V " THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCR AT,BLOOMSBUKG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. -r THE COLUMBIAN. 1K.OOM8B URfl, ntlRAT, SOT. If IS58 Rail Hoait Time Table. LACKAWANNA A DLOOMSBUItU It ML HOAD NOKTii. south. Accommodation Train , e.to A.M. 8 on A. M. Mall Train 7.3J3 A. M 4.49 1'. M Bxpross Train 1.07 1'. M. 11.43 A. .'.I OATAWI8SA HAIL 110A1). ftoxTii, Boom Accommodation Tmln ,9 A. M. T,fO r. M. tlegulnr Express 4.04 p. M. 11,41 A. M. Throngh cars on Express train either to New York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between Catawlssa and Wlltlainsport. FUHLIU SALES. Kxcentors of William Milnes decease!, will sell real emtc nt Erpy, I.iino Kitlgc nuil Ku pert on November 19th and iiotli. Kxccutor of Christian Wolf deceased will sel real estate in Mllllm, November 9th. The Kxccutors of Henry lleMilinc, will olTer real cstalo for sale on the premises in I-ishing- creek township on November 7th nt 1 o'clock p. ni. Adminitrator of Montgomery Colo decens cd wi'l sell real estate In Sugarloaf, November JOth. AdtninMrator of D. A. Bowman deceased will sell real estate In Centre township Novem bcr 14tli at two o'clock. See iidvertiBements in other columns. We were unable logo to preia until lite TlinmUy night owing to large amout of Slicrlfl's advertising coming In on Thursday morning that requires Insertion thin week and also that we might give the full rote of the county. This delay prevented our making the Thursday's malls. Last Monday morning as William Ringroee nnd Thomas Oorcy, were at work on the house of John 3. Sterner, corner of Third and West vttects, tho scaflolding gave way and they were precipitated to ihe ground, falling about twen ty five feet. Qorey had his arm broken, head and face badly bruised, and several wounds on the body, and lilngroee was Injured Internally nnd badly cut. We are Informed that ibe acci dent occurred through the neglect of eome one to secure the scoQold properly. Is your life worth 25 cent? If It U do no t neglect a couch or cold. Uae Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup at once. Wo are Borry to learn that Johnny U. Hart man ag-d 14 or 15 years son of A. B. Ilarlraan of Buckhorn.sllpped and fell at school and broke his leg below the knee on Tueed ly foren'nn. Do you love your children? Th'ii do not nllow lliem to suffer with coughs and cold. Get a bottle of Dr. Unas' Expectorant, and thus have the means at hand to avert a falnl termi nation. IIcqkiiork, Nv.tlh, 1S78. Mt)rs. Kditcirt Columbian Silunlay evening November 2d wai the oc casion of mirth and glee nt the residence of Sir. Sylvester l'ursel. T'wai "Clark" the only son who caused Ihe trouble. He being tired of hunting and fulling alone took unto himself a wife. The amiable and esteemed Miss Allie Dieterick, being the honored victim. Invita tions" Laving been issued, the guests began to arrive about 4 o'clock, among whom were no ticed Iho Buckhorn band who seem to be per fectly adapted to such occasions, being a vocal, s ring and brass combined. Supper wis soon tilled when fifty or more partook of such a re past as Is. seldom gotten up even in our cities; About 9 o'clock the quests began to leave, but leaving their many well wishea for Clark and wife, and as many thanks to Sirs, and .Mr. l'ur sel for the Madnesses received at their hands. "Guest." TUB WALKING MAN. l'rof. H. Faux, the great walker, who ap pearcd In our midst a few days ago gave an ex hlbitlon of his lowers on 'Washington elreet on Monday last. Those who timed him claim that he walked half a mile In 2:30. He was dressed in a gause shirt, knee britches, red stnrklnps and ' white shoes. A quarter of a mile was measured offon Washington street and whim starting, he bounded off like a flash. large number of persons had gathered it the storejdoors.'windows and on the side-walks to witness the feat and at times the street was in poor condition for the performance, owing to iui crowded slate. The Lancaster, Pa., IitUlXigenetr gives the I'rofessor a handsome notice, in which he savs : "Mr. Kaux has without doubt a peculiar stride, yet It is said by competent judges who have watched him closely, and so far have been unable to detect any false movement, to be a square heel and tie walk. The fastest time on record is that of an En glish professional, whose record for a single mile is 0:10. Mr. Faux claims Ihat he can walk a mile in five minutes. If he can do It, he is the fittest walker in the world. He claims to have walked 110 miles in 19 hours, and says he can produce a lady pedestrian who can walk 19 miles in four hours. He weioln 142 nounds and is 23 years old. His residence is Scranlon where he first took to walking." l'rof. Faux was employed the pas' week nt Ilambleton Fair, next week will be em ployed by the Fair in Kent county and after lliitt by the Maryland State Fair.- -Euston Mil. Gazette. TnR BitiTiBii QuAiiTr.nLY ItLVinw for October has just been published by tlio Leonard Scott Purliriiino Co , 41 li.uc lay St., New York. ,Wc. brldly describe the contents. 1. "The Universities nnd the lteiialsi- nee," Describes the condition of thu r.ti- ropetn Universities In the mlddla of fif teenth century, nntl the changes in which the revolution in.leftrniiig nnd religion pro duced In tliemespoclally in elevating tho studies, and awakening nndlcvcloping tho spirit of free Inquiry. 2. "Lesslng as Philosopher mm theolo gian. A short biographical aicilcn, to gether with nn argument that nny attempt to classify Jessing as a Posltlvlst or Human ist, or to represent him us not ti Tlieist, Is un warranted and misleading. 3. "Jouhcrt." Joseph .Toubert nnd his Pemtei are probably unknown to many rif our readers. Tho work occupies n high place In French literature, nnd compares fit torably wlthjthe well-known l'enstes of Pas cal. 4. "Butter anil Cream." A curious in quiry whether the Greeks nnd Romans made any use of these articles. 5. "Bosnia, Herzegovina, anil Austria.' Describee the various races inhabiting the empire of Austria, and, on tho whole, ap proves of the Austrian occupation of these provinces. . "Tent Work In Palestine." This book is ono of the results of survey of Western Palestine recently completed, nnd tells of tho strango Eastern people, their ways nnd their words, and points out the illustrations ol the Bible yielded by the survey. 7. "Mr. Hughes on the IMiMU'ime'it.' 8. lbe three treaties:. A very severe attack on Lord Beacon-field's E-istern policy. 9. Conlempornry'I.lterntiire. The periodicals reprinted by the Leonat d Scott Publishing Co. (41 Barclay Street, N Y.) are as follows : 77ic London (Jttarlcry, ICJinburgh, Wcttminttcr, nnd A'nViVi tyunr lerly Jcevtem, anil lllatkti ood Alngmi,u' Price $4 a year for any one, or only $15 lor all, and the postago is prepaid by the Pub Ushers. NEVER HMUItS, It Is paid that one out of every four real In valids who go lo LVnvtr, Col., to recover health, never return to the F,st or South except n a corpse. Tho undertakers, next to tli-i hotel keepers, hnvelhe most prnfililile bmlne-s This excessive mortality may be prevented nnd pa tients satcil nnd cured under ihccaru of friend and loved ones lit home, if they will but use Hop Bitters In lime. This we know. Sco oth- column, Business Notices The cheapest nnd best rrndy-mado Cloth" Ing ulways on hand lit Lowenberg's. Tho latest stylo of hats nlways on hniul nt 1). I.owenberg s. Overcoats, Overcoats, For Men, ll.jys nnd Children nt 1). Lnwenbcrg's- Wlnter Clothing cheaper than ever at D. Lowe nberg s. A line selection of Lidles' Gold Watches ml Chains, both American nnd imported by tho best makers at L. liernhurd h Jewel ry Store. lioot headquarter at, McKlnney's. two huudrcd November, the first month proclaiming the embers of the dying year, is upon ns. It de rives its name from Novem, nine. The last o the autumnal signs was Sagitariue, because when the sun passed it tho trees were nearley divested of their foliage which the ancicnta con sidered as Indicative of the season for hunting, and hence they represented the constellation un. der the figures of an archer with bow and ar rows. The Saxons named it Wint Manalh Thankful von the Pitorir without THK Pain. A Scotch druggi-t was nrnu-ed by the ringing of his night bell, lie arose went down stairs, anu served n ciHomr with a doso of salts,. His wife grumbled What profit do you get out of that penny V 'A ha'penny,' was tho reply. And for that ha'penny jou'll lie awake long time,' rejoined his wife. 'A-weel,' replied the placid druggist, the dose of salts will keep him uwake much Lutz Sc Sloan have shawls Price "5 cts. to nhout Trade, dnll.irs taken for 100 cents lit V. O. McKiiinry's. DOBHIN'ri ELKOl'ItIO SOAP, liming obtained the agency of this Ci:i.KiuiATi:i Soap for Bloom-burg nnd vicinity, I append the opinion of some of our best people us to it? merit". I linvo ii"ed Dobbin's Electric soap made bv I. I j. Crngin & Co., Philadelphia, Pn , lor vn'iiii!f about ten years, md think it superior to any other. Mrs. U. (5. Ii.irkley.1' "Wel.nvniised Dobbin s hlectricti'iitpiwd find it superior to nny otlur or all vtlian. i').rs, V. II. .lucoby, Mrs. II. H. Stobncr. I desiie nil mv friends nud customers to Give thin Sotin otic Trinl, po that they may know ju-t how good tie Uet So.ip in thu United states i. .1. II. Maizi:. jilly 12, '78-lv Blnomsburg, Pit. New dre.-s go. ids and more dress triminiujn leeowcd at l.utz iV fc'oati s tins ve. Boot mid Klines chtnp at McKionej '. Cramplon's Palm Soap is tiio hrt laun drv soap in thisor any othi r iiiiiikct. F'.r may lS-!Iw below C'oujt sale by Jacob II. Maize. Mclvinneys Shoe Store House. More New MataWo and lV-aver UioaUinij.s for tho ladies at Lutz & Sloan's. (wind month). The closing day of November longer; let us thank heaven that we have Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup is recommended by all druggists as being a purely vegetable nnd reliable preparation for Babies. Price 25 cents. WEATiiEit niivmv FOll OOTOUEK. The following Is the meteorological summary at Catawissa for the month of Ostober, 1878, compiled from observations by W. G. Yellcr. Barometric Pleasure Highest reading n the 2'ith, 30 37 inches ; lowest reading on the 23rd, 28.97 Indus; monthly mean, 30.02 inch es; monthly range, 1.40 inches. Tempeinture of the Air Highest reading on IhelGth, 81 degrees ; lowest reading on the 29tb, 27 degrees; monthly mean or average for the month, 55 degrees; monthly range, 51 de grees; greatest dally range on the 21st, 37j de grees; least daily range on the 18th, 9 degrees. Moisture Mean relative humidity, C9 per cent number of days on which rain fell, H; amount of rain fall, 4.14 inches. Wind The i revailing wind was from the south-west, and the highest hourly velocity .dur ing Ihe month was 53 miles from the south east on Iho 23rd, which exir'.ed a pressure of 14 pounds to the square foot of exposed surf aces. Miscellaneous Phenomena Frost occurred on Ihe 7th, 13 h, 20th, 21st, 22J, 24th, 25th, 20th. 28lh and 29 h ; Ice formed in exposed pirn-ton the 7ih, 13ih, 21st, 22d, 2Clh, 28lh and 29th light snow fell on the 31it, being the first of the season in this vicinity. Certainly there is no other American manu facture that can, witli equal justice with Fair- barks' Scales, claim the honorable distinction of being a universal standard, Cbminercmwlui' On the eve of an election it is a disreputable hut customary practice to circulate falsehood too lain to be denied, that arc expected to bene fit favorito candidates. It is useless as a gener al thing lo attempt to refute these ysri " but now that the e'ection is over wf refer t'i false hood ti"ed by a ureenbackel gain votes for his candidate for State Senator. On Monday evening a few hours before the polls opened wo were informed that a package of tickets contain ing the names of all tho democratic candidates except that of Geo. D. Jackson for Senator, In whose stead James P. Herdlc was inserted, lind been delivered in Madison township to u mem ber of the Democratic Standing Coininlltee,wiih the assertion that the package was sent to him by one of the editors of the Columbian. This was utterly false. Wo prirted such tickets, as a matter of business with the distinct understand ing that we would have nothing to do with their circulation, The tickets were delivered by a man sent for thtm by Mr. Ilerdic, and we had nothing whatever to do with sending them oi't, but on the contrary, refused to give this man who was n stranger in lhn county, any in formation as lo whom he should deliver them We printed the tickets for the tame reason that we printed some for Mr. Klotz, for Mr. Ent, for the Greenback parly, because they were order ed and paid for, and our refusal lo print could by no means have prevented their circulation, as they would have got them elsewhere. Any assertions, however, that we did anything for nny body but the straight Democratic nominees are false. We were for Dill and Ihe whole tick el, first, last and all the time, but we could not for that reason close up our job ofhee and re fuse to do printing for any body else. The NEWfirAFEU Businias. Here Is how a btoiher journalUt puU it! "We eupjiose that many people think that newspaper men are per tlsttnt duns; let a farmer place himself in similar business position and see if he would not do the same. Suppose he raised two thous and bushels of wheat, and his neighbor should coiee and buy a buhel, and Ihe price was small mailer of only two dollars or less, and the neighbor says, "I will hand you Ihe amount in a few days." As Ihe farmer did not wsnt to bo small about the matter, lie says all right, and the man leaves with the wheat. Another come1 in Ihe fame way until the whole of the one thousand bushels of wheat are trusted out lo one thousand different persons, and not one of the thousand purchasers concerns himself about It, for It Is a small amount that he owts the far roer, and of course Ihat would not help htm any. He dots not realize that Ihe fanner has fritter! d away all Ida large crop of wheat, and Ihat lis value Is due him in a thousand llttl V l:' driblets, si'd 'hat he is seriously embarrassed I his lu'i ' Ucaie his debtors treat it as a 11 lie mat'' But If all ould pay him promptly it would be a very large amount to the fanner, and tnable him to carry on his business without diflirully. The above comparison Is too true of lh difficulties Ihat Ihe newspaper man has lo contend with." A bear wss killed in Ml, Plcastnt townsh lakt Friday Ly the Crawford brothers. A iiuui bcr of our cllliens Indulged in slice of bear meat. Is St. Andrew's St. Cecelia has also conferred a ghoBtly honor on his month, as well as upon mu sic. Leigh Hunt says November "with its loss of verdure, its frequent rains, tho fall of leaf, and the visible approach of winter, is undoubt edly a gloomy month to the gloomy, but to oth ers It brings but pensiveness a feeling very far from being destitute of pleasure; and if the healthiest and most imaginative of us may feel tlitir spirits pulled down by reflection connected with earth Its moralities and its mistakes, we shall but strengthen ourselves the more lo make strong and sweet music with the changeful but harmonious movements of nature." But what is there sad in November! The crysanthemums and dahlias are out in their glo ry ; the forest Irees are as gay as a rainbow ; the air is bright, crisp and invigorating ; there are corn husking in the barns of the farmers ; ap ples are gathered in ; fires are kindled, parties and balls are given, business Is brisk in town and country. The leaves fall in October, it is true, but there is nothing sad or melancholy in that nny more thai there is in putting off an old dress lo nut on a new one. If the leave fall It must not be forgotten that they enrich the soil and protect ihe roots of the tree- which bore them. If they did not fall (here would bo no green buds and white blossoms In the spring, October and November are bright, jolly and en joyable months, the most so of any year. 'There is nothing so bright as a day in June except a day in October. But the brightness glories and L-aieties of November will follow their predeces sors into Ihe dread and solemn past, coveted by the nail of dark December. Coming after Ihe sad summer wherein a destroying peetilenc be numbed the energies of the people in one of the fairest nor lions of our land, and caused the or dinary pleasures and recreations of society to be neglected and tho nations to be.bathed in sorrow because of Ihe carnival of death, a sadness marks its advent Ihat all its brilliancy cannot efface. But its bracing atmosphere will stop Ihe tre id of the reaper and dry the tear of grief and sorrow and bring security to the house of mourn Ing. Exchange. the profit and not the pain of the transac tion." Harper's Magazine Drawer. HUNT'S REMEDY U aifl. IIUMT'M 11 K. Tho Trent Kidney Mr ill i hm H li"t a uew cuniKjunl it lias been btforclliejiubllcatycara and UHt by all cMshci. HUNT'S ltlvMK.lY tins saved frnmllniri rlnir dlBease and death hun dred vha liavo been firlvpn up by rbynlrlans MKllV riirH nil Ilia. VtftMtoTthf Kldneyx, Bladder, and Irluary OrtMUt UropiVt Gfftel, J) label et, and InromlnenrtB nd Helen! Inn of (Trine. BUNT'HKKMt.DY encourages sleep, creates an pMttte, bracM up the lyatem, and renewed health la Ik Hide, Hark, or J.nttii, (.'merit. Debll- lITt Femal Dines art, Jnalurked !lcen, Loss of Appetite, llrlRht's DUnno of thu Kid rathdftll Crnnplalntn of the rrJno-IJenltnl ri.na. . i Grant nt on llrollicr'n Palm wan nt Jacob II. Maizo'fc. It is the brt. Try it. may 3-lSv Ailmtfat.on free nt .McKiimey's. Marriages. i,jur.d tbe turnout reliance may oe placed In It. itz.air.ii x i rrepiireu ot dlaeaaeat and i uerer been subtle, and tt r.ii. timm trial will Min. Vtaee.yoa tad Tor pamphlet to ITU. Tt CLARKE, fYOTXDUfCZ R. ! HUNTS , LiNDSEY'S BLOOD SEARCHER, It to rmi.ai imouii .ariiirn - iTtmr, Hprofiil, I'lofiM, ii.nW, I'unj If " and all Illood di rill to Ua woixlc fnl i,nw.n. IIIimmI I lit uuaraul ofhtAlln. Itctdi ' It raft i tnj on ' hcrof; f nt child of rrjiili. "Mr K SHllt" lar ' tmrt, . I'nra II- H. L. bt I l.r 1 4. frnp', filttburih, tt. SoU ty DntjjiiV Al'L SHUTT. On Tuesday morning Norembcr 6(h, lsTS, at the Lutheran IMrsonagu, .Mala street. nioomsburg ra., by tho ltev. ti. I), s. Mnrclay. Mr. Jacob Mil and Mrs. Kato Shult, bothot Hl,inmsbuiv 1M. Thchaypycouplo tool: tho early noon tialn Dr their weddlusr tour, attended by tho food wlV.ics t their trleuds, that they realko their ru'.l attire of llte'a Joys II'IMIIOV FULK.-On October Iho VJIU Inst., by . r, Mooro Ksq , Win. 11. Ilomboy of Hcmloci; town ship to Elnora Fulk of tho eame place. t)lt?i:L-l)Ii;V21tlUK .On Thursdiy evenlnj,' October 24th, 1S7S at tho t.'ithcran purhona?e Main htrect llloomsbur;,' I'a., by tho llev. O. I), s. .M.irclay, Mr, 1). Clark I'ursel and M133 M. AIlco Vlctcrlck beta of near Iiloomsburg l'a. apr 19. TS-ly eo w i IowELf, Mans., Mar 15, 1876. M trans. Wm. M Giles & Co. QentUmen have been sutlerinc for ten years with pcialic enniatiam, ami the different kinds of I.im ment I have ii'fil during that lime may be euli nated by .'alloni. About two wpeks ago I ob tained a bottle of your linlruent Iodide Ammo, a of your aeenH K. A K. Bailey Sc Co.j it gave ine almoft Instantaneous relief fr6m ialn, nd flnce that time I have been steadily Im nrovinK. It has done me more good than any edlcino that I have before uned. 1 have been obliged lo carry a cane until within two weekB, nee which time I have not found it necestary also wish to state that this testimonial is not I.O..A l.nn.t ,nn nUnV l,t 1.1' ltd I ft . Hr..l I.... !!!. !.!,. I,, Ik.l lh.r b" V'"""' ' " ' ruiiiucu, uu . h..v ... ...v I with satisfactory results In ou-rv cae. on can may be benefitted as 1 have own. I , i i,.,i r, (Sigmd) Mrs. N. I'orviy. 13 ltoott Cororallon. Sold ly all dniggifU. Bend for pamphlet Dn. Qilks, 120 West Broadway, N. Y. Trial siie 25 cents. A 8UDDKN DUA'lil. There i something terrible in the thought of having our friendn stricken ilcmn al i.ur ide, without a parting word of endeHrment or conrO' lation one moment at our hide in i he llj.h of yigorous life, cheering our he.-irU with ihrir lin ing sympathy ; the next at our f-it, p-ili- with death, deaf to our dies and litidlts of our ars.te Every exceiwively'f'tt pt'rntt U in con slant dancer of such a death. Seven ii ll.s of the victims of obesity die of h -nt i'.io u apoplexy. Allan's Anil Rtl, the ri I y rune ' for obesity, nil urea ihe. wtiu'hl bv ngul.itiiiK the ilimnlion and as-"imil ilion of ihe iiMid. i i perfectly harmless and it iho will in ire, i every InHtance, a reduction of weight fiom tw to five pouniU a week. AN AMONISIUNII I'.UT, A large proportion of the Vincriean penpl are to-dny dying from the ell'i et of lly.-iep..ia or disordered liver. Tho re.ult ol'thi'.e di-eiv es upon the massesof intelligent and nluabl people is most alarming making hie actually burden instead of n pleavant exi-tenceof enjoy ment and usefulness as it ( light In lie. There is no good reason for this, if you will only throw aside prejudice nnd skepticism, lake the nd-iie of Druggists nnd your friends, and and try one bottle of Green's August Flower Your speedy relief is certain Millions of bottles nl lliisiued Cull at Mi'Kinney'a for Shoes.. Try it Palm l'alm- At Jacob 11. Mnizc'h- may 3-lSw Ilubbers nt MeKinney's. -l!uy it I'alm Soap -at Jr.enb 11. .MaizeV Deaths. Sll VllltBTTS-October 22, 1873 at llapy, Vera Mar tin, the Infant diugliter of ltev. E. A. Mnrretts and his wife Hlizabeth, a,-ed 4 months and It days. The funeral serMces were held on the 2-ltii tilt., at Ks. py la tho Lutheran Church of which Iho Iicv. Mr. hharrelts Is pastor, ltev. Mr. Marclay of niooins burg onicl.UlDt'. Tho inanlfebt deep aympatliy and condolenco by tlio parUhloners of th'j bereived .pis- tor, Indicates how dearly Mr. Sharretts Is biloved by his people. The Interment took place at tho bur ial ground of HrUrcreck church. Even death shall bo destroyed. It MtNINflEH.