M COLUMBIAN. i. n n r k h r h ii. rat pay, J a k. siis;. OAl.ltNDAR FOR 18TO. lull I'.uart Time TaMe. LACKAWANNA DLOOMSnURO RAIL P.OAD NORTH. SOCTIl, Accommodation Train, .r A.M. ooa. 11 Mall Train 7.38 A, M 4.49 P. .M Express Train lot p.m. ii.ua. .11 OATAWIbSA UAH. IIOAD. north. 80CTI1 tee uniitviaiinn Train ,., s.xs a. ai. ui r, m tpy'lisr KXPrt'SS 1.W i.m. Ht"i.n Tnronirh rars on KxrrcHsiraineiuicriuisr.w mm BTAOE LINKS. CAMftai aNn TtLOOyssctto Leave camera sionaar. w nrimnnv .inn i.n.mv ui u:ou u. 11... uii.vo. 1 Bloomsburg by 1:30a.m. l.eavo r.loomsburg ou same a ivs arter atrivu or ruitaaeipnia niau. TU'saiy rntirsaii una rai'iru. ivib, nrrlt-lnp jit ulnnmahnriT.nv 12 m. Iavo Minora- burst on samo da a am r arrival of Purlartelphla mall The stage 1100 terminates nt. tiiitiviuu. Benton anil llloomrburg. A Sally Blaise 1 no leaving lienron in mo nittrniiifr unu returuiuK m uw ciu nlng of the name day, MAIL ItOUTKS. Tuesday, inuns'iar ami omurujj o.m.iu., arriving, nt lllnomsburffliv 10 a. m. I,eave Dlooms- burg on same da 8 alter arrival 01 Philadelphia mall. w eansnay nni rn.iaj mo . in., bihuuk k ninnmbitiirtf nt. 9 n. in. Leaves llloomsbur' Tues day. Thursday and Saturday at 8 a. m , arriving at usnwQ ui 9 y in. TOBLIO SALES. DivM iMwiir.Eii'Cnlor of Peter Helwig will Be rml isiale in Calawi-sa on luesaay, fiUti- sri 4ih II J. lJ.iMii.-r, Administrator of Samuel D .,.,. i. . t- ..i : r .. township 1111 I'rulay Ihe 31st day oi Jatiusryl hi hi o c OCK a m. Levi ShiflVranrt Jvi Feter Administrator shin, will ixiiive real estate to sale onoaturdavi The pleigliing 1 excellent now, anil all wbn have .lie time and the means arc making good uae of it. UrinK nil your fun to the New Yok Cloth price. .inn it. Chi.w Jiceson's Best Mweet Navy Tobneco.' A fmr hor'e load of ladies from Danville Quite a number of young people drove down fpnm R01.1clr.lr nn TiipuiImv pvnincr tn flPA the No more Buckwheat flour will be taken on 'account at this office. We have a plentiful i supply on hand. Col. Hoy, the Temperanco lecturer, deliver red nn nddrcsi at the Methodist church t Wednesday cvenimr. It is possible that Ho will S speak in the Opera House on Friday evening. I ' t The centleman who has in hit posei"ion oil ".imilhV Forms" would confer n favor by return I Ins It ; as well as our three volumns of ''Dan slel'n Chancerv." . Senator Jackson has been placed t?n the fol. flowing commitlees: Constitutional Reform (Banks; Corporations; Canals and Inland Nav ligation. The meetings at St. Mathew's Lutheran church have met with great success under the iruiunnco ot uev u, w. o. niarciav a larce 1 number of persons have been converted. 0. 17' Piatt, ihe recently eltcled United Sta tes senator of onnecticut, was at one lim Ahnn1 la.pl.Bl In Tnvan.ln tl.la otala lfa roarl law with Judge Mercur. Township election notices can be obtained at I the Columbian office for 3 cents apiece. Will I be sent by mail on receipt of price for number wanted, and 3 cents additional to pay postage. Attention, Gros. & Bro. will pay the highest prices for furs of all kinds. Inquire for N.m A'.I. PU.I.lKn Um.A Gl...nl.,.. I...I1.1;.... .via viuiiiii' u.uir, uu.iji.rn. uuiiuniff. Jan. 24 If. Due bills on anv of our town merchants will be laken on snh'criplinn. Parties desireing to pav in priMluce can take their goods to some our I'eil r and get a due bill for the parae. hi.'li will he rrrfivrd here. P er H-rdlr ha lefl Vill!amporl, and the inew.iiaiier are rirci alinir r. mors nf a I kinds based on ihe on fact of his departure. S me sv he has gone lo Kurope to escape living airesle.l On a rtauisilinn from Uov K'.hinsm of .New lurk, lli friends sav he has cane to Honda lor hj hiallh lime will ell. W. J. Correll and wife have been deeply af Dieted, Two of their children were buried at the same time nn Monday, The mother was pick and unable to attend the funeral, The causa of death was eiouo Trulv their bur don 1 heavy to bear. They have much sym pathy in their trouble On Saturday evening last, the Good Will Hose Companv of Dinville were the guests of the Kicii ll'wk and Ladder Company of this pi ice. Their arrival was announced by three cheers for the "Itiscue." They were then es corted to Ihe roo.us of the nook k Lander Com pany where a reception was tendered them, af ter which they partook of a bountiful repast. unuer ine uirerilon 01 air. Arler their loreman their c nduct was good. They returned home The closing days of the skating Blot were quite brilliant. Last week" Thursday evening there was n contest foi a prize for the mo t grace ful lady skater. Miss Fryling was decided to be ihe vicior by a vole of Ihe audience, and re ceived i hanihomo boquet holder On Sal'ur day night there was another priis for the most graceful couple, ladv and genileman. Miaa sMwtll and Mr. Will Sloan Were elected. The u mv sVls-fV7 niMV II W," j ...&, wen m -uct-iji.cinuc ur (katis. The hall was rrnwile,!. Titer.-, d.m j c Blc jiiraaiAi iu mi- . . . , . . , v , 4 . , n .. a ,1 an imicilaseu III U mi k ami 11 will be tipenul and conducted by ..... . ... v , .....bm. , u uuul'i lue lnierp. ....... ...unit- aiuuMnieni win continue un- 0.10. "itT" .. . n a 4 jj. ... 1 1 t i R ,u- 6 C T P 0 10 11 C 7 ( 9 10 II Hi 12 IJ II IS 10 17 II 15 II 15 1C 17 If 19 1 19 II H 13 11 40 2122 23 21 15 M 2017 23 21110 31 .. , 27 W 20 TO 31 M l kit- ) IIHOI ilium; 0 10 II 12 13 II IS 10 II 12 13 II IS 16 1011 18 10 20 21 22 17 If 18 20 21 22 23 23 H iS 20 27 2? .. 21 2S 20 27 2S 20 30 Iu. .. 1 . . 31 1 3 I t t 1 I Int. ... 1 8 S 4 Cl 10 II 12 13 II 13 ' ! I 1' 10 11 12 13 10 17 IS 10 20 21 22 II IS 10 17 If 10 20 23 24 23 20 27 28 29 21 2-2 23 21 25 20 27 . 3011 . , 2S 2030 I Aprfl ) i 4 Oct l ! s 4 ' r, 7 f 0 10 II 12 6 0 7 P 1 10 II 13 II IS 10 17 IB 10 12 13 II 16 If. 17 18 1 20 21 22 2J 21 23 20 10 20 21 22 23 21 23 27 2S 20 30 ... ... . 20 27 2tlffla0 3l ... Iir 1 s 8 Jot- 1 1 ' 4 6 C 7 P tlO 1111(11, 11 12 13 II IS 10 17 0 101112(131113 1910 20 2122 23 21 II 17 IB 19 20 21 22 23 20 17 28 20 II 2.1 21 23 28 27 2' 23 Jm. ' l "i "s "i 'I "c "7 ttt.. ... '1 "5 "s 4 "s P 6 10 II 12 13 II 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 II 10 17 18 B 20 21 II IS 16 1718 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 21 21 3 24 B3 26 27 20l5o1... UP W29i!l03l TIIK NEW rK BILL, We publish for the information of all. the new fee bill, which went Into effect this month, tin the new county officer. Our rtaders. who have business with the court houso officials, and nearly all have sooner or later, should cut It out and pasta it up where It will be convenient for consultation. Th Kconler'a office is one which suflers the least reduction. The culling Is estimated at 20 per cent, but it will be, If anylhlnit, rather under than above that figure. tor recording deeds, one cent will be paid for every ten words, Insitad of lit every elfin words, as at preent. For certificates Ihe fee Is reduced from 60 rents to 40 cents; for search, from 30 cents to 15 cents; entering satisfaction, f om 30 cents to 23 cents ; taking acknowledge ment from 30 cents to 2.' cents. It Is catluisied that Ihe reduction In Ihe Pro thonolary's nfllce will be from 30 to 35 per cent Hume of the Items. ire, writ of summon",! 