The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 10, 1879, Image 2

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Friday. JAN. 10, i&vn.
Judgo ShnNvrood took hU sM ai Chief
I cilice of tho Supreme Court of tins Stale
on MonJny. Tho Philadelphia bar niado n
complimentary demonstration on tlia occasion
Gar. Hoyt wai givcu a diuner at the
Wyoming Valley Home, Wilkcs-Harro, on
New Y nr' eve by tho bar of Luicrno and
LicLunanna counties.
It is reported that Uncle Jaku Zot;1or, the
Tctetan editor of the Ilutler Herald, will bo
a candidate for the fcrfrcant-nl-arnn of the
United States acnale next winter. If a life
timo of devoted fcrvice to hit turty is worthy
ot recognition., Undo Jako 1.1 entitled to tho
A colored man in Milton named Johnson
was luttmhcd with all tlia liquor ho cmilJ
drink on tho day after Christmas at tho Huff
Iioitio, by Bomo young Milton epjrts. After
becoming helplessly inUxicated ho was put
out on the back porcli, and diod from tho
combined effect of tho wlii.-key and tho cold.
Wouldn t a verdict of manslaughter each
tlicso young men and tho bartemler a lesson?
Tho Hon. Morton McMichacl, proprietor
ot l lie Aorth American ami United Stales Qa
zetle, died at hi homo in Philadelphia on
iMOutlay aticrnoon. Jlr. McMichacl was an
activo and respected citizen of that city, and
had held many offices of trut aud honor. In
t3d 1.. -1 . I . , .
cuy uc wascicciou .uayor, aua in 1N3 was
made a member of the Conjtitutionil convex
tiou to fill tho vacancy caused by tho death of
William M. Meredith.
. flie Stato Legislature met Tue-day in Har
riiburg. In tho Senate, Thomas H. Cocli
ran was chosen Chief Clerk. In tho Home,
11. M. Lonir, or Allegheny, was elected
opeancr, ana iv u. srturlocK, Cliier Clerk.
Tho annual reoort of thn Sintn Tr.i... i
Pennsylvania shows that the receipts of the
Treasury for 1878 havo fallen $189,882 bo
low the estimates, and that the expenditures
nave exceeuoa ine estimates f2Gl.fl33. A
deficit of $1,752,519 is expected by May 31st
t ,uu uu mu upijrujiriaiion year.
Three Hundred Miners Oat of Work.
roTraviap., January 0. The Philndel-
jiin.i uum xvuiiuiuK vuai nnu iron lAuupany
employes at Itoechwood Colliery, who struck
last week for their back pay, wero paid in full
to-day. It is" understood hero that orders
ujvo uccn receivou trorn rniladoliihta to cb
iiiowiuMior xao winior. ihls will nut
nuuuivu mvu aim uiys out ol work.
Ths men who refused to enter th rtrooksido
Jlincsof tho samo company last Thursday
until their back wages wore paid theiu hav
reransiuerea ine matter and returned to work
to day. The strike at Luko Fiddler Colliery
A Failure for Haifa Million.
WILLE3BABRE, Jan. 3.-None of the other
banlcs ara effected by the failure or Bennett,
SI..I.. 1. r. . ., .... 1
-".fiiv,,upi me aimers' savings
oanK, upon wnicti tben is a (.light run. Th(
sixty days' limit has been adopted. Benett,
'belpi & Co. i liabilities are probably half
a minion, i&ey claim the creditors will
not lose a dollar. It is said the firm loses
.about $309,000 by the suspension of J. H
Swoyer, and the Riverside coal company,
A number of business houses here urn m
riously embarrassed by the failure of Swoyer.
Wolfe A Co., druggists made an assignment
Maine has a Democratic Governor, and
e 0WoDS f0'"10 """"""I01" electoral Bysteni
ot that State, through the action of the Re
publican State Senate. In tho event of a
failure to elect by the system in vogue, the
jvcpreseniauves is compelle'J to
,. i -juujiu iu imiuc-i oi iwo 01 tho
caouiuaies, ana ono oi tiiese tlie Senate mu-t
0 j V, ' 5 ,iaPI'ened that the Democrats
and Grcenbackera combined had a uujjrity
oyer the Kepublicans in tho Houio. and so
they scot to the Senate the names of Garce
lon and Smith, theo being respectively tho
Democratic and Grecnbaek candidal. The
.."'"i"'!" 'jwiy in tnesenatc very natur
ally decided to elect the former The Governor-elect,
Dr Alonzo Oarc-lon, is a promi
nent physician, and is said to bo a hard
inoney man, having little or no sympathy
with the soft-money dolusion with which
juaiuo uas dccd amicted. rtola, lieoord.
Er-State Treasurer Maekey Dead.
Robert W. Mackey, ex-Stato Trcaiurer of
...iu.ui.,iurv-ln past a prominent
ltpublicaq politician, died at his residence in
1 hiladolphia, on Thursday, Jan. 2nd, of con
sumption, aged 41 years. He was bora in
Pittsburg, attended the tchools there, gradu
ated in the Western University and became a
bank clerk, and afterwards Vico President of
the Allegheny Bank. From a boy he was
noticed as a sharp, shrewd politician. Ho
becime a Councilman, ad in 1809 was elected
Btato Treasurer by tho Republican Legisla
ture. In 1870 ho was defeated for the samo
jKisition by a coalition of dissatisfied Republic-am
and Democrats, but was again elected in
1872. The Treasurer was then made elective
y 'ho people, and his term was extended to
Si4, and in 1875 he was reelected for two
years. He amased a large form no, removed
i?,?." f . s.a.nt u-an'u which he purchased iu
Philadelphia, and resided there until his
death. Ho never mariied. For a timo he
owned a controlling iutereit in tho Pittiburi'
Itimmercial, but sold out in 1877. Jfn tried
to dUplaco Collector Tutton and obtain his
Place, but failed Ho was President ami a
large stockholder of the Continental Street
Railway Company, and a director of tho Pen
plo's Bank. Up to tha hour of his fiuul pros
tration ho was one of tho most active leaders
ot tho Republican parly iu tho State.
. xur -uack-oy was a member of tho eommis'
Bion appointed to look after Reimhlienn in.
terests in Florida duriug the count of the
yohj ipr aiiaen. and Jiayes. Ho had been
nuiiering uora ncniorriiages tor a long time,
uuu mis ucaiu was noi unexpected.