-On October 21th, is;, at import, Klinber Michael llttl.) son nt Wm llarulnger aa I his wife Matilda, aud i jears, 11 months aud in d.u s. Tho Interment on tho !itth at fatau lss.i, ltev. Mr. Mnrelay cntelatlng. Just ono week brore th"ie now doubly bereave 1 pirents hvl b'liieil a dear blight llttlo boy of fi years. After all "d?atli in ly bo the greater good." In (ireenuooJ 'Jut li lust., daughter of Francis Eves aged about 10 soars. In Greenwood !3th lust., Miss Elizabeth Kveb ttiM about 40 jears. Near Mord.insi lllo 2Mb Inst , Isaac C'rawfoid aged 13 ears and ID inonlhs. OOUKT PUOCLArATION. Si I EKI FFSIS ALE. I'.y Mrtun of sundry writs luaued outpf tho Court of (oinraqn I'lcas of Columbia county, and to tao I Ulrtfteilwni t exposed to public sale at tho Court Houc Plocmsburg, at ono oUoctc p. ta. en MONDAY, I)EOi:MUEUi2d,'s1878. All Ihose'threo Hsot ground lying and belnc In the borough of Contralto, In Columbia county, Noa, t,2itil,!nWoi;kNo. as, being the store property yhcjfon pro ij-cctod a '.tjWO-story frame dwelling andsWo wlllt a two Mory plank ktoro room, waro loom rflta feett loom itttached, ",:.. . .1 "AliO, ' .rlltfuttef'MlnlOtof ground ljlng and being In thortwoufeh of Centralla, In Columbia county, No. s mtbik o. di,n width Is erected u two-story ftatqo dKcllltifc' , Z . t ALSO, All thoso two certain lots of ground situate, lying, and otlng Irl fMaAi Is"sa, (u Columbia county I one of Ihetnboiindal.oh.thoweBt by Front street thirty- lliefect. on tho.lior,!" by lot of John Brobst two hundred and ten feet, cast by an alley thirty-five feet, south 'liv iTn allev two hundred and tin feet. I containing beien thousand three hundred and fifty of.lot No. 12 on Front street, thence by lotlNO. 11 sonteast suienty rcet to post,thenco by land of Lvrv Melz Kiuthwtst, uearlyj parallel to Front stiett, sttenty feet to a post tnjlne with lot No. 10, thence iiorllmestwardlyRcveuty.feet to Front street thence In line with Front street northeast seventy fccttothopUco of beginning, being lot No. tt, on which last do.T'rlbed lot thcro Is a two-story frarao house anduutoulldlngs: Also, together with all tho houses, buildings, barns and appurtenances to tho more-mentioned lots belonging. Seized, takea Into execution at the suit of Ths First National Hank of Ashland, Fa. against llobert Hrjson, Juliu llryson and Itobert Uorrell, trading as llob-it nrisoii S Co. Limited, and to bo sold as the propel ly of Hubert 'iryson, John llryson and Itobert oeneiltiu ling as ltoberl Hrjson tCo. Limited. Hiti.zf., Aiwruej. Vend. Ex. ALSO, All ill it c tain lot or uareel of ground sltuato In the town tf l.loumlnirg, Columbia county, Pennsyl- iu 1 1, (lese.iiji'd as rjtlows, to-wlti Hounded on the north n.i an allin, east by lot of (lharles Crug, on llH sunt n Uj I if Hi street, and on Iho west by Catha rine sti i el, containing forty-tight feet front and one Una led .in I eight) feet In depth ; on which t re eieu d u frame dwelling-house, barn and outbuild ings. Miz.vl. tak nlnto exocultm at the suit of lames K I er n . t ir tho use of Isaac Ikeler against An tliow r, rw hUgt r an J to bo sold as tho property of Andre v tor a linger. Il.ti.Kii, .ttui nej . Vend Kx. . !., ALSO, All thai certain lot of ground sltuato In Jackson township, , 'oluml'la county, l'enusylvanla.descrlbed as loltn.v t-).,ML : ilouudoil on Iho north by lands t.i rl.iiut--. Ail, li ii, oil the east by lands of Harvey t reulli -. nn u,o wi -t lo lands tt Georgo Wagner, arid, in i.i. u itu bi lands ut Nehemtah Kilo and n.i!-, . ' r.,iiti,- eo'talnln three hundred and ton -i' re i ii- Ii'th. on which arc erected a it. 11 1 !. i i-i . iirn and water injwcr. KtA ' int, i execution al tho suit of Ellis II. 'iTa-1 r in'a;ln I l ) . Meeker aud to bo sold as Hw ro,,, itA ui J. J. Meeker, j EMiu-i, ' Uouio, end.x. '. , . , ALSO. 'Vwertot-s n-vroiinii situate in tho borough of Cen liulla, Columbia county. 1'ennsjlvanla, being lltty .fijiit In wl.llh and one hundred and forty feet m, uep'ii win n on aie eretteti iho iwo-siory iramo 'daoilhiit l.OiiHi n, said lots bounded and described as VolHws : N"orlli by I'ark street, eust by street, squtl) by inetint lolsand west by lots of M. Lawler. ALSO, A lot of gi otind situate In the borough, countyand State afotesdld, bounded and described as follows: Number one No. 1) block cno hundred and eighteen (IfS) northby Park street, east by an alley, south by lot lately on ncd by llllam Torrey, and west by Lo cust Avenue, whereon Isoiecteda two-story frame dwelling house. A LSO, 11 tho r'ght, i Itle and aud Interest of slid Itobert (iorrellln tho estate of Mary Oorrell, deceased. s-elzed, taken Into execution at tho suit of The National lifink of Ashland, Fa. against Itobert Oor rell and lo be sold as the property o! llobert (JorrelL , 1'uefze, Attorney, Vend Kx- ALSO, All that certain piece or parcel of land situate In the towna'.ili of lirlai creek, Columbia county descri bed In tuo pieces, but held and occupied as one bounded as follow : lieglnnlng at a ttone corner to liiul latoottlenryErlttatn'tUhence north eighty-four arid ono hair degrees east eighty perches to a black o ik s ipling la thu county lino of Luzerne and Co lumbia, thence by the snmo south three degrees, west ono hundred 'and slxty-nve perches to land U'e of lieriiard seybert, thenco west forty-four perched to an oak sapllng.theuco north twenty-eight nnd one half degrees west one hundred and two P'rclies to uind lato of Henry l)r!ttatn,thence by the same north lltty and one-half degrees east twenty seien andoue-ti'iith perches to a black oak, thence north two degiees cast forty-nlno percaea to plae of beginning, containing seventy-live acres and one hundre 1 und t-1c en perehes more or less. The other piece of laud adjoining tho abovo Is bounded by be- Innlngata b'aekoak,thencowest tlfty-two and slx- lenth i riches to a white oak, thence north two de grefs east twenty-two and two-tenth perches toa stone, tbunce north Jltty-threo degrees, west eigh teen and Lwo-tenth erches to a stone, thence north twenty-one and a halfdegrees east thirty-seven and eight-tenth perehes to a stone, thence north forty one degrees west seventeen perches to a stone, theueo north lift) and onc-halr degrees east sixteen nud two-tenth perehes to u ttone, thence north twen- ty-t lglit and one-half degrees west ono hundred and two pen ie. to thplico of beginning, containing ient -ot.e acres more or less, together nlnety-slx lines an i on" numbed and oleum perches(exceptlng mil "f the 1 1st iecrll,ed piece, two-thirds of an acre it 1sn I wit' the nppurtcnances lying along the ruadiroi'i I'uuudr.iM'lo to Iho grist mill on the prem ise, in iMi.iieii i Kiuiei MllieDon whleli are erected a I. r,e gi Ui ml.l, a large bank barn.frame farm house un t dl-i llleiy h( lze I, taken Into cm cut Ion at the suit cf (leorgo 1I4 ,sej lu i i. against Uanlel V. seybert, and to be sold a III" i icperty of I anl 1 F. Se) bert. Vend Ex. BLOOMSBURG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DI8TRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rv. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. Tilts SCHOOL, as at present constituted, oners the very tst famines for Professional and Classical learnlni Hulldlnm sDaclous. invlumr and commodious : completely boated by steam, well ventilated. Hunted by cas. am Bprlng water. nwuuuil UCIUU11UI, kuiu coal u, nMrrvs. i.M4nDQ.ini rcutxn. cuiucui, mn miiii w vuoir nvii. Liiaif uuc, iiiiu uu, kiuu. uuiiui i moderate. Kitty cents a week deduction to all expecting to teach. Btudents admitted at any ttme. Uooms reserved when desired. furnished with a bountiful supply of pure,stftt Discipline, firm but kind, uniform and thorough, Kxpensea IV. Course in Art, V. Course in Physieal Culture. Teachers experienced, efficient, and allro to their work, to all exDwitlng to teach. Btudents admitted at anv ttma. t;uurses or aiuay prescnueu uy tue duiiv i I, Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. Adjunct Courses : I Academic. II. Commercial. III. Course in Music, The Elementary. Scientific and Classical Courses are PUOKKSStONAL, and Students graduatng therein, receive state Diplomas, conferring the follow-In corresponding IX'grees j Master ol tho Elements; Master otrthe Sciences; Master of the Classics. Graduates In tho other Courses receive Normal Uurtlili i-ci their attainments,, signed by the Officers of tbe Board of Tustee , The course ol Htud y prescribed by the State Is liberal, and theS Menttnc and Classical courses are not Inferior to thoso of our best Colleges. The state requtresa higher order of citizenship. The limes del land It. It Is one of the prime objects ot this School to help to secure It. bv rurnWilnglnl"!'