60 tn $1 23 J alias summons and capais, 60 to 60 cents j every other writ, $1 73 to $1 60 ; servic es during trial of case, including swesring Jury, etc., $1 00 to "6 cents: making wilt of er ror 1 00 to to cents; entering nppeal from Justice of the Pmc, $1 25 to 60 cents; peil tlon for divorce, $1 00 to 76 cenls ; other proceed logs, $2 60 to $2 00. The fee for service in 1 lunatlo's estate remains at 00, and the fe for entering Judgement from Justice of the' Peace Is Increased from 60 In 75 cents. In the office of the Orphans' Court the reduc tion Is one third. Confirmation of accounts of executors, etc., is reduce! (rota $125 to $1 proceed in.?s on Inquisition of real estate, etc., $2 76 to $2 25; all proceedings for eale of real ivtate; $3 80 to $ 3 ; copying record, etc., from one cent per eight words to one cent per ten words; filing and entering papers relating to jiropic mom in the Quarter Sessions' Court, $1. S01o$l; order to open road,$l 25 to $1 ; mak ing return to writ of error,i$l to 75 cents ; pro ceedings in tavern and peddler's licenses, $ to 75 cents, Tlie warrant for seiiure under such proceedings remains nt the present figure $1. In the Kegisier s offlco this reduction is estl natml at twenty per cent. Probate of sale and granting letters testamentary is reduced from $1 25 to $1 ; recording the same from one cent for eight words to one cent for ten words granting letters for admlnistraion,$l to 75 cents; appointing administrators, 75 cents to SI ; ex amining, passing, and filing accounts, of guard ians, $3 to $2 60 ; aJinin'n'ra tors, executor's, etc accounts, $2 60 to $2 ; every copy of said ac. counts, from $1 25 to $1. No provision Is made for holding Kegister s court, aud the fees in es tales of less than $250 now limited to $2 50, will be reduced to $2. The next Sheriff will probably sustain a re luction of about one-third. The reduction in this office is something of a hardship, as the Sheriff is often called upon by the court tn perform services for which he receives nothing. the parties whom the law holds responsible be ing too Kor to pay. In a case of riot he is ex peeled to maintain the peac, often at heavy ex pense to himself and without compensation The fee for serving capias is reduced fn.m $1 23 tn $1 ; serving summons, etc., $1 to 75 cents lelivering lands to creditors, etc., $2 40 to S2 receiving and paying money to plaintiffs Ironi two per cent, on aums under $500, to one per cent; adveruseing goods for sate, from $2 5 to 52 23; summoning jury, from $4 to $3 ; deeds for sale of land, 3 dollars to 2 dollar and 50 cents; serving rule, etc., of court, I dollar to 5 cents. The .-herlff elill receives one-half per cent, as formerly, on payments over 500 dollars. trut by a clause of the new law his commission is not in any case to exceed 100 dollars. The fee of executing a death warrant remains un changed. CONFUSING TIIK MCBPUYS. A gnud story is told of the coaedian, Joe Mnn by. It was during the "blue ribbon" ex citemet.t, and Joe was Journeying to a small town in the vincinity of Pitt burg. As the train steamed into tho depot it was boarded by half dozen men, who, after a hurried conference witli the conductor, approached the comedian with beamini: laces. "Mr. Murphy, I believe'' foul the spokesman, hat in hand. "At your servicf Hr," replitd Joe. ''Delighted to meet you, eir We are the committee appointed to lake you charge." and they fairly dragged the astonished Joe from the car, placed him in a carriage, and ihev were whirled wiftly away. "God bless ii," thought the exponent of Irish peculiar! lies. "This is very kind. Never was in this town before, A man's reputation dies travel, and that's a fact. " In a short time they read: h1 the hotel, and the committee having placed Joe in the best parlor suite prepared to depart "We. will call for you after supper, Mr. Mur phy," said the spokesman. "One moment, gen. Ilemen," cried St Joseph, as he pulled the bell conl vigorously. "Waiter,drinkB for the party, 'Drinks I" Bhrieked the conclave in a chorus, ' Mr. Murphy, are you mad?" "Mad," echo e I Joe ; "not a bit of it. Name your bever ages, gentlemen." "Oh this is horrible back. sliding," said one. "Francis Murphy ordering drinks!" "Francis Murphy 1" repeated th. perplexed Joe. "I am Joe Murphy, the come dian." They saw it all, and rushed wildly from the room in search of the temperance apostle. who was even then tolling painfully from the depot on foot, "toating" a huge carpet-bag, Both the Murphys drew large houses that night We do not often insert communications not signed by some responsible persoo, but just for fun we print the following bo that the writer may see something In the paper that "will im part some useful information," Bcton, Jan. 13th, 1870. Mit. Editor. We wish you would please I omit (hose locir romantic stories in vour pane taking up a whole psro and romctimes part of another. W hen we pay for news we want news and not such greit long fictitotis stories that are neither edefying nr Interesting and not worth the time it take to read Ihem. we like short stories Bnd something that will Impart some liselnl Information. Your, .tn. A. B C. A X. Y, Z If A. B. C. and X. Y. Z. will please sto; in when ihey come 10 town and give us a few lessons in the art of running a newspaper we shall be truly grateful. A well conJuct.il pa per cental ns reading matter to suit all clasaea of readers. While men are most interested i news and political matter ,th women and clill ren of their families caie only for the storii and other reading matter on the outside What may not be interesting to A. II C .and X. Y. Z. is read and enjnye I bv t'.vo third of our rea ers. Concerning die length of Hie stories, the writer is much mistaken. It is very seldom that they occupy more than three columns, an only once for more lhan a year has a story rm over on another page, aud there have not been a half dozen Btich during the past three years' But as we are green at the business, having had only ten or twelve years experience, we shall wait anxiously for our conespondenls to come and show us how to conduct a paper so as to suit them and everybody le. A clock made entirely of bread has lately b receiveu in Miun, Italy, ironi 1'eru. It was constructed by an Indian, who, having no mean of purchasing material, saved a portion of th soft pari of hi bread dally fur the purpose. lie solidified il with a certain salt which rendered it very hard and Inaolubla in water. The clock kee good time, and the case, tlso of hardened bread, displays artistic talent. Humor has it that Lawyer A gib Iilcketts oflli Luzerne, bar, has, financially, "gone where the woodbine twinelh " Thai hi liablilie aresom thing like 60,000 dollars. That lor two rims 14,000 dollars and 6,000 dollars resnt-ctivellr.en gulfed in ruin, he was acting In a fiduciary cap- aotli, ami milfet .llaonrna n nn tn !ll Tit!- n.r.. lycuKi. ti,. .1.. .ii,.it ,...i. ...... 1 . . . . .- . 1 is asm iu usi a ujumie. THE COLUMBIAN AND WILD MBN. In the Island of Rio there are wild men who ve In trees, and who have no language but ies, and In Sumatra there are men who live In tho forests with whom not only the ,urupcans,but Ihe Malays themelves can h ive lnlercouse. Th-y hunt tigers, not with gun, but with arrows, which llier blow nut of tube with such fine, and which are o ke. n of ioint and touched with Mich poUm, ilut H wound Is oliuca: 1mm dlat.dy fitil. Tiger skln r elephant luks, ihey brlitif fir birur They e cr sell anything- for money Is alnnttho most seless Ihlng they can have. They cannot est :. ther cannot drink It, nor wear It Vet ihev lemselres are nevi r seen. Hut, ss thry have ther wants, Ihey exchange. They bring whsi have tn the edge of ihe forest, and have It icre; and Hie M ilnys ocme slid place whs hey liavo lo dsp,ie of, nn.l Mire. If t It-- Mlbr s salUfictory, wTien ihey return again thoy find what Ihev brought gont, and they take what is lefi and depirt. If not ihey add a few trillr1 lo lerapt the eyts of the w'ld ram of the woods. and fo at tail ihe 1 xchange is ffl.cted, yet he while an- -el er k ep lliem-elfes invl-lhlt You need not neglect your btisintss when troubled with a cough or cold, if you only use a reliable remedy at once. Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup Is the beat wo know of. Price only 25 cents. In the Norwalk (Ohto) Txnm'nKnlon the 7th nt. appeared the following editorial 1 "If tli person that brought us that load of green elm wood would bri.tg us a load nf ice for' kindling we think we might burn ihe wood." The nx day a shivering day there filed into the edit or's little back ro. m a dozen Norwalklans, each with a huge chunk of Ice 0,1 his shoulder. As the editor was not in they piled the chunks in a beautiful iceberg around tho editorial stove, An ounce of prevention is better thanapound of euro. A dose of Dr. Hull's Baby Syrup will assist your Baby in teething, and prevent it from being attacked by Cholera Infantum, with which Babies suffer A Minnesota doctor claims to have discover ed a specific cure for drunkenness, and is now n Chicago, where he proposes to demonstrate that drunkenness is a disease of the nerve cells, He has 100-horse powtr factory running on th specific for some months, turning out a ton the stuff per day, and he thinks In another week or two he will have enough manufactured commence work on the moderate and immodcr: ate drinkers of Chicago. Would you hurry those who are near and dear to you to their graves ; and would you mete out the same fate to ycutscll for the prico of a bottle of Dr. Haas Expectorant for cough and colds ? IlUHINSSS FAILURES. Lack of judgment causes fully CO per cent of all business men to fail, earlier or later. Do not nu equal proportion of physicians fail lo cure from same cause? Atthe (irand Invalids nnd Tourists' Hotel, Buffalo. N. Y., I)r Pierce through the skill attained by his several special ists, each having devoted years to a special de, partmcnt of medical science, is able to cure large per cent of cases hitherto considered in urable. Many physicians, in view of the su perior advantages of this model sanitarium bring their stubborn, obscure, complicated an' surgical cases for examinations, operation nnd treatment. Full particulars given in the Peo. pics' Common Sense Medical Adviser,an illus trated work of over 900 pages. Price, post-paid, one dollar and fifty cents. Address the author it. v. fierce, il D , lluBalo, Pi. i. A New Pension Bin "The Confederate Brigadier" has passed n bill through Con gress which will add not Jess than twenty mi- lions of dollars to the invalid soldiers It is a bill to pay too arrears of pensions of soldiers who served in the late war It provides that nil pensions shall date from the time of the death or discharge of the person to whom tho pension was granted, instead of from the dato of application Only four votes were cast against tbo bill in tho Senate. Anil still a "Solid South" annoys It idictl statesmen. But then, that is because the voters in that section have quit voting the Radical ticket That's what hurts tho Ood and morality venders of human affairs. Ckarfitld Ilrpubliean. FROM A ritOMINENT VETEKINAUY SUIiOEON. Mr. Wm. M, Giles, Chemist, Sir : I have practiced extensively in Europe and America, and your new discovery, Liniment Iodide Am monia, surpasses anything I eer used for splints, strains, lameness in the limbs or shoul ders, weakness across tho kidneys, wind galls, and hard bony swellings on the joints. It is tru ly marvelous. Yours very, truly, ItAi.rn Ooi.e, ' Veterinary Surgeon, 330 West Twenty-fifth t , N. Y. Sold by all druggists. Send for pamphlet. Dr. Giles. 120 West Broadway, N. Y. Trial Bite 2-5 cents. Never Return. It is siid that one out o, every four real invalids who go to Denver, Col. to recover health, never return to the Kast or South except as a corpse. The undertakers. next to the hotel keepers, have the most profit able business. This excessive mortality may be prevented and patients saved and cured un der Ihe care of friends and loved ones at home. f they will but use Hop Bitters iu time This we know, See other column. -KILLED BV A METEOIt. On Tuesday night last, L?onidasOrover. who resided in the vincinity of Newton, Indiana, Fountain county, met his death in a way that is probably without parallel in litis or any other country. Mr. Grover was a widower, living on hia farm with a married daughter and her hus band. On the evening referred to, Ihe married couple had been absent on a visit to wun neigh bor and upon returning at a late hour entered the house, finding everything, lo all appear ance, in usual brder, nnd supposing Ilia1. Mr drover had already retired, went lo bed th- m selves. Next morning the daughter arose, at d having prepared breaktai weni lo the adjoin ing room to call her father, and was hoirili.il to find him, lying upon I is bed, a mutilated corpse. Her screams brought I ho husbind quick y to Ihe bed-room, and en Inspection di-clo-ed a ragged opening in the roof, directly over tho unfortunate nrin which was -xtendiug downward through the betiding and flior; oih er bJes showed Ihe direction Inken by the dead, ly missilo Suh,quent search revealed the fs.it that the awful calamity was cau-ed by the fsl of a ineieoric stone, ami the stone itself, pyrsni Mai in ihapu and weighing twenty pounds a d a few ounces, avoirdupois, mid .Ulned witli blood, waa uhearlhid Ironi a depth of nearly five feet, thus showing the fearful impetus with which It struck Ihe duelling The position o' the corpse, with oilier surrotindingSjWlien found, bowed that the victim was asleep )!ien strick en so lht death to him was painless. imfinn apolit Journal. The ladies who hang their hair bavo ea couragement from an unexpected quarter. Chiif Joseph of tho Ntz Percea, wears his coal black hair banged on his forehead aud braided behind, Joseph Is a fine specimen of tne mage. In Boston, fifty years ego, lottery tickets were sometimes given u ichoo priie.. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, Tlia I' rench courts have rendered two do-1 Pl.lOns nf t1 lintl.iiatltf l.tllliant Ar.it .lurlllnn I kind oven for French court-. To detectives pursued a man wlio had a bag containing 102 packagos of unstamped lualclieain his. posses-i .ion , ho ran through . farmer', shed, d.op- ping thi contraband goods rt ho went, nnd thus lightened or Ilia lu111l.11, escaped, The I nfflcer rcturniM. found tho mntclic which th.')' Im I f'Cii him dtop, hunted up tho nnn r ol'tho hed, iindptilntiion d him Iwloro th trt miiiiiI tn pnv the line fur having contrahtnii' lu nches hii"im1oi1 111 I prcnii-c lln n lb case, liut tin" fi-ml n'lthm itioi anpeahd nti'l tho higher c.itnl decid d that though th. in 'tclie wcp placed in his pliwl unknown In lim, he was null v 1 I' lining them iu hii shed, nH 1 ordered a ro-ttiil In the nth-1 case, All'itd Steu-ti", the painter, -ol 1 n man n picture, 4-ho puicfi.i-cr having a rig I tu re turn It 111 it .real ll'.lio did not like i' Al lh( ond of tho twelvemonth back entuo the pie turo -with a hole iu it. Mr. Steveus declin cd to rco io it an Isuod for it value, hut 'he , t. , . .. . , , I , cuuiiri ucciueu uiim-i 111111 im iiiu luuiiu mm 1 the hoh bad damaged only tho accessory por tiona ot'the p'cturo. Nothing Nov. To damonstratn tliejendutanc' of women, it was liirdly m'ceniy that Madaiio Auder son, in Brooklyn, should walk 2700 quarter miles in as many quirtcr hours. There aro a good many quarter miles walked at night in consecutive quarter hours to tho screaming accompaniment of a teething baby that ncvei are cither counted or published J and every doctor knows that, for the fatiguo of watching 1 ho sick , especially when under the stimulus of strong interest nod excitement, tho amount of sleeplessness-that is undergono by women isfarbeyondthecarneityofthoaveragcmaii. It was a problem In human endurance, tbeie fore, that this woman pedestrian seems tl, iiavo csublishud iu tho recent exhibition, and ahrmt , ,,1'ul f,,r n,,v ritfinliil ,,rnr,.n r.. . j t . . 1 1 - - - ... tlie teat ot a b.illet dancer, who can Ptnnd on ono toe for a matter of sixty seconds longer .r.n.. nt.t, l.n.xrn ...nla .n II.a .....l.l I'hiln 1 111. ,11 un, auunu inula iu iiiu n-'iiu i f,elgtr Business .Notices DOBBIN'S ELECTRIC SOAr Having obtained ye ngency of this , , . OEl.EnitATEl) boAP lor Ijloomshurg nnd vicinity, I append the ut'niiuii in ouiuc 111 uui ucsi. pcupw i in us i mn.iK I merits, uu.Ri i "I have uctl Dobbin's Electric Soap made by I, L. Cragln oi Co., Philadelphia, Pa., tor washing about ten years, and think it superior to Hny other. Mrs. 0. O. Barkley." "We have Used Dobbin's Electric Soap and nnu ii. superior to any inner or mi otnerB. ii.ru. V". II, Jacoby, Mrs. B. H Stohner. I desire all my friends and customers' to Give Inn Soap one Trial, so that they may know just how good the 1. tl t it. Ttnti.,1 Oi.i... I. ucai. .jii.ip in iiiu uuiiuii uuutn is. J. II. Maize, july 12, 78-ly Bloomsburg, Pa. We aro authorized to announce tho namo nf John Penman as candidate for constable at tho F. bruaiy election. Overcoat", Overcoats, For Men, B nnd Children at 1). Ij'uvenberg's- Fou Rest Ftrt cl terms to suit the linns, coop. ss re-idences, m ,Vl'lv to Win Jan. 17 4-w Root headquarters Mi-Klnuev's. Trv it liny it Palm Palm Palm Soap At Jacob H, Maize's at Jacob H. Maize'?.. may a-18iv A bargain in 2 1-4 vanl wide Sheetlnp at 1. W. Ilartinan a fur 20 cents a yard. McKiuneys Iloust.-. Shoe Store below Court The cheapest and best natly-made Cloth ing al ays on hand at I.owenberg s, Cramptnn Brother's Palm s'tap at Jacob II. AlRtze's, it is tbe best, try it. may 3-18w Adndusion free at McKinney's. rranpton'a Palm Soap is the best latin drvsoip in thisnr any other maiket. For sale by iacob II. Malzo. mav 18-3w Call at McKinney's for Shoes. Winter Clothing cheaper than ever at D. Lower. berg a. Rubbers at McKinney's. I. W. Hartmnn leads in prices nf Mitp. litis. Cotton Flannel, Linen Table Cloths, Towels Ac , iVc. The latest style of bats always on hand at I). Lowenberg's. I A fine selection of Ladiea' Gold Watches I and Chains, both American and imported bv the host makers at L. Bemhard's Jewel- by ry Store, Boots and Shoes cheap at .McKinney's. 1000 yards Light Calico just in at I, W. Ilaitraun s lor b cents a yard. Cash paid for Raw Skins, Fnx, Skunk Mink, "Musk lint, &c, at David Lovven hern's. CARPETS taraNew at one-hair Fokmek Pftichg. (001 ItKUtJSELB (UKPKTS. TV) DOr Varl. ISflRUNa. froniiV-c. M OUEITK8, WILTUXH, AXMIN8TKH, VKLVKTS l)lV.HHUSSELS.andTI UKK 1'LYOAIN PiCTS at equally lo Drlcea.iILULuTHd ollwUlha from R5r. tver vanl. LACK curtains. $1 oo per pair, to the nne&t HEAL SHtPPARD KNAPP'S 189 and 191 Sisth Avenue, Corner isth street, NEW VOIliC. nov. SI '7v6m aico PIIYIPLES. I will mall (Free) the recelpe for a simple Veoeta bi e hum that will remove Tan. KHKCKLEs. I'lvi. 1'LKs and Kloiches leaving Ihe bkln suft, i lear ami beautiful: alto instiucllous for producing a luxurl ant iirowth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. auoreHs, tocusing ac sui p, uen vaiiueir a- ro., IJUBl.,l I, PALV IlllV XI, n-,.in TO CONSUMPTIVES. Thf adveitlwrliavlDg Uea porratueaMy cureJ ot in hi urrtiu uiM'Hor . uuuIiJ)ll ii, uv h miii'1( rfint' dy Is anxlouH v Diako kiiowulo h's fe'low butler ura ihimuaas of cure. 'lo all uhodeMri' it in H st'i.a a cipy or the proscription ushU. f ree ot charge) with dliecttoim forpreparing-flnaunp thr- sumo vt 'ii u nicy ii) ii uu a -ure uur ior loh&uiir uoAbtb a, HionliltiH, &c, rartles Utu e tliu Prt'scrlDtton. will nleaso ad- da'ss if. A. wlLbON, 191 1'i-nn bL, VMliliinibur, N. ERRORS OF YOUTH. i ClBMriRUiN wltosutiered torycan, from Mrvous J II.DIIIII I 1'Ll i IIUU nil I lit) curvlh of JouthluMndlscietloa. will fur Uin eakeof Kiin(-r. lrjf Ui'uittnlty, 6C(t(l ff(e ti all who ntudltdUo rtcl jiu jtuu uirtv'iuu iur jiukiliuo wmpie rcineuy nj wlilcb 1h wasfUR'd, huflcitra Ubloi; to pro K by Ut VUi II" L tUUHvifliLU, John K.(M3i)UX,4i Cedar St., New Vorlc, iiov. 'it, aico P'M CCI Dr. Pabor's Calebratcd llf.LO: Fairness Remody is the ln-stever mown tor Pn rs of every kind (Uleedlug, lu-lilni, I'lttid, Inward, sc.) and all dlsem.ua or tli.' itecTD, wnetuer rec nt or long Handing, Itglie Inslant relief andeffettaa radical ai.rl tM-rmnem cure. It Is prescribed by all ) h) sioUiib w ho are ac- To Tsur'al cMr; Wand relieve Alia, r ent by mall on receipt of price, ror eale bj all liriiggtsls. 1)k. J. FAllKlt 4: Cu., t a nn tt.,N, Y. nov. tn, Tf-Cin BPWNI'SS CARDK. VISITING CARDS, LBTTBB nXADS, UILLUlfADS, PU8TK11H. Afl.. n. . Xeatly ami Cheaply printed at the Coltm bi an umce, T EC1AL BLANKS OF ALL KINDS J OU UAUU AT TIIK lOUIMllUK UrTlCS IiTSPKrsu I nrsrnrsut dtspupsU I ' "' r"u. s'' s., ""T" iHoty,ftiiatli forWrnand despondent victims. o tbedis-aaeoticn fancy themselves tho prey to turn Sa and tho uraln, and In part alii to the fact that any iru function necessarily disorders the Ilv cr, the bowels arid the nervous sysU-m. and affects lo somf. extent tha quality of the Wood. K. r. Kunkel'a tutter Wlain Iron a pure enra Tills Is not ft new preparation, to be tried and found wanting It lias been prosinbed daily for manyyeara inin-pracucoor eminent Dtirstcnns with unnaral cited suocoss. 1 1 ti n A expected or Intended to cure I all dK-a-oiti which tun tinman famll ylj subject- b it Is warranto to cure liyspcpMaln Its most 00. sl'nate form. Kunkels mitsr Wtnn of Iron nver I fillstorute ) m .tds ot Drsp-nsla are loss nf on letltn, wind anl rlln of Ilia tuoi. dryness of the inn-itli liiribiirn it.tens.in ofth- 'tna"li anl boails, oin-tinitln.liei a -n -, HhIii -s, -I 0 iIim n-s nnd low spirit iTi in iri .it convinced of Its . tent'. 11 t Uw . 'i I .nl. Hunk l'.s, wblrli Is i.ut unly In on 1 .11 f s. Depot !iw flortli Ntntb str. et P.i' il 111 il I'.. I. ti-vcr ruli. For silo ii 11 llru.l t n I nt r. overywn'-ro' Ask for K. I Kunkel s Iitf r limn .111.1 in, -, ii- , r, ci hum io3 iu 11 v lUilir.f., III- larpor uuui?. WllltMSI U'OKMSI U'lllllUI E. F. K mini.' Vn. ro .1 r In a ver fal's to ilesiror in. -seat nn.l Sliinarb Wnrin Iir. KnnL-i tun I nnlysuco ssf at t liyslcl.in wbo nmoea tai-e.Worm I In two hours alive Wittl bead, and nn lee until r I inovo 1, an uiu-T wurius cmii re, rcaniiv o-sirorea. sena lorrirruiar ut . r . Kltl.Kel. o .North N nth street. Phi su- plili, I'a , or ea'l on ynurnruinrlst ror nimuiooi ivunKeri oriti B,rup, prio i. itnever laua. . OJOD ADVICE. Now is tho time of yiarfor Pneumonia-Lung Fever. Ac. Every family should have a'boltle ofBoschee's OermanSy.up. Don't allow for other fatal diseases may set in, Although it is I true German Syrup is citrine thousands ol I tin,.. ,i,nn,1n.t .li.n.i.. -i Ti if .....1. i...... . I u..c..r.i 1. .-. ni, u iv 111 umiiu wueu iiiruo uoses win cure you. 1 utte uottio win last your whole lanniy a winter and keep vou safe from danger. If vou arc ctivrdoToVr tl,i, remedy.' Sample bo.tlcs 10 cents. Kogular 'e oCmis. Hold by your dniggists. 1 min :.i, . , M.it ,1 TUB WIIULK HIMl'OKV OK MEDICINE. So prenara'ion has ever performed sudi mar- vcllous cures, or maintained bo wiuu 11 repuiu- 1.1 l.JV. O VllCliy I WIVIHU wuicu is rec- I niT,t!A,l Il.n unrTil'. mmml., nil H.nnnana .' . - . ..r i . 'ffA "-- --- n .vu.M, IUI. U. . U.mMlO ot the throat and lunes. Its loi cr continued scriis of wonderful cures in all climates has mado it universally known ns a safe and relia ble agent to employ. Against ordinary colds, wuicn are tbo forerunners ol more serious dis orders, it acts speedily nnd surely, always re iievuig Buttering, nnu otien saving 1110. ine protection it affords,. by its timely use ir. the throat and iung disorders of children, make it an invaluable remedy tp be kept always on I uauu in every uomc. o person can auoru 10 I t.n .!.!.. !. .1 .1 1 1 1 -i I bo without it. and those who have once ,used it un miuviib II, never will, I-rom their knowledge of its com position and effects. Physicians use the Cherry 1 cctorai extensively in their practice, and Clergymcn recommend it. It is absolutely cer tain in its remedial effects, nnd will alway cure where cures aro possible. roit oalk bf ai.i, dealers. jl no 1. .ULOOMSItUKO MARKET. Wheat per bushel Use " H.uO .a Corn, new, " .41 uaui, Flour per barrel Cloverseed .S3 6.00 Flaxseed .. .i.. Butler .... l.s .no .10 I Elvs Tallow Potatoes Dried pples Hams Sides Shoulders lArd per pound 6 01 .VI I .18 nay pernio , lieeswaa Timothy Seed 8..' 'VUUl All! 1KB HIH COAL. o. 4onvuarr So. 3 i' " j,operTOB ' 'A" .. I NJ. 6 " " ( g.lHI in on Wharf a no llltumtnoiui " t4 SO SHERIFFS SALK. lly virtue of a writ of PI. It vi rl Y ctei ls ed om. or the Court of Common Pleas of Col ml.la conn aud to m? dtrccU-d. will iHixpo'd tii pubil-s, upon the premises atthe Ite.l' avern s lJtrei f Mo tana, ('onjngham totviislilp In sail cu inty utti-t o'cluck la the f.irenonnn .MoikIiiv, .lit uitiry 27. I87'J, All that certain tract of Ian I ltli theui purientnc -. slfato in the uforesatl lowustilp nf Con i.gh.tn bounded and described as follows : iteg nnlng m the ten' re of the face of ihe north atiutmentof the b ldk-e of Ihe New Vork anil Mid lie oal Field Coal A Itallmai Com,iany. (th- line of wlioso load crosseifl the public road lo ,Ulng fr un Centralla to Catawls-jf. at that place), thenco ,onh is d gress west 3'tu feet, thence north 8 degrees west U) feet, thence north SU degrees e.ut 4'.t) feel, thence nurlh 2x degrees, west 4M feet, thence norths! degrees east -120 fett.them'c south 8 degrees east His feet, thence north SOVf de grees west, 644 feet to tho i.laco of beginning, con taining 18 acres and SO porches, ho the same more or less, upon parts whereof tho aforesaid village ot Montana has been laid out, and tho.buUdlngs there of, to wit : A tavern house, sundry frame dwelling houses and outbuildings, a frame school house and other btructures hive been erected. Inthesileot the said property certain lots ot the said village, lo- cited thereon to wlti Lots purchased of Samuel Lel by slnce.tho situ day ot March, isss and paid for lu full to him by the purchasers of the same will bo sold sepaiately Irom the other mrtsof the rrooertv and wiere improved! singly also, unless la cases! where several lois aro held together by the samel term t.'tiant nnil nritrfr nfsnti. ns nmnntr Mnrl KAtwnan I "e bald lots will bo according to tho report of Sam- uel Knorr. Kq , Master, made to the Batd Court ot Comaon l"'e of Columbia county. In an action of oviic ratios upuu uiuntfayu luereiu uruugni uy all cliael Federolf against bamuel Lelby and terre ten. anui, to entorco the payment ot purchase money of the premises above mentioned, which sold action Is numbered nil ot beptember Term 1-77 In Bald Court : and other of tho lots of the sold town which have been Improved or otherwise have special value vtl 1 also be sold separately and blngly.or two or more to gether where held by tho borne terre tenant or claimant, II such separate sales bhall be necebary to becure a lull prlcu tor the premises a foresaid. A more particular description ot the Improved and other lota to be sold Is aa follaws i lllock A, 8 lots fronting on Centre btreet 140 feet deep. Lot! vacant, lots) and 3 vacant but fenced together, lot I a punk dtrellln j housj and out-bulld- lugs, Philip Ilelnbuch terre tenant or claimant1, lot 5 icnccu, jonatuan miermau cuitnaut, lot I plank dwelling houe with small o it buildings, (Samuel HI ley claimant, occupied by Samuel Luko, tenant 1 lot T, plank dwelling house and outbuildings, clal nam Philip Uelnbach, occupied by Samuci Ulby;lot8 vacant, uernard uressune, claimant. mock 11. 8 lota fronting on Lelby street 110 feet doep. Lot 1, vacant next Second street; lots 9, 3 and t vacant, tencca together, 1'hlllp Uelnbach clatmant; lots 3 and 8 vacant, fence , together, Ootlelb F. Eb eriy, claimant I lota T and 8 vacant. lllock 0. s lots fronting on Lelby street, from loo to 118 leet lu. depth Lota I to Inclusive, va-ant i lots 7 and 8 also vacant, Cornelius Donohuo clatm ant. lllock D.-O'ew Slap) 6 lots, first 4 fronting on Cen tre street, lit) feet deep i lot I. vacant, Franklin Vo- emu. claimant ; lot! vaca-1, about one half Kneed Hired luncroft, claimant J lots 3, 4, D and (fenced ng-iher, a barn on lots 3 aud 4,house burned down claimant. Ja nea Morrison. mock K.- luis IronUoij on Lelby street, nrst T be ing II feet deep. Lou, a douHe plauk duelling uuuse un i pig pen, i) ivid tuvlan heirs claimants. olomou Mtij der and 8 Iph Kulttle, occupants i the ctuainuij iota in tuu biockvacaut; lot 0 claimed br Uphrulm Le by hiocn r u lutg.iue nniTrrontiogon Lelby street of irregular depth, fruin HI to isu feet, or leas. Lot .double plank dwelling houso an-t out b Hldluirs. iviertietsn uuu rairick .itiraa claimants-, lot 4 iouoio piaok aweuiug house. btablj anl .ther .Ut buildings IVrlck (larra, clilm.tit; lot 3, Unk dwelling house and oven, honsu vacant ilut.nau llonry Yarungj lot I, doubiu plmk Uwc lluir In se anu out duii nugs, uaruiv oighi y.c. Im u s on na.iw tot aujjiuiug.jt4.feiice .ml u uec al.u one, half of lot I neat to lot 6 vac ut : I ,ts tu am ill frame bout and g,r 1j, M s Oiriln-li i itu eiuiiiaui; ins lemaiun.gu a n. trail oal i v cant. A. w cream r. I utii lllock u.iuiuistioiiiliig ii ceutr sire Ullwrliii s belag 40 feet deep a id tu i real i n le-1 .s. L, t lacantbunenced wlthloUPcter s. tie mir'a tstei claimant ; lut S vacaut but f onced with tot t, fvter MCManeman'aetaie, calm i .tt lotas uud4 tramo dwelllughousewltha u ok or wash ho ise, aud Ma. b1"- 'w0 H -Wltr. 1'eter d HelwlgU e tate, claimant, widow aud ICdwird lltnibach.occu pinlsj lotas, sand 7, vacant, fenced together, peter H. Helwlg'i estate claimant ; lota 8 and 9 vacant. lllock ,11.-(New Map) 4 lots fronting on Sound feet. 144 feet deep. Lot I. a small olank dwelling house and back kltclien with out-buPdlbga. nebecca outbuildings, John Stoeuel, claimant! lot J. vacant out leuoeti wim iui . j lot. t, auuuie piank dwelUng house and atable. James Duzan. claimant, n r,f(w... cl ground In -le rear of aald lota and adjoining the rwirui. iseaui. iuock i-s tots rrontinr on centre street. of lrrcr. ular depth, Ut) feet and leas. Ixt 1, vacant, o. 'SWIaa,clalniiLnt lott.vacanti loUSand 4 functus u.OOMSBURG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloo'msburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. TIUsscMOOI, asalpresent constituted, ofers tho very best facilities for Professional and Classical learning. UuUdlnm spacious. intllUE and commodious ; completely heated by steam, well ventilated, lighted by gas, and famished with a bouatifu supply ef pnre,KJI spring water. . , UKutlon healtutul, an.i easy of accesJ. Taachers experienced, e moderate. Kilty cents a week deduction to all expoctlog to teach, ;ournes or study prescnoca oy me oiaui 1 I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical, Adjunct Courses : I Academic. II. Commercial. III. Course In Music IV. Course In Art 'TheVjornentary Scientific and Classical Courses gent and efllclcnt Teachers for her schools. To this end and their talents, as ntudonts. To all euch It promises Catalogue, addresj the Principal. . . Wll.I.l.t.n KI.WI.I.I,, Freslileiit Ilonrd sept, s, To.- T'l''! 2??$1 dw"V. plank store houso JOXsfi foet, and plank dwelling house connected, i6x30 feet and out-bulldlngs, Phil ip Kulb'B heirs, claimants, William Uoodman, occu pant ; lota I and 8, trame oweiimg notise, Aaron rer- son, claimant. Block J. H lota fronting on Lelby street of Irregu lar depth, 139 feet and ess. Lota 1, S and 8 vacant, lot 4, a Bmall plank dwelling house one and a halt ttorlcs high and email out bandings, Jacob lluber, claimant : lots 5 to 8 inclusive, a large frame stable, ho; pen and wood house, fenced, and a garden oa 5 and s, Aaron Person, claim int ; lots 9 and 10 small tramo dwelling house, one and a halt stones high, small out buildings, James Oyer, claimant, tieorge hupp, occupant. block K. la lota fronting on I cioy street, or irreg ular depth, 5 feet and loss. Lota Hand II plank dwelling houao 16x24, out-buUdlnga and garden, ocorgc Miller, occupantf all the other lota la tills dt- gt0n vai Block L. (Sew Map) lots fronting' on .Centre street, IM 1, lted tavern sUnd, a two-story stone tavern house, corner of Second and Centre streets, with back plonk kitchen, a large frame stablo and other out buildings, a' good well upon the prctnlscti and lota No 1 aitds vacant tn lllock M belong with this property, and will be sold with It; the tavern lot Is MX feet wide In front and a feet in the rear 140 tl. deep on feecond BTreet,ana in leei aiong use oi lot No. 1, lsaao Edwards claimant and occupaat ; lota s and 8, 60 feet la front on Centre Btreet and from lis to 1ST feet deep and to feet wide in the rear; on Bald Iota are erected a two-story frame dwejllng houso 8x30, a frame stable and other out buildings, a good well on the premlses.Ell Kinaig and ira uoao arman, claimants ; lots 4 and o ftneed together bi feet front on Centre Btreet, house burned down. Iohn and Uomlolq Cos grove, claimants: lota, vacant Oot lelbF. Eberiy. claimant, being at feetln-fxentaid triangular la form. muck M.-(New Man) 7 lou fronting on alley In rear of lllock t, i lota 1 and a with lted Tavern stiml all the rest vacant. Block N.-' lota fronting on main pumic roan mosv ly 140 feet In depth. Lota I and 3 vacant, A. W. Crea mer, riaimant! lots 3 and 4'vacant, Ell Kindle claim ant '; lota 5 and making M feet front on main roid n .M.r hr tin tact, neen un wmcn is ercuieu kuuu plantBcno0j nouw erected by Cohjngham school :. ... . ...- .......I Hurtri K. UlSI.nct; IUV I tui.iiv, .w, u.t. . 1 . wertman: lot 8. a small frame dwelling house and butcher stable, William M Harris, claimant lot, a tw.i-story frame dwelling uousa anl out ouuatusa. tuts lt la lend d with No. 8, clalinant,Carrle Harris; lots Jo aud vac .nf, Th jmns Mallg, claimant ; 'the emulnl..g lotiln iui b o kvacant- ulsjkti. i.i o rontlng i n leioy street otvan udepili. ISO tout atid less, Allthelotsln this block a-n vm-.ini lta 1 lo 8 inclusive. A. w. urramer. caltna, t; lot 4, C. B pickway claimant ; lot r fcltx MoManamin t lalmant ; lota I and r, Lenis tirclsbach former claimant lot II Anthony; slurphy and others claimants. The lotsln8alil town when lot otherwise stated, ro about 85 feet In width and their positions ana c .nneuiloua as fhon upon maps of said town oncii for Inspection at the offlce In Bliomsburg t tho counsel for plaintiff in tho writ of Levari Facias aoo'vo mcntlontd, Ufon which the Bale la to be mado until the day ot salo" and wlllthcn be exhibited at tho sale and full Information as taay be desired giv en to bl Idem. Seized, taken tn execution at the suit of Michael Feilerolf aeainst Samuel lelby with notice to terra t-nanls and to be sold as the property ot samuci Lei- by and terre tenants. TEHMS.-Caahoa day of sale, otuerwise property to be resold at once. , C. U. W. J. BCCkXLKW, Attorneys tor n&iuuu, JOUN W.IlOFFM sN, Jan. 8, 'is-ta sherte. SHERIFFS SALE- lly virtuosi a of sundry writs Issued out of the the court ot Common I'leaa of olumbla county, and to me directed wLl be exposed to public sale at the court House Bloomsburg, at le o'clock, a.m., SATURDAY JANUARY 25, 187d, ' The following described tracts of land partly in Lo cust and Franklin townships, Columbia county. Tract No. 1. Commencing at a point In a public r-ad leading from catawtssa to lloarlng xreck, In Franklin township, near the houso of John Glass meler, thence north 8Sf degrees eaatBis-lo rods to a jcUow pine, dwn, thence north 1 degree east IM 3 10 rods to a post, tuence south us aegrees west. 179 rods to a hick iry i thence south'? degrees est- 111 3-10 rods, to a polut In the public -road ; tuence south M degrees east 135 9-10 rc-ls' to a point tn the load to Itoarlng creek road j thence south ao degrees east B -10 rods thence njf degrtea east sixteen' rod!, thenco south thlrty-sU degreea easns -It) rods to place ot beginning containing 161 acres and u per ches on which Is erected a Frame House, Bank llarn and outbulldlnga. This tract contains an orchard about no acres cleared and about u acres timbered, 'also, a right ot way from said houo along the right I bank of lloarlagcreelc through division Ko, 1 to a I puuuc road, Tract No. 9, Commencing at a point In a public road leading from catawtssa to Roarln?creek In Franklin township thenco 38 degrees west sae-io rods, thence north ITtf degrees west is rods, thence north to degrees west 18 9-10 rods,thence north u de grees west 1J3 9-11 rods, thence Bouth a degrees west IUI T-10 to a post, thenco south St degrees east 101 rods, thence north 41 degrees eastttl rods, thence north l degrees west; 3 -lo rods, thenco north six degrees cast 93 s-to rods, to the place ot begtaatog.con tuning 199 acres and 96 perches, of which about 1 io acres U cleared and well teuced, and abuut &ti acres timber land, on which there are one new two-story frame farm house with outbutidlbgs, one Urge bank barn.ono one Btory house, one doable une-and-a-half story house, with atable barn one two-story house with barn one good saw mill, with wa-er-powet, dam and race. In good order,two orchards, and such othertmprovementsaa usually to such property ap pertain, to be sold subject to a right ot wav extend Ine from division No. 1 alone the lli-htbankof Hoar. lngcreek to a public road, said right ot way being for useot division No. 1 above me. t'ooed beitdd. taken into execution, and to be sold oa the property or rasper i. Thomas, et. al. itL'iiAi.ariB, Aiurne)s. ujv. r a AL0. No. 1. 11 that certain lot or niece of laud ultimtp in MaillHon UMnhln. Co'ura Ma cuiiiitv. reunfiTlTanu U-:rUol a f. Uos, uvvflt i Uouoded on tne eaM iivmm or .iaou 'now maker ana Kobt-rt Miu.-r, on uti h Hi'u by liu I f rmeriy oi rl'Mi Knit now miioh II li'-r. 't i iu ..eti ov Uu lof ivter A. Kr iat. Uriau l Hid a il ilium 1Mb'., and ou the nor Hi bv land of n il v.-iuvr mum u; lu uuntrt'daiid n acres ire cr i-b.- un wbt h aie trocaa a frame u Mine Dim 'iui m omuiin , t a c ran) or pie o -f i?r6uud situate Id ill .mi l ili. t oli.iubla i-ouuti'. lyuuir.va la. ifH rllntl a Uowi. to- y It i ltoundfii on tt.BMuth by an lot J hu rtirtHtitu, on the ea&t bv tand of i iN-rit "t-'i a v. Kfav t on me oortn ov puo .lenud IcaUuir fom Jeretjnu to Hloorasbure. on tteweHtbyliudof tue UelMOl obort Miller coa Uilul twenty- ucresmoreor less, ou MblcU aro erecvu a aY mm una wuer ngui No.3. U that certain lot O' (liece of Broun 1 tltuatotn v to mnu ui it-uHuisj rvr v Ji luiui euuni)! reuij syivaula. deacrltK'd aa fotlows to -wlti Lot No. 14 at Mnder'fl a dill lou to the I'own nt ninnmuhnnr. bounded ou tbo uorta by second b treat; on the eakt dy 101 no. is. on inn iouiu ny urt-eu Alley, ads on the west by O. Y. KDaon. contqtnlut? flftv (rwi tram aud two hundred and fourteen tetlu depth, on - o.4 ItNb. 13. adjoining the above described as fol- I UD tua eaat bv Koae Alle. oae Alley.on the south by Oreen Alley bv lot No II, on which are erected 7U " mu'' om-utiuu. belied, taken Into execution at the suit of The I First National lUnkof Uluumf.bur7.1-1t. noinht. v-i- viSSi,',: ' W aald a the property of v,m. I- sl.:'.J: . u. W.I ' JiiiiMw. uniiyav Ju..1l t Bherta. PA. dent, and alive to their work. Discipline, firm but kind, uniform and thorough, studonts admitted at any time. Koooa reserved when desired. are I'ltOFKSiIOtfAL, and students graduatng therein, receive state Diplomas, conferring the follow-to HclenceB ; Master of the Classics, uraduates lentincand Classical courses are not Inferior to those ot our best Colleges. .inrt It. Il l, nnnnfllt.Mlm.nl.lu4. nf II... Snhnnl f n h.ln In nnuTf riv f It solicits young persons of good abilities aad gold aid in developing their powers, and abundant opportunities for well paid labor alter leartngSchooL Fur . 01 Trustees, JUOTICE. , t Vhercas my wife Emma lavtnta has left my bed ' na Doarn wimoui just cause or provocation, this la to warn all persons against harboring or trusting her on my account. Jan.8,'f-4W CIIAI1LK3 niK. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. XSTiTX OF MART KIHSCB, DICI1SID. Mensoh hue ot Icust township, rolumt'la conntr, deceased, bavo been granted by the lleglster of said county to Andrew itupp. AUm'r, Numldla, r. All persons havlnir cl&lma acalnst the estate are re. quested to present them for settlement and those Indebted to make payment without delay. AND sew RUPf. Jan. 10, Ts-aw Administrator, Numldlar.O. ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE. KST1TK Of WILLIAM XISTNBR. DECK4SID. Letters of administration on the estate of Wm. Klstner, late of Madison Uwnahlp,coltimhla County, l' , deceased, have been gr nted by the Register of id county to the undersigned Atlmlnlstratrlx to whom all persons Indebted to Bald estate are re- quested to .make payment, and those havtnj or demands aealnst the said estate wilt claims make them known to the said administratrix without delay. MART C. KI8TNF.U. Jenie.town, Jan IT, u-aw Administratrix. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. KST1TI OF CUHtSTtIK ASn, DICI1SIS. Letteraof Adulnlstrattonon the estate Christian sh. late of Henton township. Columbia county, .lecea e!. have been granted by the Register of said county to fh undersigned Administrators to whom till persons indebted are renueRten to make immedi ate payment, and those having clalmsor demands ukmiqhi me esiaie win maxe in-m Known to ine aa mlnbjtrators without delay. I.K. KRIKCOWM, fambra, CHARLES ASU. Jan. 10, TD-dws st llwa er. Administrators. AU.MINISTBA TOR'S NOTICiS cstitk or savrrt. n. wnrrr. DaraAsnn letters of Administration on tne eet.teof Bamuel I). White, late of Flshlngcreek twp ,coL, Co., dec d, have been granted by the Reirlster of sold county to the undersigned Admlnlstrator,to whom all persons Indebted are requested to make Immediate payment aid those havihg claims or demands airalnst the es tate .will make them-ktown to the administrator without delay. n.J.COSNKlt. Administrator, urangevlUe, I'a., Jan. IJ, '78-sw. pRorHOVOTARY'S NOTICE. Notice. Is hereby given that William Lamon, Com mltieei.f Hiiabcth HeltterlcK, a lunatic, has med his first and final account In the office of tne 1'ro thonotaryof rolumbla county which will be pre sented to the Court or Common l'tcaa of aald county, on the 4th day of February next and will be on nrmed after four data unless exceptions be Bled within th at time. WM. KltlUKBAUM, Prolhonotarr's lOaee, Jan 5 , -71-te lToth'y, JXECUTOR'S NOTICE. ISTATS Or JOHN WBITI, PIO'D. Letters Testamentary on the estate of John Whiter late ot Flshlngcreek township, Colombia co , ea.,have been granted by tho Register of Colitm- uia cuuuLjr u. iuo uuuereiKneu ttxecuier 10 whom all persons Indebted ar requested to make Immediate pai ment, and those hatting claims or de mands against the Bald estate will make them known to the underlgsed Executor wlthcut eiay. . P.O. WADSWORTn. W. J. BrccALKW, Executor, Att'y. for Haute. Town UUI, Lux. Co., Fa. d .no, iS7Sw A SSIU'EE'S NOTICE. Tn the, Dittrict Oaurt.oflht United States for the Weaern uwirut cj 1'cnniylianui. In the clatter of jIIa. Losee, uankrupt. WBSTBRN UISTaiCT Or PKNNSTLVANIA. TOT WHOM IT MAT UOSCKIIN The underaltrn. ed hereby cues notice ot his appointment as Afslun ee of J . Losee, of Dim city. In the county of Co lumbia and Statu of Pennsylvania within said DU- irroec. wuo nua ueen aoiuugea a uanErupt on creai tars petition by the District Court of said Ulstrtct. Dated, Danville January 8th, 1I9. il. M. IIINCKLKV, Jan. IT, 19-8W Assignee. TjETUttN NOTItiE. Ti he act of April 11, ism reantres Assessors Super visors and collectors of Uoad. Poor and school taxes lu make returns to ihe ounty commissioners -for the collectlO'i otalltaxeaon seated and unseated 1and9."Aa all returns must be made on or before the nrai nay or peoruary next ana as collectors orten rati to make return In the nroner tit. e and after wards claim exonerations for what they have ne glected to return, whereny the County or township w-ca mo u rxj ci'iien.u-u mar, nullum nave ueen returned ior collection. ve nave n xea upon tns roi lowlnlrdaisto receive tha returns above named 'and at the aame time collectors of county taxes ahull eomelu and make final exonerations on their du plicates. For all Districts south of the river on Tues- uay, January tfs, isiv : luose easioi lug nsning creekon Uedneaday January xv); and those wi-bt ui nig risuincreck on i nursiay, January so. e want all collectors to comply with tula notice. It may be claimed too. soon to make the exonera tions, butbr allnTlnir enllectorH one. ttvn nr tbri. years belore making exonerations much tax Is lout ny me earettness or eaBt ess of me co'lector, anc then finally a large amou tot exoneraltonHlsclalui' ed on Ileal Enl-U tthlch collectors mould have re. LUlIICUUr UUIlT-t tUT"lI ,1 The sooner 'duplicates are' settled the better for both taxpayer aud collectors : otherwise collector uecotnet careias ana orten co'iect u.oney ana appi) It fn other niirnnwA. nnrl ftiA nnatl, wr,n fK m, ey. Is to be 'paid u Is ot fonhcomuig, a d thereb) inoMwno pay wiiunziy nay always and ma v uev. er. and then the win! .g ones must make up for the neglect ot the collectors, lly order ot STEPHEN FOUR. 1 Countv OH IH. KKICIIAKT.V Comr'a. A. II. 1IKIIKINU, I nLu,nbi Mtiun 13. l.i.i, t.inra commissioners' umce,uioomsburg,Pa., Jan.v, nt LICENSE NOTICE. Notlco Whereby elven that the following named persons have Died with ihe Clerk of trie court of itianer nessions ot ine i-eaoe or uoiumoia county. turn- jwtitiuua luiiiiTuM, nnica win ue prefieniea to the Court oa Wednesday, tho Fifth day ot t'ebru- Ul Ut'.l w, itTubba, 1 , w II. C. ctmraberllo. I icio, diu-juisoiuk, Fnt (rick M. (lllmore, Eating House, Bloomsburg, r..,,,au. .,,,.aiuo, IKTCrD, JlOrWICK. Frank Kessler. ivnin. J. it. Oram, Liquor Store, Caiawlsaa, n. ii, iiatfenuucn, Tavern urange, W. B.UIUKIIAUH, Jan. 11, tt-tc Clerk Q. 8. WIDQWB' PPKAISEMNT8. The following appraisements of real and personal prope rty set apart to widow s ot decedents have been med In the onice of the Ileglster of Col umbia county, under tbo Utiles of Court, and will be presented for absolute confirmation to the orphans Court to be held tn Uloomsburg.ln and for said coun ty, on Mondav. the a.l ruv nf Kntv. isrs. m o'clock p. m., of auld day umeaa exceptions to aucb confirmation are previously filed, of which all per sona interested In said estates will take notice: 1, WUowot Jjhu Cain, late of Centrj township, de ceased. S. Widow ot fobn lloitj. late of Beaver townahlrtf. 1 eceased. 3. Mdowot John Kline, late ot Locust township, deceased. 4. widow of Daniel Miller, late of Beaver township, deceaacsl. 5. Widow of Isaiah Yragrr, late ot Locust town ahlp, deceased, e. Widow of William OarrtAan, late of tha Town of liloomsburg, deceased, f- Widow ot Hugh Bhultt, lateot Jackson township, deceased. lteirtsler'a Ulllce. 1 liloomsburg, Jan. 10. 1SI r W U JAIt)MT lte-li-Ur JOB 1'BINTINQ OF EVERY DE8RIPTI0N EXEOUTED PKOMPTLY tux OoLCMiiu Omt'i At Cxpeatet V. Course In Physical Culture. In the other Courses receive Normi purposes, those who desire to Improve their time Marriages. Manniku Lore. At the brides residence ia Pins township by John F. Derr Esq , Mr. Abraham Manning of Jack-on, Colombia coun ty, to Mrs. Elizabeth Lore of Pine township. Columbia county. Graham Welliver. At the Methodist parsonage in Orangcville, January 18, 1879, by Rev. Henry S. Mendenhall. Mr. Harvey Gra ham to Mlsi Lilly D. Welliver, both of Mt. Pleasant. Cole Kevmeret. At hia residence oa the 12th lust , by Rev. K Fullmer, Mr. Robert C Cole of Sugarloaf to Miss Mary A. Kemmer ey of Benton, Columbia county. Deaths. Aeon. Near Exchange, January 18, 1879, Mr. Andrew Acor, aged CO years, 11 months ami C days Wami'oi.c. In Centre, January 10, 1879, John Wampole, aged 62 years, 0 month and 26 days. In Centre township, on the 1,1th inst , Mary Estella Infant daughter of Wm, and Iydis Siahl. Dauchy & Go's. Advt's. DIPTHERIA Jnlinson'ti A noil me I.lnlmrDt will positively prevent this ttrrliile dlsesse. and will positively cure nine rates tn ten. Information that will Sara many lives Bi-nt free by man. Don't delay moment! I'reren ton la better than cure. Hold everywhere. I. . JuiitiHon & Co. UaBKor.Malat) J in. 3, '7)-iw a nnnMTiV I soldiers discharged tor Wounds, JJUUil 1 1 I Rupture or other Injury, (not dis ease) cui secure full Bounty ; tboee who re-cnllsted for th'ee years Between J an i, isu, ana Apru I, 18S4 hsvlnsr previously served nine months or more. are entitled to 1400 bounty or so much thereof as re mains unpaid; those who enlisted uerore juin, issi.fortiireejears and were mustered before Au gust e. 1K1, are entitled to 1J bounty, Tegardlesa ot l Im-i served: all enlistments ror three years before Jul 18, lttw, where buttioo bounty has been paid. eauues to aauiuonsi oounty unaernoiaier Act or July 1 ., MA, it not aire dy paid. If soldiers died la service, heirs are entitled to the bounty. Mo rsi cxtil ct.atsi is run. For full Information address with enclosed stamp. McNKIL t BIRCH, Washington, D. a Jan. S. T-w a xraw BzoiTzzf a book DalSTLIKO with the WILD AIITENTfJRKHOt STANLEY K AFRICA The our authentic and copyrighted cheap edl tlon. lly the brilliant descrlptlie author, lion. J. T Headier. Gives a full history ot his Wonderful Dis coveries tn Africa and marvelous Journey down the ongo More ra-cinaung man romance, rroruaeiyu usi rated, and hiKhly ei uorsed by the Clergy aat I'refta. liver IA.IKMI sold. More Aeents Wanted vSSiT'iS a uoear. terms address nuiiuutii iiitus., rubuahers, rimaaeiphia, re. jau.s, ,-w u CIA frri o-i nn i invested in wall St. stocks vl'" I J 31UUU makes fortune ever month. Book Jeut Iree explaining everything. Ad dress llilTia Co., UiNiiKa, It Wall street, M, T. dec , ,18-siw a AGENTS. READ THIS v e will pay Airenta abalary of $100 per month aa expenses, or allow a lareo commission to sell car new and womlerf ul Inventions. We mean wat w say, Ad reus, without delav. nuanvArs a iatw starenau, micnigtui, d dec so, s-lw. CHILDREN'S SHOES! Wear twice as long with either the SILVER Or A. H. T. Co." UPON THEM. Jan. IT, T9-4W il BENhON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER FflHWllMKN AND CIIILDHlfN Females uff erlair from naln and weakness will derive great ct-mfort and strength from me use o llensun's 1 aKlne Porous piaster. Where chil dren are toecieu wan wuoofiUiT couirn. oioi nary coughs or colds or weak lungs, It U the dm ami onlv treatment tltev should receive. -i ms article contains now medicinal elements .such as Is found In no other remedy In the Bame lfonu. It Is far superior to common porous plan ners liniments, electrical appliance and other external remuies. 11. relieves pain ai. once strengthens and cures where other p las term will trim t en relieve. Fur l.amr. and Wrs.lt Baelt. Kheumaiism, v-luneT aiaeaiw ana all local acnea and pains it is aitso tne uesi Knonremeay. Ask lor pennon t.apeiua 1 im nuu iaao no ftiner. roM by all Druggiau. FitceM cents. Jan. 11, 'j-4W R EQISTER'8 NOTICES. Notice Is hereby dven to all le era tees, creflt- tiira and other persons interested In the estates of me respective ueceuenm ana miuorB, inaiue roi lowing administration and guardian accounts halt been filed In the office of tho Kegister of Columbia county, and win be presented tor confirmation ana aUovtanco In the Urphana' Court to be held U liiuomaburg, on4 Monday, the 8d day of Feb., lira, at o'clock p. la. on said day: 1. First and final account of William Edwards, sur viving executor of w imam bull, late of Briar crei k tovihshlp, dec aBed. . second and part'al account of Exra Stephens, ad ministrator de bonis non, of V, imam Ueas, Ut ot Hugarloai township, deceased. 9, First and final account ot Charles it. raxton. uuaedlau ct Mary K. 1 nomas, Sarah J. Thomas, and Abraham C. 1 homas, minor chl den of Abra ham Thomas, late of Uloom township, deceased, 4. Second and final account ot UenJamln Kyons, et. etu.sir ut v.uturnua rtiaeuunu, isle 01 jumia township, doceased. C. Hnpplemental account ot Samuel Knorr, asmla. Istrator, to , of Margaret Ap .leman, late ot the Town ot Uloomsburg, deceased. 4. Second and partial account of Dyer L.Cnapls, one ot the administrators of John lloston, lateot Ftihlngcrcek towushlp, deoeaaetl. t. The account of Peter . Kanhner, administrator of Daniel Karahner, late ot Catawtsaa township, deceased. 9. First and partial account ot N. D. Creasy, exec, torot Christian, Won, late ot Mimm township, decased. I. First 1 nd partial account ot O. P. Set. admluta trator of 1-eter Kat, late ot Scott township, Oo ceased, as filed by Kobert , Jtnt, admlulstratot of O. I'. Fut, dectased, I, The account of Jesse Coleman, administrator ol Andrew Owen, Isle of bcotl townaalp, Ueceaaea. II. The first a.-count of U. II. Est, administrator a buiils non ot 1't ter Kat, late tot scott townsblp. Ueovased. It. lb first and final account ot Levi Hhaixer, a4 minlsirstor rf Pivid naffer, Jr., late ot UfUtn. creek township, doc cased. 18. Flrat and final atvo iM of John N. Bloastuul Hol omn llarman, eecutorsef Nathan Vloaa lam ot the liorougbot berxick, deoesaed. Regutert Office, TY.U.JACODT,. Bloomsburg, gin, let, i7. f uegtfbM. PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed at this Office ON SHORTEST NOTICE AT TUB MOST BEABONABLB TSUlfe. ft