THE COLUMBIAN. COltJIIBU DKUOCIUT, ST4R OF TI1K NOHTU AMD COMJX BUN COXSOLlUiTID.) Uitioil wookly, every Friday morning, at IIUIOMSHUIIO, CUtiUMUtA COUNTY, I'A. at two not.Ltns per year, no cents discount allowed wnen nilil In adrance, After the oxptrntlon of tho year l.M will bo chariroil. To subscribers out ot tho wounty tun terms nro t per year,-.lrlclly In ntlvance. No p iper tllscoittltiucil, except at the, uptton or the pulilluliorj, until all arrearages nro paid, but long continued croillts ntlcr the expiration ot the first year will not bo riven. All papers sent out of thowtato or to distant post onices mint bo paid for In ndTancn, unless a respon sible, person In Columbia county assumes to pay the subscription duo on demand. PCMTAo li Is no longer exacted from subscribers In t!io county, JOB 3?HI3SrTIlSrG3-. Tne fobbing liepartment of tho Coi-raniAN Is very eimnlctc, and our. I l Printing wlllcomparo favora blv with thntot the largo cities. All w ork done on inci. 1)1, IH. . . ,$S.C0 llt-0 J.U1 tsoo , i.uo 4.(o s.oo .. 4.IU 4.W T 00 1J.00 onelncl Two inches iliree inetim rour inches 'limner coliiinn,,.,., (I.eo .oo In.tO U.OB naif column 1o.oo in.iro is.eo ts.e 0110 column JS.oo M.00 (o.os Ypariv ndvrrtispmentn navflble nuartrrir. except, wnere panics nave accuuuio. in.nrt im. nn. .r iiiflc r.ra rnr .Rauiun.iiDiFT wiinoui rcierexito 10 itugiu. nut e nullum. miMi, unitmuiur wuvu iii-rrivu. '. E. ELwIS'' E41tortaniProp rioters. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1. 1878. regular ttuTci tweiiiamii iibii rows, 1 IirjilAjU.MItl4.. VIII,. -Ml. ,ll. 41 rMi n ttin MTltialnaea Tlt.rts,f-v" r.Mnmi demand, tieativ ami nt inoucrnio pricen. vuuupidia iir..nui-i-il iuuauui, piu, ti j aoHar per year lor eacaune. )I.OOMsnUltO DIRECTORY. QCttOOL ORDERS, lilatilc, ,ut printed nnd . j neatly nonno in small hooks, uu mum tor s.ilo nt tho Columbian linicc. and rI,AN"K DHKIlH, on Parchment and Linen ) I'imht, cnmninn and for Admlnlsi rntors, Etccii 1 tint trustees, fur salu cheap at tho Columbian (mice. MAURI AHE C'KKTIKICATI-S lint printed nnd fur sale at tlm Columbian tifllcc. Mints i r,nf Hie tnnpl and .IusIIcps should supply them tolvcs with these nccissury articles. TUSTICEHnnd Constables' Fee,-Hills for sale f) it the Cni.UMRUN nmre. They contain the cor rcc; 'd feesasestablWiedbytbo last Act of tho lg lil ironixm the subject, Krery Jutlee and oon 1 ib'osnonldhavoone. a-1 Hi e s' UNIMKNT IODIDE AMMONIA. VENDUE NOTES ut printed and for sale cheap at tho Columbian otllce. c, I'llOFHSSlONAt, I'AlllW. (I. ItAKICLEY, Atlorney-nt-Law. Office In Ilrowcr's building, 2nd story, llootns 4 4 6 D It. WM. M, olen. onicis. Is. UEIIEK, Surgeon nnd I'liypl- 1:. corner hock aim .11111 mil It. KVANH, SI. !., Surgeon mid I'liysi clan, (oaico and Itesi'iencu on Third street, li. illClvi'.li 1, .11. I'., reurntun im "j- . Biclan, north side Main ttrect, below Market. J. II. KOlSISON, Altorney-al-Law. In Hnrtman's building, Vain strict. Office OAMUKI. KKOUH. Attorney at Iiw,Office KJ In llartmaira uuliuiug, .Main sireei. R KOSKNSTOCK, I'liotoRniplier, , k ft Wolf's Store, Main street. MISCELLANEOUS. D AVID I.OW'KN'IiEHO, Merchant Tailor aln St., aboie Central Hotel. S. KUIIN', dealer in Meat, Tallow, etc., , Centre street, 1 etwecn wcona ana 1 nira. IUTSINEsS CAHHS. i:. WAIil.KK, Attornoy-ut-Lfiw- lEca:s cf Fcnslcn: eltalsed, Coilcttitns made, Ofllce, Fecotid duorfium 1st ntlonal IJank. HLOOMSllUItn, l'A. Jan. 11, 1SI8 II. .1. O. KUTTEK, VHYhlCIAN tsoi:nE)N, oalce, North Market street, Uloomsburg, Ta. Artoi ncy-nt-Lnw, Ineieas-o of Pensions Obtained, Collections Made. nLOO.MSIlUHO, PA. Select Story. r' 1: Ciii'cn nil I'.iln In .tliin mill HcsiNt TESTIMONIAL" ! Prolapsus UxKHitKalllnir of tho Womb.J A Won. denul cure. Mne j ears my wife surterrd 'with this terrible complaint. rhe hiw ai tended bv dwtor af ter uuecur, weiii in me uiiiercni nuHiiiiui wuere 113 tnaii'Siiie tie.iied J tried them all J woto bandages and pes-uutei with only temporary rein f. Her Ufo wai. iiiterable. Sh applied Dr. (lies' Liniment. Her roller was Immediate, sbo Is now well. 11. .MCHMiMorr, 40 West 13th street, New York, had tweUo strokes ot Parausls. My leg, arm and t.'liguo were Uielens ; was obliged to use a cath eter eury day. Iiottor lilies' liniment Iodldeof Ammonia 11 is cureu e. u in answer any iuiuirics bu thai all alllle'ed may know of It. .ions Arm., .n in nranioru, v;onn. CheMliut Hill, 1'lilhidelphhi, April it, 1A. M. Illh-s. Eii.. Iii-ar MrI iund uur loillde of Ammonia l.lnliiit nt 011 PlotaTc nhlc's liliidnasiern lolnt. Miu had biiMi nullo lame: the effect was wouiifuui ; sue w iiks low ijuiiu wen. eri,re A. Wei m. I. S. I am now uslntr It on Littleton's rlzht toro leir. a large shoo boll on a valuablo joung horso was rcinocu uy uias' i.iniin&nt ioumo or Aiiimonia. . UIR'Ln. I t.CI iv.f., tiw 10m. Asthm 11 hi torturuH and titronles I endured for six jeari, n' no out, inose wuu iiavi" suneieii 11111 IbU It'irllile can know. Mv life was infera ble. In desi cr.itlon 1 tried lilies' Liniment lonlde of Ainmoiua. 11 gain inn insiauu lenei. uKuibiu UrtidUy as well as externally 1 IIIM. IIKAIIIAM, 12T west STIli street. New ork. I wns In a dreadful condition. Joints snollcn, fialn Intense. Injections of morphine Into tny elns iillid to lelleve me. lilies' Iodide of Ammonia took nwav tho deposits from my Joints. IwantcHTy one wno suittrs to Know wnac win cute niein. r onnvuK lxiTiiBor, North Hi do Park. Uimmolliuco. Vt. Another sufferer cured. llUcliarired from tho Massachusetts lieneral Hospital as Incurable, with lutljuimnlury rbiMimallsin In in bhoulders, lingers and feet i suffered real fully for thren je.irs, tried everj iiiuig ; mat, an nope, ur, uues ..mniicui, iou- ldo ot Amuionla enecteu a coinpicto cure. r.l-LKN MITH, No. 72 l'rano street. Fall Hirer. Mass, SDratns. snllnts. bruises. Lumenes3 In horses. niles' Llhlmi-nt Iodldeof Ammonia Is a perfect ape. due. No persou w ho owns a hor&e tbould be with' OUlll. M. Honrxs, Ws seventh nvenuo, New York, In my family, and for I he stock, f have used (ille'c t.l 11 1 in.. ti r iodide 1 f Anniionla. It Is unsurpassed, and I am surpibed at tho many different maladies 111 which lb isuppiicaoic. II. BllCOlllOmiUHOiailw taction. .TOnN J. ClBTER, superintendent Eastern Pennsylvania Experimen tal Farm. M) c. and tl : and In quarts at 2.