The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 08, 1878, Image 2

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    BQ03EWA7 ZI.WELL,EUton.
Friday. Nov.e, 1878.
The election In over, and the people will
Mllle down to their uccuatomrd walk until
another neason of political turmoil thill
come around. The state has gone republi
can by a few thousand, the people of a o
called independent ntnte being unable to as
aert their liberty by throwing oft" the Carrier
on yoke. Our county ticket Id elected, and
it is probable that Fetterman, the republi
can candidate for commissioner, Is deieated
by Herring on the greenback ticket. The
majority lor the state ticket Is cut down to
about t800 by the greenback vote, and these
peoplo can now congratulate themselves
that they have succeeded In defeating Dill,
and electing thu man thoy have been work
In if for, llnyl.
For Conirra, it U probable that Klotr Is
elected, but tne returus from the district up
to Thursday morning are not lull enough to
(rive definite results. Brockway has about
66S) majority in Columbia county, and is re
ported has nearly a thousand in Lack a wans
county. In Montour county Klota had
bit 1000 votes, rind Drockway 400. Orvis
received about 1200 in this county as will be
aeeu by the table. This was more than the
other parties expected he would get, but less
than his estimate. The election passed off
quietly in all parts of the county. We will
give full returns (rotn the Congressional and
Senatorial districts next week.
During the election c.mvas, just closed
Mr. liuckaluw has attended and addressed
Democratic meetings as follows.
In Columbia County; Bloorasburg (Opera
House) Saturday evening, Sept. 28 j Light
Street, Saturday evening October 6 ; Espy,
Monday evening, October 21 ; Benton Tues
day afternoon, October 22 j Berwick, Satur
day afternoon, October 20 ; Catawissa, Fri
day evening, November 1 ; Stonytown, Mon
day evening, Novem er 4.
In Luzerne County: Plymouth, Friday
evening, October 11; Shlckshinny, Satur
day afternoon, October 12.
In Lackawana County ; Carbondale, Taos,
day evening, October 15 ; Lackawana, (Ml
nooka,) Wednesday evening, October, 15 j
Dnnmore, Thursday evening, October 17;
Olyphant, Friday evening, October 18.
In Sullivan Omnty: Colley, Monday eve
ning, October, 28 ; Diuhore, Tuesday after
noon, October, 29.
Milford, Pa., Nov. 6. C. B. Brockway :
Elotz majority over you thirty six ; over Al
bright ninety-one.
Mauch Chunk, Pa., Noy. G -C. B. Brock
way: Albright twenty-three hundred and
nineteen ; Klotr, twenty hundred and fifty
one; Orvis nine hundred and twenty-five;
Brockway one hundred and fifteen. Moo
roe gives Kloti sixteen hundred more than
Albright with three townships to hear from.
Danville, Pa., Nov. 6 C. B. Brockway
Klotz nine hundred and forty; Albright
seven hundred and eighty-four; Brockway
four hundred and thirty-three; Orvis four
hundred and seventy-seven.
Columbia county democrats were induced
to vote against their own nominee for Con
greas by falsehoods circulated at the last mo
ment by Klotz and his employees. Not'
withstanding this, Captain Brockway's ma.
jority over Klotz in this county is about
eight hundred.
Klotz received 35 votes in Bioomsburg.
With all the known and unknown agencies
that were at work against Brockway, this
vote is nut at all complimentary to those
vrho were opposing him
Wilson M. Gearbart was elected Prothon
otaiy in Montour county,by the republicans
and greenbackers. W. J, Baldy, republican
waa defeated for assembly.
W. II. Cummin, the peoples candidate lor
President Judge in Lycoming defeated J. J.
Metzgar, the regular nominee. Both ate
One of the many contemptible tricks re
sortid to by Klotz, ttas thi posting of bills
in parts of Luzerne county announcing that
Brockway had withdrawn in his favoc
John W. Kyrin, democrat, is elected in
the 13th Congressional district by 250 ma
jority. With the Recorder's Bill hanging alout
the necks of the citizens of Philadelphia
like a mill-stnue, that city gives the men
who put it upon thtra a majority of 15,000.
The Goddess of Liberty has no business Ln
that community.
Hon. Geo. D. Jackson is elected State
Seuator fur this district, but we are unable
ti give the full vote. Ills majority in this
county can be obtained from the table
The Molly Magulres seem to have done
their whole duty. Jack Kehoe's neck may
now be regarded as entirely safe.
Temvtrance Ticket.
The following vote fur the Temperance
candidates was cast In this county,
Lane, Shallcross.
Bloom W. (1
' K. 5
Berwick 4
Catawissa 1
Hemlock 2
Orange 1
Montour 1
There is ono thiog pretty cure, whatever
startling telegrams may be flashed across the
water concerning the newphaseofthe eastern
question, it is too late iu the year dow for the
Kuglifli at my to advance Into Afghanistan
The fculjoct may be discussed most exhaust'
ivcly the rest of the winter, but it is hardly
probate that any freab inatfr will be offered.
A few dsva alio a t Mrs. liutterCelJ. of Ft-
trolia, noticed that her child seemed tick and
was in the act of gagging or cbokeiug. Sup
miMiiir that the eirl luiiibt have a chestnut to
her mouth the mother ran to her, and forcing
her thumb and linger down her mouth took
hold of w hut the cuppoeedi wts the uut and
pulled it out, w lieu she discovered the lump
to be a riuall suake coiled up, which proved to
i . I Tl,.. ill.. uaa liUA
IXJ DCVVU IllVllOa .vug- .iraivptni "m uiiv,
but its head was nearly tovered in nulling it
out, it Jived but a lew moments. The query
is, "how did tho wake get into the child's
Our Rooster crows oyer the
Democratic victories in seventeen
states out of "the thirty in which
elections were held on Tuesday.
The Democracy have the key
to the national situation in 1880.
Both houses of Congress will be
Democratic by decided major!
mi .
ino republican mnionty in
Pennsylvania not more than 10,
000, and it is not yet certain but
that a portion of the Democratic
state ticket has been elected.
Dill's majority in Columbia
couuty is about 1900.
Special dirpatchet to the COLUMBIAN.
