The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 25, 1878, Image 2

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    i .,u. x. 'n
Iridy, Oot. Q5, 18 78.
DiMucnvnc uKBiiNUi
Mlowloj; meelin.(s will be held, next
vtwk, t4 the lltnw nd place named. Abl
waken will all.nrl.
October 23, Monday, Centralis, tTenlng.
' ?9, Tneedsy, Mifflin, eenln)r.
" 29, Tuesday, Konringcreek, evening.
Hchool IIoue No. 8.
October SO, Wednesday, CaUwinu, evening.
" 81, Thursday, Hulirnbiirg, evening.
Sovember 1, Friday, Iota, evenihi.
" 2, Saturday, Willow Vale, evening.
" 2, Jacknop, afternoon. Col. Kreeie
(ad others will addrem lliin meeting.
By order of Committee. '
Q. A. Clare, D. Lowknbchu,
Secretary. Chairman.
1 be bcranton HepubUean publishes agar
tld statement in reference; to Senator
Buckalew's connection with the recent Con
(vcasioriM Conference. What its motive
eat be we cannot conceive, unless it be au
attempt to create dissensions in the Demo
critic rani', and give the public the impres
4on that there is antagonism between Sen
tor Buckalew and Capt. Brockway. With
oat consulting Senator Buckalew, who un
tloabtedly consider! that the report comes
from a bitter Republican journal, and from
taa enemies of both gentlemen, (in a politi
oal sense,) we have the authority oi oil
candidate to atato that the relations, politi
oal, professional, and otherwise, ao far as he
kaowf, are of the most cordial character
and that Senator Buckatew has repeatedly
declared that in no event would he be
aadidate against him. If Mr. Buckalew
kad wanted the nomination of Columbia
County, he could have had it probably with
oat a dissenting rote, and the men who
know him should not for a moment suspect
bin of a secret or disgraceful intrigue.
The selection of Mr. Jackson as State
Senator is an excellent nomination. He is
gentleman ot large experience, of great
energy, and acknowledged ability, and will
earry with him the solid vote ol the Demn
racy of the district. He ban been in the
Legislature several times before, and proved
himself there an honest and able represents
live. Though not nominated by the vote of
Columbia County, bis selection gives entire
satisfaction to the people, and he will re
Olive our usual large majority. It was only
strong desire on the part of Columbia
County to secure the choice of her own can
sMdate that prevented her from making Mr.
Jaekaon's nomination much sooner. H
was our second choice, and hi nomination
la received by all with approval. Ilia elec'
t4oa is beyond all question
The Sew York World in its issue of May
mm, 1871, speaking editorially of theques
ska, aayi :
-"We published yesterday a letter from
Mr. 8iney, the leader of the miners' organ!
aation of Pennsylvania, to the Labor Reform
Convention now in session In this city. Thi
letter is a full and intelligent account of the
petition and claims of the miners in their
mint struggle. It was hardly to have
keen expected that the local Pennsylvania
tapers, from which most journals outside
fef that State have obtained their informa-
ttoa aa to the coal troubles, should show
My sympathy with the miners. Those pa-
.yen are naturally dependent upon the cor
rations and the moneyed classes for their
aWtlMmenii and subscriptions, and as is
atataral, they take the course which best
fleaae their patrons. It is however, sur
prising that no leading paper except The
World has shown any disposition to give
-the miners a air hearing. Eveu the Phila
Mphia papers, which published in full Mr
Oowen's defence of the railway companies,
"paid no attention whatever to Mr. firock
waf a argument, which set forth the miner's
lew of the struggle with quito as much
ability as was shown by Mr. Gowen. Ev
ery where the same disposition to take sides
against the m n and in favor of the corpo
tationa has been shown.
H. A. Sweppenheiser was fairly and
squarely nominated for Oiunty Treasurer,
'and is therefore entitled to the undivided
support of the Djmocracy, and will receive
it Stick to the ticket, and do not be led
astray by a disappointed aiudidate, who
runs independently because the people re
rosed to nominate him.
The campaign has ii-eessarily languished,
In consequence of the delay in nominating
candidates for Congress and Senator. Now
' that the ticket is completed, let every true
Democrat buckle down to work. Stand by
Hi nominee. Bitting may be congenial to
some gentlemen, but they should remember
that this is not ao "off year," and that the
h Democratic party caunot afford to lose vie
(ery by indulglug in ulde.shows, gotten up
la the main by needy adventurers, or unsuc'
asjMfol politicians. All candidates can
et tnoceed in their apiratiou, and
hewever bitter their disappointment, the
Majority ntuf rule. Tricks at times may
aaceeed, but square dealing will win in the
leaf ran.
The generous support of Montour County
glvws ia the late Oonferenee for Columbia's
iee for Congress, deserves more than
ptaatiavf recognition. It clearly indicates
"' that private feuds shall no longer divide the
ZaHaoeraey of the two counties, and personal
aabltloni have been subordinated to the
party good. The mother county grasps the
Mad of her estranged daughter, and here'
rear assy peace, amity, and reciprocity pre
vail. Whilst the next Congress is already as.
eared to the Democrats since the recent
elections, there is no reason why Captain
"fcoekwsy, the nominee from this heavy
" Democratic District, should lose a vote by
Maeoa of the wishes of disappointed men,
The party should see to it that personal am
kitloa should not override the expressed
111 of the people.
William Krichbaum was nominated for
Jrothonotary by a large majority. What
sjMoae can there be for au Independent can
satiate? The man who always bolts when
he can't be nominated himself is not a friend
the Democratic party. Stick to the
ticket I
Wanted, a financier, Greenback-Labor
peeler preferred, to go to Turkey to tell
ibesn bow to make a cart-load of irredeema
ble paper currency buy a loaf of bread.
Do not be milled by a bolting candidate.
-Vote the straight Democratic ticket.
The lime Is drawing near when the Dem
ocrats of Columbia county will be called
upon to show tli ei r stenglh and unity, Let
me call upon you to rally again to our stan
dard. Let those who have been In doubt
hesitate no longer but come out as of old,
boldly aud uobly, without fear or doubt,
now the hour of triumph approaches, and
share the glory of the great victory that is
at band. Come and help those who are hnn
tally trying to curry out the principles of re
form. Do not waste your votes by easting
them with any new party, but stand firm to
satr old principles and all will be well.
D) not be carried away by new fallacl
but be true and firm and our efforts will be
crowned with success.
David Lowesdeko,
The undersigned, Congressional conferees
appointed by the Democratic Convention of
Columbia county, will briefly state their
action at conferences held at Stroudsburg
and iiazleton, of which conferences some
newspaper accounts have been already pub
Hegarding tbo action of the conferees
(disputed and undisputed) who were first
upon the ground at Stroudsburg as prema
ture and unfair, we joiued the conferees
from Carbon ana Monroe, and alterwards
agreed to admit irregular conferees from
Two conferences were therefore in session
at the same time, but each acting under
rule that a majority of the whole number of
votes in n full conference of the district
should bo required to nominate. Upon the
basis of this rule we continued to act after
wards, believing that it would prevent
disputed nomination, and that it was just
and reasonable, and would probably lead to
concession, harmony and party success.
No nomination being effected after votes
taken, the conference in which we eat ad
journed to meet at Hazleton on the 15th of
October, the other conference adjourning to
meet at Scranton the day before. In the latter
body were regular conferees from Montour
and Tike, and disputed oues from parts of
Luzerno and Lackawanna included in the
congressional district those, however, from
Lackawanna being disputed only as to
At Hazleton, during the 10th, ICth, and
part of 17th of October, the vote stood gene
rally 9 for Kiotz, aud 3 for Brockway 10
being required to nominate. Meantime, no
actiou was taken at Scranton toward a nom
ination, but it was well known that the con
ference there would never agree to Mr.
Klotz. No concession or compromise being
proposed to us by the other conferees at
Hazleton, or likely to be proposed, and our
instructions not being withdrawn, Mr. Hod
man, of our number, left in the mid-day
train, the two others of us being left behind
by missing the train. We, who remained,
concluded to continue in the conference,
hoping In some way to avoid the evil of a
split in the district.
In the evening of the same day, upon a
telegram received from Scranton, we sub
mitted to our colleagues of the conference a
plan for securing an harmonious end united
nomination for the district, which they de
clined. They then proceeded to adopt a
resolution rescinding the rule of nomination,
and substituting for it a majority of those
present. This, we objected to; and, upon its
adoption, refund to take further part in
their proceedings, and returned home.
This is a statement of the leading facts in
the case, which we choose to give "without
note or comment." We will only add that
we were treated with much courtesy by the
other members of the conference, and have
only to regret that our joint labors did not
result in uniting our party in the district.
David Lowenbebo,
T. J. SwisnEB.
Address of Chairman Speer.
The command of tholiour is Forward The
duty of the hour is prompt, earnest thorough
organization. With the result of the late state
elections beforo us, the highway to victory ia
so plain that even the blind can walk in il
Let Democrats worship at their own altar
Let the men who have stood by our standard
through storm and hail through defeat and
disaster strike their locks again and present
an unbroken front to the common foe. Bead
with an open eye, and consider with honest
heart, the result in;Ohio and Indiana. They
bring you fruitful lessons.
In Indiana the Democrats followed the
old flag, ond stood thouldcrto shoulder in the
uhoek of battle. Victory now gilds their en
sign ; a majority approaclnog twenty thous
and for our state ticket, and the election of
nine out of thiitccn members ofcoriercss a
gain of five majority in the legislature are
the substantial fruits of their devotion.
In Ohio wo have elected eleven members of
congress, a gain of threo; but, whili in a nit-
iablo minority of the whole popular vote, the
Republicans have elected their elate ticket by
a small plurality, through the folly of our own
people. A sufficient number ot Democrats
wandered into the Greenback organizition to
secure defeat of their old faith and the tern-
porary success of their relentless foe. The Re
publican who pretended to be Grccnbackcrs
betrayed their professions, and at the polls de
serted their new party And now the Demo
crats who were misled and doceived in the
consuming shame and sorrow of their betray
al awone to tlio truth that they have been
mad tbo instruments to perpetuate Benubli.
can misrule and to defeat their old friends
and ciiiso.
Democrats of Pennsylvania, I call upinyou
to bwear with uplifted hand that like tactics
and treachery, led by corrupt men and rueaus,
i..n ..... 1 1 !- - . uu, ouvL-vtAi ucrc iu .uvcrnDlT, 10
pause in your duty is a crime. United, the
state LsQurs, and tho feast of Indiana will bo
spread upon our table. If you waato your
ballot upon a third candidate the spoiler will
reap tiie harvest and rob you of your own 1
Loaded with the plunder of many years, the
Itepublican' managers are debauching tho
people, and are maintaining Greenback or
ganizatiom iu Demoeratio counties for the
cunning purposo of dividing our forces and
thus securing ourdefuat. Hopelessly demor
alized themselves, in their utter despair, they
seek to divide us. Shall tho leswn of Ohio
and Indiana pass unheeded V If faithful to
our flag no human power can arrest our march
or delay our Iriuuinh.
And why should Democrats desert their
party now f The evila and burdens under
which the people groan are the bitter fruits of
Itepublican rulu Shall our folly perpetuate
iu power tho authors of our woe? Or shall
we not, burying minor ciillcrencs, uuiteour
forces and go forward to their overthrow ?
The path of duty and of safety is before, us.
and I summon every Democrat in the state to
walk in it. If any of our people have been
hesitating they must now see that the only
hope of success is with us. With a history
dating from the birth of the nation ; honored
with illustrious names and deed, tlio Demo
emtio parly culls its wayward children back to
us luiu, iiiai iiiry may Hiaro in tuejoyuuu
icjuiviu ui no tuuiiug victory.
. Cluuu State Dt'Uiwratic Committee.
My Feltoxo Democrat i
When our Republican friends associated
tho counties nl Carbon, Columbia, Luzerne,
.Monroe, Montour unci rike In one congres
sional district containing 8100 Democratic
majority, they gave strong evidence of their
intimate acquaintauce with the foibles of
Democratic nature : bv ptacini! these Dein
ocrotle counties tugether, they firt put it
out ot our power to damage the majorities ot
neighboring Bepublieau counties in matter
congrerslonal, ami then calculated largely
ou that Irresistible tenuency which eacli
democrat appears to Inherit along with bis
principles, to rap his brother democrat on
the head the moment the heads
are out of sight, rtuinmi nature as we have
trmuently heard is proverbially weak and I
think we ought all be willing to aflirm that
democratic, nature Is no Improvement on
the original article j ho that where the stakes
played fur constitute so glittering a prize us
a nomination tqulvalent to a'l election, It
miirtii well nave peeu supimseil mat inter
nal dissensions would sooner or later cause
us to dissipate our strength on everal Con
(iresslonal Candidates. An exercle of the
principles ol common seme c iuIiI of course
nlways prevent this; but then that Is just
precisely the article which they thought we
would not always carry around with u, anu
recent events have shown them to be entire
ly correct In their Iiniire4sinn : because the
contingency which our Republican friends
foresaw Is now upon us, we have two demo,
cratie candidates in the fie'd and as the only
remedy for this state of allairs, every one of
you Is now called upon to exercise at least a
small portion of that "mother wit wnlch
the Lord has seen fit to temporarily withhold
trom tne m-n whom you had nppoiuleu to
guanl your Interests.
In 1874 when representation in the Dem
ocrntic Conference was, the counties
of Columbia and Luz-rne were desirous that
eacli county should receive conferees in pro
portion to either its population, its j lint
democratic and republican vote, or its dem
ocratic vute. The rest of the district how'
ever did not believe in this plnu : but insist
ed that each county should be represented by
J conferees. Columbia una Luzerno were
obliged to yield, the law was placed upon
the records of the conference and to this day,
has not been repealed ; but when the young
democratic sister ot J,ickavanna claimed ad
mission to the conference under this very
resolution, several very nice respectable and
presumedly suileless democrats iu tne coun
ty of Carbon, put on their leather specks
and began to question whether this little
democratic sister although she gave aoun
dant promise of beine a very lively child-
bad not bettei been kept in her cradle for
several years longer, they also seemed to be
alraiu that if Lackawanna were admitted
she would be entitled to vote on a question of
conicst respecting tne conierees irom me
county of Luzerne.
My firm belief is that upon both questions
ot representation and contest, the iuquiry
made by these guileless democrats, was not,
Who Is justly entitled to sit t ' but "How
will these men vote after they get into the
coulerence r and is only another exhiui
tiouofthat bad faith which Democrats oc
casionally practice on their brothers in De
mocracy, and here let me further say that
whenever Democrats relinquish the aboml
nable practice of trying to deceive each
other and are prepared to meet on the broad
and 'safe foundation of truth, that in my
opinion Democratic partv interests, will be
much hetler subserved In both this Uongres
sioual District and the State at large.
at Stroudsburg. Two of the Carbou county
conierees were uelaten, as was also the en
tire delegation from Columbia. The two
Carbon c iumy men were late it is said be
cause thev waited too Ioiik for three confer
ees from Hazleton. who were in the interests
ot Mr. Klotz, and who proposed to contest
tne delegation Irom Luzerne. It this be so.
it is only another instance of "The engineer
hoist by his own petard." The men who
were late together with the Monroe delega
tiou which was not lato ; but upon the
ground refused to go into the regular oritan
ization but went into an organization of
their own to which two of the Hazleton con
testants were admitted to sit for Luzerne
county, after which, in a very guileless and
innocent way, they allowed Air, Uorinan
also from Lnzerne to sit for the county of
The only effect of the regular orcaniia
tion was to give the county of Lackawanna
me representation which she claimed un.
der the resolution of 1874, it in no wise af
fected the Luzerne contest which could have
been settled as well after as before oiuanlza
tion. Kacb conference after balloting for
several days without result, adjourned, the
iviotz party to nazietou, mi regular organi
zation to Scranton.
should have been devoted to calm rt flection,
Every consideration of duty to the interests
of the party demauded that the Conference
should be united, and that but one nomina
tion made; and any Democrat invested
with proper authority, who used his influ
ence to prevent harmony, I would think did
not faithfully discharge the trust committed
to his care. Men may at times be justified
in sMruiihing for position; but when they
would sooner see the party defeated, unless
their peculiar views prevail, their tactics
certainly do not deserve to be. dignified by
the name of generalship. Little bovs caii
do ns well as that every dsy in the week.
UI these propositions me regular Confer
ence at Scranton was highly sensible, and
overtures of peave wi re accordingly made to
Hazleton : they were, however, very prouint v
declined by Carbon, which county, as u
matter of lact, has, I think, caused most of
the trouble, and furnished about all the
blunders that have been known to the fight.
Several days afterward, the Columbia del-
orrultriM I tu.rllutrl Will, lluli,,nt. tat'tn
cauie into the regular Conference at Scran
ton, which action oil their part was hastily
followed by the nomination of Mr. Iviotz.
nn the same evening, at Hazleton. Uu the
next day, In a cool, del ibt rate, and dignified
of Columbia, was nominated at Scranton,
having received the unanimous vote of 10
ennterets. Ut the regularity of bis nomina
tion there can be no question, for although
the right of fi of these conferees to bit was
mentioned by the Hazleton conferees. 10 of
them were not in dispute, and these 10 were
held by the Hazleton party themselves as
both sulhclent and necessary to ellect a
nomination In accordance with the rules of
the district.
I think it will red u ire but a moment's re.
flection on your part, after examining the
figures in Bmull't Hand-Book, to force you
to tne conclusion mat Mr. Klotz does not
stand the shadow of a chance of being
elected The Greenback vote as vet is an
unirnown quantity in tne uzht. but will re.
ceive more Democratic than Itepublican
votes. Now, on a supposition that Mr,
iviotz win get an me democratic and Dem
ocratic-Greenback votes in the counties of
Carbon and Monroe, bis account might pos
sibl; stand as well as tho following ;
Carbon m..h. ........, 3,100
Monro IM m -. H....W.H s.192
Luierce, Lackawanna, Columtila, Uoutour ana
lite . 1,000
Total..... -................. 7,v)-j
This is a very liberal estimate for Mr,
Klotz, and is very many more votes
than 1 think he can by any possibility iret
At any rate, I should be very sorry to think
bis chance ol reaching heaven was no bet
... in iQ7r. ti,a nAnni.unnn nn.u
date polled 10,172 votes, and as all llenub.
Ilcan-Greenbackers are pretty sure to vote
for Ueneral loliows that Mr,
Klotz will come out of the fight nearly 3,000
votes behind that gentleman in lact, evety
vote you cast for Mr, Klotz may endanger
the election ol Air, urocicway, as it Is indl
rectly a vote for General Albright, who,
although in every respect an estimable een
tlemau, would not lepresent our principles
should he ue sent to iongrea.
Our opponeuts have set two nets to catch
Democrats In this fight: In one, they have
put the Greenback as bait; fur the other,
tbey have stuffed In Mr. Klotz. The Labor-
Greenback net when hauled to shore after
election, will contain nothing but Irish
Democrats; the Mr, Klotz net will contain
nothing but Democrats from Monroe and
Carbon every man of whom, as a matter of
course, win tie pleased to bear the laughter
of his Republican friends aa a reward for
I have heretofore spokon of Mr. Klotz as
naving oeen nominated, becaujo i under
stand he calls himself a nominee, and I
wished to bo as complimentary to him as
possible, the records or tils convention
show that alter he bad received nine votes
some three or four hutidrtd times which
neither he nor antbodv else suspected were
suthclent to nominate lilm-that on the
4(Uth ballot the value nl nine votes changed,
and tlm discovery was suddenly made that
Mr. Klotz was nominated. There Is no
great display of ireint'ttlshln In in ive of
that kiud ; but it certainly does prove rather
conclusively that all the heathen (Jliiuese
in tho district d not grow on the soil of
Luzerne and Lackawanna counties.
Then, attention I all along the lines,
while the colors are moving to the centre.
It is the same old flag which Jefferson be
queathed to our fathers, which you aud I
have often followed to victory in this dis
trict, and which It Is our duty to preserve,
although certain men within our ranks, in
the delirium of rage would hand it to the
enemy, lint II you urn hall'iis true to votir
selves as I will be to your interests, we will
not in thi I'uht hand over the district to our
implacable Iocs. And now, God bless you
an, and -forward I .March I
Kdwin Shortz,
By order of Executive Committee.
Voters, beware It is a common, although
disreputable practice, for opposing parties
and candidates un the eve of election to
throw out slanders "roorbacks" against
opponents. It is usually done when there
is no opportunity for reply. We nil remeni'
ber how this was done in 1S72, when Buck'
alew was a caudidate for Governor. Uo was
not only charged with correspoudeuce with
the rebel authorities during the war, but
with having orgauized au insurrection in
the county, which our citizens knew to be
Will the Itev. 12 E. Orvis-ishe lias
been nominated fur Congress by the Labor
party explain til bis Catholic constituents.
if he has any, whether or not in some of his
written a'ld ortl sermons of course, pre
vious to his nomination by the Nationals to
Congress he did uot denounce the Catholic
church, its priesthood, and the German and
irisu members ol it t lie can answer
through his constituted orgaus, but let it be
before the election, In time to produce evi
dence to the voters.
Greenbacks and Absolute, Money.
The existing greenback, it may be claimed,
is worth as much as a lutional bank note of
corresponding denomination, bit it is to be
answered tbe greenoack, as it exists,
does not pretend to be "absolute nviney.'
It is a promise of the United States to pay
raouey, and is no sane financial man
who djes hot know that it is a promise to
pay coin, or s nnethlng that directly repre
sents con. A greenback is good, and only
good, because the country accept It as a
pledge of gold or silver. The precious met
als have been accepted, the world over, as
the basis of currency, aud when n'en talk
about money they invariably talk about that
which has its basis in coined metals. A
paper dollar always represents a gold or a
silver dollar. Throughout the long period
during which spwie payments have been
suspended in the United States, the value of
bank-notes and of greenbacks has been sus
iain"u oy me laitu mat ultimately sooner
or later every dollar would be redeemed or
redeemable in coin. There was a time when
il took two dollars In paper to buy one in
gold, and the gap between that period aud
this has gradually been closed, as the cer
tainty has iucreased that the promise upon
the face of the paper dollar would be re
deemed. If the greenback were to be
changed to day, so that it would bear no
such pledge, it would become very cheap
money indeed. It would hardly be worth
the paper it is printed on.
1 here is no power on earth that Csii legis
late value into paper. If paper does not
represent value, it is good for nothing, and
no government can make it good for any
thing, Tho question of cheap money, for
the benefit of the laborer, for instance, is
"as broad as it is long." If money is good
for anything, it will have tu be paid for in
labor, Tho markets of the world settle the
values of merchandise. We may legislate
that every bushel of wheat shall be worth five
dollars, but our legislation will have not the
slightest effect upou the price. Wheat is
wheat the world over, and the price is regu
lated by the great law of demand and sup
ply. Money is money the world over, and
money is gold and sliver the world over, and
every article that a man possesses and has
for sale will be regulated in its price by the
relation which it bears to some gold unit in
the markets of the world. Money cannot
be so made that a man can get something
for nothing. It cannot be ao made that he
can get it for less than the market' price in
labor. The idea that it can be so made is a
delusion and a snare of the devil, or a dema
gogue, wh is his most obedient servant.
J, O, Holland; Scrlbner (or November.
The Philadelphia Record says that seven-
eighths of the real estate in that city ig
mortgaged. There are about 120,000 un.
satisfied mortgages ou property in the city
of which nearly two-thirds are held by
building and loan associations.
Take Your Choice.
Henry M. Hoytaud Simuel R. Mason,
the Republican ami National candidates for
Governor were at home working for their
fees from railroad corporations while Andrew
II, Dill was in the Senate working and vo
ting to give laboring men their rights under
the Constitution. Which of these three
men ought you to support? Hoyt.tbe candi
date of the Cameron ring, Mason the paid
lawyer of the railroads, or Dill, the people a
gallant servant and Senator 1 No measure
for the benefit of the laboring men of tbe
state was ever brought up that Dill didn't
vote for and he is the author of much of the
legislation that has been of real benefit to
the people. Throughout his whole life An
drew 11, Dill has been tbe unswerving and
steadfast friend of the working man, and has
shown it by hit entire course In the Leglsla
ture. We ask the laboring men, therefore
the men who earn their br ead In the sweat
of their faces - to vote for honest Andy Dill,
who has always stood up and fought for
them and for tbe protection and advance
inent of their Interests in the House, in tbe
ocnate, on thestumr.ln private life, and
under every and all circumstances. One of
his competitors, the Republican candidate,
Colonel Hoyt, is the pet and tool of the
Cameron ring. What sympathy can work'
Ing men have for him 7 The other, Mr, 8,
R Mson, has been a corporation attorney
all his lire, taking heavy fees for his ser
vice from railroad companies and like mo
nopolies. How can working men vote fur
M in ? But every hard-banded laborer In
the State can consistently vote fur Mr, Dill,
because be has pioved himself their friend,
Between these three men tbe working meu
must make choice, and we have tbe utmost
confidence that tbey will range themselves
in Impregnable strength on tbe side of the
noble and gallant little Democratic candi
date. lieffefontc Walthman.
llLOOMSBimrj, Columbia Co., Pa.,
August 22.1, 1878. )
Gentlemen oUth Oongretilonal Delegation ;
Before this little petition Ishandul to you,
you will have learned that O. B. Brockway
E-q , was tho choice of this cf tuity for Con
gtess, as declared bj its late Convention, ns
In reality he has been for the Inst eight
years. The large Demoeratio majorities of
this county have been steadily on the in
crease, to which constant gain the soldier
portion of the county has contributed its
full share. If nur memory is not nt fault,
Columbia County, wllh her large agrlcut
tural, manufacturing and mining interests,
and one of Iho oldest counties, too, formed
since the present United States Conslltu
tion; has not furnished a Representative to
Congress since the official term of Owen D
Leib-a period of about forty years The
11th District has not had one of her soldier
citizens to represent her during or since the
wai, and she has had but once in that time
one of her soldiers placed in nomination
Captain Brockway, in 1870, when the dls
trict majority was almost thirteen hundred
ngsinst him, which large majority he over
came an 10 aooui a nundrcd and ten or
twelve votes. It does seem like a just trib
ute now to Mr. Brockway to receive the
nomination, a he accepted it eight yearn ago,
with what seemed like an overwhelming ma.
jorlty against him, which ho almost over
came, and would have done so quite, with
votes to spare, but for the deluded and mis.
Informed African, who, for the first time in
his life, had the right of franchise. And it
nt this coming nomination the congressional
delegates should favor Captain Brockway
witii the nomination, It would bo highly
gratifying and encouraging to all of his old
companions in nrms to see him elected a
lawmaker f. .r our common country, which
he ifiiciently aided in the defence of through
out nearly the whole four years of our re
cent interregnum, us attested to by a few of
that iiumber, irrespective of party procllvi
ties, with their names and regimcnU herein
C. K Hughes, M jor, 143 1 P V
T. Jiff. Vandersllce, Co. I, 13Gtb P. V
J. H. Ma'zc, Co. F. 143 I P. V.
iraiik P. Drinker, Co a, 6ili P. R. V. C.
C. S. Furman, Co. A, G'h P. R. V U.
B. T. Laycnck, Co I. 31st N J V.
W. H. Gilmore, Co. E, 132d P. V.
C. E. Savage, Co G, 1st Pa. Battery.
W. II. Jacoby, Q M. S , Co. F, 178th
P. V. M.
B. F. Sharpies-, Co. A, tith P. R. V. C.
U. W. Sterner, Co. E, 132d, and Co. E,
209tb P. V.
Charles S. Fornwald, Co. A, 6th P. R. V. C.
John Howell, Co. A, 6th P. R. V. C.
William E. Coff.nan.Co. A, Cth P. R. V. C,
Isaac Roadarmel, Co. E, 132d P. V.
W. 0. Holmes, Signal Corps U. S. A.
0. M. Vandeisllce, Co. II, 28th P. V. M.
Wm. F. Bodine, Co. H, 28th P. V. M.
J. 0. Sterner, Co. R, 171st P. V. M.
James Cadman, Co. E, 132d P. V.
G. V. Jacoby, Co. I, 178th P. V.
B. F. Whitenight. Co. G, 2d Pa. Heavy
John R. Graham, Co.D, 11th U. S. Int.
John Osraun, Co. I, 178th P. V.
Johu R. Mordan, Co. F, 178th P. V.
Henry Herrington, Co. F, 521 P. V.
Mathias Kindt, Co. I, 178;h P. V.
Amzi Whitenight, 1321 P. V.
Amos Wanich, Co. G, 178th P. V.
U. H. Ent, Captaiu, Co. B, 28th P. V. M.
Lafayette Applegate, Co. D, 1321 P. V.
John Gethin, Co. H, 7th Pa. Cav.
George W. Mears, Sergeant, Co. A, 6th
P. R. V. C.
James Old, Co. A, 209th P. V.
I. II. Seesholtz, Captain, Co. K, II8th
P. V.
Joseph II. Vansickle, 28th and 148th
P. V.
Henry Whitenight, Bat. A, 112th Pa.
A. J Beagle, Co. II, 112th P. V.
G. D. Hall, Co. II, 7th Pa. Cav.
Thomas Hopkins, Co. B, 103d P. V.
David Harlman, Co. A, 04th P. V.
Henry Wm. Vanderslice, Co. E, ICth Pa.
Daniel Smith, 16th Pa. Cav.
And many others.
Theyoung man to whom the world "owes
a living" has been turned out of doors, his
landlady not being willing to take tbo in
debtedness of this world on her shoulders.
?'h (Ireat KUney
If Slclae UBolt new
txjraponna 11 dm Men
before tne pablle soyaus
W fjs wed from llogertni
U EICV1UnM sol destf boa
W r IW PIIW Ureal sho bre been
sailf BBsBsv bItcd up by rbrilcisna .
ta-e. JIUNT-rt HKMKUV core, all Ille! i
fMes of the KUneM, IIlaAer, and lrtnarr
Prim, llropay. Gravel, . lliabctcs. ana
IfWWTM&iS'V .leeSferete
In Ibe (side, Itack, or llns, General Debit.
llr, female,, lilalurbed rtfrep, Loan
of Appetite. Drttalr. Ul.rn.e. or the Kid.
eye abd all Corapiainta of tbe Urino-Uenllal
riana. "UONT'rl KEMEI1 V T pirelj "rgil
r.yiSl." be otrooit rtlliDee msy De placed In It.
L'.'i'Ttt HEMEDY I. preaared KX-
ha vevsr been n 1 1 WW I
tatMViauu idhim Willi DVTrr Wiorg lUrTJItUICa lO
a fa.fl-
Odc trial Will coo
Yince i
ts4)or pamphlet to em MM V
3 TIP pr cjy
Letters Of Administration on the. estate nr nnni!
MI'ler law or Beaver township, Columbia count! ,
Register of said county to the undersigned Admtn-
the estate of the decedent are requested to present
them fur settlement, ana those Indebted to the eg.
MLriiirii. au nenuinM navinLr rmtma ac. nat
utiv uj ui&Ku pujineni ui tne unaerbignca Adminls-
C. W. Mnxia, Atl-jr. Beaver twp.
Oct. 86, is w Admtcistr.trfi
The undersigned Eiecutor ot the last will and tea-
tauient ot Thomas Kuorr,deoeosed, under authority
contained in said win, wm expose to sale t?
public, vendue or outcry on the premlses,at 10 o'clock
m the forenoon, on
Satunliiy, November 23d, 1878,
the following described real estate to-wt : A 11 that
Bituate In the Town of Bloousburg (late to ctdlp
or iiioom) Columbia county, Pcnn.yivanla,adiolnlng
the Worth Branch of the Susquehanna River on the
south, Big Fishlngcreek on the west, lands of H. V,
Iioone on the north, and lands of H. V, Boone and
Daniel llrlfogle on the oast, containing
more or leas, whereon Is erected a two-story
out-kltcnen, a good Frame Bank Barn, wagon shed
and other out-butldlngs,wellof water at tho dwelling
uouae, a uooa Ai uuuilMlu, all under good
11 Includes the Orove, known as the
Rupert Pic Nic Grounds
and Is wlthla about nve hundred yards of the depots
oi tne ruuaacipnu. ft Heading, and Lackawanna
Bloomsburt Kail itoads
TiaMsorBiLS.-IIWOoU) be paid at the striking
own oi tuu yru:riy, uuc-iuira tne balance of pur.
cluuu money to be paid on the first day of April 1ST!
wnen tosuo&Hion wiu ue given, ana balance of pur.
chase money tq be paid on the first day of April
isvj wita mierust uu wune rront isi April A I).,1S70,
urops iu tne grouuu reserved,
ltuiwrt, Hl, Let. 11, IKTS-ta,
Iloffus Certificates.
It Is no vllo drugged Bluff, pretending lo
be made of wonderful foielgn roots, barks,
&C, nnd puffed up by long bogus certlfi
cites of pretended miraculous cures, but a
simple, pure, offectlve medicine, made of
well known valuable remedies, that furnish
et Its own certificates by Its cure. We
refer to Hop Bitters, the purest and best of
medicines. See "Truths" and "Proverbs"
In another column,
In spite of fhnnels, coughs and colds will
make a lodgment In the system. But they are
not temnts at will, You can dispossess them
wllh Ifale'l lloniy of llorthnuntl ami Tar in les
time than it takes a sherllf lo exe cute a writ
Sold bv all druggists.
Pike's toothache drops cure In one minute.
VOIt (lOVEIt.N'olt,
FOIl BttPltEMK COttltT,
HENRY P. R03i,
for unpRnsnNTATivns,
of mrAwissi.
for rkoistei; and,
for TiinAWitnn,
Democratic Standing Committee.
Beaver Jesse Klttenhouse, Mountain Orove,
tie ton John H. Kline, Benton.
Berwick Bor. n'm. T snyder, Berwick,
liloomsbnrir east D. Lowenbcrir, Btoorasburjr.
Bioomsourg West O. s. Furmin. BloomsburK'.
Brl.irereek Joseph lAmon, Herwtek.
O uawlssa "ati'on Itamlln. Catau Issa.
C'entralla Birough-owen O.iln, Central!!,
tvntr Joseph elss, Lime Wipe.
Conyngliam North-Bernard Dojlo, ABhland.
t'onynirtiam south form I". Ilann in, Asnlund.
Flshl' r reek-J M. Howell. Vun Camp
Franklin Peter () Campbell, Catawlssa.
Greenwood I. s. DeWItt, Hohrsbure.
Hemlock N. m. Moore. Muck Horn.
Jackson-Frank Derr, Itnlirsburi;.
I-ocust Daniel Morris, Nuuiedla.
Madison J. M. Smith, Jersejtown.
Main J. W. Moimnn Malnvllle.
Mintln-D. II. Montgomery, .Minilnvllle.
Moutour llennevllle Rhodes, Rupert.
Mt. Pleasant, Joseph It. Ikeler, Canby,
orange M. II Patterson, O'aniretllle.
Pine John F, Foner, 1'lno Summit
Koarlntrcrek-J. Il Hunger. Roarlngcreek.
cott Jacob Tern linger. Light street.
Sugarlocr J. o, Laubach, Cole's creek.
I). LOWENBElta, chairman
Vigilance Committee.
Bearer-J. J. Hartiell. Charles Michael.
llerwick A. li. see cv. l. n. Hunt.
Benton John C. Winner, Hour McIIenry, A. Ilnr
man. T. B. cole
Bloom E liob.-rt Buckingham, Peter Jones, Frank
Hlllini cr. John P. tasey, Paul U. Wirt, John Bva-
iloom W O. A. Clark. Robert K. Little. Thomas
(lorey, T. W. Ouuton. William Uarralt.
Brlarcreek A. B. coon. Charles Reed.
Catawissa Iteuben .suuman o. w. Mr'cker Gideon
Centralla Patrick Dixon. Thomas Curran.
Centre Theodore Conner, David Remley, J. p. Hay
man. Cnnvneham N Thomas Fnnts. c. ti. Mrnttirp.
Conyngham s John Monroe. Bernhard Haley.
Wolf. Louis Belshllne.
Franklin Joseph lleeder. Rolandus Iierhpin.
Oreenwood-O. W. Ott, William Eycr, George Derr,
Hemlock-wimam Tlllcy, William Olrton, Simon
Jackson-W. P. Robbtns, s.ugutus Evcrhart.
Locust w. Teager, Clinton llower, David Long.
Madlaon-T. L. Hess, W. R. Demott, Isaac hippie.
MUn-Nathan Miller. W T. shuman
Mimin Samuel Snyder, E. bchwepnenhclscr. J. II.
Montour 1" A. Evans. James Quick, w. I'. Mouscr.
Mt, Plo.sant D. Mroup, Francis Miller.
Orango w. il. Hnyder a. b while
nne iianiei uortlner, r. w. hones.
Roarlngcreek navld Long, Johu Mowrer.
Scott '.N. ttachman. It. . Ent. w K inttprirk-
Sugarloaf Joshua II. Hess, Nunnau die
UemiuTutli' riatforin
The democracy of IVnnsvivnnlft unnnim.uiv h.
clare :
rhst the r'P'P'lcan nan v, us injures nmi its
men. lire ns unMble furtiw lli.iui. lu uMress, the
misery and the wsnt h it no M :
it uas ui'i couirui or tne legi-iatlon ir the country,
nd h.s enacted jitd (s-rn. tnati.,1 n n,iiii. ih ,i ,..
enriched the few uud limsivei I h- il l ho nwn ;
lis Hlhfin 01 Iinauee has m-wi orm nr rxvnrrn
moneyed monopnli, ut unequal laxuilnn, of exemp
tion or lasses, of high noes ot Int-riM. uud Ire.
murseless confrictlon. which Ins il-ntroted uiery
enterprW) that pit e eiiipliouieut tol.ho-.
Its present hold upo-ifed-rat iiower was secured
bytraud, perjury an f irgery lis liws ireuuMst
anu it practices immoral; tn.y dMrussthu peo
ple snd dettroy their suhsisnce
i ne oniy remedy ror ine-e evils Is an entire
:hange of policy and the dethronement or thus, in
And we r anlve that further contraction of tho
volume of t'nlted .stau-a legal lender notes Is uunle
an i unntcessa.y. 'I hey shiuld tin received furcus.
toms utles and rel.aued us fa-t as n celved.
Gold Silver and HnlUsI Mato lec-,1 ten.ter nMa
at par therewith, are Just basis fur paper circula
tion. A Close connect on or the redern p-nvemmpnt. ulth
the business Interests of the people, through nutinn.
a! banks, tends lo monopoly and centralization, but.
iu luaiiKuiK uie Bynieiu. uimonimysji notes, securi
ty to the note holder and protection of the capital
Invested, should be provided fi r.
Treasury nou-s. Issued In exchange for bonds ts ar
Ing a tow rate of interest, la the best furin la Mill h
tho credit of the government can bu glten lo a paper
Lauor ana capital nave enuai demands unon nnd
reSDonSlr-llltles lo law ommerce, and tmtnnrue.
tures should be encouraged, ao th it steady work and
tulr uges may be Melded to labor, whilst safety of
Investmentniid moderate returns fir Ita use Is long
..luijitmi. . ioieiivti i ,r uirw H I uruer in support OI
the real or supposed rights of either rhould bo promt
b suppressed by tho strung arm of the .aw.
'Iho KepubUeun partv, by Its legislation Inlsu,
which reducid Ibelsrlf o., bituminous coal from
ll.xa to Ts cents isr ton, and ujion Iron, steel, wool,
meu s, pai-er gfisd. leather, an i all tnanu'uclures
of each of them ten pr cent , struck a fatal blow ut
tbe ludutrlea and Ubor of Pennsylvania.
, uv (iuuiiu ioiiu" nic uiu otimuioi, prois-Tiy oi tne
people, and they should not be held to Hpcculttora
nor irrunted to rullrond or other rnrriornf l.ut
fchould bo reserved for homesteads fur actual' bet-
Uur DUblla debt should he held at homp. arid lh
bonds representing It should b-i of small denomina
tions, in w li leu iho savings of iho musses may be
safely Invested.
i uorougu lutestigaiion into the electoral frauds
of 176 should Isi made, fraud should bo exposed,
truth vindicated and citmtuils punished; but wo
opisjse unyatuu k upon the Presldentlsltltleas dan
gerous lu our Institutions and fruitless lu Us re
sults. The republ can party, controlling I bo legislation, ot
the state, has rt fused to execubj many of the re
forms of the new con'tltuiloii ; and among other
things, it has neglected uud rt fused
'lo eomis'l the aeeeptunce ot all Ha provisions by
Uie coriHjrallons of the i-late :
'I o prevent unduo and unreasonable discrimina
tion In charges lor trausimruitlun of freight and
passengers, t ud without abatement or draw back to
To iflvo to all enual means rnr tmnKtmrtlnc riiv
itateilal of the staUJlu such manner and to such
poiuis us tney may preier ; una
To publish lu good tullh monthly statements ot
wnero tuo inuney oi mo people was kept.
The ri pubitcau part) males hew unices and enor.
loous laruuUltes toolhera.and fill them uttlifa.
v or tea, whoso chief duty U to inaenge lis iol!tlcul
us udmiiiistrallon of the staf government grows
w. ei"i"J -iiuMHitjrw ui iiaiuiu
Leglrlailon has been directed bv republican lobby.
Ists. H ho In turn inantnulale. and riintr,,! llmnnmi.
nations of the republican purty.und llacandldatea are
maticaiiuuui a juuiu wuone aecrees are accepted
aa tho Irreversible mandates uf absolute hereditary
power. '
We denounce I heap. methtvlM ih.u man.,,...
thete men, as unworthy tho support of au honust
and free poo pie, and we Invito allot every shade of
political opinion, to umui w lib ua lu deUv tiring the
Neatly and chesplj executed at the
..r mmw
In tlio various lk'imrtincula of their elegant new store-,
Have placed the rarest novelties in Silks, Drcs-t Fal)ric3, etc., to be
found by p.itiuut, icrsontil s'urcli in the great inanuf.iottiring cetitres of
livery lady within reai-h of Philadelphia should not fail to visit this
m tgniliuent display, even if not Wishing to buy tit the time. Ko im
portunity to purchase on the pa it of salespeople is (.erinitted.
Wn tnUle attention to the largest and best as
sortment uf
Eter shown In Phttadeliih u till of which are innrked
at pricts that no Ameilcaii tiouse can possibly un-dil.-ell
HOOD (It'AI.U'YBLM'K S I.KS tsandwicts.
AN EXI ItA (il'.M.irV Nl' 1:111' SILK, at 9cts.
and we u-kiUatlt uecoiu mred with utiy one Dollar
bilk M.llliig.elsewi.ere. v o utter at
tiNB DOLLAR Piilt Will)
MX HV I.tll-h
From the Fln (II ice to tin Heavy tiros Grain.
Ncier butore sot I In uin mukct imlcrtt.25,
Also the liest makes nt
tl.V.3, tl.S ,110 1, f 1.73 11.110, lilK), 5..2S, $f.50,
slid un lo tin) tlle-sl gra es.
ouk particular a'leiittoii to uu Invoice of
Secured far under value, and o ntd by any oth
er house lu this eoiinfy w I'liln ; cents of our prices
T icy are In 111 -lit iulliles.
il.'. , i.i5,, ii, ia, u uu, (:'.:, ii ;s
We make spec! il mention of tho following Bar
gains ot recent purcuae.
Kxtra heavy and about one-half tho co.tof
'I ho uctu H market talue Is
SUITINOS 75 cents
Regular Retail pr ce II,
43INCII CAMEL'S II tilt SHI1INOS ui cents
Recommended for quality and cheapness.
315 INCH Ml K MIXKI) TMiTA.NS t, ceuts
Iu Blue, (iieeu and Cardinal.
di8trihftinr.f extort fittho stock nnd our wondcrfnl facilities forlts
distribution at Iho smallest iHjsslMe adiauceoter the llrst tost of manufacture
eri S?,n''.';.i'.!!.'".Vlr,11"'' "ow,"ver, are Hulled to tost the merits of our M.i.l Order Department.
S Vi i f,e' ,nw lA,.l;i"i',llu" SA VI'I'KS' u K"e" l"osl carcfat, prompt and Intelligent atlen-Vv
tion. All Mall ur lulegraphlu orders siu tilled In u departuiunt organized uuIabcalG uusurp.issed anywhere.
N. W. Cor. Eighth and Market Sts.
Hept !ii,'-s-tf
) Sewing Machine
Unrivaled in Appearance,
Unparalleled in Simplicity,
Unsurpassed in Construction,
i Unprecedented in Popularity,
And Undisputed in the Broad Claim
or oiino thc
verv nr.BT oir.ii.vxi'o
Host Perfect Scving llachino
The great popularity cf (hi Whl.o Is Iho most ccn
Vnclng tribute to its excct'vi ce ani bperlonly
overothcr tnichlnci.onj In eumiUing It to the
trade we put It upon Its m !$, enJ In no Instance
ha 1 1 1 ever yet Ulted to catUf en rc&om inundation
Thedfmand Icrtbe White h?s Inrreased to surd
ane&Unt that mo are now comptlUO to turn but
Jim Cemploto Ccrvrlncf Machine
over tltireo rti.J.2-.w.to3 tr.
lr.o 3iCir to fcMPPl
Every machine is irunted for 3 years, crH
sold tor csh it t.hera I Ciscounts.or upn tat
payments, to suit the convenience ot customers.
m 358 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio,
J, Saltzer, Aenl,
Oct. 2a, iT8-cm
1)F VAI.t'
I'ursuaut toun order of liiu (irpUuet' fnurt of Co
uinolaeomiiy, IU , "II lm sold at puOllu tut,., on I lie
prembus, lu iho t ivviiblilp of Uculie, lu s.ud coiuly,
Tliiirstlay, Xoveinlior M, 1878,
at t o oVueli I'. M Ihu fullovv injr ilcvrlbed real 8
talelttKiol iietrlclc v, llowraiu, UueeaM'd lu-vvlti
A farm Adjjlntii on ttei iurtli I uijiof i, v. lack.
Hon, on Uiiteual UinIiot-ul, HmiKucclir nr,il licnj
lllcta, oil llm Hiiulll tliu Ml-iii'hiiiii i nvcr uud ou
the vvc IuikUuI Isaac I'riil-Tuu! Jl, w, Jknoii.
us .anEj,
more or less, vvheroon aro eroded a two-story
Kit AMU,
bank turn, wa?on homo until,, m- nun, elder
jireaa, aud out-buildiiig j also, a iruuU xnrios of wa-
Tskmbok Hilt-Ten per cent of tho one-fourth
of the purchaH moor) m i. pHid at the htriWIuir
dovvnef the iiropirlv i the ouelouilh Iea tlm u-n
percent, al lie eonllrit.allou of haln i an I Iho re
malnlHKlhicc.fouilh!tinne eariherealiir. vvlili
t,riiit?h,!7,,i.h!ll,w;l;?iS,ila,',x.l'e,',''u M Wt
V. , . i"euuj oe dfllv
money nccordlni; to the Urins,
K II. 1II10WN,
Oct. ks, 'I8-U.
COLOR I) SILKS ot 7.1 and 80 cents,
In tho no a full shades,
19 Inches wide at 3 cents.
Measuring- '.I Indies, at Jl.oo
Measuring 'ii Inches, et 11.23
Measuring ti Inehf h, ot
Measut Ing ii Inches, nl Jl 75
Measui Ing is Incite-, at $1 isi
Meusiiilng 1'itlies ut fi.iS
ot which urn believed to bu unequaled nnvwhero
at iho pi Ice, width, quality uud assortment ot
We have the
MA I IN I'EKIN' at f l.SO per ard.
alf '.511, 11. T5, II 00, li 50, f-i.oo.
Including Ilia old stylo
Long prl7ed for wear.
Cotiipatlsou has laU'lv shown hat our prices aro
lowei thuu iho S'tme quality ot goods are being sjld
by w uoiesule dyat-i a to the trade.
Present prleu t Isewnere. cenLs.
31 CIS
soiling elbeHhcru lor 35 ceuts.
Extra weight aud cloth shades.
2S CCl U
23 ceuts
vs cents
Ready worth 31 ceuts.
1 o-ihirds wool and extra heavy.
15 cents
ALI'AG v LllsTRKS uh cents
ono-half wool and In all dcslrabto colors.
The universal testimony which comes to us from
ip sources, Is, ihut our bto:kof Dress Uoods Is uuo
qualed. this 1'irnR is o.n uu: wnn
. Advertising Agents,
tMiBPACHfRTNUV bTS. r r.ouis. ntl
' o ti, v '".f'OO.l' I. I'll 'I'lIB 1.1 VI It
1 ST o U ill i oiriti'i?
rr 1'amph'cHaJJrt.H Vn. Sam-ukd, New York,
oct. is,;s-4w ab
t n- r.t rm'cnnlal rpoItioa for
( rt i i p I txetKenr ami lusting cAar
t r t JtmrUo. Tho teet tobucea
l'"t itrlo t'd'ltf-mntk Ii cIomIt
I if ' i-Tn-li pee tli at Jirttmn't lift U
- t '1 l-vr rl lllu1frtl. Konri fnr ..nvr.1.
Ji keoi & To., Ifrt., J'eterlurr, V.
OCt. lb. ;6-4w
TiiP. Father Mallliew Miii
A ceitntn and speedy euro for Intemperance. Destroys
iippi-tlie fur uleu' ol,o liquors, ami LuiMs up ncvoua
nj'Mein, AIIKllii llciiiicil nr nny lsiKeKATB IN-
MliKTAl. Illl l rilTCICil. Pbl"IKSSION. it alo cures ev-
erv Mud or t'kvuR Hvhtki-sia. and Tokpiuitv of tho
i.ivek. Mild tiy UrufrirUtH. rlcell per tictile. 1'am
plilet on "Alciliol, lis Wlecu. Into utierance as a
Isi-nse." t.ent free. Ka lier Mattuew 'lemperanco
an.1 Mar.uracturlnB Co., 86 llond kt , New Vort.
oct. is. is-tw ab
(lrlll IteilllrlllHI TO CLOSE OCT 1'KKSENT STOCK 09
makerr irur vvKBkTi!p ai d at pi Ices that DUr V
rovieKTITUiN, for c.ih or Insiiiiiiucnts. voknts
WAN'I'i; tor W'ATI'.ltN' M'l'llltllllt IIKM, lilt.
; t.NH lill 1'I.IMH. IILrTrtTEU CiTlLIWrH
fact urirs aud Hi ulera Ju Int 14th st , N, Y. Alo
jjjheralABeuti ir -ll(i.MMIi:us Uelebiated
oct. is,'is-lw ab
Jiy A IHY to agents canvass ng for the I'lre
ip M ldi' Vl tor. Terras and (limit fr-e. Ad
dreisl'. i Nl KKItY, AU;tnta, Maine
oct. 19, IS-ivv ab
0 ,t Fakcy oaiiiis with name inc. plain or gold
(Mfvutaou tltiOc llistjles llti'l Co , Hudson.'
M. . ub oct, IS, 78-4W
llewsrapcr Advertising Bureau 10 pntce st.N"V
Estate of Rebecca Smith) deceased,
notiok liTEvHTrno.v.
Columbia County, ti.
lu tho drplians' Court otl'olumhla County. In tho
inatterot iho partition at il valuation of the ea
tiitoof llebrcca biulth. (widow ot John bmlth).
lale ot Madls m township, diwased i
To the heirs and levral representatives of said lie
leccu Miillli. ilecoased, to-wlt i A. K. hmllh of Mad
sou tow n-ldp, James w ilsou and busan his lf0 of
urivilii-, Mon our connty, l'i iiuhj lvanla, Charles
I oUoii and Palmet'a Ids wife otrald Madison tovvn.
ship, Ah'junder II Mnltn, (lesldeuco unkuovvn)John
Mull Ii. (reldenc unktionu), bainuil 11. binlth ot
(iiej.nvv iml tuwiialilp, hald county ot Columbia. An.
IU.M. Miillhol fauMlte. uluiekald, 11. r. Iiatll
11u.1rdl.1uot Kosabinlthuud i.raut Mullh, uiluoii
rehlilciitln.llreinwood lvvp.nloret.ala,Jacobluirof
I'luu tovviishlji, wild County uf Columbia. .Maiiba
lAinir of salil Madison township, 1 anlrl Lonir, Jack"
Honv llle, U hla 1 county, I'eunsj lvanla, V else
uud Mailndirdswlfo.of (in-Held, said Leliluh couu.
I y, Kdiv la llabcncild andlHatllda his wife of 'aid oie
Ileld, Henry IKjttery and Hannah his vvlte
of Uutli blatlun. said UtMi county, Johi!
kluti, and hnieltuo his vvlfo ot Columbus
.luncilon, Louisa counly, Iowa Peter Haas and
AiiuihUa his w lie of Alleiitovvn, bald 1 , hich county,
Mlllou iiUaiid AlHrfdthU wife, of said Allcntown
.1 nob Ijikich aim li. ,l 11,1 if,. ot Iromou said
Ililk'licounH,iie iri;e Kit hard his wife!
ofhill .vile;it'ivvu.lliuri II. rterl.y.lto.a I. Werley
ut.dAllie eilu,u minor uhd Nathan Kruui.
tuvvu ' ''IU lk V' vur1'' 1111 Ml1 Attend
'I notice that au lutiuest 111 bo held nt the hi to
tin .Madison iiiiuiubi nimlCar
........... v. . u , luA tt in., anil s p. ui Olfealdutr
f..r ike puipose of makli.i;purlllloii oitliereal ebufo
of tald umiwn, to aim 11 uoi.B hir ehlldreii uiS il!
t-iil leoiekeuiatlves. 11 tticbauwcaii be. dinewilffi
irejuaiio 10 or spoilliiBot the whole. olhirvvUeio
jaluo aud appraise ihS tame aicoralLg to aw it
proper U'U' V"'CU'''U atleia iFjoVthlnf
ShorHT'soniei r,S?"" ".uurrMAN,
MZ&m Toliacco