THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUllG, COLUMBIA COINTY, PA. Agricultural. V Inter Kultmlns Live Stock, Tbo time has come when farmers are be ginning to rtsk themselves what slock th-y hall buy to fel this winter, It li ImprAo tlcable, timl In my opinion unprofitable, to summer as much stock as. should be kept during the winter, to consume coane fodder ud coarse, grain that should be fed on the farm. Sheep and young cattle aro general' Jy preferred theep especially, becauw they will work up more coarse feed than any oth er stock Into valuable, manure, nut there Is not always profit In sheen, and the i.robable Ion prices fur pork and other meats make ,,t u i r . iiiiiusi. uuuui o'Jiur gutm mruicrB iceu i t,.n ...... .....r,.. rt,,,rBu,Mj c.nj "iHiir wiin-1 .,.. ...1 ... it. , i v. '. . t. . t i.i I n, ,..u..v. un'i r, aam one oi mem to mo n rear or so airo wlien II flatntl him hnw m,,l. .nnn.r ..1.a n I nsKCU him now much money value ot corn nc nan leu some lat steers l was looking at. i inano n nuo never to sell auy rorn or oats sometimes i get pay lor It, tint ntlener not. .. .... . . i What I raro mnt fnr I. In nlv otilm, 1 vvuai i care most lor is in alwajs getting a pile oi ricn manure. anil my land isconstant- ly crowing more productive Not many! farmers have the courage- tu follow this pol- , icy, jet whenever they do, such farmers are . I,, i , , . - , , .. . i thu wealtlilot and most successful in their neighborhoods. This Indicate, that more money Is lost from half crops grown at great . . . - 1 p I labnr and .expense in summer, than from I . ,... I. - 1 1. . i . , I jni ,nwj u, nun tuurao Kriu r...i . .. it I. .... li.... ..... i hiuib iuuv boiuh reiuru, fhnnth Kmall. f. tw.f irni fmm wlnf I n, aud till', with the manure, is worth more than the full price of coar.o grain in money ' 1 ITnthinhtndttf lltirA ( tiinrn t-ntn inflinanttl from fattening animals tnan from growing I .t r rr. , . . , ,, , mein. me increase in a luuy grown am- malis mostlr carbon tho cheaneit and most abundant element of plant (nod But in making bones, wool and milk, there are largo loaws of phosphate of lime and nitro gen. 'In England r.irmcrly this.uct was re cognized In the place of nulmuli. A full grown animal sold fur more per pound be- r,re fattening than afterward. Here we think ourselves very unfortunate if the fat tened animal does not bring one to two cents per pound mora than before it has been fed' One cent per pound increase in price makes, with the gain in weight, very fair pay fo feeding sheep. Hogs make, less manure for the value of their food than auy other animal ; but what they do make is of tho best. It Is generallv claimed that hoes maku morn flesh from the nmount of grain than any other animal yet I'doubt whether at th present low prl ccs of corn hogs pay for the grain they eon- sume In most farmers' hands. One trnub'i is that much of the grain is lost br waste fulness In feeding Bushola of ears of err thnwn into a mixture of mud and manure will not fatten hogs rapidly. As the wheth er becomes colder the waste will be, areater It seems more wasteful to feed soft corn to cows or other cattle because so'much is void ed in the excrement, yet X believe. It will pay better especially if fed at this season to milch cows. Our late falls, last year and this, are leaving cattle in pasture long after the her bage is exhausted. There is little growth of any grass after the middle of September, and usually before October closes, cows will shrink in their milk unless fed something in addition to what tlioy can find in pasture Sowed corn is the natural anbstitute fur crns- during.lhe hot dry whether nf Antrim A' this season, as odd and tnlu pinch 'h r they need something nior. -iilista- tlnl Soft corn and small nubbins coin- in as tin moat natural and bet supply liny Small Trees. Nurseymen usually deerilip tr e in thiir catalogues as 'seromd clues' inediuin,' 'tlrs. class and extra.' Tim din'ereiiiw in thesp classes Is principally, If Jnot wbollt, iu tin aixe and height of the trees: and us meat farmers desire the best they suppose that the large 'extra' trees merit that description, and hence order thera. The fact is, however, that's small tree will grow faster and (if a fruit tree) come into bearing condition soon er than a largo one : and, as the New Eng- tana jiomeneaa states, in nan anzen years the tree that was small when planted will be larger and finer than any other. The lar, the larger tho roots which it has, and the lets fibres there will be upon them, A tree that has plenty of fibrous roots will grow readily if proper care is used in transportation ; but no amount of skill can coax a tree to live and flourish which is destitute of these little fibres. Tho roots ot large trees are always more or less mutilated In the process of taking up, while small trees sustain little injury from this source. Deal ers in trees assert that experienced men buy small, thrifty trees, while those who are lusi starting are anxious forthe largest to be had. Those who are to set trees the coming sea son will do well to learn from the exper ience of those who, at considerable loss to themselves, have demonstrated, that 'small trees are the ones to buy, llw Farmers Lose Money. By not taking one or more good papers. , Keeping no account of farm operations, paying no attention to tne maxim that 'a stitch in time saves nine,' In regard to sow iqg grain and planting seed at the proper time. Leaving reapers, plows, cultivators, Ac, llnajipltprprf from thp, rnln nnH thp. hoa re .. ii.,.,. tuo buu, wure uiuiivy 19 ioBt in mis way an Dually ttian most persons would be willing to oeneve. Permitting broken implements to be scat- , , ,1 . ,t .1 . ititw vi iud laiui until tuey are irrepara ble. By repairing broken implements at tbe proper time, many dollars may be saved a proor of the assertion that time is mon ey. Attending auction sales and purchasing all kinds of trumpery, because in the words of the vender, tbe articles are very cheap. Allowing fenees to remain unrepaired un til strange cattle are found grazing in the meadow, grain fields, Or browsing on tbe fruit trees, A Knowing "Court." An anecdote is related of a court held in Kansas during the past year, which we re gard as tho richest in ita line of any that baa been recorded, and give it to our reader as nearly as we can recollect it. The case on trial was for the saleof liquor, The principal witness was singularly ob tuse ; and though confessing to havingnfade purchase could not for the life of him tell vjbatthe article was. The mast ingenious questioning would not bring it out. At last the attorney asked him, 'How did It fa-te, 'I d'no 1' Here 'the court' interposed, alleging that to be an improper question, anoynquired of the attorney why he put such an Interroga tory, 'Well, your Honor,' replied the attorney, 'I was unable to mate the witness tell what kind of liquor be bought; but I (bought that if be would teli bow it tasted, the court would be able to determine for iUelf 1' The bit was too palpable ; aud not even the solemnity of the place or the cause, was sufficient to suppress the mirth of tbe audi dieti c. OILES' I LINIMENT IODIDE AMMONIA. Cure all I'nlii In Alan nntl Hciist TESTIMONIALS! Proiaiucs Utbki (Falltnir ot the Womb.) A Won- ?"'