The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 14, 1879, Image 3

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nl.OOMSBCBO, FR1RAT, FElt.14, 1S70
t),!,ItNn.ll roil 1810.
(C i 1 5 -u t a s i3 i 1 8 -8 6 i 5
n j! jt g g !g m x I is & j; I
I, I a 4 Jul,,. i v 7 "5 fi
i: i) in; in? is nni', k. uim'i
mollS JUS JUJI'k.'IU 25 2(1
. ill 27 2 2) .TO .il ... 27 JS 211 10 ,11
Fit.. ... . I An! I t
5 i! 4 f. r j f !. i r r ? h 1
(i io ii i; 13 n u lo u i: 13 n i1. ii
10 17 l 1150 Jl 22 17 I" P 20 21 M 2.1
Ai 21 2 W 27 1-... 21 23 20 2? 2-- i" :W
air.. I ii
imrii foil.. iinii
V io n i: ii ii i.i ' ; f i' io M a ii
If 17 l r '20 21 22 II IJ 10 1? IV I'I20
il.'IBJ 27 2J20 21 22 2 '21 it, 21 27
April. .. I ? i. 4 o Pet i j r. 4
' I 7 ! I) 10 II i; f (' 7 t IJ Id II
It 11 11 IG I? h' io i: nil r, ir 7 in
20 21 22 2.1 21 23 20 10 20 '21 22 23 21 23
27 2-- 2!ll ,. HI 27 88 20 30 31 ...
IlT., 1 ! 3 Sot.. .. 1
I 2. C 7 fr I-10 2 II I 6 I .7 8
11 12 13 11 15 10 I? H 10 12 13 II IS
I-I'l 20 Jl 22 21 21 1(1 17 11 10 20 21 22
21 20 27 2" 2:' 10 ,11 23 21 -2.1 20 27 2J 23
Jim. "l s "i "i "t "f "i Dm., "i "s "ii "4 'i "6'
I U go u 12 11 II 7 8 Ii IO II 12 13 1
II If. 17 in 10 20 21 II II 10 17. 1" 1"20
22 2.1 2 1 r. 211 17 2 1 22 2321 25 2C 27
201.10 ...L. iS 20130 .11
Rail Road Time Table.
Accommodation Train 8.66 A. M. s.ooa, M.
Moll Train, , 7.S3A.M 4.4a I'. M
Express Train 1.67 1'. M. 11.43 A. It
north, sotrrn
Accommodation Tratn ,23 A. M. T,&8 V, M
Daimls. Vnn..a A flit t Vf ..1.1 II
WtUM lUil.ui .inn .... 1 . 111. Illfnilli
Thronsrh cars on Express train cither to New Tom
or rnllaaelphlr. Accommodation train runs between
Pfl HOT tmnfltflntuna
l.t..... .L . . . . . - . I . I .
ourur7Dia. ujmnanwMiui n. Solomon tv. .. a. ,1 . .
IUlwlg-. Verdiot for defendants. Pursuant to l'otlrnnient, a 8o1dierV Con- As considerable Interest Is flt In the remit 6
Sheriff's deeds acknowledged in ooen court. , wul m nem " '"omsburgron Satur- 'J, in vonyngnam town.
w t, ... r:s .peomrt dar. th22ni1nfp... i shlnbv tin fi lin IT. . ,... ...! ,
r 'wiunii iuw IlIllIITUinurr VI 1 " " ft" o :
Washington's blrthdoy for the purpose of follwlng statement of Kicia. In 1800, Mlcbael
completing the orgnnlialon In this county. Federoif sold to Samml Lelby twelve arris and
ill i, ft-- wpoii vuurb.
W. B. Kester and Marr hi wif
Dralte. No. 182 February Term 1S78. Sher-
in return reaa in open court
iitov A.auuiini iinnif ni i MmiiniM ... ir i . - - ........
-m. ni. a . . " ' ings engendered bv cninmnn cUiiffi-ro. In nk
"""" i,u u" ocpieinDer Term 1877. if i ; . , . . '
Sheriffs return nf sale read In open court , . of cacl "oldlcr for futuro U8C'
Isaac Ikeler's use vs. Jar.,,1, Ti!.tT.,l,l. 10 vise ays and means lor mutual ns,ls-
No. 210 September Term 1870. Shci'llTs re 'CC,' ' , 10 'T01 ""cU "1Cr lus!uo'8
turn of sale read In open court. 0 d?cm,c.1! nf,ry' Ey honorably
i-eimon tor partition in the estalo nf Wll. " . VUU,"J' 0 ,uu,u u"cnu
Ham White lato of Scott township, deceased.
Inquest awarded.,
Petition for road view in Orango and ML
Pleasant townships. D. Lowenbcrg, L. II. Ru
pert, J. 0, Brown appointed viewers
Petition for road in Centralia Borough and
Conyn&ham township. Jacob Yeager, Geo.
Manhart and S. B. Diemcr appointed view
Commonwealth vs. John P. Kelly. Recog
niianco of.dcfendant and ball forfeited to bo
respited on appcaranco of dolendint at next
Petition of N. D. Creasy and others for Com
missioners to mako rmrtltlnn nf llio
lato of Samuel Creasv clppeasnrl- Pnnrt un
pointed Lewis Eckrote, Daniel A. Hess and
iv. (Smith.
completing the orgnnliaion In this county, "aeroi'sold to fcainml Ilby twelve trt and
-The objects arc to preserve the fraternal feel- W'l7 I'Crches of land fu S40t)0, and look a
iniFS entrrniilnnd l.v oninmnn .1. ...... . mortCOCO for S3100. nnvaLla In ileum In.lnl.
ments of $300. At that lime there was on the
premises what Is now knnwn n ihc.ttn.1 Td.i.
The property was laid out in lots anil callnl
Montana. These 1 ts were sold from lime la
lime, built llDoii. and In innn lmini.4 l,n1l
paid for without the knowledis the lml
was mortgaged. Sulweq ucnlly, Ltlby , by aillo-
iw oi ngreemen i untcu April Iflili 1870 fold the
remalnderof the nronertv In 11. fi. Mnrr tr
57,000. Sherlfl Smith about Dec. litis 1S72.
sold the property on su d ecu lion In JIarr k
JIorrN for $00. The mortgage not having been
paid, Mr. Keilerolf furecloied. ami nn ih 97il.
ol January lust proceeded to mil ihe dllTtrent
The session will beuin at 10 nVlnfW n. m
n . -
uomroaos, tall in lino. ,
By order of .1. Ii". firraiinr'.Tx.
8. Kuosn, Pretidcnt.
Chairman Com. on C B. Biiockway,
organization. Secretary.
Cimbra and TiuxiMSBCRo. Leavo Cambra Monday,
Wednesday and Friday at 6:80 a. m., arrive at
Bloomsburj by U:30a. m. l.cavo Moomsburir on
sarao days after arrival of I'niladclphla mall.
liLOOMsoriui and I AiRDSviLLK, Leave lAlrdsville
Tuesday Thursdiv and SaturdavatT:30a. m.,
arriving at Mloomsburff oy i J m. Leave Blooms
burg on samo dais after arrival or I'nrladelpbla
mau Tbo Mojo line terminates atMlUville.
Er nton and Illoomsbnrp. A dally stage lino le.ivlnff
Ilcnton In the morning and returning In the eve
ning of the same day,
-Vnrra Hall and Bu0MSBCRi.-Leave Wnlto Hall
Tuesaay, -inuraaay ana naiuraay at 6:30 a. m.,
amonn at niuumsuurg ay hi a. m. Lieave inooms
burg on samo da; s alter arrival ot Philadelphia
Binton and BL'iflsisBtmo. Leaves Denton Mond ly.
eunnuuji huh rnuay abo a. m arriving P.I
Rloomsburfr at s p. m. Leaves Uloomsburp iiie
at B;ntonatap. m.
ruary Term. 1879.
The Grand inquest of the Commonwealth of
rennyivanls Inquiring for the body of the
county orlrfjlumbia, repectfully report that we
have pursuant to our reaulred duties enlmlv
and deliberately investlgittd all the bills of
indictments presented for our consideration
i . i .. . .
.. . . . "a,e rawen upon mem according lo their
ietttion of Daniel Niinirinr. f. kn;t nf 1 .i... i
. -i.v, u. mciiifl, uiu, no IIUVO cxa u nfu IHB II i o mi .
tl.o insolvent laws. May 1st fixed for a hear- Inga and find Treasurers office very insecure
uu given iu cieui- anu wouni recommend the purcliaso of a bur-
t0 . . . glar proof safe In which to keep money's and
. ju.uuuu oi run esiaio oi jn- valuable papers. ive also find pure water
cuaei a nomas deceased. Inquest awarded. quite scarce at the new tall ami wrml.l .11 .t
letitionfor citation to Peter Swank, Ad- tention to the matter, all of which we most re-
. uouuarj lasi proceeueil to stll Hie diflerent
To Iho Honorable the Judges of the Court i'. in the order prescribed by a Master's Re-
of Quarter Sei-sions of Co'uhibta county, Feb- port. We give herewith the results of the sale,
ruarv Term. 187fl. nn ilml ami ni ,1.. iu -.1 i- t,-.i
"-.juuiucv. tmu ceuruary
Block A. Lot 1, vacant, to 0. O. Jlur
Pby fur $22 SO
Ci-1 spectfully eubmlt.
Februry Oth, 1879.
lllock A. Jjots 2 and 3. fenced to
gether, to Mrs. Klleti Cain Ihr Si nn
Dlock B. Lot 1. vacant, to (!nsner
Ithawn for 1 r. r.n
Block O. JiOts 1 to 0 inclusive, vacant
to uasper itliann lor 39 00
Block D. Lot 1, vacant, to 31. Feder-
otffor ifinn
Block E. Lots 1 to 5 inclnsivn tn
Auna B. 3Iorris for is nn
Ulock K. Lots 0. 7. 8. 0 to 31. Feder-
oil, vacant, for 7 CM
Block 1'. Lot 1. double rilank house
to Patrick 3Ioran. for 1 dn
Block F. Lot 2. plank house, to 31.
iedcrolf for 75 00
Block F. Lit 3. plank house, to 31
1'Cderolf for
ministrntor of Leonnrd Adams deceuscd.
tation awarded. I q, B.
Auditor's rcnort in estatn nf T). It. 7lnr
confirmed as to certain parts.
Uiurt adjourned until Monday.
. . 1
OW.TISU ..!.. I TI.-.It . tr .1 ......
Februarv 1fn. IV,,,,, ., " '""w'K " o iiarr.sourg ratrwl Is a , ' , , very valuable if true, mil will bo hailed with
JournmcnL Appearance docket called over , n !. . .rL 1 . .m, . 1
fn. lnLI r i.. I 1 I I J J 41 'a ever utriug auiicieu
Fowler's vrLjn,. ' nM.n,n bi.. j. 1,16 lock--law- "K'"y 111110 wlliI' "lJ B':k P. Lot C ( fenced with lot 4)
rein'm rn,l u n , !...!.' r.,.A '" "ome one 1,M 8tuck a tu,tT nail in his to samo for
sustained M The foot orsome other portion of hi, person, and Block F. All between lot 7 and tbo
Commonwealth ex. rel. O. V. Dr.hb v .""" mtom-. Au 8UC" rail road to A. ff. Creamer for
t n.,. j . . r wounds can be healed without an fatal canse- ninA- Ci 1.1.1 o 1 m
. Qr0T!r Administrators. No. 98 Septem- nllenrM Th mo,, .,,' r, . . , UI??k L? 3.8. 9. 10, vacant to
hor I -rm 1 R7I1 f. P 1.1.4 I.! ' --'""V
, , ... smoke a wound or bruise Uiat is Inflamed with
. leeanupieannajuagmentintavor ot Hums burBin- ,ool woolen TwenlT mlnult8
urovers administrator vs. U ir. Drie-bach lhe W0r8, of lnflimmation .riainlr mm anr
45 00
10 00
22 00
10 00
Judgment for Plain I wound we ever naw."
The date on, the printed slip pasted on your
No. 372 Moy term 1878
day, Tnursday and daturday at 8 a. m arrtvlnir I lifT.
In the aflpmnnn llttt ti.iannA.a .... f,.,i,r.l.l
into court and received their sentences as fol,
lows :
Jamfl ITllnl.. fihnnllnw will, Inlanl In Lill An.
, ... , . . . . . pers contain. IVe shall uot attempt
paper snows io wnai ume me paper is pain lor. - s, 0I prosecuuon, penitenlary .or one cel lhe Indepmdml on thia 9ubjcct. It gel9
sheets, and cut off and pasted on with a mall
ins machine, each week. As ear.h Riiruir.rthei
pays, the dale is changed on the slip in pencil.
and the correcllons made ruonthlv. It some
times happens therefore that the change does
not annear nn the nmipr for Inn nr thrpn wxW
auer payment, ana we are oRen nolihed by sub
scribers who think the omission to chance at
once 1b a mlxtake. This explanation is made
eo lhat all may understand why the change doe
not appear immediately. It is a good deal of
.'.....LI- I. . . L . l , . .
uuuum iu iiiune me tnannes anu muc more I - .v.. weibccioui 1-itcuuii in xorin I irnn...,... ...i . i .i... ,
- , n , tit t... I w imimcu luwaru uecipner-
convenient to make all the clianires fnr thp I ionygham, John JL. lvline and Isaac Edwards I : ,1.. .....! .i
I, - i "g ."o mioic.iiui, we uuer meni me annexed
appointed. nnulnnnil rpnnmtnpni! I.I..I .1.1.11. . .1..
Hey. occur. tf Pfliiio"for same In South Conyngham, Ber- carefl, consideration of our reader, .ho ihlV
l naril b w U, al Tl, rM,: I . "
i vuuu i aii;u,iuc appuiuieu
PUHLIO SALES. The Poor directors of Conyngham and Cen
M. A. Ammerman. Administrator nf.Tnhn 'ra"lcame,D10Uoarton!1aa:hment. After
Eveland will sell real ,(! nn ih nrpmua !., ncarmB " PP"ed (hat the directors had not
Fishlngcreek township on Saturday March 15th wilh 'ho ofdfr of the court concerning
...... I lhe Davment of snwlal tT Intn nmirt Kt i,n
ai iwoiu ciock p. m, I ..... 1 . man
i '" nu uvcu aypueu nearly aa it womu
ThpfirmnfTr!..lA AnKnii lln,. .n n.i have btea ia coart- The dirtctors were dis-
.... I cliarr-pil. hilt opnlpnpp.1 tt n.
Uacar Hagenbucli vs . M. Grover's adminis
trators. No. 68 February Term. 1877
Tlin Rprntrlr 7nJnnJnt llial fla
Blomaburg correspondent furnishes more local
news lor iu columns man any or the town pa
pers contain. We shall uot attempt to unde
I car I ,.L.a.. , r,i,!. i..iif ...i.i.i
Robert Vandvke. Larrenv. fine, nf
I.- .. . , Z 1 i nue coe? no one eiae an Harm, ve conera-
of prosecution penitentiary for two years. tul lte oor BerwIck ponr, on having so
John W. nnrilnpi.. T.,.ppnv fina nf os I . . . . V . w .
I , , .. . .. . . . ' good a correspondent. As bis letters are about the
I costs ofnroseciltion.countv is 1 fnr thrpp. mnnlha ...
I c i n.i n-L . oniy readable matter that H pnnteil In that pap
Feb 11th, The Willlarasport Bond case i.i ..i.:.. ti-.l. . . . i s. '
again came before the court, Messrs. Bent y and ,..! . n .u i i -,u m
n... , , ,, , . . , , ropondent to fill the whole paper with Bloom9.
lieaveron behalf of the bond holders askine k.... , . , . , , .
r. . ...i .u . iiug burg news. This would be a decided improvO'
fOr a rUlfi On thp IrPflailrPt annlls nnnnn . I '
i meni
.ura uause wny an attachment should not issue,
1 wllipll ll nnnlbl T?..U..... On. I. lO-n
Bxed for hearing the rule. ClPnTOTniS.
ietition for overseers of election in Nonh Tf ... ...j... "i n . , i ...
I it means them :
65 0
i "
id oo
75 00
91 00
11 00
uv in m w .km. i.c iilua ai
dealers, 'at Cataw!sa ha' been dissolved.
The hearing in the Prothonotary contest hot
neen postponed until the 17th
The Luzerne county papers are very anxioun
to have Judge Stanton impeached.
Chew Jackson's UssTMwtet Sarr Tobaeco.
Township tickets will be neatly and prompt
ly printed at this oince, nt low rates.
The sleighing has gone. The rain on Mon
day and Tuesday carried off all there was left
A nartv nf married lailipa ramp nn frnm Tlfln.
ville hit Saturday and dined'at the Exchange
iiotti. lliey Had a merry time.
Henry W.JIcKelvy has removed his drug
At the the stated meetinp of (JatawUnit T.rvlivp
No. 349. F. & A. M.. held Februarv 4th. A n
1879, the following resolutions were unanimous
ly adopted, viz :
Whereas: God In Ills inflmip .!..l..m
seen fit lo take from among us our beloved bro"
ther, Isaac S. Monroe: therefore, bo it
7?,7.... TI..I .I.M . .l ... .. .
.Uv,,., nunc wu acKnowieuge mat
God's ways are inscrutable and that he docth
all tliingi well, still we deeply feel the void he
eaves in our my-itic circla. We mourn his loss
and bow to the Omnipotent decree we are pow
erless to stay.
Readied. That his public, civil, Bocial and
Masonic life was of marked prudence and mod-
uy n caretul and continued ap
plication for a time it may be sol.
vedf and we can but think, when
solved, a not very great length of
time will elapse before the benefit
of this solution will be felt in a
form that we can really appreciate.
This conclusion, however may be
nroblematic.hlll wp nnnll nnTlnnalv
await its determination, trusting that it may be
in our lavor. Jitcliange.
store from Hazleton to Mlllereburg.and is much "a''00, ! of unpretending usefulness and con
Hp nm l..t Sn,l j 'e control oi nimseii in
i j
pleased with the chance
here with his wife and parents
1 i'-.""-""'i hi ever umy ne was seieci-
c. m umeiiarge, enaoimg mm nappny so to
. I ui me iuosmui: tuaracier as IO
uur luanKs are aue r-arp s uanvine liana lor end a long life with an unepotted name.
tilpnannt nprnnnilp nn laal ...n. I IWrivl TI..I .... t...,:i.. .1.; i.i.
t.. uuvuiuu; . .uav nv ncauuv flVUIIlUlllIZO Wild
n., .1... . . . .. ,, I hi. henaBl I. m! T I . I. ! . . f. ! I .....
i . .... . c lauiuv in linn iueir nuur oi trial,
as we an k,.ow him to be a good father, a kind
nusuana and true and just In all his deal-
Preparations for the Methodist' Conference -'di That a copy'of the above be present
We learn that nn :.rt has lippn inti-mlnnnil
into the Leo-tslaturp nrnnil.iliniv lt,p lnl.l.nn
of any school directors, of the First district of
i eniisyivania, irom being elected or appoint
ed to the position of a teacher during the term
of said director as a member of the board.
This is a move in the right direction, and- the
law should be a general one. True there is no
compensation to School Directors, except
m hen one is appointed 1 reasurer, Secretary or
t-oiiectcr, but that is no reason why nepotism
should be practiced. In fact the position i:
SOUcllt for bv manv for thn vrrv nnrnnan nf irpl
ting n school for some relative or friend, or
else ntthe suggestion of some interested hook
seller. Threo Directors are enough, and they
should be selected on the scoro of fitness
ing. I heir delicious music"was enjoyed by a
who heard it, Lome again, gentlemen
next month are about completed. We are ic
formed that our citizens have offered entertain
ment for a larger number of ministers than are
expected io attend
The inrnrfl wprR itippharp-pil nn Wpilnpmtnv
j .. - . .. j
evening of last week, except those sitting on the
Helwig case, all the business having been dis
posed of. Several cases were continued ft,'
inmcient reasons.
. , WV " -"-i nwj.u iiicneill
in il... r....:i t .i i ..r i ,
.w ...v i.tuii; ui uur ueueaseu urouier anu al
so be furnished to the county papers for publication.
J. B. Kxim.E, )
J. K RonniNs, Committee.
C. Ellis, J
The sentence passed upon the late Sheriff of
Arinslrung county, who was convicted of brib
ing electors' will have a salutary eflect, not only
upon officials but upon lhe political class nencr.
ally. This Is one of the first fruits nf ihn Ant nf
miserably passed in pursuance of the new Con-
suiuiionai provision. Jt will have the effect of
calling the attention of lhe country to lhe fan
that, in this State, the laws hy a heavy hand
u;nn men who seek"to tamper with.and destroy
i.ia ireeuoni or purny ol lhe ballot.
Block II. Lot 1. small nlank hnns.n In
Hicnolaa iiakcr. for
Block II. Lot 2. frame house. n.. In
John btoctzel, for
Block II. Lot 3. vacant. Inl J
plank house. $130.60. and all frnm
lot 4 to railroad for $4 60, to Catha
nne Duean
Bloci 1. Lot 2. vacant, "to Armn I?
Morns for
Block J. Lot 1. 2 and 3. vacant tn 31
redcrolt tor
Block J. Lot 4. small nlank house, tn
Sarah tluber. for
Block J. Lot 9 and 10. small nlank
nouso to Daniel Goodman, for
Block K. Lots 12 and 13. small nlant
nouso to Itobecca Mi er for
Block K. Lots 1 to 11 inclusivn tn M
Federolf for
Block L. Lot 1 (tavern stand, with
lots l and 2 of block 31. to 31. l.Vil
crolf for lann.nn
BIockN. Lots 3 and 4. vacant, to O.
is. lilockway .for 4!) CiCt
Block N. Lots 5 and 0. school Knusn
to Conyngham School District for sni nn
Ulock N. Lots 10 and II. vacant, tn
31. Federoif for 5 On
mock u. iiot 4, vacant, to 31. Foder-
oli lor i no
lllock O. Lots 9 and 10. vacant, to Jf.
iederolf for onn
Tho following lots wcro on the nreforrril
list, anu som as iol ows :
1. Block 0. Lots 7 and 8. to Andrew
Ronoy for 13 00
Block I. Lots 7 ani 8.. to Harriet
Person for 34f 00
Block J. Lots 5. 6. 7 and 8 to liar
net 1'crsou for 125 00
Block O. Lot 1, to Rachel Holwiir
3. Block G. Lots 5. 0 and 7. to Ha
ctioi ilclwig lor
4. IJIock O. Lots 0 and 7 In Af F..,1
erolt for
Block N. Lot 9. to O. V. Kachel
ries for
0. Block F. Lot.4. to .Tunics 3Inrr
for no 00
7. Block O. Lot 11. tn W. V-ilm-nlf '
1 00
Lots 5 and 0, to 31. Fed-
" 400 00
Lot 5, to CO. 3Iurphy
Lot 8, to 3Iary 3Ic3Iau
20 60
Lot 1, to 31. Federoif
A few years ngo when diphtheria was ragltiff
in England, a gentleman accompanied the cel
ebrated l)r Field on his rounds, to witness
tllO SO-Called WUtlttprful pnmi. ml. Int. I.
.-.., .....v.. J'VI
formed white thn nntlniiU i,f nil.... un.n .t.n..
plug 011 all sides. Tho remedy to ho so rapid
lUUSl UB Blinnlp. A l,n fnnb will. T,.n. ....
powder of sulphur and a quill, and with these
iiji curcu every patient, without exception, Ho
putatcapoonfulofflour ofbriimtonc inton
...1 1 . i . .
miiu giuss 01 wntcr, anu stirred it with his ling
er instead ot n sdooii. ns snlnliiinlnpa nni r.....t
ily amalgamate with water. When the sulphur
was wen mixed, he gavo it as u gargle, and in
ten minutes tho natlpnt n m,i nf ,1.....
urimstouo Kins every species oflunguj in man,
beast and plant in a few minutes. Instead of
spitting out tho gargle, ho recommended tho
SWnllowitlir of it. ill ulmnn rum. I,, uil.lnl.
he had been called just Iu tho nick of time,
wuen mo lungui was too neatly closing to nl
low the gargline, ho blew tho Bulnhnr thmtiM
A llllill into thn thrnnl. niwl .,(!. il..
. ' iuu mugim
nau suriiuk to Hlow of it, then the gargling
Ho never lost a patient from diphthcriu. If
tho patient cannot carole. lnl-n n lun nn.,1 l.
It on u shovel and sprinklo n spoonful of Hour
01 unmstono at a time upon it, let tho sufferer
inuoio 11, uoiuiiig mo head overit and tho fun
mis will die. 11' iilpiiiilnllv iiiml il.., ,..i..,i..
room may bo filled uluiost to snfTnpniinn il...
patieut can wnk about in it, Inhaling tho fumes
with doors and windows shut. 'Ihu modo of
fumiiratini n room with nuliili, trims nfinn
edlllOSt liolent nll.-irl.-a nl' mhl tn ll.n tinnil
chest, Ac, at any lime, and is recommended in
cases 01 consumption ana asthma.
I 1'1IU11NKU III'E1I'IIIITVI1 1,0 I. j. I
..... .... . ve rfuuus Mi' H I
As in a fire the loss greatly depends upon tho
lime required for iflicieLt.ttid to arrive, so the
resuu 01 caiarrn greatly depends upon th
speedy use if itliciuit reuitdles. For over 1
quarter of a ccnlury, Dr. bace's Catarrh Reine
dy has been the standard remtdy. The pot!
live cures it has eflected are numbered by thous-
ands. Each vear has wllncssed an Innrpssnl
sale.. Its reputation is the result of superior
merit. If the disease baa extended to the thioa
or lunss. Dr. Tierce's Golden mpillnnl ni.nno
ery should be used with the Catarrh Remedy
These two mprltr-tnpa tvllt bimbi1II n.,.a iK.
. ...... . ..... ifwuii; lull UIC UIII3
stubborn case of catarrh. See Iho IWiIp',
Common Sense Medical Adviser, a wrk of ov.
er uuu pages. l'nce,1.60. Address tn.- author
11 r 1,1 n ,. .... I
,n. v.x-ierce, m. u., isuualo, JN. i.
The Modern rharmaeist. In nnW in l, m.
cessfol in the practice of his profession requires
notoniy a theoretical knowledge of chsic
Chemistry. 3Iateria Medina. Rntnnv. l.nt nmn.
- 1 ji
tical experience to enable him to distinguish
between pure and adulterated ilmns. . it. at 1,..
, . 01 --- "1
may conscientiously dispense lo the sick the
remeaies required by the phys'cian, all of .the
above qualities are united in. Mr. Ci. n. Kmiil,.
flie prominent Druggist of Toronto, Canada,
knowing and appreciating the tkill necessary to
combine and prepare Oilei Liniment Iodide Am
monia, he sells and recommends all suflerini;
with pain of any kind lo .use it, particularly
Diphtheria, Sore Throat, and diseases nrodnrpil
by Blood Poisoning.
Sold by all.druggisls. Send for pamphlet.
Dn. Gills.
120 West Broadway, N, Y.
Trial size 25 cents.
20 00
30 00
' 2 00
125 50
. Lot 0, to 31. Federoif
Lot 5, to Catharine 3Ior-
Lot 0, to Hannah C. Iti
Mr. G. W. G. Waddill. of Greene county.who
was chief clerk In the auditor general's office
under General TenipW, Is on his deathbed, and
cas directed that his bod; shall be cremated
under the direction of Dr. Lo Moyne.
We are eratified to learn that Myron W.
Brittain cf Huntingdon, has been appointed
Deputy IV arden of the Luzerne County Jail
Ho is in every way qualified for the position
ana deserves tue appointment.
Sheriff Williams of Kittanlmr has been sen.
tencrd to two years and one month in the pen
itentiary and fined $100, on conviction of pay.
ing ana onering rewards lor voles, lhe
will be taken to the Supreme Court.
Tho Sktttlni? Rlnlf will hn mun nn Ihla Frl
o -i ' - 1 l ut .u years J
PSV uftPmnnn nnrl pvpnlnr. anil Ilia '...nAnnta I .1 1
ii l ,'. ii nea ui surveyor, no neia tne important of
will be applied to the treasury of the I.ldles' fice of Justice of th Ppnrn n,1 I ki;po ...
Benevolent Association. Let there be a large joyed the confidence of the people of Centre
attendance- I . i :
MESSRS EDITOns. I nntioil in n Tpnpn!
number of n nnnpi n,iK Hawaii In n... .
statement of tho death of Solomon Neyhard
felt that Bomethinc
nouncement of his death was Hun In 1i!a mpm.
ory. i ininn tho memory of such men should ulu uuur'' ur a'e ,luV
be revered, their cood deeds recorded and their ,er maJe of ,he Pureat and beet of remedies
success nnted I and especially for such cases, havim? abundant
Factory Facts. Close eonfin pmpnt. nnrp.
ful attention to all factory work, eives the oner.
1, ofLimoRidee. at th rlna nid a nf RO aUTW palid faces, poor appetite, languid, mis
rs. As a friend of this venerable man I have erable feeIIn8i Poor blood, inactive liver, kid
t iVii, t,!.. , ii .: i. I neya and urinary troubles, and all ilm n),r.l
v..iii mvm tuuu iuc ciuiiiic uu- I , - ' - r---
i cians ana medicine in tho world cannot help
I them unless they get out doors or use Hop Bit
So far as I can learn Mr. Nevhard was what
is called a self made' man. By his own in-
uusiry ne acquired a lair knowledge of mathe
matics, and beenmn wpll vn-mrl In it... .I,,.;.. nr
a surveyor,tne practice ot which ho commenced
in 1845.
In 1847 he was annointed T)pnnivKtii.ffAv n. nf
1 1 j y -j . ...
tuis county Dy me surveyor Ueneral of Penn
sylvania, and applied himself with diligence
and creat success to tho' duties nf hi nfli.p
Subsequently, tho law being changed ho was
elected to the same office until 18G0.
I' or 15 years previous to assumiug the du
ne held the important of-
and especially for such cases, having abundance
oi neaitn, sunshine and rosy cheeks In them.
None need sutler if they will ue them frrpW.
iney cost put a inue. (See another colnmn.
We would call vour attention to the Adver.
Iisemenlsnf Mmm,'. n..i tfi,.. -!.,
Works iu another column. Our Filtsb.urgh
Agent endorses Mr .Tnl.nonn luilni. . ..1I.1.U
and honorable business man, as one of the Old
est and Largest Dealers in the United States
Send for hli I.i riTA anil ala.l f. I . I ...... Il
.... ...., W.UIUaUC 1
i jive.
There was masio In the air ti fi.inr.l.
night. The Uloomsburg Band discoursed some
excellent tunes on Slain trie and comilimented
SIlLLVILLE. Fel irnnrv Slh. 1 RTO
A most enthusiastic meetim tin il,n l.,fa.Ai.
of education) was held in Greenwood Semi-
nury on Saturday, l eb. o, 1S7J. Jloro than
five hundred persons were present. Tfce Su
perintendent Mr. Snyder called upon the teach
ers of Greenwood district to meet on said date,
and although but" little preparation had been
made prior to the meeting, yet the exercises
proved to be both pleasing and instructive as
was plainly manifest from the good order and
attention that prevailed during the entire day
township. " e wl" S'v0 ln Lrlef the exercises.
Throueh his lone- continue,! .ml .!,l,,nJ . """oon es.on. upened at 10:40 a. m. JIu-
attention to bnsin, hi, .inn, . !!,...i .i 6,0 " in Orthography,
finally lost, and for six years before his death Zl School XT? n 'T'1" "f,'-"
he was blind. But ahhnuM, .i,i!n In ,tn,L- ?.urs Scl o1. .o. 1-Declamation, Alice
loung, Millville Dialogue hy Jlillville
School JIusicby Rohrsjiurg School No I,
Afternoon session Musio by Rohrsburg
School No. 1 Exercise in Reading conducted
by Prof Harrison Declamation, Anna John
son, Jlillville Music Quartette, Millville
Lecture on Grammar by Prof. Harrison JIu-
rTess ho was cheerful and very patient.
His conversational powers were good and an
hour spent in his society was one of profit,
jie was it member ot the itetornied church
and held in esteem by christian friends.
As Ion? as hn was nliln in rpml 1,a v.. n ,111.
i . . f.l i oo i in. 1-ccture on Grammar by I'ri
S nt In he ! School 1.
number of ciilzens with serenades. Amonc for others to read to him from the same vol- v...i...i. 1K' ... .
the number vere the editor, of this paper, and ume. n " ratterson uohrsburg-
we acknowlmUo il. ii l"leruSu Declamation Ada Ueaton, M l v e-D a nn0
lCrfcrThf pUmt. .Dd return Take him all in all, he was a good man. The Millville school-Declamation Sallie Eve W.
mams lor the Same. Bloomsbure has reason tn -innu on A nnnn lkm nJii,U a.t.. n..i .. .' ........
be proud of iu band L7 .l i. T V. w , " T'"8-uecamaon Laura Kves.MUlville-Dcc
' Ul 1W ""u- him is that ho was a Kood citizen, a safe adr . l.mi!nn f... v:.n.. m:ii.ih.
sor,a faithful friend, husband and father and an
uuinuie-iouower oi unnsi.
I-Tlin lllPmnrv nf lliA lilal la l.laaan.1 H
A i-BIt.NU.
Block I.
crolf for
9. Block O
10. Block A
amin for
10. Block E.
10. Block L,
12. Block A
rison for
12. Block A
dor for
13. Block L. Lots 2 ami 3, to 31. Fed
erolt tor
13. Block L. Lots 4 and 5, to 31. Fed
croit tor
14. Block A. Lot 7, to Catharine Lei
Dy lor
14. Block!'. Lots Gaud 7. to .Caro
lino Knittle. for
15. Block B. Lots 2. 3 nn,i 4 ThiKn
iieinbacli tor
10 Block I. Lot 1, toKdward Hone
imcli lor
17. BIockN. Lot 7, to 31. Federoif
17. Block N. Lot 8 , to Anna B. 3Ior-
ns lor 103 00
18. lllock II. Lots 5 and 0, to 31. Fed
erolt for 15 co
18. Blook B. Lots 7 and 8, to 31.
redcrolt lor in nn
19. Blook D. Lot 2. fn M. Wn,1.nlf
r 10 00
19. Ulock D. Lots 3. 4, 5 and 0. to
Oathanno Morrison for 115 00
19. Block G. Lot 2, to Mary JlcJfcin
amin for
20. Block N. Lots 1 and 2: to fi. Il
Urockway for
20. Block I. Lots 3 and 4, to 31, Fed
erolt for
50 00
3 00
105 00
445 00
50 00
101 00
20 00
20 00
0 00
10 00
25 00
25 00
. iiio mn wi icuu-
lvanf declares that at least six per cent, in
.nan ua anowea to withdrawing slock
'oers In Building Associations. The Build-
"3 -tHoeiofton JburnaJ thinks that the stockhob
lamation Slarv Kisner: Millvill,.
The Superintendent then gave a very inter
esting and instructive discourse on the subject
of publio instruction, presenting most forcibly
the duties of dirtctors, parents, teachers and
scholars, showing in what manner many of the
evils of our publio schools inlgjit be removed
and by what means the progress of our schools
der . . - .luf.iio,. ine uev, iir. wasniei, riecretary ot the IUi9-
-r wno demands the six per cent, lust because .inn. l,nr,t nfil, t v. rn.,.nl. m i..i.
.i ., . ' ' "1,en "le l,rofiu of the I'f the Methodist Church of this place on Wed- raiSllt lo materially increased. He spoke to
-ociation at the tininnf ii.a wiiini.....! .... i I . , .. ..... . ... ... it..n!ni ..!,
Illin .IT nnm ..... f . . I """V 6lu.inHIV,IUOKMIH,UI IUV I - . "
r-i i-eui. 11 not an liouest ninn. Ilnui I c 1... ..I 1 lit. ...1.! 1 ...lit 1.. mi. .1 I wnrlr. Mustn hv nhr. , "i0"' ,hal lM wUI,irln 'lock- a situation for a gentleman's son." The lee
f..rnfi. , Prttt,when e Proirlion tureisvery highly spoken of. Admission 20
'Profit, were I.rger7-Af. O. Dnucrvi. oenU t chi dren. half price.
.... ..... ........ fct... ,M uiSjUUU
Music by Rohrsburg School. Adjourn-
flto. C. Uvrif,
Perhaps One of the most nnnrnrirtln n.a. nf
run i-uii mat can ue uevised Is to make It con
tribute lo the growth of new fruit to fill new
cans. Tlilads done in the fullmvlm. ,...
The can is pierced Willi ono or more pin holes,
mm men uim m tue earlli near tiro roots of lbs
strawberry or tomato or other plant. The pfii
holes are to bo of such a sizu that when the can
is uued with water the fluid can only escape in
to the Eround very slowly, Thui a quart can,
property arranged, will extend its irrigation to
the plant through a period of several dayss the
can is then refilled. Practical trials nf' thl.
method of irrigation leave no doubt of iu sue
cess, riants thus watered flourish and yield lhe
most bounteous returns throughodt the longest
droughts. In all warm localities, where water
is scarce, the 1 laming of old fruit cans as here
indicated will be found profitable as a regular
gardening operation. Scientific American,
Look out for valentines.
Jacob L. Glrton has nlncml n nnu. l.m:...i
and pool table in his excellent Hotel,
The attendance at the funeral of JudimMnn.
roo at Cntawissa was very lorge. Tho cere
mony was conducted by the Masons.
Larre sales Indicate the merits of all eood ar.
tide. DrurcigtH sell mnr.i nf Dr. TtMlPa Ttq.
Syrup than of all other remedies for the cure of
Baby Disorders,
JIaior Van Cleve is cnnilnrtinir .1 .pi-tna n
temperance meetings in different parts of the
county, and has met with marked success. He
has been at Orangeville.and is now at Catawissa
where tho good work ii going on.
Tills is to give notice that all citizens troubled
wilh Cough or Cold should at once procure a
bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Sjrup. Trice 25
A. delegation ' of nbnut '1111110011 prominent
' citizens of Luzerne county arrived nt Harris
burg Monday nfternoon with a view of ascer
taining the sentiment of the house in regard
to tLo impeachment nf Judge Stanton, of tho
i-.iovcntn district, or tn iiuliicn il,n 1..
nudress tho governor asking for his removal.
Among tho delegation were lion. L. 1), Shoo-, lion. 11. j. I'nyne, General W. H
AlcUirtncy, Edward Chase, J, K. Boicrt. J.
' i'niienuncn and U. Jk Miller. A doloca
m!1,tM.m0l!tr('rp,I,nftc,,I,1'1IMIul A NNUAL'STATFMENT
ments. Its symptoms are. ilnnt imimi.i. .... A oi AI1-.MI1NT
ments. Its symptoms are almost Inflalteln their
fiat v t .4 4 I. a .. ..1 . . .
-... , lunornana aespondent YicUmsot
.o,nW .!. 11UiCy ineaisoives me prey tn turn
ot every known tnai.iir. tm. 1.... i......
, - 1. ... ii", in nuii vj me
f lose sympathy which exists between thd stomach
. . , ,u a,,, I0 lhe ril(,t (hat
n.f 'ire 'unetton neonssaHir nimr.i. ...
cr, ;1im Dir ,aul tho nervous sj stem. and an-pciji
va.v.. uu 'luMuiT 01 ilia n nnii.
E. P. KUDkel'H Tllltpr U'lnn nl 1MK .
, ....iw iivii n nun, cure
TUIS IS nOta niW tirpn.lrnllnn I. K. ..... . .
m aming. It has Iwen prescribed dajly for many years
in the practice ot eminent Mivmi-ian. ,u,h ... .
clledsucccss. His not expected or Intended to euro"
ilnnl V 7 r - -..iier. uoiega- ura success, his not expected or Intended to euro
lion is also here from Scranton to oppose tho a" "'wasosto which tho tinman family Usublect
now judicial bill, which 1 l.pfn,. ,,.i !- n . nutts warranted to euro Iirsnnnsta in 11.
housotoeetridof Stantnn In r.,.n si nateforn:. Kunkel's Hitter Wine of Iron never
.. . . ... u(s uuiiuuu unpenenment , ",lii uiniension or ma stomach and
will likely fall, as tho ilnmnnpai. ,lii n.i..,i.i.. 'lowcls, constipation, healaohe. inzlneM. .lppni....
. . .....a ..... I'livilllUIJ-
smnu uy 111m as a party, and In that case two
imrus couiu.noi bo obtained.
Tnin.l.!.. .1 1 1... . . . .
."..c,. iietuun nonces can be obtained a
lie Columbian office for .1 'tnls ntitcrui Wilt,
be sent by mall on recipt of price for "number pother. Mx'tM a0?
wanted, and 3 cents ml, i nn. 1 1,. .. larper bottlp. rvo0oiiars,oronouol.
; " I 'M r-iKe
syrup or I
imown lot the cure nf i-WoA. " f
ncs3 anrtlowpirlt8. Try tha trreat remedy and bo
nnnvlnnnil nl II. ........ . . . .
7 uieuis. uet tne genuine Tako only
Kunkels, which U,put only In one Mollar botUes
Depot S5 Jiorth Ninth slreet,PhtladelphlA,iPa, H
never Mtla i..ii i ...v . . . "
PVprTirl,-.. ' "t"'
i?cJ'Z& K .5H5!f?? er ." of Iron and
i'iiiiia 1 it-nil.. i, . .
. . . ui ojruii never r.11 h m rtn.v
on v. cV , 1 ;ni" VAV." Kunkfl, thl
tn i uin i.r,,,, .1 1 . Vs .... .. V . V iciuoiea iai worm
mnrirt nl VniC'.'""" ""'"i."?0. . "o.'co. until re-
Kpnii in,nii.,,i.'..":"J ", u.rl:a'i vo'-stroren.
niiH tv Mti.., ibuevei
Prm Vtb. Oih, I37S tiiFefc. 4tk, IIT9,
WM. K1IKAMER, Tniiicxin ro Distsict.
To caiih received from Sugatlooi da-
plicate w,, ,.., mh
" rash received from UtoomdnpU.
caio 1ST! . US M
" cash receded from fcott dnpll-
calolstf , ,., too II
"cash received from Greenwood
dupdeatn tsil MM
c jsh recplved from Sugarloat du-
plicate 18IT m IT
cash received from Illoomdupll-
.cato 1S7S ,1 1817 oo
" cash rpcclved from Scott dupli
cate ISJs .., S3 41
"cash received from Urcenwocd
dapllcat 1818 tOS M
" cash received from Sugarloal du-
catelsis .?. tin
"rash received from products of
farm 1878 , 14 n
" cash received from Uazleton Poor
District B78 H 00
" caah receivel from Commission-
cia umce, unseaiea lanas ra .0
Ami of orlers redeemed 1ST9 l,4e ss
ot commission on same I8TS.. . 87 8
" due Treasurer from last settle-
pent ifj.,1
... iivnauici BimiiuirCU, IIU,
' J87 . lOTtl
Directors nt tho Poor In account with
liloom. Noott. Jrenwood and 8u
garloat townships.
W,ll M
dec! If, '78 3m
As.1.1. i-v-I'iKKKn. At tho .Methodist . ) mgoville, Jnnunry 80th, 1870,
by Rev ilunr J. 3Iendenhall. llfr ti:.i
Ashelmnn of Cambra to 31iss Mnrv A . P. .in.
01 tireenwood.
n ... .... .
" tLI.IVi;i; LEMON. At thn M. I-. noi-inn.
ago in Orangevillo 011 the "th inst., Iiy licv. H.
Lt t I I .. .. .
a. nienucnnaii. air. 1'arm pv wii n. 1. mi
imny a. i.cmon. both of Jit Pleasant.
Lcc In Oraiiieville on thn 7ih In.i ..(
Diptheria, Permtlla Lee, daughter of David L
and .Martha, A. Lee, aged 5 years, 2 months
and ZV Hays,
BnioiiT. In Fishlnircreek Inn.. FaI,i.ii4.v
hi xorj, .urs. Alarearet Urinht. ni-pjl rs
n months anu Vi days.
Dntf. In JIain lownsh!n.fVliim1,loVn,,ni-
Josiah. son of Samuel and Reffina Tirnm .nil
01 years, 0 months and IS days.
An old physician, retired frnm i,i.iU 1
ing had placed In his hands by an East 'indla
..uuary uie mrmuia 01 a simple vegetable
remedy, for tho speedy ami
cousumptlon, bronchitis, cttarrh, asthma, and
all throat and lung affections, also a positive
anu rauicai cure for nervous debility and all
nervious complaints, after !mvln ii-i Ii. .
. - . nn nun
derful curalivo powers in thousands of cases,
nas ien it 111s uuty to make It known to his suf
fering fellows. Actuated by this motive, and a
desire to relieve human nrr..rW r ..111
. "II. ICUU,
free of charge, lo all who desire it, this recipe,
with full directions for preparing and using, in
German, French, or Hn.t 11
addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W.
IV. hhe-ar, 149 Powers' Block, Rochester. New
iorn. T iM
Am't ot orders outstanding 187T..
" Issued lsis
. sir 59
. I,01t 41
J,!K0 01
Amt of orders redeemed 1978 5,495 8)
" " oustandlng Feb. 4th
1S7 ... S94 1I
n. 1
TIIOS. 1. ... ........ ... T. .
.uimiHui .... U1UICUUG1.UI UICIfimiVU
found cnrrpcl.
ta km ei
To orders outstandlnir 1S79...
c. m. VANDKit-sLICfl,- Auditors.
894 11
Business" lNotfces
There Is no medicine nrpcrihn.1 hv nh.t.
clans, or sold bv Drnc-sist. il,.i n...: ...i.
, -nn euvil
evidence of its succecs and superior virtue as uerman Brup Tor severe Coughs,
Colds settled on the breast, flnn.n.nmlnn .
any disease of lhe Throat and Lungs. A proof
of that fact is lhat onv nernn .fflinip.1 ....
. t- i T....I . ' b
oaipie xvottie lor iu cents and try Iu sujier.
'Ihehlnht nASIT PPinr..,, buying the regular size at 75
...Jt iln nujiueriui cures
are ajionisning every one that use it. Three
doses w'H relieve any case. Trv Ii K.,1.1 i.
all druegisjs. 30 ,78.f
JJanchy & Co'b. Advt's.
D. Lowenberg'e!
Cleflrinn nut nt PnJT Ihn D,,...1... .1 1. -c
ur...... rr.-.T.-." -AT-I V" ""ij""' """ U1
for yonrselvea at the old anil reliable store
ua II I ,ntUiiiihQM
Boot headquarters at 3IcKinney's.
Try it Buy it
Palm Palm Pol a
At Jacob II. 3Iaize's at Jacob II. Maize's.
may u-ibiv
I. W. llnrlmnn 1. ftral In m..1... ...111.
c . V, j "ot iiiaiaci. Willi
bpnng Goods, having just returned from
mw ..l.jr ITHU U UUB SlUCE.
AfpTv Innnra
WANTi: S.iOloSIOl)
,". h n , , rr , ,l 1- ' 1 '7wu IH-r iiiuuili,
.1 iJL .. I .. .. ... . - rur luiiparucu
. Mrl!TTllliv 'nn
Jan. si, 19-iw ."
. w v. ui a uumiuiuiuk Ii,.., .......m.
Itecelved from Sugarloaf duplcate
Ilecelved from Itloo-n duplicate!!
Itecelved from Scott duplicate 1S77
itecelved from Greenwood duplt.
catelsI7... . ....
Iteo-lvcd from aut'itnoat duplicate
1877 84 17
,Am't of niuom duplicate 1I8 J.S03 10
' ofScottdu, licatelHis M7 93
" ottireenwood duplicate 1878.. 778 14
' HiiKarloaf duplicate 1818 837 SO
received from producta of farm
1S7S . 84 91
" received from Uazleton Poor
District 1878 n 00
" n-celved from Comml-sloners
ornce for unseated lands 53 70
Am't of outstanding orders redeem.
eo .from last settlement 817 SI
Commission and exoneration on Ho-
garloat duplicate 1S70 sj 54
Commission and exoneration on
iiioomdupllciU)is77 . is9 si
Commission and exoneration on
Scouducllcato 1817 . . 4147
Commlsilon and exoneration on
ureenwood duplicate 1-77... 441
Commission and eioneralloa on 8u-
gar oar duplicate 18I7......V. j oa
Treasurjr'siommlsslon 187s...! .... 87 19
1.nJ1,rcJlsur'rs.hana8 Pcb. 4, 1S79... 107 ar
Am't due on Bloom dupllcalo less
.1 5,oncrat'onaBdcoinml8s,nl878 818 10
" due on tcott duplicate less ei-
eneratlon and cummiss'n 1818 80S S4
due on tirtenwood d .plicate
1. J.1?n?n 'uii1 commlss-n I87S 578 14
' duoonhugarloaf dupucateless
Amt paid for outdoor relief 187. . . . 910 ta
nnn".. " 0081 13'8- 3
Poor House coal 178. . 88 M
; audinniri878 e 00
tax on farm 187S js 49
Attorney teas 1878. ... 1000
" lumber for farm 1878 . 17 74
" blacksmlthlng 1878.... S4 03
' mercuanta billsl878... 4U ee
niuura. 1
K.IT7 tl
Shoe Store below
.. . . . ... ...
" 7"JV7 y."".. 'nimrnt Wl post Ively I
prevent thl terrible disease, and will novltive v I
euro n no cases in tpn inintmSTi .L..,....VV.ei I
manv lives sent free by mau. Bon't delay a moment
Pre en 'nn is better thou cure. Sold everywhere.
I.f J itlisoll &Co. IlnilL-nr. I
1 n. SI. Iwif n
making duplicate 1878,iMu fi,. twi. 1.
and out door relief ii
es 09
10 00
iss is
83 49
48 00
Parents will find that the advantage of tho
A. S. T. Co. Bhck Tip for Children's fineshoes
is lhat they perfectly protect the shoe Inst nt H,
jioint where the wear comes, thui doubling lhe
wearing value of the shoe while adding to lis
beauty. Try them, and see if it is'nt so.
Honesty is the best of policy. Thn uniform
excellence, and the wonderful curative proper
ties of Dr. Hm' Kxpcctorant, demonstrate that
it is prepared by men o.f undoubted integrity of
Cramntnn Itrnilmi.'. Pnim . t 1.
IT TUnlinlV n . ."ir ."Kr ""'
-i-"".vj o. as. 15 iUh UtKL. 1TV IE-
(nan O 1 O...
Admiesion free at McKinney's.
CnUntPrnHTlPq T.I nan Trt 1, 1 nl-lt.- -kT-
, ,- ,, -i."""! iuiu uiuius, map.
klD?. lowels. Dnv fp &n nt T W
', , ' v., u. I I , iilUl
j kvuus ti3 UIU UC3, iUU-
dry 6onp in thmnr any otber market For
sale by Jacob 11. Maize. may 18-3w
Call at McKinney'd for Shoes.
Calicoes 6 cent?, G ccnta, 7 cents. 8 cenls j
uuu iu ueuis ai i. w , nanman s,
EThroat and Lunss
is 1)IjiDtrivriTnivT si........
inii.iiiiiiruMiii tiUUHII.
Dr. T. Slocnm's Remedy
roTUH Lib
taken ln eon lunci inn with
nnd liriiopbo.phlira r
rnnlrc In.
orders reltif tssu-d'is
ctuuj jiospnai at uon
Tllle 187s no 85
Hmoisis 44 a
manure 1873 14 0
Insurance 1878 89 00
conins 1878 80 60
printing 1878 ,5 00
on Mew aro o salary -78 MS 00
Dlrctors and Secreta
ry's salary SOO 00
miscellaneous, beef.
shoo harness mendg 94 74
t-Vti n
899 It
Examined and certified,
11 n lllnTinw
Tlllll' T . ...... ...1
Rubbers atMcKinnev's.
BlOOm. Am't nf nrilprs nlrnn a....n
I ispersons '
11100m, am t given sundry persons
for coal....- .
Bloom, am't paid Dr. J. D. McKcl'vy
I Scott, am't paid Dr. w. A. Case
ii. Li.-i-. nrena...,
; " comn u. 11. Angel..
' state hospital tor G.
W. Pox
" ' sundry persJns .
Orcenwood, am't paid Dr. II. W.Mc-
Ortenwood,amt pd sundry persons
189 83
IS 00
13 U
10 so
10 00
180 83
84 81
- IIS 41
IB) 87
3i 15
S3 80
Havilllr served an nnnrnnllnnchin n lh.nn
. , , ' -1 I'
years III the Town Council. Ihp mrilnr fnnl.
his duty is performed. Wn lmvn nn intnrn.l no
a candidate in tho coming election on Tuesday
next, having positively' refused to allow our
name to oe useu in that connect nn Wn ill
have an interest. linwvpr. ns nltwpi,,, in nin.i
inn tO Office men whn nm Mmnnlanl ...,1 ..1...
V. 1. . . . A vU.,, miu nuu
win laiuiiullv nerlorm the r ilntv. Tim nwi
fbould not ho on any ono point, but for tho best
interests ot tho whole town. Tbe.mnn who at
such a time attempts to nrrnv inlmr n..!..i
capital Is a man who. has no capital because too
lazy to labor.
A Hn...1 1! T.l. t r. 1, ... . .
.v nun ncieciiun 01 mules uoiu watches I 111
and Chains, both American nnd imnnrio.i CI H TA Oi nn A lnvesi
by the best makers at L. Ilernhard's Jewel. Knni , i,?f.Vi' ???. .'?.rtu?.c? every
.... .. ..nun nuub 1113 v'.ui iiuiiiir Hvi-rvTiiinr- f n
Ian. SI, '!9-4ti-
I invested In Wall sCstocks
dress llixiBii & Co., Hankers. 17 Wall struct." N. v"
it-u. II, 18-Hy A
W'e take it for granted that the most of the
lax payers in our Uountv ihvb c.rpf,ill at
amined the County statement. In ih ,n ,; 1,
islear and comprehensive, o that with some
exceptions the people can see what disposition
nas ueen maue 01 their money. The taxes as
sessed for IS18 for County nurnnsp.. o
950.74. Dog Tax S1551.50 makinir iml nf
OT,o3viji. ut this amount there Is unnnl
lected the following nmnunls , rn,,ni
tar $H,0S2 51 : Doe tax 8780.00. a tnt! nf su .
803.47. It wilt ihus be seen lhat nt ih. it.nn ,'.r
making out the annual statement nn.
nan 01 tne taxes were duo To this
must be added the taxes due frnm f,,.,..
years, aiuountinuto S1.73S.02. which m.t. .i.
totaidueand uncollected $10,001 19. This slateof
airiiis is wrong in every way. The prompt' lax
payer Is made to suffer for Ihn ilpl!nn,,ni .
At the same lime tho Cnuntv Is n.vln .1,
j t -J-"b ' ' 'l 1
cent interest on Indebtedness, whereas, if the
laxei duo were collected it would Bavethetax
piyers lhat burden. Nevertheless, th a show
ing is a litlla better than that nf il, f ..,.,. ....
when the Rejiort showed $22,1S2.84 uncollected.
Tho statement also showa tho fllnnv',if it.
oft repeated assertion ot Renulilicnn inn
and papers that tho people pay no State tax,
in net,, tue people pay nil tho taxes. Whatev
er js assessed upon enrnnrnt inns. ll.AW ..M ...
. , , 111
their charges, and thus tho people indirectly
iiuvwui, anu tne laics on enn . mmAni ...
licenses &c. aro mado by parties who in fact
aro mere tax collectors for the Commbnwenlih,
B it it will be seenahat In nm item nlnn.
pay the State directly from the county Treas
ury sou 1. 07.
Another point is that tl in I'Dnn Fnnd'i I.
perhaps properly managed.but tho provisions of
luomn ur v-uiisianuycvaded,nnd the manage
ment of about $1500 costs Sl.'O,
There are also minor items, which, ulillnti 1.
true they do not amount to much, nro unn.n.
essary. i'j instanco.the county Auditor's mHit
to be able to state their own accounts without
paying Sli6,0Q for a deik. -jihich l mF. il,,.
tholr coiublned salaries! and the jury Commls
tlonera should bo nbt. In nlio.,,1 i ,1.,.:. ..
. . ,u uvil ,11 . U"
ous duties without the expense ofa clerk
ri 1. -i. .
s-ur mci. 01 spaco we must conclude our ro-
marus until next week.
by the best makers at I
ry ctore.
Just in nne hundred dollars worth of
i nue Dishes, sets J3 75 at I; W. Hartinan's
Boots and Shoes cheap at McKinney's.
Having obtained the agency of this
1 - vm. uvot (J.UIHU tut iu 11a
by I. L. Cragin & Co., Philadelphia? 1'a.,
nasumg nuuui ien years, anil tliint it
nu.iciiu. Lviuiiy inner. j.urs. u. It. liarfclpv."
" Wo 'lave used Dobbin's EiectrioSnapand
..uv, .i oujieiiur 10 uy otuer or all otlieri.
Mrs. V. II. Jacoby,
lira. H Tl Rlnhnot
I desire all my friends and customers to
CriVe this Soan nne IVinl
so that they may know just how good the
"in i-'u.' 111 1110 uiuicu ointfs is,
J. Tl Mit.v.
july 12, '7S-ly Bloomsburg, Pa.
Appleicm "A" Muslin 7 cents cash,
vcuio in (inuuwai 1. iv. iiartman s.
IROT! Tflrs.
PITHfVTfl . . .
r.,,,", ,,,,.'..; 'JUU "tlu "u '"imer inrow nsvny your
?l!nn.EN?,,!"0li', beroro 'hc' aro lli- wobv, on
account ot Holes Tiioion thu toes. Llther the
"Ur A. M. T. Co."
Will Pvnvnnt TH .
A8X 1XK TIIK.SR Kiinca www 1in.....
feb. 14, 79-1W d
tv ni i.7ii.T... am,al u, ffreat euperlorl.
ty 01 this article over common porous Blasters
aS5.JKe.r ""f," nal remoet'B, such arilnPmen,
n1tKal?rpllan'e!'i lc' Ask physicians in 3 our
own locality about it. It la wonS-mii
Snlll hir nil ri.nm.L,u ,i
feb.i4.w "
Value of real estate and personal property
KTiiri. . ""i1 "istrict. Dy larm und
bulldtnirs valued at 1
By Catharine Long properly, Illoom.. .'. .
Judgment on James Dennis prop'y Illoom
" amount in Treasurer's hands .
" due ou Illoom duplicate less ex
oneration and commission
due on scott duplicate less exon
eration and commission
" duo on i-reenw oou duplicate less
exoneration and commission....
" duo on sugarloaf duplicate less
.... exoneratlou and commission ..
ISMrrarwheai and rje ln grounctsno
' wheat, rye,'aVCcornV'buckwheaC'cl
verseed and timothy. ,
.PCtatoes, beans, rutabagas and cabbage
" bay, straw and cornfodaer
" beef, pork, lard, butter, apples and cider
..' horses, cattle, hegsand chickens
" all tarmlns implements used on farm. .
all household furniture tn steward's
" all htusehold furniture tapobViiduse'.'.".'.'
"5 tons coal
atono nalf Fobmek Pricvs. ."mi-ii,.
(iooo Dki-sseuS Carpets, 7so per lord. Inorains
frpmroc. m cjueites, 'wiltonS , axj IN'stfii
J iET3- no!h--UIIUS'sELS,andTlillEK PLV
frorsKffya'rd " ms. OILCLOTHS, oil widths
LACE ?mDoTr?p'rtN?,V$I Per Pa,r' t0 tno flne EAL
1B9 and 191 Sixth Avenue.
as co
Comer 13th street,
nov. ts -7-cm
V TOQfTTHtM llthutwitpirl ortht itira.
feb. 14, 18-4W a
The above ts a correct Invoice ot the person-
Duumjji.pvTiy as taken i-eo. lst,1819.
To a'mt ot orders outstandlne 231 it
Infavnrnf tnn.lnirripk .....'i
... ...... .v. 1 c, 1 j w
118,889 41
138bushelswheats100... us m
63 bushels rye so ' " Ji aTi
to bushels buckwheat a 00 T . 10 00
1110 bushels corn ears to 113 x. 5m
a bushels oats a is si s
186 bushels potatoes Q 80
3 bushels onions 9 to i TL
0 bushels clovcrseed Mt4 to . i 00
I 9W: tnislipln hpnn. a t j uii
I 3 bushel rutabagas a 20. .
11 Wii'fs;a?h(S'fef.Ml'e rewlio for n Blmple Veoeta-
Ann St.. nT v. nV" ,"u..ur." t .L9-
n,V, n7.7.H . ;,'"K"i5".wr3ncniiy cured ot
..... ui.uv, viiaruoi,. uuuil III inn . IIV n l nmln m....
dy Is anxious to make known in hi. muni .uiK.7
Pr9 I Tin m.nn. nf n.ii .... ...7 .-.-.'-'.-- omiiii-
HOM. A Ihtifl. Ilinnclilil vui O iyr v-ONSCMP-
i v, i , 1 7r; ..-
d rr'hs if. A . w 1 1 is? iv in r"? '""i, P'?ase ad-
V, aJCcn ' ""ra.uurir. N.
f i.i,i, itVi.Ji. .. lur 'rar.s lrom Mrvous
oi mif hiSi rn,,7,n. ' "V,TW."' ?.u ."" luo necis
tn.r hr,;;isrssrA v..":.""'..'"rv "."'" i ner.
United states.
. For the Western District of Pennsyhania,
u. ,. Luseo or men City, Columbia county a iinnv
of the Court. Notice- is lliKHBV tlmt j to all o4di
fntlnS. a,ve provca lhelr debw. and othe? ft s
re8.ted t0. rPPear oa tho ssth diy of februarv
t-.ii, , n,. S. C. MCCANDLESS.
.vu. ,,
i l,nihpla nwi. ...
IS bushels n Inter apples" 'ib'
17 tons hay 14 ts ....
2640 sheaves corn fodder G 3..
76 humllps rvn nlrnw 14
B750 tin nnrL- tA K
8s1 lbs. beef 6 . 1 ,', .V, .V.'.V.
sal lbs. butter 18. ....... ,
T9ft tii'fiilu unhlniu a o
8 barrels elder Vt..."'"",
.1 iiruu bJloaui. ,,
3 head calves (4 $3
6 head chickens (4 15
181 dozen eggs 13
1,M7 41
Number of Paupers remaining at last report 11
. wvi wining jnii. M
.. ' discharged durlns year is
" died during jeor....
" ' remaining in the poor t5
poor house.... i.
Um.kiikamkk,) Directors.
aitos.iiKKCK, ' oftnePoTr.
Feb. 14, 1678. lt-B-t'.
V IK. I ll"
-z. - Important to Lawvsrs
Xiarpers Magazine. JusucesofthePeace, consumes. Kiocutora.
" mmistralore.t)uamian.Townshlnnm7.n!?I,
Wo hi a va rn , Jt - i . .
blank, for theusTof ttSys, JuswdcS1
stable's blanks of all kinn. V,7. Ji ViSSlSPAV??:
for Administrators c. ' mm..
nimi LIST.
Observer' vu"" "'""""X in the world.-"N. Y.
..H " "'I'miviiicuy uy i .. . iium "i utke jieposition
'"rV.TOfennue. Stot7i.aaVr.?2r: - ....
ii. uuiiLJ. t ipnnr (tr vom i. i i... . .. ., - nVi u run snnw an lmit. i t'ttnttnn tr- ..i. .
nov.22.HMm iii i?n,i.,,;.J.l"
quality 0tT.Wr;ru7-nTchlmaW
Precipe for Summons.
rii (A
Petition lor Appointment ot auardlAn.
PainleSS Remodv is tho n.l?U0!','mi?a.S',po. "."f a? begin s-lth the num.
r 11LE8 of every kind (lllowiin.,. time ts snecldedL i "S,,, . When no
sctlber wlihea to be-in ;Y,n".1"?. '?af ub-
- vmicui number.
l-tlv... ... ,T.7 - .TV " "1U
iiVMn,. ihi.h ""-""oi every kind tllleedlnir.
uim'J ' ...:'.u"'1i:.'L0-'. and an Ubeascs of tlio
nuiunted Mfh Tu Kifor$iffifc
Noauriflcal operation requliod. 'iri- it an I rn'ii.;
llule to take Depositions.
Sarr ln Debt. Ith Confession,
Mechanics lien.
ISTATB Ol Wil l II vr in-rf r..
. . . . . -pt'l.llAI.U,
Wniii a.e or Z t Sf .V.1?.""" or WlUlam
ce.ii ii, have Vein irrante,i bytha j" "uMr cf Vim
"f.'1.1." I'.1?.n!('nt a.n'l th'isohailUK claims or deriindi
nuuhlratori mihout ,i,
(1HI1 f-flMH-UII
o w. uiLt.itn ai.. JAdnunuuators,
Harper's Periodicals.
JURVKK'a MiaiZINK. nna Van.
llAKPSR'a WlIEtv. ""
tiAHfUHVlllZAK. i
ThO TUHEE DllbllfflliAria
AnylMO. one vear
Sir Ilri(wr.yl Irtv.t. T
v,b4 ........ ... fl IVt
7l1il05iarercl,,l tH on applicatioa
States or Canada.
... . 4 W
.... 4 00
-10 00
-t 00
4 cents each or $3.60 per hundred.
j-euuoa tor sale of Ileal Estate cents each.
S3 centfeaclu mmn8 Warrant8. Executions, to fo
iuuTDeeds":::r ,ce?.tieafk
Parchment Deoda ."nZr"" la 1
Agreements . ... a ., .,
Orphan's Court tales ' 1 ,1 m. ., ,j.
cionsiaDie- bales.... Z. a .T.k
ilongapre and UonT ...Z VZIT is MSt,tfu
All kriidsot Note." lf T. ..
Iitceliu, Notes, School Orders, poor Orders Ktnr.
?nd.ll? mi"f u'nl, usunay onadforitil
to t rder on short notice. " "mo"
nl,anm.,;'f'1,0 doneater Job work than any
her ornce Lu this onniitv. ' iu
osurelfpe'to all VJ?"n- . Veaio-yr?;rrcio dc
.-sorCanada. " ")0 emu a otner omce Iu this county.
W r 4 ELELI.
n.S''ip.!.?.!,e'''arrer'. Hsmirlne.
Claims or demands ieit b. errl fi?iihtna?Lc'lu hlndlnir,- wi l l,,
era known to the Ad- a riJoiume. bSgoi," t r
IN M. WHITE. nniJnmS101- 'Vlncfnllt WESil-
0. CONNKli, I ll.inlitjinpii. thanM . . .
Nswspapers aro nnt m m.. . rS-..
,.5l.v 1 Kt-KLL ,
Ldltor and Proprietors
Of the COLVklliK,
uic)insrurg. p.
oi i mil tiAKlig.
ml r nu. ....
.Jan. 21, w-iw.