TITO 'COLUMBIA AND TDTEMeeRABEOOMSBBKGH GpLTJAlBM? OOtTOY, PA. Miscellaneous. A IjKTTKU. Heatl this first r U is, and then rend every other line, Hullo a iiitlerenco wm no appar ent. I cannot lie flifio4, my dearc.it friend I Went nit I am In the matrimonial tte, Unless I ponr Into jonr friendlr bosom, Vi nicta (inn ever Wn In ontson with mine, The. Tnrioas sensntions which swell With the, liveliest emotions of Jilenre, Ity nlmostbnrstlng heart I tell mj oW Hnnhnnd is the most amiable of men. I hnve now been married evn weeVs, and Harp never found the least reason to Itcpetit the day that joined na. My hiiatrond 1 llolh In person and manners far from resem' ulmg, gly, cross, .old, disnRreenMe, and jealous, Mon.ttN,' wlib think hf continliig'to secure A wife It Is his maxim to treat as a . . . . Bosom friend - and not n.' n l'lay thing, or mehlalslnrei (life wdm'nn1 ! ' Of his choice neither party, Ho soys, should always obey implicitly: , : lint each should yield to the other by turns. An ancient maiden aunt near feventv. A,$rccrfiil, venerable, nnd pteaanto1d lady, Liven in the houso with us- epo U,l.ho c T.ljlht of linth young nnd old I she is ci VII to nil tho neighborhood round, flcncrons nnd charitable to llie poor; I nro convinced my husband Jilies nothing moro , Tlnnho does mo J ho Hatters me more Thou tho glas.s and his.jntoilcation , , (l'or so I mn.it call tlio xccs of his love) """"X ''.. tuu " a Of the man wlioo nanio 1 bear to Bav all iii onb wortl-. mid to Owvn.lho whole ' jiny former lorcrj li iiqw myinilulgcnfhushTincV niy fonllnes! 1 returned, nnd 1' might have had A prince, without tho fe'icity I find in Ilim Adieu, may vou bo as blessed as I am I "v -. .1 Able to wish that I could be more Happy I '''I Lost in Ike Woods of Solllvan County Uobert Gray and Frank Orattan, twi j'Mingmen of Waverly, Luinne county, went recently to Sullivan county deer hunt lot. Laat.m'onday' Mr. Gray shot a deer' and. Iind.lng,lhe track of another he follower it up, nnd late in tho afternoon succeedfi in bridging down it fine buck. He then a' temp'od to retrace his steps, but dark'ne "inlng ion he-bwamA bewildelfdiarid -wun dst.iX (6fraHli)ies around aswamn. 'A list,!being.lired, ho-fouhd hchollov; tniljt a iree, ana lymg uown in'n,.pipi iurwn time. hen lie awoke his fret, which lur I become wet iu bis wanderings through tin , swamp, wercso bennnihed that, be couU scarcely walk. All day Tuesday and Jtj. greater part of Tuesday iiijtht be .cnDliau to wande.r, nb.out the woods, and vvt Wednes day no sign of civilization was tn be loun Wednesday afternoon he heard the repnr df n gun, and he tried (o discharge his plcct- but the powder bad become dajip and hi effirls were futile. During his travel through jtho'Rwamp bad lost all of hii A - ti . A t . .... . . ' atnnmoiMon jinu no uuu an uu-uus ui wn, Ing alnrtise. Wednecdav night be slept bu littlo And on Thursday morning hs was near ly, exhausted. He had eaten nothing aiuc Monday except the buds which he had tat fell frorri the tree, and wa& no lonirer abb t&wtieiept,. During Uie greaterj parttjol Thursday, be crawleu about on Ins hanch nd kueea. but in the afiernoon he hearp.LV . " . . I abouta of bis friends, wtui fur three days ban I Hbecu; scouring the woods In ae.trch ol hiui Ire smt'back n Iceble snout and linally sue ceeded in attracting -tbo -attention of tbi aearchera. lie wes conveyed "home iu ' 1 critical-condition, but receiving kind treat .. j ment,Jiejfbon.begau"'(.o revive' nnd i4 i0." almost entirely recovered. lie will no,hoi, ! over, soon forgat ills adventures in tire fci ! ett of Sullivati county. Scranton Fiee I'ttii.. Large and Small Farming. Western farmers, and the matter of tl farmers in all parts of our, country 'will'd well to study the interesting mtuuca oi rTreochlfaririlng which General1 Butler ,latd before the Dairy fair assembled in this city A-great part of the troubles which notf 'op press the agricultural indiiatriei o'ton tnany JlCoUjyitateigrQVLOHlilljnbtednra. iiieuvred during the inflation period under Griiut's idmlpistratig:!, from 1869,10 1878 T,hi, in- debtnesa was incurred in order to increase the size of farms. It was not, Incurrid to buy ,. lauu oiaiuerfHC qua,uiy, iron tnat aireauj - undercultivation. but to buy .more, .of, tbi same quality. If the farmers had, been ableto pay fortbeir new.purcbasen.out of accumulated eariilogs the purchased miht have been, mora easily justified, but payment was as a rule chiefly made pot Jn.pash but In, the forms ' of' bond and mortgage, and this,, too, at. prices, enor hiomily inflated by liepublican financiering'. Much, pf.tbia indebtri'ess' Is now' maturing ; the farmers have not the wherewithal to pay the debt, and if the land purchased Is sold under foreclosure' it will not bring any thing sear the purchase price. Wbero the principal of the debt is nnt-yetdue thefarm, er Is weighted down by the necessity of pay' ing the highest rates.o'f Interest which Iu in flation time he incautiously promited to pay Two things, thereforo. have brought the farmer into. !hU ' present dilUcUltles. One of his own greed for more land and big firm, when bis little farm was' big .enough, as Gen eral Bntlrr lias so ciralry explained; and ,tho oilier was" the misleading Inflenuce of government paper money not 'based either on coin in the treasury vaults or on any oth ersortof capital, Under the, operation of both of theae causei'roany large farm'eni of the- West .have found themselves loaded with huge farms which are two large to be efllciently and economically managed by the owners even if the owneia were, free -from debt. It is perhaps natural that farmers' In tbk .unforluuato condition should think that a hair of the 'paper' dog which bit them will effect a cure, and should therefore pray for more government piper to bs Issued un der one pretense or another. Hut General Ilutler truly tells tbem what the farmers of France have discovered that it Is Jn small farms and not iu' large farms that the true v phjlpsopher's fitone pf agriculture U to be found. He might have added, and he . should have added, that more government paper, unless depreciated, could not benefit the indebted farmers, becausi the sime quantity of whrat, mint be given to obtain the"ne'w dollar of papar, si'lrtn? ai it Is un depreciated as to obtain a new dollar of gold. On therotber hand. If the new paper Is depreciated below gold, the farmer may net two paper dollars bra bu'liel of wheat.or tbelborr, ibradaypf his toil, Instead of one gold dollar; but niiilher the farmer nor the laborer wouiu us any oeitcr