Mormon Marriages.
A8IUX0T0N, January C A dcciion
was rendered this afternoon by tho United
Slates Supreme Court in thecal of George
jMijuuius oyainn me uniied Btates, brought
here by appeal from the Supreme Court of
imu. i ins ua-o involves tno whole question
of polygamy in the territories and constitu
tionality of tho laws passed by Congress for
its suppression. Reynolds was indicted by
the grand jury for contracting a bigamous
uiainige. nr was inea in tne nurd Judi
Cial Court of Utah and timnil rrinliv tlo
cealed to the SuDrcme Court nftlm tr,rrt,.rv
and finally to this court, which now affirms
ine judgment ot the lower tribunals, and de
cides that Congress had power to pass laws
friMiiumug polygamous marriages in Utah
anu mat sucn laws are constitutional,
The case comes here upon a writ of error,
the plaintiff pleading tho unconstitutionality
of the law prohibiting bigamous marriages,
the justification of religious belief aud vari
ous important ; legal technicalities. This
court in a long and caretully-prepared opin
ion, delivered by the Chief Justice, holds that
polygamy is not under tho protection of tho
..auouu, lllb .,utUI VUflAWlUIIUU WHICH prO
miuus luivueicuuc wun reunions ueiiej ; (nat
the plea of rehVious conviction is not a valid
defense,; that Uongrrsa did not ktep outside
the limits of its constitutional powers in pass
ing laws for tho suppression of polvcamv. ami
that the judgment of tbo Supremo Court oi'
fliot lunllAni ...!.. kn r....
Fields dissented a far as related to the ad
Biissibililv of ceitain evidencu intrnlnenl in
(he lower court, but upon tho uiaiu iiueMion
the rouktitutionality of the act of'Congrcj(
rirohibitlpg polygamous uiarriagcit there
was poilccl uiianimily,
The Columbia county Teacher's Intltute
met pttroiAnt to n call In Normal Hall,
Dlooimbure, IV, Dec. 23, 1878, to hold Its
annual tension. Thochalrman, W. II. Sny
der, called the Institute to order at 2 o'clock
p. m. Devotional exercises were conducted
by Prof. Curran, of Uloomsburg.
After a song of praise by the Institute,
Joxeph Garrison, and Miss 0. U. Willlvcr
were elected, Secretaries. I'rof. Waller,
Principal of the Normal School, delivered
an address of welcome, replete with good
thing', In the teachers, and was followed by
Mevrs. Cramer, ol LewUburg, J. 0. Drown,
Prof. Noetllng, and S N. Walker.of Blooms
burg, In Impromptu .speeches pertinent to
th occasion. Prof. Cur ran read a 'very
elaborate aud Interesting paper on the nat
ural sciences. After registering tho names
of ninety-two teachers, the Institute decided
by a majority of thirty-throe of its members
to hold no sessions on Christmas day, Af
tcrnoon aesslou chxed with, singing by tho
institute and the benediction by Prof. Man
hart. Adjourned to meet at 9 o'clock on.
Tuesday morning.
Tuesday Dec. 21, ltoll called and work
resumed, institute openeu nun reading oi
Scriptures and prayer by Prof. Manhart.
Singing by the Institute. Prof. Cramer of
Lewisburi; occupied the hour on "Language
Lessons." He considered tho study of
tanguago under three distinct heads. First,
dictionary, second, grammar, third, rhetoric.
1'irst lessons shoulil be conversational ns
talking prt cedes tho reading or writing of
language. As tnougnt not characteristic
oi cnuuren, out rawer acuon, nence, nrsi
lessons should not involve scientific ruloi.
The convetsatlon of the parent and teacher,
should be the model for the child, and all
his mistakes should be corrected without
giving rules as a reason. The teecher's
motto should be, "Whatever you do, do
well." (Recess),
After reces Prof. Noetllng dwelt upon
"Primary Reading." He regards primary
teaching as more important than all other
teaching, aud should receive the most care
ful attention. He advocates tho word rneth
od in teaching the alphabet, and emphati
er icutuiug ins cunu a numoer oi woras,
then teach the sound of. the letters. He
should lie taught to read just as ho talks,
and to get the real meaning expressed by
hid , .urns. acBliii Him nuililUE laai aa is
able to find out hlmelf.
The teacher should print the lesson upon
n lino P. 1 tlia f if i n rY A m t Via n irtdJ tn tin,
tho board, that the child may be aided in the
formation of the letters. He should bo re
quired to pint the lessons first and afterward
to write them upon his slate. By this pro
cess, he Is taught spelling, writing, aud nat
ural language at the samo time.
Mr. Snyder, after speaking of some mis-
takes he had observed in conducting reading
exercises, urged upon the teachers the im-
purtauce of teaching local geography. He
asserted that directors could not spend mon
ey to better advantage, than in furnishing
their schools with maps of the townships
and counties of Pennsylvania. After sing
ing, institute adjourned to meet at 1
Institute met as per adjournment. After
roll call and singing Prof. Cramer resumed
ihe subject of "Language Lessons."
Commencing with a sentence he would
observe the following out-line. 1st. Define
a sentence. 2nd.
IU logical divisions. 3rd
Its classification.
Tl, .nlol. f
"VJ ""-'J01'
teuieace inio me worus oi wnicn It is com-
puscu. xma lesson me insirucior would
give to pupils farther advanced, than those
. wuuui .... urst lesson was uirecied. lie
wou d not discard the use of text books, but
wuu u assign lessons tnereirom.and uoid tne
H-l'" "
Ad interesting class drill exercise in read-
ing was conducted by Mr. W. E. Smith of
Berwick. He spoke of two points that was
essentially necessary to good reading.
First, the pupil must thoroughly under-
stand what he is to read. Secondly, he must
bo interested In the subject. To vary the
exercises and add interest to the occasion, I
-Miss (J. u. Welllver and Miss Lena Faulds
of llloomsburg brought a class of quite
young pupils from their department, before
the Institute. They sang very prettily the
-1.11.1 ,. e .... .
..urOU .avome song :
o dear t what would the nation be
O dear t what would the people be
o dear t what would the children bo
Without the primary school.
Their marching and gymnastic exercises
were very good for children so young and
not accustomed to appear before public au
diences. Song, "Hold the Fort." by tbe
institute. (Recess).
