The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 07, 1879, Image 1

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issued weekly, ovory Friday mornini, at
nt.ooMsnIlU, c6ludi A COUNTY, tA.
.. . wn DOtxiM per year, to Miita discount allowed
" nrlmni-n. After ttis cmlratlon ot the
.; ) no will bo cnarijea. to suoicnncra oui or int
f!I. ih urnn are ts iter rear, strictly In advance.
nii naoer discontinued, except at tno option ot the
until all arrearages aro Paid, tut lonir
P....-..n, pmiifn aftr the cmlratlon ot the nrat
rg.!!:..untnutnf the State or to distant nol
treit mustbo paid for In advance, unless a respon
iiMc i person in Columbia county assumes to pay the
I'O-iTAHItla no looker oxacted from subscribers In
...... tAhhircr npnnrtment of tho Columbian Is verv
jomplele, anil our .1 b Printing will compare favora-
li. .vith mr. nr i.nn mriro chips, a wurK uune on
ijuiand.neatly and at moderate prices.
Columbia County Official Directory.
President .ftidse William Klwell,
AssnclatoJudees-I. K. Krlckhnum, P. L. Hhuman.
l-rotliouotarvr o.-Vllllm Krickbaum.
court Mluiiojrapiier-s. N. Wnlker.
-teilifetc UccoMor-willlamson ii, Jacoby.
District Attorney-Hobcrt K, Little.
SUerlH-Joliu VV. Hoffman,
survovor .iiminl Noyliird.
Trcnuircr II. A. swenrwnrietser.
commissioners Mcimen robe, Charles nichart,
'cJniuJslonorsJClorle-J. II. Casey."
AuuitOrs-8. II. Smith, v. Manning, 0. D, Bee-
ifiivCommlssloners-BU Bobbins, Theodore W.
'oluntr Superintendent William II. Snyder,
liloom Poor Ulstrlct-Dlrectors It. 8. Bnt, Hcott,
Win. Kramer, Bloomsburg and Thomas ltccce,
Bloomsburg Official Directory.
rresldent ot Town Councll-O. A. Herring.
cicrlc-l'aul K. Wirt.
Chief of Police .las. C. Sterner.
rrosl'lent o' Has Company S. Knorr,
Bccretary-O. W. Miller. ...... .
llioomsuurg flanking company John A. Funslon,
President, II, H. oro'z, cashier, John Peacock, Tel
ler. Kirs' Na'lonainank Charles 11. raxton, rresldont
j, r. Tustln, cashier. , , .
Columbia County Mutual Saving Fund and t,oan
AssoclaHon K. II. Little, President, C. W. Miller,
' momnsu'urz Bnlldtnz andSavIng Fund AssoclaHon
-Wm. Peacock, President, J.B. ltoblson, Secretary.
Uloomsburg Mutual Saving Fund AssoclaHon J.
J nrower, President, P. B. Wirt, secretary,
church Directory.
haitist cucRcn,
Itev. J. P. Tustln, (Supply.) ..,,
Sunday Servleos-pix a. mi and p.m.
Sunday School-O a. in.
prayer Moctlng-Kvcry Wednesday evening at tyi
Haatsfree. Tho public arlnvlled to at tend.
Mlnls'er-Itev. o. 1). S. Marelay.
Sunday Services lotf a. ra. and ttfp. m.
Sunday school 9 a. m. ,
Waver Moeilng-Kvcry Wednesday evening at 1)i
Boats free. Nopows rented. All nro welcome.
Sllnlslcr Itev. Ftuarl Ml'-!hcll.
Sunday Services 10)4 a. in. and tx p. m.
Sunday school 9 a. m. , ,
rraycrMceilng Every Wednesday ovenlng at
Beais'froo. No pews rented, strangers welcome.
rresldlng Eldcr-ltev. W. Kvans.
Mlnlaior-ltev. M. L. smyser.
Sunday Servlces-Uitf and 1)4 p. m.
fi'lblo c"laas-EvcrvPMonday evening at tyi o'clock.
Voting Men's Prmer Meoilng-fivery Tuesday
T o'clock,
Corner of Third and Iron Btreets.
I'astor Iter. w. K. Krebs. ,
itesldence-Corner 4th and Catharine sjreets.
Sunday scrvlccs-lOtf a. m. and J p.m.
Sunday school 9 a. ra.
Prayer Meeting Saturday. 7 p. m.
All aro invited There is always room.
Hector Hcv L. Zahner.
Sunday Borvlccs-lox a. m., 7)f p. m.
Sunday School 9 a. m. ,
First Kunday in tho month, Holy Communion.
S.-rvlces preparatory to Communion on Friday
evoolnir before the st Sunday In each month,
rows rented ; but everybody welcome
Presiding Elder ltcv. A. L. lteescr
Mlnlter-ltev. George Hunter. ,,1,h
Sunday Servlco-J p. m.. In the Iron street Church.
Prat er Meetlng-Every Sabbath at p. m.
All aro tnvlted. All are welcome.
Tns cnuRcn of cnRisT.
Meets In "the llttlo Hrlck Church on the.hlll,'
known as tho Welsh Uapttst Church-on Koek street
eTiegitilarmeetlnB for worship, every Lord's day af
"weoandtho public aro cordially invited to
SCHOOL ORDERS, llanls, just printed and
neatly bound in small books, on hand and
or alo at the Columdian OIUco.
LANK DEEDS, on Farclim-'nt and Linen
t're and trustees, for Bale cheap at the Columbian
ersot the Gospel and Justices should supply them
yfcjalvos with theso necessary articles.
TUSTICES and Constables' Fee-Bills for sale
f at tho COLUMBIAN oim'C. lurj
reeled fees as established by the last Act of tho ls
Hmreupon the subject. Every Justice and Con
table should havo one.
TfENDUE NOTES just printed and for sale
f Cheap anno uolumbia" uuivo.
G. BARKLEY, Attorney-at-Law. Office
In lirowers Duuaing, ttna sLorj , ituuuia a.
' B. ROBISON, Attorucy-at-Law. Office
. in Ilartman a Duuaing, nam svreeu
In 11 art man s Uuuuinff, iiaiu birwu
" It. EVANS. M. D.. Surceon and Pliysi
. clan, (Offlce and Itosfdenco on Third street,
" B. McKELVY, SI. D.. Surgeon and Pby
, slclan, north side Main street, below Market.
R. J. 0. RUTTER,
Offlce, North Market street,
Bloomsburg, ra.
R, I. L. RABB,
Main street opposite Episcopal Church, Blooms
burg, l'a.
IV Teeth citrnctcd without pain,
aug 24, "77-ly,
T)P- II 0 W E L L,
Office in Hartman's Block, second floor, corner
Main and Market Streets,
May st-ly.
Sewing Machines and Machinery of all kinds re-
dalred. Opera House Building, Bloomsburg, l'a.
AVID LOWENBERG. Merchant Tailor
Main sc., aoove uenirai uoiei.
8. KUHN, dealer lu Meat, Tallow, etc.,
cemro Bireel, ueiween oecuuu uuu a utru.
ROSENSTOCK, Photographer, over
, Clark Wolf's btort;, Main street.
AUGUSlUri FREUND, Practical liomeo
pathlo Horso and cowTioctor, Bloomsburg, Pa.
leO. 14, i-u
HoomNo. 15, oriKAllocm Buildiko, Bloomsburg.
Thn AM.(-ts fir fhpro old comoratlons are aU In
vested in M)L1I r-EUUlllTlEs andarellablo to the
hazard ot Fire only.
Moderate lines on the best risks are alone accepted.
LctM S promptly and uos rTLT adjusted and paid
as sotn as determined by Christian F. Knapp, epe
elal Agent end AOJuste r, Il'oomsburg, Tenu'a,
Thn 1 tttjpi.K ,if rniumijia countv should Dalronlze
the agency wlitro losses. If any, are adjusted and
paia uy one 01 ineir own ctuzenu,, -,1-1;
' CY, Exchange Hotel, Bloomsburg, l'a.
.Etna, Ins Co., ot nartford, Connecticut... s,ooo,ooo
Uveroool. London and Ulobe 2U.wl.IW0
lto)i,l or LlvenKKil... 13 600,000
Lancansulre 10,0o, 00
Fire Association. Philadelphia 8.100.000
Farmers Mutual ot UanvtUe 1,000,000
Diavllle Mutual 7s,wio
Home, New York. 8,600,000
As the agencies are direct, policies are written for
the insured without any delay In the offlce at Blooms-
March Mn-y
.ycomingof Huncy Pennsylvania.
Itorth American ot Philadelphia, Pa " "
1 on us) ivanla ot "
1 armers ot York, Pa.
Hanover of New York,
llanhaltxitot "
omce on Market Street No. e, Blbotnsburg, Pa,
Increase of Pensions eMalned, Collectienssnde.
uuice, uecona aoor from 1st National Bank.
BLooMsnmm. pa. '
Jan. II, 1879
j- U. FUNK,
Attoi no vat'Ijiw.
Incrcaso of Pensions Obtained, Collections
oaice In Ent'a Ucii.oiNa.
CoirastAH DuiU)iN0, Bloomsburg, To.
Men-.tjcrs of the United Stales law Association.
Collections made In any rart ot America or Europe
nioomsbarg. Pa.
Offlce on Main Street, first door below Court House
F. & J. M. CLARK,
Bloomsburg, ra.
Offlce in Ent'a Building.
U' A . AllAiU At 1 litt,
Orrica-In Ilarman's BtUdlng, Main street.
oomsburg, l'a.
P H. & R. K. LITTLE,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Office In B rower's building, second floor, room No.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Al lultn rj i A 1-liAW,
Office In A. J. Evan's New Buildinq,
Member of Commercial Law and Bank Collection As.
sociauon. Oct 14, 17-tf
Offlce in Unanost's Ucilcino, on Main street second
uuur uuuve ueuire.
(Ian be consulted In German. ,
Jan. 10, T9-
CaUwlssa, Pa.
Collections cromDtlr mada and remitted. Offlce
opposite I'acawissa ueposu uanx. ems
W. U. Abbott. W. a. Rhawn.
Pensions obtained.
dee 91, "77-ly
ESPECTFULLY announces to tho public
(old stand) nioomsbunr. Pa., at the Forks of the Hi
dv and Lleht Mreet roads, where all desprlDtloDSi of
leather will be made In the most pubstantlal and
workmanlike manner, and Bold at Dnces to suit the
lmes. The highest price In cash will at all times bo
aa lur
of everv descrlDtlon In the cnuntn. Tho Dubllouat-
iiioomfiuuru, ucu it i9ts
M Ninth Street Plttsburr. Dec. 10. 1874.
Messrs 'DHEII Kit. reay A: Ci
uentlemen : Your paints have given entire sat
isfaction. I have used them on agood many differ
ent kinds of work. Buch us Iron, Tin. Woodt Brick,
Ac, and never heard any complaints, on the con
trary, tho work stands w ell and for wear, wUl In my
opinion, stand with any lead In the market. When
at liberty to use my name with pleasure, also touso
in want 01 reference in imsctiy or vicuuif yuu ure
ltespocuuuy 1 ours,
Painter and Dealer In Paints, oils, Co.
at lowest market ratea.
Samme cards and trice list furnished without
Orders and lnaulrles by' mall will receive prompt
Rupert, Pa,
mover liKUS.
Mays. 'T6.-ly.
TRADE MARK Is especially rccom.TAOlM
uiruuru u au u-
fallln? cure for sem
inal weakness,Hper
inatorrhra, Im p 0
tency, and all disea
ses, sucnas una 01
memory. Universal
"'a 1" t the Back, luotneaa .HJHH I w
Before Takkgo vision, mmaj
many other clscases that lead to Insanlty.consumn
tlonanda ITemature tirave.all ot which as a rule
are nrst caused by deviating from the pathot nature
and over Indulgence. Ibe Hpectnc Medicine Is the
result of a lite study and many years ot eiperlence
In treating these special diseases.
Full particulars In our1 pamrhlels,whlch we desire
. iT-a . null I n Avarv nnn
5 send free oy man uio.cij,
The speclflo M edlclne is sold by all Druggists at II
by mall on receipt ol the money by addressing
No. 10. McchanlCa liloct, Petrott, Mich.
Sold In Bloomsburg by C. A. Kiclrr, and by all
HafrU Ewing, Wholesals Agonts, llttoburg,
sept, e, 1s-U
From Hurlington Ilawteye.
I was sitting in my study,
Writing letters, when I licnrcl,
"Pease, dear mamma, Mary tcld mq
Mnmma, musn't bo 'isttirbed.
"But I's tired of tho kilty ;
Wn'il jome ozzcr fing to do.
Writing letters, is 'ou, mamma ?
Tan't I writo a letter, too ?"
"Not now, darling, mamma's busy ;
Run nnd play with kitty now."
"No, no, mamma, mo write letters
Then if 'ou will show mo bow."
I would paint tny darling's portrait,
As his sweet eyes searched my face
Hair of gold nnd eyes of azure,
Porni of childish, witching grace.
But tho eager face was clouded,
As I Blowly shook my head.
Till I said, 'I'll make a lclter
Of you, darling boy, instead.'
So I parted back tne tresses
From his forehead high and white,
And a stamp in sport I pasted
'Slid its waves of golden light.
Then I said, 'Now, littlo letter,
Go away and bear good news ;'
And I smiled as down the staircaso
Clattered loud the littlo shoes.
Leaving me, the darling hurried
Down to Mary in his glee ;
'Mamma's writing lots of letters
I's a letter, Mary see I'
No one heard the little prattler
As onco more he climbed tho Btair,
Reached bis little cap and tippet,
Standing on the entry chair.
No one heard the front door open,
No one saw the golden hair
A s it floated o'er hU shoulders
In'the crisp October air.
Down the street lh baby hastened,
Till be reached .be office door :
'I's a letter, Mr. Postman ;
Is there room for any tnoro ?'
"Caufe dis letter's doin' to papa ;
Papa lives with Ood, 'ou know,
Mamma sent me for a letter ;
Does 'ou find 'at I tnn go ?'
But tho clerk in wonder answered :
'Not to-dsy, my littlo man.'
'Den I'll find anozzcr office ;
'Cause I must go if I tan.'
Fain the clerk would have detainedhim,
But the pleading face was gone,
And the little feet were hastening,
By the busy crowd swept on.
Suddenly the crowd was parted,
People fled to left and right,
As a pair of maddened horses
At that moment dashed in sight.
No one saw the baby figure
No one saw the golden hair,
Till a voice of frightened sweetness
Rang out on the autumn air.
'Twas too late a moment only
Stood the beauteous vision there ;
Then the littlo face lay lifeless,
Covered o'er with golden hair.
. Reverently they raised my darling, .
Brushed away tho curls of gold,
Saw the stamp upon tho lorehead,
Growing now so icy cold.
Not n mark the face disfigured,
Showing where the loot bad trod ;
But the little life was ended
"Papa's letter was with God.
Select Story.
'You are the best judge of your own heart,
but I do not think your future promises
much happiness 09 the wife of Godfrey Hill,
Remember who nnd what ho is,"
These were the words over which Alice
Hill pondered as she walked slowly through
the grovo at Bellows Falls. It was her fa
vorite walk, when she wished for solitude,
though It lay at some distance irom her
home, the stately house that crowned an in
cline stretch of ground overlooking the vil
Remember who and what be is 1
Mrs. Hill bud said these words very slow
ly, and with due emphasis only a few hours
before, when Alice bad road to her a letter,
In which Godfrey Hill had asked her to be
his wife.
Who was he, then ? He was the second
cousin of Alice, a man of about twenty-Bev-
en, who bad been brought up by his grand
father in the house upon Bellows Height
and had supposed his inheritance of house
and fortune assured.
Alice and her widowed mother had never
entered tho stately hr.iie while old Mr. Hill
livsd, but had supported themselves by keep
ing a school for young children, after God
frey's cousin, Alice s father, bad died.
It had never crossed their wildest imagi
nation thai the old gentleman at Bellows
Falls would remember them by even a tri
fling legacy, and they were inclined to
think they were the victim o( a practical
joke, when they received the lawyer's letter
informing them that Alice was the heiress
of the entire estate 01 John Hill, ot Bellow
It was like a dream, to come to the splen
did home, to know there was to be no more
weary struggles for daily bread, to wander
through magnificent rooms and extensive
grounds with the deliriously novel sensatloA
of ownership.
And it must be confessed that Alice at
first thought but little of the dispossessed
But he introduced himself soon as a cous
in, and visited tbo house as a welcome
For, in answer to the second clause of
Mrs. Hill's question, what was he ? Alice
could havo answered truly that be was the
most fascinating man she bad ever seen.
And Alice Hill, though a. bread winner
in the busy world, had moved In good so
clety, having aristocratic family connections
both on her father s and mothers side.
Bbe was no. novice to be won by a merely
courtly manner, but she had never met
man whose Intellect was so broad whose
courtesy was so winning, whose face was so
handsome as were those of Godfrey Hill
And yettliero wan a letter In her willing-
desk, written by ttio dead man whose lielrcs?
be was, warning her that 'because lie Is un
worthy, becauo he lias betrayed the trtut I
put In Mm, I havo disinherited Godfrey
There wan no specific charge, no direct
accusation, but tho young heiress was warn
ed against her cousin.
ct, in tho many long conversations the
two had held together, Godfrey Hill bad en
deavored to convinco his fair cousin that
his grandfather had been Influenced by false
friends to bcllcvo Blatoments to hu discredit
utterly untrue.
He had almost convinced her that he was
an innocent victim to unfortunate circum
stances, a victim to a mistaken sense of lion-
She was young, naturally trustful, nnd
her heart was free; so it ii not wonderful
that Alice Hill was inclined to rottoro the
ulinhcrited man to bis estate by accepting
the ofTer of his heart and band. Absorbed in
her reflections, ,Alico did not notice that
clouds wero gathering, till a sudden summer
shower broke with violence above the tree
The rain came through tho branches sud
denly, drenching through her thin black
Irrss, and she ran quickly to tho nearest
bouo for shelter.
Tho nearest reftigo proved to be the cot
tage wbero Mrt. Mason, who did the wash
ing for thegreat bouse,livcd withherdaugV
cr, Lizzie, one of the village beauties.
There was great bustling about when
iMico presented herself at tho door.
'Mercy sakes I You'ro half drowned,' tho
old woman cried, hurrying her unexpected
guest to the kitchen fire. 'You'ro wet to
tlio skin, dearie. Now ain't it a blessing
there's a whole washing in the basket to go
home 7 You can go Into Lizzie s room nud
change your clothes, and I'll do up them
you've got on. Dear, dear I Your bat is
just ruined crape won't bear Jwetting and
)ou veno snawi. iou must just put on a
dress of Lizzie s, to go home in. It's nearly
dark, anyway.'
'Where is Lizzie ?' Alice asked.
'Sewing at Mrs. Gorbam's dearie. She'll
becoming home, soon. I aliens make that
a part of tbo bargain that shj's to be let
home afore dark, and it gats dark now by
six fall days are shorter than summer ones.
So- she'll be hero soon. Its clearing up.'
It was clearing up, and it was also grow
ing dark, bo promising to send home the
borrowed dress in the morning, Alice started
for home.
She smiled at herself as she stood before
the cottage mirror, for she had not worn a
gay color since her father's death five years
Lizzie's blue dress, scarlet shawl and gay
Sunday hat were oddly out of place upon
the slender figure, and setting off the pale,
refined face of Alice'Hill.
'Dear me,' said the old woman. 'I h-fpe
you 11 raon chirk up a bit, Miss Alice, aud
take off your black. Tho old gentleman has
bceu dead a year, now. Them roses do suit
you beautiful.'
-Alice gianceu at tne stating reanowersre
fleeted in the mirror, and smiled ni she said:
I will take great care of Lizzie's hat, Mrs,
Mason. Good-bye, and thank you.'
It was nearly dusk, and there was a quar-1
ter of a mile to walk before home was reach
ed, so Alice hurried through the grove,
where tho trees had already shut out tho
lingering day-light.
She had tied a, small veil of gay tissue
over the gaudy hat, as she left tho cottage,
and alio hoped, it she met any acquaintances,
she would escape recognition.
When she was half way through the grove
Bhe heard quick footsteps coming from the
village, and a moment later a voice Baid,
"You are punctual,' and sho was caught for
a moment in Godfrey Hill's arms.
She know his voice, and struggled to free
Ik r self, beforo realizing that be bad tnistak
en her for the village beauty.
'Poob 1' be said, releasing her. 'Don't
put on airs, Liz. Were you going to the
house ?'
Yes, she answered, faintly, indignant
and yet curious, her woman's wite quickly
seeing his error.
'I must go, too before long, though I had
far rather stay here in the woods with you
'Your sweetheart is at ho house,' Alice
said, trying to assume tho jealous tone of
an uneducated girl.
What ! That chalky-faced girl in black ?
Not a bit of it. Didn't I love you loag be
foro she came to take what is mine ?'
And a curso followed, coupled with her
own name.that thrilled Alice Hill with hor
ror. 'But they say you will marry her,' she
persisted, calming her voice as well as she
They say right I I will marry ber, and
have my ownl Then, when she is dead, you
shall have your old beau again, Lizzie, nd
come to the great house, my wife. It is only
waiting a year or two.'
But as she may not die I' gasped the hor
ror-stricken girl.
She will die I I'll have no fine lady tak
ing what is mine mine, I tell you I But
what ails you f You are shaking aa If you
had an ague fit. I've'talked it all over often
enough before, and you never went off Into
such shakes I It Is nothing new I'm telling
liut you wouiu not muruer ner
the poor girl gasped, drawing her veil clos
'Come now, none of that,' was the rough
answer ; 'you'reJiot going back on me, now.
after all you've heard of my plans. You've
sworn to keep my secrets, or I'd never
have told you them. But what is the mat
ter V
And here Alice found herself shaken with
no gentle tian'd,to her great indignation. But
ber fears overmastered her anger. Godfrey
washeiratlaw to her newly-acquired fortuno,
nnd he suspected her identity, in those dark
woods, she did not doubt, after what he had
already said, that be would take her life,
'I am not well,' she said, freeing herself
from tho rough grasp on her arm, 'aud
must hurry on. Walt for me, here, until
do my errand at tne house and come
'Be quick, then,' was the gruffreply.
And if be was in haste, the scoundrel
mlgbt well be satisfied at the rapidity with
which his companion left blm,
She scarcely knew how she readied her
home, tore offher borrowed finery and wrote
to Godfrey Hill declining the honor he nad
proposed to ber, but giving no other reason
for ber refusal than the statement thatvh
did not love him sufficiently to be his
f - , i : r -r .
'Mamma,' sho satd, coming into tho draw-
irtg-room, 'I have-written to Godfrey, refus
Ing his offer, nnd dent tho letter to him by
James. 'I have remembered who and what
0 is,'
Mr. Godfrey Hill's amazement was
unbounded, when returning to bis home.
n tlio village drcs for his promised
call upon Alice Hill, he found her note
waiting blm.
But bo did not renounce his bono of all ale-
ing her resolution until the next day, when
hu met tho true Lizzie Mason In the shaded
grove, nnd, in the couro of their lover-like
conversation, that damsel told lilui who had
worn her gay hat and red shawl on tho pre-
nus evening,
'An' she eent n five dollar bill with the
ess, because It got wet,' said the girl, 'An'
that I call real handiomo of her. Why, what
ails you you'ro white as chalk 1'
'Nothing nothing. You wero not in tho
grovo at all, then, yesterday?'
An i I couldn't get off till long after dark
and so I stayed all night, I knowed you'd
bo mad, waiting for me, but I couldn't help
it, this time. Why?'
For her lover had started for the vlllsgc
without even the ceremony of a good-bye.
Ho lost no time, ou his way, till ho stood
n the office of Jermyn & Jerniyn, his grand-
father's, lawyers.
White as death, with his voice hoare nnd
thick, he said to the older partner :
.'You told me my grandfather left me ten
thousand dollars, upon certain conditions,'
'Quite correct. The conditions are that
you leave Bellows Fall9 and never return to
It, and that you sign a deed relinquishing
all claims as heir at law, in case Miss Hill
dies before she is of age. Mr. Hill did not
draw1 up his paper until his will was signed
and sealed, and he was reminded that bo
had made no stipulation for the reversion of
his estate.'
'Reminded by you,' was the bitterrejolnd
'Reminded by mo I He was shown the
danger that you might becomo a suitor to
the young heiress.
'Well, that danger is over. I have been a
sincere suitor to the heiress, and she has re
fused the honor of an alliance.' -
'Hum I'
'So, having lost that stake, I am prepared
to accept the conditions, take the ton thou
sand dollars and turn my back on Bellows
Falls for life.'
It was with a senso of great relief from a
very urgent fear, tha,t Alice Hill heard from
her lawyer of tbo demar-d upon the estate
that made her poorer by ten thousaud dol
lars, and removed Godfrey Hill from her
path for life.
She told no one of the walk in tho gloam
ing that had revealed to her theblack treach
ery of the man who had wped her, so gently
and had 'so nearly won the treasure of her
young heart.
It made her shy of suitors for,a long time
fearing her money was the magnet, that drew
them to her side ; but there came a true lov
er, at last one she trusted and loved -and
who won her for his e3der7"laitlifin' wife.
And Godfrey Hill left his old home never
to return.
There was no thought of revenge in Allcp
Hill's heart, when she heard of the death of
her cousin, nearly three years after his de
parture from Bellows Falls ; but sho could
not restrain a fervent thought of thanksgiv-
ing, when she realized that there was 110
murderous thought hanging upon her possi
ble death.
And ber relief she told her husband, fir
the first time, of that involuntary masquer
ade that saved her Irom the power of .1 vil
'I, was at this hour. Will,' she whispered,
'and Ibis is the first ttnio since that day Hint
I have been able to sit, without a shudder,
n tho gloaming.'
Tradition tells many stories, of showers
which wero not showers of rain. It is stated
by an'old writer that in Lapland and in Fiii
land, about a century ago, mice of a particu
lar kind were known to fill from the sky1;
and that such an event was sure to be follow
ed by a good year for foxes.- A'shower of
frogs fell near Toulouse in 1801. A prodig
ious number of black insects, about one inch
in length, descended in nsnow.siorni in Pak-
roff, Russia in 1827. On one occasion in
Norwaythe peasants were astonished at
finding a shower of rats pelting down ou
their heads. Showers of fishes have ben nu
merous. At Sanstead, in Kent, in 18CG, a
pasture field was found one morning plenti
fully covered with fish, although tbcro is
neither sea. nor river, lake nor fish pontl
near. In several other places these showers'
of fish have occurred nnd can generally be
explained by well understood causes. Strong
wind blown from sea or river; a water spoilt
licking up the fish out of the water; a whirl
wind sending them hither and thither ; all
these aro intelligible.
The rat shower in Norway was an extra
ordinary one ; thousands of rats wero taking
their annual excursion from a hilly region to
tbo lowlands, when a whirlwind took them
up ami deposited them In a field at some dis
tance ; doubtless much to the astonishment
of aiich of the rats as came down alive. Nat
uralists have proved that tbeshowers of blood
are connected witu some phenomena of in
sect lifo.
Jennie Smith has been telling the Green
Blreet Methodist congregation of Philadel
phia, that Bhe was cured of a chronic spi
nal disease by a miracle. She was bedrid
den for sixteen years, A few months ngc,
when iJiewas in the Ilomcepatbio Hospital,
she asked Dr. John 0. Morgan to pray with
her, as she felt that she. was going to sit up.
He did bo, and in a fijw' minutes afterward
she eat Op In her chair. This was .after all
trials to bolster her up by means of pillows
and hands had failed. From this time the
begau to have a Blrongbellef that'sho.wduld
bo able to walk again, and at length she
appointed a certain time for a miraculous
cure,, Some of her friends were invited'. To
others Blje.wrote asking them to offer up .spe
cific prayer on her behalf on that day. Af
ter waltiug until nearly midnight, she asked
two' persons present to tako'her by tbo anus
as slid felt that the time bad come. They
complied, and with barely any effort ou their
part, she rose to her feet aud walked. -Siuce
that time the has had complete use of ner
legs. Dr. Morgan declares the truth of her
story. ...
The man who is not afraid of warrr,yel
I lover is generally afraid to take, out 1
pa'per'ol tobacco In tho presenco of u crofv'd
The first VI.count of Gullamore, when
Chief Baron O'Grady, was remarkable for
his dry humor nnd blllng wit. The latter
was so fine that Its sarcasm was often unper
celved by the object against whom the shaft
was directed.
A legal friend, extremely-studious, but In
conversation notoriously dull, was showing
off to him his newly built bouse. The book
worm prided himself specially on n sanctum
he had contrived for his own Use, so seclud
ed from the rest of the building that be could
pour over bis books in private qulto secure
from disturbance.
'Capital I' exclaimed tlio Chief Baron.
'You surely could study hero from morning
till night, and no human being be ono whit
tho wiser.'
A yoiiDg.and.somcwhatdull tyro at the bar
pleading before him commenced ; 'My lord,
my unfortunate client 'then stopped, hem
med, hawed, hesitating. Again he beg.iu :
'My lord, my most unfortunate cli ' anoth
er (top, more hemming nnd confusion.
'Pray, go on sir,' said tho Chief Bardn.
'So far theiuJit is with you.'
In those days, before-competitive exami
nations were known ; men with more inter
est than brains got'appointments, for the du
ties of which they were wholly incompetent,
Of these was tbo Hon. Q . He was tel
ling Lord Guillamore of the summary way
lu which he disposed of matters in his
'I say to the fellers who aro bolhering mo
with foolish argument, that there's no uso in
wasting my time and their breath, for that
all their talk just goes in at one ear and out
at the other,'
'No great wonder In that,' said O'Grady,
'seeeing that there's so littlo between to
stop it.'
It was this worthy who, being at a public
dinner shortly after he got his place, had his
health proposed by a Rwagglsh guest.
'I will give you a toast,' he said : 'Tbo
Hon. Q , and long may he continuo in
differently to administer justice.'
At the dinner table, over tho wine, Lord
Guillamore was a force,- and this is one ot
tho stories he used' to tell with great up
plause. It was n dialogue which he assert
ed h") had heard in the old coaching days
between the guard of tho mail nnd a min
cing old Iady,vhen tmvjllng from Cork to
Dublin :
The coach had stepped to change horses,
and the guard, a big, red faced jolly man,
beaming with good humor and civility ,came
bustling up to the window to see if t.ii-'iii-sides'
wanted anything,
'Guard,' whispered the old lady.
'Well, madam, what can I do for you ?
'Could you' in a faint voice could Vou
get me a glass of water ?
'To bo Bure, ma'am ; with all the pleasure
'And, guar5,' still fainter 'I'd hem
I'd a like it hot.
'Hot water 1 Oh alright, ma'am. Why
not, if it's plazing to you'?' k
'With a lump of sugar, guard, if you
'By all manner of means, ma'am,"
'And and guard, dear' as the man was
turning to go away 'a small pqueeze of
lemon, and a little, just a thimbleful of
spirits through it ?'
'Och, isn't that punch ?' shouted the
guard. 'Where's tho uso of beating about
the bash ?' shouted the guard. Couldn't
you have asked out for a tumbler of punch
at once, ma'am like a man ?'
A story somewhat like the following has
been told before, but in its new shape it will
bear repetition. It was told by Mr. F ,
Clerk of the Crown for Limerick, who was
over six feet high aud stout in proportion :
One day, when driving in tha outskirts of
Dublin, they came to a long and steep hill.
Cabby came down,and walked aside the cab,
lookingalg' fiemtglances In at the window,
His Honor knew what he meant, but the day
was hot and he was lazy and fat, and had
no notion of taking tho hint and getting
out to ease the horse while larding the lean
earth himself. At last Paddy changed his
tactics. Making a rush at the cab be sua
denly opened the door and then slammed it
to with a tremendous bang. 'What's that
for ?' roared Mr. V , Btartled at the man's
violence and the loud report.
'Whist, yer Honor I Don't say a word!
whispered Paddy, putting his finger to his
'But what do you mean, sirrah ?' cried
the fare.
'Arrah, can't ye heusb, otr ? Spake low
now do. btiuro, tis letlin' on 1 am to tne
little mare that yer Honor's got out to walk
Don't let her hear you nnd the cratbpr'll
have more heart to face the bill If she thinks
your'e not insido, and that 'tis only the cab
tbaVs throubling her.'
Baron R., was one of tho most decorous
of Judges, but was cursed with 11 scapegrae'o
of n brother who was a perpetual thorn in
his side. When' at school he'was set a sum
to do by his teacher. After an undue de
lay ho presented himself before tbo desk
and held up tho slate upon the Corner of
which was a pile of coppers.
'What Is the meaning of all this, sir.'.fald
the master.
'Oh I' cried the youth, 'I'm very torry sir,
but really i can't help it. All the morning
I've been working at the sum. Over and
uver Bguin I've .tried, but in spite of all
can do it wou't corao right.. So I have made
up 'tlio diil'ercnc3 iu half pence, and there it
is muhe slate.
The originality of.lluulevicc disarmed tho
wrath of the pedagogue, and young R.' was
dismissed with his Coppers to his'place.
Here, however, U ono of tho best kind
told of Mr Plunket, taking au early walk
was overtaken by two respectable looking
men, carpenters by trade, each carrying th
implements of his craft.
'Good morning, my friends,' eald the old
gentleman ; 'you'ro early af,ot. Going on
job, eu 7!
'Good morrow, kindly sir ; yes we nro
and a qua re one, too. Tlio quarest nnd. must
out of tbu nay you ever Heard of, I'll bo
buiiid, though you have .lived long la tbe
world aud heard aud read of niany a thing,
Oh, you 11 never guess It,. your Honor, 10 I
may as well tell you at once, We're.'golpg
to cut thn leps of a dead liinn,'
Vuit 1 1 cried his hearer, itghast"; you
don't' mean' -
'Yes Indeed 'tis true for me ; nnd here's
how it came about ; 1'oor .Mary Hell s Hus
band a carpenter like ourselves and an old
comrade has been sick all winter, and de
parted this llfo last Tuesday. What with
the grief nnd being left on the wide world
with her five orphans, and no one to earn a
bit ol soup for them, the crayther Is fairly
nut of her mlud-Mnpld from the crying
and the fret, for what does sho do poor wo-
man, but send the wrong measure for the
coffin, and when It came home It was ever
so much too short. Barney Neil wa, a tall
man 1, gl, six feet wo reckoned him. He
couldn't be got Into it do what they would,
aud tho poor cratherbadnt what would buy
another. Where would she iret it after tho
long sickncs himself bad, and with five
chlldherto feed and clothe ? So, your lion-
or, all that's In It is to cut the legs off him.
Me and my corarado here is going to do it
for :the desolate woman.. We'll just take
'cm offat the knee joints and lay'em along.
side him in the coffin. I think, sir, now that
I've told you our job you'll say it slhequar-
est you ever heard of,
Oh I cried the gentleman, 'such a thing
must not bo done. It's impossible,
much would a new coffin cost ?'
The carpenter named the turn which was
immediately produced and bestowed on him
with Injunctions to invest forthwith hi the
necessary purchase,
Tho business, however, took-an unexpect
ed turn. Mr, Plunktt, on his return home,
related his matutinal adventure tu his fami
ly at breakfast, the future Chancellor, then
a young barrister, being at tho table. Be
fore the mfal was ended the carpenters made
their appearance, nnd with many apologies,
tendered back the coin they had received.
He who bad been spokesman in the morning
explained that on seeing the gentleman in
advance of them on the road, ho bad, for a
lark made a bet with his companion he
would obtain tho money, which having won
his wager ho now refunded.
There is a thing that we call high hteed-
Ing or courtey ; ita name proclaims that it
is the manners of the conrt and it is suppos
ed to belong exclusively to pe'rsons highly
born. There is another thing we call
Christian courtesy; the difference between
tho two is that high breeding gracefully in-
lists .upon its own rights ; Christian courte-
sy gracefully remembers the rights of others
in the narrow lirniten sense of the word 'gen
tleman can only bo applicable to persons
born in a certain class and 'gentle' is only the
old English word 'genteel,' but in the larger
higher meaning It belongs to those who are
gentle iu charactor not in blood and just as
'gentle' has been corrupted into 'genteel'
o the words 'gentleman' 'courtesy' 'polite
'" s' have come to be considered the exclu
sive property of one class,
The spirit of Christ does really what
high breeding only does outwardly. A high
bred man never forgets himself, controls Ins
temper, does nothing in excess, is urbane,
dignified, and that even to persons whom) he
is Inwardly curs ing in his heart, or wish
ing far away. But a Christian it what the
world seems to be. Love gives him a deli
cate tact which never offends, because It is
full of sympathy. It discerns afar off what
would hurt fastidious feelings, feels with
others, aud Is ever on the watch co nntici
pate their thoughts. And heuce the only
true refinement that which lies not on tho
rface, but goes down into the character-
comes from Christian love.
The plaguo now ravaging parts of Russia
not new to that country, and the epipem
of this year recalls to the people the hor
rors irom wliicu UU'sia sullcred a century
ago (1770). Those were days of trial for
Russia ; from the south were pressing the
formidable masses of Cossacs and peasants
nder Pugatcbeff, who shook the Czardom
and terrified tbe serfholders ; while insfdi
the empire was an enemy even more formid
able, tbe plague. The people became reck
less and cared for nothing but their lives;
They fled from the cities and villages, hid
themselves In the woods and there died
from starvation as well as frdm the cpidem-
Moscow, the heart of Russia, was iu a
state of anarchy, and there seemed to be no
ruler but the plague. The victims died by
undreds -in their houses, and the streets
were strewn with dead bodies. There were
not enough undertakers, and money could
not procure the needed service, and it was
at last necessary to employ prisoners who
were promised pardon. The criminals went
to work and put tho dead into wagons which
they drove to their places of interment ; but
they often seized tbe dying, who uttered
their pitiful cries in vain, and many persons
were buried alive. Iu those days children
were afraid of tbejr parents and parents of
their children ; evirybody suspectid every -
body else, and many perished from neglect
and starvation. These are the experien
ces of the last century now recalled in
The Oneida community replies in its or
gan, tno American bonalut, to tne cnurges
of the Syracuse clergy, with a challenge to
cite a single case of immoral action grow
ing out of tbe influence of the Community.'
Tbo following argument fs put forward
'The worst enemies of the ctmmunity admit
aa Dr. Means did at the Conference, that its
members are sincero and honest. The charge
is that they are fanatical and mistaken. Does
their record prove this 1 The Community
takes care of its own, and throws off no
wrecks Buch as are constantly falling from or
dinary society. It has furnished no paupers,
no criminals, uo abandoned women, no ne
glected children. Is it not, then, working
out a valuable experiment V The Commu
nity defies legal prosecutlou, on tho ground
that it defies no law.
Lieutenant Arthur H, Fletcher of the
Uuited, Slates Navy, a bald-headed little
man of forty, has deserted his charming wife
aud two children, and eloped with Miss
Bailey, an eighteen-year-old Baltimore girl
lie is tno same omcer wno remsed to go 011
the ill-fated steamer Huron, because of
'premonition, because that she would be
wrecked at Kitty Hawk. He was court
inartialed at the time, but tbe wreck saved
his official head. Mrs Bailey, the glil's
mother, is very 111 at her fashionable board
ing-houso in Baltimore. Mrs. Fletcher and
the children are at the home of her father,
Dr. H. Nicholas Wadsworth.of Washington.
Just before the elopement some one asked
Miss Bailey whether she thought Lleuten
ant Fletcher handsome. 'Oh,' she replinl,
Mitlerent girl bav different tastes ; I think
handsome is that handsome does,'
tries. la
a. .
tl.n It DO
unolnch.-..,.,.,. , MM
Two Inches t.oo 4.(0
1. 00 V.WI
mrre idcms. 4.10
Four inches .., s.oo
7.00 11.00
too 11.011
Ouarter eolvmn s.00
ililf column... lo.ort
s.oo 1jo
11.00 ib.m
One column. ,90,00 sa.eo 10.00 to.uo loo.t.
Yearly advertisements toavahle auarLerlr. Traa
slent advertisements must Or paid for before Insertea
eircpi, ti uere parues nave accounts,
Lena! advtrtlsements two dollars rr lich f or tbrat
Insertions, as at that rat for atdftloaallastniaai
wunoui reference to lengtn,
Kiecntor's. Amtnlstrator'a and Auditor's aottttw
three doiurs. Must bensldfor when lnperted
Trans entor Local notices, twenty cents a 111
regular advertisements half rates, .
Cards in the "Business Directory" coiuma, ol
aouar per year ior eacu line,
The Englishman seems never to be able to
escape the influejico of his surrounding.
Though he occupies a part of every conti
nent, his methods are seldom continental.
This is aptly illustrated in his railroad build.
I.... Til. (-1 1 1- 11 1 .i-..t.
Uw, M) roaJshort( Rnj tll0 tra(I,c heavy,
, .,. . ,,, nr hrt,iffM. ...
,, ;ewd w'uh () cuU m
UmicU Theeilry raMr0lJ mcu an m.
j(m ft rRr08,, .mUBt ba as nearly
aj ,b RnJ M ew, B, ubof
nml cFouId mVff it L3ler Engli.h
these dcR, ci09eiy Rnd
n . u . ,..,!! i DWr-
. . .,, n..v. fit
f(jr the ,nM M d to
' ' ... . ,,,..
.... ,. r1,.,,m ,rij .tpt.l
ranr0Illnjr, as In Canada and Australia, he
buu on ,Dsu,ar , Bnd tUBrC8Ut basno
, , ni,.'
tip An nriirtiiv Manntf.
u tothe Ame;Ican we must turn tole8ra
. , rn,.rfimnt, n( lho modern
, nmR ,--., or !t.
future. More Mian this the moment
the EuglUh lucomotivo is taken from
its island line it exhibits defects and a cer
tain want of pliability that completely un
fit it for a continental railway. But if tha
Engish road nnd the Engb'sh engine are
the best In the world, wliy are they not the
best for tho world ? Simply because they
do not pay. There can be no higher reason
than this. Anything that doea not. pay la
useless, because it does not meet a human
want. Tho excuse of the railroad and ita
train Is that it moves men and things cheap
ly. The cost of any operation is the meas
ure of its value to human beings, and if the
road does not pay, of what good is it f Now
a railway to be cheap, must follow the face
of the country. That is, the line must go up
and down hill, pass around abrupt curvea,-
according to the lay of the land, and with-
out much atempt at n straight line or level
bed. It is upon this idea that American
railroads have been built, and all continen
tal1 lines are likely to be built in the future.
If n railroad cau thus follow the face of the
country, It will not cost so much, thero beinj
no hlch bridges, deep cuts and tunnels. Of
cmire there is n limit In this direction, and
even th'e American engine cannot climb u
the slrle of a house, or turn a right angle ia
its own length; but within certain broad
limits It-may be said that the future loco
motive must follow lines that run urj hill
and down (J ale, and get round very remark
able corners.
This being the case, what ol the English
locomotive? Can it travel in safety oyer
crooked lines that wander in, astonishing
freedom over hill nnd dale through all the
sinuous lino of a .winding river valley T
There is no need to say it ought, or it may,
for it never did. It has been tried again and
again, and at the end of it all the engine la
in the ditch, and the unhappy stockholder!
aro clamoring for American engines, or at
iP9,t 0Dgines built on American platis.
Barnard, in Harper' $ Alagazmt for
.What ablessed thing it is that we can for
get I To-day's troubles leok large, hut
week hence they will be forgotten and bur
ied out of sight. ,Says one writer, 'If you
would keep a book and daily put down the
things that worry you.and see what become
of them, it would be a benefit to you. You
let a thing worry you just as you allow a
fly to settleon you and plague ; and you lose
your temper or rather get it ; for when
men are surcharged with temper they are
said to have lost it ; and you justify your
selves for being thrown off your balance by
causes which you do net trace out.
But if you wish to see what threw you off
your balance before breakfast, and put it
down in a Pttle book, and follow it up and
follow it out, and ascertain what becomes of
it, you will Bee what a fool you were in the
matter. The art of forgetting is a blessed,
art, but tbe art of overcoming is quite as im
portant. And if we should take time to
write down the origin, progress and out
come of a few of our troubles it would make
bo ashamed of tbe fuss we make over
them, that, we should be glad to drop such
things nnd bury them at onco in eternal
forgetfulness. Life Is too short to be worn
out in petty worries, frettlngs, hatred and
A Lock; Ticket.
An Italian gentleman with a nice little
income had a nice little servant girl who
said to him one morning : 'O, if you please
won't you give mo a frane to buy a lottery
I ticket with ? 1 dreamed last night 41,144
, was going to draw the capital prize, and I
want to buy that number.
He gave tbe girl three francs, and next
day, on happening to look at the report of
the drawing, saw that 41,144, bad drawn
the capital prize of M0,G52 OS lire or, to
ep'euk more accurately, $100,000.
Returning quietly to the house, he con
cealed his emotion, and said to the servant
girl, 'Susan, I have long observed with ap
probation your piety, beauty, modesty! skill
n tbe art of cookery,- and other good
qualities calculated to adorn the highest sta
tion. Let me lead you to tho hymenial
altar. No delay. Just as you are.
'Are you sincere?' asked the blushing
I am, I swear by yonder silver moon
that tips with beauty, all the'
'Then I will go.'
'Hasten, Susan, put on your bonnet and
shawl, and let us go round the block to the
friar's cell, where wo i-ball be made one.'
In a few minutes the bride elect returned
clad in a red dress, a red shawl with a black
velvet bonnet trimmed with sunflowers, In
a few minutes more the ceremony bad been
performed, and the twain were one. They
returned to tbe bouse, where the husband
carelessly took up the paper and eald with a
well counterfeited start of surprise ;
'Darling, everything is bright for us upon
our wedding day. You remember the tick
et In the lottery that you dreamed about
and I gave you the money to buy ? Where
Is It my ownest ?'
Oh, I didn't Uuyit. I spent the money
for this duck of a bonnet.'
A Minnesota woman has lost two hubands
by lightning. She ought to marry a conductor.
Tbo isaucy English sparrows aro making
preparations to build their spring and euuiluor