. - '---M..mmiUl I, Mill ' I ' ' hi DEMOCRAT STAB Or THB NORTH AND OOLUH ' .imeoNSOLlnATBD.) Soucd wcokly, e'f Pfl'y morning, at L)0M9!IUW1, COLUMBIA COUNTY, I'A( Iuoixars per loaf, e'JienWdiBCOUntalliwed Hi tlll'oe mimed. To subscribers oul of Hie Mw ,im j mir vcir. trlutly In advance. I'sir lucimtliiiioil, eveept at the option or the 111 TCIHM IIUVI WIV v,.,""-""-... .. i, irlvnti Ilnarssiintoutot tho state or to distant post must bo paid rr ln advance, unless a resppn, -rson In Columbia county assumes wt pay me r AO Els no longer exacted from Wbscrlbcrsln OB t'K.iisrTiisrar. mntiltc iieptrttuent o( the Count BIAN Is very ih arid our . r b printing will compare favora .VT'.K . tun linro cities. All work dono on liil.noatly and at moderate prices, BjmbiaCourity Official Dirbclory 1 i!inii!.liidics-I. II Krlckbaum, F. L. Mmman. kaonotar . sc. -II. Frank Zarr. t stenti-rapner-'". N. Walker. . 'tor t itWrder-wtlltatn'on it. Jacoby, rlct Attornc iuri w. i.u. irT .101111 . milium". ,. or-iamuol Nuvbird i.B ir u. Mn Ipmn rl4. ilnnera -folin llerncr, 8. W. Mctlcnry l.r.' rnoni-.wtlllam Krlckbaum. tnr -m. V. II. Kllno, J. II. Uasoj-, K.U. Drown, OorinralYoncf-ail Hobblns, Thcodoro YV '.- d .infAh,innf..U'lll tim II. Hnvrter. Id I'onr mstrlct-nlroctors-It, H. But, Scott, I Kramer. Bloomsburg and Thomas Heeco, . ....... Icomsburg Official Directory.' lent of Town Council (1. A. Herring. i'nul K. Witt, of Police .las. r. sterner, lent of Has company s. Knorr. IV. Hlli.r inuurg Hanking company .lohn K. Ftinsion, - in ,ll.lltrU L, . ...vwn, .w i Si lonal liant Charles It. Paxton, 'resident llstln, lashler. , ........ Libia rouir Mn ual Saving fund and Loan j loo K. II. Lf le, President, o. w. Miller, na'n'ilrg lltitldln- .nd Saving Fund Association I acock, I'rcsl nt..J. ll. Itomson, nccremry. ail'mr 11 u ual lavlmt Fund Asrocla Ion J iTcslden , I', 11. Wirt, secretary. tllfUCII DIRECTORY. baptist cnrBcn. . J r. Tust In, (Supply.) ll' Services -1 a in. and otf p. m. . nlinnl .0 n. in. Is ,'otlng-Every Wednesday evening at X a rco. The public aro InvPed to attend. ' ST. MATTHEWS LITTIISRAN CnCRCU: it -r-itev. . n.8. Marelay. 'ar Servloes-lW a. m. and IX p. m. lav school 9 a. m. , er Mee lug-Every Wednesday ovcijlng at 7x 1 , (r.m. Nopewsrenipa. AiiarBweKmo. IriKinnwiinnin. . is'er -llsT.8tu.iri Mli".bcll. . I lay services tow a. tu. and 6i p. in. ; Ur School 0 a. in. V er Meo ing r.very weuiiusuttj u.cuiu, u vf9 Itfreo. No powa rented. Strangers welcome. mktiioiust BriscorALcncacn. lldlng Elder-Kev. W. Ki ans. 1 Itl'er ivev.'.n. u. kav soriices i unu v. u.. i..rr Mntninv nvenincraT ow-o.iock lg AienB t ill VI ."cw liilj n.v.j Pral l'rajer .Mee'tlng-Every TUureday evebng llock. REF(MIM' t;ill-ni.u. Corner of Tlilrd nnd Iron streets. liclencc-Corner 4tb nnd Cniharlne Bjrcets, lay servioea nix o m. ami. i p. er Meetlng-saturdajr, Tp.m. iinviiea lucre is uirtujo iuuui. bt. pArL'a cuuncn. ryir- llev I- Znhner. lav Services iu a. m., 1H p. m. (day School 0 a. m. . 1.. ,lm mnnll. Itnlv PnmmiinlOn, vices preparatory to Communion on Frl. live rentid ; but everj bode welcome. Bnv Miuro i lie i nuimiiy m cil.i .uuuv.., KVANIIKI.II AI. lllUlllll. L.Uillng KUier -uev. A. I., lieeier. ilay service a r. m., in inv irnn nia-n.uu.ii i it Meet nsia cry aouaui ai. j u. m, ire Invited. Ml are welcome. . b in ..,i.o iiiiii itrtck rhurch on tho hill.' I as tho Welsh llaptlst Church on ltoclt stree ular meeting for worship, every Lord's day af- t tree ! and the public are cordially Invited to 1 BLOOMSHUItO DIRECl'OUY. 11(101 ORDERS. Iilnnk. iuct printed and Ieutlv bound In i-nnll books, ou hand and lu at the ooi.i'jiiiUN Ulllcc. ,K DEl'DS. nil I'arclitunt and Linen .. - n,l r.r A.l.nlnU rntoM. EXPCIl" I ii. 1 1 ru-ifes, tor s.ilo cheap at the i;oi.(mbiak RfwrT. C KUTIKICATES nt prlnled nd Mr Mle at 'hoCoiuwniAN onice. Mlnls.- tlie mi 51 and .notices should supply them- with these necessary articles. ISTlCESand Conlablea' Kee-Hilln for sale I the Colombian onice. They eoniain im . II tees as established by tho last Act of the Ir-j- Ironpon the Rtibject. Every Justice and con. r snnun nave imp. EXriUE NOTES jitit printed and for sale I cheap at tho Columbian omce, PROFESSIONAL CAHDS. HARKl.Ef Altorney-al-Law. Oflici lironrjr'8 building, 2nd storj', Booms 4 i 5 W.M M. KEBER, Surgeon ttnd.I'liysi n onice S. E. corner Itock und Market i bViVN'S, M )., Surgeon and VhyA si, (Onice and Ilesldenco on Third street. fl M KKLVY, SL L Surgeon and Pliy- 'in north eld. Main street, below MaiLel li. ROUISON. AlUirnev-at-Law. Office In Ilartiuaa'b building, Maln8treet. WU'EI, KNOUR' AltAtunt Liw.Offii'e I In Uarlman'u itulldlng, Main street, UOSEXSTOCK, I'liotograiiher, over I'tara & won s iore, juain street. MISCELLANEOUS. IVVII) LOWEXRERG, Merchant Tailor lain St., abovo Central Hotel. l-'KUIIN. dealer li, Meat. Tallow, etc.. Centra street, I etween Second and Third. BUSINEfcS CA1U1S. E. WALLER. niicneynt-Lnw h&st cf Pensions cbtdced, CoUcctlcns naSe. nico, second foot from 1st national Bank. HLOOMbUUKCl, PA. 1 . 11, ISIS IR. J. C. ilUTTER. JYsiguNd;fcuitnEpN, Omce, North Market Btreet. ' r.ST,71 Bloomsburg',' Pa. U. ITNTv, Artoi ncy.-at-I .nw. Tcaio'ol Vein-ions Oblaiued, Collections ilade. BLOOMSBbRQ, PA. nice in Ent'sJUcnjiiNO. . , , kit, I. L. RAJ1B, riJACTICAL DENTIST, I wui street, opposlto Episcopal Church, Blooma- r Teeth extracted without pain. ten, ii-iy, j'.OCKWA Y A ELWELL, A T 10 R N E Y SUA T-t, A Vf, Colombian Bpiluino, Blooinsb'irg, I'a. la-K-rs of tho I'nlted Statf Law Association. pi client made In ouj part ol America or Kbrope H A V. J.BDfc'lCVLKW, ATTOUNEYS-AT-LAW, Bloomabar?. Pa. Bee on Main Street, nrst door below CourtHonse E. .t J. M. CLARK, ATTOHNEY8-AT-LAW ; Uloomaburg.l'a. pcelnKnrsnuUdlng. P. BILL11EYER, ATTOKNEY AT UW urn- in Harman'rSBuildinp.'iiialn street, iwuoiiiBDurg, ra. 5 ''" a aoaT. a. I.ITTI.K. 11 A R, K UTOE, ArrOiMEMJ-AT-WW, BlonmBburg, Pa, T I , -il -T ' ANT Awl TAJl.OK. i liriuio,IilooinaJtnv; tul B.BflOAY,!