The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 14, 1879, Image 2

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Friday, FEB. 14, 171).
The following communication from Col
JohnO. Frccio to tlio Palr!ol,itg tlicnailon
tho licaJ. Tlie argument is unanswerable
and wo trust a law will bo forruulatui and
passed at tho present sosaioii to carry Col.
Freezo'a suggestion into eflect :
"Tha report of tha supcrintendont of sol'
titers' orphan schools for tho year 1878 is 1-
foro us. Inasmuch as the war ended in April,
1865, tho'legislation admitting children of rot
titer sick and otherwise disabled, born sineo
January, I860, pcetns to be pushing things to
an extremity. It scorns, too, that this change
in tho law admits children not orphan', and
lias increased tho number of children in tho
schools largely. Thoy now number 2,520 and
vio juo told that, at least thrtt-fturtht of tho
children now in school could not havo been ad'
milled under the original system. That state
ment is sufficient to show that there is some
whero in tho present management a consider
ablo Quantity of "sugar" dealt out to some'
bjdy; Under tho old system tuiotchooh would
now suffice for nil tho soldiers' orphans. But
under tho present ono wo haro thirteen tchoo't
and eleven houtct. And-fur tho year 1870thcn
aru rcquued $:!50,000.00 for tho general ex
penses, nnd $10,000.00 for ejrnenta of the d.
partment. Now a largi amount of this money
can bo saved, not only without detriment to
tho children, but with a positive adrantago to
In addition to tho above $300,000.00 thero
has been appropriated for years annually th
sum of $7,000 to enable tho girls from the or
phan schools who show an aptitudo for teach
ing to enter a Normal school and thero com
plete their education and fit themselves to
There are, wo believe, now, ten normal
schools in operation. They need tho assist
anoa of tho state and havo been receiving it.
Ihe suggestion is, to abolish these soldier or
phan schools entirely, and to distribute these
2,52(3 children among the ten normal schools;
and then you get for themiHctter educational
advantages, and at a greatly diminished cost
to tho stato.
By this you get clearot $10,000 departmeu
tal expenses you get clear of tho principals,
teachers, maids and matrons of twenty-five ah
tinct institutions, with an expenditure of, say
$100,000, at tho least and other matters to
which wo need not call attention. This plan
will benefit the state and tho scholar, and
ought to be adopted.
Tho normal schools could reccivo them all
without any additional, outlay or expense
And an empty treasury, a cry for economy,
and profession of reform bring this matter
up fof prompt attention.
We seriously object to the constant taunts
being used in .reference to Dr. MaryE. Walk
er. What if she does wear male attire ? If
she is more comfortable in such a dress, or if
she believes it to be more healthy than the
usual mode.there is no sound reason why sho
should not bo allowed that privilege. Certain
it is that she does not make any indecent ex
posure of -her person, which is more thau
many of our modern belles can say when
dressed tor a ball or the drawimr room.
If there is anything masculine in her na
ture, it should bo remembered that from her
youth sho has been compelled to bo her own
protector. When in 1802 she crossed tho Po
tomao into Virginia with Banks' Division
sue was respected by every soldier in it. On
the march, in tho bivouac, or at her post
in me Lour ot conflict, she showed moro endu
ranoe than manya shoulder straDDed stinrenn
Wo speak whereof wo know, having marched
and capped together. Wo have seeo her
bind up tho wounds'of tho stricken soldier,
administer medicine to the sick, and like an
angel ot xueroy console tho dying. Sho had a
mission to accomplish, and noblv filled it
Whatever may be her ideas as to tho ouostiou
of dress, that is, a matter of her own, and
should not blind our eyes to tho good tho hcu
Uen. Joshua T. Owens, is a bright and
shining light in tho Bepublican party of this
State, and like similar .bright and shining
lights, has his abodfrin Philadelphia. Not
content with making money in the ordinary
way he is attempting to lobby a bill through
the Legislature tho object of which is togive
him a monopoly of the legal advertising in
rmiaaetphia. Corrupt as many of our lests.
lators are we da not believe ihey dale place
themselves on record m favor of such an Inf
mous proposition. In fact, the Senate Com
mittee has already "tat.down on it." but then
Paddy is full of expedient, and is a useful
politician. It is said he has secured tho pas
sage ot a similar bill in New York. If that
be so he should rest content, and not seek to
piuuder other localities
But if the gailant Owens doei get his little
"William" through, we suggest that in the
Brat number of his paper he insert the fhl
lowing legal document, which is strictly oflv
ciai. ii reiaies to an episode in his army
reer, and illustrates the kind of material ta
iiea to manulacturo Kepublican leaders. The
charges at a Court Martial were :
1. Violation of fiftieth article of war.
In that he left his rftiritnflnt Ma1. l.
tailed for picket duty, so that the regiment
rtuvwuw w us umy milium mm.
Of this bo was found cuUtv.
2. Conduct prejudicial to good order and
That, under tha inflnenrvi nP limm. I.. .....
Te7 n u"siTf ,of his ''eutenant-colonel,' cursing
Of this cuiltv.
3. Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gen
tleman. In that Owen callod Lieutenant Clonel
ivane a s of a in the presence of his
."juKr, mm uano, ana mat ho made im
proper advaooei to the lady.
Of this not guilty.
The'oourt. Dreaded over hv nnr If..
cock, sentenced Colonel Owen to be dismissed
tho service. Ooneral McClellan approved the
sentence, but remittod the sentence on ao
couut of Owen's gallantry in the field. After-
warusuo resigned w prevent dismissal on oth
er charge.
Then lot all hands alng,
"Och Paddy dear and did you near
Tho news that's going round," &o.
Fivo hundred British soldiers and fifty
clflcera killed, with large booty in stores and
ammunition, Is the result of the collision of
the British with the Zulus., It is a Custer
massacre In another land.
Mr, Haves last Wednesday sent to the
senate the nomluatlou of JuJ0-e William
Butler, of West Chester, to be United Sta
tesdutrict judge for the eastern district of
Pennsylvania, iu successor to the late Judge
John Cadwalader,
The people the distressed tax payers-
should remember that the election of a Dem
ocratic Congrrts In 187C, has reduced the
national expenditures $10,000,000. per an
num, and this, too, despite a hostile Senate
and extravagant Executive. In a few weeks
the present Congress will expire, and until
the close of Hayes' term the Democrats will
have control of both branches of Congress,
and can and will enforce further reductions
In expenditure, and carry Into effect other
much needed reforms. We can only explain
thertadlness with which the Kepublican
masses have acquiesced In the corrupt and
wattclul cxtrAvsgauco of their party for the
past fourteen years, on tho scoro that they
have been dud by their leaders and news
papers. t
We would, however, brhfly call attention
to a few pertinent facts. As an illustration
wo will take the expenses of our Army and
Navy, and contrast them with former years.
For this purpose let us revert to the war of
1812-1 1 with tho mighty force of England,
and ft contest between victorious veterans ou
the one side and raw levies on tho other. We
had a coast to defend from Maine to the
Gulf. Our northern frontier was constantly
harassed from Canada. The Indians were
tho hired allies of the British. Our means
of communication and transportation wero
difficult, and It cost more to transport a piece
of artillery from tho sea-beard to the lakes,
than It now does to move a regiment of ar
tillery from and to the same points.
Our currercy was from 40 to 60 per cent
below par. On laud we lost 40,000 men
kllled'In battle. At the same time our Navy
was unusually active on every lake'and sea
as will be seen from the fact that we cap
tured S5 Brltttsh men of war carrying 886
cannon, 2300 merchantmen mounting 8000
guns, besides driving ashore or shipwrecking
20 vessels of war carrying 800 gun, and
capturing over 30,000 seamen. In contrast,
we lost 25 vessels of war mounting 350 guns,
1407 merchantmen and 21,000 seamen. It
will thus be seen that this was quito a war,
and the cost of It fell upon tho yean of 1812-
13-14. Now what was the cost ?
In 1812 the Madison Administration spent
for military objects, including forts, and
everything pertaining to land operations
$11,817,000; in 1812, $19,650,000 ; In 1814,
$20,300,000, making an aggregate of $51,'
767,000 ; and in 1812 it spent for all naval
objects, Including gunboats In and around
harbors,$3,959,000;inl813,$0,400;ln 1814,000
$7,300,000, making an aggregate of $17,659,'
000, and a total for both branches of the
service of $09,426,000 for three years of the
Our next war was with Mexico. 'In this,
also, our Navy was considerably employed
but the main operatloas were on land, in
foreign country, and at a long distance from
our base of supplies. As a result, we extend'
ed the boundary line of Texas to the Bio
Grande, conquerrcd and and annexed New
Mexico and California, as well as the terri
tory between the Sierra Nevada and Rocky
Mountains, thus securing the richest gold
and silver mines In the world. Let us ex
amine the cost of that war..
In 1846 the Polk Administration spent on
the army $10,418,000; in 1847 $35,840,000
in 1848, $27,688,000; making a total of $73,-
911,000. In 1840 it spent on the navy, $6,.
455,000 ; in 1847, $7,900,000 ; In 1818, $9,.
403,000 ; making a total of $23, 763,000.
Here we have an aggregate for both branch'
es of the service In the three years of the
Mexican war, amounting to $97,704,000.
Aou coma the contrast. For the past
three years, under a Bepublican adminlstra
tion, there has been a total expenditure for
naval and military purposes of $1 65,124,000.
This, too, has been in a time of profound
peace, if we may except the frontier, skU'
mishes with the Indians, brought on by th
rascality of Indian Agents, and the inefficien
cy and barbarity of our army leaders. To sup
press these outbreaks, however, we have an
army of 25,000 men, but somehow or another,
very few of them are on the frontier. To
this must bo added the cheapness of supplies
and the increased facilities for transporta
tion, t or the Navy there has been abso
lutely no use except to carry Government
officials and their friends on pleasure excur
To sum up, then, our Army and Navy in
the past three years, in a time of profound
peace, has cost morn thau twice as much as
during the three years of war with Great
Britain in 1812-14 ; and fifty per cent more
on the Army and one hundred per cent more
on tbe Navy than during the three years for
carrying on the Mexican War. In a word
the aggregate cost for carrying on the two
wars with England and Mexico was $167,'
130,000, each war lasting nearly three years,
whilst the Republican Administration have
expended for mllitrry aud naval purposes
In three years, as Btated, $165,124,000, or
only $12,006,000 less than the cost of these
two expensive wars I
These facts are taken from official sources,
and should open tho eyes of Bepublican tax
payers. There never will be economy under
republican rule.
The bill providing for an amendment to
the Constitution of this State abolishing the
Hoard of Pardon has been favorably report
ed by the Senate committee to which it was
referred, and will probably meet the assent
of tbe Legislature. This particular feature
of the new Constitution has not operated
satisfactorily. The first Board organized
under its provisions was composed of officials
who were in every way unfitted for the duties
imposed upon them. They have suioeeded
In showing all the odious possibilities of tbe
misuse of the pardoning power, and have to
a great extent undone tbe work of tbe Crim
inal Courts. Responsibility Is so divided
that it is lost. Criminals now calculate with
as much certainty ou a retrial of their cases
at liarrisburg, after sentence, as they do up
on the relurn of daylight after the sun seta.
It is possible, If the Pardon Board bad been
made of better stuff, and bad comformed its
action with due deference to tbe proper ad
ministration or criminal justice, that Its ca
pacity for evil would not have been disclos
ed at the outset. But It Is better far'tbat tha
pardoning power should he lodged in tbe
bands of the Governor, He can be called
to account for Its misuse, and be acts under
such a sense of personal and undivided re
sponsibility that his mistakes are almost cer
tain to be venial ones and not induced by
corrupt or sinister motives. There Is hardly
room for doubt that If tho proposed amend
rnent Is submitted to the people for consid
eration it will be ratified with but a slight
show or ilmeaUJlecord.
An old couple of Lancaster voluntarily cave
their property to the county and went to tho
A' Philadelphia street car conductor at
tempted to put his wifu off his car because
she couldn't pay her fare. She told him she
had paid all her money for tho supper she had
ust brought him. A lady paid her fare.
Later he beat his nifo so badly that her life
is in daogcr,
A ttfT Mlllkm 8tMl.
The peoplo have a chance now to look at
the exact propottlons of the little bill that
the Pennsylvania 'railroad and Allegheny
county unite in pressing upon the Legisla
ture in the matter of tho riot damages. Tbe
extent of the proposition Is that the State
shall pay four millions (towards thcc dama
ges, an 1 that Allegheny may, If she chooses
or If the sufferers can recover it from her by
process of Uw, pay twenty-five per cent of
tbe amount of damage claimed.
It Is certainly ono of the very coolest prop'
osltions that has ever been Introduced into
any legislative body. The State arrays It
self by the side of Alltgheny county and
says to her that, although the law declares
that the county shall be responsible for dam
ages caused by riot within lierborders, she
shall In no event pay more than one-fourth
of the damages suffered. To the sufferers by
Jhe riot the State says that she will pay them
damages to the extent of four millions uf
dollars, provided that If they recover In their
suits against Allegheny county thy shall
not requlro tho county to pay more than one
fourth of the amount recovered, even though
their dividend out of the State's four millions
amounts to less than the remaining three-
fourths. Allegheny county, under this bid,
secures an abtoluto release from three-fourths
of any Indebtedness that may be adjudicated
against her in the courts aud a probable re
lease against the whole. Indeed it is un
doubtedly intended to secure her n full ac
quittance. All these words apparently im'
posing a possible liability on her for a fourth
part of tho damages are put in to deceive,
and to sweeten the bill presented to tho rest
of the state; to give au opportunity to say
that Allegheny suffers heavily enough in
paying one-fourth nf the damages.
The design Is ridiculously transparent.
The Pennsylvania railroad company, whose
claim alone the county fenr, taken the
State's four millions, nnd will bp ready with
devout thankfulness to sign fir the county a
clear release, Tan county stands in witli
the company to get this beneficent legislation
from the State. It Is a beautiful gvn) rf
thimble-rig, In which the railroad and tbe
county take the spoils and the green cnun
tryman pays them. can be. no question in tbe mind of
any fair person that the State should refuse
to interfere in tho matter at issue between
the county ot Alliegheny and the Pennsyl
vanla railroad company, until that matter
has been finally adjudicated by the courts ;
then, If the county is required to pay the
riot damages, it is time enough for it to come
to the state and ask it to bear n part ot the
low. But now the county maintains in the
courts that she is not bound to pay the Penn
sylvanla railroad company Its losses, because
the riots that occasioned them wero directly
caused by evil acts of.the company's officers.
This claim we believe can be substantiated.
The railroad company also knows it, and
knows that' its cbanc-j of recovery before a
Pennsylvaniajury would be very slim in
Aud so it prefers to raid the state ; and
combines with its threatened victim, that a
cumniou cause uisy be made against the
defenseless people I Shall this Iniquity be
accomplished I Wool Woe I unto those
legislators whu say yea. Lancaster Intelli
Washington, D. (i, Feb., 12, 1879.
Tho Honsj has disposed of all the appro
priation bills but three tbe sundry civiljthe
one known as the "deficiency"' bill, and the
legislative, executive and judicial. Over
these, however, it is thought there will be
considerable discussion and delay, even be
fore they go, to tbe Senate to receive the in
evitable additions of that body. On Satur
day the House passed the Army Appropria
tion bill, embracing the proposition to re
organize the Army, but omitting that to
transfer the Indian Bureau to the War De
partment. It bad also attached an amend
ment permitting railroads, which have tele
graph lines for the transaction of their own
business, to open them for public use.
Senator Butler, of S. O., who lately intro
duced au amendment to tbe Texas Pacific
R. R. bill, is himself friendly to tbe original
bill, and presented the amendment "byre
quest." It Is an extremely gratifying fact
that this Texas Pacifia road, which offers to
the South probably its last chance to secure
Government aid for a Pacific connection, is
gaining friends everywhere in that section.
Tbe investigation of the Tribune cipher Is
over. All those Democrats who were sup
posed to have sent cipher despatches from
South Carolina, and Florida have been
examined, and Mr. Tilden, against whom no
charges, but a thousand Insinuations, had
been published, has nfade a statement and
submitted to a cross-examination. Mr. Til
den'a statement was specially clear and em-
phatie as to his own innocence of any con
nection with any attempt to purchase elec
toral votes in any State, and it was "in all
respects confirmed by what the oiher wit
nesses said.
Among the few bills finally passed at Ibis
session I am very glad to note that which
went through the Senate on Friday, which
allows womeu to appear as attorneys before
tbe U. S. Supreme Court. The first appli
cation for such permission was made by Mrs,
lielva A. Lock wood, of this city, several
yean Blnce. Tbe passage of the bill through
House and Senate has been, due in great
measure to her unremitting exertions. There
is no doubt that Mr. Hayes will approve tbe
Tbe Commissioner of Pensions now estl
mates that $34,000,000 will be required to
pay the amounts due ou existing pension
certificates, under the late arrears of pension
act, and be also believes there will be re
quired an increased appropriation each year
hereafter. From present appearances
inaugn uougresa wiil doubtless make an
appropriation before adjournment, it is not
likely any of this $34,000,000 will be dis
tributed for many mouths.
Apparently Jdr. Haves has even Ufa con-
fidenco to tbe Democratic Senate of the 46th
Congress than In the Republican of the 46th,
He is having furnished him a list of all the
imaoitaut officers whoso Urms will expire
soon, with a view, no doubt, of filling their
places before tbe tbe 4th of March.
A Wise Deaeon.
"Deacon Wilder, I want you to tell me
how you kept yourself and family so well
tbe past season, when all tbe rest of us have
been sick so much, and have had the doc
tor running to us so long,"
"Pro. Taylor tbe answer Is very easy, I
used Hop Hitters In time and saved large
doctors bills. Three dollars' worth of it
kept -us all well and able to work all the
time, and I will "Warrant It baa cost you and
most, of (ha neighbors one to two hundred
dftlaxa apiece to keep sick tbe same time. I
guess you'll take my medicine hereafter,"
f-)oe other column,
CkMfn V7tlafe4kt of English LlterHr.
Volume 1 of the new and beautiful edition
of this excellent wi tt,juit Issued by the
'American Book Exchange, '65 lie.ktnan
street, Now York, embraces the history of
our literature from tho earliest period to the
times of Queen Elizabeth, with lives of all
noted authors, and choice specimens from
the writings of each. All who are interested
in the higher class of literature will welcome
this new edition, with Its clear type and han
dy form, and all who have been looking for
the era of cheap books, will be more than
satisfied with its wonderfully low price. The
entire work, In eight volumes, numbering
over 3,200 pases, Is offered, delivered free of
expense, to those who subscribe during Jan
uary,in paper binding fur $2.50; cloth $3.60;
or half morocco, gilt top, $5.00. Specimen
pages, showing size, style, type and paper of
tbe entire work, giving full particulars, In
eluding inducements to clubs, will bo sent
free on request. To those who wnulii;ilke to
examine it, volume one, which Is cump'cto
In lUelf, containing 416 pages, will besert
post-paid fur nominal pries t In paper, 20
Cints ; cloth, 35 cents ; half morocco, gilt
top, 60 cents. Purchasers have tho optiou
of getting the other seven volumes hylpaying
at any time tho remainder of th9 regular
subscription price. The publishers sell only
to subscribers direct, instead of giving to
dealers and agents the utual 60 or CO per
cent, discount to sell fur them, which ac:
counts for the remarkably low prices.
A specimen volume in cloth binding, can
be seen at the office of this paper, and thoso
who destro to order can add their names to a
club, which will soon be forwarded.
llorrib-e Suicide.
Baltimore, Feb. 10. Louis Stalling?, fifty
five years of itjj, a brickmakcr by trade,
committed suicide this morning by blowing
his brains out with a shot gun. At A quarter
of eleven o'clock, alter several attempts to
get his wife to come dowu stairs, In which
he at last succeeded, he went up to tbe back
room on the third floor, whero he had the
gun all loaded aud lejdy fur action. Tak
ing off his right shod ami stocking, he fast
ened a string to his great toe, and the other
end uf this btring be tied to the trigger of
theguu. Then hr bent down his head and
put the muzzle of the gun in his mouth,
aud with a downward movement of his foot
pulled the trigger and entered into eternity
He put the gun so far in his mouth that tiot
one of his teeth was injured, and his face
was in no way disfigured. All the back part
of bis head wag oloitn out, and his bralus
were scattered about the lumber in the room
For Borne time past he had been out of em
ployment and had been peevish and fretful
The last situation he filled was that of flag
man on the Biltimore and Ohio railroad
For several weeks his conduct is said to have
justified the suspicion of mental aberration
and all who knew him think that he must
have lost his mind. He was not in n;ed, and
left a bank book showing $800 deposited in
bank. He leaves a widow, and two daugh
ttrs by a former wile.
J. L. Patten & Co, 47 Barclay street New
York, have commenced the publication of an
illustrated Magazine called Leitwt Hows, a
the popular price $1 per year. Its forty pages,
of three-colunu each, are full of reading matter
of interest to all our readers. The Illustrations
are well executed, and the stories, sketches and
poetry are from well-known American writers
The publishers of coarse naturally desire that
all should see and examine this Magazine, and
that all mav do HO. Ihev nfTr tn ipnd it nn Irln
three months for twenty-five cents, and will, in
addition, send each three months' subscriber a
beautiful chromo motto, entitled "Faith, Hope
and Charity." This motto, slxe 6x17 inches
prinieu in mieen oil color,! suitable tar fume.
and la worthy to adorn any home.
Jan. 9-3 '
wheat per tmsnei ti.uo
Rye ' . .si
Corn, new, 45
out. " ' ss
Hour per barrel ; e.00
Flaxseed , 1.B0
Bmwr so
Eras ta
1U110W .or
Potatoes ,
Dried AppWs 04
llama jju
Hides & Shoulders ul
Lard per pound ut
Hay per ton au
Ttmoihyueea im
No. 4 oa Wharf 8,00 per Ten
No. D a tn
NO. S " ' iM
Dlacksnilth'B Lutun on Wtuut t S.00
" Bituminous (4 M
Tly Dnlrerml lecortL
Aral CanuanoPOLB are the best ot all purga.
ura ror runny use, xnoy are tne product ot long,
laborious, and successful chemical Investigation, and
ueir eiienarre use, by physicians In their practice.
and by all crrlllied nations, prove them the best and
most effectual pill that medical science can dense.
Being purely vegetable na harm can arise from their
nse. in intrinsic value and curative powers no oth
er puis ean be comrared with them, and every per
son, snowing ueir virtues, will employ them when
needed. They keep tbe system In perfect order.
and maintain in bealthy tctlon tbe wbole machin
ery or me. Mild, searching and effectual, they are
specially adapted to the needs of tbe digestive ap
paratus, derangements ot wblrh they prevent and
cure, if timely taken. Th y are the b' stand safest
physic to employ for weakened constitutions, where
a mild, but effectual cathartto la required.
Fos Bali sr ill DULias.
A UOIJSTIM VRF.IIVn Pr.,tl,..l ,
p&lhlo Uorse and Cow Doctor. Blonmsburc. pa.
feu. W.
Advertising Barrau tu bpruc &trru wher wlver
Ulnfuciutnx.'Uiii twmadeforlt INKEWYOitK.
feb. 14, 11-U i
rpAKE NOTICE On or about the 5th of
a Juvi-J 1 . ioiv. lite BUIMCrirjer MM nrrur mmh..
liM.otHluoui Poor District Issued December jsth.
1118. TLLS IS U)klVenOtlCH lhftttlm.nt rJ flu..-.-!
has been stopped and all persons are warned acalnst
Notice Is hereby given that on the stb day ot Feb
ruary. 1879. 1. K. P. Urover. bought at HnnRfjil.lA.
Baie me iouowing property of w. II. Attn, aud
have loaned them to the said Aten during my pie
u...v umwu ijcrouua gauuj( interfer
ing with the same i Ono bav liorae. una lav man..
one cow. oue,sel double harness, one bed and bed-
uui(.eucutu uugawujiir stove, one set uiack
smlib'a tools, one spring wagon.
icu. 11, inn , r. p. UllQTBH
" juu tuv ui wtuii ot inyuiiag in w way ot
riaroLs. Ammunition. Gnn MaLtrtii. ri.Mrr,Tn.n.
or anr other Pins rroarwu uooMpleate write fof
my Largir Illustrated catalogue and rriee List which
J buuimii. iuutsuuir.juisro.Nnumir Wmt-
k U ..II, rillDSUMJI, I M ,
leu. it, 'ii-iu t JWgCO
jyOKNINM l'Al'Elt.
ui. i't,o rut imjLA jLrAD J ,
Full Associated Freaa lepatcbe
Arrangements have been com Dieted for tha toma n
the Dally "hecord of the Times," of Wilkes-Barre,
ra., as a morning paper containing ruu Associated
Preaa desDatcbea from the entire world with truwai
reports from Washington and liarrisburg.
It will reach Bloomsburg in time for deUvry to
subscribers each morning by noon and will be regu
larly served to patrons at the rate of nity Cent per
Month, In advaooe.
Tbe Brrt Dumrwr will be Issued oa VmAirmnu
lng, March Id, ittt. ' n Ageat wasted la every town
WUkee-Barre, fa.
feb. H, IK
Sheriffs Safe.
1ly VJrtos of sundry writs ut VnrvJ.
men inaeias ana levari rmiss, luum
nut nf th ixmrt orOommon Plena and to me
directed, will beevnoacd to pubilesalenlthe
Court House In llloonuburg, on
SATUnDAY, MARCH 8th, 1&79,
ntl o'clock p. tn the
At! that certain lot of ground Mlunte In
Lnrutt township ColumMn counts IN., rie
fccrU'Cil m follow to wit! Bounded on the
north by hi ml or JncobBlltie, on thp'outh by
tfinrtof Jacob Milne.on tho entt by public
roiul, unit on tho went by Iflnd of Joseph Curl,
cnntnlnlne lldHcren more or' 1p, on which
lire erected n frame houno, bnrn, and out
He 1 ted, taken Into execution nr.d to bo sold
m the property of Holomon Ycnger,
EYEULY, Attorney.
All (hat certain tn tot tteventy ono Ml unto
In the borough of llerwlck t bounded find de
ncrlbed follows : beginning at f corner of
Mrs. Nlcely's lot on Forth Mreet runnlnff
Along said Fourth street fourty nine feet six
Inches to cornet of lot belonging to John
Marts thence Along said Martz's to Secona
street one hundred nnd eighty one nnd n,
half feet t ten re along Hecond street aforesaid
forty nine and n half feet to the corner of lot
of Mrs. F. Nicely aforesaid thence nlong the
same one hundred and eighty one nnd n half
feet tu tho place of beginning, on which nro
erected n two story frame dwelling, Irnme
stable nnd other outbuildings.
Helzcd, taken Into execution nnd to be sold
us the property or 1'hlltp M. Kendcrllng.
JACKHUN & SON, Attorney's.
AH that certain real estato situate In the
town of llloomsburg Col, Co., Fa., Hounded
on the north by public rond leading to Eepy
east by lot of M.C. Woodward, south by an
alley nnd west by Public street, whereon Is
erected a log house, n shop, stable nnd other
HcUcd, taken Into execution and to be sold
nn the property of Fcter Joues.
FIIITZ, Attorney.
All that certain tract of InnJ situate In
Ronrlngcreek township. Col. co. bounded hs
follows, to wltt beginning at a pout, n corn
er of land belonging to the estate of Wni. Yo
ctim, dee'd. In line of land of KiIJaIi Horn A
running from thence by 'and of said Elijah
Horn south 21 degrees west KJ7U perches to a
stone, at the pub ho road called the Old Head
Ingltoad, thence by said road by Innd of
Thomas Honch, north 51 degrees west 82 2-10
Eercli-s to n stone In the aforesaid road thenc
y Bfttd road north 8IJ degrees wcdiPJ perch
en, thence north Hi degrees east .1 6-10 perches
to n stone in n field of said Michael Fetlerolf.
and from thenco crossing the aforesaid road
nnd running by land belonging to the estate
of Michael Mowrer north WJ degrees west 21
(MO perches to an oak stump In the nubile
rond nenr by nnd at the house of John W Itchy
thence by the publlo rond called the Mine
(lap rond running by other land of said Mi
chael Federolf north 8J degrees west 00 perch
es to a stone In said roud, thence by the same
north 4l4 degrees east W perches to a post,
thence by tbe same north Wi degrees east 29
8-10 perches to a stone In said road, thence
diverging from the aforesaid road and run
ning by land of said Michael Federolf south
89U degrees east 3H perches to a stone, thenc
by 1 he same north 21 degrees east 22 H-10
perches to stooe In line of (and belonging to
the estate of William Yocum aforesaid,
thence by said line south 6"JU degreese east
87 perches to the place of beginning. Contain
ing 112)4 acres neat measure be the same morj
or less, on which are erected a dwelling house,
barn and other outbuildings.
He lied, taken Into execution and to be sold
as the property of William H wisher,
EYKULY, Attorney.
Terms of Bale Cash at the striking dowu
of the properly.
Feb. 14. 78-ts. Sheriff.
In pursuanco of an order of tho Orphan's Co urt of
Columbia county, Pennsylvania, on
Saturday, March 15th, 179,
at two o'clock In Vxe afternoon, M. A. Ammr man,
Administrator of John ETeland, late of Flnnlngcreek
township In said Bounty, deoeased, will oipoie to
sale, by pubuo vendue, on tbe premises, a certain
measoage and
situate in Flsblngcreek township, Columbia county.
Fennsyrranla, bounded nd,descrlbed as rolkws,Ylz:
On tho southland east by lauds of ' FeterBretaod
on tbe north by lands ot Mlohaol kemmin'a belra
and on the west by lan da ot George Pealer, contain
S Vr .A. CUE S,
more or less, whereon are erected a
Frame Houae and Frame 'Barn,
There la also on the premises, a QOOD APPLE OR.
CHARD and other fruit trees. The land Is naturally
of eoodsoll.Tbe property Is locatedon he publlo road
leading from Asbury to the State road. It la near
the church and school house, as well as being conTe-
sienttotne market.
Late the estate of said deceased, situate In the
township ot FUhlngcroek, and county aforesaid
Wuxuh KuciBicit, rierk.
TERMS op SALE. Ten percent ot one-fourth of
the purchase money to be paid at the striking down
or tne property, the one-fourth less the ten per cent.
at the confirmation of sale, and tho remaining three
fourths tn one year thereafter with Interest from
confirmation mat.
By virtue ot sundry writs Issued out ot ytt Court
oruunmo-i fleas or Columbia cou ty, and to me
dlrectetL wlllbeeiposedtopubllc sale or out cry,
at iao Kjvun iiouse in uioomsourg at one o'clock, p,
m. on
SATURDAY, MARCH 8tb, 1879,
All that certain tract of unseated mountain land
situate in Mifflin township, Columbia county, Peno.
sylvanla, bounded by land of Daniel Nungesser,
Abram B'hweppenhelser and others, containing two
nunurea acres more or leas.
One lot ot ground situate In the town ot Mifflin.
vllle, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded on
the north by Second streeteast .by lot of Joseph
Maeteller, south by Third or Main street, west by
lot of A. J. Buckalew, whereon are erected a frame
dwelling house, barn and other out-bulldlnga.
ODe lot of ground situate In the town of Mifflin
vine, Columbia oounty, Pen sylvanla, bounded on
the north by Second street, on the east by street
on the south by Third or Main street, and on the
west by lot of John Keller, being slity-slx feet front
oy two hundred and thirty feet deep.
All the defendant title In one lot ot ground situate
,tn the town of MlffllnvUle, Columbia county, Penn
sylvania, bounded on the north by Second street, on
the east by lot of John Eeller on the south by Third
or Main street, and on the west by lot ot Theodore
An the defendant's title la four lots of 'ground situ
ate In the town of MlffllnvUle, Columbia county.
Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by Third or
juin street, east oy street, south by Fourth
street and west bylot ot Michael Knlttle.contalnlng
one uh a nan acres more or lees.
Belied, taken Into execution at the suit of A. W
Creamer against John Keller and to be sold as the
property of John Keller,
Lrm. is. Attorneys. Vend. Sz
An that certain Kt or piece of grou nd situate tn
Locust township, CoiumbU oounty, state of Penn
sj ivanm, Dounaea and described as follows :
Tract No. I. Beginning at a stone In line of land
ot Kolb and Raub, running thence by landot Kolb
and Raub, south IV degrees, east 18 perches to a
stone, taenee by the same south 6 degrees west
percuea to a erase tnenco by land of said Is
aac Lewis north IX degrees, west ttx perches to a
post thence by land ot William Shultr north tx de-
aceeob -k porcnesio tnepiaoe ct beginning,
oon tainting so acres and U3 perches.
Tract No. 1. Situate la Locuat townsn!D.Co!umbta
oounty, state ot Pennsylvania, bounded as follows i
.adjoining oinor lanoi ot William Shuts the elocu
tion defendant and Henry Fisher and Reuben Culp
and others, containing 19 acres' more cr lees, where
on fs erected atrame dwelling bouse, barn and other
out quuaings.
Belied, taken Into ezeintlon and to be sold as the
property of WUttam S hu lu.
AisottAKhiwn, Attorneys. Yend.Er.
All that certain lot or piece of ground situate In
the town of Catawlesa, oounty ot Columbia and State
of Pennsy luanla, bounded and described as follows s
On the east by an alley running parallel with Fourth
street In said town of Oalawlua, on tho west by
Fourth st. in said town,on the north b) bouse anil ot
ofrwen Koetenbauder, on the south by land ot Oeo.
uugnevwnereonia erected a frame dwelling boose
and other out-buildings, alao well of water not In
condition to be used.
Belied, take a in execution and to be sold as the
property of W. E. John.
Ajsott RaiwH, Attorneys, Vend Kx.
All that certain piece or tract ot land situate nart-
ly in Catawlasa and partly In Locust township, Co
lumbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded by lands of
John Fageley, Philip Manbardt, John Ytsgerand
uuam ungues- estate, containing- II acres and U
perches, whereon Is erected a good saw mill, frame
dwelling house, barn and other outbuildings.
Belied, taken Into execution and to be sold an the
property of David 8. Ilower,
Amoiv Hiuwx, Attorneys. Fk.Fa.
Ter las cash on the day ot sale.
from January 1st, 138 to Jantifti? 1st,
Statement showing taxes assessed and balance
still due.
rt p I
Heaver rats 103 00 ass tsotia too
Benton lavite moo n 719 60 woo
Kernlck Kino m! 6165 tltlO 23 51
Bloom lOTOU 83 00 HI 15 1.1 0 83 00
llrlarcreek um tt 81 to DO 65 elf 84 8 1 60
Catawlasa ton 80 I 60 63 as TJ06 ltso
C'cntralla. stall 6 50 6 60 IMTS 660
centre l8is 17 oo 83 13 m.a oo
Convnghtm W4! ico 18T1I 50
KWUngcreek,... 1319 81 89 ( 8 63 w8i 13 00
KruUkUm. ....... 6643 8960 14110 831 13 1300
(ireenwood l.nero 81 o 15:9 it3T6 not
Hemlock 1140 0) 610' 8158 665 68 IT 00
Jackson 84 09 4 3 00 4 16 180 08 901
Locust.,, 1413 61 184110 13 00 84811 63 00
Madison lllil 99 79 6 1 80 83 439 '8 19 CO
Main 748 63 43 00 1163 1 4 89 1 0 00
Mimin 1193 73 71 00 81 63 838 90 St 00
Montour...! 105793 54 00 1193 431 91 1400
Mt. Pleasant.... 79 63 6 9 00 116.) 4476 6100
Orange 1073 64 65 64 87 45 707 19 13 40
line 450 88 69 50 411 814 89 19 60
lloartngcrcek, .. Mill .100 8460
HCOlt 1650 60 78 00 86 50 61107 6 4 50
8ugarl0af 434 70 l 81 60 1 70 833 66 57 50
8TJM 74 1564 60 601 67 14081 61 760 96
ixocxT dcs roa vi4R9 raiviotm to 1878.
J. J. Coughlln,
Ncal Lcuihan,
CO.- Dog,
136113 16 60
1436 84 9 00
494 60 14 50
6 43 85 5'l
lien ton,
189 41 9 00
S7010 88 80
118 71
849 43 18 60
BO0 60 8 00
180 78 1150
C60 85 13 60
14563 71 17480
IT.1W. McRKYNOLDS, Treasurer ot Columbia county
In account with said county on county tunas.
Jan. 1, 1878.
To am't. uncollected prior to 1878 $i,lll It
Flsblngcreek 1876.. 870 10
" nn imnii at. Inst Rett ement v.uiv ni
county tax assessed In 1878 88,990 74
" tax on rpplRtrv of voters In 1878,
91 81
" tax added to Montour duplicate lsis...
" " " Locust ' " "
" scott 11 1877,..
" " ctntralla " "
" ,7. c. Smith for Owen suit ex tax
' Ben). Bahm, i '
" Jacob liott, "
" Jos ph May, paid on noto
" Mojer Bros, for desk..
" Lew Is A. Riley I tracts ot land of Com
missioners Wm. Moore ono piece ot landot Com
missioners Jno. Monroe one lot ot land of Commis
sioners. " Jno. Starr redemption ot commission
ers' 'land
" Wm. Hower rent on loll
" w.m Y. Hess tax paid.
" B. P. Former proceeds of an estray
" O. B. Mcllenry for chandelier
" Jacob McCoy lumber from Catawlssa
" B, F. Zarr Jury fees
6 60
7 19
1 91
6 80
1 00
83 00
89 00
15 00
8 11
10 00
I It
10 00
1 50
190 00
inn. w. lionman iuit lees..
16 00
8 90
1,143 07
183 81
101 91
9.761 83
B. F. Rdllne old bridge near McIIen-
rys mm
." county tax on unseated lands
"road tax on " "
" " unseated "
"school tax on ' "
" " seated "
"poor tax on " "
" " unseated "
"seated land tax sin e distribution.. ..
M Rutheruff A Co unseated Beaver
" amount In Centralis Blnco distribution
U. 8
1,911 00
188 77
75 80
666 81
19 01
1 69
19 00
"mount county bonds sold 16,000 00
assessors manacrtng AcsV dog t-ind..
150 oo
" Uarman At llassert old Iron and Btore
11 redemption money ot Joseph Barry
" redemption money of Jacob Lutz Ben
ton ' rddempilon money ot B. Delleplano
9 84
16 51
6 69
180,103 16
By commission and exonerations and returns allow.
ed coUectoN for 178.
86 89
Ex. Districts. Com. Kx,
4 61 ML, Pleasant 41 41 17 87
11 oo orange 61 11
Beaver .184 81 68 Pine mi 54 83
Berwick 81 Bs 88 90 Hoarlngcreek 81 37 14 81
Bloom 885 19 14i 16 Sugarloaf IIKO 19 80
Brlarcreek 78 83 10 19 For 1876 84 04 19 90
uarawissa iiooi &070 Benton
Centralis 44 70 1968 Brlarcreek 59 43 13 74
centre 115 87 1455 centre 67 71 4 10
Flshlngcreclc 76 61
34 .6 ml, Pleasant 11 is 9 15
Frank 11 n
ssr l-ine 1519 18 01
8100 81 94
For 1873
69 51 16 68
19 43 8 44
8194 1974
79 07 7 46
69 69 18 13
6106 lit.
Benton 41 61 96 91
Pine 19 69 1093
For 1973
Benton 33 10 t 76
81,841 99 8741 06
Total commission 1.84199
" exonerations 741 le
County orders redeemed 66,611 is
iiue irom collectors 18,646 93
Amount paid to meet State quota : 10 so
commission to Treasurer 1,161 44
amount to meet Bum paid state tor quota
charged on coupons...,..., 1
Interest paid on over-due county bonds
rued with order 711 ; 3157
Balance in hands ot Treasurer 18 23
n. w, mcretnolds, trbaurer,
Jan. 1,1878. DR.
To amount due at last settlement
". " on Flsblngcreek "76.,..
" amount assessed In 1878
" " on hand at last settlement . .
8901 43
8 80
1,664 60
11 69
$2,613 91
By commissions and exonerations on duplicate set
tled for 1878.
Districts. Com. Ex. Districts. Com. Ex.
Roarlngcreek 101 150 Orange 143 160
iror lttii.
4 6) 1400 Pine 913 7 89
so 1 00 itoanngcreek 1 00
4 1 5 1 350 S"garioat 183
3 84 For 1676
3 88 4 60 Benton 160
63 4 60 Brlarcreek 868
1 6"
Centio 3 BO 5 50
centre 3 60
Flsblngcreek 415 350
Franklin 1 88 9 00
Greenwood 4 13 1 00
Hemlock sio 660
Mt Pleasant 163 7 0J
line 150 8 50
Sugarloaf os 310
iur ist&,
Jackson 10s 1 00 Benton 8 03 3 60
LOCUSt 6 53 111 60 PIUO 3 10 6 60
AiauiHou 9 69 1 00
Mifflin 8 70 3 00
Montour 3 68 1 60
Mt. Pleasant 3 15 8 00
4)8 974 11739
Commission to collectors
Exonerations allowed collectors.;
orders paid ot 1874
" " 1877 '
" - 1878
Amount onld to county for assessing c.
Commission to Treasurer
Amount due from collectors
Balance in hands ot Treasurer
89 74
187 39
470 00
150 00
61 61
11,623 91
For which orders were Issued on the Treasurer.
PaldWm n. Snyder bill for teachers' In
stitute " David Lowenberg police hire
" htvenson Foster li eleeUon laws
B, F Hut cost in Hester case supreme
Wesley Wirt auditing publlo accounts
" D.Lowenberg police bill during execu
tion ,
" Geo, Brown boarding police
" Bundry persons for procuring scaffold,
comns, a, at execution
" i. W, lionman taking J. K. Mowrer to
Eastern Bute Penitentiary
"Kit. Furman reward and expense ap
prehending horse thieves. .
" Jno. N. Gordner to rearrest Jno. Sey
. rt
" Wm. P. Faust taxes refunded
" Bachman Kssty wall at Court House
" Bachman Kesty coping for part it
sams , 't ttt
" Joo W. Hoffman warrant In Roaring
creek election board
"Jno. W. Hoffman warrant m North
Oonyngham election board
"Jnaw. Hoffman warrant In Locust
election board i
" Jno. w. Hoffman warrant In Montour
election board
" Jno. W. Hoffman shipping Kellay ii
" i"0.-." nonman execuUon of Fester'.
TuUyandMcllugb ..
" J."0-JLV. ""trman taking nve persona
to Philadelphia
" Jno. W. Hoffman taking two persons
to Philadelphia . .
" R- Ua'rtrt special court aud election..
" B. P. larr Prolhooourv's bill
" H. Harris cryer to tell Jail . . .
tuf, "' BnIdef WI for teachers' lnsO-
" Wm. Krlekbaum'eiprees'on book'and
expenses to liarrisburg on county bu-
,.?0' WiluolimancosUaeVvingV
" Wm. Krtckbaum bill In casecfN. Leoi
tanjCollectorConjngbam to retain
117 43
14 60
4 65
18 39
13 00
49 00
16 60
63 60
60 65
49 80
15 00
14 15
176 00
49 50
6 CO
8 00
5 00
1 60
8 00
49 00
68 10
6 16
143 89
4 00
118 89
16 00
11,174 65
Grand Jurors during year
Traverse " "
Ouustabie returns
court cryer . .. '
Tipstaves ........ ."IIIII!
Court Calendar ""'
888 67
t,9S9 16
879 14
166 00
86 60
II 06
.10 60
44 I
4 M
38 K
IM to
to JI
S3 l
16 09
til I
"i"' " auief stenographer at til per
B. N. w'aUe'rSmUh'vtKi
" Ruckle vs. u rover
" Goodman 48 dir...
Jno. w. Hoffman serving tan notice"'
IM Bobbins Jury OmSUSir
Then. W.MWth " ..
Was. Kriubaani clerk to $$m"'"'V.
Cumberland county jury trkU IX loaVVV.
ter e t. al va, s, p. It!..7..l"'
WtlMCOVKTT IrcCiMltUtlf.
Justtco. eoostabl!! and wUnesjwa....
K. It. Uttle Uhtrtct Attorney...."
jno. M. Hark District Attorney In Ho
ter cue..,
Jno.M. t'latk District Attorn-y In lies
It K. .irr itul-tK at ourt
11,116 71
196 Oil
M on
10 80
54 9
ti,eT 11
jnu, w. II i hit ai Dm ot coil.......... .
Sundry persons os viewers
949 80
850 00
6i UO.
6 00
1-6 00
10 IK)
40 00
13 00
5 Oil
10 10
16 00
411 0-1
40 00
140 00
80 00
Hicnaru Itiwueo u wtmnn viirmnwi.. .
Peter Appleman estate Uaraxre Ronton,.
Jno. KHtlmer l"o dsinjiro Jrkson....
Robert C. Howell riamaireMt 1'leaiuint..
Daniel Harrison damuee tirecnood...t
llctilamln Reitllnedam! i '
.1. H. woods damage rii'ingcrccK ,
Silas Mcllenry oamngo '
.MAry lieiwiif unmitge Locust ...,.
John Harp damage Mt- Pleasant.
Wm. Johnson dainaire Madison.
James Dlldlnn ' "
Margaret Nnun
John Slicller ' " .i
John uraham " '
10 IK)
60 00
89 00
15 00
40 00
win. it cox aamsgo tire enwoou
Susan J. axo daniago Mndleon ,
John ii. Keller damage rlnhlngcreek..,.
Jonathan lohnson damage Madison....
Moses .Mcllniry damage Ptshlngcroek...
JohnOlnnri damage ML, Pleasant
John Wanlch damage " ........
Emma Mills damage Greenwood
John . Freezo damage Bloom
15 00
83 01
89 03
80 00
1MI 00
47 00
nernnra toncr aainage ,uu t-ieasant....
81,610 80
M. V. B. Kllno Auditor
7 60
7 60
J. B. Casey " ....... -
n. 11. nruwn - v.
Wm. Krl ktaum rtatlng account for 1S77
HloomtGAs. Company ror gas
Itunyan&i'o bill rend -led
I 50
13 00
135 34
I 80
93 10
Mrs ingoia cleaning court House....
11 c. Hartman carpet for witness room.
W.J. Correll one-half dozen chairs fur
witness room ,
A.M. Ituper grate for stove Register 4c
8 60
itecoruer s omTp. . .... ............
R. Roan repair court room window blinds
llachman & Kestv flagging court houso..
3 00
1 15
14 15
89 69
Jacob Crouse mattl.ig court room
1. uagenuutii uuis stove repair, tu
B. L. '1 homas four gross pens
sundry Demons reu.tlr bill..
15 11
4 00
1 40
P. Jones repairs during year.
Menagh i-t. al. putting down matting....
Rollins Holmes bill rendered
" " one dozen spittoons..
M. E. Cox bill tor cleaning., to
& 4
83 43
1 86
6 HO
9 00
eu at. "
F. P. lmiraycrct, al bill tor work at offlco
4 HI
78 79
n. 11. -siuier s 'on Din renoereu...........
B. M. Nead guldo to county officers
I 84
1 00
1 homas Gorey bill rendrrcd
Wm. Workheiscr for wood
J. II, Maize bill rendered.....
4 60
6 II
J. schuvler lor snow shovel
11 11
3 75
888 00
893 00
Hitter searles painting court house
fence it. .
Wm. (Jl&ger hsullng &a. court house yard
S W. Mcilcnry Commissioner
Jo' n Herner "
Joseph K. Sands "
John G. Freezo Attorney
413 00
100 00
800 00
75 00
VMD. itncKoaumucrK
llarinnn it llassert for Iron fencing
11,769 49
G. M. J. K. Lockard, coal bills . 145 47
C. W. Neal llro. coal bill - 10 18
Thomas Gorey eu al. bUl at old Jail ....... ! 03
Joseph K. Bands bills rendered. M 13 00
Joiph B. Sands son carpet c 89 87
1. uagenuuen stoves 0 , at 01a jaiL...... i so
Wm. McKtnney bill shoes for Drlsoners... 1810
John Alstatt shaving prisoners. 4 so
D. Iwenberg bills clothing 47 69
L. Denial d key repair........ 19
c. M. Drinker key repair 1 00
C. A. Klclrn bills medicine - 84 15
II. Klelm bill rendered 1 67
John Beagle wocd 1 75
Wm. l'urcell wood 8 75
John J. Tower handcuff and nippers 9 60
uocKarn & noraneisercoai ana wooa.... o u
Ada ltobblns wasblng bill 1 00
Peter Jones 11 bunks s 11 00
Clark Wolf dress good for prisoners...... 1 03
GtossBro bill shoes and boota 1081
I. S. Kuhn blil rendered 1 60
Bl om Gas Co. for (las 8104
I II. Maize bill rendered 6 01
Runyan Co. bill rendered . 3 89
P. Jones Mendenhall bill rendered........ 1 M
Rollins Holmes repairs 16 09
John Williams clothing 75
John W. llorrmon boanilngpouce ...... 867 00
John w. Hoffman boar 1 ig prisoners 7i 8 75
John W, Hoffman wahl ig c . ... . 79 00
John W. Hoffman Turnke r fees 11 50
wm. uigger Dill rendered . 6 en
11616 73
nrotliwayiawell. court proclamation... 840 011
" " blanks ... 61 95
" ' county statement... 69 00
" " advertising so 61
" " election proclama
tion to 00
j u urown, election proclamation so 1
" blanks t. 6 89
" county statement... 69 00
" advertising;. 17
C M VandersUce advertising.... ' 16
" county statement......... 60
C B Snyder advertising- 6
O A Potter advertising 1
liarrisburg "Patriot," advertising 8
wm .uanu blanks ... 3
F L Ilutter election blanks 17
0 A Clark stationery for ofllce and court 64
JosE bands stamps 9
D A Beckley postage and box rent i t
Sundry pernors forlnquestB , 1126
Dr. Yeoman post mortem on body ot Mr.
Gannon 15 00
Isaac Kllngerman bridge
W L Cole Cole's bridge .....
Silas D cole "
L a German west of Benton ,....
KllMcnenry " ............
W B Gibson Benton bridge
t m Gigger Rupert bridge
" Barton bridge
" ltnck bnrtL'fl...
1 5
4 00
1 00
19 74
S3 05
9 69
Peter Jones ot al Snaffer bridge
Uarman llassert SUatfer bridge
Jos 1 sands Shatter bridge.....
Kllno Conner shingles Mouth of Creek
Joseph Butt, " "
David IlelH Ig plank " "
V W I.ow Umber "
Alfred Kck work " "
Wm schlee et al work '
Ii J Heeder'a bill "
Gilbert Kline's bill "
II J Keeder ilcKclvy's mill bridge... . .
David Helwig piank "
Wm Shaffer Centrevl)le...
John L Kline Brush Valley. .......
Moses Mcnenry SUllwater bridge..........
bllasMcUenry " ;
" A merman bridge
, Zaner'B, west side ..
John Pealer "
B F Redllne contract McIIsnry's mlli. .'.'.'
Moses McUenry
George Lines etalneir Jones' bridge... '
Peter Laubach shingles "
George Llnea ct al near Buckalew bridge
Peter Laubach Bhlnglea "
Joseph Redllne, Jr., balance contract Za
her'seast side
Mcnenry Heaeock Mlllvll!e......
Kills Ktes Bio ....
Wm L Manning Master's bridge. ."
Ja P sands Reeco's mUl bridge .
J C Richard "
Peter laubach shingles ReMeV'mui
?.w "?"?ry fhlngles Recce's mill bridge '
Jonathan Lemon
. .. " Rohrsburg..... . .
J.aS.ti.Brown engineer Ejer's Grovo...ll
o W Eves contract E ,er's orovo.
Wm Gigger Hemlock bridge
John Miller, Purcell bridge... .... '
Wm Gigger l'urcell bridge
Red mm bridge .... "'
63 00
68 00
13 03
37 63
87 89
83 89
10 63
8 03
3 66
14 75
4 73
1 00
1 00
1 0
1 60
71 60
8 79
9 06
7 00
44 69
31 60
158 91
1 60
3 00
8 87
1 00
6 SO
17 85
3 37
8 V'
8 18
4 00
in 00
1 00
8 00
3 00
J B Hess Elk run bridge
Ezra Stevens Elk run bridge
J ocutt,
O I Thomos Esther furnace bridge.....
Henry Leitweller Wagner bridge...?..
?,c.BJ'0.wn engineer MalnvlUe bridge
hfwt,'fK'nn'll,ercontract MidnTUle
3 50
6 03
18 89
1 10
6 60
H71 00
86 00
u Mata&EriuEZ!!E;
Mt. rieatant.
Jas P Sand i wilon bndge
Matthias bhsrfer. poor House bridge'."
iSS." MordansTlUe bridge...
Aaron 3 Her ,r
1 00
15 80
8 60
9 10
1 35
1 K
1 0U
8 00
16 83
43 00
13 00
11 00
6 61
1 00
1 (0
josenn iieinedslfer,
llBWlr hHra ..
AarOn Ver llawlr LrM,.."'""""
iSf fl!0i '?ker Planl VandcrsiycrbrTdire
Zophemlah Butt shingles .f
Jacob Christian "
Aaron Miller ..
Jas l' sands
Wanlch brldge........
0 ,51" balance on contracriTmith
.. ,
433 73
?asDp sands0" Bow,I"ul bridge'..
141 11
11 87
6 68
Aoner Welsh Kline bridge...
H U Sands Kline bridge Jl.". .., ,.
Xzeklel Cole E Cole bridge....
J B Hess at J B lleaa' bridge"?!?
W A KUeJoso Uess bridgeTr...Zr'
M L M.Uenry Joa o lleaa bridge..
8 fO
8 00
a 00
14 00
3.98 89
Support of Mrs. MStoo DasvlUs.
Support ot David Hhay Danvule ."
.... II W Locust.. .......
.... 1 oo Madison........
.... 17 so Main.. '"
..... 6 6.1 Mifflin- .J. "
... 91 no Montour
...14 00 Mt, Pleasant Z
91 oo Orange.
. .... II OH'Ine. "
, ., H oulfonrlngcreck....
...... w siscott............., ".'
IB 78 Rliirnrlnnf
18 w
11 00
11 10
18 oo
11 13
11 15
IB 15
11 00
r so
10 00
13 19
nenion. .........
atawiKSa .......
Orntral a...-
centre ..
Conymrhatn . ..,
(Iieenwood ....
...a. 51 AS!e"aors for"fegi9l
Hemlock- ...IS 00 tertnir vntr " ,A,
Jackson. .1161)
t!49 91
Paid sundry persons. ,
81 10
Paid spring election oncers
V! 17
414 90
'Si 00
ltj 6
116 40
CO 00
1 80
IS 71
8 51
13 01
au election otuceni..
fall section room rent
spring election "
constables advertising and till tid
ing spring election
constables attending fall clcctm
Peter Jmes election boxes ....
B P Zarr Con"r iislon H J
J M nark senatnrtal It J ......
II F Zarr ct at counting fall votl. . . .
Amount township taxc.i refunded 6,143 9i
Wm Mann two dock"ts It o"ce .
80 60
16 33
" one docket Prothonotary's of
fice Wm F Murphv's ons Ex, dockets I'ro-
tnonotarv's orneo , .
F L II utter registry books u 04
79 ot
t.71 83
75 00
8,01s 10
475 00
150 00
80 OO
8,579 87
86 00
60 00
15 00
175 00
11 01
13 69
119,136 13
Sterner Jones balance on contract..,.
" extra covering cells........
" extra on tower
Charles Krug balance on contract ...........
" painting fence and Rtable...
" fining to lot
" blinds
" blinds cellar. ...........
doors for cells..... ......
" cupboard for cellar .
" numn floor
Rollins Holmes balance en contract ...
extra nn ..
" gas fixtures.....
M gas metre Ac
Crulkshank Co., balinee on contract...
extrn ior gato-.M. ...
n s;Wetrel architect balance ...........
Sam Nevhard surveying lot.... .............
Mrs P A Cox cleinlng ....
josenn iiecKernxinir un
Thomas Vannatta for well... .,
Anefnyner ior pimp ,
w H Pursell for well fone..r.
Uarman llassert for door hooks .........
Amount county bonds redeemed ..,
,4'4 60
coupons on same paid
Miscellaneous exoenses 31.974 ra
court! Jurors' pay.constable's returns,o 7,183 70
,uBLn iu lajiumuiiweaun cases..... i,cii 11
iwuu mj uiiuHe viewers ana roan
Commissioners' office and court house......
County Jail
Printing, stationery and postago
1,640 30
3,769 45
1,616 73
rou vv
151 83
3,939 19
103 61
649 91
61 10
1,814 69
5,143 94
79 01
19,136 33
9,634 61
Bridges, buildings and repairs.
tsntlary and asylum..
Day .,
Fox and wild cat acalna
Election expenses
Taxes refunded......
Blank books
New countyjall . .,
County bonds and coupons redeemed.
396.611 03
From amount ot orders Issued deduct 15,143 94 tax
es refunded, and $19,136 33 mjcey expended on new
Jail, and 89 684 60 bonds aiid c- iiv t paid, loaves
833,546-41, which Is tbe actual wld nrj eip lines lor
the year, A. D., 1878.
Brlrcreek .
centre .
83 is Madison 143 15
85 no ml, Pleasant. 18 eo
,. a 00 nrango 7 10
49 0 Scott 6 CO
16 00 Sugarloaf.....,.... 16 00
a no
Greenwood 73 60
Locust.. 5 60
8514 75
Ordersunpald of 1867.
Orders unpaid of 1870...
Ordec unpaid of 1877
orders unpaid of 1878...
93 75
Dog tax duo from collectors 955 96
Probatile commllon and
exonerations off 160 (0 805 !6
Add amount In Treasurer's hands 7 67
' Gives total assets, 8319 91
The indebtedness Is tie 75. Tho difference
In favor of said fund is I7!6 19, which Is about that
amount better than It was one year ago.
Taxes In hands ot collectors durOI utes
Probable commission and exonerations
18,649 13
1, ou 00
$16,146 33
3,600 00 ,
93 00
43 16
33 89
9 60
90 OO
40 00
Add amount In hands ot treasurer
Add value ot old Jdll property
llilanco due on Ocra Howor note
mount due trom Schuylkill county
Due irom Benton township support of
Coiley's ......
Duo from Benton township, sheriff's
cost on same
One set duplicates, on hand
Ono double set of assess books
narraan Bright lot, Flshlngoreek taken
for coats...
110,054 81
Cost! due on books
In commonwealth
. Coses 428 sa
Amount taxes duo ths several districts... 752 33
Amiuntroad and bridge views duo on
. books 131 jo
Amount County prison bonds unpaid.... 41,806 00
Araountcounly prison coupons unpaid . 191C0
Amount road d imago asso sed and un
paid, estimate as nearly ascan bo...... 4,601 00
813,907 79
10,054 81
1 15
1 60
9 oo
1 CO
Actual Indebtedness of the county, Janu
ary 1,1879 13,853 48
Amount paid during the year 1678 836 13 !l
Amount paid during the year 1879 I9,u 13
155,571 45
We the undersigned, Commissioners of Columbia
county, do hereby certify that the foregoing la a
oirrect statement of accounU of said county for tho
year A. D.,19I9.
Attest :
CHAS. RICHART,) Commissioners
A, B. HERRING, j Columbia Co.
We, the undersigned auditors of Columbia county
having been duly elected to adjust and settlo the ac
counts ot tbe Treasurer and Commissioners ot Co
lumbia county, do hereby certify that we met at tho
omc of the Treasurer and Commissioners lu Blooms
burg and carefully examined tho accounts and
vouchers of the same from the 1st day of January,
A. D., 878, to the 1st day ot January 1879, and found
them correct as above stated, and we And a balanco
due Columbia county on county fund of eighteen
dollars and twenty-three cents (118 83) from U. W
McReynolds, Treasurer ot Columbia county. And
we And a balance of seven dollars and sixty-nine
cents (7 69) on dog fund found In the bands of II. W.
McReynolds, Treasurer.
Given under our hands and seal this tonth ,i.v m
January, A. D., 1879.
samuel, u. smith, ! Co. Auditors.
Feb. T. 1879.
First National Bank of Bloomsburg,
M Bi0!?j!'"lrc' V th" ,Mt0 ' Pchh'a-, t tho closo
of business, Jan. 1, 1679.
Loans and discounts, . 3H4.647 6J
overdrafts 1 101 15
U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation 6O.ouo.00
Other ttocks, bonds and mortgages 83.715 00
uue from approved reserve agents 39,661.65
Due from other National Banks 4,-9j.U
Due from Bute Banks and bankers 4.631.S3
Current eipenses aud taies paui siijir
Checks and other cosh Items., . 8.160.11
Bills of other Banks 44 oo
specie 1,834
gal tender notes. .., ..... .. .. 7 919.00
Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer. (3
per cent ot circulation)....... ..., . 3,350 00
Total. 1161,195.00
Capital stock paid In 60,000.00
?OT!"Ji 'uod ' ' ioo,woo
Undivided profits " ' 6.101.01
i..1.10.1 Pink not8 outstanding , , 4t soo.oo
iSrJTl?,1 "'I!0?!18 subject to check 61,471.45
Due to other National Bankt 13,319.33
Total, liiuisjoo
Slate 0 JWa, County nf Columbia, u :
dndiiTi & Casbr of the abov ra-e.1 bank,
S?nSl i2J!' f ffirm ,nat the a,)0Te fctatement la true
to the best of my knowledge and bolti-f.
' J P TUSTi V Cnshli?r.
Subscribed am affirmed to before mo this 80th day
of January, 1979.
Jis.:c,Baowx, Notary Publlo.
Correct-Attest 1
I. W. McKELVY. i
FRAS. P. DIi(NKBR, Directors.
F.b. T, 1879. "'""I""m'
i3?,?,,i!f1hS.ll?,re,)y Ibatl, Sarah M. Vaniant
bought the following articles at Constable's Sale and
S, J'JiffJ nem IO K' Adams and wife during
Si!l ?pi91,,"rj anHberebj caution any person
StfS'Si' lI""r'eHnW'thtUeNainei ono cook stove,
SfSIim.'!t0M' '('"en chairs, two wash luba.ooa
SSfiJ .if ."MkBur Iflaai, two wasu stands, one cuiw
board, fltteen bushels of piutoea. lutof meat, one
;SJti.reU,'r"' B,ty bunditw of sulks, ttttutetn
ii?, .'i'1,l,,,1,"l one meat ba rel. ote tar.
el o,r vlugar,sae louge, two Uas,irwklng chairs.
Wlllov.i. .'t "A BAUJi. VAhZANT,
WUioVale,JOuaryll, I679-FW) , W
6 00
8 00
83 00
44 75