on lor mis, because the farmer would, be obliged to pay i dotlble price- in paper to produce tho wheat, and the laborer a double price In pi per for everything needed tp su-jlaln him self and keep his family In comfoit. Gen eraAPutler touched a very large question "when bo calltiJ attention to the perils of great holdings of laud la a single band. A', Y. Worti. Worms attiir Hoots of Plants To exterminate worms at tbo roots (if plant sprinkle soot out the range or Hum of fur. nacea pver the top, of the ground, ajd it wll1 causa mo norms 10 cram tin. Johnny CAKnanN Cur3. Throe cttps of Indian meal, tine cup of wheat flour, lhr"i aps of thin milk, two tablespoonluU nr shortening, one teaspoonful of alt, one tt.v pormful of toda, bake In quick oven tweoty minutes. ToTakk Rust Out or Steel. rlaco he article In a bowl containing keroctif tl, o: wrap the steel up In a soft cloth welt nturated With kerosene J let it remain wenty-fotir hours or longer; then scour the rusty spots with brick dust. If badly rusted ise salt wet with hot vinegsr! after scour llie rlnso every particle of brick dust or si!t off with boiling .hot water;, dry thrniiglily- ihen polish off ,wl(li a clean ilaunel riot ind n little sweet o)lt ", OujinO'-'rhe b'st. gumbo, Js .tnadj ,wi.'j hlcktn, though veal and other meats .r jtrnt times ueJ, and U merely a, te,w rou'l thick 'by Iho use bf an abundance "of okrn" od4. Gumbo souk is nnv soiiti to which 'iifllcfenl tia'ra Is lul'ieil'di give tt t li d Mrtil thickness.,., Th Jfo.ti (1$. .Hid tender pod-, (rilled and dre'sml with melted birlor, arc' uked by many, but they aro rather oi jrnm- hy forlhosn' wliS have-nut becutni1 ficriH' wmeil to (hem. .A dish, made (if ihft okra puds and tomatooi stewed to,?ei Iwr Is also repired, , Tomato Somv-Uel a pieoa of beef,, cu i... .1.1.. ..i...,,, ,..,...,., . ..... ,, ,i, simmer slowly for about three hours; put n the fire in n small sdlicr nan nbout a cup 'ill of rice, barley nr. "agu j jix a carfot, ttir dp, a leek nn'.l'a littlo green celery ttipj re ervea littlo imrsly; put tbo greeu'l into lie soup and 1ft, boll quietly fnt about 'tree quarters of an hour; tako otf,- strain tho meat and vegetables out ; put tho rice ;., ,'- .,!. ,L.. i, . , ii i yit iiiiitnuit:t! niiiiucu ,iiii'iijji a vut tider; put back on the fire and let simpler "it necneu ; now put the parsley in tho tu oen and pour tbo soup on it. .Cihcken Sai.aii. Boil Alttrgo Bired Spring chicken about two hours ; let it get :old; then remove! all theakinnnd fat; then shop not quite as fine as mince meat ; have Ho same quantity of chopped xeleiy.and. (be nlks.of.fpuc boiled eggs, .pressed smooth 1th. a silver'or "wooden spoan ; then take' lie pint of sweet milk and bring it to dtlngheat; then add the yolks of two gs well beiton ; as soon ns'this dressing is 'Id add one teaspoonful of ground mustard 'tade'amobth with two tablesponnfuls of cl dr'Vtnegar nnd pepper and salt to taste tSen mi's, the whole: .nicely' together and "'Tace oi a plaU.anil'trlrn'tlie edges of the latter with the nicest of celery leaves. The English language is wonderful for its iptness of expression.- When a' number1 of nen md.,W()Uien.,get. tpj;ether, and loot at ach tither from the sides of tho room hat's calfed sociable, JVhen a hungry riwd 'call Upon, a "poor minister nnd eat ,lm out 'of house, nnd home that a called a lunation pnrty. Anna Diofcinson returns to the lecturo platform, ..according to the Philadelphia Timet, because she must earn a living. Al- hough she'fo'r'a 'longtime' received $200' ft Jghtfor.lecturing.'ahespent money gener itHlyj aiid finally loitallher.aavtngitliroiigl; tu unfortunate inve-meat in' Western land (f4 'eat ber the inoney with which to i i r.. .u . i . ,ua " jiusuccewiui tbuiukj uu ,uw .iucu re stage, arid stie desiresto repay, tbo , Joan Mies Dickinsou received hundreds of letters from friends advising' her . to give up the tngo. . . . Says an'esQiiange. ; 'Farmers are frequent ly troubled, with' wheat moluding after it his been put-In the bins. 'If. your wheiit is'datnp and liable to mould, put. a few stones r.r. brick in the 'granaries, and' after leaving "hern in one day, take them out, and if they appeal-damp,-- put in others that are (Iiy and at the end of two or three days the wheat will be perfectly dry and rattle like shot tiheiiiliaiidleu.l ' j. 4V , VEGETINE IS RECOMMENDED BY ALL u. Physicians. Vaixky Strkau". Queknb Cfi.,! - lxji IpiAWD.N.T. juk. ii. iv. rTKt .;- -1 tokd me titciuurti of writing yoo rtincat6"roTH,?rHlniT Vc?tliw pre pared bjr you;'I hyf'bft;ii onuflVr-rwith the lysna Sot over forty yuan, and tiHve,lid the Cni onie Dlnrrtura for over tlx months, atifl hnve tried most ovrv th Inert whs slvea UDtOi ..ttle, and U id not, tipfct tu llv liom day to day, a4 nqiihyslfian i-ould tourh'my ca.1 I saw yonr VegeUne'rvcommeTnlwl to ru rv lhj$priia. 1 cumnienctMl UBlnff It, ami IconUautM dotox so, and am nmr a well woman anW?ntored to perf?ct healtb. AU who are afflicted with this terrible nlstasevl wonld kludlv recommend to ilstasel -would kindly recommend to try It for the teneht of their health, and It la oi toen urlftcr. excellent as a Mood wy ,ur i'. t. i- OHurs, m. u., ror Mlt-S. WM. II. FOltBEa VrorriNB-When Uio blood becomes llfeleaa And stagnant, either from change ff weather or nt climate, nam of exercise, lrreitularilleta or from any ufher pause, the VeultinvIU re clt-anse the stomach, regulate the bowels, and Impart a tone of vigor tu the whole body, VEGETINE For CANCERS and CANCEROUS HUMORS. The Doctor's Certificate. Read it Ainj.ET,WBinNotoCO.,lLi,Jar,.H,187S. JI1U 11. it. HTFVJlXSJ- litur Rtr.-m Tills 1 tn oertlfv that.1 had been entlVrtnte from a A'cwiftrjnwrou my right breast, blch grew very rapidly, and oil my. friends bud niveit n uji to dl. whep I heard of your metliciite, Vegelitiv, recominebdwd for Clineer nnd tinier tout Jlumort. t c6inmeiiced to take it. uiul fUMrtr found tnvselt beslnnllia; tu feel bet ter; niy heallh and spirits both felt the benign liiHueme u lilch tt exerted, and In a few months fiuii the 11 m I tonuneiiceU the use of the 'lf etluO) tha Vtuuer tame out almost bodtly CAltBIE UaVOItnEST. I ccrllfy that I am personally acquainted Willi Sirs. DeForrest. and coftslder her one of uuf very bestnomen. JUL H. II. FUJWKIU. A Lh DlSEASfiiiJ' THE'IitOOn. 1 f VjEGETINB n ill relieve tln,cJeaiise, puflfy,nnd cure such liKasii, restoring the fmtleftt to perfect health alter trying different ihylcloiis. iany reme iIUk, and mitlVrlMff for wart Is it uot i-bucjuslve ii(xf,lf you are it sufferer. yu can Ue rurvdf Vh) la this medicJim irfurmlg such great cureH? It mik In the bluod, fit the clrculat 1 ng rtuid. 1 1 1 mi truly be cal Ud the Urrat Htvtxt 1'ui inn: 1 he great source orutwaxe orlglnuu-s hi the bloud; and 110 tnedlclne ttiaLdowi not tu t Ulrvt-tly upon It, to purify and renovate bad onj just daliu upou public attcutloih VEGETINE I regard It as a valuablo FAMILY MEDICINE. Jaii.l.lSTJ. Mb. IMt-ErrVKKSl- , ' ivrii -rtr, I ulei. pleARHre In ftnylnr Ihut I kaveuetl I lie V, iff line In my rurally wllh goal reuiltH, nnd 1 Imvi- kiiuwn or Mvrrat rwi or rfmarl.ubit.rura ctfrrtiflt by 11. 1 rfifHril It at .as valuabtu faull- lutallclnv. 't rul youm, 1IKV. WM.MCWJNAUX Til, Kev. Wm, McTXinald l will known lliiour I- the Uulu-4 Mates M s wllilaler la ll.o W. K (.'liutcrj, Thouunp. 8rEK.-VtaETINBliackriow. edgfU and rfcumnifadaU by bbyalrlaut and aiKjlbacariei tube Ilia tsi purltlfraudclfanaiT lit Ibe blood yet dlacotertd. hud tbonauuau apeak lo IU ptali, vrbo bavti ntlunrd to healtft. VEGETINE Tho BI. D.'s luivo It. ra?'r?f baT.'akrl Vwftlno for lan- VEGETINE Preparfd by 11. It. STEVKXW, Bomou, Jlttsx. Vetfttlne Is Sold' by all DrugglaU. Ju. to, Jwtco fOU l'KINTQ I Neally ai cbttpl (lecuttnl l Ilia COUtaUlUI Ofioa, GILES' LINIMENT IODIUB AMMONIA. 'Mi Cm vn nil I:iln hi Mhii nnd llciiNt TBSTtMONIhLHl tnni.irftin TTteri (PaUIdi nf thft Worn b. A Won. (! ilul euro Mnu jinn my wtie auaend.wltli this KTriUHHOIUpiumV. IUUH3 UlKUUt'U nj uuvivi ui Ij.r tnpt.nr. wiuif tn ,.h illlTnppnt tiriKDlLilM wllbleriU. malpsaro treutcd t INcU thorn oils wore tunrtagos nDJin'svirloi Willi only umpoMry rellf t. Her lire was ml-wraUo. wv upplleil Dr. (lies' MrjIuunU ller rellei wus imnicHlIate. Kiie is now ueu. tl. MCUSRIIOtT, 0 Wcsttsthfl'rcet, Now York tliad iwelrn strokes ot l'nraiMs. Jly leg, arm ntiiI t. inr.ii. irr. ,i4Imh4 t-iiq ntitliriHt hi 1I4H il II ttll I Mer e,r -day, lioctor (iics'. ilnliiicui louMoot litiitijHia ni. uuren i v, ii m uhhlt huj ii"iuuiva i tn Hull alui'ViM mai oi u Jons M'rtL Nil tn urantjnl, Couu. f...lim, llllt lhll.i(IMi.tll ,11,11 t'i'Tn. It, M. t)lit!s. kn,i liear ' lrl usu:il jour liUMs cl .unontn Llul.auitoii I'l M io rl. 's Ulml tiaatern lolnt -iho ImU b'cn uutle la'no: Iho illecl wns Hpiidrrfuli sha wuks iiovv qulto well, try re- svs.'einiiiy jiHirs, A. WELCH, '. s I am now uslnr It on Littleton's llilit lore l"H. a larco shoe hull on a valuable' Sollne hnrsci was IOII1UVUU UllCll IjUlllllVUb IU11MU ,H lull.,. , 3iMi,nii nnaii, CflrnptA. I7&llttiuvt.. Soiv Vurk Akhimi Tlinnpturt' niul ntiilliiea 1 fh-Uirrtlrnr 1 yiur. noni hut thOTn-nho .havosurfenit with mi uirr.iiiii iii.iim, ruin kiiiiw. iit inn nun iiiimtu II", ill Ul'liwruiiun I Iflt'll Ul'uv luiiiiicui m ,w7i liimoii a. li. iiYH niti inuiub jfiit'i, ueouib.iu' icrutUiy os wcu us eAU'inauy. i hits. ii,nui,i 1I west 57ih strept-.vow York. was In a dreadful coniltlnn. Joints ouollvn, inlit 1nfi imp. Inl.irilniiM uf fiuirtilllni, lutil mv VL'lns iiii"dij voiiove inoi lines' luaiuaoi AinnHiiun wii. n.n llio deposltii liom uiy Joints nvauloery out'HUosiiucrs laxiwn wmu itmcuia lueiu, rouiivcK LOTiiitor. North It.dA Park, l.ammollloiu vu Anntlmr Rllrrnl,r, rtir,.1. -I ,l'h,ir 't,l Irnm tllO MrLxiu?hii,ilti (lur.fr.il UivirilLiU aa liicurabli'. wllh InlU nuatory rhAumatlsm In Jiu' fhoiUdrrj,. nnirera una reel ; surrerou ri'anuny lor iuren jears, inuu cverytrunt io.,v an uo;m nr, inieb' uuiuioui. ,u'i- iiie or Auiuiouia cutcteJ acumoiciooiiru. RMRN'.MITII. No.-u Prane stKet. full Hlvtr. Mass Snr.iliin. anltiits, bruits. (amCDf.Mi In tioryes. dllci' LtnluMutlodllJor AiainoiiUlsa'pf'rriictspi!- cnio. Monvrson ii no owns ti ncrse suuuiu w mm- outlt. ., HI. UQUK3. tea scvrntti avenue, Hew York. .11 111 1UI111I,, UUU IUI llft TlM.I iwiu,.m . .iriltnnr. indlilninf iMumorila. It i UHHUriliUi8ed, and I tua surprHwl at the many dltlureut malndlcs in wmcu it la Qopncuu.u, ii civea ,UU UUUWi, saiia- iaciion. John J. Cartfk, Superintendent Eastern rennsjivauu Kximrlraen-il CO c and tl ! and In Ouarteal S2.M, In which there lsattrcaisaTins, j nai !ia us cunts . . Nni.ii nr A f. llRCantRTS. N. J. llKM)l;itMIK)TT, Agt. fur niaoiualiurs. ttay41,'f- TUIK GREiW rOSlTIYE CURE; Hon vi nB liliuuiii mi i.n m-.m w Tne Best Family Medicine on Earth; ta any pmon afflicted watt afliwaio thai wr.ontlK win I tot rvUeva ot cflre.'protl'ftnR th8 twaot or urgaat arq net f wutfldbeTOnApotDtof MiMOfJ u. t ii ,'ftj. ' - , l lama feqnd in ClfornU aad tha XVctt Indie, crnnttlufaic aj Tonic. CthrtVc, AltetiUlw. Dlurett ami eudorLfio. . , nipalr1 bydlBctia orattmnBttd from rojeta'o, U to ln- rntvM thfclr.powori MlailitHiii cad DUtntlon, It rcBM ttio ipintiw, tuUtt tllztffitlon. and tltw flnanwa nd toa to tL mucular and elrctHttloK tjiwrn- It Uni rrcta and rrtOi tha in Ids, touca tbo crftus iu rtwatao niahM ihaO haiAliti faactloua,a i TEE ONLY THUS REMEDY FOE SCOLDS. t r HUBSCIBS WlipiHalOUVllll . , i Tl u aT-jrim .EUlKnr.. ,U jco are nffi-rjn from tjIWwiJ V.t ilr tfiiiiiirvi. a.,1 tua air. ru twr .UTflrtlorfll LDOU oaCh feottlrii better oonfiiv.? you opts utortti tbaa volumoa eiivrwsod It prA UUl Sm bctt'ej lnrct HI adiplloo In ercrt fmll: fcrnoJiB,Weiaaaora.lJdMotWigiiRI.3Katiarcmirr btiUJs up, thus cm-lust tHmaso aad ertatCahtog iiaalli on iTpaLnn la lam botUua, ntf li claaBont to Uko. Walker k Kwlsr ,Hfe. Co. , lrop?m, StTFPlilli:D 30 'yeaiis. Jorwj City, fsepteniber SJ, 1 ITU. Ko tooffu rao WU wAac 1 tmv pufirvtl fur the tutit tw years fn,o (titMOkkf nnJlillMi tU.LUIMt I'll lit kt Umiw mi Liu) that 1 muU n it ttiiid uivm m fiW. I iuuU ttot witlk tiKlf a ml withou nitrtii-lug ioh-ntui About aim TiM.racaias lDdiiceltn try a bottlo cf rjuiiniiintir uu.ii mil kioh nr iwisuinmiwr miiuk. luur tmuies 1 wit oittlrHj enrcu vt both dlocusuii ml! uta now ctijoylnic sclk.i.t IwaUb nnd itrcuKUw. J d iisri j aaioisJ t a, v. Ftums, Sussex St., won't cio Fooraxo Anou.D. Iaartinlitln2mili.lnl cKnc,on&flL-ntlvrorrmin(n3 Uia)itl.Sh. 1 1.JT0 ittvd t&ln tnj linullr and kixnv otbers ho Im.adlud Iu ani ail pcnouurlt kocA an4 ruuuio. ii tioui po i ;!. j aioami ana iiiihu.wiik yi bj msklnit ihi hlg j, but It fittciKls to- basin? aiwl mm r.l In I u- tlmt tt In If ll rl It In atffit. Wa. It. DUVALL, RlTThoal, L. I, OF1 YK.AIW.KTADIXd. i nt 'flint brtltW flf VlLflRrKaad ran truthfallv ta4 tliAl It has ruivtl dju v( till!'! 1 UaJ lllLIULBaa4t uf ,.ar..-.,. ,8. . pbr iri', toaaou, v. J. miHIiMWgffBl Fer Sale at 1 J. DjRTJO- STOBB. Bloonisburg, Pii. wlio Is atilhorlica U) rjuaranleo V100KKNE to prove us rviireacntuu. Jan. If, IMj, ESPY PLACING MILt. , Tho linderalgutaicistect tho Espy riaLlxg Mill, Doors, Frames, M, Blinds, etc. mado to order on ihort cotk'e. JStWacticn guar. Cuirlxs Khco. Iilocrasburir, rtC BLOOMSBURG TANNERY. G. A. HEIIKING RESPECTFULLY announcea to tho public that he haa reopened PNYDEU'S TANNERY, (old stand) Woomstrarif. Pa., at tho Porks or the Ea. pT and Uirlit ntreet roada, where all Ueacrlptlnna ot leather wUltw mode In tho most aulmtantlal and worXrnanllae manner, and sold at prlcrti to ault the' unea. iuu uiueat pneo in casn win at an umes no uu lur OKEEN HIDES ot every description tn the country. The putllcpat- liloomaburi;, net, I, turn, T'AlNWRIOIlT A (X)., ...WI10LESALK OHOCKJtS, fuiUDlLrmi, . , Deuieralo . TfiAS, 8VHUP8, COFf EE, BUQAll, MOUtUES, kick, uricte, iiciii iopi, Ac, io. K. E. Corner Second and Arch atreets,! nOrdcra will receive prompt attention. TljlSfAPEIiSKEPTON FILE' 1 AT THE 0f 733 Sivsoh St., PHILADELPHIA, VT,o nro uur miihrlail Beeuta, aiul m 111 receive Ailvvrtlaraaruu nt r LOvVWrT C'Abtl KATKH. r Mr i- iTM-r. n I Wj -1 hm 4 i w ill! ;:iifcT Tobacco 1 f i 1. 1 JIM"' prt CVntMHiM Etpwltfe t it ril,nr.ltl Etpltl tot f lwt (. fl1-( Aitwf". Ill lr .-fr mMc M m Mil HrtT ,'1T1i I, ciowLT l, -I'llt n Inffrl-ir riwl. m Ui Jtrkm't lim m fi f vit Pin. il I i1? S'l M'r f.iifl rnr nim, i rt .V. Jicio A Oo., Mlri., rmrrturr, va. Jan. J0,T-4w r sferr A t)Yto ajcnia canvass rur InrthoFlrr sp alite Via lor. Terms nnd tinldt Iroe. Ad dres I'. II. VI KRItV, Angnsta, Maine Jan. iw i,hh r jm f MIXRIi (Hlt'is. wllh namn IS rents. Aeenls -x svrouiiit ta cts. L. junks uu., .nrs m, n. v, Jan. 10, ' 4w r QfJ Fancy Cardj. t'hrem'i, Hnimllake, Damask. c , fl'- nai hiiko mini ua:ur, in ci'iiin. v. .iiimirr iw. asaan, n. i. r ,ian, m, i.w 9f riiroinnr'ards, tn . Cuplls, Mottnes, Floweni, ,) Nos alike, wllh Iinii.e, inc. Nassau Card i,'o riaasau, 7 THE ORIGINALS. ONLY GENUINE Vibrator ': Thrishow, WrW Wr0T MOUNTED HORSE POWERS, And Slf am Threihe r Ent;ln. Had only by NICHOLS, SHEPARD CO., BATTLK creeh, fiicm. 1IE MnteW C-ritln-SMlnjrr Time mvtntt B-.I Mirwr'Ssvint 1 MtlHrtrs IhU iUf it4 rnrttnti. von I nil Klvalrv far Rrl I WuL. Fr If (t Cu&uluT, aa lor ttlu unla (rem Wuuc. QnAI nnlenwlll not 8nrm.lt to lite ruutuiur (.'..-( ctQrr.tn A l in; tl-.rvfik ihui 1 ikj atiur iut-lilmi. wliS one KutuJ Ml 11m S.OnrSc. lin.KNTIIti; T?ircthtnir Ext" HO KoTolvlnifaPh Phnftti Inwldp tho Hp- tioui HrraMer-. I'll kt 1 1. Kj.IJi-. ifBfttlrix stt'l rrnlt-WaWI ltl rOMBlt- ftnur. I'arrvrllnHflr'l 1' ' Kin-Hunt rn KiiwmoX rIUt ieifr Vtft aHiJfr siMMiatMwier4KiHaa. NOT only Vntl7 PnpcTlor for AVhentt Unla. V ti1Tt itj't "M OrMlN. In4 Ih wmlv Sim cf tmtui l'hrr!ir tn Fl. Tlmoliiv, Mllkt, Clnvrr, in t 1 k fVt-f. 'kilcUbwati" rtUUUln j SAltVCt.OUa for Blmpllctty of Partis, I VP4 I'" I firm Mli-iifllt tin- Mntlftl iMtU U4 Ul. II JiJii.iilJttii-titir8cUrluc. rolllt Mttn Of Hirnrntorn M nilp rnnr- r iTTLVm riwr ThrcahrM n fprcliUr 0 Vn Unrlvtilrcl Ptcnin Threahcr Eo- VtiiiW. JUr Kyoutl t vtiif r pr kino. IN Th nro rt ah Worttmanalilm Elctrant Plnln.1. Ivrrtimti rf lHrlr.. (tnilt-trin ftf l-jiitiiiK-ut, t ie. uir Vielv.TuM" 1 kiiJir UutiU r lnttuMU'avMa. FOR PnrtlcnlnnM cnll on owr Dpatern .rwi1.it! Mlo-4wHrUaCi.'CfcUr,wLlUi wo uiali (rt. TRUTHS. HOP BITTERS. (A Medicine, not a Drink,) CONTAINS IIoih, lluchti iHiuitlrakc. Uauileliou, And the.Purest ntl Heijl Qualities of all othf r Hitter?. THET CUBE 1 AllilleeasoiotirieJ.taniiicti.UwO'). ,W-mJ. U'er JiUlncjn and ui liury orgain, uervuu3ncas,remal uurupiaiuu nuu uriiuai'uucMi. ISIOOO IN GOLD, wm bo paid for a case, they will imt'enro or helii er ror nnrthlng iupmn r lnjurloua lound in mem. jlfct vftnr drm.Msi4 firiinn nitter-nnd tree boons; and try the BUters beioro you sleep.. Take nooiucr, The , Hop Giuijh Cure and I'aln Jielit IQ i tit: oi'Tiro. wyto. ri I 'rOK flALB BY-MOYBUBHOTHima- Important to Lawyers., .ln.ilr-it tn- liiiace. Constables. Kieoutore. I d Im'.nlstruorii.iiiinrilian, Township onicers, and bo-l ness jnen generally. Wo nave nn bniul it b'-nre- asHortmont of leiral I blRiits ror Uio liso of ttoriHyi, Ju ntlces and Con. stablo'a blanks or all kinds,' Noto and ltcceijit books for Attinllilbirntfirs sc. rlllua Llo 1 Frcclpo for yummons. ri. ru " ' uulo to tako "Depositions. cnoosc Arbitrators. 1 cents npiccc, cr SI.I5 jier Hundred. retllloil fur Appointment ot Oiurdtan. " " ciuuinn Huleto tako Uuonsiuons. Narr la Debt, wltn conlesslon, ' - Assumpsit. Mecbanles Monj . 4 ci i.ts each or 13.W per hundred. I'ullliou ror sain oi ueni i-t.iio s rents eacn. Jl.'STIIJE'S HLANKM. Sulitjonas. summons. Warrants. Elocutions. 10 fo 23 CulttHMUl. unses . ... occnueacii IHuh lieedA 10 " " l-nrchment Deeds in " " Orphan's Coirrt'es".".""...""'.' 80 for $1 (.V) L'oostublufc Sales , s cents bach Moric.i7e and Uond .. 12 " " All kinds ot Notes. .!... 1 " . " I nrders, neatly found, coustantfyon hand,orrnado hi iiniur uu anurb uuuiv. wnaie nrenaicdto do neater lob work than any other onico n this county. 01tors and JToprletors ot the Coluheun, Bloomstmrr, ra EXECUTORS'. SALE orvaluable REAL ESTATE! 1'ursunnt to on order of the Orphans' Court ot Co lumbla county, Pennalvanln, tbo undersigned, exe cutor of reler llelwlg deceased. lalo of Caan Isso, County ot Columbia , and Ktat of l'cnns Ivanla, will expose to public sale on tho premises InCatuMssa tqwneulp nn TUESDAY, FEB. 4th, 1879. at to o'clock a. m tho lollonlns valuable lot. All that certain LOT OF GROUND . sltuatoln Catawtssa, county or Columbia, Statoot fenns) ivanla, bounded as follows; On the east by First street, on thowebt by U13 busnuehanna nver. (in llw north by land ot KJ Kostenbauder, on the spuvii by land ot Frederick smith and others. Terms and Condition ot Sale. Ten per cent of one- fourth or me purchase money to be paid at the strik ing down ot the property, the oue-fourUj less tho ten per cent, at eonortnallon ot silc, and the remaining thre.fourlh In one year thoreaittr with interest from confirmation nul. DAVID 11KUVKI, Abbott IIiuwn, Exeoutor. siauwwn. Atty'n, fur Estate. Jan. 3, 7-ts M. C. SLOAN & BRO. IIL.00919UVUO. VA. Manacturcrs or Carriages, Bugglos, Fhaotons, 'Sleighs, fLATFOKM WAGONS, to. rtret tass work always on hand. HEPAintNO BEATLT DONE. ltlrta reduced to suit tne times, Jan. 5, isTI-tt. PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS" Printed at this Office ON PHOBTEST NOTI0B t MJ AX TUB MOST REASONABLE TERMS, i . i VIBnATOR,, TUB SUN FOR 1879, To ruin will tw rrlntcd oTcry rtr rtn rlnr tlio yea' (nrome ltururjo-mMidmrlhnii win iw m amno us In lite pant r Toprwntalltho news In a lenda- a . . . . . bk.a lll ii,a l.iitti lltntlrrh lh riaa Vlm DIO nillllTV aim W Vlil Hiw uubu ivl '" ' la". . . a.. I bo olin na8 Dfrn, m anu nm on w-ii iu un in-.c-ni.d-nt ot eTor.bdy nn pverj thinB sqye trie 'irutlmnd I s cwili tlcns utdt). That W the onl tyiilcy mnirn an mini at nri-n nin uru ,.-. I. ii.o ntii-v wiiirh Ims won tor tMnorrfrtb9 contlilebieabd f rlrnC-lilp otft wider conRlltueoiy llllin WaSkTtrfBJIIJia OJ BIi oiui-i nujciti-uuv..-b"k . . .. ..... i. u i.vA J DC Min 1R llir nmpi'ni'lT lur nil- ini'ic. . ,n tr.rtiiu ,iih ii on iiL'Lii.it. Hie icor man. or tor tbe tawmin as Inst tbo rich man, but It soikstorlo !il"allivilr-tuMl itifpreMa In ll-edomniiiiiliy. It is noi.tbe o-gan f any cron. cI,im, a. ct i-r lrty. Tbcni nivd bo in mj sti-ry about Its kmn and bnt"8. 1111 ror Ilia non-M man affiiu--i. ih-j nmwa r-nj l,n.. lr 1. f,.r 111. hr.ni-ar. iN'Inr.tl BS Hiralllt lllll iilahotiMt Hi pnbl can ami lur llw himert lir-publtcn ii-iatrulnsl. tu- U fbon "t lie mi rat It n not take lli run from the utterances ot any iollllclin or wi ly tn-n iiiouor mensurcs nro In mm emt-rit rtth uiih it.. .ntltiiil'.n nn,l wILii tb-i lirtliclole Ution hb'li tbls liepiibilo was founded tor tnc pi'oplo. wh-urr th I'nn-mtiiUoii and contlta l nnl Min. dplca are viola wl-as In llm oulragi-ous conspiracy I Or mo. o muivii mm iiui. . i"i- I ..." tho rruilJclitM imcc, wbero be ftlll rct-aliis It spciks out tor lliiili;lit I halls iho snn'rt Id aot lllllt'11 UUCllll'. into ll-l.i- iu.iv v 1 tin Mid liit la'ry curniM llmlieaity bat rnt at rim-alt. tralrii HaJ liUtntiuyri'otaUaoriHnndslr.i's. ItlioiifitiitlJ-'iriiitlut hatred tot. lei In I hi) )enr isra, lititn In 87. 1 i , or iinyyeur Rone liv llw r-iiinililfonllnu tuihln'j on lliotrlcki-a with tin- IBltlialediirigi'in. at. . , ... . wnnrt tii,viriimMhe mHs ioiiluti-imiistiinUy IVopt iH'f' m tho p- tiplo, 'I mi nun docs not proi om to maV Itsolt InHiJa ula,' Mm tit rinelenf. Itiinrt. Ill IS prill to - tor llio men aim m -jiiil-ii mi to u ij. cuiwcrji Iscliklly Willi Hip sH.ilrti.tto-iluy. It Ins I III It II ttl0''liP0U10ii'nil Illi-IIUIIIIT uiniioiii li tvi-'tT era tlipproinpteat, tullcst, n d mM nertiratn Intel. llirinco OI Wliair.rr 111 Hit-i.i'.c "wnu w tuullon. lo tub end tun ri-mmrct'4 li l.mjlns lo well cstablslied proipoilty will w3 uneraliy eni- I1 Iho prt sent dl'Jolnted condition ot pirll- In Ibis country, nnd Iho uircrtalnty ot tno ruiure, n nd nn IexiraorGinar.1 hiniiiuii-u vu inu-,ii,in ,-i u".""i lnir j cur. iho it scuastuns of tho nr as, the U'balet nnd new ot mhirres-i. nnd tbo tno e-i t til .f tin) law WMI8 will rouirol l'tl. hou-is vt onfcrif, the 1 1 en t'lii? fe W.-newof llm fru .anient rtin)iiltr(itton ana uw k, reiii ant Miintii viims vit-ij wu-itsi iH-nltl.yubUJ.rthCOOtf'uuaiun form To'iv.-uiit Itu nccura'y nmi ccnniL-8 tho exact Rlitiationln each 01 its Hr lny phftsos aia to t'xpwinl, Hirtt 1IIC I" HS WCll Miuwii ii I'lnimt, iim uiui-iiit .ui- hnildtfUiaeuAtiruUKhUwIahyitntli, 11 b-iniilm-i.tjriuia urt'o 1 no s im'h irk lor 1S70. wtuvoiliuli.cunsormakinff ihesun.asaiiollM eat. a Uttfiry ant a central iwvs;i tpf;r. moro entrir- I tain lur and moro luclul lluu tcr bcloro i aiiuwo tnran to njpiy mem rrotiy uurr.uef oi suusrripuon rcranin muiiancu. rur tho Dally Hon, a tour iuk eueet iff t.vonty-elKlit col- iimtiu. fhnnrlrn OT mull, nostrtalfl. Is A3 uttits a month, or &&o a jear; or, lacludinf: tUeHumiar paper, un Clgnv Pku Bueti. vt on cummin, uic I'mu Is r3 cent? h lnuhiu, or $r.:o a jeur, postage paid. ThA hunrtAv Lilt Lion of riiQ Hun laalso furnlsueii nnniirntiilv nt. 12II ft PUT. l.nstniTO Haiti. 'iho price or tno wccKiyaun, eicm pase, wiy-sta coUmnt.ts$tnycar, postaK&p.tld. Forclubaotwn Hcnding w we wm scnu an extra cop.v tree. Auurtfw . I. W. ENIILNIJ. Publlaber oi Tho Sun, Few York City, nav. 82-Gw SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY, . Conducted by J Os Hollands The Handsomest Illuitruled Magazine In the World. Tbo AmerliiMn crtltlon of this tinrloulcal is now MOUK THAN 70.000 MONTHLY. I And It has a larger circulation In Knjftand than any ottr Amerlcaa mayailoo. Krery number conUlna about one hundrea an'l fifty paoa, and from ttty to 1 BCeniy-nveoriiuu woou uut uiusiruirms. Announcements torlb7o-fJ. AmontrtheattrnctlonBforUie coining year are the roiiowing: "llAwoKTiis a Benin novui, uv .iirs. rntnuHi if(virj"irm r.iirnrtt. rtuthor or That Lass o' Lowrlos. 1Th) bceno ct Mr a. Uurnctt'a new novel Is laid In Lan cashire : the hero la yountr Inventor ot American I UliiU, -uuwuiui a ' is 1110 luuge&i. aivij m in. uuiuctu 1 has yet wniten. 11 win runmrougu iweivo nura 1 bersottho Moatkly keglnnlne with November, 1&78, 1 ana will U3 prorueiy niustraiea. y lAJUNtJiiitu, a serial novuuoy 11. uajesen author Df Gunnar.M " riio Man who lost hH Naino.' Sc. in this romance, tho nntnor graphically do BCiibea the pec. Hart tics ot Norso Immigrant lite la a western settlement, A bTony iip Nkw uklran by Georgo W. Cable, to iDOrx'gunon mu cnncius-oa 01 "rfticonoerg." 1 nis l ftorv will exhibit tbOibtato ot society in Creole uni- i lytiaiiantrfnit thfi venn 14)1 4-S. tli time of the ces- Ision, ana arcniKi waring-n reinurKaum iiKuiiuas uj the present ret-onstructlon period. 1"oktaitso amchican I'okts. Tht series (begun 1 in Antrustwnnxnepon.uior iiryani) win oec n in- i'p. mm or i-oriLrieuow nDDfariDir in ioveniutr, These portraits are dra.vn from Ufa bv Wyatc F.aton 1UI LIllllHlUDUiunil I1U11I Ut "JUll and engraved y T. Colo. 1 hoy will bo print hrrtteiy on tinted paper. A f rontlsplecea of fi ferent-numiKis. lUUbtratedfikctchDt th j prinu'u Bci 01 iuur u r thnllVRsnf tho p.cts vtil accompany these portrait.!. a new Vikwop Uiuz.t Mr. Herbert IL fcmtln. of rornfU TJnlver.-irv.- acompanion at the laio I'ror. iiartn lri now in urazii. wini sir. .1. wens cnamnner title uriiHt witu oruuiiipaiucu ir juwuru iviuiu his tour throuffii "Thedrent outh1. nreoarlnir Tor bcrlbnerasertesotpHpcrs on tlio present condition tno en in, rivers aim resources 01 mu great einp.ru Ui rouin Aiueneiu x Tim MonNNY Hed" Pafbrb. bv an' ex.Con feder ate" soldier, will be union? the ruciestlcontrlbutlons to scrlbner durng t he comlnir 3 ear. They are writ ten ana uiuhiraieu uy air. Aiion u. neuwooa 01 nam- more, me nrsionne Bencs. 