HE 0OL.DMB1AN. loOMBBOllfl. TBIPAT, I8J cu.KMiAit vott mo. ,"Ti "i Jilt,. " l , (, 7 ii 10 u ' i. ? f ii K II 11 1211 II 11 It'll' I IJ II IS IC 17 IH1 h v ii 12 23 tt a xtitmtiax ., I Ant i j J .1 ( S I. 7 f !' 4 f, . 7 ( 0 5 to li i: 13 ll li ii II l: 13 II r in G i i III JO II !i Ii H 1112051 1211 2.1 'i u ii 27 . , ;i :s jn n i in so. 'ii a i i, i 7 8fM- i 'v "a " ( ii i in u 13 li is ' f l 10 II l: 1.1 in 17 1" i'i2o Ji a Ii it It It n in -ii 2.1 21 a 20 27 is a 21 22 23 211'. 20 27, In II . . , ? 20X . I t ;i i r Ctt i s a 4 i 7 f uicll u nil i' io II 1111 13 in 17 I" 10 12 13 11 15 ir 17 l 2ii II J2 2.1 21 -li 10 20 '21 22 1.1 SI li 27 l" 2Wm . 211 27 2r JOJti 31 ... i s 3 x.. . . :. I 4 A 0 l 10 5 3 16 17 8 II 12 II II 13 10 li I' 10 II 12 13 14 13 I- 10 20 21 K 21 21 in 17 ll 10 20-21 22 20 27 IS 21' 10 .11 23 '21 So '20 S7 SS 29 - - 30 l 2 3 4 f. f. J Pre-... inns f mo nun il t p o io 1 1 12 i.i 13 in 17 1 10 20 21 II 15 in 17 I' 19 '20 22 21 2123 20 27 23 21 22 M 24 25 20 27 ii n .10 3i Rati Road Time Table. I lACKA WANNA & BLOOMSBTJHG RAIL ROAD NORTn. BODrn Iccommodatton Train, 0.E6 A.M. 8.00A.M. latl Train 1,111,11 4.49 P. M fcpress Train 1 J7 1'. M. 11.43 A. M CATAWIS3A RAIL ROAD. NORTI1 1 BOOTH accommodation Train 6,83 A. M. T,80 p. M. beular Expres 4.06 P. M. 11,41 A. M. ITtirongh cars on Express train either to New York r pmiadclphlr. Accommodation train runs between fctawlssa and Wltllamsport. STAGE LINES. m t . .... , . . . AMKRA ANU UlAAJMSBUIUl. lAJUlU V.UlUUru i-lUUUBJ. tv-anesaay ana rnaay at. G:sua. m., arrive at nioomsDurg oy maun, m. iaio-yv liiogmsnurg on same nays uiu:r umva.1 ui i unaueipuia mail. nootrsooad and lairosvillk, Lcavo Uilrdsvtue TuesdKy. Tnursaav ana saiuraav at ran a. m., arriving at Bloomsburg by 'a m. Leavo Blooms burg on same days after arrival or Pnrladelphla man i no tuage nno terminates aL juiuviue. Irnton and Bloomsburg. A dally stage lino leaving nenton in me murning auu returning in mo eve ning oi too Bame aay. MAIL ROUTES. Iiim IIali. and Bloomsbcro. Leave White Ball Tuosaay, i nursaay ana saiuraay aL e:30 a. m., arriving at Bloomsburg by 10 a, m. Leave UloomS' burs on same days alter arrival ot Philadelphia mall. bntom and BLooMSBtrRfl. Leaves Benton Monday, tveanesaay ana rnaay ais a. m., arriving at Bloomsburg at s p. m. LcaveB Bloomsburg rues day, Tnursday and Saturday at 8 a. m arriving at Bsntonat Jp. m. TO SUBSCRIBERS. The date on the printed slip pasted on your piper shown to what time the paper is paid for. fli cue names and dates are printed on long Beets, and cut off and pasted on with a mail- g machine, each week. As. each subscriber hys, the date is changed on the slip in pencil, Id the corrections made monthly. It some- nts happens therefore that the change does it appear on the paper for two or three weeks er payment, and we are often notified by sub libers wfio think the omission to change at ce is a mistake. This explanation is made that all may understand why the change does It appear Immediately. It is a good deal of ouble to make the changes and much more nvenientj) to tnake all the changes for the bnth at one time, than to make each one as fy occur. tf FUULIU SALES. II. A. Ammerman, Administrator of John (eland will Bell real estate on the premises in Ihingcreek township on Saturday March 15th hwojo'clock p. m. (Tolin Kltngaman, Executor of John Shuman, Beaver township, will sell real estate on the. Imlses on Saturday March, 8th at 10 o'clock ont begins next Wednesday. 3o to tho Skating Rink to-night. Thcro fill be music nnd fine skating. 1 It sno wed nearly all of Monday morning the sun brightly shining. t linv Jackson's Best Hived Navy Tobneca. 3ur soldiers should not forget the Convention his place on. next Saturday. There was quite a fall of snow on Monday kht, which pal died up the Weighing again. Wanted. 200 tons of good Uemlock Bark Silas Young, Light Street. Feb. 21 4-w Sine of the twelve blast furnaces in Pittsburg i vicinity are in blast, producing about five pusand tons of pig iron each weeek, rhe lecture announced for Wednesday night the Methodist church was postponed by the ness of Dr. Das hi el. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Wolf celebrated the enty fifth anniversary of their wedding last lek. rhe manufacture of powder kegs will be car- I on at Kupert by W, M. Monroe as succes- ) I. S. Monroe & Son. Charles Ilelwig, an employee at the Cata. Isa paper mill, had three lingers mashed be en the rollers last week Thursday. Pur thanks are due Senator Jackson and presentatives Vandarslice and Knittle for ilional interesting public documents. iir, E. P, Lutz, formerly of this place now re ng at Bangor, Pa., spent a few days In town I week. the Berwick Car Works are filling a largo ler. Uur sister town Is favoreu in naving Ih a factory. It is reported that the Irondalo Company soon 6tart their second furnace. This ;j like business. there is a good deal of sickness just now. hiy c' lluren have had severe attacks of croup some cases have resulted fatally, i township officers should not forget that the I requires them to publish annual statements llie newspaper. the Court last weik, besides the usual rou- f business, tried, or otherwise disposed of 31 fi.TliU la tl arp work. I'ldge Ilardlog of Luzerue countv has insti- 1 proceedings against J. C. Coon, editor of Sunday i'am Dealer, for libel. al Tuesday was a uood Kul in dav. Ife I noi see his shadow and will not go back for r at least. knly Treasurer Sweppenhlser has bem un f for several weeks nast. Ila ffai In town nn i, , poesuay, and is ilowly Improving, but is not '"J wen yet. J Powell will jell personal property at r I"" """"'ng! Jiam street below Mark. N Saturday, March 1st at two o'clock p tonoihln cWil i obtaineil a '-owmbun office for 3 cent api lece . Willi r- " mill on rec nl of nrU r, for iitj . ... . . v - number ' " " cenis ailulllonal to pay postage, Pff Hoffman went to Philadelphia on rJithlnn.l, ... Ii " , -r"un, vanuyae amutuut, " THE Th.e annual tattle for local officer! look place on Tuemiay last. Oreat preparatloni were mad by the party facetiously known as Ih Labor-Ke-formers, for a clean sweep. On Saturday night they held a caucus In the arbitration room at the Court liouse.whlch was packed in the In terest of ccrlaln parties. James Thomas, the constable of last year, was ignored, and J. 0 Sterner nominated In Ms loce. The old mem bers of the Council, viz. Herring, Uabb, Sharp less and Evans, were renominated. On the oth er hand no caucus was held, but the ticket was quieuy made up on Monday. The old mem bers of the council, Holmes and Drinker, were put on the ticket, and O. M. Lockard was aub stituted for Elwell who declined to serve anoth n year. When Tuesday arrived the forces gathered for the strnggle, and It soon became apparent that the parly that had carried the town last year, were now disorganized by inter, nal diwenslons.and dissatisfaction with iK m they elected. The result was defeat to themselves and success to the business men.the men who pay three-fourths of the town tates,, the genuine la. ooring men. Dir. Herring made a good officer J he Is a careful business man and has been niton. live to his duties as President of the Town Coun cil, lie made a mistake, however, In setting himself ap against a large majority of nronertv owners, turning loose upon the streets herds of callle, and caused considerable dissatisfaction by nnPt.tn ...Mt. ' aiivimiuciiui ranue last year. The re sult of this election cannot be misunderstood. It says that the elections in this town must be con ducted on different principles herafter, anil that when a citizen wants to keen himself at the head of the council, he must run In the Interest of the whole town, and not for any particular clique. The following is the result of the balloting. rretident of Tom OmncU. EastDisL WestDist. Total. I. S. Kuhn, 185 151 33S. 0. A. Herring, 170 123 293 Kuhn's majority. 43 Memieri cf Council. W. 0. Holmes, 331 381 397 303 329 340 277 301 287 231 255 261 COS C88 C81 531 681 G10 ' 625 330 238 ' 142 327 423 121 195 151 19 1 449 301 215 239 4 703 4G9 E. It, Drinker, G. M. Lockard, B. F.Sharpless, J. S. Evans, W.Habb, ChmlabU. M.C.Woodward,' 311 2H Jas. Thomas 178 158 J. C. Sterner, , 120 112 John Penman, 88 51 School Dirutort, B.F.Zarr, 217 110 O.T.Wilson, 151 209 V. 11. Freeze, 101 17 Thomas Webb, 109 80 Charles Krug, " 97 61 J. B. Graul, 11 5 D. Brifoglo 1 Assessor!. ' E. Mendenhall, 235 211 P. Billmyer, 171 133 C ILHousel ICO 85 K. Harris, 137 102 P. Freeze, 2 2 Attittanl Attettttrs. P S. Ilarman, 450 307 W. Hartman, 237 232 Jiulge 0 Election East District. Billmyer, 231 Caleb Barton, 101 Inspector. Andrew Solleder, 120 Q. M. Lockard, 107 I. Hagenbuch, . 92 Judge of Election WttDutrict. T. J. Morris, 105 J. M. Hower, 92 E. Furman, 67 nsTwfor. 110 J. K. Eyer, E. B. Bidlcman, 75 Gl E. M. Knorr, The star marks those elected. It will be observed that tho entire election board in tho East District is composed of Democrats, while the West District is all Itcpublican. The total voto cast last year for President of tho Town Council was 053, and Herring's ma jority wus 51. The whole voto on Tuesday was 029 with 43 majority for Kuhn, making n dif ference of 91 on last year's volo with 21 less votes. Vote for Council 1878. Drinker Holmes Elwell Itnbb 530 175 521 079 713 G73 Evans Sharpless COURT PROCEEDINGS. Oscar Hagenbuch vs. Michael Graver's Ad ministrators. Verdict for plaintiff. And now Feb. 11, 1879, ordered that a venire be issued In the Oyer and Terminer and Quar ter be-stous for a Orand Jury for May Sessions 1879 ; also that venires be issued for forty-eight .traverse Jurors in said courts for the 6rst week of said May sessions one and the same panel ,to be drawn and annexed to each of said venires : also that a venire be issued for thirty-six Tra verse J urors for the second week of said May term in the Common Pleas. Bv the Court. Keport of sale in estate of Peter Hclwig, con firmed nl si. Report of sale of estate of Isaiah Yeager, con firmed nfel, License granted to Wm. Williams of Ber- wuk. J. B. Scott vs. Bernard Stohner, verdict for plaintiff for $119. Gomer,Thomaa vs. Morris Mitchell, verdict io favor of plaintiff for damages to the amount of $21 80. C. O. Murphy vs. Conyngham and Centralia Poor District. Jury with drawn and judgment by consent for $006 40. Adam Will vs. Wellington Case, verdict for plaintiff for the sum of $319 24, C. 0. Murphy vs. Conyngham and Centralia poor district. By permission of the Court plain tiff was allowed to withdraw an irJer for $119 from his bill and by consent judgment was tak en for balance $69. J. A. Suhrcok vs. J. W. Hoff.nan et al on mo tion of Counsel, Court directed a non-suit to be entered. Elizabeth Hartman vs. Benjamin ICrum, ver dict for plainlifl for $780 02. F. P. Drinker vs. J. B. Koblnson et al ver dict for plaintiff for $527 91, John lloston'B adni. vs. Wm. L. Parks ver dict for plaintifffor land in question subject to this condition : that if Die defendant pay In $180 42 with interest by 15 day of January 18. 82, then the judgment to be set aside. On motion of counstl for plaintiff a new trial was granted. February 20th, and March 29th, were fixed for adjourned Court. C'atawi88A Election. Tho result of the election in Cntawlssa is at follows: Justice of the Peace, Clinton Ellis. Judge of Election C. E.llargerum. Inspectors, Joseph Walter, Wil.iam Herner. School Directors, J. B. Yettcr.'ll. It. Davjs, Poor Overseers, Jesse Meusch, J". H. Geary, Supervisors, William Sharpless, Daniel Gen sel, Constable, Adam Mensch. Assessor, Lewis Neyhard. Aasietant Assessor, D. W. Walter. Auditor, S, B. Diemer. Clinton Ellis has been appointed Justice of tho Peace by Governor Hyt, to fill the vacan cy caused by resignation of Hon. J, II. Knittle in Catawissa. Ho was also elected on Tuesday for the tucccedidg term of five years. COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PX A horse belonrlnc to Mr. Jnaonh tlr.l.t, of near Catawissa, was last Saturday nlgnt taken from the stable of Mrs. Mull on Main street, where the animal had been left by a son of Mr Hrelsh, who tame to town eatly In tieevenlng The horse was missed when the vounir mm was ready to start home. Thinking that wrhaps some one had taken It home by way of a Joke young llrelsli started homo on foot. Upon go ing to the stable he did not find the horse. Saddling up another animal In hot haste lie rode tip the creek above Geary's mill to his bra ider, whom he started in the direction of Main villi to look for the thief, ileturning to town and securing company, the vounit man Btarted for Danville, taking the road on this side of the river. Whei about three miles below town they overtook the thief and his booty, but was unable to catch tho man as he took to the woods through the fields. It Is supposed that the tblefwasatramp and unacquainted with tin roads, as he certainly had started long enouiili la advance of his pursuers to be farther away than he was when overtaken. CutatriW Itcm,of Ml veek Berwick Election. The following borough officers were elected at Berwick on Tuesday 1 ChiefJUurgcsi i A. I). Seely. 1 Assistant! Levi Bredbenner, Town Council ! M. W Jackson, M. V. Pal mer, David Dandier, Hudion Owen, J. H. Eis ner. J. M, Moorehead. School Directors s H. L. Freas, C. 0. Jack, son. Justice of the Peace: Wm. J. Knorr. Constable : John G. Jacoby. Assessor : Alex Thompson. Assistant Daniel Ileedy, Henry Wanlch. Judge of elections : Wm. J. Garrand. Inspectors: Wm. M, Bredbenner, Wm. Thomas, Poor Overseers : O. H. P. Kitchen, Reuben Mover. High Constable: John Frantz. Auditor : H. R. Bower. The Boatmans' Association of the state of Pennsylvania held their annual meeting a' Eckert'e Hotel, Feb. 3d. I' or the ensuing term Jeremiah Molfern, of Espy, was elected President j Capt. Funk, of Liverpool, Secretary, nnd Wm. H. Morgan, of Northumberland, as Treasurer. Captains Harrison Heavner, of Berwick, and A. R Hunt, oi Northumberland, were appoint ed a committee to confer with the officers of the Susquehanna Coal Co., and present the claims of the boatmen.ahd ask for a raise in the freight on all points between Nantlcoke add New York' of 5 cents a ton, and alw to try to arrange for a demurrage to all boats detained in unloading over four days. Itorthmbcrland Jlress. Hot water is now claimed to be third might iest the pen first, the sword second, ond then not water. This scientific discovery has been made by the Sivage Mining Company, near Virgins City, and it is likely to early havs a pract'eal lest applied to It. It'seeon a little un pleasantness be'ween the above-named Company and one known as Sullro, and the. litter have a body of armed men In revliocss to defend their rights, homes, altars, fires!de, etc., while the Savage Company propose to tight their oppo. nenls with a judicious distribution of hot water forced by powerful pumps nnd engines. Who dare say this is not an age of progress nnd civil-. Ization ? Instances of marriage resulting from corres pondence between strangers are frequently read of, but the Chicago 2K6une tells a differ ent story about ft pair who, after exchanging letters, met by appointment in that city. "The surprise with which she discovered that he, instead of being 27, tall, dark, and aristocratic, was 40, stumpy, red headed, fat, and bow leg ged, was only equalled by tho rapturous amaze ment with which he discovered that she, in stead of being willow ly of figure, just 18, with warm golden hair an opalescent complexion, nnd blue eyes like limpid lakes, was six feet one, if she was an inch, 62 if she was a day, weighing 300 pounds if she did an ounce, and with no warm yellow or nny other hair of her own." Mrs. Mix has the reputation of a miracle worker in Litchfield County, Conn., nnd wond erful stones of her powers are told. Sho is said to cure by tho laying on of hands. Tho strange thing is that sho will take no pay, bo lieving that sho has been divinely appointed to heal the sick, and that sho could effect nothing if8ho had n merccmry motive. The physi cians say that her influence is remnrkable, but ascribe it to tho credulity of her patients. Her success is usually confined to superstitious per sons. The Legisliture of Nw Jersey is expected to pass a bill providing that before justices of the peace can be commissioned, they must submit to a through examination, as to moral standing and fitneai for the position, by a Judge of the Supreme Court,when if the result is satisfactory, the commission is issued otherwise it is with held aod the vacancy duly filled. What a change would need to come over the spirit of the dreams of the average ward and township caucus if such a bill were to pass our Legisla. ture. Union Leader. On Wednesday cveninc of lat week George Hassert and wife celebrated their silver wedding. Some 53 guests were in attendance "and all went merry as a marriage bell." The presents were numerous and appropriate. Mr, Hassert has lived in our mid-t for a number of years, and has earned a good reputation as a mechanic and as a citizen. May he and his excellent wife "liv long and prosper" is the wish of teir many friends. Factory Facts. Close confinement, care ful attention fo all factory work, gives the oper atives palid facen, poor appetite, languid, mis- erable feelings, poor blood, Inactive liver, kid neys and urinary troubles, and all tho physi cians and medicine in the world cannot help them unless they get out doors or use Hop Bit ters, made of the purest aud best of remedies and especially for such cases, having abundance of health, sunshine nnd rosy cheeks In them. None need suffer if they will use them freely. They cost but a trifle. See ano'her column. The protracted meetings which havo been in progress for some weeks ut the Lutheran church, clocd last week Thursday evening. Much good was accomplished and many added to the church. An entertainment at the Normal Hall will bo given by the Philologian Literary Society on Saturday evening. There willbe a drama, music, singing by the Bloomsburg Quartette, Ac. Admission 25 cents, children 10 cents. Mrs. Margaret Shaffer, wife of Samuel Shnf. er 8r., died on the 10th inst., aged 73 years, G months and 5 days. Mr. and Mrs. Shaffer were married over fifiy years ngo, and had liv ed here over twenty five years- The greatest excitement prevails in Pittsburg among llie cattlemen over the recent order of the British government prohibiting the Impor tation of cattle from America. Pittsburg ships 3,000 head of cattle to Europe a wetk. Tho Williamsport lumbermen estimate that they will get a hundred and seventy million feet of logs into the boom this season, which will exceed the amount for last season some fif ty million. Sheriff Hoffman went to WllIiamsiort lost Saturday to serve the rules, on theTreasurer and councils of that city, to sho-r cause why an at tachmeut should not issue for non-compliance with the order of the court in lheclty bond cu.se. The rule was returnable on Thursday, BOTTON'S NtOIUBEO SWIM, After having rested for sevcrat day nnd on tlrely recovered fjpm the uncomfortable cf- iccis 01 111s icrriiiie voyage down the Alleghe ny river, Cnptnin Paul lloyton announces his intention of again entering tho water at the junction of tho Monongahela and tho former stream, thr point where ho left it on his nrrl vnl nt Pittsburg, nnd of continuing hi Toyngo down tbo Ohio river. His ultimate destination Is nt present undecided, but tbo hardy voyager says ho will float to Now OrleonJ, nnd perhaps to tho Gulf of Mexico, unless the malar! il fe vers, which frequently prevail nlone the Miss issippi, should prevent Mm. To mnko this journey ho will have to pass through innumcr- able eddies and rapids, and Bhoot tho great lolls nt Louisville. Nothing daunted, however ho is making preparations for the trip, and In tends to start on Thursday. People nlong tho whole lino of tho river nro deeply interested in tlio proposed feat, and many express tho opin ion that Boyton can never reach New Orlcnns nlivo. Wednesday nfternoon ho will try the wntcr of tho Monongahela just above Brad docks. A point nbovo twclvo miles from tho Ohio is now full of floating ice, but it is espeo ted that it will thin out beforo llie timo 'fixed for tho start. The person.or persons, who borrowed our 2nd volume of Wright's Index, Binn's Jusllce, and the two volumes of Sharswoods's lllackstone. will please return them. The senior editor would also request tho return of some borrowed metallic cases, patent, capper Ac, belonging to his Parker breech loading gun. . Augustus Mason a well known citizen of this place was buried on last Tuesday, aged about CO years. We are Informed that he was a na tive of this comity. Fur many years he follow" ed his trade as n farmer, and was well known throughout the county. Mr. Mason was never married. A bill to perpiit the electors of tho city of Philadelphia, and of eacli county in tho com monwealth to voto every three years on the question of granting licenses to sell intoxica ting liquors, was introduced in tho House at Harrisburg on first rending, on the 19th inst. In the Senate, a joint resolution amending tho constitution by abolishing the board of par dons, passed first reading. William Krickbaura and his counsel, Col. S . Knorr, went to Harrisburg on Wednesday to attend the hearing before the Attorney General In the Prothonotary contest. Mr. liucknicw and M, E. Jackson,nl-o counsel for Krickbaum, were prevented from attending by lllne-s. Col. Freeze and E. E. Orvis represented the other side. W. II. Jacoby and C. B. Brockway are al$o in Harrisburg as lookers-on. Lloyd Paxton, infant son of E. W. Fulton Of llupert, was buried in Kosemunt cemetery laS( biinday afiernoon, having died on Friday from croup. Mr. Fullon was tinalle to attend the funci.il, as he has been confined tt his bed for some lime, and is still dangerously ill. Our sympithies are v.ilh the lereocl parents. We understand that James P, Ilerdic, late National candidate for Senate in this District, has offered $23 00 rewaid for the name of the writer of an article in some ncwspiper charging him with having fired the Hottl at Minntqua, and S100 reward for any person who will swear tliat he saw him nt Minnequa the evening of the fire. As Jar.-s seems to be flui, some editor3 in this sccti, ' would be pleased if he would pay their little bills for printing his tickets.' 'A friend in need is a friend indeed." Such a friend is Dr. Bull's Cough Syrnp.which should be m every family ; it only costs 25 cents a bot tle and may savo a doctor bill. The post-office department has ordered a new postage stamp to bo me 1 on letters not prepaid. The new stamp is put on the letter not prepaid and Bent to the office of its destination, who is charged with the amount due, and to col'ect tho sama from the person on the delivery of the let ter. THE CItOW.NTNO DISCOVERT. All the '-phones" of this phonetic age ore Buspisaed in practical benefit to mankind, by tho discovery of Allen's Anti-Fat, the great and only known remedy for obesity, or corpulency. It produces no weakness or any oilier unpleas ant or injurious (ffect, its notion being simply confined to reguhting digestion, and preventing an undue assimilation of the carbonaceous, or flesh-producing, elements of tho food Said by druggists. Ellsworth, Kan., July 13th, 1878. Botanic Medicine Co., Buffib, N. Y.: Gentlemen Allen's Anti-Fat reduced me seven pounds In one week. Yours respectfully, Mrs. Tayloii, Tioiit Skiiits No Moue. Fashion articles tell us that clinging dresses are going slowly, but surely, out of fashion ; anil that' tied back dresses have become things of the past. They have recently earned a bad name from the f tct that Invettigation has proved that ruiny of the' women drowned at the wreck of the Princess Alice owed their utter inabil ity to help themselves when hflp was giv en them, to the fact of their being encumbered with the tight-clinging skirts, which held them down. The Court has been making witresses and jurors toe the mark this week with more than usual promptitude. A jfror was fifteen or twenty mlnutei late on Tuesday morning. The Judge called him to account and fined him $10. The same morning a witness was a little late and an auacument went lor mm. lie was soon on hand, gave his evidence,and was dlrectedto ny costs of the attachment. ImIc Jlaven Democrat. Medical men often puzzle themselves over the large sale that Dr. Bull's Biby Syrup enjoys. Its great popularity Is due only to tho excellent qualitief poesesed by this householl medicine. 25 cents. A Norwalk husband disiovered proof that n neighbor was in lovo with his wife, and agreed toktepthe 6ecret for $100; but the lover paid on ly $50, whereupon tho husband divulged about half of the truth. I had twelve strokes of Paralysis. My leg, arm and tongue were useless ; was obliged to uie a;Calheter every day. Doctor Giles' Lini ment Iodide Ammonia has cured uu. Will nnswer any inquiries, so that nil afllicted may know of It. Jons ArrniL. North Brannford, Conn, Sold by all druggists. Send for pamphlet. Dr. Giliu, 120 West Broadway, N, Y. Trial size 25 cents. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired fenru practice, hav ing had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy, for the speedy and permanent cuie for cousumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, and all throat and lung aflectlons, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility nnd ail nervlous complaints, after having tested its won derful curative jiowers iu thousands of cases, has felt It his duty lo make it known to his suf firing fellows. Actuated by tilts motive, and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send, free of charge, to all.who desire it, this recipe, with full directions for preparing and using, in German, French, or English. Send by mall addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. W. Shear, 149 lWia' Block, Itochest. r. New York. Jan. 31 l.w Whle Annko for March 1870. Wideawake Is always nolablo forsoirio one paper of permanent wiluo Uotli old ami young J am! In tin March Wide Awake his "star paper" is of special lnlfrst,"The Vcikins Institution for the Blind,, with Its dozen Illustrations? nnd its crayon portraits of Dr. Howe and Laura Bridgmnn, Also noticeable .la rfo.JU of tho American Ar tists Series by 8. G. ,W. Benjamin, giving a crayon portrait ot R. Swain OilTord sketch ing out'Of-doors.wltli n finely engraved copy of ouo of his latest paintings, '.'Little River, Dartmouth, Mass." The boys will enjoy tho funny story of "Why didn't He Catch n Fox?" by J. R. Stewart, with its four funny pictures by "Boz, and will laugh heartily over the pictorial four-page poem of "John- nv Sieve rmri What Purno nt lit. tM.it 11 rThere U n fine art poem bj Margaret J. I'reslon ; "1 ho Child Unphael'nccompniiled 1y n lovely drnwlng.and Muurlco Thomson has a Bear Hunting piece of verse. Tho little boys' serial, "Don Quixote, Jr.," by John Brownjolin, is. very amusing : whllo "St. Olave'.s," the big boys' school serial, is of breathless Iutcrest. "The Dogberry Bunch," the third serial, promises to be n very bright story. There is another of tho truo "Pet Stories" which have become n feature of Wide Awake, this timo about "A Tame Crow." Then there Is a largo Print story. and puzzles and Music, nnd tho report of what "Tho Wide Awake Helpers" (n socl ly of the little readers of Wide Awake, with a membership all over the United States) have dono this year for the poor children of Bos ton. Only $2. a year. Ella Farman, Editor. D. LolhropA Co., Publishers, Boston. Now is n good time to subscribe. Ask tho Pub. lishersof your weekly paper to send for Wlelo Awake for you. Almost Unricil Alitt. Tho Atchison Patriot of Kansas tells a rc uiarkablo story concerning tho resurrection of a woman who was about to bo buried. 'Pen ny Dysart is tho wife of John Dysart, a col ored man living in West Atchison. About Christina timo Mrs. Dysart was obliged to tako her bed on account of dropsy, anil at about midnight on Tuesday of last week she seemed todic. On Wednesday friends looked at the body, condoled with tlio husband and children and luado preparations for tho fu neral. On Wednesday night watchers Eat by the supposed corpse, and Thursday was fixed a3 the day of burial. On Thursday (ho body was robed for tho grave nnd placed in tho coffin. Tho funeral was to tako place at three o'clock, at which hour tho houso was well filled with mourning friends. Tlio hcar'o was waiting at tho door and llie body was soon to bo borno to its hit resting place. As tho lid of the cofliu was tlirowujback to allow a farewell look at tlio body, one visitor laid her band ou the forehead of tho supposed dead woman, and, with 11 cry of astonishment declared that tho body was warm. Physi cians wcie sent for. They applied tho usual tests, and said that life still remained. Tlio bidy was taken from the coffin, remedies and restoratives were adminisleicd.and tho patient was soon conscious and sensible, and is in a fair way of recovery. Cyclopedia of Literature. Tho new eight volume Acme Edition of "Chamber's Cyclopedia of English Literature is meeting with tho largest sale which has probably aver been given to a work having only high literary merit and nothing of the sensational. A sceoml edition of 5.000 con ies.of volunia 1 is announcol as ncarlv all sold within 0110 month after issuo of the first edition. Volume 2, jut received, gives the history and epitouio of our literature, from tho "gol den ago" of Queen Elizabeth to 1700, giving initsUG beautiful pages biographies of and choice selections from tho writings of all no ted authors ot that period, among which aio Lord It icon, Sir Walter Raloigii, Uurlon, Bishop Hall, John Knox, Miltn, Drydeu, Jeremy laylor, and others. Tho work is of such well known excellence that every person of literary taste possesses ordesiies to posses eouio edition of it. This edition is complete in eight handy volumes, excellent in typogia- l'hy. paper and bin ling, rovUed to date, and sold nt pi iocs so low, th it a coniiiiou question which tlio publishers havo to answer is, "whether tho piico is for cacli volume or tho cutiro work V It is sold only to subsciibetij direct, tho largo discount usually given to Uealcis and agents, being allowed to, the sub scriber iu-tead. The publishers make special iuduceuieuts to eaily purchasers, tho eight volumes complete being sent prepaid, to thoso who havu subscribed beforo Maich 15th, iu paper for $2.50, in cloth, $3.50, or in half morocco, gilt top, S5. Specimen pages aro sent freo on request, or a specimen volumo for exaniiuatiou, with privilege of purchaso of the remainder, for nominal prices ; in paper, 20 cents ; cloth, 33 cents : half morocco, gilt top, 50 couts. ''American Cook Excliauac." 55 Heckui an street, New York, Mulcted fur Libel. An award of $1,000 damages was rendered Saturday agaiujt A. A. Chase, editor of the .nutoii Daily limes, in behalf of W. W. Scrautou, plaiutiff, The Timet had alleged that .Mr. bcrautou, who led a body of vigi lantes in 1877 against tho rioters of tlio city of Scranton was a murderer. Thrco men upon tho rioting side were killed iu tho melee at that timo. A Kailboad Tuack Sinks Thero was a caving in of tho surface on tho Mine Hill branch of tho Philadelphia nnd ltoading rail" toad bunday morning, Three hundred feet of tho track disappeared, without a moment's warning, into tho workings of tlio Itichardson colliery, near Glen Carbon. It will tako sev eral months to fill the cavity and havo tho road in order. Two years ago Miss Minnie Lombard aetd nineteen years, daughter of It. F. Lombard living at No 711, Jefferson street, West Chester, became blind after a severe attack of typhoid fever. Ou Wednesday morning of last week she awoke early complaluing of a severe Headache, ller mother amilleil warm water. She again went to sleep and the a ecoad time found her bight fully ro- stored. - - . . Mr, llnycs has signed tho bill permitting women to practice in tho United State? su preme court . Marriages. Lowk ItuoADES .At Calanlssa Feb. lttth I... 1, r 1, r. 1 ... -. uy aver, w, . jcuani, jsir, Jiarry Lowe, to Sliss Mary Ann llhoads both of Montour town 'hip Columbia county Penn'a. HASSON'SamRi l,T'liV"Sl l''ci""fl"UnicailoiiiinincJy j luon for tiiu ouw (Wsi. ii.hu. U I "J"i ' Tinat ai lmt,'cmr, I ('bwliiciapierlwtiityjfani. TRY f-iii.i . 1 Ac.l lartts Inttlri Hi ;.,"il)i-. 111,1 HI.U I. IS 111 dtcHi, Tj-Jm Uico Tne Clrt-nt Discovery. E. P. KunkePs nttter Wind 6f Iron. For tho euro ot Wf-sk stomach, genen.I,deblllly, In digestion, disease 0! tho nervous jstem conittpntlon, acidity ot thettomacli and all cases requiring a tonlo. Tho wtoo Includes the most agreeable nnd efficient Sail of Iron woptssess. titrate or .Mi.gni tli! Oilde, combined with the most cncrgcllo cf igctable tonics-Yellow I-cruilsn Hark. Tlio enect In many cases of debility, loss of appc tlio, and general prostration, of an efilclcnt Salt of Iron combined wltu valuable) Nervo tonlo Is most happy, it augments the appetite, raises the pulse, t ikes on muscular flablncss, removes the pallor of debility, nnd gives a II 01 Id vljfor to tlio counten anco. Do j ou want something to strengten you ? Do you want a good nppctlto Do you want to build up your constitution t Do you want to feel wrllr Do you want to get rid ot nervousness Do you want ener gy f Do you want to sleep well T Do you want brisk and vigorous feelings t If you do, try KuakcPs Wine of Iron. This truly valuabto toulc has been thoroughly test ed by nil classes ot tho community, that It Is now lndlspensibloasfttonlc medicine. It costs but lit. tie, purines tho blood and gives tono to tho stomach, renovates the system and prolongs life. I now only nsk a trial of this valuable tonic," Piico f I per bottle a P. Knnkel, Sole proprietor, Phila delphia, l-a. Ask your Druggist for Kunkel's Bitter Wlno ot Iron nnd tako no other make, sold only In It bottles. All others aro counterfeit so beware of them. Get.BlxlioltlesforfS. WOltJIS ItKMOVnD AL1VK. E. P. Kunkcl'a Worm Sj rup never falls to destroy Pin, scat, and Stomach Worms. Dr. Kunkel.Istho only successful rhyslclan In this country for tho re moval of worms. Ho removes Tnpo Worm with head, And all comploto, dllvo In I 0 hours,and no leo until removed. Stud for a circular or call on jour drURflst and neta botlloot Kunkel's Worm Syrup, prlco It. It never falls. flOOI) ADVICB. Now is tho time of yenrfor Pnenmonia.Lung 1'eyer, Ac. . Every family should hnve n bottle of Boschee's Gcrinnn Syiup. Don't nllow for one moment tM cough to tnko hold of your child, your family or yourself. Consumption, Asthma, Pneumonia, Croup, IIcmorrhnges,nnii other fatnl diseases may set in. Although it is true German Syrup Is curing thousands ol theio drendcd diseases, yet it is much better to havo it nt hand when three doses will cure you. line bottlo will Inst your wholo family n winter and keep you safe from danger. If you nro consumptive, do not rest until vnn lmin imiwI this remedy. Snmplo bottles 10 cents. Kegular size 75 cents. Sold by your druggists. . hit .111 'TK.lC 11 'ft- -vi ... j IN THE WHOLE HISTORY 01' MEDICINE. No prepara'ion has ever nerformed such mar. vellous cures, or maintained so wide n repmn tion, us Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which is rec- . . -vim o ii-uieuj' Kir mi ui&en&ea of tho throat and lungs. Its lorg continued sorbs of wonderful cures in nil climates has made it universally known ns a safe nnd relia ble ngent to employ. Against ordinary colds, which nro tho forerunners of more serious dis order, it nets speedily and surely, always re lieving suffering, nnd often saving life. Tho protection it nffords, by its timely use in tlio throat nnd lunir disorders of children, mat it nn invaluable remedy to be kept alwnvs on hand in every home. No person can nfl'ord to bo without it, nnd those who have once used it never will, i romtlieir knowledge of its com position and effects. Physicians uso tho Cherry Pectoral extensively in their nractire. nml Clergymen recommend it. It is nbsoluteiy ccr tnin iu its remedial effects, nnd will always euro where cures nro possible. roil hAi.E nv am. dealers. jl no 1. Business Notices Tho h!ghrt CASII PIUCE paid for Ranr Furs, Slunk.Fox, Mukrat, Raccoon, &c , it I). Lowcnberg's. NOTICE TO ALL"pEBONS ATTEND ING COURT. Clearing out at COST the surplus stock of Winter Clothing, Caps, itc. Call and see for yonrailves at tho old and reliable More of 1). Low cut r .r. Boot headquarters at JIcKinney's. For 50 cents von can btiv a ten vnrd Cali co Dress Pattern at Lutz & Sloan's. McKinneys House. ' Shoe Store, below Court You can get good dark or light ca'icocs at Lutz & Sloan's for 5 cents n yard. Admission free nt McKinney's. The prico of all Dree3 Goods reduced at Lutz & Sloans. Call at McKinney's for Shoes. Moro new Dress Goods lo come in this week at Lutz & Sloans. Rubbers at McKinney's. A fine selection of Ladies' Gold Watches and Chains, both American and imported by tho best makers at L. Reruhard's Jenil- ry Store. Boots nnd Shoes cheap at McKinney's. DO U I i I N 'S iril EOTRlcfSO A P. Having obtained the agency of this Cklehratkd Soap for Bloomsburg and vicinity. I append the opinion of some of our best people as to its merits. have used Dobbin's Electric Soap made by I. L. .Crugiii & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., lor washing about ten vear.. and think it superior to any other. Mrs. O. G. B.irkley." wo have used Dobbin s Electric Snap and fin;l it superior to any other or all others. J!rs. W. II. Jacoby, Mrs. B. II. Stohner. I desire ail my friends and customers to Gire this fidap ons Trial, so that they may know just how good the jiesi. cuiip in mo uuitcu ciuieb J, J. II. Maize, july 12, '78-ly Bloomsburg, Pa. Remember that Lutz & Sloan .chare-n vnn nnlv 7 cents a yard for Appletoh "A" -Muslin by tho bolt. atony-half Fokmkk Prices. (ioou Uiii-ssEus (HHrKTS, 1M per yarl. Inoruks, ntuui;. ..i i(i r.i i r.-, ll.lil.s, AAMI.NSTKIl, VELVETS. lIOllV-IlHlsKLSondTllltKE PI.YCAIi: PKTSatequillyln.v prices. niLCLOrilS. all widths from 85o. per yard. LAUKiTUTAINs, 1 00 per pal.-, to thonnest REAL LACE Imported, it SHLPPARD KNAPP'S 189 and 191 Sixth Avcrrae, Corror isth street, NEW YOU. nov. si is-om nico I will mail (I'Vcc) tlio recelp? for aslmrlr- Vkopta. bik iiaim that Hill remoiH Tan. t'HSOHLIX l'IM. I'LKSnnd lilotchcs leaving llie skin soft, clear and beuutitut: oho Instnictlnus for producing a luxuri ant croA in nt hair nn a bald iieuri iru,,,.,n, ,,. dJr.-ss, li.e'iisms So Un P, Den Vniulrlt k Co., to TO CONSUMPTIVES. Tim advertiser hating Uenpermiaentlyeuredof that diead dlbi-ase. CouMiuiptlnu, tiy aslinrle reme dy lsannluusto mnko- known to his fellow kunei. eiH tli i means of cure. To nU whodeslro It ha will si'nd n copy of the prescription used, (free of cliargn) with directions rnrpn-purlii?nim iiMnc the samu tvnleli thoy v. Ill Und a euro euro tor Uo.mTcmi-. Hon, AhtliLn, nronVliltls, Ac Parties wishing tho Prescription, will please ad dreu E.A, WILviN. nil l'enn bt w llllamsiburs, N, 1. aico jiov. tt, is-ciu ER.iORS OP YOUTH. AOentikman whosuflered for years from Nervous Ufbimtv PiiEiiATL-HK Dkcav , and all the enVcts of joulhlullndlbcrctlOD, win for tlw sakoof suner liig humanity, bend f leo to all who need It, tho reel h iiiul dlncflon fur msklDgtho Umple remedy by which hn wus cured, bufferira lsMnii torioatby tliu autcrtlser-s eiirleuco cuu do to by nldresslnJ In pu ff t cuurideui'e, JOHN ii.tHU)LN,42Cedarst.,Ncw Yoik. . nov. 89, is-nm atco PILES! Dr. Fabsr's Celc'eratcd Painless Remsiv is tho He,St,eu'r,.'!,"own ,or V" Es ot cvtrJ' Kti" loedtU!f, Itchlns, Wind, Inward. Ac.) und all du-a-sof tlio llfcirTL'li. W Jt-ttiLT ri-IVIlf. nr Innr btnrwlln,, 1. ........ Instant relief andtHeitsn rudleal and ls-rinahcnt Cure. It Is prebTlbed by ull ihjslclans whoaruac mumtnl with It. t hrunlc cases n-udlly i k-ld tu It. Stofcurtrlcnl ontratlou required. 'Irylt and rt-lleto our tuirei lni;s, OM.YM cents for al akuk Pace AiiK. t-i iit by mall on receipt uf price, lor sale by aU I'muUlbla. Da. J. FAUKll A- ifll vn Am. tt V uov. v, 'W-dra usco J OI! PUINTInr, Neatly and chuply eyecutnl at the Oh.hmiiian (Mi.. JOQ PRINTINO Qh hVEP.Y tX TOUTED PROMPTLY .. "t r . At "II, UUiiUMBIAM UiTIOr MAItKEIMtEPOltTS. BLOOMSBUKQ MARKET. Wheaper bushel., Corn, new, " oats, " ' ,. Flour per barrel ,. (Jlovcrscod flaxseed Iiutter it.ua .51 .45 .15 .( B.W .is .90 .17 Tallow ; " Potatoes Dried Apples , Hams .."!!.!;;;;;;;.. Hides tt Shoulders , ,i...... lArd per pound , Hay per ton ltccswax , Timothy seed IjnilTATIfiVM vim iviir so 04 .IT 8 .5 2.1(1 9? Wharf ,no per 1 on NO. B " " j'jj r .. no." to Blacksmith's Lntun on Wharf ............ t s.oo " lutumlnous .,... 4 eo ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SIfHRIFFS SALE. liytlrtuoof sundry writs Issued out of the Court ot Comma - Pleas of Columbia com ty, and to mo directed, will bo cvposed to publlo sate or out cry, at tlio Court House la Wootnsburg at one o'clock, pi m. on SATURDAY, MARCH 8tb, 1879, All that certain lot of eround sltuatoln Locust township, Columbia county.I'ennsjlvanla, described as ronows, to wit , Hounded on tho north by land of Jacob stine, on the south by land of Jacob Sttne, on tho ca,st by public road, and on the nest by land ot Joseph Carl, containing ono bundled and sixteen acrei moro or less, on which are erect id a frame houw, bam and out-bulldtcgs. bellied taken Into execution at the suit of Wm. 1'. I'fahlcr and Daniel Htlno, Administrator of Jacob Ktlne, deceased atralnst Solomon Yeager and to be sold as tho property ot Solomon Yeager. Ktkklv, Attorney. Vend. Ex. ALSO, Alt that cortatu lot sovonty-ono Bltuato In tho borough of llcrwlck, bounded and described as follows! llcglnnlng at a corner of .Mrs. Nicely lot on Front street running along said Front street forty-ntno feet six Inches to corner of lot be longing to John M vrt7, thencs'alotig satd MarU's to Second street one hundred and eighty-one nnd a half feet thenco nlong Second Mreet aforesaid forti nlnoanda half feet 'to tho corner of lot of Mrs. F Nicely ntoresald.lheoco along the same ono hundred and clghty-ouo and n halt feet to tho placo of begin, nlng, on which arj erected a two-story-frame dwel ling, frame stalle and out-bu'.ldlngs. Seized, taken In cxecutlou nt tho suit of Susan Jtambach, Executrix of Daniel Hambaeh for u-e of if. J. Knorr against l'btllpjl. Sonderllng tilth no tlco to George Waller and Henrietta his wile and to bo sold ns tho property or Thllip M. Scnderltngwlth notice to Oeorgo Waller and Henrietta his ttlle. Jacesox & Son, Attorneys, I cvarl Facias. ALSO, All that certain real estate sltuatoln the Town of Illoomsburg, Columbia county) Pennsylvania! bounded on tho nortli by public road, icadlug to Ks py, east by lot of II. C. Woodward, south by an al ley and west by l-oplir street, tthorcon aro erected a log houo, a shop, and other out-bulldlngs. Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of William Krickbaum against Peter Jones and to be sold as the property ot Peter Jones. Fritz. Attorney. AI.1T Fa. ALSO, All that certain tract of land situate Inllonrlng. creek township, bounded as fo'lots,to-wlt : llegin nlng at a pot a corner of land belonging to the es tate ct Wm. Yocum, lit noted; In lino of land of Eli jah Horn and running trotn thenco by land ot satd Elijah Horn, south twenty-one degrees, west one hundred nud slxtj-seTcn nnd one-half perches to aetonont tho public road called tho old Heading road thenco by said road by land of Thomas Itoach, north Hfty-tour degrees west eighty-two and two tenths perches to nstono In the aforesaid road thenco by satd road north eighty-one and a halt de grees west threo and one-rourth perches, thence north thrco and threo-tourths degrees east threo and slx-teutlis porches to a stono In u Held ot Michael Fedcrolf.and running by land belonging to tho estate ot Michael Jtowrer north eighty Degrees west twenty-four and six-tenths perches to an oak stump Ih tho. public road near by and at the houso nf John Wltchy thenco by tho publlo road called tho .Ml i'Gap road running by other land ot said Michael . . , .-rclf north eight and one-halt degrees west stx ty perches ton stone In Bald road, thence by the same north forty-one and a quarter degrees cast for ty nine perches to s post, thence by tho same north thirty-six and three-fourths degrees cast twenty nice and six-tenths perches to a stonn Jn said road, thence diverging from tho aforesaid road aud run ning by landot said Michael Federolf south sixty nine and one-half degrees east twenty-four and one halt perches to a stone, thenco by the Bamo north twenty-ono degrees ;ast twenty-two and eight-U-nths.perches to a stone In line of land belonging t the estate ot William Tocum, aforesaid, thenco by said line southslxtj-nlne ondn halt decrees, east t Ighty-scven perches to tho place of b-glnnlng, con taining Wiys acres neat measure be the samo moro or less, on which ora erected a dwelling house, barn and other out-bulldlngs. Seized, taken execution at the suit of William Mahler, and Daniel stlne. Administrators of Jacob SI tne, deceased who was Assignee of John It. Jones ajttnst Willi i m Swisher and to bo sold as the prop erty of Win. Swisher. Eyerlt, Attorney. Levari Facia?. ALSO, All that certain tract of unseated mountain la-id situate la .Mifflin tottnshlp, Columbia county, l'enn. sylvanla, bounded by land ot Daniel Nungesser," Al ram S-httcprenhelser and others, containing two hundred acres moro or less. ALSO, One lot ot ground sltuatoln tho town ot Mifflin vllle, Columbia county, TennsjlvanU, bounded on tin north by Second street, oast by lot of Joseph Mastellcr, south by Third or Main street, west by lot of A. J. lluckalew, wheroon are erected a frame dwelling house, barn and other out-bulldlngs. ALSO, One lot cf ground situate In tho town ofMiniln title, Columbia county, Pen- sjlvnnla, bounded on the north by Socond st rect, ou t ho cast by street on tho south by Thlrdor Main street, and on. tho west by lot ot John Keller, being s!xty.lx feet front ny two hundred nnd thirty feet deep. ALSO. All the defendant's title tu one lot of ground sttuato la tno town of Miminvllle, Columbia county. Penn, sylvanla, bounded on the north by Second street, ou the east by lot of John Keller on tho south by Third or Main street, and on tho west by lot of Theodoro redder. ALSO, All the deton dant's title In four lots of croundsltu nte In tho town ot Mira'.nvl'lc, Columbia county. rennsyivauia, oounaeu ont no north by Thlrdor Main btreet,east by strort, south by Fourth street and west by lot of Michael Knittle coutclnltic one ana a uair acres more or less. Seized, taken Into ciecutlon at the suit ot A. W. Creamer against John Ke'ler and to bo yildas the lui-viijp ui uuuu iitrut'r. Littles, Attorneys. Vend. E. ALSO, All that certain lot or pleco ot ground sltuato in Locust township, colutnbu county, state ot Penn silranra, bounded snd described as follows : iracir.o.1. iieginning at a stone In line of land of Kolb and Itaub, running thenco by land of Kolb! ana nam), soum Ttf degrees, tast '8 perches to a stone, taenco by the sams south ssjtf degrees wett I f-10 rcrches to a stone thence by land of satd Is aac Lewis north ;x degrees, west (0 perches to a liosv luuno uy jana oi William Shultz north M.if de greescost4i 3-10 perches to tho place otU-irlnnlnir. contalaUngso acres and 113 perches. i ract o.?. situate In Locust towashto.Columbla county, Statoot Pennsylvania, bounded as follows Adjoining other lands ot William Shutz tho execu. Hon defendant and Henry Fisher and Iteutien Culn and others, containing 10 acres rnoio cr less, where on is erected a framo dwelling house, barn and othr out ouiiuiogs. St-Uod, taken Into execution and to bo sold as th property ot WlllUm Shu Itz. Abbott ti Kuawn, Attorneys. vend. Ex. ALSO, Atl that certain lot or pleco of ground situate In tho town of catatt tssa, county of Columbia and state of I'cnnsyluaula, bounded and described as follow i On the east by an alley running parallel with Fourth birei'tin said town of catawissa, on tbo west by fourth st. in said tow n,on the north bjhouse ana 1 ot ofjowen Kosteubauder, ou the south by land of Geo, uuguei, tiuercouu erected a frame dwellluirhousu and other out-Jiulldlugs, atw a v. ell ot water not In coudltlou to bo used. Seized, taken In execution and to bo Bold as the property ot W. K. John. Abbott 4: ltiuwx, Attorneys, Vtnd Ex. ALSO, All that certain piece or tract ot land Bltuato part ly In Catawissa and partly In Locust tottnshlp, co luinbu county, Pennsylvania, bounded by lauds of John Fagtley, 1'hlllp Manhardt, Jehu Yeager an 1 William Hughes estilo, containing II acres and 11 ixrches, whereon Is erected a good saw mm, frame uweiung nouse, Barn and other out-bulldlngs. Seized, taken Into execution ond to be bold as the property of David 8. llowcr, ABtorrtltiiAwx, Atterneys. Fl Fa. Terms cash ou the day ot sale. iuua tt. uiwM AJ, fCb. 14, JO-tB bhentt. LEOAL BLANKS OF ALL KINDS ON I1AND AT TUB tVLUubJAN ( UAN OFKIO ANNUAL STATEMENT OF BLOOM POOR DISTRICT From Feb. mis, 1ST Fek. 4th, UTS, WM. Kimuiurt, taici ro Disinter. Dlt, To cosh received from Sngarloaf du- " cash irrelredfrom" niwm'd'upl! cat 1SJI .... too M 1M 04 " cosh ifcclted from Foott dupll- "CJSh received' from 'riiwnvrnod W0 M dlipllcalo HIT . . . ., SSI 041 " cwh rew lved from Sngarloaf du- . plicate 1871 ......,.i... MIT ' cash received from Illoom dupli cate isis 1SST ot " cash received from Scott dtinll- catfl H7i ... SS 41 OS 00 " cash received from Ureenwocd duplicate- isis ,, ,. " cash received from Sngarloaf du cati 1STS "tash received from product of farm 1878 . " caMi received from Ilatleton Poor 04 It li oo M 10 1'isinci isis. . " cash received from Commission ers' Ofnce, unsealed lands M,l I CH. Am-t of criers redeemed 1S7S $3,495 8 or commission on same U.S.... M B duo Treasurer from lost settle ment.. lis 41 In Treasurer's hands Feb. 4lh. 1870 10T 67 M.IIS I Directors of tho Poor In account with liioom, seott. Greenwood and Su garloaf townships. Dlt. AnYt of orders outstanding 1871...... 6TI 61 lssucaists ... BjUIS ss t,S90 01 Ara't of orders redeemed 1878 S,49S 89 oustandlng Feb. 4th 1870 .-. 854 H fl.HO 01 Til08tKKCE, D'rtttO"- Examined bv us at thnmntip.tnf thn tllrectoninfl found correct II. C. II A HTM AN, 1 c. M. VANiiKitsLlCE,- Auditor. JOHN LAYCOUK, ) Toordersoutstandlnglsts .. . 894 11 Iloccltcd from Sugarloat dupllcaio 1S7S :.. Itocelved from Itloom dupllcatolST Received from Scott dunilciLtn 1S7T Itocelved from Greenwood dupli cate IS77... llee-lvcd from sjgurloaf duplicate 1877 u IT Am i of liloom duplicate 178 3,6113 10 ui i-uir L uu'iutiaie ista hi in otGireiiwood dapllcato 1878.. 778 14 Sugarloaf duplicate 1878 S37 SO rcccli cd from products of form 1S7S b4 17 received from Hazlcton Poor District isis u 00 n-celved Horn Comml'slnncra ofllce I'jr unseated lauds 69 70 05,677 CD. Iff I'd ffrom last settlement s 89 Commission and exoneration on 8u- ganoai uupiicaio isis 54 64 Commission and exoneration on tuoorc nun lcato 1877 159 fij Commission and exoneration on hcouauri cale 1871 1147 Commission nnd exoneration on uricnwoxi duplicate 1-77 419 Commission and exoneration on Su gar oar duplicate 1S77 so 03 Treasur.-r'siominisslon 1S78 87 89 In Treosurtrs hones I-eb. 4, 1679... 107 01 Am'ltluu cn lliuom duplicators' cAuui-ruuuu unu rommiss nisis sis iu due on bcoitdupllcaioless ex oneration und commiss'n 1818 .809 04 duo on Greenwood d ipllcate less exon. und commiss'n 1878 073 14 due onsugurloar duplicate less exon. ai.d cun.mtsH 11 ihtr ma is Ara't paid fur oulduer relief S7.... io to " Cnni 1878. 169 88 Poor House coal 1J,. 80 9-1 audPlmrls'S coo tax on farm 1878 18 48 Attorney fees 1678. ... 1000 lumber for farm 1878 . II 74 blacksmltlilng 1878..,. SI OS mcrcuants bilinlsis... 4S3 CO drues. medlcliipit nnrl uipiurs OS CO 10 00 making duplicate 1878 oociot t r mils for pourh. and out door roller -is 158 9 5 n-pairs fr r 1878 &s 49 orders rell.-f Issu'd '78 46 00 sutu Hospital at Dan ville 1878 1C0 88 MmitiBiS 44 cs manure 1878 14 ,u Insurance 187S 89 00 conitis I818 w, 60 printing lb.S 45 (10 011 stev. arda Balary 18 S2S 00 Dlr.ctorsand Secreta- rj '8 salary 800 CO miscellaneous, beef. buoe X harness inendg 04-70 vsni Examined and certified, II. C. HAItTMAN, O M. VANUKHSUCE.V AuUV JOHN LAYCOCK, j OUTSIDE RELIEF. Bloom, Ain't ot orders given sundry .n.avuo. bv9 ls Itloom, nin t given buudry persons for coal inn Bloom, am't paid Dr. J. B. JlcKclvy is 00 tc;ii hcou, omx paia vr. w. a. case S3 (0 vr.u.r. Krens.... 10 60 " reran II. 11. Angel.. 10 00 " ' state hospital for G. W Fox un fl.i " ' sundry perans..... 54 81 Greenwood, am't paid Dr. II. W.Mc- rejnolda 54 S5 Greenwoud.am't pd sundry persona S3 60 IS33 CT 137 73 11.079 S3 Value of real estate and personal property uviuumug; w nui 1 maun;!, uy una anu buildings VAlllRil nr ! aa em Ily Catharine Long property. Bloom..'.'."', 'con (i juuswciii un uuif-f ienuispropy juoom 110 00 ' amount In Treasurers Punas 1W w " " dueonliioom duplicate less ex ouerallon und commission-....-... 016 10 " ' tlue on seott duplicate ksi exon 4 ration and commission SOS 64 " du'o uu i-reenw ood duniicate Icsb exoneration andcomuilsblon.... C73 14 ' " duo on scgarluat duplicate less cxoneratlouandccmuls.sion .. 160 45 "18 acres wheat and rje la grounCisSlO twr acre iso 00 wheat, rye, oats, corn, buckwheat, clo- terseed and timothy 530 60 " potatoes, beans, rulubagos ond cabbage 71.60 " hay, straw and cornfoddt r ' 139 fco " beef, pork, lard, butter, apples and elder 896 00 ' horbes, cattle, hog j and chickens 6-0 " all farming luipleuicnts used ou r irra . . . "so 00 "all household furniture la ttcward'B house Kj r "alihtuseholdfurnlturelnpoorhouso.,.. isu 00 - 0 tons coal.. ,. 13 00 The above 13 a correct invoice ot the person- ' f!KI.au 441 t-. .J "Mil CU, iQ,19y, DEBTS AND LIABILITIES. Toa'mt of orders outstanding 894 it iu laiurui tuu uisincb... nH.. 15,S93 30 118,069 4t PItODUCTS UAISED ON FAHM 1878. 133bu$liclttheat(3tloo. 138 00 6J bushels ryo Q no. 81 &i w) bushels buckwheat BO.. io o- Ptlo bushels corn earscs 25 s s 60 sos bushels oats (S as. bias 160 bushels jiotaiues CO 83 eo 6 bushels onions (460. 860 a bushels cloverseed (3 $1 to 94 oo S- bushels bcaosw Jsuo 5 00 6 buahel rutabagss (4 30,... 1 so 4 busbflsbeetst4S3 , 100 is bushels winter apples 60... 000 17 tons hay $s ' no c 2010 sheates corn fodder 3 i i 70 bundles rs 0 straw is sib 8750 lbs. pork DI 187 60 sl lbs. bee! til , E3 it 481 lbs. butting 18 J5 is no heads cabbage 3 3 st 00 H barrels cider ($ ti ., .. u 00 27 head bhoats M 60 ahead calves oi $3.. ... io 00 8 head chickens (4 25 ..-, 15 00 168 dozen eggsii 15 ... ss so I1.S4T 41 Nurbcr of Paupers remaining at last report U " " admitted during year., ss " ' discharged during jear 16 " " dlei during jear.... 4 " remaining in tne poor poor bouse 15 WM.KltL-AMKit,! Directors. ailfjs.iiEfcci;, V ot the l-oor. Il.S.ENf, f Feb. 14.1STS. ' Important to Lawyers. m unlives ui uio 1 caw, vuiibinuies, HieCULOra, Ad mlnlstrators, Guardian, Township ofttcera, and but uess men generally. Wo have nn hand a Inrc-n nw,Hm..i nf ia.t blanks for the use of ttorneys, Ju btlces and Con stable's blanks ot all kinds, Note and Hecelnt books for Administrators 4c lltlOE LIST. TroitNEry blanks. Precipe for, Summons. ' ' Kl. Fa. " ' Hulo to take Depositions. " " " " choose Arbitrators. 8 cento apiece, or 11.75 per hundred. Petition for Appointment of Guardian. " " Cltultnn Hole to tako Depositions. Narr In Debt, with Conles3lon, ' " A&sumpblt. Mechanics Lieu. 4 cents each or 3.50 per hundred. PctlUou fur bale of Ileal Estate 8 cents each. Bubpa-uas, bummons, Warrants, Eiecutlon. 50 f K centa each. Leases Blue l)wlJ..,BH.,M.wlHW,B Parchment Deeds Agreements .... Orphan's Court sales Constable's bales . Mortgage and Hond-.. ... All kinds of Notes . , s cento cock lo 15 " 6 .. so tor ll M I cent eack 18 ' 1 Ileadpts, xsotoH, school Orders, Poor Order?, 8tor Orders, neatly bound, constantly on hand, oi made U order on short notice. Weaie pri-uiied,to do neater Job work tnao uur other ufuco lu this county. BttOJWY BLBLL , Editors and Froprletors Of IbSCOlCMBIAH, tiloomsburg, pa 1 ' ' ' p nl C fteutiiU EipetltloD for 1 " H ''(' f r l tTfM'tutM nui tWfii " ' t e I A ff. Tit btit ioW ( i Inn!' -moiTk ( rlMiT " ,r.r ; .th j