslay afternoon at two o'clock, when the remains were buried in Kjse. mont Cemetery, attended by a large concourse of friends. Mr. Fulton was a genial companion, an up" right citizen, and mi affectionate huband, His ntimely death is mourned by the entire com munity. Pursuant to notice by county Supt. Snyder the schools of Mt, Pleasant township assembled at; Kitchen's church on Saturday 8lh inst. Prof' Canfiebl of Orangeville Academy opened Ihe exercises with prayer. Music wis next in order. Miss Oertio Harder and Miss hena Kline of Hohrsburg first grade school assisted at tho organ. Mr. Snyder then stated Ihe ob jects of the institute. He said he knew of no better way to roach the parents than through such education meetings. Prof. Canlield then took up the subject of grammar and gave his method of teaching it, after which tho Supt. formed a class In reading from the various schools which read with more than ordinary ability. Afler music the institute adjourned 'till 1 o'clock p. m. After the well filled baskets of refreshments nnd the adjoining farmers boun tiful tables had been disposed of, the institute was ngained called to order, after which the pupils from Ikeler's and Kitchen's schools entertained the large audience with appropriate leclamations and essays. After this time Mr Snyder then took up some important subjects on education which he explained very accurately, and after this Mr. Canlield spoke on the dif ferent branches. Then Mr. Snydjr spoke on uniformity of text books und necessary new buildings in said townships and urged upon the board of directors present the importance of their imperative duty. We hope his remark. will have a beneticisl effect. After singing the ex ercise cioied. It. C. Kestch. Secretary, THOSE no.N'DH. iV pirty of Wllliauisport gentlemen repre senting the city and tho bondholders came down 011 Monday and presented themselves before Judge Klirell. A request was presented .to the Jude, asking him to release the money now In Ihe city treasury, in order that tho various employes of that cily may receive their pay. According to the figures given the court by Clerk Hunnell, it will require not less than$21,- 000 to meet Ihe necessary running expenses of the cily till Sepl. next, the lime when tax will begin to come in on the new duplicate. Mr. llenlly presented an affidavit declaring llmt $1,000 would be bulficlent, but said he was will, ing to allow $0,000 to be applied to that pur pose. Solicitor Watson argued that none of the funds in the treasury could be spared ; that the extra duplicate had been prepared, as ordered by Ihe court, to raise this interest money. The court then made the following order : And now, March 10th 1S70, ordered that the treasurer of Ihe city of llllaiil-iort bu allowed and is hereby directed to pay the costs 011 this c.i'L' out of nny money In Ills liatuls. 11 i, uwiu, r, j. The costs required by this order will be abou $311, The treasurer is nho restrained from paying the Interest em bonds under No, 200 which is now due fur March, amounting to over $5,000. The Jinlno will, in a few days, make an older in reference to the rtqueet presented to him. THE COLUMBIAN W'mMoXimiLoOAiSBUHG, COLUMBIA. COUNTY, PA. At Ccntrnlin. on Wednesday nvpnlnir. IliA Alh Inst., n little danghter of .Tnmei Dougherty wm ourneu to (tenth while playing with lire. It co.t Mtijor Kloli ?400 to havo ihe Iptrnlitv .of the Montour counl rsturn icsien in tho courts of II county. 8.1 ho says Mauth Chunk Democrat. The Misses Derrlckson will remove to Joddo. Luzerne county, soon. Tho rooms now ocnmlnl by thtm have been rented by S. A. Wilson, who win move Ills grocery there on the 1st of April A hill making It a nilsilemconor for minors to procure intoxicating drinks hy misrepresenta tions as to their age, or otherwise, has been in. Induced In tho Legislature. It ought lo pass without opposition. I'.x-bheriffltolirrt P. Linlon, of Johnstown, eiroppeit ilenl on the mai.i street of tint place on Saturday, He was seventy five years olJ, nnd had been Iwiceilected Shcrlft" of Cambria county. I he peculiarity n'lout the A. S. T. Co., Illnck Tip i lint children's) line trH to which they nre applied, not only to wear Iwliv as loner, but they re.ily add (0 the beauty aud finish of the hnest rli'.e. CI irk .t Wolf have disiolved partnership Mr. Wolf going out of tho husinps), H. I!,' CI irk has become a-sjclated with his filher,and the new firm Is H, J, Clark k Son. Wo wish them success. The Wilkesbnrro Record, computing from tho number of tanblcs, c-timnlcs that Luzerne County now hns n population of lill,(s,or3:ll moro thnn tho combined population ofl.uzcine nnd Lackawanna in 1870. Wo learn that D. W. Ilnbhins from tho m ell known Importing House ol'W, s.I S Pernne, of Philadelphia 11 fine lot of mportcd Ales nnd llrown Stout which ho of era nt reduced prices. mar 7-2w Pallor books fur ibp Kimrpmn flrtn.l Bn,l pimphlits of all kinds are a siieis'sllv nt il,i. office. We have greater fictlitie for lint kind work than any other office In ihe comity, ard r rates are as low as the lowest- We litre just received from the Fashion and 'atlern House, of Philadelphia, a copy of t Ii 0 'Metropolitan." Any of our lady readers do irous of having the latest fashions wt 1 receive lie "Metropolitan" gratis by sending her ad. Ircssto J. O. Itimsdtll, 1113 Chestnut St., 'hiladclphin, Pa. Work must bo plenty. Thus far only one man has asked to have his name announced as one who cm be engaged to do cleaning up,g ird cuing and general work. We f.;ar that there are Home who compliln tint they cannot get work, that will not do it nhen they can gel It. SjcIi people deserve to have no sympathy. Several ore teams passed up main street Wed. nesdjy afternoon, The wagons were loaded with iron ore, but nt least one of Ihe driver, had on a cargo of some inspiriting beverage. lie yelled like an Indian from the top of Sect, town hill Ihe whole length of M (in street, nnd