After recess, Prof. Noetliug resumed the
subject of Primary Reading, occupying a
part of tbe hour iu showing how this impor
tant branch can be successfully taught from
Monroe's Primary Charts. He would have
the teacher require the pupil to read thought
rather than words. Prayer was offend by
Mr. J. E. Diitrich, after which the Institute
adjourned to meet at 7 o'clock in the even-
evening session,
The Chairman called tbe Institute, to or
der at 7 o'clock. The choir of the M. E,
Church ol Blojmsburg, had kindly consent-
o,l tn r...n:at. r... -,i i 0-1.-1-I
.u w iMKiioii (iiuetu IUI but, UtCUlUK. lUll.
first selection. "Glory to God in tho High
est," so appropriate for the time and ocqas
ion, was well rendered. Tho chairman then
introdu;ed Prof.. Waller as the lecturer for
the evening. His subject : "Our Public
Schoojs and their Foundation Principles,"
was handled In a masterly manner. Wo
shall not attempt to give even a synopsis
of the lecture, as we know we could not do
justice to the speaker : but we can assure
him that we endorse the doctrine, that in
.-urpuuncscnoois, ,n aim 01 me leacner
shou d be, the development of the moral,
ii, ., , ... . .
. e .1 .Ml I
ine cnniT sang two more beautiful songs,
the one entitled, "The Foot Traveller." a
numerous meiooy.tue other, "l he Wondrous
Story," a beautiful sacred song, both of
which were highly appreciated by the audi-
once, i lie Chairman on behalf of the In
sliiaie, tbanliej tbe choir for tbelr music,
and gave them an Invitation to return 'again
oo Thursday evening. Adjourned to meet
on Thursday morning at 0 o clock.
Thursday, Dec. 20. Institute called to
order at !) o'clock. Devotional exercises
conducted by.l'rof. V'allcr, singing by the
Institute and choir. Roll called 'and new
names registered. The following telegram
received by the chairman was read to the
Clakion, Vx., Dec. 25, 1878,
To County Superintendent 1
Two hundred teachers assembled at Clar
ion, send fraternal greetings nod the compli
cany niscaros me old metnod oi leacning appointed to count the votes on permanent
the names of the letters first Pronuncia- certificates reportcd.Miss Amelia Armstrong
lion is the first step. In primary reading. Af- W, E. Smith, Francis Herring, I.E. Schoon
ments nf the season to the ttachers of Co
lumbia county,
A, J, PiVlH.
Iltflousnuno, Pa., Dec. 20, 1878.
7b Onunlii Superintendent t
A hundred and fifty teachers of Columbia
County assembled at llloomsburg, send ro
turn greetings and compliments to the teach
era of Clarion county, Pa.
W. II, BsYDr.n.
Prof Cramer occupied tho first hour of
tho morning In giving his method of teach
ing English Grammar.
He stated that language lessons are not
to take the place of grammcr, and only
enough of that science should be Introduced
to show the ilcmeulaof which sentences hic
Tho time, nt which, pupils should begin
the study ofgrnmmer, is determined by their
capacity and degree of culture.
All truths of grain mer should hi presented
In their logical order, and Illustrative ex
amples selected trom the best literature
should always bagiveu. These remarks were
followed with Instrumental music by Prol.
The subject of history was then brought
before the Institute, by Prof. Waller. II
stated the object of teaching It In our com
mon schools ; also tho method by which
many of the dilliculties attenduu! this stmlv
iCQxM be ouvlsted. Instruction on phono
graph)' and mnemonies.their ues as Applied
to datrs and other numbers, was given by
Prof. Walker. Adjourned to meet all
Institute called to order at half past one
o clock. A committee nn permanent rprti,
fieates, was voted for, after which it was de
c!,I(,j 1)V. . vnt(, r thntpacher. tl.m. it,
annu i tet(llon of tho in,.jlute be i.mj al
Bloomsbunr and not at Oraneeville. m hn.l
aeen pr0pOS,ed. Roll called, and sinelnir l.v
tt,e Institute followed. An article on Natural
Sciences in tho nubile .ehooUwn, thr.,, rp,l
b Vror f Orancoville. In which
he presented much truth and good advice to
the teachers. This was followed by Mi's
Armstrong briefly stating her method of
teaching botany. Col. Amies of Lancaster
was then Introduced. His brief remarks
were succeeded with Instrumental music by
i rof. Hoffman. Recess.
Institute called to order. The committee
OTr. F. Mfl er. elPe(Pl. Ml.. V. .Tnn.
Mrs. J. E. Sehnnnnv-r. ml .T s firimJ
beitlg tl)e tllree lmting 10 next hl hcst
number ofvotes .were appointed a committee
nn r,.niil nn Trnf Rnl,,l, .ri..,.l.
town Academy, then entertained thelnsti
tute f r a short time by a talk on the changes
. .. - . . . ... a
made in the form of the English Language.
"The Burial, of Moses," by Mrs. C. F.
Alexander, was then recited by, Mies Hulda
Baker of Syracuse, N. Y. Miss Baker rend'
red this piece with great acceptability to
the audience,
Remarks of Prof. Waller, showing plain
ly that the 0rk of teaching requires special
prenaretion. and that the Normal Rehncl
affords ample opportunity for Buch prepara'
tlon, closed the afternoon session.
Institute convened at 7 o clock. An An
them entitled,"ForGod so Loved theWorld,"
was sung by the M. E. Church choir,
A poem, entitled, "The Last Hymn," was
then rwitpil liv Mtwi ttalrnr ritinr. kn ...
rt..i nf fhi, nn, i,.,i,i..h.m , j
in the room Ev waa ,ntent,
on ti)B ..,. .,,,1 nr M rfrinti
tn vll,t,l ,nil wnt . it &ii r..
lipB of one. who wa8 B0 fathfull, nnrtrlrW
tho last scenes of the dvimr mariner. !bln
I . ' "
i nenentn tne mit-ntv wavea
. u. H,om, k- .u. u.!
(in1 A,m,, ,u ,!,. it,jj j .i.-
Losing and earnest manner in which he
presented his subject, "Boys," completely
captivated the audience. We know many
wUo wanted to hear more about this, "most
remarkable of nil nn tkl. i'V.i
curiosity." "The Boy." We cannot do ius-
tice in trying to describe the lecture, and
think only those who heard it can prooeriv
appreciate it. Song,"Laugh Boys' Laugh."
was WH nng by the Choir, and applauded
by tbe Institute
"A little Boys Composition on Teeth,"was
Try nicely read by Mirs Baker. Another
glee, entitled the "Hlelgbing Party," was
8UDG by the Choir, after which the Institute
adjourned to meet at 9 o'clock a. m.
morning session.
Fril,av DfC 2, In8titu,e calIwl . ,..
Ut OnVln-.k. HMI p.IIp.I nn.l ,lp,!.i
exercises conducted by Prof. Manhart.
Song, "Holy Spirit, Faithful Guide,"
sung by the Institute,
The subject of Pronunciation, was then
presented by Prof. Cramer. He thinks pro
nunciation a very important part of the
study of any language, and tha it may be
soused by observing three points which be
gave in short. 1st. Sounds, 2nd. Syllabica
tion, 3rd. Accent aud a careful study of
the dictionary
An exercise, In Penman-hip. was then
conducted by Mr. Philson. He believes in
coinuieiicinft with principles, favoring the
apei'imm system which be thinks is the
most concise.
I rot. schoonover conducted a class drill
exercise in geography giving bis method of
teaching this important branch. He would
combine map drawing with the study, and
at every lesson, review some part of the work
i..,i ,,
over. Recess.
J t
After tbo Institute was called to order,
Prof. Barch, of Shenandoah, introduced the
subject of Arithmetic. Ho earnestly urged
the teachers not tn teach to much : but to
have tbe pupils thoroughly understand the
the first principles of bcience, before having
text books placed in their hands, He then
spoke of tho Normal School and the necessi
ty of all teachers obtaining instruction in
such an institution. Mr, Beckly kindly
thanked the speaker for his earnest appeal
In behalf of our Normal School. He
8poke of i's superior advantages over kin
dml inatjiu and caUe(J ptda, aUen
... .j u. ..a ' " - .UV.I.J, 1 1
1t,i v,,. H,.., .l.f fW..L..
. whi wuuutj wuatiutt:iiuiiiu, ui iiuiiuuui
uerland county, was Introduced to the Insti
tute. and talked very earnestly for five min
utea on the sub ect of "Wastes." Mr. J. I,.
Richardson and J. 0. Brown also made brief
addresses which were applauded by the Ins
The committee on resolutions then made
the following report :
Wiicheis, We the teachers of Columbia
county, deem Hour duty to use cveiy means
within our reach to improve ourselves in our
calling, and
Wiiebeas, We consider Teachers' Institutes
conducive to this end, therefore
littoliid. Thatwe believe it rielit for ichnnl
directors to allow Institute time but that teach.
tm should attend whether the time be allowed
or not.
lutolud. T hat it is an encourairinir siirn of
iuc uuicg iijuv wiu iiuiuutrr ui uireciors wno ftl
low Institute time and the number of teachers
who avail themselves of the benefits unorder)
by Institutes are grailual'y increasing.
f....;. ..j on.-. u :. .t.fz
tlon Bhould be remunerated tor his arduous la
Ilesclied, That we will continue to sustain
our Superintendent in his endeavors to pro-
. .. . L : . , .r.l 1. I... 1 -l
kianuaru oi the huoois throughout the county,
Itaolred, That It is desirable that the min-
utos of institutes be hereafter published in
pamphlet form.
llemtml. That our sincere thanks l.n t-n.l.
cred to tho Trustees of llio Normal School for
the uso of their largo and commodious hall.
also to tho citizens of llloomsburg for their
kind hospitality, to Instructors nd nit who
have in any way contributed to tho success of
tho Institute.
Ilesolveil, That our sincere thanks he tender
ed to the M K Choirof llloomsburg fir their
well rendered music which was so acceptable
to the Institute.
Tho following memorial resolutions wcro al
so adopted.
iJMoiwf, That in the deccaso of Miss Emily
Clark of Cntnwlssa, tho teachers of Columbia
county sustained tho loss of one who by over
twenty years of earnest and successful devotion
to the work of teaching, under tho depression
of an Picurab)o dlscaxe, and always exempli
fying 11 iinlilo christian spirit honored and en
nobled onr profession.
llcmhrd, That in the removal by death of
our former fellow worker, Miss Kate licts, our
corps has lost an earnest, energetic, and en
thusiastic member! and wo tender oursmpi
lliies to tho family of the deceased in their be
reavement. .t.S GlltMES, 1
K. Jones, vCommittoo.
Josnnt OAtlRISON, lq,,a
Miss 0. U. WcM.ivitn, s'"'
When a board of eminent physicians and
chemists announced the discovery that bv
oinbining somo well known valuable reinedie
tho most wonderful medicine was produce
ed, which would euro such a wido rango ol
diseases that most all other remedies could 1;
disponed with, many weio sceptical J bu1
proof of its merits by actual trial has dispell
cd all doubt, aud to day tho discoverers
that great medicine, Hop Bitters, are honor
cd and blessed by all as benefactors.
1 11. griM if loot? urrara :
itdlLniiMldii!M'iltJ loitl wonrlrr-
ful tt. lo if mood Ii I h gunriMitre
ofhenllh. Nradt " II tr4 m)T aoi tf rVnf-
ul." J- a. Brvati, 'uinrtHW. u. ".J curru
my child ftl rrji I .". K. Smut'", Mr-
Imft, -a. I Tift (I. ft. I.i aLLi.1.1 Vli..
IToi'a, I ttttbtifth, l'a. M VrnegUU nd
acrif. 'is-ly"
omcc In Unakost's 'Iuildino, on Main strodt second
(Ian be comulteJ in German,
jan. 10, 79-tr
Letters of. Administration on the estate of Mary
deceased, trnvo been irranted by tbe Hecister of sal
county to Andrew Kupp, Admr, Numldla, P. (),
All Dersons navlntr claims airalnst tne estate ara re-
quested to present them for settlement and those
indebted to make payment without delay.
jau, ivt itj-vtv luiuiuisbt uwi
Numldla l O.
Letters of Administration on thoesuto Christian
Ash. late ot Kenton townstdp. Columbia county,
deceased, have been granted by tbe Kegtsterof said
county to nie undersigned Administrators to whom
all persons Indebted are ren nested to malcfl lmmedl-
ate payment, and those having claims or demands
utftuasi uio estate win maxe mem Known to tne aa-
miDisiraiors wimout aeiay.
Jan. lt, TB-aw Bfllwa-er,
a amiuisira tore.
notice Is taerrby riven that William Lamon. Com
mlttct or Elizabeth Deltterlck, a lunatic, kas Hied
his nrst aad naal mount to the .Bice or the lre
tbonottry or Colombia countr which will be pre
sented to the Court or common I'leas ot said eoaatr,
on the 4th. day of February aextaad will tn eon
Ormed after fear d;s unlesa uceptl.DS be Sled
ntwiuiilll UK.
ffuunjuoSary'fl tofflce, Frotb'r.
aa. s , 1-U
By Mrtuo of sundry writs Issued out
tho Court of Common Pleas ot Columbia coua.
ty, an 1 to ma directed, will bo exposed to pub
llo sale or oiucry, at the court llouso In Dloomsburg
at ono o ciock p. m. on
All that certain lot ot ground sltuaU la Beaver
township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, describ
ed as follows, to-wlt: Bounded on tho north by
lands ot D. (JearhartandC. Phuman,on the south by
lanas ot i snuman and Joaa llunslatrer.ou the east
by D. I! timer, and on tho west by "other lands of
said J. II. Shumin, containing IS acres of ground, on
wbich are erected a Frame Hotel, stablo, lco house
and out buildings.
All that certain piece or parcel of ground sit
uate In Beaver township, Columbia county.
rennsyivania, aesenned as follows to-wlti Boun
ded on tho north by Henry Miller, on the .south by
land of John Uunslnger, on the east by other lands
of isald Joseph Bhuman, and on the west by F.
Shuman, containing ten acres more or less.
ociicu, uutea in execution at we suit or car-
ollno Vann against Joseph U. Shuman and the Exec
utors ot Jacob f human, deaeased, and tho admlnla
tratore ot Michael Qrovcr, deceased, and to be sold
as tho property ot J. II. Shuman.
i-iitleb, Attorneys, ien Fosias.
All that certain lot ot ground situate
Centre township, Columbia county, fa. described
as follows to-wlt : bounded on the north by land of
jamcsKocner.on rue east by landot Qeorgelless,
oa tho souUifoy land ot Oeorge Hess and Cbas. Hip.
pensieei, on tne west oy land or Stephen McBwen
and James Kocher, containing 11 acres more or less.
on which are erected a frame house, barn and out
Seized, taken In execution at the suit ot Samuel
J. Conner, surviving executor of Q. It. Fowler, de
ceased, against Peter O. Bachman, and to be sold as
the property of Peter o, Bachman
Jicisos s sos, Attorneys. Vend. Ex.
All that town lot situate on Third street In the
Town of Bloomsburg, bounded and described as fol
lows, to-wlt: On the north by Fine Alley, on the
east by lot ot William Swentzel, on the south by
TMrd street and oa the west by Barton Alley, tbe
said lot being nty reet rront more or less on Third
street and extending In depth to Pine Alley two
nnnarea rcet more or less, whereon are erected a
double two story framo dwelling house, and out
Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of The Mu
tual Building and (Saving Fund Association
Bloomsburg against Adam Case, and to be sold as
thn property ot Adam Case.
llosisoK, Attornoy. Vend Ex.
All that certain messuage, tenement and tract of
land situate luthe Town of Bl xmsburg county ot
Columbia, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as
follows, to-wlt ; beginning at a corner ot land of o.
A. Jocoby, thence by the same and lot ot Jacob Wo
nlch south sixty-two nd a quarter degrees west
thlrty-two and four-tenth perches to land of David J,
Waller, thence by the same south twenty-eight and
a quarter degrees, west one hundred and nine aud
n-.e tenths perches to the Susquehanna Klver.thence
up tno same north slxty-nve and a quarter degrees,
east Ihlrty-three and eight tenths perches, thence by
lanas oi jos. w. llendershott and others north twen
ty-nlne and one-half degrees west one hundred and
twelve and one-tenth perches to the plocoot begin
ning, containing twenty-two acres and forly-s'x
perches of land more or less, on which are erected a
large brick dwelling house, frame barn,wagon bouse
wood shed and other out buildings.
seized, taken In execution at the suit of Isaac.
Ureter's use against Jacob Deirfcnbach and to bo
sold as the property of Jacob Delffrnbacb,
1 1 ilex, Attorney,
A U that certain tone ment or tract of land lying and
being In Locust township, bounded and described as
follows, to-wlt i Beginning at a' white oak, corner of
land of Peter Ml ler, sr., running thence by the same
north seventy-seven and one-halt degrees west for
ty-one and eight-tenth perches to a Spanish oak.
thence by the same In the public roid north seven-ty-nve
and three-quarter degrees west thirty
two and seven-tenths perches to a stone In said pub
lic road, thence by land of tho aforesaid Peter MUler
sr., north ten and one quarter degrees, west thirty
four perches to a stone, thence by land ot Peter Mil
ler, sr., south eighty-three degrees, east thlrty-three
and eight-tenth perches to a stone, thence at a stone
(in tho same (ourso one perch apart) the aforesaid
perch is Intended for a lone for the beneot or the
said Peter Miller, hts heirs and assigns forever;
inence irom tne saia stone ana land of I wr Miller,
et., north twelve degrees, west forty-nine and three-
tenth perches to a stone, thence by land of Jamos A-
so""" eighty-two degrees, east twenty perches
to a stono, thence bv laacl ot Jonathan llachman
north sevcnty-sU degrees cat slJttf-flvo. and nve-
tenth perches to a sloae, corner ot land ot
Jacob Osewalt, theace by the same south twenty.
six and one-half degrees east thirty-seven perches
to a stone, the middle of a public road, thence by
land ot John P. Kachercas one-half degiee eastnlno.
ty-seven perches to a white oak, thence by the same
south Ji degrees, west soventy-two and flve-tcnth
perches to a stone, thence by other land of John
Hughes south nfty-ctgtit perches to a stone, thence
by land of Reuben Fahrlnger and landot Peter Mil
ler, Br., south seventy-two degrees, west forty-seven
perches to a stone, thence bj land of Peter Miller,
sr., north two .degrees, west twenty are aud Ave
tenth perches to a ttono, thence by land ot tbe same
north thlrty-thrci) degrees oast one hundred and
twenty-six lurches to tho place of beginning, con
taining seventy-eight acres mi J nineteen perches
he the samo more or loss, on which aro erected a
frame house, barn and out-bulldlngs. excepting five
and one-tourtn acres of ground sold to I harles Mil
ler, described as follows' to-wlt I Bounded on tho
north by land of Peter Miller, on the east and south
by publlo road and oa the west by land ot Charles
Miller, containing tlvo and one-fourth acres ot
Seized, taken Into execution at the suit ot Patrick
Herbert to thi use ot A. K. Walter now to the use of
peter I!. Buck against John It. Jones with notice lo
terro tenant, aud to ho sold at tho property ot John
It. Jonos with nottco to terro tenant.
Mars, Attorney. Levari Facias.
All those certain two pieces ot land situate la the
township of Brlareroek, boundod and dorcrlued as
follows i The one piece Is bounded on the west by
land ot Goorgo Bower, oa the north by land of
ths tate John Doak, on ths east by laud ot (I it)
harles Masteller and south by landot Michael Bow
er, containing ten acres more or less
The other piece- is boundod by c immcnclng at a
stono corner tn lino of land of the late John Doak,
thenco north seventy-four degrees, west twelve and
tMght-teuth perches to a stone, thence by land ot
said John Price abovo described south threo-faurths
degrees, east mty-ntno and Ore tenths perches to a
tone, by land of - Bower, south seventy
Ightand a fourth d'grees.west tur and nine-tenth
perches to a stone, thenco by landot tin said llower
north eight and one-fourth degree, west fifty-seven
ind four-tenths porches to the place ot beglonlDg,
containing thrae acres and twenty-six perches, strict
Seized, taken Into execution at the suit ot Jo3eph
1-smon against John Price and to be sold as the prop
erty or John race.
Jicxsoi Son, Attorneys. Al. Levari Facias
All that certain piece or parcel ot ground situate in
Jackson township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania,
described as follows to-wlt: Bounded on tbo north
by lands ot Shalty and John L. ltess, on the east and
soutu oy Asa Yorks, on the west by William Vorksi
eontatnlng ono hundred acres more or less, on which
are erected a rrame house and barn.
Seized, taken into execution at the suit ot Jacob
Schuyler against James F. and N. D. Kile and to be
sold as the property of N. D. Kile.
KNOan, Attorney. Vend. Ex.
A lot of ground situate In the borough of Centralis,
Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded and de
scribed as follows : On tho south by Centre street,
on tho west by lot ot John Arter, on the north by an
alley on the east by lot of August Gable, containing
of ty feet front on satd.Centro street and one hundred
nndforty feet ;in depth, whereon aro erected a two
story frame dwelling houses nd out-bulldlngs.
Seized, taken In execution at the silt of C. G,
Murphy against J.P, Uoagland, and to bo sold as the
property of J.:C Uoagland.
Babklev Attorney. Al. FL Fa,
All the Interest of Samuel V. Baker In that certain
lot ot ground situate In Centre township, described
as follows: Bounded on the west by lane and land ot
jesso uonman, on the north by land of Levi Miller,
on the east by land ot Levi Miller, and on the south
oy public road leading from Espy to Berwick, con
taining five acre's more or less, on which are er;cted
a frame dwelling house and frame stable, together
wun out buuainga.
Seized, token in execution at the suit ot George
Ituckel against S. W. Baker and to be sold as tho
property of S. w Baker.
Howill, Attorney. Vend. Ex.
AU that certain lot or piece of ground sltuttein
the Town of Bloomsburg, Columbia county, Pennsyl
vania, ana described as follows to-wlt : Bounded on
he north by Henry Shntt,on the west by Poplar
street, on tne east by aa alley and tho south bv Jo-
siph ltender8hott,contalnlng ntty feet front on Pop
lar street and two hundred feet tn depth more or
ess on which aro erected a frame dwelling house
-Darn ana oat buildings.
SelznJ, token In execution at the suit or The Mutual
Building and Saving Fund Association of Blooms.
burg against Samuel B. Anderson and to be sold as
the property ot Samuel B. Anderson.
ltOBisoN, Attorney. Ft. Fa.
AU that certain lot or piece of ground situate in
Scott-township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, do -
scribed as fouows, to-wlt ; boundod on the north by
land ot Benjamin Rlchart,on the cast by land of John
Lee, on the south by land of Abraham Snyder, Hi
ram 'i ronso and jonn shuman on tho west by land
of Harvey Crevellng, containing ono hundred and
forty-nine acres more or less, on which are erected a
dwelling house, bank barn and out buildings.
Seized, taken In execution at the suit of Henry J.
McEwen against Moore Crevellng and Benjamin
lUchnrt and to be sold as tho property ot Moore
Uowatx, Attorney. PL Fl. Fa.
AU that certain lot or parcel of ground situate
in Slabtown, Locust twp. Col. county, Pennsylvania,
described as follows, to-wlt ; bounded on the north
bypand ot Isaiah Yeagcr.on the east by land of David
Yeager, on tho south and west by publlo road, con
taining one acre more or less, on which are erected a
frame dwelling houso,store house and out bull dings.
oeizea, taken in execution at tne suit of Charlea
Gable against Lucas Fahrlnger, and to be bole as tho
property of Lucus Fahrlnger.
miixib. Attorney. Vend Ex.
All that certain lot or piece of groand situate In
the Town of Bloomsburg, Columbia county, renn.
sylvanlo, described as follows, to-wlt; bounded on
tne norm ny lot or M. c. Woodward, on tho cast by
an alley, on the south by an alley and on the west
by East street, containing foet front ami soo
feet in depth on which are erected a double dwelling
uuusu uuu uui umimngs.
Seized, taken In execution at the suit of Ell Jones
now for use of Columbia County Mutual Saving Fund
and Uian Association againstsarah Brlggs and to be
sold as tho property ot Sarah Brlggs. Liirur, Attorneys. Vend. Ex.
Terms cosh on day of sole.
Jan.lo.7Maj sheriff.
Y-Y ThefOUOWinp nDnraixempnta At rant anI
Eersonal prope rty set apart to. widows of decedents
ave been flleii In th riniro nf tha nani.,a. n
uuiuui county, unaer tne isuics ot Court, and wUl bo
wtflcuwu tut uuauiuiu uuuurmauon to mo ornhans
forsald conn.
ty, on Monday, tbe sd day ot
Feb.. 1S7D. at J
u-ciucjt p. in., oi soia aay unie
..uuuuuuu wo piiiuiuij uieu, u wnicn an Der
sons interested In said estates wlu take notice:
l. widow ot John Cala, late of Contra ta wosaio. de
ceased. s. Widow ot ohn Uoats, late ot Beaver township,
S. Mdowof John Kline, late ot Locast township,
' ?e'cea8cdDaalel Mmer' late ' Bcaver township,
s. Widow of Isaiah Yeager, late of Locust town
ship, deceased.
. Widow of William Qarrison. Into nr tho Town
of Bloomsburg, deceased.
I. Widow of Hugh Shultz, late of Jackson township,
lteirtatsr'n Ofne. i
Bloomsburg, jan. 10. istb i
w. it. jAronv
dLl Iiotlce Is hereby given to all lei
im and other iierKnnM tntimai..rt in
legatees, credl
tne estates ot
the resoectlve decitdent.4 nnn minora ih.Mh. ,i
lowing administration and guardian accounts have
been riled tn the nmca nf titH ttf-niarur nf v.t..7..?
-yii nmuo ureoentea ror connrinatlon and
allowanco In the Orphans' Court to bo held in
First nnd nnal account ot William Edwards, sur
vlvlng executor of William hiall, law or lirior
cretk towashlp, dec ased.
S. Second and partial account of Ezra Stephens ad- rifl hnnla nnn n i,,,, r... . .
ot suiiFloat townblp7deased ""
a. First and flnal account of Chirles It. Paxum
and Abraham 0. Thomas, minor chl'de'n of Abro.
iiunrumu ui nart K. mnmn, N.r.h i n-n...n..
"- vi uiuutu ujwuauip, aeccased.
Second and nnal account of Benjamin Evans ex.
ecutor of Cornelius lilkendall, late ot Mimta
township, deceased. -i-um
. Supplemental account of Samuel Knorr, admin-
. , -, w. Ma,nMv, nu uciuau, uie or tno
Town of Bloouwburg, deceased. "
Second and partial account ol Dyer L.Ch.oln
one ot tho administrators of John Boston. )at of
Flshlngcreek township, deceased. wu' u
Tha account of Peters. Karshner. administrator
ot Daniel Karshner, late of Catawlssa township
First and partial account of N. B. Creasy, execu.
decased."1"''"' W"' laU) ' Mlnlm
First snd partial account of o. P. Ent. adralnls
trator of feter EM, late of Boott townshln
JO. The account ot Jesso Coleman, administrator of
Andrew Owen, late of Scott townshln. dSiin'
II. The nrst account otu. II.
Mnlsnonot Peter But, late ot Scott township.
is. Thi tlrst and dual account of Levi Hhiri.r
1J. First and nnal account of John N. Bloss and Sol.
ot the ubrough'oi rBerwTckVdw ?v i." "'SS (IMn. V ........ TXB
llUxunsburg, Jon, 10,
wmie, , Yt . 11- JACOHV.
', ii. Bsguur.
By virtue ot sutdrr writs Iwued out ot tho t'ourt
ot Common Pleas of Columbia county, aim -dlrectcit
w 111 be exposed to public sale nt tho Court
House nioomsburg, at one o'clock p. m. on
All that certain lotor rl ot ground sltnaU In
Fistilngcreek township, ColumhU county, lenn
sjlnnia boundod on tho north by land ot Ocorgo
Cadwallader on the cast by land ot John White, on
the west by land of K. llulim. on the south by land
of Alex. Stewart, cntalnlig ninety acres, on which
aro erected a dwelling house, barn and outbuild-
A rertAln house anl lot ot ernind situate In Espy,
Scott township, Columbia county, ivnnsjlv.inla,
bounded and described as follows I Beginning at a
corner of lot owned ny John Ph'iman, on the north
side ot Main street, thence by said lot northwardly
one hundred and eighty feet to an alley westwardly
thirty feet to corner of lot owned by Henry Jones,
thence by said lot .southwardly one hundred and
eighty feet to Main street aforesaid, thence by said
street eastwnrdly thirty feet to the place of begln
nlnt', on which Are erected a dwelling house, stablo
and outbuildings.
elzed, taken Into execution at the suit ot Wm.
B. Kester and Mary Jane Kester bis wife In her right
against Lemuel Drake with notice to terre tenants
and to b sold as the property of Irnuel Prako
with notice to terro tenants.
Littles, Attorneys, Vend Ex,
All that certain lot ot ground sltuato tn tho town
of Catawlssa In tho county of Columbia state of
Pennslvanla, boundedand described as follows, to
u It t Beginning nt a post set for a sorncr ot Bald lot
ot the Intersection of tho two publlo rotds leading
from tho Town of Catawlssa respectively to MCNInch
and McKelvy's mills, south eighteen and a halt de
crees east ono hundred and forty-one feet sit Inch
es to a post, th-nco by land of the Catawlssa Semi
nary north fifty and a quarter degro"S east ono hun
dred and nve reet to a post on the south side of Ihe
aforesaid road leading from Catawlssa to McNlncb's
Mill, thenco by the samo north slxty.four degrees
west one hundred and 41 feet to tho placoot be
ginning, on which are erected a throe-story brick
building, store room, public hall and Masonlo Hall,
Seized, taken Into execution as tho property ot
Itobcrt ilorrell with notlco to Catawlssa Masonic As
sociation Garnlshce.and to bo sold as tho property of
Itobcrt Gorrcll with notice to Oatawlssa Masonic
Association Garnishee.
Elwkli. Abbott llniw.v, Attorne b. Vend. Ex.
Two lots of ground situate in tho Borough of Cen
tral lo, Columbia county Pennsylvania, being ntty
feet In wldtn nnd ono hundred and forty feet tn
dep'h whereon are erected s two-story frame dwell
ing houses, said lots bound d and described asfol.
lows : North by Park street, east by street.
south by vacant lots and west .by lots of M. Lawlcr.
Alot of ground situate In the Borough, county and
suite aroresal.., bounded and described as follows
Number one (No. 1) block ono hundred and eighteen
(118) north by Park Btreet, east by an alloy, south by
lot lately owned by William Torrfy, and west by Lo
cust Avenue, whereon Is erected a two-story frame
aweuing nouse.
All the right, title and tn terest of said itobcrtOor-
rell In the estate of Mary Gorrell, deceased.
