The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 01, 1878, Image 3

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IlI.OOMHlllfUII, Mil DAT, SOT. I, H;
Hall Itoml Tlino Table.
Accommodation Train .m a.m.
Flilll Train t,34 a. i
K (press Train i.m jt.
Ai'fioiritood illon Train ii,n A. M,
IMtnUir l'iprpi ,H
4.49 P. M
11.43 A. M
T,r p. m.
11,45 A.M.
Tlirongti Mrs on Kxprcss I rain either to New York
or I'hlladelphti. Accommodation train runs betweoh
Uutwlwit uii'l WUllamsport.
rtmi.iu sales.
Kcciitors or William M linen ileccnseil, will
sell ronl o-in'rt nt Espy, Limo ltiilgo and ltu
pert (in. November IHtli nnd Slili,
i Otianlinn of I'tnm.i Mills will sell renl eslnte
in (iroenwoo 1, October 'Jiltli
Mnry l.xnns oilers real estate In llloonislrarg
on ()i tolier 'Jiilli
Executor of Cliri'tinn Wolf ilecenfeel will pell
real elnlo in Milllin, Nnvetnlier Otli.
The Executors of llrnrv Hi i-lillnc, will oiler
renl cslnlo for stile on Iho premises in l'lsliing
crook lovnsli!p on Ntvemlicr "tli lit 1 o'clock
p. m.
Administrator of Montgomery Colo clccens
cd will soil rial estate in Sugnrlnnf, Noember
Administrator of I) A. Bowman eleceaed
will sell real ctnle In Centre tovnliip Novum
her l lth at two o'clock.
See ndvcrlisements in other columns.
II icliivlieit ll mr U
tl.ii week.
$2 00 a hundred
lliwire of 11 igm tickets,
are like tho-e in till pipvr.
The ngular oik
After next Tun l.iy, Andrew It. I),!l will lu
Oovcrnor-electof t'etirm Iv.mia.
t-v. Mr. fcnindou uf'.-i o'llcialed
nt Ilia Kpicopa1 cliureh on Sunday 1 i't.
Look out for bogus tickets
There arc several in circulation.
If you would do your duly lo yourielf and
your country, turn out on TueJay and vole Ibu
plraight Democratic litlct.
T. J. Vat.derplii'o and N. U. Funk, Ei.,
will addnp a I);inccratic meeting nt Iola thi
(Friday) evening.
Our reiderswlll panlnii the link of new and
otlur InlenMing reading ihi week. After the
election Iho pup of politic al matters will end.
There will bo a Democratic meeting at John
Minn' hotel in fitonyto'vii on Monday eveuinj;
November -lib.
The bept I the cheapept. Dr. Hull's Uibr
Syrup I acknowledged to be the paf. t and
mot reliable midiciuu for Il.iliie. l'rice
There will be a Temperance meeting in the
Melhodit church on Tuediy evening next
election night. All pirtie and no partyitea in
A I) niocr.uic meeth.g at Milllin on TueMliy
night wa addre-xtd by 0. O. lttrkley and John
M Clark lvip The ppieehe were good, and
the attendance large.
We are ahviy plea-ed lo recommend n good
article. Dr. Hull' Cough Syrup never fail" to
cure a CoiikIi or Cold in pliurt lime. The
price I "o cent.
If all Ihc waion scales that the Fairbanks
Solo Company have built were placed in one
cnniinuou Hup, Ihe refill wo-ild he a plank
r.) id from Bwtnn tu Philadelphia. This fad
cirries con'idtrahle mvjhl with it.
Sudden changes of weathe' are sources of
pulmonary and bronchial nhVction, benre we
advise all lo take Dr. Haas' Expectorant, even
if the cold or cough bo ever so slight, a the
Expectorant will ptop the irritation ut once.
James Ktaly, late Sergeant of Company "A'
7lh Cavalry, and now Superintendent nl
North Ashland Colliery, and Col. A. D. Seeley,
lale of the 81th I'.'V., desire to have their
namta recorded in favor of Capt. Brockway's
election to Congretg. Lack of space prevents
us from civing the additional list of the men
who wore (lie blue, who unite in the petition
published last wetk.
Tho Dt inecrats turned out in full force at
meeting at Ihe Ashury school hou-c on the
night of the 'J9th. Mr. Simuel Smith presided
John J, Stiles and Aaron Bender were elected
Secretary. Speeches wero made by B. F.
Zirr and John M. Clark, l(i., nml were list
ened to wilb in liked attention. The eleinocrils
of Fipbingcrctk will do their duly on Tuesday
Whatever Theodore Tilton may be as a man,
be ranks high among American lecturer. Hi
discourse last wetk Thursday night nt the Opera
Hou-e was heaid by a small but appreciative
audience. Tho pubiect was "Heartsease" and
the lecture was nil able, ititerlaining und in
slruclive discussion of practical epicuions of
t)lu ,iiv
lie fleet thut in every cemetery one-half of tho
silcnl tenants: arc the victims of neglected
Coughs and colds j mid if you aro thus afflicted,
moid their fate by renr ing at once to HaWt Hon-
eyn Jlorehound anil Tar, an immediate, ngreca-
hie, and certain means of cure. Sold by all
Druggists, l'ike's Toothache Drops cure in 1
On Tuenlpy night last a democratic! meeting
un litdil nt Milllinvlllo nml iiihlressl bv Cbas.
fi. llatklev and John M. Clark. Stenheii H.
Wolf was elected President and Eleajor
SehwcM'cnhtiser, anil A. W. Hess, Secretary.
Owln.- to the cumosilion of some narties ille
.i .,., ....,.,., i.i , ni,i.t it,. JO r ,!,.
school house and Ihe meeting was held in the
hotel of A, W. Hess, who kindly tendered
room for tho purpose.
The D. h. el W. Gallon at Ihl place was en-
(creel bv luiglsrs cm Monday night. Entrance
was efheted by prying ofl the phiitlers. A rinm'
ber of tickets, an overcoat, ami oilier articles In
Ihe e fiite were Inken, and (he thieves then went
...1.. . ... .n. l,,r.,l iip.iiIb.,1
III 1 lit' IlllLlll lllllll WIIU III) IMIl,.
...... .. I... 1 r.r ll. K'n l.,
ps.r u, uou.. .. r -'7 "
"' ' ' ".
deed was comnilllcd by four tramps who were
about lown on Monday. The papers are full
of nceotinls of Iho drpradalions of such men,and
loo miieli caie cannot be exercised in securing
preinl-es pgalnsl theni,
Thu onlv genuine Democratic
Ctl in this pimor. Vote 110 Other,
By reference lo iho tonus of subscription
printeel on ihc firsl page It will he been that Ihe
(ulpe of III i-i paper is two dollars a year. Owing
lo Iho searcily of money, ue allow a discount of
fifty cents when paid strictly in advance, This
pican nt the beginning of the vear. not after
lo or three oriix inonlbs. Jo such cases we
ran not accept less llisn $2, as our rule is In-
llexihlf. OKI subscribers csn pay their sub-
scrintlon in advance anlime wilhin 30 days
ufiir ihe explrullon of lle pa-t year, 'ibis ex-
iiIbiihIIoii is made In cornel the impression that
se me have, that Jl w) is (he price any tlmu dur
lug the year,
Seo that your tickets aro all
riglit beforo goiug to the pollg.and
iilloty- no ono to oliaugo them for
you on 1ic wav.
It is sale! tliatonoout of every four real In
valid kIi0'Ko to Dmver, Col., to recover health,
never return to tlio K,it or South except nsn
entire. The undertaker, net to the hotel
keepers, have the mwl prnGtahle business. This
excessive mortality may bo prevented and pa
llents saved and cured under iho care of friend
and loved ones a I homo, If they will but tine
Hop Hitler In time. This we know. Seo otli
e." column.
Clark Marple, son of the Key. A. A Marpl
fine) grandson of the Into William McKelvy,
died al hi homo in Ilrhlgeport, I'tnna. last
Monday Morning, Itc had stiflcrcil for several
years from consumption, but submitted patient.
Iv ntiit nltli clirixlinn fortitude to hi inevita
ble fitc. lie was an ixemplary young nun
and an earnest christian, and hi loss will be
keinly felt by many friend wherever he was
known. The bereaved faintly liauClhd symp.i
thy of a large number of relative and friend
in Mil vicinity The remain were brought to
l!ooiiiliurg,aml interred in Koetnont Cemetery
lhurwlay afternoon.