-,., " E, ELWELL, E4"" and rroprioter.. Q W. MILLEK, ATTOKNET.AT.LAW Ofllcoln Urowcr's building, aecond floor, room No. u oomsnurir. pa. H 0 V ELL, xij in x x r. f Offlce In Hartman'B niock, second floor, corner Main and Market Streets. I Market streets, BL00M8BUH0, I'a." May M-ly. JJEItVEY E. SMITH, ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW, Offlco In A. J. Evan's Nw UtjiLbiNn, TttlnUialiTTi,n tit JJomVf ' Commercial Law and liank Collection As- wi. l., 'ii-ir Q Jf. DHINKER, GUN an.) LOCKSMITH. Sewing Machines and Machinery of all kinds re- aairca. upBRA uorsK Building, Bloomsburg, Ta. U1TISH AMElilGA ASSOHANCE Op NATIONAL FII1F. IN8U11ANCK COMPANW Tho nssetfl nf'tliesn t.lrl rf.p,r0nnn. ... - n,1l,nf,'I.',I fUUmi-s ann.re llablo to uk- Moderuie lines oh tlib best rlskaare al'ono accf rted. umscs rnoiini v nnn ikjskti.t ndtusted and Dald OKtS f? dc't.,II";l K .'iiiMSTiAxJF:Kiip, "s. Clal Affl Tit llllfl AllllUt.r l'.ym.h. tn-. ' tt.'i f-.,!,V.v',J'i0.','-V"""ll"..t-'0,"'tI "'oiildpatronlzo theaeiney v. If re losses, lf any. arc adjusted and paid by one 01 their ov, n eltliens. Vv.is, 'l?-iy rjMlEAN DIIolvN'slNatJRAfJEAOEN. X; a, Exchange ilotol, Itloomaburg, ra. iCtna, Ins Co., of Hartford. Connecticut. Liverpool, London and olobo Uoynlof Liverpool..... Lancanshlru Fire Association, Philadelphia.! F.rmers .Mutual of Danville Danville .Mutual , Home, New York. Capital. a.oou.ooo . rt,iint,o. . 18 .soo.orio . 10,001), oo . 3,100,000 . 1,000,000 76,00(1 , s,6oo,ooq . .v , ISO.o'I.OOO AS the ncpnrln. nrn Hlrn,, lutil.inn . . the Insured wltnout any delay In the onice at lslooms- arcn -o,T7 y B. K 1IAKT.MAN REPIIK8KNT8 TnR FOLLOWlNd AMERICAN INSURANCE COMI'ANIESi Lycoming of Muncy I'cnnsvlvanla. orlh American of Philadelphia, I'a ranklln, of .. . ennsylvanla of " nrmers of York, Pa. anoverof New York. Manhattan of " onice on Market Street No. o, Bloomsburg. ra, oct. tifl, 7r-iy. " OATAWISSA. M. L. EYEULY, . . ATTORNEV-AT-LAW, Catawlasa, I'a. collections pron,mlv maiin anil rmiiAH. ntnm oNituiu- i;auiwissa ueposiT, uanw. 0m-SS v. H. Abbott w. II. Rhawk. ABROTT & ItllAWN, Attorney s-at- Law. CATAWISSA, pa. rcnblons obtained. dec 81, ;?7r)y ENNSY L VAN1A EAILBOAD. JRBAT TRUNK LINE AND ilTBD STATES MAIL ROUTE. i attention rf tho travelling nnhtlc ii rPHnprt- Invlicii to h me of tlie merits of this Rnut lilpb- ,u muL-uiuim-ni u-vHTtn-H ana ueiiei innt no utie ran ont-r equal maucementa as a routooi in iruuj. iu Bi8truction and Equipment . THB FNNSYLVANIA HAILROAD Btanwonfesaedli at tho head of American railways 1 lie tk Is double the entire length nt the line, ox steel las laid on heavy oak lies, which are embed ded littround ittou of rock ballast eighteen Inches It drtl all bridges are ot Iron or toone, and Bulit upoh m most approved plan. Its passenger cars, 'vhlle luciiuy Hitiu aim huiwiantiai. are at iuo samo inoucis oi coiniort ana elegance. IB SAFETY APPLIANCES his line well Illustrate thefar-seelntrand iiiey oi its management. In accordanci- witli. 'iiimy oniy oi nn improTemeni ana w-i 'us le"n the question of consideration. ny may do noticeo THE EKE SYSTEM 07 SA7ET7 SIGNALS, JAHK!lr:OTJPLER, BUFFER and FLATFORi! tMwhaetcn PATEN? SWITCH, AND THE ;STINOH0USE AIR-3RAKE, injunction with a perfect double track formlheli and road-j a comiiinatiou oi Baiegnaros against cb havo rendered tuem practically 1m- celdents 1 possible. Ptillfcinalace Cars run on all Exnres Traina Irk. ljlln1elplilnt Ilaltlmore and VBHUinsiOll, To ClilrnonchinnlI, Inulxvlllrt Inillnnapolli ntiil t, I.ouiMa and to all prist ml points in the far West and South with but one W.ngo of cars. Connections are made in Uulon Deptou and are assured to all Important IB SCENEB.V OF THE P EKpSYLVANIA ROUTE Is admitted to 1 unsurpassed In tho world for gran- detir, beaut an cllltli'S are tirov viinriy punenor rprrPRnment ia- l.l attentive, and 11 la on lncvitabla reBultthat atrlpby the I'ennsjlvanluiiauroad must form ' A PLEASrso AND MEMORABLE EX PERIENCE. Tlcketg fiir sale at the lowest pAtpa t it,a ti.1,., ORIces of '.he Company In all imnnrm t m,i. towns. .1 . . . . fhanftiiom rWJ?. ' ivenerpi.'wi.ger. ool passenger A gent. J. IC sriOKMAlaS. Pass. Atrpnf Ul,inia r,i. . . . th Third Ptroet. llarrtsbunr. Pa. Ttn l Ti.ir. ' THE ORKAT KNOT.fpin npwunvi GRAY'S 8JE0JFIQ MEDICINE fqADEMARlC UeinePlallyrecom-TBADE MARK. TX 'nS'-ted as an un- anCfa iuu euro for sem laaiicaVnt'ns.spcr. niatjrlip.C Impo- oBCi, and alldUea s,iieha8 Lnss of mWiry, Universal 1 Willi p 1'nln In Pr m 1 uiinneBs r i .. . v.viwwu- . -. ru, I leum- 1 A m 1. 7103 wa Age, andttiior imam. many other lseaCatifadlo Insanlty.consump, tlonanda Preni attartorave. all of which as a rule are. first caused by derating from the oath ot nature l;i'?i,:"SSff'1Jl'e Bpecltlo Medicine Is Iho result of allfeBtudjri4 many years ot experience In treating these bScii diseases. p to send free by mat The tp cine ttcdl per pack ige, or sU i- uii iu 1 iti. pampniets.whlch we desire icrj (we ts sold br all DruiroistH at f 1 Hapeafor IS, or will bo Bent U money by addressing uj mail ou ri'reipi UlIlAYMEniCINKCO., Ko. 10, M tii' o iiiuv-K, I'ciroii, Alien. lyC, A. KleltP. snd by all Sold In llloeiEktiii Druggists evenwhel Hauls i Ev,lng, V Jsale Agents, JUtsburg. bcpi. s, 0-11 TT SK,f.fnk5 JnSTi' f rk for us than at u Mart )lu. lis --r.-W!!! iiu:rmuiren: we win any muoniemaae Drme fforacn. bois and trlrla wanted ecnliero Yrk for us. Now Istbe time CoBllv mitilt a: & Co., Augusta, Maine, rm8 rree. AaartssTRnt March ss,T8-ly $6611 eek In 1 "own to n. fa outfit tree ttl ou want a kiuslneas IS of eltbe- sex can make rlK. ittl LTftat 11,11 III Mtime iyvori. write . a vs. , roi uug, uajao. I4IIUI.U If, - ij Tf KOAI, BliANKRl J ALL KINDS JU" oa' HAND AX I CUU.illlLiM UtlS In n o 0 llbenl to which 3 Us coslJ Among A GENTS- D WANTE ' FOU OUIl Great Work NOW IN PRESS, TTIT3 INinJSTIirATj 11IST0KV OF THE HXITKI) STATUS. BPlrttjaeomptPto hutorjr of all thn lmnottant In pastries of iiirrlCff, Including Agricultural Mo ban leal, Manufactnrlng, Mining, Co mercial an i other wnKlravln1?;'.1 10 CtaT pn8c" anJ No Work Liko it Ever Publithod. For terms and territory apply at once to The Henry Hill Pub. Oo., Norwich, Conn, dec. U. 78-2111 A fiRRAi !ITi:u Foil ..em during the llot.lltAVHdlsposoor KM) I'lANON A-OIICAISNBt hXllt Olt'iINAHVlow PRicrs ton cash. -j,l ntllti organs s i e sets ot reeds las, 8 so ti llh sub baB and o rrt r.n 10, s sets, t o. lyti.10,1 PettlS. I OCTAVEttll KOVEWOtlll PI. amis 91:10. T 1-4'o WAanANTRn for -IX 1'ars AOENTrt vNTEI). llluf tratc.l Ontalogu" mailed. Mrsir Ar liAtp puce. intitAci: watiiiw .v onw, jianurttturers and -ealers, 40 E. mh ttrcet, ' dec. 18, is-iw r s UGCESSFDL FOLKS. llatthew Halo Smth's sow beck loon prominent persons men J women an ' ViNDr..iBIl.T. Hah nktt. etc. GlUWIlrC. time for a .