! gent and efficient Teachers for her schools. Tothtsendlt solicits young persons of cood abilities and irood nurixiss. -those who desire lohnnrove tlielr t..r.e and their talents, as student. To all such It promises aid In developing their powers, and abundant opportunities for well paid labor after leal Ing School. Fur Catalogue, address the Frlnclpal. hum. wii.i.ia.11 Kl.wiii.i sept. 8. -id.- l'rrsldenl Board f Trnsteea NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "You Don't Know tieir Talua," luya sample bottle for ten tents to try. Threo doses will relievo tho worst fuse. Positively sold by all druggists on the Western Continent. wg. 30,'78-tf jl N0THINO HIlOKTOr UsMISTAKAlll.t llKNKtirs Conforred upon tens of thouw mis of suITerers could originate and maintain the reputation which A)cr's HarsapartHaen0)S. It Is a comiound of Iho let vegetable alteratliea, with the luiidi soi i"otasium and Iron, and Is tbe most erfeduul of uil reuiedles "They cured mo of (Ague, BilouBness, and I for scrofulous, mercurial, or titod dhonieis, I'ul- Kidney Complaint, as rcconimcnded. I had successful and certain In us remedial eifects, lialfbotllo left wbich I used for ray two lit- ,.., Umnor, numies. i:run ion. skin ins. tie girls who tlio doctors and neighbors said I eases and alldisorders arising nomtmpurliy of the could Dot be cured. Iam confident I should I Wood, uy Italmlgorntlngeneei- II alwiosrelleics ana one n tures uver wtuipiuiuic, itinmu m-u. noasesind In egukirlt les, aud Is a jiotctit i enew er of vitality. For puiit)lng the blond It has no tipial. It tones up the system, restores mil puseiiea iho health, and Imparts vigor and tni rgy. Fur forty years It has been In extensive use, and Is to-day tho available medicine for tho euffertng sick, anywhire. FOR S4I.lt BY Jil L DSlllUS. ao , liavo lost both of them one night if I bad not bad the Hop Bitters in my house to use. 1 found they dono them eo much good I contin ued with them, and they are now well. That is why I say you do not know half of the val- uo of Hop Bitters, and do not recoomend them high enough." B.. Rochester, K, X. Reflect that In every cemetery one-half of tha silent tenants are the victims of neglected Coughs and colds; and If you are thus afflicted, niJ their fate by resorting alaHM lo HaUtllm- ryof Ilorthound aud ihr. an Immediate, sgreea hie. and certain means of cure. Bold by al Drug girls. Pike's Tcolhatht Diopi cute in I ii u to' A GOLD MEDAL baa been awarded at tbe Paris F.xposlllon ot isis to J. & P. COATS. rn ihfip ifRt Kttord Hnool Cotton, contlrmtni? the I eattmati) placet! upoa tlictr omU ut all 11 iu Worlds fcU positions from that at Iniion. Imw, to the ren tutulal EsroUloD ot 1670. v limit lu'y KHknillplonm for 'NlI!'KtUUH Clttb.XllJl Ati r-ACl-L.iT.. i Tlet'Oonl I'rlwcfftKlUcr MPilat was tnkfu by thA u miinantlo 1 lneu Conn any. u lik h cluUan to bo A man natneil Maloney. return to hiB u. .?wcw champion or hm&i home at Walker's Mills, Allegheny county, paria. ill!: JL?'A (of.a NO GRAND PRIZES were awarded nnddurincall that timo no communication ior bDOOl UOttOn at 1 AUlb nan. hnltraon litmcAil ond ui a alinni I LfouafB .1. iC 1". f. (jfLla 11a Vfl Chi IiullIK 11 111 I n LUCK' ,u ,,.t " ',,', ' etrit:i .' helarirotsiooll'otton Mlllx In Iho I nlted he found in good circumstances. I !' ' K,ery SmceJj of manufurturu from tho raw cotton lo tha nnlshed spool H eouducu d iiiero. Tin ir , ,. , ,. .... i amencan-tnaou biiwi v uiium hiwi. uiu u.uiuouuu The society tlite ol tho Canadian capitol is I ivntenntal, and hllo they hau neer claimed sm thrilled, entmrccd. ecslaMcd, over the an- ST&lATSSi nouncemeni 01 tlio long sinng oi o'gniianes i f, -M,Wllctlon ot announeiuiflhai they linobo that the tnaniuis ot liortio brings with luiu to laenuned ihcnisenes huh tins couutry, that keep iroul ueooiuiug vutiruiy uaiuarisu uuriug his reslueuoo in tlio AUiencau nnucruwa, Tho renort that tho Arabs about Hagdail liavo revolted britigs up tbe fear that the tomb of Sinbad the sailor has been desecrated. IP ii,; nrnvH to Lo the cose tlio etlect unon kyuipatiictlo llerlin nd tbe English money I Mule AgentN lu I'lillailt'li market will be "depressing" byojd calcula-1 . a, .. ro t' KM. MT.ta fHrfr, AMERICA is rcprcssAtcd by J. &P, C0AT3, is st 11 AfteRd n Spool Cotton. BATES & COATKS. SHERIFFS SALE. Ily virtuo of sundry writs Issued out of tnc Court o' Common Tleas of Columbly county, and to me directed will bo exposed to nuhllo sale at the Ceurt House Uloomsburir, tt one o'clock p. m on MONDAY, DEUEMI1KK 2d, 1878. All that certain lot or plcco ot ground situate tn lleaTer township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by land of Coal and Iron Com pany, on tho east by land of 0, F. Drelsuach, on tho south by land of Frederick bhcrman, and on the west by la"d of LcM McAITee, containing lltty acres, moro or less, on which aro erected a log house, bank barn and outbuildings. i-tlzed, taken Into execution at tho suit ot Ellas Uentnger against John Hunstnger and u be sold as tho property of John it unstnger. Fkhezs, Attorney. Vend Sx. ALSO, Atltnatcrtalnlotor pleco of ground sltuato la tno Town ot Iiloomsburg, Columbia county, Penn sylvania, described as follows, to-wit : Bounded on the north by Second street, on tho east by an alley, on the south by an alley, and on the west by o, V. Knapp, containing one hundred foot front on Second street, aud feet in depth, on wtucn aro erected a brick dwelling hoose.two barns and out-bulldlogg. ALSO, All that certain lot or place of ground situate In Madison township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania. described aa follows, to-wlt i Bounded on the oast by land of Jacob shoemaker, on the west by landot Uriah MUls'stbelrs, and'John BelshlUie, on toe west by landot John Christian and Amos lienor ana on the north by land ot William Kabb, containing three hundred acres on which are erected a house, barn and ouUbulldlcgs.1 seized, taken Into exocntlsnat the suit ot David Lowenborg against Valontlne Beldfcman and to be old as the property ot Valentine Deldleman. BccKALxws, Attorneys, Vend Rx, ALSO, All that certain lot ot ground attnate in the Town ot Bloomsburg, Columbia county. Pennsylvania, described aa follows, to wit ; Bounded on Iho north by an alley, on the east by laad of William Glger, on the south by street and on the west ujjand of Jonn Moaer, cantalnlng fifty fact front and one hundred and fifty feet In depth, on which are erect ed a dwelling house, stable and ont-bulldlngs.1 Belted, taken Into execution at the suit ot John Kramer assigned to Precis Byerly and If. C. Woodward and to hi sold as the property ot John Cooper. Fastzs, Attorney. Vend fx. Terms cash en day at sale. JOHN W. HOFFMAN, nov. 1, 'JS-ta sucrtlt. PHOVEflU'. fitiiir RtiiYifiph. hurt ttT'iiih. Infiltration and headache easilytcuira by Hop inttere. "Studv ttnn mttprs tmrik4.UM the medlclne.bo wise, healthy ana happy," WhPti Itffl 1 ft rtrmr. And Tun Axe lrt fill hope, try Hop Bitters." "Kttlnpv and nrtnnrv trrmhlfi wntvrrsal. ami viiu urn v luiic ujiu Hutu rcuifur in iiuu nitina- rely on it." 