'jonuny ueuuifiay appears muvj rioeinoer autauer.' Terms 4.00 a Year in advance ; 35 cenis a , number. Bubscrtptlonaieeelvcd by tho publishers of t litis p'o--per. und by all booksellers and postmasters. Fer- sonjwish nz to subscribe direct with the uuoitsn ere, should write name, post office, countv and BCate in iuu, aau buuu wim re 1 in 11 now iu cuecK, r. money order, or registered letter to 8CMBNEII & CO , 713AJJ5JJroadway, New Yort. 1879 Eclectic Magazine OP Foreign Literature, Science and Art. TUIKTY-FIFTH YE All. The "Eclectic Msgazlno' reprotlucea from foreign perludlca'a alt those cuticles which aro viUunblolo .raerlciin reatlcrs. Ha Held of selectloD emtirutcs alt the lead inj; fweln He views, Magazines, and Journals ; and wh le the taste a of all ciies ( f our readera are consulted notliin trivial In ctuiraclcr or or merely tauslent lnterc&t U admitted tu Us pages. Us plain lneluaei l-Xsas, Kevle.s, Hlornphlcdl blcetches, lUstortcal IMpers, Travels, Voelry, Navels, and Short. Glories ; and In thy caq ot ttoience (to wnicn mucn space auu aneniion are i;ien), ntihpe cl.il prominence li'allowcil to any particular ilnse of opinion, but place U given Impartially to the most vmuauiu arucitrjuu uuiu muusutiao great maines of &clentinc discussion. The follow intr llsU comprise the principal periodi cals from which be eetloos ure made and tho names of some of the leading authors uho contribute to rxaiODICAU. Suorterly Hevlew rlt Quarterly Itevlew Utuluburgh JteTtew Westmlnbter llevtew Conti'inporary itevlew Autiio ;s. lit, Hon E Gladstone Alfred Tennyson I'roressor Huxley Professor Ti ndall Hlch l'roctor. 11 A F-irtalirhtlv Kevlew J Norman Lockyer, FR B The Nineteenth century Pr W il Carpenter Popular bclence hevlew K B T3 or liucjtwooas Aiagazino CurnhUI Magazine Macmtllan'u Magazloo Fraser's Magazine New ourtrt Magazine Teuipfo liar Itclgravla (lood Words London society Saturday Ho view The spectator, etc, etc Prof MaxMuller Prof ewior Owen Mauhew Arnold KA freeman, DOL James Anthony Prouda Thnmas Hughes Anthonv Trollopo uiniora lilack Mrs oilpbant TurgemeH MI33 Thackery. etc trrt 13 frequently remarked that In England the bot of literary talent Is being dheruxl from the writing ot books lo contributing to the iorlodiaUs. Tho Lclectlc garners tho choicest sheaves from this I ItU UU LSI, UrttEL Knokivings. Hach number contiilnsnnnn steel engraving usually a portrait-executed In the best manner. These engravings are of permanent idiuu, uuu uuu juuiu w vim uiiruuiiveiiess oi llie magazine, TRMs:-Slngle copies, 45 cenU; ono copy, one year, til flveeonles tit. T'e tril Rniisrrinifnn rm- three months,$l. The 'Eclectic and any u magazine w vunuuiucao. 3. i UDUtUVIICC UJ UII Mi UM. Tl lf To. E. It, PKLTON, Publisher, 20 Hondiitret, New York, Wide Awake for 1879. The Pictorial Magazine for Young FolU. ' -ELL Faiuun, Editor, ta w a Year. rroo of Postage. It U oonceded'on all bides that Messrs. D. Lothrop &Co. Ua?e splendidly 'accomplished what they set their hearts on a few j ears ago, vli : to make a mag. aitne absolutely pure in its influence, unrivaled fn" 1U l Uirary merit, beautiful artistically, and then furnish u at a prleo to low. that people could afford to take it.J , T1I1IEB JOLLY SERIALS. The Dogberry Bunch. A story of Seven Merry Children; who faced the .V.IM. - i'iwi uui. always nanTinir in a OuncU." By liary Ilartwell Catlierwood. I'rofuse ly lllustratled by Mary A, Lathbury. Itoyal Lowrie't I Ml Year al St. Olave's. A Jolly atory of American school boy lire, llv .11 ac nns MerrUieallierauthor ofJi.K General Misunder.' standlnif,'' Illustralcd by Sllss L. II. Humphrey. Don Quixote, Jr. The adventures ot WrMUUades PeWrkla Taut on his steed "Uoutrluiuts." Uy John llrownlotin. A tun ny awry written ciprsly for the Mltlo Uoysot America, lllustratod with comlo pictures byL, Our American Arl'ult. trirst 6erles.) Paper I., villlam II. Beard, wlih portraits, studio interiors and tnirravlnirs of paintings iiy'H.0 W. benjamin. '"iuium Hie most attractlvo attempt yet mado to Bonular tipartlu tho family ana make children acquainted with our living; American artists and what they are flolnjf, liny Double-page Illuxtrated Doemi. tt7dWHo0pflnSI.'r,BC,; V W- Sam Novel School. AS Ame'rYcaaVmPOrtanl ' " t-ady UWysCooaln(r Class! Tho History of nn John'Ullio?)''',"b00, 1'J"'WJrl;:" Wblte(Mff: . 'H,'TS0 kli" Institution tor Unwind. liyBm Ar ie. Drown lirluhi Short strti-s and roems. Natural HlstoiT Kupplementa, aketeliiB ot Travel in ForelKn lnnds. went MufYo.'io. VUMTCD-'"""' fKfnAm5; i, ii1,"'? "'Vt''"" from tho beat artists, ma knif wide Awake for lain tu tttt andluoSSt nno'iJoMy t?"' 01 our nam. . S, LOTIIItOratCO., HAttatalt, Bute4. it's in yyvr w wiun i1' X " Hurv. thr work PTnna, won n lrtTliifiinutf on ins resiueuinu it; um ui .o-- .mit.ion. ntnnd witliuni liMdlnllic rnflikel. bhpoli lea itluttsirpll.'clniict'. lo tins" t l-mi'iiis I ,h,Jy0u thtiikbest. nfir irHr rnn tin m Ifiltlid nrr-babi m that lh-ra- t lU13 M )0U ulltlK ut Tufmi- vnnn. GLAZING AND PAPltRING WTM. V. nODINE, Iron Street Mow sec- V ond, MCKmsb'irg,l,a-.,lirtt'Predtoiio an iinaa oi PAINTIN'O, aiiA.iN(, .anil i . . I'AI'BH ITANOING in the bent stylea, al lowest pri-vs. Wirt at short notice. fartlesliavipff sucti wcrlr lo do ntll sno nmbei calling on rae. . Ml work trntfiJ.toirH. eetltaitiov soil tfd Oct. I. ISM. P4 Mnth strcf t rutfctmrg, tiec'16, 16M. tA.Kl tllflIIL'II Jf f! ' ii. nil. .m! tt . nup rinlntji IirVp plVell thtlro P&t I unction. ! ha' e iifed tliem 6n a pood man dllTer- ont kiiuK ,r nrtr. such s Irnti. T h m owl, l nn,, i,i.p iii.irrt nv coinPlalntP. on thft con- nil rnr wmtr. wiuni un are use nwiaprtfnllv ti.im m nt) i v Talnterand iXV.etln ralnts, ttls, &c MHICTLV TUHK WHITE JXAP, AT THE LOWEST MaKKBT KATKS. l MONTOUH .SLATK PAINTS, 8 CENTS. MONTOUU METALLIC WIIIT& 8 CENTS. MONTOnil METALLIC miOWN, O CENTS. -Otr UOLUHS AT THIS 1'rllCK. PURE LINSEED OIL at lowest mnrlict rates. ."amnio cards nnd trice list furnished without I charge. Orders and Inquiries by niall-wlll receive vrompt I anomton. HENRY S. REAY, MANUFACTURER RDPERT, i'A, MOYER BROS. WHOLESALE AOENT8, BLOOMSDURO, I'A Mays, w.-iy.. UKXLEH 1M Silverwaro. 'Watches.Jewelry.Cloeks.&c, W nomoed to tlio 1'ost OIUco bulldln'', llrsfdoor above the Kxtinnge Hotel. All klndi'nf Watches,. cionkB and Jewtlry neat ly repaireu aun warrantcu. may it, 'js-tr GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES! Wo will sell tho Vary Best ramlly Bcvring BXacblno For Twenty-Five Dollars i.v cash, on an ornam'ntcd Iron Stand nnd Treadle, with walnut top and drawer, nd necessary Attachments and deliver It at any lUlToad Depot In tho United Mates, iree of Charge. These machines nro warranted tndo the wholo lino of Family hewing with more rupldlty.more ease ot management, and lo-s fallirue to the operator than any machine now In use. t-end for a circular, ETcry machine warranted for thrive j ears. Agenti wanted in Un:ecupied Tcrritoy, Centenninl Afachino Co., Liinited TW Filbert Sr., I'nininsu-nii, Pa. Oct 4, ns-em. S. W. Douglass, Civil tfid Mining Engineer, ASHLAND, PA. General Snrvejing and Engineering Business attended to with Care and Dispatch! I am prepared to make drawings, Plans and Models tn Wood, Brass, Iron, or the abovo materials combined as necessary of Bridges, Mice!, Ereaiers, Buildings, Engines, PUMPS, and all kinds of marntnersfor us of cases at o.urt or for applications to secure ratfota. Patent. Hecnrcd march 53 6- IMPORTANT TO YOUNQ JVIENT c3c WOH2EHI The Bryant & Stratton Business College, No. 108 SettUi 10th Ctract, MH&i'i, Offers uiisurpuHfrnl nicllUlea lorucqtUrlsifrp yiiglneas edit. c?"on . Sn4inte cam cuter lUuatratcd clrculura tree, aUB.W,.'T-8.w Akl r Tim lufEit is on H,r. with R DWELL & pHtSiWAN - Advertising Agenls, TMIWH4 aJHrsiNUT 1T8 t, t.ou a VIHJT1NO OAlilis. LKTIKK HE A lis, VILLUEADH, POaTKHS, ko ju, Netlj nd Ulieipljr printed t tit Oolum. biah Office. 'rd. WM K BUlllNE iBMhiMMITiir immr ll IVWm', .n-1 tin It (iri'cK am tradlcnteil, K1G!!r!aituiivV''i! ! .fiMi.i.ri'coiKji" i"'" r tVraral." Karra ri.it arrclHaaA WM IhTilliai! If vo.l f el lluli, irowr dl'1 Ibtali'd, liftfO ahllnT ,r.i rUn. r,i'.llm llh-brnn Iv.nioti nn U Q , Iwlv. rrriiiinit lic'iSiilio ft liar "t tW'l,V S '', ?illi,lowilrlli,aiiHl9'ii'rronr.oillnslrrMliirr r, 'rll!-i fnit ilire f i.aipl. Jwl aro fultcrln lin"! l.lVre "omrilf inly lyrt eflljfM irpil loui. s ru ratlr ' Itairci er C'oa"ipllon. II bis nlonlMict llie "'' Ileal laeid'r.."'! "iln"i W,ni',fvTO li llii. rrcntc.t nail kal il .ctmry of llie aae. l.ll-l it lurn i S?" t'Ut" .1 fmiali.. II atfi nitlin Ui. ) in m a"rarl3ealk.Mal. to I I by ilnintlMfc li. rii:lll i:, l. II. I'roji'r, World'. niKMarr and lurU 1.' HoUl, Uullalo, ,N. 1. a A.lat1 A . .M.i.itn tvanaMi.tf .1I1. RSt i var tr.er.'.ti.!SllCly'' "'." "j1' 1L V. I'tritilUI.'li.- t'liu'""' orhl'" ipeMnr and luvallJ.' Uylil. lluirjlo..N.. CATARRH ' achcOWIUiri'i.' fJllllW Int" Uinfjv aonwlllima lin iu-v, . niucoua, punllciit, nfft'n"lvr, tl?. In outers, ft nrynesi, iiry. w i v':;':i nStoiicIflSitlim sfKrciSncr"; fc"r of iiio4S irmntoms are llkdy (o Lo pn-wut 1" "' .'hbc at vno time. ' DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY . .. . t(,n wnnf rn04 rfCtt.iril. Siav Ik MltlOliI, or lr Itirappltol I) "?u"; "Jl'' 1'lrllCE 1 lloiiclic. ill u 11 lli fniri"! ' '". ".S Rt' lafuilcd ; lll. . laic 1. Ml .III loo can . o "tu ir mr nirunil nia.it musjps. "iV.'.J'lVL iJ'.'V'.iT bi rs or cal ilea cnininiinirauiw ' H. nn.l nlprr. rrrniiLIlt V vixlvt, an I nclll Villi 11 die rafirrlul dltclmrro n nrraliy procwi".. n 11" iccVmnanylm each InalnibienL .V.'FL C, :.rrh llcnitily curn rircnt att.Hl.t fr.!,,lfc''1. ,n, 11,0 l'.3hyn r arnillfUlima. It Ij lull Inrrl l'1"1" "n 1 la mv ItllaliW II? ttronsnr faw.ll i'riij it Si J,ii i ',1 Vl, !: ni'.lv :.ll I V' In I'l. arid br One- ii..11'ii:i-r.-V., - it.vM'j '.".' J ptusary and lnla:W' llulu, LjTAIj, 1. ' aug. so,,' 8 'TllOMlSlll lUliriHH ALUMrlUHMVW THE RED FROiiT, 1 i. i.'i ..... . . ,! ayEO'YEiS' BLOCK, BEALEKS IN TEAS, OANMn) FUUIT, OZOAKS, TODACCO sivurr, OONPEOTrONERY. Spices of all kinds, Qlcza & &uccr.sware FINE GROCERIES, Foreign and Domestio Fruits, AND OltNEHAIj UNR OF Family Provisions i itbdOor brfow Market Btrcet, Dloomrturtr. I'a, lir-'(iocdH(JtU.i.itU tfiul( iltcl ILttottn otrf7iftfbr nrw IttrtHdtvniiOrfoT wproriments on oUota for ft erf t cal or uthtr compound t.trafy nnrl$ and label, r.frcrtf, A6qnment, Inter ftrtzce9t,jli)peiUt Fuit$frjnrfnpemenht .trl nil cattiarisi na unilrrtheJ'att nt I.tttrx.nrAmnt, lyjittrnttfrl iti .Imwulioim that haf been ly in j'tiunt Of Ju' man still, in in net citMtM. h viUtiiUa by tn, Lany viiosite Ve V, ft. Patent Department, and mgngrtl in inttmt Ivtineti tx tluiititi, we emi tnuka closer gcarrhes. and tecure Pattnta more promptly, and with Irnmltt claims. iiriffintiw Tpn.i nrrrmnr rrrtm wasningion. lift J umw voitr itcrtcet c wine cxaminauona anaaavtso tiato puttntaciillty, free of charge., All corves pond 'cvvn tt rtctty iu fiUtitiaU iVcff oii, unA AO HA UUU C.V- We refer in. Want, not on, to IUm Postmanier General D. Uf Kn, Per. r. 7). PofSr, Tc Gcftnw , American Xattonal Jiiinl. fa r&claU iu tie V.S. Patent UJUce, and to .Senator and .Virc entatttet in Conarna: nnd tapertnlf; tn'nv relief tf in ectry ttolt in tht t'uijin tfrti In t'ttvat'a. Ai'rta 1 Ho Poet W'liltiler calls It "n complete siiccehs." "Acts upon the n ador Ilka n toiilc Tlio edltirlal detriment is cspocitllj' s'.ronj." 1 Uoston Tran script", "O&ntlnues lo liolit ita place In the en- front of Ami rlcan inntrazlui s, feiv or men. in.u u it in abllt ty und nirio of wlilcli liavo cruuter jorlulualliy und trcanness.I-'umluycliool Times.'; SUNDAY AbTBRNOON A Monthly Magazino I'OI' 11)1' Ifotlal'lltltd, Prestntlns only original uuitcr. i(U.il In llterair merit tlio Icadine wulnr nuntlilts mid anMalim to InotelLtuus puss n ri lnllon Hmllar to their to tlio secular prvlf. It ulins H, bnvo In all its esi-ajs, aeruii atorKs, iwuis, etc., n moral iurioi, itiilie In Ui Fdltor'H Tatilo am vuorous diniusst'itii of nvo relievus tliemes and of ntuhir InplcsfrointliQ. lliiloui standpoint. It It I'rcemliienilv ltradable,and niHa f Uico occup'ed by nn other pul Ileal Ion. I tin melon on I'ractlc.il l'liilnhllipipliy. Fiction, both M"rl,il and bliort Morlee, and Hook Kevlcns are bpcclal Feature?, lis uiili'lliiifur XncliHla Prot; tl. P. Fl.hfr, Kdward Halo, I'ror. K A. Walker, Xebccu . Uuvls. lev. .lames F. ClarkP, Horace K. .-cuilrter, lev.lir.A.P l-eabidy, lioie'lerry Uooke, llev. Dr, J, T, Tucker, Mien iV. 'iney, Uev. U W. naeon. Sarnb O. Jonelt, llev. Ur. K, Ai WaxUburn. Sp. cliil Oiler, It win be sent for ono j ear for 0 IH pnitar Pild to thosn vfho subscribe pJU IlKlUHEiuuuaryl,lt;s, . DUUl"uo I" Do not fall to act promptlj 'tf j ou wish to ac cept tha special offer, U.coajear, postasepald. Bend cents for spec, tnten copy, bUNUAV AFTKIlNOdN. nov.ss.ta. Sptmgneld.Mass. Ucan rrake rroney faster at work for us than at au qiinif else Capital noi required; we. will Mart you. fix rr day at home made by the Industrious. Men. women, bO'8 and trl'ln want.ri nt.ri.hnu ,. .. n.i. , .... ' r.r.. ' time Costly outrli and terms freo. 'iddresHinfs t Co,, Auitusta, Maine. March sa. f y JXECUTOU'S NOTICE " tSTlTI Or JOUN SaViQI, PECIISID, f avat-e late of Jackson unroship, Columbia county. l'uiinnvlvnnlA. rt.nfi., h... in ......... z. ...... '! I.ncleror7aircnTmJ'7S'r.,,"'r,u utpr. All persons Saving claims against the .'SSJ?.,0'.11.'?. Uect'?c"t ara requested to present them tor settle went, and those Indebted to the e- WrVSCtr" 10 un,lcrs,lfl'11 tocctt: PELLETS.m o o om HE WHITE SEWING MACHINE TIC llEUT OP AM,. Unrivaled In Appearance, Utpar'alleki in Simplicity, Unsurpassed in Construction, ' i Unbrecedcntcd in Popularity, And Undisputed in' ihe Broad Claim. arstatHt , VCRV nitST OI'KRATINO OVXCIttlST SlabUKOi IIANDSOMEUT, AMD Host Perfect Sowing Kaohlno IN THK WORLD. Th area t rmutartty ol lh Whlta Is lh met cen. ttnclng tribute to ll cuccl tnc. end mp;lorll over oilier matrilnes.anil In suSmllllng It loth, trade we put II unon Its nfl!J. and In no Inilance, has It e.tr jet tailed to tallttj onj recommenoallon Inltllarar. The demand lorthe White has Inertajed le tuch in extent that wa ate now compelled to turn out Jl. Complete Co-wlnrj Moelilaa o-ver-r t3oxco sxl.ia.tc3 lai tnei aay to ovxpply tlio cloamei ndl Ever machine It warranted lor 3 years, end told lor c-th at liberal discounts, or upon easy payments, to suit the convenience ol customers. waoii3 WAirain nt raocctroip ntsiiosi. WHITE SEWINQMACHINE CO., tt 368 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. J, Saltzer, Agcut, nTjOOiMSHUltG, PA. Oct. ili, 1818-l'm RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE -5 jOHTIlKltN CETKAL, UAil.WAY WINTER TlMK TAUI.E. On nnd ntlor Pund iv. November 10. 1.76 .tho trains on tlio I'hl ado t"" Erie Ita lro id Division will rim as follows : i WrTVVAt!D. F.rlo Mall J- avc- rhin.ti li liH " ' " Hnrrliburi? " " W1HI.1M port " ' Jersey -nor " " Lock Haven . ltenovo " arrive at Krlo It S3 p r,i 4 31 am 8 35 u 111 u oj i in 9 40 n m li o n m 7 r p m T so u in 10 o u m 2 ll p ill 11 a u tn 11 41 u in s as p m 1 S3 m s 4U p tn Nlairara Eiprebsleavesl'lilladclphla nai iiauuiK . " arr. nt llil.un-.port , " l ock Haven Fast Lino leaves Philadelphia " Ibiriltburg !' arrive nt vyt llamiuort ' " Lock llnvcn EASTvVAIII). racltlc Kxpresi leaies Lu I; tinvn c 4(1 nm 7 14 a in 7 si a iu II 5 n i.. B ui p m 11.20 iv ni '2 40 l ia 4 111 ill " ouri'i ri,jrii ' ' MUtlamsport " arrlio at-llarils'iurff ' I'j'l-id.'lplila Day Express leaves U i k I laven A iiiismapurt .V orrirful iniin-ii'ir" PhlUUelthla 7 in p m 8 35 p in 9 43 p in 11 m p in 2 45 a ta 7 ;o a ia Is hs a ui Erie Mall leaves llonovo Loo ILivcn' " tt Wlv art " arrives at ll.irrlsburg " " PlilindeliihiA Fast Lino leaves N PHnni.p'irt arrives nt uurmnitrtf " ' ' I'hlladelpjla 3 is a m 7 40 n m Parlor cars will run between Philadelphia nnd VlUamport on Mastara i xp ess wo-t, Cite prtiM west PlilU'lelphll Kvprenct t, luv Etpren iat and Sunday xpreM cast, gleeplnv cara.ou all talylil trains. W.M.A. nMnwm, General ittipt. NOKTHKltX CEXTKAL MAILWAY COM PA NY, on and nf if r November 20th, 1S73, trains will leuvo Snnbury us follows; NOItTIIWAltO. Erie Mall 6.S0 a. In., arrive Elralra II .1 ' Can,iudnlua . 3.S5p. m KCH'lK'flCr...... t.16 " NUfara ,., 9 tu Itonovo accommodatlorill.ltia.ia.krilvfYlHl.ini port 12.55 p.m. Elinlra Mall 4.15 a. m., arrive Elmlrn 10.20 a. m. Ilutlalo Express 7.15 a. ni. arrive Buffalo .ni h. ii BOUTlIWAltl). linrralo Express 2.60 o. m. arrlt e Ilarrlsburg 4 m a. " I'.alilmorcs.iu ElmlraMall 11.15 a. m., arrive IlaiiUburt' l.eo p. n " Washlngtou 10.ee ' " naltlmorc 0.8O " ' Washlnstou 8.80 " Uarrlsbure accommodatlcn e.40p. m.nrrlie Harris burg iu.50 p. ui, arm 0 llaltlmore 2.25 n. m Washington M3 " Erlo Mall 1 J.53 a. m. arrive narrlaburg 3 os a. m, " Iiiltl more, S.40 " " Washington 10.15 ' All dally except Sunday. D. M, BOYD, Jr., General Passenger A?ott A.'J. CANS ATT, Oeueral Manajir piIILADELI'HA AND 1IEADINC5 KOAU ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGEI! TKAINS. NOV. 10, 1878. TBilNS LE1TX BtTXRT AS FOI I OWS(f TNDiV KXCVPTII) For New York, Philadelphia, Heading, PotlsvUle TAmaqua, ic, 11,45 a. m ' For Cataulssa, 11,45 u. in. 7,21 and 7,(5 p, ni. For Williams port, 6,23 9,05 a. m, and 4,06 p. m. TKAINS FOR KCPX11T kAVX AS FOLLOWS, (SCrlllAf II CHrTED.) Leavo New York, 8,45 a. ra. Leave Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m. Leave Heading, ll,tsa, m., Pottsvllle, U,3 p. ra andTamaqua, t,4Jp. 111. Leavo Catan lssa, 0,20 8,60 a, m. and 4,oo p. m. Leave Vllainpori,9 45a.m,2,13p. in. and 4,50 p,m Passengers to 1 Ld from New York and Phllad 1 phla go throug j ithout chuuge ot cars. J. E. W GOTTEN, General Manager. C. O, IIANCOC1C, Ooneral ncket Agent, Jan. 14. i'7-I!. D ELAWAKE, LACKAWANNA WESTEHN ltAU.IlOAI). BUX)MSltUR(i DIVISION. Tlme-Tablo No. 89, Takes effect at 4:30 A. U MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1878. NOUT1I. STATIONS. SOUTH. aleilililH p.m. p.m. a.m. so 4 la 9 18 a ta 9 17 9 37 9 08 9 3D 8 58 3 Cl 9 21 8 61 S 48 9 19 11 II' 9 14 19 41 19 ,4 8 83 1 SO 9 04 8 13 8 10 8 44 8 23 3 20 6 65 8 II 8 12 8 47 8 01 3 04 8 89 7 61 2 51 8 28 I 88 2 89 8 17 I I 111 8 12 111 !Si 8 00 7 18 T 14 I 10 HI t!4 7 44 6 68 1 67 . 7 38 60 I 61 7 83 ' (1 45 1 45 7 99 17 1 37 T 11. IS I 0 110 t 00 6 48, a.rn. p m. p.rn ....Kcranton. ...... 9 35 2 10 ia 9 16 0 SO 9 45 IU 95 ........ ueucvua..... ..Tuilorvlllc ... .,iLCKawauuii, l'liulon. ...... West I'lltstou lit m !ll ( 2 44 6 45 2 411 1 60 i 63 e 65 2 57 0 59 9 61 , Wjouung....... Hi 07 Jlallby .....Heiuielt....... ..Kingston. in is 3 5 1 10 .... Kings tou 10 BJ 8 16 I M P1 mouth Juno., ....l'ljinoum Avondalo ... Nantlcoke .llunlockU reek. 10 I is 7 iS 7 S5 10 15 3 16 3 21 111 34 3 2ll 7 41 10 42 3 86 8 4 ...Shk'kahlnny.,..ilO 65 3 60 a v 8 45 .... Hick's Ferry.., 11 07 4 03 ....ueacu uaven., 11 13 4 10 8 6 4 18 9 OS 4 t'5 I 15 4 9) 7 4 33 I Sll Herwlck 11 91 Briar frock..., ...Willow drove.., .,.Llmo Hide..., ,Mpy, It 89 4 42 I l .lllnnmuhurir 11145 4 49 Si ..Itupcrt II 6 4 66 8 ii latnwlvtui Hridm.. 11 M a O'l S 6 12 18 6 lb S 21 Cliulasky, .. .....niiieron uw . 13 43 5 43 i p.R, .p.mt e,.m, p.m. p.m. a-d W. V. ItAL-IfEAI), SUpl ,mnnr14tAodaat'aiiiro( irvifi..li:of 'e. npf TP business you CAn etigage In. A 10 1 tilo, V I tier day madd iiy iy noikerof eluir I sex, right In ttielr own lKalHI''S, Par tleuUrt and. samples worth 5 tree, Uonrovojour spate time at this business. Add ess p-riNnaNA; 0., Portland, Maine. inarch 93. 14- v w'cek in j our oti toi n. t-i outnt tree Vvu ,r,e,it pay all t e time they work, write for pariitularsto II, lui.tsr A Co., Portland. Maine. TOY FUL Nawa for Coy! and Olrlall J Yuuiij'aud OMII A NEW IN. VENT1UN iiut ratantad for tliem, for Horn, usaj Prat aad Scroll fiawlair. Turning, Boriaf, LlillUiig.UrUaluii, PuliihUif, Bcraw Cuttlat. 1'iioa f S to too. aBsrHgj.) Band B ctaita for 100 . 'IIRAIU UROWN, UwaU, Maat. Jaa.l.tMvr Sxulor,BWft.5. A0T, t, lITt-lIrT