.li',?i;r,!.1S? Kil'lll W ".SSK JK.? ter doctor, went to tho different hospitals wh-re to- Itnatrsaro treated! incdlhi-m all) wore bandages nnu iHwssvrics wiin only temporary reuii. uer urn was miserable. Wh applied Dr. (lies' Unlm.nt. nor relief was Immediate, Mio Is now well. li. mcDkhuott. 40Westmhs!rvet,New York. ! had twelve stroU-i or PuraiisLs. Mr leir.arm HIIU I lUUC wprif J WIUV UUllfUU IU USU U UHIII- cter c;ry doy, jito,' ones- liniment lotlldeof &Etft iic may k SrT ' ""ium"' johs appsi.. now Hranfora, conn. unc.sinuL l I. rnuanp nnia. jvnru a, n. w.M.uiios. u-u.. uoar rir I ntm jour Iodide of -i uwa sour louiue oi i Ammonia Liniment ou Flora Te.i.ple's hind pastern I )ml ,, , aul, Umo', lnc wa, wum now iiiuui veu. vcrj a. wuxn. ".-t auinow using It on Littleton's right tore a largesuoo boil on a valuable younir horse was removed oy uues' unnnem louiao oi snimonm. simrniRD knipp. A,T1111.Th0 fifffiet and8'.m ?2dured for ?' J"'ar8! ,noS. hnt "'0,16 wh0 have sutlered with thl Lnrnblfl fHnen.i can know. 1 r lira was ml-cra- Me. in desperation 1 ineil Olios' Liniment loiideo iiuinuma. II. kuvo luq iiimuuv reiiei. lwuuiu terualiy as well as externally . i huh. ttKAiiiuAn. HI west SIlll street. How VorR, I waa In a dreadful condition. Julnta anullen. failed to relievo me. ones' Iodide of Ammonia took 'iho'surferrtoltnow Vhvuicu.o them. . roaorca urriiKor another Sufferer cured. blscharred rrom the innaiiiiiatory rheumatum lu mi shouldera, Qnitcra land reet ! aurrered rearruuv for tnreii ean. tried everything, lont all hope. Dr. HUes' Utilment loO- 1,1001 ammonia enectea acompieiacum Ki.lxm mmi. No. 79 Trano street. Fall River. )taaa Sprains, splints bruises, Laracnoaa In horses. Giles- Liniment Iodldo or Ammonia la a perfect spe- clila No person who owns a horb should bo wli out It. II. KODENS, 609 Beventh avenuo, New York. Liniment loalde of Ammonia. )t Is unsurpaaaed. and I am surprised at tho many different nuUadlea In whlcli It la ammcab o. It irlTea the utmost aatls- IKUUUU. JonK J. CARTER. superintendent Eastern Pennsylvania KiperUneiv- lai nirin. so c. iind ti ! and In Ouorta at .M. in which there is n (Treat saving. rnai bus k centi . HOLD BT iix DaroflisTa. N. J. HBNDKltSfUOTT, Alft for Bloamabnra;, may 41, 'H- rn.nn great rosnTVE cure; cr t:i ni.tiim, u vu;, NiiitVEw. The Beit Family Medicine on Earth. ainn ttv . -c 1 . 1 to any panon Rffllctod wltn a tflMnio tbu icOnsxB wU) wuta iMTOva point o ! 'haHlx lllanllra. fltiiMitU nH MailfirtntV lulmmedlitta effect npAti th tit;wt!v orruns, whether tmpilrtd b dtMKM or exhMitttd from imjcmriM, 1 lo la. mbu thar twMJTBr fif Hull tlan and Itatrlll03. It L crafUM tu ppotlw, muui dluwtlon, audRlrcsOnaoMt and too to th muscnUr d3 clrculitun; cvtitotn. ItbUnw ttUUi tho Tltal procerM to roowd rciItUT. kJtcra. tar' rtCU ma pnnnM n noia, wuua im uiewaa wie THE ONLY TRUE EEBIEDY 70XL COLDS. It li tiMlMa lo cxpAtUt upon th Tlrtuci of tbls CRIU1 CEJIKDY. irjoa r nuITtiring ftoui Itlliors ATTiCKH, niUTV. UlNbTiriTIUt, KlUMJlf CP-MltTrtiaDlSKAiKa, or nyllordr aiUlnif from Ivrt'QK ItLOCO, get ft bcuw or t ItioUtVS K od Uk It Pr Unviiona zpa wjch bottlo, lo IiiTllia,Oermn,Mpiinlh and French. Ono i:Oon. Utter MnTtoea you or lu tovrlu tian rolamca u)nMKl U A trial of on brttla lnFttroi tw H option la OTOrj tomVt r..u.n Mivmaant fi.ihi ran tohrf tnULSU and remal lonmlcltTlt Hnt clnio tUo ryitera, ticn nwlrj-thcr buildi no. tbtu caiius dliwaM ana oBUulahlng boutb on t permanent, aaoa.odurlosbiiu. . Put up In larea boutee, ao(f Is pkaaant to Uko. f Walker & Bailor Mfp, Co., rrop'n, SUFFERED 30 YEARS. J.IMJ CllyJ Kep4mtwr Sd. 1T i.DMm1l rU HUWDH I llT HIHH IUTIDPI nfinn mv fMt. could Dot VKlk half ft mil. wlthou ntrortsg litm Aboat on Teftrxca 1 fit IndnraJ lo Irr k eotu. of muv t IMlllKXH and am i1a,l tn alita that altaa taklnv luur botUM I iu untlrvljr rami of both dlHuat ua am now anjoyln n oxcUent balih and auugtb, 1 I U lUOUarlV ajQlft-d III I17 HMWIIK, MRS. Q. t, KHiUa, 1M SoaMi BL DON'T GO FOOUJfO AROVKD. li a rt rnlAtliiiiiiioulcIno t eaneooadantt rocotaaand Tll.OBI.llK. 1 bT uaod It lo lay fenafy OAd fcoov otbon wbo bare tried It, anl all pranouoo II iiod Rod nllabu. II don't so loolliu aioond ood dlaappouu yon br maklox no alrd, but II ntloudt to bualnaM nsd oo tompUabM aUot Wburt'iintO It to orot. WM. It. 1IUV11X, ItlfotU4il, L. L OF YEARS STANDING. 1 Mod ono bottl. of TlftODITVKojid con trnthntUr oo tliot It hu eared me of iltBrKesli ud UIUIKHXKbS 0 yeon ttaodlDff. 8. C. HOC M D , UUmo, V.l. lor Sale at 1 J. IDIEITTQ- STORE, Blooiiisburg,, Pa. who Is authorized to guarantee VIOORENB to prove as rcpriuwntvu. Jan.18, IS.-ly. ESPY PLANING MILL. Tbo undersleiiea lesive ot tbpv riaDlng-M1H, Is prepared to Uo ail kluds ot mill work. Doors, Frames, Sash, Bliofls, etc. I made to order on short notice, Satisfaction guar. I anteea. v unua n 1, tu, Ulocm&Ourg, ia. UT.nriATSRrTRn T A MMWRY I U W tUVUaU AVU aiaailUlll, G. A. HERRING T) KSPECTFULIA' announces to tho public i urn i,c una rwjJiiita SNYDER'S TANNERY, (old stand) Hloomsburg, Pa., at the Porks of the Eb- fiy ana uirni eireei rtwas. waun gui uwcripuaaia 01 eather will be made In the moat substantial and workmanlike manner, ana Baa at prices w euit me lraea. The highest price In cash win at aU times be OREEN HIDES of every description tn the country. The publlopat- ronngv in nrHMH:tiuiiy euutiiou. llloomaburg, Oct. 1, 1ST. Xy-AlNWRIOHT & CO., "' ' WHOLESALE GROCERS, , PaitADXlTBU, Dealers In TEAS, SYItUrS, COFFEE, SUGAR, UOLASSES, met, sricas, ticasa sona, tc., Ac N, E. Corner Second and Arch Btreets, nr-Ordcrs will receive prompt attention. U T rISfPEJli' KEPT ON FILE 1 AT THE OFFICE OF, ran 733 Susoy Sr,, PHILADELPHIA, Vb nr our QMiharliod agents, an! wUl rrerlvo Attvcrtlovmraia at uur I.OUXST :A1I UATGft. TRUTHS, HOP BITTERS. (A Medicine, not a Drink,) CONTAINS Hop,, nuchu, ninndrnke. Dnmlcllon, And the Turrst and Heat Qualities of nil other Hitter. THEV OTJRE I All dtseasos of tho stomach, biwels. Wood, lifer kid nets and urinary niyans, ncrvousness,femalo complaints and drunkenness. SIOOO IN" GOLD Iwill lie trnli tor a cao they 111 not cure or help or tor ahjihlns in pure or injurious found In I mem, Ante Tour riruiraUtN fnr linn Hitters and f reo I bools, and try tho Hitters before jou sleep Take iioomcr, Tht Mop Onigh Cure and Vain Rtlitf u lie Vktapeit, iVieM ana liw. raa sua ar movkii brotiuks . tvitim..iv CKNTltAL RAILWAY iv ........... WINTER TIME TABLE. On nhii afipi. RiimiAi. vnvpmbAr lo. lsT.the trains on the I'M ade plita Krlo lta Iro id Division win run as follows i WESTWATtl). Ktlo Mall 1-avcs I' lrhl t 11 a p m 't " llarrhburv 4J3am " " u 1:11,1111 iwrt SMam ' " Jersey ehor 01 a m " " Lock liaicn 40am ' ireuovo 110 am anivrt at Krlo T Ml D m SJIogara Kipress leaves Philadelphia I so a m " arr.atNvnilJiniport leupm ' " Lock llnveu s3pm rast Una leaves I'lillndtlrhU 1143 am innl-buiK tsspm " anli'o at tt I llainsuort ' V in " " I.oekllioen b 40 pin KASTWAUD. raclflc Exjress lea.ea jx.k duv tt 64fiam " llll imsport ' 3'' a in " arrive at llairlsliure it Ma la paiiRJlelphTii s id p m Day Kxpreas leaves Luck Haven 11 no a in VMliumsport 1140 pm ' arrive at li,rrtnur ai'nm ' muadelphta TJOpm Erie Mall leaves ltcnovo P lackllavenl 43pm " " vtliila'isiort li 03 ii in " arrltea at lurrtshurn 11 45 a m " " rhlladelplua 7 10 am Fast Line leaves Vtlillamsport U lis a in arrives at liomsuurts swam l'hlladclnula T40am rarlor cars will run tctween Philadelphia and WlUamport on Magara r xpreas nest, Kris Biprena wt Philadelphia mproas eau. Day Eiprcss east and Sunday Ejpress oast, sleeping cars on all night trams. . . . WM. A. BA1.U.V II-, uencral 8upU ADMINIiSTRATOKS' BALE OP VALUABLE REAL ESTATE! vursusnt to an order lasaed out ot tho Orphans' Court of Celumbtalcountr, the undersigned Admin' I lntratora ot the estate of Isatah Yeager deceaaod I will eipoae to public sale on Saturday, January 11th, 1879, I at ten o'clock a. m., the following described prop- I crtr Tract No. 1.-34 ACRE9 oiianosituaw In Locust towDahlp, Columbia county, state of rean silvanla, bounded aa follows t'On the weat by lands of John ucrnor, on Ihonortnby lands ot John Yea- I arer. deceased, on the south by lands of John nerner, I on the cast by lauds ot Rudolph Yeager, whereon la I erected a large FBAME HOTEL STAND, I with a good Bank Barn and sheds, also a Dwillinq Ilouss. " The above property la located In Slabtown. AU of I the buildings are In a' good state ot repair, and the land tain a high state ot cultivation, which latter I consists ot meadow lands and well suited for pastur ing droves. The hotel stand and buildings above mentioned In tract No. 1 wm oe offered separately with ono acre ot land, giving parties an opportunity to purchase the hotel property without the whole of I said tract No.l.Thla hotel stand Is located on thepub- Ucroad leading from Catawlsaa to Ashland and oth- Ier polnta la the coal regions and Is one of the best country hotel stands In Columbia county, froJa lta locality, tc. Tract No. i, situate tn the totvnshlp of Roaring I creek, bounded as follows : Ueclnnln? at a cheat nut oak a corner of land devised by George Uotveri deceased to Lydla Delrplane and running from thence by the same north two dcgreesleaat, six. ty-elght and .one-half perches to a yellow pine thence by land belonging to the helm of Tenscb I cox. deceased, south elzhty-thrco degreca west thlr eight perches to a corner ot the lot devised aa afore said unto Mary tho same south two de greea west ality-clgbt perches to a stone, thence V; I land of Catharine tiherman ssuth elghty.two and one-half degrees east thirty-lire perches to the place i of beginning, containing . FOURTEEN ACRES, and one hundred and two perches, consisting of woodland well covered with chestnut timber. Tab above traits will be Bold at Yeager'a note). Slabtown, Columbia couuty, Pennsylvania. Tkkms and Conditions or Sili. Ten per cent, of the one-fourth of the purchase money to be paid at tho striking down ot tho property. Tho one-tourUi less ten per cent, at confirmation of sale, and the re maining three-fourths one year thereafter with In terest from confirmation nisi, rarchasur to pay for deeds. M. o. nuuiiKS, 11AHR1EL' YIIAQRR. Uiaa Hower, Auctioneer, Admlulatrators. Abbott Itnlwx. Attys. for Haute. dec. 18, T8.ts Important to Lawyers. Justices of the Peace. Constables. Executors. Ad mlnlatratora, uuardlan, Township officers, and busl 1 uvo9 lucu Kttucfiuiyi We hftva nn hojiil a lAnrfi nAnortmpnt nf lAval blanks for the use of-ttornxra, Ju stlccs and Con-' sutlCB blanks ot all kinds, Note and Receipt books IUr mi".,"" OV, l'HIUE LIST, TTOItNBVS BLANK3. Precipe for Summons. r r i. rn. " " Rule to Uke Depositions. 11 . .. choose Arbitrators. s cents apiece, or 11.13 per hundred. Petition for Appointment of auardlan. " " CltaUnn Rule to tako DepoHltlons. Narr In Debt, with confession, " Aaaumpalt, Mechanlca Lien. 4 cenu each or t3.eo per hundred. Petition for sale of Ileal Estate 8 cents each. ji;hth:kh ulankv. Subposnas, Summons, warranta, EiecuUona, M so cents each. Leases 0 cents each Blue Dceda 10 10 a Parchment Deeds Agreements Orphan's Court Sales.., constables Salca. Mortgage and llond.. AU kinds of Noun tOforfl M s cents each la 1 Keceipta, Not, school Orders. Poor Orders, Store Pi?!S"cilui,.5?I''r- constantyon band,ormade I UIUIOTI UUIUIIIIuUUm), We are brCDaradtO dOIieati.r VihwnrVthonana .HJ, . Ul HIM WIU, Editors and 1'roDiietora Uloomstmrg, Pa EXECUTORS' SALE or Valuable R.IUL, ESTATE! Pursuant to an order ot the Orphans' Court of Co lumbla county, Peansylvanla, the undersigned, exe cutor ot reter iieiwig deceased, late of Cataalaaa, County of Columbia, and state ot Pennsylvania, will eipoeetopubllosalo on the premises la Catawlsaa township on , TUESDAY, FEB. 4th, 1879, Iat 10 o'clock a. m, tbe following valuable lot. that certain LOT OF GROUND situate In Catawlsaa, county ot Columbia, state ot Pennsylvania, bounded as follows i . On the east by First street, (A tee west by (he Susquehanna river, on the north by land of Ed KOstenbauder, on the south by land of Frederick smith and others. Terms and CondlUon of Sale. Ten percent ot one. fourth ot the purchase money to be paid at the strik ing down of the property, the ono-fourUi leas the ten percent, at cooOrmatlon of sale, and the remaining three-fourtlis tnone year thereafter with Interest from confirmation nisi. PAVID I1ELWIO, AbottKuwn. Executor. Slabtown, Ally's, for Estate. Jan. 3, 1-ts PUBLIC 8ALE HAND BILLS Printed at this Office ON SHORTEST KOTIOE ASH AT TUE MOST REASONABLE TERMS. M. C. SLOAN & BRO. iiMtoMHiii'ttn, iA. Manufacturers of Carnages, Buggies Phaeton Sleighs. l'LATKJUM WAGONS, 40. FlrsU'laas work always on hand. IlKI'AIUINtl NKATLY DONE. 1'rlecs reducel to suit the limes. jaa. 6, i9i i-u. BOOK NOTICES. Harper's Magazine. 1879. ILLUSTRATED. NOTicksorTHarRias. ltirner'sMamiilne Is the American MaMMn ainte In llteraturo and In art,'--'li iitn"lrateller." Till-ln't popular -vionuilj 111 uie unv. ... . uoerver.' . It n an excellent compiinrjii rurui. ljlit to ttie mature, a ao'ace for l-;cllnlng ajre.- LimlBVIIlcrouiier.inirnai. , It n im aii.tiir coniilimuirs! nord(K'sn Mrr.Uhlts rail' rs win "ogre-it a variety and so suntrlor a ualitvot literature. Watchman, Uostou." quality of literature. Tt. vnlitm.o Af iIia Incnzlnn hefftn t.lth th" ntlbV . inu niul Iwmlior nf pooh TP;tir. Whon 110 Mm" li "twirled. It w ii iw uorleriiKd tha' the sub- ilber ti-nes vt o'gin hu it mutum-m, i.uwwn Harper's Periodicals. lUaraa's Uanauic, on Year. ,fl on IlAarKR's WariLT, " " lUBraii'aUiiAR, " " Tho Thrkk puhllcatl ins one ear Any Two, onu year- . six BUtncrlnllons. one year , 4 oi . 