THE COLUMBIA-N-AD-BEM0CRAT,-BLG0MSBDKe, COLUMBIA COL TSTTY, PA. SaOCEWATA ELWELL,E41tert. BLOOMSlHlRQ, PA. Friday, FEB. 7, 170. LET US UKJIKCK Tho legislative Record has como nt last, and only to think that although the Legists turn met on tho 2ml of January It only took the Stnto prititer to the lot of February nno month tu get out nri (U'llver the first number ! Hut now nnxlet; tor Its future Appearance la turned to relief, and In tills Jay of steam, railroad", and telegraph?, the linppy editor fill get his supply of wa'to paper and about thirty constituents In each District can rend Its thrilling pages until tbo last number arrives, which Is generally about tho next election, tn throwing out his drag net, Mr. Yocutn Mindly strikes right and left. An Instance of this was his arcusvlon ngalnst the cite lion bwinl of Uenov, four of whom voted for him, as shown In their protest published ia tho Democrat last week. Among the other charges lm mates Is a special charge that 'joy. Cnrtin, or his Iriends, paid to Dr. II, Straley $75 to bribe voters. The Doc tor comes out in last week's Elk Ga:e lie and pays : " declare most emphatically that not n red copper has been spent In nn illegal manner to secure Gov. Curtln's election, am I brand the person or persons who circulated this falsehood ns Infamous liars." Aoci- Haven Democrat. DRUNKENNESS NO EXCUSE FlMl CRIME. In the caso of the Indictment against James Hunt, for shooting at n person with fe lonious Intent, it appeared that tto do fendant was intoxicated at the time of the shooting. Judge Elwell, Id charging the jury said : 'It is my duty to tell you that the defend ant's being Intoxicated does not alter the na ture of the offence. If a man chooses to get drunk it Is his own voluntary act. It is very different from a madness or Insanity not caused by the net of tho person. That voluntary species of madness which 'is inn party's power to abstain from he must answer for. However with regard to the in tention,df unkenneu inay perhaps be advert ed to according to the nature of the instrument used.- If s man used a stick you would not infer a malicious Intent so strongly against htm, if drunk when bo made an intemper ate use of it, as you would if ho had used a different kind of weapon; but where a dang erous instrument la used which If used must produce grievous bodily harm, drunkenness can have no effect on the consideration of the malicious intent of the party. Here the weapon used was a revolver. The only ques tion for you to determine is whether the shot was fired with the Intent charged in, the in. dictment." The Middle, Penitentiary. The appropriation ol $600,000 for the .middle state penitentiary is intended to cover two years. Its erection is said to be a growing necessity as there are fears of an epidemic in the eastern penitentiary owing td its crowded condition. Wilson brothers, architects and englneera,of Philadelphia say they can complete the building in two years. The commission say the appropriation amounts to $70,000 per quarter and when it is exhausted they will present tho building complete, Judge. Woodhnll having refuted to accept a plea qf guilty of murder in the second de gree in the case of Thomas Graham, Indict ed with Benjamin Hunter, in Camden, for the murder of John M. Armstrong, Attor ney General Stockton has applied for a writ of removal, which will be granted, and the case will be tried in the Supreme Court, in bane, at Trenton, on the fourth Tuesday in February. Sheriff Calhoun will transfer all the papers, documents, to the State authorities. Governor Hartranft has settled down 1 Philadelphia, to bo within convenient dis tance when he shall be Bummonl to the collector's office. Philadelphia is a good point from which to run the political ma chine. SI. S. Quay has been confirmed by the .Senate as Secretary of the Common wealth, and David .H. Lane as Becorder of Philadelphia. Dispatches from Washington represent that it is the general opinion among lawyers famil iar with the subject that tho Arlington eject' ment suit, which the United States district court has just decided in favor of the Lee cs ' Ute, will also bo decided by the United States supreme' court, to which it has been appealed in favor ot the plaintiffs The judgment of tbo lower court restores the Citato to General Lee, and coils for the ejectment of all tenants who iiavo been in possession since the transfer of tho estato under tax sale in 1863. This in eludes the United States as a tenant of th Rational cemetery, tho fifteen thousand bod ies of dead union soldiers that rest hcrein.and the government signal office and station at Fort Whipple. This decision undoubtedly gives encouragement to the managers of tho bill now pending, which proposes that Cea gross shall purchase tho property. It is just to General Lee to say that ho has no desire to disturb tho patriot dead or to regain pos' Bossion of that part of Arlington cemetery proper, which is but a trilling- portion ot the wholo estate. General Lee has only wished to establish his entire property.rights to tbo lands in question, and is quite willing td sur render that portion of tho estate or the whole ot it to the government at a fair valuation. This decision shows that the courts have been unwilling to sustain one of the most arbitrary acts ot tue great war minster, Secretary Stan ton. It is certain that he declined to receive the tender of taxes made prior to the sale, by northern relatives of General Leo, on the ground that Gen. Robert K. Lee was a rebel and no rclativo should bo permitted to redeem hi prpcrty. Secretary Stanton, the court says bad no authority to do this, and it is practically upon that act alone that tbo whole case turned. The judge who rendered the decision cannot be charged with being southern sympathizer. Gazelle Bulletin. Quickly followls-" ;b'e death of Judg, CadwalTaderlate of the U. 8. District Court conies the notice ol the decease of his broth er, Gen. Cadwallader, also of Philadelphia. The General distinguished himself in the Mexican war, and served in tho late war. As we remember It, his principal exploit was to aid Gens. Couch and Albright In putting down a mythical Insurrection In this County, a ak that occupied several mouths ; In fact until after Lincoln's re-election. Mr. Uonkllijr, Gets his Deserts. Mr, Roscoo Conkllng, in a controversy with the Administration, has been badly beaten, Tbo defeat is In many ways disas trous to him. It puts into- the New York Custom House, In placo ol one of Ills' own most popular and devoted adherents, a tire less worker for a hated rival. It deprives him of much of the prestige of his recent triumphs. It smites and humbles his tower ing pride. The defeat, too, shows that In Inviting delay, his tactics were at fault ; ns was his judgment In under estimating the strength ot the enemy, lie should have known that to a purchaser time affords op portunity to Increase his purchases; and when, a few days ago, bo once had victory within his reach, he should have grasped it, and made sure of the advantage of his own present strength, Instead of calculating on the continuance of his enemy's weakness. The dfeat shows him to have been n mis taken calculator ; a maladroit manager. liut this Is not all. Were It nil, the case would not be so bad for Mr. Conkllng. lty whose hand has Mr. Conkllng fallen ? By what shame is he covered ? Ho has fallen by the hand Into which ho himself