The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 10, 1879, Image 3

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nt, nous no no, nun at, jax. iois;.
Rail Road Time TaMc.
ucommodatlon Train e.l A. M. 8 OOA. M.
ttall Irnln t.89 A. M 4.49 1'. t
tvprcs'i Train 1.6T1'. M. 11.4) A V
w ii'iHUiitlon Trttn . o.lts A. M. T.8S V. M
UvmI ir Knprcas 4.0 1. M. 11,45 A. M
Tlirimtrhcariiori EtpreMralnr-1luTtoNew York
it Pliltailelplilr. Accommodation train runa between
latawlssii ant WIlllAtnspori,.
Tho admlnitrntors of Istlali Yeager tle-cens-td,
will Fell Hal telale In LociM and Hoarlng
creek townidiip", at Yengir's Hold, Slablown,
on Saturday Januaty lltli, 1879, at 10 o'clock
a. in.
David HpIwIr, Eieciilor of Peter llelwlgwlll
pell real estate In Calnwlsia on Tuesday, Felui
ary 4th.
Kev, P. Mitchell will remove to the property
of Dr. V. M. Ktber on the fir-t of April.
Now i the lime In litiv thermometer.
Iiavc riot been ao low since IhI trinUr
The Cori'et bind lin secured the service of
an efficient leader, anil l practicing regularly,
B. F. Zirr Ui . Iiae opened a law office In
UnaiK't's mlilintf
A heavy mow florin pn valla as we go lo
Why kIio iIi! llm Republican poke fun at oni
iptcturo of St. Nicholas? Didn't we apologize
tor It ?
Tbo nccrunta of tho Commissioner for tho
past yenr nro being examined by tho now board
of auditors
Ti e bonds of V. II. Jncoby as Register and
Recorder nmonnt to $15,333 3., Instead of
$5 C33.33, ns recently published
Clirvr Jackson's Hrst sivect Navy Tobacco.
1iST In Rlooinstnirg, a breast pin marked
Dunning, on the- bock. The finder will be suit
nbte rewarded on liavinir It at Hev. S. Mitchell
If the Republican had inquired of some one
who knows, when it attempts to stato fads, it
would not hare blundered by saying that this is
W H. .Incoby's third term. Everybody else
knows that it his fourth term.
Mr. Amos B'ickatew of this place was united
the bonds of matrimony on the 4lh Inst., to
Mrs-. Mears, of llailelon. We' extend our con
gratulations. James K Maurer, of Mifllin, now in the pen
itentiary scrvine oui a sentence under convic
tion of forgery has been recommended for pai-
The new county officers were sworn in on
Tdnmlay. The Commissioners have appointed
"E It. Ikler attorney, and John B. Casey clerk
of llie board for tlit enuing year.
Subscribers who think thero is a mi'take in
iht date of the printed label on their papers
nbould always bring their receipts with theui
wrlieo they come lo settle so that the mistake it
any, run be ccrected.
Nonctt The undersigned hereby gives no
tice that he will be a camlld.itu for onstabli
of Uloorasburg, at the coming Spring election,
and would respectfully ask for the support ol
voters of all Glasses.
James Thomas
At the adjourned court on December 28lh, n
witness who had neglected to obey a subpeena
'at the regular December session, was brought in
on a bench, and fined $25, for contempt
of curt Persons who have uny inclination lo
.disobey the process of the court had better bear
tthis 111 mind:
It wmld be a great c, nvenience to the Sher
iilTaiUl the printers, if attorneys having writs to
.advertise would get them out not later than Mon
day -of the week they are to be published. It is
a frenucnt occurrence for writs to come in
th-s day of publication, thus causing great haste
at time when work mioiiIu be carefully done,
and often dclajing the i3sue of, tho paper.
Mr. John M, Barton, a most capable and ix
perienced hotel clerk, Ins been engsgsd by Mr
Knons. at 'he Brlslul House. Mr. Birlon wa-
for a long lime at the Einlo Hotel in PiUston
and subsfnuentlv at the Exchange Hotel In
Bloom-burg. He Is courteous and obliging
and his many traveling friends will be glad to
h'sr he is agai i in position to serve them.
Willabam Leader.
iJOrs. A. L. Turner and W M Krberhsveen
Ueitd inln lurli-rnersbip In the practice, of rat ell
icin. Dr. Tunnr his al-o a partnership wild
SDr Walker of Broad St., Plill., one nftliefni
menl physicians of ihe cil, Dr Ittber has rej
moved. tci.tlie rc-idt-nce of Dr. Turner. Boih o
these gfiitUmen aje well known as skilled prac
litioners, and we have no doubt the new a.r
rangemint will prove beneficial to them. Di
'Turner his made a wide ri-putillon for succes
fill ilrealuirnt of El'ilepy, and hai .eflected
tmanv remarkable cures.
The Philadelphia and Heading Railroad
Jtnnuiy is niying i's employees in i-crtp. and
wal! continue distribuilng it until all have bee
ipaid for work done in Uie months of Septerub
OajSer and N ivember. The December wages
will be paid in cash. This payment does not
'include lhe employees of lhe Philadelphia and
Heading Coal and Iron Compiny, who are all
paid up in i-a-li, but only those ol the railroad
company. It will be paid out by two paymas
ters, one lor lhe lower division and the other
for the upper division 'the division includis
tbe Richmond district, Germantown and Nor.
risiown branch lo Norristown ; and from Ilridge
port lo Broad Btreet, including the Chester
branch, Th 1 upp r divishm consists of the main
tine from Bridgeport lo Potlsville; all of lhe
branches in Schuylkill county ; the Catawi a.i
and Wllliauisp irt branch ; Hirrlsbnig to AI
enlown PeikiouiHi bramb; Pitkiring Val
ley ; Coalbrixikdale j Schuylkill and Su-que
haniia; Berks anil L-high ; ana Kiading and
eColumba. Through the lower divi-iuii $300,
1000 worth of It will be distributed and through
ttbe upper division $1)00,000.
There will be paid Willi the December check
roll, lo each person to whom the company has
been in arrears for the past year, a sum
to five pe Jcent upon one months wages as due
to him for interest upon previous payments.
The circular puts a rather better appearance on
the script Idea, and will be received with satis
faction by the men.
Various Causes
Advar.clng years, care.tlcrness.dtsa'-polntment.and
here-lttarj predls;sitlon all op rate to turn tho
hair, gra), tind either of llieii.licllm Nit lushed i re
maturely. Artta'alUin Viaoa w ill rt store faded or
gray, light aud red hair to a rich hrowu or deep
black as maydeshed. It b tuns and rh-annes the
scalp, giving It a healthy action, and temovesand
cures dandruff and nun ora Hy IU use (ailing hair.
Is checked, and a new growth will be produced lo u'l
cases vi hero the toll cleg are not de- troj t d or glands
decayed. Its ettecu aie beautlm ly Bhown on
krah), weak or sickly hair, to which afew applica
tions will produce the gloss and ut'bhnefea of youth
Harmless and sure In Us operation it Is Incompara
ble as a dre8:tt,g, and la especially valued for the
ur. larlro ant, rienne-s ej tore P Ir-ipnts. 1" con
si ,s npltl,, r wl I or rt' e- find ..HI nit ,tprt,r
whlto caiubrlo; jet It huls longou the halr,una
steeps it irt-bu anu vigorous.
o mui t axl in 1 1 mm. m.i
To tub Editor. oftiieColcmduk Sirir
A tho year of 1878 has closed upon us with all
Its turmoils and strifes, I herewith transmit to
you my annual rejiort lo your many readers.
This has been an eventful year. The great pol
meal campaign Is over and the Be publican par
ty nro Jubilant over the victory lliey have
nchlevid, and now It remains with tho minori
ty, to submit to the voice of the people The
great question of the day, Is the financial ques
tion ami 1 hope and trust l ist enimri'M will
tile tbla matter for tho welfare at the nation
at large, tint their deliberations may be with an
e single to the glory of God, and the teeming
millions whom ll.ey represent. Our country Is
till In a depressed condition, the wheels of In
ustry are at a stand still, The cause I believe
Is owing to the corrupt legislation of our flnsn-
ill affelis. Our legislative halls should be fill
id with virtuous men. Now as a people do we
osess the required amount of virtue, or can we
tlaln to It? The government will stand, or if
w may possess that amount of virtue and do
not maintain lt,the Government will Ml. There
Is no self sutalnlng power In Individual vir
ile; would to God that our legislative halls
were filled by men possessing this grand trait of
Christian character. The good Lord has be-
towed upon us as a nation an abundant crop
for its teeming millions, enough and to
which we onghlo ho thankful and render to
Him, wlinAifivrt'lh not aspirrow lo fall, our
inilrd thanks for his mercies and blessings,
Our Smthern friends have bceu visited with
hat direful scourge, the yellow fever, which
wpt Into the rharnel-linnse. between eleven and
we-lv Ibnu-ai.d of 'xir Mltiw mortals whilst
rt at s'ifl'-ring slid Jstics follow In the track.
ur northern friends hav heanlly responded lei
,i calls of Die siiHerlng, threby manifesling
he great brotlierh"ol of love. I wish you
good cheer for civil and religious liberty j no
llli'ial spy watches our entrance here nor does
rmcd soldier interfere with the liout-t ut
erauco of truth. We are free lo work and our
ongues to speak. The Bible unclasped and
pen to all who will accept it to obtain ever-
asliug life through the Mood of the Atnneiunl.
fae temperature of 1878 on an average ha-been
mild one. There have been no extremes ot
ild or heat, for any length of time. Accord
tig lo my thermometer the greatest degree ol
eat was July 18th in the morning 8-5 , at noon
100, at 1 o'clock p. m. 102, at 2 o'clock 93
nil at f o'clock 92" in the slude. During eigln
ays the thermometer ranged from 90 lo 93 in
ho shade The temperature for January, the
higlie-t point 44' above zero, lowest 1 below
zero. tor rebruarv, higlie-t punt 13 , lowe-l
t zero. For- March the highest 79, lowest
:2 above zero. For April, highest 80, low-
45 above zero. For May.highest point 90",
lowest 40 above zero. For June, highest point
95, lowest 60 in the shade. For August,
highest point 0(3, lowest 51in the shade. For
September, highest point 92, lowest 44 in the
hade. For November, highest point 60, low
est 21 above zero, for December, highest 69(
lowest tr. The coldest days of the year were
January Sih, 1 below zero, aud February 4th
thermometer at zero. The month of December
was the coldest of the year. During the year
1878 there were 148 cloudy days, 43 rainy ones,
7 snowy ones and 1C7 clear, some of them par
tally no. There were 50 thunder showers ; in
March 2, in April 8, in May 3, in June 8, in
July 15, in August 9, and in September 5,
Whole dvptli of snow from January 1st, 1878, to
January ll 1879, was two feet one inch. The'ty within the borough limits of Blooms
burg during the year 1878 is as follows: From
90 to 95, one; from 70 to 80, seven ; from CO lo
70, six ; from 50 10 60, six ; from 40 to 50, elev
en ; from 30 to 40, lo ; from "0 lo 30, three ;
from 15 to 20, foui ; from 10 eo 15, four ; total
14. From the cradled infant up lo ten year-,
43, making in all within the borough limits of
Ulooui-burg 92. a filling off of 17 from 1877,
This is the second week of Januirv, 1879, I
wi-li you all, readers, a Happy New Year
may of you, my friend-, will pus away ere
his year shitll clo-e. 1 exp-ct all tint are llv
ing in their sins, to come to Jesus as Nlrodemus
lid, and have them washed away in the foun
,in of blood which clemJelh from all sin. Arise
id ileimrt for this is not your rest. All of
hich is respectfully submitted by your friend
and well ivi'her.
John SavpEn.
At a regular meeting i f Van Camp Lodge
No HO, I.O. O. F., held D-c. 21, 1S7H. The
N. G announced the death of brother A. 1'
Slaynian and a poiuleil a onnitoliiee to nrait re-
oliilioes of condole neu. winch committee re-
K.rted tbe following, which was approved
I'he bu 'le note of death has agnn sounded ai:i
another brother has gone to his rest. Brother
Alfred F, Slayman was born In Columbia coun
ty, Pa., June 17, 1837, died of consumption in
Bloom-burg, Pa., at 1 o'clock a. m , Dec. 18th,
Ia78, aged 41 years, 0 tnonlhs and 1 day ; was
buried by Van Camp Lodge No 140, I. O. O. F
at Espy, Columbia county, Pa., Dec. 10th 1878.
Peace to his ashes.
Death is so certain and. frequent, that Its
occurence should never startle us, but rather be
be looked tipn'i as, in reality it is, tho common
lot of all. When deal h claims one wo love It
utartles and saddens us beyond expression, we
mourn nnd refuse In be comforted by any com
fort except that which proceeds from the sub-iiis-ive
taith, that Qoil doe-lh all things well,
anil from the triumphant hope that we may
meet again, in a happy and heavenly home,
Resolved, That ihis Lodge mourns the loss of
a brother and that we sympathize with the
children and relatives of the deceased in their
Resolved, That this Lodge be drapped in
mourning, and Its members wear the usual
badge for thirty daya
Chkist. F. Kkiw, I
Robert Suit, f Com.
HE.NMV O. Phillips, J
Fatal Accipent. On Wednesday rovning
as C. M. Kirkendell, school teacher at Glen Ci
ty, Columbia county, Pa., was in the act ol
shooting, the breech pin of his gun blew oui
and struck him in the forehead, fracturing his
kull. lie was about one mile fiom home al
the time of the accident, one-fourth of the din
tance he walked, balance hid to be carried. A
phesiclan was brought as quick as possible, but
c mid not help the poor fellow. He died at
9:40 p. rn , was single and 18 years of age. His
lo-s will be mourned by lhe whole couimuotty.
During lecess nnd si noon It was his custom t'
play with and get I'll g lines of different kinds
or the aniusem-nt of his schol-ers,snd diia made
him a special favorite with all. i'unoury liner
lean .
For lhe Information of holders of policies In
the Continental Life In-urance Co we pobllsl
the following answer lo n letter wrjlleti from
this Ltlice, aeklng when distribution
Office of Receiveh Continental Like Ik-
nt'HANCE Company
jVo 20, aVuftan i'fr, (J'. O. Jiox 88) Kev Yenk
JaniHrt 4i 1879,
In rtplv tu yours of 30th iiit.l have tossy ;
There are catain qiuslions uf Law which mu
th-judicially drlirmlneil IkAiu a distribution
i mi be made, as the stains of several classes ol
claims has not ll been defined II is therefore
Itosieslble'lo say al vshat lime stall dKrlbtitlon
will take place.
The assets are being converted Into rash
which will be paid to policy owners pro rata,
as soon as tbe Court will have disposed
tbe questions referrid lo, ,
The Civirt liasrsntlv lsued an order 'bir
. . i . . ..... nt.i .. .ltt.
1 11 e. s -i - ' 1 I
j or las. leteip.s i.) Iti.u ui Jmn jus' . Ol'couisj
i (hose who have already meet are airigui.
Jum I'. O'Nu, RJvc.
lei suns nouns.
J. L. ratten A Co, 47 Barclay street New
York, hare commenced the publication of an
Illustrated Magtzlne called Leisure JIaun, at
the popular price $1 per year. Its forty Pees,
of three colums each, are full of reading mailer
or interest to all oui readers, Tho lllti-liallons
are well executed, and the stories, sketches and
hi . , .
poetry a e from we.known American writers.
lhe publishers of course naturally desire that
an siiouiii see ami examine tilts Magasine, ami
hat all may do so, they offer to send It on trill
three months for twenty five cents, end will, In
addition, send ear h thresj months' -ubscrlttr n
beautiful chroino mollo, entitled "Faith, Hi p
and Chanty, ' This mono, sue Cxl7 n che.
piloted in tifievn oil mi liable tor liaint,
and is worthy to adorn any ho.ine.
Jau, 0-3
II. Ihldwln, of Monroe City, Ind , writes on.
Jer dale of Dec. 3d, 1877, that Ills wile U'ed
Dr, Pierce'a Favorite Prescription with won
derful results. It effected her entire cure, after
several physician had failed. The many sim
liar letlera positively affirmlng'that the Favor
ite Prescription had cured lhe diseases and
weakness peculiar to women, Induced Dr Pierce
Id sell it under a guarantee; Ladies need no
longer submit to useless and painful local treat
men!, as lhe Favorlie Prescript! m Is a safe,sure,
and "peedy cu-c. Ilutiil'cls who Imvh been
bed ridden for years have bten restored to per-
tett health by lis use,
Tho regular annual meeting of tho Pennsyl
vania EJit rial Association will be hold in tho
Senate Committee ro' ins, in the Capitol Bui'd-
ings. at Hnrrisburg, on Wednesday, 22nJ inst
E. A. Niven formerlv proprietor of th
tlksbirre Isaacr will bp the J 1 errtn'irar ist-
respondent of the Philadelphia TVrat durinz the
coming session of the Irglslattire
W arp glsd lo heir It. Our drega's' Inform
us that Dr Bull's Cough Rvrup ells better than
a"y other medicine, and alw.iv gives satisfac
ep hive not bopn oVIgpil to procoro tba'
lrv oo'ls box tor I hp recpiion or cold vet.
In fscf wp have not even found It necpiry to
have the bole In our vest porket mended to
keep die first gold coin ront sliding out.
We cannot underslanil whv people will spend
lollars for trashy medicine, and s-vallnw rpurts
of wishy-washy stuff, for co'ds when Dr. Una'
Expectorant, which Is a sure cure, can be had
of any druggist, at 25 and 50 cents a bottle.
C. C. Trench of Lightlreet while agisting in
rebuilding Trench's dam below Ijlghtslreet
stepped In an air hnlo In tho ice and falling
broke his leg near the thigh. He is now doing
Doctors aro to guard human life and bring
relief to the sick. So does Dr. Bull's Bihv Sv-
rup ; it contains nothing injurious and is al
ways reliable To be bad at all drug stores In
our town. Price 2o cents.
Msj. II. L. Vancleve of Philadelphia deliver
ed a very able and interesting discourse on
Temperance nt the Presbyterian church last
Tuesda, evening
Goon for Bahies Wo are pleased to say
that our baby was permanently cured of serious
protracted irregulnrity of the bowels by the use
of Hop Bitters by its mother, which nt the fame I
.. , , f . i 1.1 i . .L I
time restored her to perltct health and streiigth.
The Parents, University avenue, ltochesier,
The Exchange Hotel has been supplied with
water works, so that there is a plentiful supply
on each floor. All Immense tank on the third
Biory,filleil from the ruof and when that fails,!))
a pump from the cistern, keeps up the supply
This bouse now contains every modern conven
ience except gas. Its present proprietors,
Messrs. Tubbe & Chamberlin are keeping up
its reputation as one of the best hotels in the
,, . , c i , ,i r.n- I
Croaking is not confined to lhe irog l onus
A i Hun . nam. nlnuiit evervbodv is lioarsp. The log humanity, send Pee to all who need It, the recl
At tins season almost everyuouy is iioarsc. me pe1"and air-clou tor maklcgtho simple remedy by
blealine of distressed lungs is heird everywhere.
Why is this, when ioe' limey' of lloreliomul
and Tar will cure any cough, told or hoarseness
in H hours? Sold by all Druggists.
Pike's Toothache Drops cure in 1 minute'.
Singular Accident. On Wnlntsday
team belonging to Mr. Frank Leisenring was
i i.:..,... ii, ,,,!. lirn.l, V-,ll,.r i few mil.
being driven through JJrush alley, a lew mil-
us from this place, and the roads being in
irn had condition one of the horsis got his
foot f.i-1 in a deep rut. Jacob Teats, the elnv
er took nn ax and attempted to cut loose the
frozen'grotind around the horse's foot so as to
releaso the animal. One of the blows was not
ell directed and It struck the horse's leg cm-
rig the foot entirely oil 1 The horse, wlin-li
a va ued at $200. had lo be shot. inamom
Another Suffeher Cubed Discharged
from lhe Massachusetts General Hospital as in
curable, with inflammatory rheumalism in my
boulders, fingers and feet j Buffered fearfully
for three years j tried everything : lost all hope-
Dr. Giles' Liniment Iodide of Ammonia eject
ed a comniete cure. bLt.EN bMITH.
No. 72 Plane St., Fall lliver, Mass.
Sold by all druggists. Send for pamphlet.
Da. Giles.
120 West Broadway, N, Y.
Trial size 25 cents.
Now is the time of yiarfor Pneumonia.Lung
Fever, ec. Kvery family should have a boltio
"of Boschce's German Sy up Don't allow lor
one moment lluit cough to take hold ot your
child, your family or yoursen. ionsumpeiou.
Asthma. Pneumonia,. Croun. Hemorrhnges.atul
other fatal diseases may set in. Aiiuougu ie is
Imp fiprman Bvrun IS CUrilllT thousands Ol
these dreaded diseases, yet it is much better to
have it at hand when three doses will cure you.
One bottle will Inst your whole family a winter
and keep you safe from danger. If you are
consumptive, do not resi until you have tried
this remedy Sample bottles 10 cents. Regular
size 7o cents, bold by your uruggisis.
aug 30, '7S-tt Jl
This truly valuable tonic has been bo thoroughly
tested by all classes ot the community that li is now
deemed Indispensable as a Tonlo medicine. It costs I
but little, purines the blood, and gHes tone to tho I
stomach, renoeates the tyst.m and prolongs lire
hverybody should have It.
For the cure of weak Btomachs, oencroi t'emuiy
Indlgefctlon, diseases uf the stomach, and for all ca
ses rt quiring a tonic I
This v. Ino lucludi s the most agreeabio and e nicieni I
Salt of Iron we possess Citrate of Magnetic Oxide
combine I lth the most energetic of vegetable ton
icsYellow I'eruvlau Hark.
D i you wantiomethlug to strengthen ) ou I
Do j ou want a good u ppettte t
Do ) ou want 1 1 get Hd or nervousness T
Da you want energy?
Do you want Ui bleep well ?
Uojou wont to build up our constitution T
Do you want to feel well J
Do you want a brhk and vigorous feeling:
If you do iry KUNKKLM III I'l EH WINE OF I
I only ask a trial ot this valuable medicine I
lloware otco mterfelts as Kunkel's Hitter Wine of I
ironlstheotily sure and 'fit-dual remed' In the I
known wot Id for lhe permanent euro ot Dyspepsia I
and Debt tty, and as thrre area number ot Imita
tions ottered to the public, I would caution the com
munity to purchase nono hut the genuine ankle,
manufactured by E. Y. Kunkel. and having his I
btaimi on the cork of every bottlo The tact that oth
ers are attempting 1 1 Im'tate this valuable retne-iy.
pi ov, sits worth anl speaks volumes la Psfuvor, I
(let the genuine, K. V, liuuhei's.
Hold only in II bottles. Bold by druggists and I
dealers eu-ryhere. E F. Kunkel, Proprietor, 259 I
North Ninth street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Tupo Worm ItruioviMl Allvo.
Head and all complete In two hours. No feti till
head passes. t-cat, lit and Mnnwb. oruis ri mo -
et by l.r. Krxkel. va N 'rth NIdUi "lr. phi del-
l Ula, Pa. bend lor circular, or isk your i,ru,-glit Ici
a bottle ot Kunkel's Worm Byrup, It never (alls.
I'ru i.
Business INoticos
Having oblnlned tho agency of this
Cr.LWiiiATr.ti Soap
for llloomslitirg and vicinity, I append the
ppini'iu ni some in our n-i. peopi" ns io lis
i nave lieil lJ"lii,ns i-leclrif S" inmle
tiy u (!rn(,In Co , I'hilsdelpbla, Pa.,
nr wssblntf about ten yrnrs.nnd think It
I have urt-il D'dibln's I- leclric S"l made
iiperlnr In uny other Mrs. O 0 Harkley."
We bae-e ii., Dobbin's ElfCtrli'H 'iui and
find it superior to any other it all olhen.
, rs. It. .laeoliy,
Sir.. II. II f tnh nor.
I ilnlrp nil my friend and customers to
Give thu .Sort) one Trtal,
so that they may know jut how good the
nest boap in the Unttcil Bints ts,
J. ii. .MAizn.
July 12, '78-ly lllnomsburg, Pa.
Wo arc authorized to announce tho narao
of.Inhn I'cnman ns candid etc lor constablo at
the I'rbruaiy election
Overcoats. Overcoats.
For Men, Boy and Children
at l). Liowenoerg s-
Boot headquarters at McKlnney'e.
T.rv it Buy it
Palm Palm Palm Soan
At Jacob II, Maize's at Jacob II. Maize's
may 3-18w
Slioo Store below Court
The chctpet and best, rendy-mada Cloth
ing nlnay nn band at Loivetiberg's.
Iramplon Bmtbpr's Palm soap at Jacob
I M ii7. ' It Is the best. Try It.
may 8-8w
Admission frp at McKinney's.
f'ramploti' Palm Sn.ttr Is the best laun.
drv snap In this or any other market. For
one liy Jacoh u. .iinizo. may 18-aw
Call at McKinney's for Shoes.
Winter Clothing cheaper than ever at D.
Liven berg s.
Uiihbers at McICInney's.
The latest style ofliats always on hand at
n r ...... .,1,.....
Lr uunciiuci
Tradn dollars taken
lor 100 cents at
V. O. McKinney's.
A fine selection of Ladies' Gold Watches
and Chains, both American and import d
by th best makers at li. iiernhanl a Jewel
ry Store.
Boots aud Shoes cheap at McKinney's.
Cash paid for Itw Skins. Fox. Skunk
Mink, Musk &c, at David Lowen
fltntlf'-llftlr KOKMKH 1'KfCEft.
(Jood Hruisski.s (uhi'Kts. iso ner varJ. Tnoruvs.
from 510. M OUKri'hs, WILTON. AXMINSTEH,
I'KT.s nt cq i Uly lo prices. IL ULOTIIS all wU thf
from R5c. ner vard.
HCKrUUTMNH, ft oo per pair, to the finest HEAL
lauu importer., hi
189 and 191 Sixth Avenue,
Correr13lh street. KKW YORK.
nov. si ivsm a&co
T will mall (Freeit'ie recelne fur astmnlo Vkqeta-
m.k hum that win remote Tan, Fitt-CKLK-s, i-i m -
LKl ann uiotcocs leavinir ino ssin sine, e-ieirano
oeauiuui ; Ul-si ihsiiuluums lur iirouuciuLT 11 mjeun-
aDt Kroith of hair on a bald head or smooth face.
Ar?9'4D0,ns 'o"'1
p, lien anneii sr. t.. m
The advertiser bavins bten permaueutly eured or
that di-Afiii hiuohbm 'niiKiimnnnn. nv a. himnin rpmn
rir in HTiKiciiq ti make knemnto hla fellow suDtT-
pr ih i mum ot cure. To all who desire It Up
will send u cpj' or ! ho prescription used, (free of
charge ) with directions fur preparing and using the
name wnivii iuc ui una a bui e umuiur vunsLjif
Parties wisii.r.c the I'rescrlDtlon. will please ad
dress K. A. WILS.'N, 191 1'enn st.( WUlUmsburff, N,
V. u&ca nov, xx, 'is-em
4 (lgTi.EV4N who Buttered for years from ervous
r 11KB1I.1TY I'BhMSTCBK unciv, aua an mo enecis
. ,. . . ld,. ,,. 10r thB 8k.e 0I ..
UKB1MTY 1'aKMeTCttK 11BCAY, ana aiiinoenecia
whl'.hh- was cured, hunere-rs lshlng to nroit by
the a,ertlser'a experience can no to oy aouressing
m terree'tconnoenee,
miiv it ,m:iii-'V. 11 nprtnr Kl.. Kpw Vnrt.
nov. 22, 7um aico
Dr- Faber's Colebrat-d
Paimess Remedy is the
iiesrever known for Piles of eierv kind (PleSrlloir.
Itchlnu, llllnd, Inward, ic.) and all diseases ot the.
nECTCx', whether rec-iit or 'long standing,
Instant relief and effet ts a radical and rs
Clm n ,a .)rescllbeU by M j.njslclans wl
Musicians who are ac-
nimiiited with It. clnonlccases readily eleld to It.
r.O SUrKU.UI llltlUUl. lc(Ullw, JJ ii, uu. ...i.i-.u
wmr suneiinra. tiNLY &u cents for a I auob 1'ack-
iiik. M-ne liv mall on recelnt of mice. For sale by
all lirnggists. Da..J. I'AULit Co., 22 Ann W..X. V,
nov, 2, 'iMini uae-o
Valley Stream, Queens t?o.,
Lono Island, N. Y.J
Mn. II. It. Stevens:
Dear Air, I take tho pleasure of writing you
A small certilicnle coiHs-rtilna" Veirettm pre
pared by you. 1 bavelwen asurTererwItti the
Jiunirj(n for over forty years, and have had
the Cftionic IHmihtrn for over six months, and
iiavo tried most every thins; was given up to
die, and tllil not esiwi-t lo live from day to day,
and no I'liysician could touch my case. 1 saw
e tutr Vi-gellne reciiiumeinlwl to rure Jlyvjxl'tta,
1 ei'iitmettcett uslitir It, and I continued dotng
so. lend um now u well woman and restored to
perlett health. All who are anilcted with this
tcrrlblo Ulsi-use. 1 wnulil kindly recommend to
try It for thu l,i-ni-tlt of their health, und It is
excclle-nt es a blood purltlcr. .
IlyUr.T.ll. Koiidfs.M. D.fnr
' M1W. WM. 11. l OllBES.
Veoetine. When the blood hecomes lifeless
and BtSKnant, either from clianeool weather or
of i-llniHte, want of exercise. Irreculur dli-t, or
from any other cause, ttie VkokTiN k will re
new lhe blond, carry oil' the putrid humors,
cleanse the slomacll. rejrlilulu tho bowels, and
tnipurt a tone of vlor to tho whulo body,
Tho Doctor's Certificate.
Bead it.
Achley.Wasuinutuji Co., III., Jan. 11,1878.
Vu Mr, This li to (ertliy that I hmlbwn
fiuiKitmrrronitty.'on-CiNiri u my right. rea,
ultlth iew sety rnpklly, mid uil my irii-mla
lintl Liven mi' up 10 ilie, w lien I heard of our
inftlu-hn', ViKvii"'. retominemlfd for ctmrrr
it i ul Otnaivui Vhjiigii. J eoiuniencf J lo tnke
It. unlsMn ft.uml niyselt Nicliutliig lu fvel Ij-(
tir; jiiyla'HltliHlidi'plritiU'lli It'll the benign
lumitMKuuhtch ttexeiteU,iiiiainurwniumLi
fiom thtf tlnut I cuniuieiiceil lUv iiseuril.eif
c Uuo, tbd CUitcer fume out uliuobt bodily,
I cvrtllY tlut I nru iritoii&Uy acquainted
with Mrs. Iwi'orresl, ami tui lit r f
our wry bestwoiuvn, DK.H. 11. 1 UJW fc-IW.
relieve I'ttin.cieHiiiie, i.urHy.ftiKl euro iiicb
UlwaHea, resiorlntt the iiatleiil lo iwriVct healtU
mltr trylnif dliu-reiit 'hlclan. many reme
(Ilea, aiMUtiiTeritnf (,tr tri, tt it not cnucluslv
1'itKif, If yu are aaufterer, you ran be cured?
liy In thin tnetlictuH -runnltiK uch itrvat
cum b? It wtilks In the blood. In Ui ilrt ulut
Inu fluid. It can truly bo called lh tit tat Jttwxt
rut(jii: 1 btt great nourruof dltieaiH originates
In the blood; and no medicine that dot a nov
net tfirecily u.oii It. to I'unfy and re mo vat,
baa uny Just claim upou (iubllo attvutlou.
(regard It as a valuable
Mb.IT. It. Stevens t-
ain Mir
Vein Mr. I take plensure In saylnc tbst I
Iimetisea llie veseune in niy lumiiy wiiii b'-
riaulti.and l he known of nee rrul emu-sol
remitrs able cure etrecleil by II. I reitiird It ft
a VUIUuoiu isuiliy uieuicuie. iiuij- juu,.,
The Hev. Wm. McDonsid Is well known
tlirtmsh the United Mates u a ululele-r la lbs
M, U. Church.
v,,n . U..U Rnr.i.-. Vrnrrls-E Uacknowl-
edced and lee-olutneiided by, iihyslclulis and
aiKithecarles to be the ue-si punner ami
of the blood yet discovered, and tlusniands
.uk In lu praise who have beeu restored lo
Tlio JI. 1.'s lmvo It.
I,'.. ' s.. 1. . 1 i.uva nnlrl Votrnilnti fop a Inn
time, aud And It lve not excellent natlifao-
Peers red by
II. It. NTKVnXS, Iluhtou, Ma.
Vegetiue li Sold by all brujjsUt,.
Jsji. 10, ,Tlr Jwp
liy vlrtuo ot a writ of M. Uvsrl ractas, Issued out
ot the Court of Common Pleas ot ColnmMa county
anito mo illrecte,1, will baesposed to publlj sale
upon llio premises at tho lied Tavern.vlllage of Mon
tana, Conjnghum township In salil county at ten
o'clock In the forenoon on
.Monday, Jaiiuary '27, 1879,
All Hint. Oennltl tdirt nrlnn I with lltn .r.niUn,
sit latsj In the atorcsajl township of Connshim
iMUaded an I ileicriried its follows l lieglnnlng at
inoienm ortneraco or the north abutment ol the
b I le ot tin New York ami MIcMlo Coal FloM Cool
HailrialCora.wny. (tti llnoof whoso roal cn-sses
the pubiU roi.l lo .rlliia from centralla to (JaUwtssa
ai tlut place), thence 1 onli -0 Ufgress west w fet,
thence north 8 degrees west 840 tcet, thence north
degrein ciiol 4',0 fei't, thence north ton degrees west
43S feet, thenue north 81 degrees east 420 feet, the & e
aoutu degrees ait 191a feet, thence nortti MX lie
grees west 511 feet to tho place of beginning, con
talnlng Is acres and 80 perches, he tho samo niOro or
less, upou parts whercot tho aforesaid village ot
Montana has been laid out, and the;butldlngs there
of, to wit t A tavern house, sundry framo dwcilln;
houses and outbuildings, a frame Bcnool house and
other structures have been erected. Inthoaileot
tho said property certain lota of the said ylllago, lo
cated thereon to wlti Lots purchased of Samuel Let
by Btnco the 14th day ot March, 184J and paid for In
iuii io mm uy ino purchasers of the samo will be
sold separately from tho other p-irtsof the property
and were Improved, singly also, unless In esses
where bevcral lota aro held toffcther br tho simo
terretenant,andordiirotealottsamong and between
tho Bald luts n 111 bo according to tho rerwrt of Sam
uel Knorr, hsq., Master, made to tho said Court ot
Common Picas of Columbia county, in an action of
scire Facias upon mortgage therein brouitht by Ml-
cnael lederolt ugaluat Samuel Ixlby and le-rro tea-
ants, to enforce tho payment of purchase money of
the premises above mentioned, which ssld action Is
numbered VJl ot September Term 1-Jt In said Court 1
anl other ot thu lots ot tbo Bald town which have
iku Improved or otlurwlso luvo sueclal valuo wl 1
also bo hold separately and blngly,or two or more to-1
geiher where held by the same terre tenant or
claimant. It Buch separate sales shall be necesary to
secure a run price lor the premises a foresaid.
A more particular description ut the Improved and
other lots to Da sold Is ai folio a :
mode A.-Slotatrontlng on Centre street UO feet
deep. Lotl vaamt, lots t and J vaunt but fenced
togeiher.lut I a piaultdwjlllnfhoiisa and out-builds'
mas, i-uuip iicjnoacu terre tcaaot or claimant, lot 5
.v-utou,ouuuuiaa reuermau ciaimaat, loticnianu
Jnelllughouso with small o it buildings. Samuel III
ley claimant, occiplal by Samuel Luke, tenant ! lot
i, p. auK o .veiling house and out buildings, clal ,.ant
fuiup uclobach, occupied by Samuel Leiby ; lot 8
vacant, Bernard Hrcssllne, claimant.
Il.ock D.-8 lots fronting on U-lby street 110 feet
doep. Lot I, vacant next Second street: lots 2. a and
4 vucant, fenced together, I'litllp Helnb ich claimant;
iuui a uuu u vac mi, mnco . I igecuer. Got e Q F. Kb
erly, cUlmint ; lots t and 8 vacant.
Block O.s lou rroatlnir on Lelbv street, rrnm ion
tolisreotin depth. Lota 1 to d Inclusive. va -ant;
' o luso vacant, Cornelius Donohuo claim
ant. Hlock D.-(New Man) c lots, nrst 4 Irontlnir'on Cen
tre street, lie feet deep; lot 1. vacant. Franklin Yo.
.uin, claimant ; lot 2 vaca' t, about one halt fenced,
eurea uancrott, claimant ; lots 3, i, a and fenced
lugeiacr, a Darn on lota 3 and 4.houie burned down.
claimant, Ja nes Morrison.
Illock K. 9 lots Irontluit on Lclby street. Ilrst 1 be.
lnglloreet deep. Lotl, a double plank duelling
una.; Uiu pig pen, ueviu uavls's heirs claimants,
.-.oiomonsuyuerandsjlph Knlttle, occupants ; the
lomalnlng lots In thla blockvacant; lot 0 claimed by
Lphralm LC by, I
Hlock t 10 lots.tho first I frontlneon Lelbvstrppt
ot irregular depth, Iroin 141 to 13 J feet, or less. Lot
i, uouoie piaun dwelling house and out bulldtogs,
. ...uu . u.iivn j. null uiaiiuiiLa : iuli I
.ou.tiuu, uouse.suoio and otner out
uuiiauijj,, ia,rick uarra, claimant; lot 3, "lank
dwelling house and oven, houso vacant, claimant
Henry arllng; lotl, double plank dwelling house
and out buildings, Harney ixragherty, claimant; one
halt ot lot 5 adjoining lot 4,fenco I and same claimant:
one half of lot 5 next to lot 0, vac. nt ; 'lots Oandt
sm ui rramo nouse aud garden, Mrs. Caroline Knlttle
claimant; the lemalulng lots noit railroad now va-
caur, . w. Creainvr, claimant.
mock o. io lots fronting oa Centre streeLtlio first
s ueing isu io 'I ueep am tin remitn ler loss. Lot I
vacant but fenced wlihlot 2,Pelcr s. Ilelwlg'aistato
claimant! I,,t9vnnr,r i.. tar,r.
iiejiiuieiuitu-a esuie, caimant; ots3 and 4. framfe
uweiunguousewitua e ok or wash house and sta
ble, two lots fence! together, Peter S. Ilelwlg'aes
eaie, claimant, widow and Edward Hinabach. occu
pants ; lota 5, 0 and 7, vacant, fenced together, Peter
. ueiwiv-a estate claimant : lots 8 and 9 vacant.
Block ,11.-(New Han) 4 loU frontlnc on Scond
street, UJ roet deep. lot 1, a small blank dwelllnir
house and back kltclien with out-buildings. Uebecca
uiker, claimant; lot 2. frame dwelllni house and
out buildings, John stoetzel, claimant ; lot 3, vacant
but fenced with lot 4 ; lot 4, double plank dwelling
house nnd stable, James Uaan. claim int: a hIppp'
ut Kround In the rear ot satd lots aud adjoining the I
railroad, vacant. I
Illock I.-slotsfrontlnion Centra street ot lrre?.
ular depth, 140 feet and less. Lot I. raemt, Q. W.
Stokes, claimant; lot 2, vacant I lotssand i fenced
together, p'ank dwelllnj home aud out-bulldings,
estate ot IVter s. UpImIc. claimant; lots a And a
Plank store houso nnrt '."Z ; , '
, .. . . . ' '- --,v-.-"h
nouso connected, .out) foet and out-bulldlngs, I'MI
ip Kulb's heirs, claimants, William (lcodni, occu
pant ; lota I and 8, Irame dwelllns house. Aaron Per-
son, claimant.
Block J.-12 lots fronting on Lelbv street of Irreiru.
tar depth, 131 feet and less. Lots 1, 2 and 3 vacant,
IJt4. a small plank dwelling houso ono and a hall
seones nun and small out bondings, Jacob Huber,
claimant ; lots 5 to 8 Inclusive, a large frame Btable,
hog pen an J wood house, fenjel. and acarden on 5
anoo,.aroni'ersou, claim int ; lots 9 and 10 bmall
I fmmn alu'MllInn l. ........ . . . , . . . . .
. ZT,: . .." "uuo.1-""au sionesnign,
.luauumuuiiuings, jamcs Iiyer, claimant, George
Itupp, occupant.
lilock K.-1.1 loU Irontlnsr on I elbv street, of lrreir.
ulardeDtb.05 f,vt .s i. r..
dwellloir houso icxp out-buildlnss and garden,
Georgo inner, occupant; alltho other lots In this di
vision vacant.
lllOCk L.-(S'ew Map) 0 lots frontlntr on Ccilrn
street. Lot I, lied tavern stand, a two-story stono
tavern house, corner ot Second and Centre streets,
with back plank kitchen, a frame stablo and
other out buildings, n t-ood well upon the prelum's
and Iota .No I ands vacmtln Illock M belong with
this property, and will bo sold with It; tho tavern
lot is M feet wide la f root and on feet in the rear
uu rcaeap ont-econd6trcet.and 1M leet atoni? lin r,i
lot No. it, Isaac Elwards rlalmint aud ocoupant ;
lots 1 and 3,oo feet in front on Centre street tibd
from las to 1S7 reet ioep and W) feet wldo in tho rear,
on said lots aro erected n two-story Iramedwelllng
nouso joxso, ar-imi';stableand other out buildings,
a good wtll ou tho premises, Ell Klndig and Ira Road
armon, claimants ; lots 4 and 5 ftneed together 11
teet Iront on Centre street, house burned down, lolin
and Dominic Cosgrove, claimants; lot o, vacant Oot-
eiar. eDi'rir. claimant, being 31 leet In inntaLd
triangular lu lortn.
Dlock:I.N'ew Manir lotsfrontlntr era allevln
rear ot Illock L ; lots 1 and t with Red Tavern stand.
I all the rest vacant.
Illock N.-10 lots fronting on main Dubllo road most.
ly 140 feet in depth. Lots i and 1 vacant, A. W. Crea
mer, claimant; lots 8 and 4 vacant, Ell Klndig claim
ant ; lots 5 and making no feet front on main ro id
or street by 140 feet deep on which Is erected a good
pmuis ocuooi nouse erected by Conyngham school
District; lot I vacant, former claimant Nancv K.
neriuian; lots, a small frame dwelling house and
uuitue-r Biaoie, William M Harris, cla tnant lot g n
two-story frame dwelling Uousj an I out btitldlngs.
iuuj loi u lencea WllU So. 8. Clatmmt.Carrta Harris.
loU 10 and II vacant, Thomas Mallg, claimant ; the
remaining mis in mis block vacant.
mock 0.-I3 lots irontlngon Lelby street ol van
ous depths ISO feet and leas, All tho lots In thlitlock
are vacant. Lota l to S Inclusive. A. W. Cramer,
claimant ; lot 4, 0. 1). lirockway claimant t lot &
e-eitx jncjiunoman cla mant: lots t and r. ish
Drelsbach former clalmapt ; lot 1 1 Anthony rfurpby
i 'i oiucrs, claimants.
The lots In said town when not otherwise stated
are about 85 feet In width and their positions and
connections as rhown upon maps of said town
open for Inspection at the oftlce in r.itomsburt'. of
the counsel for plaintiff In tho wrltot Levari Facias
aoovenieiitioned, u(m which the pale Is to be made
until tbe day of salo, and wtllthen bo oihlbltodat
the sal.) ar d full Information as may be deslre-d glv-
i en to uiaaers.
Fclze-d, taken In execution at the suit of Michael
Federolf against Samuel lelby with notice to terre
n uuu luHjKjmaniiio properly oi&ainuei ui-
uy ana terre tenants.
TKItMS. Cash on day of sale, otherwise nronertv
iu ue rt'sota at once.
v. u. s w. j. licckii-iw, Attornays for Plaintiff
. . ... JOHN W. I10FFM S.
jan. 5, ts-is , hherilT,
Cnmn'ihCd Cf Wool and Silk Filled tru-ether will, I
the silk nextlo the foot. A sum relief for ltiiunt.
Tisa. and proof acalni-t Cold and Damp leet. .Many
a cold nnl the attendant evuisequvuces preven ed
by ustnirlhesoL-eiodH. r-ei.tbv mill tt at,v inidrHu
I on receipt of us cents, state fclro of suoe worn, und
ii lor ueni, Lauy or child.
Oirafr ami Aaentt do well with theie
II. t , JOIIS.,
323 reh treet.rhi!ftielth!a.
dec!T, 'ilm dico
I Keatly and cheaply executed at the
Columbian Office,
Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania.
Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M,, Principal.
THIS SCHOOL, aa at present constituted, of ers the very best facilities for Professional and Classical learning. .,.,
imuaingsapacious,iniUDganacommoaiou9 ; completely neaeeu oy Bicam, well veniuaiea, ugniea Dy gas,
spring waUT,
Location healthful, anil easy of access. Teachers experienced, efficient, and alive to their work.
moderate. Fifty cent u week deduction to all expecting
Courses ot Htudy prescribed by tho stato t
I. Model School. II, Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical.
Adjunct Courses : I Academic. II. Commercial. III. Course In Music IV. Course In Art. V. Course In Physical Culture.
Tho Elementary Hclentlnc and Classical Courses aro PU0PKSS1UXA1 and Students irraduatmr therein, receive State Diplomas, conferring the followln
ourresiHinuing negroes ; .iiasieroi tue itiemenis: .uasecr
mi'ir aiiuiiiiiieuu siueu u 11111 1'liiieri ui ino ooaru
Thecourseo! study orescrlra'd by the(tattsllberal,anatlie5:lentincandclasslcalcour3e3arpnotlnferlortoth080 0f our best Colleges.
The state rouulresa uhrher onK'r of cttlzens'iln. TliotlmM deilan-UL Itls onoof tnonnmoblcts of this Scltool to hulp to noouro It. by furnlshlnginteia-
..n.i ...t.n...... r.i...H fn. i,.. u,k:U.i. -n.. n,
and their talents, as students. Toallauchlt nromlaes
Catalogue, addres. the l'rtnclnal.
i.f.. . i.i.i.i.ii i.i.i,, , rc-iucni iiunni
sept, s,
1IT vlrtuo of a of sundry writs Issued out ot the
tho Court of Common Picas of olumbla count j-, and
tome directed wll bo exDOsed to nubile sale at the
Court llouso liloombburg, ot 10 o clo k-, a.m.,
SATIlllIlAY. .lANIIAIlv ".i 1S70
The following described tracts of land partly In Lo.
cust and Franklin townships, Columbia county.
Tract ho. 1. commencing at a point In a public
r ad leading from eatawlssa to i:oarl creek, in
Franklin township, n ar the house of John tllass
meler,lhence noith 2-) decrees ea&t3iS-10 rods to
a yellow pine, dtwn, thence north I degreo cast hit
3 to rods to a post, thence south 85 degrees webt
19 roils to a tilclc ry J thence south 8 degrees west
li 3-10 rods. toapulnlln the public road; thence
south mi degrees e ist 133 n-loro Is to a point In the
toad to Inuring creek road; thence southSO degrees
oast IS 9.10 rods thence degrees east sixteen
rods, thenco south thirty-sis degrees east 24 -!) rods
to ptnee of beginning coutalulhg 161 acres and 19 per.
ches on which Is erected a Fram ) House, Hank liarn
and outbuildings. Tills tract contains an orchard
about 11 1 acres cleared and about I'l acres timbered'
also, a right ot way from said house along the right
bank ot Itoarlngcreek through division No. 2 to a
public road.
iracenu. , e.omincueiu ui u ii-jiui, m u uii.
r0ad leadlnc from catawi&e to ltoarln creek In
Franklin township thenco 30 degrees west 2H6-10
r0ds, thence north t7X degrees west Is rods, theuce
. ..nnwa ,voa. ana rnrla ehnnr-P n.irlli Sft dP.
197 7-10 to a' post, thenco houth 8-2 degrees east 102
rods, thenco north 41 degree east ml rods, thenco
nci-tn ni nAr.niMi wjKis.inpni. rn,.nc. n,irrn kut
uiulng 199 acres and 94 perches, ot which about HO
acres Is cloared and well fenced, and about On acres
timber land, on which there are one new two-story
rriime farm houso with outbuhdlhjs, one largo bank ono Btory ho ise, one double one-and-a-half
aiory house, with stablo barn ono two-story house
with barn ono cood saw mill, with wa-er-powep
dam and rao?lu good order.two orchards, and such
otherlmprovemontsas usually to such property ap
pertain, to be sold suoject to a right ot way exto nd-
in, frtm .llpUlr.n Miv 1 Hlnnt- thn rlirht bsnk nr Tinier.
ins-crcek ton publli road, said right ot way being
. .. . T .
I above raeittoned
Seized, taken Into execution, and to bo sold as the
property of Casper Thomas, et. at.
A l-O,
No. 1. ell that certain lolor piece ot land situate In
Madron township, Columbia county, I'tnnsjlvanla
described as follows, to-wlt: Hounded on the east
by land ot Jacob shoemaker and Robert Miller, on
tho south by land tormertyor jopi fuik now .imos
Heller, on the west by land ot Peter A. Bvine, Uriah
Mills and William IUbb, aud on the norm by Ian 1 of
Anna W'elllver, contain n? two hunuadaulsl'rty-
live acres more or less on whbh aro erected a frame
house, barn and out buildings.
A LSI 1,
. t,."i r-ni,,.nhi mimir. sunnsnn i.i.
rollowa, to- It : lloun-li, 1 on tho south
K, h rVi.fio nn ,hn e.isi hviand of
. . . " , . m 1., n
tieo Iicagle, am a. r. uest,r, on euo uurm u) i'uu
tcroau ieaa.nS.roiu-e ? u ...
tlmiffpsthv maoiliw uuirsui iujjiu .uiiwi-us-
talnlng twenty acres more or less, on whtcli are
erected a saw mill and water right .
No.3. All that crtaln lot o piece nr grorm situate in
-I'rt.i-n f It'n'msn rtr e'jl nn'Jl
o,i ttitv, I'enn
t ! Lot No. U
st-iv.iriia. described us follows to-wlt : Lot No. 14
... kn..H,.P-a a, -i to inn ni o jo ns'jiiiir.
bounded ou the not th by second streDCnn tho east
bv lot No 13. on th soutn nv tir en srey.uuu u
and two hundred fn 1 fouru'eu fsetln deplh.on
the west ny e;. e. tnu,i. uuuniui,,,. ...y, .-
and two nunnreo un i iouiw-tn
which are erected a frame stable,
A L0.
, , .... .n,n,,n,Mh.,abnvcde3Ciibedasfol
nwto-w It: bounded on ill" north by ec md street,
on the'bv Itoso sllej-.onthesouthhj ilrren Alley
and oa the vest bv lot u 11, ore w h Mi si" rwtt
a Tlckdweliinu nouso irutuo biuoiouuu Um-uui,u-
"Seized, taken Into oec'itton at tho stilt or Tho
First Ssliotiai nanieot nu-'maouiu..
enttno lieltileraan and to bo sold as tho property of
valentine nciaiemuu.
Little, Attorney. Al Hert i-acios.
Terras cash on day of sale. ,,,,,
iiuili .1. iiurriA.'i
,.e CmtennUl nxposUIon Tor
i I txrrttenc fitd Uvli'ij Aar
1 P t irW-jj Ti0 best tcUec
' 1 1 y r I tloalnr. pfn-t f"T mrnple.
dec. is. 18-iw
fhiyADVYto agents canvass ns for the rire
i ldi VU tor. Terms and Outfit tree. Ad
dress P. o. vi 'KEltV, Augusta, Maine
uau. iu -I.-.W r
Stfl WXKIi CAI1DS. with name 10 cents. Agents
L. JONES & CO., KassiU, N. Y.
Jau.lo, 'ja-iw
Q ( Fancy Cards, Chromo, Snowtlake, Iloraask, ic,
i)U no 2 alike with name, 10 cents. J. Mlnkler CO.
Nassau, X. Y. r Jan.le.inw
Off ciiromornrds, io , Cupids. Mottoes, Flowers,
Zi) No a alike, with name, loc, Nassau card Co,
Kusaau, si Y. r Jan. 10 iw
" Vibrator" TUrcslicrs,
And Steam Thresher Knglaei,
Uade onlr by
HU Mntehie. :rntnnav!na'i Time
w, in., .4. .i-mrr-o. ,u. ,.n.iiH
ui, i'r-
G11A1N Itnlncr. evill not Pnbmlt to tho
.nun "i. .ui... bl Oruiii h I .Iut r hulk ..ot. .f
tu. etlt.r budiliui., wu.a cik. -.t.Joa IU.
'TIITI I'.NTIIIV. Tlirc.hlmr Kxprn.r.
a n1 c lira a t j h 'i i i tiitHUunMi s. . if
IM Uatr Ui tin bX LO lf tUH liuynii4 fcUcitUut.
KO llcwoUInj Hhnfta Imldn tho fiepa
ii it I loch llm.wkJlin inJ tnlikwuilu
n till
HOT only Vnttly Huprrlor for Whrnt,
Utlt. luiltjr, U),nrl nh braiu. leui lb i .t,( bi
Cf Mlul 'I hrvilur In 1 Ul, 1 1motlir, Ullltt, C1ar, t
l'hrrl. Itrtiiiirf-ktiOallacliUUUU" T rlutUU.( '
to fruw Urala U burada.
MAUVWiOrS for Rmpl!f!tr of rort.
ri l - Hmu rn. -lull a ubimI lUlu u4
1(1 Uai im Lttiilui o( feciuriif,
FOlTll BUeaof Hrparntorn Mmlt't ranr
I i. irntil K I i 1 wrti lliir.a kU4 l)iiy
STKASI rowrr Threshrra n Hporlnltr.
v44 IIM M Jjil alM UMlUw ttlM ljr tot MMtM i uI,
VR Unrlrnlprl
a Hter
'tenrn Thrrbir Eu-
s B. Mirth li.
IN ThoTough Vorkmnnlilp FJvant
p t n N rf l'Mi,(uuii-r,iM vf LulHwaui,
4.. t-wf VUM4Iw"1blWMr UaUl4 4t1 ltvl"-l f 'it.
FOlt l'nrtlcolars. call pa oar Dealers
Jau. 10,-tim r
to teach. Students admitted at any time. Itooms
oirine -cience3 ; Master or mo eJiassics. urauuaiea
ui iiismt-.
,, an,,. ... '.k. i,..n.. Z. a
aid in davelonlmrthpir nnwnni. anitabnndant onnortunttlcs for weUnald labor alter leaving School. Wr
ill irii-ioes
Lelters of dmlnlstratlon on tbeestste otllavld
Demott, late of tireenwood twp.,Columbta co dee'd
have be-eu grunted bj the Heglster or Bald county to
the undersigned feminist whom all poisons
Indebted are re-quested to make Immediate payment
aid those hnvtng claims or demands aiealnst the es
tate will make them kbowntolhe adm-nlstrator
without delay.
MUUtle, col. co. 1'.
dec. S. 1S79-CW
Letters of administration on. the estate of Hugh
fhultz, lateot Jackson townshlp.coliimblacountj,
Pp , deceiihed, huo been gr nted by tho Hcglsterof
'id counly to the undersigned 'I nln !6lrator
to whom ail persons Indebted to Bald e-itate arc le
quested to make payment, and those havlinr
claims or demands against tho satd estate will
make them known to the Bald administrator without
central P. O.
dec. 0, ".i-Cv Admmistrator.
tu iho
o matter of the aalo ot the real estate ot A.
. knutie.
The uhderilsned, "minor appointed by tho Court
ot Columbia County to distribute funds to and
among parties entltlei thereto, wtll attend to
the duties or his appointment nt llieonice or Free-ze
Kserlyln llloomsburir. on Saturday, lhe 11th daj
of January, A.D., lsiV, at ten o'clock a. m,at
which time and placoall parties Interested may at
tendlf they think proper, or be debarred from any
dec. !3, '&s-4w
IuiIib matter of exceptions jo the account ofJT. M.
iMnUti, AsslgTieoot l..7oUu & ton.
Tho undLTslirned Auditor anrotnterl br th Court.
on exceptions to th above nHmert account will meet
an parues imereiin at nis onico in i.ioonisuurK',
on Miturday. he l&th day of January, tsi, at ten
o'clock a. m., for tho purposo of hU tiriitolnt'ient,
dec. so, Auditor.
In tho matter ot tho account of J. II. (Ietler, Ex
ecutor ot Joun .Michael, deceased.
Tho undeislcned Auditor annolntPd br the Or
phans' Court rlihfl County of Columbia on excep-
iioosiniiio Hccouni, 01 j. u. t'tiipr, Kxecuwir or
JoH Michael, deceased, and to make distribution nt
tho fund to n d among the parties entitled,
will meet alt partlei Interest Bd for the purpose of
hi appointment at tiWlaw orilce in lUofj.Tisbure on
Saturday' January lllh. ISTJ. at ten o'clock a. in. of
wild dav,whn and where all parties may present
their claims btfoie tho auditor If they think proper
or be debarred from coming in for &bhureot bald
deo I3.:s-iw Auditor.
letters Testamentary on the estate of John
White, Lite ot Ushlntrcreek township, Columbia,
co , l'a.,hao bten if ranted byth") Heplsrer of Colum
bia county to the undersigned Executor to
whom all oersons lndetitcd ar rcmested to make
Imim-dlat- ia- uient, and thoao havlnjr claims or de-
manas nffuinHi, ma boi, ebiaio wm inaifo mem
k no wn to the under luned Executor without
W. J, BrcKALKw, Executor,
Ait'y. torltate. Town II111, Luz.Co., Pa.
d . uu, ts:i aw
Letters Testamentary on the estato of John
saL'p lato oi Jackson town shin. Columbia countv
l'ciinsltranla, deceased, haye been granted by the
itptflsttrofBdld county to the undersigned Exec
utor. AU fersons having claims against the
estate ot tho decedeiit aro reauested to uresent
ttini for Bf-UIement, and those indebted to t!e es
tate to mak payment to the under&lgned itxecu
tor without delay.
Jan. 3, "t9tw Executor, Benton, pa.
WIIEItEAS, the Hon. William Elwell
President Judge of the Court of Oyer nnd
Terminer and General Ja'l Delivery, Court ot Quar
tor Sessions ot the Peaco and tho Court of Common
Pleas and Orphans' court In the Hutu Judicial Dls,
trlct, composed of the counties of Columbia and
Montour, and the Hons. I. K. Krlckbaum and F. I.
shttman.Ai.3 HtRjutliranf Columbia rnuntv. linvr.
Issued their .ecept, bearing date tnotltlidayot
Dec. In '.ho tear of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and sevcnty-clght, and to me directed for
holding a Court otoyer and Terminer and General
IJuartcr Sessions of the Peace, Court ot Common
.'leas and Orphans' Court, in Illoomsburg, in the
county of Columbia, on the Mrat Monday, being the
Sd day of Feb. next to continue two weeks.
Notice Is hereby gli en to the Coroner, to the Jus
tices of the Peace, and the Constables of tho said
county of Columbia, that they be then and ther In
their proper person at 10 o'clock In tbo forenoon of
aald Sd day of Feb. with their records, lnqut
sttlins and other remembrances, to do those things
which to their onlces appertain to be done. And
those that are bound by recognizance to prosecute
against tho prisoners that are or may be In the Jail
ot tbe said county ot Columbia, to be then and there
to prosecute theinas shall be Ju.U Jurors aro re.
quested to be punctual In their attendance, agreeably
to their notices. Dated at liloonisburg.tbe 11th day
,) ot Dec. In the year of our Lord oae
US. thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight
r I and In tho one hundred and third sear of
the Independence ot tbe I'nltcd nates of America.
fcheriirs ortice, joun. w. uoffman,
Illoomsburg, Jan. 8 us Sheriff.
FUllltlMlO TEIt.M, I67.
Oscar Ilajrenbucb ts M Orover'a admrs.
Margaret llmfenbu'-h vs H ffrover's admr's.
UM lla.-enbue'h v8 u, Orover'a Adun's.
Mary ucoitro es Jam's Morrison.
John 11 toott vs ilernhjrd stohnsr.
fieorgo UarclaN ve. Joseph M Fr-clc
.euiruei riurre.o va. ie ruriiea vl u.
8ron Youttir vs Juh K Younir.
Nancy tnu kob'Tts vs John K. Voung.
1,11 Mcllenry et uxenJohn K i ui c
tieorjre II liordner asK'tfaeni v. (ILliun Ilesa.
txinrad waoicvs u.inte-1 wanK.
tioineT ThomahVH. ftlcrrls Mltchcl.
0(1 Murphy va Cotij D.'ln il anl LVntrilH Foot Dis
trict. I w .McKe'vy's use vs Wm sliarieret a!.
r u Miu.nau vs narati lviauer.
MurrM Mltcr.el vs. tJomrr 1 homss.
simiit'l rh' lie vs jo."se Ithone
James 1 whiitnt; , uerd VdVV.n Mllnea' executors.
A ism win vs.v eiunifion e ase.
w 11 nelnb, Id vs Mcolas Kutri"hart
C.l awls. a lieposlt 'ante vs-ioha U 1'
Win .Seal et al vs Perm'a Cuual t'o.
Fi st Nail' Uil nanlt ( Ash'and vs Catherine lirysoa
Mti that' liartzeilvsjuscpn 11 Nver,
Mary (I Tind-rallco vs Daniel Kline,
o u Murphy vs Conycgham and Centralla Poor Dis
trict. Itohr Mcllenry vs Thos P Younjr.
J A (-crick . a J W oarcan et al
tl Y UrlfoBech vs II Urover's admr's.
Kllzab"lh llarttnan vs itenlamlu Krutnet ux.
Jonathan I'uriuir'a uso iiuul Kostenbauder,
et ai.
Alex I, Mnltli vs John 0 Jacoby.
John Waltz's tiuardlau v wm Menslnfer.
Iteury oiuers vs Jo.eplt Conner's aunir.
uarIoal bchool lU.irlct va m A Kile.
Y lirluknr vi. J li liobls in et at
Hannah Welu vs John lloifintn.
M liroter'n adinr'a ta i.tllwrt Urlnbacb.
Wm l-neder va Win 11 VanderJlce.
Abbott & Kulttle vs wejey 1'crry et aL
11 Y llaevkel eo vs hu roer (t JoLes.
O II nriKtiway vs (1 II HNjwIer's adaar.
i'lilili' lUuhart vs Malor Meel.
"t- J, ltn 's Cb'trdi. Cutiwlssi va I) Y Pall man.
Join Keat rvs iho ua z.
id . nrpliy v Cunj usham and Centralla Poor Dd
U IU'.
John lUMUjn's admltil.tratu- vi Wm. L Parks.
LWJStBchoo DUtrlct vs llavll lltdwhr
V. I'. Knorr itlt u ureb .1 ux.
ana lunusnea wilu a uouuuiuibuiiij w.
nrm but kind, uniform and thorough.
reserved when desired.
in mo wiw.-r .yursi;s reteuo ..uim
nnH,uu .1 h,,, hn rioalni In Imnrnrn Hip r lima
Dauchy & Co'a. Advt'fl.
.loliti.i.r.'- Anntljnp I.lnlinrnt will positively
prevent this t rt ll,lc disease, and will positively
cure nine ca'cs In ten. Intormstlon that will sav.
tnanv uvea h nt iree uv man uon e ueiay n uiuwcui.
I'revent ion is belter than cure. Fold everywhere
I.N. JnlitiNuii At Co. IlniiKor,AlalB
J in. 3, Vt-ir d
nnilMTiV I soldiers d7scharr-fofWoiindlC
JjUUiX 1 I I ltuirturo or othr Injury, (not dis
ease) ci.n secure full liounty i those who re-enllstea
rorinree years ueeweuii otxu i. i-..,nu
isi hsvlnif previously served nine months or more,
are entitled to lioo bounty or so much thereof as re
mains unpaid; Ihosowho enlisted befure Julyaj.
isoi. fort'trejears and were mustered before Au-tru-t
9. mi, nro entitled to lio,i bouuty, retrardless of
ilm-served: all enlistments for three ears beforo
Julr is, ism, wliro butjioo bounty lias been Pld.
entitles to ildlttonel bounty under soldier Act of
July!-, ww. Knot nlro dv paid. II soldiers died In
service, heirs are entitled to tho bounty. Mm
until ci.Aiu tsrstu. For f ull Information addreM
with cnclused stamp,
McNEII. BlltCII, Washington, D. C.
Jan. 5.19- fw U
IlltlsTLINd with thoWH.ll AIIVl!.TUUK8 0f
The only ottthenllc and copyrlBhted clieap edi
tion, liv tl p bnlllaiit tletcilptlie author, lion. J.T'
Headier, elves a lull history of his Wonderful Dis
coveries In Africa and mntvelous Jturrey down tn
confo. More fa-clnatloir than romsnce. rrolusaly Il
lustrated, and hlirhly endorse'd bj tho Clergy aatl
Press, over 1 .1,1100 sold. More
A..t. MoTitDrl f't-r lartlcularsabontth.
gents waiitea book; success ot asnt
ardbesr. terms address
llimii MID HUOM., l"ubllshcrs, rhlladelrnta, Pa.
Jan. s, Tfi-sw d
Ol riiA Ol WIA lavestodln Wall St. Stoclc
!1U I U S1UUU manes fortunes ever
month. Hook sunt tree explaUiltis cverj thlny, ad
dress Ha XTxn & Co., IISNKEKS, U Wall street, N. T.
dec i, ,ls-4w d
we will pay scents a Salary or fiotrpermoninaM
expenses, or allow a large commission to' sell our
new and wonderful inventions. We mean vbatwo
say. Ad 'ress, wit bout delav.
d oec. 20, niMir.
Wear twice as long with either the
"Or A. H. T. Co."
III"0. Til EM.
dec. so, TS-iw d
flalebrated the World (Jvflr.
The inanufACturera were Awarded the hlErhe at
ar.d only medal given lubber piasters, at both
tbe Centennial and I'arls Exposition.
ommon porous plAStera, linimenta, the BO-called
lectrlcnl ftDDUance. Ac. It lithe best known
remeav ror i.iime Biwi uenic iinrk rueumfc-
ntpd Kidneys, flrtnat complatots and all Hla for
which roruus plasters are Ubcd. Ask your
Driijrclst (or iteiiBOii'H CapclnH I loster and see
ircRi you got noiuing eise. oia Dy au aruggista
Mailed on receipt of price by Sbabcrt & Johm-
hon, 21 Piatt street. New York d dec.
hereas mr wife Emma Larlnla has left rar hM
andb-iard without Just cause or provocation, this U
to warn al persons against harboring or trustinjf
jan.f .-iw- uiiAKLtv lunik.
lbs Policy Holders of The Tlrlarcreek Farmers
Mutual Insurance Company will meet at the offlca
ol tbe Secretary, on thu second MWN'tAY or JANU
iit ueinecu utu nuurs ui icq ana iwo, lor mo
purpose of electing Utiecturd for tlta ensulne year.
OAMUau not 11 lU$
Jan. 8, 79-2w Secretary.
iuuiH3 it uir?uy Ki'u iunL appituaiiua wui
made rh Hon. Wllllbini t:hvell. President and Law
Judeot the Courts ot Itecord In Columbia county.
i n., uu iu au uay ot rcoruiry, ioiv, ui iiiuurpuraio
the Zion Hetormed church, locate tin Klhlnffcre eJc
township, Columbia county 2ennsjlTania
A. 11UU1L.
Jan. 3, 79-3vr
i J i j
Ootigtii, OolJi, InSjenm, Eoarienezi, DlQeolt
Breathing, tad all Affectlont of ii Tlroit,
Broacllal Tubei, and Lnngi, leadisp
to Oonsomptloo.
This infallible remedy is composed of the
Homey of lite planl Iloreliound, in diemicaj
union villi T.K-1I.M, exlracteel from the
Life l'lUNarix of the forest tree Abeis
lUlitMKA, or Halm of Gilead.
The ll'inev of Uorrhomv! soothes and
soeritKs all triitalions and inflammations, aud
lhe Tar-halm ci.fansf.s ami lir.Aii the throat
and air passages leading to the lungs. FlVS
additional iiigredients keep the organs cool,
mni.t, and in healthful action, I.ct no pre
judice keep you from tr)ing this great medi.
tine of famous, doctor who has saved thou
sancU'tvf lives liy It in his Urge private practice.
N.H. The Tar.Balm has no BAD TASTE or
smell. ,
(Ircat taeins to buy lar( 'u.
YlNlsr'n Tonlimclio Drops" Cure '
lu 1 Minute.
ft?- Sold hy all Druggists. '
0. N. nRTTTENTON. Pmn.. N.Y... ,
... , r., j
11 1 "'?.