The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 13, 1878, Image 4

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Tim lUtlisotillil Huliau.
Willi princely liberality Haron llothsclillJ
admits any (mo to Ills Fairyland wlio takes
the trouble to wrlto for iteriuUslori ; and
however much wo may have been thinking
of Aaroun at lUschtld, King Solomon rnd
the Tbomnd and One Knights boforehaud,
we shall not be disappointed. The very
name U')thachlll fills m with nva and be
wilderment. Wo prepare ouraelve? to ho
dazzled with gold and gem , to tread on car
pets gorgeous ns peacocks' tails, softer than
elder down ; we pass through jasper nnd
porphyry columns Into rfgal halls where the
acme of splendor can go no further ; where
the walls are hung with tapestry and crim
son satin, whero every chair louts like a
throne, ami where on all sides the mirrors
reflect the treasures collected from all parts
of the wrld. And we are not disappointed.
Quitting the railway at the cheerful, weal
thy little town of Lagny, we drive past
handsome country houses and .well kept
flower gardens, and then gradually ascend a
road winding amid hill and valley up to the
chateau, n graceful structuro in whito mar
ble, or so it seems, proudly commanding the
wldo landscape. The flower gardens aro a,
blazoof colors, and the orange trees tglve
delicious fragrance as wo. ascend the terrace
ascend, indeed, being hardly the word ap
plicable to step' (doping so easily upward
and so nicely adjusted to human foot, that
climbing Mount lllanc under the same cir
cumstances could be accomplished without
fatigue. It is imposiible to give any idea of
the different kinds of magnificence that greet
us on every Bide Now n little Watteau
world in taiitatries having for a background
sky-blue satin and rose ; now a dining hall
sombre, gorgeous, and tnnjes'.ic as that of a
Spanish palace ; Now wo are transported to
Persia, China and Japan ; next we finu our
selves amid unspeakable treasures of Italian
and other marble.. To coma down to prac
tical details, It might be suggested to the
gener.ous owner of this noblo treasure hoSse
of art that the briefest ponible catalogue of
his choicest treasures would unspeakably
oblige his visitors. There is hardly a piece
of furniture that is not interesting alike from
a historic and artistic point of view, while
somtjare chefs il' rtuvre both in design nnd
execution, nnd dazzlingly rich in materi
al. Among these may be mentioned a pair
of chimney ornaments, thickly hung with
pendants of precious stones ; a piano
which belonged to Mario Antoinette the
casj of which is formedJJ f tortoise shell,
richly decorated with gold ; a cabinet set
with emeralds, sapphires, and other jewels ;
anothercomposed of various precionsstours;
chairs and couches covered with exquisite
tapestry of the Louis Qniuze period ; some
rare specimens of old cloisonne work, also of
Florentine mosaics these forming a small
part of this magnificent museum. The strik
ing feature is the great quantity and variety
of rich marbles iu every part. One of the
stair cases is entirely formed of different
kinds of rare marble, the effect being extra
ordinarily imposing. Elsewhere a room is
divided by Corinthian columns of jasper
and, porphyry, and on every side is displayed
a wealth and splendor in this respect quite
unique. Without doubt nothing lends such
magnificence to interiors as marbles, but
they require the spaciousness and princell
ness of such a chateau as this t be display
ed to advantage. Next in importance as a
matter of mere decoration must be cited the
tapestries, of which there is a rare and val
uable collection, chiefly in the hall, so-called,
and where they are arranged about the
runnning gallery surmounting the pictures.
What this hall must be worth would, per
haps, sound fabulous on paper. It is here
that some of the most precious cabinets are
lonnd treasures of Ivory, ebony, gems, gold
and sliver and the pictures alone represent
a princess' dowry. Examples of some of
thegreat masters are here Velasquez, Rem
brandt, Rubens, Claude, Lorraine, Bordone,
Reynolds ; lastly among moderns, Ingress
andHlppolyte Flandriu. Much might be
said about the pictures if space permitted,
but they alone are worth making the journey
from Paris to. see. But creme de la creme of
Baron Roshschitd's treasures is not to be
found in this sumptuous hall, in spite of ta
pestries, pictures, marbles, and raro furni
ture, nor in the stato salon, hut in on of the
dining rooms, a marvclously rich and gor
geous apartment, where the wealth of gold
and splendid colors is tontd down, nnd the
eye is rather refreshed than dazzled by the
whole. On the walla.reacliing from base to
ceiling are hung a series of six paintiugs on
leather, known as the citirj de Girdoue, or
leather paintings from Cordova. They aro
historical nnd allegorical MihJcts and are
painted in rich colors, with a great abund
ance of go'd on n brown background, the
general effect being that of a study in brown
and gold. When looked at narrowly we find
great dramatic interest in the subjects, and a
uniform masterliness of execution, but
without a catalogue it is utterly impossible
'j give any accurate idea of these gorgeous
paintings. The entire department of Seine
et Marne perhaps offers no greater rarity
than these paintings on leather fiom Cordo
va, ot which we would fain know the histo
ry, Fraier't Magazine.
Sensible talk about Weeds.
The Scientific Farmer treats an old subject
from a new point of view :
'Now there are weeds, and there are weeds
The one Is deserving of the farmer's attention,
the other of his neglect; and the true upri
cultural preacher should reserve his anathe
mas for those which are inlurlnus.and should
cease to pound the air in frantic condemna
tion of those other weeds which are unsight
ly, but yet whose presence may profitably be
Here are two corn-fields, adjoining fields,
we will say. Both are planted alike, receiv
ing similar manuring, and yield a like crop
the history of the two fields is as nearly alike
as can be, and the price of labor is the came,
These fields may yield very unlike profits,
according as the farmer" treats the weed ques
tion. The one man don t believe in weeds.
He cultivates and hoes as loug as his Imnlo
ments can get in the field, from the growth
of the corn; and later, sends in his men to
pull the weeds which start after the bor-e
boea are driven out. The other man cultl
yates early, keeps the field free from weeds
until thecoru has attained a proper growth
and can take care of itself, aud does not
bother about the weeds that come late, Th
difference in labor-bill, Is seen lu the profits
realized from the two fields.
Our friends argue the matter. The one
says, 'Weeds sap the land and hinder
growth, aud all mutt be removed. Ibate
weedf, looking field.' The other says. 1
believe with you that the weeds are Injurious,
during the early growth at least ; and I cut
tivato vay fields and remove the weeds until
tho corn geta strong and the bloom gives
promise of appearing, Cultivation a'fter tbls
point Injures the crop, and I cauuot afford
lie Injury In order to gel rid of the weeds.
klcu then start into growth. Besides, the
surfs taken by tho weed at this time is
I allfbt abstraction from my crop, for
lwwi!aw not yerr tiumettuis. aud
aro succulent nnd feeble on account of the
shade. I find my profit by letting those
weeds alone,for they do not go to seed tobolh
er another year; they furnish a green ma
nurlng, as far ns they go, or the next crop;
aud while I do not seo Injury coming from
their presence, I do see very clearly a saving
in the labor bill.
Now which argument do you think Is the
Don't friends or enemies, Bay that the Sci
entific I'hrmert advocates the growing of
weedi. Wo do not. We but advocato the
using of thought in farming, and the doing
that will add to farm profits. When weeds
cost more to remove than tho injury they do,
don't be tempted by the cry nl weeds to re
move them nt a loss; but use your judge
ment, nnd keep your fields ns clear from
them ns you profitably can, and do not bo
tempted to do more.
This fear has led the New England farm
er to overvalue the hoe and under-value the
the horse imp'ements, nnd thus has dimln
Mied the larm profits more than the weeds
themselves. The horse-hoe, ns a rnh?, and
except in exceptional Instances, will removo
weeds ironi corn suIDciemly for profits, nnd
far more cheaply than the hoe or hand. The
hoo will enable you to meet the commenda
lion ol hook farmers, but will it bring with
It the profit which follows the judicious use
of the horse-hoe?
Apples for Cows.