-p,'Mnicj to secure territory. , , T'tluB Address for agency, circulars and terms ' v. c. BUSS t CO , Newark, N. .f. dec. 18, 78-w r t' r fit Cnfminl! rrxir,tlliri ft i-l 11 ''.t'rr fTirflM. nml CwHrj thw 'f ,1 C-J mw,!. Tho teat tobtPt Sf 1 1 -J flft'-r pood. o 1ht Jirlmt Bttt & Jiocsoj & Co., Urn. i'innbarc, dec 13v TS-ir SB7 A, PA. 3 "frents canvass ng fo r tho Flre- -j- - n,,.,, . ,,fr, icimatiuu uutnc me. Ad- "ress 1 , OjVI 'KEItY, Augusta, Malno FANCT n.Hnn With nnmn 1fl ... Agents outfit 100. ui styles Hull Co., Hudson,' r aeC. 13, 18-1 w ?yailkf. w 11,1 nam('' 10 cenl8-J- Jllnklen Co.,Na9. bhu, . 1. r dec 13, is-r 4A MIXKI) CAHDS. with name 10 cents. Agents TEUoutflt 10 cts. L. JONKS & CO., Nassau? K Y. dec, It, '18-Aw r 1 ho Poet Whlttler calls It "a complete success." "Acts unon the reailpr lllfn a tapir. ih i,nHni depwtment U especially strong," "Boston Tran script", "Continues to hold Its place In tho verv front of American magazines, lew ul which, crpi.il lc In abili ty and none oi which havo greater originality and IreBhnesa. "Minduy School Times.-: SUNDAY AFTERNOON Ai Moith'y Magazine Fiii flit Coiisclidltl, ' Presenting only orlclnal maiter. enu.ii.in lit merit the leading secular monthlies and sustains to IJ10 relMous Dress 11 relation similar to thplrn t ihn S'culur press. It alms to have In all Its essaj a, serials, atorles, poems, etc., a moral purpoip, i hue In Its Editor's Tabln are vluorouj dlsousslunj of live rtlicous themes nnd of stcular topics Irom therp llgloub standpoint. It Is I'reemluentlv Iteadablo.and nils a place icupled by no other putllcatlon. Its articles on 1'racttcal l'niianthrophy, Fiction, both terlal and short stories, and Book lit views aro special Featurci. IN I'Ollll'IlllllOI'M XllCllltlO Piof. o. P. Fl-her, Eawardllale, 'Tpr. K. A, alter, Uela cca u. Davis, Iter .lames F Clarke, Horace E. .-cudder, Kev. lr. A. P I'cab.idy, Itoso I erry Cooko, Hev. Dr, . I. T, Tucker, hllcn vf. ulney, hey. I.. Vf. Bacon, Sarah o. Jewctt, Kev. Dr. E. A. Washburn. iI. C'llll Ullcr. It will be sent for ono ycarfor Cjf) Ifl postage pild to thoso who subscribe pri. IU BKtOJlEJauuaryl, itio, ,tr 110 not fall to act prommiylt vouwishtoao. cept the special oner. t3,0a a 3 ear, postage! paid. Send 15 cents for spec imen copy. Springfield, Mass. nov. 29, T8. (tREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES! Wo will sell tho Very Best Family a c wing- macmoo For Twenty-Five Dollars i. cash, on an ornamented Iron stand snd Treadle, with walnut lop an arawer, ina i.ecessary Aliacnmenis and dellvtrlt at any liabroad Depot in the United l'ree of Charge. These machines are warranted to do the whole line of Family t-ewlng Willi more ruUdl'y.morc easo ot management, and !e-s latlgue to the operator than iny mat ulna now In use. end for a Circular. Every maeuiuu wanuuieu lor lureu yturs. Agent, wanted in Un:ccupied Territory. C'cntennml Machine C o., Limited 129 FILBERT ST., FIUOADILI'UIA, PA. OCt. 4, T3-m. S. W. Douglass,. Civil and Mmiug Engineer, ASHLAND, PA. General Surveying and Engineering Business attenHed-to with Oare and Dispatch, I am prepared to make drawings, Plans and Models lu Wood, Urass, iron, or tho above materials comUpe.1 as necessary of Bridges, Mines, Breakers, Buildings, Engines, PI'MI'S, and all Muds of machinery for us of cases at Court or for app.lcatlons to tecuro latenta. I'niriiiaHi'rurril nvr(h ts- S1IELUFS SALE. Iiy virtue of a writ of levari Facias, Issued nut of the Court tf Common Pleas of Columbia county, and to mo iilrec ted, will bfl exposed U puo- 110 Bale or out-cry, at me court nousu iu muuiuauui 1, at two o ciocK p. in. ou SATUKDAYi OANUAIIY 4(1", 1870, ah that pertain meEsuaco or houso and lot of ground tltuate, Ijtng and Ulnglo the Town of liloorasburg In the County of Columbia ajid state of Pennsylvania, and bounded as follows, to-wlt On the east by Marlet BtrjeJ.of.lhe saldtown, on mo Bouthby Fifth street ou the west by an alley and on. tha north by lot of William W. Wilson, on which are a Urge to-(.tory brict dwelling bouse, frame stable and, out buildings, a good vrel of water, fruit trees, and grapo vines. Belted, taken Into execution ut tho suit of llliam Iteece aralnH William E. Merner wlih police lo the said M'llUam B, Merner and Polllau sterner m wife. terre tenants, and to be bold as the property of WIN Ham E. sterner wllh nonce to the said wuiilam E. SUrw r and PellUh Merner his wife terre tenants. UAKaiBT, Attorney. Terms cash on day of sale. JOHN W.UOFrMA . c ll, 1S-U khtrirf. ' 1 BLOOMSBTJRG, PA., FRIDAY , JANUARY GILES' LINIMKNT IODIDE AMMONIA. .-see :' rTritit, ifurti : CurvN nil t tin In illnn nml IlctiNt TESTIMONIotSt PaoiAiTcs Uteki (Falllnu ot the Womb.) A Won derful cure Mne jenrs my wile suneird .with this terrible complaint, she as attended by doctor af ter doctor, went to tho dirrercnt hospitals where fe males aro treated! tried IhPin all; wore bandages andpossirle with only temporary relief. Her lite was m serable. w applied Dr. 01 os' Unlmpnt. Uer rcllel was Immediate, hho Is now well. II. McDEKMorr, 40 West 13th s'.rcet, New Yorlt, l had twelve strokes of ParaijsH. ly leg, arm and tingue were uwlei j was obliged to use a cath eter every day. Doctor tines' Hulment lodtdoof Ammonia his cured 10. Win answer any Inquiries bo that all aflllcpd mav know or It Joiif Ami. No- tli llranford, Conn. Chestnut Hill, l'hlladelphlj, a pi U it, '16. W, Mfdllcs, tq Dour rlr I used j our Iodide of Ammonia Liniment ou Klcra leu.pKs hind pastern Joint Mho had been quite lame 1 the cfTect was wonderful! she wnka now qulto well. Very ro specttuuy jours, . .A, Wiit.cn. r,S, I lru now using It on Littleton's right tore leg. , r ' AHrgoshocvbollona valuable young horse was removed by UUes' l-Uiluiiint;odlde of mmonU. SuBPiiEan KNArr, Carpets, iMslunaftt., New York. AsTnMA Tho tortures and agonies I endured for six years, none but thoso who havo surfered with this icrnblo disease can know, vty life was misera ble. In desperation 1 tried Olios' Liniment lo Ideof Ammonia, It guru m InMnat relief. Usod It In ternally as well as externally, ' TllOS. nilANIUAN, 1JT west !7th street. New York, I was In a dreaaral condition. Joints swollen, pain Intense. Injections ul