fta Mit&T j C " -j---,- , . ..,, -r-HHHHiHH ....... stf... . 7. . . i..l,M ,, ,, , , , , . .,. aa, THE CQMfMBIAN . AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUHG, COLUMBIA COl.NTY, PA. 1 LIT K-3 if ,1 V ,1 If "4 ill 4 H Agricultural. Sleam I'luushliifi lu MiiRlauil. Whatever maybetheoly'ctlom tn tlio iuo of tha steam iilougris .ml they are fat be iiiR nvercomo they linpresi the unae'euv tomeil visitor with great f.iree. I hn'l road of thcia and had seen pictures of them, and knew of the amount of work that they no complUhcd ; but to see them standing here, more than n down of them In shed after shed, showed how Inadequate had been my preconceived idea concerning them. John fowler and Co., of Ijeeds, show sev eral seta ofnpparatm with ong'noi of from six to twenty nominal horse power, with the gang plough, grubbers, roller, cultiva tors, ami harrows to bo mod with them. It would bo Impossible to (tlvo n correct notion oftho system of steam cultivation without iiillle lull Illustrations. In Fowler's system two engiues are ued enginsH which are cav pablo of traveling on the road, moving about the fields and carrying their apparatus with them. Under the boiler a horizontal drum carries a steel wlro.ropo by which the plow li drawn. The plough, which turns from four to eight furrows, according to the power ot its engine, U a giu of iilrjfv attached to an Iron frame, and so balaucel that as it proceeds in either direction the pang which is to make the reverse cut is cocked up in tho air. The ploughman slti over the ceu tre of the gang, and has in front of him a t ttcering windlass, by which the direction ol the plough U regulated. Tho grubbers, cul tivators, harrows, subsollers, etc, are all ar ranged in a similar way. When at work, one" engine stands at each side of tho field, each with its rope attachei to the plough, and this is drawn backward and forward between them, the engines mov lug foward long the headland for r-Hi'h new bite. Iu order to protect the rone from fric lion. It is supported hero and there by little trucks called 'rope porters. A pair of the larger engines and n six fur row plough will turn up from fifteen t twenty acres per day, almost irrespective o depth, williin any usual. agricultural limit The system has been In practical tie fo twenty years past, nnu nas Deti unflT-joini; constant improvement, until it seems now to bo very nearly perfect. It N, of cuur-e, only on firms of theHritiiz,wh'ire many hundreds are to be ploughed annually, that these large double-engine sets of apparatus are used, but tin re are companies and a cialions of farmer in nil parts of E glum! wulch own one or more nets to he it" , t lor hire, R'i that even a "mall farmer. cm t-u his ploughing dono bv team at a urn li . cost than that if long it by Inns.' IhIi, ...1 I. - !.! 1 wuen u is uiui'MUTtii iiiiu up is r. iii'veu Iron tho costof maintaining his horses throughout the year. The meio matter of economy, is a secondary consideration as compared with the qmlity of the work done. The greater speed of the steam plough uive a much more thorough pulvrrizition and an. ration to the soil, the treading of liorV feet is entirely doneawav with.anl the con dition of the land is greatly improved, epe cially as the subsequent operations may. where fields are sufficiently large, all be done by 6team harrowing, rolling and seed dril ling. Indeed, the only drawback to this -ys-t9ai seems to be tho very large amount of cap ital that it is necessary to invest a pair i, twenty-horse-powcr traction engines, an eight-furrow plough, and 800 yards of sleel rope costing no less than 2372 ($I1,8G0). To give an idea of the scale of the whole system it may bo stated that a six furrow balanco-plough is about thirty feet long.and weighs over two tons. Col. Geo. E. Waring, in flarper'i ilagaiine for January, Killing IIo-s. Killing hogs is a business in which the community Is interested, d perhaps, n small proportion acquainted with. It is termed 'butchering,' aud often carried on in butchering style, wbiloiti.s a. business wor thy of beiug conducted in a decent and scientific way. I do not propose going in to alnog programmo of telling how to catch a hog, and how to hold hiih, &c, but to throw out a few hints. Do not antler tho hog to be run and worried by raen,boya and.dogs.getting his blood aud flesh heated, just before hois killed. I be lieve this is one cause of tneii spoiling. . Sometimes we drive a hog or two to a neigh bor's so as to kill together,' as it is termed, making use of the same force, nime fire and other fixings; and we have known the hams and shoulders of hoes thus driven, to come ihort before the next summer was over. Let the hog be killed with as little noise and worriment and excitment as possible. A Jerteyman has ono man to go into the pen selects his first victim and shoots him, or with a broad-faced hammer(like ashoe-mak-er's hammer,) knocks down the hog, when other" men come immediately aud stick, others drag out aud go to scalding, and so on with a large mumber 01 hogs. 'Scalding machines have become very common, and area good institution; but everybody has not got one, and still use tubs I like tl)3 tub, and waut nothing better for ordinary liinea; but I want nrope and tack le or 0110 01 twu hands to work the hog. I would not allow a hog to be put in hot wa ter while there is .1 of life in him but when dead, make uu opening to the gain, brel-striugs aud honk in, boist the hog and dip him head m d shoulder into the scald . d) not let him remain more thauasecond or two, lest his hair 'sets ;' hoist him aud air blm, and if needful, dip him again aud again until done ; then hook into the lower jaw and soild the hinder parts. I like slow scalds the best, as Iras likely to 'set the hair'. While the hind parts are getting scalded the facs may be cleaned. Too little attention is generally given to cleaning the head, and al so tho feet, leaving them for the women to worry over by the hour In some cold out kitchen. As soon as the hog is hung up and washed off let the head be taken off and set upona birrel or block and regularly shaved auil cleaned Aud now, while speaking of the head, I waut to say how 1 cut up tho head. I lay it on its side aud take off the Jowl (or lower jaw,) I then saw down acroig the face just above the eyes, being careful ts run into the eye-sockets and 011 through, leaving the eye ball! with the, snout end, so that there is no further tioublo with gouging the eyes out of the facerpiece; then without further separ ating of the parts, Parting between the ears, Baw up and down wise, not caring to extend farther dqwn towards the snout than to the saw mark scross the face, but clean througl: at the other end. Now, having done with the ears for handles, I cut them off, then take out the brains for pickling, akin tho snout and take off the flesh for scrapple and throw the nasal organs away. The faces are to be corned, I use a saw but never an ax In cutting up a hog, consequently the meat is clear of splinters and. chips of bones. In chluplng hog' to cool, I saw down the ribs instead of backing them with a hatchet A small sized hog hook JlalltncJ answers very well for taking off the hoofs and toe nails Of a porker, or you may use n pair of ditchers. A Domestic Butcher, j Gtnnantown Telegraph, j What The Thumb Docs. Havo you noticed that when you want to akc hold of anything, a bit of btead, we we will say, that It Is always the thumb who puis himself forward, and that he Is always on ono shin by himself, while tho rest of lhe fingers are on the other ? If the thumb is not helping, thero Is nothing slops In your hand, and you don't know what to do with It. Try, by way of experiment, to carry your spoon to your mouth without putting your thumb to it,and ynu will see what a long time It will take you to get through with a poor little plateful of broth. Tho thumb is "placed in such a manner on ymir hand that it can face each of the o'her finger, each after the other, or all to gether, as yon please ; and by this we are enabled to grasp.as If it were a (fair of pinch ers all objects whether large or small. Our hands owe their perfection of useful. ness to his happy arrangement, wilch has been bestowed on no other animal cxept the monkey, our nearest neighbor. A mother was trying to break her five-year old boy1 of the habit of lying by telling him that all liars went to hell. She gave him A moving account of tho terrors of the place, whereupon he exclaimed : 'Why, mother, I couldn't stand It I 'But you would be made to stand it,' said she. 'Oh, well,' said tho youugter, if I could stand It, I don't care.' Fifteen years ago the children of Win Gehris, of Hereford, Berks county, five In number, died of diplhcria. Of six children sluco 1 orn five havo recently died of the samo disease, the last two being Interred in one "grave. , LINDSEY'S BLOOD SEARCHER, It 111 (realm itlosMI lir rosMf 01 sua kTeitrr, frerohiU, Ulcer. llt.il. ritual, F hikI nil ItliKMl dHM f ild to iti womiVr ' fuinwi-ra. larIlI.Mt lithe gUAMitU-o oMimllll. Rfk4t " It rurr-d mj tan of vnif k UA.WJ. K. Broukt, rainviU. K " A turn) a l..p. . Iru-t II. R. T. fit LLLf 1 L Ltl.. 1 I ro(i, I itttWi-h, ft. Svtd tjr OrQgUu and A DM INISTIt ATO R8' SALE OP VALUABLE REAL ESTATE! l'ursuint to an order Issued out of tho Orphans' Court or Columbia county, tho undersigned Admin- Is'mtoi-s of tho estate of Isaiah Yeiffor deceased will mpo-w to public sale on -Niturday, January 11th, 1879, a ten o'clock a. m., tlio following described prop erty : Tinct no. 1. 3l ACRES of land situate In L cust township, Columbia county, stato'ot Penn sylvania, bounded as follows : On the west by lands of lolin llcrncr, on the north by lands of John Vca- gfr, deceased, on the south'by lands of John llcrner, on tho caM by lauds ot Hudolph Yeager, whereon Is erected a large FRAME HOTEL STAND, with a pood Bonk Barn and sheds, a'.so a litvEixuia Mouse. The above property Is located la Slabtowa. All of tho buildings are In a good state of repair, and the lindl3ln;ahlgh state of cultivation, which latter consists ot meadow lands and well suited for pastur ing drovuJ. Tin hotel stand and buildings above meutloncd In tract No. 1 will be ottered separately with one aero of land, diving parties an ;opportunlty to purchaso the hotel property without tho whole of said trace No.t.Thls hotel stand Is located on the pub lic road leading from Catawlsea to Ashland and oth er points In the coal regions and Is one of the best country hotel stands lu Columbia county, frooi Its locality, 4c. Tract No. 2, situate In tho township ot Roaring creek, bounded as follows: Beginning at a chest' nut oak a corner of land devised by Georgo Ilower deceased to Ljdla Dcleplane and running from thence by the same north two dcgrees;east sixty-eight and one-half perches to a yellow plne thence by land belonging to the heirs of Tensch Cox, deceased, south eighty-three degrees west thlr eight perches to a corner of the lot dovised as afore said unlo Mary ltelslng.by the same south two de grees west sixty-eight perches to a stone, ther.ee ' y land ot Catharlno bherman L-uth eighty-two and one-half degrees east thlrty-fh e perches to the place of beginning, containing FOURTEEN ACRES, and ono hundred and two peichts, consisting of woodland well covered with chestnut timber. Tub above tarts, will U3 sold at Yeager's Hotel, Slabtowii, Columbia couiity, Pennsylvania. Tkums and conditions ok Sale. Ten per cent, of the one-fourth of tho purchaso money to bo paid at tho striking down of tho property. The one-Iourtli less ton per cent, nt confirmation of sale, and tho re maining three-fourlhs one year thereafter with In terest from conllrmallon nisi. Purchaser to pay for deeds. M. O. llWHIKS, IIAHHIEI' YEAOKIt, Obiu Howkr, Auctioneer, Administrators. ABBOTT illHAWN. AttyU lor rstate. dec. 33, '16-ts EXECUTORS' SALE or Valuable REAL ESTATE The undertlgned. Executors of Joshua Brink, laUi of Benton township, Columbia counW, decea'rd. will expose to publli said at. tho house of William Brink la Jackson towmhlp on Friday, December 20, 18?S. at one o'clock the following WOODLAND TRACT, In Jackson township, bounded on the south by lands of htepaen Young, on the west by lands of Albert Williams, on the north by lands ot John P. llcss, on on the east by Imds or William Brink, said tract be Ing at the west end of WlUUoi Brink's lands. ALSO, on tho piemlses In Benton township on Saturday, December 21st, 1878, at ten o'clock la tho forenoon the following described iropt-ny ; uuuiiueu un uie w ebi oy mnas 01 iuh es ,au 01 Montgomery colo.deceased. and lands of John hivartu out, on the south by lands of J, K. Chupln, on tho east by land-i ol J. F. Chupln and James Lung er, und on the north by lands ot James Lunger and the estate ot II. Cole, deceased, containing S S ACBES and ninety perches, whereon Is cre:ted a Frame House and Frame Barn, now occupied by Jovlma J. Brink. 1 erins inauu Known 011 nay or saie. I. K. KIIICKUAUM, WILLIAM UltlNK. Executors. Benton, nov. S2,';s-ts PUBLIC SALE Of VALUADtK REAL ESTATE The underslfrniHl Executor o( Iho last will and tes tament o( Thomas Knorr,deceasvd, under authority contained lu said will, wld expose to t.Uo ky puWIo vendue or outcry on the premise, at 1 o'cloclc Inthealternoou, on Tupsiluy, December 24tb, 1878, tho following described rial estate lo-lt : All that certain TltACT OT Lt.M), sttualeln tho Town or Iiloomsburi; (lato township or iuoom) Coluujhli county, lfnnsyivanlo,adjolnlnir tho orth UruQcli ot the buuiuehauna Hlver on the south, Ul Kikhlnccreek on tho west, lands ol 8. V. lioone on the north, and lands ot N, V, Uoooe and Daniel llrltoslo on Iho cast, coutalulntr 62 ACRES, more or less, wlieroonTs erected a two-story I'll A ME DWKU.INQ HOUSE. out-kltchen, a rood. Frame Ilanlc Barn, wason shed and other out-uulUlluvpi.vv ell ot water at tho dwelling house, a (lood AI'I'LH OKOIUIIO, all under fJod cultivation. It tncluifes the Grove, known as the Rupert Pic Nic Grounds and Is within about rive hundred yards ol the dspots ot the Philadelphia i Heading, and Lackawanna liloormbur KsillUals TXHm of Haik. fiw.ooto be paid at tho tlrlklng downortheproperi.i.one-tuirdtho lulanoo of pur chiso money to bo paid on ihe tlrst diy ol April U7D when possesjlon will bo Klvon, and balance ot pur. I'haso money to be pall uu Ihe first day uf April issu with Interest on same Irom Isl April A, 1.,IS7U. Crops In the ground reserved. joiin (i. ouick, Kxecutor. nov, il, IS73-ts, PUBUQ SALE HAND BILLS Printed at this Oflice ONPHOUTKSTNOTJOK AND ATTilU MOST HUAPONAFILR TElHlf. GILES' LINIMENT IODIDE AMMONIA. Ctii'GH nil l'ulii In Mini anil IlciiNt TESTIMONIALS! pROt.Apat'sllTRHitPftliitiif ill ilia Vrimh. A Won derful Cure.Nlne jcars my wile sutlcrcd Jwith tills im i miti iuiuimiiiL run wui in irutieu vy uuvwji ut ter doctor, went to the dltTttrcnt hospitals where fe males are treated tried them nil! wore biindagps and poss-irles with only temporary relief. Her llfu was miserable. Wn applied Dr. Ill es' Llulimnt. iier reuet was immediate. Mio is now wen. 11. .MOllKHMOtT, 40 West 13lh street, New York I had twelvo strokes of Parallels. Mr lee. arm and t jnguo were us'-less 1 was ooll jed to us u o . h eter eviry day. Dotlot (ties' lluiinent lotll.leof Ammonia has c ired e. v Id answer any Is. lulrles so that all allllo cd may know ol It. ion si'i-Ei. inh in iir.inroni, uuttii Chestnut lllll. Philadelphia pill Si ;. W. M. lilies, li"ii Dour -ir I uved .lour iodide of Ammonia Liniment ou Kl tra l o pie's hind pinleru Joint. Kho hid beeu ipitie laino! the met was wonderful! sho wuks now qulto well. Very re spectfully jours, A. WEiru. P. S. I am now using It on IUleton's runt tore leg. A large shoo tioll on a vaiuaWo oung liorso was rcmoied by lilies' Liniment lodtdu of t lamonliu siitpntiin Knapp, Carpets, iTsslxtn ave.. Now Vork. AsmiiA The tortures and agonies t endured tor six years, none but lliuse who have sufli red with this terrible disease can know. My llfo was nil-cru-bio. In desperation 1 tried (lllos' Liniment Io tide of Ammonia. Ir, guvo mo Instant relief. Used It In ternally as well us externally. 1 HOS. IlItANIOAN, 12T west Kth street. Kew York. I was In a drenaiul condition. Joints swollen, pain Intense. Injeojilons of morphine lnlo my veins failed to relieve me. lilies' Iwll'ls of Ammonia look awav the deposits from my Joints 1 want every ono who suffers to know what, ntllcuie them. KOKIIVCB !.oriiiioi North lltdo Park. Lnumiolllo co. vt. Another Sufferer cured. lUseliarged irom tlio Massacuusetts lleneral Hospital us Incurable, with Inlla-ninatory rheum.'itlsm In my shoulders, ringers and feet ; suffered fearfully for Hire" ears, lrleil everything: lost ull hopo. Dr. lilies' Liniment Iod ide of Ammonia effected a complete euro. Kli.en? smith, No. 72 Prane street, Fall Hlver, .Mass Sprains, splints, bruises, Lameness In horses, lilies' Ltnlnwnt Iodide of Ammonia Is a perfect spo ctuc. ?o iiersou who owns a horse should be with out It. 51. ItonEis, fes seventh avenue, New York. In my family, and tor the stock, 1 havo used (Ule'E Liniment Iodide of Ammonia. It Is unsurpassed, and I am surprised at the many dlffereut maladies In which It Is applicable it gives tho utmost satis faction. John J. oaiitfr, Superintendent Eastern rcnnsylvanli Experimen tal Farm. CO e. and 11 : and In Quarts at H.W, In which there Is a great saving. Trial size 25 cents Soi.unv kz.h DsroaisTS. N. .1. lIKMIHltSlIOTT, Age. lor lllooul.liiire. may 41, 'IS- Mlllilll rpiiE GHilVr FC.TiVE CURE J rrtill D:-li:Av;il3 at 's't a-ilT-n-cilrcntJl-I'jii il i: IH.OOii. l.IV.i..., .tl.ViW, or UlQU.TlVu OKll.liS. The Bsrt Family Medlcino on Earth. SlOO IX GOLD ta any perann adlctr J wltli a ("Incaso that liconrsr. will not rvtlotsor curit, lirorlJl.iff tho boa:a or cr;an org not Itiilininixllat'j effoctuiTn tl.o rtlj:ti.ti.o orjrni,writhct Impaired by Clwaso orcxtinui'tAl from rnycutii U t3 In-crt-uia their pow(r cf OMluiHutlon Rati imtrillua. It in rrruos tho tppctlW, osnlsi ols.itlon, end cUojU-amnoi aodtono to tlio muicQUr t.iict circutatlni; BjrtOEi. It f lira, ttlntes tlo rltal proccise to ren w 1 ftlvltv, a'tr 3, cor. recta and purlflfd tho iluMft, tauc U.0 tvrjnuj and ro-cetab-liabei their bCsdiby fauclliios. i THE ONLY TRUE REMEDY F0H COLDS. r ltbiiiijolcia tftcxpatiatonprtntho virtues cf thU cnril riSLU). Ifyoucro BtilT. rln frora Mil tUl H A TTUk", In,lDli.tSrili, UHLL4ATIM1. IIMIUL DU i.iinr, tosTlPUIo, hiun miiwiumsiwh, or any dljorder arlclnc from Ifl'lHi: I.uiii,Ett a bottW cf liiOlll Kand tako It nncrillrwtlnJ cpontac'i bottlo, in m;llch,Ocruau,F,anlfi rdI i-Vi-nch. Ono lottlowJi: better coaittu.0 jou ct lu uitriu tbaa volumes tiiTCtsudlc t lioUra' InV, . ... A trial nl emu bnttlo inure ita artoptlon In every fanilly. fornolIin.Aoraaaorttilidcajt '.inli.iik.I andrcinafr lPDtfali-lt. It flrat tleanw.a ttio tjfcWrn, thon rrpalrs. thtt bulldiup.tbusiarlnstllbsjiisocrjl ciUbtt-ilnc uonllliom porraanvut, ata an Ji Qdurlnx luK i Tut up lu larpj bct'Joa, antTls rloasant ta taka. h Kulif Drup;Ut u m ratlj. 1 ikt- 1.00 p" Hoi lie. S Vallicr A; HatUror SSfg-. Co., rrop'rs, lOJufaoKtrtfl, Nirlrk. 'KltnU 30 VKAUS. . JarBf3ft'Hy,scrt'mUrSd,im. oton(ru ran Ml what J li4o tmlToud f.r IU imiH td years fruiu tu-l ii lim aivl Hln M.tnlu was, at tlm.'eo bud tliat I o.t.i 1 n it fctAitd upon lit fact. I could unt walk lulf h nd'o wlttiou BtitTurUij; luti-nwi At Hit cno li ar ulu I ms iiuluiv.1 tntrvn hntttn nt your imb t. wn i atn cla 1 tn Mta that utter taklnc fitur boitl"s I win tnttrcly coird M both dItii'aMiB and airi iiw cm.ijinK rsclf III nuftiin nni BirfOftU. 1 ad. Hus. 0. IK i UllllS, 1H Saucx St. nov'T co ForjMVo auouxd. AnarffailaMnirmf'dlclDd I rancoiQdfitljrcertnmPiid tMM(tr. I li4o iiod It In my lutuliy and kuow cthtrt who biivutrlndlt.unl ad promun.-e It putnl ard nllable. It djn't t(nfvXiUn u'ound tut.1 llatrpuint you by maklnir no fl)f l, but It attend H Lutlnei Had ac rutnplUbM timt litrcunM It h f.rt. W il, It. Dl'VALL, KlverLead, L. I. OF VKAUS STA.M1IXO. I own. one bnttlo ol Mr.OV.fM and ran trutbfnlly aay that It haa eurud ine C J16t't I'M i and fill lui LsS ot Tiara aUudlug. B. C, ROC, U.D , Lebanon, K. J. For Sale at I J. SBUG STORE. who Is authorlo 1 to guarantee VIUOHENE to prov e as repro&onied. Jan.18, 7J-ly. Important to Lawyora. Jusllcesot the peace, Constables, Kiceutors, Ad mtnlilrutors, tiuardlan, Township onicers, and fausl nebs men generally. We havo on hand a large assortment of legal blanks for tho UMi of itor neys, Justices and L'on staMo's blanks of all kinds, Nou and IK celpt books Iti, AlllUUilSlitlllllS I'lllUK LIST. TrOHNEV'S UUVNKS. I'reclpo for Summons. ri. ru, " ' Ilulo to take Depositions. " ' ' choose Arbllratnrs. S cents apiece, er 11,15 per hundred. Petition for Appointment ot Guardian. niaiinn lluletotako Denostlllons. Karr In Debt, with Conlcsslon, ' " Assumpsit. Mechanics Men. 4 cents each or 13.60 per hundred. 1'etition for saw of ileal Ustato 6 cents each. JL'STIL'K'S 11I.ANKK Bubpa-nas, bummons, Warrants, Executions, so fo 2 cents each. !ases .... scents each 1UUO 1IITU1 .....,..... lu Parchment Deeds is " Agreemenui ., ,.. o " .i Orphan's t'ourt fcoles so for l M uonstaitieii bales , Scents each fiuttk-duu BIIU DUIUJ H All kinds of Notes l liecelpts, Noles, School Order, Poor Orders, Store Orders, neatly bound, constantly on hand, or made Wenie prepnred.to do neater Job work tMn nj llltonkw V KlELL , Kdltoru and Proprietors lilomsburg, i'a JOYCUI, Ke.i for ISojti i,d Olrli 1 1 tl Yfmnir .n.l (ll.lll A vrui it..' VEMION Ju.t patents iw tlam,' for lloota umi 1 rr.t and Scroll Bawlug, Turnlii, IloriDg, Ilrlll.in.drluJii, Polliliiim. Scr.nr Cuttlui. lMo5toIU, I Sud U c nti fur lot nai... KniUAIM IIIHIW.V, Low.u, Jtu.. nov. t, UTS-13W ASK lOK TIIM MANUPACTiniUI) XIV J. E. DAYTON & CO AND N. B, All goods of their make are stamjicd on tho bottom. SUFI -rxMl MA BOOK NOTICES. Haiper's Magazine. 1879. ILLUSTRATED. noticisof tub riiEss. Hrper's.Maenzlnols tho American Magattneallto la literature mid In art. 'Mloston Traveller." Tho most popular -Monthly In tho world. "N. . Otwrver." It Is an excellent compinl 'n for the younir, a dc lU'httotlio mature, n so'nee tor d-cllnlng ago IiulsTllle rouiier-lo'irnnl." No i llier Moathlv In tn world "-nn sho.v so brll hant a 111 o eoniil.t'it'irst nor do n liirnl-h its rend-rs wli'i so irivit vi'ify md sup n r a qunllt) of llteruluri".-" uteainnn Hoston." TIip vopimrs -f the Migizlno beffln i 1th Ihn nutii In'rs f rJiri'i tind Do st inter ( f e n' i en' When no tlm -1 i rlded H line un If -I 1 1 Uu fie ub srlb"ru h t .ii (rii ri n th 1'iirr -nt Number. iirj)i'i''H P- riuilicuU. Haiipki'kMi izivi,, ou Vcnr.. (too llAHnil'S 'VKHKI.Y, " ' -.. . .401 llAKrBK'S llAZAll. " " 4 00 The Tiikkr publkatbns, ono ye.vr to 00 Any wo. ono year ...Too u sucrlpllons'ono j-oir S100 Terms for largeclabs furnish! on application. PosIi'H l-Vct) t3 Bll auliserih rs In tho United states or 0 ioa J i. A rnmnlptn !et.of llarppr's Mvtri.lne. now com- prllnit5J Volumas, In no it clitli hludlinr. vvlll ni spntbf oxri-e-s. fielirhtat expinsoof piirclnsorfir $1 2A per volume single volumes, hy mall, poitpald, (3 CO. (1 oth coses, for binding, 8S ceuls, by mall, postpaid. Remittances hould he made by P09t-onico Money ordr or nrarr, to uvoia cnance ot loss, rtcwsr WltllOlll Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement i In-ctbuirlntron the restdO'Hlal ek' lion ot "8-0-Ittiont tho express order of lURritit t IIkothek.s 1 an event which, must bnreifanled with tlio most anx au iress 11 III .11 iv 11IIU 1 11 r.l3, itUW IU!., Harper's Weekly. 1879. ILLUSTRATED- N011CKSOK Till' mESS. Tho Wcokir remains easily nt llio heart or llluitrn- ted pipersiiy lis line literary anlltrt the Iwiutyn: in typj and wondciw. Sprlnunelil Uepulilic in." luplctorlilatlrjctlona are -ui-il). nii'l emhrac every variety ot stibj tot mil of artistic treatment. '.ion o iicnii i. itojiun. ' Tim 1 ft'kU H a nount autfnev for tho dlasemlna- Hon of correct political piinclpiui, and n rowfrtul opponent of shun-, fraud, and false pretenses. uvening isxprois," uovuoiter. Tho Volumes of tho "Weekly" hemn with Iho first Number for .1 inn 11 v of o.ieh pir. tVlien no tlmo In mentioned. It will be understood that tho suljcrlbcr wishes to commence wiinine jvumnrr ne.xiuiuTiu receipt of his order, Harper's Periodicals. IIaki'kh's Maoazine, Uho Vear f4 On HlKTEIl'S WKF.KLV, " " 110 HiKI'EK'S liAZUI. " " 4 0.1 The Tiihjw publications one year 10 oo Any Two, one j ear 1 "i Six subscrlpllons.one year ..so oo Terms for larje clubs furnished on application Postage Preo to all subscribers In tho United States or Canada. Tlio Annual Volumes of llarncrs Weekly. In nea doth binding, will n sent by express, freo of ex. pense (provided tno freight does not exceed one dol far per volume) for T on each. A complete sot, cor prlslnir Twentr-two Volumes, sent on receipt of cas'i at tho rate of J5 21 pervolumo, freight at expenso ot purcnaer. Cloth Cases for oach volume, sultablo for blndlnc. will be sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt of $1 u each. Ilemlttinces should bo mado by l'ost-Offlce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this apvertlseraen". vitthouttlie express order of HAiieEK A Hkotueks. Address HAItl'Elt S IHIOTIimn. New York. Harper's Bazar. 1879. ILLUSTRATED KOTICKS CF IHE PRESS. To dress accwllnc to "Harper's llazar will liotho aim and ambition ol tho woman of America "Ilo- tomranscrlpt." As a faithful chronicle ot fashion, and a newspaper ot domestic and s'jclal character, It ranks without a rival. "Uroonij n K.wlc." This paper has inquired a wlrta popularity for tin fireside enjoyment It nrforJs, an1 has becoino an es tabll'lied uuthoriiy mm Iho ladles. "N. V. Kvenlng Post." The Volume? or llio "llizu" besrln Willi the Ilrtt Numlur of January of each year. When no tlmeln mehtlonfil.lt will bo utideistood tiat tho subscri ber wishes lo coiiimeiu-o vtlth the Number next arter ther celpi othlsoiMu'. llnrpei's Period icnls. IlAKi'Eii's )Uoizise, one Voir?. (4 oo IlAiieeii's Weekly, " 4 oo llAKI'Cll'S Uazau " " 4 oo Tho Tiiher publications, ono )carM 11 0J Any Two, one year 7 oo Mx subscriptions, one ear !0 oo Tei ms for large clubs f urnMied on application, l'ostao I rue to all subscribers In iho United States or Canada, The nnml Volumes of "Harncr's Tlazar." In neat cloih blndlnir. will bo tent by express Iree of ex pense (provided the Ireljrht does not exceed one per vohnif'1, for f I io oich. A complete Set, comprising Kiev en Volumes, ten', on receipt of cash at the rate of $5 w per volume, freight at expenso of purchas er. Cloth Cnsea for each volume, suitable for blndlui;. will be sent by mall, postpild, on receipt ot $1 oo acu. Hemlttances should bo made by Post-onico Money Order or limit, to avoid chance of loss newspapers tiro not u) copy mis uaveriisemenb without tne express ordor of Hahi'Ek iikotiikks. Address HAKPEU & BUOTIIEUS, New York ST. NICHOLAS, Seribn;r's Illustrated Magaz'ms FOB C1IIILS AND BOYS. An Ideal Children's Magazine. Messrs Hcrlbner Co.. lu lais. liegan Iho publica tion of M. Nicholas, an Illustrated Magazine for (llrls and Hoys, wlUiMrs. Mary Mapes Hodge as ed itor. Five years have passt since the first number was Issued, and the magazine las von thehlgaest position. It has a monthly circulation ot OVER 60,000 COPIES. It Is nubllsned simultaneously In London and New York, and the transatlantic recognition Is al most as general una neanv us mo Ataenean. Al though tht progress ol tha magizlno has been n steady advance. It has not reached Its editor's Ideas of best, because her Ideal continually outruns It, and Iho magazine as snlltly follows after. To-day bt. Nicholas stands ALONE IN THE WOULD UP BOOKS : The New York "Trlbuno" his sail of It : "St. Nlcho. las Itss rea.'ued a higher platlorm, and commands for its Krvice wider resources In art and letters than any or Us predecessors or contemporaries." The Uimlon "Literary World" says : ' There Is no magazine for mo voung mat can be said to equal this choice production ot hcrlbner's press." GOOD THINGS FOR 1878-9. The arrangements for literary and art contrlbu. lions tor tho new volume tho slita aro comnlete. drawing Irom already favorite sources, as vu-11 as from promising new ones. Mr. Frank 11. Stockton's new serial story for bos. "A JOLLY FELLOWSHIP," Wl'l mil through Ihe twelve monthly narts. becln- ntngvtlllith-uuuiberfor November, w, the llrst ot the volume, and will bo illustrated by Jami s E. Kchy. Ttiosiory Is ono of travel and adventure Is rioriua uuu inu MnuamBs. rormo gins, a couiih ucd tale, "HALF A DOZEN HOUSEKEEPERS," By Katharine II. rimlth, villi Illustrations by I'reder. ick uitiuiiii, uegius in mo same uumuer: una i fresh iirlalbv r-usan Coolldze. i Milled Kiebrluht.' vvltn pleuly of Plcluritu, villi bo commenced rally In tho volume. There wlilalso ttuacoutlnuedlalry-tale ' "Ul'MPTY DUDGET'S TOWER,"' Wrilun ltv Julian llawlhome,.and Illustrated by Allred F eilerliks. About (Ue other familiar feat ures of bt Nicholas, the editor pri serves a snod-hu-moreil Kllei.ce. content. nerhaliH. to let hi-r ilvn vnL umesalrcadi Issued, puphisy iroucernlug the sixth in reeiteei io suorv kuines, pieiurea, ittteius, uiiinor, IIIMIULIIIU Pkl KUr.) Dlltl tuu lUICtlllU I'JID VI "llUCk. lo ihcl'ulpli," iho "Very Llttlo Folks" department. HUU ill! "J citer-uux. uu ' IlllUlH UUX," 'terms. fa.ouaveari na nts a Number. Subscriptions received by the Publisher of Ihls Pa lter, and bv ull HooktAliern and ruslliia&ters. I'er- sous wishing tdBUbs'rlbo direct with lhe puolhtners Mh .ultl w rlto name, I'ustronice, rounty, and blale.ln full, and stud with remittance In ibeck, '. il, money uiuer, ur tiiiisiciiui' itfi tu SClilUNF.lt CO., 143 Broadway, New York, TIL?fAPErISKEPTON FILE 1 AT THE OFFICE OF. 733 Sum Stm PHILADELPHIA, Who nri our nalliorlznl uvcuu, aud U1 receive .AdrvriUruicau hi ir XUIVIUIT CjLHM ILkTKH. ' Ml THE SUN FOR 1870. To R' in fllll be printed verr day ilnrinff tho year tocoiro ItnpurnriHoand mptnotl will Us the namo nftln tlio past : To rroflent all tho xipwn in a'Mtin. bio Minpo( and to t!)l the trull. UiOdglittu h uTecs tail. Hi? Sun lias been, Is niitlvlllcfr Intio to 1h Indo p'Mifl-nt of pverb'irly aui cvcr)Uiln? aavo the Truth ii ml its convictions of Uuly. llmt Is the rulv fioitcy which an lioiunt uuwsrapiT need hnvo 1 1at i tlm polity which rns confer Ih'sncwsrnrerttie cohndtneo and friendship or a wider rrnRtUiicnry tt.an was ttcr rnjoyed by any otlitr American Jmr nnl. 'iho sun Is Ir.e reppnperfor the ioplt, It Is not for tho rick h.ab UKHlntl the pw or for the poor man njlnst tho rich man. hut it Becks to do equal Jutlco to hU lntereMHln the community. It W not tho orenn of any irwm. class", sect or party. Thcro noetl b" rtt jhijsttry about Its luirs and hntes. Uh fortlio lionet nunafrnlnH thProffues eery tlmo, ItM for tho honest berwcrai as u'ainttho mshonest ltepubl can .nnd for Hio honest Vej uniican us ajrnlnat tin- ilwlmnest. r-ein'i rat. It does iiot fnKo its cue rrutn UHMiiteniiHca or any pnimcun ortxi llllcil orKud.,illou it fhes itAwupport unresiTved ly when men or mpasun-s arc In aipxetiiciit with with the constltutl"n and with the rulnclplc upon I which this itepuMtc wad founded for thapoplo. Whenever thi ConsUttitlon audconbtltu'lonM prin clplcsaro vloU'oil as la tho outniReous non jlracy or lH"rt, bv which a man not elecu-d was p.acedin the I'rcftldent'i omce, whem ho Mill rcrmlus- It tmotks out lor tho rltrht That la Iho Hun's Ma of ludependoncc. in ihls respect theio will bo no chniigo In lt proR-amnie for HT9. Tho 8un his lairy onrned iho hearty haticdof ruscuia, irnuas una nurnuuifs 01 an soris anu sizes. It hopny to deserve that hatred not less In thojear 1ST9, than In 11?. or auyyeor pono by. Tho yun will continue to shlno ou4 tlio wicked with un mltltfuterl hrlRhtnt'tH. Whl'o the h'ssous of tho past should bo com tantly Kept- before tho oplc, Tho Sun doej not proposo to i muke lUelf In 179 rt nutfiizlno or ancient history. f It Is prlnte i for tho men and women of to.dny, hosn concern tscliUdv with the 'irfiilrmf io-duv. 1 1 li ih both tliO''lMH)Mtlon an the ability toalTord lisro.id ers the prompti-bt, fullet, and most accurate Ji.tel . lljfenco ot whatever lu tho wide world Is worth at-' tentlon To ttih end the n sources bdook'lnjf io well established prospoilty will oo linerAliy em ployed. I ho present disjointed rondltlon of pnrtlos In this coutitry, and tho unrertaliity or tho future, lend an exiraordlnary hUnlllcanco to tho ovents ot the com luij year. I ho discuvslous ot tho pr s, tiie debates ami acts of i'oiibps and tho motC'ients ot tho 1 icidprn In ever wet ion of ttm Itfunh In wtilbnvpu ious lnwrcsi uy every pitriotic metlc n, whatever hUpult'lcal Ideas or allegiance. Io these fhinetU, of Inten -t. mat be added the probability that IH-m- ocrata will control bothhousenof onpress the la erei&lnsf feeblenessof tho fraudulent Wmlnlatratlon and the spread and f.titnKthenlny everywhere of a ' healthy aOhoireueo of fmud In nn form. To preet lth accuracy ana cearne3 the exact situation In cacu oi ita ar uivf pnases, ana to expound, uecord. Ins1 to Its will Hi un methods the principles that Miould fruldo;us tnroujh the labyrinth. wM bo an Im IHjrtant part of Tho suns 'ork lor H7a. Wo n ive tho means of making the Muu, as apoliti cal, a literary and nifenerit newspaper, more enter taining and more useful than eer before j and wo nieii'i to apply theiii rifely OurratoHor subscription icmaln unchonfed. l-'or the lMlly sun, a four puo .sheet of twontj.clyht col umns, tho price b mall, po.stpald, is rr ivuts a month, or lfiu a jearj or, Including theMinday paper, an eight pago sheet of 04 columns, th-i price la ' cent" a month, orjr.toajear, postage paid. Tho hunday tdltlou orrhebun Isaiso furnished BCparatelv at 11 so a.vear, postago paid. Tho price or tho Weekly mwi, eight panes, llfty-slx columns, ta $la jear, poitago p iM. For club-t often sending $10 wo will bend an extra copy free. Address I. v. nxnrM). Publisher of The Sun, yew Vork City. nov 2'2-6lV SCRIBNER'3 MONTHLY, Conducted by 3, Q. Holland, Tlio Handsomest Illustrated Magazlno In Ihe World. jiTho Ameiie.tii edition of this periodical Is now .MOllr! TIlAtf "O.OOO MONTHLY, And It his a larger (.irculatlon In Kngland Ihan any otner Ameilcai magazine. Ilv ly numiitr contains about one hiuulrt.il an J ilfU ,ties,and Irom tlty to seienty-IHc original wuod en l.Iustiatlons. AnuouneunieiiU for 1S7S-9. Among the attractions tor tlio coming year are tho follow lnR: "HAwuKTiis," a serial novel, Uv Mrs. Francs Hodgson liumett, author ot ' That Lass o' Lowiles." Tho scene r f Mrs. llurnctt's new novel Is laid In Lan cashire; tho hero Is voung lmentor ot American birth. "llawoith's"lstholongeststory.Mrs. liumett has yet wrltl 'n. Hum run through twelve num bers of tlio Monthly Veglnnlng with November, 1S7S, and will bo profusely Illustrated. PiLCONliEliU, a serial novel, by II. II. nnyosen, author of "llunnar," "Tlio Man who lost his Name,'1 ic. in Ihls romance, the author frraphlcally de scribes tho peculiarities ot Norso Immigrant lite In a western settlement. A SToav of New uklkivs, by (If orgo W. cable, to be begun on the conclusion ot Mrtleonberfr.' This story v. Ill exhibit tho btato of society In Creole Lou isiana about the. years Imii 4-5, tlio time of tho Ces sion, and a period beat Ing a remarkable likeness to the present roconstructlou period. I'oitTiuirso American Poets. This series (begun In August with tho portalt of lirynnt) will be com In ucd, tht of Longfellow appearing lu November. These portraits aro drawn from llfo by Wyatt I'aton and engraved by T.Cole. They will be printed sep anilely on tinted paper, ai frontispieces of rour dif ferent numbers. Illustrated sketches ot the lives of tho pels will accompany these portraits. ?;a New View op IIbazil. Mr. Herbert II. Smltn, of Cornell University, a companion aftho lato Prof. Hartt, Is now In Drazll, with Mr, .1. Wells Champney (tho artist who accompanied Mr Edward King In his tour through "Thoureat touth I. preparing for bcrlbner a series of papers on the present condition I no cities, rivers and resources of the great empire of south America. The "Johnny keb" PArEiw, by on "ex-Confederate" soldier, will be among thn raclestloontilbullons to Scrlbner during tho comlni; year. They are writ ten and Illustrated by Mr. Allen a Ilcdwood ot llaiu more. The ilrstof tho series, Johnny KebntlTay" appears In tho November number. Terms 4 00 o Year in adcance ; 33 cents a number. Subscriptions 1 ecelved by tho publishers ot this pa per, and by all booksellers and postmasters. Per sous vtlslrng to subset lou direct with the publish ers, should wrlle name, post onice, county nnd slate ui tun, uuu seuu wiiu leinuianco in CIICCK, 1'. n. money order, or registered lent r to My'HlllNlSll uu , 743 & 745 Broadway, New York, Wide Awake for 1879. 2Vie 1'idorial Magasint for Young Folks. Ki.n Faumin, Editor, ii (jo a Y'car. Free of I'ostago. fit Is conceded on all sides tlinr. Messrs. I). Ilhron Co. have splendidly accomplished what they set their hearts una few years ago. viz : to make a mag. azlno absolutely pure In Its inlluencc, unrivaled In lis literary merit, beautiful artistically, and then furnish It at a price so low thai people could afford to tako It.) THItcn JOLLY PEI1IALS. The Dogberry Hunch, A story of Seven Merrv Children, who faced tho world for themselves, but always hanging lu a bunch." Uy Marv Hartwell I'atlierwood. Profuse ly lllustratled by Mary A, Lathbury. Jtoyal I.oicrie's Lust Year at St. Otave's. A lolly story of American school boy Wo. lly .Mag nus Meirlwealher. author of " l (leneral Misunder standing." illustrated by Miss L. U. Humphrey. Don Quixote, Jr. , The adventures of Sir Mlltlades Pcterkln Paul on his bteed "Doughnuts." By John Urownlohn. A fuu- ny story written expresMY for the Little Uovsot America. Illustrated with coaile pictures by(I Hopkins, Our American Artists, (First Serlcs.l Paner I.. William II. Heard. Willi portraits, studio Interiors and engravings of paintings, lly s. (1 W. Benjamin. Tho most attractive attempt yet mode to popular ize art In tho ramlly and inuko children acquainted with our living American artists and what they are doing. J'hnny Double-page Illustrated J'oems, I. 1 he mince nlo Prince, llv Kirk Monroe. Illus trated by L. Hopkins. Some Novel Schools, Comprising several lmnortant exnerlmcnts In both Europe and America. I. Lady Bettv's Cooklncr Class : Tho Illstorv of an English CooklUL' school. Bv Lucy Cecil White (Mrs. John LUlle.) ji iiie rerkin? jnsiuuuon lortuo uuna. jiy Kin ma E. Brown. "right short Stor es and roems. Natural Illstorv Supplements, Sketches ot Travel In Foreign Lands, Letters from the i hlldren, puzzles, Parlor Amuse ments, Mitfclc, Ac. ah with lots of pictures from the t est artists, ma king lde Awake for 1S79 tlio best nnd cheapest magazine In existence. only li eo a 3 car, freo of postage. Send your nam and money to u. un iittur & CO., FublLshers, Boston. 1879 Eclectic Magazine OF Foreign literature, Science and Art. TIIIHTY-FJFTII YEW!. The "Eclectic Migazlno" reuroduces from foreign periodlcu sail thoao articles which are valuublo In Ainwrlcan readers. Its Held of selection embraces all the leading Foreign llevlews, Mugailncs, and Journals; undwh'lo ihe tastes of all classes ot our readers aro cons idled nothing trh lal In chaiucicr or of merely transient Interest Is adintllid to us pages. lis plan muiiuea rsujH, iteviuns, itiugiuuuieui SkeU-hes. Historical Papers, Travels, I'oelry. Novels, and short stories; nnd In Iho case of Science (ta which much spuco and attention are given), no spe cial nromlneneo Is allowed to any nuiilcular ohiso of opinion, but pi ice Is glieu luipai hilly to tho most vaiuaoiu unifies uu uoiu blues 01 iuo great lueinus of btlenlltiu discussion. Tho fullowlug lists comprise Iho principal periodi cals from v hleu be'ectlous are luado and Ihe names otsomcucil tho leaJIn,' authors who loulilbuleto lueua t PEaiODlCALS, Al'TUO s, lit Hon EdUditone Alfred Tennyson l'rofobsoriluxley Profetsor Tyndall lllch A Proctor. II A Ouarlerly Itevlew UrltlJuarUTly llevlew EdrffittburghllevTew WAtnuiibter Itevlew Conltmporary llevtew K11 tnlirhtlv Itevlew J Normal Lockyer, F It 8 Tho NuietiH?nth Century l)r W B carpenter fopulilr Science lievlew K II I'llnr iiiaeKwoous magazine Cornhtll Magazluo Macinlllaii's Magazine Frascr's Magazine New ouart Magazlnu Tempio Bar Belgravla (lood Words Ixuiilon Society Saturday Keilew The Spixtalor, el', etc I'rof Max Muller Professor Owen Matthew Arnold H A Freeman, 11 o I, James A ntliony Froude Thomas Hughes Anthonr Truliopo VMlllam Black Mrs OUphant Turgenlerf Miss 'I battery, etc. tV'll Is freiiuenlly remarked that In England the bot of literary talent Is Mug diverted from Uie writing of books lu contributing to tho periodicals. '1 he "t.clcct lo garners Ihe choicest bhtuies from this rick hart est, rtm bstiKAViMia. Each number contains a due sun I engruv lug usually a portrait executed in the best manner, These engravings are of peimaneut value, und add imiih to Ihe attractiveness of the magailne. Tnuusi single conies. 45 tenia 1 ono ennr. 'nn leir, is; lite copies, mo. Toe trial tulwrlption for three months. II. The tEclertlo'.and anv ti iiiiitrnBinA to one uddress, ts, 1'oslaro free to all subserlbers. a. ii. j nuiiirt, i-uoiuner, vt Bondbtitl,Ncn Ytrk, GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES! Wo will sell tho Very Dost Tamlly For Twenty-Pivo Dollars IX CASH, on an ornamented Iron Htantl onii Treadle, with nalnnt top nnil drawer, and nrcessary Attnchmenta and dellter it nt any ltal road Depot In the United btitcs. Free of Charge. Tlieso mnclilncs nro warranted to do Iho wholo line of Family sc Ins Willi mnro rnpldlty.more ease or management, ami lc-is latlgue lo the operator than any machine now In use. Mend for a Circular. Kvcry inacnlno warranted for thrco years. Agents wanted in Unoccupied Territory, Ccnteniiitil Miicliino Co., Liinited r fiukkt sr., riiinAosiriiu, pa. Oct. 4, T8 cm TrAINWRIGI1T & co WHOLESALE OHOCEriS, PniuniLrniA, Dealers In TEAS, SYRUPS, COFFEE, SUOAIl, MOLASSES, HICK, SriCXS, BICABB SOOA, &C, &C. N. E. Corner Socond and Arch streets, iworders will recclvo prompt nttcntlon, tt C. 33- SAVAGE, PRAtKK IN Silvcrwaro, WatchocfJowelry.Clocks,&c( t!f rtemoved to iho Post ofllco building, flrsTdoor abovo tlio Kxhango Hotel. All kinds of Watches, clocks and Jewelry neat ly repaired and warranted. may K, 78-lt 'HE WHITE tf aiiiiim nlltlll" 9 dbwlNb mMunint TIIR DEBT OF AU. Unrivaled in Appearance, Unparalleled in Simplicity, Unsurpassed in Construction, J Unprecedented in Popularity, And Undisputed in the Broad Claim Ot BtINQ Ttl very iihst opr.rtATiNO QVICICKST Hlil.I-INO, HANIlBOMIiST, AMD Most Perfect Sewing Maehino IN THE WORLD. The grea I popularity ol tho Whlta Is Ihe most con Vnclng tribute lo its excellence and luperlority over ether machines, and In submitting. It lo tho Irade we put It upon lis merits, and In no Instinct has It ever yet failed !o satisfy any recommendation In its favor. The demand lorthe While has Increased lo such anextcnl that we ire now compelled to lurn out A. Complete Co-wilder 2Iaelii3io ovory tlixoo s3ai13.-a.toa 133. ! day to cvupply Every machine il warranted for 3 years, end told lor C'th il liberal discounts, or upon easy piynenti, to suit the convenience ol customers. UT-AQZHT3 W A7IS III TOOSCOTID IISSIT0.17. WHITE SEWINGMACWNE CO., m 368 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. .T. Saltzer, Agent, llT.OOlVISBUHG, PA. Oct,-25, 18ls-m ESPY PLANING MILL TLe underMtrnetl lefcbfe or HioEbdv Placlnt? Mill. Is prepared to do ml kluda of mill work. Doors, Frames, Sash, Blinds, etc. made to order on fchort notice. Satisfaction guar anteed UiUKLKS KBVO, lllocmsbtirtTt I'a. Tlio I'oet WhUtler calls It "a coranleto success." "Acts udou tho reader like a tonic. Tlio editorial department U especially stronj;." 'llo3ton Tran- '1'nnMnnffl tn'tmlil Ita nln'A In tli Vfrv fpnnt nf Amerlcau mak'aluea, few of tvutcn eiutl il tn abili ty and nono of whicti nave greater originality und f resniiess. "ftunday bcUool 'i unea.; SUNDAY AFTERNOON A Monthly Magazine for tlio lloiiNCliuli, Presenting only original imtitcr, eiiuali In literary merit tho icudlntr becular.tnunthlls, una uuttulna to tho religious pri st n relation blmllar to theirs to tho secular press, it alius to havu in ull Us eusins, bcrhtts, btorles, poems, etc., a moral purpose, m lulu In lu Kdltor'u '1'ublo aro lnorous discussions ot IIvu ii linous themes unit or bcculur topics irom tho re Hirtotis standpoint. It is I'rceinlnenlly Iteadable.and tills a place occupied by no other publication. Its articles 011 t'ructlcal l'hllanthrophy, Fiction, both bei lal and bhorl biorles, and Hook Kctlewa are bptctal r'euturcs. IN CUIllrllllllWI'N XllClllllO li of. (1. 1'. Fisher, Kdward Hale, l'ror, F. A. Walker, Kenecca II. Uavls, llev, James F. Clarke, Iloracu K. Acudder, Kev. Dr. A l". I'eabody, Itoso Terry Cooke, ltev, Hr, J. T, Tucker, Kllcn W, olney, llev, L. W. llacon, Hamh O. Jewell, Kev, Hr. !. A. Washburn. special Oiler. It will bo cent (or ono year lor $2.10 postage im Id to those who fcubscrlbo ucruiicjunuury j, iiv, SV 110 not (all ta act promptly If 1 ou wish to no. 3,ou 11 year, ikhUks paid. Bend 15 cents lor spec linen copy, " SUNPAV AFTFKNOON, tiprlntrlitld, Jiaua. UVI, ft', to. . BLOOMSBURG'TANNE III, Q. A. HEIUtlNG 11 ESI'E CTFULLY announce. In llin nnl.Ha tlmf lin linu runruidcil SNVUEH'S TANNERY, (old fctand) Illoombburir. I'a.. at thn Vnrk-s r,i ihn r. jir and UKht hlreet rouds, where all descriptions ot leather will bo mode in the most substantial and workmanlike manner, and sold ut prices to suit tho times. The highest price la cash w 111 at all limes bo (WEEN HIDES or every description In the country, Tho public pat ronak'o Is respectfully solicited, liluuuuiburir, Oct. 1, 1 llrttscrratan'I thorough hlftffll-tmrlfj-lnir proprr lli'i; l)r. Fl"?i tioWcn f Mwtlrnf IHnfimry time ( I llun.ri from ll.vor.1 lcrorl. o con,rn.n illftlrli. IMniplr, fr Kriiplltn. Mercurial I'.l'eAflf, Vllnrnil Polio i", nnd lliclr rlTocK. im 1 rUllealrd, ,Vl "lioro,,, l.rJtti nn.1 1 tniin.1 " "'ft llshP'l. Lrr.lpcla. lll-rlicB, reret rf, P"l? "r lloub Mlv lnrliorl. nil .II i rau.iil l.y M I loo.l," rcoiiiicml hy tills wrcrful, liurlfjlnlt, nl '.rc'iX'Ku SSntfr,te-l III potencvlncirln, Tcilrr. Iloin Huh. llolta, rarbanrlra, tr l.fb Sfulou. nd B?.UIn, White ttwMtnr, ClolIrA or Thlrh Ncfb, and Urcrd UUnda. If roil ft cl dull, lrowy, ilcMllutcil, Into allow tclor cf rkln, nr jUlin-l't?"P 'P '" I10.lv. frrnurut hcaducho cr dlulncn, bad tjiilt In InoiftV, liiumal brat cr thill, allrrnatid jtltli lijl Kiulirn, low nlrlt and nloorar rorebodinga. Irn irular r.K-tl!r-Jrn.l tonpi" malcd. rnu are uflcrlnilTroni lorpld IJttr, or IIlllo.".,In rainr twi ol UlVrt omplalnt enly part r.f lliiae () niiitumt aro rxprrlrnrcd. A n rrmidrfor all audi caatf. Dr. i'hrri'a tlcldrn Medical DlacoTtry hat uo equal, aj It 1 ffecti perfect and radical curea. In tint turc of llranchlila, Hotrre Coegfca, and the carlr alairea or Conaumpllan, It haa aatonlalied Ilia tni illcal rjcullr.and cwimnt phrlclani pronmince IttlieirralcBtlneulcal Ulicoviry or the a?e. Iille It run tin. aeure.t roughs. It llrtudtliena the ITBUm ,luriaeaiaoloi. pom uy irl'li It, v. l'lr.ltt r, M. I) ITop'r, World's Dlipcmarr id IntaUda' lloul, liuSalo, S. Y. 11. find etees THE No w of taking Ihe UTare.rcMlstTr'.riauscous rin a, tnmpnaed ot chfap. crun-,and bulky InjrKllrnta. Tlieio I'cllrte are Karrelt lares lh ""'"."S ? Ikini ntlliTclabl,no particular care, la re. nulrcd while using llm. They operate without . dli. pfruineo to the roffalltutionf diet, or occuratlon. Illood, I'oln In the f honl Jr Tlehlrcaaor thUheat. niulaeas Boot tmclallena frijai tlw U -ach. Uad Tn.l- la lie Moulh, llllloue allacka. I'aln In ! riloa.a h, lluh or Blood to Head, take Ih;. Ilim'l l'leuunt 1'urgatlTo I'cUcta, in eaplanallon of tho remedial u or lliese r.wallrc Vt lifts oter o preat 11 a. klyorJlKasea.lt may be raid that Ibelt mtlon upon the animal eeonomj la anlTeraal, aac eland or tlxuo raoaplna their aanatlre Impreaa. Ago Soca not Impair the. prow-riles, ol tin m li lifts. 'Titer are auAr-coatid and Inclonfd In flan botllji, tin lr Irtuu 1 liclng lliercby preaerrtd unhnpalred for our letiftll of t hue, In any climate, so thai they aro i wnra frc.li and tillable. Tlila la not the caw with pills put up In chinp wooden or pasleboard Imies. Vor ill diseases where a Latalltt, Aitfrotlte, OS I'urcatltr, la Indicated, tluae lllll.' IN llets will glre llin moat lirfect sallXacllon. Bold br droeebla. I II. V. 1'IKIH'K, l. D.. I'lior'n, World's Dispensary end Invalids' Hotel, lluffjlo, Js, l . CATARRH am arhc'llsiharKL-rilllnKliitotliroat, VfM j Bomctlmc rroruc wutery.tlilck i.iiri.lr-nt. offt-tiklvr. fir. in othori, ft rtrynesa, dry, waiery, eak, or lnnamsd ijt-s, stopntnir up, or otistructton, of tlio nasal pa-B-'pps, rhigtiia In u irs. deafni-ps, imv, king and cough lnj;tocU.ir tUe throat, tilctratloni.scabifromiilctrr'. Jco altered, nasal twanjr, oUenelTO Jireaih, lmpalre-i ar total deprlvai Ion of wnseof amcll wid tajie. dli tlneis, mental dvprenalon, loss or nnpctlte, .'.Ik tlon, fiilarced tonills, llcklinir coimh, ttc. Only a few of these eymptoms are llktly to lo present In any ;nse at ouc tlniL-. DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY bo Uiittcrof howloui standlnif. The lUjulJ rtme;.1 may n snuiitu, or v hit njuineu yj hip uoom I'ltnc 'a Douche. Tills li tho fnly form of Inst rn muni Ml InrinttJ-witli which tlull nicdtclnn iau he :arrtel man up nnl rrm-xcTLY aitlild to alt pari ft tin nircctetl nasal pawapes, and the cham b rs or cattlc ronimunlc-atlnjr thcrc 1th, In whlrli wins and tilccrs frtquently exist, and from Mhltu ;he catarrhal discnarire ptnerally proceeds. Ill uto id ldfaeant and eally understood, from dlirctloM. lccompanylnn eactv InstrumenU, Ir. SAnr, a ;nrrh Remedy cures recent attacks of "Cold In Uo n4 liy ,i flw nnpllcatlona. H ti mild nn-l pltas int to use. ontalnlnfr no strong nr eaustl" drup or pnliona. ( t.irrh Itrm.ilv and lourhn vIa by dntc rUt. I. V. IMEitcr:, M. !., Prup'n'W orlu'i DU pensary and l.iallds llottl, llutTalo, N.. ailg. 80, ' 8 oltalntttfor new invention, oror improttmtntt on otdont8.urveiltcalor other componndi,trad' marks and labrts. Carents, Atttanmcnta. Inter ferences, Appeal, Suits for Infringements, and oil casts arlslna under the Vatent 7dir. nromnt- tt attended tn.- Invention that hnvn Uren the Patent Of- I fee may still, in most cases, bs patented by vs. JJciuy vppustte the t ft. Patent j.icpnriintnt,anu tngnyra in j-aun t vttsiness ex ctuntvfls, ice fftrt maht closer searches, and securt PaUnts more promptly, and with Krondcr claims, than thane irtm are, remote frnm Washinntan. ernu vs a moa el fir sketch o iovr derlce: tee unite examtnuiionB ana aacise as lopaicnianiiuy, free of eha rtt f Alt correspondence strictly cow fidenttal. Prices lni. and AO fllAlitlJJ UX XXWS JM7X.V7 , si:cuiti:iK Werefir in, YasUlnntnn, tn lion. Paymaster General D. J Key, Per. V, J), Pmp, r, The airman Amcrtcan Xutlonnl P.nnlc, to petals in the V. X. Patent Office, and to Ifcnatnrsand lieprtsentutlves in Cotifress: and ispectalhi to onr clients In every State tn the t'nfnti anl tn ftituVft. Afhlrus Opposite PaUut VUe, It ushmyton, If, U IMPORTANT TO YOUN'Q The Bryant & Stratton Business College, No. 103 South 10th Strati, PUlai'a, OfferH mifiur pasHa facilities for acqiiirliifr p viisIuchs eilu cadon. Students cau enter at any Urn -,. fio vacations Illustrated clrcolara frcu. niiB. si), ';-iJiv a S (hjja week in your own t U"KKM rWc. Header It vc I IN I II 1 at Ulch pornonB of e J J Kreui pu) all t e linu a week In your own to n. fs Oulllt tree ou want tyuusinfteg eltlie' besybnu 'uake tlmo tbev wurir..uniti lur pariiiumra iu 11. uallkt & vu., roniuaa. aisune, muruu et in ly Tlioaia 11. IUktmak. AL9S.ir lll irjn TIIE RED FRONT, MOYEBS' BLOCK HARTMAN BROS., DEALEIiS IN TEAS, CANNED FKUIT, 0IOAB.8, TOBACCO sriurp, CONFECTIONERY. Spicos of all kinds, Glass & Quccnswsro FINE GROCERIES, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, AND GENERAL LINE OF Family Provisions sth door below Market street, Iiloomsburg, ra, lay- Goods dellured to all arts of tLe town AprlUT, 'll-tl M. C. SLOAN & BRO. m.OO.lIKIUTIttt, IM, Manulacturcrs of Carriages, Buggies, Phaotoro, Sleighs, PLATFOIIM WAGONS, tc. First-class work always on hand. IIEI'AIIIING NEATLY DONE. Trices reduced to suit the times, Jan.t,mi.tf. D" f ""J" business you can engage In. is to 120 LV I tier day made by anv worker of either UL.SJ I tei, right In their own localities. I'ar- tlculare and samples worth la free. Improve jour spare tlmo at this business. Addtess Btinson Co., a v. iwuiu, w aula. auuiaun, t9tf or mi PELtETS.m. o o am uuu sssm. 0 M Nlntli Rtrprf Hltfstiiirtr. tin., in. 174. MCfifln. IIIIE1IK1I, HIlAl 2 0 oentlcmen : oitr pnlnin have jriu-n cnllre at I Mar I Ion. I harn used them on n k'ood mnnj nllTer. kinds of work, such hs Hon. Tin. Wood. nnck. ic, nnd netcr heard any roinplalntA on tho con trary, Ihe work ntnnds well nnd for wear, will In my opinion, stand with nnj lend In Ihe inaiket. When In want of icfcrenco 111 ihls tliy or vlilnllyjou ro nt llbertj to u-o my name with pleemn , nlwi lo no thtnasyou think best, i:c"rtM'iifiiy inun, ,s ,iniiv t ouxyJ 1'atntcr and walcr in l'aluls, Us, &o. ST1IICTLY TUIIK WII1TK LEU, AT THRU) WEST MaIIKBT IIATE3, MONTOUIl STATE rAINTft;T8 CENTM. SIONTOTJIt MKTALL10 WD.IT1S, 8 CENTS. lIONTOtlll MKTALMO IItlOWN, II CEKTH OFF COLOKS ATTIIIrt r lllll h. PUEE LINSEED OIL rtt loivi'nt in rlicl inlis. Samnle cards and rn-tco list furiilshGii wifiit charge. Orders and lnaulrles bv mall will recel.e riruiii ttlLVUUUU. HENRY 8. UE. MANUFACTUIiEli UUPRItT.- JlUYJill UHUb. WHOLESALE AGENTS, Uixjomsduko, Pa Mi5. 'In.-ly. S71) The Four Quarterly Ruv ewl n 1' H DiacKwooQ - mag zim Tte Leonara Sco t Pub.i'.hing Co. 41 Baclay St., Now York. Continue tliclr nulhorlrorl IlrnilntHof Till! KIH N HUItCIlI HbVIKU OMllR.) itiii. jij. i aiiisni liii un.v j i urTni), , Tim London liUAHTHKLV nLvii.il iconscrraj TIllVmilTISIl (JUAltTEIlLT hKVIEW (Evanire? AND 'n S"rTlics Mcprtnti oro t ot slctlons j theygiio I lie- originals In full, and nt nuout one-third the price of tl.o rntfilMi Editions. No publications can compare with the leading Brltbh l'crloi!lcaltalJOe named, reprinted hy tbo lAjonurdlk-ott I'umtsnin rompuny. luresiectto fidelity ot reseurcb. accuracy of si atement, nnd puri ty of style, tney aro without an equal, 'lhfyki ep pace nllb modern tuouirht, discovery, excerln ent. aud uchlevement, whetlier lu religion, sctei.ee, liter atuio or art. The ablest writers till Ihelr p cei wlih tlio most Interesting renews of history, and with an Intelligent narration of itie great events of the day. TtrniN lor 1ST9 lucliidluK onIiii;c I'aynble strictly In Advance. Eor anvone llevlew 14 oo per annum loo " 10 00 " " mo .. 400 " TIKI " " 10 60 " 13 0 " " 15 00 " " For any two llevlews Kor any three llevlews 1'or nil four llevlews Kor Hlackwood's Magazine For Hlackwood and one Kcvlew Kor lllackwoo.1 and two I evles Kor Hlackwood and threo llevlews For Blackwood and four llevlews POriTAOE. This Item of expense, now borne by tho publlsli ert, Is equivalent to a reductl m of 2u per cent on tho cost to subscribers in former ) ears. CLUBS. A discount of twenty per per cent, will be allowed to clubs of four or more persons. Hius : foui cop ies ot Illack wood or of one Uevlew will bo sent toone address for U w) four copies of the four lievlews and Hlackwood for lis, nnd so on. I'ltEMIUMS. New subscribers (applying earlv) for the sear 1619 may have, without cl.ui go, the numbers for the last quarter of 1818 of such periodicals as they subscribe for. v Or Instead, new subscribers to any two, thf, or four ot Ihe uboe periodicals, inai lune ono of tho "Four llevlews" for IMS ; subscribers t all llv- may have t o of t bo " Four Ili v lew s" or ono set of lilXk wood's Muguzlno for l7s. Neither premiums to subseHbers nor discount ta clubs can bu allot, oil, unless tlio money Is remitted direct to the publishing No premiums given to clubs. To secure premiums It w 111 bo necessary to make early application, as mo slockavallablo ror that pur poso Is limited. REPltlNTKP nr The Leonard Scott Publishing Oo,, 11 1JAHCLA1 ST., NEW YORK, RAIL ROAD TIME TA BLE NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY CUM I'A NV. on and nfier November sotu, 1S73, trains will leave Sunbury as follows : - NOIiTHWAKD. Erie Mall 5.S0 a. m., arrive Elmlra li ,i. ' " Canondalgua... a'.S5p. m llochester '6.1b ' Niagara 40 ' Ilenovo accommodat ion 11.10 a. m. arm e William . port li.es p. m. Elmlra Mall 4.15 a. in., arrive Elmlra lo.sn a. m. Iluffalo Express 7.15 a. m. arrive lluffalo s.&o a. ro SOUTIIWA1ID. Hurtalo Express a.50 a. m. arrive riantibiirg 4.wi a. " Baltimore s.40 ' Elmlra Mall 11.15 a. m., arrlie UurrUburg I j. ti. n " WasUlngtoi. lo.tn " Haltlmore lsc " " Washington Ku " Harrlsburg accommodation 8.40 p. ni. arrln H i n burglo.Wp. m, arrive Baltimore ,2Aa u. " Washington 6.13 " Erie Mall 19.55 'a. m. arrive Harrlsburg s i a. m, " uaitlmore 9.40 " Washington 10.33 All dally except Sunday, ( D. M. BOYD, Jr., (leneral rassenger Agent A. J. CASS ATT. General Manager "piIILADELPHA AND READING ROAD ARRANGEMENT OF TABSENGER TILINS. NOV. 10, 1878. TRAINS IKiTX KCFKRT IB FOlLOWsfsCNnaT KXCXPTID For New York, Philadelphia, Heading. I'ottuvllle Tamaqua, &c 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,45 u. m. t,l and T,S5 p. m, For vuilamsport,s,!3 9,05 a. m. and 4,00 p, m. TR1IK8 FOR KCPIRT LX1T 18 rOLLOWS, (StKDlTJS'J CKPTSD,) Iave Now York, 8,45 a. ro. Loavo Philadelphia, ,45 a. m, Leavo Heading, 11.55 a. m.. I'otUivllle. no nm and Tamaqua, 1,45 p. m. iave L'ataw Issa, ,so 8,co a, m. and 4,00 p. m. Leave Wuiuunspori , 45 a.m,s,l! p. m. and 4,60. p. m Passengera so imi rfbmNew Vorl-nnii pwiart,!. phla go througa .. ithout change of cars. J. K. WOOTTEN, CO, HANCOCK, ooneral Manager. tlpnpral n IW Arrant Jan, 14, laie tr. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA ANE WK8TEICN 1IA1LI10AD. am BIxTOMHBURO ntviRroNT nme-Taoio No. s, Takes effect at 4:30 AJTat MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1878. NORTH. STATIONS. BOUTfl. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. VBU S 1 mi 11 43 .Kcranton . Ilpllovii.. 8 36 8 1Q I s ' 8 1A B M II ( 08 8 68 8 61 8 61 t 45 S I H 41 18 tt 8 83 lit) 8 II 8 10 87! Taylorvllle'."'" 8 46 8 83 8 85 8 80 8 il 8 IS .uicKavt anna... .... Pltuton....... West IHttaf.n 8 80 33 1 38 8 40 1 44 6 45 III IU 2 63 I 65 9 M A f.O 8 68 14 Wyoming.,... loot M..iuaiiuy.,,,,. ..Bennett..,.,.,, .Kingston....... 8 04 8 44 1U 18 8 15 10 83 8 16 a In 7 10 .. Ply mouth June.! 7 If 7 IS 7 80 7 88 7 II 14 8 S3 8 iO 8 66 . , riymoutn ....Avondale ..... 10 24 8 15 8 18 U4 I 51 T (8 7 .'8 T !5 7 18 I 14 7 10 7 IN 8 60 6 60 45 6 87 ( 15 IX) 8 31 HI M 8 84 8 18 8 U4 8 51 8 98 3 (4 8 88 S 47 8 88 .llunlock's reek. 10 ii B sa 8 84 ..wnicksninny.,.. , .Hick's Kerr)',.. ,., Beach Haven.. HeruleL- 110 66 8 60 8 15 8 It 1 03 8 46 11 13 4 10 8 65 8 II 8 04 11 8 4 IB 04 ....lirlar Creek.... ..Willow drove,,,. ....Umu lildge.,.. S IX I 15 III IU 1 at tn 1 M 1 61 1 61 1 41 1 87 7 44! 7 BS 7 83 7 88 7 11 ..r,njiy... .llloomsburgH 11 88 4 43 7 44 .1 so 4 48 B tJt II 6 4 6 a : Catawlssa Bridge, I.a U W B ,1J ... u s; & our-; im .JJUUVIUU .L'hulasky, ... .vtunerou IW 6 4il.NortiiuxuUrUiia.lls 46 t vi 9 ta p.m. p.m. sum. 1 r (j w. v. nAijFrEAif V Bupertroandent'i omoe, Wanton, Jum ', ( TlttH I'.pru .a i.m .tr v ,.h ROWELL & pHtlMAN . Advertising stnlt, I 3 9 mm, 1HIR8) A CHESTNUT BTt ii . ft . ) 7 I ill mm ' m j Mm .c
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers