The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 15, 1878, Image 3

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    fIHT "D n A I ir ir r -i i -v-r
uijii UULU M 151 A IN.
ul oo ms nun (i. ritiHAx, sov. is. isjs
Kail llniiil Time Tnlti.
Accommodation Train, A.M.
Hall Train ,, . j.
Repress Train i,f: p.ji,
NO Kill.
Accommodation Train A.M.
Heifiitu Kxpress 4,o p. 51.
4.49 P. M
T,f r. M.
11.43 A.M.
Through cars on Express train cither to New York
or Philadelphia, Accommodation train runs between
CiUnwissa and Wliliamsport.
Kxcctitors of William Milncs ilcccnscel, will
ell real D'tnto nt Kspy, Lime It'nlgo nnel ltu
pert on November ltltli nnJ 'JOtli.
Kxceutor of Christian Wolf ilecensed will sell
renl cstnle in Mifllin, November Dth.
The lAccutnra of llenrv llei-liline, will offer
rcnl estate for tulc on llio premises in Mailing
creek township on November 7lh nt 1 o'clock
p. in.
Administrator of Montgomery Colo ilcccns
eel will sell reul cstntoin Siigarloaf, November
Administrator of I). A. llowman ilfceascel
will sell real estate in Centre township Noveni-
bsr 1-lth at two o'clock.
See advertisements in other columns.
Buikwhenl Hour wanted on stiWtiption.
CUevr JACKSON'S 11KST Sweet Nnly Tnbtee-cn.
A largo amount of valuable property was de
stroyed by lire nt Capo Mny last Sunday.
The Fairbanks' manufacture over 60,000
scales a year. Where do they all go 1
Tho entrance lo the county offices under the
Court House has been improved by the laying
of flag stone in place of hiick pavement.
Judge Klwcll went to Sunbury on Wednes
day to bold court for Judge Hockafeller who is
The Illoomsburg lias Company has declared
a semi annual dividend of 3 per cent piyablo
December 1st. '
Ksv. Mr. Hay, canvos-cr for the "Church
rxa ' the leading Episcnpili.m paper of the
coil i ry, prracliiel in St. Paul's ( lunch last Sun
day. New Blanks. Just printed, petition for ap
point unit of guardian, precipes for summons
Sid excution, rules to arbitrate, and nil kinds ol
attorney's blanks.
Bonds for sale eslate,School Treasurer',
bonds, Warrants to Collector of School district,
and blanks for Collector's sales just printed at
this office.
For the benefit of the public, wo would state
that J, F, Davis, of Portsmouth, Ohio, has sold
One Hundred and Thirty-eight TliotHand 11 jx
es of Sellers, Liver Pills,
Siniuel H. Mason, Greenback candidate for
Governor has made an assignment for the bene
fit o( credilors. about $25,000 being enterid
against him Now wo know why he wanlB
more greenbacks.
Public squat s 'tre a great blessing to the com
munity. We an siy the s line of Dr. Hull's
Hiby Syrii. j it is tho best remedy for the cure
of all eliseises Ilahyhooil haslo encounter. l'rue
only 2-) ci nts.
For the lirst stages of croup, or for children
who nre siiljrci to croup, uolhing npials Haas'
Kxpectorint. Mothers, nmiy childrtr have
been relieved by this valuable lune-ly I
J. II. Maize has put down a stone fliggirg
on theCentrcstrett side of hisstore. This is a
decided improvement on the old walk. Mr.
M. ite is one of our mo-t enterprising business
More than Two Hundred and Fortv-tivc
Thousind hotth- of Sellers' Cough Syrup have
been to'd by the liim of J no. D. Park A Sons,
fl in: it Mi:kit. All the fairs give the first
premiums and spcc'ul awards of greit merit to
Hop Hitters, as tin purest ami best family med
icine, and we most heartily approvo ol the
awards for we know they deserve it. They are
now on exhibition at the Slate Fairs, and we
advise all to test them. See another column.
Last Notice. As tin- clate of Peter Ent,
deceased must bo immediately settled up, all
who are indebted lo it, hv note, boolf account or
oilier wise, are reipilred to make payment by
December First, or suits will be brouuht.
U. H. Knt,
tf Administrator.
An old Ilillimore negro who had emigrated
lo Liberia y-eur ago, ordered . quantity of Dr.
D ill's Ornish Syrup a short lime ago, stating
thut although coughs and colds were not so fre
ipjint In Africa, he would not like to be without
it ill his family.
Homk CAMP Meetino We have been In
formed that the Melhodist (Jot p; renal ion of this
place will hold Kperiil s-rviccs in their church
fdllloe on Third Street for one week, beginning
Wednesday 20lh insl., at seven o'clock p. in
Sermons by visiting ministers ill be preached
at 10 o'clock a. in.2J and 7 p. m. each day after The congregation extends a cor
dial Invitation to tho public to attend and pirlie
Ipatu in these special -u-rvices.
lie fleet thut in every cemetery one-half of tho
client tenants are the of neglected
Coughs and colds; ami ifyou are thus aillieli''.
avoid their ale by User ing etlniioe lo IMe'tHtn
eye J on hound und Tar, an immediate, agrtea
hie, and attain mums of tuie-. Sold by al
Druggist. Pike's Toothache Drops cure in 1
A CoitKLCHoN. After 1 ho footings of the
e'lecl'on table had been made la-t week some
change-s were- made in the tuhle by comparing
it with the ollhial vole which changed the lo
Ills, The work was done hurriedly, m it bud o
be to get it in la-t wiek. and this change in lo
tals was ovir'iokul Our amotion has been
cillcd to tin fuel i hat the- vote for Auditor
should beS. K Sni.ih. 3271 iu'lead of 311M.
William L. Manning 3271 Instead of 3127.
Many cillztns t f this town were exceedingly
anxious to get eltciion returns on Tuesday nlglil
ol last Week. Seo'iig a chance for a "grab,"
the Western Union fixed its price, for returns al
twenty e'ollars. The pirtles Interest I refused
lo i ly tills rxtorlhnate sum, and through the
kludiiessof Dennis McDnuld were taken to
llupert ill a IihmiI car, where they received the
news in a much better shape for seven dollars,
over the Heading Kail Hold wires. We lesiu
that failing lo njueiita twenty dollars, the West
ern Union cune down tj ten dollars or less,
In order to make the polilloal record com
plete, it should be sUlcil that Colonel Freeie id
dro.sed the Dill Club, at the Hall In the IW
oush of Herwick, on Monday evening Nov, lib,
Hudson 0en prcsidod, and tin Hand disco irs
nl eicellunl liHl-ic.
As herelofjre announced, a democratic meet
ing was held In Jackson Nov. 21; at which
Judge Derr presided, assisted by Win. Lawton,
Klhlia Bobbins, Wesley Morris aud D.ivld
Drelblebis as Vice PreslJenl, and Allnas Cole
and (leo. W, Derr as Secretaries.
Chailta W, Miller, K-i)., ld Col. John G,
I'une addressed the lueeliug..
The regulnr monthly metlne was held at
the Council room on tho evening of November
"th, llcrrtnir, l'reldent and Drinker. Sliarnless.
Kvan, Itabb and Holmes prcsrnt. Mlnutoiof
lat meeting read slid approved. Street Com
mlloner ijlmir-r rrlKittcil that owing to Iho
sickness of (1. 11, ("Irani, contractor for the ma
son work on the Coleman bridge the work wis
done by John Heiiuer at 60 cents per perch.
The I'resii'iiit reported that I). J. Waller Sr,
donates to the town laml iied In opening and
extending West street, and that the necessary
papeis Houhl be sijintil to that effect, Mr.
Drinker ol the committee on lu of Town
bonds reportul that the romuiitteo bait not yet
held a meeting. On motion tho matter of the
payment of stale tax on the Town Iwnds was re.
ferred to the solicitor, -tho shall ndviso nt the
next melting ns to whether tho said tax should
be paid by the Town, or by the hotdtrs of the
bonds. The President reportul that be had
been served wiib a notice to open a rnid from
M. Appleuian's to Scott township line. On
motion tho following bills were approved and
tho Secretary authorized to draw orders for tho
same I
Shaffer, street ' ommisioncr, $119 93
Illooimbnrg Ois Co., for Oct., -lU.OS
It. Knnyon & Co., I nrdware, 5,(i"
J S Kvnns, pick and hammer handles, 4.30
K. Mcndenhall, Lumber, 11,1U
J Miss, Alio
J. llionus, Constable, 8.
J. 0. Sterner, Police bill, 21,00
Street Commissioner presented a bill for col
lection against lllnomsburg Lumber Co, for
cleaning nut ditch $2 00, to which 20 per tint
was added, and bill reftrred to solicitor. On
motion Council adjourned lo meet November
13th lb7S.
The IlepuWcan says the election table in the
Coi.ti.Miiu.v last week was "full of errors." ,t
sKted elsewhere, the table was liMlly lirenared
of necesdly, in order to publish it last week
We an under obligations to one of the cditeus
of the Hrpnljlicnii for asi-tance in adding ii
thecolrmns in nliich seve ral errors occurred
I lie uemocralti! pipers ol tou cmnty were
held somewhere week after leaving the pn-
oflice here, apparently for the purpose of de.
laying the last issue before the election, Thi
was a contemptible trick, and if ever practiced
aain we shall lake prompt measures to r&
certain who the guilty parlies are.
A fire in Orangeville on Friday afternoon de
stroyed considerable properly anil threatened
the destruction of the town. The tire startee
in Delong's stable, and three of his barns, and
one belonging to Mr. Low were burned before
the 11 lines couhl be got under control, The
fire companies of this place were sent for, but
before they got Rtartcel worel came that the lire
was e becked.
Last week, J uesday, in accordance with the
law, the Court convened for ihe purpose of
counting the votes of the county. All the re
turns were found correct except in four di
trii'ts where the election boards had not made
their returns in proper form. In two of them
Ihe return sheets contained a li-t of names of
all candidates without staling for what office
votes bail been ca-t for them. In Ihe otherfi
the number of votes had not been set out in
figure a and words at length Warrants were is
sued for tli ollicers of the four districts to come
into Court and cornet their returns. They ap
peared on Selurday and the counting of the
vules was completed Kieclion ollicers shoiilel
exercise great cire in unking out their returns,
and thus save themselves and the county much
A Itni.i.uirx Lin: I.vsuhasce Policy We
tako pleasure in commending to our readers a
thoroughly sale and reliable life iusiirauee
agenev, whose funds or assets are inexhaustible
It is a stoek company operating under the piint
title Health. Life policies are issued i.i the
form of Dr Piere's Golden Medio il I)i-coveiv
and Pie-asml Purgitive PelleV (which, if liken
as directed, insure the system ag liiHt di-ease)
upon payment ol a very small fee. All the
piincipal druggists are (on-tiiuted agents.
The th inks of the senior e-ditor are due J lines
Iveeli-y, L-ij., for e-uurlenes extended him dur
ing a ri'C'nt visit to the interior of tin N'ort'i
Ashland Colliery in Coiiynglnm township
To uudrrslanil the Ixbors an! .dangers of a mi
ller's lite it is necessiry to go down where Ibey
work. The nuggets of u,al which Sherill Hofl'
mm and the senior editor ''dug o,it" will be
prese.ved as lelics.
PiiOVIIiKNcn, It. I, Sept. 10, 1S74
Dr.. Gu.ia : 1 paid one hundred dollars lo
.1 veterinary surgeon fjr medicine and attend
ance on a valuable saddlo horse, without any
benefit. He , was lanio mm a cm 4 for more
than a year, and U'e'ess in consequence of it.
Nu ivmvdy I coul.t find hid any e fleet. I ap
plied Ihe L.uimeut Iodide Amnion! e, aud to my
great surprise found th .1 It removed both lump
and lameness. Havi g driven him recent y
over a very rough road, sixty miles in two ebies
two of the hottest days this summer Mlliout
the least symptoms of return of curb or lame
ness, As a preeMUiion, I took u bottle of lini
ment with me", but had no inv.i-i.i., to use it. In
all cas.s where a liniment cm be applicel it
givn mo the greatest Katisf iclion.
J. It. Tallman,
Sold by all druggists. Send for punphlet.
Dit. Gn.w.
120 West IiroadHiiy, N, Y.
Trial size 25 cents.
The Ohio Scale Woiks, of Cincinnati! have
just completed and arei now introducing to the
public, under Ihe title uf the UNI VKKSA L
FAMILY SCAM:, an article that 'has alwajs
been needed in every household ; and, in a
coiiimunicntion addressed to tlu publishers of
this pnii-r,(be. propiietors ask us to refer iheui lo
souie reliable pirty who will represent the in in
introducing it to the people of this county. It
is very seleloiu that a new article stcpsso sin',
denly into universal favor. Housekeepers art'
loud in lis prni c, for il possrsses the merit of
being always ready; there are no weights to
hunt up and adjust, Is always reliable will not
gel out of order and is an ornament to the
kitchen. The elescription is simply a h-ise stir
uiounte'd by a hollow colsmn, in which works a
spiral spring so scientifically gauged and adjust
i'd ns lo weigh anything up to twelve pounds
with perfect ace. iracy. On tho top af the col
umn is a pl ttfilrm on which the articles to bo
weighed are placed, lly the mero turning of u
sciew the tare of the dish, pl.ile", or whatever
you may use in weighing, is taken nut and lbs
net Height given. Housekeepers at unco see its
value in Hilglslng sugir or fruit, in making pre
serves or jellii-s, or in testing the butcher's or
grocer's weight, and the thousand and one cases
that oe I'll r here something that should he Wi lull
ed uccuialcly is ncevssiry. The Scabs are hand
souiely painttel and bronz-d, and are sold about
one third Ihe price charted fur the Inferior sit
us eif the same capacity. It seems m us thai
ucarlv every family in Ibis county would want
erne, it is ceilaiuly a rar opportunity for some
smsrl rnirgetlc parly lo plik up quite a nice lit
tle Inioiue during the next few months. The
Company has agents in i.n more favorable loca
lion bu nre luiktng $6 00 lo Stl CO per day, and
theie ale certainly severs! in this vicinity who
can d ) as well We riesimuiend such to mldros
llm Ohio Soile Works, K'iu and GeoigeSlreets,
Cincinnati, ()., and all inforuiAtion, etc., will be
cheerfully given them by ineiit'onlngour paper
In .Northern China nurnio Is mixed with
tobae-co for miokiug, and ini-.lonaiics state
that thu men who stuoko this uiixlitiu uta
. f . ...:.l. 1 i:t - I 1
t-toui iciiuwtf wiiu mugs iiku ncitowH aim rosy
checks. Tiousn an, and morn iiccutly 1inde,
liavo icconimeiided tho smoking ol'ur.eiiicul
cigancttcs iu lung diieaica.
Tho Uelurii Judgcn uf the Klcvpntli Oon-
(rcssiona! District met nt Mntich ChuiiW.lho
plncH fixed by huv on Tucsdiy, November
12th. 1S78. H II, Quick, of Pike. Wm II.
Vatnviv, of .Monroe, .In n m A It tillM i ttnttr
(1. L. Ualspy, o Ltizeriic. Mr. Keminel. ol
Oirban mid II. V Zirr, of Columbia hein
present nt the Court House, A temporary or-
ganizitloti win made! by electing U. F. Zirr
Chairman nnd O. L. ll-.ilsey, Secretary. On
motion tho retiirii.Iudges presented their cru-
ltitinls, Upfin the presentation n' the cte-
dititlals of Mr. Atil from Mnntour ll.ilseynnil
Ileuitntl objected to It on the ground that it
1 1 1 not set lorth that thcro was no resilient
Itide of the, Court of Common Pleas til' said
county nod further It did not set forth that
the Risochites were candidates, the crcden-
this of Mr Aul lulling beii made bv the
Register of Wills, Sheriff', nnd Commission
ers of slid county. Mr. Zirr said this was
nn objection too, and the creden
tials were strictly in accord nice with the pn
visions of tlin law nnd that credentials were
of nn Importance If the rcrtlfli'ato of the
votes cast nnd computed were In sufficient
form to ascertain the votn eist for the sever
al candidates. Up lo this timu no return
Judge (rum Lackawanna having put in an
appearance, Halsey moved an adjournment
to giietlme to the Lackawanna Judge to
arrive. Hits motion carried nnd an adjourn
mcnt wus bad until 2 o'clock p. in. At 2 p
m. the Jiidgo not linvliit! arriied another
adjournment was bad at the inst.inco of .Mr.
Hnlsey to ,r p. m. Met at 0 p. in. nnd then
adjourned until 8 p. in.
At 8 o'clock p. ni Mr, D.ivid P. Harton
appeared as leltirn Judge of Lackawanna,
with certificate sugncd by Judges Haudley
and Stanton, whereupon Mr. Hnlsey filed or
presented a protest nnd claimed to be tho re
tin Judo also of L.ickiiw.iiin.i, on the
gio mil that tho act erecting L icknwantia
county did not provide for a congre-sinnnl
r-turn Judge of that county. Mr. llenimtl
preeiiti-d n protest against tho counting ol
tho vole of Montour county for the reasons
heretofore stated. At this point Mr. Z irr
-tated that the duty of return Judges was
very plain under the lavr.being simply mill
isterial, not having judicial powcrs,nor were
they the proper tribunal lo settle questions
of the character raicd, mid the lime lor
casting up the votes of the district and mak
ing certificates was drawing to u close.and ns
f.trns be was concerned be proposed to heir
iu more bull-dozing but to enter upon tho
discharge of his duty, when the return
Judges of Montour, Monroe, Pike and Lack
awanna expressed tin ni-eKis of the same
opinion, and the ceriilitatcs of the gentle-
n eT ol the five in unties were prt"ente-d mid
the casting up of the votes was begun. At
this point .Mr. Hnlsey and .Mr. Itominel totik
n higher seat, to-it : Ihe Judges lie iich.nnd
deeideil that they were now ready lo recehe
the returns of tho congressional return
judges. Mr. Hnlsey nominated .Mr. Item
mel as Pie-hlent, nut the motion uml voted
it. They tailed two gcntle-nii n from the
audience to' ict as Clerks uf their ro tuning
Mr. Hnlsey iu u loud voice called oil' tho
vote of the several counties from ii men o-rn-u'iini
except the cmiiilv of Montour, de-
c a i g Mr. Atbrig'u'g niajo i'y iu the dNui. t
to be 01 votes, ilnl-ey and K unnel toeii
adjourned and loll the court room. The re
turn Judges of the counties of Mon'otir,
Columbia, Monroe, Pike and Lick.iw.iuim
continued thi'li duties nliero they weie sent
cd, making their proper i's am! find
ing by the true and c irrcut count in ihe dis
trict .Mr Klotz'.s majority to be Ho ote-s .end
by the certillc lies presented by thu five n-
Urn Judge Mr. Klo'z's niiij irity was '.191
Hnlsey and Ileum, id weie reeuguit-il as re-
tl'ii Judges of Carb-ui am Luzerne, aud
when they aiiuotiuci-d llio votes uf those
eoiinlies, tiiey were counted by tho r. urn
Judges and certificates iinul m curdinglv,
At in) timo belore the arriv il ol Mr. Ilirim
did .Mr. Halsey eliiui lo bo reliiin Jtilg
for Lackawanna, but .n tho contrary s'tited
rc eatedly tliat they bad n eertilie t'e Inmi
the I'rotbonotary showing tbn vote, which
certilii-.ite, he exhibited to several gentle
men. Tue return Judges e'f the five c.iun
ties having m ide their e-rtifie:ito fnun thu
whole vote e.l-t in the district, wlj i.iru.'il
11 I-'iiam; 'A.usn,
Congribsionnl lieluru Judge lor Col Co.
in tub wu i.i: iiijtoiiy dp mcoicini:,
No prepara ion lias ever p.-tfurmi-d such mar
udlous cuies, nr maintniui'd so wide u ie),uia
lion, ns Ajers Cherry IVetoiul, which is rec
ognized i.s the world's remedy lor all di-cases
ol'tho throat and lungs, lis' hog e'ouiiuned
serh sol' wonderful cures in ail c iiuales has
made it uniw'r.-ally kiumn u. n sab-tun! lelia
ble agent to eniplov. Agiiiu-t oidiiiun- cold-,
which are Iho I'oieruuueis of uioiu serious dis
orders, il nets HM'dlly and ure!v, ahvujs le
li "ling sntl'.oiiig, and n l.-n savfuj life 'Ihe
pioteelion il ull'onls, by its linu-ly u.,o il. llio
throat and ling ilisorders of childieii. make i .
nu inyn. noble remedy to be ke-pl iilwais on
blind iu every home. No person can ull'oid lo
be without it; uml llio-o who Invn once'iised it
n verwill. From their niovili-dgo ed' it eoni
poj.iiion and ellecls, l'liysicians u-o the Clieirv
Pectorul exten-iu-ly in tlieii- prneti, u, a iil
Clergjincn ri'ionnnend it. It is nlwlutch cer
tain iu its icini'dial e-lli cls, uml will alwnis.
cure wherncuievs are
IV it Sai.k u v ah. I)i:ai.i::is
jl no 1.
selojus' GOlIGlj svnu?!
Over I.imo.coo I .ill.'S S..1.1. II Utl.r.) , 1 ,
ill ir n tinsU- I r fills. til.!.-.. 4 v.
IM'lltSll.Nl.sS. KI..I nil I lllto VI-i.n I t. Ml
(llse-iises. ll.iK I . en iri use-ti.r,,,0 11 . 1
lors res'uiniiit n.t It, .1. 1 . . sa, , 1 i., 1 , 1 ,, 1...
1 ..: "11 .... I ,.. 1 11. .. , I -u,u., I,, ,,1 1 " '.e.i
SIUMI-S4, ir lliltlllir.1, N'.t.. hI-U --Ml l V. M t
II..- v .i-e roil-. li inn .1.1,1," T.tUe tin oll-i 1
I'rluH, ,s nts, .11) e-i'iits, 11 n.l s I, (111 1 1 r 1 1 u ...
li. i:-..v to., J-f.:"-.''"i'-'in:i. -
H;irl, T-l)1 enw
It mikes 111 elilf. liow many Phy-icl.ins,
or how mm h uinliilue tun have tried, it is
now an olabliskeil fiel (irrin.111 Syrup is
the only remedy which has give n ciiiiqilt-te sal
1-fsclivn iu se vero cases elf Lung Ili-ea-es. It
is true Ihete are yel Ihuiisands of 1.,-i-en s who
are predisiiwrt to Thru it mid Lung: Albeiious
Consumption, lleinorrh iges, A-ihnia. S.v. 11
Colils M-nle-d t.ii ihe I!re-u"l, I'm iinn't.i i,Vhoi p
ing liiugh, .le , vi ho b u-e no persohal kn wl
e Ige of I! ii-ebee's Germ 111 Kyrup. To suih we
would say that 50.000 elei-n weie sold la-t year
wilho'lt one complaint. Consumptives iry just
(.tie bottle, Ileular tile 75 11M1, Sold ly al
Druggists In America.
Sept. 0 If.
Yierl.iits Cmises
sdrai cine ears, care, si,! in M,itlaia,litmeiit,aiul
lieiedliary reillsikltloii all oisrile lo tuin Ihe
half. I'loj, 1 ml i tilu r of II. em lM loslieel re.
inalurely. Avm's 1 1 a it Yuma will tenure lulled or
grav.lli.lit nnd nil luilr Iu 11 itUi liewn C'releep
L'l.tcl; as inav ilislied. It w II lis and eh uuse-s ll.e
scalp, gtt lug It a 1 eal'liy stlloii, eind icmou-suiid
cures uanUrurf and lnm ois, lly Its use latpngliulr
U clui Ked, aid a new gro tU w III lie proanee d In .!!
cases where the full clis are hot (leislro.eed or glands
elecuje-d. Its eaeels a'0 It nuliru'ly H.eiwn on
Ira-liy, weak or MeUy hair, town, li a few up; ll.-a-ttoiis
will predate llio glrtji and inthitesscf joiitli
Harmless and tuie In lis rirotlon It Is Incoinpara
I'lo as a drtiksli'g, and Is espeelally lalued r lie
buftluslro nnd rteluiesscf toi.e It linpuila. 11 con
nln jicltturrtl 1 or Uje, and will net eolt or u.lor
unlti c.iiitl rloi jet It. lasts long on the hair, nnd
keeps It fresh and vigorous,
ton silt uv 41 1. nt.41 t:sc. 1,0.3
i,K "" K IISAlSg
, r , sis,
Kiaily Cheap y pp tej. at tue COLCU
UIAN Ofijce,
Wlieat per bushel
Itu "
Corn, new, "
Hats, " " ,
flour per tiarrcl
1'ioverseesi , ...
Klaxseeil li
nutter vfi
Kggs .18
'I'allnw .os
1'otatocs , w
Dried Apples ol
Hums , a
M.ies MlOlllllerB 1
Lnm pi r pound is
nay per ion ... S
lieeswax its
innoiuyneed 5.11.
yuuTATios: roll i'iial.
No. on Wharf f s,ai Inn
No. r, " j j.
No, n " " a 10
Wacksmlth'st.utupon Wtmrt t a.u "
Hutuninoiis " 4 mi . Notices
The cl oapest nnd best riniK-iniiile Clntli.
ing always 011 hand at Lnwitiiieri;'.
The lalest style of hats always 011 hand nt
1). Lowenberg s.
Overcoats. Overcoats.
I'or Men, llijs am Children
at I). L'mciibfrg s-
Winter Clothing cheaper ib.itt ever at 1).
Lov nbe rg's,
A fine selection of L idles' Gold Wntcbc
ami Chains, both American ami imported
liv the titst makers nt L. lleriiliniirs Jewel
ry bi'ire.
It nt hcaibpi'irtrrs nt Mi Kinney's.
Y.ui can get Applelou "A" Muslin at
Lu tz it Sloan's for 7 edits a vard by Un
bolt. Trade dollars taken
V. O. Milvitmev's.
for 100 cents tit
A lot ol new Cassimers and more Heaver
Cloths ju-t in at LutzeV Sloan s.
Having obtiiinid the agi iicv of this
Ci:i.i:iiitATnii Soai1
for Illoomsburg ami vicinity, I append the
opinion of some of our b';st"pe-oplo 11s lu its
"I have 11-ctl Dobbin's Klrctric Soap made
by 1. L. Crtiglri & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.,
for washing about ten year-, :ini think il
superior to iiny other. Mrs. CJ. r, ll.trklev,
"We have Used Dobbin's KlectricSuap and
I1...1 1 !.. .. .. .. 1
nun iv superior 10 any inner or au oinen, Vt. II. ,l:it tsby,
Mrs. II. II Stolnie'r.
1 eirsiro all my friends nnd customers to
(me this Soap one Trial,
' that Ibey may knoiv jut bow good the
llest soup in the United fclatfs is.
J. II. Maizij.
jttly 12, '7S-lv l!lotuiislirg, P.i.
Tin- India Waterproof (.'loth is the best
in the market, litz V Sloan have .all col
Hoots and M lie ,i m McKinr.ey's.
Crnniplnii's I'lilin Soap is die best latin
dry -nop iu ibis or nny oilier iiuiikei. I'or
-ale hv Jacob II. .Maize. may 18-3iv
Mckintievs Mioe Store below Court
Aien s untp-rslurls mid Drawers 2j cents
eac'i at Lutz .t slo.m s.
Call at McKinney's lor Shoes.
Trv it Huy it
Palm Palm Palm Soan
At Jacnb II. .Maize's nt Jacob H. .Maize's,
mny 3-18w
liubbers nt .McICinney's.
Lutz it Sloan are selling rood Canton
Flannel for 7 csnts a yard.
Cranipion liroiher's Palm soap nt Jacob
II. Maize's. It is the best. Try it.
may H-lSw
Ailuiisj0, fr,r ,lt Mckiiuiev's
More l)ies (!nois IUui Shawl-just receiv
ed ul Lutz A Sloan's
1 tie rs Ti stameiitary on tho est.Uo of John
Ml ic, late of Ijs'Ust towiistilp, I'oliiuiti.i county
ileectseil, l ave liet-n irranteit by the lit gM, r of said
coiuity to the tin 1,-rslg 1 uwuton or same two.
All persons ha. lug claims a ..ilnsl the eslale are n-.
uiie-sicd to ii'seuit ih.'ni for setiieiuent aud Ihose
ludehlcdlo make pa men! wltlioiit ilelnv.
.1 iin 1. ki.ixi:. 1
PKI Lit I. KII.NK, 5-Ksccutors.
h. I'. IKSLEII, A t nay. Locu-t two.
o':l. s, "7s.e.w '
1 ).M I X I sT I ! A TO 1 t'S Xt ) l'I C
KS1A1K 01-.I01IV Cl-'( hKCKASHi
hellers uf iliiiliitMratlon on the estsic of.Trlm
j'alli, luleof lei.tie lownshlp. i-niuinhlu eo., dei' tl
have eeie granted hy Ihe, lleLl-li r ol siihl eoilim 10
liieiiinii'i-igiitii Auuilntstriittir.lo wlieimiill in'tsnns
itidelili'U at u 11 iui-sii d lo make Immediate paimi-nt
11 id tin is- having claims or deinaints itviilnsl ihi- es
tai" wilt iniike tluin kLuwn to the num nlstialer
wlllioul delay.
... ,. , suiiitiilsitaior,
(.. . MiUsa, i-entro tuwmi.ln,
Attorney. net. II, Isis &v
Ul'll'Oltb .SOTlClv.
In tiio inallerif tho acco'tnt rftierr-'C u. conell
iinu w to. 11. Weaver, t.xecutorn or (ieorgo Weii
v.r, tl -ce ise 1.
The lUld.-lnlKll.'d Allllllnr appoint si Ly Ihetir
Ihitis uo'iirifiin foiintynr I'oliiinht 1 lotllstrin
illotli'i n.iliii.'i. I tin 11 nt Hit iiiToiniUiils
a iioiig th" paril-s eniltled thiplo, wilt meet nil
paltte ii.teiesiel tor Ih- purpns e.f 1,1. ajip.!nt-in.-iit
at Ills I.i vv oCle-111 uhsnustnirgon v duo I'ay
Hie 4-t.i .ley of Nov nili'r, A 11. Is! at lea
o'clock .1. 111. of sal J el n, win 11 and where all pat lies
11 av pn sriit, liwr elalms In fo-e llio ull JP or It Ihey
IJiluk pioper, or lie celiarred from cumiug In lur 11
shoe or hill itind.
A. C. SMI 1 II
oet. 18 '.s-iiv . AUilPor.
Letters of Adnilnlsir.iltoii on ihe estiue if Iuntel
Mlle-r late or lie hit lowiiship. I oluilllil.l Ciillllt-,
IVnllsiU'jiili, ne'Ci-.i-itl. hive iH'i'ii tl.inuil to Ihe
111 ulster ul mm i-utiM) 10 the tuideislgned Admin-l-lii.lrl.
.11 purlins liiillinr il.ilins avHln-l
111" est lent Hi" itt't'eilent 'Te reipn sleilto ru-eiil
tlu-lll fi.r sitlliniei.t ui.el lho-e llidi l.lrd In the es
lilte to iiih Le pit uiei.l 10 the undei -.laned AUmliils
trail 1 without delaj.
C, W.MiiiEit, Att'y. Iieavirtup.,
iKt. Vi, 'Is o.v Adintulsir. nit.
Letters nf iiiluiliil-trailun on the esiato of Miry
1 . Metier, latent Mlllllu ton iishlp I'ululnhla Counli,
IV , deeeiii.i-11, h.iio neen gr litidhj the Itegisier of
said cotiiity to Him u-nie-rsli.-i.e'd Ailudiilslralor
lo wl'iiui ull persons. Indented to m,l,I csiate ate ic
ipiesied to make pat. merit, mid iliose liaiin
il.ihns or ileii.atnU nguin-,1 the sail e.state will
lie! 1 '"' kUin,i' 10 llju tal1' adliilnMrutur wlllioul
,, ... .Mimin towiistiip,
U, W.Min m, Aehnlnlsiraior.
Altoriiey. oe t. 11, "is w
Letters Testament cry on tho estate or Joshua
mink, lain nf liei.tou tonnsldp. L'oiiimMa I'niiii.
ty. IM , I'liiebe-en eri amid hvllis lieginerof t'olutn.
hl.i coutiiy to Ihe undersigned Ku colors 10
uliuiiuill (K'tsous Itidehteil ar- leiilesli'd to lil lkn
luiln.'illat ia mel.t, and tho-o havliii-i-i,iiinuiir .1...
imiiids I'g.ilnst Him sill estate wm make n,wn
si,i,",i iu me unuer iueu r.xeeutors
Itentoi ,ict. 11,'TS-iiiy
p ho ri 10x0 r.vitY'.s xotici;
vol I 'el hen hy given that .1. M. l-inltii, ssli.-nee
I'll loliu .t NJII has ll'ellll llio olllee nf tn,. pn,
ihoni'lar. 01 1 olituii I.i coiimy Ins nrst and paittai
uu'i.ilil which said aieoiilit will 1 e- 1 nss'uteel to
the 1 uitrt ol t otiuii in I'teas of satil ceiniy tur eon
nrn.i'tl 11 on the thtriliiayut Ht-ccinber next and
II hoc Ml met uficr four da s unlets exceptluhs
he tiled wllhlu that lime. f
, , 'L 1'IIANK ZVItll,
Protlioiiotari's Oflice,
huv 1, 'l-iii ProtU'y.
Tii' Fatlilr'iililtlii'.Rjjiily.
Aei'iinliiandsiK'ielyci.ref u' lute tu-ra 111 e-.lieslrois
ai p-tlte lur uh 01 ol e llipiors, aim un net loin,
system akikkb nnuieiieir unj lMtui'VaATii .
nt iniM'G. u siseii I. ifcAsi-i eissi t. win. niios ai.
vihsi Al. .111 1 1'liYsicAh pfccihssi k it HMieuieK ev
er' i f H.VkK Iivst-LIMU, ull I TuKl iniivi.t Ihe
l.ivuH. sold l.y orus-nUs. ileeli sr Is t I . pain
pl.let on Ale.ihol, us l-Heel-, 1 11ft- niwraiieva as a
Iseuse," suit lice. Ka'her M niiiew ieiniH-ranee
and .Miir.uraetuilug(o,tiiilJoiiil tt, .New Vmk,
oet, IS. tb-i lib
V I A OS avo 0 II Ua NSW'
ftll'lll lll'llllelllill 10 IIJISKOI'T KltKSksl Hlea K OK
W VkW AKU StlliMHIIMi I Ssl K C H SSI." ( Ilrs-cius-lliakers
111 IV w 4 11 111 sun ui.d ut 11 lees Ihut I'Kr
. llll. LTIllllN'.Mr cash or lli.l .llnieiits. eeiKVIS.
WAM'h ict t'ATi:ith s.ri'i;itni :i.i, mi.
lavs and I'lAMIs.. Ilir r auu ciTiiesA'ts
MAll-kU. IIIIICACI! WATiats V SoVh, "fill"
facturers uuu ia:ers So s 1 wthst.'-.V Aho
!".A'!T'"JA"'''U ,sr ""-IM-LUiS)' CileU.atcd
oct. Is, 1S-4W Kb
Py virtue of sundry writs l-sucd out of U10 court
of Common Pleas of Columbia county, and to me
directed will tie exposed to public sale nt tho Court
House liloomsyburg, at one o'elock p. in. on
All thosethrcel .Isof grotit4 Ijlnz anil bring In
Ihe twroush of I'ehtralla, In Columbia county, Nus,
1,2 nnd 5, In block No. M, being Iho store property
whereon nro erected a two-story frame dwelling
and store with a two story platikKttcro room, waro
room and feed room nttie-lieil,
All lint certain lot of groiitiel I) lag an! being In
thoborouulitf cmtrnlla, tnColuintl.i count', o.r
In Llotk No. 120, on which Is erected u tivo-Btory
frame dwelling.
All Ihose two certain lots of ground M twite, Ij log,
nnd being In 1 ntaw Issa, In Columbia county t one of
them bounded tn tho west by Froat streit thirty,
live feel, 011 the nottn by lot of John Iirobst two
liundrolnnd ten feet, east, by nn alley tldrty.tlvo
feet, south by an alley two htintlrfl nnd ten feet,
tontnlnliig seve 1 thousand t'ireo htindrej and llftv
square feet! Tho other one, begttitilngon tho corner
or 101 .no. una Front ktreet, thence ley lot .No. is suienty feet lo is),t, ihence by land of
Loins jieii soiiinwcst, hearty parallel to Front
street, seventy feet to a post In lino with lot No. in.
I nence norl nn estw nrdly seventy feet to Front street.
Ihence In lino with Front siroit northeast seventy
leet to tho place ot beginning, being lot Nail, on
wiiieiiiasiiiescrioel lot there Is 11 tw n-story frame
house and outbuildings i Also, together with all Iho, buildings b mis and appurtenances to the
iitori-inenlloiicd lots
M'lzed, taken Into execution at the suit of Th
First r-atluiMl Hank of Asli'and, Pa against Hubert
llrjsou, John lirjson anil Kohert llorrell, tra Hug as
llobert lirjson & Co. Limited, an 1 to bo sold as the
property of llobert urysni, John llryson .111.1 Hotierl
(lorrell trading as Itols'it llrjsou & Co Limited.
1 uttzE, Aitomi-y. Vmd sx
All lint certain lotor pirwl uf grounl sluut ) In
Hie town of Illoomsburg, Columbia county, I'etuisjl
vaila, described ns follows, to-- It: iiuundtnl on t lie
norlli by an alley, cast by lot of tihirles Cruj, on
Ihe south by Filth street, and on the west by Catha
rine slieet, containing forty-eight feet froDt and one
liuniiledniid chilli) teet lu uepllij 011 whleli re
eiectul 11 frame dwelling-homo, barn and outbulii
lugs. M'lzed, taken Into execution at the suit ot lames
K I.jer now rur the use e.f Is,uo Ikelerugalnst Au
di ew Terwllllgur and to bo sold as tho property of
Andrew Tern linger., Attorney. Vend Ex
All I hat certain lot of ground situate In Jackson
township, Columbia county, Pennsjlvauli.aescrlbed
as follows, to-ivll : Hounded on the norlli by lands
ot James Kitchen, on tho east by lands of llaney
Crevellng, on Iho wett by lands tf George Wagner,
ami on too south by lands ot Nehemlah Kile and
Harvey cri-vellng, containing three hundred and
forlj-slv acres more or leas, on which uro erected n
iiweuing house, bam and water power,
relo , t.ik, u Into execution ut thesiiltof Kilts II.
Master 3 use u-alu,t J J . Meeker und to bu sold as
1110 propel ly of J, J, .Meeker.
Knoiik, Attorney, vend. Lx.
All that certain lot of ground situate In ltoarin
creek tow nshlp, Columbia county, 1'eunsj
MTiueu us luuowa 10-wit: bounded ou the north by
1.11.U or v 'main 1 eager, on Ihe east by land of
w'lllam Drelstuch a d others.wcst by land ot Conrad
iiuusemati, contalntug oen hundred and thirty
uiiesiuoroor less on wuicn uie elected a house
bank bain and out-bulldlngs.
M'lzed. taken Into execution at the suit of stnev
John agalust Siuniel llouck and to bo hold 113 the
properly or Samuel llouck.
Knomi, Attorney. rierl Facias.
All that ceiuin piece or parcel of ot ground Mt-
uato 111 nentun township, Columbl 1 county, tenn
sjivalita. described as folrws, to-vvit : lloiindedou
Iho not th by laud of 'I homos .sigfrllz. on the vast by
land of John liantz,on the south by laud of Jacob
Diiuuio and William Coleman and on the west by
puottc roat, containing nvo acrus on which are
ere-ctod a fr.imo house nnd blacksmith shop.
s-ilzod, taken luto execullon at tho suit of the
Howe .Machine Company ngalnst Jeremiah Miles
nnd lo be sold ns the property of Jeremiah Miles,
ltoiusox, Attorney: Alias l'l.i'a
All that certain picco or parcel otj land situate In
the township of Ilrlaicreek, Columbia county descil-
ueu 111 t 'A o pieces, but held und occupied as 0110
bounded as follows : Peglmilng at a stone corner to
lanu i.iteoinenrj Itrlttaln's.theiieo north eljlity-four
au 1 one nan negroes east eighty perches t ) a black
oak sipungiu llio county Hue of Luz-rno andcu
iiunbla. iheiico by the same south three degrees,
west 0110 hundred and sixty-live perches to land
late or ncinard seybert, th-nco weat forty-four
perches tun oak saniia,',tlieuee north tiventv-el -ht
and one half decrees west one hundred and two
p relies to laud 1 lie ut Henry llrlttaln.tlieuco by the
same 1101 th llfty und or.c-imr degrees east twetitv-
seven nn.l oiie t nth pereues to a black 0.1k, thence
numi inn neg'ees e'ast forty-nine iwrenes to piau
of tii'glnntn,', coi.talnltigseventj.llve acres undone
hiltnlrel slidileven ieti lies more or less. 'Iheotle-r
plee-B ot laml ik I J dnlng Ihe above Is bounded hy be
ginning at a black 0.1k, t In nee wes! Ilrlj-tuo and si v
tenth i etches lo a wnlf oak, llieneo north two de
gree's east twenty two and two-tenth peiches to 11
.-toil', thence north liny-threo elegrees, west clgh
lei n and two-tenth -ereli3.s to a stone, thence 11.11 th
twenty-one and a half degree east thirty seven anil
e.ghl-tenlh perches lo a st 1111', thence notth fonj.
011" degrees wist S"ventccn perches to a Hone
thence norlli fifty and ono-hnl degri es cast slvteeii
and two tenth jierehes to a 1-tone then?., north twin
ty 1 lgl.t and om'-lulf degiees west, one hundred nnd
mopcr-lics to th-pi ice of b-gla'dtig, containing
t went.' -one tieres more or less, toget lu r nlie-ty st
.fiel an 1 one hundred audi lev en p'rehos(ece.tliig
out i f the last elescilin-d piece, two-tldrds of un 111 re
. f 1 11I Willi the up nrtenatiees-lylng nlong the
rout from K.iundr.vM le pi the grist mill on ther'ici.i-
le- o.cupled hyimtdel Mt'J.-i ,n whleli nro erected 11
kT.-K gil-t mi'.l, ,1 large b ink bai n.trame farm house
nn t distillery
seli-l, Liken Into execullon at thr-sult ot Ceorge
II sejlieit .ifiiiist n.mlel F. sc.vbe rl, and to bo sold
as the pi opi rly of 1 mil. I F, Sejberl.
Jacksos k son, Attornejs. Vend V.,
First, on all that certain let of land situate In the
Town of lll'-onv-burg, countj of Columbia, on the
not Hi sldo of Second street, Homing nttyfecton
sild second slre-et.and ndilnlnir!lot of J It. Townse-nd
oiiiiiotastandlotcfMlll.ini snjelers heirs on the
west nnd e-.xteniitn-back to road from liloumsbun.'
tn Light si reel, w hereon Is ereeled a two-story irauie
dwelling nou-e, stable and out-bulldlns, being No,
C5 In Willi .111 SnyJer's addition to tho Town of
-'ml, nil that certain pt coof land situate In Main
lowii'hlp, In sail county rfColuiiiLla, bounded and
rti'.s rli-cil us follows, tu-w It : Hounded on thee'iist
and soiiih bv 1 111.1 of Liies sliumin an I brother
on Hie niiilh bv siiMpiehaiina ilver. on tho westbv
1. 11 1 of Kllas Krumiii containing iwent.v-one acres
nioieorless Selz-d ns the properly ot C. Mitten
I eiider oi.e or the o; the liiuomaburg Luia.
ber Co tipauy.
No, a, nil le.t sltuaie In Iho Town of Illooms
burg, Pound, el nnd ih serlls-d n.s lollrnvs, to wit : He.
ginning on Ihe we-t side otcailurlno street, theme
uloiig the south shl.i ef un alley south slxiy-three
nnd thrte-uu.rtcr degiees wist nlnety-eU-ht tee t to
mirth westtoinerof stiible; thence by l.itofThuin
as nil ms ioutli2ii m.d oue-fourlh elegre-es, east
sixty nnd Mne-twclflhs (eel, thence b) lot t.fssld
i.iuei.iH neier urn III slxti -three and tliree-fourlli d
enes, east nlnet-.i-igni feet to Catharine street
nfi.iesjld, the me along said slrect norlli tweii'j-slx
mid oiie-fuiulli degreos west sixty and nine-twelfths
fee t to place of Is glnnlng, whereon is erected a two-
siory irane) uoii'o and other out bufdlngs -elzed
astiioproperij ofW'. s. Conner one of tho members
01 the Itloomsburg Lumber company.
No. J, all Ih it ccrtalu lot of ground situate In said
lownor iiiuumsburg bouuded and descilU-d as fol
lows, to-w It i 1'cgtuiilug at the corner of Fourth aud
1111 nai 1110 sircels, thence along and Catharine
street one bundled nnd slxlx. three feet to lot of w
s.i cnuer, tlieucewestwardlynlcng said lot ninety.
em in ieii,iueiice southwardly one hundred and six.
U -three feet to said FuurlU street thence
along said t'o'irlh street nlneO-elelit feet
to the place ot bigliuiliig.w here-em Is erected u frame
dividing hou-o nnd out-bulldlngs. ss-ized as Ihe
property of (it-urge 1'eiislermuchvr, a uieuber of the
u.o ) suurg Lumu r company.
No. , all that cot tain let of ground sltualo on Fltlh
street lu the 'I own ot Hlooiusburg aforesaid, bound
ed and described ns follows to-w It ! lleigliiulng nt
tho southeast comer o 11HU street and dross al
ley und extending enstw nrdly along the south side
01 uttn strict tiny feet 10 a corner, theneo south.
wurdly t y a Hue parallel to dross all one hundrej
uuu seventy net more or less to Sterne r's alley,
thence along said alley wostwardly llliy feet todrosn
alley.theiiiu mrlhwardly along said alley ons Inn.
uu u aim seventy lee t to ruin street the 1 1 ice of be
ginning, being lot no. 31, wln-reon Is erou ed two
ivvo-story irmno Louses and ouibulldlugs.
No, 0, all tint cert '(u lot fronting twenty-live fee
pusuld Fit 1 street udjilnlug thu ah.vp dserll-e-i
prox tv hi the encoding back to ste rii' r s
alley. s,.ze-d,take.i Inexe-cutlon and to Is) Hul l as the
pro i ty 1 1 W I llaii) saiin h in one of the meinU'i s 1 f
Hie Illoomsburg Lumber Company
Seized, tuke trim at the .'Ut ul T u
People's Fire Insurance Company of Peuiisinniila
agaliist 1 lio Un msburg Lumber CoiiipanyauJ In be
snld M tho pripeuy of 'iho Uiuoiusburg Luoiber
Knouii, Attorney, Vend Kt,
ItiUiinsUoaaayevt sale.
nov. i, ts-ts oinrur.
Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania.
Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal.
I. Model School. II. 1' rcitnrjilnrv.
... -j
Tho Llementarv Seleniltie ami ,... n .
Ailjuiicl Courses : I Acailemic. II. Commercial. III. n,,,ir. I f.,.t iv c
corresponding Degrees ; Muster ot the Klements : MMter ofrthe ini
"v.." '"iioiiineiiis,, signou uv the timcers of the Hoard ot I'ustoi' Lu ""'w v-uurses receiie isormaa ccruncjou
The Maa.'rSSuTreiVniilie0 and Chvsslcal courses are not Inferior to Ihose ot our best Colleges,
gent and eniclilnt Teachers for 1 e sJhoo t tS ?iit ?end solicit ?ounir neAo?.?' 5?,1?,". "'J.-"19 Scl"wl 10 10 "eciire. It, by fgrnlsrdng Inteltt.
and their talents, nsstndent-s. Toallsuchlt Droin purposcs,-those who desire to Improve their time
u.iiaiogue, address the Principal.
L!.'.!;St. "'."'I.IA.U Ill.Wtil.l,, I'rrslile-nt Hoard
r-l lil. V, ID,
ItV 1rtlir (if Rllnrlrv Iduncrt nt. -,,. iu,..
0' t'ommon Hoas ui t'ohimbly county, aud to mo
diivcUMl u Ul hfcxpuH-a to nubile sale at iho Court
Diuumsuur,', hi onti O CIUCK p. Ul OH
.monoay, nnraninu d, is-s
Ml that certain lot or piece of ground Fltuate ln
Heaver township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania,
boiindd on the north by laud ot Coal and Iron Com
pany, on Iho e-nst by land ot tl. P. Drdsbach. on the
south by I indot rrederlck .-herman, and on the west
by la'd of Levi Mo flee, containing llfty acres, moro
or less, on which are erected a log house, bank barn
and outbuildings.
seized, taken Into execution nt the suit ot Ellas
llcnlnger against John llunsluger and to be sold as
the rroperty of John II unslnger.
I-'iiskzi:, Attorney. X'cnd Ex.
All that c rtalnlotor piece ot ground situate In
tncTown of lllonmsb rg, Columbl 1 county, Penn
sylvania, described as follows, to-wit t Hounded on
tho north by tecond street, on tho cast by an alley,
on the south by an alley, nnd on tho west by C, F.
Kiiapp, containing one hundred feet front on second
street, and feet In depth, on which are erected
a biUjk dwelling house two barns and out-balldlngs.
All certain lot or piece of ground situate In
.Madison township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania,
described ns fellow s, to-w It : Hounded on the east
by land of Jacob Mioeuaker, on iho west by laudot
Uriah Mills's heirs, nnd John llclshllne, on the wist
by land ol John Christian and Amos Heller and on
the norlli bylanet otWMUm Habb, conUinlng three
hundred acres on which are erected a house, barn
and out'bulldlngs.
helzed, taken into execution at tho suit ot David
Lowenberg a ral 11st Valentino Heldleman end to bo
sold as tho property ot Valentino Ueldleman.
Uccs'ii-ews, Attorneys, Vend Kx.
All that certain lot ot ground situate In the Town
of Illoomsburg, Columbia county. Pennsylvania,
described as follows, to. wit j Hounded on the north
by un alley, on tho cast by land ot William niger.
on tho south by street and on tho west bj Jland
ot .lonn Mo scr. containing llfty teet front and one
hundred nnd fifty feet In depth, on which nro erect
ed a dwelling house, stable and out-bulldlngs.'
seized, tnken into execution at the suit of John
Kramer assigned to Freeze njerly and ,M. c
Woodward and to bj sold as the property of John
Co )per.
Fiiekzz, Attorney. vend Ex.
Terms cash on day of salo.
nov. 1, 'I5-ts sheriff,
0 0 u rtp 110 c Lam atTonT
'Y7'IIKUi:Afs, the Hon. William Klxvhi.i.
President Judge of the court ufover and
Terminer and liencral .la 1 Delivery, court of (Juar
ter Sessions of tho Peace and the Court ot common
Pleas and orphans' Court ln the scth Judicial Dis
trict, composed of the counties of Columbia nnd
Montour, nnd llio Hons. 1. K. Krlckbaum and F. L.
shtiman, Associate Judges ot Columbia county, have
Issued their precept, bearing elate the Mh day of
ucr. ln the year of our Lord ono thousand eight
hundred and seventy-eight, and to me directed for
holdlngn Conn of oyer and Terminer and fieueral
eptarter Sessions orthe Peace, Court of Common
Pleas ami Orphans' Court, In Hloomsbuig, In the
county of Columbia, on the llrst Monday, being tho
dy of Do., next to coutluuo two weeks.
Notice Is hereby given to the Coroner, to tho Jus
tices of the Peace, and the Constables of the said
county of Columbia, that they bu then and therein
their proper person at lo o'clock In the forenoon of
said 21 day of D-e. with their records, lnqul.
sill ms and other remembiances, to do those things
which to their olllces appertain to bo done. And
those thai are lioiiiid by recognizance to prosecute
against the pilsoners that are or may be lu the Jail
of tho said count of Columbia, to be then and there
to prosecute them as shall tie Ju 1, Jurors are rc
iiueslcd lobe punctual Hi thclrattinilance, agreeably
10 their notices. Haled at Illoomsburg tho 51 h day
, - ) of oet. ln the 5 ear of our Ixinl ono
L. s. V thounnd eight hundred and seveutj. eight
s-s J and In the one hundred ondihtid enr of
the Independence cf the t'nlteel Slates cf Anicilca.
Sherlll's OOlce-, JOHN. W. HOFFMAN,
Illoomsburg, Oct. SI Ic slit HIT.
List ok TiiAVL'iisi: juitoTts l OltlJi;
lilooin-John c. Jones Icvl Cox, Mlehacl Walter
i c l.vans, J. M. Crawford, Joseph wcldeLO. W
Heaver J. II, I onengberger
Hetilon Wm. Y. Hess.
liervvlek H-.jd Williams. J. I), Thompson, Sam.
ue-l Ch'imberllii, xinoss'. Creasy.
Iirlareieek-T. 11, II. Davis, Andrew Fowler, lav.
Ciiiivissa-rHdeon llnldman, llot'cr't x alsh, Am
brose sh irpless, I'lnkertoti Drumhcller,
ivntre - snren Kelclmer.
Conj nghiim Henry Moser.
FlshlKircieettk Jubn irlnard
Kriiiikltii-Cltntuu .Miideiihall,
lleinlock II. 1). Anplemau N, I'. Xloore.
lireeiiwood-ThoiiiaH itender. Hen. staekhouse.
Locust -cji-us shafter, Juseph Thomas, Win. Kr.
win. Kll.ts eii-orize.
Madison Moril K. Masters, llaltls Sterling, oil-
Ma'n-ll'. 11. John, Win. c. lilchnrt.
xiiniiiic. 1'. hlinguuu, J. u. Swank, David
Mnntour John Drum,
orange A. II K tenon.
Pine f I. sones, John Locttnrd.
s.'ott Nehemlah Itlclite lames Lake,
sugarluf Jubn Klluger.
Hlosm-Abr Fry, c. li. Hughes, wm Clirtstman,
Chas Hionias, chos. It. Housel, JereuiLih Hess C.
s. I-urmnii, sainuelTownsend, Thos 11. Harimuu.
Herivlck-Ievl Kurtz, lieo. Moorehcad. Ed. C.
"aid, s. D. seeiv, Mfred Hower.
Peiver-la vl Michael.
Heutou Win. smith, chas. Gibbous, Jehu Heo-
Calii'vl sa-Atiratn Truckenmlller
ceutist Z. T. Fowler, John Water. M. M, lllcks,
i't-iilralli-D. F. Curry.
Oreennod-W. W. Kve, Clark Kline.
lleiiihu'k Jtie'uli Hhs'ker.
Jaeksoii Paul KHnger.
I-ocust Solomon struu-ser, Moion It. Carl. Jerry
Scott Kd Salklns
M.idlson-x. K, S 'Ith.
Mniii-F F Hen linr.
Mllllin-14-vvls creasy,
Mt, ITensaut John V anlck, Phillip Creasy,
has been awarded at Ihe Paris Kxposlllonof UJSto
J. & P. COATS,
for their tiest sli-cord spool cotton, confirming the
esllmaleplaciilupoothelrgexslsat all iho Uorlds
l.xisiiluiis from Unit at Ij.ndun. lsivi. in iho Ceu
tennlal Kxisi-lilnn of ls;. where Ihey iiskadlelouia
'i'lMUrV' ' t,,'"li'N'"nl AS" LXCL'LLKNT
., Tie second I'rljcfnsiyer Medal was taken by
the Hlllltiiiiutlo 1 Inencominny, which clalius to ts
f ffel it chiinnlon of Itutustrr, aud
Paris ' t'x"'''!,,t,''Jr advcrilsidaGr.ind Prize nt
NO GRAND PRIZE'S wnro awarded
for Spool Cotton at PARIS,
.M.?!,:r8 f 'oils hue cslalill'hed In Paw tuck,
el, It. I , ihe large-! spool l oitou Mills in the t'nlteel
elates, r ver process, of manufacture frmu tho raw
cotton to the lliilshi il sissiHscouluc ed there 'I heir
xiiiericin-iuaile sn,i 1 ottou liik Hie award al ihe nnd while they have neur claimed si
rlulinerll f n iheir imencan iiinilesismliotiouoier
thut mr ufact redlu 11.1 ir s.niih mills, they have
'.'" tX, u' " nm ouiii-ng i.i,t ihev h voso
lleutllled theinselves Willi this ceunlry.lhal
AMEBICA ts represented by
J. & i , COATi, is st 11
jfi head in Spool Cotton.
Kol.' Agi-iits in I'lilliuli i-ililii (in-
J, A. I. OlTs.
nov 1, is's vvr,
Joit rr.iNTi u
is'eatly anil cl eiply executvtl at Ihe
Csitvusim Office, I
TnTTir -iifln ' 1 rri' "r1 1T1I "i vrrgt ,7
III. hleinentary. IV, Classical.
. ' V ""'
r v" i""""! uu auuuuiuii upporiumues lor wcu paid lanor after leaving School. For
of Tru.lrr..
' Sour stomach, bad breath. Indigestion and
headache ea!lly;cured by Hop Hitters.
"Study Hop flitters books.use the
wise, healthy and happy."
"When life Is a druir, and you have lost all
hope, try Hop Hitters."
"Kidney and urinary trnuMe is universal, and
the only safe and sure remedy Is Hop Ulttets
rely on it."
"Hop r.ltters do not exhaust and destroy,
but.restores and makes new."
"Ague, Ulllousness, drowsiness, Jaundice, Hop
Hitters removes easily."
"noils pimples, Freckles, noutrh Skin, erup
tions, Impure blood, Hop Bitters cure.
"Inactive Kidneys and T'rlnary Organs cause
Ihe worst ot diseases, and llop Dlitcrs cuies
them all."
"More health, sunshine and Joy ln Hop Hitters
than In all other remedies. "
Hop Cough Cure nnd Fnln ltelle-r U the
near vigor,
For restoring Gray Hair to
its natural Vitality and Color.
A elreRsinR
which is at nncc
a tr r e 0 a li 1 e.
mm-S, lItliiyntlef-i-fy-JmX
Ss'ssin.'- fectual for iire-
i'llMlJiiS serving I
rWrnmPfS Jy hair is ,oon
mwrnms ori;inai
xrith the fioss and freshness of youth.
Thin liair is thickened, falling hair
rlieckeil, nntl baldness often, thouph
not always, ciireel by its use. Noth
int can restore the hair where tho
follicles are destroyed, or tho glands
atrophied and decayed, lhit such as
tciiiuin can be saved for usefulness
by tliH application. Instead of foul
iiitr the hair with a pasty sediment, it
will keep it clean and vigorous. Its
occasional use will prevent the hair
trinii tiiniinc gray or falling oil", and
poiiM'qiiiM.tly prevent baldness. Freo
from thiii' delete'iious substances
wliii-li ni'il-.i- souie prc-paiatioii.s elau
(jerntis, ami iiijiuiotis to the liair, tho
Vigor can onlv benefit but not harm
it. If wanted merely for n
Horliiii" i'Isc onn be found so desir.
alili. ( .iiita'tuiiig neither oil nor
elv ". a dues not soil white cambric,
n it -et la.sis long on tho hair, giviti"
ii :. 1 nli, glossy bibtro and a grateful
J'i 1 1. 1. 11c.
Prepared by Dr. J. C, Ayer &. Co.,
I' mid Anultli-ul CbemlsU,
ixvvi:ll. mass.
v' V 1
wa riii-r.lC
Hie Airr.sriir is Co. I'ixn'os arc
tli - 1 '.iss 111 every resnecl, l.i'itii: euii
s'lliii'.l tho loiitl itivt riiiliielelpliin
ln.i;;e by iiui-iWuiis nnd iiiiiipeleiit
.pi.ij." -. Tlii'nti',"li their exlctisive
f.t' ilities, Miissits. Ai.r.KKi 111 it Co.
nr. eu.ilili-d tu turn nut instruments nre nut snrpasse-el unj vvliere. mid
slili sell tin 'in 111 price's uithm the
lc.icli ul oil, Xt) 1 'in m is pel united
tn li-.ive their f.u tniv unless s.ittsl'ac
Imy tn tlie must iiiinuie paitie'ulnr,
liei'iiii llieir pu.triintfo of live years)
is 11 thin'.- nf value. All late im
pi iiveiiieiits nf impiirtiiiice are found
III llll-sl) illsllllllll'lllrt.
MiMiiis. Ai.ninxiir it Co. bax'o ie
I'fivrd tho tiiObt nattering Testimo
nials I'llllll 1, M. (iinriuiK, 1'
Aiil'.lii'srtvi: J. V. IIimmi.ia
nun, Wiii.iam oiij:rrKii nnd
ninny other eminent aitisU, hesnles
I. einu' nlile 1 t't'e r tu tliuliMiuels of
private piii'lia-crs, schools, iciiil-
II. nil's, siii ii'tie's uml te.u'lieiu.
I'iiei,u.s ciiscientiiitisly selected per
urdeih I'.v nii'il, ciii'i'liilly jnicked uml
sliippeslsalelv tunny pint n! the world
hKo K'-ir liirilii-r'pai'tii'iilnrsi rw t
reli'ieiii'es, piieea and terms, address,
610 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
vo 11 vyr.iiiMiii 11,.,
.-, v .t i' 11. t r.i 1
! 'nStlEflJ; vP.twr '
:li "V- ''1-,''-. Si fa'ajfua-sr-iiinl".
.hrsPtCEIA. g
oet. ts, tt. sjw uo
iiiivi. j jis, ivivvia, m ill, IIUSIi
' 4l ItliMMliii T.lillouwoui-r 1
f lib m n. I,uis ItlniHl iattiH ifuarkula-a
viiiTitiim nikvi 11 inrtl ! Ml M Mrwi-
fl. Iil-lx
irr. . .
' VXJ,,n'e ln jnxi Wullure.
Diplomas, conferring tho followtn
Dauchy & Oo's. Advt's.
Sure Reward.
I recli ami Maple Land In Michi
gan 1 11 tin- ulliiioii Acre Urant
of'lhe i;rniil Itnilf1n and I ti
ll 1 11 11 11 Itullroutl oiiihiu)'.
Stron sT moII n .r crois plenty af
tliiibi'i-110 liuuKlit-ii( cliincb
Iiiikn-iio lieij,rr."
Semi lor lat.iiili-t,;nVi or German
.xaaress w. o. IIUIIlIAItT,
Land CoymissioxEB.
,t nltANDKAPlI)s,MICU,
aprll u, lS7i-ww 11
SHi TO IHlifl 'nt-a "1 'au street
fll" IV.OIUVU tstiA-ksmairo fortunesev.
e.l3Jul0nt.'1- Jloolc he"1 Tee expla'Dlngevemniiff.
xdaressHAXTEHSCa, HAjiriiivs, n Wall Btrwt
orlr. a oct. 45,18-4W
vNe will pay wrentsasaliry of I too per month anil
exp-nse-s, or allow a larirn commission to sell oar
n-w anilwoarterful inventions, tte mean nhatWB
si Ad re-s, without elela), "
t-UKKMA.N L'u..'llarthall, Mlchlean,
oct. w, is-iir.
AUTIVK AI1I1.NTS In every countj for our nne tt-lustrate-el
publications. Tuts Is h rar opporlunltr
ror pnintaWe empl vment. Kxtra Inducement to
iHitn sutiwrltcrsanil nire-nts. Aii:TSiKUNM
Itl-K. her U.l.rsTltATi:u circulars. alvUe
terms ana full particulars, Hddress
E.l'.t. ltESTSIr,
110? tbrstnnt Hlrrel, Pbllndrlalila, Pn ,
d oct , iMi.
, ""comparison neinccn it and toe. ecaA
men slow act letKrou. niirr. it 1. m . 7tl
-T,A.n,. . .
ninertorto all other external remedies including
liiv,nttV.:,..'. ""li.ffiF 'anceii.
,. . ., ..''""-tuiiiciruH', is nnicninrom-
rtr ution with ru'ner, possess the- mostex raordl.
narj pain itnevinir, strcnztlie'iilng and ruraUvel
propfrtes Anj 1'hjsiclan in our uwn locality xrtlj
Clll.nrm It. A , AIU e,n,n...n. C mi . 1
lhe matlsni, Jemslej weak'tess, Mubborn anal
Neeleiied l olrts and Ooui-hs, ells.ised Kldneva.1:
vu(iriinijou(in.iitr,s-ilniise,t th heart and all
i SL'L ,"'TUM rlssters are used. It Is simply
ll.e best .noun remedy. Ask- for Henson'3 can.
nne i itous riaste r urn take no oilier, .sold by all!
Ill lliri-l-tS I'rl.'n ,-. to ... ,. ...... . . . 1
by s.'Bbury .lolinbon, '21 1'latt street. New Yort
1 n net. is 78-iw.
Thronjrli I'ncced Holes need no longer offend th
eve, orclllldrin's rnsil, Mmrn be lliion-n nw oix
that account, when otherwise but HtUe worn. Tb
xmekican bnoi. tip Co., have saved
?lonUof The0 Pa'euts In cou"tryi by "e lntrodms-
and they are applied chiefly to children's hearr
nl T U.non'J' tDt3 0DJ';CI"lff to llie looks .f 3lct.
be uiercteZ'' ,0 kD0W thl8 ""P""
which adds to the beniny .,r Ihe- llni-.i M,e, tho
toe renialiilngneatuntll the shoe lsworu on.
Tbr.r Tip. nre .Inmpi-d A. S. T. I'll.
TlT1Lm,n,.0,'Wnl!0,,l"' I Imiwunt the
Tip. ns It ut least doubt, stt.e wenrlne value of the,
'I'.'V'' b,1J ""Cnlldteirs shoes with
o it the Miui or this nice Hlack'iio.and thus reduce
your shoe bills more than m c half.
Ask your Shoe Dealers for Them.
d OCt. !3, TS-4W.
iw uiiesT Kint itrhVtiSdSS-
-s.l. d novs. Ti
A ,i-.NTW. '.NTi:n-For the best and fastest
A 'fUnif llctcrlal Hooks and Iilblei Price re-de-lphla3
KCeBt -NlTI0N11- l'l'usuivo Co., I'hUa.
nov. s, is-4w.
Hoiisefurn sh np hpeciallles i' i sinSA.
Manufacturers, "isi K1V1 Llree!, &w."Lro''
nov, s, T8-iir,
SURE !7iJ3?as
d Nor. 8, 7Mir.
"V1 Uai? "'""fered toi liib ak-ents iinSurge b?y.
free. I kargrPAII). Kew ttni
I', 0. 1)01, 4 131,. (1 and S3 Vtscy M.,New Vorlt.
d nov. s, -,itv.
.''.''T,?"' I'railr 1MII. make New well Blood,
J.vll,.M,1n",.''.'i""t'u'IJ '"""If tlood InthefDtlM
1 pill eacu nlfht from 1 to '1 we-eka may be reston-U
ed to sound lie slih, If such a ttilr tr t possible. Mtd
bj mall for Heller Usurps,. 1. K JOUNMIN ttu.
Laiiirurtie. u nov.s, fs-iw
AsuOtJ tvW ,.u SI ritnaillra lr
. C -swill fUM,) .J iMtlmt inj (tu'Vig tka.
, tftrr ul MIlNMB MJ S .. ... Tl .....
r U.S.. tf .ur Ho. .erlj, tr.4..ii ,,,t,
iii.iui.4 ou iufrnor fowl., ... t,.i Jatlt toa i.
V" ".''X'".': '"'''-u. krnlloi.amH..
ft., In C. A, ;.cioi A ffc, ,1,,,),,,'
";,o,v:,,'l,,,: I'Mi.deipbi..
U. v), I uta in.i:i:i'i,i:it sr., -,. y.
Wunufscluters of Hrlctly rr-t-rUsa naaeva. w
k II direct to lan ll'rk fmn lun.wn Isileny at low.
est Hio.i.aiH -rlse Irsutlful new 1). icuv"
HoMwnisi pian sit initial. Tin mssi.Us In
use. Hen) dim ouoi lo cash 1 mem. lifl.VT lev
nut I sou r.udouriataUe-ue. It win lnlere.1 oi
Melted tree.
d nov. 6, ;iiw.
Tit AntU to .IfCECL ? urd t Ite .
Tho rather IVIathcw Remedy
tsocertnlr an ' speed,-tUre (or inii-imcrance. It
ite' r..j-ull n eil. Iiralielicilic l..u(.i. VtTu fuiids
uulbe-vnuiin ivssm At,, , ,inurl7, Vr
Inii'uii'riMlr InilMlariire, a sikolk 'l s.sivrfivi ii
wllllriime illn.entalund llijrlcdlt'ppirwhun. It
alMjcurea vrr kiudoCHMK i v.i-muibdTri.
i-ieiTr of the 1 i xk soT.i ty ail flrLril!.. I lice m
ier tut t'i rami bin en Mlalio', ii tmVti aril
tiitcuivrr,iv as a disease," ae-nt frleeui willliiirui
tlwP A'lllHI MA1UW ImrtiutVj UaKw
Co., ta timd aUsfcl. Ii. V, U Kiv, i,ai,
PhPWinr "Si EsTitfll TnTnppn 1