Uan the apple crop of our country be
available on the dairy farm as an auxiliary
nrticle of food for cows? Professor Arnold,
In a letter to tho N. Y. Tribune, says that.
when fid in proper quantity, tlicy give an
excellent flavor to milk, and the butter and
cheoo made fiom it, and increase the yield
of either.' We think that the tamo Way be
said of peaches, or pears, or of other fruits
but the question Is whether such food can be
used economically whether the improve
ment in the flavor and tho increase of yield
will compensate the value of the fruit
nnd the lab r of preparing it. It istruothat
Professor Arnold only speaks of inferior
fruit,' and such ns 'is not fit for the market.'
Here we tee an objection. Inferior fruit at
this season means wormy, insect-eaten, and
half rotten xpples, and these we, do not con
sider prp' r food for milch cows. He says a
god hraMiy cow, weighing 1,000 pounds
can s;ifelv a peck of apples twice a day,
and bp rpi-s s's that the apples be mixfd
two tweet ones to one sour, and that they
be 'sliced in a r6ot cutter and fed in the sta
ble, but they must bo fed- on the ground.'
and under certain conditions be estimates
the increase of the milk in quantity and In
richness a equal to'a pound of cheese from
a bushel of apples, or.a pound of butter from
two and a half bushels. Headds
'Taking tho ordinary condition of cows
at the season when apples are ripe, and
counting in their value as a substitute for
other food, as well as increasing the value
of milk, and with butter and cheese afthe
prices now current, apples as a food for
milch cows are estimated at twelve to fifteen
cents per bushel. I speak advisedly on this
subject having determined by weight and
measure the increase yield of a ration of one
peck per day to a herd of thirty-six cows.
To be fed advantageously to cows, fruit must
be dealt our with care and judgment. If
fed a little to freely, the result will be a los
instead of a profit-. Wben judiciously fed,
any kind of fruit, aud particularly apples,
not only increases the amount and richness
of milk, but gives a dellciousness of flavor to
both butter and cheese beyond that given by
grass alone.'
Upon the whole with vey great respect
for Professor Arnold, we are inclined to tho
opinion that tho same remits which he
claims for apples may veiy generally be ob
tained from other sources with les expense,
less labor, and less risk. Wo would like to
see a fuller report of tho Profcsor'a exper
inents. How many days did he feed thirty
six cows one peck per day each ? How were
Ibe apples gathered and assorted, and how
much labor was bestowed upon their prep
aration? As at present advised, we think
the cases where apples maybetadvantagenus
ly used as a continuous food for cows, fed in
the manner proposed, are rare and excep
tionable. Am. Dairyman.
"Yes, said the witness, "I do remember
the defendant's mother crying on the occas
ion referred to. She was weeping with her
left eye the only one she has and the
tears were running duwn her right cheek."
"What 1" exclaimed the judge ; "how could
that be?" "If you honor please," said the
witne3s,""ahe was awful cross-eyed."
Alsibt Uiurx i
Spices of all kinds, Glass & Queenswaro
foreign aud Domestio Fruits,
Family Provisions
41b, door below Market street, Woomaburg, l'a.
iv- Goods oemtaatoaii romci the town
AprlUI, 'Il-if
llLUUMNIIIiltG, 1V4,
Uanutacturers ol
Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs,
FLATt'OItll WAOONti, 0.
first-class work always on.hand.
l'loes reduced to suit the times,
Jan. s, lbU-u.
this rim is oh mi with
OWEli k hiSMAN
Mymhlna Awru,
a- il e s 5
traoe &irm;.
Cures all l'a In In .Hun it ml Meant
raonrscs Utbri (Falling ol the Vnmb.l A Won.
derlul Uuro. Nine jeara my wlfo surtcred.'wlth thla
iviiiuiuuuiiipimui, ruu was uiienucit uv uuctor ni
ter doctor, wunt to tlio dlircrcnt hospitals whero to
males are treated! tried them nil; woro bandages
and pessaries with only temporary relict. 4ler life
was miserable. V applied Dr. (II cs' Liniment.
nor roller was luimedluto. Mio u now turn.
11. McDkksiott,
40 West nth street, Now York,
llncl twelve strokes ot Paralysis. M leg, arm
and t jnifiio wcru useless ; was obll'd to uhu a cath
eter eicry day. Doctor (Hits' Liniment todldeot
Ammonia hm cured it e. Will answer any Inquiries
fco tlut all anue'cd may knor or It.
John Aitei.. No 111 llranford, Conn.
Chestnut Hill, l'hlladelphl'h Mull '
V. M. Olles, Kq Dear -1 uwl our!odldoot
Ammonia Liniment on Horn Tc.i.plc'.i hind pattern
Joint !lie hdd been qutte lames tho elTect was
wonderful! she wuks now qulto well. Very re
bpocltully jours,
A. WKtcn.
1'. 8. I nm noiv uilns It on Littleton's right lore
A larfre shoo boll on a valuanlo young horse was
removed by Olios' Liniment lodldo ot .tmmonla,
SMkriiEiui KNirr,
Curpcts, I'ftslxtti avft., New York.
AsTiiui The tortures and nannies I endured Tor
six ears, none but thoso who have sintered with
nils u-rriWo d'.s.'aso can kuow. My lite was misera
ble. In uespt'ralton 1 trid Ulles' Liniment lo tide of
Ammonia, it gnvo mu instant relief. LTscd It In
ternally us w ell as externally.
m west Jlth street. Now York.
I was In a ilrcaarul coumilon. Joints swollen,
fiatn Intense, Injections uf morphine Into my elns
altrd to relieve me, ((lies' lodldeHjf Ammonia took
awav tbo deposits Irotn my Joints Iwunteery
one who surfers to know wnat win cute them.
North IIj de Park. Lnmmotlle co. vt.
Another furfurer cured. idachHrijed from the
Massachusetts General Hospital ns Incurable, with
lnlla'tmibtory rheumatism In m,' shoulders, ttnjrers
and feet ; Buffered fearfully for IhreH j earn, tried
over thliu s loit all liouo Dr. ones' Ltutmcut lod
ldo ot Ammonia crfected a complete euro,
No. It Prane street. Fall lilvcr, Mass
Sprains, splluts, bruises, Lameness In horses,
(Dies' Liniment lodldo of Ammonia is a perfect spo
clilc. No person who owns a horse bhould bo with
out It.
M. Ropsns.
C9 seventh avenuo. New York.
In ray family, and for tho Block, I have used dUo'c
Liniment Iodide of Ammonia. It Is unsurpassed,
aud I am surprised at the many different maladies
In which It Is applicable. 11 gives tho ulmoht satis
faction. John J. (Iakter,
Superintendent l-istern Pennsylvania Bipcrlmca
tal Parm.
(0 c. ind $t : and in Quarts at 3.C0, In which there
Is a ureal Ravine,
irlal Mm 23 lent).
sold ur a-l Druooists.
N. J. llliMIHItsllOTT, Agl. lor UlooMisburK.
-is. ji't'ii. .'4Il.MC3i:r".3,frorjftiVT3n-i?.lccnll.
u.itrrio : i.iion. i.:vii., li'LiiVU. or
I.2t.i;.r: v.; unaaiis.
The Best Family MetUcTa oa Earth.
8IOO irv csm-ij
td tnr rnoo aElctedntili a tflwnso lictt UOIICXK rrin
bot rtUifii ur cure, providing tiki Ljuqs or Or;aco 0T3 cot
uuted beyoad point of repair.
mil n M off.Ktunnti ihn dlrr, tHo ui-ran.-. Vethei
lainnlroJ b fl' norma or cihrtnstM from nnY cart'P. t ta 1.1-
inaw tliolr power of asu dilution nnd natr'.tloi. It la
crcuea tho npixttlts, iwltts dbentlon, ftaJ chcallrmnnai
ami load to tUi tsufcolnr oud rkreuln:la t BTitcm. U ttlia
ulatt?B tw rltal irocoaw3 to rerown.l stchtt-, niters, car
r .'! ncJ purlHoi tlio II ul U, touca U.0 orr;auj utl rtw.etal
llslioii UmLt ttctiitliy fuucUtiui.