4 00 , ...woo ...T 00 ... !1 00 Trtrni ror larite clubs turnlshod on application, ffnta.m Fr n to all subscrlb rs la tho United States or canaaa. , nnMKini.G.rrf nNr'i VncAzlnp. now com prllng6t Volume", tn neat cloth blndlnir, will be sentbv oiprnss, freight at expense ot purchaser for 12 85 per volume, bitikio vouiinm, uj litaii, wvi, il 00. doth cases, for binding, sa cents, by uiall, ernitianccs should bo made br Post-omce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy una u" """" wvrnoui tne express i,n-r ,.nT, VnVir Aaaresa uaiuau oiwuid-im, a.. Harper's Weekly. 1879. ILLUSTRATED- notices op Tiir raass. n,a wpaviv rf mfttn p.njitlr at tha head of Illustra ted papers by lta nuo literary quality, the beauty of i, a tvn.. nnrl wnn,lnufjt.-."MnrtniFrlela KeDUbllCftn. IU pictorial attractions are superb, and embrace every variety ot subject anil of artistic treatment. xion H itcntiu, uuiwu. Ti,A u.'aivifl.nntiintairfincvfor the dlssemlna' tlon of correct political principles, and a powerful opponent of Bhams, fraud", and false pretenses, jvemng ifixpreas,-jwcuiibcr. Tho Volumes of the "Weekly" besin with tire first Number for January of each year. Vhen no time Is mentioned. It will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with tne N umber next after tho receipt of his oraer, Harper s Periodicals. nutria's Maoiuxi, One Year .U 00 lUana's Wiiilt, " " 00 Ilaarsa'a Siiik. " " 00 The Tnan pubUcatlons, one year-.... 10 00 Any Two, one year T 00 six subscrlptlons,one ycar..........i 00 Terms for larire clubs furnished on application, Poatairo Free to all subscribers in the United states or auaun. Tho Annual Volumes of Harpers Weekly, tn neat fliniv. hindiniv win iw nont hv oxnross. treo of ex pense (provided the freight does not exceed one dol lar per volume), tor $T 00 each. A complete set, tom- pnsiniE 1 wenfcT.twu ,uiuiu,ui,u ..vvi,. u o.. at the raw of 15 M per volume, freight at oxpense ot ctotncases for each volume, suitable for bindin?, will be Bent by mall, postpaid, on receipt ot 1 oo CHemlttances should be made by Vost-Ofnco Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers aro not to copy this apvertlt IU13 ai,Gi linciiliuv without tne express order of luHraRSusoTi IIEBS. Address HAltPKlt BUOT11EIW. New York. Harper's Bazar. 1879 ILLUSTRATED woricra or tot raxaa. ta iiroQ. nrj.irdin(- to 'llarocr's Bazar will be the aim and ambition ot tne woman ot America. "Bos ton Transcript." As a faithful chronicle ot fashion, and a newspaper ot domestic and social character, It ranks without a rival. "Broonlyn Eagle." This paper has acquired a wide popularity for the flrcsldo enjoyment tt affords, and has becomo an es tablished authority with the ladles. "H. Y. Evening l'oat." The Volumes of tho ''Bazar" begin with the first NumiKrofOa'.uary of each year. When no time In mentioned. It wilt bo understood tuat the subscri ber wishes to commence with the Numbernext after the roceipt of nis oruer. Harper's Periodicals. IliRria'a Muuzink, One Year..-. .f4 ix IUbpir's Wculv, oo Uaaria's Bizab ' " 4 o The Tuais publications, one year,.10 oo Any Two, one year T oo Six subscriptions, one year.. so oo Terms for large clubs tarnlhjd on application, Postage free to all subscribers In the United States or Canada, The Annual Volumes ot "Harper's Bazar," in neat Ciotn ninaing. win uo Hem VJ exprcaa irro ui va pense (provided the freight doea nut exceed one pel volume), for IT 00 etch. A comDleto Bet. comprising Eleven Volumes, sen, on receipt of cash at the rate of 15 as per volume, freight at expense ot purchas er. will be sent by mall, postpaid, .on receipt ot 11 oo each. llemlttances BhouM be made by rost-Offlce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement wiwoui tue express oruur ui umriK & dkotuiiu. Address llAtlPKlt BROTHERS, New York ST. NICHOLAS, Scribair's Illustrated Magazina FOR GIRLS AND BOYS. An Ideal Children's Magazine. Messrs. Scrlbner Co., tn 1815, began Iho publica tion ot sf Nichols, an Illustrated itagazlne ror Ulrla and Hoys, with Mrs. Mary Mapes Dodge as ed itor. Five years have paused Btnce the first number was Issued, and the magazine has won the highest position. It has a monthly circulation ot OVER 50,000 COPIES. It Is published simultaneously tn London and New York, and the transatlantic recognition Is al most aa general and hearty as the American. Al though the progress ot the maeaxlno has been a Bteady advance. It haa not reached lta editor's ideas ot best, because her ideal continually outruns It, and the magazine as swiftly follows after. To-day tiu Nicholas stands ALONE IN THE WORLD OF BOOKS : The New York "Trtbnne" has said of It : "St. Nlcho. laabaarea:hed a higher platform, and commands tor lta eervtoe wider resources In art and letters than any of Ita predecessors or contemporaries." The London "Literary World'' says : ' There Is no magozlnn fir the young that can be said to equal tbla choice production of Scrtbncr's press." GOOD THINGS FOR I87B-0. The arrangementa for literary and art contrtbu tlons tor the new volume the sixth are complete, drawing from already favorite sources, aa well aa from promising new ones. Mr. Frank It. Stockton's new serial story for boys. "A JOLLY FELLOWSHIP," Wl'l iun through the twelve monthly parte, begin ning wttatii number for November, lsl, the Bret of the volume, and will bo Illustrated by JamisE Kelly. The story Ii ooe ct travel and adventure Is Florida and tho Bahama. For the girls, a contin ued tale, "HALF A DOZEN HOUSEKEEPERS," By Katharine D. Smith, wltH Illustrations by Freder ick Ulelman. bertha In tin same number t and a fresh aerial bv fcusan Cooildve, entitled "Eyebrtght" with plenty ufplcture", wui be commenced early Tn th volume. There will also be acontluued fairy-tale called "RUMPTY DUDOET'S TOWER," Written bv Julian Hawthorne, and Illustrated by Alfred Fredericks. About tha oilier fainllhir feat ores of St, Nicholas, the editor preserves a good-humored silence, content, perhaps, to let her five vol umes already Issued, prophesy concerning the tilth In respect to short stories, pictures, poems, humor, Instructive sketches, and the lure and lore of "Jack. In-the-rulplt, the "Very Little Folks" department, and the "letter-box." and "lilddie-uoi." Terms. t3.ou a year ; si cents a Number. Subscriptions received by Ihe Publisher of this Ta per, and by all Booksellers and Postmasters. Per sons wishing to subscribe direct with the publishers should write name, l'ouomoe, county, and state.lo full, and send with remittance In check, c, o, money order, or registered letter to BCltlUNKU CO., I4J Broadway, New York. THE SUN FOR 1879. T e Mm will to w Intrrt cterr dftjr dtirlntr tho ypftr tocomo Its purpoM. wdirw'thod ut tthQMmo s in tho pout i To rrcwnt nil thd nows in n rejifliv Wo nhaiK), and to tell tho trutrj though tbe heareni a . Tno nun nan Dren. ! ann win con inut id im? innr twwJ'nt ot cterviKKHr and eTeryti-lnff mib wi ruthnnd I'n convict ions or dt). ibut Is the ml' poncj worn an iioncsincBmnpcrncra nare i nm w the roltey which has won tor thH ne spHr the confidence and friendship ota wider onutirency in (in was eTcr rmojca lt bdj cmer Amrrifnn wenr hip Min ume cewprarfrrorine noon e. ir mum fortberichnanflualfit the toor inanf or for the poor man atftlnst the rich man, but It orektodo vqual Justice lo all lr.tfroMsln Ihe community. It in not iho organ t'f nny ftrson, clns?, met or party. Thrre neod ti no roj su rr about Ha lov? a and haOa. UH forihe honest mnn atrntnt tho roguca every time. It I for the honest Iwrnncrnt aa nifainttho alshonest HepuM cnn.nndrorthe honest republican aa OKnii'Si luv aisiHtnt'Bi ucmiKTiu it imcs no ioro Its cf from tho utterances of any politician r po ll) Ich1 organization. ltRlvts itasupportunre;wre(1 lywhen men or measurrs aro In agreement with whu no l onsuiuun aou wiin mt iirmciiu iipuii which tlits Kcnuimc was founded for the peuplo. Whenever tho Conaiittitlon endcotiM1tulonal nrin clples are viol i'ed us in the outrngfous coniplracy or frtrt, by which n ruin not elected was placed In the President's oftlcc, where he mil remains It. apeAks out tor thwrk'tit lliatlsihMun'rtld nof inu5t'DUt;iicu. in mis rt'spcui, iuviu vivn w uu chniifa; in ltA prog'Bmmo for 1S78, Tho hun has m'riy earned thehcatty hatred of rascals, frauds and humbtis of all sorts and Mos. it nones to acsf ire iimt naireu nor. icba id ino jenr lftiv.thantn sis. Kai. or any year ptno bv Th9 sun Blltcontluutto8hlna on thowlckcd with un mitt? it ed brlgl.tnea(. ni 10 inn itwsoai oi me nitsi sunt a up ctmsuiDi.r kept before tho pt-ople, The yuu aocm not pmt me to mako itHTlf In '9n magazine of ancient hlsion. It lAprtntfld fiii' thn men .iiid women of tn d,u.Iio&e concern Is chiefly with tho affairs of tn-diiYt It 1ns both thonispoltlon an I the anility loaffoniioimui' LTs ti rom 018 l. miicai. ana most, urcuiaie inier llji-nce of whatever in the wtue world Is worth at tention. To this end the resources bilonjlng to e estab shod brosooiltr will ue liberally tin ploj ed. Tho nrpRpnt rillolnt(d eondltloit of nurtlcs tn this country, anil tno unccnainty oi tue iuiutu, i-'im ua Bxtrnonllnnrv nlirnttlediice frith.) events or thucnin liigyear ino aiscussions oi tne pr bs, iuo j 'uai and acta of Congress and tho movements ot the leaders in evor.t wctlon bf tho Itepub'lc will have a -tirect bearing on tho rreslrtenltal electton ofltt-.o- an event w hich must brereiranled with tho most aux- lous Interest by every patriotic Americin. whatever of lutercdt, tnav bo added (ha orobabtiuv thai nvm ocruts will control both houes of ongrpas, tho In crfiaSlnz feebleness of the fraudulent AdinlLt-d ration nnu iuh oprfuti Dim silt ngiiit'iiing ut a. healthy abhorrenco of f mud luan form. To present lth aecuraey and cenrnos tho exact siuutlontn each of Its vari Ing phases, and to expound, accord Ingto Its woll-Known u etbods. tho prlnclplts that fnouiu gmue;ust lrougn hip iauynnm, tvi w hu hu portant ptrt of Tho wunH ork for tsi. Wo imvo the means of making iho un, as a poll! I r.ila ft lltor-irv and iiHwaniitier. more enter iiuninT ana inoro usciui man ever oeiore i auu no inpan tn iinmv iiien. rrciv oiirru esof subccrlmhrn remain unchanged. For the, luilv Hun. tt four oiife fcheetof twenty-tlht eol umni. tne once en inuu. imjsipiiiq. is uj itlui h, month, or tfiS' a jear; or. Including thesundar paper, an eignt pago Bueei. oi o Jiumus, lai pnuu The Hundav tdltlon of LhSiTTi lsa'no lurnlsuea sennratrn at ft S'l a vear. Lostairp naia. rne price oi me veeKir un, t-icnt paues. uuv-bix columns, is 11 a rnr. nostacre mid. For club-i of ten sending $10 wo win &end an oxtra copv free. Addreaa I. W.BN0t.NDt Publisher of The Sun, New York city. nov ss-aw SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY, Oondnctod by X O. Holland. The Handsomest Illustrated Magazine In the World ,aThe American edition of this periodical Is now MOItK THAN 70.000 MONTHLY, And It has a larger circulation In England than any other Amt-rlcan mairazlDP. Every number contains about one hundred and fifty paves, and from flty to seventy-rive original wood cut Illustrations. Announcements for 1878-9. Amonir the attractions for tbo coming year are the following: ''UAWUHTHS, BVIlill UUIUl, UV IHI. r TllUOtlS tioasou uurnciu aumurui' iimL iass u ixiwrics.' Tho ucene ot Mrs. llurnelt's new novel Is laid In Lan cashlre ; the hero Is young Inventor of American birth. "iiaworth B" is tne longest story Mrs. imrnott nas yet wnircn. it win run uiruugn i.weivu num bers of the Monthly beginning with November, 1373, aua win oo uruiuseiy iiiustraLou. F iLCONflBltO, a serial novel, by II. n. Doyesen author of "Qunnar, ir," The Man who lost his Name &c. in this romance, the author graphically de- scriues uio o.'oiiii,inuu3 ui norso immigrant uiu in wt'HU-rii HeiiieineuL. A KTORV or New OatkANs, by Oeorge W. Cable, to do oegun on tne conclusion or "raiconoerg." -i nia story wui exhibit tho Btate ot society In Creole Lou isiana about tbe years lsoi 4-0. tbe lime of the Ces sion, and a period bearing a remarkable likeness to the present reconstruction period. rOKTRAITSO AMBBICAN t'OBTS. ThtS SetleS (begun m august witn tne porxait or uryaui) win oe coniin ned. tht of LonefcUow aDnearlnGr In November. ThoHO nnrt.raffra ftro drawn rrnm Mfnhv Wvnt.t. icnrnn and engraved by T. Cole. They will bo printed sep- araittiy uo unieu pupnr. ai irunuipiecus ui lour un fercntnumbera. Illustrated sketches ot the lives ot the DueLs will accomiianv theae nortrjitta. nbw viw op Bkizil. Mr. Herbert ft. Smltn, ot Cornell University, a companion af the late 1'rof. Hartt. Is now In Brazil, with Mr. J. Wells C'haniDner (the artist who accompanied Mr Edward King In his tour through "Thertreat i-outli r). preparing for Hcnoner a scries or papers on the present condition the cities, rivers and resources of the great empire UI oouiu Auienciu Tna Mohnnv Kbb" Piprks. bv an ex-Confeder ate" soldier, will be among the racleBtkontrlbutlons to cicrioner aur Dg tne cominir year, i ney are wnt ten and Illustrated by Mr. Allen C. Redwood ot Halt! more. Tne nrstoritio Benes. jonnny tieoat jTay appearain mo nuvemoer numocr, Termi 4.00 a Year in advance ; 35 cento a number. Subscriptions l ecelved by the publishers of this pa per. and by all booksellars and Postmasters. Per sons wish ng to subscribe direct with the Diibllsh- ers, Bhoutd write name, post office, counts and state in luu, unu eeuu wiin ronnuiuic' iu cuecK, l , Q. money o ruer, or registcrcu leru-r to (iCHlUNER A CO, Ttt 4 148 Broadway, New York 1879 Eclectic Magazine OF Foreign literature, Science and Art. THIRTY-FIFTH YES.K, The "Eclectic Msgazlno" reproduces from foreign oerlodlca s all thoso articles which are valuable to American readers. Its held ot selection embraces ail tue leaaiuir rore irn Keviows. AiauitzioeH. and Journals ; aud wh lo the tastes of all clashes of our traders are consulted noining trivial in character or merely transienc laiere&i is aomiif ea to us pag lta olan Includes Essays. Rovlews. ltlinrrnmil SkeUhes-'Itlbtoncal Tapers, Travels, Poetn Novels, and short stories ; and lu the case or Science (to nmcu mueii Bpuep miu tuicuiiuii lire given;, m apo dal nrninlneuce In allowed to unv nurtlculir nho of opinion, but plicu la given Impartially to the most Ttuuiuue ariiciea un uoiu siucs ei iue great tueines ui