The ptorni on Wednmlay October 23rJ was
oiiaof untHual violence, doing an incalculable
amount of damage, pweening away n large
amount of properly and destroying many live.
I'rom nil alon' the Atlmtic Coit report have
come in telling uf unny !iipvreck and of live
lot witlnn ught of bind. Neirly nil of thu
town ati l villie tbmiigho it lY-nuylv tni i
ind I In neigblnriug tilecni lell of tree blown
low n, rool if home blown oil', and of brldg-
:indli)ue enttrelir detroved, in additiuu to
gleat .tin.Hiut of d.mvtgo of lea Importance.
Tile ptorni did ti-it pi over ll onui-djurg and
it vicinity without (I ung pome d.i.nago. l'.irt
of the slate roof ol the Kifth slieet cliool hoi'pe
7a blown oft". The window of the Normal
School were dauiiged. Home in dillereni
pari of the town after the plorni hid ceaed
were minti pliulter and chimney. The lir:
itlle sbid on the Armstrong firm abive town
fa taken up tir the wind ami lantteu omo til
t.tnee from ll original foundation.
A Democratic meeting wa held on Friday
evening la-l nt Joseph rahuman'p hotel in Bea
ver Valhy. Th're was a gootl turn out of the
D'luocracy. notwilhstanding It was a night
meeting. The ppetches were made by Vv II
.lacohv and Job i M. Clark, Efqr., and were
lUlencd tu with a dwat of interet. Jame
T, Fox, I'mi , prepided, antl Frank Khodes and
Kdward Scheli, were Stcretarie. The meeting
ndjournfd with three cheers for the speaker
and lliree thcer for the whole Democratic tick
et. .Mr, Khuman disjrvc credit for having
made arrangement po complete and perfect for
the meeting, lieavpr will do her level be-t for
the puccei of the entire democratic ticket.
On Saturday evening lat a Democratic meet
log was aihlressl at Jereytown hy Charles U
ll irklev, F.-q .suml Col. John O. Frctro. Lewi
Schuyler, E'., presithd, and Capt. V J. Allen
and laac Whipple were Secretaries. Themeet
ing was largely attended hy an ii terested audi
ence, which listened atlenlively to arguments
of an hour's length hy each speaker. The Jer
peylnwn Brass Bind was in attendance and en-
livened the occt-don wilb excellent music. The
Democracy of Madison are alive and will per
form their whole duty.
The Democratic mas meeting held at Ber
wick last Saturday, was a grand success. Ear
ly in the morning large delegethns were seen
lo arrive in lown, and as their eyes met the
grand display of ll ig anil the eli' Dill ban
net", their eulhuain knew no bouudi. At
1I:."0 o'clock, the speakers of the day arrived
I.ietitiMi mt (luvernor Latta, Hon. D. W. Coch
ran of I'itt'burg, C. II. Ilrockway nnd C. H
B ickaliw, coming with the delegation from
tloom, which arrived about noon accompmied
bv ihe delegation from Centre, Briarcreek and
either township. The old battle flag of Brock
evay biltery, elrew out immense applause as
the delegitions paraded the streets under the
command of Chief Marshal F. E. Ilrockway.
At 1 o'clock the Berwick hand began to play at
the large speakers stand, erected on Market
street when within ft short lime the space arounu
was filled with a large and appreciative au
Hence. The speakers' talked at great length on
the great epiestion of finance, and bardliuics,
After the speeches were over the band escorleel
ihe speaker In ihe train on which they left for
other Held of labor. In the evening Capt. C,
11. Brcckway spoke lo a largo and intelligent
audience in Odd Fellows Hall. The Captain
made a good impression here and will have
nice and lelllng majority on Ihe 5lh of Novem
ber in old Berwick, II.
An fdd physician re.ireel from practice, hav
ing had placed in bis band by an East India
uiis-ionary the formula of a simple vegetab!
remedy, fur the permanent and speedy cure for
consumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, and
all thtoat and lung alllctions, also a positive
ami radical cure lor nervous ucuilily ami an
nervous complaints, alter Having lesteei us won-
ilerful curalive powers in thousands ofcases.has
felt it his duly to make it known to his puffer
ing fellows, Actuated by Ibis motive, nnd
desire to relieve human pulTering fellows, I will
send free of charge, to all who desire it, this
I recipe, with lull direction for preparing anel
I using, in (icrmon, l'rcnch, or English, Sent by
mail by aildrtsing wil sump, naming tuts
W. W. Sherar, HO Towers' Block,
I Kochesler, New York
oct. 11, 4w
1" the I uteri of wtimum Luunri;
A statement ha been widely circulated that
I'i'hingcreek bch.ol District was likely to come
to considerably loss through Cyrus Bobbins col
ector of bchool laxesanil now canuiuate ioi
Kegi-ter anel ltecorder of Uolumbia county,
In consequence of the harel limes Mr. Bobbins
lias found It difficult to collect bis duplicate In
full wilhout resort to levy and sale, not wishing
lo do so as long as he could avoid it, his dupli
cate is not yet collected In full, but at n meeting
of School Board held Oct. 20, 1878 he satisfied
the Board no loss could ensue for the small bal
ance yet uncollected and by their orders will
proceed to collect Ihe bahinru before the expira
. ... . ,,...., ilnlti.. an ull utll
"rtilMMl, IIJ'Wl, K.Ug .... ...
bo satisfactory and those wl-hing to injure his
I nrrwoer-l of nn ol.ilion silenced.
i i -
Attest: Samuri Smith, Sec'y.
Fishlngcreek, Oct. 23, 1878.
Medkoui), Mas Sept. 18, 1877,
Mil. Dear Sir; I have used your
Iodide Ammonia I.iniiuenl and find it the best
ri.i.ilv I nur m.h! Pns n BttrHln rr fnllno
xmi! nothing equal toil. My wife sprained
her snkle last Saturday evening; I used the
I T !..! .1! ,1 . ,L. 1 1!.
l.iuiiiieiii un per uiiexiiuiin , me; rriimu a'iieu
lion was a perfect cure, home of my friends
started last night for Jackson Co., Kentucky
they have laken several hollies wilh them. I
haye used it un my horses and It works like a
charm. I am going to Kentucky next month
Uriulng, 11 you nave any woika ireating ot
horsea anel oilier animus, please send me two
or three copies, and oblige,
Yours respectfully,
Cms. W. Foitnusii,
bold by an cirngguis. Denu lor smpniet.
Da, Ciius.
120 Wwt Broadway, N. Y.
Trial site 25 cents.
Bafore voting, examine your I
ticket carefully and see that it con
tains only the names of the regu
lar nominees.
nrrrl.WWMHtObottlM mht It UlliOMnst on
nlfr rfmciv fnr rortiim. fil.tis. f-itiif l
llltKlt,nnMnllTllltOVrnnl I.I Mi
ilUcnM-. Ilanlii-eii til line for hntitrr uti.t i. lu -torn
riTomniffiil it, j, j Vit, ! n K'n.-in,.
nyit MH mvhI tnj- iwnrlitlJrpfi from 11it th f,1 ' .A.J,.
fiMxrm, cf IiiilUmoi, Mt.( 1-f hi 'Mt ilt . t hi
Uin worst rnuuli imnMintt Tii1 id otlicrt
i'rlcM, vi cwit, mt cctiH, nml hi.o twr imtt'o.
II. i si:i.m:us v tin, ifop'i, ni i ours!t, I t
A llK.MAIlkUll.i: ltllSL'l.T.
It make no dilT rence how many I'hylclan,
or how much medicine you have tried, it 1
now an cetabllshcd fact that German Syrup In
the only rente ly which ha given complele sst
(fiction In severe caes of l.ung Di-easen. It
is true there arc yet thousand of peraon who
are predisposed lo Throat nnd Iing Affection
Consumption, Hemorrhage, Asthma, Severe
Ceilels settled em Ihe Breast, I'ucnmoiil.i,Whonp
iog Cough, Ac., who have no personal knowl
edge of Bosehce's German Syrup. To such we
would ay that tO.OOO dozai weie sold lat year
without one complaint. Con-utnptivos try jut
one bottle. Itcgular slip 70 cents. Sold by nl
Druggist In America.
Sept. li tl.
in Tiin wiiule hinVouy oiru:i)iciNi:,
No rtreimra'ion hns ec- nerfurmed pitch mnr-
cllous cures, or imiintnined o wide n roputn-
llon, n Ayor's Cherry l'ectornl, which I rec
,i -i.u i.. ..ii j:
u.,,..i;v. .in iiiu ntumn eine',ij n'l tin iti-e-i.-e-,
of the throat ami ltttiets. Its lot g continued
sori'Sof wonelerful cure in nil cdmate'S ha
nindu it universally known n n Mife mid relia
itc agent to enmlov. Auniut onlinarv colli
which are the forerunners of more serious ills,
order, it net sneeddv nnd surelv. always lo
ii vitiir suiieTiii, HUM irieu .iyuli ino i lie
prntectioii it nll'ords. hv it timelv use ir. the
throat aim ung oiiuruers ot chiiut'cii, uini.o u
tin iuvaliiahlo icniedy to bo kept nlwavs on
hand in every home. No person can uflotd to
be without it, and 11100 who have onco mod it
never will. I'rom their Knowledge ol it coni-
iiisition and ell'ects, l'lijfieiiins use tho t'herry
I'i'Ctoral exten-Uelv in their nmetii o, end
CTererynien re oinuii ml it. It is nbsolutelv cer
tain in its remedial ell'ects, nnd will always
cure where; euro nro pesible.
t'Ult sai.i: nv am, ukai.kus.
jl no 1.
At the reepiet of many friend I b tve consen
ted lo allow my n line tnjie us'il a an iudepei.d
ent caiulidalM for County ('ominisionir, and 1
solicit the PNlTragcs of my fticm!,
l'tiAxcns Evan.
Ilriarcrtek, October 1st, 1S73.
"'oTtYi t ka s uitni t7
Numerous friends in allpirls of the couuly
have requetetl that I should be au itiJepeu-
.leut candielalc for treasurer of Cotuiuh.a coun
ty, anil in nee-onlance witii Ihis generally ex
presses! desire I hereby anni'iit. co my n.eniea-
such. In a-king the siillr.ages of ihe voters uf
the coiui'y wilhont reeiard to p.-rty I pled
myself if eha'tesl to attend to the ilutbs of Iho
oliice wilh fidelity and for the he-t interel of
Is UAH Boivi:tt.
Berwick, October 10, 1878.
K. F. KUNiriX'TlllFTElt WINK UP ll!!)N.
lias neer been known to fall la tho cure of weak
ness, attended with pjmpiotiH, IndlspoMtmii to ex.
crtton, loss of memory, dinic'ilty ft lrca hing gen
eral weakness, horror of dlsuise, weak, nereoiiM,
trembling, die, idrut horror ol elealli, night sweats,
cold feet, wcakne-hs, dlint.ess of flslm, languor, uni
versal l.vssitudo orthe muscular sjstem, ononnous
appetite with djspeptle sjstern, hot hands. Ilu-ldng
of the body, drnes of Ihe skin, palltd eounti-nati'-e
and eruptions on the face purlfjlngthe blood, pain
In tho back, heaviness of tho ejelld. frequent Jd irk
spots fljtni before the eea, with teintomry siilTu-
Blon and loss of felglir. want of attention, i tc. Tie se
Bjmptorns arise from a weakness and toieui'dy
that use E. V. Kunkel's Hitter l..e cf linn, it m-v-
er falls. Thousands a rj now enjn)hig h tilth wtio
have used It. Ret the genuine. Sold only In Jl ho'
ties. Tako only E. Kunkel's.
fl'idc for Kunkel's Hitter Vilno of Ip'ti. ilda
truly valuable Ionic has hee-n so tlioroutrldv
t"Sted by all classos of the coininuidty tint It u now
deemed Indispensable as a Tonic me-dli lt.e. P costs
but Utile, purities the blood and gives toco to tho
stomach, renovates the t-jste-m nrcl prolom;s life.
I now only ak a trial of this va inbto tonic I'Mco
tl per tiot'le. K. I'. Kutikel, sole pr pih-tor, Nu. sw,
North Ninth street, below- Vine, liildlad"ihli. I'n.
Ask for Kunkel's Hitter Wine of lion mil take no
other. A photograph of the proprietor on eicii wrap
per, all others aro e ounterfelt.
Ilewaroof counterfeits, linnotl t y ur druggist
soil any but KnkelV, v.htch Is Mit up onlyasa'sno
represented. You can get six bottles tor live dollars.
All I ask Is one simple tl 1 11.
Tape Worm SCe'inu veil tllvt.
Head and all complete, In two hours, "sofeotll!
head passes. Seat, Pin and Momneh worms re
moved by Dr. Kuiike,2j3 North Nlnthstreei. dileo
frco. No fee until head and all passe In one, and
alive. Dr. Kunkel Is the only successful phy-1 -l.m
lntulsconntry for tho removal of worms, nnd Ids
Worm' Syrup Is pleasant and sate for i lilldren or
grown persons. Send for circular, or ask for a bor
tleof Kunkel's worm syrup, Price $1. en per bottle
net it of yonrdrngild. II n verfitls.
lAirumiin i lawssujuw. em .L'mmtiLMX.'zni-BW&ej
Business Notices
Tlipchenpost nnd best rr ndy-miido f'hdh
ing always on bnml at l.oev nberg's.
The litlcst stylo of hats alivnjs nn hand at
I). I.owenberg'.
Ovcrcna', Ovcrcciip,
For Men, 1! iys ami Children
nl I). I.owetibi rg's-
Winlor Clothing cheaper than ever at D,
Lowe nberg's,
A fine seleclhut of f jHilis" (! dd Wilted e
and Chains, hoih Ano rii'ati und
hy the host make rs at U. lh rnhaidV Jewel
ry Si ore.
Hoot headepiiirler at MoICinne '.
ItctiiPiulior that Lutz It Sloan put ptiooif
Coalcs' Cotton down to i cents a spool an 1
Cicrtnatitnwti Wool all colors shaded nnd plain
to 8 cents per oiinco.
Trade dollars taken for HID cents at
V. C. JIcKiiiney'p.
Having ohtained tho g tin uf this
Cl'.I.EllHATEll rsoAP
for Illoomsbiirg nnd viciuit) ,i append the
opitiioti of some nf our best peoplo ii m its
"I have used Dobbin's I'lfi'tric Soup tnndo
by I. li. Cragin it Co., I'hilaelelpln.i, l a.
for washing about ten jenrs.ainl think it
superior lei any other, .Mr, u ti. llirklev.
"We have ucd Dobbin's Electric. "3"ap and
find it superior tu any oilier m nil othe.
K rs. V. II. ja'-nby,
.Mrs. II. II Stohnir.
I desire hII my fi loud and cu-iemiers to
diet thli iSoap one Trial,
so that they may knuw ju-t how good the
Uestsoap in the united stale is.
.1. II. MA1ZI1.
July 12, '78-lv llloiiiiisbiirg, l'.i,
A largo assortment nf (Icm'n uiideiwcar Iti-I
received at J,uli! f( Sloan's, dico 25 cents and
Boots and S'heic cheap at McKlnr.ey's,
Craniptou's Falm'Tioap Is tho bet hiiin.
dry pnnp in lltisnr any other market. For
sale by Jacob II. .Maize. may IS-Mw
McKinneys Shoo Store below Conn
Ladies' Merino Vets and Drawers cheap
or thati over at J.uU it Sloan's.
Trv it lluy it
1'alm i'alni l'ulin Soan
At Jacob H, Jlaize'i! at Jacob II. Jlaize'u.
may S-18w
Lulz et Slnau have Iho largest anil clicaj
est stock of Wool ami Silk 1'iiugcs in llloouif
Kubbers at McKlnnov's,
Cramptoii Brother's l'aliu soap at Jacob
II, Maize's. It Is ti licl. Try it.
may 8-lSw
Admission free at McKinney's,
Moro Tiinuuimr Silks, Satins and Silk Vcl
vets cut Lias at J.tilz oV Sloah a ibis week.
Call at McKiimey'a lor Shoes,
Uy vlrtuo!of sundry writs Issued out of tho Court
of Common I'loas of Columbia county, and lo inei
directed will ho exposed to ruMlosalo nt thu Court
Ilouso llloomsburg, at ono o'elocK p.'m. on
All those three bts of ground lj Ing and liclnir In
Ihe borough of Crntalli, In Columbia county, No.