Seized, taken Into execution at tho suit ot Thi
First National Bonk ot Ashland, Ta against Robert
Gorrcll, and to be sold as tho property of Hubert Go-
Freeze, Attorney. AL Vend. Ex,
11 that certain lot. or piece ot ground situate in Or-
ange township.Columbia co Pennsylvanla,descrlbed
as follows, to-wlt : Bounded on tho north by land of
Peter Trump, on tho east by land of Cyrus McUenry,
on tho west by lwd of Phlneas Young, on the Bouth
by land of Hiram Bowman, containing twenty-five
acres, on wnicn aro erected a dwelling house, barn
and outbuildings.
Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of Peter
Trump now to the use of Itosetta A. Gerard against
'ineooore.Mcmcr ana tone sold as the property of
ineoaoro Mercer.
U.E.Smrn, Attorney. Vend. Ex,
AU that certain lot or piece ot ground situate
Scott township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, de
scribed as follows to-wlt : bounded on the north by
un aney on me east oy lot ot Jesso Hicks, on the
south by Main street and on the west by street
containing seventy-threo and one-half feet front
more or less ana one hundred and slxty-nve feet deep
more or less on which are erected a buck houso,6U-
nio ana out-ouuoings.
All that certain lot or piece of ground situate in
Scott to unship, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, de-
Bcnuea as louows, to-wii : bounded on tho nortn by
land ot Benjamin Klchart, on the cost by land ot
John Lee, on the Bouth by land of Abraham Snyder,
Ulram 1 ronso and John Shuman and on the wtst by
land of -Harvey Crevellng, containing ono hundred
ana rorty-nlne acres more or less, on which are erect
ed a dwelling house, bonk born and out-bulldlngs.
Seized, taken Into execution at tho suit of W lillom
Mllnes Executors against Moore Crevellng, and also
at mo suitor Catharine vvhltenlght against Moore
Crevellng and to be sold as the property of Moore
Freeze, A ttorney, v end. Ex.
AU that message and tract ot land situate In Mon.
tour township, county and state aforesaid bounded
ana described as follows to wit: Beginning at
tence post, thence by land ot Francis Evuns north
titty-nine and five lghth degrees, east one hundred
ana inirty eight and nve tenth perches to a Btone ;
thence by land of Isocher Evans anaLlojd Paxton
south thirty three and one fourth degrees, east one
hundred and klxty perches to a stjno; thence by
land of J. o. Quick south seventy and three fourth
degrees west, ninety foar and seven-tenth perches
to a white ouk then e south slxty-ulne aud three
fourth degrees west one hnndred and tighten ana
three tenth perches to a stone ; thence b land of
Mrs. M. J. Meroer north 8 3-s Ueirrees went.
one hundred and twenty ana- nlno-tcutu perches to
puoueroia leuaiog trom Bloomsburg uforewdd to
Danville, Pa. thenco norlu nerenty tight tleirrecs
east four and three tenth perches, thence by land ot
ueirsoi KODen imwis north nileen aegiees west
ui sen ana one-tenth perches to iho ulaco ot be
ginning, containing one hundred and ntty acres and
one hundred and nine perches strict measure, on
which ore erected a two story Frame House, out
kitchen, large Bank Barn and Shed. Vtagoa Bhed
uuu uiuer out ounaings. A good spring ot running
n u.-r un mu premises near awetllng house.
Seized, taken Into execution at tno suit of Frank.
Un It. Thornton, against John 'ihomasuad to be sola
as tne property of John Thomas.
Fseezk, Attorney, Levari Facias.
All that i crtaln piece or parcel ot ground sliuitn
In Mimiu township Columbia County Pa. described
as toUows, to-wlt ; bounded on the north by lands of
oiepnen ueuer, east by land of Samuel Creasy,
south by other lands ot Nathan r-uss and west by
land of Stephen HeUer, containing thirty acres, on
which are erectea a frame dwelling house ana flame
AU that certain piece of wood land in Mlniln
township Colun bla county Pa. described as follows
to-wlt: bounded on the north by lands ot George
Brown and WUllam Creasy, east by land of George
Brown, south and vest by land of Uomboy
containing si acres more or less, on which are erect
ed a frame dwelling house frame barn ana other out
Seized, taken into execution at the suit of David
Brown, Jr., against Nathan Nuss, and tobosoldas
iuo pnjpenjr or Hainan nubs.
Jaceson a Son, Attorneys. Vend. Ex.
AU that certain lot or piece of ground situate In
Catawlssa Uwnshlp, Columbia county, Pennsylvania
"" " -s louows, to-wit i Bounded on the north
uj ujiu ui ueurge zarr, on the cast by land of H
Ilolllngsuead, Sol. Helwlg, Na'han Helwlg and Dan
iel llelwlg, on the Bouth by land of linni.t n.i
wig, on the west by land of Jonathan
nuiuunaic nervy, deceased, containing
lea acres and M percbes,be the same more or less, on
which Is erected a Grist Mill, dwellng house and
stable near intll, a fcmlih shoo on thn nnh.M.n
catawlssa railroad.atwo story dwellln, house and
bar' en soulh side ot rail roud and a dwelling house
and stab e oa the eastern end of said tract.
seized, taken Into execution and to be sold aa the
property ot Chas. W. McKelvy.
Abbott HuawN, Attorneys. Vend Ex
Terms cash.
Jan J, im
W heat per bushel.,,
Nye " ...
Corn, new, ' ,
Oats, ' m
Flour per barrel ...
Butter , '
Tallow '
Dried Apples
sides shoulders .'.
Lard per pound
Hay per ton
J. to
Timothy Seea '.'
vn inn W..0TATi6'NsoKc6AL.'
No. 6 " J.oo per Ton
Nn. I a ii "' i. .'6
Uk8mlUisLutupoVwniff' ,YuS .!'
" Bltumtnoiia , ZZZu to "
mm mtmMm fa? im
1 S 'UrW.- W
jrhe only Steam-power Printing Office
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. discount of fifty cents is allowed on all advanco payments for
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Editors and Proprietors,
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Mens' Overcoats from
Mens' Suits from $6 00.
Good Woru ing Pants 90 cents.
GOOd Wool HafS fill- 7
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Good Working Shirts 50 cents.
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Mens' bocks, 3 pairs for 25 cents.
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than any other paper iu the county.
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