The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 28, 1879, Image 3
THE CJUMBJM' iitoosisnuiui. rniiUT, run. as, is c:i-r.Mt-u van 1870. T7J"T TV..U Jul.,. sf "i Jll.. , (, 7 i (J n 1 1 ' i J f i l i 12 i:i II l.i l'i li H U II IJ li i; l: I'' ri :o ii a u a n ' :i a w 40 '?' ii . x ii r,i i Aug i j 2 :, i t, c 7 f ." f i ; f Ii 1' in ii u I.'. II l. I' II I. II II i; in II 11 h II. 20 J I 22 Ii I" l''20'21 22 21 2.1 21 i. .1 27 2- . 21 25 2C 27 2' 2' 10 S"'" j li i f, i ; ' P. it.. " "i t "t "t "f. "ii ii in n a n in-) 7 s i ion iv ii i; 17 h n-n it a I! li II 17 I I" 20 2.1 21 ii 2li 27 21 20 21 2 i! 21 25 21 27 . I" II . , , April. . i : u Cct i v r, i ' 1.7 f 0 I" II 12 Hit I' in II nn u io. i? h n 12 n u is it. 17 h 211 21 22 2.1 21 2.'. 2:1 11 Jfl 31 22 2.1 21 25 J7 i- 29 10 . . . . 2(12? 2!-20 .10 3 1 . lit 15 3 Sir... 1 ' I f, d 7 ! 10 5 II I t 7 t II 12 11 II l'i r, 17 I Kill 12 13 II 1.1 I- P 202I 22 2 1 21 Hi 17 If 10 2021 22 2.1 20 27 ! 20 10 II 21 2 1 25 20 li 2S 20 hit. i i .i "i f 1 7 fee.-... "i "i 3 ' 7, V. I 11 III II 12 I I II 7 ( ! 10 II 12 II 15 in 17 l 10 20 21 II li I'l 17 l 10 20 22 1 1 II i"i 211 27 21 21 22 2121 41 2r, 27 20.10..,!...! 2fao,:m,itl Rail Komi Time ruble. ..ACKAWANNA BLOOMSBUIIO KAIL, ROAD NORTH. SOCTII. Accommodation Train 6.10 A.M. 8.00A. It. Mail Train 7.39 A. M 4.4J 1'. M Express Tra.n l.tll'.)l, 11.45 A. .M CATAW1SSA HAIL ltOAD. north, sotrn Accommodation Train 6,ss A. M. 7, re r. M. Itegulai frcprcsi 4.0s r. M. 11,43 A.M. Thront'h cars on impress train cither to New York or riilladolpnlr. Accommodation train runs between Uatuwl3Sa and Wllliuinsport. BTAOB LINES. CAMime and nuosiincnn. Lcavo Cnmbra Monday, W-diicnlny anil Friday at 0:30 a.m., nrrlie it inoomxDunr uy nmoa. m. t.cavo nioomsourg ou samo mjs niicr arrival oi rmiaaeipnia roan. lILOOMsrtraa and 1 airdsvillb, Leave I,alrcUvlllo TU"su.y Timrstiiv ana Haturuav at r:30 a arrlvlntr at Kloomstmrz bv 12 m I-eavo M'i. burir on same l.iss after arrival of rnrlanViuula man i no suige lino terminates ill. .miuiiuc. Benton and llloomvburp. A dally stone line leaving uenion in me morning ana returning in tue eve. nlng of the same day, MAIL HOUTES. Viiitb HAM, and in ooshbcro. Leavo Whlto Hall Tuesday. Thursrtaj- and Saturday at 0:3oa. in.. arriving at IlloomHOnrB by 10 a. m. Leavo Monms burg on same da s arter arrival ol 1'hlladclphla mall. Bbntom and IIi.ooiisbcro. leaves lit r. ton Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 a. tn., arriving at ltloomsbure at 2 p. m. Leaves nioomsburs Tues day, Tniirsilay and Saturday at 8 a. in., arriving at H2ntonat2p. in. TO SUUScnillEItS. The ilnte on tlie printed slip pntel on your paper shows to what time the paper is paid fur. These names and dates are printed on long sheets, and cutoff and pasted on with a mail ing machine, eacii week. As each subscriber pays, the dalo is changed on the slip in pencil, and the corrections made monthly. It jme times happens therefore that the change does not appear on the paper for two or three weeks after payment, and we are often notified by sub scribers who think the omission to change at once is a mistake. This explanation is made so that all may understand why the change does not appear immediately. It is n good deal of trouble to make the changes and much more convenient to make all tho changes for the month at one time, than to make each one as they occur. tf rUULll! SALES. M. A, Ammermo'i, Administrator of John Eveland will sell real estate on the premises in Fisliingcreek township on Saturday March 15th at two'o'clock p. m. John Kliugaman, Kxecutor of John Shuinan, uf Heaver township, will sell real estate on the premises on Saturday March, 8th at ,10 o'clock a. in. Andrew Laubach and liachil A. Hess, Ad ministrators of Alexander lies will oiler three valuable tracts of land for sale in Sugarloof township nn Saturday March 2ind at ten o'clock a. m. on the premises. J. M. Hcisliline.AdministratorofJohnllei-h line late of Deutou townliip, will sell realestale ou the premises on Thursday March 20th 1S79 at 10 o'clock a.m. Court in D.invillo this week. J. A. Mercur Esq., of To i di, register in bankruptcy, spent Wednesday night in town. Chew Jackson's IlKST.swtct Nm Tobacco. P. 1'. Uillinvcr V.'i. has moved into the Con ner house o.i Fiftli street. E. P, Lutz has put a new roof on his store building. Mr. Lee's Rink nt Milton closed last Satur day night witli a masquerade. Drs. Turner & Holier have" removed their of fice to Market street above Fifth, cast side. Wantiid. 200 tons of good Hemlock Bark ly Silas Young, Light Street. Feb. 21 A-w A drizzling disagreeable rain fell all 'ay Wednesday, much to tho damago of tho sleigh infe'. Thero will be n socinblo in tho basement of tho Lutheran church on Saturday evening. Oys ters and other refreshments will ho served. The ilciting rink wa well attended on Fri day night. The band furnished enlivening mmic for the occasion. District Attorney Mowrer of Danville, was voted a gold headed cane at a loir in that place recently, f Henry W Palmer of Wilkesbarrc, has been appointed and confirmed as Attorney General in place of George II, Lear. His selection is a creditable one. The Annual ball of the Friendship Fire Com. pany was held in llrower's Hall last Sat. inlay night. It was hrgtly attended, and will enjoy. An evidence that the iron trade Is improving is given in the fact that the iron manufacturers uf Western Pennsylvania are preparing thir machinery to be pushed to its utmost capacity in the next few years, Hecent legal decisions hi Wisconsin nnd Ill inois hold that when tho views of a parent nnd a teacher in a public school differ as to tho studies of n pupil, tho decision of tho parent must prevail, M, C. Sloan & llro., purchased a handsome carriage in Philadelphia for Col. C. G. Jnck ion of Ilcrwitk. Tho workmanship is no bet ter than the Sloans can do, but tho carriage is a different st)le from their mako. On Tuesdnv hist. W. II. Slnntnn risiined his position as Associato Law Judgoof Luz. Ho never should have bi en elected. His resignation ai probably forced by a threat of impeach ment. His action will probably solve the Judgeship muddlo in Luzerne and Lackawanna counties, The Ilew Tlr '..i, r v W.l, lf,l. . , . .v.i v vi mil .kit auia .n vim oJU Publishing house, died in that city last week Thursday, of parolyni?, and wa buried at KinpAtfin Pa ln-t Mn.1JW n- v ,i D - I'lVUMUj i J I , A irvil n ao wtnerty Principal of the Wvomlng Seminary nn.l .n , . . . . I n vii Known to many ul our citizen". He was expected to attend the Conference to be kiu uere next month. IIU urath Is a great loss to the church In which lie labored carncsily for many years. THE Iter. T II, Cullcn. fnrmirlr nolnt r Hi I'anl's Episcopal now located nt Free hold, New Jersey. The church Ik now ore, ono hundred and forty yearn old, and has re cenlly been renovated and enlarged under Mr. Cullcm direction. Old and young, rich and poor, all unlto in testifying to the merit of Dr. Hall's Cough Sy rup. For over n quarter of a century it has proven itself a true, tried and trusted friend l'rice 25 tints, For. Cnotir. In tho far West they have what they consider a sposifie for croup. It is very simple. Tnko a piece of lnrd as big as n butternut, rub It full of sugar, divido into thrco parts, and give at tho intervals of twenty min utes ; tho croup will disappear gradually, but surely. Scene in a countrv Post Office Enter citizen who inquires for n letter, Clerk liand9 him an unsealed letter with ono cent stamp on it. Clerk. "Vou will have to pay fivo cents more on this letter." Citizen. "Just send it back to tho man who mailed it, and ask htm for tho five cents" Clerk. 'Hut it is n very important letter." Citizen Indignantly. "How do you know ?" Clerk, innocently. "Uccanso I rend it." Citizen, mora indignant. "Then beep it." In Franco and Germany when two or more persons enter n restaurant and ctll for a drink or food, Invariably each pays his own bill, and as a consequence the beastly method of every one drinking until he has drnnk for nil around Is avoided. Tho latter is the American system nnd is a disgrace to our civilization, It makes more drunkards thin all the other customs put together. Kichangt. Paying Wades With Scmrv-It is siid that the Philadelphia and Heading railroad company will begin paying their employes their January wages in a scrip of new issue. It was suppose that the list issue of script by this company would close the business, but such is nit the case. The new issue will be of the de noi 'nations of $5 and $10, payable in six months. Whether or not h m ' h will ing to accept the sen;, ' 1 i r rn 1- ig a question that cam i b. , a is paid out and finds its w,tj into the market. The Lidics' Aid Society has relieved the im mediate wants of many families during the win ter. The supplies are now exhausted and nn appeal is made for contributions. There are still many poor people who need and deserve help, and calls are made on tho society which they are unable to supply because they have nothing to do it with. Last year a largo num ber of ladies were interested in this good work, Now, the number has diwindled down to about six who are active in the matter. More inter est .should be manifested in the sutTering of the sick and needy. Contributions of food and tlothing can be sent to Mrs. I. W. Ilartman'e. Now that the time is approaching for spring work to begin, there are many persons who -.rill have odd jobs to be done about their prem ises, and others who will have, more or less to be done alt through the spring and summer. There are two classes in every community : those who want work done, and those who want to do it. While there are many men in the town who are ready and anxious to labor, they are often unemployed because it is not generally known that their services can be engaged, or where they can be found. For the next four weeks we will print gratuitously a list of labor ing men who are ready to do gardening or any kind of work by the day. Hand in your namti and place of residence. The hearing of the argument on the rule to show cause why nn attachment should not issue against the Councils and Treasurer of Williams port for non-compliance with the decree of the court took pi ice last week Thursday, This case was removed here from Lycoming county. A committee was present with several attor neys on each side. Messrs. ll;ntly, Parker and IJeeber argued for the bondholders, and Wat eon and McCormick for the councils. At he close of the argument the Court granted the attachment, but gave the councils ten days in which to purge themselves of contempt. If they do nothing in that time, Sheriff I oilman will be liktly to furnish entertainment for them for a time. Uaiiton'. At Mackinaw Tazewell county Illi nois, Eli'lia U.irton aged, 70 rears. The deceased was a native of lilooranburg; his father Elisha Barton and his grandfather Elisha liarlon having lived and died here. His grand father was one of the earliest settlers of this county, founder of what is known as the lied Mill in Hemlock township and the father of the large Barton connection of this neighborhood. hluha'rt mother after his father's death, was married to Peter X'urstll and moved to Suubury whtre she died a few years ago at an advanced age, Elisha together with his brother Clark and his sister Mary ami. her husband, Dr. Wm. Maus moved toTazewell county, Illinois, about forty-five years ago and has resided there ever since a prominent and respected citizen Many D,' our oldest citizens will hear with regret his di.i.u. His list visit to Bloomsburg was in lS7ti. MNT3 TO TllOS I 'U..w UlJ.V TIIR SICK. Only call at tho door, unless you are suro your friend is able to see you without barm, Enter and leave the houso and move about the room quietly, Cnrry a cheerful face nnd sneak cheerlul words. Iu order to cheer you need tell no lies. If your friend is very sick do not fall into gay nnd careless talk in tho attempt to bo cheerful. Don't ask questions and thus oblige your friend to talk. Talk about something outside, and not about tho disease and circumstances of the patient. Tell the news, but not tho list of the sick and the dying. If possible carry something witli you to pleaso tho eye nnd relieve the monotony of tho fcick room a tlower, or even a picture, which you can loan for a few days. If desirable, some littlo delicacy to tempt the appetite will bo well bestowed. The perfume ot soma llowers is poisonous and they should never bo carried into tho sick room. Especially is this true of the tube rose, oleander, heliotrope, hyacinth, oraugo and lilies. Stay only n moment or a few minutes at the longest unless you can he of eomo help. William ltingrose was brought b?foro Jus tice Morris last Monday afternoon on a warrant issued at the instance of George Kramer, in which Itlngroso was charged with setting fire to his own house in September 1877 There was a large number of witnesses and fpectators pre sent. After hearing the evidence, the jestice discharged Itlngrose, there being nothing in it which was calculated to cast the slightest suspi cion on the accused. A Novel Way ofCatchiso IUts. An ex change Is responsible for the P Ibwing rat and clam story, It savs a New Beriiuer bought two dozen clams some time ago, took them home and spread meal oyer them for 'the purpose of preservation, The next morning he found that thirty-two rats, in ncirch of meal had been caught by their tails and toes by twenty-three clams. The unoccupied clam must hove bossed he Job. Ooo clim had three rats What ef eel this story will have on the dam market he coming season, remains to bo seel, COLUMBIAN AND TOWNSHIP KLKOTIONB. The following persons were chosen nj officers in the various townships nt tho .ate election, Jtemvr Constnble,JJoscph Klingerinan Su pervisors, Peter Scbllcher and Peter Eckrolh Poor Overseers, Moses Scllchtr and II 1 1 inter liter i School Directors, II l.cbu and Wash Longcnbcrgcr ) Assessor, A W Mann; Assist nnt Assessors, Franklin Hlioads and Nathan llrcdbenncr, jr j Judge of Elections, John Pat terson Inspectors, J E Bishop, J P Frcy and Simon Hittenhouse, tie j Auditor, Allen Mnnn. lltnton Constable, II Q Kase Supervisors, Alfred Gibbons and G M Gibbons j Overseers, M li Colo and Aaron Smith j School Directors, S L Davis and Lafuyctto Kccler j Assessor, JohnSKlinoj Assistants, Ira J Thomas and J 0 W'cnncr Judgo of Elections, W 11 Gib bons j Inspoetors, 0 L Davis and C K Albert son Auditor, A 11 Stino J Town Clerk, Cbns Gibbons. Jlrinr Creek Justice ol the Pence, Georgo ltuckel I Constable, John Miller j Supervisors, Lnmon Maitz nnd Natbnn Sitlcrj Overseers, It II Sitler nnd Enoch Itittcnhouse ! School Di rectors, 1) W Mnrtz and Adam Suit 0 years, Jo seph Tinsley 2 years nnd Samuel Houck 1 year; Assessor, G W Miller ; Assistants, Frank EtnnsnndS S Siller ; Judgeof Elections, I) Doner J Inspectors, M H Itittcnhouse nnd J W Smith ; Auditor, Emmor Dlctterick j Town Clerk, M 1 Housknccht. Cmtralia Justico of Peace, Reuben 1'nh ringcr i Chief Burgess, Jnmes ColiLnn ; Town Council, L S Baldwin, William Grant, Itobcrt Walsh, Morris Lewis, Hobcrt White and Wm Peifier; ; High Constable, Jnmes McBrcnrty j School Directors, C G Murphy nnd Michael Barrett 3 years, Itobcrt Farrcl 1 ) car j Judge of Elections, Henry Coddington j Inspectors, Wm Dnvisnnd AdamMcnscb j Assessor, John I' Jones j AssisLmts, Wm Darrali nnd Miles McNnlly j Auditor, G W Davis, jr. Conynghnm Constable, John Vonroo j Su pervisors, l;ogcr Dixon nnd John Purcell ; Poor Director, Thomas Chapman j School Di rectors, Peter McDonald and Andy Donohoo i Assessor, Chas Winccker ; Assistants, Thomas Burke nnd Bernard F Kelly ; Judge of Elec tions, Wm 0 Troutman ; North, N Pat Burke South j Inspectors, Frank Woods nnd Thomas Ennis, North, Pat Healcy and Jnmes Flanigan, South, Auditor, Thomas Casey j Town Clerk, Martin Flanagan. Centre Justice of Peace, Samuel Ilidley ; Constable, Joseph Weiss j Supervisors, Isaac Erwin and Joseph Giger ; Overseers, Joseph Hess nnd Jas Kocher j School Directors, D I! Whitmiro nnd Ellis ltingrose j Assessor, J II Aikman, Assistants, John White nnd Thom as Hngcnbuch ; Judge of Elections, Edward Hartman j Inspectors, Jacob Hess and J M Bower j Auditor, Samuel Kclchner; Town Clerk, T F Conner. FMingereek Constable, Elliot L. Lemons ; Supervisors, Daniel Yost and John Dreschcr ; Overseers, Peter J. Weaver nnd J D McIIenry; School Directors, Stott McIIenry nnd John McMiehacl j Assessor Chas J Creamer ; As sistants, Levi Ilcishline and Chas Ash ; Judge of Elections, John Zanor , Inspectors, N W lies nnd W E Eveland ; Auditor, Amos Hart man ; Town Clerk W N Ho sler ; Treasurer, J M Buckalew. Franklin Justice of tho Peace, Jese John ; Constable, O D L Kostenborder j Supervisors, Wellington Clark and Wm George ; Overseers, Andrew Loreman and Moses Hower ; School Directors, Jonathan Lcreman and Samuel Ito dnrmel ; Assessor, O D L Kostenborder ; As sistants, C L Artly and Philip Mnnhart ; Judge of Elections, Jackson Cleaver ; Inspectors.Ja cob Artlcy and Amos Ilile ; Auditor, Heubcn Kuittle. Greenwood Const able, A II Parker ; Super visors, Aaron l'eese and 11 F Battiii ; School Directors, Alfred Heacock and John II Shultz; Assessor, Isaac D Patton; Assistant5,J B Eves, II L Kich; Judgo of Elections, Adam Utt ; In spectors, J B Ikeler and Clinton Dewitt ; Au ditor, II II Bangs. Hemlock Justico of the Peace, N P Moore j Constable, Win F Faust ; Supervisors, T W Purcell and Daniel Yocum i Overseers Perci vnl Folk nnd Seth Shoemaker ; School Direc tors, Philip Stroup and IVrcivnl Folk i Asses sor, Wm P Leidy ; As-istnnts, Simon Ilich ard and Lewis Girton; Judge of Elections, Pe ter Brugler ; Inspectors, Eli Old and Wm Dent j Auditor, John Appleman. Jackson Constable, Wm P Bobbins : Super visors, Alex Krause, I) L Everhart; Overseers, Moses Savage and W Brink; School Directors, Frank Trivelpiece and Jamei Shultz ; Asses sor Frank Young; Assi-tants, Irain Derr and Ezckiel Cole ; Judge of Elections, J 11 Fritz ; Inspectors, Joshua Savage and Jefferson Fritz; Auditor, Geo W Farver ; Town Clerk, Wm L York. Itocust. Constable.A S Knittle; Supervisor Solomon Strausser and George Bitner ; Over seers, Cnas Heaver and Christian Small ; School Directors, Adam Demie and William Itoads; Assessor, C S Hower; Assistants, Aaron Yoder and Christian Small ; Judge of Elections, David Helwig ; Inspectors, C S W Fox and Darius Yiager; Auditor, John II Helwig. Madison Justice of the Peace, Samuel Funis worth ; Constable, Wealy Smith; Supervisors, Silas Williver and George Old; Overseer, Con rad Creamer; School Directors, A DShultzand W M Demott ; Assessor, J M Smith ; Assist ants, Wm M Shultz and Geo W Supplee; Judge of Election, Gyrus Demott ; Inspectors, Miles Smith and Morris Masters ; Auditor, Wm J Allen, Maine Constable, Isaac Yetter ; Supervisors, John M Nuss and Jacob Fenstermacher; Over seers, F M Klinger, N II W Brown ; School Directors, George Breish ard J D Bodine ; As sessor, D B Federolf; Assistants, D S Brown and Joseph Giger ; Judge of Election, George Hollenbach ; Inspectors, W K Shuinan and Blchard II Aten ; Auditor, Wm T- Shuman Town Clerk, J B Nuss and Marion Kichard tie. ilijUin Conntable, Stephen Wolf; Supervis ors, Lewis Creasy and Stephen Grover ; Over seers, WC Hartztl and Jo.ias Hartztl ; School Directors, Samuel Nuss and Charles Harraan ; Assessor, Alfred W Hess ; Assistants, John II Hetler and Samuel Snyder ; Judge of Elections, Charles Kllngaman ; Inspector; Michael Hel ler and Charles Gearhart ; Auditor, C W Hess; Town Clerk, Jacob A Peifer. Montour Constable, John McClusky ; Super visors, Euianutl Lizarusand P S Karshner ; Overseers, J G Quick and H IS Aldrich; School Directors, W J IlidUraan and I E Yost ; As sessor. John Q Barkley ; Assistants, Peter A Evans and J II Harmau ; Judge of Elections, Peter Heinbach ; Inspectors, W P Blackwtll and David Mauser ; Auditor, J A Itoberts. Ml, Pual Justice of Peace, Simuel Nek ton ; Constable, David Stroup ; Supervisors, SjiuuiI Hartzel! and A J lkcler ; Overseers, Eliaa Howell and I K Appleman ; School Directors, John Wolf anil llobert Howell ; As sessor, John Vance ; Assistants, Joshua Hartz ell and Ell Ikeler ; Judge of Elections, Jo'eph Ikeler J Inspectors, Joseph Kline and Levi Thomas ; Auditor W T Vance. Orange Constable, M C Keller ; Supervis ors, C II Fisher and John Neyhard sr ; Over seers, John Stiner and Iteuben Siller; School Directors, A W O Ktlle- and Charles Jones i Assessor, K L Snyder ; A-slstints, M A Wil liams and U II Ent j Judge of Elections, Hen ry DLng ; Inspectors, W A Ilobhlns and I K Dildlne; Auditor, M S Hayhurs ;Town Clerk Bascom Keller. Vine Justice of the Peace, h A German ; tyonsiauie, o ii uorneiieun: supervisors, jjmes Masters and J V Tvlrinv Ovprspi-rs A Han nit and Urn Lore ; School Directors, E Eves and O II Oorduer ; Assessor, Wm Harlan ; As lUsUnU J Lone and II Itltchle j Judge of Ejec1 DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. lions, I. W. Sones j Inspectors, J A Howard and llobert Poltcr Auditor, E II Cornell'on, lloiring Oe Jusilc! of Peace, Wm Km di', Conslabl', John Hampton J Supervisors, George r Lrnlg anil Jus Lcvan j Overseers, Ahram Whltner and Wm Zner; Stliool Dim-tors, Peter Hower and Jminh Crnlir Aumnr. Dir. i i , . Id Long ; Assistants, Wm Y'cager and Henry lioinnan ; Judge oiKlcctlont, ;Chas, Mensch Inspectors, Wchard It Unrig and Phineas Cool ' Auditor, O W Cherrington. ' SitijDlmJ Constable, J M Shnliz j Superrin. qts, Aaron Parks nnd Gibbons Hesi j Schoo' Directors, J N Pennington nnd J A Kline A feasor, H C Hesi ; Asdlints, J II Fritz and E JAlberlsoii! J idgo of Elections, Nor Cole; In spectors, B F lVterniin and Geo Hem; Auditor, J B Davis. 6eoll Julce of Peace, Jacob Tcrwllllger ; Constnbb, H N While; Supervisors, Wesley Itutkel nnd Heuben Culp ; School Directors, Geo Grimes nnd W E Diettcrlck ; Auditor, Clark Cresler ; Wcssor, J O Crcvellng ; As sistants, Thos Crevellng nnd A B Whlto Judge of Elections, J V Logan ; In'psclors Stephen Pellit and II E Haycock ; The vote stool 159 fur division of the Elec tion district to 74 sgilnst. Hook Notices. ECLCCTIC MAGAZINE. The March number of the Eclectic is at linnd and presents the usual valuable selections from the leading foreign periodical. It has a very fine steel engraving of Prof. Edison nnd his Phonograph, nnd those who have not seen the wonderful talking nuchino can get a very good idea of its app arance from the engraving) as well as a giod likeness of the Inventor, The leading articles are as follows: "Novel Head ing," by Anthony Tmllope; "Historical As pect of the Un'led Slates," by Dean Stanly; "Count Ferscn ;" "About Lomotils;" "Trafal gar," hy F, T. Palgruvo, "Supposed Changes in the Moon," by Proctor ; "Ancient Egypt," by 15. S. Poole; "America Hcdiviva," by J. W. Cro's ; 1 Opinion of Experts on Use of Alco hol ;" "Ostriches on a Cape Farm," hy Lidy Vcrncv ; Francises da Hlmini," hy D. O l!os etti ; "Edison the Inventor," and other light ar ticle. It aho contains the opening chapters of a charming new story entitled Mailcmoistlle de Mersac, taken from the Cornhill Magvine which is celebrated fur Its good serials The Editor ial departments are also full and valuable. Published hy E, I'tlton, !!5 Bund street, New York. Terms, S3 per year; single number, 43 cents; Trial subscription for three months, SI. The Library Magazine Is what , r ;' n y o ' literary taste have long been um,ii,ig l'ue neatest and handiest in form of all the month lies, nnd very much the cheapest, it gives from the pens of the ablest living writers a choice variety of articles, both timely and entertaining. Number 2jiist ready, contains articles by Glad stone, It. A, Proctor, Prof. Blaikie, Bivne Julia Knv.magh, M. Monod, Canon Cunies and other writers less f.imous,but hardly le-s in' teresiing. There are 128 piges, and the price is 10 cents a number or SI a year. ''American Book Exchange," Ptiblishers,53 Benkinan stree'i New York, J 7 for 03 cents ; a special offer to the resders of this paper. The American Diamond Dic tionary, containing 30,000 words, orthography, pronunciition and definitions, according to the best English and American Lexicographers, il lustrated with neatly 200 engravings; satisfies the wants of the scholar and at the same lime is ju-t what a plain learned person needs. It is decidedly the best dictionary ever printed, Con tains 700 double column pages. Superbly bound in cloth and gilt. Type clear and hand some. Sent free t any reader of this paper up on receipt of 03 cents to pay actual postage aiiU packing charge. This great otT.-r ,'n good fo 60 days ouly, and is made solely for the pur. pose of introduction. But two dictionaries wil I be sent to one address. This appears but once Order now, Send silver, currency or 1 cent postage stamps. Address at once, "National Book Company," Rockland Mass. A MYhTLIlY EXPLAINED. Parlor scene : Mrs. Brown, who lias spent the summer among the White Mountains in search of health, and who seems to have searched the whole mountain side without being able to find a pair of blooming cheeks or an inch ol health ful skin: Mrs. White, who has remained at home because her husband could not afford to go, but who-e fresh complexion and bright eyes seem to have caught their bloom from mountain" breezes, Mrs, B. Dear me, Mrs. While, how well you are looking I If you will not think mo im pertinent, let me ask how you can keep so heal, ihy in this dreadful city ? I have been to the White Mountains, go there every Bummer, in fact, and I can't keep oil' the doctor's list a that. 1 Mrs. W. miling).-I ll tell you the wl.ol secret, Mrs. Brown. You remember how poor ly I was last spring, and some days even being confined to my bed. Dr. told Mr. White to send me to .the mountains, but I knew lie couldn't afford it, and I tried Dr. Pierce's Fav orite Prescription. Its eli'ects were so marvel ous that I al-0 tried his Golden Medical Dii" covery, to cleanse my system. In my opinion one bottle of the Prescription and the Discovery is belter than six weeks of the White Muuntains for a sick woman. I have only been out of the city a week during the whole summer; then my husband und I went to Buffalo and stopped at Dr. Pierce's Invalids' and Tourists' Hotel, The baths and mechanical apparatus for treat ing patients were alone worth going to see. Be sides, our accommodations were better than we had at Long Branch last year, and the drives and scenery are superb. Let me a 1 , . 1 use Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescr d r the Invalids' and Tourists' Hotel next s uuiiuer instead of the White Mountains. W. J Powell will sell personul property at the Sterner Building, Main street below Mnrk- et, on Saturday, March 1st at two o'clock p. m. I avail myself of the opportunity of recording my gratitude fur the great and wonderful re suits produced by Gilts' Liniment Iodide Am in on in in removing a Itingbone from n valuable, horse without blemishing or removing the hair. Geouue N. Payne, 35 and 37 West 20th St., N. Y. Sold by all druggists. Send for pamphlet. On. Giles. 120 West Broadway, N, Y. Trial size 23 cents. Love and CtUgh cannot be hidden love re. quires a reciprocation, and a cough the prompt use of Dr. Haas Expectorant. Get it of your druggi st. 25 and 50 cents a bottle. The Quo warrauto caso ogalnst Willi i Krickbaum is held under advisement by the Attorney General . Whatever tends to demlnlib strength should be removetl from the system. For those weak ening diseases of babyhood wollc, Diarrhaw, &c, use Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup which always cures. 25 cents. HASSOH'SgcfTARI liiown forth cure nf VoMjk$. CqI-U, JJw f lsl ia.iin.1 .,1 I iniiwirii ( tmw inrwi unit (-rr, AkthinntWaQilg AtwgA.anil til 4iw t?ml-1 till to J'MjMoaarv Vif4(t)i TDV IT I JUiUnikU4oertwfiitT3,ir. Ini III MHJI 11 Y AM IHtPliJilHT. I T EGAL BLANKS OF ALL KINDS JU ON HAND AT 1UB COLViLll- OITJO Marriages. LoNdENiiitiiOEn, Tkca'. At Citawlssi,l''eb. Slid 1879, by ltuv, G. II, D,-chanl, Mr. Simuel L-mgenbergi-r to Miss Margaret E. Troy, both of Beaver town-hip Columbia cuinly, Pennsyl vania, GKAnitAnT Dnu.M, At Cherry Hill on Eeb. 20lh 1S73 hy J, 11. Jameson Eq Danltl Gear hart to Miss Mary C. Drum both ofMsIn Town ship Columbia county l'enyyania. Deaths." Kitchen. In Ml. Pleasant Feb. 18th 1870 Mrs. Ephemla wife of John Kitchen nged 35 years 1 months ond 20 days, EDtiAn. In Orniigcvllle Feb. 20th ,1879 Mr. Jonn Edgar of M chigan H'ed about 70. ZlMMKitMAN. In Orangevllle Feb. 23d Mrs. Samuel Zimmerman. xiT"VIrV'iVT IlsVo ve'ry.',rl" E. P. Kunkel'a Hitter Wine of Iron. Kor the cure vi k steuoetb, general ocblllty, Indigestion, also c,t tin-ne nous sjttem. constipation, acidity of Hi ttoin.icii anJ all ca sts requiring a tonic. The Vt too lLcliiiies the most ngn cable ami efficient Salt of Iron wo possess, curate of Magnetic uxlde, combined with the most energetic of Mgttablo ton icsYellow Permian Hark. Tho enect In many cases of debility, loss t f appe tite, and general prostration, of an cniclentsaltof Iron combined with valuable Serve tonto Is most happy. It augments tho appetite, raises the pulse, tikes on muscular Ilablness,icmoves tho pallor ot debility, and gives a llorld Mgor to tho countenance. 1)0 Jou want something tostrengtcn you t Dojou want a good appetite 7 Do ou want to build up j our constitution! I)o jou wnntto feci will: Do jou want to get rid of nervousness ? Do j ou wont ener gy' Dojouwant tosleep well? Do you want brisk and vigorous feelings It you do. try trunkel's Wlno ot Iron, This truly valuable toulc lias K.n throughly test ed by nil classes ot tho community, that It Is no v Indlspensibloosatonto medicine. It costs but IP tie, purines tho blood and gives tone to the stomach, renovates tho Bj'fctera and prolongs life. I now only ask a trial ot this valuablo tontc. Price l pur bottle, li. V. KunM Solo proprietor, I'hlla dclphli, I'a. Ask our Druggist for Kunkcl's Hitter Wine ot Iron and tako no other mako. Sold only In l bottles. All others aro counterfeit so bewaro of them, liet tlx bottles for f 3. WOIt.MS ItE.MOVKD ALIVE. E.P. Kunkcl's Worm Syrup never falls to destroy nn, scat, ana siomacn worms. Dr. the only successful physician In this country for tho re moval of worms. Ho re moves Tape Worm tilth bead, and all complete, alive In two hours,nnd no fee until removed, send for a circular or call on your druggist and get a bottle ot Kunkcl's WormSjrup, price ti. it never falls. THE PLOPLEWaNT PltOOF, There is no medicine prescribed by physi cians, or sold by Druggists, that carries such evidence of its success and superior virtue as Boschce's German Syrup for severe Coughs, Colds settled on the breast, Consumption, or any disease of the Throat and Lungs, A proof of that net is that any person afflicted, can get aS I . .' 10 cents and try its super lo ft r ' ' ,i the regular size at 75 ants, li has lately been introduced in tlii country from Germany, and its wonderful cures are astonishing every one that use it. Three doses will relieve any case. Try it. Sold by nil druggists. aug 30, '78-tf NOTIHNO SHOUT OP UsVlSTAiriBl.K 11EVKFIT3 Conferred upon tens ot thousands of sufferers could originate nnd maintain the reputation which Ajer's Sarsararlllacnjojs. It Is a compound ot the best vegetable nltcratltes, with the Iodides of Potassium and Iron, nnd Is tho most effectual of all remedies for Scrofulous,, or blood disorders. Uni formly successful and certain In Its remedial ctrecLs, It produces rapid and complete cures ot scrofula, Sores, Uolls, Humors, Pimples, Eruptions, Skin Dis eases and all disorders arising fiom Impurity ot the blood. Hy Its tnt lgoratlng effects It alwaj s rellet es and often cures Liver Complaints, Female Weak nesscsitnd Irregularities, and Is a potent renener ot vitality. Forpurlfjtng tho blood It has no equal. It tones up tho system, restores and presenes tho health, and Imparts vigor and energy. For forty iears It has been In extensive use, and Is to-day the available medicine for tho sutTering kick, anywhere. For Balk bt all Dealers. Business .Notices The highest CASH PRICE i 'id for Itiitv Furo, Skunk.Fox,, Bnccoon, fee ,at 1). Lowenl erg's. NOTICE TOALirFi:i:-JONS ATTEND ING COUHT. Clearing out at COST the surplus stock of Winter Clothing, Caps, &c. Call and see for yourselves at the old and reliable store of I). Lowenbcrj;, Hoot headquarters at McKinney's. A Sawyer wanted lor a saw mill. Inquire of J. Schuyler, McKinneys Shoe Store below Court Utilise. Another lot of Knickerbocker Dress Goods for 7 cents a yard and Brocades for 121 cents at Lutz eiSloan's. Call at McKinney's t" A large line of New u. . i.ngbam; Shirtings, and Lutz & Sloan's. Rubbers at McKinney's. A fine selection of Ladles' Gold Watches and Chains, both American and imported by the best makers nt L. llernliard's Jewel ry Store, Lutz it Sloan aro selling Double Shawls very cheap to close out stock. Prico $2.75 and upwirh Boots and Shoes cheap at McKinney's. DOIlfriSTEOTItuTsOAP. Having obtained the agency of this Celf.hkated Soap for Bloomsburg and vicinity, I nppend the opinion of some of our best'people as to its merits. "I have used Dobbin's Electric Soap made by I, L. Cragln & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., for washing about ten years, and think it superior to any other. Mrs. O, G. Barkley." "We have used Dobbin's ElectrioSnap and find it superior to auy other or all others. film. W. 11. Jacoby, Mrs. 11. II. Stolmer. I desire all my friends and customers to Soap one Trial, si h' ' ti I. now just how good the Best Coup in uiu uuitcd States is, J. H. Maize, July 12, "78-ly Bloomsburg, Pa. Admission free at McKinney's, OAfiPlTS T atone bait Fokuilk Pkices. (ioon HacssELS t'AKPKTS, T5c per yard. iNoniiss, from MC. M '(JtlEITES, WILTONS, AXMI.NS1K1I, VELVETS, llOllV-Illtl'SiSELS.andTHKEK l'I.Yl'Alt: PETS at equally low prices. OIL CLOTHS all wltlhs from 850. per yard. LACE curtain's, n.oo per pair, to Iheunest HEAL LACK Imported, at SHtPPARD KNAPP'S 189' and 191 Sixth Avenue, Corner 13lh street, NEW YOHK, nov, 2i, 78-flm aico PIMPLES. I will mall (Free) the receipt) for aslmplo Veokta. bis Haim that v 111 remote Tan, FltKCKLKS, l'IM. I'LKS and Illotehes leaving tho skin sort, clear nud beautilul: alio Instructions for producing a luxuri ant irrowtu of hair on a bald head ni-smiuith Address, Inclosing 80 sta-np, lien Vandt lt Co., ao " Ml O... , A, U&IU UUV. VI, 'iS-Ul TO CONSUMPTIVES. Tho advert Iser hat Ing been permanently cured of that dread dlseako. Cousumpllr-n, by a simple moo dy Is. anxious to make ki.own tn I s tellott bunvr. ers t h means of cure. '1'n nil u im it i... will bend a cony tif tho prescription used, (frto of charge ) tilth directions for pi i paring una usliu; tho baiuo. tvnicn tuey twunnu asure cure for I'osbCMf- lli'n, ru ia iiiuui uuis, ar, lMrtlm wl-lmir the l-ri'scrlpllon.wlU plea e ad dress K. A. WIUjUN, mi J'tnn bt., WlUUmsb N, V, aAco nov, .', 'is-o.u ERRORS OF YOUTH. AnKNTLKMAN Ytbusuuvrnl for Jcorb from Ntrtoiis DKUIL1TV I'llKMAimiE Dlcav. and ul ( hi, cl youthful Indiscretion, ttltl lor tho Bute of buCer lOL' buiuaulty, send fit o to all who need It, I ho ri cl. pe and ulrcctlon for inaklnirlho bl'nplo remi tly by which hHttuscund. burft'iers Isbluir to mo'n by the adi crt Iw-i 'a oxerlenj can do bo by addrebsln In m rfoot conndenee. " JOHN It. oudl-.N, Cedar bU, New York. CSV, 81, tS-tot IU.-CO PI I ICQ I Sr. Ivor's Colobrated rlLLo! Painless Remedy io tho Ivst eter known for ot every kind (Hleedlnir, 1 chins, Mind, Inward, tr nnd all diseases of tliu It ictiw, whether ten ntorlocif Mandlnir. Itklves Instant ri Hi f nnd cITcits n ludlial nnd vrroani-rit cure. II laprcwrlbod bynll ih.tsii l u.i whonronc nuaintid ttltli ir chtonlcincs r ndlly . tctd to It. r.osurylcal oisrallr.ii rcqtiliel. "ri It and relievo ourMineilni.s. to centm t a Laikh I'acit. Ann. Si lit by mall em rrtflptof price, lorsalotiy nil Drtiiwsis. Dn. J, FA UK It cel., si Ann bL,N. y. nov. si, ';s-tm aAco X5auchy Sc Oo'a. Advt'fi. SUli 'I'H QlfWWi Invested In WallSt. Stocks Vl I U pi WWUmakfs fortunes every month. Mook sent tree explaltilntr evert thlntr. aci dress iiAXTFn a Co., Hankers, u. all btrecLN. Y. feb. II, '78-iw d PIlOTItl'IMM. TOi:.. l'AitKSTS, you neeit no loim r iWntv nny your CimtniKN's tmorn be-foro they nro lutr worn, on account of IIolks tiioiiiii tho Toes. Hither tho S1L.V1311 Will Prevent Thin. Ask con iitisif shoes whin Umbo. ftb.U, 'T9-4W d r 'ABENS0N'S CAPCINE fpPOROUS PLASTER d HmrnlahnSM.l.i .h.,,, ,,, . , , tyeif tblsartlcle oter common porous plasters and uUer rxlciiial remedies, mich ns liniments, electrical applttnces, ao. Ak plitslclnns In your onii loeiUliy about It. It Is wonderful .i .fl'dhyalldri'iorlsu. l'rlco lis cents. fCb. 14, 'iS-4w V Af k'.nil, laH..II1n Ilnn. ivou, amireM itoa ctuniiiiioner, ssiids, &IQIU. feb. II. '7S-4W d n a v a n 1 1 ta vi m "'. thavk,., mi i oiin i n i uv ll ami i.i Mtvrary career AHKNT8 WANTED. Secure territory at once. iJCAKKiiCm- Pia, IIocse, 72J Sansom St., l'hlia. leb. si, 'la-itv d CUTICURA. Tbts Oreat sum euro Is WAltHAVTKI) to euro Solt:ilheum, scald IIuli, Dinarun, rimplcs and Comedones, hold ete yiviiere. sent on reeelpr of price, small boxes so tents, ljrrcjl. Prepared by Weeks it I'orier, Hoston. tend to bx 350 tor circu lar and testimonials, d feb. 2s, 7'j.4w DIPTHERIA ! Jolm-on'M Anoibne l.iiilmciil will positively prevent this terrible disease, nnd will positively euro nlrc cases In ten. mrurmitlon that nit! savo many lltes s-nt rreo by mall. Don't delay moment. I'retcnilon Is better than cure. Sold everywhere. I. .. Johnson & c'o. EtutigoivUstfi.e feb H '79-iw d nMtATortrr estate op avocstcs masok, pcckashp. Letters of Adtr lnlstratlon on the estate of AusuMna .Mason, late ot the Tonn of liloomsburir.Coliimblj co. decea-eit. have bi'en cranlcd by the Kculstcror Fnid county to tin- undorslirned Administrator to whom nil persons Indebted are requested to make Imm -elate pat ment, and those hating clatmsor demnncs atralnst the estate will make th.-m known to tho a 1 mlnlitrator without delay. JOHN A. Ft'NSTOV, . . . Administrator, feb. 21, 1S79-W Illoomsburf, I'a. UDITOl7sNOTICE. lu the matter of the sale of tho real estate oflY-ter J. llachman by the Sheriff, at the suit f .1. I'. ( 'onner. Tho underslcnrd Auditor appointed bv tho off' ce ment or part es Interested o elblrlbiltc the proceeds of the said sale it 111 sit at his omceln Itloomsburff on Saturday, .March 2M. 1S7D at ten oclotk m the forenoon tor tho purnosoot his appointment nhen and hero all pi rsons h.nina lieu ou said fund can attend If they see proper, C1EO. E. ELV.TtL, feb.!l, '79-4W i nor. OLIPHAKS' COURT BAL10 OP VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ! In pursuance of an order ot tho Orphans' Court ot Columbia county, the undersigned Executor of the last will and testament ot John Shuman, late ot Hea ver tuwnshlp.Co'iumbla county.deceascd, tt 111 e.xpo;o to public sale on tie piemlses on Saturday March 8th, A. D., 1879, at ten o'clock a. m., tho following valuable real es tate, to-tvlt : The undivided one-half Interest ot said John shu man, deceased In all that certain mestuase and TUAOT OF LAND situate la Heaver township aforesaid bounded nnd dscrlU'dasfollows.towlt: Northwardly by land ot Christian Shuman, eastward!)- by land of Mis. Caroline Mann and land ot Charles Michael, south wardly by land ot John Hoal-s and Jacob Fry and westward by land ot Peter I'lsher, containing 17 0 ACRES moro or less. ALSO, all that certain misjuajo and T11.YCT OF LAND situate In tho township of Heaver aforesaid bounded and djcrlbod .is follows, vk : llet'iunln; at a black oak, corner, thence by l,m 1 of Charles Michael south thirty-three anl a nxirtcr degrees, west thtrty-ilvo perches to a stono heap, thence hy lands of John HoiU dae e i-r,oue hundred and ltfty slx perches to a stono heap, thenco by ot tho West Huck Mountain Coal aud Iron Company nortli thtrty-threo and a quirter d -greos oast perch es to btoucs, theeco by land! of Thoiun Shoirm tn's heirs nortli cljhty-oao d jgrees west 30 perches tj a stono heap, thenco by bald Shearmtn's hers duo north 32 perches to a stono heap formerly a black ok, thence by lands ot Charles. .Michael sjuthcljh tjxrao d.'grccs west one hundred and twcaty-iLrut porches to tho placo of beginning, containing FIFTY AOllliS, strict measure. TEHMSJ Of SALE. Ten per cent, of one-fourth of tho purcluso money to bo paid at tho strtklur of tho property ! the one-fourth less tho ten per cent at tho continuation of sile, and the remalulug three, fourths In one jear thereafter, with Interest from contlrmatton slat. JOIINKLINOAMAN, Exi-cutor, AL-0, at tho samo tlmo and pi. .co will bo sou by ElUaba'h Shuman the Cher undivided halt Interest of the ilrst above descrlued pleco ot land, upon tho samo terms as above btated. ELIZAHET1I SHUMAN. feb. 2U15TS-13 sptianingmill; The unrtfTsiirnEii ichspn . r rim Hsnv i'1.nino- tm Is prepared to do all UluiU til uiu wtrk, ' Doors, Frames, Sash, BlMs, Etc. made to order on short notice. Satisfaction guar, an teed. CIIAHLSS KKUd, Hloenisijurg, 1 a. Important to Lawyers. .TusM...ri nf llio fin.isrt PnnetnS.Ino luni.. m'.nlstr.itors, l.u.mll.ui, Township olllcers, and bubl nesb mt'U generally. We have on hand a l.iriro nss.srrmpnt r.r im-ii blai.ks for the uso of ltorajys, Jti stk-es and Con stable's blanks of all kinds, Nolo and lleccliit bDoks for Adialnlbtrators He. r It I U E LIST, TfOnMEY'S ULxNm, Precipe for summons. " ri. ra, " ' Ituleto take Depoiltlons, " 14 ' Choose Arbitrator. 2 cents apiece, or 1.75 rer hundred. retltlon for Appointment of Guardian. " " Citation Itule to take Deimsltlons. Nair In Debt, with Confession, Assumpsit, Jlecliantcs LU'n. 4 ci ran each or 3.iw per hundred. 1'ctltlou for sale of Ileal Estate 8 cents each. Jl'STICE'S HLANKS. Bubnanas, summons, Warrants, Executions, to fo 2ft tenia each. Kit"!! - - 5 cfbt3 each iduu Heeds , q . I'arcliment Heeds 15 Airri-eituiits b . .. Orphan u Coui t sales so for 11 51 Constable's sales 3 ce nta each Mortgaxo ondliond ii All knids of Nolb , i Hew ipts. Notes, school orders, i'eior Ordei s, store pi del a, neatly bouud, constantly on hand, or made tocrdiroubhurtiiotlee. 1 Weuie do neater iobv.crl;thannj other oulce In this county. ' UiOJiCV V Jt EI.B'.L , EdltorB and 1 roorletors of the Coit'tiRiiv, Hloouisbrrg. Pa 1 IiflVITI ITilliv vivriii... u v'lSfS '' ,J't"not''-'on c.u tboest ni tomue! I), ililte, late of Hbhluifoiutk Htp.i'.ii.. uecd. I. it Iilai 1 irr.l ......I 1. 1 tl... 1... ,. ... . .. , l'i ' -rlirrn-d Adiiiiidbir.iu.r.lo ttl.oiniiU noiii.i.s 1 M 111 .ho luttu' 1 U-buB or d jhuimU u.iulibt the es itVihniil rtVi'f8 iU-m "' lo th odmjUbtiator II. J. CONNEH, Administrator, jan,.1Scw. orongeviue, Pa. JOU 1'KINTIrxU Ntatly antl ch.aply creoutttl at tie OOLVtfUlAH OaCA iStAKKETllEPOHTS. nLooMsnuiia makket. W'heat per bushel,.,,. , . ltJ-0 ! ",....L. Corn, new, " oats, 'i Hour per barrel " cloverseod , , riaxsoed lmtter !!!!!!! ! !.!'.'!'"' Eirgs i. .!.'..!'. Tallow , , Potatoes 1 Dried Apples Dams sides Shoulders .....!!,.!.!'..! Lard per pound ,,,,,, Hoy per ton , Heeswax , Timothy seed ' f. n.4 on Wharf it.onrer r-n.O ' M r-o." " stio Blacksmith's. Lutun on Wharf 1 1 1J0 " Ritumlnous " u 60 tt.uO .0 .15 .25 1. .19 .20 .1 7 to 04 12M .1.1 s 1 2 Too NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SIII5RIEFS SALE. Hyvlrtueof sundrv ttritsUsiinii nuts. ih.i'm.,i otCommo . I'leas of Columbia cou ty, aud to mo umoie-u, win uo eiposeu 10 puhllc sale or out cry, i iuc v.0.0 1 ii u.oomsnurg alouo o'clo;k, p, SATUI'.DAY.JIAItOII 8tli, 1879, All that ctrtaln iotef ground situate In Locust to nslilp, Columbia county.rennsylvar.ta, described as follows, to wit , Hounded on the north by land 01 jacoo sune, on tno south by land of Jacob Sttnc, on tho cost by public road, and 011 the west by land ot Joseph Carl, containing ono liundi od and sixteen acres moro or less, on which aro crectad a frame house, barn and out-butldlrgs. Scliel taken Into cxecntlon at the suit of Wm. V. I'fahler and Daniel Stlnc, Administrator ot Jacob Stlne, deeeasid against Solomon Yeager nnd to bo sold as tho property ot Solomon Yeager. Eyeklv, Attorney. Vend. Ex ALSO, Alt that certain lot soventy-ono situate In tho borough of Herwlck, bounded and described nn follows 1 Heglnnlng at a corner of Mrs. Nlcffy's lot on Tront street running along said Front streetforty-nlno feet six Inches to corner of lot be longing to John Martz, thenco 'along sild Marti's to Second street ono hundred and eighty-one and a halt feet thenco along Second street aforesaid foity nlno ond a hilf feet to tho corner of lot of Mrs. P Nicely ofori'sald.tlienco along the samooiic hundred and eighty-one and ahalf feet to tho place of begin ning, on which arj erected a two-story frame duel ling, frame ata'.lo andout-bulldlngs. Seized, taken In execution at the cult ot usan Itambach, Executrix of Daniel Itambach for use of tt'. .1. Knorr ogalnst Hhlltp.M. Senderllng tilth no tice to (leorgo Waller and Henrietta his wife and to be sold as the property of Philip M. Senderllngwtth notice to Oconto Waller and Henrletta hU wile. Jaceson & Sox, At Prnpy,. levari Facias. AL&O, All that certain real estate situate tn tho 'lonn ot llioomsbur,,', Columbia county, Fentisyltauu: bounded uu tho north by public road .ending to Es py, east by lot ot M.c. Woodward, bouth by an al ley and west by 1'opUr btrtet, tthorcon aro elected a log house, u bhop, and other out-bulldlng. Seized, taken In exccutljn at tho suit of William Krickbaum agahiat I'eUr Jones and to bo sold as the properly of l i ter Jones. Fritz, Attorney. Al. n. Fa. ALSO, All that certain tract ot landiltuato lnltoarlng. creek township, bounded a? follows, to-wlt : Hegln nlng nt a post a corner ot lanl belonging to the es tate ct W m. Yocum, deceotid; lu line ot land of Ell Juh Horn and running from thence by land ot tald Elijah Horn, bouth tttcnt)-one degrees, west ono hundred aud blxty-set en nnd one-halt perches to a stone at tho public road called tho old Heading roaa thence by satd road by land of Thomas Itoach, north Iltty-four degrees west eighty-two ondtwo tenths perches to a stono In the aforesaid road thence by said road north clghty-onc and a halt de grees wckt threo and one-fourth perches, thenco north three and three-fourths degrees east three and six-tenths perchc3 to a stone In a held ot Michael Federolf, and running by land belongtn to the estate of Michael Mowrer north eighty degrees west t.vcnty-four and six-tenths iperches to an oak tuinp lu tho public road noar by and at tho house o' John Wltchy thence by tho public road called the " 10 (lap road ru-inlng by other land of said Michael Federoll north eight and one-half degrees west six ty perches to a stono In said road, thence by the same nortli fortj'-ono and a quarter degrees east for. ty nlno perches tot post, thenco by the samo north thlrtj-slx and three-fourths degrees casttwenty nlno and six-tenths perches to a stone tn said road thenco diverging from tho nroresald road and run ning by laud of said Michael Federolf south blxty nlne and ono-lult degrees east twenty-four nnd one halt perches to a stone, thenco by tho samo north twenty-one degrees east twenty-two and eight tentha perches to a stono In lino ot land belonging tD the estate of William Yocura, aforesaid, thence by said lino south slxtj -nlno anda halt degrees, east eighty-seven perches to tho placo of b-glnntng, con taining lt2f acres neat measure bo tho samo moro or less, on which aro erected a dwelling house, barn and other out-bulldlngs. Seized, taken execution at tho suit of Wllllim I'fahler and DanlelStlnc, Administrators of Jacob stlne, deceased who tt-aa Assignee of John ILJones ogtlnst Wllllim Swisher and to be sold as tho prop erty of Wm. Sw Sher. Eveui.y, Attorney. Levari Taclis. ALSO, certain tract ot unseated mountain Hid situate In Mlnlln township, Columbia county, l'tnn. sjlvanla, bounded by land ot Daniel Nungesser, Abram S'htveprenhelsor and others, containing two hundred acres more or less. ALSO, One lot of ground situate In the town ofMltllln- vllle, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by Second street, east by lot of Joseph Mastcller, south by Third or Main street, west by lototA. .1. Uucfcalew, whereon are ertcted a frame dwelling house, barn and other out-bulldlngs. ALSO, One lot ot ground situate In tho town ot Mlfflln- vllle, Columbia county, Fen-sjlvanla, bounded on tho north by Second street, on the cast by street on the southby Thlrdor Mala street, and on the west uy lot or .loan Keller, being slxty-slx feet front hy two hundred and thirty f cct deep. ALSO, All tho defendant's title tn one lot of ground situate la the town of Mtminvllte, Columbia county, penn sjlvanla, bounded or. the north by Second street, on the east by lot of John Keller on the south by Third or Main street, and on tho west by lot of Theodore Fodder. ALSO, All the dofea dant's title In four lots of cround situ. ato In the town of MtflllnUUo, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded on tho north by Thlrdor Main street, east hy streit, south by Fourth street and west by lot of Michael Knittle containing ono and a halt acres moro or less. Seized, taken Into execution at tho bult ot A. W. Creameragatnst John Ke'ler and to bo soldas tho property ot John Keller. LITTLES, Attorneys. vend. Ex. ALsO, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate In Locust township, Columbia county, Stato ot Pcnn s; Ivanla, bounded ond described as follows : I ract No. 1, Heglnnlng at a stone In line of land of Kolb and ltaub, running thence by land of Kolb and ltaub, south yt degrees, east 78 perches to a btene, thence ny the same south x degrees west 40 ?-io perches to a stone thence by land of said Is aac Lewis north 7tf degrees, west l&a perches to a post thenco by land of William shultz north W14 de grees east 41 3-10 perches to thoplaco cf beginning, coritalnllng20 acres and 143 perches. 1 raet NO. 2.-snuate In Locust townshln.columbla county, stale of Pennsylvania, bounded as follows t Adjoining other lands ot William Slmtz tho exeen. Hon defendant and Henry Fisher and Iteuben Culp and others, containing 10 acres more er less, where on U erected a frame dwelling house, baru and othr out buildings. Seized, taken Into execution and to bo sold as tho property ol WlilUm Shultz. Abbott HiiAWN, Attorneys. Vend. Ex. ALSO, All that cerLlln In nr sImu nf iwinr. ..i, ....... ... tho town ot catawlsaa, county ot Columbia aud State ot I'ennsyluauta, bounded nnd described as follows r On tho east by an alley running parallel with Fourth street In bald town ot Catawla,on the west by Fourth bt. tn satd toivn.on the north bj house nnd lot ofi'lwen Kostenbauder, on the 60utu by land ot Ceo. ..., ,.,.wcv. titvicuiiirami) uwemnghouse and other out-bulldlngs, also awell ot water not In condition to be used. seized, takcnln execution and to be sold as the property ot W. v.. John. AsuoTTi ltiuwN, Attorneys, VendEx. ALSO, All tint certain piece or tnct ot land situate rt ly In Catawlsaa andpurtlyln Locust lownkbln. Co lumbia county, Pcnnsjltanla, bounded by lauds of joi.1i rageiey, ininp iianbardt, John Yeager and lUlam Hughes' estate containing 1! acres and It perches, whereon Is erected a good saw mill, frame uweiuug house, horn and other out-buHdlnis. tt lzeJ, taken Into execution and to be sold as the property of Pat Id 8. How er, ABBotri ItuAWN, Attcrntys. Ft Fa, Terms cash on tho day of sale. JOHN V, HOFFMAN, fsb.I4.-7.-U b"er"r- NNOAL STATEMENT BLOOM POOR DISTRICT From Feb. Olli, ISTS I Fk. 4lk, 11TB, WM. KIlKAMBK, Tmunu roR District. nn. To cash received from Sugarloaf du pllcite 179 .. tt M "cash received from Bloom dupli cate 1S77 12 N "cash received from Scott dupli cate isif , soon "cash received from (Jreenwood duplicate IsII tsl 04 " cwh received from flngarloaf du plicate H7T , NH " cash received from Hloom dupll catn 1S7 istT 04 " cash received from Scott dupli cate 1S78 ., 539 41 "cash received from Orcciwotd durllcsle 1S78 103 00 " caih received from Sugarloaf da cati IS79 .. t; is "isli received from product of farm I87S 84 JT " cash received from llozleton I'oor District IS7S 11 00 " cosh rei-elvel from Commission ers' onice, unseated lands M TO M.sll en. Am't nf or tors redeeme 1 UTS . . . . W.495 M or commission on samo 1S7S.... duo 1 reasurer from lost settle ment In Treasurer's hands Feb. 4tb, is; ; 8,IU M Directors of the Poor In account with luooin, Moon, i.roi-uwood and su garloaf township). Hit. Am't of orders outstanding 1971 877 59 1S1UCU ts.s. ......... ,V IX SI crt. ti,80 01 Am't of orders redeemed 1S78 1,493 89 ousianatng rto. 4U1 1879 C94 19 S90 (1 TilOilEECB,11'" Examined bv us at the rentiest of the Directors and found correct 11.0. IIAHTMA", 1 C. M. VANDEItsLICE, Auditor. JOHN LAYCOCK, 1 To orders outstanding 1S79 . 194 11 neceived rrom auganoal dupllcale 1S70 C9 80 ttecelved from Hloom duplicate 87T IM 84 Kecelvcd from Scott duplicate 1971 SiO S3 Kecetved from Oreenwood dupll- lsI7 891 C4 Itec Itedfrcm Sugarloaf dupUcato . if (H II Am t ot Illoom duplicate 178 S,(u3 10 ui oeote 111 1 1 lie ate 1 S19. . ,, .... MI va or (Inenwood duplicate 1578.. 778 14 sugirloaf dupllcuie ls78 S37 so reeelt ed from products of farm IMS H4 II received from Ilazlcten l'oor District 1S7S ij 00 rt-celled from Comml-slnni-m ottlcu Ux uusi-ated lands 68 70 K,8TT CIt. Am't of outstandlog orders redeem- prl fmrn lut nm.-.i ,., Commlssiou und exoiifratlonon Su gars if duplicators 84 51 Co. omission ana exoneration on 11100111 aupucaio isn 189 83 Commission and exoneration ou Scott dttcllcilrt 18IT 1111 CommUsiou nl exoneration on urienwojaoupncjto isn 41 j Commission nnd exoneration on bu- gar oar duplicate 177 je 03 Treasurer's 1 ommlsblou 1378 87 89 lu Treasurers hands Feb. 4, 1879... 107 07 Am't due on Hloom duplicate less exoneration androiomlss'nlsts 610 10 due on scottduplicaieless ex oneration and commiss'n 1ST8 809 A4 duo ou (Jreenwood d ipllcate less exon, and commiss'n 1879 .73 It due on sugarloaf duplicate less t'.XOl and comlnl.'n IkTA In ik Am't paid for outdoor relict 1 sis.... 1110 63 ' coal 197s. iu !9 roor House coil lsis,. 8 audltlni; ls79 a 00 tax on farm 1973 1943 Attorney tees 1S78. ... loyj lumber for farm 1S73 . 17 74 blacksmlthlng 1S73 .,, 3409 mercnanta billslsis... 4is,i0 drugs, medicines and liquors.. 68 09 making du.-l'cate 1878 losoo doctorljllla tor poor h. and out door rellet 18 1393 ivpalrs for IS78 its 49 orders rell;f Issu'd '78 40 DO state Hospital at Dan- vllielsti 100 su llmi'879 44 cs manure 19H 14 io Insurance 1378 3'j 00 coflius 18,8 so 50 printing is78 45 00 em steward's salary is: 223 00 Directors and Secreta- rj'ssalary , 200 00 miscellaneous, beef. bhoo & harness mendg 94 76 $9n et Examined and certified, II. C. HAItTMAN, 1 C .M. VASDKItSLICE,IAUClltOT JOHN LAYCOCK. II. C. I1AUTMAN, OUTSIDE RELIEF. Hloom, Am't of orders given sundry aVg 15 Hloom, am t glten sundry persons for cool 1C9 S3 Dloom, am't paid Dr. J. B. McKclvy 13 00 - IS3 41 occte, am i paid ur, w. A. Case S3 CO nr. u. t. Krens.... 10 M " eonin 11.11. Angel., iu 00 " state hospital for O. W. FOX 160 85 sundry pers ins 84 sj Greenwood, am't raid Dr. H. tt'.Mc- rejnoldi ...... . s,'t pd sundry persons ii 00 1138 IT 137 78 Value of roil estate and personal property 111 1, .ii 'WL1it.i' uy larm anu Hy Catharine Long liropefty.Yliobm.'.V.V'. 'cue uu juut,mi.-u.. on .iuuii-9 ifeuoisnroo y jiioom ino 00 amount in Treasurer's hands jot 61 " duo on Illoom duplicate less ex oneration and commission do 10 ' due un scott duplicate less exon eration and ce.mmlsslon..., 303 64 " die on i-reenw ood duplicate less exoneration and commission.... CIS 14 " duouu sugiirlouf duplicate less exoneration and commission .. K8 48 18 acres wheat and ne In ground(flo per acre no o wheat, rye, oats, corn, buckwheat, clo- tcreecd aud timothy 7 3 50 potatoes, beans, rutabagas and cabbage lit hay, straw and cornrodder .. 139 84 bi-ef, pork, lard, butter, apples ami cider sw 00 horses, cattle, hogs and chlcicm . ... 6-s 7 all farming implements Used on farm... ISO w oil household furniture la steward's houo 93 n allhiuseholdturnlturolhrioorhouse,... 180 CO 0 tons coat 15 00 Tho abovo Is a correct Invoice ot the person- ' lfi I1B A . ... . . . j .1 U I'VU. 101,191,, DEOTS AND LIABILITIES. Toa'mt of orders outstanainff tni - m mvurui mu auirici 13,295 l) ntODCCTSlUISKDON FAUM 13T8. IM bushela wheat a Jl oo uim w bushels Tie 60, ji itu bushels buckwheat 4 60 io w "in uu-siiemcorn fiirso us 3 a 6 J'jshelsoaUt'ii.s,,., 51 i bu-ilieJs notatoea (i CO 5 b.ishela oiiion8(iiry g tf bushels clou-rseeii (i $1 iu MO i)i buslielsbi-ansy $iou 5 to 5 bUtUt l ruubajjai 20 194 1 busU'ls beets (A M is uumei3 Mnier uppies 5U to IT tons hay s is it a a 21HU corn roader 3 79 w Til buriillesryubtrawa w 111 8760 ihs. jork 5 , UT 6 N-vl lbs. beef (tj , jj3 n 4ii IU(. UUlltT (ft is t t T5 ii '.o heads cabbag: s 3 " si M 8 barrels elder f " j M JT head shoats """ ha r.m ahead Ctihesan ' ' ism 6 head chlekeiis C4 25 15 to uuieu et'js y 19 ... ti M ll.MT 41 NUCDber Of Paurw-rs ri-rnnintntr at laet t-ATsrs- ii " discharifi'd durtug jear U " died durtnt jear remaining in the roor Foir houso Al.KUKAMKlU Directors. ihus;(E&ck, v ot the Poor. It. S. ENT, J Feb.U,lS78. TU0U4S II. lUKTUiN. Alb kkt IIihtuin' TUB RED FRONT, MOYBRS' BLOCK., HARTMAN BBOS., DEALERS IN TEAS, CANNED FRUIT, TOBACCO snurr, CONFECTIONERY. Spices of all kinds, Glass tS; Qucecswsrs FINE GROCERIES, Foreign and Doraestio Fruitsf AND GEXEltAL WKE OF Family Provisions 4th door lielow Market street, Iilcomburf, lx tf ooods cleiucrccl to elt tsitstf tletovu AprWI, TI-U