there was not a police otlber in town . At least, ho was not arreted. F;shlngcreek is high nnd still rising. Tin ice is moving in the river. On the West liranch a gorge formed nt Farrandsville en tho 11th inst. extending n distance of three miles, and piling the ice up thirty feet high. The track of the P. E. railroad was ten feet under water, ice and drift, and Ihe telegraph poles were swept away. Trains were detained at Lock Haven. How do lliPSP fn-tir,'., mmnnrn ? A ltlil scute paper having a circulation of about 400 in me ouuiiiy, cnarges c-o.ou lor uoing ihe same work that a paper having 1500 circul ition chare. es $0.00 for. And yet that editor whines about "enormous rates" cliarL'ed by the "old or gans," for public printing. Honoi'.aiii.i: Gray Haiiis. Men live to bo old by watching for the early symptoms of kid ney trouble, nnd taking the famous Kidney- U ort in season. Jly so doing they live to bo honoied when gray-haired. Tho medicine cures ncuto rheumatism, promotes agreeable action on the liver and bowels nnd purifies liio blood. Mr. Charles E. Fritcher, who lias for the past five yenrs been tho manager of the William sport Guzrlte and Uiilktin, has purchased n con trolling interest in the paper. Under Mr. Fiitcher's management tho Gazette hns assum ed n position of influence in this part cf tho State. From every quarter of the country there como fivorable reports in regard to business pros pects. Dry goods, groceries, manufacturing operations, and, last and ln-t of all, real estate, which is prognostic.feel the stimulus of healthy movement anil reviving confidence. The open ing of navigation will soon add to the activity now apparent. Under the stay laws which was enacted sev eral years ago in the interest of the debtor class nnd which expired by limitation last fall, the .Shelf! of this county, Mr. Strine, realized about six thous mil dollars in fees that he would not have realized had tho law never been passed, and only ono person who came under his ham mer took advantage of it. The law was any thing but success, except for Ihe'Sheriff. North. umberland Democrat. Women who delight in talking and gossip could more reasonably occupy their parts of speecli by praising Leamou s Dyes made by Wells, Hichardson Ic Co., Partington Vt. The excellence of these dyes cannot bo too widely known. They work equally well with tho most fragile, fabrics. Get them ut your drug gists. Some years ago under procedings of tho Or phans' Court of this county, the real estate of James Hess deceased was sold hy his adminis trators to Alexander Stewart of Orangeville. As part of the land is in Sullivan county ihe title to that was defective. Mr. Stewart, for a second time has applied to the Legislature for a special act to validate his title, lly reference to tho proceedings of that body, wo observe that on motion of Mr. Vanderslice the bill was lal; en up and passed second reading. P-S. The following from the lie cord has been handed us. HllfsK Ol' IlEl'IU'-ENTATlVLS, 1 Fkiuav March 7lh, le'U. On bill Xo. 208, to validate titles Ac. On motion of Mr. Vanderslico to call up on second rending, (out of Kniltle said : Mr. Speaker, I object to this bill being consid ered ut tho present time. Thero nro two tides to this question, and I desiro to havo nr. op portunity of presenting tho rcusou (or my ob jections before tho bill is allowed to bu consid ered. I have not nt hand tho record of the court upon which my objections uro principally based, therefore I ask that this bill may not bo con sidered at tho present timo, 27k SjHudcr. Tho gentleman cunpreteut his argument just ns ncll upon third rending of the bill ns nt present. Kniltlo. Very well i with that nndersliind ing I withdraw my objection. Why let your II iby suffer nnd perhaps die, when a bottle of Dr. Hull s lliby Syrup would at once relieve it and effect a cure. Price cents. All the collieries of the Philadelphia and Heading Coal and Iron Company were started on full time yesterday,; MRTIIOOlsr CO.XPBltE.NCE. Tho scsstons nf lho M. E. Conference will b. gin on TuesiWr evening, Mnrth ISili, at 730 ocl 'ck, Willi a temperance meeting nt the Or era House, There will ben business meeting each elay nt U n clock n, in. On Wednesday si 3 o'clock, imcilng of In dies' nnd Pastur's Christian Union, nt 7.30 o'clock, Anniversary of ! recdmanV Aid Society. On Thursday nt 3 o'clock meeting of women's lorelgn Missionary Society. At 7.30, Ann! versary of tho Hoard of church extension. O.i FrMay nt 10,30 missionary termon j at J p. in. meeting of Snndny School workers nt 7 30 L-cturc by Her. Dr. Fuwler, admission fiO, 3"i nnd 25 cents. wii i3.iiurii.iy ni ,i o ciock p. m. Uhlldren's meeting j nt 7.30, Anniversary of Preacher's Aid Society. On Hdnday nt 9 a m Love feast. nt 1030 p. m. scun-iii by llishop lVtrrj nt 3 1 I , . H . . ii, uruinauon oi r.nersj at i.ijU Anniversary ol .Missionary Sneitty. Oil Monday, 'Jl Inst,, at 7.30 p. m. Antiirri nry of II mil of Education. ,U a stated meeting of Cnlawlssj Lodge NV 2IDF.&A.M, lull Much Ith 1S70 A. L fiS79, the following resolutions were liuiiiimous' lv adopted ! in , , , .... . . n ni.nnAs, our Aimiguiy l ather Jiat'i seen fit In this tndnltn wisdom lo remove from earth. ly labor hero below, to sure rest above, our be loved .brother W, drier (Juick. Hcmlrcd. that wlii si we bow in himiIiIp snl mission io Ihe hi I of our Sunrr inn (Irmul Mi.. ter, vie deeply deplore the event which lakes from us a iruc and faithful member, wno, by his i, u.jr Miiiie was a ngui ami ornament to our or dcr V'ciWm. that our warmest svnmil,!j nr.. extended to lho here ived fimllv In this ib,lr great allllctiDii, nnd we nMiri! them lint r.hllc iney mourn the loss of n kind nnd ollklionate hn-bind nnd fither, we mourn the loss of a true nnd worthy brother, 1'emtial, tint a copy of the above be sent in each member of the family of nur deceased brother, and nlso to the county pipers for pub lication, A. H. Sitent't.Ess, I W. M. Mo.vueiu, Com. H. II. Ai.lmicit, ) SltKIUKFS Salks. On Saturday last the Sheriff sold ut this place the following real es tate, viz : Owner. Purchaser. John Keller, 200 acres, A. W. Creamer. $,-iO.OO John Killer, 1 house nnd lot, A. W. Cream er, $07000. John Keller, 1 lot, A. W. Creamer, $"i00. " 1 " ' " $2,-, 00. John Keller, 1 lots, Joshua Fettcrmnn, SC1.00. Peter Jones, house nnd lot, Wm. Krickbnum, 000.00. P. M. Senderling, house nnd lot, I. & II. H. Hower, $2.:0l)0, William Swisher, farm. Jncob Stine's admin istrntors, $100 00. Sclomon Yenger, farm, Jncob Stine's admin istrators, S'J.I'J.I.OO. W. E. John, house nnd lot, W. II. Abbott, S-wU.Ull. TKMPEllAKCK CONVENTION. According to the call, several persons inter ested in this work assembled in Corell's Hall on March 11th. Convention called to order by Aaron Kesler nnd the call for a convention read by M. P- Lntz. A portion of Scripture was read and prayer ottered by Itcv. O. D. S. Marclay. Tho convention luen organized by electing Hev. O. D. S. Marclay Chairman nnd M. P. Lntz Secretary. A Committee on Hesolutions were appointed consisting of J. L. llichardson, Chandler Ever, Jl. C. Woodward nnd O. A. Potter. Adjourned to meet nl 1:10 p. in. Afternoon Seion--Opened with praver by J, IC. Eyer. Committee on Hesolutions report ed nnd offered resolutions condemning the li cense system nnd asking for a total prohibition of tho liquor tiaffic. J. L. llichardson, J. K. Eyer and J. O. Huberts were elected delegate, to the convention to be held at Ilnrrisbtirg April 23d and 21lh. Adjourned to meet nt the call of Jthe Secreta ry- Ax Lmtohtaxt Or.iiEit. Postmaster Gen eral Key hns recently issued the following cir cular, which is of interest to all our readers: 'Owing to the rapid increase in the mails nnd tho establishment of many new post offices throughout tho country, this department finds it necessary, in order to secure a rapid trans mission of the heavy mails now passing partic ularly over the trunk lines of railroads, to ro piest the public that in nil casea tho name of the county ns well ns the post ollico and stnte, bo superscribed upon letters, newspapers nnd other mntter forwarded by mail." $2(K) Hew'aiim. Tho above reward) will bo paid to any one who will inform tho subscriber of tho whereabouts of her child or for its rp turn. Xo questions asked. Tho following is the description : Tho child is between three and four years of ngo, light complexion, l.luo eyes, light hair, two upper front tooth decayed. lhere was u slight disfigurement of tho neck on cither side, Ho hud on brown cotton pants, littlo stiiped shirt, leather shoes with copper tips, nnd a very dark green jacket. Other pa pers will confer a favor by copying. Jilts. Liz.ii: SciiALf.. P. 0. Address, Coudersport, P.i. THE CULTIVATION Ol' KOSES. "Hoses on her cheeks, And a rose her lips." The best way for ladies to cultivate this rare species of roses is by studying and practicing the rules of hygiene, ns taught in the People' Common Sense Medical Adviser, oily $lo0. Address the author,.. V. Pierce, Jl. D., Grand Invalids' Hotel, Uuffalo, X. Y. If suffering from those painful weaknesses incident to the fe male organism, uso Dr. Pieico's Favorite Pre scriptiona never failing remedy for these coin (linns. Tho avenues leading lo mi early grave have often been opened by a Cough or Cold, Thous. ands have been cured and saved by Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup. It is cheap, only 25 cents a bot tle. A writer in n March mignzino says tho reas on tho Chinese wear firo buttons on their coats is scle ly to keep In sight something to remind thorn of tho five principal inornl virtues which Lonfucius recommended. Wo always sup posed they wore five buttons to prevent their blouses from flying open nnd cxpo-ing n dirty ehiit. Xow that this question is settled, let some ono explain why Americans wear two buttons on tho reur of their fiock coats. It i certainly not to remind them of any moral uri nes, for they can't see tho buttons on the rear of their frock coats. It is certainly not to re mind them of any moral virtues, for they can't see tho buttons until they tnko off their coats. jWriaoira Ileiuld, No family should be without (7iW I.inhient Iodide Ammonia and I tlU, I use them both Jhe wonderful results 1 have experienced from their lue, surpasses anything 1 know of in mcil Icinc. 1 have under my charge a large num ber of caUlr, and in the various troubles that horsemen have to contend with, know of notli. ing so leliablo as Ouii Liniment oijiie .Immon i'u. 11. C, ScilMlTi!. South llend Nursery Hartou Co , Kansas, Sold by all druggists. Send for pamphlet. Hit. Gilim. 120 WeatHroadwny.N, V. Trial slzo 5 cents. Tno tlrcnl lllncovcry. 13. V, Kunkcl's Hitter Wir.o ot Iron. Tor the cure weak stomach, general debility, Indigestion, of the nervous ijtlim rontlpatlon, acidity stomach and nil cases requiring n tonic. dlo ot t Hie w Ido Includes tho inott ngieenhlo nod efficient Sail of iron we possess, citrate nf Magnetic OilJe, combined with tho mos.t energetic o( ugctaUe ton lea-Yellow Peruvian lUrk. Tho effect In many casea of debility, loss of appe tite, and general prostration, of an efficient Fait of Iron combined with inluablo Nerve tonlo Is most happy. It augments llio appetite, raises lho pulse, talcs off muscular flablncm. removes, lho nnllorof dcblllty,anet gives n llorlJ vigor to tho countenance. in you want something tostrenirten you ? Do jou want a good appetite J Do j on want to build up your constitution Do oit wautto feel well- Do you want to get rid of nervousness f lki on want crier. gyt Do jou want to sleep well 7 Do you want brisk anci vigorous feelings J If you do. try Kunkcl n Wlno of Iron. This truly vnluablo toulo has been thorouzlilj- test- en Dy nu cinsses of tho community, that It Is now inaispensiwn ns a ittM medicine. It costs but lit tic, putlnes the blood nnd gives tone tothostoinaeh, icnovnies mo sytiem nnil prolongs life. i no v only nsu a trial ot this valuable) tonic. Piles i per bottle. K 1'. Kunkil. Polo rrorrlctor. Phila delphia, Pn. Ask j our Druggist for Kuiikel's llil ter nine or iron and Inko no other make, (-old only In 1 bottles. All others aio couctirfelt so beware of man. r.etFlxtwtilrsforfi. V0l!.MSltf!M0Vi:i ALIVi:. r.. rKutikel's Worm Sjrup neier falls to elestroy in, Seat, and stomach Worms. Dr. Ihn omy suecefcsfui physician In this country for there. moval of worms. He removes Taio Worm with bead, nudall complete, allio In two hours.and nofeo until removed. Send for a clrcularorcallon vour uruggisiaiid get a bottn ot Kunkcl's Wormsjrup, price ii, ii ueur rails. TUK PEOPLKWaST PHOOIV There is no medicine prescribed by physi cinns, or sold by Druggists, (hat carries sucli evidence of its sii(cc"3 nnd superior viittie as lioseheca Ueiiuan Sjrup for severe Coughs. Colds fettled on (he breast, Consumption, or any disease of the Ihroatnnd Uings. A proof i thai l.ict Is that nny person afflicted, can cet a Simple Dottle for 10 cents nnd try its ui,Cr. lor clleci before buying the regular size nt "o cents, It has lately been introduced in Hit country from Germany, nnd its wonderful cures nre ntoni.hlng every one that use it, Three loses w 1 1 relieve any case. Try it, Sold bv all druggists. ml so. '78-tf Hy L'nh lernrt!. AYEn's Cathartic Pii.iji are tho best of all purga Hies for family use. They nro tho product of long, laborlo -s, and successful chemical InTcstteatlon.nini their extensive use, by physicians In their practice, una ay nu civilized nations, provo them tho best and most effectual pill that medical Klenco can deilse. Iielng purely vegetablo no harm can nrlso from their il. In Intrinsic value nnd curntlin nnnmiin.,u,. er pills can be comrnred with them, and everrner- son, knowing their virtues, will employ them when needed. They keep tho sjstem In perfect order, and maintain tn t.cnithyiictloti tho whole machln. cry of life. Mild, searching nnd effectual, they nro Specially adapted to tho needs of tho digestive ap paratus, derangements of which they prevent and cure, if timely taken. Theynre the bist and safest inj sic to employ for weakened constitutions, whero a mild, but cUcctU'U calhaitlc Is required. unit SLK dy A i.i. Dkalkrs. no 4 Business Notices Spriup; Styles Spring Ooods SpringStylcs. Call and seo Tho New OooiK Tho New Styles at the New Price. Cheaper thnn ever. .Must be seen to bo believed, better goods nt lower prices nt D. I.owenberg's. Beautiful Silk Hats Xeiv Soft Hn'.s, Wool Hats, Fur Hats, For Jlen for Hoys and Children At tho Popular store of D. Loiveubcrg. Spring Overcoats Spring Overcoats, Cneap, Durable. Neat and 'ew Just received at 1). Lowenberirs. New Prints, Jluslins, Ginghams.Tickiiigs, etc.. at H. J. Clark ei Son's nt the old Mnnd f Clark it Wolf. A SEWING JIAOIIINK NEF.DLE and SCISSOHS COM PINED. The particular nd vantage of this combina tion is in having a cutter forseverving the thread at the nearest possible point to the perator, the. fincel and stronacst needle made. A complete assortment for all Sewing Jin- chines for sale onlv by D. A. Creasy, opj o- )ie me i.piscopai cmircn. lioot headquarters nt JIcKinney'a. fry the Eighmio Shirt at Jl. ,1. Clark it sons, JIcKinncys Shoe Store below Court House. New Table Linens. Nankins and Towels this week ut I.utz it Sloan's very cheap. One Halo of 750 yards of Ktissia C' isli to be sold nt 7 and 8 cents per yard bv the piece at H. J. Clark et Son's. Call at McKinncy'is lor Shoes. Jloro 0 cent yard wide Jluslins this week at Lut'z et Sloan's, Towels, Table Linem. Nnnkins. itc. at II. J. Clark & Son's. Hest Syrup in town for IS cents a gallon at Creasy's, Our CorfeCt Department is complete with all lho new styles and makes, with somo Hig Bargains in odd makes and sizes to clnte out at H. J. Clark .t Son's. Rubbers at JIcKinney'a. A fine selection of Ladies' Gold Watches and Chains, both American and imported by the best makers at ly. Bernhnrd'a Jewel ry Store. New Spring iJress Goods iust received at Lutzet Sloeii's with trimming Silks to match D. A. Creasy keeps a full line of choice poods, such ns canned goods, Jcllyp.and sells cheaper than any one in town. Call aud see. II. J. Clark it Son are now offering all the new r-pring rsoveiues in Hosiery, Collars, Cull's, Huchlngs, Ties, Bows, llibbous, ite., at low prices. I.utz it Sloan aro (.elllng Appleton "A" Jiusun yet Jur 7 cents by tno bolt. Fresh lotnf Oranges and Lemons this week at i). A, i,rensy s, - - Boots and Shoes cheap at JIcKinney's. DOBBIN'S KLEOTHIfJ SOAP. Having obtained lho agency of this Cr.LKHKATr.I) Soai- for Bloomsburg and vicinity, I append the opinion of some of our best people as to its merits. "1 have ued Dobbin'sElcctrlo Soap made by I. L. Cragin et Co., Philadelphia, Pn., (or washing about ten years, and think it superior to any other. .Mrs. U. U. Jiarkley." "We have u-ed Dobbin's Electric-Snap nnil uiiu ic superior io any oilier or ail others. Mrs. W. II. Jacoby, Jlrs. B. H. Stohuer. I desiro nil my friends nnd customers to tjire tins Soap one Trial, so that they may know just how good the jic-h ?uap in me uuucei ciaies is. J. II. JIaizi:, July 12, '78-ly Bloomsburg, Pa. JloreS cent Calicoes just nceived at I.utz tx Moan s. Trill it Hcnson oilers his ervlccs as gencr' al laborer at reaonablo wages, Admission freo at McKinuey's. Lulz it Sloan have just received nuother large lot ol While blitrls, T ECIAL BLANKS OF ALL KINDS XJ on uamu at ihe (.cjixwiiian uitic UrgtMorttinNew York city. (iooD. Hm-KSBi.s eiinrrrs, tno txr vard. Ii-nnt. ).l '.'VK. ' l)"iiV-lllit's.'r:iJ',nnd TlllUIK-I'LYCAIl l'h I Hat equally lo- price nil, CLOTHS, mi widths from c. per yard. I'.mE l,'l'''.Al!' II.M per pair, to lho finest IIKAL GHfcPPARD KNAPP'S ICO and 191 Gixth Avcnno, Corner lull street, nkV Yoltrf. nov.j.2 tn-em ntco PIMPLES. ..I" !l.K?l.,.,.re'M lorwlP0 'or a simple Vmrta. Jul?,J,""ttt"1 fcmovu Tan. FliKCkLKis, MM. I I.KS and liioicties leaving lho skin soft, clear ami ... u,,r,iuvl,mirtn,r 1'ruuuring n mxuri ant irrow h rif Imironn bald bead orsmiiolh face, v.. r., ..'"' ou phi 'i', oen eanueirA Co., l Alin Bt,. N. 1. tiAxo HOY S2, 'is-om TO CONSU ft. PTIVES. The advertiser having 1 en permanently rured of that dread dlsnso. totisumpilrn, ! n Mmrle remc dy Is ansloiis to mnt,o known to fellow tuner ers thn rne-ans of euro. To all who desire It hn will m nd a copy of the prescription used, (freo of chargo) with directions for pre) arlnganu using tho same wnlch they will nnd n sure Cure for LVsscMr- Parttos wlsmng thu Prescription, will please ad drew K. A. WILSON, 191 Penn st,, W llllamsburg. N. "co nov, ti, 'is-om ERRORS OF YOUTH. A (JENTiKMANWhosuneredforsearsfrom Nervous fv DrBiUTY 1'iiEMATi'KK Dkcav, and all tho effects m juuiiiiu, uitiiHiTeiiiin, win ror mn sakenfsulTer Ing humanity, send flee to all who need It, the reel. Itiand dlreeilun for making tho simple remedy by which ho was cured, hiitferers ulshlng to profit by ... mum vuu uu au uy iiuaressing In perfect continence. JOHN 11. ouiiKN, 43 Cedar st,. New Vork. nov. im, '?s-!m nAeo PILES! Dr. Pabcr's Colotrattd Painless Eomcdv in tha !,ni!,er,mno."n ,or ' ""S of every kind (lileedlng, I chins, mind, Inward. Ac.) nad nil diseases ot the l.'cTuy, w hether recent or long standing, itghes Instant relef. nnd , nv,i r.,,ii,..,i ,,.'.""; m. i.J j by ,nll phjslilaiis who aro ao ifjalnted with It. chronic cutca readily vleld to It, .No surgical operation required, try H and relievo jonrmneilngs. ONLY Hi cents tor a Linos l!i-m aid:. M nt by mall on receipt of price, t or rale by all iirriggists. D.J.FABKitL'o.,WAnnt.,N.). Dauchy & Oo'd. Advt's. I'liOTitiritixci toi:s. PAltKNTfl. von tir-ed nn !..... .t....... .. riiiLiiHKN's MioEsUforo they nre IIaip worn, on account ot Holes luoiini the Toks. Jiither tho SILVER "Or A. M. T. I'd.'' Will Prevent This. Ask fok tiibsk Shoes when Iluvisu. march 14, ';a-4nr a LA11E back- 'Benson's CsrciNs Ponous Plaster Is for lameness or weakness ot tho back.Iiheu- C tan matlsm,tnndallIo;-a aches and pains, thn best remedy known. It was lnieriteil to oiercomo tho slow action of tLo ordinary 1'oruus Plasters It. rellciespalnnt once, and cures whero otl-er plasters do not even rellcio. iold crervwhern by druggists. 1'rlco 23 cents, d mar. H, ';-J w J'-Jfcg.i''JUrj!!TJLU AN i:."(,'ITIN(J HOOK ! 20,000 SOI.i) ! STANLEY'S OWN STORY Of kls "Wild Ailvrnlnre." nnd "Trl.i.npli." re written In the graphic stylo of Hon. .1. T. Mi-inllri, Is Hie only authentln and rnnvrl.rhtp,! tion, nnd Is soiling kastr than any other book In America, dlvcsa rciL iiistoby of IiIs-'Downthe I.ON110." The press commend It. Purchasers rralso t. Agents aro eagerfor It, becauso It silus desnlto bard times. Moro -rents Wanted 0ri',r,r''Sular,and llunilAllD mtOTHEItS, rublUhers, I'hlladelrhta. HOW TO GET THtM bt p ftht tot, ti.ofm.oyo icrti fur, tor ite enptj tf ''Knta I'actflo llua tend," tddrti Lanl CnmlMloDr, SUjl, JUim. march 14. 's-4w d BAY A R IJ T A YL0R "nd L&mreS AllKNTS WANTED. Ser-urn territnrv nt n.,r.o (iOAkKii City Pea. HocsE, 123 bansoia St., I'hlla. fell. -2S. 'TO-.W CUTICURA. This (treat Rkin Cure Is WAItHANTRIl tnrnrn Palt Itliciim, h-cnld Hea-1, OindrulT, Pimples nnd Uomedones. sold eierynhere. bent on receipt of price, small boxes oo cents, large tl. Prepared by weeks K Potter, lloston. Send to tax S'm lor circu lar and testimonials. d feb. 2S. '73-4W DIPTHERIA ! .lnliiiiiiiN Aiiniline I.liilinent will nosltlvelv prclent tills terrible disease, nnil ulll iwisiHiHli- cure nine casea In ten. Information that will sao many lues sent free by mall. Don't delay n moment. i lu.e-iiuuu I-, i,e;ier tuan euro, soiu everyubeie. . -s. .inluisoii A. Co. ItmiKor.-IIaliic feb. 2s, 19-lw d U BLIC SALE" or Valuable REAL ESTATE I In pursuanco ot an order ot tho Orphan's Court of Columbia county, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, March loth, 179, at two o'clock In tho afternoon, si. A, Ammerman, Administrator ot John Kveiand, late of l'lshlngcreek township In said county, deceased, will expo to sale, by publlo vendue, on the premises, a certain messuage and TRACT OF LAND, sltuato In Flshlngcreek township, Columbia county, l-ennsjivania, bounded und.descrlbed as followsAtz: On tho Muth and east by land's of Peter Hvcland, on tho north by lands of Michael Lemmoa's heirs andon tho west by lands ot Geors Pcaler, contain ing S 7 ACRES, moro or less, whereon aro erected a ntuo House anil rr.tuic ;ilarn. There Is also on the premises, a QOOD APPLE on Cll Alii) and other frutt trees. Tho land Is naturally of good sotl.Tbo property Is locatedTon he public road leading from Anbury to the state, road. It Is near me cuurcn and teliool house, as well ns being convo nlent to tho market. Lato tho cs.tatoof said deceased, sltuato In the township ot Flshlngcreek, and county aforesaid. Willi in Kriceracm, TEHHSOF SALE. Ten percent ot one-fourth of the purchase money to be paid at tho striking down of the property, tho one-fourth less tho ten per cent. at tho connrmatton of sale, and tho remaining threo fourths in one year thereafter with interest from coLtlrmat'on nisi. M. A. AMMEHMAN, Admtulbtrator. fob.U, ID-is Important to Lawyers. Justice's of the Peace, constables, Hxecutors, Ad mlnlstrators, ciuardtan, Township omcers, and bust We havo on hand a largo assortment of legal blanks for tho uso of itorni-s. .in .tw..r.,iiBn. stable's blanks ot all Muds, oto and Kecelpt baoks Plll'cC LIST. TTOUNISV'd IILVNKS. Prcctpo for Summons. " ' Kl. fa. " " Huto to take Depositions. " " " " chooso Arbitrators. 8 cents apiece, cr Jl.tS per hundred. Petition for Appointment ot Guardian. " " citation llulo to tako DeiKisltlons. Narr In Debt, with Confession, " " Assumpsit. Mechanics Lien. 4 cents cacti or 13.50 per hundred. Petition for sale of Ileal Ustnle s eents each. .lL'STicK's nuMu-s si) cenieach f,ummons' Warrants, Executions, so to mSnr,:!. - o cents each Parchment Deeds i5 u Agreemenls s . orphan's Cuurt sales so for 11 66 l Ollbluuie S bait'S . . h cnlH t.nrh Mortgage and llond":...: V. . .. . .. . u All kinds of Notes ., Iteeelpts, Notes, school Orders, Poor Orders, store Orde rs, neatly hound, constantly on hand, or inado to order on Hiort notice. ' n,,,r".ln,'Wu,0 a0 neater Job work than any other oiueu In tins eorinii ' llllo&KWV t KLtji.r, , Editors and Proprietors of lheroL.uui.iAK. Hloomsburg, Pa j )F EVERY DESRIPTION EXECUTED PP.OMPILY CARPETS (it cue- half MiKwhit I'Htr.s. At the Ooldmbian Office UDITOft'B NQTIOI. ns orernim count or ootnmn coTicrr-iv-.iAtj Or CORNILICS ZIKKNDALL, tilCtASSD. be Auditor appointed by tho said Court to andlt, ttle and Bdltlsl Ihn flfll irnmnlnl llot, Kvans, Administrator of Cornelius KUendall. censed, nnd reiwrt distribution cf the balance In tho .io.iu-. vi ,,iu Ai-i-ouuiaoe win men me panics inn-. Ir,"1.?'1.'.01- xlm puriswoof hlsarpotntment on hat I lion Al'lllL nth lsn nt in o'clock a. m. at n,w uiiu-iiui ji, r..dBCKsonA: non, Berwick, w nen And whero nald pari le-s nre requested to (resent their KMuiav, w ucutiiie-u iruiu e-uining in uu sain iiinil, .. .... . . i.e.UUl i, -i HUM iuun, Ilerwick, March T,1-w Audltir, UDITOH'H NOTICH ESTATE Or KARAn NIOLI bECIASin. ..uii ,i m ri-u.v riven insi inn Ulinenilgned p polnled by lho Orphans' court of Columbia county an Auditor to distribute, tho money In the hands ot the Administrators of Sarah Naglo dece-ased, as ner llm Attflllrtr'a ro,,. ... . . . .. . - ... ... -- . t ivuuimni inn. ,b,bI 11 111 Biu-nd at his onice in DKsjinsburg, st nine o'clock In tho forenoon of Anm i. idi,imi, t.n.nnr. of lho duties of his npjiolntment j at which lime ruid place nil persons haling claims agannt nald es tate aro reipifri d lo produce nnd assert them or to v ivn-.i-i ue-uuiieu ironi e-ommg in upon s -id fund. Mirii.i u, riir.E..u, -March 1, 1.-10. Aaa"or- UUlTOlt'S NOT1CK. rsTATK or jossrn rucii.e. deceased.: Tile underslcrnrd. Austin ann.ini..i t.v,, of Columbia County to distribute funds to nnd m . .1. 'iTi . , " S" luireio, in ina uaoas of Ihe Adliilntstratnr. n 11 atlrnd in thn miiii,.. nt i,,. appointment nt his ortlco m Hloomsburg, on Tues day, the Mb day ot April, A. 1)., ls;, nt ten o'clock ... in. nii;ji iiiiii. Him iiiaco an parlies interested may ntlend It they.llilnk proper, or bo debarred from a nbare ot said fund. feb. M, t-4w Auditor. A UDlrOK'S JfOTJCE. JU ill no matter of tlin RAln r..i.ti.i. J. li.iehman by tho .shtrltr, at tboBiilt cf J. P. Tho uuderslirned Auditor annntnteii hv n, ment ot parf es Intereste d 'o dlstributo the proceeds of tho said sac will sit. ntlila r.m, i,ir..V...... . on Saturday, .March wa. 1S7'J nt len oclock In the forenoon Tor tho purpose of bis appointment when and w hero all liersons having a lieu on said fund can feb.SI. IJ-lw Auditor. DMlNlSTllAlOK'SiVOTlCL. KSTATK Or JCUl'STCS MASON, DECEASED. fitters of Administration on Ihe estate of Augustus Mason, late of the Town ot liloomsburg.Culnmbla co deceaic'l. have been (-raniert iiv n,n on,,i county to tho undersigned Adinlnlstrntor to whom all liersons Indebted nre requested to make Immedi ate! pa) men', and thoso having claims or demands ngalnst the estate will mako them known to tlio ad mlntstrator without delay. dUHW A. KUNSTON. . , Administrator, feb. 91, ls;o-w Hloomsburg, Pa, " SllERLLT'S SATE."' Dy virtue of a writ of sd Plurlcs Kl. Fa. Issued out of tho Court of Common Pleas of Columbia coun ty, and to me directed, will bo exposed to pub lic nalo or out-cry, on tho premises nt two o'clock p. in. on Fill DAY, MAHCII 28, 1879, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate In Scott township, Columbia county, and state of t'ennsj lvnnla, described as follows to-wit : Bounded on tho north by land of llenjamln Itlchart, en tho cast by land of John Lee, on the south by landot Abraham Snyder, lllram Tronsoand John shuman and on the west by land ot Harvey Creveltng, con tabling oi'O hundred and forty-nine acres more or less on which are erected a iargo framo dwelling nousj.uanK earn ana oui-imudl'.gs. seized, taken In" execution at tho BultotllcuryJ. McCwen against .Moore Crevellng and to bo sold as mo property ot .Mooro Crevellng. iiowsi.r. Attorney. Terms cash. JOHN W. HOFFMAN, sheriff. march 7, IS-ts M TEN DOLLARS CASH w-o will Insert a wen-llne advertisement one week In a list ot 2i)9 weekly newspapers,or a lines In n dlff erent list of3.17 iupcrs,or len lines to weeks in u choice of i Ithcruf four beparatnnnd distinct lists coutnlntntrfrom Tiimlisi ranera each, or fouriinea one neck In all four of tho small lists, or un- line In all six lists conibtned, being more than l.oeio papers. csiwi iiu.iviseaui pupen. uj- puiu's lurouguoui me ITnlted Slates nnd Canada. Nenil in ei.nlA tnr mip loo page pamphlet. Address Ii. I'. UOYVi:i,l. .t i ., .ewsparr Auverusing uureau, io spruce St., Now York. p. s. It you will send us tho names of half a doz u high-priced papers In which you would advertise IL'ST NOW. If 11 Rntlsfaetorv inducement Is tnnil. wo will submit a proposition, by return mall, wnlch i,o iuiu& nm ine-U-M, JOU. .HUNKT SAVED IS HONEY eakned. tend coryot tho aeertlsement jou will uso and state In what paper you saw this. irnutu, ,v-iui r TfcT A DAY to agents canvass'ng tor the I'lrr a M lile YIllor. Terms and Outnt free. Ad dress P. O. VlfKEUY, Augusta, Maine march T, 1-4w r 77 a Month and expenses guaranteed to Agents. ? I I outut free. Shaw Co. Acucsta, Maine. marcn i, -,- r A Purely Vegetable Remedy Tlio lSareHt SnHlcKtmulItoHt over dlHCovorocl for KIDNEY COMPLAINTS, PILES, GRAVEL, CONSTIPATION, LUMBAGO, ' RHEUMATISM, DIABETES. (A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY)1 Apnrely vegetablo compound, not doctored with poisonous liquors, being dry-a gcntlo cathartic nnd effectivo tonic auro to etTectually cure some of the most common nnd painful diseases that baffle med ical skin. Those who havo been cured when &U other means failed, Justly pay: I'll Is tho greatest blessing of tho ago." "I bcllcvo I should not now bo allvobulforlt" Fhyslclanslnrcgularpractlca asy t "It works Uka a charm and effectively." JTOn SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. tVU th KlDNEr-WORTMaotolhnWbaiWUjobUlrid( WKLLS, WC1U1UXSOX A CO., ltVn, OiiifUa, U March 7, 1879-ly 0RPIIANS' COURT SALE OP VALUAUI.E REAL ESTATE ! Andrew Laubaeh and Rachel A. Hess. Administra tors, 4c ot Alexander Hess, lato of Sugarloof town ship, deceased, w til exposo to public sale on the premises on Saturday, March 22d, 1879, at ten o'clock a. m., tho following described proper ty, to-wlt: No. I. A messuage being tho MANSION HOUSE and THACT Of LiiND situate In Bugarloaf town- ""I', in coiumoia county, l'ennsjlvaulo, adjoining lands ot llenjamln Peterman's hetrs, Joshua savage reier iiess auu outers, co uiainlng EIGHTY-NINE AGUES and 4J perchcs.whereon are erected a small HHAMK 1IOUSK, a log barn and frame wagon shed, about thirty acres ot hlch Is cleared and In a good state ot cultivation, a Good Applo Orchard & Good Sugar Camp on the prrmlses.' No. . -The uudlilded half of a certain TKAOT OF LAND sltuato In Sugarloaf township, Columbia county, I'ennsjhanla, bounded by lands of Alexander and Joshua Hess and other lauds of decedent containing Thirl) -clKlit AcrcN and one hundred and thirty-eight perches nnd allow, anco of land, tho same being unimproved Und. No. 8. Tho undli Ided one-half ol a certain THACT oi uM, situate In Sugarloaf township, Columbia county, rennsj ivania, containing described asfollows I Adjoining lands ot the heirs of Joshua Savage on the south, land of tract No. s on tho east, lands of Johnltantz and Davis on the west, and lands of Craig t4 Dlanchard on tho norm, mo same being TI11UER LAND. ime.MH ur tALn. Ten per cent, of onc- rourih ot tho purchase money to be paid at the stilt leg down ot tho property, tho one-fourth less tho ten percent, nt connrmatlon of sale, and the remainlm- thrce-fourths in one lear thereafter nllh Intercut irom connrmatlon nisi. ASnitKW LAl'HACH, ItACllKLA, HKS-i, ' feb. SS, lo-ia Admlnlsttatcrs. BUSINESS OA11DH, VISITINO CAHU8, LKTTKK UKA 68, DILL HUADH, e-IUS-VHSl A-r. r. Keatly and Cheaply prinW'at tie Colum TJDITOK'S NOTICE. HTATI Of lAHAtt rtAETf EL, MelASED, Hie tinderstgned Auditor appointed by tho (xmrt of Colunbtaoiuniy.tndlstrltiule funds toandnmiMSt parties entitled thereto In the hands of tho Admlnls Iralornlll attend totbedultes ot hts nppotnment at theifflce otAbbott & Khawn In Catawissa, I'li.on wiiuruar, jipru &en,is,y ni ien oriocK n.;m.,ne. iruicn time and place all parties Int. n sled may atUMidlt tlievtiiinfc proper, or bo debarred from n nlinreol mi fand. .. w.ii.ADnorr, March T, IMir Auditor. A D.MINISTKATOIIS HALE OF TALUAI1LB HEAL ESTATE ! the undersigned Administrator ot John DelshMne, late of Ilenton township, deceased will expose to public sale on tho ruses on Thursday March 20th, 1879, at ten o'clock a. m., tho following described property to-wlti a LOT OF GROUND situate in Ilenton township, bounded on the north by lands of Joseph Ash, H lmuel Yost and Daniel Shulti, on the esst by lands of William Iplier. on tb south by lands ot Jonas Doty, lllram Denoe and John harns, on the west by lauds of ltusasl Sliulti, con taining 104 ACBES, more .or less, HI XTY ACHLSof whWi Is clcared.nnl In a good slate ot cultivation, thero Jsaiso upon the premises a young tearing AI'PLB OltCilAltD, with an abundance of Peacli, cherry and other fruit trees. Tho balance ot tho Iract Is heavily timbered with white oak-, roek oak and whtteplne, Tncrel erected on tho premises a FUAMEllOUiK, llAlt.V, and other out-bulldlngs. sold subject to tho p.ijmcLt annunllv of the Inter est on the dower to tho widow ot John Ilo alillno and at her death to the payment to tho heirs. Terms anb Conditions oi' Sale. Ten per cent, of lho one-fourth of the purchase money to be paid at tho striking down ot tho propeity. Tho ono-tourth. less ten per cent, at continuation of sale, nnd tho re maining three-fourths one lear thereafter with in tcrest from continuation ntsl. J. .M.I1KISIIL1NK, W.J. lltcEAi.EW, Adinlnisirn'or. Atl'y for Kjuiti , tut,. i. ism-ta SHElUbUTS SALE. Dy vlrtie of a wrltof Alias Vend Et. lsiued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county and to me directed, will be exposed to publlo s.ilo at tho Susquehanna Hotel, In tho town of Catawissa, Columbia county, Pennsyli anta,,at two o'clock, p. m, on TtlUIlSlUY, M AROII 27th, 1870, All that certain lot or pleco ot ground situate In tho town of CaUwlssa, county of Columbia, unci Stato ot Pennsylvania, bounnded and described as follows: Beginning at a post set for a corner for said lot at the Intersection of the two publlo roads leading from lho town ot Catawissa, respectively to Holllngshead andMcKelvy mills, and running from thence by tha north side of said road leading 'from McKelvy'a mill south eighteen and one-half degrees east one hundred and fo,ty-nvo feet tlx Inches to a post, thence by land ot J. II. Knlttlo north titty and ono-tourth degrees east one hundred and live feet) to a post north bldo of aforesaid road leading from Catawissa to Uolllugahoad's mlll.thenco by tho samo north sixty-four degrees, west ono hundred and for-ty-four feet to tho rlaco ot beginning, whereon Is erocled'a three-story brick bul Idlng, the first story ot which contains two store looms, now occupied by a dry goods nnd grocery merchant nnd watch-maker. second story by publlo hall, and third story by Ma sonic Lodge nnd Chapter! also a one-story framo wire house.belng the ground upon which said build ing Ac, Is erected bounded by tho roads before men tioned, aud in the rear by property now or lateot he Catawissa Seminary. Seized, taken In execution and to bo sold ns lh property of the Catawissa Masonic Association. ABnoTT H ItUiwN, Attorneys. AISO All t hat certain lot ot ground stttuto In tho town ot Catawissa In the.county of Columbia, Mate ot Penn sylvania, bounded nnd described ns follows, to wit : Deglnulug at a post set for a corner of sail lot at tin Intersection of tho twopubttj roads lea tin? from the town of Cataslsi respectively to Holllngshead ond MalCelvy's -Mills and running from thence by the north Efde ot satd road leading from Mc Kelvy'a milt south eighteen and one-halt degrees east one hunJrotanl forty-tlvo f oet si. Inches to a post, thence by lauds ot Joseph II. Knlttle north fif ty and a quarter degrees, east one hundred and five feet to a post on tho norih'sldo ot tho aforesaid road loading from Catawissa to Ilolllngaheail's mlll.thenco by tho same north slxty-four degrees west one hun- dred and fourty-four Detto the place of beginning on wnicu are erected a three-story brick building. store rooms, public hall and Masonlo hall, being th ground upon which said building, ic, Is erected, uounaeu Dy ino mo roads before mentioned; and In the rear by property now or lato of tho Catanlssa Seminary. Seized, taken In execution nt tho suit ot C. n Itrockuay against Itobert Oorrcll with notice to Cat awissa .MasonlcAssoelatlon Garnishee and to be sold as.the property ot naid C.Uiwissa Masoals Associa tion (Urulshee. Klwell, Attorney, AL Vend, Er. ALSO, All that certain lot of ground sltuato In Itoartng creek township, Columbia county, Penusjlvaiila, described as follows, to w It : Hounded on the north . by lan I of Abrara ltlce, on tho south by lund of Con rad Housman.on thn west by land of Mlehai 1 v traus ser and V.'llllcm Yea;er, nnd on the east by land of Ephralm I.eiby,contulnlng seventy-three lu'rts moro or less, on w hlch are erected a dwelling hou , bam, and out-bulldlngs. ALSO, One other piece of land, bounded on tho north hy land of Jacob Strausser, on tho west by land ot Solomon strausser, on tho south by land peter Hower and on theeastby landof Con- rad Hausman and William Yeager, containing eigh teen acres. ALSO, Ono other piece ot land bounded on.tho north by lands ot Judge Cox, ou tho west by land at Solomon Strausser, on tho south by land of Abram Pico and on tho east by land of Abram Itlo e and Leonard Ad ams, containing llfteenlacres. ALSO, All that pleco or parcel of ground tlluato In Itoar Ing creek Township Columbia county .Pennsylvania acscrnionasroiiows, towlt: bounded on ho south by lands of l'ranklln Vocum, on tho West by land ot Samuel Hauck, ou tho north by land of Win. Drcls bach and on tho east by landof J. 11. Kllnger, con taining thirty acres m oro or less, on which nre erect ed adwelllng house nnd out buildings. seizea, taken in execution at tho suit of William Swisher, Administrator .ot Elizabeth Kllnirerman against Dald H. Hower and to be sold as tho prop erty ot David It. Hower. HiiccswAv Elwkix, Attorneys. Al. Vend. Ex. ALSO, All that certain messuage tenement or tract oi landltuato In Locust township, Columbia county, state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows i that Is tossy, beginning at a stone In the publlo road leading from blabtown to Malm llio run ning thence by land of Solomon strauscr nnd Wil liam Adams norm thirty-eight degrees, west eighty tour and nve-tenths perches to a stone, thence bv land ot George Strausser kouth seventy-six degrees wrsi suiy-iwo percnes to a stone, thenco by land ot I;wls llungo south eight degrees west thlrty-nvo and nve-tenths perches to a stone, thenco by the samo south thirty-eight degrees cost one hundred and three perches to a stone, thenco by the same south ntty-three degrees, west three perches to a stone, thence by land of Solomon strausser south ntty-elght degre es cost sixty-eight perches to a nmuu m eue eeniro oi me public road leading from Slabtownto Malm Hie, thence In said road and by land of Solomon t trausscr north twenty degrees east nineteen perches to njstono, thenco In and by int. uiu iiureu uve aegreea east islxty-etght perches to tho place ot beginning, containing sixty-two acres strict measure, on which aro erected a frame dwel ling house, barn and other out-bulldlngs. ueizeo, taken in execution at the suit of David He! wlg.Kxeeutor of i-eter Ilelwlg' deceased against l8io Lew is wiin notice to John Adams, ttrre tenant and owner, and to bo sold as the property ot itaao Lew Is, w ith notice to John Adams terro tenant and owner. Adbott V JiiiAWN, Attornejs. Levari Facias. ALSO, All that certain tract of land sltuato In Catawissa township, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt i Beginning at a pine, corner ot late John Ilartman'a laud, and running thencj by the same south eighty, six degrees, east thirty-six perches to a stone, thence south ntty-lhree degrees ono hundred ond 'twenty, nvo perches to a stone corner of Moses Hartman's land, thenco by the samo south seventy-tour degre es west;elghty-four perches to stones, south seienty degrees west elghty-nvo perches to stones, north twenty-seven degrees west thlrty-slx perches t stones.south eighty degrees west Hxty-nlne perches to stones, thence by land ot John Itltter north three degrees east one hundred and eighty-one and threo tenths perches to stones, thenco by land ot Samuel shuman south elghty-slx degrees cast one hundred and nie-tenths perches to stones, thenco til land lato of John Ilartman south four degrw s. west six-ty-fooraud nve-tentLs pe rches to the place of be. glnt-lng, containing ono hundrel and sevent -.six acres nnd one hundred nnd thirty-four liete hi strict measure, whereon are creeled a large two-slory Frame Dwelling House, turn and other nevr tary out-bulldlngs. Seltod, taken In execution at the suit of . org Hughes against Isaiah John, wlih notice to J. M, Smith, Assignee of I, John 4: Son, aud lo bo sold as the properly Isaiah John. W. J. UrciALEw, Attorney. Levai l ruclas. Terms cash on day of sale. u law uiuce. !ub,ts Tl-lM JU11N W. HOFFMAN, shcrtr.