&0, In which there. Is a great saving. liialblzo2S(ents. S0I.I1 BV AM. DHt'OdlSTS. N. .1. lir.Mll.ltMHITT, Agt. lor llloiiulsburg. may 41, '19- AIiMOST A CIllMi:. AN OLD MAN'S BTOltY OP nOYISH PASSION. I loved her, nnd to find out tho trutli con cerning lier regard for me. I win destined to find It out In n much more nbrupt nnd dlsiRrccnbln manner, I then nsked after tno boyi. Their mother told mo they had taken tho bows I had mado for them nnd gono up to tho mountain to shoot Biimo small game About n quarter of a mllo from tho housi wns n very lieitutllul wrttcrl.ill, cnllotl Sylvan Olado Cntnrnct, nnd by this limpid stream was tho iiinrcst path up tho mount. It was approached by n narrow path, nud You nsV me to tell you about it children, nnd I will ; I only warn you to let It be n lesson to you In futuro years not to glvo way to passion or mnllcc. You would hardly imngine Mich n lough old graybeard as your Undo N'ed Is now was wiH surrounded by 11 thick mass of under ever n slenuer, siripntig youi", wno-e iuiiui prowlli, nnil tree, o tnat you would not wns filled with romnnct, anil whose suit, jmngino Its proximity until q'itotlpon It woraanlsli Heart seemed 10 uo Dealing omy j trotlo up tho path, vexed that I did not Hoy nnil Girl, MB onico In Ent's UrnniKO. D1 I. L. ItAHIl, l'HACTIOA li DENTIST, MalnSliett, opposite Episcopal Churth, Ulooms burg, Pa. 1 iv- Teeth 1. bout pain. augiit.'H-ty. gKOCKWAY ci EIAVEI.L, A T TO li N E Y S-A T-L A W, COLUiiriAN llvu.niNO, Uloomsburg, Pa. Mecliera of the Vnlled Matis Ijiw Assoi'latlon, Collections made In nuy 1 art cf Au.11 lea or Europe r It. & W. J. HUCKAIiEW, M"f01tNEYh-T-UMV, llloomsbitrg, Ph. OPleo on Main street, first door below Courtllouse riHlIE GREAT TOSITIVE CURB Jl. fortll JJINllAHU'J .rlrinn frOLl . ilpr.n-ol wnil lloncftlin lll.OHII. I.IVL'll, SUtllJi ! IIKJESTI VII OliOA.NN. R. ,c J. M.CIiAItK, ATTO II NEYS-AT-LA V Uloomsburg, Pa. Oflloe In Ent a Eulldlng. V. 11ILLM EYEIJ, ATTOItNEY AT IAW, In linrn.nn's Iiulldlng, Main e treet, illoonibburg. Pa. HOB'T. B. LITTLBi II. h II. II. LITTLE, ATTOJtNKYS-AT-LAW, Uloomsburg, Pa. THE CHEAT ENOLIrill HEMEDY I GRAY'S SPE0JFI0 MEDICINE fRADC mark is esncelally recom-TBADE MARK, rr&K laenueu as 1111 un ft A 'Blllne cuieforsein. jf-r A lual wfakiiessiier. '-Vt 7 tr imiiorrhrii, Impo- ri iv int lie iy. Zi2LrtV;l. l-issltilile. rum In 1" Tii mo liu'k, Dimness JJCtora ratinp'OI mIuii, rrema-,ft rn.v,. a 11110 oui Age, aud&tter laKinj, timm. oiiwr isoiisi's that lend to liisaiiltv.Consump. iimi .mil 11 PtiMnntuio (irnu'.utl of wbleli asa rule urn ilrst caused by deMatlng from the iiaihot nature aiidiivtr lndi.lgeiee. 'Ibo Spicule .Medicine Is Ihu reKUlt of a lite siudy and inanyjeuraot exierlecu llitle.'itlligllie.ei,lsclalillbe.ies. Full imiilculirs In our puinpblels.whlch wo deslro to send free ny man 10 eerj uu, teney, mid nlldlsna- ses, biiehus Loss of iiani'iy, 1 iiHerpai n i, si.-cinc u iitcliie Is bold bv all HrueirlMs at II per pack ige, or slv packages for V, or w 111 bo bent 0 iy mail on ui-Upt ot tho money bj addressing TUB OKAY .MK1UU1NKCO., No. 10, MichJhlo'b- mock", Petrolt, JlUh. sold In lilounibburg by C. A. Klelm, and by all DrugglsiH everjwueie. Hauls Ewing, ttlio'.csole Agents, lutsburg. bept. c, 'ib-tl TlIOllAS U. HAllIilAN. ALBEK I IlAMMAK THE RED FRONT, nvtO"3rE5iS' BLOCK. HAETMAW BROS., DEALERS IN TEAS, CANNED FRUIT, CIGARS, TOBACCO SNurr, CONFECTIONERY. Spices of all kSndc, Glass & Quoensw; FINE GROCERIES, Foreign and DomestioFruitSi AND GENERAL, LINE OF Family Provisions (lb doer Xielow Maiket btreet, Uloomsburg, Pa. I if (ioods ddlMiid to all purls of tl.o town AprlUT, IMt Tho Bsst Family Medicino on Earth. la nT Mrtoo afllcled with a dlM-inn thit lllIOIttSE wUl not nlmir cor, pioilJlns tlw tnm or orcam ro Dot wilted beTond polotof rfpftlr. V-ar it.jKw 1 n n ft 1 mi' li iclentltlcal y romponn.itM imiu .iiim., , l"milo" nd la Ciillllnil i an.l tin I ndlo.. combluliis Tonic, Ciithiirtlr, AlterMlTe, lllurftlc nd budorlflo. lit lnimtsiuta effoi-t upon thn dk'wttlro orptni.wbetliei Imoaliod bT ill""" or f xtiulM from any cau-o, Is to In. troiio tholt pofr of aMtinllmlon and untrltloa. U In. ' tM IpVtln, lala dljimum. 1 (3M SranfM and ton to llto muwulur and t ire ulatlni lyEtera. It lUm. nUtca the Tltal proceiHoi to ronwp l a-ihlty, altors, Jor. recti and pnrlfl'i tlio Ouldi, touol tlio orfiM ud ro-mub. llauca tliolr bcaltby fuuclluus. I THE OHLY TEUE EEMEDY TOR COLDS., fit ll USClOM toeipStlalaillMB thO tlltBltf tllll il.tll ' tl tninm. If you are mfft-r nir frora Bll lot H A rTIII.H, I ISl'l I-SI l. "r I "ill SI I". I'" tlM !. ''II " " " i iuiV T uwr i-tii nt hum -' M '" msttsi s, pi ."y disorder "rl. nu from lull lir liuioli. ret n tot li It "Hllll J I and lawolt ai Per Ulrfftlosj tpou mcJ i bnttl., in rn-llih. German, HpiiTitsfi pnd French Ouo lioltoll Sltcrconvlnco jouol Its lilirlu lUmo.umo. cii.ressod u A IriTl if one bcttla lnnres itudopllon In OTOrr fatnUy on?lck : It Or.t iloani t J f-tem, then repair", thn K5u,.n.i ,;iurliiidl.oasoan.iHUt:niitaI tiaaucm for love, but such I was at two-find twenty. Many is tho maiden T had kissed under tho mistletoe and beaucd home from sinning school, but, up tn the summer mention, I never met olio that stirred more than n pas. sing fancy. That summer my father told mo he wns point; to send mo on .1 journey to New Ilninpshirp, to finish snnits business he had begun by letter with his old fried Owen Dalton. I was glad to undertake the mission, for In thoie days when railroids were as scarce ns hen's teeth, youni! men got very little chance to'p;o nvvay from hotne,o one Monday mfirtiinp; 1 clambered on top of the old stae coach and stnrted off, feeling almost for the first timo a senso of my inilepcndencoj.ind freedom. At tho stago lumbered past the old farm house I saw my darling mother and my only sister waving their handkerchiefs nnd kiss ing their hands to me, nnd tho tears started unbidden down my boyish cheeks, and my throat swelled with an emotion I tried in vain to suppress, My journey was uneventful until we arriv ed nt Concord, find stopped nt the old Eagle Hotel to bait the horses and allow the pas sengers to dine. Hero I picked up my first acquaintance, as travelers so frequently do. and was surprised to find thnt he was going 011 the coach with 1110. He wns a young man of perhaps twenty ty-ftve, light hair, blue eyes, a bright, inge nious expression to as frank a mouth as I ever saw. I was immediately attracted to him. He clambered up on top of tho coach ns I did, nnd drawing trom Ins pocket a leather cigar case, offered me one. I had never smoked a cigar, but felt a kind of shame to refuse, so I took one nnd lijiht ed it with as muchor perhaps much moro importance than an old smoker. Wo glided into conversation. Where did vou say you were going ?' I asked. To DaltonviUe 1 To DaltonviUe ?' 'Yes. Is there nrything strange in that?1 'No : but I was sdipri-ed. I am going there, ton,' Well, I know'1 most of tho families about there,' he returned, pulling his cigar, 'Whom do you visit V 'The D.iltons 1' The Daltons V 'Yes. Is there anything strange in thai?' I asked, as I laughingly repeated his very words, in the meantime wau-bibg the smoke as it curled from my cigar. Niyu.thing strange, except that we bi.uhl seo Anna while tho mood was on mo to tell her all. I approached the cataract nnd heard voi ces, hut kept steadily on parting the hushes only to see "my Anna," as I hid coino to term her, in tho arms of Albert Warville, while he pressed kiss after kis upon her lips, which maddened while It calmed inc. I stepped into tho enclosure and Albert released tho girl as I tupped him ruiighly on the arm, Oomo with me, Albert Wnrvillo I1 1 said. My tone was so authoritative that he had followed me without n word until we had put a dozen paces between ourselves and Anna. 'Now, Albert Warville, what right have yDU to the enreses of that girl ?' I hissed my heart beating fiercely while my faco must liavo been drawn and hard. Tho right of my nlfianced wife, Ned Ua ker, and I thought vou too much of a gen gentleman to sec!: to interrupt such a rela oliship.' reeled and stngg- d as though I had ; Our readcrs'who nro of an'observlng sort may take their placesj'nny morning where they can seo n"stream of people pursuing their way to business clerks, shop girls, teachers, editor", lawyers, merchants, mar ketersand they will, soon take notice of a peculiar fact, which is that every nine men out of ten go with n careless air, Indifferent not absorbed, slouching, shuffling, head lown or nwry, shoulders bent, hands In pncket,'and,legs moving any waj to cover tlio distance; and that every nine women In ten walk erectly, shoulders hack, chest lull with measured movement nnd more or less gliding gait, never forgetting a proper bearing, ntthough often apparently an ab sorbed nnd lost in thought as he who pre cedes or who comes after her. Now this is a curious circumstance, and in realizing the truth of one's observation one looks about for the reasons why tho greater number ot our women walk so well, while the men pay so little attention to gait and lemeanor, except under particular stress, and then relapsing into ordinary habit when the necessity of the moment Is removed. And the more one thinks of It the more one is convincedj that the reason lies with the mothers of these men and women. From the moment that the littlo girl can go alone, her mother, her nurse, her guardian of the moment, whoever it may be, is per petually counseling her to holdup her head, to sit straight, to fill her lungs, to throw back her shoulders, to turn out her toes, and in extreme caes bracts nre put upon the tender shoulders, tho feet are obliged to walk a lino while a book is balanced on the head, or tho little wretch is even laced to a peculiar chair for a certain length of time :Napolcon'sltJld Soldier." Dead. MAJOR AUflUST'RUI.LMANYWIlO FOLLOWr.l) niM rnoM'.tn.M to WATr.nt.oo, Historical. daily, to enforce the carriage of tho body in ion struck n blow, whil he quietly wen nearly a straight line from the base of the back to Anna, nnd together tiny started I spino to the top of the head, or, if thespine down tho mountain. Then I Firmed tn be bent, to Ho on an inclined plane, held awake to my condition and bent my breast there by a cap of leather or steel, if the latter and toro my hair in a maniacal fa'hton, has not, by this, gone out of use. When which I look hack on now with amusement, she walks her gait Is marked and cultivated? altlioiiirh at that time it was sternest reality, she is told not to wag her shoulders, not to I watched them cltnr down the mountain swing her body, not to look behind her, not , I'M up iSlarsa bottloa, and is Woartnt to Uko. ' tali hi brwalit.towrally. Vrl.c, l.00 per BollU. IValkcr A; Itadger 3Ifg. Co., l'rop'rs, !OJti blrvel, Nrwl.rl. SUFPi:niM 30 YttAUS. Jertwj city, fcplpmber Id, 1ITI. Notontmo mi tell what I Imvo mHond lor llm I'ttat IJ jtar ffum ilIIWM nt)i), t.l sii 1.1 1 1 HI u I II 1 It, i.t tluii Hi bit 1 tl.ut I ruuM n t titun.i vpn my r.-t. I coulJ rut Mlk h.lf n mi'u ultn.jj (tttUurloj Inunio Hony bh'li votiUl i( 111 ! 1 let we IHiium. A bit ut ond ye r n ' 1 v tmiu'int lu try a txittle of Jour ui.njuSl- niklnMcUt ( HuttHiat attvr Uklnir jut bnttlea I ui entire) 10 rod ct loiti dlHao ami am nnw ennvng cxcuWr tit linlth un I utreutti. I ad TUaaUilinllutly atUlcti-a lotrv Hf ft ti, ilka. Q. V. lUtltld, 131 Suntex St. IIOVT GO FOOI.1XG AUOUXIJ. Ai a reiralAtlnp mcdltlna I ca cmSJnfly rwrampnil Mi.u.tlM 1 b Lr4 It In f.iy Uiiiltj trnrt kuow Lthor who have trl. .Una i I piomuLm Itnland n It tble. It don't )io f toiln a'ounJ an1 ClwpiMitnt jot by iiiaklixc no uf.t lt It w'tcwU 10 tu.inM ana ao il, II. 17 V ALL, Illverbead, L I. OK YHAllS STAM1IXG. Inwlnnobottla rM t! 0PF urnl fan trathfally MJ it has 1'ireJ mo of Hsctl almi-a ulU').Bta (if 3, C, JIOC, U.n , Lebaum, K, J is! For Sale at H. J. 332RXJC3- STOBE, who Is autliorl?ol to suaranteo VIOOI1ENE to nroTO as represenieu. n-iy. meet. I am diftnntly related to tho family, unit am going there to spend n cup1o of months. n,i yoit khow Anna V 'Anna f 1 asked. Is theff a young lady there ?' 'Yes, my boy, a young and haniNome la dy one you can't help liking. 'Oh, very well then. I'll Driver are you wobbling over the. road fur ?' 'Shtire, sur, an' I think the only wobblo as you call it, li in tiat -egir yer a smoking. Sure enough, I felt my head whirling, and I should have fallen rir the vehicle had it not been for the assistance of my iiew futiiid friend, who took my arm. .1 feel sick so-sick,' I mnrnuirril 'I guess you nre not usq t" s'ro'ig i,;gars I Driver stop until I get the ytiii n u an in side of the stage ' I scarcely rcinembf red what happened at' terward except that I n an awful sick mm ; but gradifally I began to feel better, and by the time we l ad tipp d for tho night I had almost recovered. Albert Warville nnd tiiyi-tlfhiul become the best of friends. He had cared for inn during my illness nnd not one word did ho say of my weakness, That night tho driver approached me nnd sotto voce, 'Ilegorra sur, if tlio first part of tint cigar was ns voile as the Inst, I don't blame ye fur gettln' sick,' but I had nnrtock in what lie said, for I should not have known whether it was good or bail. Well, we nrrived alter a few .hijs' travel at DaltonviUe, This little village neMled in valley near one of the most precipitous) mountains of the Francotiia range. It wns place uf romance, and I built future hopes side and 'aw Anna cro-s thu phiteau alone. Was ho coming back to me ? Oh no, I could not meet him ; my brain seemed on lire and was filled with wicked murderous thoughts. Desperately T plunged on through tho wood, not knowing or caring whither my steps led me. t last I paused, for there, standing right ahead of me, was the form of Albert War ville. He was standing near the edge of "the cliff," as it was called a rocky prnjec Hon witli a sheer descent of some forty-live feet, and appeared to bo meditating and looking olf,while I noticed Anna's light blue scarf around his neck. Instinctively I raised my gun to fire at him, when, on second thought, I lowered it ; 1 remi'uibercil mat Anna s brothers were 111 me wnniis somewhere, hut my lirain was maddened and whirling, and for the time being I was carried away with passion at what I termed his villaiuv. I was crnml and frenzied to see Anna's blue r-carf encir cling bis neck, I bent to the ground nnd seized a large stone; casting it with a y cision long practice had taught me, I heard it strike him with a, dull thud. I saw him topple and fall, and waited to hear his death scream, but there was no onnd. All was as till as death. As still ns death? My God! that was an awful thought; that was the thought which made me snno ngain. I fell to tho ground, utterly incapablo of motion. The few moments I lay there seemed like dreadful hours to me; then, as consciousness to shullle, not to bend or lift tho knee, anil made to give .1 goodly share of attention to the effort of getting over ground in a right line without the visible lifting of tho foot nnd jerking of the frame and tossing of tho head. Thus early taught that walking is an art, siio practices it till it becomes nature. On the other hand, the boy'receives no such instruction ; a general impression, but perhaps not an entirely conscious one, pre1 vails that such a course would make him vain and effeminate, and therefore he is never, subjected to it except in military schools. Great care being taken in his inlancy that the chubby little legs shall not become bandied, and an occasional word being thrown in in advancing years as to holding up his head, responsibility concern iug his carriage ceases and is dismissed, it being taken for granted either that good walking does not matter so much for a man, or that, being a man, he is sure to do every. thing in the right way. Moreover, a boy seldom walks; he runs and skips and jumps and saunters, and the opportunity of im pressing the future importance of hi9 bearing upon him is much more infrequent than it is with girls girls who nro apt to be older for their years than boys, and who early de velop tve love of praise and the desire to p!eae, and who, in superficial things, imi tate their elders moro quickly than boys do, having also the hourly sight of the graceful and gentle movements of mothera and aunts and teachers nnd elder sisters before them for, perhaps, if they saw their mothera sit- camo hack-, it appeared to bo a hideous ting with their leet higher than their head. dnnni, and I dragged myself to the edgo of or with their knees crossed In the cars At Private Sale, A l'AKM CONTA1NINO ABOUT 1 O 9 ACRES, mostly cleared, anil whereon are ereclea a l.AltGK IlltlC'K DWELLING riOUSK, aKrnine Hank Horn, WoRon Hieil.ann ether out-HilldUit's-ii ( ll nt Ml wilier ill Hie house, and one atlliularn. 'iiu-iv ureai.Mia iart" nuiuutr m ny pie, 1'eucli and t heir) 'I lies end u food MuS-sTuM: MONK (JUAltllV. AhSO, A LOT OF GROUND nt ihH corner of 'I hlrd anil IVotre Mrt't'ts. U int.' on liuudrtu uim iLimMWu itt'i uu iuuti Mreinui-i twu ItuudittUiiU fuuitt'fit uiiil diic-HuU Iftt un Centre wluTuuit aro ervcU-U a Lingo ItrU'U mvctlluff lloiifcti, uiih ktkiu Kkatimi Ari'AiiATry. oiid In thnroiiL'h repair, iiawutf u wvu, nut rn, iu'-jiouw;. luuiluk Houht and all tunvt ult net b, Uuib t-ltuuttt w H hiu llm llinltH uf thu lown ot Ukruuisimiu', ana ciu-iea to iu bum un tuy uuu rt-u- BOIlUUlC It'llUd JCJII.N (1. 1'IIKl'ZB, lll.OOUi.llCr II, aug. 53d, 'is-sin I'cim'a. Aciorillnglo tho recommendation cf Iho (Irand Jury, e will f fler llu nlu Jail I'loeeU) lor sale on 1 inlay, Mi 1 ml 11 s, IMS at ttn o'clock a, in., ul lue court lloiue In iHnikLiiig. Conditions can Lu sts.11 nt the ofllce, MI.AHW Ml'lli:SRV, John iii:iini:ii, Coin's, JIIH. r. HAM'S, I Ccinmlrstr ners' flu e.lnt omsluriM'B., Otl.lk14 Atlestt Vll.. hltlLhllAlil.CUrk. 1 KG All I I ANhts O 1 ALL KINDS J ON JIANPAT Till, COLtSlblAN OfHCE. can 11 ate iioiiei lusliriil vciHicrnnnmnai nut lliliu tike 1 opnui uui milium; u win titri ,.ii. lv ift-r ila ut lit 1110 Uiude bl the liiduslrloiis. Men. women, hoia und irlrU wauled utriwltre 1 woik ur ut. Now lallio thuo 11111 ouim and Uruis tree. Addriha'IBifc i 10,, AoiiUata, Mutue, JlttrtU t, la-lj Ui $66i a week In sour own to n. tit outnt tree sorb, If 1 ou wuntauublLt-hs ul wnit 11 1 1 1. one ii enne box tiiu 11 uae treut lias ulll 0 tluio lliey woik, write fur tl.irt lllll'ir.' if 11. liai-.a, a. vv., , vi vinim. diniuv, 1 U1UI1U , l I) ' f M. DltlNKLH, GL'N and LOCKKSI1T1I 1 hc'luf Machines und llachlnery cf all kinds lu- )lfcd. Orcui lloibii uuuiunir, luoouikbuiir, pa. thn clilTand looked over. Thero he lay, all curlel up in a heap. Oh, merciful Heaven; was I to go through life with tlio stain of a murderer on my hand I Hut I must arouse myself I must act- am! the first thing was to dispoc of the body ; so I started on a roundabout pith tho only way to reach tlio bottom of the 1 i 11. As I neared tho spot, I was sure T heard voices, and, gazing through the tree", I saw lltllo Ilenrv nnd Willie I'dllon stand. ing by the body. I turned in terror to lly, wild with my agonizing thoughts, but I was seen, and the two boys started me, crying lustily: 'Cou.-iu Ned ! Cou-in Ned 1' I turned and met them. 'Was it you, Cousin Xrd, that knocked him oil"?' asked Willie. I gave up all for lost, and, falling ou my face, I cried out: 'May God forgive me, it was II' The two boys sprang to my bide and lifted me up, Said Willie i 'What's the matter, Cousin Ned' There's no great harm done.' While Heury cried out : 'We were going to shoot at him, but no can set him upjut as well down hero.' I started to my feet. I sprang to tho ob- of the beauties ot the riirroundlng scenery, hecti t waa a dummy tar(;et filled with straw, The boys had used some old clothes of Albert's, his hat, and their sister's scarf. I laughed wildly, then hysterically, and at last somewhat naturally, as I said, with 1111 etlort; How's that for theatricals, boys? I fooled you, didn't IV 'es, you dd, Cousin Ned' returned Willie. 'Vou acted m though you were frightened nearly In death,' Now, children, you have the story. That for I was fond of hunting, nnd fihitig, and had had quite a good ileal of 1 xperhnce. We were cordially welcomed at the Hal. ton House, where I found my friend was hailed as Cousin Albert. I did not see An na Dalton until the supper hour, ittliough I don't doubt Albert did, us he made himelf nt home, leaving mo with the two bins of the house, Henry and Willie, During the afternoon I gained Ihiir youthful hearts by promising tu inline thtin each an Indian bow, When I saw Anna cured my first case of lovo ami my terrible Dalton I was not rurprlxd that Albert call ed her handsome j 1 should have ailed her lit nu 1 1 fill , for "A f ilrcr fair vision ne'er sreeted my sight It was but the work of a few hours for me to fall tlespernlely, madly, boyUhly in love with her. Two weeks glided by, I had begun to pay dlrtct attention to the beautiful Anna, Although I could not tell wbttbtr she was pa-slmis forever. I stood up at the marriage of Albert Warville and Cousin Anna, ns I got to calling her, nnil no one has ever heard before the story of how I committed 'Almost it Crime.' Chkayo Saturday lltrttld. and tho soles of their shoes wiping every one who brushes by, or witli their two hands in their pockets in the street, they also would he inclined tn do ns these mothers do. Whether in so many words or not, tho girl is taught, from her earliest lesson, to make herelf attractive; that she learns is one of her chief duties in life. If It has some de basing and belittling effects if even while it teaches slavish humility in the one light, it gives birth to vanity and coquetry in the other, and destroys some portion of womanly grace and refinement it nevertheless helps largely in the work of civilizing tho race, and rather than repress tho custom of in structioii and correction in this regard, wo would enlarge it and apply it to boys, that they might, when older, from force of habit rather than from constant consciousness, carry themselves as becomes the lords of cre ation, modifying, however, some of the pres ent manner of giving tlio instruction, which really produces in tlio end the debasement and coquetry, and compelling proper de meanor as lit reverence for tho powers of the body and its Creator, Tho fact that, in the natural life of the savage, this difference in the carriage of men and women fails to be found, only serves to convince us that it is more a matter of art and maxim than of nature, for, under the necessities of savage life, tho Indian man and woman will bo observed to have the same erect hearing and elastic tread, it being admitted Unit their defects are common ta both ; and it seems a pity that whilo any portion ol tho race is becoming more civil ized, beings should become less perfect ani mals, When occasion arises, indeed, there is no one who has a more magnificent bear ing than our brothers and husbands; but we think that if mothers would consider it best somewhat to impress upon boys the art 0 pleasing and the fitness of a dignified tar' ring", it would not be only on occasion that the average man equals the exceptional gen. 1 1-iiiD 11 and walks luudnri a laudato viro, llarper'n Hazar. Major August IlullmaD, one of "tho old soldiers of Napoleon I, whom ho followed through all his Eulopean campaigns sub sequent. to 1805, beEiiinlng'nt'ilbetUltn ;and endlng at Waterloo, died IntNewark on faunday, In his 97th year., Major Uullman who was born at Erfurt In. 1781. came to this country in 1831. His son, Frederick Uullmankeeps the theatre. ticket office at 111 llroadway. Major Hullman received a military education, and began active service In tho Chasseurs-a-Cheval in 1805. The story of his military life Is like a romance. Few men have fought In bo many battles as he and survived. He wns at Ansterlitz, Auerstadt, Jena, and Erfurt. He went safe through thn awful slaughter at Eylati. He fought at Friedland, SjinolerM, Itttls bon, Essllng, Aspern, and Wagram. He followed the great emperor, whom h al most idolized, in tho terrible Invasion of Russia, and was decorated with the crons of the legion of honor for hla bravery In capturing a ltussian cannon and howitzer in the fight at Witepski. He was in all the hard-fought battles that opened tho way to Moscow, and he suffered the agonies of cold, hunger, fatigue, and desperation that beset tho rrench army in Its famous retreat, Ha escaped through the horrors of the pas sage of the llerecina, and again followed his emperor in the terrible campaigns of 1813 and 1814. On the return of Napoleon from Elba Major Hullman was ono of the first to en roll himself in the army that tho Emperor collected with such marvelous rapidity for his Inst campaign. Uo shared in the glory of Napoleon a last victories at Charleioi and Quatre-Ilras, and fought on the field of Waterloo. That ended his military career, When Napoleon abdicated, Major Itullman rotired to civil life in Germany.' Nothing, lie said, could persuade him to serve' under Louis XVIII. Major Rullman'a description of how he escaped through the River Uerc-ina, 011 tho retreat from Moscow, seemed almost incred able. He succeeded, in the rout and confu sion, in obtaining a horse, and then, hurried resistle&sly on by the pressure of tho eager thousands behind, he and his horso were pushed over the ice-wall into the freezing water. The river was choked witli drowning men and horses, and jagged pieces ot float ing ice. It was a battle for life not only with the water, but with hundreds of strug gling men who were madly clutching every object that might savo them, Major Rull man'a strong horse bore him safely through this terrible stream, but the opposite bank waa piled from four to six feet high witli broken ice, rendered moro slippery by tho paaago of drifting thousands. Over this barrier his horse could not climb. At every attempt he fell back into tho ico-cold water. Then Major Rullman bothought him of a small truuk that was strapped to his saddle, and which contained a quantity of rich wo man's apparel, lie obtained a footing for bis horse, and wrapped some of these gar ment around the horse'a fset. This enabled the animal to clamber over tho icy barrier, carrying his rider safely to firm land. Of this terrible passage Major Rullman used to Bay, "There is no pen, pencil, language, or any mode of explanation that can describe it." At Wilna, where he arrived in a pitia ble plight, Major Rullman was kindly treated by two Polish Jews, who furnished him with food and clothing, and who after ward, when news was received that Ru-ians were approaching, took him in a sleigh and drove all night, never leaving him until they had placed him in safety across the Niemen. Major Rullman always spoke ol these generous strangers with the most af fectionate regard. 1I1ST0UY Of Cnl.UMltIA COUNTY. MtMTAiiY r.nconii. 931 Jlfjhnmt,'Y If. Recruited In Montour county. Joseph F Ramay. resigned, October 21, 1802. Charles W Eckmaii, September 25, 1801, wounded nt wilderness May 0, and at Cedar Creek, Vlrginia.October 1'J.lMil, prnmo'cd from 2d to lt lieutenant July 2.1, to Captain Ortober 21,1802, to Lieu tenant Colonel November 27, lst!l to Colonel .Innniry SI, ISO", mustered out with regiment June 27, 18H5. Joseph 11 Cate, Oatober 21, 1801, pro moted from corporal to Sergeant Onto, her 1, 1MJ2, to I t Serjeant .U-.'i.nv I, 1S03, to 21 Li Mitenant Mar 1, ISO:!, to 1st Lieutenant Angut 1, 1M01, to Cip tain Novemlw-r 28, 1-Ot, mustered oui with company June 27, 18115. Lefferd II Holnison, Octobtr21, 1801, resign ed July 20, 1S02, Max It Goodrich, October 21, 1801, pr ni'i- ted lr.1111 1st .S Tctnt to 2 1 li'.eiiteuau' July 25, to 1st LinuttMiiut Q:iobr 21 1S02, died June 11, of wotinls roceivd at ildtrne-s. Virginia, .May 5, 1S03. Oscar Sharp!", October 21, 1801, proniKi.l to Sergeant Janiu'. 1, 1803, to 1st Sergeant May 1, 1803, to 1 Lieutenant Nmrmher 30, 1S01 to bre vet C'nptnin April 2, 1803, woundwl s.t Spotlsylvani.t Court House Vnrii'u May 12, IdOl, mustered out with com pany June 27, It 03. oetii u i reeze, proumleil in.ra fccrpnoi' t 21 lieutenant, Novcimi. r 1, lSo.', 10 signed Mulch 12, 1803: Jared Uutiyan, promoted to corporal Me.n l IS. 1803, to sergtant July 1, 1804, to lstsergcrnt Nov. 30th 1SCI, tn 2d lieu tenant January 1, 1S05, wound. I Petersburg, Virginia, April 2, lSiio.dis charged on surgiou'a certificate May 15 1805, veteran. Frederick Laubauh, October 21, 1801, pr - I noted trom corporal to sergeant Janu ary 1, 1803, t' 1st sergeant Jainmr. 1, 1805, commissioned 2d lieutenant, .l.t 15, ISO"), not mustered, prisoner Ma 3 1 to October 31, 1803, mustertd out wi;!i company June 27, 1S03, veteran. Clark Guinn, promoted to corporal July 1, 1S01, to sergeant September 9, 1801, wounded at Wilderness May 5, IS II and nt 1'eter-burg. Virginia, March 25,1805, absent at muter out, vt William Miller, October 21, l0l. promoted to corporal October 1, lWil, to sergeant December 1, ISGh.wounded at Wilder ness May 0, 1801; and at Petersburg March 25, J805, absent at muster nut veteran. Cliarks W Sholes, October 21, 1801, promo ted to corporal November CO, 1801, to sergeant January 1, 1S0G, wounded a'. Wilderness, Virginia, May 5, 1801, ab sent on furlough at imt'ter out, veteran. John T Howe. Octobir 3, 1801, deaerttd, re turmd, prom iti d to corporal Septem ber 1, 1S01, to sergeant April 3,1805, mustered out with company Jane 27 1S05. .1 11 A Startling Ailventnr. now Arrr.AiiAN-cn-i Ann NF.vr.rt cehtaih ,u iiu?. tvuiaia.uio iiiniuuvrj ui atu l.-l , 1 . l'rasea Lcnpowiofi, the heroic Russian who traveled on foot from Siberia to'St. tersburir. for (lin nnrnosn nf snltrlttntr I'niiHjn 111 iitrr CAiiuti uureiim irom liib ilia a daughter's lovo the tale of "Elizabeth : the Exl es of Siberia." is founded. She chanced to arrive nfter nightfall' in town the name of which she could ne' learn exactly, and, knocking at the door 'of tho first houso she came to, it was opened by mi old man of a most forbidding coint nance. H rudely inquired what she wintad, nnd, when she asked for a night's lddglntf. shut the door in her faco. An Irstanf aft'. in 11 snp nieaseu. l'rasea felt raiuer'ao ,.' h'.i'i inn" n unu .iiti.v .a w.uu, mill tlin Miirlit nf 1,1. mil, nn nlfl WO m fin even tin rj unplea-ant-looklng than himself, lid not make her in iro comfortable. Tbi room they wern sitting in was large mi lnsr stronc v ol turpentine, llieso met into the wall In seieral placed, win iiiiii'i 111 1 rii'in. nnu roiiieiuiukr i tiliinit her ns to wher 1ia was fmnrrtn. ,at motii-y she had for her journey ."l. '1 Vi'o t-iji'itv ttniss kopeks 'at w, r' v.-n me at Iv.iinonlfihiefl. . . -..1. . would -.I,-, have glvm the whole sum to nut of t'ic'r 'lands. Eighty kopeks to go fiom Siberia to i'eter-tiurg I 1 ou must have gold ot not "In-lcJ, I tell you tho truth," said, th , 001 girl ; ''and, it you please, you rajy iny purse." , Upon this they guvn her a few potatoes, .tod told her to lid down in her clothe ori sort of platform over the stove, wbereiiBM ..t . . . .. 1 . . i,m b;sr on the flinr, that it might be sefiH 1 .1 1 1. 11 liar !' being searched. She- cotfld not sleep, but lay still, listening to what Wiv : 'ii'g forward. Til her extreme terrtHy ah - ,,,, niiiuaii i.niciuuj' uuib ita il ir md V n the bars of thu window shul Ur ; 'hen her husband said in a whisper : ' No ono saw her como in we can. 'da what we pleasi Alter a few minutes, during .wblcla' concluded they werA examining the-1 it her bair, lie again said : 'ThU i all nonsense. Shei .money. Did you not see un oils! round tier neck 7 ,, llm side of the stove, and Pra-ca MtW,' dreadful eyes peering at her as sbj i IiVirixtr tl i.v 1.011I1I milril-r Iw.r it, W VrfW tor mercy, and showed tho little pui tho kopeks nud passport, entreating thenfto leave the passport only, nnd take all tO rest. To this the old woman made' ibo an swtr, but felt in bcr pockets, pulleduofT her hoots, examined her dress from head. to foot, ,m.i ... i.,-i ,.,., !.. ,..:n,,,i l,(..,t- ... r. ,,., H.U ,.Umv llUltlUg her, Frasca heard nothing more till, some time after, the deep breathing of -her host and hostess iis-ured her they were both at I tat mi m f Alfred It Patton. Oetnlitr R 1801 ducliarir. tislern. and. overcome bv fnticue. she fell! 1 . .... . . j. -n One Way to Get Married. Judge Richardson docs not pretend to be a parson and therefore isn't as well up in the marriage ceremony as the slimy sup porters of a dying hierachy. The young couple stood up before him ono evening and the Judge inquired 111 a cross questioning tone of the groom : 'Are you a citizen of tho United States The groom took hold the waistband of his trousers and shrugged, saying : 'I voted for Tilden, Judge.' 'Why James ' faintly exclaimed the blushing creature by his side. 'It's a fact Emmer,' protested James rath er iudlgiinntiy, and glaring at the Judge. Ills Honor coughed and demanded severe ly: 'Do you, sir, as a citUtm of Nevada and a lawful voter of Iteno, solemnly declare that you will forsake all other evils and cleave to this one ? ,' 'I've money to bet on it, responded the groom, growing pale, but placing Ills arm around the waist of the shrinking bride. Then,' orled the Judge, bringing his fist down ou his desk, 'God has joined you to gether and the man puts you aiunder. i'he fee Is just what you like to give young lellow.' It was pretty liberal and the court set them up and kissed the uew wife several times besides, Tne (Icean il'lour. Tho young man was evidently honest in his intentions, but thrco years of constant courting had failed to overcomi his oxcessivo bashful- ncss. They wero setting in chairs at a respect- playing with me, or was In earnest. She lul distance apart. Said theyoiuiu unin, have received my addresses as a queen might tliu iug spent f(vo uiinntos, in, tqa,ich of a subject: homage of her subjects ; then just as was "Uoy do yQu get along with your cook on the point of telling her my feelings she :ng?" would begin to trill some melody and danco "Cicely," replied, thoyovmg miss ; "I'm im- out of the room,. proving wonderfully. I can uvtko a splen- I was getting Irantic, 1 felt that I must "gush" or the pent-up waters of my soul would hurst through all retraliils. Hut, no! Anna's manners precludtd tho possibility ilid oiko How." l'0an you V" f-aid tho young man in a pleas' ant nuuner : "what kin 1 ib you like bust r I liku the ouo uiadu with flour and sugar of any "gush" on my part. In di'palr, some auJ citron aud raisins ami currents, ami lots? days, I d don my hunting suit and shoulder of llioso things, and beautiful frostingon lop my gun and upend an afternoon in Iho wtods responded tho young miss. sometimes wiih Albert, oflener without him, "Whv thit s a wed ling ciko," cxMuinicd for, truth to tel1, I wa hi ruining madly leal- 1 the young man nervously iiusnfhlui and cf bis qutit, authorl alive "I meant wedding.'' said tho young uihs ways. One day I hail huiitdl the house I thyly- over lor Anna, resolved to tell her how much I They aro published. Lung Words. "Hob, which is the mott danceromword in Iho litiglisli language to prououuee?' eaul Tom "iyu t kuow unless it isa swearing word," replied liou. "Pooh it is ttuuibled ; you aro ture to got a tu mblo between tho flrt.t and last let tor," said Tom, "Hal now I havo ono for you. I found it or.o ihy in icaJing tho paper. Which ii the loug'st word in tho English language?' rcplud U;u. 'Valetudinarianism,' ausworedToiu, prompt "No, bir, it is tmilcs; liecauso there is wholo mile betweu the firtt and last letter." "llo that's nothing; I know a word that has over Ihreo miles between its beginuing and ending," cried I oui. "And what's that?'' faid Rob, faiutly. "Heleaguorcd," exclaimed Tom, triuui phautly. Hero is an end of all romaneo'about hidden ocean depths. We can speculate no lunger about 1 oris in chambers ol pearl, or mermaid.-, or heaped treasures and dead men' bones whitening 111 com! cares. Ihc wholo ocean ftjqr i WW mapped out Cur us. Thu lcport of a,u, expedition sent out irom Loudon m Her Majesty s ship Challenge has rooently been jmblUhed. Nearly lour ) cars wero given to tlio exauiatiou ol tho currents and Hons, of tho four great oceans of tht world. Tho At lant'm wo aro told, if diailifd would bo a at plain, with mountain ridge in the middle runuiug paralled with our coast. Auothcr tango crosses it from Newfoundland to Ireland, ou tho top of which lies n submarine caMi. '1 ho ocean is thus divided into three great baslus, uo longer "unfathouicd depths." The tops of theso sea mountain aro two mile lie. low a sailing ship, and thu basins, according to llecius, 15 miles, which is deep enough lor drowning, il not for nijsctry, 1 he mount ains are whitened for thousands of miles by u tiny, creamy 'hell, The depths are in red in coior, ucupeu wiiu voicauie mosses, inruugii 1110 muck, uiotiouiess water ot these ui u-cs uiovo gigautio abnormal creuturcs, which ncv or nee to tho upper currents. t'd on 1S12. William Vi'tii'ir, 0.:'..lir 3, ISol, wounded nt Fair Oik-, Virginia, M ,y 31, 1mJ2, disfhareed on ugeon's c.t riitUute Sep. teinh-r 22, 1802, Ditid U r.c'kin.111, won, .ded at Wilderness, Virginia, May 0, 1SIM, promoted to c ir p ir.u Ojtub r 1, 1802, loerg"ai,t Janu ury 1, Wid, tn nnir""f mut-r nereun' January 1, 1805, absent ou furloiig'i at nius'er out. J A lVn-termacher, Octobei !!, 1S01, promo ted to -ergeant October I, 18112. wound ed at Wilderne-H May fl, 180-1, killed at Opequa, Virginia, September 19,1801, veteran. Hiram Layland, October ", ISC', promoted to corp.iral Nowmbor 30, 1S0J, to ser gea"t Jnnuiry 1, 1805, n nled al Wi'derne-s Mi.v 5, 1M1J, killed at Pe tersburg, April 2, 1805, burlt-1 in Pup lar Grove Nuii iunl IVmetery, ilit Uiot E, Siriion E, grave 90, veiertiii. George A Garr'.w, October 12, 1601, pro mntidio corporal November 30, U01, mustered out with company June 1805, veteran. Wesley G Miller March 17, 1801, wounded at Wilderness May fi, 18(11, promoted to corporal November 30, 1801, inns terrd nut with cumpany June 27, 1805, veteran Gideon Mellon, February 25, 1801, wounded at ilderoess May 5, 1801, promoted to corporal November 30, 1801, muster ed out with company June 27, 1805, Amos Oas, October 21, 1S01, promoted to corporal January!, 1805, wounded nt Petersburg, Virginia, March 25, 1S05 absent in hospital at tnll-ter out.vcteran John Fllroadt, October 21, 1801, promoted to corporal January 1, 1805, muttered out with company Junn 27, 1S05, vet eran. Charles Kin ililtr, October 21. 1801, promo led to corporal April 8, lMii, wounded at 1'iir O.k May 81, Hi2 and at IV terburg, Virginia, March 25, 1850, ah sent t muster out jtmiel (Julim, Ociohir21, 1801, promoted to onrpoial Marih 1, IhdS, tu'iatered nui whh company Juno 27, 1805, wit ran. John tl 11 iwi-r, O. o ier 21, lMii, promote ( 1 t: irp 1r.1l Janunry 1, Lxrt'i,,! nt I'tters'ierg, Virginia April 2, ls05, ab.ent at imi.ter out, vttnan. Otvllle 1) Harder, October 8,1601, di.cliarg I, f I v lavlight, and the old woman was u c ;ikinir ; and the first words she he; 1,1 bid her como and have some ttch is si rt of soup made of salt meat sj earning1, on wtucn ine itussian live hliiii s.t entirely. The old man brought n jug of bei r made from the grain of rye, oiJ liar, and ihey both pressed her to si wiih them in breakfast. The terrors night appeared like a dream till the ol man hi r-elf alluded to what had happl I wanted to find out," she said, "wh you were an honest girl, or whether you Oct 11 telling us lies. e are satisfied al you now." l isiimol the change In their benav l'ni-i a lelt uo n gret in quitting their hi he got out as quicklv as she could, nfier some time, she sat down under a and Lad the curiosity to count tho m in her bag. vl lint was her surprise w n-tead ol SO kopeks, sdie found 120! s.range couple had added 40 morel Cliiiate's Criminal Clients. Iu his arguments for, persons who hod como complicated iu seemingly criminal act ot which they were, at least, not so guiltytu they ware ncjuiod of being, his masterly y of putting imagination in the blaoo of his clients, and exhibiting all tho pathos that could bu elicited from their embarrcs- incuts and sttuggles, often drenched Jiu cli ents themselves in irrepressible tears. They hardly knew before what heroes and martyr they wcic. '1 hey wept at tho eloquent reca pitulation of what they suffered and, dons ; they k'cauie poetic personages, worthy.of tha pi n of .Soot 1 or Dickens j they were soaffecteil they obsidered LiwyorChoato thould.charg littlo for presenting them before the ootmnUD tty iu thoir truo light, and therefore often for got or negleetfl to pay him auything. Ilia irainatie mwer in exhibiting tho interior t'enlings ot llm hilf guilty, tho quarter guilty, m l tho guilty who are K)rfectly innocent in their own conceit aud hereforo regard a pro- ceution as a persecution, was oi vouderful lint liinnv uf the persons who aro acquitted throu'.'h hi exertions never paidhiui what they would havo paid au advocate who Jess iden tified himself with (heir interests and charac ters. Indeed, after his work was done ho ap peared hiui-clf tu set a modest catiinatc on its valuo. Tho occasions when ho obtained largo IVms w ere duo to his partner, who made tho 1 nu nirgeon'K wrtilicato l)le,Hl)t,t contracts beforchaud ; for Mr. Choato geueral- 22, 1802. Charles W Wiaver, October 3, ISfll, ili. charged ou iurgou'a crlilkaie Jauna- rv 27, 1S03. Grtirgn S Walktr, Oct" he r 21, Ifcfil, dl- charged 011 suigtuu s wrlificttte April 1 1, 1803. John llyetly, Oelober 21.UC1, iliscliarsei' liec-muer 1 i , i&ut 10 unto expiration id ol It nu. Lewis Mid r, Ori b, r 21, 1k01, i,ut d ly oousidcicd the obstacles in tho way of get ting a odict for his clients foimidablu until the caso was ill ill d, and was indifferent tut ho amount of the feo only after he had succeed- id J.duin 7'. Mhiiade, in Jlarptfi Mao lizluc fur A'oifwiirr. Careful houscwilti (lilting a shoe from tho atntm tiiiec 11 1 : " whoil u llinupht hni.v'ta - u.e lieu il tin 11 un in tha soun lint ' w 11 wusn i iosi. i never ioso niiyiiiing a' Wilde s, rgui a, .M H ' cci 1 1 ( O tUUT .1, 1 ICe'icfuifftf next uiei .. ,1 1 .(, 1.. .n ,i -i..; !.. lit,. , rtl ... i. ..1... . ..u,r ' 1" j I Ul is wily bu uiuuy ut'Mri'l-i I ' 1 arv Ittnu snuiliucrcu. v.--