Philadelphia, Nov. 5tb, 12 midnight.-
The republicans have a majority in both
branches of the Legislature and have gained
one member of Congress defeating Stenger
in the eighteenth district. Special returns
to the Record from every county in the state
make Hoyt a majority close to twenty thou
sand. The Democrats retain their majority
In'tbe Lower House Congress.
Philadelphia, Nov. 6th, 2 a. m. The Re
publicans have carried the state for tneir full
ticket by a majority ranging from ten to
twenty thousand. The Republican majority
in this city for Hoyt is fifteen thousand.
San Francisco, November 5. The chair
man of the democratic state committee
claims the election of the legislative ticket,
much scratching being done.
Dispatches from Virginia City state that
the chairman of the democratic state com
mittee claims that the democratic legislative
ticket is ahead ln that state. There has
been much scratching.
Kent county, Duck Creek Hundred, gives
222 democratic majority.
Wilmington The returns are not all in
yet. In Wilmingtou city the estimated
democratic majority for governor Is 1,000.
Seven out of the nine hundreds in Kent
county beard from, electing Marbin, demo
crat, to congress and the whole democratic
ticket by about 1,992 majority. In the oth
er two hundreds the democratic majority
not yet known.
Wilmington, November 6. John W.
Hall, democrat, baa been elected governor,
and Edward L. Martin, democrat, is elected
to congress. The republicans ran no candi
date for either of the above offices, the only
opposition being greenbackers. The repub
licans ran a county ticket in New Castle
county, but without success. It was ex
pected that the greenbackers would develop
some strength in Su&sex county, but returns
received so far indicate that tbey "fferod no
material opposition. In Kent county the
democratic ticket was unopposed.
Richmond, Nov. 5. The election is quiet
and the vote is small in this city, only about
3,000 votes were polled out of a registered
vote of over 13,000. Qen, Joseph E. John
ston carries the city by over 2,000 majority.
Returns from a number of precincts in the
Third district Indicate Johnston's election
beyond a doubt.
Uunton for congress is re-elected.
Pruvideuce, November 5 Ballon, repub
lican, la re-elected to congress in the second
district by 700 majority. Aldricb, republi
can elected in the Fiist district by 3,800 ma
Columbus, Nov. 5. Returns indicate
Henry Person, Independent democrat, elect-
edover Harris, present member, by 1,000
majority i.i the Fourth district.
Bridgeport, November 5. P. T. lltunura,
is elected to the legislature from Bridgeport
on the republican ticket,
Hartford, - Eighty-seven towm give Hub
bard, democrat,22,987, Andrews, republican,
23,119; AtwaUr, 3,420; prohibition, 493,
In 1870 the same towns gave Hubbard
28,263, Robinson 26,983 Gen. Hawley, re.
publican, Is elected to congress by a plural
Ity of 1,500, a gain of 1,557 from the vote
of 1870. Walt, republican, li elected in the
Third district. There is no eltcliou of gov
ernor by the peopl?.
Eighty-seven towns give Hubbard, demo
crat, 22'.937 ; Andrews, republican. 23,119
Hawley, republican, Is elected to congress
from the Hartford district by 1,500 plurality.
Wait, republican, fur congress, elected in
the third dUtrict. Legislature probably re
publican. NEW JERSEY.
Ab-eoou, November 5. Abjecou town
give Smith, democrat, lor congress, 28 ma
jority; for assembly, Qrten, democrat, 40
Boston, November 6. Sixty precincts In
Boston city gives a strong democratic vote
as follows: 'Butler, 18,800; Talbot, 15.790;
Abbott, 1,254; Minor 123. Butler probably
carries the city by a plurality, but bis defeat
iu the state is looked upon as certain,
Outside of Botuii 130 towus give Tal
bot over 18,000 majority over llu'ler.
3 r. M Talbot's majority over Butler
will be about 35.000.
South Carolina returns (rotn Charleston
up to 10 p. ta. ladicate the election of a sol
id democratic deUgaUoa to congress.
Lexington, Nov. 5, 11 p. m. Blackburn
democrat, is returned to Congress by 8,000
Columbus, Ga., Nov. fit In the Third
Alabama district W J. Stamford, democrat
is elected,
Detroit, Nov, 5. Returns comi In slojvly.
Fifty-seven towns already, bean! from five
Crosswetl, republican for governor, 7'47C
Barnes, democrat, 3,923 ; Smith, national
Chattanooga, Nov. 6. The returns Indl
cate, the election of I'itlsbone, republican, In
the First and in the Third
district of Tennessee.
Chicago, Nov. 5, The republicans elect
congressmen in the l'irst, Second nnd Third
For the Columbus,)
The usinl rotation of crop in Columbia
County is either corn, oats, wheat and clover;
nr, omitting ts, wheat after a summer tal
low then clover. There are three objections
to fallowing. First, the loss of the use of
the ground for a seaon. Second,
loss of the labor required to keep the land
clean, And th'rd, loi of fertility in the
soil where the land is good. Poor land gains
fertility by fallowing while good land loses,
To save the fertility of good land it is neces'
sary always to have, something growing up
on it. Outs are also objectionable, because
they rtqulre mainly the sump nutriment that
wheat does nnd therefore Injure the succeed
lug wheat crop, and sometimes cause a to
tal failure. The essential ingredients of
fertility in the soil and of all manures are
four Nitrogen, Phosphoric Acid, Potash
and Lime. These are the regulators of pro
duction, and the only ones with which agri
cultural iudustry need occupy itself. Lime
exerts no especial preponderating action up.
on any crop, but is necessary for all. fhoa
phoric acid is especially beneficial to corn.
Potaih has an especial influence upon clover
and potatoes. But A'itroyen is the predomi
nant ingredient for both wheat and oats
Now inasmuch ns oats tend to exhaust the
soil of its nitrogen the snine as wheat does,
it follows that a second crop of wheat on
wheat slubble will Btaud just as
good a chance as a first crop of wheat on
oats stubble. Observation proves that farm
ers who practice fallowing and dispense'nith
oa'.s do better in the long run than those who
raio wheat on oats stubble. The former
generally have good crops of wheat, and
teldom and some of them never have a fail
ure, whicli cannot tn said of those who
practice raising wheat on oats stubble. If
instead of losing a year by fallowing farm
ers could get a good crop of wheat, to be
succeeded the next year by another equally
good, lliey would soon more than rttrieve
their lost prosperity. To fully appreciate
the importance of this extra wheat crop
every year, it is only necesfary to remember
how much distress and poverty have been
brought upon fanners and the country by
the ravages of the Hessian fly.
Can this extra crop of what be obtained
without detriment to tho soil? I answer it
A correspondent of the Country Gentle
man of October 24, 1878 writes as follows:
Wheat in Cultivated Kows. I have no
"recollertion of Imvintr seen any Hccount in
"the Country Gentleman nf a trial in this
country of the so-called LoN-Weedon
"method of growing wheat year after year,
in the same field, on alternate strips five
"feet wide, which are deeply stirred by scar
"ifiers and kept perfectly clean while the
"yearly crop is growing on the intermediate
rips ; these being al.-o hoed and kept
"quite clear of all plants but the wheat,
the average yield at Lois-Wcedon for
"'eighteen years, without any minure being
used was thirty. five bushels to the acrei
"from a little over a peek of seed sown, or
"rather planted upon one halfof the ground
"The possibility nf obtaining good crops
'of the same sort of grain iu cou-tsnt annu-
"al suren-sion is proved by the old expert
"menu ot Tull, and by the later ones of
"Lawes and others ; and the theory that the
"milium iuM;ct enemies of the plant are
"starved out by clean cultivation, which
'leaves them no resourco at the season wheu
"the cultivated plant does not occupy the
'ground, seems to gather support from these
"cases. Fallowing, to bo effective must be
"at the critical season (between harvest and
"seed time,) perfectly clean, in order to the
"starving out of unseen insect depredators.''
We have accounts of large yields of wheat
from I.n-cHster couuty, where it had been
cultivated like corn. While the wheat plant
is quite suiill it rtquires but little moisture
fioiu the ground, Uut the must common
aud generally the greatest draw back to the
wheat crop is dry weather after the straw
gets large and thick on the ground, and
while the wheat is filling. The stalks and
leaves then expose a largo amount of evap
orating surface to the sunshine anil winds,
thereby drawing much moisture from the
earth to supply their demand. Now what
would be the effect of sowing wheat in al
ternate narrow strips, the intermediate strips
of equal breadth being kept clear and their
siifsee. loose, especially in dry weather, by
clean cultivation? Why, the clear strips of
ground would absorb much moisture from
the atmosphere and retain it, and thus act
as self-regulating fountains to irrigate the
wheat plants growing on the alternate strips
of ground at either side.
The great objection to sowing wheat in
the usual way upon corn stubble, is tho ex
pense of getting the corn nut of the way
early enough to prepare the ground for
wheat. But when tho wheat is to be bowu
on alternate strips, this objection can be eas
ily obviated by cutting the corn early and
setting it up in stool-s on some of tho inter
mediate strips which are not to be plowed
for the present sowing. For the purpose of
plowing the ground level and smooth in al
ternate narrow strips leaving the intermedi
ate narrow strips unplowed, the corn should
be set un in straight rows of stooks about
twenty feet apart from centre to centre and
then with a plow turning a twelve Inch fur
row, throw five furrows towards each row of
stooks and leaving five feet in the centre be'
tween the rows of stooks unplowed; thus
leaving the plowed portion of the ground
without dead or duuhle furrows.
When the succeeding or second crop of
wheat Is to be followed by clover, the ground
should be all plowed and sown in the usual
way. Then the field will be covered with
wheat upon alternate strips of wheat stubble
and intermediate strips of land of rqua'
breadth having the benefit oi a clean sum
mer fallow, V, II. Little.
The publishers of "Arthur's Illustrated
Homo Mogoiitio" ato giving their lady Club
getters bouicthiog new and atti active in the
way of premiums. Thrce-buttou Kid Gloves
and Dress Patterns of elegant Black Silk and
Cue Kuglish and French Cashmeres, are cer
tainly strong inducements. See their adrer
Uscinent in thu number of our paper.
(From our Itegular corresptnaentl
Paris, October 16, 1878.
I had a glance at the reverie side of Par
Islan life the other day on the Boulevard
glance sudden, momentary, butaa complete'
ly lucid and comprehensive as that afforded
of a landscape by a lash of summer light
mug un a uioouleM night. It waa two
o'clock In the afternoon, and ratnlnc heavily,
I was standing on the curb, just in frot of
the Cale Iliche, in that state of doloroas d
blety to which people are tabled who ton
tlnually carry an imbrells, and who lever
save under the strongtst conpnliloi, open
it. An umbrella may be a companion,
friend, a staff, a protector, a weapon, an ad
viser, an Indicator, and when It rains the
best use you can put your paraplint to Is to
ball the nearest cab or omnibus with it.
liu', there were no cabs to be had that after
noun ; the Paris omnibuses do not sta in
their wild career to take up stray passengers:
and 1 bad begun to think that there was no
alternative between putting up my " Robin
son" as the trench, In the affectionate
memory nf Robinson Crusoe, term an uni'
brelln vhen there stopped right In front o
me the smartest of smart broughams, Pal
of coal-blank steppers, exqulsltlvely
matched ; a viscount s coronet on the pan
els; similar heraldic device in platlnated
bronzi on tho harness, Lamps perfect,
loacliman clean-shaven, curly-brimmed hat
white cravat, black frock, bottei mollet with
tops for which oxalic acid could do nothing
more. 1-oulmati identical with coachman
onlymark the art nf this a shade younger
and slimmer, In brief a perfect equipage.
Two persons inside. M, le Viconte
lawn colored ulster, varnished shoes with
dove colored gaiters, lemon kid gloves, spiky
moustaches, a rose iu his button-hole, and a
cigarette. Second person, a lady, but wheth
er she was Madame la Vicontesseor Madem
moiselle Amerialde Sanspapa of the Bouffes
Parvaiens, I am not prepared to ray ; suffice
it to remark tint she was beauteous, that her
hair was nf the hue of newly-stacked barley
that she was ladiantly clad, that she was
brave in diamond", nnd that from thesuperb
chariot there exhaled an odor ol jocky club,
franiripane opoponax I am sure I don't
know which, not being learned in any per
fiimes, save that of the Vueltra de Abaio, an
odcr very popular in the Island of Cuba,
where the names of the principal perfumers
are Cubana, Partags, and Cavarras. Still
the occupant of the smart brougham were
evidently two ver important personages in
deed. Stay, there was a third ; a snow white
little Msltese dug, with two sparkling black
eyes and a crim-ou satin bow at bis chin.
He battled w tli his paws, and barked as
though the bn uaham and the coal-black
steppers and the servants and the lady in
diamonds -tout le tremblement enjin be
longed to him. Who knows? Perhaps
they do.
Hastily alighting from his carriage, to
keep an appointment with a friend at the
Cafe' Riche, M. le Viconte let fall from a
number of documents hh:h he held in one
lemon-kid-gloved hand something like a let
ter in an envelope. It fell face downwards,
iu the smooth black mud of the gutter.
Instantaneously I never saw anything
quicker a lean young man, with a white
pock marked face, a faded ragged blouse,
reaching scarcely below his waist, deplora
ble pantaloons, Bhoes like miuature coal
barges past service and rotting in a ship
breakers wharf, and a cap that looked like
one of the late Daniel Lambert's grey wool
len stockings with the top cutoff, darted for
ward, went un his hands and knees, grovel
led in the gutter, grappled with the paper,
which was fast floating tovards a sewer gra
ting pickl up the document, rose and with
a fawning mien, and a louk in which cupid
ity ami hone shone like a flame, wiped the
paper with his ragged elbow, and presented
it to the gentleman. "Cen' eitqu' uneenvel-
oppe' nurn ami," quoth M. le Visconte airily
and without taking any more notice of the
poor wretch, he tripped blUbely into the
Cafe' Kiche. It was only an envelope, ab
solutely without value now that it was soiled
that had fallen in the mud, I have heard a
good deal of bad language in many dialects
iu my time, but I do hope that I shall never
again hear curses so fearful as those which
were uttered by the lean young man with
tho white pock-marked face. He had ex
pected reward. The envelope might have
been full of thousand-franc notes, and here
he was left with bis treasure t-ove, hungry
and with muddy bands. He shook his fist
at the lady in the brougham shook it so
savagely that she pulled up the window In a
hurry to tho great discomposure of the Mal
tese dog and then the lean young man
changing his tone, began to murmur. Mal
heur, malhcur I pat meme une piece de ein
auante centimei." And then, it is wretched
and shocking to relate, be began to whimper
and at last to blubber as though he had
been a child ot four years old. A police
man came up and made him move on with
the usual admonition of "Piut vile que ca."
Quicker, than thai to hasten his trait : and
then I put up my umbrella, and going on
my way, saw him no more. Very possibly
he was a loafer, an idle scamp, an incum
brance and a pest to society ; still to me he
represented very suggestively Indeed one
squalid and lamentable scraps of the other
Tae.YelUw Fever.
Chattannooa, November 4. The Ala-
bama arid Great Southern railroad line,
from Chattanooga to Vlcksburg, Is again
open the same as prior to the yellow fever
epidemic and consequent blockade.
Selua, Ala., November 4. A thanksgiv
ing service was held at the Broad street
Presbyterian church last night, at which a
contribution o( $200 was made for the fami
lies of Presbyterian ministers who have died
of yellow fever.
Mcmvhis, November 4. The weather Is
sultry and rain Is threatened. From 6 o'clock
last night until noon to-day undertakers re
port six orders for iuterment of persons who
died of fever, both within and outside the
city limits.
One case waa reported last night, Geo.Sk I p
with, who had been sojourning at Tuscum
bia, Alabama, but bad returned to the city
ten days ago.
MoNTaotiERY, Ala., November 4. Mont
gomery's contributions to the yellow fever
sufferers 1 9,8000. ' The relief association
closoln'i Saturday by sendiug $100 to the
wife and child-en of Lieutenant Benner,
Chattanooga, November 4. No new
cases or deaths in the last twenty-four hours,
.Meui'HIS, November 4. The board of
health officially reported 0 deaths from yel
low fever during the past twenty-four hours
ending at 0 o'clock tu-nlght. Undertakers
report three additional interments beyond
the corporation linn. One new case is re
ported, George Buttock, who, for the past
four weeks bar bsen exposed to the fever.
Dr. Jerome Cochran and Col, T. S, Harde,
members of the national fever commltlee,have
arrived and commenced tbelr labors.
The Lutheran couirreaatlou will hold a Fes,
tival in their church on Saturday evening,
, airDSeaa of an iimi wui e mttco.
r.irirpiFitti m
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1 SS5itS5u..1s;3t.IsSS.i5'iSS2t; llerrlns, U
51 ""Sioeiii-.S 5Sii5S2 T, (sShSSS- Evans.l
2 1 Sl?,Si'j:i52o5tiS23S5t33ii:2i -Vanning, i
S ag!So2UJ,,iSu;,f it5Z.SS2SS lUrre, o
gl c.agSe,2fcu-.S--S..'':K'4t2iSt?.2S4. t-mltn, It s, a
and Elegant tilLK llltK-h I'ATIKUNS
for Subscribers, utilub lutu-, to
Arthur's H01113 Map!
Tnit.MS k2.2,j 11 Year with ft l.ifLV it'll tcllon for
Clut)3. SrECIMBN M7UUEH K (flit.
Semi for rlub-OetUT's spit lit rir'nl,ir. con
taining f"U partlcuUrs of this npiciull I offer.
J. n, 111 ill it tv 'ti-.
227 South txth St , riilUdtflphl 1.
"Notice la lierobv irlven that llirmm Kramer. '
convicted of Arson at Ui -fptyuiiwr 'eiiii, iU, i-t
1DU ujer turn i itiiiuht ui milium i vuwmj, v in
Biyiorparuonaiuie it'uiir um-tinKii uk i-uut-oard
ot Pardons on m ilrst 'ruesd.iv vt ' t-eu'".
Nov, 8, Jt.
District Coukt of tii k Umteh Stati In Uank-
ror mo
Webtkkn District
In the matter ot .1. A. Uisee. liankrunt .u&Urn
District oi PenuslvanUt w.
A warrant in h mkruntoy It is been Ksiuil by mil
Court against tue Kstaut of J. A, Los h or the Conn
ty of Columbia, and statu of ' ennsjlvmit i n h-II
District adjudged a Hankrupt upon ivtllm df Ids
Creditors, and ttio pynu'nt of an debts uint lUe
Uvery of any prop-rty beloiiiflmf to mM tuiiknipr,
to him or to hts use. 'ltd Uio tram er or nnv ppmht
tyb him, are forbidden by law iu lingor tin
Creditors ot bald Hankrupt to prove tnt'tr e.ils tmd
choose one or more As&Unees of his itite, will l)
hdduta Court of Itankrupteyiobn hnMet. -t lun
vllle In said District, on tho 2Tth day i r nmMiiKr .
U 181s. at l o'clock 1. M , at tin Montour Home Im
fure It. A. Mercur tsn., one of tlw Jhbtfrutii bank
ruptcy of Bald Dhtrlct.
U.S. Manual for said Vhn'i t
Nov, 8, 2w.
Dy Mrlue of sundry rltn of Vi-nd. l'.v. 1 nut
otthe court of Common l'lem o( co'uinMa county
and to me directed will lio expo-cd to imtillii fal"
at tbe Court lloutoln llloomsljurit at ono oVoik
p. m on
MONDAY, DIXMvMlir.U 1!, 1878.
AU that certain lotorrlrre or ground Httint" Iu
Montour towmdilp. ColumM.i county, I'a. cl.-bcilliwl
a follows to-wlt : bounded on the nurlU 1 laud ot
OeorBOTotey, on thu west In land of Frederic
Btonger and Oeorgo Nilpher on Uio south by 1. iiil
of Jacob Lelby, on tlioiasi by land ot 1'eter lleli,.
bach, containing eighty aci ca mor or loss.on w hi h
are erected a dwelling house, Lain and oul-bulld-Ings.
Belied, taken Into execution iu ino bun or .muiwci
BtcclcroiU against Charles Mcgfrled and to bo told
as ho property of Cliai let Megiited.
Ikclek, Attorney. neri raciaf.
All that certain lot or pkco ot ground Mtuutoln
Port Noble, In tbotonot llloomtbuig, I'a. Houn
ded on the north end east by an alley, south by ca-
nal sweet and West by lot ot John Cooper, whereon
areatrame house, stable and out-butldlngs.
Belted, taken Into execution ottho Milt of Wllll.un
Krlckbaum ugalntst v llllam iielgtr and to bo sold as
the property ot U mtaui (Jelgcr,
I'lurles net I 1'acus.
All that certain lot or piece ot ground Mtuato ln
Scott township, Columbia county, rt nnsjltunti. de
scribed a follows to-u It i bounded on thu north by
land ot Uenjamln ltlchait, on the can' by land o
John Lee, on tho south by land of Abraham U) doi .
lllruui Tionto and John hlmman, anil on tho wcsi
by land ot Harvey creullng, contninlng one hun
dred and forty-nine acres morn or lus, on which uru
erecud a dHelllng hoiuo, bank barn aud out-bulld-
helled, taken Intoeiecuttou at 111" suit of Hen
ry J. McKwen ngulnst Moore Crevellug and Uenjamln
Itelchart and to bo sold ai the propeity ot .Moore
Jsslsh, Attorney, fieri Kaclas.
All that certain lot ot ground Hl'uut in locust
township, Columl'ta couuty IV., bounded on the
north by land ot Itutli Ann (lablo uhd hoi. U'Van, on
the east by William Ue una tun, ml llelnbuld, on
the boutu by Wotley brass, oa Iho wist by 1'iiulle
road, containing loity acres, on which uiu elected
a dwelling nousu bdiuundoutrbulMlugN,
A 10,
AU that certain lot ot ground sltualo In Uui
township, Columbia county, aud s'uto uforosald.
bounded on tho west by land of II. (loriell, ou thu
Bouth by Jonathan Heavtr and ritwrso Itoer, on
thfl eau by John Kline, on tho north Vy Jowph
Dearer Br. AdmluUtrator of WlllUm lilober deceas
d, oonlolulng ten acres.,ucen!ntocitcutlon a the suit of Dene
Ttlle HUodes against uld Tyson und William 'ly
son ud to bo sold as tho property of William 1'y
Abbott t Ilium, Attorneys. Vend Ki,
The follow lug real estate situate In liimu town
ship, Columbia tounty I'a., and described as fol
lows to-wlt t Uouaded on ue uonn uy Third street,
u lbs east by A. il. UulleruUne, soutn by Fourth
street and west by I'ubllc Square, betng one hundred
an i ninety-eight feet front and two hundred and
t lilrl . -ono fevt deep more or less, on which aro erect
ed .Mhvelllng house, wagon maker shop, born and
oui building.
M-Ued, nken Into execution at tho suit of The Co-
lu.noia couuty Hank tfliloomsburg Ind ot C. W,
vnier agaliHt Alrred V. llesa and to be sold as tho
pruputy or Alfred w. Hess.
Ksoini, Attorney. AlVendKx.
All certain pleco or parcel ot ground stt
uatoln l'lihliigcreck township, Columbia county,
l'enuhanla. described as follows to-wlt: boun
ded on tho north by lands of Lazarus and Thomas
Hutchison, on tho north east by land of (Jeorge
1'ealer, on I lie south west by land of Philip Unangst
and Kdvrard Unangst, containing fnrty seven acres
and sixty lour perches, on which are erected a frame
!iou-e, barn and out-bultdlugs.
i-eled taken In execu'.lon ut the suit of the Or
uiigeMUe Mutual Sating Fund and Loan Association
ugamst H I Tarn Uuaugst,and to bo sold as tho ( rop.
ertj of Unangst. '
.MIU.C, Altoruey. Vend Ex.
All thutcutatn lot or pleco of ground sltuato In
Mam township, Columbia county, I'a. described as
follows to-wlt: bounded on the north by Michael
l'edeioli, ou tho by I'ubllc rood, on the south by
land i f w. . Fl-lur, ou the west by land of Solo
mon lilencr, containing thirty lUe acres more or
levi, ou which me creeled u dwelling house, the
dielil ig is two slory wooden, and there Is on the
premises u carpenter or cubluet shop, also an orch
uri bam uud out buildings.
s. lied, taken Into execution at tho suit ot Danlol
tiim-r gatiisi lienjamlu II. Hurmun und to bo sold
us ilk' piou ij ot Uenjamln H. Harmon.
i.abki.kv, Altoiuey. Vend Ex.
lho ono half Interest lu all that certain
III or pltcu of giouud sltuato ln Minilu
t.nhlp, . oluiubhi Couuty, I'a., descrlted
u-. tA ons to wil : bounded ou luu north by land of
inoigu .Nunk.sler, ou thu east by laud of Horace
t, .n.,1'1. une st I, ou tho south by land of Yoho(
uj ihe "tsl b ixu 1 or Judy lluus, coutalnlug lllt
iwo u-ieaiujioorlcsjof tlmUrland.
A one tl.lid liiicresl lu all that certain piece or
pal', ei of giouud slliulo lu .Mltlllu township Colum-
0. aioiiuij ra. uecllbeduarollow8towlt: ou tho
1. uiiu Uj publlj loud on tho west by laud ol I. II,
Mhweppuiihelser. ou tlio south by lanil of lloraco
Auuieppciiuelser, couuilnlug one aero more or less
oa nnleh u elected a saw mill.
m'U d tuKen into execution ut lho suit ot Aaron
.MusU'lier s. Cliartus Maurer, James K. Usurer and
a. bclineppenlutstr, and to bo sold as tho property
ot A. Bchwtppeuhtlscr,
Millku, Attorney. 1'lu. Fl. Fa.
All that certain pleco ur parcel of land situate lu
IaicujI Township, Columbia Couuty, I'a., described
uituiiuns luwlti bounded ou tho north Sy land ot
.-auiiuu mils, on tho east I, j land of Utuiy HLoaJJ
aud Mihoias Lngkbrut, ou the boutb by laud ot
Tnomas (iirahly, on the west, by lauds of Henry
lthoads, conlululng thirty acres more or less, on
which uio tiected a frame dwelling bouse, bank
barn and other outbulldtugs.
(u.o otlur Umber tract pleco or parcel of ground
sauaio lu Locust towuehlp,columblacounty,I'cnn-
sjlvjliU, dtsenbed us lollows, to-wlt : Bounded on
int. 'ioi in '. y laud of John llialy, on Uio cost by lau 1
oi t u lho south by landot (leoige Getty and
muwoat y containing six acres more or loss.
,su luiproxeinents.,
n UeU, Uken luto execution, and to bo sold as
thopiopcity ut )V. II, ltelnbold.
Vend Ex, '
All I hat tiuct or parcel of land sltuato In the town,
shlpot Heaver In the county ot Columbia aad Statu
of 1'euus) Ivanla, formerly Catawissa township, Xor-
ihuuiberluudcounly In said btateof l'snnaylranla,
ui'gluulu i at a posi,th(nco by land ot Uaolel Neyer,
sjulhslxletu uud one-half degecs east thre bun
ilreduud seveuty-nlue perchusto a post, theaco by
land of .lesso Klaus north twenty-eight degrees east.
et.'hty four perches lo R,'post, thence by land of Jesse
Hrooks north li degrees west eighteen perches to a
black oak, thentu north butenty-elgbt degrees east
eighty lurches to a post and thence by lauds or
I'atlnrluo Luugenberger north sixteen degrees west
two lundred and betenty-lwo porches to a post,
I iiLiicu by lau I uf (leorge Longenberger north twen-ty-ouo
degioes west one hundred uud twelve perch
es lo u put aud then -o by land of Thomas Lemons
south seenty degrees west ono hundred and sixty
perches Uj tho placo of bogluutag, couUlnttig three,
hundred und s icnty-two und two-thirds acresot
land uud allowance of six per cent for roads, which
suld tract of land was survejed In pursuance of a
wurraut dated I 'll day ot August lis) granted to
Andrew CKrW,
Btltml, taken Into execution at the suit of George
II. UcMastcr, Kxecutor of John McColla, de
toawd agalust (leorgo J, Luce mortgagor and
Jisso A, losoti terre tenant and to bo sold as the
property of George J, Luce mortgagor and Jesse A,
Loseo terro tenant,
Faexzs, Attorney, Levari F-clas
A 10.
All that certain lot or piece of around situate la
Orange towushlp, Columbia county, Fenaajlvanla
described as foUoarsto-vilti Uounaed on the north
by Abraham Coleman, oa Ue but by Isaiah Oon-
t,,. ;i., 1 1,.. ..i (.,..:.. ,.ri
a.ii.iji uiu .Muiiiiiiii iii iiutYiT uvurywncro io un nispcctioii ot tiicir
womluri'itl iimi iihiiost mRiiinllt'(l Jacilitica for tho distribution of nil
kinds, uf
Our now nnd iimyniiieent .store, lately opened uud now tlioroiHiiY
orgiinized h h led from tmsuiuent to roof with ono of tho mu'Tstoeka
oi every v.'iriety of
ever .shuwn in un Amcricjin house.
While we keep u lure slouk of the
We make n specialty of
Medium-Priced Textures
Whieli are worn by the people largely, in eity und eountry.all over
the nation . J
J ULUIAbhl) give us lulvuntngea that aie shared hy hut few houses,
which advantages are wet nod hy all who deal with us.
To those who cannot conveniently visit the city
CJiveevery adv.iiitMge iu making selections und purchasing goodd
thut residents ot Philadelphia enjoy.
Tilt! iti-soitint'iit we ili-nlnv tl.w .ni, - l 11...1 :.. .i.:
country, ami cannot he ,t
r.L'ctanx Am) UiMDERWEAR,
A yNit to the city will he amply repaid by an inspection of our
inagni! o.stab iMiuifiit and an exnnii lation of the immense stock
ot the latest noo ties in the Finest Foreign Fabrics ; the wonderful
assortment of medium-priced Lre.,s Tex ures, and the general stock
throughout the house, which is not surpassed in America.
N. W. Cm-. Jiighth
scp' sw,"R-tr
nrr'shilrs, oniho houtnb. I' i; Hum onthoest
by !uln slreel, cunt rimy uik- r iiiriu ot uu uera on
which uro ereeU'd a Ihr o Siui'j ri nine Uutel uud out
bull.itns. AJ.-O,
Alt Hi it rvrtuiii I it or ji.'o i.r ground sltuuoln
Oranfo toAuhlj), UolumtU emu, IVnusjlviinla,
described nsfollos, 1 U : Hwiin led uu tineas
by .Main street, m th ou'ibj u.i .niey iiiiiiiowos
by nu alley Anion tue iiuj'i li Wbll.i n Delong
contulidii'i 0:1 --Mjr'h or.i'm: .-,o.i iv iicu lserift-J
udonelars-o lutoi sii.-i. 8
AI.M), P
All that certulu U ur p,,-.'ur sltuato Inl
Oraniru lownshlii, nluu.lli euuntj, lvnn.ylvunta,
deseilOedus loliuwn i i.ul lioiudod un lho est
by Mill slreel, un tu- ,j,,in ny (iui., uuer, on tho
cast by nu alley, ou l'io Noilh l.j im.l if William
Delong, eonluli.Iiii-ui.. I mith ui uu une inuio or
htlzd, taken Into ewvattcu . i the suit or the Or
angeUIlo Mutual MUns 1 uud and Loan Association
airalnst Henry i;. I'uaiu r at d to bo .-ol I ut iho i 0v
ertyol Henry u. Couiki-.
Millek, AltOI'llCV. Wild L.
All that certain lot or uro'ii.d sltuato lu Itjarlnj
Creek tuunsiilp, CulumbU cuuuly. Tunis Iv.m-i, de
scribed as luduivs lo-tvil: uouulod ou tie north by
land of Wdllam liauer, on the eau by land cf
WlUdiu lirekbaeh a .d olln-n. i.'esl lij laud of Cjurad
llouicman, eooululnj uo.i liundro'l and thirty
acres maru or less on widen ni-u uicleil u houto,
bank barn and uut-bulldlni,'s.
elze 1. inkon luto execiilluii at, ilii silt of Stacy
John siralusl Smiuel lluiio and lu bo ,-oid as lho
properly i 'f uuiuel lluuck.
Ksuiiu, Alloiuoy. j Krl I'aclas.
All that certain pteeu or paie. lor ot giupudtlU
uato In lu ntou tuwnsul,!, OoluuiU. cj-inty, leuu
S)lranla. desnrlUdas full v.s, imvII: lioindedon
thonoithby land or I h nu.n SlatrlU, uu iueui,lbr
landufJuhu Haul;, uu iu i n,,itn n,, i,, ,d or.laeoh
DUdlne ami William ('ili-iuan an I u i liuwoitby
publlo roa1, cuntalutuj itvo eioi oti wuioii aro
ereetud a franio luus'i and I) acisnillb shuo
FvUoil, taken Into exeeuil-i'i u. ih-suli ot the
llotto Machine (uiii;wiy u'.ilusl .eioiuUli . -tiles
nnd to be sold as the piopot oi J ru.ultli -tiles.
ltosisoN, Atturne): .-lasFl fa.
Terms e.h on day of sal--.
' II 1HMN,
vuv.f.-.t. num.
statu or in si n snu i:.i, hkki,u.
letters ff Aduilnl.-i nil Inn on thu itJto uf Daniel
MUJer Into ot iieiviT t,i,. ,:np, t , luijOU couuti,
l'eiiiislvanl i, dceea-.'d, t.jxe oui turnud by the
Iteflstirorssl(l(,utii lo tbt uiuiui signed Admin.
Istrutrlv. .Ml persons li.iMnu ilaiius oaalnst
theesi it r Ih" i,i cedent rerei'uieito prefent
thm for siltluiieit ui. lb,,, tialt r ird to ti.e es
'atotoinHk, pi n t ui lot'u unuei-l. utd AUiututs
tratrli without .il, la.
HI.IZAUtlil Mll.l.tat,
C. W, Mllltll, AII'J. IU-HUI-twp.,
net, M '1st 'dmt'iUtr.tiii.
dm i .s'ist i : Ait )i ;;v m n iu:.
Ftlll.llI'VlHVV t.u.c.u....
U'tteis ef uuiiHiit tr. Ion un ihoiM.ttite of Mary
K. Ili'llr, lalei.r v lllll i til wi-hlp C i ,ubla Countl.
tv , deoi-asi'd, lun n i.t iiled by ll-n Intruder or
raid coiiiity ki ih- irnersliri ed Aiiidutstrutor
to whuui ml 1 cr-nt, 'iidetted lu s.1,1 ft line .,ro re
(luesiid to wike m.hi. !!, aud Hu.. huvliur
eiutms ur difi . nds ni,iiiiit Uu- sill u,iiu mil
makethoui known to tho said odiulnl trabir without
. S llllln township,
C. W, Ailmlnl-trator.
AUurticy, oct. u is iw
gXIXUTOlf.S ndtici;.
KSTATK urJIISIIl't KK1SK, lifc'l',
U tters 'I ivtauieiil cry mi thn iiun of Joshua
Ilrlnk, latu ot lieuton toMtisidp. t'oi.tmHa eouu.
ty, i'a., have Ixcn iranli d ! ih i lli'ul.-'. r t Coltuu
bta ciiiitti to the i!ifhr-bci'i hMeuinrs to
whotiiull iteisoiis liido' ted i.r re-piuHied tu make
linini'dSil-1 a ii.ei l.'t.nd iiau-havliteatiiiisirde-tnstids
sculii.t tli-i sill estato will uiiln them
known lu ibo ujdr lfcned liAecutor.i wttiiout
uiVV; KI'I' KIIMIII, l-xecutors.
4 I'Dnolf.S N'DTJ. i;.
In ihe matter ul Ibe (state orDanltl VrlUr. de
ceased, Tho nnddklKiir d, u.'lior un Inled by the Orphans'
Connor Columbia if Countj lu distribute funds in
hands ol the admluMraturr utsald diiTdcut aiuonir
helis aud i allies entltl , tlii iuiu, will attend to
the dutlt h or his npiKjiniiiieiii at ineuit im of (liarl.
(I, llsrklej In HUsiiiisbuiir, ou haturtlay, thu uthdar
of Noieiiiber. A. i.lsf, ut Mi oViuck a. ui.. at
which time lid phoe all names lliterosud iuji al
tend If they think proper.
I'AUt, li WIIIT,
Uloomsburir, oct. 11, 'is w. Auditor,
puornoxoTA uv'h Not-icir
of I. lobu Si won has tiled lu lho oillee if tne I'ro.
thonotarv of coluinbla county his nrst und nartiai
aa-ount which said iu count will l,u t,n m uted to
.uv vuhi i, v. wiuiuh , ui buiu uuuiiiy lof .Col,-
llrinatl in on tho thliddayor liiivuils r next und
b. ' i.t uTinh iimi "" lAcepiious
I'rollionotan oniee, U- K"ANK ZA,,lt'
nor, l, i-U) I'roth'y, ,
i , . n . .
tN1)ac;. ny iu
and Market Sts.
A k
1 1 ivEnamMim
RIM) lit la
for l'amthleu addrcu Ua. Sasford, New Voile,
Oct. IS, '7S-4W
. t,',V s nl fcntfnnlrt TxtxiktUon fur
' 1 ' '' nt tfjW?fwM id lotting tW
1 C I firing. Til beat tclCo
t ' i V ! ? MH' ,'''n'"It Hflofflf
,. V. f'a. '.rt W l Jlrtb' I't !
't.-1 tKdut,.1?' tM ffr ttrtijli.
JACsaoa A Co., ill., 1'ctetibviT. Vfc
oct.U.iM.v ab
T!is FathBP MiiieWv
r Vu,0,"?rt,,'p' ) rX" ,or """nperanco.Destroya
anp. tlte Ur uloobollc liquors, and builds up nervous
sysiem. AKiFK a UEBAirn or nnj Intkmi'sbatk iK
lirifiSKCK, a HS01.K TBASI-OOSFCL W II l itruovn Al I
vHSTAi.nndrnvficAi. nsr-irssiON. it a hi cures er'
cry kind cr l'nvnn, liviri-rstA. and TuKriuirr of th
Livra. told by ciruBitl,t. i neei! pit hot 1 I'-fm
phlet on "Alcihol, Its hirect-r ihteuSrirnm os a
.dsease," Kcntm-e. I'a' her Matthew 'Ion wrance
rn'vn'VeM'l.'iX-""""!1"'1""11" lalces l at lTK
u. , J ,'J"",N'Ior c',kh or Installments, .hunts
y.yiK nor W A-natv -.t:i'i:itinii U ii, iin.
lAII.lll, HttltACi: ATiat.s .V N(1N.--. Muliii.
ISJV""1. "I',,;t'r8 J,,hutt .S.V. ' Also"
"iiiians'"'11'' f'"',''i':",' celebrrVted
oet. is, -'7s-)iv nb
t&il ,0 ai;t'?.!8 hvnss ng'for tho l lTZ-
side i.ttor. 'lermsand Oultlt frte. d-
U',eu ',: 'i?.1 iUix' Augusta, Malno
Oct, is, 'Is-tw au
f), Fancy ''Alius with name I0cpfalnnr56ld'
,0 .S-uils outfit 100 15 ) styles Uull &Co ', Hudson '
oct. 19 'ts-jw
Wowsyapcr Advertising Bureau 10 Sprace st.N Y
irlieff. T'nftary on tho estate of John
Kllae, late, ot Locust township, Columbia county
deceased, have been srantod by the ItSsUr of ia&
county to tho undersigned executor "ofSme twi)
All i ersons liavlnif claims acralnst the estate are n.
il.?,,l.0'rt'r',t ,lwm or "citlouient una tuisa
ludebted to make pajment without delay
.1 dl.N L. KLINE, f
I'KTKII L. KLINE, J-Eiecutori
OCUlj'W Jictuttwp.
Utters of dmlnlstratlon on the estate of John
fain late or Centre township. Columbia co . docVL
ha(. 1,. en itrauted by the Utfater of said I county to
"!'id':rdk'ned whcmUwiboiS
Ln-,rt,b,t';'la trlal?a t0 ""M"1 ImmedlatopSimeSt
MiVm Vlnif.aluior lemmda airalnst the es
lhout'delaV. m kl.owntou") "dnlstrator
c-w- -M,u-AVmM cS5Slji5:
Attorney, oct. Ji, ls5w
John W, Evans )
J. Axilla. l,r- mV '""erm
.....v.,j,i,iui Kcu iuai me oaiouci or the fund
O. muuu, wllfbi distributed o7nd Sl5nli the hen
credlturs cnillled thereto by tho und "refirued ihS
has been apnolntfd an auditor for till tmrposo
Ihe Audi or mil sit attheomcoof Jolni o treeie
Ni;,U.t,''.lu.l,Jli,5,,burK ou "'rdaj, hB"miTy"r
Noemlr, lsis, ut one o'clock lu tho atteruoon All
perscinhailoi; claims upon said fund are niulied
'"""o Ibelr claims know n bt tore "aid udffi SJ
bo uebaired Irom comlnir In on said fund. '
oct f TSJ CllAHLtS 11. JACKSON',
oct, 1 , 18-4 w Auditor.
lu (lie
. . . "a """"v oi iicorpo w. uorrei
and in. II. M euer, hxecutors ot (leorifo We a,
vtra lllkt! oV.S4iil
matter of ; fha account of ncorp-o W. Correll
ig Tobacco
, ? n 11,7 11 ou?'' 01 tidunibia to dlstrib-
S. .V"'" luo ''"" "I iho nccouutauu
amunt bo parlies entitled Ihereto, will meet ill
part es luterolo.l lor the purposo of Mi appo' il. I
neni at his law oftleo In lilioojsburiron
the- 8;,tu day ut NoyemU-r. a 11. 137 uft'eS )
u'euek a. m. ur kni,i rt.v vii,n .f.. . .l 'en
1'hit Illi(l.ll.lmnr1 Aiirlltn. i, , . ...
may present Ihetr claims U toro lho audltor'if the?
i-V Ativertislng V- loents.
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