mornhlne Into my veins failed to roll'ive me. ones' Iodide or Ammonia took awav tho deposits from my Joints I wantevery ono who surfers to knov wnat will cuie them, r . . I'ORuvca Imnmr, . orthIIidBT'arlr. Lummollleco. vt. Another Bunerer cured. Discharged from tho Massacjiusetts Oencral Hospital as Incurable, with lnda'ninatory rhPiimatlsm In m should its, nngers and feet ,r surfered reanully lor thren j cars, tried everything! lot all hone Dr. ones' Liniment lod lde of Ammonia effected a complete cure. KM.KN " M1TII, No. It Prane street. Fall Ulver. Mass sprauis. splints bruises. Umenusa In horses, Olios' Unlmur.t Iodlda of Ammonia la a perfect spe cific. No person who owns a horse should be with out It. M. IlonB.vs, , Mt seventh avenue New York. In ray family, and tor tho s'ock, I havo used Otle'E .Liniment iodide of Ammonia. It Is unsurpaised, and I am surprised at the many different maladies In which It Is applicable. It gives tho utmost satis faction. , . . , Jonn J. Cartir, 8uprlntendent Eastern Pennsylvania Kjiwrlmen- tal Farm, so c .nd li : and In Quarts at J9.GQ, In which tlicro Is a great saving. Trial slzo 85 cents , Sot.p BY A 1.1. DlICOnlSTS. N. J. lli:.MIi;il.sllOTT, .Vtri. lor lltnomsburK. may 41, 'Is- THE WHITE a SEWING MACHINE TUB DE9T OF AXXn Unrivaled in Appehrance, Unparalleled, ipSimplicity, t v Unsurpassed f" Construction, ' 1 Unprecedented in Popularity, And Undisputed in the .Broad Claim CMiMaTpt , VK.V,nE8X OPERATING quickest unuuTo, JIANDSOJIUBT, A3tB Host Perfect Sowing MacHino IN THE, WORLD, . ,Th weal pmularllf ol Iho VVhtta Is the mast con. Vnclni tribute to Its enccllcnct and luperloriti oierclher machines, and In submiltlng II to tha trade w put It upon Its mrtlts, and In no instance ? iii trer yewaiiea m sausif any iccommenoatlon In IU favor. The drroind lortheWhlte has Increased te tuxh an extent that we are now compelled to tarn out Coxxiploto moturixig 3facbJju avrr3r- mrao naln.iAtvsi- a 1-1. - .d.a Aarmain A 1; Every machine Is warranted lor 3 tears, and sold lor c-h at liberal discounts, or upon easy p,aienll, to suit the connenlence ol customers. -Aaisi3 yAHTD 111 racyrou nssrresT. WHITE SEtiiNQMACHINE CO., Nt 358 Euclid Ave. Clewlud, Ohio. J. Sal'tze,r.,Ag;cii(, M nLOOMSBUKO, PA. Oct. ldltt-tira t?r "YAINWUIGHT & CO., wllULtALK UIH1CEHS, ' ' ' rniLABBLPHIA, Dealers la TEAS, BYItUPS, COFFjjE, 6U0AU,"M0LisSKS, KICK, SPICES, BICABB 800A, C, &0. N, E. corner Second and Arch streeta; "0rders will receive prompt attention. tf JOYFUL Kewi for nor. m.1 Olrl. 1 1 ounir and Old 1 1 A NEW IN. 'VKNTION Jun'iatutsJ for tlem, for noma n.a I - fnt oJ Scroll Bawia(, Turning, wrlne.DrlUini.ariudinu.rolijhina. Bcrr Cuttinf. ITloa IS to 150. ' Eeud u ceuta for 100 nrtm PUIUIM BROWN, Low.li, Uau. nov, 1, J&1V13VV HEALTH AND' HAPPINESS, Health nnd IlappmePSAroprleelesa Wealth to their possessors, and vet they ard within ttm rcnii nt vA try one w lio will use V KKillT'S L1VEK TILLS, The only sure Ct'HE for Torpid Liver, Dyspepsia, Headache, hour stomach lonstlpatlon, neblilty Nausea, and all llllllous couplalhiaand Ulooddlsl orders .NonegenutnounleBS signed "Wm. Wright, fhlla." lf your I ruggit wui not Bupriy send si cents for one box to Darrlck. Holler Co., 70 N.sth St., Phlla. Jan. a, is-ly nr ' - - 8EST1 business vou can cntraco In. as in tift per day made by any woiker of etthpr hex, right In their own loealltl s. Par. tlculars and sanmlM worth 'Stree. Ininrovn mn, spare lime ut this business. Add ess brissoH 0., roniana, Msioe. marcn 8. 7s-y A DMIXISTRATOIt'S NOT1CS L8TATB OK PAVIU DB1101T, IlECKASBU rttpra of dmlnlatratlon on tlmpstitA nfn.M Detnotr, late of Orecuv.ood twp.,Cnunibla co deo'd have bin granted by tho Keelrter of said county to Iho undersigned AUtnlnlstrator.tu whom all peisons Indebted nie requested 10 m.iko Immedlato payment aid thosu Uavlng claims or demands aralnsttho es tate will make them ktowutothe administrator without delay. W. AIOKWBV, . Administrator. , Mill Vine, Col. co. K dec. . lSIs-aw ' r" TIISfAJ0ISKEPT.ON FILE AT THE OFFICE OF. 733 $usoy St., PHILADELPHIA, nun nrp ur al.lliorUi.1 uveuta, nnd villi recclrtl AdwrtUeiyriiU ul our LQWiVHV CAbli JtATIii. A UDITOIfS KOI ICR I nrfi,rfLnJVf0,:,",h0ftPPonn'0' Nathan dMeaw" Admlnlsttntorof Jacob Shearman, AjJ,V?M1I."pfl0,n,.C(1 ll'v agtcementof counsel, S!L!,5.P,i."",.t', il10 U?,T0 account will sit at. his ct. ?J? ?,!"V,n"",ri;on, Monday the Uin day of ,Ianu LSl te" 0 c f " " 11,0 forenoon, when and wfcero all persons lutercstodcan aitenrt. OKO. K. ELWELt, Auditor. doc. 13, 18-tw .84 Ninth Ftreet Pittsburg, Dec. lo, 1674. .Messrs. DHEIlhlt. HEAV O ' oenllemi n : our palnta have given entire sat isfaction. I haio used them on a good msnydirfer out kinds M n ork, such as Hon, Tin. Wood, UrteK. Ac and nevrr heard iuij complaints, on tliu con" trary.lhe work stands Holland for wear, will In my opinion, stand with any lead in the maiket. When '0 "ml"rt'fcron'"'n 'blselty or vicinity you aro at llbortv to u-e iny name wllh pleasure, also to use this as you think best. iteipectfully Yours, , . JOHN T. OltAT. Painter and Dealer In Paints, oils, to, STlilCTLY PU1IE WHITE LEAD, AT THE LOWEST Market haiks. 110NTOUK SI-ATE PAINTS, 8 CKNW. MO.NTOL'K METALLIC WIIITfl, 8 CENTS. MOSTOtTK METALLIC DROWN, (I CENTS. OFF COLOIIS AT Tills P1IICK. PURB LINSEED OIL rtt lor,t iiiiirkcl ratuN. sample cards and price list furnished without charge.. jijv Orders and Inquiries by. mail will receive prompt attention, - - r r HENRY S. KEAY, MANUFACTU11ER, Rupert, I'a, MOVER BROS. WHOLESALE AQEN'Td, RLooMSBnr.o, Pa Mays, Tt.-ly. Arltsgri'atanl thorougli 1 Wnod-nnrlMng proper tics, Ilr. Plcrce'a (lolilon Slcillcnr Dlrcovirr sirps K,l.l,r' 1 I'ui'n'ii .