JtUuseliiM toozpatlatoQpoathTlrtucacr tMs (iniUI
E Mil DY. If you aro naffurlnff from ItiUOLH imtUS,
Utll,l'llIA,llHvrSTM, KICtLmsil, I ISl lUl.Vt
UUTY. lSTIfiTIOX. lilDir or XI IlUt3 IJIbLASt S,
cr nay llocrtlr ftiVbix from lurtr.K J.LOon.prt botik
cf UAKl. t. &nd Uke ft m per aitwtlon cjvin ctic! buttli.
II n3cli3ti,irLQii, UponUli tod IVcnch, Cno ItottloKtl!
twttrcoavlDC9 jou of IU ucrlU ijja wlumo flxiicstcd It
urLaurt'lnW. . , ... .
A trial of rn botilo lnrarc in rtoytIon In overr family,
for do MU,Vi'cman or Child cau Uko I W).( UK ond ruanlr
kottelclc. It Crt cIoaiism Uxi fiatem, then repair, llict
bullJup,tbU9CurlcRdliieftoaBd MtabUsUojf LoalUi ca t
pcrmcBeat, iafB and rcUurlu? basil.
I jput cp lo large botUua, aniTU pleasant to Ui-O.
f Walker to l!al?er Mfgr. Co., I'rop'w,
4 0 Jolia M rwl , S. 1 rt.
... .... JorFeyCilr.Eoptembcrld, JI7I.
No tottRno can toll what 1 kullervd fur tb ptul 14
yun Iroio t(lllkiv4Bad I.LIMI JUI Llu I'll in,
at tlrxMii no bud llMt I cuuM D't stand upon my ftret. 1
could not walk hilt n mllo wlthou nutTurloi Uitnw
About n Tcaravo 1 wtui Intluivd t trv a bottlsi at
your UAmtv, aud an Rlod i i tatethu aitrr taking
lour bottlea 1 wu v otlii'ly cntwl cf bolt) dUu&w and
r anjoylntr sicellent benttb and (trenjtb, 1 ad-
MVS, a. F. TERllId, 111 Bouex St.
Aa a rgulatlac melMn I can confidently recomneDd
lMtKkHR. I hara uutid It In iny lurnliy and know
ethara bo hava trlnd It. ao 1 all pronouur B pood and
rvllabla. Jt don't to (oullax aroand aud dUappuknt you
by maklai: bo but It attend 10 Lulai!a and ao
romulUba Uial wbornuntri it u KHot.
V 11. H. DUYALL, Eire r Lead, L. I.
I qm4 oaa botUt of TtftOKI I ami ran truthfully aay
tbat It hu cured ma of i)al't .bU and MllULbkUa of
year lUndlng.
For Sale at N. J. Hentoott's
Klooiiisbm, Ia.
who la authorize to guarantee V1GOHK.NK to prove
a represented.
aa.H, 19 -ly.
Important to Lawyers.
nilnlatrators, Uuardlan', Township ohlcers, and buid
uess men ireuerally.
We h&ve on h&nd a lArcre onsnrtmpnt. rtt Innl
blanks for Uio use of ttor neys. Justices and Con.
Htable'H blanks ot all kinds. Note and Receipt books
TTonsaru ulnks.
Proclpe for Hummons.
" ru r a.
" " Itule to take Depositions.
" 44 " chouftA Arlillmtrini.
cents iplocc, or 11.15 ier hundred.
Petition for A
ment of Uuardlan.
Hulo to take DeDOHlUona.
Norr In Uebt. with confession,
' Assumnslt.
MechanlcB Ll.n.
4 cents eacn or $3.60 per hundred.
1'ellllon for sale ot llual Estate 8 cents each.
fiUbDOenos. HUlnmons. Wurmnlji. KTpiitlnnt rn
' ' -,
IX'OSCS .............
5 cents each
mue Deeds
Parchment Oueds,,,,
Agreements .....
Orphan's (lourl sales
IB "
Q .1
to for II 60
iuusiauiev paies .,
s cents each
Mortiraire and llond
All kluils of Notes
il kiutis ot Notes i ti
Itecelots. Notes. Kchonl Ordf vrr f ir. tH
Orders, neatly bound, wustauUy oo baud! or made
We are do neater Job work than anj
Other aMua In thla en'intv '
, . ,
CUitors and Proprietors
Uloou&burjr, i
JOYFUL ( for Boj. sn4 OlrU l
Youog mud Old 1 1 A KKW IN
VENTION iiut ulmLd in. Ik!..
for Ltotn. ut
rtn ana scroll BawIo;, Tundnff,
Borlnff, IrtlllnK,OriiulluK, ftjheUDir.
Screw Cuttlur, I'rlc 16 to IM.
I &eod 0 rcutl for 100 daubi.
ErilRAlM lillOWN, Lowell, 1W
, HIS-Uw
Williamsport Hanfl-fflatle Boots,
MANurAirruniu or
9- AND
N. B. All goods of their make
ur; Btuinpcu ou the bottom
Hatper's Magazine.
Ihrpcr'sMnwIaolsthe American Maua7lnsollko
la literature and In nrt. 'ltoston Traveller."
'I ho most popular Monthly in tho world. "N. l.
Onsen er."
It Kan excellent companion for (ho young, ado
Ilcht ia the mature, a solace for dccllnlun brc.
"I)Ulsvtlle Courler-JoiirnaL"
No other Monthly In the world ran show so bril
liant a list nt contributors! nor does mu furnl'h lis
readers wlii so pi-eat u varlPly and so superior n
quality of literature. "Watchman, lloston."
Tho volumes ottho Moeanno beirln MtU the num
bers for Juno nnd necener of earn 3 ear. When no
Huh Is rx'Oined, it wdl w understood that tlio sub
scilbcr wishes to besln with the current Number.
Harper's Periodicals,
IIabtkk's Mao'azinr, one Year- (1 00
IlAHfKK'H Weekly, " ' 4 0)
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The Three publications, one year- lo oo
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A CompteU) Set ot Harper's Mairailno, now eom
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sent by express, frelRhtat exirense of purchaser for
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Harper's Bazar.
To dress according to "Harper's n.izar will bo tho
aim nnd ambition ot the woinm of America. "Ilos
ton 'I ranscrliu."
As atatthrul chronlclo of fashion, nnd a newspaper
of domestic anil social character, It ranks without a
rival. "BrooUvn Easle."
This paper has ociiulred a wldi populirlty for tho
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tabihned authority with the ladles. "M. Y, KH'nluk'
ThQVjlumosottho''Uaiir'' beiln with the flr3t
Nui.ib'ror.u luaryof eachj ear. When uo time In
mctiloned. It will im understood flat tho subtcrl
ber wWies u commence with tbe Number aext after
the r eclpt of hU order. .
Ilnrper's Periodicals,
Ilinrsa's Maukziwe, Ono Year 00
Uaupkk's Weekly, ' 4
llAKPER'S 1IAHK " " 4 (JO
'i'ho Three publications, ono year. .:..10 00
Any Two, one year T 00
fix HiUcllptloiiH. ono J ear 20 00
Terms tor largo clubs furnhbed ou application.
I'ostaire I roe to all subscribers In the t'nlted
States or Canada.
Tho t nnual Volumeof "Harper's naar." In neat
cloth blndlntr. will be fcent bv exnreRH Trrn nf pt.
pense (provided the freight does hot exceed ono per
volume), for $T eo e tch. A complete Ser, compiling
leven Volumes, sen, on receipt of cash at the ruuj
oft) Its per volume, freight at expense of purchas
Cloth Cases for ea"h volume, suitable for binding,
will bo sent by man. pjstndd, on receipt ot 1 oo
Hemlttances should be made bv Pot.Ofilce Money
Order or Iiraf t, to avoid ell inco or loss
Newspapers are not to copy thli advert l-ement
without toe express ordor of IIaki'bh IIuotiiehs,
Address llilti'hlt i UUOITIEIM New Yor
Scribn.r's Illustrated Magazine
All Ideal Children's Magazine.
Messrs Scrlbner Co.. In IBIS, beiran the publica
tion of M. Nicholas, an illustrated Magazine for
GUIs and Bo) s. Tilth Mrs Mary Mapes Hodge as ed
itor. Klveyrara have passed slnte the first number
was issued, and the magazine ras won the higuest
posltlOD, It has a monthly circulation of
It Is DublUhed filinuttaneoTiilv In Ian don And
New YorlC and the transatlantic recognition la al
mct wi irentral and heart v as tbe American. Al
though the progress of the macazlno hits been a
steady advance. It has not reached lta editor's Ideas
of best, ivcause ber Ideal continually outruns it,
ana mu masimne us swiiuy loiiowd alter, io-aay
Ht. Nicholas stands
The New York 'Tribune' has sail of It t 'St. Nlcho.
lasn srea nea u uiffiter platrorm, and commauas
tor ItH service wider resources in art and letters
han any or its predecessors or contemDorariea "
1 ho London "Literary World Bays! There Is no
niHtfaaltiH nr tUo jouu? that can be said to equal
this choice production of tscrlbners press."
The arraneeinents for literary and art contribu
tions fur tbe new volume tho sixth are comulete.
drawing from already fatorlto sources, as well as
from promising new ones. Ur. Frank It. Btocktons
new serial siory lor noys.
wri tun through the twelve monthly narta. bei
nlng with th number for Norember, 1T8, the Hrst
oi ine Toiume. ana wui oe u iu-4i ruled by Janus K,
Keur, iuvtwry houo ui i-ravei ana aayemure is
riunn.i ana me uanauias. ror ine gins, a contin
ued tale,
Ur Katharine D. Bra 1th, wltU Illustrations by Preder
ick uiviiutui. ucsius u wiu biuoo uumueri ana
ire&nberiai uy
wUu plenty of
fresh serial br Susan Coolldie, tntltled Vi'.TeprbrtiL'
1 pickurep. mui uo cuunnonoea early m
There, will also be a continued fairy-tale
Nntten bv Julian Hawthorne, and Illustrated by
Alfred Fredericks. About the other faiutllur feat
urus of bt Nicholas, tho editor preserves a food-hu.
tnored silence, codu? ut, perhaps, to let her nve vol
umes already Issued, ororhear concerning Lbo sixth
In respect to short stories, pictures, poems, humor,
Insirucllvti sketches, and the lure and lore of "Jack-
In ilio-rulpll, the "very utile Folks" department,
and the "letter-box." an "Itlddlo-boi."
'1 crms. U.Of a year : ist.'nts a Number.
Subscriptions received by I he Publisher of this Pa
per, and by all iiookselicrs and 1'ostmasters. Per
sons wishing to BubairlOe direct with the publishers
nu uld wrlUi name, i'ait-ooice. County, and
lull, and send with remittance la (heck, K O. uoney
writer, ur itKiaiciruKiHi w
bCUIUNEIt ca, T4J Broadway, New Tcrk.
' at tup nrriip nr
mi 1 nu ur r luc ur,
bm tire ur ittlMrfa grMr
T5o Pun nlll bfl prlhled every day during Iho year
to come Us purpose and metbod will be the nime
us in iho pnt i To nreent all the news In w reada
ble shape, nnd to tell Iho truth though tho heavens
The Sun hai been, In and will con Inue t tk little
pndnt of i'verhiv and ierithUig s.ivo the
Truth nnil Pa cnntlrtlcnn ot duty. That iMheenl
pulley which an i imst i.pwr nir rerd bate lbn
Is the rollcy lilch tmn von tor this nrwM'tinr the
coiindciice end liletidMilp cfa wider rcnrtllttency
than was ertr ( lJom1 to &ty itfctr American Jour
nal. 1 ho Mm is the riewtrnrT fcr Ibe pcf pl- H Is not the yoor man, or ftr the
poor man ntnt the rich n an. but It preKi ilo
equal justlfo to nil IMcnMMn It e comniiinliy. It
It not tho oigan f uhy person, cluns wrtor patty.
There need bo no mjnUiyHbouttts loves and l.nt s.
ItH (orlho honst manneilnM Ilia rogues every
time. itHforthehoncht lteni' crut ns Htoilnt tho
uMionet Ilfpibl con. nnd for the liunest KcpuUlCftn
tmurf.Unsttlie dishnrst lieuioiTat It rincn nor take
Khcuo from tbetitlcrimcrH of any politician rrpo orjfaiiluthn It Hives itshiippoi t unreHrved-lywh-n
men or rwnHures are In ncr eincnt with
with the i onstltmt n and with tin principle upon
will h tilts Kepublle wnt fumded for the people.
Whenever th" CoMhlitutlon atidrouhtltu btn.ilpiln
clples are viuia ed-nslnlhH outrnKiMneon-plncy
or isitt, by uhlchu mill not t lHled wan placed In
tho I'u-Mlfht'a nnhr, "hero lie Mill re ialns lr
Kpciiks out lor llmlUt 'I hat U hf smiN id not
lndepctidt'Dco. in thH lciptct there will bo na
chnnne In it projcniumo for 1 sti.
'Ihc Mm lias ta'r y enrned th" hearty batredof
rnscnK rrau'ls and Iiuu.bu.ra or all mx and sizes.
It hopes to deserve that hatri'd not le-nln thojear
ISTtf, tliaii In bT-f, ltTi, or niiyyear Ronti tis Ihn
Sun Hid rontlmi" to shine on the wicked with mi
mil I .fated bright iipw.
WhPo thelfdsonscf tho past should be constantly
kept before Iho ptoplo, lho Him doe tiot prui'iwe to
make limit in ltTH a maralnu of ancient htator.
It Is prints i for the men and women of to-day, hose
conet-rn Is ehlttly with the HlfiilMcf to-day It Inn
both tho disposition an thenbllitvtoatToidltsread
era the promptest, fullest, aud most aeciiratfl Intel
llffenco ol whatever in the wide world H worth at
tention. To this end the lTsoureea blonifltij to
well established proapoiity will uo tlueraliy eiu-
iioiKTS?ntdlMolnted condition of nirtlpslnilils
country, nuu tne uuterinintr or too iutui'e, und au
oxlraordluarv slirnlilcanco totb. events or tho com- I
lncjcar. 'I lie discusslousof tlio pr hs, tho ilfbaios
and acts of t'oti(fi'esi, and tho movements of tbo
leaders In ever bectlou of lliu Itepub'lo u 111 hive u
ulnct bearing on the clivttou otisw I
au event widen must bo retarded with tho inut aux.
lous Interest by every pftrtotlo Ariienc n. whatever I
uh pine icai lueas or nuciAucc. -io tneso tiemenis
of Interest maj' bo added the probabl Ity that Oeni
ocrats will control both houses of ouirress, the la
crcisl ns feebleness ot t ho fraudulent Adralnlst rat Ion
and the spread and Micniftlienlng ovcrjuheroofn
henlUiyai'lmrencootfniud tunny fuim, To pro'cnt
ltli necuracy ana ocnrncj) tho exact sliu.tllon In
each of Its larjln? phases, and toexpound, iccurd
lngtolts ttell-knuwn iiietliod, the print li f- b that
-lwuldKUldcusfirousli thol.ibyrlulli. .1 1 bo an Im
portant part of The rtuu'rf ork lor li79.
Wo navo iho means ot mnklnt; iho n inlltl
cal, n llterarj and a now spapjr, moro enter
t.tltilnr and moio useful lhan ocr beioro ; nuduo
meni uj apply tbeiu freely
Onrratesor suuxrlptloii nwnnln unclinnircrt. For
the Dallv uo, u four 11 1 thpot of I enty-eliht col
umns, theprieo b mull, ixjstpald, Is 53 cents a
month, or tO&J a jear; or, lirlodlns; tho Sunday
p iper, an elglit pai;e Hjeet uf fi . c ditmns, tin- pi Ico
H s.i cent a m 11.111. or $..;o u jc.o, pubtno paid.
Tho -1 ndiy edition uf 1 iiu -u.i Husi furul-died
teparutil at u iar, l ost - paid
Iho price or tnH iVeekU -im U;hi p.i .c, llttv-slx
col imu Is J! a i.r iMwiiill I'orclub-of t-n
sending tm e nil &cnd .111 extra cop flee lildross
' 1 w i:vit. ni),
Publisher ut Tho sm.tiw Y01 k city.
nov 22-ow
Conducted by T G. Holland.
Tho HaudS'imtt Illustrated Maazlno In tho World.
.Tho Amerlo 11 o.lltlon ot tills P'rtodlcal is now
SIOKK Til IV TO (TO .MONl'lll.y,
Andltlusn larserdrculatlri In Kng aud tlnn ony
ot' cr Am 'rlovi mwazluc. Kviy n'.mbtreonuln
about ono huiidr. u an lift, p i.rei,und Irom tlty to
freienty-tlve uillnal wood cmt l.lustratlm.
AiiiiouiiL-einonls for 1S7S-9.
A inonc the at ti action i for t!if cjiiiIhj jiaraiotho
"llAivohTii.t," a terl'l noT-l. h Mrs Frnncs
llodjrson Iturnelt, author or 1 h it. Uss u' l rles.'
Tho M.ene ' t Mrs. lluructt's new noi.I Is laid In Lan
cashire: the hero la toopjr Imentor of American
birth. 'Ilawo th's'' li tho longest story Mrs. Uuiuett
has jet wiltt'ii. IL will run thro lgh twelvimm
beraurtho Monihl '.es'lnnluwita ,Sue;uber H7S
and will bo protuicly llluslrat-d
1' LUONUllittt, a serin novel, by II. Mltijesen,
author of "fltinnsr," Tno M111 wli jlo-thli s'aino."
Ac. In this lumanee, tho aut mr tiraphl'-ally de
scribes the neciil iillies ot Nursj linmfk'r.o t life In a
western settlement.
A moiiv i f Mivv oi.e.mss, by Oi orire able, to
bebeunon Ihi (an''bi''ori or "Ka'cnn ter ' hu
story wl'l exhibit too bt.ita of socl ti In (,'reolo t,nu
Islaua about th ' ears 10 4-5i the tltne or the Ces
sion, and a period lienrlnga remaiLable likeness to
tho present re onsi motion iwrlod,
1'iiuTitAiiao ahxkican I'okts 'I his series fneenn
In Autfiist with the pirtalt ot Hria ,t) will Pec 11 ln
t'ed, tint of Longfellow npp-arlnir lu November.
Iheao portraits aro drawn from lif bv Wy.ut faton
and ensraved by T. Colo. They will b printed s-p.
aratoly on tinted paper, a frontispieces of rour illr
fercnt numbers. Illustrated sketches ot tkoiivcsof
tho puets will accompany thoso portraits.
r;A Skw View of ISuaj.i. .Mr. Herbert II Smlin, of
Cornell Unlver.-lty, a companion nf Iho Into Piof.
llartt. Is now lu llrazll, wlih .Mr. .1, Wells 1 haminiev
(the artist who accompanied .Mr Kdward Kim,' In
Ids tour throuffh "Theorent outh') preparing for
Hcrlbner a series of paper on the rresent condition
the cities, rivers and resources of tho empire
of South America.
The "Joiissv Id Pacuiis, by nu '-ex. Confeder
ate" soldier, will bo anion tho r.iclc.-uj'unt'11'iiu..iis
to Scrlbner dur nc tbe comma, 'Ihevar- wilt
ten andllluslrated by Mr. Alien O. I.'edwoolof 11 im
mure. The first or I ho aeries Johnny llebatl'Kn"
appearsln tho November number.
7tii! 4 00 u Year in advance ; 11!) cents a
S'ibscrlptlonstecelved by tho publish-in of this Ta
per, und by all booksellers and postmasters. I'er-
somwuh n' tosubseillK) direct with tho pulill-ti-ers,
should write name, post onico, and suite
In full, and send with inmltlanci lu check, 1". n.
money o rdtr, or reuistcrcd letter to
.-UillUNKU k co ,
T43 745 Mroadwuy, Now York.
Wide Awake for 1S79.
The Pictmnl ihtjiuhe for Young Folk
tu.1 Fihman, Kdltor.
V. 00 a Year. Freo of Postage.
It Is coneedod on all fildoa tbat. Mrwrt. 11. 1ttbrnn
Co. Iuvb splendidly acojiuWUlnnl what thuy set
their hearts on ti few i oars ajfo, 1121 tomikoama?
ozlno absolutelv ourolnlts IntPteuce. U11rlv.1l1.1l Iti
Its literary merit Iviantlfu) arllst ciUy and then
lumisititat aprtcosoijw tut. people could uuurd
lo tako It
7'te Dogberry Hunch
A story ot Seven Mcrrv Chll lien, who faced tha
world for themselves, but always Imnglni; In ft
"bunch." By Mary iluilwellt athertvood. Profuse
ly llluitratlcd by .vary A. Lutl.bury.
lineal Lmcrie't ljut Year at fit. Olare's.
A lolly story of Vmertcin s.-hool bov lire Ilv Mr.
nut Meirlwealher. author of "A lleneral Mitimler.
uudini." Uiujtrated by MliS L. It. Humphrey,
Don Quixote, Jr.
Thcalvcntur tof sir Mlltladns Petcrkln Paul nn
hUsleed" o'luhnuta." Hj John Uro'vnjohn. A luu
ny tlury written expr-s-lv lot tho Little llnysof
Amulet. Illustrateil with conic pictures byiL.
Our American rtitt,
trirst Serles.l Paner I William II lleanl.
Wl h portraits, studio InliriOit- and tbi,ravlnu8 0f
paintings. Uv . (1 A'. Henjamln
' he must attractive ntlemnt let made to onulnr.
Uourtlu the rainllv and make children acquainted
uttit uurtittnir lueneaa urn i-t ami wu ti mey aro
Funny JJoubte-jiage llmliafcd J'uems.
I. ho mlnee Die, Pilnco Ilv Kirk Monro.. Illus.
trated by L. Hopkins.
tSltflif Kneel Sehoofs.
Comorlsln'' several Imnortantexnerlmentsln linlli
Europe und A merlca.
I I .tdv lleltv's Conklni' Chist i Tho HUtnrv nf nn
EtiL-ltsb CooxltiL' school. Ilv Lucv Ceell WhltnttrK.
John Llllle.)
II IhoPerklm Institution for tho lillud. lly Em
ma R. mown.
Iirizht Short stories and Poems. Natural History
Supplements, Sketches ot Tra el In Fori Ign Lands,
Iturs from tho Children, l'uzles, Parlor Amuse,
ments, Music, Ac.
II with louof pictures from the best artists, ma
king Hide Awake for 1S79 the best and cheaiiest
magazine In cxVlcncc.
vimy rt w a year, ireo 01 postairo. send your name
aud money to
li. 1.(11 HKUr C(l
Publishers, Iioston.
Eclectic MngiizMic .
foreign Literature, Sclonce and Art.
Tho "Flectlc MflL'azluo" reoroduces from forelL-n
periodica s all those articles which aro valuable to
American readers. Its Held of selection tmbrates
all tho leading Foreign hwvlews Magazines, and
Journals; and wh lo tue tastes of all if our
readers are consulted nothing tilvlultu 1 li.trttcl er ur
of merely litusleut Interest la admlliedio Its pages.
iu plan ineiuuea r.ssayB, ttetiuws, iiiogiupiueai
Sketches. Historical IM iters. Travels, t'oetrj Novels,
and short stories: and In the caso ot science (to
which much space and utleutlou ate given), u . siat
clal prominence Is allowed to any oat tlculur tlt ise
pi uuiuion, uui ptue is gnen iuiniritail lu lue uuist
valuable articles on tutu sides uf tne great themes
of sclcntlno dlscus-1 )U,
The following listj comprise tho principal perloill.
cals from which so ectlous are.iuttde aud the names
otsoine ot the leailuj authors whocou!
llUUtC VU,
turut t
Quarterly llovlow
AvTiia s,-.
lit. Hon M i: (UadHone
Alfred Tennvsiiu!
lllch l'roetor. II A
Urit ouarlorly ltevlew
lulluluburgh ltevlew
WbuitMiiater ltevlew
F trtnlirutlv ltevlew
J Nuriua 1 Ijickyer, F 11 a
TheNtoetnenlhO-nturv Dr w 11 carpenter
rupui&i oticuto tiettew n. it t.ttur
iiiacKwomis jaagaziue
Cornhlll Magazine
Mactnl Han's Magazlue
Prof .Max MulTer
I'roressor Owen
Matthew Arnold
K A Freeman, POL
James Aulhuny Fruuda
Thomas Hughes
Authun Trullopo
Mrs Ollphani
Miss Thackery eic.
rraser a juagazme
New UUart Maguzlne
Tempto liar
flood Uirds
Ixtndon sculety
Saturday ltevlew
The Spectator, etc, etc
tv'U tfrfreauenthr remarked that In Hnelind the
best of literary talent Is being diverted from the
writing ut uuojts m coninuuung ut tne pertoairai.
The "Eclcctlo garners the choicest sheaves from this
lieu uatveai,
Uikkl Knokavinos. Eanh number contains a tln
steel engraving usually a portralt-execuutd In the
best manner these engravings are of permanent
value, and add much U) the attractiveness of tho
Ttaasi-Slngle copies, 41 centsi one copy, one
yeir, 3 ; Ave cuples 11. 'i' e trial BUbscrlpt(on for
three months, ti. The 'BclectkV and any U wagaaln
4-uatage free ut " niiMcrioen,
M ' l.ciUaiir.
Wo will soil tho Very Scst Family
Sewing- IVXuchino
For Twenty -Five Dollars
I.V 1A8II,
on an ornamented Iron stand nnd Treadle, with
walnut top nnd drawer, and necessary Attachments
and dclHerlt nt any lioliroad Depot Uf the United
bt ites,
xrvca of Charge.
Theso machines aro warranted to do the wholo
lino of family sewing- with more rapldlty.moro ease
or management, and lc-s latlgue to tlio operator
lhan any innt-htno now In use, send for a Circular.
Kery machine warranted for threo years.
Agent: waited in Un:c:upied Territory.
Lentcimml iUuchinc (;o., Ltinited
J-9 FII.1IRRT ST,, 1'llIDADElriItA, PA.
Oct. 4, "9-Cm.
Dealers In
hice, sricES, nicinn foda, tc.
N. E, ( orner Second and Arch streets,
t r-orders wl" rocclvo prompt attention.
Cjogts, Golds, Infiaenzs, Hoarienen, Difficult
BreathlDg, and all Affections of the Throat,
Bronchial Tale:, and Lungs, leading
to Gonsnmptlon,
This infallible remedy is composed of the
IioNLV of the plant lloreliound, in chemical
union with Tar-Halm, extracted from the
I.ifk 1'iiiNCiil.r. of the forest tiee
IIm.svmha, or llalm of Gilcad.
The Hmtcy of llorchouml .soother ANb
SCA n Eks all in itations and inflammations, and
the Tar-balm cleanses and IIEAI-S the throat
and air passages leading to the lungs. FIVE
additional ingredients keep Ihe organs cool,
moist, and in healthful action. Let no pre
judice keep )ou from trying this great medi
cine of a famous doctor who lias saved'thou
sands of Iies by it in his large private practice.
X. II. The Tar-Halm has no had taste "or
Great Having to buy large gize.
"Pilce's Tootlmelio Drojis" Cnro
in 1 ."Minnie.
Sold by all Druggists.
0, N. 0RITTENT0N, Prop., N.Y
dec. IB, 'TT
O. 33.
Siljonfaro, Watches.Jevrelry.Ciocks.&c.
tv Kemovea lo tlio Post onico Lulldlntr. firsTdoor
abuvo Uw Kxliang-o Hotel.
All kinds t'f WattliL'H. CIotVh nnrl .Tpwftlrv. neat
ly repalri'.l and wurraulcd.
Tlllt UK8T OP AM,.
Unrivaled in Appearance,
Unparalleled in Simplicity,
Unsurpassed in Consfrucfion,
1 Unprecedented in Popularity,
And Undisputed in the Broad Gla'm
Most Perfect Sewing lia'chlno
V he great popularity ol the While It iht metl eon
Klnelnn tribula ta lit eiul'cncs and tuoirtarllf
over other machines, and liv submlltinf It 16 the
trade we put It upon Its merits, and In no Instinct
hat It tier ,et lalled b tstUly any recommcaaatlea
Inltilator. (
The demand lor the While has Increased jo luch
an citcnl that we are now compelled to tern out
A. Gsmleto QcrarlHor evcilxxe
tuo cLc;-?- terowpyijr
J3Tcv ; tfea aemanilr
'. 1 M.Eicry. machine Is warranted (or ,3 yeatt, and
eold(or'c-ih at liberal (JlKounU, orrlipon easy
rptympnta, to suit the convenience ol cuiorer.
wiotitT3 fTAttira ia rooOTma tkiiicsi,
Hi 3ld Euclid Ave., Clevtland.'Okki.
.T, Saltzor, AgoiU,
TheundrrslgutaKHseecf tlieEipy rianlogMUl,
Is prepared to do all Mod of mill work. '
Doors, Frames, M, BliDis, etc,
made U erder on short &oUee. hutbdaoiion guar.'
anted, T
OnAuua Kata,
liloomsburg. f a.
business vdu can entraire In. Ifitrttao
per del made by any wwker of either
(ex. rlila in 'heir own localities. Par.
Uculars and aamplet worth ' free. Improve your
una nneea. ami eaa dtinson t o
Uculars and I
ALLANS ANTIVat 1 tlie prcst rcmeilr Corpu
i.'nr. It h purely rrclRbl-iftii't iHriX-ctly hariolesn.
t act mi thi' food In tin- itoniftt It, )rtM?ntlii((Hcon
TrrMim Into fnU Tnkm ncconUnif to illn-ctkitis I.
Will rnlure Tut perwnn from 16 t b pound n wcrL
liirlarliitlilnrtmetiyhcrorPtliL' nubile as n poU
lire mrc lor nbcfcll)', wi ilo so kliovtlnjr Its ability to
eur, ttctc(1 by liunOroili of ttstlmonlaK nf
ilikh tin- rollnwlnjr from a laly In (tolumbus, tHilo,
U a enmplfi "GintIeintnjoiir Anti-Fat wiluly
recthel, I took It acconltnd io direction and it
Ti"liir-il me fire pounds. 1 wi Mctalm overt lie i
enlt that 1 ImmtdUtrtr rnt to Ackekman's drujr
pton tr the tccond bottle.'. Another, a pliypklin.
rlilnff for tint lent fiom rrotldcnce, II. 1., eup.
'Four Irntllfi liao reiluccd her Trclglit from IW
twundi to m pounds, aud thcrolaain:iLTaI Inipime-iiit-nt
In iHHltli.'' A pfntleinnn wrllinsr from Iios
ton, ill at " V Itlintit special change or attention lo
llrt,twobottli of Allun'd AntM'iil rcduei-d tin; lour
and mie-nimricr iwiimK" llic Mil-known AMiole
fnle l'HifrirlK PMiTii,lKnr.iTTt.K & bMint. of I ins
ton, M:ni., write-as fyllowl ' Allan's Antl-Fal has
rnliicid a lndy In nnr idty pcm pounds In threo
vtcks." A cintliinan In bit L011I4 writes 1 "All urn
Antl-Kat ifdiK'fd mo twehe pouii'ls In tlin-e etks
and altpjrPllH-r 1 luvn lost twtnt)-ilve pounds tlnro
romnipnclnaltsuse." Jlers. 1'oWKi.ta 1'limptov,
M liolfnalc l)niiT(rl6ts.or lluUato, aN. V.,wrltei "To
the rHorniKTon1 or Alias's Anti-Fati Uentii
jnrn, 'i lie follow tmr rvport U from the ladr who ucd
AHtn's Anti-Fat. rlt (ihe Atitl-Fat) lmd thedeflred
tfft'ct, reducing the fat from two to tire lioimds a
Treek until 1 had lost twrnty-flvf1 ikhiiuK. 1 hope
lienor to regain what I haelost.'" Anti-Fat li an
unexcelled blood-purl fler. It promotes digest Ion,
curlofz ilrsiH;pU, nnd Is also a potent reutedy for
rlieuniatfiin. Sold bydrufrgtsti. i'AmpbletonObcs
Ity sent on rerrlptorstaniiK - .
Ily nn limnone practice nt the World's Dlpcn
(ary nnd lm nllds' Ilotel, Imvlng t rented many thou
sand tncs of those diseases peculiar to vomaii, 1
liMf been i untiled to perft'Ct a most pott lit and posl
the itmdy for these dlseasta.
To Util(fnat this natural specific I have named It
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
The term, however Is but n fttble expression ol
tnvhlfrh npprecltlon of Us vatue, based upon per
ianal 11b ( 1 v ution. 1 hat e. wlillo w ltiics'lnx lu potl
the results In the ll-en?cs IncMeiit to the
crunlm of wotnnii. tdiitrlcd It out us the cllmni or
crown Inff crm of mr medleul career. On Its merits
us a posllhe, :ife,iind tlketual n uicdy for this class
otMlsJisos, nnd one that will, at till times and under
nil L'lrcuinMnucC3,nct kindly, I nni willing to stake
my reputation as a nnd so contlduitam
I that It will not dU-tppoInt the most eanpnlnt! ci-in-ctatlmisot
n tlnch'lulbl l.idy who uses Itfornny
ijfihy alinicntaior whh-li I iceomnun t it, t'i tt J oihr
iiiel hell It under A 1'OMTlVi; lAANTi:U (Ftr
et-ndltlons we pjniphK't i!ipplnr boltlo.l
'lh" f JImJiu an- iimtniB Mm-ic dlRew In Vlilrh
Im FuTortto I'niK'rlptlon has woi ked curt-s, as If by
I i.ijrlc. mi I with it ci rialnty never heron attained by
niiv 11 tndli. I nil l,iU-orrhea, Kxcesthe How in r,
'j l.i Tut Montidy lVrbuN, hnnprefslons wlwn from
iintiitLiinl rii'ius, ltu'cultirlilts, AVeak liatk. Pro
lijuiiS or Fullinp of l lie llltrus. Anteverslon and
l.Ytmterblou, Hurln)liwn rVnsitlons. Iuternat
II .it, Nervou Depnselon, DibUliy, Iiespondfncj',
'Ihrciteniil Mlsrarrlape, Chroniu 'onfrc-Bllon, In
11 (lnniitlonand Ulcer itlonot tliclJt ms Impotent).
li.irrtiin'Si, or bttrlllt)iiud Feniilo wenknens. I
'o not eitid this liiedlcliiu ns n rnre-ill," but It
r linlribl;' fullllk m IncIenesN r purpow, belli? a
ni' -d iK-rf'Tt fijKrlllr in all chronic dl:eaes of the
r Mial Hytteni iifwoiiiau. It will notillsappolut, nut
v I 1 ll do li.titn, lu any mate or eonIltlou.
'ilioso hoileblru further Information on thene sab
1 cts cun oid.iln It In Tut People's Common slnmc
JIt:itCAl. Auviskit, a tKKilt of ncr WO pact", wnt,
liiut-rnhl, on reedpt of It treats inlnuttly of
tltosti tit w ieeullir to Feuulea, aud gives much
ahtubb 'vice In re'.'aM to the in t vt
IlllM lUTiV '!
i'lrrorit.' t'nfwrlptton mold bj Pruulttf. r
j;. v. piuitcE. if. 1)., I'rojvy, Worlj Ulspcusary
Ua'l invalids' Hotel, liulTulo, .. Y.
autf. 80, ',9
Tho Lightest Running,
'Tho Simplest,
The Most Lurahlo,
Tho Most Popular
If 4 caMIf understood, tnmkea the
doublf-tlireud lot'k-stltcli, h-ielf
regulatlns lenalona and take up,
nnd tvlll do fiewhole range of family
work without c bailee
77ie Domestic ' la tnad In Ihe mot
tlurable nannert with conical eteet
hearing and compentattng journal
Tirjoj)M!rtrrA.TTT3HN8 for
Xadltn', nlf', mitt ctlWr' dm;
are (ut on a .yntoitl .upcrlor to any
in .tac, 0111I ear. ! understand by nnf
one. J'n!'dlrct'Uoiiiin!ilil(.irafioi
on enrh envelope.
Rend Fir Cenf for illustrated Cafa
Iooho of IOOO IVlihlorlf.
Sovrinji Machine Co., Hew York.
Airent "Domestic" Paper Fashions
Ueccmbcc ll, tSTT-ly
oltaintttfur vno tnvtntton, or fur tmprotemcnti
onotA vntt.furn ttltral or other comimunttt,tradt'
marie and tnbflr: Carentt, Aetlgnment. Inter
tTftire, j).crii', Suite for Jnfrtnffemente, aiUt
alt CtiMiM arlttua umter tha I'ntttit I. tun. -nr,,-,,,.
-InVftiltflUM thtlt htltfi be rth
yotiuM in ii, fawn i'i,,u.iM th r, K. J'.ifrnt
Department, ami taa"3"l in l'a'.' nt li lr .
clutttiln, ttt can tiiilt ru. r 'nrt t, nnif inn
j-uun more promptly, ana imia i,rt, idrr claims.
thanthnse whnlirr rtmnt from HwttHffan.
I I IWjbI ad Ea lA'ft'fc mVo.J send vs t mid
I I I fc'U 3! K 31 SB H 5 ' r sk.Mi oj
ilfcfi n nlAjlUlkjT.Ttfwjl yotirtl' tUe; us
make esuintnultons and tttlt ma a, tu patentability
frreprehartie. All nrrsitiuniUmestrMlijeon..
Jifrallnf. t'rlerslmo.tind So I ll.lf.tll. l.V.
ajj.ih r.irj:.r is.Kix nn.ii.
Wsrifir lH, Washlnntnn, f ;un. Tosfmrftler. hto B,r,r.n,Fomr,nrnamnn.
Amtrl vn t'Mnual ilanl.tit, petals ( de jr. h,
I attnt OJfvs, and to f.inutursaa,t XeprtuUMUts
Vt W"?,' "'iJ"l':l?Iito"rctunti Intcsru
btats ti.tri f.'nti.i, anil In f'ttiifi'tr. A.''rcss
OpputUt i'lllllil vsUluyto", J). a
Tho Biyant & Sfc'attoii
Business 'College,
JIo,.103'BbttU 10th ntw fhCat'o,
oireis uiiHurpiup a titclltiloa
furniiuirintri' ,uslnrasi v!"
ciUtou. Nti f ltltA tiiu t lor
ntiMty Urn . Ji viun.tua.
XllKktrutetl olrculnrii trco.
'aug; no,,ii.ssw a I 8
-it A
woek In your own to n. (a Outfit tree
riuc ueatier if vou wall a buolntu
Which Baruai of ellbr smr vsm rri&k
for putUuUnLil
iremuara..!'. iim tu.j 1,. i.
84 Nlntti Mrtft Plttt-linrir, luc 10, (Ml.
Jfcwrs. UliUllhlt, 11 KA O
(irnlltiiiiiu-iour rnlnls linto (tivt n intlrti t-ai-lsfnctlun.
1 liatc used tltcm on ntruoil mant tlltrcr
nitklnns 1 otlr. such t lion, T ri Uowl. iitlrk,
onrl Lerrtipjirrt nn.v complaint, on the con
trar)', tlio nork stands well nuu for car, will In my
opinion, atond villi nny lead In tlio mm kit. When
In nnnt of rcrcicncp In 'hlsclty or M'ttitty 3 oil aro
nt ntierU to ii'o my namo with ploasuro, also to use
flila us you tlttnk tifbC t
l!opcclfully Vonrs, . ?
JdllN T. tlltAV
rnlntcroud Dealer In l'atnta,. us. to.
st1i1ctly 1'uite v, 1hib lead, at the lowest
market hates, a'-
... ,t.i ..iim . m-At t.icunnowN, n cents
t i
I). 1 .f in), M
l,tll't' .d irltl lis) lllllilsl.l' f 1.1.1
riti ntuut ir,iuirle I, umii m nxii mi
. all,
Utrl'l. 1 1 .
i-ooMsnuiio, I 'A
y 'f -1."
The Four, duarterly RoViOWi-
A Nil '
BlackwoodV MagziiiM
T. 0 iiCisaxtt Sco t Pub'.Uhing Co.
41 Baolay St., Nowi'ork.
the iinmsii quahte. ly miview (F.vanfci-
BJaclwooiTs lialnrnii Maaaziue-
f 'ritesu HeprlriLt aro ot s 'lections; they irtve ,
theoilifliiulu In lull and at about one-third tlio prlco '
or tlio 1 ncilsh Ldltlnns.
No piiliitcallons enn comoiire. with tho eaillnft
Ilrltlsh Periodicals nbove named, rci rimed by the
"Leonard trott I'llljllsDIiuComimuy. inns ccttn
lldellly ot rescarcli, acenrncy ot slatrmcni, unci puri
ty of btjle, llify aro without an 'ruevVecp
pacu llh modern thought, discover, eitrcrtn.eut.
and ni'lilci einent, whether In rehclon, BClei co, liter
ature or art. '1 ho ablest writers nil their p ce with
tho most Interesting reviews ot history, antf w Hit an
Intelligent narration of Iho great ctcnls or tho day.
To mis fur IK? Including iUNtitKt
Pitt Ittllft Ktrlflltr In
tur any ouo iieview
For any two ltevlews
For nny threo ltevlews .
For nil rour llevlows
For lilnckwood's .Magazine
For Itlackwood and one Kevlew
For mack wood und tit cvietts
For Illuckuood and three liotlews
For Ulackwood and rour lift lints
ft (10 per annum
looo " "
11 i) '
4 no 'i
TOO ' "
10 (IU 'I "
13 0 "
15 (Hi " "
This Item ot expense, uon borno by the publish
ers, is eiiulvali nl to a reductl 11 or St per cent on
tho cobl lo sub'icrlbers in ronucr j ears.
A discount of twenty per percent, will bo allowed
to clubs or four or more iiei-hons. Thus: foui con
ies or Ulackwood or or one l'.evlw t 111 be sent to ono
address ror (li hi, four copltw ot the four itcvlcivs
anu Ulackwood lords, and so on.
Kcw subscribers (oppljlng earn) for tLByenrlsTH
may hale, without charge, (he numbers for tho Inst,
quarter or lsls or such perlodlils ns they subscilba
. Or Instead, new suliwrlbcrs to any two thr-e, or
four ot the alioie periodicals, mat haio oneoftho
"Four Ilovlows" for ltjjtt j subseilbm to all tn may
hnvo toot the "Four Ileiles"or one setot I latk
wootl's iliifiuliie ror 1S7S.
Neither premiums to subsci liters nor discount to
clubs can bo allowed, unless tho monev Isrt-mltled
direct to tho publishers. No premiums given ti?
To secure premiums it will be necessary to mako
curly application, as tlio stock available for that pur
IKso W llmlUid.
Tho Leonard Scott Publishing Co.,
11 t.AHtiUi ST., XHW VOI'.K.
Tho Poet Wldlller calls It "a complete success."
"Acts upon tho reader like a tonic. Tho editorial
di'p trlineut Is especially s'.rong." "lloslon Tran
script", "Cunllnues to hold Its place In tho very front ot
American magazines, low or which equal li In abili
ty ami U'juo oi which huvo greater originality and
freshness. "Mintlay School Tlmts."!
A Monthly Magazine
VOV till! ilOUKCllOlfl,
l'rescntlng only original matter, cqtult In literary
merit the leading hues, and sustains to
the rely lous press a relation similar to theirs to tho
secular press. It alms to Have Ut all lis essaia,
serials, stories, poems, etc., a lnorul purpose, w Idle
In Its Editor's 'table aro Lsorous. discussions or live
rellgous themes and ot bi cular tuples from thu rf .
Ilglous standpoint. It Is Preeminently lieadable.nnd
nils a place occupied by nu 01 her puUlciiiton.
Us articles on Practical l'liluuthmimy, Fiction,
both beiUI nnd Short fctorles, and llook lb views aro
hpeelal leaturen.
in oniriiMiior.s zncliitlu
. I'lOf. (LP. Fisher.
Edward Hale.
' J'ror F. A. w ulker,
Kov, .lames Y. Clarke,
Iter. Dr. A. I I'cabidy,
Her, ur, J, T, '1 ucker,
liev. L. V. liacon.
Hebecea II. D.tvls,
lloracu K. ecuddcr,
lioo Terry Cooke,
tllen '. 1 ilner.
KaraltO. Junelt,
Jtev. Hr. E. a; Washburn.
.ifclul Oiler.
It will bo Bent for one) ear for
50 Ifl postage paid to who tubscrlbo
rpjii.W IIEIOIIE January 1, ls7,.
tir Ho not fall to act promptly If j ou wish to ac
cept the special oner.
W,(hj a j ear, postage paid. Send 15 cents for spec
imen copy.
nor.i,,. Sprlngncld,-Mass.
Nor. 10, 1879.
For New Vork, Philadelphia, neadlng, I'ottBvllle
THinanua, ic, 11,4s a. m
For Catawlssa, 11,45 a', in. T,S1 and T,S5 p. m.
For Williamsport, o,sw t,m a. m. and 4,oe p. m.
Leave New York, 8,43 a. ra. '
Leave 1'hUadelphla, ,45 a, m.
Leave Heading, 11,68 a. m., Pottsvllle, 1S,H9 p. m
andTamaqua, 1,43 p. m.
Leavo taUwlssa, 0,80 a. m. and 4,00 p. m.
Leave Wllllamspori,,45 a,in,s,18 p. m. and 4,60 p. m
rasscngcra to arid from New Y'ork and l'Ulladil
phia go througa n ithout cUango ot carB.
a. ti. HAVnnnir .-vUv..
(Jeneral Ticket Agent.
Jan.14, uio if.
nme-TaDie no. s, Take eBect at 4:30 A
p.m. p.m. a.rri.l
a.m. p m. p.m
a ao
. 11 4 scranton
9 as
a 10
s ia
a is
A til.
s 11
9 04
8 4
West llltstou
. mi
9 43
9 SI
S U0 8 S3
111 I 40
S4I 8 43
S 49 C bl
2 63 C 65
9 61 6 0
8 16 I 10
8 18 T IS
It tit T
1 M
S 4a
I 4i
IS 41
IU .
a co
a id
9 S9
9 19
10 01
m..AI U
8 13
8 19
9 04
8 44
..l'lymouth June.
. Plymouth
... .Atondalo
10 18
10 83
6 n a SO III
10 it 8 13 I VS
8 IS 8 IS
s 04 a 114
1 61 1 n
S 41
s au
.tltirtlr'tr'a raAL' I, a ..,
8 It
8 IS
a m
.Hilt'kshlnny.. .10 f6 a 10
T KB S 89
1 hi
.i.v a . r 11 ...
..Ueocu Ilaien.
-Herwlck ....
llrtar L'rtek.....
. Willow drove....
Lima HldgenH
1 ti
T 18
I 14
T 10
I til
S Vi
t nr
T 44
I as
I as
6 U
60 I at
4 1 41
e Si 1 si
a 15
llmuirt '
t'atawlasa Hrtdgei
. ...tuji.itu .,
, .Chulasky,, ...
. . .Cameron
9 61
1S4 6 45 9 to
W, , . HAtJrViir tfal
" 1 . xt&Lfi
aau-'a ObbM, BeraMtli,
8 S8 I 43
11 IS 4 10 8 1&
II 8 4 H g 05
11 II
I S ! S3
H 41 141
ill 43 4 43 c
!! f. e au
in oi . 00 as
IS 18 6 18
mm., .1
Tt. 1
.St .. 1