The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 28, 1879, Image 2

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Ijjf 1
Friday, FEB. 28, 17 0.
With this Number the Columdun ft
Democrat enters upon Its forty-fourth vol
ume. Our renders may remember, that firt
then) was n consolidation of the of
the Xorlh and Columbia Democrat, nixl
In February, 1809, tlin consolidated imperii
were merged Into tlia COLUMBIA, thin
leaving but the one Deaiotratlc paper In
the County. Not many are living who
itarted their subscription with the first Usue
In 1833. Silica then Andrew Jackson, Vuii
lluien, Harrison, Tyler, Polk, Taylor, I'll
more, Tierce, Iiuclianan, Lincoln, and John
noli, have been President and illed,Qriint mid
Titden being, theironly legitimate surviving
mccesiorOI Igh ty ch anges have occu rred du r
ing that time at home and abroad. The piper
has nut only been a r(cord of passing events,
but an epitome of useful learning to all. It
Is not too much to say that many a character
fur good has been formed by a perusal of its
We have belore us Vol. 2, No.3G, a sheet
addrcsed to Heubcn J. Eyer, and less than
ona quarter the size of Its present successor
It was then printed by its founder, Mr.
Webb, "next door to Hobi Ws Stage Office,"
at $2 00 per annum payable in advance, or
(2 60 11 not paid lu the year. "The adver
tisementa were only a column in length,
Among them was Sheriff William Kitchen's
proclamation of a Court to be held at Dan
ville, Ellis Lewis as President Judge, and
Leonard Rupert and William Montgomery,
as associates. The district then comprised
Northumberland, Union, Columbia, aud
Lycoming counties, and what is now Mon
tour and Sullivan. The editorials are in tin
ly devoted to a discussion of the celebrated
organization ot the "Hopkins" House.
Faithful to the party, and unswerving to
its principles for 43 years.we may ceinfident
ly rely on the Democracy for an earnest
support to their old organ.and shall endeav
or to make the present volume more than
ever useful to our readers.
Bloomsburo, Pa. Feb. 22, 1879.
In accordance with a call regularly is-ued
the Soldier's Association of Columbia Coun
ty met at the office of Col. S. Knorr at 1
o'clock p. m., and was called to order by the
President I. H. Seesholtz. The first business
in order being the report from tbe Com'
mitteeor. Constitution and By-Laws, Col
Knorr from said committee submitted a firm
of Constitution which, with amendments,
and after discussion was adopted as follows,
I. The name of this Society shall be'The
Society of the soldiers and sailors of the
war oi XBUl, ot Columbia County."
II. The object of this Society shall be to
promote that kindly fellowship which should
eyer actuate comrades who have sulfered in
a common patriotic cause, to cultivate ac
quaintance with each other, and to collect
and preserve all records, papers, and Infor
mation relative to the services of soldiers
and sailors from Columbia County in thi
warot 1801, which can be obtained for the
mutual benefit of all ; and said association
shall be free from all political and sectariau
III. Any person who shall have served
in any military or naval organization actually
mustered into service of the United States
and washonorably discharged therefrom, may
become a member by registering his name.
post-office address, and the Company aud
Kegiment In which he served, with the Sec
retary ; and by paying an initiation fee of
ton cents.
IV. The officers shall consist of a Presi
dent. Secretary and Treasurer, who shall h
elected annually, and perform the duties
usually performed by those officers. The
Secretary shall in addition preserve sacredly
all records committed to his keeping, and so
arrange and hie them as to be easy of refer
V. A majority of the members present
ball constitute a quorum, not being less
than nine in number.
VI. This Constitution may be amended
by giving four weeks notice ly publication
of the proposed amendment, at any regular
The election of officers for the ensuing
year being then declared In order, the fol
lowing gentlemen were elected viva voce.
For President Col.S. Knorr; Secretary Capt,
0. B. Brockway ; Treasurer, Lt. John b,
On motion of Col. Knorr. the following
were appointed as a committee on By-Laws,
to make a report at the next meeting, viz :
iit. Jonn i Uulld, Corp. O. A. Knorr, aud
O. W. Spalding ;
On motion of Mr. Spalding it was resolved
that the President and Secretary be author
ized to call special meetings.
On motion of Mr. Brockway it was re-
solved that we petition Congress to place
suitable headstones over the graves of de
ceased comrades, where the same baa not al
ready been done.
A resolution of thanks was unanimously
tendered tne 1'ress ot the County for gra
tuitously inserting tbe call for this meet
log. Tbe list was then opened for additional
signatures, and some 25 new members were
added to the Society,
Dues collected 11.80
On motion adjourned to meet at Blooms
burg, on Saturday, May 21th prox, at 10
o'clock, iu a hall to be secured by tbe Presl
dent of which duo and timely notice will be
On motion adjourned.
0, B. Brockway,
Governor Hoy t has appointed II. Oliisholw
of Willianisjiott, sou of Judgo Cliisliolni,
murdered iu .Mississippi, to bccxccutiro messenger.
As our readers well know the Columbian
Ins always mado It a fpeciatty to watch, ml
vocato and protect the Interests oftlio people
of our county, whatever their occupation
might bo, How well it lias informed its mis
sion tho steady support given it amply
s to our agricultural interests wo have al
ways devoted considerable ppaco to them.
Truo, tho Grange movement hai somewhat
consolidated that class ol'citiicn, brought our
fanner into clot-er contact, and cnablcdjthciii
to compare views and net for their interests
more intelligently thau could otlicrwiso bo
done. Now that tho organization, to n largo
extent, has purged itself of political "dead
boats,'' mow uselulniw may bo expected nt
its bands Hut as it lacks a local organ in
thi county, and perhaps cannot sustain one,
wo have fioni turn) to tune endeavored to fill
the void.
At tho liino of the present depression, any
thing that will lead to the revival ol leuiun
crativo business, i of interest to tho produ
cer, consumer and capitalist. Tho question
then oris1 s, is theio nny product which our
farmers can mnro profitably rai-io than the
staplo ones, and which at tho sanio time would
benefit I ho consumer, ami give a fair return
to the capitalist f As a Mop towards tho so
lution of thesequostions, went this time would
call tho addition of our read-.-ri to thi policy
ot raising
Titr. sugar nuirr.
In our present issue wo shall simply outlino
tho subject, and first givo au extract from a
paper read by Krncst T. Ucnnert, Secretary
ot tho Maine Bjet Sugar Asiciatiou bel'ore
tho N, Y. Stato Agricultural Society.
Ho said tiiat sugar is exclusively an ngri
cultutaj production; the manufacturer only
extracting it from the crop in which it is
grown. Tho cultivation of tho sugar cano is
constantly growing less in tho West Iudios,
and whenever slavery shall be abolished there
it will nearly cease. Tho consumption oi'su
gir is constantly increasing, especially in tho
United States, which imports itinlargoquan-
line, i ne Jiti.ww.uuu tent abroad lor suar
ny ino united states should bo aud cau Ik.-all
retained at home. Franeu anil ( Imvn
demou-tiuted tho fact that the beet cau bo
profitably raised on laud worth $100 to $500
per aero. 1 ho principal obstacle to its sue
bay and ico water. Tho beet will not grow
unless tho land is rich and well manured aud
deeply cultivated. Beets pay in Kuropc at
S3.50 to $1 per ton, when grown on land that
will produco 40 bushels of wheat per acre.
uceis are u proutaow crop, even it grown to
feed to stock. A dairy cow will do better if
alio gets tho water she needs iu beets at aver
age cellar temperaturo than it shodriuksfrom
a brook or spring iucold weather.
So far the result of tho experiment made
last season tn tho manufacture of beet sugar
iu manic nas Deen very encouraging. About
450 tons were worked up, yielding nearly
95,000 pounds of sujar about 10J per cent,
of tho green weight of tho roots. Thocun
pauv onljr uses tho roots grown from German
seed furnished at cost by themselves. Anal
ysis showed 14 to 15 nor cent of sugar iu the
roots grown from this seed in Maine, or n-s
much as when grown iu Kuropo. Some seed
oi improved sugar ilect, sent out by tho Ag
ricultural Department, and unwed in Mniitn.
produced beets yielding only 5 per eeut of
sugar ; so tnat they wero worth less eveu tor
feedicg purposes than tho pulp left at tho fac
tory aner extracting the sugar. Tlio compa
ny paid last season $4 per ton to the growers;
this vear they will pay $5. Tho yield varied
last season from 15 to 40 tons ner acre, aver
aging 20 tons. This, at 4 per ton pays well,
as the cost of productionlia mostly labor which
rive huudred tons havn lwnn triln ilrtn.l in
Northern Maino (his vear wlilh iWrnmn-inn
willworkup soon, thero is no difficulty in
getting the sugar out of tho dried beets. Five
hundred pouisds of green roots make 00 pouuds
when dry. Tho pulp is excellent for feeding
cattle, but few of the Maino farmers could
be induced to try it. lien. Mattocks and one
or two others used it in larirn nuantitiW
paying 50 cents per ton for it. Three tons of
green oeets mako ono ot pulp, in Uermany
the tons and pulp are put into silos and thus
kept for daily use all summer.
To make a beet crop pay tho ground should
be plowed deep in the fall, having been well
manured lor the previous ciop. In the spring
as early as possible, the seed thould be sown ;
the earlier the better, as frost will not hurt
tho young beets. No weeds must bo allowed
to grow ; tho crop should be thinned as toon
as all danger fiom insects is past, and enough
seed should have been sowed, mj that no va
cant places may occur. Mr. Gennert said that
IB pounds pera;ro is inno too much, asagood
stand must be mada witsii. By the fourth
of July the crop should cover the ground.
The crop is not suited to tho prairio region, us
the summers aro either too wet or too dry.
There are 120 beet sugar factories in Kuropc,
and double that number could bo mado a
source of profit to New York aud New Kng
land farmers.
Struck by theforcoof this article our towns
man, K. H. Little, Esq., who is eminently a
practical business man, opened tin a corres
pondenco with Mr. Gennert, and for public
intormation, wo aro at liberty to givo extracts
trom the letters.
Portland, Feb. 8th, 1879.-
13. H. LITTLE. Esq. Dear Sir ; Your f!i
vor of the Gth has been duly received. I
win endeavor to answer your question ; but
as to tho genereral information regarding the
most important Industry of Kurope, you can
expect but very little in tho limits of a letter,
Of all the sugar consumed In thn world, nun,
halt is beet sugar. Fifty years ago there had
been hardly any, ami titty years hence thero
will be hardly unyother. Forsomounaccount
ablo reason, I might call it a freak of nature
wlulo all huropo has recuperated her agri
cultural resources through and in combination
with the beet sugar industry, it has not been
ablo to gain a foothold on this Continent. Not
that wo aro not sweet cnoujh a nation. We
certainly consume sugar cuouch ; not that wo
nave not me land, climate, intelligence, ma
chincry, uionoy or labor. We have every
thing requisite to produco ono hundred mil
lion dollars worth of beet sugar which wo
bring annually Irom abroad, yet wo havo not
uono it. Uno great drawback to tho introduc
tion of tho beot su,'ar industry has been that
it does not exist in England, though It flour
ishes in every other country in Kuropo. S,i
thero have boon no bjiks written in tho
English language and aud as there has been
bin slcnt'or inquiry on tho subject, a work
written with special reference to its mlani.
bility iu America, would havo bceu a heavy
outlay on any ono pnvato person.
A few days aco I was informed bv tlin A
ricultural Department of Pennsylvania that nn
act was to be Proposed to thu Lcl-M.-iI urn tn
grant a subsidy to tho lirst Beet Sugar Facto
ry in rennsyivauia. I have no doubt most
oftho river valleys in your stato are i.nlenil!,l.
ly adapted for beet sugar works, tho finest
unu, cneap tuei, good water, cxcbhYnt com
munications and moro thau plenty nfiim-m
ployed labor. Tho beet sugar industry would
givo halt a million idlo bauds remunerative
employment ; but then "it is such an .,1,1
thiug," "has been dne so many years ago
an over tho Uid World," "it Jot) not tatt
here," "the thiog is too much matier nf
fact," &o
I consider it really less hard work tn nrpnn.
izo a joint stock company to build hillontw in
go to the moon than for tho erection of a
beet Migar company. 1 ho machinery is not
complicated but it requires a largo amount ot
money. A company ought not to try to start
with le4 than $100,000.00. Th wW ,n.
cess after the juice lias bren obtained in nfth
nature of evaporation. Our sugar works will
most likely (tart up again on tho 17fh day of
this month, though wo havo only fivo hun
dred tous of beets lrft, which we can work into
sujar In ono week, Wo expect qiiito a tiuiu-
licr of visitors then, oven from Canada, and
shall be much pleased II you can come to show
you how easily it is to mako tho very best su
gar fiom beets.
I fhall bo much plcacd to hear from you
again, lours, very truly,
Krnest Tit. Gen.neht.
1'otiTl.AMi, Feb. loth, 1879.
K. H. Ltrrt.r., Esq Dear Sin In reply
to your favor orth-! 11th Inst., I Would have
to say that wo stmt up our vuuks next Mon
day 17th iust , and work tor ont week only, ns
(hat will exhau't our beet supply. Should bo
happy to havo you conio and visit us : in caa
you do, Thursday and Friday would bo bet,
Wo 'cipect to make from 100 to 12.),D00
pounds of sugar, an I 3 ct tho whole thing is
but small.
Suar business In any form involves largo
s'ltns ol money, and it would bo wrong to ad
viso what experience has illustrated, enn not
be done, niimtfiietitro Riigar on a stinll scalo
Tho business oftho farmer' to rahe beets,
the moro ho raises tho richer ho will grow, but
tho moment he tries to be?in nianufacttuing
sugar ho ill liso money. It has taken
many years in Germany before the co-operative
mtrar works of farmers were introduced,
now they aro a most unqualified success but
these cost from 100 to $200,000 and the lar
ger pay thu best.
Yours very truly,
KnsrsT Tit. Gr.s.NnriT.
Portland, Feb. 22d, 1879.
E. II. Little, E-Q. De ir Sir : Your
favor of 13th has been duly received. 1 am
sorry you e iuld not como bore to see tho wotk
with dried b e s. It worked splendidly, Wo
mado iu fivo days about 120 to 1 2.",000 pounds
of sugar and I am iu consciiuenco nuro con
vinced than over (if such a thin,; was possi
ble) that this is the method for Ainciiea, and
cspoc'ally for farmers who havo not a market
at their d.iors for thcir'produee. You will get
in a few days the exact account "f our work,
a statement which uudor oath has toboien
dered to the Government of Maine.
Thero is no boot seed that is gcuuino sugar
beet seed in the country. I havo ordered for
various parties in California, Now Brunswick,
Ontario, Massachusetts, 20,000 pouuds, and
if you wish any it is high timo to order it.
Less than a ton would not pay and th it will
cost nliout $400.00 delivered in Noiv York.
I may have a little to spire, but can not toll
tor four weeks.
If you wish to order any fiom Germany
through uie, do s' by telegram.
Yours very truly,
EiiVLsr Tit, OESUEItT.
'(lover nnr's Itccentlons."
Last week, tho Governor's palace, in liar-ri-burg,
ou tho banks of tho Su-quehauna,
resounded with the linginof decanters, tho
clinking of wino glasses, and maudliug con
viviality, costly decorations, expensive up
hnlsteiies, music aud dancing, far eclipsing
tlins'i of tho feast of Belshazzar, given in
Babjlon, ou tho banks of the Euphrates,
twenty-live hundred years ago, and with tbe
same barbaric indifference to the suffering of
thu people Thus our Republican Governors
and office holders live, riot, faro sumptuously,
ami array themselves more gorgeously than
tho lilies of tho field, while tho farmer, the
mechanic and tho laborer aro compelled to
take short commons.
Those grand gubernatorial receptious,routes,
Jetet or whatever they may bo called, wero un
known before tho advent of Republican rule
in Pennsylvania. Neither Wolf, Bituer.l'or
ter, Shunk 11 r Biglor, all of whose simple
and uuostcutatious ways of living we well
knew, over gave any such receptions as are
now, and havo been given sinco tho days of
John W. Geary. Thcto meu received $3,000
a year and rented their own houses, and had
no yearly appropriation of from $4,000 to
$0,000 for furniture, &c, as now. But sinco
Republicans rule tho State, a palace with
$10,000 a year, and an annual appropriation
of four, five or six thousand dollars, for inci
dental expensos are given. And this is how
our Republican Governors can now so hilari
ously sport and feast their fiicuds.who helped
them iuto the fat place of a palace, $10,000 a
year and all expenses paid. And what U the
moral effect of these grand gubernatorial re
ceptions which are p.iid out of tho taxes of
thepcoplo? Why, tho Governor's subordi -nates,
having ambitious wives, soon desiro al
so to givoreo'ptions ; but the lean salaries of
their husbands forbid a display like that mado
at tho Governor's reception. Then what i3
to bo done ? Why what clso tlian to lay
plans to filch tho means to do so from tho
ooffers oftho Sfite,thus making dishonest of
ficers and ofiicial thieves who rob the people
to gratity their desiro for display. Is it any
wonder that there is so much offioial corrup
tion, from Hayes, who has stolon tho office of
Presideut, down to township treasurers, who
run off with tho few dollars they hold of tho
school funds? When tho head is corrupt
what may not all tho members of tho body
becomo t And what do all these grand re
ceptions, with their accompauimentsof drink
ing, dancing and rbting denoto but luxury
and cxtravagauce, which aro always tho pre
cursors of licentiousness and tiational decay 7
Aod aro these not worse than Nerofiddling
over tho burning of his capital ? Tho monu
mcnts of art, the trophies of war, the temples
to the gods, tho palaces oftho rich aud the
dwellings oftho poor, devoured by tho flames
were toon replaced by tho industry of the
peoplo; but who can replaoi) morals ooco do
btroyed t ho can mako a political thief
honest; "can tho ctlnopian change his skin
or tho leopard his spots ?" When they can,
then may tho political robbers do good, that
are accustomid to do evil. York leu.
President llartlett selects one Incident from
tbe Cheyenne massacre, the killing of an
Indian woman, as especially disgraceful.
"This Is a piece of army gallantry," he says,
"that tMUid be greatly relieved by some ad
equate explanation. The seven hits on one
person prove the victim to have been a good
marc near nt hand. Ho doubt hor sixty
years made her slow of foot, Her squaw's
attire would have indicated the attack to bo
eminently safe." The fact that she received
SBven bullets makes President llartlett ask :
"Did the same soldier bringdown his victim
at the first fire, and then empty seven othtr
chambers upon her prostrato frame, as he
would crush a snakt 7 Or did six comrades
finish the manly work 7 Or did the whole
seven overtake her as she baited along or
hid Person behind some place of shelter.and
jointly slay her in cold blood ?''
On the Bite of the fortifications which.
only a few years aro, held Vienna a prison
er, now runs the handsomest modern street
In nil Europe, lined on both sides with mac-
nlficent paUces and public edifices, and ex
tending circularly around the old city : It is
called the Riug strasse. Outside of this
circular street have arisen a dozen new quar
ters In which two-thirds of the population
dwell. From a vast depot of soldiers aud
canuon Vienna has been converted into a
free city, without forts, open to all comers
and traders, curious and delightful to visit.
aud rapidly increasing In prosperity,
Why Many .Editors nre 8kcillrs.
In the following Rov. T. Dcwitt Talmago
undertakes to explain tho reason why so many
nowspapcr men aro skeptics. Thero Is a deal
of truth in what ho says, nnd it really is al
most a wonder that editors have faith in any
thing or anybody. Novcrthelcs.s,"wo guess
that lovel headed editors generally, bclievo
in I ho economy of Providence, and ascribo
men's faults, failings, weaknesses, deserts,
trcachciies, rascal" ies,fcc., ifca, to themselves
and pot to their Maker nor tho Christians
IIl'Ioii. But hero is what Taltnage has to say :
One of the greatest trials oftho newspaper
ptofe-sion is that its members aro compelled
to sco more of tho shams of tho world than
any other profession. Through every news
paper office day after day, all tho wickedness
of tho world ; all tho vanities that want to bo
puffed ; all the revei'ges to bo repaid ; all
tho mistakes tint want to be corrected; al
tliodullspoakers who want tn bo thought elo
quent; all tho mei'iness that nants togct its
wares noticed gratis iu tho editorial columns,
in order to sivn tin tax of tho advertising
columns ; all the men who want to ba set
right who never Hero right ; all tho cracked
brain philosophers wiihs'orisns long as their
tair, and asgi louiy as their finger nails in
ii.ouruiug, because licrelt ol soap all tho
bores who como to stay fivo minutes, but talk
five hours.
Throuch tho editorial and reportorial rooms
all tho follies -in 1 shams oftho world are seen
hy after das-, and the temptation is to be
lieve neither God, man or woman. It is no
surpriso to mo that iu this profession thero
nre soiun skeptical men : I only wonder that
Journalists beltcvo anything. Kcchange.
A dancing Idiot ten years of age Is a resi
dent of Indianapolis, Ever since his birth
he was going through tbe motions of n waltz
to silent music, lie is never "till in his
waking hour'. Ills mother had danced to
excess ut a ball just before he was born.
A Sunday-School Superintendent in Cov
Ington, Ky., proposed to give a Baxter Bi
ble to every scholar who should be present
every sabbath for the J ear J a teacher's Bi
ble to those who should only be absent three
Sabbaths, and a book to those who were on
lynivay six Sabba'hs. Ills school, or the
premium.", must be very attractive, for his
bill for Bibles and books reached $2,000.
That was a good,tliough rather a severe,
pun, which was made by an Edinburg stud
nt (aud be was not one of the brighte-t of
the class either), when he asked, "Why is
Professor the greatest revivalist of tho
age ?" and, ou all "giving it up," said "Be
cause at the end of every sermon there is a
great aivakeuing."
At the farm bouse of a man named John
II iwkins in Texas, a stranger, calling him
sell Robert Humphreys, had been sick for
omu time. Finally he died, and a short
time before he expired he made a confession
to having murdered Jane Owen iu Madison
county, Kentucky, iu 1800, The scoundrel
had charged a poor inoffensive negro named
Joshua Lively with the crime, and Lively
was hung by Kukiux in consequence.
The owner of a steam saw mill in Ntvada
was until lately a member of a Methodist
church, from which he was expelled, us he
says, to grutify the personal spite of the pas
tor. Ho resolved to hold religious services
of his ovv n, and to make them effective, he
obtained a powerful calliope, aud attached
it to tbe steam boiler of his mill. On Sun
days, the voice of the Methodist preacher
is drowned by the sound of the calliope, as
it screeches "The Sweet By and By,'1 and
othtr Moody and Saukey tunes. The clergy
man has applied to a Justice's court for re
lief, but the Magistrate rules that the use of
the calliope on Sunday for sacred music is
If tal. The questiou has been carried to i
higher court.
Factoby Facts. Cloee confinement, cart
ful Attention to all f iV.n-y w r', gijs tli jop er
alivea pilid faceJ, poor appetite, lingnij, nils'
cable feelings, poor blood, inactive liver, kid
neys and urinary (roubles, and all the physi
cians and medicine in the world cannot help
them unless they get out doors or use Hop Hit
ters, made of the purest and beft of remedies
and especially for such cases, having abundance
of health, sunehi e and rosy cheeks in them
None need Buffer if they will use thera freely
they cost but a trill J. 8.-e ano'her eolnmn.
Over 1,000,000 tottlM nold. It In the most pop.
nlfir rp-m-iy for couuiis, -oi,i, itot
1toaksi;Si;ss, and nil TllUOATand n .xi
lUrnr. Una hna tn use for halatrntury. doc
tors rtToinmenrt iu J. '.. Youmib, I'.O.llll
nays: "Itisftvcd my Iwoehildrm from (be crrar." A.L.
Hmmoii, (.f Iiallimfir, M4.t 1m Mjtt 'II will mra
tin. w(.rl cmiEh imi M-dnttelr." Take no.othrr!
IMcci, cvntri, so centfl.and 81.00 ir bottle.
It. sCfellLULIl A CO JTop-i, 1M tUburu'll. l'
eo wl
Tbe undersigned, uJitor appointed by the Court
ot iMUMbla county to distribute lands to aud
aiuuuK itrut.-ts cmuwj me-reu), la ine naads o(
the AdmluUirator, win attend to me duties or Ms
appointment at his oalce In llloomsburir, on -ruus-Uuy,
the hth divot ADrll. A. U.. 1819. at ten o'elnelt
a. in. which time aud place all parties interested
yiaj wuu it mejr luuiK proper, or do aeDarrt
from a Mire or said (und.
. w . J. M. CLAItK,
fcn.s. 7w Auditor.
Ardrcw Uutjach and Itacucl A. Hess Administra
tors, ie., of Alexander llets, late ot Bngarloat town-
shto deceased, will expose to putsllc sale on the
premises on
Sattirdny, March 22tl, 1879,
at ten o'clock a. in, the tallowing described proper
ty, to-wlti ,
No. 1. A messuago being the MANSION HOUSE
ttndTUAOT OK Land situate In Suirarloat town.
Ship, In Columbia county, Pennsylvania, adjoining
miius ui luajimia reie-rman's heirs, Joshua Savage
i cis r iiess ana outers, CO ntatnlug
ant 41 perches, whereon oreen-cted a small FRAME
HOUSE, a log barn and frane wagou shed, about
th ny acres ol whleli Is cleared and In a good state
or cultivation, a
Good Apo'.e Orchard & Good Sugar Camp
on uie prrmises.
No. 8. Tbe undivided half of a certain
situate In tiugarloaf township, Columbia county.
reiinsylVAiiU. bounded by lands ot Alexander and
Joshua 11 ess and other Ian la of decedent containing
Tlilrly-clglit AcrrH
and one hundred and thirty-eight perches and allow,
anco of land, the boioo being Und.
No. 3. Tho UDdlvldcd one-half ol a certain TRACT
of LANIi, situate In Sugarloaf township. Columbia
county, renosjivama, containing
73 ACBE8
described as follow s i Adjoining ran&j of the heirs
or Joshua savage on tho south, land ot tract No,
on tne east, lands cf John Itantz and Davis on
tne west, ana lasoa or LTaig X Blanchard on the
north, the name being
TERMS OP BALE. Ten per cent, ot one-
fourth ot tho purchase money to tie paid at tho strik
ing down of tbe property, the one-fourth leso the u u
percent, at connrmatlon of sale, and the rematalng
three-fourths In one year thereafter with Interebt
from oonUrmatlon nisi.
. M - . KACHiaA. UEH.S., l-ts Administrators.
The undersigned Administrator of John nelsllne,
latoot lienton township, deceased will ciposo to
publle sale on tho premises on
Thursdny March 20th, 1879,
at ten o'ciocli a. in., the following described property
to-wlt I a
situate In lienton township, bounded on tho north
by lands of Joseph Ash, Samuel Yost and Daniel
Shultt, on the cast by lands of William tpher, on tho
south by lands ot Jonas Doty, lllramDcpoo and John
Karns, on the west by lauds ot ltussel Shultz, con
104 .A. CBS,
more or less, SIXTY ACI1KS of which Is clenrodjand
In a good Blatoof cultivation. Thera tsnlso upon
tho premises a young bearing Al'l'LE OIICIIAHD,
with an abundanco ot reach. Cherry and other fruit
trees. The balance oftho tract Is heavily timbered
nlth white oak, rock oak and whtto pine Tncro Is
erecb-d on tho premise a
and other outbuildings.
Sold subj jet to tho pat ment annually of tho Inter
est on tho dower to tho widow ot John rtelehltno
and at herJeath to this piymcnt to the heirs.
Tikxs isn Conditions or Saie. Ten per cent, ot
tho one-fourth of tho purchase money to be paid at
the Btrlklng down of tho property. Tho one-fourth
less ton per cent, at confirmation of sate, and tho re
maining three-toarlhs ono car thereafter with In'
tcrest from confirmation MM.,
W.J. llrcKii.EW, Administrator.
AU'y tor Eatalt feb. IH,
lly virtue ot a writ of Alias Vend Ex. Issued out
ot tho Court ot Common Mens of Columbia county
nnd to me directed, will bo exposed to public sate at
the Susquehanna Hotel, In the town of Catawtssa,
Columbia county, rennsylvanlaattwoo'clockp, ra.
THURSDAY, MARCH 27th, 1879,
Alt that certain lot or plcco ot ground situate In
the town of CatA)vlssa, county ot Columbia, and
Stato ot l'ennsylvanta, bounnded and described as
follows t Iteglnnlng at a post set for a corner for
said lot at the Intersection of the two publl: roads
leadlngfrom the town of Catawlssn, respectively to
llolllngshead and McKelvy mills, and running from
thenee by the north. sldoot said road leading ;trom
McKelvys mill south eighteen and one-halt degrees
cast one hundred nnd fOity-nre feet tlx Inches to a
post, thence by land of J. 11. Knlttln north nrty and
one-fourth degrees east one hundred andOvo feet
to a post north silo ot aforesaid road leadlngfrom
Catawlssa to llolUsgsheod's inlU,thenco by tho same
north sixty-four degrees, west ono hundred and forty-four
feet to the place of beginning, whereon Is
erectedln three-story brick but lding, tho first story of
which contains two store rooms, now occupied by a
dry goods and grocery merchant and wntch-makor,
second story by public hall, and third story by Ma
sonic Lodge and Chapter ; also a one-story frame
ware house.
Seised, token In execution and to be sold as the
property of tho Catawlssa Masonic Association.
Abbott Ruawn, Attorneys,
All that certain lot of ground situate In the town of
Catawlssa in the .county of Columbia, tateof Penn
sylvania, bounded and described as follows, to vit :
Ileglnnlng at a post so t tor a corner of said lot at the
Intersection oftho two public roads lea ling from
the town of CaU-tl'st respectively to llolllngshead
and McKelvy's Mills and running from thence by
tho north Bfdo ot said road leading from Mc
Kelvy's milt south elgliteon nnd one-halt degrees
cast one hundred and forty-five feet si x inches to a
post, tience by lands of Joseph B. Knlttlc north fif
ty and a quarte r degrees, east ono hundred and five
feet to a post on tho norlhldo of tho aforesaid roid
leading from Catawlssa to Ilolllngbhead's mill, thence
by the same north sixty-four degrees west ODe hun
dred and fourty-four feet to the place of beginning
on which are erected a three-story brick building.
store rooms, public hall and Masonic hall, being th
ground upon wnicn said building, Ac, is erected
bounded by tho the roads before mentioned: and In
the rear by property now or late of the Catawlssa
Seized, taken In execution at tbe suit of C. H.
Ilrockway against Itobcrt Oorrelt with notice to Cat,
awlssa Masonic Association Garnishee and to bo sold
as;tho property ot said catawlssa Masonic Associa
tion Garnishee.
Klwell, Attorney, At. Vend, Ex.
All that certain lot of ground sliuate lnltoarlng-
creek township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania,
described as follows, to wit : Bounded on tho north
by lan 1 ot Abram Rtce, on tho south by land ot Con
rad Housman.on the westby land of Michael Straus
fier and William Yeaer, and on tho east by land cf
Ephralm lelby.contalnlng seventy -three acres more
or less, on which are erected a dwelling house, barn
and out-bulldlngs.
Ono other ploco of land, bounded on the north by
land or Jacob strauser, on tho west by land
of Solomon Straussor, on tho Slath by land
of peter Hower and on the east by land ot Con
rad Hausman and William Yeager, co ntalnlng eigh
teen acres.
One other piece of land bounded on the north by
lands of Judgo Cox, on the west by land af Solomon
Strausser, on tho south by land of Aurora nice and
ontheeostbylandot Abram ltloeand Leonard Ad
ams, containing Uttecn acres.
An that pleco or parcel of ground situate In Roar
ing creek Township Columbia county .Pennsylvania
aescnoeaosioiiows.towit: bounded on tho south
by lands of Franklin Vocum. on the West by land of
Samuel Uauck, on the north by land ot Wm. Drels
bach aud on the cast by londof J.B. Hunger, con
taining thirty acres moro or less, on which aro erect
ed a dwelling house and out buildings.
Seized, taken In execution nt tho suit of William
Swisher, Administrator of Elizabeth Kllncerman
against David K. Itower and to be sold as tho prop
erty oi uoTia it. uowcr.
BaocxwAY & Elweia, Attorneys. Al. Vend. Ex.
Terms cosh on day of sale.
. k . . . J0UN W- HOFFMAN,
feb,ss u-ts Mierirr.
In Proceedings for the Partition of the
neai estate oi nebecca Smith,
TO A. K. Smith of Madlsnn tnvrnahln . .l,r.H u-n.
son and Susan his wife ot Danville, Montour county.
Pcnn'a.; Charles Dodson and Palmetto hts wire of
Madison township; Alexander H.Smltbot Bala Dan
vUle ; John Smith of Greenwood townsh.n said Co
lumbia county j -Samuel K. Smith or said Green-
nuuu, luiiu jti.numiiui naia Danviiie 11. y. Hat
tin, Guardian of llosa Smith and Grant smith, mi
nors of Greenwood aforesaid; Jacob Long of hne
township said Columbia county; Martha Long of said
Pa: Jebse Welseraud MallnrtAhifi wua iimh.
said Lehigh county : Edwin Itabenold and Matilda
uiowuujvLnui jicury uuuery ana iiaunan
Ms wire ot Guth Station sold Lehigh county : John
Klotzand Emellne his wironr i-ninmhna .i,mtinn
Louisa county, Iowa ; Peter Haas and Amanda his
r. ....... . "ii'gn county i jiutou ott,
anil A lilt-nil htawlfu nf . . ...... . '
bach and Isabella his wite or irnntai, iii iui,,.
county; George Itlchardand Susan his wUb of said
Allcntown ; lienry II. Werley, Rosa M. Werley and
Alice V. Weiley, a minor and Nathan Krum.Ouard
Ion ot sal 1 Alice. V. Werley or said Al entown. lineal
descendants of HebeccaHrallh. deceased and to all
other persons Interested, llrtetlngi You and each
of you are hereby cued to be and appear be-rorethe
Judges ot our Orphans' court to be held at Biooms-
uuiK wi. uivua. jaunuav tn way next, men and
there to accept or refuse to toko tho real estate ot
said Rebecca Smith. damA-sHii at. th .nn,niH V
atlon put upon it by the Inquest, duly awarded by
tFin ealr. 'nur. a.... a... ...... .. ,M .
. v... uuu iciui hcu ujr mo nucnii. or snow
cause why It shall not be Bold. Aod hereof fau not.
Witness tho Honorable William hlwell. President of
our said Court, at Bloomsburg, the seventeenth
uifcui uarjr, A. ii., ism.;
(SEAL1 , . Clerk o, c,
XyyJ W. Nuts, Deputy,
. .utuu,n.inuuu uu uie esiaio or William
n niie, late or scott township, i olumbta county, de
ceased, have been granted by the Register of said
an : tlr n , , . . !, Aumiiiisiruiors to whom
--p,uv..MikKuKuMa iruimied wj maxe lminn-?.,-p,il;,mci
and taoM' """'"If cl"hS or denaands
mlnlstratore without iruT;. " " lu0 AO
C W. MILLER, AU'y. Administrators.
nuuusAUi GItOCEItS,
Dealers la
N, a Corner Second and Arch Btrtota,
rr-Orders will receive prompt atUntlon.
N0tly ail Cbeply prinWatttie Coldm
jiian umce.
or THE
from Jannary 1st, 1ST) to January 1st, 1st.
Statement showing tases assessed and balance
still due.
& i 8
DtSTltlCTS. pg " i 8
Heaver tssss iittoo 6i lotos moo
Hentnn los-i T M.v ni TI9IV) si is)
iiemlck 141140 si ml mm no to 23 M
lllmiin MKKIIt U00 147 79 S 41 01 S3 01
lirlarcrcck I.iv)s SI M vuiu BUM 81 W)
catawlisa s7s m 7S en si m 7.10 is 1 no
Crnlralla. sn3 II nsu Mo 4ss 7s stn
Centre l'.xt 15 77 ou oils SN9 4! S7(xl
comngliain leo lwsl M
rishlngcrcek.,.. 1319 31 mm 8 03 s4 87 13 on
Franklin SaM3 u 141m ast 7S 13 11
Greenwood Hoono si 0 UM ISJ7M eiod
Hemlock liium 67 o siss v,5f,s lieu
Jackson am on 4300 4 13 130 os 901
licust.... I4si6i l3soo isrsi S4S7I S3en
Madison Uitm 79 e 21m 43911 19 to
Main us oi 45oo lies 1 4SJ lorn
Mimin...., 11937s lion 11 S3 umbo iw
Montour........ lottos Mm Hui 43191 Hon
Mt. Pleasant..., Ma 01 (Hon tins 47 CJOu
orange 1073 w 83 ou 87 41 707 19 214.1
line 40 3S f,wi 421 814 Ml men
ltnarlngcreek. ,, MI 71 42 00 21 nn
scott 1030 on 751m mm 0-207 sir.n
sugarloaf..,,,... 434 to 67 w 170 f-vir.G MM
32-J9) 74 IMI 60 001 67 11082 St 790 90
Districts. Collectors. Year. Co. 1)0.
Conyngham, J. J. Couirhlln, 173, (304 13 vow)
Meal Leothan, 1S73, 14M80 900
Catawlssa, is7.s, 49400 1450
1S,B, VO 43 HI'
Conyngham, IS70, lss 41 9 "
nshlnucreek. 1S70, 870 10 2 s3j
sugarloaf, 19T0, us 71
lienton, uw
ConyngLam, 1S77, son 60 son
Main. 1877. lso 78 11 an
SCOtt, 1S77, COO 23 16 60
(1503 71 17130
II.W. McltEY.NOLDS, Treasurer ot Columbia county
In account with said county on county funds.
Jan. 1, 1973.
To nm't. uncollected prior to 1978
(22,112 74
870 10
2,019 81
02,930 74
91 SI
2 10
" MsningcrecK isio..
" "on hand nt last settlement
" county tax ussessed In 1379
" tax 011 registry ot voters In 1878
" tux added tu Montour duplicate 178...
11 11 1. Locust " "
" " eott " 1977...
" " ' Ctntralln " "
' J. C. Smith for Owen suit ex tax
' llonj. Ilahm, ; '
Jacob Plott, '
" Jos-ph May, paid on note
" Moje-r Urns, tor desk
" Lewis A. HUey 7 tracts of land of Com-
Wm. Moore one piece of land of Com-mis-loners
' Jno. Monroe one lot of land of Commis
sioners Jno. Starr redemption ot Commission
ers' land
" Win. Hower rent on lall
" W.m Y. Ilcss tax paid.
" 11. P. Former proceeds ot na estray
" 0. H. Mcllenry for chandelier
"Jacob McCoy lumber from Catawlssa
" II, K. Zarr Jury tees
".Inn. w. llorrmnn lury fees
" II. aid bridge near Mcllen
ry's mill
" county tax on unseated lands
' seated "
" road tax on " "
" " unseated "
" school tax on ' "
" ' seated "
"poor tax on "
" " unseated "
' seated land tax sin -e distribution . . . .
"IlutherutT Afc'o unsealed Heaver ....
" amount Iu Centralla bluco distribution
11. s
' -mount county bonds sold
assessors managing Ac. 01 dog find..
" Hannan & llassertold Iron and stovo
" redemption money of Joseph Hatry
" redemption money ot Jacob Lutz Ben
ton "rildemp'lou money ot E. Dellcplane
6 ro
7 12
1 22
2 00
69 00
89 00
16 00
8 It
10 00
1 17
10 00
2 50
120 (10
10 00
3 20
1,143 07
139 SI
101 9t
2.704 S3
1,921 110
199 77
75 20
CCO 31
19 Oi
1 69
19 IK)
15,01 00
150 no
10 52
C 03
(90,203 10
By commission and exonerations nnd returns allow,
ed collectors for 1978.
Districts. Com.
Roa- Incret k 20 Ml
Con ngliam
4 I, J
12 0O
Districts Com.
Mt. Pleaaant 41 49
oraago 61 19
Pine 23 07
lloarlngcreek 31 37
Sugarloaf 2IM)
For 1S70 34 04
Brlarercek 61 43
I'entte 07 77
311. Pleasant 21 19
Pine 19 29
For 1973
Benton 42 nt
Pino 19 09
For 197.1
lienton 33 10
17 87
f or isn.
42 34
22 09
39 90
141 20
10 29
60 711
79 0 9
14 63
34 40
9 87
31 91
10 08
2 44
19 74
7 40
64 85
14 nt
19 30
19 90
e;,if nw Issa
81 89
79 S3
120 07
44 70
116 37
73 01
39 29
09 52
19 43
84 94
72 07
09 09
01 00
13 74
4 20
9 19
19 01
20 91
10 93
(1,919 99(74100
Total commission 1.M2 99
' exonerations 74110
County ordeni redeemed 60,011 (8
ime irom couecioi s 18,040 23
Amount paid to meet state quota 2J on
( o nmtolon to Treasurer !,20 44
Amount 10 meet sum paid State for iiuota
charged on coupons 20 90
interest paid ou ovor-auo county bonds
llled wit it order 722 31 67
Balatco la hands of Treasurer 19 23
(90,203 10
Jan. 1,1878. Dlt.
to amount due at last settlement (901 43
" " on Flshlngcreck '70 2 no
" amount assessed In 197s 1,6-4 00
(1,023 92
By commissions and exonerations on duplicate set-
ui-u tor lots.
Districts. Com. Ex.
ltoarlogcreck 2 01 1 50
For 1S77.
Hoover 4 09 14 00
Berwick yi) 200
Bloomsburg 4 15 12 50
Urlarcreek a 84
Catawlssa 3K9 4 60
Centralla 03 400
Centio 8 so 5 60
PUnlngcrcek 4 25 3 60
PrauMIn 1 S9 2 w
Greenwood 4 19 200
Hemlock 220 em
Jackson 2 09 2 on
locust 0 59 10 60
Madu.n 3 09 100
Minlin s7o 3on
Montour 2 09 1 m
Mt. Pleasant 2 19 s 00
Districts. Com. Ex.
Orango 2 49 1 so
."Ino 2 23 7 3
Itoarlngcreek 2 no 1 on
S-ganoaf 2 S3 4 60
For 1870
Benton 2 to CO
urlarcreek 3 08 1 5t
centre soo 901
au, riesant 2 65 7 00
Pino 2 5U 2 60
Sugarloaf 909 3(0
ior 1975.
lienton 3 03 2 50
Pino no 0 60
19 974 12739
uu'uuiu-uiuu IU LUIil-CLUrS
Exonerations allowed collectors
orders paid of 170
" 1877
" " 1979
Amount naid to county for assesstDg &c,,
Commission toTreasunr
Amount due from collectors
Balance In bonds ot Treasurer
82 74
127 89
,.. 5760
704 75
470 00
160 00
61 01
935 2S
7 07
(2,023 94
For whtchorders were Issued on tho Treasurer,
raldWm II. Snider bill for teachers' In
stitute " David Lowenberg police hire
" Stevenson Foster 101 election laws
" B. F Zarr cost In Hester caso supremo
', Wesley Wirt auditing publlo accounts
" D.Lowenberg police bill during execu
tion "Geo. Brown boarding poli.e
" sundry persons for procuring soaBoId.
comns. jee, at execution ,
" 1. W, Hoffman taking J. K. Mowrer to
Easu-rn state Penitentiary
t. it. Furman reward und expense ap
prehending horse thieves...;.
" Jno. N. Gordner to rearrest Jno. sey-
" Win. F, Faust taxes refunded
" Bacbinan Ksaty wall at Court Houao
" Barhman Kesty coping for part of
sain ..
"JnoW Hoffman warrant In Roaring.
creek election board
" Jno. W. Hoffman warraat in North
197 43
14 60
4 05
18 39
23 00
45 00
20 60
69 60
60 65
49 30
15 00
14 25
179 00
49 60
0 CO
6 00
6 00
1 60
s 00
45 00
C3 10
8 10
119 S3
4 00
119 69
conyngham election board..
Jno. w. Hoffman warrant In'Locust
" Jno. w. lloffman warrant In Montour
eirtlon tnwrd
" w' I'offman shlpplog Keller to
" J!;0..w llonman execution of DestVr,
TuIlyand.Mellugh 1
"' 'JoUmau taking nve p-rs'ons
to i'hlladelihla ,. .
" J.D0ii)': ',"iD?;aa taklnl' lwo persons
to Philadelphia
" R. Rams special court and election!'
" 11. F. Zarr Prothouolury's bill,.. .
" It. Hairls crer to sell JaU
" Wm. II, Snider bill for teachers' Insti'-
" Wm. KfickbaVimeipVeMonbooknlid
expenses to llarrlsburg on county bu-
J.?- w- lloffm'au coats servin gwrlu".
" Wm. Krtckbaum bill In cose ofN. Len.
Ihon, collector Conyngham to retain
(1,171 20.., ,,,
10 00
9 W
40 00
(1,274 63
Grand Jurori during sear,,
Traverse " ,
893 67
Constable returns " i;;:;!!.'.'"".' ' 'oif5
iKiurtcryer " Ji; IU
Mais .ii-ifisf... co
day -v, "-uviJe Bisper
s. n. walk'e'smlVh8.,Kimbie:'..:'::::'.. 'ij
Ruckle vs. Groier..... . 'J So
. ., oelmanrn)der ! Jj
Jdo. w, Hoffman serving lury notices iS Si
SU Robbln. Jury CsouuilSjouer.;.. '" ' ,!
W.lcl'..Uu'u IBM
Cumberland county lury trial vt LoVer.
gr el. al. vs. u. t. Eat , j
I7,1W 10
wiiitEcotjNrr itcAm liable.
Ju-tlces, ronsta' ls ant witnesses. ..... 1,11S 71
It. It. Littlo District Attorney IMS")
Jno. M. Clark District Attorney In lies.
tcreoM) , as 00
Jno. M, link District Altorny In lies-
tcrrsse 23 00
II K. Znrr, ns Clerk nt 1 ourt 1511
.Ino. W. Hortmuibui otcust 64 J
ltoAii and niiiDni: viewers and road
Sundry per-ons as 1 lowers
tilclisrd Kltehendimipj Grecnwool.. .
Peter snnleman pst.ledarnHpe Jlcuton .
Jno. Ktlihncr& Co i)ainngiJrks,ii..,,
Robert o. Howtll dmniuo sit p'eosni.t..
lianipl HarrlHondsuiitgo t,reenwood...,
Il--nJ Liritu ItedllnHdatntigo
.1 s. u cods damage KIslitngcreeK
SIHs Mcllenryduiniifo
.Mary lletwhfdniingo Locust
John Harp ilimigu-Mt. 1 iMniit ,,,
Wm. Johnson damage Madison
lames IMIdlne "
Margaret Mnlth "
John shetlcr ' "
John Grahntn ' "
Wm It Cox damare Greenwood
Misnh J, Axe diiniign .M,mli n.,
John 14. Keller ilninavu l-lslilnirm-rk....
Jonathan 'ohns-in oiunii?H M i-tlson ...
Moses Mcll-hrydarivigo Hs'ilugeruek .,
.lohntltr-nn dsmairu.Mt. Plcu-abt
919 BO
830 00
ta 1-0
6 no
H5 eo
911 nn
411 in
21 00
9 no
in to
S3 00
40 no
411 on
140 no
so on
10 IK)
00 00
as on
23 on
4 0 00
13 no
85 (HI
83 01)
8U no
111 (10
47 on
.lonn iiauMiuamiKO -
Kmma Mills ilamign Greenwood
-loin 1 1. r're(-70 daring lltnom
Hcriiar.i ston- r ilatnago .11 1 Pleasant.,,.
it.Oll) 80
M. V. II. Kline Auditor T 60
,1. 11. ('iiacy " i on
K. II. Brow n I 60
Wm. Krl khaiim HMIir' aeeount for 1S17 23 00
IlloolntlinsCotnnnliv for L'as 133 29
ituny.tnt o nr.i rein red. a nn
Mrs. Ingnldil-atdrigt'ottrt House 9110
11 C. llartman (iirnet r. r witness room. 9 00
w. J. Corn-1 one hair uoreu chilrs lur
nltniss room s no
A .11. KiiM-r' irratu for stolo Hek-lstcrA
Weeorder'sonl -e 9 00
It, ltoan repair court roctn window tillnds 1 25
Ilaehman x Kesty flagging court buuso.. 14 23
.laeuu eniiisu inaiii.ig co-ill room... "v
I. Ilai-nbuch bills stovo rt-nalr. Ac 13 24
B. 1,. 'ihomasfuur irross liens 4 co
sundry rerrtnnsrcpilr bill 140
l-. .ipoes repairs uuritig jear. i
Menatrli i-t. nl. Milling down inotttncr... 9 41
IXK-kai ds coal ;bllls 63 49
Rollins i Holmes bill lendert-d 2 so
" " ono down spittoons.. 6 no
M. E. Cox bill for cleaning., tc 9 'on
" i t. nl. " - 4 Bi)
P. P. Blllmi er et. al bill for work at office 7s 79
s. II. Miller & .on bill rendered 1 M
H. .11. Ne.iu guide to coiinly onicers l "
'ihomisGorey bill rcmhred 60
Wm, Workheiser for wood 4 60
J. II MaIzu i-iii rendrtd 9 II
J. .seiiiijler rorsno shoiel , vo
ltlltir & Searles painting court house
fence 12 12
Wm. (Us gcr hauling A3 court house jard 8 75
s W MciunryUo.umlsslouer 3s9 tin
-lovn llerne-r S99 00
Joseph 11. sands " 423 no
John (1. Freeze Attorney.. loo (in
Win. Krlckbaumt'lcik w no
llarman llassert for Iron fencing 75 ou
(1,709 43
(I. M. J. K. Ikord, coal bills
c. W. Neal i llro. coal bill
'1 hoinas Gorey et. nl bill at old Jail
.loseph E. Sands bills rendered ,
-toot-ph K. Sands A son carpet A-e
I. Ilagenbuch stoves Ac , at old Jell
Wm. McKlnney b'll shoes f-.r pildoncrs...
Julia Alstatt shaving ptlsoners
D. loisennergbllls clothing ,
L. Bcrnaid key repair
C. M. Dilnker key repair.
C. A. Klelm bills medicine
II. Klelm till rendered
John Ueagle wocd
Wm. I'ureell wood
John J. Tower handcuff ondnlppers
Uiotard A Workheiser coal und wood...
Ada Hobbins washing LIU
Peter Jones 12 bunks
Clark A Wolf du-ss good Tor prisoners ....
Gloss a, ro. bill shoes and boots ,
l.c Kiihc 1 1)1 imd red
Ill om Gas ( o. for Gas ,
.1. II. .Maize Mil rendeii-d
Kun.i un A Co. bill rr-ndered
P. Jones A Mendenhall bill rendered
Kotilns A Holmes repatrs
John Williams clothing
John W. Hoffman boarding pollco
John W. Hoffman boarding prisoners....,
John w. Hoffman noshing Ac
John W. Hoffman Turnkey fees ,
Win. Glggcr bill rendered
145 47
10 22
2 09
23 no
39 87
12 80
13 111
4 SO
47 03
84 15
1 07
1 76
8 75
9 60
9 71
1 no
12 00
1 03
111 81
1 CO
81 04
0 01
1 60
10 U9
307 00
718 73
72 00
22 60
(1610 79
Ilrockway A Elwell.courtproclamallon... (10 00
" " blanks ... 02 95
" countv statement... i3 no
" advertising so 02
" clecllon proclama
tion 30 00
J C Brown, election proclamation so 1 0
" blanks o 23
county statement 65 on
" adiertlslng: 27 02
CM Vandersllto advertising is on
countv statement 60 on
O B snvder adiertlslng- , 3 50
G A Potter adiertlslng 2 23
Hantstiirg "Patriot," advertising a 60
Mm Mnnu blanks ... 2 25
FLIIutter election blanks 21 OS
11 A Clark stationery for onlco and court 01 19
.los'E sands stomps 9 no
D A lleckley postage and box rent 21 00
(369 99
Sundry persoLs for Inquests (120 8
in. 1 e-uiuiui ihjsi, muriora on ooayorair.
uanuon M 23 no
(151 so
Isaac Ifllngerman bridge
W L Cole Colo's bridge
SUas Dcolo "
L a German west of Denton .
Ell Mcnenry " ..
W B Gibson Benton bridge .
m Glgger Itupert bridgo
" Barton bridgo
" linok lirtrlLro
1 5)
1 73
2 6U
2 UD
1 50
1 50
4 on
1 00
15 74
3S 05
2 09
Peter Jones et al Shaffer bridge
Harm in A llassert sualfer br dge
Jos p sands Shaffer bridgo
Kline A Conner shingles Mouth of Creek
Joseph Ilutt, " "
David Ilelwig plank " "
C WLow timber " "
Alfred Eck work " "
Wm sclileo et ol work
H J ltecder's bill
Gilbert A Kline's bill " '
11 J ileeder McKelvy's mm bridgo . ...
David Helwlg plank "
Wm Shaffer Centreline
JohuLKUno Brush Valley
Moses Mcllenry Stillwater bridgo
Silas McUenry
" Amerman bridge,..'. .'."V
, - ." . Zauer's, west side
John Pealer " "
ii F Hedilne contract McIIeury's rntii!7'.'.'
Moses Mcllenry
George Lines et al nesr Jones' bridgo'.".'"
Peter Lauhach shingles "
George Unes et al near Iluckalew bridgo
Peter Laubach shingles "
Joseph Itedltne, Jr., balance contract Za
uer's eat sldo
59 00
58 no
13 03
37 C9
97 S5
39 b-J
10 03
8 IU
2 SO
11 75
4 79
1 00
1 no
1 0
1 60
71 60
3 75
9 00
7 00
41 69
31 60
153 93
Mcllenry A Heacock Mlllvlllo
KUU l-:v,.u jt- It, n .1
1 60
9 no
.rri.u.rHr .r.",.'i,sB
3 97
JCltlclurd "
1 00
0 30
' eier i-auoacn shingles Reeco's mUl
17 85
3 37
2 ID
3 10
4 on
921 00
t.. . ' cu,,iu a mivo o UI1U unugo
Jonathan Lemon
, . " Ilohrsburg .. .
y1' Brown engineer Kjers Grove
IjVi Eves contract Eier'sGrovo
Vi m Glgger Hemlock bridgo
John .Miller, I'ureell bridge
1 no
11 m bigger I'ureell bridge
Bed mill bridge .....Z
Jack ion.
8 00
2 00
JD Hess Elk run bridgo
3 60
tv.tus ba run oriugo
9 03
C I Themos Esther furnace bridge
Henry Leltweller Wagner bridge.......,.""
13 89
1 10
JC Brown engineer Maluillle bridgo .
rjrMKoCP1unc'sercoull'ut't MulnvUle
11 A, "''"epi'ieijiio se'f"'co'n'tru'ct''e'itt'ra
llalnvllle bridge
6 60
lt71 no
9 00
.Vf. l'teatant.
.las P Sands Wilson bridge
1 00
is eo
8 60
9 (0
1 25
1 110
1 00
3 00
It 33
42 on
29 no
12 on
9 CO
1 on
1 to
433 73
Jaeoh ('hrlMTT, Vin',Ti,,,i,or,,..V'Ji!e -
Aaron Miller ' 'S"""-"'"" -
Joseph Iteitiedilfcr, " "
Josl'sanas .. '
' , , Hawk bridge
Anrnn Mlllnr 11,... l-
. ,' ,n.akt r Plank Vundend co bridgo
Zephemlah Ilutt si ngles " ,f
Jacob Christian "
Aaron .llllf-p .,
Jaa P Sands
W iianlch bridge
h'nlilS3 1,1114,108 on eontrac'r'smltti'
Manning, Sloan A Co., Bowman bridge
Jaa p suuds
141 12
11 37
Abner Welsh Kline bridge ...
II U sands Kline Ulldge.l.Z..7.l;,1",
Wilf J u llt,8!i' bm&."":i";"ZZ7.
WA hUeJoso Uess bridge ,.....!!......;;""
5 ro
2 00
6 00
11 00
9,939 29
- "i-urw; yua u 1ICSS bridge....,....
Kuntvtrt tit llpa un...
Support ot David Shay Danvllk)'..Z..T."
160 10
ua ta
174 21
lor 11(77 PtuitenUary
AftBVJMori!? PAT.
91 ;3tmust. IS 23
i 1 o Madison...... II no
. ... 17 60 Main ii lo
20 MMIfllln. is no
11 no -'ontour 11 2.1
24 MMr. Pleasant 19 79
92 ooorange ...... 15 11
91 oottno 11 00
....... 21 no itoarlngcreek r so
20 87 scott..... 20 00
13 75 Sugarloaf ... - 19 93
- 21 23 a ssessors for regls-
, 19 00 tcring voters 101 00
18 6i)
(549 91
rumver .
Urlarcreek; ,
Centre . ,,
Flsutngcrcck .
Greenwood ....
raid sundry persons 61 3
Paid spring election nTcers......... Sfli 27
" tall portion officers 444 90
" fall t-'ecllon room rent.,..,,. 151 00
" sprlrg election ir.510
" constables ndrertlslfg nnd attend
Ing spring election 1ns 40
" constable! attending fall election.. 60 no
" Peter Jones election boxes lso
If" 11 1' Zarr concession it J 13 70
' J M ('lark Senatorial tt J j 60
" 11 F Zarr ct al counting toll vo. ... 23 09
(1,041 69
Amount township taxes refunded
8,143 91
Wm Mnnn two dockets lt ncn 80 60
" ono docket Prothonotary's of-
neo 10 23
Wm P Murphy's ons Kx. dockets Pro-
thonotnr 'somen 16 23
FLIIutter registry books,,,, loot
(79 M
Sterner A Jones balance on contract
" extra covering cells
'' extra on tower
Charles Krug balance on contract
' for Jill stnblo
" piln'lng feuco and stable....
" lining to lot
" blinds
" blinds cellar.
doors for cells.....
" cupboard for cellar
" pump floor
rtolltns A Holmes balance, tin contract .
" extra Mil
" gas fixtures
" gas metro Ac .. . ...
Crulkshank A Co., bnlaneo on contract... .
" " extra for goto
(9.971 89
73 no
H,078 to
476 no
150 00
Hi ro
M 23
BO 00
4 25
8,679 37
30 00
CO 00
1,140 15
79 nn
'7 no
12 01
5 00
13 60
(19,230 23
i i--.. eiiii uicoiiccL niunnco
Sam Nevhnrd surveying lot
Mrs p ACox doming
Joseph Decker fixing up
Thomas Vunnatta for well
Abo Snyder for p unp
IV s Pursfii for well stone
llarman A Uassert for door hooks
Amount countv i-onds redeemed .....
' coupons on samo paid
7,200 01
2.4S4 60
(9,094 60
Miscellaneous expenses
Court: Jurors' pay.constnblo's returnj.ic
Costs In commonwealth coses
Road nnd bridgo viewers and road
damage -
Commissioners' onlco and court houso
County Jail
Priming, stationery and postage
Bridges, buildings and repairs
Penitentiary nnd asjlum
(1,274 55
7,139 70
1,097 22
1,(110 80
2,709 45
1,: 79
659 99
151 80
2,939 29
703 62
64 9 91
81 20
1,941 59
6,14.1 94
79 04
19,2.10 23
9,094 5
Assessor s nav .
Fox nnd wild cat scalps
Election expenses
Taxes refunded
Blank books
New county Jail
county bonds and coupons redeemed...
(50,011 09
From amount of orders Issued deduct (5,143 91 tax
es refunded, and (19,230 23 money expended on new
JaU, and (9 694 60 bonds and coupons paid, leaves
(22,64 ( 41, which lstho actual ordinary expenses for
tho year, A. D., 1879.
Beaver 89 00 Madison 149 25
Benton 35 no Mt. Pleasant 18 6u
Bloom 6 00 orango 7 10
Brl rcreek 49 no Scott 0 61)
centre 10 00 sugarloaf 10 00
Flshlngcreek 41 60
Greenwood 73 60 (311 75
Locust 5 to
Orders unpaid of 1S07..
Orders unpaid ot 1870....
Ordec unpaid ot 1977
orders unpaid ot 1973..,
Doe tax duo from collectors 935 20
Probable commission and
exonerations off 160 to
Add amount In Treasurer's hands
Gives total assets,
(912 93
Tho Indebtedness Is (30 75. Tho difference
In favor of said fund Is (716 19, which Is about that
amount better than It was one year ago.
Taxes In hands ot collectors duplicates 18,040 23
Probablo commission and exonerations
off 2,500 no
Add amount tn hands of treasurer 'MsTa
Add loluo of old Jail properly a,6un n)
Bjloneo duo on (.era Hotter note 9300
Amount due trom Schuylkill county 42 40
Duo irom Benton township support of
Coilej's 32 b9
Duo trom Benton township, sheriff's
cost on same 9 go
One set duplicates on hand 20 no
Ono double set of assess books 4000
Uarraan Bright lot, Flshlugcit-tk taken
tor C03ts 150 00
(20,034 31
Costs due on books in commonwealth
Amount taxes duo tho several 'districts!.'.
Amount road and bridgo views duo on
Amount County prison bo'n'ds''u'n'p'al'd'."."'.' 42
Amountcounlv prison coupons unpaid..
Amount road d nuago assu ,sed aud un
paid, estimate as nearly ascau bo 4
429 SO
752 83
131 CO
,snn no
(IS.907 79
20,054 31
Actual Indebtedness of tho county, Janu-
ary 19" 29,833 43
Amount palddurlDg the year 178 (30.230 22
Amount paid during tho earls79 19,2.10 23
(i, 2 45
We tho undersigned, commissioners of Columbia
county, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a
correct statement ot accounts of Bald county for tho
year A. D..1S73.
Attest :
CHAS. mcilART,1 Commissioners
A. B. HERRING, j Columbia Co.
JOHN Ii. CASEY, I lerk.
We, tho undersigned auditors of Columbia county
having been duly elected to adjust and settle tho ac
counts of the Treasurer nnd nommlaOM,... rxt f-n.
lumbia county, do hereby certify that it e met at tho
" ' '"e sreosurerana commissioners In Blooms
burg and Carefullv or.imlitr.,1 tlin .n,i,,t, nH
vouchers ot the same from tho 1st day of January,
to ino ist day ot January 1879, and found
them correct os aboie Btate-d, and no llnd a balance
due Columbia
dollars and twenty-thrco cents ((IS 23) from II. W
-...u,uulu3 iicasurer oi uoiumoia county, And
wound a balance of Rnvr-n dniima o.,, .1..
cents (7 09) on dog fund found In tho hands of U. W
. uu.u3, ift-usurer.
Given under our han.ia nnd ant ti,i ......
January, A. D., 1679.
Feb. 7. 1879.
Co. Auditors.
in pursuance at an nt ttta n-.t.A.... r. . -.
Columbia county, Pennsylvania, on
Saturday, March 15th, 179,
at two o'clock In tho afternoon, M, A. Ammermau,
..-....-.uuior ui oonu cveiand, late of Flshlngcreek
townshln In said countv. n,.,,.,,,., ., .
- rf,.-ww.v, I. Ill U.MW VI.
Bale, by publla vendue, on tho premises, a certain
f1 1 4 rim r-r w- , .
situate In Flshlngcreek township, Columbia county,
Pennsylvania, bounded snd.descrlbed as tollotvs.vlz:
On tho south and easthv r.t i....,,...
on the north by lands ot -Michael Lemmon'a heirs
and on tho west by lands ot George Pealer. contain
log moro or less, whereon aro erected a
i nline lionise anil 1'raiiio llara.
There Is also on tho premises, a GOOD APPLE oil
CIIABD and other frini t. .,...
. ..v.,.U3, tuuuuuuuuvuniiu
ot good soU.The propei ty is locate-dlon ho publlo road
iHHrlln-. fi-nm luh.,. . l ... . ...
.. ... , , ovaK) r0oa, n isntar
the church and school hnnw aa w.n ns ..
nlent to tho market.
Lato tho estate of sail deceased, situate In tho
township ot Flshlngcreek, and county aforesaid,
'ULUtll ItKICXBlCH, lo
TEItMS OF 8AI.E.T(.n rv.r..n. , .
the purchase, monev in i,a nnt n. tn.. c-n.,.. ,,...n
ot the property, the one-fourth less the ten per cent.
nt tho nn.H-.., - . .. . .
.v v..v .vUU4u,.tiuu oi sole, anu ine remaining three
fourths In ono iear therprtt-r witt, t...aHAQ.
conurmatlon ulsl,
,., .. u M. A, AMMKHMAN,
feh.l4,'79-U Admlolslrator.
your own toan. tsfiurntrrra
Header It tou wont t. business
Persons of l-ltbn m i-jlii .mka
0 00
s eo
89 no
44 15
1 75
S0.1 20
7 67
LiSWiiMj1'' Uun t'0-! Porthuia.ilatnfc