pnt the knife to slay the Constitu tion nf bis country, lie Is burled deep Un. der thq sham which he himself signally aid ed In spreading over the whole laud. In a debato on these very Custom House appointments, a few days ago, Mr. Conkllng Is reported to have spokeu of Mr. Hayes as "the so-called President." That means that in the opinion of Mr. Conkllng Mr. Hayes is not lawfully President at all. If Mr, Conkling believes so now, he believed so n great while ago ; he believed so Irom tho be ginning ; he must have believed so when It lay entirely and unquestionably in his own power tn prevent Mr. Hayes from being placed In nn office to which he had not been elected. No obligation could bo higher, none could be more imperative, than that which rested on Mr. Conkling to interpose his objections, when they would have been potent nnd ef fective, between Mr. Hayes and the great office at which he was clutching without constitutional or lawful warrant. To the voice of his country, to the voice of duty, at the supreme moment when the great ques tion was to be decided, Senator Conkling turned a deaf ear. He was absent from bis post, or when present, hesitation, doubt, fear or some miscalculated personal advantage, sealed his lips. It is only when he finds himself overwhelmed in the common calami ty in which he helped to involve his country that bo cries out in pain about the "so called President." Honest and earnest patriots need waste no sympathy over the defeat of a public ser vant who was unfaithful in the great crisis, Mr. Conkling has received his deserts. That is all. Of course the Administration traded pat ronage for votes, as other Administrations have done before it. A pity it may be, if no more exalted consideration could prompt btm toltuty, that it never occurred to Mr, Conkling that if ho installed a robber iu the White House, his own pocket might one day be picked. If Mr. Conkling had thought of this "that man Hayes' "the so-called n .! j.iti i , irrsmeni migai never nave, Deen so- called. iV. Y. Sun. Arrearages of Pensions. The bill providing for the payment of ar rearages of pensions has passed, It is official ly estimated that it will require $20,000,000 to carry out the provisions of the bill. That ali pensions which have been grant ed unUer the general laws regulating pen alons or may hereafter be granted, in conse quence or death from a cause which origi nated in the United Slates service during the continuance of the late war of the rebellion or in consequence of wounds, injuries or dis ease received or contracted in said service during the said war of the rebellion, shall commence from the date of the death or dis obarge from said service of the person on whose account the claim has been or shall hereafter be granted, or from the termina tion of the right of the party having prior title to such pension ; provided tbo rate of pension for the intervening time for which arrears of pension are heroKv yanted shall be the same per monti for which the p ension month was originally giauteu. Cn n n-L. i. , , - . , iimi iue vummissioucr ot i en sions Is hereby authorized and directed to adopt such rules and regulations for the paymeut of the arrears ot pensions hereby granted as will be necessary to cause to be paid to such pensioners, or if the peuslon -i. 1 1 i . . era sunn nave uieu, to me person or per sons entitled to the same all such arrears of pensions as the pensioner may be or would nave been entitled to under this act. Sec. 3. That section 4,717 of the Revised Statutes, which provides that "No claim for pension, not prosecuted to a successful issue within five years from the date of Cling the same, snail be admitted without record evi dence from the War or Navy Department of the injury of the disease which resulted in the disability or death of persons on whose account the claim is made; provided, that in any cause in which the limitation pre- prescriDea by this section bars the further prosecution of the claim, the claimant may present, through the pension office, to the Adjutant Ueneral of the army or the Sur geon General of the navy, evidence that tho disease or injury which resulted in thd disa bility or death of the person on whose ac count the claim is .made originated in the service and in the line of duty. And if such evidence ia deemed satisfactory by theolDcer to whom It may be submitted, he shall cause a record of the fact so proved to be made, and a copy of the same to be transmitted to the Commissioner of Pensions : and the bar to the prosecutionof the claim shall thereby be removed,' be and the same is hereby re pealed. Seo. 4. No claim agent or other persona snail be entitled to receive any compensation ior services on making application for arrears or pension. An Inge nious means of robberv has recent ly come under the notice of tbo Paris nolice. A man dressed like a peasant and carrvinrr on uis oacjc an apparently neavy burden, was passing before a shop when he fell aud broke a sheetofplateglass worth atleastOOO francs. The proprietor seized him, but he averred mat bad he no money to tav with. Twn passers-by advised the shopkeeper to search him, which was done, and on him was found a bank note for 1,000 franca. He averred with feigned grief that it belonged to his em. pioyer, but the shopkeeper Insisted on pay ing himself out of it, and to that effect gave him 600 francs and sent him away sobbing bitterly. The note was forged, the advisers were confederates, and the victim not onlv lost his plate glass window but 600 francs Into the bargain. In England fo'rty bushols of wheat per acre Is not an unusual vleld. and fifty or sixty bushels per aero is often realized as the result of lilgh farm loir. Nev- ertheless, England Is obliged to import each year about f 100,000,000 bushels lu addition to iier own crop to feed her people. A Wife's Right of Dower tn Property Sold at Assignee's Hale. Tho recent decision ol the Supreme Court of this State respecting the wife's right of dower In property disposed nf by assignee's sale has created mora stir stnoig the legal profession than any decision rendered by this tribunal for many, years. The question In volved was one of vital Interest to thousands who have been treading the tortuous paths of bankruptcy within the list five years, nnd although when tho opinion of tho court was first announced, many over estimated nnd exaggerated Its effects, they will neverthe less be very marked anil will uoubllcs sweep a great many bargains In real estate out oT tho hands of Innocent purchasers and re Invest tho titles In the families of.tlie bank rupts. Deplore ns we may and do the loss which will fall upon honest nnd unsuspecting pur chasers of tho estates ol bankrupts, we must admit that the law as defined by tbo court will nlso bo productive of uutch good nnd In many cases work out n poetic nnd retri butive jusiico. How many estates have been adjudged btnkruptand tjiese swallowed up by professional assignees? Who can not point to numerjus banktupt estates where there were assets enough to pay almost, If not tho full claims of creditors, yet where no one got anything but tho shrewd nnd tricky as-lgneo ; nnd again, who were the purchasers of the Innumerable pieces of real estate sold at bankrupt sales, nnd to what class did they belong 1 Were they not nlno cases In ten stool pigeons with whom the assignee had a perfect understanding be forehand, and to whom property wns knock ed down "nt merely nominal prices, nnd bought In the Interest of tlio seller? Who then wlU feel like shedding many tears If some of theseiraiKiucif purchasers of bank rupt estates nro compelled to return to the wifetir wid-iw of the unfortunate debtor a portion of their ill-gotten gains ? ISutnsido from these features which may possibly be termed theromautic,tliodecl-'lou itself is generally considered sound law by the ablest legal minds in the country, ami i so pronounced nu the very simple prln clple that an assignor can not cede or b dispossessed by adjudication of a court of powers, which ho never had. Under the laws of Pennsylvania a married man cannot dispose of real estato without th consent of his wife, who must join him i the transfer, and acknowledge separate nnd apart from him that htr act is free and vol untary. Now.wheu the man who Is perfect ly solvent cannot convey property without his wife s free participation in the act, how can ho assign, or any court deprive him of such power 7 The question, it is said, will be taken to the United States Supreme Court, aud if this prove true, wo feel satisfied the decision of our Supreme Court will be sustained. Items. A son of one of tho Siamese twins is studeut at Chapel Hill Institute, Nerth laruuna. Benjamin Whitman, Esq., of Erie, is 1 Harrisburg yegotiatlog for tho purchase of the Patriot. Oen. Green Clay Smith, a Union man Kentucky during the war, a Baptist preache: and the last temperance candidate for presi dent of the United States, is about to open an inn at Frankfort, Ky. Gen.Burnsldes two years ago became a to tal abstinence man and began to drink apollinaris water, which, vince that time has become the fashionable drink of Wash ington. When an Austrian cavalryman falls and breaks his leg during a charge, he remain in hospital until his leg is cured, and he is then sentenced to one year's imprisonment, with hard labor, for his awkwardness. The organs will note with absolute horror the act that the Democratic House of Rep resentatives of Alabama has elected a color ed man to the position of Chaplain. Sena tor Blaine's committee overlooked Alabama when it was coming through the South. A daughter of Brigham Young, who is now in Washington with an appeal to Con gress in behalf of Mormon women against the receut decision of the supreme court, de clares that while sbe shared ber husband with one other woman, since sbo came east she has found a great many wives whodidn' have even half a husband. The Court House in Troy, NVY, , origi nally cost only 135,000, but for : several years past the political ring has drawn about $20,000 annually for repairing it, fully 90 per cent. of which was downright theft. One railing Is said to have been several times removed and restored, the price f a new one being charged at every restoration. A large quantity of fine furniture, bought for the various offices, has boen discovered in the houses of the thieves. St. Petersburg, Feb. 1. A committee of the Ministers have resolved that the Mini ter of the Interior shall be empowered to burn Wetlianka and other villages where it Is necessary, the inhabitants to be removed elsewhere within the quarantine district, Troops to enforce the quarantine will bo placed at the disposal of the civil adminis tration. Bankruptcy is dangerous in Dallas County Jowa. Ur. Blocum failed in business, and although his creditors were not beavy losers, tbey dragged him outof bed atnight.threwhl nearly naked into awagon, and started with him toward the woods. It is supposed that thoy intended to tar and feather bim, but his 'rlends rscued him before he had been hurt. An ingenious Nevada lawyer has raised a novel point of law in behalf of a client who is under rentence of death. During the trial the prisoner was compelled to expose his arm and show certain marks that a witness asserted were there.thus proving hi identity, His counsel objected on the ground that this was compelling a witness in effect to testify against himself a thing a prisoner cannot be forced to do in a criminal prosecution. and on this ground a new trial is demand ed. Jennie Fowler cannot be accused of a mercenary motive in trying to compel James W. Vale to marry her. Vale is a wealthy banker in Port Washington, Wis. Miss Fowler was his children's teacher, he being a widower, lie proposed marriage, but af terward changed his mind. Miss Fowler employed a lawyer to sue Vale for damages hoping to bring about a marriage in tha way, but Vale readily paid on demand the 16,000 that was asked. That put a civil suit out of the question. Miss Fowler made an appeal to Vale to keep his promise, but he refused. Then the sent the $6,000 back to him, and swallowed a fatal dose of poison, i January Weather. ? Milt at Tho following is n, record of tho w- Calawisa for tho month of January, 18(0, compiled from observations by W. O, Yelte'r. Karomctrio pressure corrected lor tempera. turo and elevation nbovo pea level, Higtitst pressure on tho 20th, 30.643 inches, lowest pressure on tho Qth, 20.421 inches , monthly range 1,111) inches J monthly mean 30.083 riches. Temperature of the dir. Highest tempera ture on the 23th 62 degrees', lowest on tho 3d, 0 degrees below zero J monthly mean or average fir tho month 22,2 degrees ; monthly range fit degrees; greater, dally range- on the 25th', 37 degrees ! nnd tho )ca-t daily range on tho 6th, 0 degrees. Moisture. Mean relative humidity, 71 per cent ; number of d iys on which ram or snow fell 11 ; amount nf fbow which full during tho month 18 inches; total amount of rain fall and melted snow 1 88 inches. Wind. The prevailing wind wns tho wct nnd tho liisVst hourly velocity during tho month win filly n.ilcs I'roui tho west n tho 25th which exerted n pressure- of 12 pounds to tho r-quuro foot ofcxpn-cil (url'iiecs. Misccllaneoui Item. Freezing weather occurred each diyoftho month, tho North Brunch of tho Suquchanna remained closed with ico from 12 to 10 inches in thickness and tho avcrago depth of snow on tho ground at tho close of tho month was 4 inchos. A Vienna despatch to the Dally Telegraph says n parly of Insurgent Arabs attacked n caravan near Umljpx and killed COO men, women and children. HASSON'SSTAR Julio ino.tptrti.aut(ui'lr1licarlniii remedy 1 13U for the cure nf fW;Ai, (Mr, iiimmf f-, ir.M nf IS Throat nti-l tuny.. Croup. Antktm, Whoapinff Omqh, fcQ! sU ,J.t. toml tnif 10 IVlmonory (Wdm;,". TDV IT Ua-ui-onroMnrortmTitj'jwirs. I 111 II 11V AI.Ij IIKt'ciilM'M. dOCt S", 'I9-3B1 il.teo uiisuitK noon;-. J. I.. P.itttn & Co, 47 liorclny street New York, liar-? commenced the publication nf an Illustrated Msgflxino called Leimre. Jfoun, a the popular price Jl per year. Its forty piges of three coluun eicli, are full erf reading matter of Intereft to alt our reader. The Illustration are well'executed, nnd the ftorles, sketches an poetry aro from well-known American writer. The publishers of course aaturally desire that all, should see nnd examine this Magazine, and lhat all may do 00, tliey offer to send it on tria three monlhs for twenty-five cents, nnd will, In addition, send each three months' subscriber a beautiful cliromo motto, entitled "Faith, Hop and Charilr." This motto, lie Gxl7 inches printed in fifteen oil colors, is suitable for frami and is worthy to adorn any home. Jab". 9-3 ir ItSeeni Impossible That n remedy made of such common, slm pie plants as Hops, Buchu, Mandrake, Dan dellon, Ac., should mako so many and sue): marvelous nnd wonderful cures as Hop Bit ters do, but with old nnd young, rich nnd poor, Pastor and Doctor, Lawyer nnd Editor all testify to having been cured by tbem,you must believe and try them yonrself,and doubt no longer. See other column. Tnrlons Causes Advanclne yearn, care,sicrnc8s,dlsapolntment,rtnd hereditary predisposition all operate to turn U10 hair; gray, and either of them Inclines It to sued pre maturely. Ana's Hint vioor will restore faded or gray, llslit and red hair to a rich brown or deep black as may desired. It sotUns and cleanses tbe scalp, giving It a healthy action, and removes and cures dandruff and humors. By Its Ube falling hair Is cheeked, and a new growth will be produced In all cases where the follicles are not destroyed or gland: decayed. Its effects are beautifully Bhown oa brashy, weak or sickly hair, to which a few applica tions will produce the gloss and rrcshneEs of youth Harmless and sura In its operation, it Is Incompara ble as a dressing, and Is especially valued tor the soft lustre and richness of tone it Imparts. It con tains neither ell nor dye, and will not sou or color white cambric ; yet It lasts long on tho hair, and keeps it iresn ami vigorous. IOH PAI.K BY A1J. PKALRK3. U0.3 i! ARKETKEPOIITS. BLOOMSBUKQ MARKET. Wheat per bushel Rye " Com, new, M Oat. ' " Klour per barrol 11.U0 .0 .45 .26 1.00 uorermM Flaxseed . Butter Taiiow".'.V.,.'..'."".'.I!"!!"!I!"J '.'.','.'.'.".1 Potatoes Dried Apples ., Hams Bides Hhouldore Lard per pound Hay per ton Beeswax Timothy Seed QUOTATIONS FOll COAL. No. 4 ou Wharf 1 8.00 per NO.B ' " f J.15' No.S " " I... I Blacksmith's Lntup on Whart.... " Bituminous " 4 CO 1.50 .K0 .SO .01 6- 04 .00 .07 su .St 2.W- NEW APVERTISEMENTS. TN THE DI8TIUCT COURT OP THE TTMirtrn o-n- tt?o For the Wcttern District of Pennsylvania. v. uw, iv. uiru uiijr, iiiumoia couniy.n lank- uv wi-jci uwftH vi uoogresa tn March Sd, 1MT, . "J""tko rrora an nis aeDis and other rlaima nrnv-ihin iin,T.. ... .... . " the Court, Norics is IIcssby Oivsmoall Credl- "X. " y""' 'r aeota, ana otner persons Interested to appear on the nth day of Kehruary l1)S,rlnnSWy'' at! "I "" ln' 1118 Montour House, Danville, Pennsylvania, to show cause 11 anv ivy, t . 8. C. McCANDLESS, reb. T, 'JC-w TW"OTICE. Dyj1v.Ul.1'?,re5y S-Ten Uat I, Sarah M. Vanzant nought the following articles at Constable's Hale and iuim loaned taem to B. K. Adams and wife during ray win and pleasure, and hereby caution any person oue room stove, u ihun phatr ,.. aDv. ...kJ Tl l00k'"ir Jtass, two wash stands, ono cup- "KJil EaaJ?.e.'s ' P?ts. 'o' of meat, oie KXtlnJS8 n"y bundles of stalks, seventeen chickens, ono meal chest, ono meat ba-rel. one bar. . oi vinegar, one loungo, two beds,9rocklng chairs, Willow ale, Januar y si, isi-Keb 7, sw Feb The most extensive Manufacturers of Ihlhard Tables In existence. TlieJ.M.BrHDSwicl(&BieCo. CHICAGO, CINCINNATI, ST. LOUIS 724 Broadway, New-York. Newest and Most elegant styles t,f BILLIARD TABLES AT LOWKST HtlCF-S. Elegant Parlor, Dining, Library and Bil liard Tahiti combined, size " 3 x 6 1 slate beds, perfect cushions, complete with balls and cues, $$0. Address whichever buunc is nearest your ciry. The X, Brunswick k ZWks Co Keb. I, H-sw - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, s TATEMKNT OK TIIK FINANCES OP TIIK COUNTY OF COLUMBIA from January 1st, 1S78 to January 1st, lsT. Statement shonlng taxes assessed nnd balance still due. stiu. net. 35 I i 9 DISTIltCTS. 6fj , h I $ F ? Hcae. "55 M 103 0a 1U 16,1 OS MOO Benton lo.t Td Bl'l Stl III B 11 1-0 m-rnlck main inwlrsici smii) MM Bloom. f-IWOU J(K'147 75 S4I0I 8811 Brlarcreek issnoi si to was SIT rt4 si no Oat.lUl-m S07ll 80 79 SO 03 65 73010 nu t'entralla. sh34 ssu nt ss7s sto Centre... 19S3H 77(10 85 15 S943 S7IK) convnsrlism..,.. 2911193 tso ie si w Klshliiifcreek..,. 131911 mm sea saisr latw Franklin c 14s Sato 14 00 DM75 13 no (ireenwooil... 14M(i sr 0 I5C9 Is.3768 SIM llemlork 1341101 Kin 91 ss ttars 17 00 Jackson .o 4300 su 1300 901 Locust 14SU1 IBS (K 13 00 849 71 63 00 Madison HHm 79 5- 21 SI 4VJ'll 19 ro Main ;nal 001 ins 1481 lu 00 Mllllln 1193 7S 71 Ul 11 S3 356 90 '1 00 Montour 1017 95 Mm laws 43191 14 oo Mt. 1'le.lSaill , . 7.1163 61011 1161 4S76 sine Orange 107S 61 B3IM 87 45 767 19 13 40 lino 4SI13S C9MI 411 SUM 19 SO Hoarlngcreek. ,. fill 71 siivi 14 60 Scott 16.VU60 76 00 8 6 60 6J107 8160 sugarloaf 434 to! 67 60 1 70 imi HW Si')9 74 1664 60 601 67 11091 61 786 96 amount nek fob tirs raeviocs 10 1SI8. Districts. Collectors. Year. Co. Ho?. Conrngham, J. J. Coiuhlln, 1S73, 36i 13 sn 60 Ncal LoDllun, 1513, 1136 36 gm CatUWlSSa, 1873, 4J4 6II 14 60 ' lsre, 96 45 .83 6'l Convngham, 1870. IN141 oo KlshltiKcreck, 1876, 87010 is so Hujarloar, we, -lis 71 Benton, 1S77, mil 16 60 Conyngham, 1S77, 300 u roo Main, 1817, 1S7S 1160 Ssolt, 1S77, 0111)13 13 M 4V13 72 17400 II., W. McliKYKOLDS, Treasurer ot Columbia county In account with said county on county funds. Jan. 1, 1S7S. lilt. Tn am't. uncollected prior to 197s f -22,m 74 nio 10. 1.019 M 02 090 74 91 82 I 10 43 6 f.0 " I'lsltlniCR'I'K 7f,8. . " onliindntlost seitlement county tax assessed In 1S7S tux on rewtitry of voters In 178 tax added to Montour duplicate 1ST3... ,' Locust ' " " " hcotl " 1877... " ' Centralis " " J. C. Smith tor Owen suit e tnx BenJ. Bahm, i 1 JacuU 1'lott, -' Jos-pU May, paid on note Moyer Bros, tor desk how Is A. Htley 7 tracts ot land of com mlfistcnerrt? Wm. Moore one piece of land of Com missioners .... Jno. Monroo ono lot bf land of Commis sioners. Jno. Starr redemption of commission ers' land.... Wm. Honor rent on Jail W.mY. Hess tax paid. B. I'. Kortner proceods of an estray sold C. B, Mcllenry for chandelier Jacob McCoy lumber from catawlssa bridge B, V. Zarr Jury fees. Jno. W. Hoffman lury fees..; B. P. K-dltne old bridge near McIIen ry's mill county tax on unseated lands .. " seated M road tax on " " unseated " school tax on 14 " seated " poor tax on " " " unseated seated land tax Bln- distribution.. .. 1 Iturheruff & Co unseated Bearer amount In Centralla since distribution u. s smount county bonds sold ftHHCssors managing Ac., or dog fund.. Harman & liaison old Iron and storo redemption money of Jobeph Barry Oreenwood redemption money or Jacob Lutz Ben ton , rddemptlon money of J. Dellcplnno ltoarlngcreek 7 12 1 12 1 80 0 80 2 60 SS 00 f 9 00 16 00 S It 10 00 92 1 17 10 00 2 60 120 00 16 00 S 20 1,143 07 13S 32 101 91 2.761 S3 1,921 00 16S 77 75 10 666 SI 19 02 1 69 19 110 15.000 00 ISO 00 S84 16 62 6 03 6 rg CR. By commission and exonerations and returns allow ed collectors for 1878. Districts. Com. Itoarlncrcr k 26 89 Conynghnm Ex. 4 61 1100 Districts. Com. ML Pleasant 4148 Oraogo 61 12 Ex. 17 67 7 66 Beaver 4134 12 68 Pine S3 (7 ltoarlngcreek Bl 37 Sugarloal 31 so 64 85 14 81 19 80 19 90 Berwick Bloom Brlarcreek Catawlssa Centralla 81 as S3 90 186 89 111 26 7S 86 10 21 120 07 60 70 44 70 79 68 11537 14 65 For 1876 Benton Brlarcreek centre 34 04 68 43 13 74 Centre 67 77 420 915 18 02 Klshlngcreek 7a 61 84 46 Mt. l'leasant 2418 Hno 16 29 for 1876 Benton 42 61 lino 19 69 For 1873 Benton 33 10 Vranklln 33 29 3 67 Oreenwood Hemlock Jackson Locust Madison Mimin Montour 61 00 31 94 09 52 16 68 19 43 1 44 84 94 19 74 72 07 7 46 69 69 13 13 6106 1114 26 91 10 95 4 75 11,842 99 $741 06 Total commission , ' exonerations County orders redeemed Due from collectors Amount paid to meet State quota commission to Treasurer Amount to meet sum paid State for quota charged ou coupons , Interest paid on over-due county bonds Bled with order 722 Balance in hands ot Treasurer 1,842 99 74tl 66,611 IS 16.64613 20 60 2,264 44 26 96 3167 18 23 tM,203 16 II. W.McREYNOLDS, TItKAUItEIt, IN ICCOCNT WITH 1)00 FOND. Jan. 1,1878. DM. To amount duo at last settlement $904 43 " " on Flshlngereek 76 s-i so ' amount assessed In 197s 1,664 to 12,023 92 CIt. By commissions and exonerations on duplicate set- tied ior 1S7S. Districts, com. Ex. Districts. Cora. Ex, itoaririgcrcek ,10) 1 60 Orange 1 48 1 60 xur mi. Beaver 4 69 14 00 Berwick 90 sou Bloomsburg 4 is is 60 Brlarcreek 3 84 Catawlssa 3 88 4 60 Centralla 63 4 60 Centre 3 60 6 60 Plahlngcroek 4 25 8 60 Franklin l ss 2 oo Greenwood 4 19 2 00 Hemlock sio 6 60 Jackson a os 2 so LOCUSt 6 68 10 60 Madison 3 65 1 00 Mimin 8 70 3 oo Montour s 68 1 60 Mt. He&sant s 15 8 oo ."Ino 123 T89 ltoarlngcreek s 00 I oo S'igarloat 2 83 4 60 ror 1876 Benton 1 60 60 Brlarcreek 3 68 1 60 Centre 8 60 no,. Mt. I'leasant 2 65 7 00 line 2 60 160 Sugarloat 8 0s sio ror 1616. Benton 3 03 1 60 lino 210 6 60 $3174 11739 .' 69 74 117 39 67 60 Commission tn rnllw-tnrH Exonerations allowed collectors orders paid of 1876 " " 1877 " , " 1878 Amount nald to county for assessing arc, Commission to Treasurer , Amount due from collectors Balance ln hands ot Treasurer 704 7J 470 00 160 00 61 61 95614 7 67 tl,623 91 l-uxailsaiONEltS' EXPENSES FOR 1878. For which orders were Issued on tho Treasurer, misczujniocs xxrixsxs. Paid Wm II. Snyder bill for teachers' in stitute " David Lowenberg police hire " Stevenson Foster loo election laws " B. F, Hut cott In Hester case bupreme court , Wesley Wirt auditing publlo accounts D.Lowenborg pollco Bill during execu uon , " Ceo. Brown boarding police " sundry persons for procuring scaffold, comns. c at execution " i. W. Hoffman tuking J. K. Mowrer to Eastern state Penitentiary " E. It. Furman reward and expense ap prehending horse thieves . " Jno. N. Oordner to rearrest Jno. Bey he rt " Wm. F. Faust taxes refunded " Bacnman Kesty wall at Court House yard i " Bach man & Kesty coping lor part of same M Jao W Hoffman warrant In lioarlng creek election board " Jno. W. Hoffman warrant in North Conyngham election board? " Jno. w. Hoffman warrant In Locust election board " Jno. w, Hoffman warrant In Montour 127 14 60 4 65 18 15 15 00 45 00 16 60 63 60 CO 65 49 80 16 00 11 25 170 00 49 60 I 00 6 00 6 00 4 60 " Jno. W. Hoffman shlpptog Kelley to rhllaaelphia .....7.... ... " Jno. w. liorrman execution of'l'ester. TullyandMciiugh . " Jno. w. Hoffman taking nve persons to Philadelphia " Jno, W. Hoffman taking two persons to 1'hUadelphla " It. Harris special court and election.. 11 B. F. SSarr I'roihonoUry'B bill " It. Harris cryer to sell Jiui ' Wm. II. Snyder bill ror teachers' Insti tute " Wm. Krlckbaum express oa book and expenses to llarrtsburg on county bu siness " Jno. W. Hoffman costs serving writs'. " Wm. Krlckbaum bill In caseotN. Len. 8 00 43 00 103 10 CS 10 8 16 148 fca 4 00 118 69 -16 00 oo iuou, wumuburi'uujrugnam to retain I,"" M i0 M 11,271 63 COURTS, JURORS' BAY AND CONSTABLES' 1IETUKNS. Grand Jurors during year Traverse ' " ' r 6S3 67 8,9tf 16 179 14 169 00 266 60 SI 00 Constable returns " CourtCrier " ........... TlpstavcS " ' " Court Calendar " a. h. walker, stenographer at $10 per day., N. Wa alker,'sit!h"vi'Ktabie!'.',i'',;,"", Jo ss nutate vs. urover., s oo i?.;,,Yv,nomlu'.?,;mut It nouces'.'.', tw oo EU Robbing Jury Commissioner is ii Wm. Krlckbaum clerk om V.V! Cumberland county Jury trial of Is na"cr- SVI H. Ifl. D, , ASIA . jl Oj 17,138 70 COSTS IN COMMONWEALTH OASE8. wntniccocxrr BitCAMt tuttt. .liiulees, constables and witnesses. v. It. It. Litllo nwrlct Attorney Jno. M. Clark District Attorney tn Hes 11,213 7i 196 VU ter i-nso " Jno. Mt Clark Hlstrlct Attorney In lies- terensc.,.. n 1'. Zarr.ascierknttoiirt jno, W, Hoffman bill otcost 55 OO ISO 60 64 69 I,C7 II ItOAl) AND IlttlDOE VIEWERS AND IIOAD DAMAGES. Sundry perr ons as viewers ,. Illclisrd Kitchen damago Oreenwood.. . Peter Appleman estate ilamsgo Benton . . Jno. Kilchncr Co.doinngo Jickson,... lioliertc. Ilouell damage .Mt pleasant., Daniel Harrison damago (ircemiood.,.. ' J. (. Woods damngu Klhlngcreek Silas Mcllcnry damago Mary llelwK damige Locust John Harp dam-tee Mt. Pleasant Wm. Johnson damage Madison, James Dltdlne " " Margaret smith " ' Johnkhctler " " John ornliam " " Wm It cox damago Oreenwood sussn J, xo damage Madison John u. Keller damage KMilngrreek,... Jonathan .lolinsun damago Madison,,., Moses Mcttiirydatnairo Flshlogcrcek... Johndlnon dunngoMt. Pleasant. ..1... John Wanlrh damage " KmniaMllls damago Oreenwood,,.,.... Joliii o. Freero damago Bloom Bernard Stoner damago .ML Pleasant.,,. !4S 80 850 oo 65 mi r, no ft oo so mi 4l 00 15 00 6 00 10 (0 25 00 411 01 40 CO 140 (HI 80 00 10 () r.o oo 85 00 23 00 40 00 13 00 83 0-1 85 0 80 00 ISO () 47 00 M.640 80 COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE AND COURT HOUSE. M. V. II. Kllnn Auditor 7 60 ,1.11. Casey " ' C n. II. Brown ' ' 511 wm. Krl -ktiaum Mating account tor 1S17 is oo !ttnnm,lnCiimnjinv rnr m, 133 2) Hunyan Co. bill rend .red 1 CO Mrs Ingold cleaning Court House 13 10 II c. llattinan carpet (or witness room. 9 60 V. .1. (?nrrill nnp-half ilnzpn rhalrs for witness room,... SCO A M. ininprr. irnim fnr Rtorn lptrlstpr.t Kecordcr'som-o ' " It. Rom repair court room wlndowbllnds 1 23 Hachman kcstyflagglngcourtbouso.. 14 23 Jacob crouse matting court room 1-9 69 1. lla-ronhufh bills stni-n renalr. an 13 21 B. L. '1'homas four gross reus 4 oo sundry perron rep ilr Mil 140 P. Jones repairs dui log year cot Menairli et. al. putting down matting. ... s 4 i liekuidscoai:bllls Wol'lns A lloilnes bill rendered 2 " " ono do?en spittoons,, 6 oo M i:. Cov.h',11 ror cleaning., ate 9 oo it. al. " 4 80 F. I'. Iilllmj er et. nt bill for work at onico "9 76 s. II. Miller son bill rendered 1 M 11. M. Ncad e-uldo to county omcers 1 eo 'ihoinis tlorey bill rendered r,o Wm. Wcrkheiser for wood , 4 Co J. II. Mal23 bill rendered nil J. Schuyler forsnow shovel 90 Itittpr henries nalntlnt? court housa feneo 12 12 Wm. oieger hauling to. rourthouseyard 3 75 s. W, Mcilenry commissioner sss oo John Herner " 399 oo Joseph K. sands " 423 00 John (I. Freezo Attorney loo 00 Win. Krlckbaum Clerk 600 oo Harman s llasscrt lor Iron fencing 75 oo 86 $2,703 43 COUNTY JAIL. 0. M, A J. K. Isickard, cool bills . C. W. Neal & lira, coal bill Thomas (lorey ot. el. bill at old Jail ... ., Joseph E. Sands bills rendered.... Joseph K. sands son carpet &c 1. Hagcnbuch stoves 0 , at old Jail H. Wm. McKlnney bill shoes for prisoners... John Alstatt shaving prisoners D. Lowenberg bills clothing.....,.., L. Bermtrd key repair .., .,. c, M. Drinker key repair C. A. Klelm bills medicine ..... II. Klelm bill rendered .'. John Beagle wosd . Wm. I'urcell wood John J. Tower handcuff andnlppcrs Lockard Workhclser coal and wood... Ada Bobbins washing bill retcr Jones 19 bunks , Clark Wolf dress good for prisoners,... GrosBro. bill shoes and boots,....,.,. I. s. Kuhn bill rend-red Bl -om Gas Co. for Oas J. II. Maize bill rendered Runj nn & Co. bill rendered , I. Jones Mcndenhall bui rendered . Rollins & Holmes repairs John Williams clothing r.... John W. liorrman boardlDgpollco John W. Hoffman hoarding prisoners,,. John W. Hoffman washing Ac.,,, John W. Hoffman Turnkey fees Wm. Glgger bill rendered 145 47 1012 10S 13 10 89 87 1180 1310 4 SO 47 65 1 00 84 13 1 67 1 71 . 875 9 60 6 71 1 (10 12 00 103 10 82 lro 81 04 6 01 2 85 1 66 16 09 75 807 00 718 75 72 00 - 22 60 5 Ml 11016 78 rni.NriNu, stationery and postage. Brockway Elwell. courtproolamatlou... $40 on Dianks 62 93 " " countVBtatement,. 63 oo " " advertising 80 62 " election proclama tion . 30 00 J C Brown, election proclamation.,...., 80 1 o " blank , m. 6 is 44 county statement ., ,,. 65 oo " advertising: 17 62 CM VaDdersllce advertising ,. ,.,.. i8 60 " countv statement,.,., 6o oo C B Snyder advertising-., ,. 6 60 G A Bolter advertising a is iiorrwiurg "rainov advertising s 60 wm Mann blaoks , ... 25 F L flutter election blanks , ,., 27 os o A Clark stationery for office nnd court 64 49 JosR Sands stamps 9 00 DA Utckley postage and box rent 12 00 $.559 01 sundry persoL s for Inquests, f 120 s nr. iiuman post mortem on uouyof 6ir. Oauuon , 23 00 BRIDGES-BUILDING AND REPAIRS. Beaver. lsaao KUngerman bridge 10 2 sVc'ifon. w L Cole CoIo b bridge . 1 5 suaa ucole 41 .. 1 75 L a German west of Benton 2 to an iooneury 300 W U Gibson Benton bridge . 1 60 Bloom. 'm tiijger nupert brldgo 1 60 " Haj urn bridge 400 44 Rock brldgo 1 00 Peter Jones et al Shatter brldgo 15 74 llarmau s llasscrt ShalTer Or dgo ... 33 03 Jos 1' sands Shaffer bridge 201 Oataw'ma. Kline 1 onncr shingles Mouth of Creek 58 00 Joseph Butt, " im ,H. David llelwlg plank " 03 .,1 1 . "4ul,r 37 68 Aureu cua none " " 87 85 u, c-vuit-u i-i- ui nuis - " 39 sy, 11 J iiceuern uill 10 63 uuui-11. iv iiiiiiu a uiii .. n j iieeuer .-Hcneivy-s mm bridge ,.. u sa David llelw.g piank 44 , jl Centre. Wm Shaffer Centrevllle ConinjAam, Tnl., T in,,, n 5 97 uvwiuiiuu, uiuau .alley 6 5 tuhmgereek. Moecs Mcllcnry Stillwater bridge 4 79 1 00 44 Amerraan brldgo"',".'."."'.' , '", 7.aDer's,weBtsldo John l'ealer .... B F Itedllne contract .Mcilenry 'a miii!'.".'.' Moses Mcllcnry j iuw.... George Lines etal neir Jones' bridge'.'.'.'.'.'. 1 00 1 01 1 60 71 60 3 75 9 06 7 00 44 69 31 60 128 93 George Lines et al near Buckalew brld7e Peter Laubach shingles Joseph itedllne, Jr., balance contract Za- mi . cmt slut, ..,. Oreenwood. Mcilenry IIeacok Mill Title .... El!laEiC8Bl0 .. " 1 60 2 00 Jas I" Sands Recce's mill bridge,. JCIllcbard ' " Peter Laubach shingles Reew's'''miU 3 8.7 1 00 C 80 17 83 3 37 J WMclIenry uhlngles Rcece's mill bridge 2 1-1 3 10 44 Rohrshurg . .Ills n Itrnurn an,,,, V.-.-VT" M 4 4 00 121 00 ,e W Eves contract K, er's Urovo . Hemlock. John Miller, I'urcell brldgo,.;.'.;."."." 1 00 76 3 00 00 ilia wuiHtT rurveu liriogo., ,, . luiiuuriugo.,.,.,,, 'Jack ton. JB Heis Elk run bridge .. 8 60 i. D.cieuo jvia. ruu bnuge ,....,,,,,,. 5 03 Locust. a I Thomos Esther furnace bridge... 18 6D 1 10 .. . j ....ntut, waguer vriugom...,m. Main. JO Brown engineer Malnvllle brldgo , hSf weI)lnllels!1' coo tract Malnvlllo 5 60 K71 00 CI 00 " fchBepneDho' 'ser'"c'o'nt'r'act"exrra Malnvllle brldgo ...1..1 Mt. Pleasant. JasP Sands Wilson bridge Matthias Shaffer. Poor Rouse bridge Jacobthristiaa.Mordttnsvlllo bridge...,.,'. 1 00 15 80 8 CO 9 (0 1 15 1 00 1 Oil s 00 10 83 42 00 29 00 13 00 6 60 1 00 1 to 433 75 Joseph iteifledelfer, 44 44 V.V..7.'.' .urmuus 4 Hawk brldgo,...,,....,.... flaroo .iiuer iiawk bridge ... Jacob Shoemaker plank VandersUce'bridge Zephemtah Butt shingles 44 Jacob Christian 44 ,1 Aaron Miller , Jas I4 Hands .. LSSSf'-r-- 0 .,,5Tes balance on c on tracf 'smith f Orange, J tanning, Sloan Co., Bowman bridge as l4 sands ,. Abner v elsh Kline bridge..'...,.. II II Sands Kline bridge.;., L. "" 141 11 11 37 49 6 58 Sugarloaf, Kzeklel Cole R ColeSt brides. J B Hess at J B Hess' bridge ,...,."'.'."" s ro 1 00 5 00 , 14 00 1,939 19 " n ninuau siess onoge M LMcUenry Jos o Iless brldge.ZI Total PENITENTIARY AND ASYLUM. Rnnnnrt nt XI h uii. n 160 10 109 id Support of David Shay DanvUla wu.vm u. bwjbcm ousu, reaiienuary AS8ES30IIS' PAY, 11 M Locust , is iHiMmll.uli-,... . IT CO Main 11 m vimin. ,.- ?l ro Montour vl oo Mt Pleasint 11 M Orange . . 11 lupine . !J iMltoarli'gcreek.... , tostM'olt ., 11 18 ... II 00 .... 11 10 .... 18 OO 11 15 .. 11 76 .. 16 15 ,.. 12 00 .... r W ,,. V-1 00 ... 13 IS Bearer .-.,,, iientm Berwick lilfiom ,. Brlarrroi k Cntnwlssa ccntrala centre ronvmrhnm. . rilili.gereek Franklin , ., (Ireenivoort !.,'- 21 25 A ssesors tor re -iris- ,....101 00 Hemlock is 00 tenng voirn , 13 51 Jackson , (319 92 SCALPS Wit VOX AND WILD CMS. Void sundry persons.,,, ,1 81 1) Ml 27 44 (id l.M (Kl 1.15 0 116 40 0 00 1 811 1B 71 3 60 13 02 tl,84l 69 ,f,tl3 94 80 60 16 II 16 23 16 01 ; 01 Ki.ncTKis nxpussm. Paid sprln? paction ftS'crri " ran t-i'-r lion oniccrs... 44 rll Mcctlon room frnl 44 spring election 44 eoiiitnbles ndvcrtljlns end nit'iid- Ing spr'ng clectlnu .., 44 i-nnstalilKS allendlng tall election.. 44 Peter .tines elect Ion boxes ...... 44 II I'ZarrContrnssInn 1! J 44 ,I.M Clark Senatr.rlil lt.t 44 BFZarrctal counting fall Totj.... TAXES HKFUNDED. Amount township taxes rcfitnd"d MANIC 1I00K1. Wm Mann Iwodoek -Is R nvtv 44 one noeK"i i-roiiioDui.Try a ui- Wm I' Mnrnhv's "ons Ex. dockets rro- thonoinrv'sofilce ... ,,, FL Hutter 1-cgJstry books Nt!W COUNT4! PRISON. Sterner Jones tialar.eoen eenlrnet 13.971 89 75 00 16 00 P.TS 10 475 00 1.10 011 15 10 11700 11 60 83 11 80 00 4 2-1 8,679 87 86 00 CO 00 12 30 1,146 15 75 00 175 00 30O 84 80 7418 12 01 1! 01 6 M 13 5D extra covering ceus ,.. f4 eslrs cm t'rr-r Charles Kriipbaltnci nn eoutr.tct ror jiii s'non 41 piloting feiu'e ODd rtablo-.. 44 twin? ti lot - 44 binds 44 bllncli cellar. 4 doors tor rells . . 44 cuplioirit for cellar 44 numn floor Rollins Holmes balance on contract 44 extra 1111 ........ 44 gas fixtures , , 44 trns metre kc. Crulkshank Co., bnlinee on rontract., . rTira ior gate n s;Wet7ctarchHe"tba1aiico Sam NvlmM surveylrglot Mrs P A Corele'elng ,.. .losenh Pertprnxln un ... ., , Thomas Vanmlti for well. Abo snider for pimp WS Purst'll for well s'on Harman llass-rt for door Looks itl,2n9 23 COUNTY BONDS. Amount oountv rpnds redeemed ,, 41 coupons on same paid 7.2010' 2,41 60 (9,68160 RECAPITULATION. Miscellaneous expenses ,. Courl: Jurors pav.consiablo's returns,o costs In commonwealth cases Road nnd brldgo viewers and road dauiOire , , CommWi-loners' omce and court house county J ill Printing, r-tnttciftry and postage Inquisitions nrldges, buildings nnd repairs Benlb-utlary and asjlum (t,174 65 7,139 70 1,091 22 1,646 80 1.769 45 1,618 79 no .i tn, 151 86 2,i:i9 29 703 62 6I9 91 81 VO 1,844 69 6,143 91 79 01 19.230 23 Assessors nav Fos nnd wild ent scalps Election expenses , , Tsxt s refunded Blank books 7ew county Jail .., County bonds und coupons redeemed. 9.691 5) $56,611 09 From amount of orders Issued deduct"5,143 91 tax- es refunded, andil9,130 13 money expended on new Jm, and t9 bonds and coupons paid, leaves (22.M6 4I, which lstho actual ordinary expenses for tho year, A. I)., 1S78. SHEEP ORDERS ISSUED. Beaver R.9 00 Benton 83 00 Bloom 6 00 Brl-rereek 49 00 Centre 10 00 Flshlngcreek 45 60 Greenwool . 73 60 Locust 6 60 Madison 149 25 Mr. Pleasant is no Grange 7 10 Scott 6 CO su--arloar... . is 00 1311 "5 STATEMENT OF DOO TAX AND SHEEP FUND. Orders unpaid of 1667 Orders uupald of 1870 ordec unpaid of 1877 ,.. orders uupall ot 1878 0 00 8 00 39 00 44 75 90 75 Dog tax duo from collectors JC3 20 Probable commission and exonerations off 160 CO Add amount ln 1 reosurer's bonds ,., 805 26 J 67 Gives total assets, (912 93 Tho Indebtedness Is 136 75. The differcnco In favor of said fund Is 1710 IS, which is about that amount better than It was one year ago. . COUNTY FINANCES. ASSETS. Taxes ln hands ot collectors duplicates 18,040 23 1 luimuiu luuiiuissiuu uuu exonerations off , . 1,600 00 110.140 23 Add amount In hands of treasurer, 18.3 auu value 01 Old jail property s.600 00 UJlauce due ou Gera Hower note 9500 .mount aue irom scnuyikiu county..,.. 42 40 jjub irum uenion townsnip supisirt of coneys 82 89 ijuu iruui jtentur. townsnip, sheriff s co6tonfiame . , . 950 One set duplicates on hand 2000 i;uu uouoie set, 01 assess books 40 00 nullum, uiiui, mi, v isuiogcrceit taken for costs 150 00 120,054 81 LIABILITIES. Costs due on books ln commonwealth . cases 4!9 80 Amount taxes duo the several districts,. 52 a Amount road und bridge views dueou . books 3t co Amount County prison lioudsuopald.... 42,90000 AinountCounty prison coupons uupald 291 60 Amount road d imago assowdand un paid, estimate as nearly astan be 4,t01 00 119.917 79 :e,o:4 81 Actual Indebtedness of tho county, Janu ary 1, 1879 :.' 23 853 48 TOLAL COST OP THE NEW JAIL COMPLETE. Amount palddurlng the year 1S!9 110,136 22 Amount paid durlug tho year 1679. 19,1.1a 23 155.S73 45 We thO Undet-Slcnpd. mmmlaalnnnra r.i,Kin county, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a .w-i.owhtuiwh, ui uccounis 01 said county for the year A. D..1S7S. Attest : A. B. HERRING, J Columbia Co. JOHN B. CASEY, Clerk. We. tho underslpnuri findlrnranf eni,ni,i. having been duly elected to adjust and settle tho ac- ,,u.Qvivuu Ktosuicr uuu commissioners or Co lumbia countv. rln bprphvpprtlrv tlt-ir ... A, 11.. ., V -UUKIMUIO offlej of the Treasurer and Commissioners ln Blooms- ""8 "uu careruuy examined tho accounts nnd vouchers of the same from the 1st day of January, A. D.. 878, to the 1st day of January 1879, and found .uu. luHcuuittmjvij suitea, anu we nna a balance due Columbia ennntv nn pnuntv fnnr Aii.. dollars and twenty-threo cents (lis 13) from II. W, McReynolds, Treasurer ot Columbia county. And we And a balance of seven douars and sixty-nine cents (7 C9) on dog fund found ln the hands ot II. W. McReynolds, Treasurer. Given under our bands nnd neni ,m t,i. ,vuulua, wl January, A. D., 1879, WILLI .M L. MANNING, 1 SAMUEL 11. HMITII. L Co Auditors CHRISTIAN B.SEESHOLTZ,) AUUltors. Feb. 7. 1679. "JEPORT OiT THE CONDITION or THE First National Bank of Blo:rnsburff. M TvXZll: Jnanl!'i VS? 81 C10s" RBSOUHOE13 - Loans and discounts 1124 667 66 nh:S'ZS"'1-: CO.0U0.00 Due from anproied reservo agenta 29 60I C6 Hue rrom other Nnlmn.t Unni7a .TT.VzV Due from suto II inks and bankers. ... .. Jmi SI Current expenses aud taxes paid f62 97 Checks and other cast Items. ..... s J5 Bins of other Banks.. 4000 specie 1 hii'oo Legal lender notes 1 iio 00 Redemption fund with u. s. Treasurer (5 '"""' , .u.u.iiuuj 8,26000 7om' 1264,193.00 LIAB ILITIES. KusfS'S VM 'n 6O.OO0.00 i1S,u0M?hVIlk,1?.i'.''? 44'300.'00 i,ri .. "If "- "i"Jv.i' lu tueCK,,,,, 61.47265 Due tosjther .National Banks 13 bis ss Total. Mate of Ptnn'a., Oiunly 0 Columbia, u ; rtnIdii!;Ti'i'L'Caf?lc.r..0"ho "bove named bank, r, .77 7 f""' " viiai- uio uuuro statement Is true to the best ot ray knowledge and bell-r. Subscribed anl affirmed it rifrm.'.h'.rK '. "I4, v wua vui UIP- ' wuuua,, toll. jis.u. uaowu, Notary Public. Correct-Attest : I. W. McKKLVY. 1 FRAS. I". DHlSKER-l. Directors Feb, T, 1679. ' ' crrejted-IsesS TOB PRINTiNQ O Neatly and cbeanlv execntt t H,. THE SUN FOIl 187ii: Jeonf;.,7s11Purtd'rne as in the post i To nrecnt all the news In a rea a ble shape, and to tell tho truth though the heartni l'he Sim has been, Is and will con'lmie to I inne pendent of OTeryboily nnd everything in J. ,r. Truth nhd lis convictions of duty.' 1 hat Is the Ai. policy which an honest newspaper need hare 1 SII Is the policy which has won for thlsnewsnnwr ,, : conflileiieo and friendship of a wider eonsiitueK than was ever enjoyed by any other American JmJ The tjun Is tho newspaper for the people. It 1. for the rich man ngalnst the poor hinn, or for "S poor man sgilnst tho rich man, but It seeks inn equal Jintlco to all Intercslsln tho commuiiliv 1? tsnottho organ c-f any (icrson, class, sector mnl There need bo no mystery about Its loves nnd fin, i4 His for tho lionest man against the rogues pirr. lime, his ror ,110 nonest iremnernt ss ugaln.4 ii,i ulshotipst llepubl ean.and for tho honest Kenuhiiein as against the dishonest Democrat. Itdoi'siiot tiK llarim from thn lltlerntiees nf nt,v i.ii.,,.,Lr . !aK0 lltleal organization. It gives Its support unri'senii" lywhen men or measures nro In agreement iiis Willi tho constltuilon and with Hit prlnclplpiun which this llepubllo was founded for tl!orv"ni ,.uiiv,i-, ino iu,,D,ii-i,- i uiiuuiiKmu'ional prin ciples aro vlola'cd-as ln the outrageous consp rirv or 1976, by which n man not elected was placcdin too j-rosiueniH uiiiee, wuero no still remain-!, speaks out for the light ThatlsllioSuii'si'i.ant inoepenuence. in 1111s resptct mere will bo n change In Its programme for 1979. m The Sun has Inlny earned tho hearty haired nf rascals, rrauls. and humbugs of all sorts and ii It holies to deserro that hatred not less In ihoiea! I979,lhautn 1878, ls77, or any year gone hv n simnlilconllnuotoehlno on .the wicked with nn mltlgnted brightness. "iiu un- ivniio tne lessons 01 1110 past snnuid be constantlr kepi beforo the pi ople, The Sun does not propose in make Itself In Is79 a mngarlno ot anelent hlsiorv It Is printed for tbo men and women nr concern Is chiefly n llh tho ofTalrs of to-day. u his both the disposition and tho ability to afford Its read! t-rs tho promptest, fullest, and most accurate Intel. ,i,cvui,i .u.i..i. u ,u m.uu duiiit 11 wortu at tention. To this end the resources lHonsInz m well established prosperity will bo liberally em- lie present dlslolnted condition of nnrtien in ,, country, and tho uncertainty nf tho future, lend an extraordinary slgnlllcancn tn the events ot the com. Ing year. 'I ho il.seusslons of tho press, tho dehales and acts of congress and tho movements nt tim leaders In every section of tho Republic will havo a timet bearing on the Presidential election otls-o-an event which must belregardc'd with tho most nnx- luus iiii.-ii;bi, u.vij- iininuiiu AiueilOdll, iviiateler his nollllcal Ideas or alletrlnnco. 1'n Ihpfu. rint-,..,. of Interest may bo added the probability that Hera ocrnts will control both houses of congress, the lo. creasing feebleness of the fraudulent Admlnlsl ration iuiu hid Bi'icuu nun niiuuKiuiung overi wnerO Of It healthy abhorreneo of fraud ln nny form, To present with accuracy and cicarnecs the exact situation In each of Its var 1 Ing phases, anil to expound, accord Ing to Us well-mown methods, tho principles that should gulde;us tirough the labyilnth.wiil bo an lm- pui luitt pai 1 ui miusiihs - urK iur isiy. We nave t he means ot mnkluir 'l ho sun. as n. nniitt. cat, a literary and a general newspaper, more t-nter- Liiiiiinr iuiu iiiuiu 11-Liui uutii cilt ueioro , nnd wo mean to apply Iheui freely. Our niles or subscription remain unchanged. For the Dally Sun, a four page .sheet of twenty-eight col umns, tho price by mall, postpaid, Is 65 cents a month, or ffl 50 a year ; or. Including tho Sunday paper, an eight page sheet ot 60 columns, lh-3 piico fs 65 cents a month, or $7,70 n year, postage paid. Tho Sunday edition of The Hun Isnlsj furnished separately at a year, I-ostngc paid. The price of tho Weekly sun, eight paiios, llftv-slx columns, is tl a 3 car, postage paid. For clubs of ten sending $10 wo will send an extra copy freo. Address I. W. ENGLAND, Publisher of Tho Bun, row York city. nov, J2-6W "S.CRIBNER'S MONTHLY; Conductor! by J. Q. Holland. The Handsomest Illustrated Magartnn In tho World Tho American edition of this periodical Is now MORE THAN 70,000 MONTHLY, And It has a larger tlrculatlon In England than any other American magazine. Every number contains about one hundred and flfty pages, and from flty to seventy-nve original wood cut Illustrations. Announcements for 1878-9. Among the attractions for tho coming year aro the following : "Hawoktiis," a serial novel, bv Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett, author of 4 That Lass o' LowrlcB." The scene of Mrs. Burnett's new novel Is laid In Ijin caslitre : the hero Is young Inventor ot American birth, "llaworth's" Is tho lougest story Mrs. Burnett has yet written. It will run through twelve num bers or the Monthly beginning with November, 1S7S. and will bo profusely Illustrated. F sLCONBEKO, a serial novel, by II. II. Boi'esen, author ot "Ounnar," "The Man who lot his Nome," tc. In this romance, tho author graphically de scribes tho peculiarities ot Norse Immigrant life In a western settlement. A stobt ok Nsw Orleans, by Oeorgo W, Cable, to bo begun on the conclusion of "Kalconberg." This story will exhibit tho state of society In Croolo Lou IslaDa about tho years 19014-5, tho time or tho ces sion, and a period bearing a remarkable likeness to the present reconstruction period. I'osTRStTsn American PosTS. This series (begun In August with tho portalt of Bryant) win be contin ued, tnt ot Longfellow appearing ln November. These portraits are drawn from life bv Wyatt Katon and engraved by T. Colo. "1 hey will be printed sop arately on tinted paper, as frontispieces of four dif ferent numbers. Illustrated sketches ot tho lives ot the rh,efs win accompany these portraits. SA Nxw Vnw of Uraiil. Mr. Herbert II. Sraltn, of urnell University, a companion af the late l'rof. Hartt, Is now ln Blfczll, wlih.Mr, J. Wells Champney (the artist who aceumpnnled Mr Edward Klngtn his tour through "The Great couth '). preparing for scrlbner a series of papers on the present condition tho cities, rivers and resources of the great empire of South America. Tns "JonNNT HxB" PArBRs, by an "ex-Confcder-ato" soldier, will bo among the raciest (contributions to Scnbner during the coming year. They are writ ten and Illustrated by Mr. Allen c. Redwood of Haiti more. The nrst of the seneB. 4 Johnny Reb at I'lay" appears In tho Nov rmber number. i'enns 4.00 a Year in advance ; 35 cents a number. Subscriptions i ecelved by die publishers of this pa per, and by all booksellers and postmasters. Per sons wish ng to subscribe direct with the publish ers, should write name, post office, countv and stato lu full, and send with remittance In check, V. o money order, or registered letter to SCRIBNER J: CO., 743 & 745 Broadway, New York. 1879 Eclectic Magazine OF rorci?n literature, Science and Art. THIRTY.-FIFTII YEAR. The "Eclcctlo Magazine" reproduces from foreign periodicals all those articles which are valuable to American readers. Its neld of selection embraces all tho leading Foreign Renews, Magazines, and Journals; nndwh'lo tho tastes of all classes of our readers ore consulled nothing trivial In Character or of merely transient Interest Is admltled to Its pages. Its plan Includes Essays, Renews, Biographical Sketches. Historical l'upers, Travels, Poetry, Novels, and Short stories i and In the case ot Sclenco (to which much space and attention aio given), no spe cial promlnenco Is allowed to any particular phase ot opinion, but placo Is given Impartially to the most valuable articles on both sides of tho great themes or Kcientinc discussion. The following lists comprtso tho principal period! rals rrom which selections are made and the names of some of the leading authors who contribute to them t PERIODICALS. ACTIIO S. Quarterly Review Rt. Hon V E Oladitone Brit Quarterly Itet low Alfred Tennyson hdlnluburgh Review 1'roressor Huxley V estmlnster Review Professor Tyndall Contemporary Review inch A Procter, 11 A i-jrtnlghtly Review , J Normal LockyerJR S The Mueteenlh Century Dr W u Carpenter Popular sclenco Review K II Tvior Blackwood's Magazine l'rof Max Muller Cornhill Magazine Professor Owen Macmlllan's Magazine Matthew Arnold Froser's Magazine E A Freeman, D O L Jew Quart Magazine James Authouy Froudo Tempfe llar . Thomas Hughes Belgraila Anthonv Trollopo Good ords w miam Black Loudon society Mra oilphant Thesnectator, etc, eto Miss Thackery. etc. vLC,',&fV.,,al,;nt ,ls aiVertedfrom tho ffi .?,VLVf?Es t0 coottlbuttng to the periodicals, rich barest! CU01c'-'8t s11"" cs from 11113 Stekl Enuravinos. Eaeh number contains a nno steel engravlog-usually a portraitexecuted In the ii'fLtnanScr'.'lu'se cnsrnvlngs are of pSmrient miglimS 4 mUCh tu lhe aUracrehcssof thS ve'i'?l'1!,8.!"ls'0.C04lle8' 45 cenlss one copy. 'one year, $5 ; nve copies, tu. Tec trial subscrlDtlon for ,rS,mH05Ul3' 'Ji Tno 'Eclectlc'.and Myw Kagazmo to one address, $S. I'ostago free to all subscribers. E. K. l'KLTON. 1'ubllshor. 25 Bond street, New York. Wide Awnko fnr 1870 The Pictorial Magotine for Young Folks. ., EllaFabman, Editor. $2 00 a Year. Free or PrHtarm It is conceded on all sides that Messrs. I). Lottron flS?;fiir "ccorapililfed vSattlwy St nfno t f i i ,ow year8 Bt'u' Tli 1 lo me a mag. to take it.J ' v -uu'uauora THREE JOLLY SERIALS. The Dogberry Bunch. vrn-M w.ry ',8ev',n, J'erry Children, who faced the world for themselves, but iilways hanglne In a v nhf,1);.., H, ,IartW1'11 -atherwoodn-rotilse lylllustratled by JlaryA.Lathbury. hoyal Lowrie's last Year at St. Olave's. .A Kf lv 8torfp' American school boy life. By Mae errt weather, author of "A Oenerai Mieunde? standing." Illustrated by Miss L. II. Humphrey. . Don Quixote. Jr. h , T5?5v.t'.nture.8 01 r Mlltlades Peterkln Paul on bis steed "Doughnuts." Uy John Breivnlohn A f u. 'XLllfF ,un prcsly lo? the Lftu? Iwys It tu?B&. mwlnl(:i comlo pictues byl" ,v. . c "r -American Artists. ulIsil'1s, .''il1" William II. Beard. paacrft!fys.t('.v. ssigsa"4 mera i, 2m,?.ti'i,raf.Uve 'Weiiipt yet made to popular wftlViSiiifnWK a,nc' 'nke children acqudlnted doing. ...v..i.uu uutu unu wnat, tusy are Funny Double-page Illustrated Poems, trI'ted hvTlnP rlnC64 Kirk Monroo. 1 , Illus- iSoi A'otW Schools. EiifhCeiX100''" Tlie History of an Jolin VMM S ' Df Lu"y 0wU White (Sirs. ma k lifow". Instltut't" 'or the Blind, IlyEm- ItHlTll, Uhn.l (-,, . . .... Hnnri&nipr7,. S. TT1,. . ' "ems. Natural History menu. Music, ic. "ni- All With 1Mb 1,.,..., . . . ... kin,- wiX "r.V . lesirumme oesi artisis, ma- nMfeVefstenS! MW l"e bcM luiTmoney U""' Uea ' P08,afe4 Senl1 J cur name 1), LOTIIROP A-CO.. PlllJIcSar. 1ln.r.w JgXECUTOH'H NOTICK, kSTATEOF J0BN wniTS, PSO'P, Tettiirn T..,nm..,. . , . . . - . U'iiTifl lata ... im vu 1140 csmto or jona 'n u,4 ,.rV 4a"i"Kvreeic towobnip, coiumuia I,?;' e bxranted by the Register of colum '? col!.'uy 10 'he undersgned Executor lo JSSSSitt f r80',, 'hOcbted VrS refiues"d u mats 'r?n M tat ,,'a.lne!'t4 (U"1 tbaia ""ng claims or de, "&1'ilt ll8 lwU1 tte will make them Saay uuderalgned Executor without ,. V. O. WADSWORTH. W. J, UCCXALXW. F.pptitnr 874 tl 1703 CI COLDMBIAM Office, ''of tt. Town IIIU, Luz. Co., 1'a,