, v auu ei, in otocK reo. 9a
All that certain lot of ground blnz onlbelnir In
tho borough cf Ccntrnlla, In Columbia
in block No. nn.
All those two certain lots of ground situate. Iilntr.
and being In e atawlssa, In Columbia county: onoot
them bounded cn tho west by l'ront street thirty
lira text, n tho north by lot of John Ilrobst two
lmndrelDiid ten feet, cast by nn nl!ey tldrly-flvei
fi-ct, south by an alley two hundred nnd ten feet.
conteeinini: seiou thousand three hundred nnd Httv
tipiarc feet! The other one, beginning on Ihe corner
ot. lot No. lion l'ront street, thence by lot No. 12
sonl-e,it seventy feet to Host, thence, bv l.inii tf
i-uwis Mciz eouuiwtkl, nearly, tmrallel to 1'roat
Rtri'et,!ovoiityf,cttoapostln.!lnowlth lot No. le,
thnneenot thwestivardlyseventy.teetto l'ront street
inenco in tine with l'ront street uorthoist seventy
feet lo thu place ot beginning, u-dng lot No. II, on
iiieiiiieji.eiescriijoiiotineru Is a two-story frame
hoiiH' nndout'julldlngs: Also, togelh-r with all thj
hou-cs, buildings, barns nnlappurteiiatnes u tha
uioiv-mentloned lots belonging,
k'l."d, Inken lido execution ,nt tliusnltof Tin
1-lrs.t Nation il Hank of AMiland, IM. against llobert
Hosoti, Joho Urjson and Hubert elorrell, Ira Hag as
llob"it Hryso 1 1. e'u. Mmltel, and to bo sol las tho
property of Honor ..ryson, .lolin liryson au 1 llotwrt
tl jrrell I tailing as Itob-rt llrysou & Co Limited.
FiibEZK, Attorney. Vend. ix.
All lint certain lot, or oiroel of gro in 1 s'tuit" lu
Ih'j town of illoom.hurg, eul l iihl i county, IVimsil-
mi ,l.i, dose lo ',1 as f ihuws, to-wli i Hounded oath.'i
north bj an allei, oast ny lot ot iiimies e ruj, on
ih" south hi llflh sliced, and on tin- west by colli
rtno snee't.euiitahiiiig fortjilght tset front and one
nuii' ieu mid eighty leet In neplh; on nhleli re
ireet. d a fi'jinu divelHii.-.ho isj, b iru and oulhulu-
""'i m. ii niio oecaii jn at, tno suit of lames
u isji r n ,w for tlio use cf Isam Heeler i,miiii.i. i,
drew r rwl.pger an I tj bo sold in tho prun ityot
.mo o.v roriwiiiger,
Ikblek, Atto no. Vend &.
Ail that certain lotot gruunl situate In Jacltson
low tishlp, edumbla ou mty, I'eimsj Haul e,d wrlUed
a iJiiows, to-wtt : noundj 1 on tho iiorl'e hv l.n, I
ot James Kitchen, on tho east by 1 md of Hanoi
i reiellng, ontl.o Most by lands uf iloorgo Warner,
and on tho south by lands of Nehemtah Kilo mid
iianey e rreellng, eoataliilng llueo hundred und
Iott:-si ucii'smoroor loss, on which are erected a
nil oiling ho'isc, luinund w ater powi r.
I'elro ', Uek, n Into o.eciillon at tliusnltof Kills II.
Maitor'a usoasaimt .1 J. Meeker uudtj lie Bold as
the proiierly of .1. J. Mocker.
Ksouii, Jttoiney.l cnd. E.s.
iiiuioisci ground situate In Iho boiough ot Cen-
iralta, I'ejlumbli county, I'enmjlvanl i, being Ilftj
reel in width and ono hundred and fjny feel
In dep'h whereon ale elected two tie, -stir. Ir.iuio
uuo uat liousis, ss'd'ots boiindel and des, lined as
fodows: North, by Pink sttoet, liy s',
South b ieM li I h mil I went i j lotsof M. Law lor.
A lr.t of gioundel In lli'loiough, county and
M iti; ijlotes.d J, round." 1 ui.el elu'- llx .1 us fol'ixs
N'lO'iljoi'OU" (So. l) i leek cno hundred and i U'litcn
(US) north by I'-rii street, by nn alloy, sjjth by
eoe nn iy owned oy will! ;m Torroy, and won hy Lo
ciisi A on uo, whereon Is e cited it t no-story frame
cine:ni.g huso.
Mllherluht, title and uuJ Interest or said leot'crt
liorrcll Hi the eslato cf Jlniy CiorreP, deceased.
seized, lakea Into execution at tho suit ot Tho
Nnllonil Hank of Ashi nil, Pa. u,'alnst llobctt dor
roll audio bo sold as Iho properly of Jlobert (ioirell,
liM.ze, Attorney. Vend tr
A .0.
All Ihateoitaln pleoo or parcel ot Und situ ito In
tho township ot Itrlatcreek, Columbia county descil
bed la to pieces, but held and oecupl'jd us ouo
boundol as follows : Heglnnlng at a etono coiiier to
land l.iteof!lenryl!rlltain'..lhoucu north tl,dity-four
utiu one naif uogruos east eighty perches t) a black
oek sapling la thu county lino of Luzerne and Co
nuniil.i. tlionce by tho same south thieo d"gi
weat on' huulred and sltj -live-perches to land
lite of llernarl Sejliort, th'iioo wost firij-fjur
pereni s to an oak sapllug.lhtuco north tweuu-el 'hi
and one naif degrees west one huulred an I iai
p relies to land luto of Henry llrtttaln.thencu by tie
same nortti mty and oue-ha'f degrees east t event)
see-en and ono-t-nth per.'hes to a bl ick oak, theni-
norih two degrees east forty-nine percnes to nl ic
of beginning, contalulng.seeonly-tleu acres nndui.e
hitiidred anil eleven perches more or less. 'I lie ol he
rlocu of land adjoining the above Is hounded bi be
ginning at a black oak,thtnee w est Ilfly-tw o and si t
toiilhicichestoa white oak, thence north two de
greos east teventy-twoand two-tenth perctVsto
ston-, thenco north llfty-thrco degrees, west elgh
teen and tivo-tenth rercli-a to a stono, thence north
twenty-ono and a hilf degivo east thlrly-soven and
cigut-icnth perches lo a none, thence north fottj
one degrees west seicntccn porches to a stono,
thenco north tlftyand one-hall de-grces east sixteen
nnd two-tenth perchfs toastone.thenionortii twenty-eight
and one-ii it degrees west one hundred and
tw'operchei to tho place of begloolug, containing
twenty-ono acres moro or less, together iilinty-sl
aeteand ono hundred and eleven perches(e.xceitlug
out of thu last desci Ibcd piece, tw o-thlrds of nn an e
er land with tho apaurtenances-ljlng ulong the
road from I'oiindrjvlllo to tho grist ml, ton the iieui-
tses ooeupied bylianlot MI!ler)on which are erected a
1 irge gil-t mill, a large bauk'iiine farm hou-e
und dlslllleiv.
Selzci, taken Into execution at lh-snlt of eieurg
II. Sejbert agiliisl Hinlel If. soyh, n, aad to be sold
as the pro'ieity ot l nnl"I P. scjbort.
Jackson .V. son, Atloi ney. Vend Ex.
First, on n'l that certain lot ot land In th"
Town of I icotiislniig. I'oiiid) nt Columbia, cn tho
north sldo of second sinet, fronting H'lJ fiftou
s.d.lsoeoiidstroet,anl adjoining lot of l'uxton
on Iho eat and lot cf William sujders heirs on Ihe
west aodextendlm hael; to road frum HlnoniPliurg
to light -lnet,wli."von Is cn-etoel n levo-slnrj rr in e
dwelling hui'e, stable nnd out-bull,, In.'s, b iner No
us In xwi'ltm SnyJer'a alddlou to tho T-iwn ot
A l.-O.
Slid, all tint cert iln pi ooof land sit u ito In Main
town-hip, In sail count) cf Columbia, boiuulo I am.
ctchtllccil as follows, to-wlt : Ho'indeil oil the I n.-l
nudsouilibj 1 in a ot Ellis shuiniu an! broth -r,
enlho noithby-u-quihitiu.i rlui'.o'i tho westb)
I md of fll-es Kriiiiini coiitalnlng lwoi.t.i-ouo aen j
more or loss selz-d as Iho proper!) of e'. Hitten
bender ouo of Ihe members ot Iho Woo mshurg Lum
ber Company.
No. 3, all that lot situate in Iho Town of r.looms
burg, bounded and described us follows, lo wit : llo
glnnlng on the west sldo ot Catharluo street, Ineueo
nlour the south Udo of aunlloy south slxly-thfoo
and tUrce-iiuarter degrees west ninety-eight loot to
north-west corner of stable i thence by lot of Tlioni
asWIUUms soulhvel and one-fourth degiees, old
sixty nnd idnc-tweltths foot, thenco by lot ets dJ
Hilteiibeudir north slxti-thteo nnd lliroe-fourth ele
Brees, east ulnety-elght feet to Catharine street
utuiesald, thence along said street north twcmx-slx
and one-fourlh degrees west sixty and idne-twelftl.s
fee t lo place of beginning, w hereon Is erected a tw o
story trauu houso and other out-bul'dlngs seized
nstne proisit) oiw.K. Conner ono of tho members
ot the llloomsburg Lumber Company,
No. 4, all ltat certain lot uf ground situate lu said
Town or lllootiisburg bounded undelescilbod as fol
lows. lo-wll : 1'eglMilngai tho coiner ot Fourth and
Culhatltio streets, thenco along said Culharli e
sucei ono uunuro d and slxty.tbrio feet tu lot of W
s. l onne r, iheuco westwardly along said lot nluety.
eight lee t, theuco southwardly opo hundred and tlx.
i)-eiuce leoi io said Fourlli street thenee
along said 1'u'irlli street nlneu-elirht feet
lo the pi ico of biglnnlng.w he reon Is erected a frame
dwelling house and .out-bulldlngs. seized us Ihe
pruperl) ot eiooigo Feusiirmucher, a member of tho
mo j i souig Milliner company.
No. 5, all that certain le t of grouud situate on Flflh
street Hi thu Tow not Idoouisburg aforesaid, lioutid
eJ nndelescrllRid ns follows to-wll i lloglnnlng ot
th soulh cast corner of l'ltth slreetatidtlrossol
ley ai.d eMendlng eastward!)' along tho houtlisldo
of nithsiroci ntty foetlo u comer, thenco soulh-
wardly by a lino parallel to (iross all-jy one huudred
and seventy feet moro or less to storuer's alley
thenco uloug said alley westwardly Ilfty fist toeiross
adey, thenco northwardly along said nlleyonehua
dred und seventy feet to Fltlh street Iho puco of be
ginning, being lot No, 87, whereon la ereoted two
two-stoiy frame houses and oui buildings,
No. e, all that cert dn lot fronting twenty-live foo
on said FIPIi street adjilnln; thu abxu dosorlbesl
proiiorty on tho oast,and cxlondlug back tosterm r s
alley, elzisl.taken lu execution nnd to bo sold us the
propel ty e l VW ll.iut mu ndtrs ouo of the members of
Iho r.ioomuiurg Lumber Coinivauy
Silted, lakoi Into elocution at Iho suit of Tie
Peeiplo-s Fire lpsuranco Company of lvnnsjlranla
ugamse i no mooinsourg i.umrjer couipan ) aud to b
sold as tho properly of Tho llloomsburg Lumber
KhonH, Attorney, vend Ex,
Terms cash on day of sale.
nov 1 raj-. J0U'S W- uomi t
nov. l,T8-u bheilfr.
0 Democratic Tiokt.
- 'f - .'WBlftl Andrew II. Dill.
Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania.
Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal.
T'MVum01,.aat present constituted. oTcra the very best facilities for Professional and iTintettonrr,in .
spring water. '
'ring water. n"u commodious ! completely licalcd by steam, xvellxcnlllatcd, lighted by g.S,
i,ocaiiouneaiiuiui, ana easy oi neeess. l oacnersexrHTloneed, enielent. and nitir, en ttmis wnrir r,,BMnMA ,
moderal,.. I'lfty cents a week deduction lo nil expecting to teachi MudeSta affi DrSPiLn..',.1, ' f,. 5dl """"ra anrt thorough. RxpeMW
Courses of study prescribed by the state i
1. Moibl School, II. 1'reparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical.
Adjunct Course : 1 Academic II. Commercial. III. Course in Mtfic. IV. Course in Art.
Ilia Elementary Sc entile and C as-L-a course nn. or i:-fi,,sr., ..
cnn i'sponillmt Dogro;- t Master of the LlorriTda : Master
eueir hi itiiiiinenis,, pitfneu ov eno enueers or llie Hoard
ffi ZrXrVX:' ! Pot inferior
fff hi
fid nn I ettleluiit I oa i for her schools. To this on
i i l iifUf.-Hi irtH the I'rhx'limt.
rri'tlilt ut liimrit
Hy bt'i" ' f smidr. writ 1- ioi out of too Cieirt
I'otii'iiou I le is of i ol iiniii e eoiiii'v. mil too,
ulroeii d will l tuned lu uu'le si ,. at Hie e mirt
llousit ioisiinsiiurg, st uae o'clo k ti. in , on
All tha. certain 1 t irpoje of g-oml slt iVn lu
P.caver iowusld,i, e'oluuihla cmnty Ponnsj lvanli,
bouiij'l on ih n. rlii b, Inn 1 ot Cod at.d Iron Ce in iho a-l H) hi' dot il. P. in- Islmci on Iho
south by 1 .nd f Frederick -le fin in. and on the west
by la dot I.enl M.;itTio, containing tilt nous, moro
or 1 , on w hieli are e n clod a log house, bank b.n n
nml oui bull ling.
seized, taken Into o tcetulou at. tin suit ot Fllas
I'enlnger ngiilusi John iluiislnger anil to b." sold as
thu pronert) of .lo'n lluu-luger.
1'njuszK, Attorney. Vend Kx.
All that crtaln Into,- piece cf Ktound s'tuale lu
tno Town ot ll'oomsh rg, Col nnbl i county, renn!
sylvanl i, deecrPiu 1 as f illows to-w ll : Hounded on
the north hy second stree'. on tho east by au alley,
un till soittti bv an al'ey, end on the west by C, F.
Knnpp, containing rule huielred teet front em second
street, and loot hi depth, em whhh are erode!
a bilckdevetling houso levohirnsand ont-b'dtldlag.
All lint cerinlnbt or piece cf ground situate In
Madison toiwi-hlp, Columbia counly, Pennsylvania,
described as folloers, to-wll : Hounded on the east
by land of Jacob shoomaker, on the west by land of
Url ill Mills's heirs, and John llel-hllno, on the west
by land ot John Christian and Amos Heller and on
tho north by Ian 1 of Wl'llam Itabb, containing three
hundred acres on which mo erected a house, barn
and out buildings.
seized, taken Into oxeeutbuat tho suit ot l)aLl
Lowenberg aralnst Vuleutluo lleldtcman aud to bo
sold as the propoi ty tit Valentine Hcldlemiu.
llucKiiKws, Altoraey, Vend Ex.
All that certain lot of ground situate In tho Town
of Hloom'burg, Cnlunib'a county, Peiinsjlv.u.ti,
ilescrlhod as 'otlo.vs I wit i Ho.tnded on tho north
by em allo, on Ilia cast by landol William tilger,
on Ihe south by street and on tho west b)"lan.l
of .leain Mirier, containing titty feet front and one
hundred and lilt) feet In depth, ou which nro erect
ed a dwelling l.o is-, stable) and out-bulldlu.'
seized, taken Into execution at tho suit of John
Kramer assigned to Fre-ezci it Ii)cily and Jl. c
Vornlieard and to bj sold as tho propcrtyof John
1'KKtv.K, Att-rner. Vend Ex.
Tonus va-li on d ly of sale.
Jllll.V W. HOFF.MW,
nov. I, "s-i.s sherirr.
") i :o n i ( )No r a i i Ss "n tTncE
Notlee Is hen by given that J. M. Smith, sslcii v
of 1, loliu .v s,',n Ins He I In iho otili o of tueiio
tuouoiai, of i oluuioi i count) , his tirst and p.uttu'
ueeoutd wtdeh said account will be proseneoil t
tno Court of t'oiuinon l'les of said county tur poi.
ttriuatlou on the third day of December next and
will Is' eoidlriiiod after tour d.ns unless exceptions
bo tl.edwhldu that lime.
Prothonotary'H (iflloe,
no.- i, s to l'roth'y.
The ui.derslgi oil v III olle r nt public sale on
Monthly, Deci'inber 'Jd, 1S78,
ei ti'ii'.i i.i Ii ir nt tvo oili'ikp. in. of snldila) nl the
i lilt i i ii.- In 1 1, i m-biug, lu, all Hut e, it. ill ol I nil It ide In lino township, Columbia
eolllit), com alutng
112 ACRES,
more or loss, iieU'itulng lands e,r h. . i-eru.nn on Iho
li il tl), li) I. lie Is l.ito or J .1. Kobhlnsontlio east.! iluls
of -.ini'iol 1 ck'ii in ou the -oiith, and lands of the
heir- 01 lion us l.ecs iliiiu-oilouthe west.
iiuu-ns s,m: tun (, , 1 1 In- inilil ill the sulking
down or tin- pl'opeile, fiiie-tlill'd of Iho hd.iliee on
tin' 1st it ij ,,r ,jrtt, . i , I-7J and buliineo on ihe
. st die of 'pill li.,lssi,wltlilideienitrointhuda)
possession is ll.
l'lne siiininu, eietolsTD lu is;s.
TOYITL. News f,.r Hoy. and CHrMI
I V.nnik' and III t ! ! A M1W l.V.
W.MllJ.N lu.t lali-uttsl far lliin.
for Hon f iim) 1
I'ot unl 111 roll Saw log, Turnltiif,
U ,iu ij, l".:!.i.K,llriiiihi.i(,lvllalihv,
s. rsw Cm t , l'mul! tu SoO.
Sen, I CI rent f, r too races.
EP1I1IAI5I UltuWN, Lowell, iU,
"Will' V M'i'l; MSEMi'NTS.
tl 'Un I llov Ing iippi.iiseiiu nts of real and
peisomd ii i oin -i i .in ill lo widows of decedents mi ll bleu in tno .illiie ul ll.ll lliglstol' of 1 ol
tlli.lil.t i imiile, Miilei l lie l.nles of l null, and will l,e
prebend' 1 ioi ibsoluio louilriu.iiion to the on bans
comito li, lu Id In niooinstiiirg.iii and rur sutdeoni'
iy, ou '.luliv, nn 21 div of, ,u -i
oeks'k p. tn ed said dav un.ess exemptions lo such
continuation are pieMousle Hied, of which all per
sons Interested lu said estutenwill tako nollce:
1, Widow of Oeorgi- JItllor, I.itoof JllHllu township
del I i.
li. Wi 1,1. v of John W. I!elehllno,l.uo ot 1'lshlngcreek
ioi"si,ij,. muiiinuii,
3. 'e idow ot John Eat, late ot Scott township, etc
e e use d.
1. Wld i.v of .loliu Boyor, lale ot Locust towualilp
5. Widow ot John Me-na'l, late or tho Voroughot
Koirlstor's union, i
Hlooinsbuig. nov,.t. t7j f
W II, Jrupv
ItBd to'
IV) notice Is lioroby glien lo ull logaleos, credi
tors and other poisons Inloresled In tun estates of
Ihe ros'i ilxeiL'eeiients and Illinois, lliattho fob
lowing iidinlidsii'uilou and guirdlin accounls hale
boon lllod Hi Iho otlloo of iho Heglsler of Columbia
eouiit), und will be presented for continuation and
allowance in t lit- tirphaus' Cuutt to bo held In
Hloouisliui'g, in Monda), Iho 'Zd day of Dec, lsls,
ataoclook. p. m. onsniilil.i):
1. The Hist and lltnilaeeoiint of Michael S'llno nnd
Lewis hud , aiindidsiiai, rs i f 1 oter Iiliuer, Jr.,
late of Li i u-i township, di eouscd.
. Theiirst nueiiiiiit i fee ll lam Master",
uilinliilslriitoi of lieoige Masteis, laloot tlieen-
wciod lowiisiiip, do ease 1
3. The nisi ,,ii,l Mind aes'ount of C'Uurlos A than
Wisii) iiiuki t, .iliidnlsliiitorsof Joseph lluckel,
lale i f centre township dis'eased
I. Thollrst account of .Mirah'ini Hiedloincr, Jr..
itduilni-ii'.itoror Juuuh shearman, late of Healer
6, 'i ho ilisl un I partial uivount of Jiaioph U-hr, e-
eeiiioi of Henry Lehr, late ot Hciiior township,
uoeieiiM d,
0, 'Ihe tliuil of Perry II. Illaek, guai' of
.Mini,' K ..II. r u minor e lutd i f lioorgo Ke llvr.l.itu
e f 1 Isldligciei k low iish p. dwoasoil.
T. Theiirst un 1 iti.. u'T.niiit of niiosi 'i-Kitchen
pdiutiit-iiiitor or ve mi null Lemon, lale of .Ml
I'lousuiit loun-hip, en easel,
s. Ihe iiiooiiut of 1 nl a I km ,n. '.'iiaillaiiCI una
M Mel.inle. minor i l'lleiii h.inlllln Aallildo,
utoof iloiuly ;'S ,owiishlp, deceated.
, ileiguiira emioo. 1 w. II. JACeiliy,
llloomshiiiv, nov 1, tsls. f Hoglster.
W.M. DAVIS, Proprietor.
Miss. v. Derrloksnn, Notion and Fancy store.
lllooinsburg, sgeuL
llYlill AMI nn!hF.! VHTlllil T HlPPINel AMI
lad:ss a ixvu, cloak:, d .23323, silks
Ull) lil.OVIN I I.FA.NsFII,
Feather in 1 d .nlciir'ed In a -p'onold manner,
bp 1 Ul un, tin to eeli t - i g,iou.s,
I ll" leuueed to s,,it t m tiiui s,
bept, SO, '.s-Siu.
nue. i. . .;- l..,i
.vuiuaieu, iikuicu oy g.vs,
ofrtlie Sclenoe's : Master of i n I'lies u
u 'iii,,,i. " v-
1 H s ii."i s e, re- ...A ,n. ,r i iii,i.7. J. . ,
of Ti .iMi-pt
'ir Ptntn trlt. 1,,1 ,.. ,. .,,.b,,...
' . "i .on. i oii;siioii mm
hcn'lueh.jiadli cured i,v lim, i iiimsq
'stu 1 , oop mtt ts bi ike,usa th iaedldne,bo !
1 e, heidih) and happy." I
"When life is a dr.i,r, and you have 1-st nl'
norm. Irj Mop mtiets."
"Kldn -V and urinary trouble Is universal . and
the ciile sa'eiiul sure remedy Is Hop Hitters
rely on It.
' Hop nttrrs po tot I'xhaust and dcttro),
but rest ores a nl nukes new."
" ign, l',lllounes, drowslntss, Jaundice, Hop
H'tii rs reinoeee easily. " .
"Holl , PtinoKs Freekl s. Uousli Skin, erup
tt. ns, linpiuot.l.od, 1 o,. 11 tters cure.
"Inactlee M"neys and Vtlnrry eirgars caus
the worst of diseases, and Hop Hitters cutes
them all."
"More health, sunshine and Joy In Hop Htttcri
than in nil othi r mini dies."
Hull Ceillsh
Cure nun l'lilrt
Ofllccln Hrower's building, second No,
! llloomsburg, pa.
(I O W E L L,
1 ) E X T I S T,
tinico In Hurlman's Hlock, second floor, cornel
-Main and .Market sticets,
1 MtlTlSIl AMEltiC.V"
'Iho assets cf Huso old corfnrntle ns nie oil ln-
-it ii in sm i iiiiir.n ui.u uro uaoie loine
uaz.iiu or iho oni).
Modi r,i,o lines en 11 e lest risks are alone aeceMod
I ossis raoiii TM und iiomsti.x niijiislid and paid
as soi li ns ele telti Inod b) c iimsllAN F. Ksai o, sjie-
i i ii .-s in in. ' i iiju-ii i . i, ouuisouig, ri nn a,
'll.i elllcLse-f e eiluiLtla eotllity should natronlze
iho nu'iii) wLiro losses, If nn), are setjiistod und
jiaiu ey une ci luiei own iieizeus. nov.iei, '17-iy
i ' K.vcnatigo Hotel, IHooiusbure, I'a.
iiniii. IiHt'o., ot iiurifortl, Connecticut
LiutpuoI, Loin It in oud Uloby
ICntllCl l.UtTpOU
t .iiii'iut-lilie
i'.ir Ain-Killuii, t'hlUdi'lnlila
Kiirtiicr.s .MuiUzii ol HumUle
DaiiMlle Mutual
Home, Now ork ,
. 6,500,000
. 0,U O.OINJ
. 13 .OisU
lU.WHI, (K
. j,100,H0
,. 5,600,001'
fw Cll.OOft
tlio niri nrlM nrr direct, rrillclcs nro urltten fnr
tho lu-uroa wituout uuy dtU luilio otllce utliloomb
ourK. j! I'
I.) ci mingef Mute) Ivm.sjImii.Ix
' onh Mm 1 lean cf Philadelphia, Fa
tankllii, of " o
1 ouns) le aid l r f
1 armors of York, I'a.
1 uniiveror New York.
Manhattan erf "
Idiioooii xiarket Klrcct No. c. Hloomsburg, I'n,
01 1. va, 'IT 1).
y.M. L. EY1.K1.Y,
Cataw Lsss, Fa,
1 riieoiions pion-rtly mado and rendilod, einice
onposit CatuwiHsalietioslt lULk, emss
W. II. Abbott. w. h. nnAws.
I'enslJUS obtained.
deetl. 'T. ly
F STATU OF U.CMKI, Sill I Pit, ll'CE tSF.I".
Letters of ".dnili.tsiralliin on tho estate of Hard. 1
Ml li r lite ot HiMver lowiishlp, loiiiiidii t count
I eiillse le'.inl i, 'ioe.i-od, h.l" U-oIt v'laliled be th.
i.lsii roi s.ild oonntv to tin- uiidorslk'nod Adinln
Istntrle. oil pir-ons In.xltu- elnlins uunlns'
tllersi to of the dois dent ere reipi.'steil to rro-oiil
them for ultiiiuent, and tho-e Indet led to tl e es
t.110 to niuko payment to tho undei'slsned Admlnls
trntrlx wllhtut delay,
C. W. Mill Kit, Att'y. Heaei r tw p.,
oct. 85, ts-OA' AdmluUtrttrlv
Jolm W. Lwins 1
vs ) No. 8S3 F
.1. 1'. stolili. ) !s;s.
Notice Is here hv given that the balanc of the fund
re miming In iho hands ol thosheiin, to wit ; iw wi
ail-lug Irimitlie' e( Hie reul estate ot Jeremiah
C. snuiii, will bo distributed lound un.i mrsttlin hen
eroclliors emit led thinlubx tho undi rslgnul, who
heue Iwon prv.i,ie,i i.n suiillor rc-rtliat purisiso.
Tho AudlUir w I sit 1,1 Ihe olliee e f John el. Freeze.
Usiinlie, In P'oi.iii-i urg 011 suiiirilu), the luhda) of
Noxembi'r. 1-is, ut one o'oiock In too nrtcrnooti. All
persons li.ix I ir eettiu us-n said fund are
to muko iiti'lrol dins snown be (me said Auditor, or
tu debarred lrom euiulut hi on suld fund.
o t. c, "i-lw Auditor.
U'llors e f aiimlnt-iriilon ou tho estate nl Man
F. Heller, Inteof Mlllliu lonn-lilpl'oluinl.l.i Couni),
IV . deieedsi'il, hale been gr nled by the liglsternf
laid count) lo the mulci signet! Ailiiiluisiii.toi
In whom all is-lsonsliiikl lt'il Hi sstd estate are re.
tiuetitl to luako iu)iiu'id, and thiise hailn,
t lil 111 -s or ihutiuiuU against ihe silt estate will
make them known lu the suld luln.Hihtralor without
.Minim lowiishlp,
I". V. .Mil 1 bk, AdiidnUlrKior.
Attorney. oei. u.Ismv
fii ihe iDulteril th" ooraut of e.ecrro 'A', Coriell
and rt 111. II WvJV.r, txecutorsot lleorgo Weil
ver, il, eoiwl.
Tho und iscmd Audllor oppolnted bylloeir
phaiisi'oiit' f in- mini) nf e'olunibla IndUirlb
Ulolho iMl.ilno I 1 th hands of the liil'ouultllds
among 1 1 1 - i-mil s nttilod tbrnto, will meet ull
parlies I' toiosied b.r the purposi' of Ids amioitti
iiieut al his law ofjli i' in Hlisiiisburgon W, diicuda)
Ihe tulii day of Nov inlier, A 11. lsfs ut leu
o'clock u 111. of suld day, when und where all writes
oui) piesrut llieir ilalms before 1L0 avltor II Ihev
1 link pruier. or be uebarrod from turning lu lorii
sluieof sildtuud.
. . . A. C. SMI 1 II
oct. la '.s tut Auditor.
tsreik oy jtwuiu ssiss, ncc'ii.
letters To-taiiieiitsry on tin estate of Joshua
Hi ink, Mle nl lienlon township, Columbia esmn
i. Fa., I'ueo isi u uiauie d b) Urn llegutorof tiluin
bi.e mu,') 10 el.o iinilerhlgnod KxtH?utors to
wiennul jii-ous liiileMed ar roiUesie d to make
I mo ni d m iiii'id, nnd thoao liaeliigclahnsiirdo
1 nods k ilii-t tin HdJ estate wld make them
sii,ift lo the under Uned Kxes-utoru without
in , .)
11 K. Kill KUAVM,
licntoi.c Lii,,s-cw
and furt
anu rurnisned with a bountiful supply of puro,ott
" - . - s n,i,Uuiu-u(
V. Cour-e in Physical Culture
. 1 " uieiire.
lilpbtnas, conferring the toIttMrlli
-uu uo.v. vuuisva leceieu eiuruiai voreaniiaieg
to those ot our bos, Colleen.
ah"'" '"'"''P t0 """re It, by furnlshln Inlelll-
Driuohy cSlOo's. Advt's
Sure XI r; ward-
i Yf Ills JO i , tr',1,11.
i frill and .11 ; iI 0 l.iiiul in 11 le Ji .
Kim 111 Ihi" illlllmi (er. 1. 1111. t
eil tlic Ci'stiicl Il:iilels an. I (.
iltnn;! ttitllriisiil imiijk.i', 1 ,
li'Kiiir soil 1. crops-i tity !
11111111 1-1111 111 niigiiT-11 clilnctt
lings- iiu liopoe r-. '
Itl'KMSII TKrAMS- ,r XX Alt K Khltll XUlK'
SCIIOOU llAtl.KOeti I OMI'I 1.1 Sit 1IIKOCIIII 1 1, K
1 isiai. os Tin: eisAsr.
SOIKl fill" IIUIIlIl! t. .' .1 or '. !,.,.
Addres3 v. o. iifi;ii VIIT,
I ash Cnmnsio- sr,
CIHAND It M'llls, MIC H,
aprll 12, lsis-2'zw d
S10 TO SI 000 iv;:',
-O month, ll,, ik -em tre ex,
tddre-s II XI Hi: 4. 10.. i'.ski.
New York. 0
ii Wall street
" 0 to' til' os eV. I
lib pe Vo '0' 0. .
11 Wh - .
ix. . ',,' - 1 '
e will piy sorontsn saliry ot S'iw periuon'o n 1
expenses, or allow a lurgn eonunlrsion to - 1 o
new nnd woudei fn mveetion. .x tnoan xibat no
say. Ad ro.-s, without dcl.n,
SllhltVAN 1 CO., Mai ball. Mlelds'iin
d uct V3, ",s Iw.
ACTIti: AH OTS In every count) fsrmir one II
lustrutid piiUli'atlims. 'Ibis Is a rare opimviu li,
for pndltable empl )tncnt Pvra Indiieom 1,1,
notn subscrllers und uc ids. cji,t, hi n ,,t
lll-K. lor M.I.I'-TllATl.!) eruulars. giving
terms and full parti ul is, midiis.
K. I' v I, IthM'l IV.
I IDS Chestnut Mri ol, I'lilliiell hilioi, I'n ,
d Gel i
"BEiNbUj'a UAMiTrT
. xxo.Miintn 1. liii.iiniiv.
." the com
non slow acting )s r 111-lnivm ur
euperlorto all other exuinal niuuuislui n. ,
Inlmentsand tho so-oollol electHii.1 niol,..i,i,
it contains new- incdlclnal el. 11 01 s win, u i ,
tilnutlon with rut Ur, pns'-ess the most ex icon:
nary pain relieving, stiengtlii nn g 1.1 ,1 mruim
liroporties. Aue I'iijsl.iati In 0111 own 1. euiiiv wt
onilrnithe aboec stnteiinr.t. lor I 1 i,.e lii,.i,.
Hue inatlsm, Femsle weiikuess. Mm bcru sli
Nl'irleeted Colds nml eoliths, .Is. inmie
Whoorlntreougli. BlTectli User the I. nit 1 1 0 ',
lis for which porout 1 1 .ste rs an- nnd, It is sin .
'ho best known rinieely. Ask for p.emon.i ei
tne Foious Plaster in n tiki nonnir. re el bv .
Urt.gglds. 1 'nee us ci s. sent 1 1, 101 1 lit 1 f ri 1
oy Seabury t jd.i.son, r 1 luti strut. Ni w i,.s
d eel. ii:, Is 4 ,
TO. I . .
Through llagged Holes med no ioi nor 1 1'.ei ,1 in.
eie.orclilldr.n's.'.i.ilj -l,.s i, 11, . , ,,
Hint account when ntlierw is- but tllllewuin. '10
A MEittCAN SHOE 'lit' CO, L.1VO sux . 1
annuallv to Fa-ents In this com try, bj ihe inirodue
llon of tl.u
andlhi'V n-o applied ehlelh- to ii.i'ir.i.'. i vi
shoos many Parents olij-ttli g lo -bo loot.. r u i.
ul Tins t.n
h ive'al'i'asrtf'ISu1 ' km,W ,""t --"T4Wjr
iildellll'dstotheb.oMilv r 'ho Porn. v. tin
toe rimiili li,o..'iit iimti tlu-sl iswi.n, ,, "
Tin so Ti nro sinnieeil , s,, ( ,,
The in' roi'osilvibo v .nn,,. tmn,.r,.,., .,,
s t o;."" i8,','"!-.'"."" s " " "ciirln- " .duo ' . ,r
". .. 'V'F.Vi's.! hue noi'nildHii's "lus's witii
on ihe .M. n, r tins 1 loo Hlek Tp.,and tl u i."i,,co
jour sins-1 ills mote lhan -1,0 li ,if,
Ask your fc'lioc Dcalcis iiir Tliem.
(i Oct. Sx, 78-4W.
v r. 1 1 'Mi'''" with nm
PI Jn or 1:1 Id.
......,01,1c,. .ik-i-oiiim ne. ll irtsoi.
001. II, S 4w
I'lrson." nil. ui.,ke . w Tl Allies".!.
1111 Wll l.liitiolee l,,.,'oi. I , r " . "f 1 r
-i' 111 in tin, . 1 01 t is. .,1 ) ,. r o', wr,u wh. iaV
t ' J - j, ' e t i.ihsi..iit. ,,.1,,,,.
b) mall tur a litu-i stnmus. I s.
1 aliL'or xt.i. .,
JHl 1
1 s K 1
Awnnlnl AtnLvf time ut Cri.tniiikl f
ir"-r lnil.. Al ,.nr Liu.. iti, l!ivl,..'ii1rk!,,i'.'
Un lnti.1 i.n iiilrtu-r c. I. Urn, ; rism,, 1
Mi , ".1 v 1 luu. . f.. 1 .uiu. . . . . . .
afifrr nf isvi..ii.a I m , .
( l
tree, to l', A. Jacs.ui Co., Itir. ,'li.
ecu jV-"i!v'-,:' ,i,,"'r"1 uv
Hang-Made Boots,
MAMTAirruunt) nv
T "Tl T X 1 -s.
-u. UA TUN & CU
"WA.-R.R, A.isrx BID.
N. 15. All tjoods of their muJiJ
tno fctainiied on tho hottum.
SepL w, Ts-3ii
Ij-llers Tislamcritory on ihe estate of .lolin
hlltio, lam c,t lAioiut lowiishlp, eci'uioila c.nii,l..
decease!, uaxo Usju b) 11,0 l gw, r of mlii
cjounty to the underslnni exeeuiois of sane twu.
All iersons having oluiou agalnsi Uie est. te aie ,f.
quested to pi os. nl them for settiiniietic uud Uioae
tudebledlu ui.ikc pa)uuul wllliom .s ue.
I'KIKK I. IxlINK, '-FMCmo-u.
K, 1'. UlllB, A 1).
at. s, 'Jseiw'
ai.ii.-s licj Allu.u.J
l.iii'lltt p,
Illers of Administration ou the I'Ststn ofjohi
fain, Lite of Cenirn township. Columbia on., eieo'if
hmu Uwii itrantesl by i he lt.kii,r i t , . mini) lo
Iheuiidersignesl xeiicinuli umMSw
ludebted ate nnuesttxl to make Immieluel.' islluuyal
and I hose linvliig ekslias or dvinanda at allst Iheus.
'' "Id laak theni kiowntothe soui nl.lTuUI
w Itnoul tlfjHjt
4 1 in' 1 1 1 1 nl i 1 ,
C. V, Jim., t.nt , 1 w, .1,11,
, Attorney. ,.t n, i :s L,
( I
I XI X. V II ' un .ill ll
s- slid
iniki rioni i Mu i reiu
enl hLimn lor n 1 1 'i mars
m i. s t, 111 it,
Milton, NortuuiuUrUnd l
II II 111!
Kor Lieutenant Governor
John I'crtig.
l'or Secretary of Inlcrnal Affaire
.1. Simpson Africa.
Comity .
For Congress
Charles 15. Ilrockway.
For Slate Senator
George D. Jackson.
l'or Meiiilii-rs of .ssctnijly
'1'. .Icif. Vniielcrslice,
Jo.soidi 15. Knittle.
rrollionotnry nml Clerk of ttio
Willinm Kiiukbamn.
Kor IP";is1ei' nml Ueeorelcr
AVilliiunson IL.Tncoby.
For Treasurer
Hiram A. Hivi'inieiili'tscr.
Fe.r CeitiimissioncrH
S(i'ilieti Folic,
Clini'los lleicliart.
lur Amlitors
Pnmuel K. Smith,
ViHi:iui L. Manning.
J udloiury.
Vor Jtnl'jp of Siiiii'mo Court
Henry 1'. Itos3.
Vnv Govenmr
Aiiiircw H. Dill.
l'or I.'h ntenant Governor
.lolin Fcrti";.
I'm1 S. ci'.'t.Tt'y of internal Affairs.
.1. Simpson Afiiert. '.
Cm lt IJ.
l'or Congress
Cliailes 15. lirockwav.
For State .Senator
Ueorso 1). Jackson.
For JIembersof Assembly
T. Jeff. Vanilcr.slice,
.Io.seili 15. Knittle.
Frotlionotary anil Clerk of
William lviickliaum.
For lee'frister ami Heconlcr
Willhttn-oii II. .lacoby.
l'or Treasurer
Hiiain A. Swepiienhiser.
Fnr Commissioners
Stcplien Folic,
Chalk's Iiiiehait.
For Amlitorit
ftimik'l K. Smith,
AYilliam L. Mauiiinij.
li"or ,Tiulji e,f Suiiiome Court
Henry V. Hoss.
l'or Governor
Andiwr H. Dill,
For Lieutenant Governor
Jolm I'titi":.
l'or Scm-tnry of Internal Affairs
,1. Simpson Africa.
Cm a i ty.
Fur Contrii'ss
Charles 11. lirockwav.
For State Senator
(iuoimi D. .Taekson.
l'or .Members of Assembly
T. .lcfT. Vamlerslice, '
.lose nil 1!. Knittle.
lYothoue4ary ami Clerk of
YVillium Kiickbaum.
l'or Hepster anil Hccorcler n II, Jacoby.
For Treasurer
Hiiimi A. Swejijieiilifser,
l'or Comiuissioneis
Slejihen Fohe,
Charles Heichart.
For Auclitois
Samuel U. Smith,
N illiaui It. Muuuing.