'ITon r.lttrrs rtft not pxhnu&t nnd dpRtrov. but;restoresand makea new." Berlin. lUllouRnfS. drowslnMw. laundlce. non uinvrs removes easily." "nollL Ilmnlps. Frrcltlps. Itotiffh Skin, erun- iiuus, impure oiooa, uoi uuicrs cure. "Inactive Kidneys and trlnarj' Organs cauc tho worst ot dlseasea, and Hop Bliters cures uicui tut. More health, aunshlno and Joy la Hop DHlen uiaa m an oiaer rvmeaica." Hop CnaKh Cure nitrt I'ntii liPKt. Urllef In Ihr rOR SALPt BT UOTRR BROTIIIRS PUBLIC SALE OK A VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND. "VVT'IIKKKAS, the linn. WlI.MAM Kl.WKM. president .luilge of the t'nui t citojer nuil rerininertina uenerai .ia-i jieinerj, oun ui i;u.ir tersesslonnof tlm l'eneonnd the Court of common Pleas ami Orphan-'' court lu tho 'ilth JudleUl 1)1 ( trlct. coinnosed of th" couutle' of ColiuntiU .mil Montour, niulthe limn. I. K. Kilekluuni and I-'. 1, Miuinun, Aoclalo Judges of Columlil i county, h.n Issued their precept, bearlirr date tlie Mlt iin ol Oct. In iho year of our Lord nii'j thousaml rUhi hundred and acenty-elght, iitnl to mudlietii'il im holding a Court utoer and Tenulner and Hem liuarler Sessions ot the It-ace, I'uuit ot Coniui'-n Fleas und orphans' court, in iiiooinaourt:. m in- county of Columbia, on the llrst Monday, being the H dayot 1)02. next, to continue two weeks. Notice Is hereby glon to tho Coroner, to tho Jus tices of tho Peace, and the Constables of tho said county of Columbia, that 1 hoy bo then and therein their proper person at 10 o'clock In the forenoon pf kald :d day ot Dec. with their records. Inrpil sltlons and other remembrances, to do those things which to their ofllces appertain to bo done. Aud those that aro bound by rocognlzauco to prosecute against the prisoners that are or may bo In the Jail of the faM county of Columbia, to bo then and tin Ti to prosecute them as flullbo ut. Jurors aro ic quested to bo punctual In lhelrnttendance,agreeublj tothelrnotlces. luted at Iiloomsburg tho 5th day ,1 of ort. in the jour of our Iird one 8. Vthousand eight hundred and seent-t Ight I aud lu tlio one hundred nnd iblril jeur of tho Independence ot tho I'nlUd Males of Auieilcu. MierlU's ortlce, JOHN. . HOFFMAN, Iiloomsburg, Oct, 31-tc hherirf. hilt ITS. Jill' LIST OK TKA VKltSK JUItOHS KOlt D1C CliMliLIlTKlIM, 1S76. FIKPT WBKK, Bloom John C. Jones. lM Cox, Michael Waller .0 Kvaiis, J, M. craw rord, Josi ph H t ldel, c, W ltuuon. Heater .1. n. Lonengbcrger Heuton Win. V. Hess. Berwick lloyd Williams. J. 1). Thempsou, Sam uel Chamberlln, Amos F. Creasy. Hrlarcreek T. II. II. UaMs, undrew Fowler, Iji. inou Martz. cataulssn-dldeon llaldman, Ilotert Waltli, Am brose HharpleHs, Flnkerton lirumtieller. Cenlro Xarcn Kelchner. Conyngham Henry Moser. Flshlngcieeek John Hlnard Franklin Cllntou Mendenhall, Hemlock II. I. Appleman N. P. Mncre. Oreeuwood Thomas Bender. Hen. Mtaekhouso. 1- Locust c rus bhatler, Joseph '1 huuius, u in. JTr, win, Kllas (leorgo. . " Madison Monls n. Masttrs, Hallls Hlerllng, oil-H-r MiulK. Wui. Vustellrr. Matn-ll. 11. John, Wm. V. lllchurt. Miillln O, P. Klingiuian, J, u, bwank, Dav'd Eckroth, ilontour John Drum. orango-A. II Kitchen. l'lue J I,. Hones, John Locknrd. Hcull Neheuilah lllchlo luuioshake, bugarloat Jehu Kltnger. SkCONO WKKK. Bloom AbrFry, C. K. Hughes, Win Chilttmnn, Chas. '1 homas, Chas. It. luuel, Jeremiah Hess, C H, Furinau, huluuel Towubend, Tho. II. Ilaillnali, iu-rwlck lvl Kurtz, (lea, Mooreheud. LU. c. L'abl, . l. teely, Altred Bower, Heater-Il Michael. Bonton Wm. emllh, Chas. motions, John Ilea-cock. uatawissa Aurum iruckeuiniut r Centre Z. T, Fonler, Johu Waters. M, l, Hicks, Ceulrolli-D. F, Curry. (ireennood-W. W. live", Clark Kline, Hemlock -Jacob Blocker, Jaekbon- Paul Kllnger. Locust -Solomon htraustfr, fclmon 11, Carl, Jerry Bcott. Kd. Watklns Madtson-A. K. 8Tlth. Haln-F. F Hemlog. MIoitn-LowU Creasy, kit. I'ltauaV-Joha Wa&lcV, PhllUp Creasy, 'Jaos-os a .-.lis, Attointys. A1.K), First, on all that certain let of land situate In tho 'rWu of HIonisliurg, County of Columbia, on tho jt'jrlh i-lle of i-ccoii'l s'ri ei, fronting titty feet on Hfitdseeoii I strict anjadilnlnc;iotof J.H.Towns.end on the (list ii.ul lot of William snjdor's heirs on the "West pud i t"i'dlti 1 1 n k to road from Iiloomsburg to l.lshi "ii -i-cwliereon Iserccli d a two-story Iramo ili.tlliiu li'iuc, si il-le and ont-bulldlngs, tielng No. i,.', in ii i .in .lyju-'s aldltlon to the Town of i:!u ii .-i ur,'. A10. Und. ,!' il cert dn pi ee of land stttnteln Main t lAhl,-, in si-l I ciiii-itj cf Columbia, bounded and i s n i -i . -. I K -, to-wlt : Hounded on tho east ai.d1- i. Ii ii i ,! i if nils Mi'imui and brother, on U. i- ii-iiiii' 1 u-.iiii( hanuii rlir,on tho west by iiiato Jia Ltunuii 1'iiiiialuliig tcnt-ono acres .ii- ie 1 1 ii . -ui rt as ihe proK-rty of o. Bitten ' n,n i-, i i,i Hi nieiiibi is oi Ihe Blcomsburg Luin i i- co un5. ALSO, No. i, nil '1 ni lot tltuato In tho Town cf Blooms burg, bounded und debertbed as follows, to wit : Be-gtnnlni,- on Ihe ,etl kldo of Catharine street, thence along the wiui h bide of an alley south slxty.three md thiic-iUHrtrrdegiees west ninety-eight teet to iKU'in-ui-bt Lurncr of stablo ; thencoby lot of Thom as Vi:iltnit fouth lid 'and ouo-foiirth degrees, east lM und i.lne.iwelftlis feet, ihenceby lot of said ili : nlmniier hi rh slMy-ihree nnd three-fourth do grci h, e.tsi nli ctj-elglit feet to Catharine street uruictnM, Un nru along said blrt-ct north twejity.slx und one-fourth degrees west blxty and nlno-twelfths fet t tu plaue 1 1 beginning, whereon is erected a two story truuvhousoaiul other out-bul'dlngs. elzod iisihe properly of W, H, Conner one of the members of Iho Iiloomsburg Lumticr Company, AlO, No, J, nil Ihat certain lot ot ground situate In said Tow u of Hioopisburg Uiunded and described as fol lows, lo-u it i l'eglnnlng at tho corner of Fourth and Utlh-.trtne htfeets, theneo along said Catharine street o l.c huinlud and elxty-thrro feet to lot of W s, conuir, ilieneo westwardly nlongsald lot ninety, eight lc( t", 'hti.co soulhwurdly one hundred and sixty-three feet to ma Fourth street thence along salJ Fuurih btreet ulnety-elght feet lo the plaeo of beginnings hereon Is erected a frame duelling liou'o and out-buldlugs. Seltod as tha proptit of licorgo Fensiermacher, a member ot tho BliM'i bburg Lumber Company, ALSO, No. 6, mi ihat certain let of ground situate on Fifth strett In tlie Town of Bloomsburg aforesaid, bound tsl anddetcilUil ns follows to-wlt t Beginning at th boullKJih (orner of Ftnh street and dross al lc . undexuiidleg eostwardly along the south side uflftu"kireei -'fifty feet to a corner, thence south w ardly by u II no parallel to dross alley one hundred and btenlv feit mora or less ta Ktirner'u nltv (hence along said alley w est wardly fifty feet to dross hlloy.lheuco northwardly along said alley one hun. drod and seventy feet to Fifth street the place of be gluulng, being Jot No. 87, whereon Is erecied two two-stoiy Iramo LoUbCs and outbuildings. AIJSO, No, 0, all Ihat certiln lot fronting twenty.nve fee' on said Flf'h street adjoining the above described property on tho east.and extending back tohterncrs ulley.i-olzed.taken in execution and to be Bold as tno piopcrly i f WHUam baunders one ot the members ot tho Bloouifchurg Lumber Company. belied, take Into execution at th,e suit of Tie people's Fltu Huvrance Cotupauy of Pennsylvania luuimt iho U.o uusburg Lumber Companyand to be t id us the pripiity otlho Bloomsburg Lumber t oinpuny f KMuiii, Mtoiney, Vend. Ex. Ti nn - - ,'sli on day tf kola. JOHN W, nOFFlf AN, nov. l.IS-U nheriff) The undersigned will oner at public sale on Monday, December 2d, 1878, commencing at two o'clock p. in. ot said day at the Court llouso In Bloomsburg, pa., all that certain tract ot land KKuate In line township, Columbia county, containing 112 ACRES, more or leas, adjolntng lands of I. A. Oerman on tho north, by lands late of J.J. Bobbins on tho east,lands of -amuel Kckraan on the south, and lands ot tbe lit Irs of '1 nomas hvos. deceased on thu west. 'Humor bisK.-tioo.o-i tobenald at tho striking dowu of the property, one-third of the balance on the 1st day of prll, A. I)., W aud baliuico on tho ibt day of April A, u.,18S0,w Ith Interest from the day possession is given. JOSEPH WHlTMOYEIt, Pino Summit, October 3-tn, is;s. JOYFUL New. for Boyi inj Glrl.ll Youni ud Old 11 A NEW IK. JVXNTION iu.t cUectol for than. t for Home um I Fret sad Scroll BawIb.. Turaloff. IDoring, Urlllliif.Orindini, PoluhiDi, Screw Cutting. Pric. S to MO. genu o cenu lor lou pocei. KFIIRA1K BROWN, Lowell, gut nov. 1, 1SIS-13W WrilWS' U'PKAISEMEXTS. T T The foUowlng appraisements of real and Eersonul property set apart to widows of decedents ae been tiled In theofllco of tho Register of Col umbia county, under the Itules ot Court, and will be presenieu lor uusoiuiu cuuiinnuiion 10 ine orpnans court to be held in Hioomsourg.in and for bald conn tv. on Moniav. the 2 1 dav of Dec. 1S7S. at 4 o'clock p. in., ot said day unless exceptions to such conurmaiion are previously niea, oi wuicn an per sons niicrebicu m saiu eaiaica v. ui uiho uoiier; 1, lduw- of (leorgo Miller, late of Mifflin township, ueceuseu. 2, Widow of John W, Bolshllno.lato of Flshtngcreek lownsiup, deceased, 3. Widow of John lint, lato cf Scott township, de ceased.! 4. Widow of John Boyor, lato ot Locuit township, deceased. Dauchy & Co's. Ailvt's. Sure Reward. VlUltS TO IMV I'Olt A VlllM. TO SIO rER ACRE. --cli ami .1! utile I it nil lit .tllclil- Knu In llif .tllliloii :-- (.i-itsit nl I In- ;riiiil ItntiliN nuil tti dlaiiit Italliiinil iittiiiitiy; TITLE rEriTECX. lriis Mill i rt- -i otix p'rnty ot ilnilii-i'-iKi (IkhihIii-ii" clitucli lius-no hi)iiin-r-.'' Itl'SNa TKKAMS '-Uhl: ATFK -IftAllV MARKr .SCUWLS-IHll.'lAlli-(IH-i tTiill THlli I I IlinK ( fcNTHK 01' TIIBtlKIST, send I . iiitttlil-l, l.ngl'ush or Oi.rmon Addnss . I). llI'lillAItT, 1 AMI COMMIIiy.L , lilUMl II.M'IUS Mil l!, Is aw i sprll l l- $io to siouo ,'n. r in nun. i.iii'h i-ui ii piu- mug t er Cd e s II XTKIt x. Hi.. tlANKbHS. IT Wall Slw York. d cc'. 2"i, ; nt? Ur 5. widow of John Mctna'l, Berwick, deceased, lleirlster's onico. Bloomsburg, nov.,1, U7s. I late of tho Borough of W. II. J.roi"r Itmrl-ter. tors and EfilSTEIt'S NOTICES. Notice Is herebv irtv en to all legatees, credl- , and other nersons fnterested In the estates of tho rehieetle decedents and minors, thatthe fol low Ing administration and guardian arrounUi liar, been filed In tbe oClce of the KegUtcr of Columbia county, and will be presented for confirmation and allowance in me orpuans- ounn tu u uem ui Iiloomsburg, on Monday, the sd day ot Dec., lifis, at 3 o clock, p. m. on said day: 1, The llrst and nnal account of Michael Mine and I ewls Huty, adtnlnlMrnu rs of 1'eter Bltner, Jr., late of Locust township, deceased. J. The llrst and final account cf UUam Masters, aomiuisiraior oi ueorgu nuburo, iic ui uiu. wuod township, deceased. 0. The first and final account of Charles Ash and Wesley KuckeUdmlnlstrators of Joseph Uucxel, lato of Centre township, deceaaed. 4. Tho first account ol Abraham Bredbenner, Jr.. admluiBtriitor ot Jacob Vheurman, late of Beaver township, decoaaod. a. 1 he first and parual account ot Joseph Lehr, ex ecutor ot Henri- Lehr, lato ef Beaver township, deceased. e, The final account cf Ferry D. Waca. guardian of Annie Keller, a minor child of Oeorge Kellrr.lale ot tlshlngcreek township, deceaaed. t. The llrst and final account of Sylvester Kitchen, administrator of William It. Lemon, late ofMU Pleasant townalitp, deoaased, e. The account of Lei I Alkman. guardian or Anna M. Molirtds, minor chUdof Franklin McBrlde, late of Hemlock towntnlp, docoased. . The first and final account ot Aaron Bernlnger, admlnburstorot ann Bernlnger, late otcataw Is. SBta ton nshlp, deceased. Keglster's Offlm, I W, 11. JACOB V, Bloomsburg, nov I, ISIS. Ksgtstsr. ASK FOR TUB Williamsport M-Maie Boot?, MANCFAtrrORBD DT J. E. DAYTON & CO AND "W A. asro?EiD. N. B. All goods of their make are stamped on the bottom. BepW , TS-Sm ntTFTKTjNKBL'rBiTTBVWlNFiTlONT- Has never been known to fall In the cure of weal - neas, attended with symptoms, Indisposition to ex ertion, loss ot memory, dimculty of brea.nlng. gen eral weakness, horror ot disease, weak, nervous, trembling, dreadful horror ot death, night sweats, cold feet, weakness, dimness ot vlslun, languor, uni versal lassitude otthe muscular a) stem, enormous appetite with djapeptlo system, hot Bands, flushing of tbe hod-, dryness of the skin, pallid countenance and eruptions on tho face, purifying the blood, pain In the back, heaviness of the ejeHl, frequent black spou filing before tlie eyes, with temporary suffu sion and loss pf sight, want ot attention, etc. These symptoms arise from a weakness, and to remedy that use K. F. Hunkers Bitter lne of Iron. It nev er tails. Thousands are now enjoying health who have used It. net the genuine. Hold only In l bot tles. Take only K. F. Kunkers. Atk tor Eunkel's Hitter Wtno a" Iron. Ibis truly valuable tonic baa been eo thoroughly tested by all classes of the community tkat It Is now deemed Indispensable as a Tenia meatdn. it ooate but little, purifies the blood and gtres tone to the stomach, renovates th system and prolongs life. I now only aak a trial of this ra-uaWe tonic. Price $1 per bot'le. K. F. Kunkel, eole proprietor, No. sw, Nortl) Ninth Btreet, below Vine, I'hhlladelphU, Ta. Ask for Kunkel's Hitter Wine of Iron and take no other. A photograph ot the proprietor on each wrap per, all others aro counterfeit. Bewarcof counterfeits. Ilonotl tyur druggist sell any but Knkel's, which Is lut up only as above represented. You can get six bottles for five dollars. All I ask Is one stmplo trial. Tain- Worm ll' ill overt illvr Head aud all coinpleto, In two hours. No feu till head passes. Seat, Hn and Stomach worms re moved by Ir. Kunkel,JJ North Ninth street. Advice fiee. No Ice until heal and all passes In one, aud alive. Dr. Kunkel Is the only auccccssful physician tntnls country for the removal of worms, and his Worm- 8) rup Is pleasant and safo for children or grown persons. Send for circular, or ask for a bot tie of Kunkel's worm syrup. Price ll.no per bottle Get tt of your druggist, It never falls. LIST OK CAUSES KOU TRIAL AT tlFXEMUEIi TKHM, 1S7S. Wm tl LlnnvlUe va I'etcr (I Mensch. Benjamin ll Y oung vs Andrew Fellows' ex. Jonathan I'ursell vs Jehu 1 homas. Daniel F Se)tn-rt ts Inmon Martz. A w Cream, r vs John Keller, Benton M S FA- Iian Association vs Edward Haw, llnirswlth not'eec. Iianlel F Seybert vs Thomas Oeraehty. Oscar llaijenbuchva M drover's adinr'rs. Margaret Hngenbuch vs M drover's ndmr'f, (I M llagenbuch vs M drover's Admin. Ilrockwav t Knt vs Ezeklclhhultr. Mary deorge vs James Morrison. Bernnrd Aininerman is Mason C Johnson et ux. deo lleag'e'sadm'rvs John Beagle. John H scott vb. Hernhard Mohnnr. deorge A narclsy vs. Joseph M Freck. PermellA Koons vs. beltzerA- Miller. Wm schechtcrlv vs Kllabetn W --ouder. AGENTS. KKAI) THIS tU p-iy 'wdi.i n Mil try of iw per month aud 'jxpnses, or allow u lar' fonunlssluii to 'U oir new and wonderful intention-. w niciu whatwr say, Ad "rcsH, without del j i , SIILKMAN A LO.. Mjr-liilll, MlClilMu, d OCt. 35, '11 4T. WAIST EL) AOT1VK AUIINTS In evi-rv county r.r our Adb H mBtrtUd miiiatinn H rarf oppurMiMtr for priUltibk e tn pi )imni. txir.i lnilucumcnts ui notn bulscrtbcrHund Bt-ntt. .(;ii ito o UIMK. For H.MTKATi:i crcitUrn. Wjij nns and full partlfuUih, HUdu-f K I' t I, II0 ( Iii-iIiikI titci, I'll laiN'tnlim, Pa, it uti i '.'-4tT, P'RdJS PLASTER-. a oMii:i:i i i, hi: unm . , Iheie is nnciiuiuatlsnii In'tuis-n a ami the com mon slow uclli g p ion. phist, r it Is In cei waj -uiKrlorlo lilt other exi mul i tun dies rnciudlng dnimenlsand Ihe sn-cilml elic-lrt-al aniiltanceH -teoritains nnv imsiii'injl eh-ni it whl U tu -oro blnatlon with niiilK-r. ihisx-ss ihe inostet raordl miry palu lelleMnc, slii-ngllu-ulng und rurattvi jropertii-s aiij ni si l. in in our o-vn incnllly wll .'tntlrm Hie ulKie siMlein.-lit F l.-nno llavk itbe matlsin, Keinsie wcakne'-s -'unburn aic' 'Jegiecled l o'ils an I c.niilis. ilisoisisl Milnejt nn oping nugn, iirti-ctl -nsi-f in-- in ait- und al 'Us for whl"h burnut nhisn-rs ar.- usi il-lt I- simnl' ihe best known niiuil st f.n- iti.iismi :c .-nn Une lorous 1'lnsier sen ink-- no -itn.-r -old bv al nniggi ts I'llci- f cts. Mill on iv ilpt of prli by Hcsbury a- .iUiiikiui, hi l'lnii Mns-t, New York, u net, as ,s 4iv. TOES PROTRUDING Through nagged Holes med no longer oftend th-i eje, or children's rsib Mute he thtnuu umiv on that account, when otherwise but llillu worn. Tim AMBKicaN MiOK'lirlo., have sacd MILLIONSOFDOLLARS annually to l'a-enta In this country, by the Introduc tion of the COPPEH AND SILVER TIPS, and they ale applied riileily to elilldien's h'-ay suoes, mnny iiuenis onji-cting lo ine lonl., ,ir jiei. nl Tll hii FINE SHOES. Ail such win be hippt to know Hut this col p. u il ne at Ust iierfeoti-d a BLACK TIP 0 which adds to the bcitiiu r the lines- shoe th toe remaining neat uulil thesho.- Uwom in i These Tip. ore stiiniiietl t. ... T t'O. ihe more cos'lv iho -oe iho more Hnpiir" ' s Tip. us It nt least douhl s the weiirlnir I rui ' Mioe. I v It l:-s r-s bin noCnihlrcn's --h h- .Hi nut the Metnl or this tilts' Black 'lip, and thus icii.. j )our shoe bills more thnn one hslf. Ask your, Shot Dealers for Thcni. ii oct. , iv,-, Of: FXNCV ('Alius with name, w., F'.d-i 4it) isotljles. Agfsoutllt 1 o. llull&to. 1- , N. V. U llOV S , IT EXCELSIOR DYE WORKS LEWISBURO. PA. wm. Davis, Proprietor. Miss. M, Derricksos, Nollou and Fancy More, Bloomsburg, 4en.t. ALL KINDd OF OKNTH OAIiMKNTS CLKANKD DVKI) AND I'ltBSSKll WITHOUT Illl'HNU AMD MAUK TO LOOK ALMOST Kql'AL TO NEW, LADIES SHAWLS, CLOAKS, DSESSES, SILS3 OS RIBBONS CLEANSED OS DYES AND nuisHES in ins best mannej. Kill (ll.OVKS t'I.KA,XHKU. Feathers Uyed Rd CurM In a splendid manner, special BllcnUcnlo wholesale goods. I'rlooa ruducc-d to suit tno time. 8ept, W, ns-nm. BUSINESS OARDH, VISITINO OAK1W. UllXUUAli. Meatly and Cheaply printed at tbe Coi.rv A BUN Ottioe, iftlced S delphla, nTs WANTIIti-l'orlhel'o-' .r ' lllng I'ictcrlal Books und Biblc-e 1 S.1 pi-r rout. .SiTloscL riuuniNu t - , l'a. Oeorgo II dordner assignee th Oldeon Hess. Luclnda llunilnger vs John F Creasy, domer 1 homas vs. Moms Mltctul. 0 d Murphy vs conyngham and Cantralla Poor Dls tnet. Jacob Johion vs HoNrt s Knt, 1 f MCKe'vyJi tw th Wm hhafferet al. Wm Htrutheraet u n Msrguret (Julnn. F L Bbuman vs Sarah Klsllor. Conrad Bredbenner's use vs Jacob Btttoabendor et t xamuel Knorr vs P B nomt-oy Morris Mltcael vs. domer Thomas. Benjamin Urns' Adrar'a vs Thomas Btacknouae'a exr. James uoberta vs John sbuman et at Adam Will vs Wellington Case. A W Cramer vs Fottevllle Mutual rut Ins C ot Fa. Ca'awtasa Deposit Hank vs John U Parker. David MroupvsJ LOlrton. CBBrockway va Conyngham and Centraita Poor District. 1 K MlBer use vs J n rrevellnv. Martha (t Baitxell va Joseph 11 Nyr, Marr (I YandrnJlce Ta llanlcl KLIaa. V (i Murphy vs conyngham and Centralla, Poor luv Kiev, Fettcrman t Uugfic va D J Waller et at Mary II Miadenhall't mm va Lafayette FuBer. Hohr Mcllenrr vs Thoa F Young. J A Hcreck va J W Hoffman el al d V Drtesbaeh vs M drover's admra. Jas o Brown vs Conyngham and Centralis Poor Dut- i ricu I, Moors vs Than L Davis et et Alex L Pinltli vb John a Jacoby. Jonn Walla's Guardian va Wm Menslnger. Henry romeravaJcveph Conner's admr, huiarloat echool District vs wm A Kile. F F Drinker vb J B llobtaon et al. Hannah Weiss vs John lloam-tn. M drover's admr! vb dlibert Urtcabua. wm H bnder v wm 11 Vandemllca, C B Brockway vs B F ll'lcnard, C D Fowler Agtvs Hamuel Wlliltma. C U Brockway va U W fowler's admr. UUUSHKKHPERS A I'ostal card sent uc with mir urtnr h - sure free In ret in n our Hltntr.iti d n, r llOIISC-llirnisllllig MHH-I.ll'li-H l'AI.MR i M munuiaciurtrs, vsi renri Mreet, M-w ioi 111 V H CTTtSf REMEDY FOR DALDSES?. irlWfdBid wtiow sRrMMiijrfl , r.w .l.lllol lUlr.WM.kn. w Miituil....' - r.. Ck.od. Bjuler.ou & Co., a CJluwu 1'Uoo, j.e.. ll NOV, s iU TEftS. AHMAD ALL TDK VIM!, Hi-' t-ry post cTHhls dire-1 imporurs at Imir tin- u Bet plan ipr one-rod in Inb ageni t cr.i. All Hsnn-.s ( lniikin '.I l) I'rcr. Nil. t TH V GKKAT AJIFWl AX TI'.V'Ttt P, O. Box, tin. SI aud 3- V, s. . M., New York d n v. h. -is -m , NEW IE rnratiitft I'lirwuilw 1'iiU muk,e New lli U I0i I, and will compiett-ly cliiJiro H.e blood luts"t'UMrj 8)'bUmln tnri1 innrtliH. Any jt'OonHtio L 'afct 1 pill each nlKht Troin i to wirkn mn) tf r. stor-'U ed to bound bi'ltli. ir tuch a till be nos.Mtle tx)D4 by inallfor klttr titwuips, I h. jUllN'SdS &i t4 cktMtnjf gitnitKi li'l tXi . -1" mtltr ur KKtUwg rtn i T ur ntdt. lturlln, unp I i tllUUt4 Q ItlftrrMiT Rt) It, kl . lltut L1BT OF tlltAND JUltOItS FOB DE CSMBSR, 1SII. Bloom Wm Kresmua. Beaver-J A Lome, Abraham Rice, Jesse illnler. tltor. Benton-reU'r Uubach. Calawlasa-l'htlllp 11 Miller, J 0 Ytller, Nathan Creasy. Oontre-Fml llart-nbuch, Frueisas Sitter, nrmwood-m Mulera. ll W timer. Jackson-John Yours. Madlsoa-lluustl HuTler. Ml. Fleaaaat Matihlaal Kindt, Joshua HartieL WOalOUr CXHJ I MUWr. Orange Samuel Klmmc-rmaa. Koanngcret m-jerk-Jacob Lontenbemr. Geo F Craig. buirartoai-AMn Uariey. W A KOs. Jrus rtuj. Jessd llartmau. TOB PRINTINO OF EVERY DE8RIPTI0N EXECUTED PBOMPTIiY At THK Ooldmbun Omni LEGAL ULANKS OF ALL KINDS ON IUNDAT TUB COLUMBIA OW01 u ..frr ilo. Sold b. .IIiIhI Ir.., 19 0. A. J4CKH 1 ty Mid (i. p. wtinu.i: nov. n lleiiernl Ami.. d ' , 1 rir.r v I'l.lliiil.tl.l.lu. ii c pxAivro co. U, Ob I KI3 III. I'lU'KUItM' , N , Munufactuier of fctrtclly llrst rlim l'tnni lit sell dlm-t to Families from 'uronu l-aci -u i U,v est wholesale price I'ceuulul new . cfji Itosewciod llat-os. Sent en trial, lliouo-iiu, lu use. Heavy Discount toraMi tui en. IHIN'T tei until ou nail our I'nl.ili gue. II will Inier ' j ,-u. Mailed free. d nov. 6, tm. Tbe Antidote to ALCCHCL Fctni at Lw . Tbe Tatbcr SfXathew Remedy Isarrrtalnand prwivcurv-for Intrinuraiii it drBlroysall apiellu tcr ul'-oliollo Ugui isauU tu io i upthonerious Mttrlii, .llrr ii ill I nm-li, tir nut lniruiirrntr luiluliiC'iirr, u hlMiLK T ohll will renioe nil tneiilal and i-h, steal de.-i n ( also cures eirry kludot Fnviii, 1m,i csmi nnl T k imiitv otlhe 1 ivks (-old by alimuyeui lilcehl io I0UI -. Pamphlet on "AkchnMtB II(t and InteniiK-ritnceesadlscBbebeni free on writing tj the FATIIKH MAT1IKW 1 kvrlKlt-ct A' MinVu Co.. M Bond street, N, Y. a Nuv.i, lnw