-iiiK'ni i.ircoviry turps nil Humor, twin the worn Srrula to a comman lllotcb. PlDiplc, or Eruption. Mtrcurlat disease. iin.l vigorous lit'tiltli nn1 a sound ronstibitlnn cstab IUIipU. Lrrslpclius tolt-rhcum. Fctcp Pores, Seal op Hough (,Ltn,ln short, nil diseases (auscii fiy bad I lood, uie conquereit by Ibis powerful, purlfrlnff, anil liivtoratliignieillcliic. ' Ililecl.illy has K luanlfpstcd Its potency In cut-ins: Teller, lioao Hush. IlolK Cartilinelrs, tore, i:,, heroruloua Knrca nnd Mirelltnsa, Whllo Swelling, (loltra op Tlilek eek, and Ijilaraed Glands. If you foci dull, Oronsy, UcUllutcU, hare callow color cf sMn. rr jillowtali-bronn spots on fuee er boilr. frequent l)P.idaclio or dizziness, bad taste In mouth, Inunial beat or chills alternated with hot uu-m-B, runti., uii.i pioonif joreoouings, irri ffular nppi tlti'. nnd tnnpip rnaie.1. yu aro suflerlnir JVnni Torpid Uver. or IlUtau.nraa." In many cases ot Liver 1 oniplutnt culy part rf these symptoms aro pxperlj need. As a renutlvfor ull such cases, Dr. , nr,. . uumen jieuieni uiscoTerv nas ao eaaal. as It euccts perfect and r.idleal cures. In tin cure ot liranrhliu. N...M r.n li an IV. early stapes of Consumpilon, it lias astonished iho liuxllcal faculty, anil cmlneut pln-slctans pronounra H the peatcst medleal ducovtry of the age. While 11 cure I lie sei crest Coughs, it strengthens tlie s) stun ricl I hv ilnurirl.t.. lev. I'liini c M. I)., Pron'K World's Dlspeosarr and Invalids' llou.1, builalo, Ji. Y. 1 ' easanv Ai.mlars, PELLETS, 000 Jioum) of tiVlngthe larw.irpulslTr.nanwiiui pills, rrmposeii of chcapt eni-ip ami bulky linrrminin. Thctc Vtllct-) nro MorprlT laratr than muaUrd ISclnff cntlrtly vcffptiiblisji no particular traru Isrc quire l n Ullo using tlieni. llicy opcrata without tit-. ! urbane to tlie ronMUmlou.-fllot, rr occur-tlon. "or Jnundlco, Iltodacbo, ronttlpatlon, I m pure Hood, rln In the f houMcr, TlahtncM of the c bvu pIulootM, Hour lnrttliui from the ttmachf liad Tauto In tho Uouth. Jitllout BitucU. rati In rrcloti of Kltlnr j. Internal 1'CTrf,- llloatcd ftxrllnjr about Stomach, Kuah cf Ulood to Ilrnd, tako Ir. l'lftiaant l'ureatlvo I'cllvl-w la explanation of tliO rciui'tlJal pomr of liiuu i'uriratlve 1'clien over ho prrat aailcty oftJIscasoialt maj-lMj saM that their itctlon upon tue animal rconomy I ualrrnal, not fflaud or tUueccaplns their nunutlre ImprtTaaa AeJ uoc 11 at Impair tho proinrtita of tin no 1( lifts. Tlirynre iupr-cojtt.! any 1m lonwl In klust bottlf s, tlitlrxlrtumlxliiR llurpby prt-btned unlmpalrrd for airylrinlb of lliue, la auy UhhU?,po tlmt Utey-aro alwaj rnnlt auJ rciiahlc Tula is not ttio easu witti Pllli put tip tn cticnp trotxIrTi or pasutmarri boxes, or all Ufscasof wliero a LazatlTe AUeratUis oc rureatlTC.il lmlloatol. thtsu lilt 1h-IV uci win gxo tJuimriit in rfitrt i'!ri 1 Inn. taolJ bT draTtru.t It. V. rlKltt K. M. IK. Pitof pVorla'f Diipemary jrj' CATARRH BVMrTOlIS.-PrWnif nt hrU achcdUtlmrpe falllUK luto tliroat, aoructlmca prorii&v, water)', tlilrk sis uuH-it, m nrjacu, urj .Taii'i, niu, or iduhuuiu eyi atoppliiK uih or oUt ruction, of llio tiaial pai Uffca, rlugliiff In cuta. ilcafnctia. liawWIog and cougli ln to clear UiQ tliroat. ulc rat loin, icabi from ulcers, rolee altcrtnl, naal twang-, otlrnslve breath. Impaired ortntal deprivation of tHuo of amelt au l umi lines, mental depression, loss of appetite, indlfrei- Hon, enlarged tonslli, tlckllntf couelvetc. Onl Tew of thcu ayroptooja aro llVUy to bo present la ;asa at ono time. A iany DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY eroducos rallcal cure of iheorat oimi of Catarrh, PO matt? r of how loiiff fctaivllnit. Thu Haul J n medy my to tnuuVd. or b fttr ap41cd by tbo u.o of Dt, I'KitcE'a Dourlio. Thl U tlio only form of IiiBtru aient yet Invented with which Hull mffllcttifi tan l lariied iiiomin and ruittECTLY .mi-lied to -all SarU of the affected nautl paeans, amf the chant ers or caltljd couitnunlratln thwewlltu In whir li lores and ulcers frequently citst, nnd from which he catarrhal duchartfo penentlly prncoeda. Iti uao ii pleasant and caally undcrntood, from dlrwtluui hciomrianTluir each Instmrnrnt. l)n hinrs Cb turrh RemJv cures rerent attackauf Cld In the Hltby few applications. ItlilutUuul pteas- poiMns. in ruu. it ousary and 'atarrh lit racily and jinarho oold by 4ru It. V. I'tlTHCE. M, I..rl1r"p,r,Vorl,s UlS d ImaJldHoUl, Uutfalo, N, V, ciral'nf(for ntto inventioni, or for improttrntntt ow of ton ft far b'nllcul or othtr compound, trade marl$ ami labtlt Wwatt, Aiaignmtutt. Inter ferencti, App'nli, fintttfor InrJnQtmtnU, and all caitt ariting antUr tht JVrti nt JnicMtpTompt luatttnttttt to.' - tnvriitlotis that haw been pattHtui uy u. 6etty vvpvt tin IT, A'. I'attnt Department, ami eiigagfd in 1'utcut lvtint$s ex clvtletltf, toe can mule clutrr 9tauht$, antt tfcurt tatcnt$ vwre pt(itnptin, auil teUh IruuUtr claltnt, thttn tha whit arfi remnte fravn Washington. make examinations and aUtit aatapat.-tttalllUj, jirui'i i.wrjr, silt wirrrmfionuriivc tin Ci ill ron Jirtnitlal. iTfcrt low. vnt AO f IIAUUi: lA- xr.s.s va tj:xt js a;c viu. ti. We reAr tn, Washington, to Hon. rottmailer General , if Key. Ilev. t J. Vuieer, The German American National Hank, ta ofletalt tn tha U S, Vatent 0t't, and to h nninrtand Rfpresfjitaiitci in Von'irwxtu'lirini'ipV't taovrclttnttttt every State in the V n r i d ci c :h -'n. A 'frut$ Vppvelte i'atiut fj,. It whington, V, X IMPOnTAMT TO Y0UN3 TJie Bryant & Stratton Business College, He. 103 Scuth Mta StrcL, PUhi'a, Offeru iiiiMiirimrir''ki ruollltlca ibr nt'iiuirliifpi' unlnt'HS udu ciillon. HtonjiilH can. enter nt any thn No vawillouar XiluBtnttcci clrculara trcis, (llli-. U), la-dlw 4o' aSoBsoasaV 3. 1879. at nno-half I'omimi I'atcvs. noon unrsjaM ihrpkts, T5o prr yarJ. InnaAtNa from fine. l tirUTTKS WIL-ltiNS axminStkii VKLVKTS I10liv.UltUKiy,"ndT?l(RKl" WLW? F r-HLCLOT.I8 allwMthS SHE.PPAFID KNAPP'S 189"and 191 Sisth Avenue, cornprmii street, NEW YOflK. nov. 13 is-tlm PIMPLES. l,.,'n.!na,,1,(F.0('1A!10uc('l,l' ,or apimplo VEOtTA- l'LKS atiri Bitiichpslpavlnirthe skin soft, rl!"ir and antoV iSS .1 'v11 v 8 "Ia ,p' ,lcn vnd'" Co.. s TO CONSUMPTIVES. .kCl."!.lulrSrJ1,cr I'avlnrf uen pornnnrjntlj' cured of tnat dread disease Conatimptlen, br a Mmi.le reme. aj la anxlouito male known to his fellow suffer era lU-i mo.itu of cure. To all whndpatm im, will wnd atCony of tlierlrcscrlptlon used, (fieo of charge ) with illiettlona for prprarlnirand uslnir the samo wnkli tiicy will nnd a auru uuro for ConSxim- rtBlll 111, IHUU lllllS, ffC. . rartles wHumif ttio ITeacrlpllon.will pWso ad drosa K. A. WILSi'N,lil'cnn st WIlihruiDiirif, N. aco nov, aa, lnmi iiRnoHS "of-youth? AIIkntikmsn nhoannvml tor jcars from Nervous DkKlLlTV 1'UKU.TnuR llriv nr,A ul, of jouthfui lndlacretlun, will for thn sake of aufler- .h iwi.ii mo hi mi wnu nccn it, uio reel, po and otrecilon for making tho simple: remedy by vMilch how as cured. Sufieiers lalilog to prout. by tho iidieitlwr'a experience can do o by addresslnir lnerfecteonnileiii'e. JOHN H.oIDEi,4a Cedar at., Now York, nov. m, is-cm ntco PILES! Dr. Pater's Colebratcd Painless Remedv is tho irM;iV. i5 a v. "r '"'","IIeTer?kn'(ifiecning, Itchlns, UUnd, Inward. &o.) and all disease," ot tho IttcTovi, whether reemt or long standing. It elves Instant relief andeffpitsa radical and permanent J? ' ls,r?erlbed by all plijslclaua whoareac qiialuU'il with It. ihronlc paves readily pia to it. ..LJ5"-1. t'lra tlori reaiulro a 'Irylt and rolleva your suileilnits. ONLY 60 centsfor a Lakoe l'ici. ias. ent by mall on receipt of price, t or Bale by all Drnggista. Da. J, Pabek t do., 112 Ann tuS. Y. nuv. it, 7tmm aim BMINISTKATOUS' NOTICE. ESTATE OP neon SHCLTZ, PKCKA9ED. tJl,e,.of.a0.mlnl!'tr,ulon n the estate of Hugh 'nulla, late of Jackson townshlp.Coliimbla County, IV ,deceaf.ed,liave ten gr nted by the Heglster or sid county to the underslgueil d nlu lstrator tn whom oil persona Indebted to said estate are ie- quested to make payment, and thoso havlntr' v.u,u,.-, v, ucuinuua Hniusi, mo saia estaui will make them known to the said ad mlnlstrator without delay. JASIE3 M. snnLTZ, . Central I'. O. Jlec. 0, '75-Ow Administrator. B. V. KUNKKL'S BITTEH WINE OP IltON. This truly valuable tonlohas Iwenao thoroughly tested by all classes of the community that It Is now diemed Indispensable as a Tonic medicine. It costs but little, ptuiqca tho blood, and gives tcnetotho stomach, renovaies the system and prolongs life tverybody should havo It! for tho cure of weaK stomachs, Oencral 1'ebiltty Indigestion, diseases of the stomach, and for all ca ses requiring a tonic. ' This wile lacludra tho most agreeable and efficient Salt of Iron we possess-Cltrato ot Magnetic Oxide Combined with thn innnt. -nr-rirrHi nr v.irarnhtA fnr.. (cs-Y'ellow Peruvian Bark. Doyou wantj-iomethlng to strengthen you t 00 you want a good a ppet He J Do you want to get rid of nervousness t Do you want energy ? Do you want to Weep well 7 Dojou want to build up your constitution? Do you want to feel well ? Do you want a brl-k ana Igorous feeling 1 lf J'OU do try KU.NKEL'd IlII'lEIt WINE OF I HON, 1 only twk a trial of this valuable medicine 1 Beware ot co interfelts as Kunkel's Bitter Wlno ot iron li the ooly suro aud effectual remedy in tlie known woild for tho permanent cure o( Dyspeiisla and Debility, aud as there are A number ot Imita tions offered to the public, I would caution tho com munlty to purchase nono but the genuine article', manufactured by 11. V. Kunkel, and having his stamp or tha cork pf every bottle The fact' that oth ers are attempting f Im'tata this valuable remeity. ptovcslts worth am Speaki volumes In lisfavorj Oct the genuine, E. F. Kunkel's. Sold only In ll bottles. Sold by druggists and dtalcrs everyhro. U F. Kunkel, Proprietor, 230 .North Ninth street, rhllidelphla, I'a. Taiio v'6i'iii rU'iuovcii sviivc. Head and all complete, In two hours. Nofeo till head parses.- Seat, Tin and stomach Worms remov ed by Dr. Kunkel. North Ninth street, Philadel phia, I'a. Send for circular, or ask ) our druggist for a bottle of Kunkei'a Worm sj rujp. It never talls rice Jl. "iiii .uigrja err. . i-v. s';, rm h . hv. mm fpilE GREAT r031TrrE CURE M.' tit &U DUHPASCS artilat froa a etrar.-o1 eandl Hoficftlio I I.UOit. I.IVlu. Mi-liVlX. or The Eon Tamil? Uediclno on Earth. 8i oo OTvr to any rrson atSlatl wUu a ti tl nt WOTincn n-tU not ruiiior cur, p ovtdi ie too Uati or crooa w not wasted beyond point of repair. nt I at jt, rbLnlflg-a Itamn.'MlUtsi rtTtxtupon tha dlst Uve oraiti, whether lmpalrei by dlsfato or exbiMiitet) from oltc U ti In crcasa tbelr power of airluillttlon anil i.atrli a. It In croaaoa tio appetite, nssiiti d' nstlrin, anj rlvm flrmnwi and tona to the nauncaUr and rlrcnlatlor; irctom. It mlin ulatca tfca vital ioceiiLa to rnewo4 oc lvif,, altera, cor rr?cl an4 purlfle t.to fluid, tbiu. tLs orcaaaaoU nttatalh Ualioa tliolr bwltby ruucUuoa. THE, ONLY TT.tJE REMEDY TOE COLDS, ' It ! mcloaa to espatlata opmi tba Tirtna of tbli CH1U1 CKUim. Ujoa aro muring froia I.Ii.turirTAtk8, bm r itit p ntini'8iio, i.in.txATtHi. .lm.ii tb vtu ItlLlTV, tbM.TirATI klUM-. er M .Ot j illSavtl S, er any disorder arlslnir from HUM of ttuOIiLM- aud tska It M iwrflln lo roEllcb. German. t?naln( and 1 I I 114. II IV Hi, , a QOllH auu .ana it iiimrii ertntn, t?palnH tne .. lifliaiilAilUI tiao ltut::air better coavlace you ofltu uii lu VJta volume eximtud. li yrlatera1 Ink. A irtal ot ona bnttla lnTJ-tl iti fldontlon In evrt ftrnillr. for QoUtu,ciniu,orCi.UdcaulaWa .lOULSBaod reaiaft bulldi ui). tliiM curtuir dlseuo ttcrmnnuL aiifa and i-rjJiirln- Liuld. t lnt up In larpa bottlei, and 1 pleasant to taka. U riotll.britkil.aJitniU'r!!, Vrttt, Vl.UUM-rlloKU, Walker At llndprr Blfg, Co., rron'rg, w i&.'vjfiB v ai- bUPFCUKU 30 YKAItH 'Ko tentrae can tell what I havo tuffoud fur tha past Va yjM iVwu tt.illtfcriaiid HUM .UIlilu IlLtT at l a. w bad thai I coaU u A atand vpnn tny t J inaj wblrii aotilil brWs .1 flour llJuwa. ' iwu ona trara'-a l traa luduevd to trr a brttta of ui am k-mm to luisi in at aiMr taklnir I was entlrnly rurml ot loiri dUoaset and n enlojlDii scttlli'it haaur, .treuctti. 1 .4 TlsasJtlUQUarliaailcleJWtr. IHi.Hm. mm. u. f. rcuiua, in Buiki sl do't go I'oonxa An,ou,n. Asa r. filatlDB moatrlna I no canadrallt rMoromrnd Tli.ui.th. I Itavo u..a H la uijr i.uitjy aad auow others wao hara tried i, an 1 a I lironiniDr UrothI ana reUabls. It ilutt't ko f,ol!ii,x aroun.1 an.l ill.apiMltit you 1r tnattnr na alca, bat H artsns 10 tutWsi and ae cwmptUli.a Uiat Mtiirriiata It I. -nt. W al, K, DITVAU. KlTerueal, L. I. N OP YnAlTs STANDING, lasedonsbotlla of 111 OKI k an.l ran tnuhfatlr ssr tlial U has carvU lu. of lilal'M'!! ai.J LlUvthluo of t.ars sunulna. it-, S. C, KOZ, al.D , taUmxi, K. J. EiigPRvfirRina fit a al tf J. DETJG' STORE, HSIooEiasEiii'p, Pa. whd is ailhnrirea to guarantee VJClOltKNE to rrovd aarepresculf.l. liO.18, is . PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS ' Printe.4 at tliis Ol&ca opir6uTti,t''OTinF ani) atthk MOrfT I5EASUXA15X.E TFJUfj. ism mwM&4w THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XIII. NO. 1 COLUMnlADKMOOItA ItAT, VOL. XLIll, NO. it The rlglit thing tn'tlie rllit place ts without iloubtUr. Hull.. Hxby Bj run, the best remedy for Halites wlitle.tfetlilng. Price 25 cents a boU tie. the ?wiri.u want rnoop. There Is no medicine prescribed by nhisl cians, or sold by Druegisla, that carries such evidence of its success and superior virtue as uoschees German Syrup for severe Cough". Colds stilled on Ihe breal, Connmpt!on, or any disease of the Throat and Lunjr. A proof 01 thai fact is that any person afflicted, can get a sample Uoitlc for 10 cents and Irr Its super. lor cllcci before buying tlie regular site at 75 cents. It has lately been .introduced In Ibis counlry from Germany,' and Ita wonderful curt are alon!jhing every ono thai use It. Three doses w'll relieve any case. Try it. Sold by all tlruggWs. aug 30, '7?-tf C0KSUJI1TI0.S CUHED. An old physician, retired from practice, har ing had placed in his hands by an Knst India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy, for tht speedy nnd permanent cure for consumption, lironchitis catarrh, nslhma, and nil throat, and,!ung affections, also A positivo nnd radical cure fur nervous debility and al nervous complaint", nfter having tested its w 011 derful curative Jiowcra in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suf fering fellows. Actuated by.this motive, andn desire to relieve human suffering, I witl send, freo of charge, tp nil who desire it, this recino with full directions for preparing and using, in German, French or Knglish Sent by mail by addressing with .stamp, naming this paper. YY W Shearer, 119. Towers' Block, Rochester. N Y. dec. C. 4w A New Magazine. Leliure Ilourt ts the name of a new Maira- zine which has been sent us by the bublish- ers J. L. Patten & Co., 47 Barclay street, .New York. The number before us contains illu9tiated articles of Travel, Biography, etc. besides stones.sketchea nnd poetry, and is published at the popular price of$l per year, "iho Illustrations are handsomely got ten up, and the reading matter is of the best quality. The forty pages of this Magazine are filled with matter that will be interesting lo all our readers, In order that all may have a chance to seeaqd examine this Maga zine, the publishers offer to send it three utonfhs fur 25 tents, and to present every three months subscriber with a charming chrnmo motto, entitled "Faith Hope and Charity." Tho words of tb'f motto nro print ed Iu filleen oil cp)ors upoua'dark ground and nro entwined with floral designs nl great beauty. dco. 20, '78-3w NOTnijia Shott or Unmistakable BENgrrra Conferred upon tens of tlwusnnds bt sufferers could originate and maintain the reputation which Ayer'a baraaparuia enjoys lt.1.1 u compound of Ihe Iwot vegetable altei atlns, with tlio Iodides ot Potassium and Iron, and Is the moRt effectual of all remedies for Scrofulous, mercurial, or blood dlirders. Unl rormly successful and certain In Its remedial effects, lt.pioducca rapid and complete cures ot Scrofula, iWres, Bolls, Uiimors(, llrapli-s, Erup'lons, Skin DIs-' easeaandalldlsordersarlslngtiomlmpurlty of the blood, lly Its Invigorating effects It always relieves, andofUn curc-i Liver Complaints, Female Weak nessesand Irregularities, and ts a potent renewerof vitality. For purifying the blood It has no equal. It tones up the system, restores nnd preserves' the health, .and Imparts vigor and energy. For forty ears It has been In extrcslre use, and ts to-day the available mcdlclnefor the suffering tick, anywhere. 0 SAVE BT AU-DXALtaa. BO!, Business Notice DOBDIN'S ELECTRIC SOAP. Having obtained the agnncv nf this Celebrated Soap lor Bloomsburg and vicinity. I aiinend the opinion of some of our best people as to its merits. "1 have used Dobbin's Fleotric Soap made by I. L. Cragin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., mr wasniDg anout leiy yearn, anil think It nperinr to any otner. Mm. U U Harney. "We have'llwl Dilllhin'aF.lpr.tr!pK,.anonil find it suif rior to any other or all othert. rs. v . li, jacaby, Mrs. B. II Stnbner. I deslro all my friends and riitomers tn (7u' thu Soap one Trial, so that they may know jut how good the next ooap in uie uniieu statu is. J. Ht Maize. jtily 12, 78-ly Bloomsburg, Pa. Overcoats, ' Overcoats, For Men, Boys and Children at D. Ijoweuberg's- Boot headquarters at McKinney's. J. Sallzr G neral Agent, Blonm.butg, Pa, tor the While tjewlng machine for Column bia, Montour, & Northumberland cnunlirs. Agents wanted. deo6-4w , TrTlt Buy it Palm Palm Palm Soan At Jacob H, Maize's at Jacob H. Maize's, may a-low McKinneya House. Shoe Store below Court The cheapest and best ready-made Cloth ing always on hand at Lowt-nberg's. Cramptnn Brother's Palm soap at Jacob ti.iUbizea. it is tlie best. Try It. may3-18w Admission free at McKinney's. Crampton'a Palm Soap is the besi laun dry soap In this or any other market. Fn sale by Jacob ll. JIaiie. may 18-3w Call afMcKInne'i for Shoes. Winter Clothing cheaper than ever at D, ijuveuoerg a. Rubbera at McKinney's. J. Saltzer, General Agent,' Bloomsburg vuiuiiiiiiu cnuiiiy mr tno iew uavii vertical leeil ahlittln tjewing MHchine fn Luzerne, Ciilumbiu, Montour, A Northum uerinnn counties. Agents, wanted, dec C-4w The latest style oTKats always on hand al u. A.gwenuerg a. . Trade dollars tafce'u for 100 cents at V. 0. McKinney's. A fine nelectionrof Lidies' Gold Watcbfs and Chains, both American und importer! -by the boat makers at I., liernbard's Jewel ry Store. - Boot and Shops cheap at McKinney's. Oath paid for Itlw Skins, Fox, SkunV. Mink, Musk Rat, &c, at David Lowen berg s. vijfilioi110l,,lwuu,PI"l Ulicapuiua manlj Cnon for the euro of lljli, vl t.,U,,t A"!"'!,'0''' and all sifwS. tonS lllir to falwoaartf Cm4iUM)4lo. eDV IT lliisbwriaoldpvcrlwDt)rjrur. I HI IT tjoc 51, dtco this rtrm is o nut vam R DWELL lc rHism . Advertising V. ( penls THmflCHl.TNUTfcIS., 8I.L0UI. ,(. RATES OF ADVERTISING. tract. l. One Inch , ,.xo Twolnchrs , 1 .00 Three Inches 4,10 Pour Inches n.oo uuartrr colamn s.eo Half column 10.00 One column f.00 m. tn. en. II.M tS.OO 00 4.(0 (.00 6.00 4.CO 7. OO 11.00 t.oe 9.00 la.oo a.00 10.00 16.00 11.00 lt.PO lt.00 ss.oo 10.00 10.00 eariv aaverriaement. navat.1 n,,...ti. n-. Blent advert Iscmentamustbr paid for beforelnsertao. except where parties have accounts.. lBaladrertlsementatrodollaniriCTlnchforthre Insertions, an at that rate for addltlonallnserttoiii without reference to length. KXeCUtOr'R. Amlntatrafnp ann ImAImi, three dollars. Must bo raid for when Inserted. Transient or Local notice, t VrfM V Atna sk litis regular advertisements half rates. Cards in tho "tin m..a..h ... floHar per year for each ilieT ' "mn OM PUIiLlU SALES. The administrators of Isaiah Ycagef decest id, will eell real rstale In Locut and Iloarlng. creek towmhlps, at Ycager'a Hotel, Slabtown, on Saturday January 11th, 1870, at 10 o'clock The report of the Teachers' hislllute will bo published next week. Cliew JacxsoH's IttsrHweet Xnlj Tobarns. Next Tuesday evening (7th) a Gospel Tem perance I'rayer Meeting will be held In Ihe Presbyterian church. A friend in need" Is a friend Indeed, said a gentleman the oilier day, who had been cured of a terrible cough by Dr. Haas' Expectorant. The Chritmas tree at the Episcopal church on Thursday night of last week was very attrac tive. A large congregation attended the exer cises, which were pleasing and appropriate. M. W. JS'tias will retain the position of Iep- uly Prolhonolary uuder the new officer. " Mr. Krickbaum could not have made a betleiappoinl- ment. Croaking Is not confined to Ihe Frost Ponds At this season almost everybody ts hoarse. The bleating of distressed lungs is heard every where. Why ts thl", when llalt't lloncy of llorehound and Tar will cure any cough, cold orhoarsenesa in 48 hours ? Sold by all Druggists. Pike's loolhache Drops cure in 1 minute. Itamay M. Ent, a son of U. II. En I, aged ten years while sliding on the Ice at Ent'a dam on last Saturday night, fell Into a hole made br taking out Ice. Fortunately be managed lo es cape. It is however, another warning. John Ilnrtnian of Hemlock has been appoint ed Mercantile appia i;r by Ihe commissioners. Ite Is a republican and was elected by the votes of Sands and Herner, McIIeury voting for N. P. Moore etq. An adjourned court1 was' held Saturday last, and almost the entire day was taken up by mo tions and petitions. Another session was held on Tuesday, and the day spent on the argument list without completing it. Cases not heard were continued until next term. He had not slept a wink' for twenty-four hours coughing all the time. Hii si-ter bought a 25 cent bottle of Dr. Bull'a Coi-gh Syrup at the nearest drug store, gave him a do"C, and the cough was broken at onca and be slept quietly uring the night. Goon ron Babies AVo aro pleased to say that mir baby was permanently cured of seriou protracted irrcculnrilv of the bowels bv the use of llbp Hitlers by its mother, which al the samo time restored her to perfect health and strength. The Parents, University nvenue, Rochester, Jt.Y. We have received a cpy of the National Po lice Gaz-ite conlaining a "full and authentic ar count and illiistriiion of ihe cxeculion of Jack Keboe with authentic portrait of Kehoe, Ling.lon and detective McParlan." We hnpetlie ace, nut is more "authentic'' than the portraits. The picture of McParlan Is no mote like him tliau ii U like King William. t. Joseph's Church, on Sixth Avenue, New York, has a large and wealthy congregation; its pastor, Ihe Reverend Father Farrell, a, faith ful servant, known by his Work", testifies to the wonderful curaliva properlicsof Giles' Liniment idide Ammonia in infliramatory rheumatism, pains in the joints or loins, for It gives Instant relief. S..ld by all druggists. Send for pamphlet. Da. Giles. 120 West Broadway, N, Y. Trial Bite 25 cents. Jnhn B, Piimel formerly of this place has mil with a sad Ids", In Ihe death of his wife. .Mrs. Pnrsel.was Jwrn February 16lh, 1834 and iIimI D.-i ember 24th, 1878 at her home in Great Mills, St, Mary's county, Maryland. She leaves f urihitdren, Mr. Bohanon, Chester, Jos:. h, at u an inlaut born two days before her des'h. She was n daughter of the late Joaiah Furmtm of Iilnotmburg. Mrs. Pursel was an exemplary woman, and many relatives and friends' In this county have learned with deep sorrow of her uiciaae me auiictea lamuy have the sympa thy of this community In their sad bereave ment. Advanced Physicians. Many of the mote advanced physicians, having found Dr. Pierce' l'amily Medicines prompt and sure, prescribe them regularly in their practice. " TvmyiLLE, 2'rim., ilfay 2SA 1877. Dr. liV. Pierce, BuflVo, N. Yj Dear Sir lorn long time I suffered with catarrh. I finally called in Dr. Zacharr of this place. He furulrhti! me with your nasal Douche, Sage's Catarrh Remedy, and your Golden Medical Discovery. These remedies speedily e fleeted an entire cure. Yours truly, joiin B. chadless WEDDINa. . Franklin Pierco Billmyer Esq., and Miss Anna Dora, daughter of tho late William Sny der, deceased, jioth of Bloomsburg, were united in matrimonial bonds ou Tuesday morning at half past ten in tha Reformed church," the pas tor, Rev. W. E KrebV performing the cere mony At the appointed hour the church was tilled with invited guests who were shown to" lirlr sfals by the ushers, Messrs. G. A. ClsrV. II. W.Sloan, James B Neal and D. Leche. Jii'l before Ihe ceremony the Judges and Mem' bers of the liar entered In a body, argu ment court having adjourned for the .occasion. The wedding parly madoltsapiicarance prompt ly at the time fixed, entering the church in the Mlowlngorderi L. E. Waller and Miss A. Hendershotlj II. B Clark and MUs Jennie Holbrook, the bride and groom coining last. The procession was beaded by the ushers and walked up the middle aisle to the muslo of the Wedding March played by Miss Krebs. Tha "eaiitiful ceremony of the Reformed church was cad, and the tno weie n.ade one. The party then lift the church aud went directly to Ru. pert and from there to New York. Tbchurch vas very preitlly trimmed with laurel archea tnd wrcalben, and tho font was handsomely tilled. The bride waa dressed iu a travelling mit. She was Ihe recipient of many useful and irnatuentnl reenU May happiness attend Mr, nnd Mrs. F. P, Blluiyer, The wholesale and retail establishment of J 11. Scott Is one of the attractive potntajoet now, owlt g to (he large atsorlmepj of dolls and toys htch Uktribseye of the young folks. Ills ba "eery and conft&fenery Is one of the best In this 'tctlon, and l1ieilieral patronage lhat he rt Ive prove tbatlifj. gfvfs entire ssttefactior. I'ounUy .dealers will find it the place to buy hoU 'day Ipya at wboVale. JiisrVful tolhv public fir past favprs be toliclu tonlloomce cf their paUengt. imm ' It. it.oo lt.Hi M.W) JS.00 to 00 100.01 it j S' -; I - t. ' . 1.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers