D ME COLUMBIA ANto'DEMORAXBlsOOMSBllKG, COLUMBIA COINTY, PA. 9 Miscellaneous. A Omtorlcul "Son of Toll" 'Feller cltlfene,' said be, 'I'm aharrl-hslod ton of toll, I'm a btkV-lnjfr by trade, and not a bit ashamed of lt( No, air; I wasn't born with a ttlrtr spoon into ray mouth of cradled In the lap of luxury. I'm "a itlf made, man, gentlemeu.1 'You'd letter have let out the job,' re marked a tolce In the rear or the ball. lie scorned to nvtlee the Interruption, but prcedd. 'Yes, feller-cltlzens, I'm proud of havlnaj rlten by(lion(Ht Industry, proud of appearln t inllolt your aufTrage as 'a true reprnenla tlre of labor; as one which haa contrlbuud to build up this community by the sweat of his brow ami tue work or bU band). Ap pliiise. As I was saying, I'm a bricklayer byMrade. TYe'Woflced trf 'raise more 'than half the palatial mansions, magnificent com mercial tructurta, and heaven-painting spires which' beadtlfy and adorn our town Great enthusiasm. And hero, right here, gentlemen, are the Identical ovl wtili 'wliich I have carved out my way to prosperity. Here the orator examined a Iniwel and hammer amid deafening plaudits, 'Pas 'em this way,' fald an excited lis' tenrr, evidently belonging to the working' class ; 'let me gaze.onto them rclices.' The tools were handed to him, aod lu scrilntlnlzed them with deep interest. 'You say you work n Illicit lnyerf stld be, turning sharply to thu oritur. 'Yes' 'And with them tools?' 'Ve,,str"ril1oW'r6'll'e"vry''onl'Ihbught when I made my, first start as a journeyman To them I owe all my' prosperity.' 'Wellf then, I mustsay you deserve great crcdjk So doe any man that could lav bricks with such weapons. Gentlemen,'' turning to the audience.'ju't. look at 'em.; It's a gardener'' trowel and a carpenter's ham mer f Tableau I Exchange. Preserving Fruit in Sand. A California paper gives the following: 'Some months ago tro gave an account of some experiments with the preservation of fruit in dry aand,wbich our friend; Mr, R!x ford, had In jiropress. He had a resurreo tion trie ofher Uny. and brought us samples of tho preserved fruit It will be remember ed that the fruit was deposited in thn drv atnd'uniler his house on one of the hilltops of the city. W have before us a Los Alige. los orange, which was put In the sand last Aprll,wben the fruit was fully ripe. It was. taken up after seven months of burial, and shows hut little mark of lis hiding-place The. shrivel on thq skin Is scarcely percep tible, and, the color is bright,. On cutting the fruit, the juice bursts forth and floods the knife and the hand. To the taste the flavor is delicious. Mr. RlxforoVthlnks that thAjruils but little changed fromjts condi tion when put into the. sand. It, was, too ripe when put In, and would have 'remained datable three weeks in open air. If. the sand treatment should be applied to the fruit be fore it .becomes toajlpe, there seems no room for doubt that It can be preserved for months in. .marketable form. Anolher specimen ,from the saijd.bauk wasanijiall tipple, 'Mr Rixford says it' was of a prior lit when jl was put.in, but it was o lnb- in the m-xsoi, when he began his experiment that h could not get gnod'apptfs to experiment oh. The apples kept well, the nV.h. being firm and sound. The color was somewhat impar .ed and the flavor was, insipid. How mud; "of thls'came from the original poorness of ;th stock, and how much from sand, wecan not determine. It would eem, howovf, JbJ the tjeatment issuer adaj'Jydjlo thiyk akinned fruit than to thin Tht fruit,whch atqodthtj burial bestvcre the lemons ; tt)0) H put Join Febuary, and then though buried for nine months, are ai bright coated and firm as one could wish. Thus it was ill, io.wltjj.avyeei potatoes, very few sproiKiiig r 'and still fewer showing any sign of cliangi', We think these experimonlSj very interj-nt ing, and the system worthy ol further trfal 'both in amounts for home consumption and JotJLhe market.' ' Set, np Yon'r'iiar at Home. FBOM C. T. CAMPBELL'S LECTURE IN MAY- FIELD, Barkeepers in this city pay on au nvitragi $2 a gallon for whiskey, One gallon Con , tains an average of sixty-five drinks, and ai ten cents ad. Ink the poor mau pays t6 50 ji gallon ;for his wblakey. Jn-otheriwords, .'' hlWySorthlweyjjaqd; u(o fo a man for handing it oyer the bar, Make your wife your,barkeeper;. Lend her '.wo dollars to buy a gallon of whiskey for a'beginniny, r and every time you want ,& drjok go tojher, ' and pay" ten cents for it. By'the time you. have dranfcji "gallon she will have 0.60,- r enough money to refund the $2 borrowed ol S you, to pay fur another gallon of liquor, and " ' have'i balaoce of $2 50. f3Ee will be able M to conduct futuf e operations on her owu rap itar; and when you become' an inebriate, uii. ,. able to support yourself, shunned aod de- " splied by nil respectable persons, our jvife n wiu naye enougu money lo keep you until i , you are ready to ml a drunkard a grave. t Paying Wafiea Prsmptly. A correspondent eiiuuisea what the Ledger hits very 'frequently raid about (he import ance of having small bills promptly paid' and of having workingtueu paid their wages at frequent intervals. He complains, and justly too, that he and other workers who, from nc cessity are compelled to submit to frequent reductions m their wages, are often compelled to. wait four weeks or more for their money, The sinallne&s of their wages, prevents many of theni from getting that tnu;h ahead of the world, and they are," therefore, compelled to ..pay what are known as, ' trust prices" for all .the necessaries of life, lluylogin small quan . titics, and on credit, it costs theuxvery much more .to live than would be required if they . !.i ..- i n i i vtmK paiu wuvfcjy biiu coujuouuy fi jargei quantities for cash. This U clearly recognized , by many large employers, who, in .spite ol the additional work Imposed ppon hem, set tlo with all their employees weekly; bat there are others who delay paying until they can make monthly settlements. There is anoth er little matter about wagoa that costs noth ing, and which considerate employers do no overlook. If wages are paid oo Priday, the frugal housewife will have a chance (o put soma of the weekly earnings to good use' be fore the temptations of Saturday nigh'tjand 'Sunday frolics hare wasted the much needed money.: But apart from any saving iVu obtained, .the wife supplied with money on' Friday night can have the choice of the mar-, kets and.buy where it is to best advantage, instead of getting her supplies where she utI, TbU Is just tho season of the yrar when it would be well to begin the good cus tom, pf paying every Friday night. As our correspondent says, 'It would be a good New 'Year's gift to working men and women.' rUih: Jjedgtr, It is whispered that Oen, flutter will accept the Bulgarian crowp or anything in I he shape of plate. XWroi'i Frtt I'rtu, It cannot be be that 'all 'flesh Is grass. Grt'sgets its dew-about the only thing that (loos in the world. Hartferl Journal. LEISURE liqUKS. J. lu fallen A Co, 47 Barclay street hew Yorkshire commenced the publication of an illustrated Magaitne" called Iicirart How, at the popular price tl per year. . Its forty, psges, of three-colums each, are full of reading matter of Interest to all our readers. The lllnstratlons are well executed, and the stories, sketches and poetry are from well-known American writers. The .publishers of course naturally desire that all should see and examine this Magailne, and that all msy do so, they ofler.to send It on trial three months for twentV'five cents, and will, In addition, send each three months' subscriber a beautiful chromo motto, entitled "Faith, Hope andChsrilT." This motto, slxe 0x17 inches printed in fifteen oil volors,ls suitable for ftanirj and is worth? to adorn any home. I Jan,Q.3i Jur6tsf()rPeKTt!rm,1879. GllANl) JURORS. DtoomVlohn Mccormick Jos. Townsend, William , Werts HoUU Mcllrld j, Stephen Knorr, Charles 1 title. Berwick Henrr O, Freas. . Hcntrm-liouben Olh'xins, J. t, Mctlonry. Heaver James T. Vox, . OfttawHii . 't llroUsf, fentrilla-O. II. Millard, .tohr. E. IUley. FlsMnircreek N. .1. ltobblns. tlreenwnod -William J. Kramer. Hemlock JlnttMas Whltcnlght. Main J. D noJlno M llson John DemoU. winiin-wuiiaMi Mariner. Montour llenr Lazar r, William J. Bldleman. Hoarlngcrefk John Mower', D. W, Rang. HcoltJohn Jones. TRAVERSE JUllOttS. . . .nitT-wyu... . , Bloom B A nanuses. Jamfts Sclraylpr, Bernard Rtohnr, James McRrtto. u. It Hitter lijrd fcharplcss. Henry ucsensloc., f T ' Bearer Daniel sinvlev Allen Usnn. Kenton deoriro aroy. Berxlok ,11. U Freas. Hnnrereek Iraao Bower. Catawlsu Daniel Helwlff. H. 1). UlnaM. Centra. la-l alayette Feticrman, WUUam Uarrta.. Centre J. P. uajman. . . . 1 , Flshlnfrcrcck Joslnu uoleman, .R.Iiasuer. FrankDn-a L. Artley- Ul areenwooJ Henry Msther.' Wm. 1. Pstterson. i uemioc.K r h iianmaa, uuan ctmae. Jackson1 W Kitchen. . - Locust Henry Heaver, Joan, A. miner, Benry Uel- Madfson John Christian, Bamael Farsswortti. Miun W. Hvnns W. T. ftTvBm(Ui . Mifflin T.Z. bowman, Heonr Nmw, Btepben Delt-, erlck; M. B. Iictien A. W, Ilees Momour jonn n. uoroon, w. a tuddb. Mt, Pleassnw-Moses Btetler.- v. - orangeJ 1). Harmau, Wesley Bowman, rairln Mnsteller. Pin" w osU-IlubWas, Jacob Chrtstlaa. Scott John traveling. James ruuen, u, T. Jones. stcoxs waai. Bloom It V. tlartman, -Bearer Ellas MUler. Hernlck-Jamcs w. Evans. John O. Jacoby.J.'K. MoAnaU. t Brlarcreek1 Itentwn Sltler. t at awlssa Hamilton Fisher, 3, B. KnltUc, o. L. Kostenbatider. Cen'er William MUler, Levi Fester, Joseph Weiss, Philip Harris Ce tHlla William Pelller. conyngham John L. Kline. Edward Hughes. PisbUi,-creek J. F. Mcllenry. Fnuiklln-J. V. Knlttle. i Oreonwood leorgo Thomas, Rlehard Bvea. , Hemlock T. J. Vandersllce, Samuel Ubl. lackson I). II. Stevens. Locust Austin Chernnjten, Otrver Svasa. Jston Lonif. . p Maln-Natlian Miller, WllUam II. rtt. Madison u. W. ttupplee.- v Montour-WllUam P. Mauser. I'lne -(.oorpe stackhonse, Juaea DnlbleUa. itotrjugcreek braham.wlt&er. , , scutt Joshua "It- FowlerlJeorK -IIeckman,ratilel scott. T 1ST OF CAUSES FOR TRIAL AT XJ FBBKUAUYTEItil, 187. Oscar HagenbuwvsM Orovert adm'ra. I Margaret llageabu-n vs M Graver's admr's. 1 t . liagenbuch s M o rover "a A dim "a. ' I Mary George 'vs James Morrlsoa. Joun B hcoU vh Bernhard toohnsr. Oeorjte 'Barclay vs. Joseph tt ,mek. Wagner starr aconcK Barnes at ux. Aarou Voung vs John K Toauf Nancy Ann ltoburts vs John K. ronng. Kit MeDeury ec uxva JohniXAunsg (Kwrtre u uordner aaslgiwe vs Gideon Heaa. Conrad wanWvs Daniel Hwanlcr - tiotaor Tbom&B vs. MornsNUeheL. .( C u Murphy v Con ngham and centnHa Poor Sis- I vr ncKAiTj'a use vs Wm Shaffer et aL V LShuaan vs Sarah KlsUer. Morris Mllclicl vs. Corner Thomas. Samuel Bhone vs Jease lUione. James t Whiting b uant nyin, unea' executors, Adam WUl vs Wellington Cage. 1 w H Itelnbold vs Nicolas Enziehart.. . a Ca'awls$a Deposit uank va Jam a Parker, i Wm Neal et al va Penn'a Canal Co.. . . Firet National Bank ot Ashland vacaUurtae Eryson. Msrwuii; uarueuTavwepajinyeCti r Marj u Tasdrrsllco va lianlel Kline, u p uurphy vs conynghomjiaa centra)!. Poor ptv Rotir, Mo flenrv .va Tbos V Tomp. J A JScroCk va J w HolTmanctal , O F Drleabach vs M Grover artmrM. Kllzabeth Hartman vs Benjamin Srnm et ux. Jonathan Former's use vs 0 ,P L Koatenbandsr, et ai. r Alex L xmlthvs John 0 Jacofey. ,iuuu wtubBu uuaniuia nwiQ nenmnger. Henry eomers vs JoeeDh Conner's ulmr. suirarloai school District va wm A KUe. i' i- unnscr vs.i ii lioouon et aL Hannah Weiss vs Joun UoUntan. M orover's aduu"s vsuubert Drtesbach. t w tn H f nvder vs Wm II VaadenUce. AboottC Kalttlavs Wesley Perry etaL It r Uawkes Co tb sterner J Jones, c u Brockway.va o II Fowler's admr. i'nuip juanuaix va wiaior Mei. Bt. John's Church. Catawlasa tbB? DaU raAn. John Kcstervs John Ka'ilz. w ui Morpny vs conyngham and CentraHa Poor Dla- John Boaton'a admlnHtrato vs Wm. X. Parks. ujc'j&i ecnoo uuuict tb iiavia ueiwig F. H. Kncrr sE U Groh et ux. VEGETINE 18 RECOMMENDED jn AU. rnysiQiMn., VauxvC po.,-1 ICm. Xr.3L fiTETioffat.fl?;if?Tt Xwtr.mr. I take the plsaarnof WTtttacyea smalt cerUflcaM coucwnlM 'VS1BS .1 -Earadbryou. t hmbMnaibaMlrialni the Din inn man pvht uibst; f -sSMT wm WB UUb tJXDSSC uf UV . hq no nnjmcima cowa 1 V1 VatflKTl M t-WhtB llM Ad staspiiaBl, eltber from Vt ltaUr, WW. IM KIM II rew the biood.-canT'oi iinuie win ivuiai,al I U&pUt tk UD Of J igWt VEGETINE For C ANOEM ana) CANCEROUS HUMOR. Tha Doctor's CartltViata.' Read tt. uffbriDii from AtnQwaN ay liatMMiMt,. whicb at ajrajYT vrr ruu'Jpf mno sui mr incoos rtVtojra up to ale. when I ktetra o nr melcme. Vent unr.' icommtidid for Omca' f oa Cuncenvta ftmort. I ooaameoeed to Uke t, aaa on lb end myuu bactiuilDC taft bt ler mjf iieaith. ana spinu toot tt Ui beoisa lnOuence which It exerted, aod Im a faw montla from tbe U tua I commenced lh Use' of the Veff rtt so, tbe Cancer came out alrnoet bodily. . . . C4RI1C JFptRE8T. I oertlfjr that X amfpenoBaflyotiaalottd with Mra. tieVon-vtt, and eooitdor her one of ur, vary bmy womeiv. 4fcLU OWJCBU. ALLpUJCASKS Of TUKlLLDOSWr VMXnNK tUieaaes reel rui relieve i reetorlns tho piMmi to MrfecA baltlk iDcdtflereU. iiaiciauaw iaaa tii-' nunVrliisT for yan, u if pDioEcfuiiVe antryi proof, if you ar a euncrer, yoi whv le ihLe medicine Dtrrluri ST8UKK cureer 'It work in lb Moodjttroe Jfclt inffluld. 1 1 can truly be called to Uru MUmd jpuruer, 1 Lm$um eourowefiUeeaea orlfftsatet In toe blood i aud do nWduij that mom not -act directly. upou It. to purify, AiuX reaOfato. baa axgrjou cflu upon (iuUii aitnlloo. , VEGETINE I retrd it vsiluabl FAMILY MEDICINE. Ka. I . R. RrKvrNS : . . . Httrtr.l take pleuore In MVlBf tbat I hav. lued lb'f-TUn In ray auuUv wulk goal tMulu,andl have known of bbtvwI omm Tviaxitkhla cun, effected by It. I icsafa4C a' valuaWt Auully qiedlcjiit. Truly joun, ' ltEV.WM.McDOWa.U. Th Rev. Wm. McDeuld'b well kaewu throusUeTJolied HUlMuaulalat'r laflw Tbocuhm Stuk. ViaariNa ff Kknawl- edced.and reevmmeoOe by pajraleUoa asis apMhMariaa lobataa bi purtnaraail cMaaatr vf Ihm blood ret dlacovcrtta. ami Uuiai&da aptak la lu BralM who nv .beta, Jttawxe la VEGETINE, The M. D.'s baye it. Xxmt m'rl beve sold VetwtJne for loo Ume. and fled It rtvee uoet excellent laUafatv VEGETIE Prepared by H. K. BTEVEMI. Bositoa, Matnaj. Tefetlae U Sold by all UruggUU. Jan.ie,1.-y Jwto MVt mm mi my am . i m so, ut tn now rfU suss apS sStsnd 15 irnisw tmm uy is , MM 49 Um wtele hoijTi.' ' GILES' LINIMENT IODIDE AMMONIA Cure all Pain In Man nnd llcnat TESTIMONIALS I Paonrsca TItxri (Falllnu ot Uie Womb.) A Won dertul Cttre.Nlne years my wile suscrcd Jwliri tils terrible complaint ne was attended bv doctor af ter doctor, went to tb illtTerfnt hospitals where ro malesaro treated I tried thm all t wore bnndares and pcssAries wtihoDly temporary reliff. Her lift was miserable. Wm anpiim Dr. (11 ea' Mnlmrnt Her relief was ImineillaU-. Mio Is now well. II. McDtRKOir. 40 Wont Uth street, New Yorlt I bad twclro strokes ot I'araiysls. My leg, arm and tjntio were useless ; wan oolled to use a oath eter every day. Doctor (ll'ea' liniment lodldftor Aiuiiionla Ii j n cured it o. Will answer any loqulrlos so that all anilo'ed may know ol It. John Arm. Nn: th Hranford, Conn. Chestnut lull. I'hlladelpliK April S3, is. W.K.OlloD, hq ixiar Mr 1 used jour Iodide ot Amtnonla Ltntutent on Pliru Tcuipl's hmd pastern joint. Hhe h.id been quite lame; tbe effect was wonderful ; she w tits now quite well. Very re spectfully jours, " A. Wiud, . r, R. I am now using It on Littleton's rignt tore le,;?. A larpo shoo boll on a valuable joung horse was removed 111 biles' Llulmcnt loitl-le et mnionla. sntriirRD KNirr, CarpeLs, ;.1 slxtu av, ., Sum lurk, Asniui Tho tortun-s nnd sgonlesl endured lor six years, none but those, ho have Buttered with tbts terrlblo disease can know. My life was misera ble in duspeiullon 1 tried Giles' Liniment lo tide, of Ammonia. It. gave me Instant relict. Used II In terually as well as externally, Tn03. 11R1K10AK, HI west flth street. How York. T was tn a tlrenaiul condition. Jol&ta swollen, ialn intense. Injections of morphine into my vein all' d to relieve me. ones' Iodide of Ammonia took awav the deposits from my Jolnia I wantmery one who? utters to know what will cuio tuem. KOKDVCS I)THKOP, Northlljde Park, Ijammollloco. vt. . Another Sufferer cured. Idscbarged frura tho Massachusetts ceneral Hospital as locuratile, with tnlla'n.iiatnrr rhsumatlsm lu m,- shoulders, flngera and feet ; suffered rearlully for Ihioc-jeara, trie, everything ; lout all hope IT rules' Liniment lo 1 we ot Ammonia errectta a complete euro. ' KLLXX'MITU, ISO, II trane street. Fall Hirer. Mass. Sprains, splints, bruises. Lameness In horse, ones' Liniment Icdlda ol Ammonia la a perfect apt etne No persun who owns a horse should be with out U. M. Ronans, 6s seventh avenue. New York, In my family, and tor the stock, I have used otle'c Ltnlraenl Ivolde vt AtumonU. It Is unsurpassed, and I am, surprised at the many different maiadleti In which It Is applicable. It Elves thu utmot satis faction. John J. Cartbr, Superintendent Eastern Pennsylvania Kxperlmen . . tal Farm. "Mo. sndti i and In quarts attzso, In which there Is a rreat savlog. i Trial alie IB cents. BOI.DBV ITADROrtfllBTS. Ni 3 nENDBKBHOTT, Agtt fr BlacmsburH. 'may . THE'dEEAT POSITIVE CUBE f Xia Beat raalrj Kedlctne en Eartb. .SIOO I IV OLiII U uy rmaSSBitui Ha ! that lOOBIja wm sssrsieT y elasaTle to In- Uta ptnrtrB ar eiterfinttoa aad aittriuon. has sttmntaaVa aHtifa rftmotlm. Uad rlVM all iBdtotie 14 Uie muxhiur m ctmltulsx trvtem- litetua alstee tbe TUtfereeetnee tft mevwt aetltlty, aiura, ecj. juKsVtihilnT0 tbeorsuii and reeteo- 't ittE dlfLT TRUE AEXESTiPOa COLDS. ritliiieekeB teexpeCUti tllf"1 KBUOt, M ion are eafferlag tram UlLtors ITTiCKt w MjVVr toin lirtRK PUMA, rHaJoi la KokUs 0rnftD, HpaDlnk tJ fVeufh. One bottle wtr betterourtaee jwioliu merUs Uaa rrteoev fxirMeit le ,?JLliUi pfoee tKrttVlntra,Til it k4opttoa la ewrj tmrnOr, ' forao Kui, Womu ot cuid era ue MbODUBaad rttPiU J WflJkcr Xger Mfg. Co., rroprt, SUFFSIlyfiOO TEAIlg 1 rtj cityxpUmiT ed. lira Mo tOBffme tea ten wbet 1 te euITerwl for tbe pMt e a are ft-ota IU1TI. uiM epd HUU bLLUiuu riUM, ttzm e ba tUt 1 vuil o auf4 vwo mj foci I eoald voi wlk naif a mUe wttboa laffertoir lateaee asony wbteb wonltl brlag ad Hvtre llrneie. ' Abies KXKjutdauiftUa ta Mete that t we entirely etrrea ot both i toortM ta nvw enjoying eieellunt heoltb and tresctb ,1 e4 vUe aU elaaUarii alttlcted to trj iWtnrxit. Ma O. f. nutfUd, im Bueeu Bt. DO?inP 00OOWSIp.AltOUND. Am k refalattac e41tBe 1 etn emfldeeUr neemmead TfMMatUita. I btwe ud It In mi UluUj and kocmr etbere wiA "br tried It, n u yronoaoce tt rmk! antt rebaele. . 2t (tot (q (o(1h tuvvnd Mail iUtppols jn Vj ateklac no fig., bat it kttnud to eaalatM and a y ViH.U.DVVAlX, JUrertteao, U L OP TKAHS, STANDING. 1 e4 eae bottto f T)C0X XK an4 can tretibfalhr M Uat It beurd om of urarKrhU ead milhjuji.& of Teaieeteaetf., , ' r-ry.j. for Sale at Hi J. Dltprp- STORE, Bloomsbiirg, Pa. a who Is afbotbeti to guarantee TIGORSNE to prove en repraiivu. ESPY PLANING MILL. The undersigned lessee or the Eapy riastng Mill, Is prepared to do alf kinds ot mm work. Doors, Frames, Basil, Blinds, etc. made to order on .short notice. Satisfaction guar. tumv, Cbuujb Kara, Blocmsborg, I'i BL00MSBURG TANNERY, G. A. HERRING E&FECTFULliY announces to tho public SNYDER'S TANNERY, (old stand) Bloomsburir. Pa., at the Porks of the Es. pyudUghtiitreelroads, where all descriptions or leather will bemada ta th most substantia! and workmanlike moaner, and add al prices to suit the tints. Ttaehlglaeat price tncaaliwUl at all tunes be a'j tur, - ' , GREEN. HIDES of every dewrrntlon la tbo country. The public pat- tuoomsburg, vet, 1, ins. ' ' TyAltlWRIOaTA po., WH0IlUt OJIOCKRS, PniUDiLrnu, Dealers In TEAS, SY11UPS, coyrKa.'scQAB, MOLABSIS, 1 ' Kiel, isrieig, icai aooi, ta, tc K. X, Corner Second and Area (treots, nrOrderawtl) reeelva prompt atteatton. TfjlSfAPrISKEPT0N FILE 1 AT THE OFFICE OF. AM TISDiu 733 Shsom St., PHILADELPHIA, Yo are our aalbrUed aatnla, ud WIN rccrJrc AdrerllMMaenta at 'ur IAIlVtjT CAMU MATCH. SSL n il flDTLn WW IliTT l Ton AwirUl.AAM jtriM kt OnimMkl IivmIUmi to AM tStvtw f m'lliei sal irerOmf Ml rMm aaar at nf twmlHff CHit Jtmminf. Til bM wlaw IntlttM on laftHnr rorit. that Jvhmm't tuJk TrT rltlf. Snl4 ay all iMtl-ft. M1I4 fnt luajla. r to a. a. Jicuo a ok. Km., r ia,Tfi Jan. to,T-4w r sjavy A DAT to agents canvass'ng for (he Flrr ft M aide Tlsiur. Terms and Outfit free. Ad dress P. O. VfKKItT, Angusta, Maine Jan. 10 TMw r A mixed (!ARD.wtth nsme 10 rents. Acenta TtUouintlOcts. L.JUNK1CO., Massiu.lf.Y, Jan, lo, 'I-4w onrsncy Card, Chromo, Bnowflake, Damask, e,, QV no ntlke with name, 10 cents. J. Mlnkler Co; vnssau, N, Y. Ii Jan,10,1.4W Of rbromnt'ards, o , Cupids. Mottoes, Fiowersi Zt) NoSulIU', with heme, inc. Nassau I'ardOo, Nassau, NY. r Jan. 10-tw THE ORIBINAL A ONLY GENUINE "Vibrator' Threaherm, MOUNTKD HORSE POWIR, And auauaa Thfeslier (, (Siada only liy NICHOLS, SHEPAM A CO., BATTUB OUBEKf KlCSe TTTIC MaiieaA Havlnar. aait UnuvJUviBaf nitaWI mt thH atav al marathon. aro4 all jrwlray ipU Wotk, ftr- altAIIf Htlnenwltl net Rabaetc te) tba tiwniniu wnxti of O rati m mm lntrlar work km bf tbe oUwr michiii, wtw oec eoeted ea tea ttl tfcweoa TUB KHTIRK Tbrahlav Xtmf tOrl ! I torn llflM ttlat ilnsilNR ! triaVta W tba Cxtre 0rale l to j tbtae Ja.)revl Mecateae. NO Reralvlnt Bfcaft Iael( th Rcm mtwr. k.ailrir frw Iroid purat JMekvra, ttaddlM, 'atveatl lack tlaa-waatlef and rrale-vaatlnf renalt allaaa Fertprtlf adut l all kfiidaatiA Goadlttaae el OxkIb. WeleeXf7 Loea pr Sfcort, HaaJad ar ftened. KOT n1r Vaurttr atoMrtwIWr Wkeai, Oala. )Urls,iy.aea Uki ttnlaa. Wilbtent.1 ea. i timl TkrsMhr ta T M. liahv.KUkM. Ctow. aart . htt TtMkrJHItM, Ohw, aart i attacaaaaeu' er M waajWlat " mt Pttrta. ejaat tttwia. Maae s tutcrtace er fciueruta ritIB 61m iff BewUra IfaeV n Intt rm kta tu Twl Ht wmam, mmm) tw !; Maeeta4 Uaraa Ftneeta W wilrt. STBAM Power VtnmfccN BMcltattTa apaclai mum panrfer aiaae mjmlj tm eieaw rvr. OUR. Cnrlfaleel Gfmm lna, Uit Talaallla InfNwvaa VMiwae, wWfeA4 eayataari Thrcatwr Wm eale aad OiatlasUve IN ThvrMtTaT WaritmatMttlPa Veat rtallia larlacitoaf far I a, Cannptolea ot Mstlyrat, tte. ear Ttaatie?,TiaaWr Oetflta aw ieaa jaiaata. FOK FmrtleataM. eatl m nr Pitliii r wrttM MfcxUiaVtnUe OraXtva4aA1i;eMtn Juil. tl),. Cil V "tbxs i'h's" HOP BITTERS. ( Medicine, not a Drink,) CONTAINS Hop, Ittirhu, Mandrake, lliiintcliiiii, And tho I'll rest and Best Qualities of all other Bitter-. TKCE-y CUKE AlldlseasosofthoeUmach, bowels, blood, lifer kldneis and urinary organs, nervousncss,temalu complaints and drunkenness. SIOOO I3ST GOLD Will be paid for a case they will not. euro or help or lor anything Impure or injurious found in them. Ask your druggists for Hop Bitters and free books, and try the Hitters before you sleep Take no other. The Hop Omgh bure and Pain Rtlie) is the Cheapen!, Snjeit and Jlett. a a&LH Bv.aiovsa aaoTnaita EXECUTORS' SALE OT Valuable REAL ESTATE! Pursuant to an order ol the Orphans' Court ot Co lumbia county, Pennsylvania, the undersigned, ese cu'orof i cter llelwlg deceased, latoot Catawlssa, County, o Columbia, and Stato ot Pennsylvania, will expose to public Bale on tba premises lnCatatvtssa township on TUESDAY, FEB. 4th, 1879 at lu o'clock a. m., tho following valuable lot. that certain LOT OF GROUND situate In Catawlssa, county of Columbia, state of Pennsylvania, hounded us follows: On the east by First Btreet, on the wrat by the tlusquehanna river, on the north by land of Kd Kostenbauder, on the south by land ol Frederick 8mlth and others. Terms and Condition of Bale. Ten per cent ot one. fourth ot the purchase money to be paid at the strlk Ing down of the property, the one-Mirth less the ten per cent, at cooflrmatloa of sale, and the remaining three.Iourths In one year thereafter with Interest from oonttrmatlon ntsl. UAVIDllELWIO, AsaOTT ot llnawx, zeeutor. tllabtown, Atty's. for Eatato. Jan. 3, 7-t3 COURT PROCLAMATION. lTtT'JIEREA8, tho Hon. William Elwell VV President Judtro of the Court of Over aod lyruimer una tioaeraa utui ueuvery, uoun, ot ,uur ter Besslons of the Peace and the Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' court In the stli Judicial sis trlct, composed of the counties of Columbia and Montour, 'and the Hons. I, K. Krlckbaum and P. L. Bnuman,Astr :ate Judges of Columbia county) have Issued their recept, bearing; date thsllthdayof Dec. in the year ot our Lord one thousand eight hundred and. seventy-eight, and to me directed tor holding a Court otoyer and Terminer and General vwuicr DcKuuua vi urn rciu;e, vjurb ui uimmoii l'lcas and Orphans' Court, in Bloomsburg, in the county of Columbia, on the first Monday, being the :d day of Feb. next, to continue two weeks. Kotlce la hereby given to the Coroner, to the Jus tices ot the Peace, and tho constables ot the said county ot Columbia; that they be then and there In their proper person at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon of said Sd day of Feb, with their records, lnqul slUms and qther remembrances, to do those thtngr which to their offices appertain to be done. And those that are. bouBd by recognizance to prosecute against the prisoners that are or may te tn the Jail ot the said county ot Columbia, to be then and there to prosecute them as shall bo Ju it. Jurors are re quested to be punctual In their attendance, agreeably to their notices. .Dated at Bloomsburg.the llth day f,A,1 of Bee, In the year of our Lord one L.S. V thousand eight hundred and seventy -eight (' . J and in tho one hundred and ihlrd year of the Independence of the United States of America. Sherltt's ortlce, JOHN. W. HOFFMAN, Bloomsburg, Jan. S to Sheriff, H. C. SLOAN & BRO. UXeOMDUURG, PA, ,. . , Manyattnyera ol Carriageo, SbggiM, PhaMona, PLATFORM WAOON8, te. , nrKlaM work alwaya on band. 1 BSCAIKWO HBATLT VOKX. Prloas reduced tn suit tin tlmea. Jan,.n-. PUBLIC 8ALE HAND BILLS Printed at this Offiaj ON SHORTEST NOTICE A S t AT, TUE MOST, REASONABLE TERMS. SWEET I ad ORPHANS' COURT SALE OK VALUAULR REAL ESTATE! Uy tlriuo of an order of the orplisns' Conrl ot tho county .of ColumtiU,tlie uudcrsUned Administrators of the estate of Dav.d RhaftVr, sr., late of tho town slilpof lirlarcrrekln add county ot'Columbla will Oipnse to publlo f als on the premises on Saturday February let, 1879, at ten o'clock a. n., tho following dorcrlbed real es tate. All that rcrtaln piece or parcel ot land situate in thetownsllpot ihiairrcek aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to-wltt tleglnnlng at a post at purpart No. r, as described In tho return of In quest In said estate, and running thenco along land ot Ramuel Knorr, south ten degrees oast, ono hun dred and eighteen porches to a stone; thonco b the samo north scventy-ono and a half degrees east fourteen perches to stonci thenco by land ot John Klsncr north ten degrees west one hundred and six teen porches to pnrpirt No; J, thenco by purp.wt No. t, south eighty degrees west, thirteen and eight tenths perches to the place ot beginning, containing TEN ACHKS AND FOUKTKKN rEHUIlKS ALSO, nil that ce rtnln piece or parcel ot land situ- ate in Drlarcrcek aforesaid. Beginning at a pine In line of land In Uio warrantee name of Alexander Cochran, thooco by tho same north, nineteen and a halt degrees westjtwenty-four perches to a rino down, thonco by tho Mountain survey south eighty two and a halt degrees west ninety-eight nnd one- tenth perches to a s'one. thence by laid of Henry halter south nineteen degrees o istnrty-tour percn. es to a siouc, thence by land ot Daniel Hurman north eighty-two and a half degrees east seventeen and slx-tcnlhs perches to astone,thence north nine teen and three-fourth degrees west clghtocnand 8-10 perches to a stone.thence north eighty-two and halt degrees eait twenty-four an t nre-tcnths parches to a dead black oak and stones, thenco south nineteen and three-fourth degrees east twe vo perch es to a stouc, thenco by the lietrsof Kolknoith elghty-twu aud a half degrees east twenty.seven perches to a stone, Memo by the sumo north nine teen and thice-fourth degrees west twenty-threo and five tenths perches to a stone thonco by the same north elghty-twoand a half degrees east twen ty-nlno and seven-tenths perchbs lo tho plac e of be ginning, containing TWEN1 Y-THIIKB ACHES AND TWENTY-SIX PERCUSS, neat measure. Auso, nil thai certain piece or pArcel of LAND sit uate In tho township ot Brlarcreek aforesaid, begin. nlug at a pine In Hue of land of William lllppenstoel and running tb.ence along land of George Hotter, T, Brlttaln, Nathan tout and George It. Bower, north forty-eight and ono-elghth-dcgroes east two hundred and eight-tenths perches to a stone, thenco by land ot Bald George M. Bower and heirs ot Samuel Sltler nurth clghty-Qro degrees fifty-seven ynluuus west one.hundrei and eighteen and eight-tenths pcrchea to a stone, thenco by purpart No. 1, more particularly described In the return of lnquesi In Bald estate, north flghty-nlno degrees west thirty- perches to a stone, thence by the same north twenty-one and a halt degre west eighty-two and three. tentQS perches to a stone, thence by the same south eighty-two degiees west t'irty-one and two-tooths perches to ustouo, theuco bj laud of Mar) Shiner south eighty-oii, au 1 tnree-fourlh degrees v. est lor, t-flve anl iLv-teotlH perchm tj n sluufl, Ih 'ueu by uuhdine south Heeuand Henetglltnj degrees e-aat thlrty-fuur and one t otu per, hes to u stoae I u nee by Purpal t Nu. 3 In Bald Inq leil mon; full)' described north tlghty-ono and 11 veUhthi degrees east twen ty-nre perch -a to a stone, thenco by tue Name south thirteen d'grees eatone huudredand nine and four tenths perches to a stone, thence north Hevemy, five degrees east tw enti -seven and two-tcntli perch' es toa atone, thence south s-vtu and a half degrei8 east forty-two and two-tenths porchos to a stone, tbence south fifty-three degrees west fourteeji and Beven-tenths perches to a btone, thenco by land ot William Illppensteel south slity four and three. eighths degrees east seventeen perches to a Btone thenco by the samo north sixty-one degrees east ten perches to a stone, thenco south tn enty-one di grees cast six perches to a Btono (late, white oak) thenco by tho samo south thirty-eight and sjven-elghths de grees oast tn enty-three and eight teni hs perch s to the place of beginning, containing' 136 ACRES and sixty perches neat measure. Also, all that certain piece or parcel ot LAND slt- uato in the township ot Brlarcreek aforesaid, begin, nlng at a chestnut oak and running tnence along line of land ot pcaler and Doty, south eighty-two una a naif degrees west eight -nine and eight-tenths perches to a stone, thence by Purpart No. 8 In said inquest more fully described south twenty-one de, grees, east eighty-six and eight tenths perches to stone, thence by land ot John Klsncr, Purpart No, V, J. B. Freas, Jesse Ulcks and heirs" ot John Yost north eighty-two and a half degrees last eighty-six and three-tentns percW'S to a white ;oak down, thence by land of Henry Shatter north eighteen and tnree-rourths degrees n est elghty-slx perches to the place of beginning, containing FOKTY-SIX ACHES AND SIXTY-SIX PEHUIinS, neat measure. AL, the undivided ono half of all that certain piece or parcel .of LAND situate In the townshtpor Brlarcreek aforesaid, being a mountain tract In the warrantee name of William Clark, bounded and do Bcrlbed as follows, to-wlt : Beginning at a post,and running thence along Purpart No. 1 (being tho piece ot land last above described) and land of s. .1. Pealer north twenty-three degrees west four hundred and forty-six perches to a stone, thenco by land In the warrantee name ot Stacy Potts south sixty de grees west one hundred and seventy perches lo white oak, thenco by tho same south eighteen de grees east forty.elgut perches to a poplar, thence by land In tho warrantee name or Jacob Neyer south twenty-one degrees west three hundred thirty-seven perches to a white oak, thenco by.land ot Ira Lettler and others north soventy-nlne degrees, east ono hundred and seventy perches to the place ot begin ning, containing 430 ACRES and seventy perches and allowances TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, ot one-fourth the purchase money to bo paid at tho striking down of tho property ; the one-fourth less the ten per cent at the counrmatton of sle, and the remaining three- fourths In one year thereafter, with Interest from confirmation nlht. LEVI 81IAFFKR and LEVI FESTEH, C. w. JliLLEii, Attorney. Administrators, ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE By virtue of an order of tbe Orphans' Court ot Co, lumbia county, the undershmed Adrn'marrmir. of Samuel D. White, late of said county, will expose to public sale on the premises lu Centre township ui, leu u uiock in mo forenoon on Friday, January 31st, 179, the following valuable HEAL ESTATE to-wit i Ml that certain piece or parcel of lmd situate tho township of Centre, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt SBeglnutng at a stone near the house lormerly owned by John P, Strobmeyer, thence by iui, vi aiary oponenoergcr aecoasea north elghty-slx degrees east inirty-two and nvo-tenths perches to stone, thence by land of Samuel Kelchner and am, uel Bower, north thirteen degrees west twenty-eight auu nie-venins percnes; tuenceby Atlen Shtllham, nier Bouth eighty-two and a half degrees west fort) twq pm&os and two-tenths to a stone.north elirhti eight and a ha J degrees west twenty-two and ntne tentbs perchea to a stone, thence by loud of Mi chael D. ltemley outh eleven and three quarter de grees, east twenty-seven and three-tenths perches to a stone, thence south seventy nine degrees, east eighteen percheu to a stone, thence south seventy two and a half degrees east eleven and two-tenths percnes to a stone in a publlo road and therce south twelve and eight. tenths perches to the place oi be, giumng, cooiainlug FIFTEEN ACRES & 349 PERi'nES. ALSO, all that certain messuage, tenement or tracof AND situato in the township of routro aforesaid, beglnnlngata stone, thenco by la dsof laulel Neyhard south eighty-aeren and a half de grees wostthuty-slx and eight tenths perches a stone.north by land ot Joseph Conner eighty-four ana a quarter aegrees cast fourteen and seven tenths perchea to a stone, thence north by land Samuel Kelchner twelve and a Ualftiegrue6 wett twentf-nve and nine-tenths perches to u stoi.e, tbonctia south by laud ol Samuel Spontuberger eiguiy-iureo ucgreet west tnirty-six and clght- leuius percnesio tne pu ce ol Degmwng, contain Ing SIX ACRES strict meusuri with tho appurto Lances. TERMS OF SALE. Ten percent ofono-fourth the purchase money to be paid at the strlkluir dowi of the property, the one-fourth less tho ten oer lent at the counrmatton ot sale, and the remaining three lounus iu one year tnerearter with Interest from connrmauon nisi. C. W. Mitxia, Atfy. II. J. CONN EH, )an. IT, lo-ts Administrator, A FREE GIFT! Of a copy Of my Medical Common Hn.. L, to an. person suffering with uo.sc.imoK, astubi. C.Tiaxa BaoKcuiru,Coas of Voice or Boas Timoirl wwi dwj. n.ut iwuscent postage stamps, anl state our tlckneos. The book IsclegauUy Illustrated (144 pp. li mo.lBIt.) The information Itcontalns In the providence of God haa Bated many Uvea. The author haa been treating dia bases, ot the Nose, Throat .and lungs, as a special practice In Cincinnati since lSiI, address Ur. S. Z. VVOLF,CINClNN4TltOIIIO. "' tan. It, 1-lm jwixo VV A NT P BYa t-AROE and ItKLIABLB Traveling Salesmen for Colambla, Montour Northumberland countlea. Men havlnir trade and knowied ii ,h. hn,i.u. preferred. AdiretB with rcferene, UUKlSNaWAatK GLAZING AND PAPERING irM. K. I50DINK, lion Street .below sec YY ond, Bloomsbnrg, Pa., Is prepared to do n't mas oi 'AINTINO, QLAS5INO, and PAPER UANGINq the best stylos, at Ion est rrlooa, and at abort notice. Parties havlnir such vork to do Mil save money calling on me. Ml work warranted to'gtvn satisfaction. Orders wllrltwl WM. F. BODINE. 64 Ninth Street Pittsburg. Dec. 10, 1874. Messrs. DRKI1EH. KB A I O' Gentlemen : Your nainta nave given enure sat isfaction. I have used them on a good many differ ent kinds ot work, such as Iron, Tin Wood, llrlck, c, and uever heard nny complaints, on the con trary, the work stands well anu tor wear, will In my opinion, stand with any lead In the market. When in wautoireierunce in tuisi-ujf nr vitiuitj, juu u at liberty to uo my name with pleasure, also to use this as you think best. ltespeuuuuy luura, JOHN T, GRAY. Painter and Dealer In Paints, oils, c. iTMCTLY PUI1K WHITE LEAD, AT THE LOWEST MARKET KATES. MONTOUR SLATE PAIN T8, 8 CENTS. MONTOUIl METALLIC WHITE, 8 CENTS. MONTOUTl METALLIC BROWN, G CENTS. OFF COLORS AT Tills PKIOg. PURE LINSEED OIL at linv'nt imirlj.et rntca. list fi.riilsUed wiiht.ii Orat-raaiid itiQuIrtos by inall will receive tiromnt aircniioo. HENHY 8. REAY, MANUFACTURER, Rdpeet, Pa, MOYEK BROS. WHOLESALE AGENTS, IlLOOMSDDltO, Pa Mays. 16,-ly, C. 23- SAVAGE, DEALER IK Silverware. Watches.Jewelry.Clecks.&a tr Removed to the Post Office building, flrsT door above tho JCxhange HoteL All kinds nf Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neat ly repaired and warranted. may 17, Ts-tf miwMmammjmmB9wnmMWMM9Mmtat Mi IN LmV W -mm. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES! We will sell the Vnry Best Tamlly 861)71117 Machine For Twenty-Five . Dollars I. CASH, on an ornamented Iron Stand and Treadle, wtth walnut top an-1 drawer, and necessary Attachments and deliver It at uny ltaliroad Depot In the United Mites, iree- of Charge. Theso machines are warranted to do tho whole lino ot family hewing with more rapidity. more ease of management, and le-s fatigue to the operator than any machine now In use. iend for a circular. Every machine warranted for three years. Acent- wanted in Un:c:tpied Territory, Centennial Machine Co., Liimted 799 Filbert St., PnuiiDSLrmi, Pi, ocu 4, 18-6m. S. W. Douglass, Civil and Mining Engineer, ASHLAND, PA. General Surveying and Engineering Business attended to with Oare and Dispatch. i am prepared to make drawings. Plans and Models In Wood, Brass, Iron, or the above materials combloed as necessary of. Bridges, Uines, Breakers, Buildings, Engines, PUMPS, and all Vlnds ot machinery fef us of cases at Curt or for applications to secure patents. I'alrnl. Hrrurrd march 4S.R- IMPORTANT TO V0UNQ MEN Se WOMEINri The Bryant & Stratton Business College. Ho. 108 South 10th Strut, fbilti'i, OtTeni nnsnrpaaiifta lacllltlea for acquiring; r tvaAtktm edu cation. SttMi onto can enter at any Um No Tacatlona. Ututratod clrcularn iree, aug, M, 18-Mw A 8 Tins rar-r.x is oi nir. with R 0WEU & rHtSMAN Advertitlnn Vx AoenU. THICPACHUTNUT TS T .OUIt. U. BUSINESS CARDS, VISITINO OAKliH, LJtTIKKtlKAfis, imn'afAn UIU.1ISADS, . ea. (. ted at the OoLnu. a ian uthce. ANTI-FAT AtLAX's anti-Pat 1 the aivat ronedr for Corpu. IracT. A ispurely rr.tt.ble Tsn.t pcrftctlr hrml.. ll .cTt. no the roodln tj.a tomuli. P"nW 'WrOT-rer-lon Into fu Tatrn sccoHlnit timiUoni.1 will KlHtllU rlon frra IUplia WWU. In piaclnir Oils remcly before Hie publlo l II.. f-ur for oixallr, we do ao knowing lu ab Illy to curt. altlKl by hundreUa pf teatlmonlal;. of Ulch llwroUowlnir'rroro a MT In Ctolumt. O i In, I, a aamplei "Ociillemcnl-Vour Anli-V ft wal iluly rec.lVeJ. 1 look II accorillnir lo directions inltt rcliiccl in. t poumla. I waaao.latcl over the rc iSlllliat I IraroAiately aent Ic , ACKEnMAN's drug, atore for Hie aecond botUe." Another, a Physician, wrltlnir for a patient from rrotlilcnce, It. U aaj a. "Foor Imlllea hare reduced her wclht from IM pound, to 1J pounda, and there laa RcrMrapro6. nicnt In licallh." A iicntlenian writing IVom Iloa ton, aarai " Itllonl apeclal chann or attention l diet, twa Imttlca of Allan'. Antl-KaT Kilnrnl ni? four and oiie-quarler ponndiwt Th well-known n nolo l t)ruglita. Smith, DOOlittik 4 Svlm, M lloa ton, Ma,; writ, aa followai " Allan's Antl-Fnt ha. reduced a iadr In our city fcrrn pound. In Uirea wetki." A ffnllroian tn 81. Loul. wrlteai "Alltn'. Antl-Kat reduced me twelre wun-la In Hire wei'ka, and altoirellirr 1 h.TB loal twcnty-flTB ponnda alnce viioleaal llrnnrliw.or Iluffalo, N...wrll.l "To ma PRonuiTOm or Alias's Anti-Pati tlentlej menr-Tne rollowlna report I. from Ui lady who naed an-t7a Anti.r.t. ni iih Anti-fat Iiai thet e. red effect, roducln til. fat from two to Ct poniida a wk ontll 1 liad loit tweulr-Orf .pounds, t liopo. nercr to reaalnwhat I have, loet."' Anti-Fat la n uncicauea oiooo-purmer, it pru,uu,.-. n.caxuu,. curinff oyapcpaia, anil la mxma a imirni irunruj dyapepata, and la alao a potent rem attain. Bold brdnmlaU, Pamphlet 0 rlieumatli t on Ubet- ilyeentourpcelptofalamis ilOTANlO MEDICINE CO,rOP'BS,Iluirlo,lf.Y.' WOMAN Ut an Iramenw rrictlce t the TVorld'i Dispn rT nd InTilMi'IlotcLhiTlmr treated ninny tliou ttntl CA60I of those diseases pecullnr to woman, I haTft been fnabled to irfcct most potent mid posi tive remedy Tor these disuses. .... To designate this natural specific, I hire named It Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription The term, however la but a feeble expression ot ray high appreciation of Us value, biswl upon per sonal observation. 1 have, while witnessing it posi tive results lu the special d beasts ln-Mdent to the crtranMm of wonmn. aluph-d It mit as Ilia tUnu r ervwnUs tm mt mj m4Ica1 eareer. On Its merits, oa ft posTtlrc, siile, anl effectual rtmedy for this class of diseases, iini one that will, aj all llmt-i and under all circumstances, act kindly, X am willing to staks Iiiy reputation as a ili)slclttni and so confldentam that It will not disappoint tho most sanguine ex pectations o a smith lnftlld lady who uses ltfor any of the alimcnta Tor which I r ronimcnil It. hiit Iffer nnd u-U It under A lWlTIVE UUAKANTEE. (For ccivUlion, eee ptmphlet wrapping. bottle.) 'ih" full'-wln are among those diseases In which my Favorit I'rwrlptlon Tins worked cures, as if by iiiarle. and with ft ct rtnlnty never iK'forp attained by ittu niollcliie: I,cucorrha?a, " Excessive llowing, I'llnAd Monthly lVrlotls, SunpresMons when frotq unnatural caues, Irregular! lies, Weak Uack, Pro linsu or Kalllug of tho Uterus. Anteverslon and llflnivcrslon, Jl.arliig-down Sensations, Internal lent, Nervou Depression. Dehlllty, Ilespondency, i iii-ntinAil Mlmrrl.nrc. flirnnlc Con rest Ion. In flammatlonaud Ulceration ot tho Uteni vlnipotciicy, lUrrrimcM, or Sterility, and remalo WeakneM. I do not extol tills nicllclup as a "cure-ill," but It adndribly fuiniU atnlcMew f pirpo-t, llng mutt wrfvet 6ieilflr lu ull chronic illseasc-s of the Bpxnaf tvm of woman. It will not disappoint, nor w hi tt do linn.., hi any state or condition. Those ho dohlro further Information on thenc sub Ijcm can otital.i It In TllE l'ttOPLE'8 Comsion &KNSE ItDiCAt Advisek, a book of over WO pipes, ent. poit-enld,on rwcipt of $l.fA It treats minutely ol ll.oso tllseaws pecull ir to Fenialea, and gives much valuatilf ndvlco lit -egard to tlm manat'ciccnt of those affect iravarit lrerltla vlJ fcj IrtnU. f It. V. I'UlJtrc. M. T . PropV, VoiM' Ulspcuaary UU tnVnllut.' .IflUl, HtlEJo, N. V. THOMAS D. IlARrMX!f. ALBSttr U&HT4i THE RED FRONT, MOYBRS' BLOCB. HARTMAN BROS., DEALERS IN TEAS, CANNED FRUIT, CZOAB.S, TOBACCO swirrr, OONPEOTIONEBY. Spicos of all kinds, Glass & Queennware FINE GROCERIES, Foreign and Domestio Fruits, AND GENERAL LINE OF Family Provisions 4th door below Market street, lsioomstourg, Pa. ' rr Goods dell t rid to all farit ci tte town April .T, cltatnedfor nets inttntlont, or far tmprovemtntt fermat, Afptall, fSutttfor Infringmtnlt, and ly attnittd to. Tnvnllnna that law bern by the Patent Ot fice mau ettll. in I most casta, bt patented ly vs. Uintj opposite, ths P. B. ratent Department, and engaged in ratent business ei- 7 . ' w0 mnhe closer searches, and securt Pattnll more promptly, az,d with broader claims, than those tM,i are remote from Walhtnnton. f eenu us a mna el or tkttch of V """'"' "uuim as to patentability. , ?ff'"W' ,A,t correspondence strictly con. P'i'l. . '" tew.and tits ( llAHUi: VX LESi rATU.XT J.I SEVVltJUU nZ'T'Sf ",'- "'''''. to "on. Postmaster General V. JT.i.ey. llev. F. D. J'taocr, The nermau- Patffit OjUct, and to Renatortmnii rrmtstnh SffTi9 "rw'nfff to wrcftentiin Mate in tht r wd-n nnrt In tomaila. JtftfrCi iitaftrcr evcrv trees Opposite l atent uj)ux, ,ashlnyton,l), a "Acts upon Uie rt-auVr IIEb u Uuilc. Tlio edliorlal dr-pirtment Is especially strong,"' Boston Tran script", "Continues to'hold Its place In the verv Irpnt ot American magazines, lew ol which equal It In, abili ty and none ot which have griwter orlglnaliryand freshness. "Sunday School Times."; . SUNDAY AFTERNOON A Monthly Magazine Foi'tlisi lloutehulil, ' Presenting only original matter, equali In literary merit tho leudlng secular monthlies, and sustains to tho religious press a relation Umllar to theirs to the becular press. It alms to liaie In all lu essajs, serials, stories, pocins, etc., a moral purpose, while In its bdl tor's Table are vigorous discussions of live rrllgous themes and of secular topics Irom the re ligious standpoint. It Is Preeminently Readable.and mis a place occupied by no ot her publication. Its articles on Practical Phllanthrophy, motion, both r-erlal and Bhort stories, and Book Itevlews are Special Features., ltd t.'uulrlliulerai Include Profi o. p. KHhr, Pror, V, A. Walker, ltev. James F. Clarke, Hey. Dr. A. P 1'eabody, ltev. Dr. J. T, Tucker, ltev. L. W. Bacon. Edward Hale, Itebecca II, Davis, Horace K. judder, Row Terry Cooke, Kllen vV. t lnev. Sarah o. Jowelt, ltev. Dr. E. A. Washburn, Spt vlHl oiler. It will be sent for one year for $2.10 MESt;n4ua,,y,V1.s1l.W,10 tn Do not fall to act prsmptly It you wish to ac cept tho special offer. .i,oo a year; postage paid. Send cent for spec, tmea copy, SUNDAY AFTERNOON, , Sprlngfleld, Mass, nov. W, "78. " ncan make money faster at work for us than at anything else Capital not required; we will Bt&rt VOU. tit Twr dAV fit hnmA mariA hv tlij. industrious. Men, women, bo), and girls wanted everywhere t,i work for us. Now lathe time Costly outat and terms free. Address Tutu CO., August, Maine. March ft, la-ly JXECUTOR'S NOTICE. " xariTt or ;oun siviox, pcciistp. Letters Testamentary on the estate of John Savage late of Jackson township, Columbia couity. Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted by the Register of said county to the undersigned Kxtc utor. AU persons fcavlng claims against the estate of the decedent are requested to present them for settlement, and those Indebted to the t tate to make payment to the undersigned Execu- ava n.MMfU. ROUIl McnSNBT. Bxscutor, tenioti.Pa. Jan. I, "7t-tw HE WHITE SEWING MACHirJE TUB IIK8T OF AU, Unrivaled Ift Appearance, Unparalleled in Simplicity, Unsurpassed in Consf ruction, Unprecedented in Popularity, And Undisputed n the Broad Claim of ifm, thc VEHV TRV OPCItATIMO ' piiicKcttT Bt;'i,MNo, 1 HAMIffoifiST, AMD Kelt Perfeet Bowing Machlnj M THE WOULD. mm Thl rtilpotiularllT ot th Whll, It tha moll con. Vnclnd trlbut. to Its ,icci:cnc, ft tupttiont, r other machln.i, and In mumming It to th. trad, wt put It upon Its mlli, anil In no Intlanci hat It over jet failed to tatttt any tctommtmlalton Inltilanr. Th, demand tortheWhltt ha, Increased lo inch tn talent that tt, are now compelled to turn out JL Complete. C3a'wltt.g IVacllliio av.iy turcet axiAiv-toa isa. tiio to oiipply tlia cLora.Cb-act.1 Emt machine It. warranted tor 3 tears, and old lor v h at liberal discount!, or upon easy Hrntt, to tail th, convenience ol customers, JWAQISI3 VJUTOS lit raOCCSriH) IIMITCIT. WHITE sevhWihachine CO., Im 3S8 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. J. Saltzor, AgtMii, TiJ, lOMSSHUItG. 1' . Oct. bv, isf-m 51AIL ROAD TIME TA ilc. MORTHEKN CENTRAL KAILWA.f i.1 WINTER TIME TAIlI.n. On and after Pnnd-tv. Noveml)' r 10. l-7MUe tra m B on liio rm aae pa,H & n,rio im iru ,u I'.viaiuu win ion as ougvra I weswahd. Erie Mall leave Phlladeli'hU " " llarrlsburg " " William port Jerrev lior " " Lock Haven ' ' llCUOTO " arrlre at Krle Niagara Espress leaves Philadelphia ' ' llarrlsimrit " arr. at, WlLUmfport ' " Ick Haven Fast tine leaves Philadelphia, " IUrrUuurg " arrive at Wl'llamsuort " " Lock Haven EASTWARD. 11 6S p m 4 25 am 8H&UD1 HOI rt m 9 40 a in no am nipn I to am IDS' am anopm a 25 pm 11 45 ain 8 15 p ra T S5 i m 6 40 p m Poclflo Express leates lck Hav n Jersey Mivtre e sn o in 7 14 in UllaroBport I!'n " arrive at llarrts'iurg 1 1 si a u. " Philadelphia 8 ,h p m Day Express leaves Itckllnven 11 80 am " V llllnmsport 1.t40i in " arrive at MHrrlourir 41 p m Philadelphia t !0 p m Erie Mall leaves nenovo B3pm " " Lock Haven- , 45 p m " w luu ai ort 11 05 p m " arrives at llarrlshurg a 45 a m ' " Philadelphia 7 ,0 am Fast Line leaves WMtamsport U S5 a ra ' arrives at HarrlaDurg s 5 a m " " Vhlladelvala 7 40am Parlor cars will run between Phlladelpl'.la P wlllam"port on Niagara Lxpicss wow uie hsi'toi wm, i.hii.rtMtiTiiA ij?Tnrpqt fin r. Hav more-s fS-9 and Sunday Express oust. Sleeping cars on all nl.tS WM. A. BALDWIN. --riiri,rrir-T npVTDU. IJATIAV11 Xl COMPANY. BUDDury as roiiows : NORTHWARD. Eric Mall 5.S0 a. in., arrive Elmlru 11 " Canandalgua, . a.3o p. a Rochester 6.15 " Niagara two " ilonovo accommodal Ion 11.10 a. m. uri h e S lllt.ii port t?.&5 p. m. Elralra MaiU.ir, a. m., arrive Klmtra 10.S0 a. m. Uulalo Express 7,15 a. m. anlve DutC.Uo w h. tt HOUTIIWAUD. UuDolo Express i.(f. m. arrlie Marrlshurt M". " Baltimore 8.40 " Elmlrailall 11.15 a.m., arrive llarrtsburg i.ri 1 " VVashlDgton !0., " " Baltimore 0.3d " ' Washington S.30" Uarrlscurgaccommodatlou e.40 p. m. arrUc Ilrt burn 10.60 p. m. arrive Ualtlmore a.f ' " Washington 0.1S " Ei1e Moll lt.es a. m. amte Ilarrlsburg 3 05 u. n,, " Baltimore 8.40 " " Washington lo.ss " au aauy except aunoay. , w itit i nn nil I i vn i,L' , n i win ,J ......... A -Dy t .T,irrt.XTnr' at? I, a CGl,'Vf7,. TRAINS. NOV. 10, 1678. -ml.ua . ., , - .. ,a ., -,-. r, . - . . I F,f Tamaqua, c., 11,45 a. m Cor Catawlssa, (1,45 a. m. 7,21 and 7,S6 p. pi. For Wlulumsport, 6,S3 ,05 a. m. and J,i p. u TK.lNarUK UUrEHT LEAVK AS HH,I.I r, r; -, - CEPTKP.) Leave New York, 8,45 a, m. Leave Philadelphia, 0,45 a, m. Leave Reading, 11,55 a. m., Pottsvllle, ' SS and Tamaqua, l,4S p. m. Leave CaUwlssa, e,!0 8,50 a, in. and 4,oo p. ai. phlaKOthrougj tthout change of cars. J. E. VOOTTB General licket Agent Jan. II. i .is tf. D WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOMNMJJIU division Time-Table No, S9, Takes effect al MONDAY, JUNE 10, IbIS nun 111, , DlAH'llB. Mlf - li D.m. D.m. a.m. ll ,a.m. ' v S5 p m so 13 t 17 08 a 58 4 la it, .scranton.... . ..Bellevue. j in i ic t ti i .11 5 J 1 44 ( ats a 9 t7 Taylorvlllc 9 45 a 6. 0 an .t-ocxawanna 61 S 41 31 a it a it . .plttston West Plttatou Wyoming. 8 Ct tit 14 1 01 II 41 .....Maitoy.(.,,, Bennett....... Kingston Kingston ..... , .Plymouth June, .... Plymouth ....,..Avondale .... Nantlcoke lTnlu.lrB nub ta bt 80 8 10 S S3 8 It a 04 II 18 4 5 8 44 ui ai a 3 10 I 10 Sj 8 15 I t .1 1 8 8J t SO 8 50 8 It 8 04 I 61 7 88 7 a 7 SS 7 IS 7 It I 10 8 19 a 04 a si a sa I 94 a an 3 17 V 31 3 S 10 41 SS I s at) s as. .Shlcksblnny lo 66 s 60 I 8 II ....iiicjca rerry.. ii ut . 8 18 8 00 ....Beach Uaveu.. 11 is 1 10 I -Berwick -..Briar Creek..., Willow Orovo.... Lime Ridge.- Esov. ... II a 4 It I 4 -5 I n i 1 61 J '4 IU 1SI 7 tl ii 5 . : 11 45 4 49 II S 4 6 I 7 Bloomsburg... 60 I 17 IS I no 1 61 1 4 I 87 I 8J .Rupert., V ea T III t'ata1ssa Bridge. ..vauviiie , 1J 18 6 l J 9 It bit I 19 46 5 15 I ..,,.cnuiasky,w, Cameron Northumberland. I l' 8 48 p.m. p.m. a.tn. !! V ITata-l'U.h U.1 nri mlm husl ess you can engage in. v '"j U la V I per day made by any woi ker ol " "j 111 .1 I sat. rlirtit In Ihelr own lucalltl I! Uculara and sample worth tree, lrrnroti')1 spare time at this business. Add ess stin f Portland, Maine. march it. '1- f $661 a week In your own to n. isiiu'S'Jj riBx. iteaner u ou wimi which persons or eitne sex can j mat nav allt e time they work, I for partltularatou. lUiUTftCO., Portland H marcn n, lo ly i m JOYTUL V tut tot Boy. and Glrl.tl Your and CM 1 1 A SEW ! I VXNTIUN iu.t sauntvl lot tueo, for Uom. um I I mt and Scroll Sawlcr. mnm i, awui. iiu,u,.,,tuuUK, SanwCuUlar, 1'rlc 15 to 150. I Sand 0 Cut for 100 fsf miiUlH BltOWV, LraaU, H NOT, 1, 7HIW 5