1 THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMO0RAT,BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COl NTY, FA.. 41 1 Wild llittilm. A trurh of nature uiiV tbf whole world kin, art we have chtwcu trite Illustration of ilie triilli nftliia statement, ami venture to exhibit It hy ahowttig to, our parent the manner In which certain savage people treat their otTaiiriuir, because a pleavaut and envl ui notion 1 entertained here aud In other eivtllxed precincts that young Indian grow jul grow m Tonsy thought nlio did. But H la not ao; tbey have sore eye and bad tampers; they wake up In the night with fcnty ye'ls and the colle ; they hare (ta ; krj ralxe riola when catting their teeth ; nd they are just at mich pitted and just aa tUchleroun aa our own. The mother of Focahnnlas and Ked Jacket worried OTef them with aat as much araeitnem ai, perhapa, did the maternal progenitors of Mrs. Hemarla and George Washington, whlln quite a much paternal aupetTisioD was giren doubtleat to one aa the other. When the question of love and tenderness alone is mooted, then It should be said without hesitation that the baby porn to day In the shadow and smoke of bav age life is ai carefully cherished a the lit tie stranger that may appear here, slmultn neouoly with it, amd all the surroundings of clvlli2ed wealth ; and the difference be- " tween them does not commence to show it self until they have reached that ape when the mind begins to feed and reason upon what It sees, hears, feels and tastes ; then a gulf yawns between our baby and the Indian's ; the latter stands still, while ' th) former is ever moving onward and upward. The love of an Indian mother for he idilld is made plain to us by the care and la bor which she often expends upon the cradle: the choicest production of ber fllll in grass and woolen weaving, the neatest needle work, and the richest bead embroidery tba K.ahe can devise and bestow are lavished upon tba quaint-looking cribs which savage moth I ' era nurse and carry their little ones around in". This cradle, though varying in minor details with each tribe, is essentially th sime thing, no matter where It is found, be' tween ihe Indians in Alaska aud those far to ,j the south in Mexico. The Esquimaux are the exception, however, for they use no cra die whatever, carrying their infanta snugly ensconced in the hood to their paikies and otter-fur jumpers. The governing prlncipl of a pspuoose cradle Is an unyielding board upon which the baby can be firmly lashed at full length on Its back. This board is usually covered wUh softly dresed buckskin, with flips and pom-he in which to envelop the baby ; other tribea,nn rich or lortunate enoughh to procure thih 'material, have recourse to a neat combioa tlon of shrub wood pules, reed spliuU),grasr - matting, and the soft and fragrant ribbons of the baas or linden tree bark. Sweet grasi is 'used here as a bed for the young ster's tender back, or else clean dry mom- plucked from the bended limbs of the swamp flra ; then, with buckskin thongs or cords ot plaited grass,the baby is bound tight and se cure, for any and all disposition .that its mother may see tit to make of it for the next day or two. Indian babies, aa a rule, are not kept in their cradle more than twenty to twenty four consecutive hours at any one time ; they are utually unlimbed for an hour or two-every day, and allowed to roll and tum ble at will on the blanket, or in the grass or sand if the sun shines warm and bright. But this liberty is always conditional upon their good behavior when free, for the mo Bent a baby begins to fret or whimper, the mothir clans it I ack into its 'cradle, where iit reala with emphasis, for it can there raovr nothing save i'.s bead ; but so far from dis liking these 'irid couches, the babies actual--.1 sleep better in them than when free, and 2 positively cry to be returned to them when neglected and left longer than usual at lib erty. This fact ia certainly an amusing in stance of the force of habit. WJhen ,the pappoose is put away in its cradle, the mother has little or no more concern with it, other than to keepwilhin sight or hearing. If she is engaged about the wigwam or in the village, she stands it up In the lodge corner or bangs it to some convenient tree, taking it down at irregular intervals to nurse. When sho retires at night, the baby is brought and suspended at gome point within easy reaching ; if the baby is ill, it is kept at her side, or she sit up all night with It in the most Orthodox fashion. When the women leave the vil lage on any errand, such as going to the mountains for berries or to the river canon for fish, the cradles with the babies therein are slung upon the mothers' backs, and car ried, no matter how rough the road, or how dismal the weather. ' Indian babies are born subject to all the ills that baby flesh Is heir to, but with this great difference between' them and ours v when sick tbey are either killed or cured without delay. This does not happen, how ever from sinister motives ; It is not done to void the irksome care of a sickly, puny child ; it is not the result of lack of natural love for otfspring not any or all of these ; !" It is due to their wonderful "medicine," their wonderful system of incantation. A pappoose becomes ill; it refuses to eat or be comforted ; and after several nights ol anxious tender endeavor to relieve her child, the mother begins to fear the worst, and growing thoroughly alarmed, she at last sends for a "shaman" or a doctress of the tribe, and surrenders bir babe to bis or her merciless hands. This shaman at once sets up over the wretchtd youngster a steady bowling, and then a whispering conjuration shaking a hideous rattle or burning wisps ol " 1 grass around the cradle. This is kept up night and day until the baby rallies or dits, one doctor relieving the other until the end la attained, and that result is death nine times out of Xta.Ucnry 11'. FMiott, in iur. per3! Magazine for November, Ilotv to frrserve Carptli. Tbe carpel moth makes bis favorite borne about tbt bindings and corner! of tke car pet. If tbU is an Ingrain or three-til? fabric, successful war may be waged on bim by wringing a cloth out of hot water, laying it over the bindings and edges, and ironing with as hot an iron as can be used without scorching. This will destroy both tbe moths and their eggs, and after few such visita tions they disappear. Hut this steaming and ironing procers Is not tUVctual with lltous, Mocjucttes, or any heavy carpet, logs. The heat cannot thoroughly penetrate them, and ironing Injures the pile of the velvet. Still, It is best to draw the' tacks occasionally and lay the edge of tbe carpet over rne aide only or a part af a side at a time and steam and iron it on tbe wrong ide. Then, besides this, tbe floor should be wiped as far under as the arm will reach, with a cloth wrung out of strong and not Cayenne tra; and before renalllng, the binding and edge of the carpet should also be wiped with it, rubbing them hard. Home have recommended sprinkling salt round the Idea of tbe room before nailing down the carpet, but we should think this objectiona ble, as tbe talt absorbs moisture from the air, and may thus cause dampness. Journal i Chtmittry. 3r IL BS' ilNIMENT IODIDlt AMMOfJIA. 3-"-r" Cvarcv nil Fain In Man and II emit TBSTlMONUtJBt TMLAMmBTiRitra-dllni? of tha Wrvmb. A Woi term I Care. Nine years my wile BU(Tercl "with this Mrrime curapi-unw "mib " iiirnacuurooowrv ter doctor, went ta trie different hospitals when fe ia-. i en nm irvaicu i inea uirra tui ; wore DaDuairfs and DeSrWlflH with rj til v temoor-irr if lief. Her Ufa waft mlMi-AMe. We applied Dr. (.tea Uclmtnt, 11 er roue: was immediate one is now well. u. Mcuixuorr, 40 West Uth street. New York, I had twelre strokes of Parairsls. Mr lea. arm and tJDguo were usele. ; was obliged to uso a cath eter cvtry day. Doctor (Hies liniment Iodide o( Ammonia hi cured ti e. U lit answer any Inquiries mo uuu au aoucca may snow oi it. aJOUN ArrKIf. norm IITfmiOrU. tODU. Chestnut Mill. rhlladelDhla. ADrtl M. TS, W. M. lilies, Kq Dear Mr I utvd jourlodldoof Ammonia Liniment on Flora TeiLblu'a hind eastern Joint. HUe.utd beenqulle lame; the- effect was wonuiTiui ; bus w mils uuw quiw vikil, tery(rv- A. WlLCB: P. B. I am how using It on Littleton right lore letf. a larjre shoo boll on a taluahte young horse was rvmoTea oy uues uuimvat loaiae oi n mmonia. tiniruERD KNirr, rvi jjcin, ids!.!! ttiii.. new luiak. Abtuui The tortures and aironles I endured for six years, none but those who hate suffered with this terrible disease can know. M y life was misera ble, in desperation 1 tried (Hies Liniment lonlde of Mjuuiuuibv. ii. gave mu ntniuuh rcum, ubuiiui ter u ally oh well as externally. InOt. DRiNIOiH, HT west J7th street, hew York. I was In a drenaiul condition. Joints swollen. ftfiln Intense. Injections of morphine Into my veins ailed to relieve me. tines' Iodide ot Ammonia took awav the deposits fiom my joints iwantetery FOKUVCK I.OTHROP, North Hide Park. lAmmoiile co. Vt. Another Sufferer cured. I Hsobajved from the MaSAOChusettti (lenerul HosDltat aa Incurable, with IntU amatory rhdinntlam lu m shoulders, fingers ana reei ; sunerea teariuiiy ior uiree yeare,ine everyiniDk;; ioi an nope. nr. uues' ununemiou Ide of Ammonia effected a complete cure. Eixkn SMITH, No. li Prane street. Vail Hlver. Mass Sprains, spltutA, bruises. Lameness in borbes, Oties Liniment Iodide of Ammonia is a perfect spe cine. No person who owns a horse should be with out It. M. UOPENtt, 69 seventh avenue. New York. In my family, and tor the stock, I havo used olle't Llntment iodide of Ammonia, it 1$ unsurpassed. and I am surprised at the many different maladies iu wuicn it li appucawe it gives wo uviuusv suiu lacuou. John J. Cahtih, Superintendent Eastern Pennsylvania iCzpertmen tal Karra. KG c. nd ti ! and In Quarts at t.w, lu which there 13 n great, auviuif. Trial Blzo S3 cents. holubt iLtDarooism N. J. 1IBMIKUSUOTT, AgU lor IUoonnbiiri' may 41, TS- rrUE GRELVT POSITIVE CUEE( X foraUl JfM1!AHCS tnr from dfraB-fa con Hoaorths IlI.OOll. K.IVU, NKVi or. PIOETI VK UMQANIk The Best Family Medicine on Earth. glUU J IN UUL.1I U uiT pron ffllct4 with dlwata tht IR0HESK wIU tu rvUTor corv.proTlJinc tint twBCa or ors&s an act iuUI bsrtrnd polot ol rt-plr. Tonle, Cftthtrtle, Amrmtl? n. uiotetM ntvi ouaorms. ltalnraadUt (rylBpoo the dlcftlv8 orgn, yhclbef toipMrd bf dltM or exhoirtd (rom u.yeUMi,u to In atM tbelr powrrt of JtMiualUtlon d1 cntrltlon, U In creMOC th ppltK, !! llM4on, aikI Rtroi Crnneu tod too to th nnirtur sod clrcalaUD inuia. It tln bUUb th TlUl procuwi ta rtowal nltltj, iUlarv or. twu ad purtflf i tha fluids, toaM XL ersana Jid r-tub-bitit ttitlx biUi7 funcUyiM. I THE 02TLT TBT7B BESIEOT FOB COLDS. 'itlaaMlMt toZMtltapoalbTlrtTiMOf tbti ClaUl fElkDT. It J on r uffartnf from H1LI01 H AITllfcK, Dl!irarHll,r ISDIWTU't klULJUTISK, unfltALPL. sour. to-ssTiriTioi, noirv r m.rois DisuhM, oritf dlwrder tirUloc from urtKK Bioon, irtt bottl of tiijoaisit ud tfck it per dlrcrtlooe ap"n botuo, la KnrUib, Germftis, SpenUn end rroch. Oaa bottle U better coot lac youoflte ucrui Uin vulumoi cxiireeeea 1c for no Maj,M ornto or CliUd ceo Uke f l(jUltkK end ret Ion flick. It flrl deeniwe tb enteu, tbea wpelie, buUde up, thm curlodleeM end eeUbUalilng LceiUi rcnel Uiet airat up Lu'Urv botUM, ejnf U pleeuat to tela. hUfcrlfMtWUtrU7. VrW, I.OOrr IUUU 1 Walker V Bmlger Mfe. Co., rrop'rg, ' u 40JbeUrt lwlerlu SUPPEnKD 30 YEA IIS. Jertr C4tr, fpternber td, 1ITI. Jfo Lracite can tnll wbet J be taearvd for the put to yeere frum llwTI i cud hUu HL0IU I'lUA. el time eo bed that 1 amid Dot teod upon mj fwt. I could not wlk half tuUe wlUiou eufTrliiy lnteDM H! "111(11 vwiiiu uriug vu Hivr luutnui. A boat on Teereuo 1 ee lodseed to try bottle of roar WMtlUlkK end etneled to alkie thet efter teklair four bottlee I wee entlrelT rured of both dbMeeee ead eroortDg exeetirnt beeltb ead etroncto. I ed it uutaiij ftffllrlad ta tr Vll.itHrL. MRS, U, r, r KUHtH, 111 BUBMX EC. DOVT GO POOLING AROUND. It e reguUtlss medicine t eta confidently reeomroend Tli.UllaVK i a miea u in toj iicuy ana bdow other wbo here tried It. end ell pronounce U Rood ed raUbl. It don't iro foollaii ft round nnd ctUeDDotnt yob by meklei; no il)f J, but U eiM&de to bueUuu ejul eo roaplUbee Utftt wtwrfento It le ernt WM. B. DC V ILL, BlTerbeed, L. L OF VKARS STANDI KG. I m oo bolU of Tir.OIRIBd ru troth folly Mf thftt it bu raratl mm of lllU'Krttl ud MlUtMbkUH f T Ctrl tUDdlDff. ' a a ROE, M.n , LebAsoe, N. J. For Sale al N. J. EenMt's JSlooiiisbur&r, Pa. who Is authorized to euarantce Y1GOUENE to Drove as represented. Jan.lt. 18.-1T. GUARDIAN'S SALE OF VALUA11LE REAL ESTATE ! In DUMU&nce oi an Older of the Drnhann rnnrt nt Columbia countjr, tbe undersigned Guardian or the person and estate or Kmma Mills a minor, will ex pose to puoiio sale on tne irtmises on Saturday, October 26th, 1878, commencing' at 9 o'clock n. m. of Bald day, the fol lowing rtcwriK'il rrau-fcfcU) to-wln ah that cvruiin tract Gfjaad bltuate in lirtenwoud townn1p, Col inn via cuuuijr, wuuuuuu turn urocnuea as ruirowg lo-wit: Reglutilntf a' a while oak burih In a public road thence by Bald public road south seven decreets west ono Uundrvd and eleven and nve-u-ntha perches to a post, thence by land of Ituvao Ikeler north degrees eut forty and two tentha perchm to ft post, thence by land ot Andrew Ikeler north one degree eabt one hundred and nineteen and eight-tenth perchesto a whiut oak slump, thence by land of John Mhoemakersoutbeltfbty-thredttrreea wefet twenty nine and nve-tLlUbperchen to a stone In public road afarefcald thenco b said public road so utn seventy, eight degrees wewt twtnly-teveu and flrctentna perehM to white oak bush in middle ol said public road the i lace of beginning, containing TII1HTY-FIVE ACRES and o peri lies strict measure, vvbrreon ar erected a log dw tiling house u eather boarded, a good bain, apple orchard and icood witter. I 1 MtMs (ir ALu-Onvvlhlrd cf the pUKhae mon- I 6V to t nulilfin IhH rlrkldat nf inrll i li u u t.r. two-thifti In two years thervattcr Mlitiintereslpay ablt annually from tbe 1st day of April A. D.'SlY l'ohhebion will be given on flit April 1h7 when thy outMhird or the purctuHrt money 1h paid 1 Estate of Ann "Winner, deceased. KO.UCK inI'autition. Columbia County tt. latheOrphans't'ourtot ColumbU county. In the mailer oi uie ipaniucn ana Vauuation of the ea mivur aud r luuKf, talc oi tiemiocK township, deceased. To the heirs and letral reDrtrsentattvett of nairi Ann Winner, deceased, lo-wtti David Winner, of tbe Town of liloomsburg, sail C'olurnbU county, Johu a niuunr, ui uw ouruuga ur uurme. Moniour county reuisyiTaaii, isaao winner oi ran iiroog. BVlT lloira county. FeuuHyivanla. John Caru and Ann uh wife of the 'Juwn of Kluonihburg, aforesaid. John u. neviuaaiiu jkiuiira iub wuu oi , Aladtaou townthlp, toiuinuia county. Take lioilce that an lntiuest will be held at the late dwelling house of ald Aun VWnner dKeascd, in tie township of tuoi ii cm ocu. ioiuuiuia couiiLV. on Kniiiv. the fit teen th day of November, 1b1 Letweeothe hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and 4 n. m. of aalil da v. tor the purpuu) of making partlllou of IKh real estate of aaia ueceasea, w ana among ner cm wren ana legal !7JrcBcuiiif ra, ti hj an tun cuu iu iOIUJ WKlluUt UrPlUdlCtt tOCr HDOlllOaf Of tilt Wliulri. atllurwla fj value aud apprat-ie the same according to jaw, at which time and place you may attend If you think proper, JOHN W. HUFFMAN, theft fl biioriir OfUce. UlooaiJab arg, Oct. e'a w. EXECUTORS' SALE OTTnliiBble REAL ESTATE! r7 virtue ( an order Issued out ot the Orphans' Court or Columbia coutity, Iho undrrslirnedciecu. tors of the (.Utn ot William X lines, late or Fctt tonssnlp, Columbia couutj.d.c.anoil. will cipoao ta publla sale oa Tl HSDAY AND WEDNESDAY, Noyeinbcr 19t!i ami 20tli, 1878, tli. loKonlSK dcrtrlbrd proix rt J, to wit 1 Mo. S.-AU that certain lot ot ground Muate In rj. Molt township, bounded and drscrlbM as follows, to-ult i on Ihe south side ot Main street, on the west bj land of Mrs. Jane Uixsr, on the south bj tandsorjoMphStlcfeoeyand the Ifnnsj liatjla ca nal Company, on the west bv lands or said Hick ner and Canst Company, and on the north by Main street whereon are erected a three story Frame Flooring Bat ill, With 0O0D STIIM rOIK AND AMrl.l MicniNcnT,irood and C'vaimoiluus Wharf, a one story Frame ofllce, weigh Hcules. a two story Frame Coper Hh.p, and a Good Fnn stable, contalnlnc about OMR ACUKOFI.ANU. Theabore described property will be sold on the premises at one Otlo k p. m., on Not, ltth. ISO. 1, All that certain lot of (round situate In Es py, Kcotc township, bounded and described as fol lows, to wit i rutin road leading to Dioom-burg on the north, lot ot Ilartinan on the east, an alley on the fcouth, lot ot Jacoby on the wcst,conUln- tag in front about 100 feetand In depth about two hundred feet, hereon are erected a Urge TWO STORY PLANK HOUSE, dutch weather-boarded, with a good attic, Tcrandaa, a large Frame stable, carriage hou-e, tc ThoaboT described property will bo sold on the premises at one o'clock p. m., Nor. mh. No. s. Being a LIMB STONE QUARRY acquired by the Ktecutors ot said testate since his death In order to Bave said estato from losshaving pui chased the sament Sheriff's sale, to wit: All that certain lot of ground blfute In Scott township bounded on the east by quarry lot ot Waple and I'ur- sel, on tlie north by lands of Aaron Boon, on tho west by another quarry lot of jchso D. lllco known as the (Jrccn (uarry lot, south by lands of Aaron Uoone and other lands of Jesse 1). Idee, on which are erected TWO DWELLING HOUSES, tables, omce, Hay scales and SIX LIMB KILNS. The above described property will bo sold on tho premises at ten o'clock a. in.. Nor. mh. No. All that certain piece of ground situate In Montour township, bounded anl described as fol lows, to wit : On tho oast by public road, on the south by lands of Lloyd 1'uxton, on the west by tho Philadelphia Heading Hall Hoad and on the north by land of Lloyd Faiton, containing about one-half aero whereon are erected a Lttige two-story Frame RulMlug used as a PAINT XtZXX and containing all the machinery necessary for the manufacturing of Faints with Nirnni j:uslnr, bollers.tc. .shedding, Stabling and Office, and known as thej Montour Paint Works. Theabore described property will be sold on the premises at ten o'clock n. m,. Nov. soth. THKM8 OF 8ALK- Ten per cent, of one fourth of the purchase money to be paid at the striking down of tne property, the one-fourth less the ten per cent at the continuation of sole and the remaining three fourths In one year thereafter, with lntcrcu from confirmation nUL HKNHV 8. IIEAV, bU3ANN. MI I.N El, oct. 11. 18-ts Kxecutors. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ! Id nursuanoe of an order of the OrBh&ns'Pourt of Co lumbiaixmuty. the unlersleued Administrator Ac, of t on tiro toe rr Cole late of Su ear loaf tnwnshln In satdcouDty Ooeeased, wUJexpobe to public sale on Siiturday, November 16th, 1878 commencing at ten o'clock a. m. of said day all that tcruun uiebduugu auu iziii i ox lana suuaie in nugar loaf tow nxhlptu said county, bounded by lands of allnas Cole on the north, lands of Joshua Drink and James Lunger on the east, lands of Kouert nwanwout on tne Boutn and Flshlngcreek on ONE HUNDRED ACRES more or less, about seventy acres of wlich is cleoied iuuu, wutrrcou iserecu'aa iwo story Frame Dwelling House, a bank barn, wood shed, wagon sued, pij stye ate Al3i, a one and one hutf story plank awtlllng liouse. The utiove DrocertT to-wlt: ttie farm land cttniAln. lny bevnty ac faorthcreaOuutwiil be sold subject D. Cote which leaso uruilndLea aad exDlreH Uih rtrst oayof April lrv'i. tennfi ufleaHe Joseph I). Cole to pay uae-inira of all ttie K'ralu. potauys, uav and rod- ucr, uuu uam uireu nunareu ouUfLi vi lunu wnen purchASrd by Bald MoutKtiineryCole. TKKMSttf sALK l en percent. 0( one-fourth of the purchaxe money to be paid nt the BtrUlc down ol the prutterty. the one-fourth less tho ten ntr cent. at the continuation of sale, andllif remalututf thrce- luuuusmuuu jeur mcreui er witu iniercsi irom conUruiatsou nUU JOSEPH I). COLE, AUiuinlbtralur. Cole's Creek, cct. 11-78 ta. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF VALIMBLK REAL ESTATE ! The undersigned, Asslgneo of Da. Id H, nower,vlll expose at public sala on tne pretnlses on Saturday, October 12th, 1878, at ten o'clock a. ra., the roll-vw Iny Tract of Land, situate partly In UutauUsa and raulf in Locust towuslilp, Columbia county, Pennsylvania : Hound ed iij lands or John Kufelcy, 1'litllp Manliarr, John Yeat'ir und WUdain llughei.' e&tate, contalulnj; 17 ACRES m 14 PERCHES, whereon Is erected a GOOD SaW MILL, FRAMK DWELLING HOUSE and other out-bulldlngs. TKHMK OK f ALE. Ten ptr cent ot one-fourth ot the purchase money to bo paid at the sulklns down ot the property, the one-ourlli lets the ten pi r cent, at connrinatlon or ssle, and the remaining three-fourths In one year tlierraiter with Interest frouic onhrmatlon nisi, l'urcliast rlo pay for deed. MOSES HOWElt, V. L. Kvihv, Assignee. Att7. lor Estate. Sep tl, 1g-u SIIERIPPS SALE liy virtue cf a writ of Venditioni Eiponas, Issued out, of the Court ot Common l'leas of Columbia county, and to me directed, will be exposed to pub lic sale or out-cry, on: SATURDAY, OCTOlIEIt 2Cth, 1878, at one o'clock p. m , at tho Court Hou3 in, Iilooms burir. All that certain lot of ground situate In Locust township, Colun bla'county, I'ennsylvanla, bounded on the north by land of ituth Ann liable andisol. Levan, on Ihe east by William Lee and Samuel Itclnbold, on the south by Wesley Brass, on tbe west by public road, containing forty acres, on which are erected a dwelling house, barn and out-buldlngs. ALSO, All that certain lot of ground situate In Locust township, county and state aforvsald, bounded on the west by land of II. Qorrell, on the south by Jon. at ban Heaver and George Deyer.on tbe east by John Kline, on the north by Joseoh Beaver, ft , adminis trator of WUllam Bleber, dtceawd, containing ten acres. Nelzed, taken into execution at the suit ot Uene- allle Rhodes against David Tyson and William Ty bon and bo be sold as thg property of David Tyson and William Tyson, Abbott a: Hmww, Attorneys. Terms cosh on day of sale. JOHN W. IIOFFMAV, sep. at, is-ts Sheriff. At Private Sale, A KAItM CO.NTA1NINO ABOUT 109 ACBES, mostly cleared, and whereon are erected a LA HOE MUCK DWKLLING HOU8K, a Frame Bank Barn, Wagon t-hed, und other out buildings a well ot soft ater at the house and one at the barn, "i here are also a large number of Ab- nlf. l'nf-h nnfl I'tiorrv Tvu.. on a ...... ' UtON-BTONE BTONB QUAItltY. ALSO, A LOT OF GROUND ai ine corner or Tnira ana centre streets, bcloir one hundred and thlrty.two feet on Third street and two nunarea ana rouneen ana one-mur teet on Centre, r- uvi ivvai m v v i vv a u u Largo llrlck Dwi'lllur; Ilouac, wlthHrstu IKiTiNU ArrikiTcs.and In thorough repair. Having a Well, iisurn, Ice-house, cooling lluuse and ill conveniences. Both situate wltnin tbt limits of the Town ot Bloomsburg. and offered to be sold on easy and rea- JOHN (I. FIIEKZK, iinooM.uoro, I'enn'a. aug. 53d, TS-Jm $66 a woo k lu v our own lo.n. asoutnt tre orllt. Header If vou want a buidnesa at wnicn persons ot either sex can make irreat nay all tne time thev work, wiif ! for partttulsrs to 11, ilir-urr X Co., Portland. Maine. I march at, ts ly I cltatntdor nrit inrtnttoni, orvr itnprovtmtnt n(M tnt$rfortMe(lor othir ompovtni$,tra4 mark I and label t. Carta! t, Atttonment. Intr ferencft, Apptalt, Buitt for Inrtngttntattt nd tlatttaritlngundtrthtltntetttLnir,prQmp ly ottmatd to.- Inrrntimtn that fmre bem ly th ralenl 9f moitf time. W vtUmtnl tjr . iiting vvnsitt thd V, R. Pattt ltpartmtn!t ud tngngta in Prnteni luttnrtt tluilttljt, vi run tnnkt tlottr tturtht mnd termrt PaUnt$ more promptly, ami clth trtmdtr i taint, than thfltr who are remnt from Vitthtnntn, tl or tkrtch mailt tjramtnaiiont una atlriff at to ptttminiiUtty, frrnftltftrft All fftrrejrnt1erf tfrte-Vu run dential. Prirrt Xntm.enA JvO t ttAitUll US- xrs.H rATEST is xnwnuiK Werfftt In, Wathinqtrm, ft Han. Tottmntter Central P. M Key, Iter P. D, Pwer, The German American Satlonal Hank, ta rflctalt in the V. S. Patent VJlce, and fo RenatortnnH Reprfentativtt in Congreu; nnrf p tetallj tn ovr client tin every UtaU in the t'ntnn muf in Vanitf'n. AAtirtxt Oppotlte I'utfut ((.iter. It uthington, D, & QEN'EHAL KLIXTION I'ltUUIjAJlAJiU. I, JOHN W. HOFFMAN, High Sheriff ot Co lumbla county, do hereby make known and proclaim to the u limed doctors or Columbia county that a general election will bo held on TUESDAY, THE Kin'll OI' NOVEM11EU, 179 (being the Tues day next following the first Mondiy ot said month at the several districts within tho county, to wit : Beaver township, nt lite public house of Jo'tcph II. bhuman. Benton township, at the public nouse of lllram Hess, In the tow n ot llentoii. East Bloom, at tho Court House, In liloomsburg. West Bloom, at the Court House, In liloomsburg. Borough ot Hern Ick, nt the store of John McAnall In the borougn of llcrulck. Borough of Oentralla, at tho public houso of Wil liam l'elfer. Brlarereek township, at the public school hose near Kvnnsvllle. Cutawlsfia township, at the public house of Hamuo Kostenbauder, In the low n or I'atawlssa. Centre township, nt Hie school houso near Lafay ette Creasy'H. North I'oujnghara District, at the school house near tho colliery or John Anderson A Co. South Con niliatn District, at the house ot John Mouro.'. Flshlngcreek tounsldp, at the school house near . B. White's. Franklin tow nshlp, nt the Law rence school house. Greenwood township, at tho houso ot Joseph It. ration. Hemlock township, at the public houso of Chas. II. Dletterlch, In the low u or Buck Horn. Jackson township, at the houso of Ezeklel Cole. Locust township, ul the public house ot Daniel Kehres, In Numedla. Mlnilu township, ut the public houso of Aaron llcss, lu the low n or .MimtiivUlc. Mudlsuu township, ut tau public school house In Jcrseytown. ML rieasaut township, at the house of H. W. Melllck. Montour township, at the public house ot Reuben Itauch, at Hup. ru Main township, at tho public houso of Jeremiah E Longenberger. l'oarlngcreck township, at Ihe house of Johu B. Klingcr. Orange township, at the public house ot II. C. Conner in Orangovllle. Fine township, at tho Centre School House, lately Hxed by a vote of the citizens of sold township. Sugarloat town-nip, at the house of Allnos Cole, Scott townhhli). ul the nubile house of Wm. I'ettlt In Esnv. At. wmcn lime ana places tne quaiuiea electors will elect by ballot the following State and County officers, vlr.1 One person for Governor of Pennsylvania. One person for Lieutenant Uovernor ot Pennsyl vania. One person for Supreme Judge of Pennsylvania. One pel son for secretary of InUrnal Affairs of rcnnsylranla. one person for Member ot Congrest f r tho Elev enth District. One person for SLtte senator. Two persons for liepresentatlves. One person for Prothonotary iud Clerk ot tho Courts or Columbia county. One person for ItegUteraud llecordcr of Columbia county. One person for Treasurer of Columbia county. Three persons for Commissioners ot Columbia county. Three persons for couity Aulltirs, It Is f urther directed that the election polls of the several districts shall be opened at seien o'clock In tho forenoon, und shall continue open without tnt er ruptlon or adjournment until scteno'tlock In tho evening w hen the polls w HI be elated. NOTICE IS IIEKEliY til YEN, That eiery person excepting Justices or the peace and Akleriuiii, Notaries Public mid l'ersjns In th. mllltl.tw rtlce of the state, who shad h.ild or shall within tw o mouths have held any r"i"e or an point meut of profit or trust under the Up'-jd stalcs.or of this suite, and city or corporuted dl :trlet, whether a commissioned oflleer or otherwise, a suliordtnate olllcor or ngeut who Is or shall bo cmplojcd under Ihe U'1sI.lIuh', Executive or Judiciary Department ot this state, or of any city or of any incorporated district, und also, that every member of congress and of tho stale Legislature, and of the select or common council ot any nty, or commissioners or any Incorporated district, Is by law Incapable of holding or exercising at the same time the ofltce or appoint ment or judge, inspector or Clerk of any election o this Commonwealth, and that uolnsiector, Judge or otner officer of such election bhatl be eligible to be then ottd for. The Inspectors and Judge of tho elections shall m.-it at the respective places appointed for holding the elettloj In the district to which they resriectHely belong, before seven o'clock In the morning, and each of said Inspectors shall appoint one clerk, who snail be a quailned voter of sue h district. The (ialined voters ot the several districts in this county at all general, township bor ough and special elections, are nereby hereafter authorised and required to vote by tickets printed or written, or partly printed aud partly written, sever ally classified as follows: One ticket shall embrace the names of all Judges ot Courts voted for. and labelled, outside, "Judiciary s" one ticket shall em brace the names of all the state officers toted for and to bo labelled "State;" une ticket shall embraco tho names of all county officers voted for, including the office of Senator, and Members of As sembly, IX voted for, and members of Congress, If voted for, and be labelled "County ;" one ticket shall embrace the names of all township officers voted for, and bo labelled "Township j" one ticket shall em brace the names of all borough officers voled for, and be labelled "Borough." And eah class shall be deposited In separate bal lot boxes. JOIINW HOFFMAN, Sheriff's Office, Bloomsburg, Sheriff, sept, ii, la-it ouiriii. B HI DOE NOTICE. A dividend of six Der cent, on thnennitui ttrir r.t thecatawlssa Brldco ComDanvv.ni tMnnifi inthn stockholders of tliat Itompany on and alter October 1st, lsts, at tho omce of the Treasurer ... a . ueo. n. oiuiEKT, oct, tl, Ts-Sw ' IMPORTANT TO YOUNQ The Bryant & Stratton Business College. , lo. 103 South 10th Btrv, Pbilad'n, OlTerHntiKiirpitHi'U fiicUltlea for lU'fjtilrlii r yiiMlnesM ctStt cudoii. ritinititH cmi enter Bt nny tint .. JV vucnllouj. lUtiHtrnteU clrculnra Xico. auf. 30, 'TS-Silw ASS HEALTH AND HAPPINEBS, Health and llappineiis are priceless Wealth to their posbessors, and ) it they are w Ithln the 1 each ot cv. ery one who will use WltlUHT'S 11VKB PILLS The only sure CUBE for Torpid Uter, Dyspepsia. Headache, bour btomath i cint-tlrtinn iuijikI Mauia,und all Bullous complalntsand Blood dial orders one genuine unless sighed "VN m. Wrlunt, Phlla." II jour I rugKlst Hill not supriykeudlS St., f hUa. Jan. , is-iy nr T rISf APEis KEPT ON FILE AT THE OFFICE OF, 733 SiisoH St., PHILADELPHIA, Who urt our ulborlml mieiila, Mnd lll reerKr Adv, rf leiiirii. nt our LOtVIT I'.thll jTI M. JOB I'BINTINO OF EVERY DE8RIPTI0N EXECUTED FHOMFTLY THE OOLCKBUN OlfFICl At Fall eoods ! Begs leave to inform his customers nnd the public that his stock is now replete with all the Novelties for Full and Winter Wear, consisting of new and beautiful styles of . ENGLISH FRENCH GERMAN AND DOMESTIC GOODS , . AT REDUCED PRICES any of which he is prepared to make up in the latest style. Ileady-mado colli ing cheaper than ever. Cheap Suits for men, Cheap suits for Youths, Boys for Children. all(.of the beat make and at the lowest prices. Just received a full line of , all the latest styles in color and quality of iifi, maw, mm For Men, for Youths, for Boys Cheaper than Ever. A FULL LINE OF THE CELEBRATED PEARL SHIRT. a MERCHANT TAILOR, BLOOMSBTJBG, FJ.. The Standard at TMe World Over 300 Modifications. ID THE RLQDiraODS OF EVEHSf BUSINESS S C A L E S. Mnde with ilie LntcM nudIont Vnlnable I m p r o v r m c n I n Two Grand Prizes AT PAULS EXPOSITION. Received Highest AIcdalN nt WORLD'S FAIR, LONDON, IMl WORLD'S FAIR, NEW YORK, 1RM WORLD'S KAIIt, PARIS. 1M7 WORLD'S FAIR, VIENNA, 1k"3 WORLD'S FAIR, SANTIAOO, (f'hlll) 1S75 WORLD'S FAIR, I' IIILADELl'HIA, IS7S WORLD'S FAIR, SYDNEY, (Australia) lt.17 WORLDS FAIH. 1'AlilS, 1678 FAIRBANKS & EWING, 715 CHESTNUT ST., Philadelphia, 6ep.'J7. "76-13 w GREAT REDUCTION IN PRiCES! We will sell tbe Very Best Tamil? Sewing' Machine For Twenty-Five Dollars I. CASH, on an ornamented Iron stand snd Treadle, with walnut top and drawer, and necessary Attachments snd demerit at uny ltabroad Depot In the United Mites, iiee of Charge. These machines 'ore warranted to do tho whole line of Family t-ewlncwlth more raMditv.mnre en or management, nnd los fatigue to the operator than any machine now In use. send for a Circular. Every machine warranted for three years. Agents wanted in Un:up:ed Tcrritoiy. Centennial Machine Co., Liinitetl 729 Filbiiit Sr., 1'uininELriirA, Oct. i, 18-m. "yAINWHIGIIT & CO,, WllUmSALJS liltUUKKS, PUILlDILPUli, Dealers In TEAS, SYHUl'S, COFFEE, SUdAH, MOLASSES, rici, sricis, SIC1EB sou, tc, AC. N. E. Corner Second and Arch streets, '"Orders will receive prompt attention. BLOOMSBURG TAMERY. G. A. HERRING T) KSPECTKUUiV announces lo Iho nubile XV that he has reopened SNYDER'S TANNERY, (old stand) Illoomsburir, Ta., at the Forks of the to ny and Llphtbtreet rouds, where all desi rlptlons of leather will be made In the most fuoblantlal and workmiinllke manntr, and sold at prices to suit the m f . T be highest pr ice In cath will ul nil times be a tor GREEN HIDES of eviry description In the country, ThepuUlcpat ronage Is respectfully sollclled. URHjluaOurg, Oct, 1, 1S7S. H. C. SLOAN & BRO. 1 nroomsnvno, pa, Manufacturers ot Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Slolghs, PLATFORM WAOONS, tc, FlrsU'lsss work always on hand. RKPAIIIINO NEATLY POKE. 1'rlcoa rednen to suit the times, Jan. 6.1S77-U. 'K . Fall UmM FOB SOLD ONLY BY 9 HONEY OF HOREHOUMD AUD TAP, FOR THE CURE OF Coughs, Cold), InSuenra, Eosrieneis, Difficult Breathing, and all Affections of tbe Tnroat, Bronchial Tnbes, and Itugi, leading to Coniumptlon. This infallible remedy is composed of the Honev of the plant Horeliouml, in chemical union with Tar-Halm, extracted from the Life Principle of the forest Iree Aceis Hvi.SAMEA, or Ilalm of Gilead. The Ilonev of Horchound SOOTHFS AN'n sc.ri ERS all irritations and inflammations and the Tar-balm CLEANSES AM HEALS the throat and air passages lcatlinc to the lungs. Five additional ingreilicnls Keep the organs cool, moist, and in healthful action. Let no pre judice keep you from trying this great meili. cine of a famous doctor who has saved thou sands of lives by it in his large private practice. N. II. The Tar-Halm has no HAD TASTE or smell. PRICKS 50 CENTS AND $1 TER BOTTLE. Great saving to buy Urge size. "l'lltc's Toollinclio Drops" Cum iu 1 Minute. Sold by all Druggists. 0. N. ORITPENTON, Prop,, N.T. dec-lts,'!! O. E. SAVAGE, PK1LEH IN Silverware, Watehes.Jewelry.Clockso. tr" Itemoved to the Post office hulldlnc, nrsrdojr atKive the KxhanKO HoloL All kinds of Watches, Clods and Jewelry neat. may IT, T8-U LAFFERTY'S PATENT Screw Porcelain-Liuefl Cylinder. IlECEIVED UtaUEST AW AUD At Centennial Exposition, l'lIILAIttXrillA, 1870. Theli&STand ClIEArEST r;iici;.iiiiEii wood ru.ups In the market, plain wood stocks, also copper and porcelain lined. Just as bervlceablv as the old lor pump, and costa but half the money. Don't buy a yatup until )ou caller write us for prices, Remeier We Warrant Every One to aivn gATISr ACTION. We have also a line of Chain l'umpa at very low prices. Cut this out and Bavo lor rifetence. J. SOIIUYLEK A SON, sep. at, is-im ULOOMSUUUO, FA, Oil I'XUNTItiU I Neatly and cliesply eieculed at tha COLDMllAM Office. I Iirltsttrratand tliorongli llno.l-riirlfrlnR pnper tlci; 1". l'lcrei's lloMui St-llor Dlneoviry calri oil llumoi, from Hie wnr.; rrn.L to a common lllleh, IMmrle, or r.rnI.lon. .Minlirlsl 'M-eue, illmrul i'ol!.n-, snd llielr nrecn. sm 'rnillcntrU, anVl vIsomiK iH-nltli nivl pound rnnrtltnli ih- ielth p.U. Iiitliorl. nil .llwn' . rani U l.y bad I "to con.urred by I hit powerful, pui irylns-. tod '"ilWVWrtrSS.Ifo.trd It. potrnevlu r,,rln Trllrp, l!Ph. Ibllik (tarbanclrP. P"'t. Hrrvrulou Hipei nnrt Hwtlllncs Mbltf anelllna Colin, or TliliU Ntili, an I tlred (llanda. ir vou r.-rl dull, drowpr, ilrl intatnl, lure rallow tolnr or skin. r illolli-briill spoit on f.ire f IhxIv. frrquint liendalln, or ilUl iiopn tad talle 111 nmilli, liiunill bent r thllla altrrustid I'"' flu lir,low pplrltp, nnd plooniy roriliotllnff. Irn rnlnp PliIHllir, end toninio pnalcil. you are suUrrlnir nori lornltl Llvrr, or llUlnii.nrPM." Ill many enfles (I M.lri p ( ompUlntM only pnrt of tlittppjtuntoms nru rvtierluni-l. As a ritiu'lyrop nit such enpt-p, llr. rit rri'. OtMen .Mnllcnl lltpcovtry tioa no cqoal, , It i tlecli pcrlt-ci nn'i rienrpirurrB. In Hie cure of llnmtlilllk, never Cousli. and llio cm Ijr plni'i Itii-iUcal r.ir ri'P ot wiMumpiion, ii nnp n-iouisnrii tin .irnllr. and nullum liluslcUna nroiiounra It tin- crentiPl inullrnl ill.ct'Viry of Ilie aire. N lilla It run 4 llu-pp! ( npt rough. It stri'iiirtttcns tlie B) n in and IiupinratliobIlMl. Bold by (IriiKlats. U V 1 II. HI I.. .'I, I ' I rop r, y tiriu a i'i.vii.rr lit r.. M, I).. Pron'r. Worl and InvidlJa' lloul, lluiralo, .N. ) . ..ll o of tAklrnr llio Inritc.rcnuUtvf, nauirouR pills. rr.mpiMtl of cheap, cm ir, ""t ."lKI "ir "Ij-! illniTnllrilTTcirftoblr, ho pftriiniiar caro wrc qulrcxl wmi-jUbLngiiicni. ti. Thpv nnrrato n llhOUt opcri onncrliltM.ill. allrT. Dtulnnw, fiotir lw;tnttoii fWm tba Woaaach, 1U4 taatp In lha Moalt lillloua plliioli, I'sls In rfbn or Kidneys. InUrnnl r-Vf r. Hlojtcd ftjltna Utomni h. Itusb r UlooJ to HcuJ, take Irp. 11'rN'a l'lraannt l-uixatlva I'tlltla. In oxplnnitlon ot the romidlat poiur or tli.M! Punratlvo ltjlfla oyir so Front mnitilv ordlw.lt may lie palJ that tbjlp action upon the animal rrtnomj ! universal, not a '.llrfs. pbolUfs. innnlreu. lor liny bnptli ortloie, In any rllniate, so itint they are niunjs irrso nun rLiiam. .mom h". ... ---- 1 Hli put up 111 cheap wooden or imsletioaril bolts, l or All dl!ea ulirre a Lajatlvr, Altrrallvck or I'ur.ollic, Is tniltented, tlHM llllle I'cllets "HI site Urn most IKTft'Ct BMlsfilctlon. rViln by !rM!at. It. V. l'IElt(l.M. l.. I'nofn. World's Dispensary aud luvalluV llutil, Ilultalo, J). Y. CATARRH BVMrTOMR. Frpnucnt hea.1 acliP,illcharKC f-illliiK Into throat, Pomctliui'S riofiiw, watrrr thick tiaiiroim. tturiiltnt. offt-nsUc. etc. In otlirr a clr-nPBB, dry, v,u ry, wink, or Innameil r In curs, itr afm-pi, hat kt ntr ami cougii- In! oicu aUvri'U. nasat t nntr. oircnslvc breath, impalml 3rtoUlleprlrailonof aenseof emetl ami tane.Hi ilnesa, mental ili-preHlon. Ions of appellte, liuHiteu tlon, enlarepd tonsils, tlcklln? couulu ilc. Only a Tfw of UieMs Bjtiiptoiiia oru llktly to bo present lu any ;aso at ono time. DR. , SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY proiliTfes radical enreaof the worst cbsm of Catarrh, ao maltLC of hnw lonK utauillnir. The ll.,uhl rimedy mar be smitH'il, or 1 tirr applied liy tlie use of Dr. I'iKitcu'.-i Itoucnv. Thl U tlio only firm of lustru ment lvt tnu ntc l with which fliiM rnnllclnecan le ;rrle.i HIGH VV anj ITBFECTLY AITLIED to alt pnrt l of IhH sITecleil nas.it pmnapei, and the chaui tiers or cavities coiiiniiinlcaUnx therewith, In which wres ftnil ulcers frcquenlty exlt, and from which the atarrlial illscharifc (rcncrnlly proceeds. It mo is pleasant and easily understood, from direction, iccoronanylnj; each Inttninient Dr. rUErt t'-a-turrh ftemedy cur nccnt itttack of MCld In Iko ltAtlMty i nw nppllcatlona. It Is mild und piea int to in, i nntalnlnjr no Btronp or caustl' drn or Po1oqs.,(' irrh Knnt'dritnd Douche ml4 by dnr rUta. K. V. riKiw r, M, !.. Pnpr, orlu's 1)1 tcniary and luvullb lluUI, JluiTalo, N. V. aug. ho. .a The Lightest Running, 'The Simplest, The Most Durable, Tho Most Popular SEWING MACHINES. It it raMlf tindemtoocl, make the double-thread loekMUfti, ia self reculuttuff teimluiiM uniX tuke-up, tuid tcitt do the ivltole range of family irorA; without chance The ' DomcitIc iHtnailein thetnoMt durabte wanner, trttU content etert benrtnya and comjien eating Journals throughout PAPER FASHIONS. Thrie iiopuhir IATTKKNH for ladles', Kilr', anit children's dress, are cut on n stuteili aupcrlor to any in use, nnd can be understood bit ally oho. J'ull llri'llouiiJlIIilrarloii oil fcni riirroif. Scud ri I'o Crnla for Illustrated Cain, logue of lOMCI 1'ashions. Sowing MacWno Co., Hew York. I. W. HARTMAN, ACBDt "Domestic" Paper Fasbions Kloomsburi!;. Deccrab;r II, isu-i)- Steel and Iron Triple Flange FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES; naltle lloll Work ana aiiujs.a cap. 10 uri coatpini withooi it i i W. H. TERWILLIGER, No. 94 Huldeu I.unc, nw tou. iloc. T, IMT-ly BESTS llculara und auinpl bualneaa ou cau f ngaet) In. tola) u.j umuo j, uujr numtror timer rlirlil la Ihelr own Ioluiiuhh. tHr. BUIIirilei U'Urlh 15 lr. ImnnA. pure time at llila Lublui-ss. Add ess bTiNiuiN i i o I'urtlarid, Malnu. uiurch ki, IH-Iy ' ESPY PLANING MILL. Hie uadt rsltnea letMo or tiiuEstiy l'lunlxiir liiu U pre parud to do all kinds or mill wtrk, m Boors, Frames, Sash, Bliofls, etc. mado to order on uboit notice, cuuaracuou guar auuiea. Cuaraxa Kica, liloctuaUurf, fa. TO PELLETS.m J Ntiue M Ninth Strrrt I'ltrkljurir. lire. 10. 1S74. Jlcwrs. DIIEI1HH. II KAY At 0 (irnllcindi i our mint lmp trlven cnllro nt- larnrtlon. 1 luin tiftt'il iliem on n itihh! tnonv dllTpr. rut klnrts or work, mh ns Iron, f n Wood, nrlck, tina af vi r neHra nny compinintp, nn tno con trnrt. tlm v,ork stands Molt ntul ror wrur. will In mv cplnlon, slnnrt ttlth nny lend In llio iimikpt. Micn in mil oi ri it rciiti1 in i ins i ny or irmny jou nro at liberty to up my immo v HIi itcftstiir, also to uso tlila ns you think Uf t. Kf9rciriiiiy oiin, .IOII.N T. OtlAV rulnlcrnnd r.calorlu Paints, i lis, Ac STMGTI.Y l'UHK W MITE LEAD, AT HIE LOWEST MAltKLT ItAlEtt. MONTOUK SITE PA I NTH, N CENTS MO.NTOUII .METALLIC WlllTit, S CENTS. MONTOUU METALLIC ItltOW.N, (I CENTS. OKI' CULOllS AT Tills I hlUK. PURE LINSEED OIL sit lowt'Kt iimrKct i nl h. Hamtilo cards and tirlco list rurnlMiid wttbont cliargo. Orders and Innulrlcs bv mall will recelte nromnt attention. HENRY B. 11EAY, JIsVNUFACTUUER, BUl'ERT, Pa, MOYEK llUOS. WIIOL1CSALE AGENTS, IIMIOMABUIIO, l'A Ways. T8.-ly. rAIL ROAD TIME TABLES piIIl.ADEM'HA AND KEAUINO KOAD AUHANOEMENT OF I'ASSENGEll TRAINS. MiiylK, 16T8. rKHNS LRATK HCTKHT 19 POLLOWStSCNDAY KXCKPT1 p For New York, riilludelplittt, Heading, 1'otlbTllie Tiitnaqua, 4c, 11,15 a. in For Catawlsba, 11,15 u. in. 1,t) and ",tc p. m. .For YtUtumsport,c,2S 0,04 a. to. and 4,00 p. m. TKAINS FOK KDrillT I KAVC AS rOLLOHtt, (PLPjDAY i CltrTaU,) LfaTo Now York, 8,45 a. ro. Leave I'lilladclpklu, 9,16 a. m. Leave Heading, 11,3 a. in., I'otUvllle, 12,15 P. m and Tamaqua, I,b0 p. in. Uiave Catuwlssa, ,2u n,M a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Leave vviuiam8porl,e,45a.in,i,16p.m. ando.oo p. m Passengers to u nd from New York and Pblladi l- plilu go turouga itliout change or cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, General Manager. C.O, UANCOCK, General Hcket Agent. Jan. 14, lain tr. NORTHERN COMPANY. CENTRAL RAILWAY On and alter November 30tli, 1873, trains will leave SUNllUItY as follows: NORTHWARD. Krlo Mall 8.80 a. m., arrrt c Elmlra u .1 " Can.mdalgua... 3.35 p. m Rochester 3.16 ' Niagara 9 40 " itenovo accommodation U.lo a. m. arrlio Wllltoui. port 18.65 p. m. Elmlra Mall 4.15 a. rn., arrlte Elmlra 10.30 a.m. buffalo Express 7.15 a. in. arrive lluffalo 8.60 a. hi' 80UT11WAHD. Buffalo Express s.60 a, m. arrlt o Harrlsburg 4.5o a. " Baltimore 8.40 " Elmlra Mall ll.iea.m,, arrive Hurrlf.burgi.6ii p. n " Washington 10.30 " " Baltimore 6.8u " " Washington 8.30 ' Harrlsburg accommodation 8.40 p. m. arrltc llmrlr burg 10.60 p. m. arrive Baltimore 3.33 a. n. " Washington 6.13 " Urle Mall 18.66 a. 10. arrive Harrlsburg 3 05 a. m, " Baltimore 8.40 " Washington 10.38 " AU dally except Sunday. D. M. BOYD, Jr., General Passenger Agett A. J. CASSATT, General Mana.tr DELAWARE. LACKAWANNA WESTERN HAlLltOAU. ANL BLOOMSBURO DIVISION. Ttine-Tablo No. 89, Takes effect at 4:2 MONDAY, JUNE 10, 18T8. NORTH. STATIONS. south. Ban a.m. p m. p.m Scranton 9 38 : lo a is uciievuo, Tnvlnrvlllo J 16 6 so 3 91 28 9 80 6 31 9 Si 6 41) 3 44 6 45 3 49 6 M 2 63 65 8 67 6 (9 1 IN Tin . ..LackawannaL.V. 9 43 .... ittision West Ilttston... Wyoming ......Maltby llnnutf 9 63 10 07 'l0 18 10 83 to : Kingston.!!!!" .1'iimniilh .litfin 10 S3 8 15 7 18 9 10 7 18 8 is T vft .... riymouui Avonaaio ...... Manllr.trA a .1 7 65 7 41 8 04 8 38 8 43 HI 84 3 96 10 49 3 86 10 68 8 60 11 07 4 03 .Uunlock's reek" . .. bmcKsninnyw... ....Hick's Ferry... ....beach Haven... -Berwick Ilrlar 4'reelo.... ...Willow Grove.... .....Lime Hldge..... - Espy......... .liloomsburg lfllruirt 11 13 4 10 11 31 4 18 68 0 OS A fit T IS 4 39 7 13 4 33 7 80 4 43 7 44 111 39 11 43 4 49 II 6 4 65 8 (ii 8 S3 8 8' 8 81 9 61 cataw-Uwa bridge. I Dan vtllo ....... Chulasky.. 11 67 6 00 13 18 6 18 iidftbumberlandl 1. nn o ikk 18 45 D 45 9 CO ... p-rn. p.m. a.m , r. UAUliKAU, bUpt. Snpf rlntu d-nt's t.d it, rerun o, Junelo, 1878. S. W. Douglass, Civil and Mining Engineer, ASHLAND, PA General Surveying and Engineering Business attended to with Oare and Dispatch. I am prepared to inako iraHlngs, Plans and Models In Wood, Brass, Iron, or tho above materials combined as necessary or Bridges, Mines, Breakers, Buildings, Engines, PUMPS, and all kinds or inruiiincrv fr., ... -' ua v, UUCB at Court or ror app.icatlons to secure i atecta. 1'alf nta hrcurrd march ts,s GLAZING AND PAPERING. W M. F. BODINE, Iron Street llow sec kinds ol imn iojircpaa to ao all PAINTING, GLAZING, and PAPER HANGING, 'notice t""t tJ"8"' at lowest W' wi atCstort AU workman an tfl.i tVrHuo cn . aoiicited 2 vm SB'u"H-l'w. uraen 1 WU. F. BODINE. p.m. p.m. a.m. ill II 9 46 9 13 9 II 87 Hi 9 3il H 58 3 M 9 91 lil 3 45 9 19 8 40 3 4' 9 14 13 41 19 it 8 33 3 30 9 04 8 13 3 10 8 44 8 23 3 VO BU 8 13 3 19 8 4t 8 04 3 04 8 B t 61 IU 8 88 I It 111 8 IT 1 1 IN 8 19 T f 5 3 88 8 OS 7 18 7 14 7 10 7 tl 9 ri 7 44 0 65 1 67 7 88 6 60 I 61 7 83 6 45 1 48 7 99 6 97 1 S7 IU 5 15 III 1M 6 48 p.m. p.m. a.m. Oct. 1,1K8J te rn I