ncieuuue utseunMuu. The following lists comDriso the nrinelnal nerlodl. cala from which so octlous are made and tho names or some ot tne leaning autuors who contribute iuchi i PIBIODICIU. Quarterly Review llrlt quarterly KevleW Edlnloburgh ltevlew Actuo -s. lit. Hon VE Olad (tone Alfred Tennysou Professor Huxley Professor Tv r.dall West'lilnstCT Review Contemnorarv Review Rich v I'rnctor. li A Firtnlghtly Review J Normal lockyer. Fit The Nineteenth Cnturv Dr W U carpenter ropuiar ncience neviow k ii tj lor HUckwood'B Magazine Prof Max Muller Cornhtll Magazine lrofessor Owen MacmUlan Magaztae Matthew Arnold Fraser's Magazine E A Freeman. i n I. "'evr Quart Magazine James a nthouy Froude icuiiwuM iuuiutis iiugnes Iielgravla Anthom TroUope Uood Words uiuiam black 1-ondon society Mrs ouphant Saturday Review Turgemeff The spectator, etc, etc Miss Tliackery etc. tw'lt Is frequently remarked that tn England the best of literary talent Is being diverted from the willing ot books to contributing to the periodicals The "Eclectlo garners the choicest sheaves from this I , U UIU ICOb. Htsxl KNOBAViNas. Earh nutaber contatna . ana steel engraving usually a portrait executed In the best manner. These engravings are of permanent value, and add much to the attractiveness of the uxuie aas : single copies, tt centa j one copy, eue , IS j live copies ). '' e trial subscription for months, II. Tbe 'EclectlCand any M magazme Tbbhs year,! urea Tne 'Kciecuc and any M magazme m, wwonuuiKaa, ao. . ixiuibu iree iu on BUUSCnDeTB. E. 11. PELTON. Publisher, S Bond streil,New York. Wide Awake for 1879. The Pictorial Magatine for Young Folkt. ELUFiaxtN, Editor, IJ W a Year. Free of Postage. It Is conceded on all sides that Messrs. D. Lothrop & Co. have splendidly accomplished what they set w. uvwhuu ,,BK"i vial lu UIUKU U mag azlno absolutely pure In Ita Influence, unrivaled Tn lta literary merit, beautiful anuiirjinv an ih.n furnish it at a price bo low that people could afford THREE JOLLY e'ERIALS. 77i Dogberry Hunch. A story of Seven Merry Children, who faced the world for themselves, but always hanging In a "bunch." By .wary llarlwellcatherwood. Profuse. 1 muauaiicu uj jaary a. jAinuury, Jlojal lAwrie't Ixtt Year at U. Olave't. A Jolly story of American school boy life, liy Mr. nua aierrlwcather, author or "A General Misuuder. Btandlng." Illustrated by Miss L. u. Humphrey, Don Quixote, Jr. The adventures of Sir Mlltlades Peterkln Paul on his Bleed "Doughnuts." liy Johu Crewnlohn. A fun ny story written exprtsMy for the f-lttle liovaof America, Illustrated with coialo pictures bylL. HnnVlnH 1 Our American Artiitt, IFlret Serlcs.1 Taper I.. Wiuiam ii. nenrd t'h portraits, studio interiors and engravings of HHI, . 'J ..... ... U.ljWUIIi 1 h most attractive attempt jet made to popular. Ite art in the family and male children acquainted with our living tmericao unlets and what they are doing. Funny Double-page Mutinied Poemt., I. The mlnre pie Prince, By Kirk Monroe. Ilius. trated by L. Hopkins. iSbmr Novel School. Comprising several Important experiments In both Eorope and America. " 1. ,La4y tleltya Cooking Class i The History of an John UUU?) ' DyLw'Vxn WhlS(MS IL -The Perkins lnsUtutlon tor the Wind. nyEm. ma K. Itrown. J urlitht Bhort Ktaries and roems. Natural History hupplementa, Bketches ot Travel In Forejgn Lands meMut?e,tc. Cbuana-""". raflor ArSSlS All with lota nf nletnrfa fmm ih. y.. . lla? vvids Awake tor 1ST tin i t anacheaDest magazine In existence, meupesi uTinone? to"' ct p0Ui,, beD,, our ii.uriiitopaco, imbiiaherB, Uostoa. HE WHITE ...... tain BJiArUIMr TMB UEST OP AMU Unrivaled in Appearance, Unparalleled in Simplicity , Unsurpassed in Construction, Unprecedented in Pbpularity, And Undisputed in the Broad Claim orstiNQiHt VERY nllBT oritllATlNO flVjICKEST BV.Ut.mO, MANDSOMIiaT, AND 2Iost rerfeet Bowing Maohlne IN THG WORLD. Tht ores I popularity ol tht White It thl molt eon Vnclnj tribute to Its ezctllencj and wwrlerltt ever ether machines, and In submitting ft ta the trals e put II unon Its mrrlli, and In no Instance has 1 1 ever yet tailed to satisfy ant recommmdaUoa InlUl.wr. Th demind lorlhaWhlta hai tnereiaed lo sch naxlenl thai we are now compelled te turn eut JL. Coaaaplot f3o-wrlnrr aZacTvTf vaiy Uum muri-vitoa In. day o BuyplJT tiia domnr,dl Evtrr Mchlne Is warranted tor 3 tears, and Midler c-ah at liberal dlscounti, or upon eaif panents, to suit the convenient ol cuatomers. M-idnns Taims in ntoccnixs tuiiwjt. WHITE SEWINcTmACHINE CO., M368 Euclid Ave., Clinland, Ohio. J. Saltzer, Aen(, BLOOMSBUKG, PA. OCt. 8A, 1873-tjm GLAZING AND PAPERING TTTM. P. BODINE, Iron Street below sec- w t ona. moomsDure. ra,.iBDrepareavouu wj PAINTING, GLAZING, and I'APKR HAN'GIM in the best styles, at loweat prlceB, and at short notice. Parties having such work to do "111 suve money caning on me. All work warranted to'glve satisfaction. Orden aouciiea WM. F. BODINE. Oct. 1. 1819. C. E. SAVAGE, PBiLER IN Silverware, Watohes.Jewelry.Olooksc, Removed to tlie PostOfflco hulldtn.-. nrsTdow above the Exhango Hotel. All kinds ot Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neat- j icuuiieuuuii narruuieu. may II, "18-tr GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES We will sell tho Very Dost Family Sowing' BXachlno For Twenty-Five Dollars I.V GASH. r. , u nun ouinu Bna -iTeaoie, with walnut top and drawer, and necessary Attachments and deliver It at any Raliroad Depot In the United ii'ree of Charge. Thaoa manhl.u n-A . . - . ... rv. " "iwimjieu uiaomewnoie line of Family hewing with more rapidity .more ease .aujuD iu mo operator than any machine now In use. tend for a circular. Every machine warranted for threo years. Agents wanted in Unoccupied Territory. Centennial Machine Co., Liinited T29 Fiubut Sr., TnioaDEU-iiU, Pi. Oct. 4, fs-em. S. W. Douglass, Civil aud Mining Engineer, ASHLAND, PA. General Surveying and Engineering Business attended to with Care and Dispatch. I am prepared to make drawings, Plans and Models lu Wood, llrass, Iron, or the above materials combined aa necessary of Briiges, lllncs, Breakers, Buildings, Engines, PUMPS, and all kluds ot machinery for use of cases at Court or tor applications to secure patent. Pmruu Krmreit march ta a- m nor, l, isi-13w JOYFUL New. lot Boya and Olrla It lor Home umi KPHRAIM DROWN, LowVu, iw UDITOR'S NOTICE. iiVrtfaPv ViV? ly, wyouni or Nathan lA rnolfni- rvf o,an.i.n ., ... wSere all persons Interested can attend. OKO. K. ELWKLL. dec. 1J. !Mw Auditor. $661 r rtv. liar..",," ysin' " sftr In vrvnv &n a. . at which ptod8 of eltlter tex can make tor WUtuJlu.'u-alI,r Ka.fflKU"!? rr ANTI-FAT Allah's Akti-Fat Is Hie rrtat mdr for Corpu ItiicT. it l purely Testable anil perftcnv hafmlMa. Il Aa cm the ftxvjlri five, prercntlj; lta . ronj t. inn inin rut. Tftkin accontlnif lo itlnTllons, ra I La ft aaaiad. m WMk. II . cori' fr'oben'Sv, w. doVnowVj; ? ;. miff cur" , aa am-sted ty hundr-Ja of tMtlmonlal. of which Hit foliowln. 'from a W ? tftWiK. a'ft la a lamplej "Oenl emenl lour Anti-Fat waa duly rVctl 'cS. I look It acconlln to dlnetloni i and A redureil rne live pounila. 1 waa ao Hated over the re ault that I Imineiliatcly aent to AcxiniUK-S drug Sun for the aecond bottle." Anptlier, a phalclan, -wrlllnx for a patient rrom Providence. ILL. aava, "Four hollies have reduced her wrlirht , n-on 1W Eiunila to lJ iwunda, and there laa arnerallmpnivri. ent In health." A gentleman wrlllnj; from lloa ton, aaval Wlllioot apetlal enanm or attention to dltt to bottles or Allan's Antl-l'aT .reduced me ftnir and one-quarter pounds." Tho well-known " hole Mle linuiglsta. BaVml, IWOLipLB ton, lis.", write aa followal " Allan'a Anti-Fat has reduced a ladr In our elly seven pounda In lhree weeks." A fentleman In St. Lonla wrlu-ai "span's Anti-rat retlooed me twelve pounda In three vTeeka, and allofdhrr I haTeViit twtntji-nTCi Pound; Blnr comraenclmt llauae." Messra. I'owtll.4 I'MMmm, Wholesale Ilrnirelata. or Ilutfalo, N. V,wrltei "JO mz PaormiToiu or Allan's Ahti-Fati Oentle-men,-l he followlmr report la from the ladr who used Allaa'a Antl-Fau Ml (llie Antl-FatI had the desired effect, reducing the fat from two to five pounda a week until 1 had loat twenll-Oje 1 hope ever 10 retain what I have lost."' Anti-Falls an nexceUed Tilond-purHrr. , II promolea duration, curing dyspepsia, and la also a iwtent remedy for rbeutnatlsrlV Bold byflrufalsU. Pamphlet on Oiiea- y&TANlC SuIiPiCIiSk cK, PaoFW, Batndo, N.T. WOMAN Br tn lramTH practice at the TVorM'i Dlspe airy and luTallrti' Ilotcl, haTlng treatei many tliou anit caiea of thow dlneoet peculiar to woipan, I bate been cnaUed to perfcet a molt potent and poii live rcraeJr for tliew duca-wi. .... ... To deiunattj this natural apcclllc, t hart &ame4 tt , Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription The term, however, la hut a feeble expression or my hit: h appreciation or lla value, baaed upon per sonal obarrv atlon. I have, while v. itneaslnj Ita posi tive results In Ihe iprclal dXeases Inrldenl to Uie organlvm or woman, singled It nut aa Ike 'ltaaa cr.wnlu zeas f nr meaieal vsmr. On Its merits, aa a nosTtlve, safe, and effectual remedy for thla claaa or diseases, an t one that will, at all lliriea and under all circumstances, act kln.lly, I am wlUlng to stake luv reputation as a physician! and ao conOdentam 1 that It will not disappoint the most sanguine ex. pcetatkina ol a alngle Invalid lady who uscs lt for any of llie altmenta for which I reeommend It. thai 1 offer nud hU It under A POSITIVE IHJAKAHITEE. (For conditions, aee pamphlet wrapping bottle.) The following are among Ihose dlscasea In which my Favarlta Peeaeripttosi liaa worked eurea, aa If by inaglc, and wltli a certainty never hcroee attalneil by mS ninii.inni ttirnrrho-a. Excessive Flowing. Painful Monthly Periods, Suppression; when from unnatural causes, Irregnlarltlta, W eak Back. Pro. lapsua, or FaUIng of Iho Uterus, Anteverslon and Retroversion, Bearing-down Bensatlons, Internal Heat, Nervous Depression. Debility. Despondency. Threatened Miscarriage, Chronic. Congestion, In OammaUonand Ulceration ot Ihe Utero,lmpotency. llarrenneas. or Sterility, and rcmale weaknesa I .. .a h- mailllitn aa a " eiire-all." hut It admirably rullllls aluleaeaa af sonxase, being most perfect speclflc In all chronic diseases or Ihe sexual system or woman. It will not disappoint, nor will It do harm. In any state or condition. Tuoae who desire further tnronnatlon on these aub Wta can obtain II In THE FxorLl's COMHOX btNSB MXD1CAL ADVISER, a book or over 900 pages, sent, post-paid, on receipt of Si JO. It treats minutely ot thoso diseases pecuUar to Femalea, and gives much valuable ti'tvlee Lu regard to the management of Ihoae affections. , jravavlto f: , iVfll.a siJ ky DWascUta. f H. V. PIEIU'E, M. D.irop"r,iVorlit'a DUnenurf Baa lavaltaa' HOW, SataUo, TJ, Y, aug, so, ' 8 TllOMiS U. IUBTM1S. AtBsar lltarifii THE RED FRONT, MOVERS' BLOCK. HARTMAM BiiOS., DKALKItS IN TEAS, CANNED FitUIT, OXQARS, TOBACCO SHUFP, CONFECTION ERY. Spices of all kinds, Glass & Cuccr.swcro BaVSca UIKWVfasl.lia wf Foreign and Domestio Fruits, AND GENERAL LINE OF Family Provisions tth door tielow Market street, llloomfthurg, Pa. tr (loods dell nid lo ah isits ct the tows Aprll.7, n u o&rufnnfornrt- Invention-, oror improvtmtnti on old one, for irtdtcnl or othtr compound t, trade, tnarkt ami InleH. Ctxventl, Assignment, Inter, ferencet. Appeal: Suite for Infrlngemenle, and allcaete arising under the I'atvnt .,iie, prompt. fy attended to. - iitvjifnns that linv been Hti'j the ratent Of fice nay elill.U inn, r-ti... A. pattntut iff vs. itliiy opjiuxiti the 1 A the r. S. ratent "-"".ihiii rnif.yria milium &lfflnf tX' clu'lvtly, ue can make cloicr scnrctitt, and ttcure Patenf more promptly, ant telth Irander claims, thn lhr,e who art remnt from V'gaht union. llallilM'm : motexiimlna(nm imj adviteuetopedentahllltu 'Sf'Vf?haZa'- A" eorreepdndenceelrtcthjeoni!. Prices low, and Kit I ll.UtUU VX. ii'A'.V rATKXT IS SECUIllU). r .-S,rt?ri,'",'- "'"Inpton, to llnniTostmaetcr a ZZ"' bVV;,Ae'',J?.fr , r"""r. The German. American .attonal llant, to official. In the P. S. J alent Office, and to Henaloreand Herircsentatltee Opposite vuliut tynfl ln.iainim,i. a lilnett ex- 1 he Poet tt hlttler calls It "a complete success " "Acta upon the reader like a tonic. Tho editorial 0Prtment la especially strong."-' Doston Tran- "Con'tlnuea tolhold Its place tn the verv front of American magazines, fe w of which equil tt In ablli. SUNDAY " AFTERNOON A Monthly Magazine Fur Uiu Iloiitclioli, rH,5,0,'1",11"'11'1, 0'W? maiter, equal! In literary merit the leading beiular monthlies, and sustains to the rellilous press a relation HmUar to theirsto the secular press. It alms to have In all Itstasavs! HAUfflll W;lna- e,.c- a moral PurPo-seiwiaiS rMM!Prt Tabta are vigorous discussions of live fe'lirous themes and of ncular topics from the re-flfcK?1"!- Itvto ''hlhently ReadaAe.iid fUls a place occupied by no other publication Ilaarllclea oo PracflcaUi-hllanthpvphy, Wtlon. rSc?lafF?ataure8h. WOriS' Uool Kl?T'""o iin oiitriliutoi'N Xucliulo Prof. O. P. FUher Edward Hale, Rebecca II. Davis, Horace E. Judder. Rose 'itrry t'ooke, Klli,n w .,ln&.. ' Pror. F.A.Walker, Rev, James F Clarke, Rev. Iir. A, I- I'e ab'Hly, Ilev Dr. J, T.Tucker, Rev. I.. VV nat.nn ' Ilev. Dr.'E. A. Washburn. Haraho. Jewett, S-clal Oiler. It WtU be bent tor anei vnnr tn tV 11.1 llfJ full tn aft tw.tivhiln lav . . MPtthe sf iaTorrer; J '"- nn. ., . . . . . Imcii copy, ' ror Bpec" h UN DAY AFTKltNOON, nov. , -7S. prlngneld, Mass. IMPOaTANT TO YOUNQ T.iEir sc woiviiszcri The Bryant & Stratton Business College. Vi 108 South 10th Strist, PUlii's, OfTen. nuMurpatiKMl rucllltlcs forHcquirluirp viinlnen etu cntlou. Ntunuiitn cau enter at auy tlm Ko viicnttoua. UliutrateU clrculara Irco, aug. 80, -7t-!4w A, at 8 this i-ii tK is os nr.e wirn ROWELL II pHtSMAN . Advertising Agents, THIIR CHESTNUT ST8., ST. LOUIS, Ml' 1 .r,1 tt Ninth street Plttuhurir. Deri. in. urn. Moivre. DIIKIIKIf, ItKAi C tlt-ntleinen iv nnr imlnta hnrp plvi n nitr .ai. Isfartlon. I have used (lioin on a pooil m.inv tlliTer ent kinds 3f work, such asIuiD, T'h Ucmd, lirlck, .i.BUiiK,ci iivoiu nuj .L-iui'iiiiuiP, Wll nil, loll trary, tho work stands well anil ror .wear, will in mv opinion, stind with any liwt In tho rnaiket. lieh In want of rcftiTsmoln 'Ids tliy or vicinity you are at llbortv to tio my oarao n 1th pleasure, also to use tills us jou think bear. itoiHiciiuuy lours, . JOHN T. QUAY. Patnlcr and Dealer In paints, Us, Ac TMUTLV PUIIK WII1TK LRAll, AT TIIK LlUVKST MaIIKKT ltATF.3. MOSTtlirit S1JITE PAINTS', CKNT MONTOUIt METALLIC WtltTt. 8 CENTS. MONTOt'H METALLIC III.OWN, 0 CENTS OFF UOLUHS AT Till I II -.. PURH LINSHHD OIL lit Inu'cxl niivrlti't rni.. fatnplo cards and price list tnriitsleti wltlunii hargo. orders and lnnulrlea by mall will reecM- i rninot attoutlon. IIENUY rt. KKA . , MANUKAt I UUEIt, Kill-Kill. MOYER DUOS. WHOLESALE AOF.NT.S, lil.OOMSnUKO, I'A Mays. 'Ih.-ly. 18T0 The Four Quarterly Reviews AND Blackwood'n Mngazihn Tie Losnara Sco.t Pub'iehing Co. 41 Baoky St., .New i'ork. Continue their authored Heprints of THE KUINI1UHOII HbVlEU OVhllf.) TIIK WKlT.MlNSTEIl KEVIBtt't Tl rul), TUE LONDON (iUAUTEKLV ItKVIErt (Conserva tive), THE UillTISII QUAHTEULY KEVIKW (Evangel ical), AND tr Thesa tleprlnta nro pot BWeetlons ; they give the originals In full, and at about one-third the price of the rngilsh Editions. No publications can compare with the cotllntr Rrltlah Periodicals above named, reprlnttd by tho Leouird M-olt Publlshln Conipany. lures ect to lldellty of research, accur.tcy of statement, anu purl ty of style, they are without un rquuL 'ih-vkiep pace with modern thought, discovery, cxi eiln ent and achievement, whether In rel'irlon, sole' ce, liter atuieor art. Tho ablest wrlt-rs till their p ire-i with the most Interesting reviews of hl&torj, nudwltii an Intelligent narration of the great events of the da, Ti i'iiisi lor ISVJ Inc. inline; iioMubi! Payable Strlctlv in Adrnncn. r.ur liny ono lieview For any two Reviews For any three Reviews For all four Reviews For Hlackwood's Magazine For Ulackwood and ono Review For Ulackwood and two reviews For Ulackwood and three Reviews For Ulackwood and four Uov lews li oo per annum loo " looo " " mo " 100 " - 100 ' " 10 00 " " ISO " " 15 00 POSTAGE. This Item or expense, now borne by the publish era, Is equivalent to a reduction ot 2o per cent on Uie cost to subscribers In former years. CLUBS. A discount of twenty per per cent, will bo allowed to clubs of four or more persons. Thus: foui cop ies of Ulackwood or of ono Review will be sent to ono address for 112 -o tour copies ot the tour Reviews and Ulackwood forlis, and so on. r-KEMlUMS. New subscribers (applj Ing eurlv) for the year 1870 may have, without chaige. the numbers for the last quarter ot 1818 of such peiloolcals as they subscribe Or Instead, new suliscrtbcrs to any two th,"e, or four ot the above pctlortlcoK ma- liavo oneottlm 'lour Reviews" for 18"8 ; nubsi-rtbers to oil ltv. may havo t o ot tho -Tour Reviews" or ono setot Mack wood's Magazlno for 1878. Neither premiums to siibeei1lH.TS nor discount to clubscntibo allowed, unless the monev lsrtmltled direct to the publishers. No premiums given to clubu, '1 o secure premium It w 111 be necessary lo mako early nppllcallon, as Ibe slock avallutle for that pur pose Is ilmltod. BEPRINTKU BV The Leonard Scott Publishing Co., 11 I.ARCLAY ST., NEW YORK, RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE S NOItTHEKN COMPANY, CENTRAL RAILWAY On and after November sotli. iktji imina win lonva Sunbury as follows : NORTnWAItD. ' Erie Mall 6.20 a. m., arrive Elmlra 11 ,t " Cunandalgua. . , 3.36 p. n. Rochester o.lfi " Niagara. a a " Renovo acoommodal ion 11.10 a. m. arrive William - port 19.56 p. m. Elmlra Mall 4.16 a. m., arrive Elmlra 10.10 a. m. Buffalo Eipress 7.16 a. m. arrlye Burlalo 8.60 a. n SOUTHWARD. !lun"alo Kipreas a.50 a. m. arrive n arrtsburg .u a. " Baltimore S.40 " Elmlra Mall 11.16 a. m., arrive Harrlsburg l.f p. n " Wa&hlngton " Ilattlniore 6.30 " " Washington " Uarrtsburg accommodation 6.40 p.m. arrive llarrl burg 10 jo p.m. arrive Baltimore !.ss a. m, " Washington 6.i3 " ErleMatll..65 a.m.arrlvonarrlshurg3 06a.m, " Baltlrnore 8.40 " . ., " Waahlngton 10.38 " All daUy except Sunday. D. M. BO TO, Jr., General Passenger Agect A. J. CASS ATT. General Managi r piIILADELPHA AND READING ROAD ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. NOT. 10, 1878. THAINS LRAVK KTFIBT AS F0LIXIW8,BCNPAr EaCKPTVD For New York, Philadelphia, Reading, PotlsvlUi- Tamaqua, &c 11,43 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,45 a. m. 1 ,!1 and 7,86 p. ni. For WUllamsport,6,i8 0,05 a. in. and 4,00 p. tu. THAINS roa KOTXHT LXAVB AS FOLLOW 8, (St C.PAT kl CKPTXD.) Leave New York, 8,45 a. ra. Leave Philadelphia, 0,46 a. m. Leave Reading, 11,66 a. m., , Pottsvllle, li,! p. m and Tamaqua, 1,45 p. m. Leave Catawlsaa, e,20 8,50 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Leave Wllllamsport,! 45a.m,.,15p.m. and 4,r0 p. m Passengers to and from New York and Philadel phia go thxougd ithout change of cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, . . General Manager. C. O, 1IANCOCK, General Ticket Agent. laio tf. D ELAWARE, LACKAWANNA ANL WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOUSBURO DIVISION. Time-Table No. 89, Takes effect at 4:30 A. M MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1878. NOItTn, STATIONS. Kcranton... ......Bellevue.... Tai lorvllle., SOUTH. p.m. p.m. a.m a.m. p m. p.m 9 10 0 15 9 is e so 9 91 b SA 9 30 6 81 9 (S 41) i 44 0 45 v ao s 11 8 40 9 17 9 as V S3 0 17 9 08 8 68 3 61 8 61 3 40 8 40 3 4' 19 41 9 80 ..Lackawanna-... 9 91 ritiHton. ...... . West Plttatou.., 9 69 10 07 9 19 9 14 . Wyoming... 3 4. 2 t3 9 67 3 16 9 15 3 10 t 60 t 68 ........jua altbv 19 ct 8 30 8 10 -Bennett... 6 69 7 10 7 If 7 IS 7 sa 7 85 8 33 8 13 ...Klugslon. ...... Klnvmton 10 18 10 83 ..PI) mouth June. 8 83 8 20 8 68 ...njiuouui .Avondale 10 90 i 16 3 91 8 19 8 01 7 61 S 19 8 04 9 SI S 47 8 89 8 98 8 17 8 K 8 00 ... NanllookR Illl 84 IK 111 8 36 6 (4 .Uunlock'a reek. ho 4 .biucktihlnny 10 66 -..Hick's Ferry... HI 07 8 60 4 03 7 38 9 39 8 45 6 66 9 06 I 16 7 83 7 9 7 95 7 IS 7 14 7 10 3 84 I 98 ...iseacn 11 a vex. -Berwick .... -..Briar Creek..... ...Willow Grove.... Llmo Itldge -.spy......r .Bloomsburg..... .........IIUDert.. 11 13 I 10 11 9 4 18 4 a 4 99 4 31 7 SO 7 01 9 14 tie 1 67 7 44' 7 88 7 33 7 99 T 11 It 39 4 42 7 44 11 45 4 49 a 1 60 1 61 II 8 4 6 4) e si 16 00 1 44 1 37 Catawlsaa Bridge. 11 67 6 0 S 6 ,,.,.uauviiic ,.HH, -....Chulaaky Cameron Northumberland, 19 18 6 19 8 91 9 61 9 63 9 CO u 80 19 43 6 43 1 00 6 48 p.m. p.m, a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m vv. r. itAU.ial', suiiv Huuerttiteodpnt-s noiea, Kcrau'on, June '0, tr8. rt.T buslnesa you can engage In. I3IOI90 Kk I per day made by any worker 01 either U l J I sex, rlzhl In their own localities. Par ticulars and samplei worth 6 free. Improve jour aparu umu at uiia ouameaa. Add raa qtincin x tu., Portland, Maine. march S3, 18-ly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers