The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 14, 1879, Image 1

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rici. la. ta. la. (a. . IT.
HljUUintU iv'i, v,vmv."" , - ...
. wn noLUns per ye ar, so rents discount allowed
Jr.BBiiaK advance, Altof tha expiration of the
r J w will so chariroil. To subscribers out of the
XSntr mo terms uro l per ycar.strtctty In ailvanco.
nS rap" discontinued, except 'at tno option pi tne
nubllFsuers, until all arrearagos uro paid, but long
SohtmuoTcrortlts after tho expiration of the nrst
nt lift trlVPn.
one Inch ..t.oo ttu U.00MM Mil
TttsiMbm ....... s.oe 4.10 i.uo s.00 li.otri
Tnree inches.. 4jo xo 7.00 11.00 is.oi
Fourinenm. ......... b.oo 7.00 1.00 n.w to.
uuarter column...... s.oo s.oo lo.oo w.M
Half column le.eti I s.oo .oo aeei
One column,, 10.00 .oe to.oo so.00 lj
Yearly advertisements nayable fluarterly. Trat
7 Aiiowcrsscnioutot tuoStAto or to distant post
Blent advertisements must be paid for before tnscrtec
ilT-f.ifl tdUSt UOPaiU lonn ntlYaui;e, umewn "c
"? J. iv.nimhia rnuntv assumes to bay the
except wnero paruvs nave wnnuiu,
LNrai advertisement two dollars per men ror in ret
Insertions, an at that rat for additional Insertion
from subsc'rlbersln
witnoui rererence 10 lesgin.
Executor's. Aminlatrator'a and Aatitora notices
three dollars. Most be paid for when Inserted.. Department of tnouoLCMBiANisvcry
colnplele, ana our J t Intlnwlll CTOpare fayora.
9 '"."I ..Vi. ... 1in lfirtrn rltlnfl. AH work aODOOD
irausiemor uuucfa, twenty centa mine
regular advertisement half rates.
Cards in the "Dualneaa Director;" colnma, eel
: i-.l7' Eaitor.Propri.ton.
aouar per year 1 or eacn line.
,..,1 CTonklr. every Friday morning, at
Golumbia County Official Directory.
iTnsidcntJiideo-WllllamKlwcll. .
Associate .1 udi-OT-I. K Krlckbaum, P. U Bhum&n.
ftconoW ".-William 'Krjckhaum.
isvirt Mouo.rrp ier s. N. N nlker.
V'rui 01 -i Ui-cnrder-Williamson II. Jacoby.
mSu ct Attorney-Ijobert )t. utile
SI erltt-Jolin W Hoffman
s tryovor -'amualNeyliHrT
0-,mmlM.nnors-8tcpKni ohc, Cliarlca Klchart,
"jurv'commlssloners-Bll Itobblns, Theodore W.
B,ml,mt suuorlntendent William It. Snyder.
Vi'ioom Voir ii"trlct-mroctors-K. 8. Ent, Scott,
I - ? Kramer. Uloomsburg and Thomas Recce,
Bloomsburg Official Directory.
lTesldent of Town Council 0. A, Herring.
I'lcr -I'i'il K- Wirt. o
Chief of rollce-Jas. C. sterner.
l'rcbldent of Has Company S. Lnorr.
'secretary O. W, Miller. . t ,
UiSomsDurg Hanklnff Company-John A. Funston,
fSeni, It. . orou, Cashier, John rcacock, Tel-1CFlrs'Na'lonal1lanlc-CharlcsU.rttxlon,rTcsldont
j. p. Tiwtln, ca?hler. . Vn. . .
IASK-Sri5f ffi.ieTi'id7ni;irwAiuTev;
iSmrMmsVurg nniminc and Saving Fund Association
I.flrowerll'rostdcni,!. E. Wirt, Secretary.
rot. J. P. Tu,tln, (supply.), ,,,,.
Sunday services 1 . r
ffiSw Wednesday evening at .
ClOCK mi ... lrnnr1 InattPnrt.
Boats treo.M j-. -- ji"
KTng-EvSy "Wednesday evcnlngaUM
ClOCk All nroirnlonmO.
seats tree. P tv;
Mlnlslcr-nov. stuarl Mitchell.
Sunday 8ervlccs-loj ft. in. and e p. m.
fsSRDSwr Wednesday evening at tN
scaistrco. No pews rented. Strangers welcome.
u.n.nin pprarnpll. cnCRCIlt
Presiding EW"i'0Tiw. "M"1,
auuutt, ... 01
Sunday scnooi a p. m. , nvinfir.
'-"! S' 'v'TiJo, nS-fivery-Tuesday
fcvenlng at W o'cloct. evening
Henerai iTuyur iJiuuvauis -- -
Sunday Services 10 a. m. and 7 p. m.
prayer Jloetlng-Saturday, I p. m.
All aro mvltecf There is always room.
itecior uev u. .uiiiic. ...
Sunday Servlccs-10 a. ra., 1H p. m.
Sunday School 9 a. m.
First sunosy in rri,rnu v laav
a ytiniliv In pnfll montn.
ITeSldlng Elder Key. A. U Ilcoscr.
rraver il;ws"I:, j Muji..m . r.
All aro Invited. All aro welcome.
.. Ls-nwUflMifltii or a n m .
.... ...... t.i sii.i.-At. nn thn i111
I known ns tho Welsh Baptist Church-on nock street
I negular mooting for worship, every Lord's day at-
r"eat?fr"Md tho' public aro cordially invited to
f attend
irriTianT. niinETtS lilnU. itmt nnnteil and
S- neatly bound In small book's, on hand and
t Ut aUlU Ufa luu tULiivun wn-iv-v.
TLANK DEEDS, on P.irchmnt anil Linen
toTs and trustees, for oalo cheap at tho colcubun
B nnvinn nnTimTml 4 rpT7d f ...4
i f I nnd lor sale at tlio Coltbibiah Offlce. Minis-
wolves with these necessary articles.
f TUSTICES and Constables' Fee-Bills for sale
reeled fees as established by the last Act of tho Uff.
M JlLUrt) UpUU LUO OUUJOK. UTvaj "v.m
c luuio Buuuiuuuigvuu.
ENDUE NOTES just printed anil for sale
cheap at tno Columbian oiucu.
CO. BARKLEY, Attorney-at-Law. Office
. in lsrower's building, 2nd story, Rooms i & 5
B. ROBISON. Attorney-at-Law. Office
. in Ilartman s building, Main street.
AMUEL KNORR. Attorney-at-Law,Office
in iiarimaa a nuiiuiug, iuiu biiccu
TMl. W1L M. REBER. Surgeon and Pliysi
I J clan, onico S. E. corner Rock and Market
R. EVANS. M. D.. Surgeon anil Physi
clan, (onico and Residence on Third street,
T B. McKELVY, SI. D., Surgeon and Phy
J . slclan, north side Main street, below Market.
Office, North Market street,
Mar.ST,7 Bloomsburg, Pa.
"TR. I. L. RABB,
Main Street, opposite Episcopal Church, Blooms
burg, To.
rf Teeth extracted without pain,
aug S4, 17-ly.
xy II O W E L L,
Offlce in Hartman's Block, second floor, corner
Main and Market Streets,
May 20 ly.
Sewing Machines and Machinery of all kinds re-
dalred. Ofkha Hocsk Building, Bloomsburg, ra.
AVID LOWRNBERG, Merchant Tailor
Main St., above Central Hotel.
S. KUIIN, dealer it. Sleat, Tallow, etc..
centre sireei, oeiween dccuuu uuu iuiru.
ROSENSTOCK, Photographer,
, Clark H Wolf's Store, Main street.
RoomNo. lS.oriRAHocsK BnLrma, Bloomsburg.
oj, , .
AIlUINAl. J11U lftDUilAUa
The asseiR of thpgn old comoratlons aro all ln
vested in solid SECUR1T1LS and are liable to the
hazard of Fire only.
Losses fhomptly and uonfstlt ndlusted and paid
as socn as determined by Cubisiian F. KNArr, spe
cial Agent and Adlutter, U'oonibburg, l'enn'a.
1 bo citizens of Columbia county should patronize
the agency v here losses, If any, are adjusted and
I'am u? uue vi meirown cuizcob. uuvwo, -,1-1
JL UY. Exchange Hotel, Uloomsburg, ra.
IXtna.InsCo., ofnartford, Connecticut... 6,1100,000
Liverpool, London and Qlobe
lioyalof Liverpool ,., u 600,000
imucanBuire ,.,,. iuluuu,,uu
Fire ABBOClAt Inn. PhlUilplnhlft S.IIM.OOO
Farmers Mutual of DasTUle 1,000,000
Daavllla Mutual 70,000
iiome, new York. , ... 5,eoo,ooo
Afl thA firnrtf.a am Hlrot ftli..AB art urrlttpn fnr
lie Insured wltnout any delay ta the omce M BIooius-
Aiarcnis,'77 y
nainteaHll lUB IXJULAJ Tf .rU
A I T?T!Tfi VT i voiTii t nr,i. oAi 1 n i po
-,iu inu JiAIua jximii
LlCfmlntFflf ItliMiu
NOtih Altiorlnan nt a A ninhi n Im
j ranwiDTof '
1 ennsyivanla of "
f armere 01 York, Pa.
v 1 "m "ew York.
S Market Street No. , Bloomsburg, Pa,
Increato of Fenslotu cbtalncl, CoUecUommde,
Offlce, Second door from 1st National Bank.
BLooMsnimu. pa.
Attor noyat-Law.
Incrcaso of Pensions Obtained, Collections
omco In Enfs llciLciKO.
Coicxbuh npit.rtNa, Uloomsburg, Pa.
Members of the Unltod stnton Law Association.
Collections mado In any part of America or Europe
KJ. ..
Al lU Iwi Jfi X 9- VI ,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
omce on Main Street, first door below Court House
F. & J. M..CLARK,
Bloomsburg, Pa,
Offlco In Ent'a Building.
AilUKfttfX AT 1.AYV.
Orrici In Harman'B Building, Main street,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
n. tlTTLB.
H. & R. R. LITTLE,
, ai'i'-mw,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
w .
jrrora a v-at-iji w
Offlco In Browcr's building, second floor, room No,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
A'lTUUN 1; 1 -A T-L, A V ,
omco In A. J. EriN's Nkw Bcilsiko,
mxioMsuuno. pa.
Member of Commercial Law and Dank-Collection As
sociation. UCE.14, '77-U
Office In Unandst's Bcildimo, Ai Main street second
uuur uuuve .enixe.
Can be consulted in German.
Jan. 10, TO-tt
"yjy M. L. EYERLY,
collections promptly made and remitted. Offlce
opposite uawwiasa lkvuhil nana. wh
W. U. Abbott. W. U. Rhawn,
Penslona obtained.
deo 81, T7-ly
T ESPECTFULLY announces to the public
Lthat he has reopened
(old stand) Bloomsburg, Pa., at the Forks of the Es
py and Llcrht btreet roads, where all descriptions of
learner win do maae in me moei suDsianiiai ana
workmanlike manner, and sold at prices to suit the
lines, tub nnrnesi price in c&sa wm ai. an limes ue
ad lor
of every descrlnt ion in the country. The public pat.
ronage is respecumiy hoiiciiou.
jiioomsourg, ucu 1, ibis.
sj Ninth street Plttsburr. Dec 10. 1ST.
MooraTI1,P1IU'l, IHTlVjt PI
Gentlemen : Your paints have given entire sat-
isracuon. 1 nave usea mem on a gooa many mucr-
ent kinds Of work, sucn ua iron, Tin, 00a, unci,
tc. and never hpard any comnlatnts. on the C0n
trary, the work st&nda well and for wear, will In my
opinion, stand with any lead In the market. When
In want of reference In this city or vicinity you. are
at liberty to use my name with pleasure, also to use
uus as you,inina uesi
Painter and Dealer In Paints, oils, &&
at lowest market rates.
Samole cards and price Ust furnished without
Orders and lnaulrtes by mall will recelTe prompt
Uloomsbuku, i'X
viays. li.-lj.
fRA.DE Mark. Is especially recom-TR APE MAHK.
meuueu oa nil uu-
falllng cure for tem-lnalweakness,Sper-matorrbea,
tency, and all disea
ses, such as Loss of
memory, Universal
lassitude, Pain In
the Hark. Dimness
Before Takine of vision, rrema-
""UB ' "inr old Ape. and
many other Claeascs thatlead to Insanlty.Consump
llonanda Premature Orave. all of which as a rule
are first caused by deviating from, the; path of nature
and over IndiUgence. ihe speclna Medicine l the
result of a Ufa study and any ytara of eiperlence
In treating these special dlseakes.
PuU particulars In our ramphlela.wblch we desire
n A bo malt tn ovrv ntifi.
The specino Medicine is Bold by aU DrugclsU at II
per paeltige. or bIi rkaeafor a,ory.n be sent
by man ou receipi- o i"o uiuc j mw.vb
No. 10, Met haniCa Block, Detroit, Mich.
sold In Bloomsburg byC. A. Klelrt.uid by all
TOwr0leaI. AgttitA, HlUburg.
Tho Seaside Library.
Choice books no lonirer for tho low only. Tho best
standard novols within tho reach of every one.
Books uaually sold From 1 1 to 13 given (unchanged
and unabridged) for 10 and to centa.
lot. ANrblo Life, by Miss Mnlock loo
K-3. Hard Times by Cliartos nickens IV
103. A Brave lAdy, by Mlm Mulock t, c
lot. Peep O- Day, by John lianlm 100
105. At tno Sign of tho silver Flagon, by II L
Farjeon 100
ltd. Tho master tf tho tireylands, by Mrs Henry
107. Illado-o'-drnss by 11 L Farleon too
103. The Sea King, by Captain "arrjat 100
10. Eleanor's Victory, hy MI9s M E Braddon too
no. The (ilrls of roversliain, bv Florcneo Marryatioo
111, A Tour of tho World In Eighty Days, by
dines .emo int
lit. Hard Cash, by Charles Rcado to
Its. (lolden Uraln, by II L Farjeon l"o
111. imrmi MarKiiam, uy miss .m r. iirnuuon iitg
11.. Within the Maze, by Mrs It Wood too
118. Paulino, by L II walford ' 100
117. Tho Kcmalo Minster, by E Lies 100
118. (Ireat Ripectatlons, by O Dickens too
lit. Petronel, by Unreneo Marrat loo
lto. Romance of a Poor Young ,an, by O Fcu-
net loe
HI. A 1 lfo for a Lite, by Miss Mulock coc
1!J. The PrlvateerFman, by captain Marry at 100
lt3. Irish Iz-gends, by Samuel laver 10c
1M. Squire '1 revlyn's Heir, by Mrs II Wood too
H5 Mary Barton, by Mrs Haskell loo
lto. Erenia ; or my Father's n D Black-
moro 10c
1ST. My Lady Ludlow, by Mrs Oaskcll loo
is uousin runups, dv aire uasKcu 100
lto. The Wandering Jow, (1st half) by Eugeno
Sue too
119. Tho Wandering Jew (2d half) by Kngeno Sue toe
lso Sermons out of Church, by MUs Mulock
mi. Alicuaci Mrogou. oy .luies eruu
1st. .lack 1 lltiton. by Charles Lever
183. Tho Duchess of Rosemary Lane, by B L Far-
jeou iw
184. My Bjother's Wife, by Amelia n Edwards loo
1S3. Agatha's Husband, by Miss Mulock , 100
iao. Katie Stewart, by Mrs Ollphant loo
187. A Rent In a Cloud, by Charles Lever loo
lis. What He Cost Her, by James Payne loo
189. London's Heart, by II L Farjeon toe
140. Tho Lady Lisle, by Miss M K Braddon 100
HI, Alasterman Heady, bv Captain Marryat 10c
lit. The Head of the Family, by M lis M ulock too
143. Tho Haunted Tower, by Mrs Henry Wood too
144. 1 he Twin Lieutenants, by Alexander Dumas 10c
145, nan a lnuuon 01 money, oy Amelia 11. i.a-
140. Charles o'Mallcy, tho Irish Dragoon, by
Lever, (Triple No)
147. Ratt'ln, the Reefer, by Captain Marryat
14s. A niue Blocking, dv Annie jtuwaraa
149. Joshua Marvel, by B L Farjeon
150. Midshipman Easy, by captain Marryat
151. The Russian oypsy, by Alex Dumas
1st. Arthur o'Leary, by oharlea Lever
153. Ward of Wife
154. A Point of Honor, by Annie Edwards
155. The count of Monte-t'rlsto, Alex Dumaa
150. Tho King's own, by Capt. Marryat
157. Hand and move, by Amelia u. Edwards
159. The Phantom uhlp, by Captain Marryat
100. The Black Tulip, by Alexander Dumas
101, The World Well Let, K. Lynn Linton
10a. Treasure irove. oy nainuei ijver
162. Slitrlev. Charlotte Uronto
163. Frank Mlldmay, by Captain Marryat
164. A Young Wife's Story, Harriet Bowrn
165. A Modern Minister (Vol. 1.) Chovely Novel
100. Tho I ast Atdlnt. by oeorgo Sand
1ST. ino wuei'K s iecKioce, uy aiux. uumas
los. Con Cregan, by t harlea wyer
169. St. Patrick's Kve, by Charles Lever
170. Newton Korster, by Captain Marryat
171. Hostage to Fortune, by Miss Braddon
17J. Chevalier de Malton Rouge, by Dumas
ns.Janhet in searcn or
ramer, Dy uapiain
Mrtrrvar. 5(le
174. Kate o'Donoghue, by Charles Lever too
175. The Pacha of Many Tales, Cap! aln Marryat loc
170. Perclval Kcene by Captain Marryat 100
117. Oeorgo Canterbury Will, by Mrs. Henry
171. Rare oood Luck, by It. E. Frnncllllon
iiv. ine insTory 01 a inmc, oy icior uugo
180. Wllkle Collins
181. Tho Countess do Charny, Alex Dumas
181. Juliets uuardtan, by Mrs. Cameron
1S3. Kenllwortb, by Sir Walter Scott
184. The Llttlo Savace. by Caotaln Marryat
1S5. "Good-Bye Sweetheart," by Rhoda iirougton 100
160, David Coppertleld, by Charles Dickens
ncs uicaens vuc
191. .uuu.i, uy AicAtuiueriuuiua
188. The Sw Iss Family Robinson
189. Henry Dunbai, by Miss Braddon
190. Memoirs of a Physician, by Alex Dumas
101. The Threo Cutters, by Captain Marryat
191. The conspirators, by Alexander Dumas
193. Heart Of Midlothian, sir Walter Scott '
194. No Intentions, hy Florence Marryatt
195. Isabel of Bavaria, bv Alexander Dumaa
196. Nicholas Nlckleby, by Charles Dickens
197. Nancy, by Rhoda Broughton
198. settlers In Canada, by captain Marryat
199. Cloisters and tbo Hearth, by Chaa. Reade
too. The Monk, by Matthew O. Lewis, M. 1
taiuna ix:ivis.
201. Catharine Blum, by Alex Dumas
tot. M r. Mini's Love Story by Oeorgo Eliot
103. Cloister and the Hearth, by Clias. heade
104. Tho Young Llanero. W. H. G. Kingston
109. The mysteries of Paris, (1st half) oy Eugene
sue too
to:. The mysteries of Paris, (td half) by Eugene
too. Poison of Asps, by Florence Marryat 10c
zut. Tne unuaren 01 me flew forest Dy leapt. .
Marryat inn
t08. North and South, by Mrs. Gaskell tuc
109. A Jewel ot a Girl loc
110. Young Musgrave, by Mrs. Ollphant loo
111. Randolph Gordon, by "Oulda'' loc
lit. Brigadier Frederick, by Krekmann-Chatruui loc
!1S. uarnaby Jiudge, by Chas. Dickens too
114. Wlnvtowe, by Mrs. Lclth Adams loc
tis. Brdsot Prey, by Miss Braddon toe
110. Legends cr tno Black Watch, by Jmes Granttoc
xw. int'Dau rununcsui. nev. Amos liarion. DV
George Eliot 100
118. Domfaey and Son, by Charles Dickens too
119. My Own Child, by Florence Marryat 10c
ttu, ueorgo LanierDurys wui, by Airs.; Henry
til. Poor Zeph, by F. W. Robinson
tu. Last of tno Mohicans, by J. F. Cooper
113. The Marrlago Verdict, by Dumas
tt4. The Deer Mayer, by J. ft Cooper
tvo. Two IieBtlnles, by Wllkle Collins
lto. The Path Finder, hy F. J. Cooper
lt7. Hannah, by Miss Mulock
m The Regent's Daughter, by Dumas
119. The Pioneers, by J, Fenlmore cooper
130. Little Grand and the Marchioness,
31, Tho Prairie, by J. Fentmoro Ccoper
131. A Dark Night's Work, by Mrs. oaskell
133. Tho IHot, by J. Fenlmore Cooper
134. The Tender Recollections of Irene MacgUl
cuddy 135. a n Open Verdict, by Mlsa Braldon
136. Shepherds alt and maidens Fair, by Walter
Besant and James Rice
137. Wandering Heir, by Charles Reade
138. Beatrice, by Julia Kavanagh
139. No ihorougnfarc, by Charles Dickens and
U llkle Collins
140. Tho Laurel Bush, by Miss Mulock
241. Trlcotrln, by "1 iulda"
14J. The Three leathers, by William Black
143. Dalsv Lady Hardy
341. The Three Guardsmen, by Dumas
145. Jack Manly, by James Grant
wo. 1 eg v, uijiuktuu, uy i;iiunes lieaue
34T. Martin Chuzzlewlt, by Dickens
948. Bread and Cheese and Kisses, by B. L. Far-
149. Cecil rastlemalne's Gage, by "Oulda"
101. Lady AuMe) 's Secret, by Miss M. E. Braddpn 100
B3U. rio name, uy i ukiu uuiiiiih
so., fiaiu 11 i.cui.iij ucmumuuuM, irtua 1UO
15l! A Truo Man. bv M. C. Mlrllnr
154. The Octoroon, by Miss Braddon
25.1. Lothalr, by Right Hon. H. Disraeli
150. Lord Oakburn'a Daughters, by Mrs. Llenry
157. That Boy of Norcott'a, by Lever 100
958. Phyllis, The Duchess 100
159. Valentine Vox, (1st half) by nenry Cockton too
169. Valentine Vox, (9d half) by llenry Cockton too
tee. cnanoiie s inneniancc, oy Aiisa si, is.
Braddon loo
901. Lea Ml-serables Fnntlne, by Hugo 100
xey. Les Aiiserauies t;uBeiie, uy iiugo 100
163. LesMlserables Marlus, by Hugo loc
164. Le.i Mtserables St. Dennis, by Hugo loc
165. Mlserawes Jean vaijean, by Hugo loo
166. Jacob Faithful, by Captain Marryat loe
167, The Last or tne liaddons. by Mrs. Newman 1110
168. Forty-nve (, by Dumas too
169. ited as a Rose Is Hie, by Rnoda Broughton 100
170. Tho Jilt, by chas Reade 100
971. The Diary of a Physician, (let half) by Samuel
171, Tho Diary of a PhysUlan (id half) by Samuel
Warren too
tit. i ne cricket on me iieann, by cnanes Dick
ens 100
173. snarnyyow, oy cant. Marryat 100
t!4.T?n'lhouBanda ear.(lst half) by Samuel
n anrn , auo
114. Ten i nousanu a lear izuuuiouy oamuei
Warren too
975. A bhadow on the Threshold, by Mary Cecil
Hay 100
970. The Pago of the Duke ot Savoy, by Alex.
liumtuf iuc
977. Brother Jacob, by George Eliot 100
178. blx Years Later, by Alex. Dumas 10
179. A Leaf In the storm, by "Oulda" 100
sso. The Wreck of tne "Groavenor" 100
S81. Lady Marabout's Troubles, by "Oulda" 10c
1st. Poor Jack, by Captain Marryat 10c
3,Ttteniy lears Aiier, ny uumas two
181. oilier Tntst, by Charles Dickens 100
185. Cometh Up as a Flower, by Rhoda Broughtonioc
!o. Atu-r Dark by WlUtlo Collins
187. 1 elcrhton Grance
988, TheChannlngs, by Mrs. Henry Wocd
989, A Christmas carol, by C. Dickens
191. Olive, by Mtss Mulock .
ivi. "'lie uumeiu iui,-duu ooiu,- uy Anmu
193. Tom Samuel Lover
194. The Ogllvles, by Miss Mulock
t95. Lost for Ixive, 15 Miss Braddon
990. Tom Burke of "ours," (1st half) by Charles
996. Tom Burke ot "Ours," (9d half) by Charles
197. The Haunted Man. by Charlts Dickens
198. Captain Paul, by Alex. Dumas
Suo. By C'ella's Arbor, by James Besant and Wal
ter Rice
For sale by' all Booksellers and Newsdealers, or
Bent postage urcpoiu, uu ruceipi, ui uncv,
GEORGE MUNRO, Publhyier,
P. O. Box M57. 91, 93 and 15, Vandewater St., N. Y,
aug , TI-6m
pled by J, 11. Hoy t Is offered for sale by the under-
and can bo purchased on FAVORABLE TERMS. Pos
session will ue gireo April isi, isiv.
For furtuer partlculais address
" 11. H. WESTLEH.
Executrix of N, (1. Westler.doc d.,
Jan. II, 19-Sw Berwick, Paf
I Neatly anj cheaply executed at tha
Cuixmiiak OtSca,
Better than grandeur, better than gold,
Than rank nnd titles nlhoiitand.fold,
Is n, healthy body nnd mind at case,
And simtilo pleasures Hint til ways plcnsc t
A heart that can feel for another's woo,
And share its joys with 11 genial glow,
With sympathies largo enough to enfold
All men ns brothers, is better than gold,
Better than gold is n conscience clear,
Though toiling for bread in an humble sphere,
Doubly blcsicd with content and health,
Untried witli the lust or tho cares of wealth ;
Lowly living nnd loft thought
iVdorn and cnnoblo n poor man's cot ;
For mind nnd morals, in naturo's plan,
Are the genuine tests ot a gentleman.
Better than gold is tho sweet repose
Of tho sons of toil when their labors cloe j
Better than gold is the poor man's sleep,
nd tho balm that drops on his slumber deep,
Bring sleepy draughts to the downy bed,
Whero luxury pillows its aching head.
But ho his pimple opiato deems
A shorter routo to the land of dreams.
Better than gotd is n thinking mind,
That in the realms of books can find
V treasure surpassing Australian ore,
And livo with tho great and good of yore ;
The sago's loro and the poet's lay,
The glories of empires pass away ;
Tho world's great dream will thus enfold,
iV year of pleasure bettter than gold.
Better than gold is a peaceful homo ;
Where nil the fireside characters come,
The thrino of love, tho heaven of life,
Hallowed by mother, or sister, or wite ;
However hnmblo the home may be,
Or tried with sorrow by heaven's decree,
Tho blosiings that never were bought nor sold,
And centre there, are better than gold.
"Come, Kitty, come I" I said i
But still she waited waited,
Nodding oft her pretty head
With, "I'm coming soon,
Father's rowing homo, I know,
I cannot think what keeps him so,
Unless he's just belated
I'm coming soon."
"Como Kate I" her mother called,
"Tho slipper's almost ready."
But Kitty in her place installed,
Coaxed, "I'm coming soon.
Do let mo wait ; He's sure to como :
By this time father's always home
Ho rows so fast and steady ;
I'm coming soon."
"Come Kit 1" her brother cried j
But Kitty by tho water
Still'eagerly the distance eyed,
With, "I'm coming soon.
Why what would evening be," said she,
"Without dear father homo to tea ?"
Without his 'Ho my daughter '
I'm coming Boon."
"Como Kit I they half implore,
Tho child is softly humming,
She hardly heats them any more j
But, "I'm coming soon"
Is in her heart ; for far from shore
Gliding the happy waters o'er
She sees the.boat, and cries, "He's com
ing I
We're coming soon I"
51. yicliola.
Select Story.
All quiet ; a bright fire burning In the
polished stove, the pussey iat purring sleep
ily on the rug ; the clock ticking like silver
drops of water on the mantel-piece ; and
Mrs. Ives' needle glancing in and out of the
work like a small ray of lightning. The
children were all tucked snugly up in bed,
for Mrs. Julius Ives was the most devoted
and obedient of conjugal partners. It was
an exquisitely neat room a room where the
sweet home element predominated in every
nook and corner a room to which the tired
business man might look forward all day, a
haven of rest and peace.
The clock struck eight ; pussy Btretched
herself drowsily before the fire, and Mr.
Ives laid down tho paper with a preparatory
'Ahem I
'And now, Melissa,' he said authoritative
ly, 'you may brine me your house bills.'
Poor Mrs. Ives started in her chair as if a
cannon-ball had ominously thundered Into
the silence ofthe cosy little apartment. How
much she dreaded the weekly recurrence of
this domestic ukase was only known to her
self. It was. the skeleton in her closet the
one embittering element of her happy home
life the haunting ghost that po diplomacy
had yet enabled her to exercise. Yet, like
a well trained wife as she was, she brought
tbo tiny packet of bills, and sat down meek-
at her husband's side.
The was a pretty woman, tall and grace
ful, with straight, regular features, rosy
cheeks, and soft, wistful eyes that looked
like brown velvet ; a woman whose bands
were always white and delicate, and whoso
dresses always seemed to fit by magic
Nor was Mr. Julius Ives a disagreeable
specimen of mankind to look upon. He was
large and finely formed, with black bair,
strongly disposed to curl at the ends, and
bright, black eyes. Yet, nevertheless, there
was a certain curl in Mr. Ives' upper Hp
that savored somewhat of the imperative
'Butter again i That's five pounds we have
used within the week,' moaned Mr. Ives,
checking off the various items of the grocer's
bill with the. little gold pencil that hung at
his watch-chain, 'My dear, does Bridget
grease the kitchen pans with butter ?'
Mrs. Ives cheek glowed.
'Now, Julius, what Is the use of talking
in that sarcastic sort of way ? You know
very well that a family like ours cannot sub'
siit on air and you like to have all the cook
Ing very rich you know.'
'Rich I I should think so. Ham-cod
fish. By the way, Melissa, Jones says they
only buy meat three tlmea a week have It
cold every other day. Ills wife knows bow
to economize, I suppose you haven't the
least idea what becomes of the joints after
they have left the table V
I bave no doubt' of Bridget's perfect hon'
eaty, Julius.'
'Oh, no of courso not. But I do think,
Melissa, it is a wife's duty to pay some at
tention to her husband'a pocket'
'Why our bills are not disproportionately
large, Julius.'
'They must be, my dear they must be.
Positively its enough tn frighten one to run
over tlicso items in tho housekeeping ac
counts 1 Sugar raslns oil oysters I Me
lissa, do I keep n resturnnt 1 If not, where
do all these things go ?'
Mrs. Ires was silent,
'Bread steaks joint two tons of coal I
Upon my word I'
Stilt Mr;, Ives maintained complete taci
'Melissa,' said her husband, placing the
bills rather empatically on the table, 'v
must turn over a new leaf wo must posi
tively economize. Can't you retrench ex
penses?' 'How V
'In a thousand ways, my dear. Why, my
mother never spent half the money you con
trivo to spend, and there was twelve of
'Your mother lived on a farm, Julius,
The milk, butter, cheese and vegetables
were from her farm and dairy the meat
and poultry were from her own barnyard and
pasture. I don't think it fair to Institute a
comparison between her expenses nnd
mine.' .
'Oh, that's the way you women all talk I'
said Mr. Ives impatiently. All I know is,
that there is a screw loose somewhere. You
must economize.'
'But, Julius'
'My love, don't you see I'm just lighting
my cigar ? I can never smoko when my
mind is in any way disturbed. Suppose we
dismiss the subject ? I am quite sure I have
stated my wishes on the subject with suffici
ent distinctness.'
Mrs. Ives bit her lip and sewed away
vigorously on her work. But if her thoughts
could have descended iu a shower bath of
words on Mr. Julius Ives' head, how ther
would have startled him from his calm com
placency 1
'Yes. I'll economize,' thought Mrs. Me-
lissa,vindictively digging the thread through
tho seams, .'I'll givo him -enough of re
trenchment. Why will a man relinquish
his dignity so far as to interfere in matters
he cannot possibly understand I I wonder
if he thinks nino persons live on a pint of
milk and two baked potatoes a day ? I won
der if he knows that I make all the pud
dings and pies, and give out the tea and
coffee, and superintend everything every
thing myself? He might know, if he
would take the trouble to find out instead of
indulging in sweeping denunciations. I won
derif he suspects that I trim my own bonnets,
and make my own dresses.and make my little
ones' clothes, and save unnecessary outlay ?
It s almost enough to make one wish they
had never got married.'
But then Melissa thought of the rosy lit
tle ones fast asleep up stairs, and csncluded
that on the whole there were so many sun
beams in her lot.
'Hello, Elmer I Why, surely this is not
you ?'
'Well, I don't know who else it can be,'
coolly remarked tho handsome, bronzed
looking gentleman, who had lounged into
Mr. Ives' office. 'And I've brought Harry
Lamarque.with me. You remember him
don't you ?'
'Remember him should think so. And
we haven't met before since our college days.
Well, I declare ; this is a curious coincidence.
You'll both of you promise to come and
dine with me to-day at five o'clock, won't
you ? Come, Im' sure you haven't any
other engagement, and I'll introduce you to
my wife."
'I'll come,' said Elmer promptly, and I'll
engage to bring Lamarque with me.'
'But you are not going ?'
'I must I have no end of business to
transact ; but we'll have a regular chat at
dinner, old boy.'
Melissa bad hardly despatched her little
band of chubby-faced children to school
that morning, when the office boy came
knocking at the door with a note.
From Mr. Ives, ma'am, there ain't 110
The note ran as follows
"I shall bring two old college mates, El
mer and Lamarque, to dinner. Let it be on
the table promptly at six. Your affection
'Mrs. Ives folded up the note and deposited
it in her desk with a comical smile hovering
around her mouth.
Economy is the order of the day Bhe
It was a bleak day toward the end of De-
cember, with a raw wind and a sky over lad.
en with clouds ; and Mr. Ives' nose was de
cidedly tingled with blue as he ushered his
two shivering guests into the parlor.
'Walk in,"gentlemen walk in and warm
yourselves,' he said rubbing his bands with
hospitable fervor.
But contrary to all'his expectations, con
trary to the usual domestic arrangements
prevailing in that house-hold, there was no
fire in the stove the Air .was as damp and
chilly as that of a mausoleum.
Julius bit his lip and repressed the rather
demonstrative expression that was rising on
his tongue.
'Be seated, geutlemen, I will rectify this
mistake Immediately,' he said, leaviog the
'How Is this ? No fire and the room like
an ice-well'' was his petulant exclamation as
he met his wife in the hall.
'Coal is seven dollars a ton, Julius It
Is necessary for us to economize,' said Me
lissa, demurely.
'Send the maid this minute to kindle a
fire,' said Julius, his teeth chattering.
'And my dear, you ate surely not going
Into tjie room In that faded old dress?'
'Of course T am. My best silk is begin
ing to wear, and as I can't afford another,
I must be as economical as possible.'-''
Julius Ives made a queer grimace: he
didn't at all likethe idea of swallowing his
own words. And Melissa walked into the
the presence of his friends, faded old dress
antl all.
'Six o'clock isn't dinner nearly ready ?'
asked Mr. Ives, consulting his clironometor,
with a sort of warning glance at his wife.
Melissa rose, and at the same Instant din
ner was anounced.
Now Mrs. Ires was a capital house keepei
who possessed the faculty ot geettng up
tempting dinners on short notice. So Julius
naturally expected a repast suitable to the
occasion, What was his dismay on behold
log the cold hacked jolntof yesterday, flank
od by a few potatoes, Elmer and Lamarquo
took their seata with polite unconsciousness,
but Julius looked btack as a thunder
'Melissa; what does this mean ?' ho whisp
ered, 'Does what mean, my love ?' asked Me
lissa, with n face of the most innocent won
der in the world.
Just at that moment tho little Ives burst
Into the room shabby And patched. As a'
general thing Julius wai passing proud of
bli pretty, well dressed children,
'Go nnd get dressed my dears,' ho said
sternly. 'What on earth does nurso mean
by allowing you to come down stairs in this
outlandish manner ?'
'Woaredrelhed, papa,' lisped out Master
July, with the boldness of conscious recti
tude. 'Mamma laid out the clothes for uth.
She thays 1th eoon ccon '
But Mr. Julius Ivei hurried' and hustled
the little ones out of the room without aoy
further explanation.
'Melissa,' he said earuestly, drawing his
wife to one side, into the bay window, 'what
Is the matter ? Are you crazy ?'
'Not crazy, love,' sweetly answered Me
lissa, 'only trying to follow the example of
Mrs. Jones, and retrench,'
'But, my dear '
'Pardon me, Julius ; you said that my
extravagant housekeeping was 'wasting you
out of house nnd homo. I think after this
you will hardly venture to make that accusa
tion a second time.'
'My dear, I I I was a fool,' said Julius
with with a choking sensation under his cra
vat.' 'I wn't. interfere In housekeeping af
fairs again, 1 promise you. I am quite con.
vinced that I know nothing whatever about
the subject. Hereafter I will leave the mat
ter entirely in your hands.'
'Entiroly and without Interference?' asked
Mrs. Ives doubtfully.
'Entirely and without Interference,' said
Mr. Ives decisively.
Mrs. Ives turned to her puzzled guests :
'Gentlemen, will you please walk into the
other room ?' she asked with a calm self-
possession that rather astonished them. As
she spoke, tho folding doors were thrown
back, revealing an elegant llttlo apartment
beyond. Julius walked to the head of the
table with a most whimsical face. There
were roast fowls and a ham, while various
vegetables were arrayed in tempting proxi
mity. Tho glass and sliver were all in a
glitter, nnd a dainty llttlo desert was neatly
arranged on the Bide board, Julius Ives'
whole face cleared with magical promptitude.
He turned round and gave his wife a hearty
kiss before he commenced to carve the tur
key. What Messrs, Elmer and Lamarque
thought just then is not on record; but when
Melissa came in subsequently to the after
dinner cigars, with the little Iveses cluster
ing about her as fresh and rosy as so many
pink and white daisies, they must have con
cluded that Julius knew what he was about
when he married that pretty woman, with
her brown eyes and coral-red mouth.
And before the evening was out, Mr. Ives
concluded that his domestic discomfiture
was too good a joke to keep to himself, and
so confided the whole story to his friends.
'Of course Mrs. Ives was right,' said El
'To be sure she was,' assented Lamarque.
I tell you, Jule, you made a donkey of your
self that time.
ur urn ,ur. avbs venture 10 ueay me sen
evident fact. From that day to this he has
never a word good, bad,or indifferent
against the house keeping bills,
Casey's Itemarkakable Adventures.
A Montana Mail-Carrier Who Lived
for Ten Days on Tobacco and Snow.
Casey carried what is known as the horse'
back mail, but which is, in fact, carried by
a two-wheeled vehicle like a sulky, from
Sun River to'the Twenty-Eight Mile Springs,
On the 27 ult. he started from the former
place. There was a blinding snow storm at
the time, and the road across the prairie
was wholly lost. As he did not reach the
end of his drive at trie appointed time It was
assumed that he had lost nis way, and this
theory proved to bo .well founded. There
were not wanting brave men both at Sun
River aud Helena, to undertake the search
for the missing man ; but. their most ardu
ous efforts were in vain. On the 3d Inst.
Mr. William Rawe rcachen Benton, and
was iuf'.r m-,1 nf the circumstances. The
weather was fearfully cold ; but this did not
deter him from the attempt tbat humanity
dictated. Mounted on a horse ho set forth
and in due time found s, dim track where it
seemed probable that Casey had left the
main road. Following this his labors were
rewarded on the 5th Inst, by findine the
driver about twenty miles north of Twenty
Eight Mile Springs. When Casey was found
he was sitting in his cart, which the hone
was drawing slowly and painfully along,
He was 111 a doze and Mr, Rowe shouted to
him once or twice before he was roused to
consciousness. It was then found that his
right foot and leg were frozen nearly to tho
knee, and tbat bis left foot was In the time
condition. It is believed that hie injuries
are not serious and that he will not suffer
the loss of either limb. His story was soon
told ; and with bis recollection of his expe
ience'and what Mr. Rowe learned in hi9
search is wonderful beyond fiction. The
driver had been wandering over the track'
less prairie for ten days and nights without
food or shelter and with a-tempereture nev
er above zero. All this time he had moved
in a perfect clrclo and had picketed his
horse aud camped almost every night in ab
most the same spot. More remarkable Btill,
he had daily passed within a mile and a half
ofthe Twenty-eight Mile House which was
bis destination. All this time, amid suffer
ing which would have crushed an ordianary
man, Bob Casey bad only one thought, that
he mutt stay with the mail and getjit through
whatever befell him. And he did ; not a
single package was lost. Starving, half
frozen and daztd by exposure and privation,
It was not of himself ho thought; his duty
was still uppermost in his mind. Here was
heroic stuff, how many such cau the postal
service boaat of? During all tluwj terrible
days nnd nights the only thing that passed
bis lips was tobacco and snow. He had
with him a goodly supply of th. former ar;
iicie ui uie itart, out as uay wore into nigni
uuu,.iBu. .mo uay u0 urgaq uoaruing
with as much avidity as ever did a miser tit
Diptitrla li Milk.
It Is said to be an established fact that milk Is
frequently an agent for the diffusion of dis
ease. Epidemic outbreaks of typhoid or en
teric fever have more than once been traced
to a common supply of Infected milk, In
these cases, however, the Injurious character
of the milk has been attributed to lis con.
tamlnatlon from external sources, at by
means of Impure air or impure water, con
taining the germs of the disease. But a more
startling theory concerning the epidemic
agency of milk .has recently been put for
ward in England, and demands attention
from the sanitary authorities In this country
In view ofthe present prevalence of dlpthe
rla in so many localities.
It Is possible, not to say probable tbat
dlptlieria has its origin in the diseased con
dition of milch cows. Such at least Is the
Inference which must be drawn from the
carefully observed facts of two epidemics in
England, both of recent occurrence, one in
North London and the other at Woking.
They indicate that a disease of the odder
known as Qarget, arid generally regarded by
dairymen as insignificant, may so affect the
quality of the'mltk as to produce diptherla
in the consumers.
Inquiry leaves no donbt that milk from
cows having garget finds its way into the
market in considerable quantities. Only a
portion of the udder is usually attacked by
the disease, and the milk yielded by the
other quarters dp not manifest any such
change in quality as would ordinarily lead to
its rejection. Indeed, so indifferently is the
affection looked upon by the men having
the charge of cows that they seldom inform
their employers of its existence. A mem
ber of the Pathological Society of London,
who was led to Investigate the subject lately
found several cases of garget among bis own
cattle, although his bailiff had not thought
them important enough to mention.
The circumstances ef the North London
epidemic of diptherla satisfied the sanitary
officer charged with its investigation that
the disease was distributed by the milk sup
ply, and that the milk had not been con
taminated by any influences from without.
These conclusions are confirmed by the like
ppinions of distinguished physicians t whom
the facts bave been snbmltted. They natu
rally lead to the question whether any spe
cial disease could prevail, without attract
ing particular notice, among the caws from
which the milk came. The answer is that
garget is just such a disease. And the be
lief that the apparently slight affection in
cattle may be transformed into diptherla,
or may induce ".that disease in the human
subject, is strengthened by the recent dip-
thcritic outbreak at the Princess Mary's
Home at Woking.. Garget was found to be
prevalent on the farm which furnished
miitc to that institution.
The proceedings of the Pathological Soci
ety of London In reference to this possible
connection between diptherla and disease
in cows .supply 'abundant evidence of the
gravity with which the medical (profession
regard the subject. It has been referred for
investigation to a. committee of highly qual
ified physicians, one of whom is Dr. Burdon
Sanderson, and the results of their inquiry
Cannot fall to be Important. In the mean
time,ought not something in the same dirjo-
tion to be done in this country ? N. Y, Sun.
Boys Wanted.
A few mornings since a lady living on
Clifford street answered the bell to find a
bulky boy with an innocent face and peach -
ilnrul a.,, .fonrllnrv nr. tf,A .l.n. TTa ...
ha w..,,d h hll8bftn(i. ..jd
Bhe answered that her husband had left for
his office.
'I am the boy who sweep's out all the offi'
ces where he is,' said the, boy as he backed
down the steps, ' and this morning I found a
lettter in the big scrap sack."
'Well, you can leave it,' she replied.
'I I guess I hadn't better,' he half whis
pered, as he showed the small pink envel
ope. 'Boy that Is boy, let me see that letterl'
she said as she advanced and extended her
Oh, 'twouldn't be 'zactly right, ma'am,
'cause I know he'd gin me fifty cents.'
'See here boy,' she said, as she felt for the
dollar bill left her to buy coffee and tea, 'you
take this, give me the letter, and don't say a
word to Mr. - about finding the letter.
'I don't believe it's much of a letter,' he
'Never mind hand it over here's your
money 1'
'Mebbe there hain't a word of writing in
it, ma'am.'
'Here give me tho letter now go I'
She took it and entered the house, and
the boy with the peach-colored ears, flew
down Ithe street like a cannibaljgoing to
In about forty seconds the woman came
out, looked up and down the street, and the
expression around her mouth was not so
happy and peaceful. The boy had seemed
to doubt that there was any writing inside
the envelope, but she was not quite prepared
to tear it open and find a printed document
commencing : 'Whereas, default having
been made in the conditions of a certaiu
mortgage,' etc. She wants to hold another
interview with the lad. If this meets his
eye he will please call between tho hours of
eight and ten oclock a. m,, when she feels
strongest. Detroit Frte Prtu.
Counterfeit Coin.
The amount of counterfeit coin in circula
tion in the United States Is said to be tl,-
000,000, besides the great number of genu-
ine pieces made fraudulent by the removal
of irt ofthe metal. Wholly spurious coins
are always lighter than the good ones, but
an exception, described by the Scientific
American, Is a $5 piece made of gold or til
ver, and really costing the counterfeiter
$3 40 each. Various ingenious modes are
used In stealing gold from coins. The most
common is 'sweating, which is done by using
the' coin as the anode in an electro plating
bath, the gold being abstracted from it and
deposited on another surface. As much as
two dollars worth of gold can be taken in
that way from a double eagle, without mat
ing any difference" that is detected except
by weight. A less scientific plan is to file
the smooth parts ofthe surfaco and reburn
ish the spots. The most extensive fraud is
'Anllttlnp.1 Thn nnpmtnr statu, tit Mitn
through neatly, gouges out the centre until
..,-..-. .-0 . " J w - - -,. .uv WIN
only a thin shell Is left, substituting a base
1 metai, anu joins me parts again, ine ring
ui me weigm less.
1 ened.
.... b.uj
edge and plug iit In.
M'lle Ambro, the new prima donna, wean
1300,000 worth of diamonds and pearls in
L Afrlcalne.
'I'm a rutabaga and here's where I plant
myself,' said a tramp as he entered a farm
house near Freeport, III., and seated himself
at the table. 'We alien bile ours, said tha
farmer's wife, and soused him with a dish
panful of boiling water.
Church-goers at Somerville, Mass., worst
surprised on Sunday morning to find th
trees covered with sausage and lard, but
subsequently discovered that a tank had ex
pioded in a pork-packing establishment.
A Washington correspondent having ask
ed if the introduction into Congress of A few
Indians would not have a good effect upon
that body, the Louisville Ctmritr Journal
makes answer : 'If they were trained to uss
their scalping knives with proper discrimi
nation, it certainly would.'
At Shoreditcb, England, the other day a
shopkeeper sued a gentleman for 2 lGs.
and the defendant said nothing, but when
the case was called in court produced a re
ceipted bill that the tradesman had to admit
was genuine. He complained that the de
fendant should have produced the receipt be
fore Instead of allowing the case to go to
trial, and the judge said 'the defendant bad
acted strictly within his right, but he doubt
ed whether the courtesy displayed was at all
commendable. Under the circumstances th
defendant was to blame and he must pay tha
The English at Teheran got up a paper
hunt the other day, pursuing instead of a fox
two yonng men on horseback, having with
them bags filled with fragments of newspa
pers. The next day the Persians saw curious
bits of paper with cabalistic signs on them
sir-wed for severaf miles among tho hills in
the neighborhood of the town. Some pie
ces were picked up and taken to the town,
There the priests had a solemn meeting which
lasted for several hours. At last the real ex
planation of the mystery was discovered,
but as since that time there has been no rain
the orthodox aro convinced that the infidel
have bewitched the skies.
What Judod Hilton Says. Judgo Hil
ton has set at rest rumors which have been
current for months past in connection with,
the mysterious disappearance and reported
discovery of the body of the late A.JT. Stew
att. The body Ihas not yet been found. In
conversation with a very prominent citizen
this week Judge Hilton said:
'! have not yet got the body. Of course
there are several people who informed mo
they were following clewa, all of them of
seperate and distinct nature, which would
lead finally to the recovery of the body. I
have no confidence in any of them. I havo
no doubt I will be able to get the' body in
the end, but thfis far our efforts have not re
sulted inits discovery.' N. Y. Star.
Another flagrant case of interference with
Federal officials is reported from Georgia,
I An alleged revenue officer weflt into a Dal-
ton cigar store and bought the last five cigars
in a box ; then arrested the proprietor for
having an undestroyed empty box in his
possession. The .vigilant official offered to
1 say nothing to Secretary Sherman in consid-
I a.fttlnn I Af &1ft Ktif tha m.rAant tiad (.Im
meileA tor trvlnir to obtain monev under
I false pretenses and he has been held for
The trial ofthe directors of the City of
Glasgow Bank, on charge of fraud, theft,
and embezzlement, which was begun on tho
20th ult, in the High Court of Justiciary
has resulted In the conviction of Lewis Pot
ter of the Glasgow shipping firm of Potter,
Wilson & Co., and of Robert Sumner Stron-
acb, the manager of the bank, of the ofienca
as charged : the other Directors were found
guilty of uttering false abstracts of balance
sheets. Stronach and Potter were sentenced
to 18 months imprisonment. The sentence
of the other directors was8 months.
The Swiss some time ago sanctioned the
introduction of what is virtually unlimited
facility of divorce. The result of the experi
ment does not speak well for its effect on the
domestic happiness ot the people. In 1877
the various courts of the confederacy decreed
1,030 dissolutions of matrimony and 194
temporary separations, being 4,74 for every
hundred marriages. The rate varied from 1
ro in Catholic cantons like Uri, Oberwalden
and Unterwalden, up to 4.97 in Berne, 6.62
in Geneva, 7.08 in Zurich and 7.32 in Glaris.
A commentator remarks that it Is a curious
fact that divorced people marry more readily,
than celibates, but does not apparently take
into consideration that in many cues the
divorce is obtained as a preliminary to re
The present is the severest winter they
bave have bad in California for a long time
and it has increased the mortality, chiefly
among persons of middle and advanced age,
fully twenty per 'cent. At the same time
when their weather is compared with East
ern winters, it becomes difficult to under
stand why they should find it so trying. For
about two months, with occasional rain,they
have had a white frost every .morning, but
as soon as the sun was fairly up that has dis
appeared. A beautiful Bky was overhead,
thero was only just wind enough to give
motion to the atmosphere', and when the auu
was up doors and windows could be leu wide
open, to let in sunlight, air, aud the odor of
flowers. At nlgbt.however, great fires were
pleaant, and extra blankets serviceable.
TheJIncrease in mortality is attributed to
the lack of precaution of old residents, who
are nat accuttomeu to find heavy clothing
By gome accident the headings of the Ma-
rysville (Ky.) Banner of freedom got trans
posed, and tho next day the nuptials of old
Mr. Fennybacker, who had married a lady
of sixteen, appeared under tbo caption of
'Cold-Blooded and Terrific '.Deed 1' while a
report of a murder of a Mr. Rotta was an
noticed as "A Most Delightful Affair," Ever
since that issue Mr, 1', has been sitting on
the carriage-step in front of the Banner of-
fice wlth ,hot.fiUn, waltl ng for the editor
to outi whle jjotf, brother-in-law is
n..rniin th. WW .11-r. waltln tr, hurt off
vm, . the j0Urnust with a club.