THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUKG-, COLUMBIA CO I NT Y, PA. lines Machinery Hob llic Laborer. Tho complaint tliat machinery tobs ttio lulmrer of hU only capital Ii entirely tin fnimdoil. Mncliliicty never", IfMpneil the nmniitit of work to be d'ltic, though It lim cnintnnlly clintiped tbo character of tlie worlc, Tho labnr-favlng machinery em ployed In nj-rictiltiire Is almost entirely the product nf tho Inventions of tho past thirty years, In no part of tho world lias the In troduction of ucli m.ichiiif ryjhrpri more general or mora rapid than In the grain growing States ol thu Wft. ,Tha result h shown in tho eenin reports, purlng the tin yean ending in 1SC0, tho farm hands of those Slate? Increaed in uumbir more than fifty per cent. During the next ten, In Kplte of the ln(s of the war, the lncreae ai about thirty per cent. During the same t.fenly year", the population of tho country as a wholo incrcassd only sixty-seven per cent. When Walter Hunt invented his sewing- mnchlnn In 1S.1S, liis life protested that It would throw all tho t-ewlng women out of employment, and persuaded blni to 6ilpprr.vs it. Howe's, and SingcrV, and no end of other machines, have cninn since then, and yet there is work for women to do. Not' withstanding tho thousands of family ma' (.nines in no, the number of perons earning a living with the si' this country is to-day much greater in proportion to the population than was tho number of tailors mid sewing women belore tho Inven tion of tho machine, which a recent pro' tended labor-lover lias classed with the stcani-enuine as ono of tho two worst evils that ever be fcl mankind. In noting its in lluenco upon labor, we mut not forget the 20,000 or more mechanics employed in our sewing-machine factoiies, and tho thousands ol others digaged in mining and making the iron, cutting and sawing tho lumberand In transporting and preparing those raw mate rials for the machines and their caea; nor tho men employed in making the machinery used in the construction of sewing-machines, and in transporting and felling the finished product. Counting these, the invention nr pears in its true light as n great rreator""ot' labor; and the average wages of tho persons directly or indirectly employed by the sew ing-machine is doubtless four or five times that of the old-time ewers. It is but a little while sirce a metropolitan paper of high rank pointed to tho i-hne busi i.ess as furnishing a forciblo illustration of the disastrous competltion''of machinery with men. The truth) is, that while within twenty j ears, not less than eighty-five per cent, of the work done rn factory boots and -lines has been turned over to machine'', here are to-day more men at work in shoe factories than then, and more than would now be employed except for machinery. It is but another illustration of the old Indus trial paradox. During these years of rapid progress in invention, the co-t of materials has advanced, wages have nearly doubled, ami the quality of factory boots and shoes has been improved twenty-five pei cent, j vet the cost of manufacture bas been so much reduced by new and improved ma ehinery that American shoes have not only excluded the foreign made from our market, but have successfully invaded tho marktts of the wholo world. Ah a natural cone (iience, many more shops are required not only in New Kngland, but throughout the Middle. States and the West; more workmen are employed In shoe-factories; higher wages aropaid; and a great multitude of other men aro furnMted with employment in tan ning the additional leather used, in packing and transporting and seilini; the additional inoiiuct, and in making shoemakeis' ma ehinery and implements. Jamei JHchnnhon, Scribner for Kovember, Worsted mitts, to wear over kid gloves in cold weather, are among the novelties. Gaily colored, richly embroidered .with chenillo 'anil adorned with velvet bows, they will prove a stylish addition to the street toilets. The' Italians say that lie'who oflends'nevcr forgives. Tacitus gives the reann for it. It is, lie says, because the causes of hatred are the more vinlent'th more unjust they are. Artificial flowers are now sold in "sets" of four bunches. Ono little bunch is'Jmr the hair, one for the belt, another for Ho tlir iaf and still another to hang from thac'iito laine. T HE WHITE 3 dbWINli IVIAUHINt THE IIE8T OF AI.I.. Unrivaled in Appearance, Unparalleled in Simplicity, Unsurpassed in Construction, 9 Unprecedented in Popularity, wd Undisputed in the Broad Claim OP BIISO THt vehv nnsx oxniiATiNG QUICKEST SKI.I.INC, JIANDHO.tir.ST, AND Host Perfect Sowing Machlno IM THE WORLD. Th! great popularity cl tha Vhito Is tho most ccn. vlncma tribute to its exctl'er:a aid auperlonly over other machines. an4 In aumlttlng It to tha trade wa put it upon Its irp'I's. ana in no ins'anca has It ever vtl failed is satisfy any recommendation In Its Utor. Tha demand tor tha White has Increased to such an oitent that art nsvy compelled lo turn out tio dLajp to o-aisTplT tl-.j Every machine Is warranted for 3 years, end cold tor csh at libera t discounts, or upon easy pa, men!, to suit tha comenience ol customers. aa-itiaii 7:1x17a iii ra:::jru3 TiancsT. WHITE SEWINGM 'AMINE CO.. ' Ml 358 Euclid Ac, Cleveland, Ohio. .T. SaJtzer, Aeiil, J3LOOMSJ3UJ0. PA. Oct. 21, is;j-tm TlISfAPtfIS KEPT ON FILE 1 AT THE OFFICE OF, 733 htm St., PHILADELPHIA, Wliu pro our iiiiihci'Uiil hhimi., mid will rt'ci-ltv AiIivjiIh uii-nts nt our MIUThT HAM! t T 'M. JOB I'lllNTlNU OF EVLRY DESRIrnON executed promptly At tha Oolumbun Offici EXECUTORS' SALE orValunblo EAL ESTATE! nyTlrtue. Kan order Issued out ct the. Orrrmns' Court ol Columbia county, (lie undcrslgntdeiccu. ton of tlio estate ol William .Mllncs, Into ot frcott township, Columbia count) ,deceascd, will expoco to publlo sale on TUKSUAY AND WKIINESRAY, November 10th nml 20th, 1878, tho follonlrr des-ilbod proiirty, to wit I No, t. All that certain lot ut ground tuato In Espy, Molt township, bounded and described as follows, to-w It i On llio south side ot Mala street, on tho west by land ot Mrs. Juno Cast-, on thn houUi by lands of Joso, h Mlckney and tho 1'tnnsjlvanla Ca nal Company, on tho west by lands of Rnld stick- ney and Canal Company, and on tho north by Main street whereon am erected a three story Framo Flouring Mill, with noon stkim row a ami amplk MAciiiNKiir.good and 'naimndinu hmf, a one story Framo ofilce, Weigh scales, a two story I'rnnir Cooper pimp. andaaood (tamo Stable, containing about U.N II ACI(K UPLAND. Thonboin described property will I e sold on the preinlsta at ono oVIo k p. in., on Nov. 19th. No. 3. All that certain lot of Round situate In Es py, cott township, bounded and described as fol lows, to w It s I'uMH road Killing to I'.locm burg on thu north, lot of llnrtman on the, an alloy oa tho fouLh, lot of Jaeoby on thi west.contnln lng in front at out 100 feetand In depth about two hundred feet, whereon are elected u largo TWO STOKY l't.ANK IIOU.-K, dutch weather-boarded, with a goodnttlc, erundas, a largo Framo stable, hou-e, Ac. The above doctlbed property wit bo sold on the premises at one o'clock p. in., Nov. 19th. No. 3. llelngn LIME STONE QUARRY ocqJlrcilby the KKecutoraof s.ilt trstitu since lili uealli In order to suvo Mil I .eatato from lm -hiulritf puicli.isftl tlio panic nt MierltT'rt s,a. tu wit-: All tliatceruln lot ot gru-iad -itnito In scotr. toffiivhlp bDUTuk'd un tlw fat by (uorrylot ot aplfnantl Pur ftcl, on thu north by latid-t el Aaruu Hoon, on thy west by anodier iiuarry lot or Jos l, lUcakiitmi. as tb (iru-n turry Kit, soul li by Uti.Nof Aaron Hoodu ahfi other Und-juf .U'S-so I). Kid.', on which TWO DWELLING HOUSES, .tables, Ofllcf , Hay Scales and SIX 1,1MB KILNS. The above des-crlbed propel ty will bu BOUluntbc premises at ten o'clock a. m., Nov, '9111, No. 4. All that certain piece of (.'round slluale In Montour toiiuihlp, bounded uul ilescribedus fol lows, to wit: On tho east by publlo road, on tho south by lauds of Llojd l'aton, on tlio west by tho Philadelphia & llcadln; Hill and on tho north by 1 m 1 of I.lo) il Paxton, containing about one-half acie whereon aro ertcted a LiliPl! IVVO-SlOI'J 1'1'itIlK! nillllllll used as a 1?jA.I1MT lVIIL H, and containing all tno mu-liluery neeessiry for tin) manufacturing ot I'alnts with sirmn llnulne, boilers, Ac.bheddlDg, f-tabiiug nn.l ORlce, and know n as tho, Montour J'nint rorks. The above described property will bo sold on the premises al ten o clock a. in,. Nov. iltnh. TKII.MS OF SALR. Ten per c nt. ot one fourth of tlia purchase money to be paid at the striking down of tlw property, the ono-fourtli less the ten per cent at I lie conllrmaUon of sale, and the remaining three fourths In ono year thereafter, with Interest from conllrmaUon ntsl. llllNRV s. unw, bUrUKNA -M1I.NKS, Kxecutors. MM I. 'TS-ts ADM1 XISTR ATOli'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ! In pursuance of an order of tlie OrpliansVourt of Co 111 inula f lie lin ItTsliii'd AilnilnKtriilnr At1.. Of Mf.liltroinerv lnl nf mi-'.ipIh if Tnwnvliln In sal 1 ivmit ' iWecaMM, 111 expose to public halo on IIIU (JIC IJ1-13 tU Saturdiiy, November lGth, 1878, comnienelng ar ten o'clock a. m. of mid day all that eirui'i iMsuige and ir.v t otlmd bltiiate In wn;ar lo,f tmin-hlplii n.ud coiinly, bounded bv land-iot illnaa full- on ih north, landi of Joshua lirlnk and Jflini-s lunger on tlio east, hinds or lloiK-rt N urtw-out un the soutu and l'lt hlngcriek on tue wot, eonuiining ON" H IIUN'DItKI) ACRES moic or lt'S-i, about seventy acres of which Is clea'ed laud lies con 11 t-recU'd a two story Frame Dwelling llotise, a bank bam, wood shed, wagon shod, pig ste Jtc .Also, a une ii'ul ono half storv plank owt-IUng house. Tlio iiIkhh pruMrly to-lt: tho larni land euulln IrighuVi'iil ae eiortUureaboutwill bo mid subject lo c ise b-twei-n said Moritgoi'i- ry Col and .lopll 1). t'olo w hlcli le isn termlua'Ajs and expires thti itrsl day of A pill issj. i-rnii or lea-w -.losepli I). Cololo pay on"-inirl cf all the grain. potsto-H, huv and fod der, and 1 1 haul three liiindinl biMiels uf limo when purcli isd by said Montgomi-ryCulo. 'I'liuMs - lie , m.k ten t.'rivot. nt one-rnurth of thn purihase mniu-i iui. paid at IIm sirlklug down of Hi-- piuiHit, Mio.uu.vf uutli less tho t-n ii-r cent, u t ll.o I'onllriu il lou or sale, and 111 rem lining Ihree fourlh', In une ear thereat ir with Inleresl. from continual ion nl-1. Joseph l). com:, -lui!uMriilr. fjlu'a Trek. ret. II "Sts, PUBLIC SALE OF VAI.r.Ull.R REAL ESTATE ! The un lor Lined l.'xeoutorof tho last will and tee. lament ot Thomas Knirr.d-'C'.ised, iiudtr authurlty contained In slid will, wll ejiposo tu sale by public venduo or outcry on 'o o'clock in tiiy ruronoun, on Siiturdiiy. Xovemlier 2od, 1S78, the follow lug de.-crlbed roil estate to-wlt : A II that ceilain Tlt'lCT Ol" situ Uj In tho Town ot Hloomsburg (Into township ot lllooin) ColiunbU oounty, Pi-unsyivanla.adjolulng the .N'ortli liramUot tho Misqueliauna, liner on tho south, lllg Kishlngcreek on thi west, lindsof S. V. Ilnonu on the north, and lands OIK. V. liooaeand luuld llrlfoglo on the east, containing 62 ACRES, moro or less, whereon Is erected a tw o-story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE. 0'it-klU'hi n, a good 1'ramaHank Ham, wagon shed and o'hernut.liiilldlngs, well ot water nt the dwelling house, a (lood Al'I'Lll OKOItAIlIi, all under good cultivation. It Includes tho Grove, known as tho Rupert Pic Nic Grounds and Is within about five hundred yards of the depots ot the Philadelphia t Heading, and Lackawanna t Hloomsburg roll Itoads TEKManpSAic-tlSOvuto In. paid at tho striking down of tho property, one-third tlio balance of pur tli isn money to be paid on tho first day of April l;j w hen possession will bo gli en, and balance cf pur. those money to be paid on Iho first day of April lisa with Internet on same from Isi April A. H.,l8;o, drops In tho grouud rcsericd JOHN (I. (JUICK, HuecuUir. Itupert, I'a., tcu St, Is7j-ts, Estate of Ann Winner, deceased, NOTICE IX PARTITION". Oilutnblit County, u. In Iho Orphans' I'ourt of common county. In the malltrolthoipirllilouand vilmtlonof thocs. latoot Ann Winner, luieof liunlock township, deceased. "o the heirs and legal representatives of said Ann Wlnnir. deceased, lo-wlts Hand Winner, of tho Tow n of Hloomsburg, sal 1 Columbia euuuty, John A Winner, ot the Borough, or Danville. Montour county, renhlvanla, Isaac winner o! Kail Hrook, Thuja county, Pennsylvania, John Caro and Ann his wlin of the Town of Hloomsburg, aforesaid, John II. NeMusaud lilmlra his wife of -Madlion township I'utuuiblacouuty. lake liuilio that an Inquest will bo held at the late duelling huiisu ot iuU Ann winner deceased, In the township of Hemlock, Columbia county, on Friday, thn fifteenth day of NovemWr, 147s between the hours of o'clock a.m. and 4 p. m. ofsld djy, for the purpose or uiuklng partition of thn real etuto ut sold deeeused, to and among hir chlldrtn end legal represenUitlies, If tno samo can bo dono without prejudice 10 or spoiling of the whole, otherwise Ut VhIuh and appi also thu same according to Jaw, ut which lluio and place you may attend If you think roptr, JOHN W. HOFFMAN, Sheriff, Bherirf's Ofilce, Hloomsburg, Oct, C'lMw, HEALTH AND HAPl'INEBsT Health and Ilapriness aro priceless Wealth to their possessors, andyei they aro within the riacli ot ev ery one who will uso WltUiHT'S LIVEIt TILLS, The only sure CUIIK for Torpid Uier, Dysrepta, Headache, hour Mninach (.outtlpailou, lieblllty, Nausea, and all Bullous eomplaluisand Blood dis orders. None genuine unless signed "Win. Wright, I'hlla." If jour I ruggHt will not supply send so cents for one box to Harrlck, Holler & t o., 10 N.ith St., 1'htta. Jan. 4, U-ly nr BU8INESH CARDS, VISITINOOAHIW. UfeTKH HBAnS, UILL1IEA1IH, in. j rs a ru iki n eatly aud CbeAply printed at the Coluu- 0&fflfnf(fflr new invent tonijr for tmpwvrmtnt on oht one, for wedtealor other compound, trad fnnrJ anil tabtlt, Carenti, Jfulgnmrnttt. Inter frrtnefs, Appeal, fiuUtfor Infrlngementi, and mi rfinf 1 fin st 1 Ti p il nirr iiiJ wrrif M,tiirwtprpmpr tv attenileit to InvfttUnuM that htirr been ::t-Jf t,u the rattnt oa I fid tnay itill, in I moat tnte. pittenttit ut, iiting vpponxtt the l K, Vattnt A'fparimrnr, ami engngea in raitni vumntu t ctutirtty, ire run mah cloter tenrrhet, vntl ircurt Vatcnt more prompt!, and with Iromlcr ctalmt, thtrnthn iht itrr remnte frnm Wgehtnyton. tnur device; ice viaKt efnminaiioni ana auvtteat tt pnxmiaouify, free rfrha tyr, A 11 corretnnndenre ttrictTy eon Jtdfntlut. meet loxo, and Sit ( II AUG 12 lA- zi;sAf rA text ia si:vtrrti:n. We rtfer in, K'athtnpton, to Hon. Poftmanter Cenerat IK )f Key, Krvt h 7. J'wer, The German Amertenn National Hank, to curtate n the V, S, Patent 0lre, and to fienatnreand lieprtientattvet in Cungrti: nnd eipirtatly ta t-vr client in every State in the fntnn nn in C i'td,t, A tdriit Vppoa.te J'utiut (tftif, 11 ttifungton, V, C& G ENT.RAL ELECTION rilOCIiAMATION. I, MUM W. HOFFMAN. High Sheriff Of CO lumbla county, do hereby make know n and proclaim to tlie q nllileit electors of Columbia county that a general election will bo held on Tl'KSDAY, THE KIi-'I'll OF NOVllMllKlt, 1S79 (being tho Tues day next following tho llrst Monday of said month nt the scleral districts within tho county, to wit ! llcaier township, at tlie public house ot Joseph II. Miuinan. Denton township, at the public nousc of IUram Hess, in tlio town of Ponton. Hast Hloom, at tlio I'ourt House, In Hloomsburg. West Hloom, nt ihe Court House, in Hloomsburg, linrough of Herwlck, nt tho btoro ot John McAnall, In tho borougn of Herw Iclr. Horoughof Contrail i, ut tlie public house ot V Ham Poller. llrl.ircieek township, nt tho public school hosso near liiansillle. catawlssa tuwtishlp, nt tin-public house of Samuc Koslenbauder, In ttu- town nt Catawlssa. Centre township, at tlio school luiuso near Lafay ette cteasi's. N'ortli Ctmjngham District, nt tlio school house near Ihe eolller of Juliu Anderson A Co. South Colon ham I)lstrlct,nt tho house of John lion toe. l'lshtiigi reek tow ushtp. tit the school house near C. 11. Willie's, l'lankliu township, al Hie Iaw rence school house. tlreenwood tuwiiohlp, at tho houso ot Joseph It. ration. Hemlock township, nt the public house of Chas. II.' Dletti'ileli, in the town of Puck Horn. Jackson town, hip. nt tlie house uf KzcMel Cole. Locust township, ut tho public bouse of Daniel kehres tu N'uinedla. Miniln toualilp, at tho public house of Aaron Hess, m the tuwniif .Minilnvllle. ladlson township, nt Hih publlo school houso In Jersey town. Ml. Pleasant township, at tho house of II. W. llelllck. Montour Ovmiulp at I'M public homo oflieuben Kauch, nt lliiiH'rt. Main tuwnshlji, at tho publlo house ot Jeremiah E Longeniierger. Poarlngcreek township, at tho houso of John 11 Kilnger. Orange township, at Iho publlo house of II. C, Conner In Or.ingov Hie. Pine township, at tho Centre school House, lately nved by mote ot tho illlzens of said township. Sugarloat row nship, nt tlio house of Allnas Cole. scott township, in tho publlo house of Wm, l'ettlt In Espy. ji wiii.Fi nine ana places tno quaunca electors will elect by ballot the follow lug Stale and County onirers, il- one HTson for flovernor of Pennsj lvanl 1. One person for Lieutenant (loiernor of Pennsil vanl.i. One person for Supreme Judge of Pennsylvania. nun peisou tor secntory of Internal A Hairs of IVnnsjivanl.u ono person for Member ot Congress f r the Elev enth L'l I rht, Ono person for Slate Senator. Tno persons for Kepr-scntntlvcs. Ono person for Prothoiiotary snd Clcik ot the Courls ot Columbia coun'y. One person for Keglsternnd IScordcr of Columbfa county. One lierson tor Treasurer ot i.'olumbi t county. Threo wsons tor Commissioners ot Columbia county. Three persons for county An Mors. It is further directed that the elictlon polls ot tho scleral districts shall be o-ned ntseicn o'clock In tho forenoon, an J -lull contiuuo oien without Inter hiptlon ur adjotirniiu ut until se en o'clock in the el enlng w hen t ho polls w III be closi d. NOTICE IS HEREBY (ilVEN, That coi iH-rson excepllng Justices ot Ihe Peace and .Mitenmn. Nut.iijcs Putllc and Pcrsins In the uilllll.isinlee ot tne stale, who lia 1 hold ur shall wlihlii t,j iiiunths held any rn 'o or appoint mi nt , r piollt or li u-t under Un- IT'i-M st.ites.or of this state, and city or corpoi nied district, whether a eomiiii-,r,iuiied upker or ttherwl-,e, a sulMrdlnate ortlrerorngiiit who Is or shall bo employed under tlie ii glsi.ituie, Ksecutlio or Judiciary Department of Ihlssi.ite, or of .uij illy or of any lucoiporuted dlslilet, and also, that eiery member of Congress and of tlio stale legislature, and ot tho select or common council of any city, or commission! rs of any Incorporated illstrlrt, Is by law Incapable ef holding or extiil .lug tit Iho sumo time tlio olllce or appoint ment of Judge, Iii-poctor or Clerk of any civet Ion o this I'ommonweallli, and that no Inspector, Judgo or other ohleer of such election shall bo eligible to bo then voled for. Tho Insneilors and Judgo of tho elections shall m.-et at the resK-cttie places appointed for holding Iho t lei Hon in the district to which they respectnely belong, lH-foio scien o'llock In the morning, and each of said Inspectors shall appoint one clerk, w ho shall bo a ipialttlcd voter of sucli dUtrlct. Tho qualified voters of Iho solera! districts In this county at nil general, township bor ough nnd special (.lections, aro hereby hereafter authorised and required to vote by tickets printed or written, or partly printed and partly w ritten, sei or ally classified as follows: Ono ticket shall embrace tho names of all Judges of Courts voted for, and labelled, outside, "Judiciary;" ono tlcktt shall em braco tho names of all tho Statu ofllcers lotcd for and lo bo labelled "State;" uno ticket shall embraco tho names of all county ofllcers voted for, Including tho oflleo of Senator, and Members of As sembly, it voted fur, and members of Congress, If voted for, and bo labelled "County ;' oue ticket shall embrace the names of all township onieers voted for, and bo labelled "Township;" ono ticket shall em brace the names ot all borough ofllcers s oted for, and bo labelled "Horough." And each class bhall be deposited In separate bal. lot boxes. JOIINW HOFFMAN, SherHTsonico, Hloomsburg, sheriff Sept. VI, Tvtf 61 Duenu. Qltl'IIANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE -REAL ESTATE ! Pursuant to an ordsr ot thu orphans' Court of Co umbla county, Pa , wll iw sold at publlo sale, on tho premises, In iho t iwushlp of Centre, in said eouuty, Tlitiisiliiy, November 14. 1878. at t n o'clock I'. M. tho following described real es V"' ' iu..miii, uecrascu lo-wit A farm iidjluliii on thn imith lands of u, w. Jack, ton, on luieait Iv.iUof sol. iluusmiecht nud HenJ I tho south tho Susquehanna rlier and on tuewesHaiidsolls.iucCoderaud M. W, Jackson, coutalnlng 118 ACRES, mwo or less, whereon aro erected a two-story ERA ME II Oil SI'. bonk him, wagon homo stable, hog pon, cider '.p "- , , tw, m huw r,,uuK ul 1TI1- l iKvnp Siic.-Ten per cent of tho one-lonrth of the pun base money to bo paid at tho sinking down i.f ipb j.rortv; Iho one-fourth lews the ten percent, al tLncoiillrmullon ef sale; an I the re. inalnltiglhiissiiniiihs In one iear thereafter, with lull rest fiom eoiinrmallon nisi. Deed to bo dellv. ered lo thu purchaser at hlsexin-nso upon payment Mall the purchase money, purchaser to give an proied M-ruilit for puinent ot balanco ot purchase money uceoidlng to Ihe U-rins. K II. HIIOWN, OH. K. 16-ts. Administrator. IMPORTANT TO yOUNQ Tho Bryant & Stratton Business College, o. 103 South ICth Stri, SUhi'i, OITerM uiisurpasiHtl tUcllitlm lor acquiring s uhIucmh ctlii Citiioii. HtuuuiitH cnu enter Ht liny thu .. IVo vacnllouii. llluntruteti circulars IVco. aug, bo, 'is-Mw ,ts a: UDITORS NOTICE. ujlio matter of the exception to the account of j. ii. iieucr, .xovuiur 01 joun Aiicuaei, ae i'ased. Tlie undersigned, apilnted Auditor by the court nn exceptions to tho above account will sit at his ofilce In Hloomsburg on Saturday, November Slid, ISIS at ten o'clock a. in , for Iho purposo ct his up polntment. when and where all iirtons imcntusl may attend If they mo proitr, V, I'. HILLMVEH, pC, 4, 14-4W Auditor. WM Goods I Bcga lenvo to inform his custoinora and tlio public tlint his stock is now n jileto with till the Novelties for Full and AVintcr Wear, consisting of now and beautiful styles of . ENGLISH FRENCH GERMAN AND DOMESTIC GOODS . AT. REDUCED FRIGES any of which ho is prepared to niako up in the latest style. Ready-made colliing cheaper than ever. Cheap Suits for men, Cheap suits for Youths, Koys for Children. allof the best niakcjtnd at tho lowest prices. Just received a full line of all tho latest styles in color and quality of MS. For Men, for Youths, for Boys Cheaper than A FULL LINE OF THE CELEBRATED PEARL HIRT BATH) LDWESBEEG, MERCHANT TAILOR, BLOOMSBUBG, 4 yaii FAI R BAN KS I The Standard of 1"he World Over 30D Modifications. 70 THE BEQDlBEfuEtlTS OF EVERVBUS1NES2 SCALES. Inile ulili I lie I.ntrMt nnd ?tot Vnlimhlo linpro-tfttiriilH. Two Grand Prize AT PAWS KXrOSITION. IIpccIvciI lllglicftt .11 lulu In al WOIILD'S FAIR, l.ONDOV, lH WOHI.D'S FIH, Saw YOUK, K'.r WOIILD'S Fllll, I-aHIh. lsar MII(I.I)'H KA I If, VIENNA, li'.t WOlll.D'.S I'AIU, SANTIAI10, (Chill) 1".T3 Wdlll.irs KA1H, IMIlI.ADBI.l'IIH, lf,TC woriMi'M KAIIi, sviiNHY, (Australia) 1T7 WOHI.D'S FAIR l'AHIS, ls?i FAIRBANKS & BWING, 715 CHESTNUT ST., Philadelphiai 6Cp. '.T, 'IS-! 3 IV GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! Wo will sell tho Vory Dost Tamiiy Sewing- Machines For Twenty-Five Dollars I. ASI1, on in ornamr-ntfd Iron Manil nml Trondlo, with ivaluut lop and drawer, .md i.cecs-ary Allaclmii'iiU "tots at Uay ltal'roai1 1)t'fK'tl" "io United l'rco of Charge. Tliewi machines aro warranted to do thn wholo line of Famllr 'cuius with more rapldlty.more caco of management, and le h fallnuo to llio oiKTalor than an) niiuhloe now In use. r-end for a t rcnlar. Every machine warranted for llino years. Agents wanted in Un:e:up:od Tcrritoiy. Centennial Machine Co., Liinited T89 Fn.DiiiTSr., I'liiwiimriiu, 1', Oct. 4, 13 cm. yAINWUlGHT & CO., WHOLESALE OltOCEHS, PUlLlDELrilU, Dealers In ' TEAS, SYHUI'S, COFFEE, SUOAlt, JlOLAbSES, KICE, SriCES, BICiBB (.OPA, tc C, N. E. Corner Second and Arch streets, IF-Orders will receive prompt attention. U !r G. A. HERRING 11 KSI'KCTFLTI.I.Y nnnnnnraa In ll. ...,1.11. lhathehusreopined SNVPKIl'S TANNKUY, nlrt ktnlirt I11nn.nt.ii... i. . .. ... wLu ,.r uili i htrtt; Twfof vlier all (ltwrlpttonsof 1 ;.r. .. umuu iu niu u urn tuutjiauiiai anil A tur l,BV ' lvv tu tUU " un limes ik on KEN II 1 1) us of every description In the country. 1 he public rut ro iiatu Is resi.iiuily solicited ""i""!"! lilouuisijurt', Oct. 1, lSIs. M. C. SLOAN & BRO. rw i t jw: V iiLooniNnvno, va, tuanufocturera ot Carriages, Bogies, Phaetons, Sleighs, ruTFoitM wAaoNs, to. Ftrst-cUus work alwajsontiand. ltEI'AIHINll NEATLY DONE. rrtces redarwd to iult the tlmea. Jan.t,lim-u.v V s Fall QmM Ever. FOR SOLD ONLY BY HONEY OF HOREHOUND AND TAR FOR THE CURE OF CongH Golds, Influenza, Hoarscneas, Difficult Breathing, and all Affections of the Throat, Bronchial Tubes, and Lungs, leading to Consumption. TnU infallible remedy is coniposeil of llic IIoNCV of the plant Ilorehounil, in chemical union with T.n-HLM, extractctl from tlie Lire 1'KlNCiM.n of the forest tree llIsMr, or Halm of Gilead. The Honey of I lurcliouml feocnnr.s ANI SCATIKI'S all irritations ami inflammations, ami the Tar-halm cu:anss AM IIHAI-S the throat ami air pasiajes leading to the lung-., 11 vi; additional ingredicnls Keep the organs cool, nmi-it, and in healthful action. Let no pre judice keep you from tr)ing this great medi cine of a famous doctor who has saed thoi' sands of lives by it in his large private practice. " The Tar Halm has no iui taste or smell. rRicr.s 50 chnis nh $i i-er bottlk. sauns to buy large size. lJk4ifs rrotliacIu! Droim1' Curo in 1 Minute. Sold by all Druggists, 0. N. ORITTENTON, Prop., 11Y. deets, '77 O. 2D. SAVAGE, DKAI.KIl Iff Silvorwaro, Vatcho3,Jow:lry Clocks &c, lleinoiedto tlio rost onico bulldlnc, flrsTdODr above Ihu Kxh.ingo Hotel. All kinds rt Wuuiies, nooks nnd Jewelry ".fat ly repaired and wairuntid. may 17, ;s-if exe'utors sale OV VAI.UAHLI" Real Estate! llio unden-Uned eeeutorof tlioeslntoof riirli llan V"lf, iaie of Mlflliln tonii'lilp, C'oluuihia coun n, IVmnilv.iTil i, deeeiiaed, ill cxi.uio to public talo on llio preiuiaei on Siitiinlity, Novemhur 9, 1878, at ten o'clock a in., tun follonlni; described re.Uc tutu Mtuum m Hid tonns.iilii,f Miniln on wlilch de. cedent resided, bounded and it scribed a lulow : on tlw east bv Ihe ton nut MIIIIIiiyIIIo on the south by land ot llll.uil IlroHll, dtcouaednud Mnrla Wolf, ou tuu nest by land ot Mai la INoitand Hllllam llruwii, uud ou tho north by tho fcusjijueuauua river, eonlalulns 78 Acres and 150 Perches strict measure, moio or less, nil linpruied laud, through w lil h tho N'ortli & West Hranch lial road liasses with rlk'ht ot w uy, ou hleh aro erected a IMIl'k IMvclliiiK House, a Frarao Hank llarn Wacon thed and ("nrrlnra House, with othor out-biiTdln!;s and on which Ha iieiir-falllnj; well ot water and ti (iooniTiu ohcii. liu. Also, one oilier pleco of land In Iho samo lownshln bounded ou tho uurih by land or lioulel A. Hess, on lliueastby Ml. 11am lirown and Murla Wolf, and on u,e suuiu uiiu wcm uy Mepnuu ucariiart, couiaimni; 50 Acrc'ri nud 113 Perches, strict uioasure.more or less, abuut Sli ncres of w Men Is (Inured and tnhiwo well tlmlx ied. 'Iliero Is a neier lanuiif iii iiiir 01 wuier un mis tract. TtHMii or to In raid on tho strlklnir down of ihe pin(ieili, ono tlrdof purchase money Hlun(.mi.HVU.l.lH,tn-UUllll.' ,,111Y U lieUt'llCI!!, Interest to her annually, and balanco to bo paid In threw etjual an.ual paj menla, Inlcieit from April 1, N. 1I.CIIHA8V, oct. 3. Wi Kxiculor, Important to Lawyers. Justices of Iho peace, constables, Kxiculors, Ad inlnlstrutnrH, (iiiardian, Toniithlp ofllcers, and bus! litss wt -il Keut lilll) Wo linie on hand a lnrt'0 assortment of legal Miinksfoi (lie Use of llor l.eih. Justice nnd l'ii. stable's iilaiiKs of alt Muds, Ji'ole and lleeelpt books I' II To K 1. 1 H T. Tl'OItNUV'.S ULAN ICS. 1'reclpo for Kummons. " Fl. Fu. " " llule tu take Dcposltlontt. " clioosu Arbliraiors. t cents apiece, or IMS per hundred. Petition for Appointment of Guardian. I i' t'llalHi lluloto take lii'pohiiloiis, Nurr In Debt. Willi confession, Assumpsit, Meclinulcs Men. 4 ci nls each or 3.fio per hundred, petition for sale ot Ileal i:tale s eentB each. Jl'KTK'E'A HLANKH. Hutinirnos, tuiuraous, Warrants, Uiecullons, so fo leases .... nine iieeds Parchment IKeds,, AgrefinenU Orphan's t'otirt Kalcu 6 cents each lo is " 6 H .1 so for II M oiisiuuiu s Kaieu. tloriL-aire and Pond...... u All kfiids of Notes a cents each 4. i i llect lpts, Notes, Krhool tlrders, Poor Orders, Btore Orders, neatly bound, constantly on hand, or madu to order on short notice. ,.',!,"'.tp.",r,t'l0 ao Mater Job work than anj other oflleo In this county. ' 'H'ff JJWV & KLELL. idltxire and lToprlctora ot thei'oi.tTiieiAH, Uloooitbunr. i'a ANTI-FAT ;f"i AiiAi R antiFat U the prtnl rompilrf-trCorpn-liicv It u imrr tv i jrt'tfililp and iifrft-ctly liarmlof. Jt nclinii tin. rood In the, mvi nil 11-4 Hi t'on if-r'l'in Into fit. Tiiktn nernr'tlnf In illn-itlcn. tt will rrJiico fitt prrtori from It to n pound 4 n wcrL. In til-icliiif tlili rcincly t'lfuie tin' t-uhlle tu n po' lire 1 lire for ol -l(yf wn doio l.nnw ing Hi nMllly lf curt, n nltr'teil by hmnlrrils of ti stlmonlnK of r litch tlie ll"ln)jr from a rny lnColiinihu Olitn, 1 n hhiiiiiU': "(Utillcnifiit Your Antl-lrftt rti.fl duly ri'Cihi-l. I took It arcordltid to direction nnd It r 'iiicni mo tlu ivttmds. I was r)atd nrr tlx ri' mil Hint I liuiiifdialily sent to ACKKIlMAN'fl driikf-Hun- fur ll- et'cond ttottk'," Anothrr. n idij si I in, vrliln for pntlcQt from l'rovl'lrncc, it. I., e-t "hour hoitlc hive reduced lur wclpht from rJ j-otm-li tn UJ irtuudJ,ftnd there lsn pttivrnl ImproM' Hunt hi h null.' A pcntttnmn writing from Ilot tin, K'i)Bl " Itlmut epeclal clKinpo or attention to llt t,t-A(i tinlttej of Uliin'a Antl-t'.il rrduntt rw r-mr nud dtittiiiarti r tHumd-w' 'Ihi' wtll-knnti Wliolt Mil- ltMlRt1t, SMITH, KOOUTTI R A SMITH, of tins ton, lj-.r., w rite nt Mlo hi " All in' Anti-Pal has r-.hicid u lady In our illy "nn jinnnda In thu-o 1 -tk.' A j.Mill man In Hi. I.nnh wrltist "Allan's Anti-rat le-uind im1 li hn i-mmds In llirec wet km Mi I alloLTt t Im r I hat-; lot tut nt)-llv ttmindK (dnco t Minn m In lit iiftc." Mr-src. I'uw l-1 1, A I't IMlTi'N, AVlioh'-.ii. Ihiit'jIMs.til Jtull'do, ,S. V.,rttct 'J(J Ttti: ritomiiTum ok au.v.n's Anti-Fat- (iudic lnen, 1 lie toii hiir n port i from thu ladv who ued Allan's Anti-Fat. It AntM'alt (he de-lred (tToet, ndiitliu the f.ii from two to the iotni'H a ni-tk until 1 had lot twemHi timin1. 1 In ji rtfii-r f riKhi what 1 hanelost,'" Anil-Pat H uti tiiH'tcellod hlood-purlllir. It promotes tllirrmloii. rurlnjr iijBup-l.i, tmi Is alBo 11 jmtdit rcnuily for riKiuiintfiu. hM hy drtifTRhts. ratiipiiktonOiits liy pi nt on rwi ipt of hmii. liOTANIC M1:D1C1.NX CO., ritOPItS,IhUT.ilo,N.Y. lly nn Intnionep rractlre nt tin" World' lMpen r-iry nn I Inwili-M' llotd, haTtn-r treated m.iny tlmu fnud i-ittt i nf ilinse il Ih - p cntltr to woman, I Imp hie ti ( n-il Ii d to p ril'i t it iiioitipoUiit and posU tlvi reiin ly for llusedlst nvs. To ('.(.eUiitt- itili natural ipcclflc, I hare named It Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Tho torni, liowtvir, Ii Lut a f. iMp eTprc"lon rt my hlfrh ftpi n 1 1 dtoii -f ttJ nlni', Imsed upon per f'lial ntiM w Im 1. 1 11.11. , w'dl.- .tims-hu It- p the ri-tlll ' 1 1 t! Minilil t'l-i ni 3 lu Mi n tu the nrv.ilit-Mii 01 in 111, In I I It 1 ut 11s the (lliniiz or ro.inln uoiii of my niptllt-itl ecreir, Un It int. 1 IK, n$ a poeiii', .u , in 1 1 il. runt i m. lv t r tld- 1 1 is I . ilsrasc, till I ouu tit it lil. jit .ill tlim 1 un I un Ur ell elrcutii'it.nii ex, i.t kltidh, 1 nui williuif to tlako 1 v r imtalliii 114 .1 U -U I tn t 1111 1 no roiilLknt am 1 that It will ti l ll-.ipptilut tin tin f-t pantilnutx-ti- i't it I. -in ol -a slii'l.- lin ill 1 1 1 it wi 1 u . I' firtmy 1 li nlliiientimi'uhh hlr 1 01 hi- n ' P. t'i 1 I r.tkr .1. 1 II It 1111 '!- A l''-mi: (il'AliAMLI- (For i 11 llllon , w" p mip'il t hi ppl.ijr I 1. t'li .) Hi' i'i I i In r u iiui'iiik' tli -1 dl-e.c, 4 In ulilrli I I. I'm orlti I'nw rlpiluii Ims wm kt d tun-t, a If by 1 I iti t wltli u i'i rt duty ii" wr In ion att dm d by 1 in-11. hn'i 1. u Iixc'-he 1 lowlier, 1'ilifill Moullih J'i Mud-, ni-pn f"loiit win 11 from I fiit Ii n L'lil iilll i, eik ll.u!;, 1'ro i , m, 01 K.i)Hn-r of t h I'll ru-. Antevtrolon an1 : iMver-liitu II iriitrl'n tM'imUoiit, internal II it, Ntr on lirpri -alon, J)ill!lty, I i-ponUney, i i atenod MU'iirlJK"i hr nh 'nngi atlnn, In- II ini'intloiiau 1 t'lcei itlmtol Hie 't ru . Iiniiincy, 1 hi M't or ht rllitj, .Hid I mil' W 1 iktif-s 1 Ii .1 VXt-.l lliln Ii' )( In H .i ' run -nil" tut It InditM f'llfilt n !itj;tt ikm of piirpox, Ix Uxp a iiiiwl mrfift -iH'rliW hi all 'linml" illsca-i- of tho I 11.ll -.t. in "t lift 11. It will 1 nl 'IKlppulu., liur td It-do hi i'i, In :inv "I itcor rnnilllton. 'JIkm- h .'-li.' tut tin r I ifurnntlnn 011 th fiit-iil-i 1 .mi dlil pi It Pi TlIV. l'LOlXE'St'OMJIOV SCNbB 't. PtC'AL I Kit. H linn'c nf orr WN) p t!ftm, f-nt, II 'i.M iii, mi rttlpt of It treiti ndniitilv of (li-i-M tiittM"4 p eull ir in Fi iimli'i, nnd .he" much If tidlcu In rt'K-ird to the inanagtiLint ut thin tith tt'.ll. t'noni l,r'Tlpt1on m1iI hj Dmcclut. It. V. I'. ' V., i. !.. l'ron'r, Wort i'a lJlsiM.uwrf Uul intall- -'lloul, Kulfalo, X. V. fllijf. Ut, '.s Tlio Lightest Running, The Gimplcst, The Most DuraWo, The Most Popular OK SEWING MACHINES. Jt i rnilly uitricrNtoml, inttUc tho :(itihlt -tlii t'tt(l liK'k-htltcli, h 'is hcll reulutlii'j tniHloiiM tmt Inke-itp ttmt ictll do tho w Itolo ritit'ja vf family irurc without (litiiie. Tho " itiiitentlti " Is mmlrhi the tnont tlitrnht tnuHnfr, with conical ntvet brnrhtffi nnd cotnjieimatiny Journals throughout. PAPER FASHIONS. Thrte popnh.r PATTISKNM for ladien', mlsf and children' dress, are cut on a H)'Htcm Miprrlor to any in uu; find can to undvrntood ht nny iuio. rati iUr a-tlimn and lltnutratlona on enrh cnvhtjtc. ScndJUve t'i nta fur illustrated Cata logue of 1 OOO J'ashlons, Sswins Michino Co., Vcrr Y:rk. I. W. HARTMA7C, AEcnt "Domestic" Fa; er rasliioas Bloonishi PoccmbcrU, lbJT-iy Steel and Iron Flaago FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF I't,iit In.ltle Holt V.'urli una ..IllUni tup. no urt COMPLETl WITHOUT IT I I W. H. TERWILLIGER, ,Vo, St SliilUcu t.utin, '("ls,, uwvo'1' , .M( V.HI.IV, mm cm tt, is- y JiSPY PLANING HILL TlioundcrtlKiieiiifsMuoi UioKfcpy I'laulnir Mill l preiwrm to ao ml klLdn ot mui u (Vic. Boers, Frames. M. MA etc. Siai22i00''dcr''a tl""1 B0lt'' fc'lWatUon (fiiar. t3 !F IS a D F P TP "'"'L' '8S fin frijage in. n 1011 Utv) I H'x.rlHht In ilifir owulo. mm k, Vur- r (mm rit,' ri Ninth Slrrtt ritttbtirir, Dec. lo, wt. (iriillriiini i our pnltifs Jinxp plvi n entire Fnt Isfnrtlnn. I iinva Uf-nl tlicin on 11 m il innui HIITi'i. rut kinds or ortr, Mich n In n, T 11 iooil, luiik, AC nnl nevrr lii'nnl nni mni liiiii. un tlio con. trim, tho work Mnmli ucll nml lor cnr, will In iov iitilMnn, Mnnil llli nnj Irml In ll,p n , u t. iMich In wmt i,t icfiicMpin Hiisdiv r i Mtrjoii nro ntlllirrt.vtfiii'pinyiniinnMtlirli'1. 111 , ulsotouso Heiriilfn!!'- Ymin. . . . , '""IN ""AY. 1'alnlcr nnd Rcnlcrln I'ninis, i lia.Ac. sTiticTi.Y 1'iiiiE wtirrn leap, at the lowest -MrtHliET KATES. MONTOUK SLATE l'AINI?, S CKSTS. JIO.NTOUll.METALLIO W1I1TC. R CENTS. MO.VTOI1K METALLIC WHIM'S, (I CENTS. HFK COLONS AT 1 1lls 1 Jill M. PUEB LIN5ESD OIL at limes! niiMltct 1 ill cm. .l'amplo cauls nnd rrlco lint furLlslcd without ( lmrKC. orders and Inquiries by mull will rccclie prompt ntlcutluti. 7IUNUY S. IIUAY, JfAUFAOTUItr;l, SUI'ERT, I'A, moyi:u m;os. WIIOLtHAU: AORK'iy, Ul oo.Msiiiti.ii, I'a Ml)", 'IH.-lJ. -1AIL FIOAD TIME TABLE pIIlI.AI)i:l,l')IA ANIUiKADINO llOAl) AKltANUU.ME.NT OF l'Afc-SKNG'l'K TKAINf. .Mi.) IS, 1S18. lmiKI LKAVH KCI'f.KT AS rOLIiOWIIlr'M tV KX' Cfl II I" ul Null York, I'lilhiiltdplilii, Ht'iiUllit;, I OHM r.imiiqun, .tc., 11,13 u. in I or Calawl.isn, 11,41 11. in. 7,lin aim ,n ) . r I'cr llll.ui; 01 1 , c,2 u,ii4 a. la. and t,eo p. m. TIlAlNHFOll llffElCT IFIVK AH KOtl 08. (fit MII1V Kl Ifcl'IRIl.) Lc.ive New Vorl;, 1,43 11, la. Lome I'l.l l.i iK Ij'Iila, l, 1.-. u. in. Lc ,n 0 Heading', 11,3 n. 111., i'otutlllr, p. in and Inmaiiun, 1,30 p. in. lent' Cnt.missa, ,) s,r,oa. m. and 4,00 p. m. La 0 IvuiLuubpoi t ,'J 4 j ilhi,2,15 ji. m. a nd 6,(10 p. m IMsiingors to 11 rid fl 0111 New York and l'hlliidil plil.i go throiura n Khout change rt cars. J. I'.. WOOTTKN, 0. (1, HANCOCK, "cncra, .Manager, (eneral'lkket Agent, Jan. 11, i,;i!-tf. TOUTIIKUN l COMPANY. CENTKAL KAIUVAY On nud aflcr Nnvemher suth, 1873. trains w ill leave sL'NUUUYas follows: NOIITIIWAHP. Erlo -Mall 6.20 a. in., nrrli 1 Elinlra 11 " Cinand.ilgua.. . 3,2r. p. m lloeheMer ' Nlagaia 40 " 'novo nccoinmodallon U.lou. m. anlio V. 1..I1111, port l.r p. rn. Elmir.i Mall 4.15 a. ni., arrive Elmlru a. in. lluHido Eipiesj 7.15 a. tn. nrrlio Ilurtulos.Min. re (OI'TIIWAltl). nunalo Express s.r.ii n. m.arrlic Ilarrlit urg i.nn. " lijllllMllli' -..40 " Illiulrn Mail 11.16 a. in., nnlio liuirlsl 1.1c i..-4i p. m " Wii'-l.U.iflon 10.60 " " lluililnoli n. 10 " 11 u"lilni;loi,' llaritsiiurgiiccon.nioaiitlon S.4'ip. ui. anno 1'uiils burg p.m. arrive littltlinoru i.tntt. ru W'liRLIr.gton cm " Erie Mnlllii.M a. m. arrive IlarrMurg3 (15 a. in, " Unltliiiorcuo " " Wiuililngton 10.3.I" All dally except Sunday. 1). M. UOY'P, Jr., (lencral Iteenirer Agei t A. J. CASSATT. Oeoeinl Munatir D ELAWAKE. LACKAWANNA ANT WUSTEIIN llAlLltOAl). BLOOMSIiUKC) D1V1HIO.N. Tline-Tatilo No. S3, Takes effect nt 4:30 A. Al MONDAY, ,11'NK 10, 1S7S. Nl (I1IT1I bTATIONS. scrnnton lll'lll'VUO Tiijlnrvllle.... ...Lackawi nnx.... I'ltlMou .. Went I'ltlMou... Wjoniuig ilnltby lit iinett, Klngblon Kingston ..I'lllllOlltll.IUUC.. ....!' mouth Avondalo Nnnllfoko SOVTII.CT-2 p.m. p.m. a.m. n.m. p m. i.m 0 4 Vi 0 46! aa 2 in 6i: 11 41 11 17 II IS !S s M 6 40 9. in 9 37! 0 30: 6 20 ' S5 6 3 Il 40 fi 41 9 43 2 a 2 to 3 ri 3 411 3 4 Ii 41 1.' 0 3 .10 3 10 9 5S 2 2 41 9 11 11. 01 IDC 6.1 t f5 i 51 6 13 1 10 7 IS 7 18 7 25 7 83 7 41 8 04 8 33 Si 13 9 04 b 44 'in is 3 5 10 33 3 15 R ill S '.'3 3 SO 8 55 10 26 S 15 3 21 R 12 HI 7 51 7 SB 7 1 7 S3 ; is 4 7 in 7 '2 a rn 11 M c 4 11 27 t in c 00 3 12 3 04 2 M 2H9 -4 2 2S S 47 8 30 8 SS. H 17, S 12 1 06, 1(1 SI 3 26 .lluiiioi-k'R reek. . Mill khlilnnj... .. .lllck'KKirry . .. .Hem h llavtn.. Iierulek ... .. ..Hilar I'reek... . .. vvillow Oioie, .. Lime Illdge f.t.J. .IUoniiiistiurg.. Ilui rt . 1 ataiils.1 Ilrldge. Dnmlllo. . t liulasky Cameron .Northumberland. '10 42 10 f5 11 07 II 13 11 2 3 35 3 rn 8 25 4 (1.1 8 45 4 III 8 16 4 18 9 05 4 '5 7 15 4 23 4 33 7 23 7 30 7 41 1 8 12 5 ( 21 9 51 9 ta ') 10 2 4 I lit 1 ri 1 46 1 27 7 44 7 St. 7 311 7 29, 7 Ul !l1 09 11 41 1 n 4 42 4 49 4 5 5 0 11 57 12 18 5 1 b 80 5 45 1 00 6 15, 12 45 I P.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. n.m V W IT IT U'l'VA I. u... C'tm'nfM di n' P if. i.. i.i .., ji iV'ii -i8 S. W. Douglass, Civil and Mining Engineer, ASHLAND, PA. Qenoral Surveying nnd Engineering Business attended to with Caro and Dispatch. I am prerarcd to mako drawings, Plans and .Models ! 00i, Urass. li u. or thn nimii. 111,11,1,1 coinll'jej as neetsaary ot BrIdSes, Micet, Ercaiers, Eulldioj::, Esjiccs, l'l'M I'S, and all Lluds ot mat Mn rv tnr lie ... ut Ci.urt or for applications to bei uie oti lib. I'iiii nl. M riirnl march 12,8. GLAZING AND PAPERING. WJI- F.IOI)INE, Iron Sired Mow se klnasot ' "oom6bur'-'i''a-il8rreparedtodo all kinds of l'AINTINO, OLAJ-INO, and HAPEU HANG1NO. Buti'S 8J"6S' at lavm Wcr'i and atdhort cam,ilr,on''.nI'''lf""clW0r,J ,0,", e money All work tf,.nVfa . soU.lui.1 " 1'inerif WM. F. BOWA'E. t'llAHlmKBl'll, ilocmbburif, lsa. Oct. 1, 1878.