THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUEGr, COLUMBIA COINTY, PA. in Historical. Miscellaneous. Fall! UmiB I Fall UmM LINIMENT IODIDE AMMONIA. STY. ITT mSTOUY (IF C0I.UMUIA COUNTY. MILITAHY RECORD. Tbr Yuri 8tU, 187th Xegimtnt. Company o. A part of this company rectultrd la Mon tour county, was a portion of body of troopi known m the First Battalllon, organtird for tlx month service. It was Compxnr D. nt thai organltntlon, mustered In June 22, 1863, and mustered out January 9, 1804, but was Immediately rr-organited aud became Company O. of the 187tb Regiment. Com- pony D had done guard and prorost duty in the atate, and this publication follow! the fortunes of Co. 0. which was organized in March 1804 at Camp Curtin. It reached the army In the field during the battle at Cold Harbor. In all the heavy fighting be fore Petersburg it had a full shara, and was highly complimented. It had the head of theprocesaion kt President Lincoln's funeral obsequte, from Baltimore to Independence Hall. It mustered out at Ilarrlaburg August 2, 1SG5. Joseph F. Ramsay, Lieu tenant Colonel, discharged September 29, 1864, tho Company being in command of Captain Young. All the men not otherwise accounted for were mustered out with the regiment. William Youiijr, Captain. Orville D. Harder, 1st Liutenant. George O. Livett, 2d Lieutenant, pro moted to Captain Company K. discharged March 9; 1805. James It. Johnson, 21 Lieutenant Alfred 1J Tatton, 1st Sergeant. John S. Ware, Sergeant. Sette K. Sharpless, Sergeant. William II. Cool, Sergeant. Franlc Kochafeller, Sergeant. James D. Moore, killed at Petersburg, Virginia, June 18, 1864. John C. Irvin, Corporal. Hugh P. Libbart, Corporal. Amos Carman, Corporal. John H. Harder, Corporal. William H. Mohr, Corporal. Daniel Marshall, deserted January 19, 1S65. James I!. Forest, Musician. Charles P. Harder, Musician. Alward Arthur, private. Brown Benton B, private. Bro-vn George W, privt, Beatty John It, private, Berdaniel George W, private. Bryant William, private. Beaver Charles S, private. Brace Henry E, private. Birtch Isaac, private, deserted October 10, 1864. Cutair Charles, private. Case Kelson B. Caslin Michael. Campbell Andrew Craig William, died at Williamsport Pa,, April 12, 1B64. DevineJohu O Ecbart Samuel Elliot- William Easten James S Eyerly Charles W Funston Charles R Foreman Osman Frame Joseph L Fox John Frlbley William II Fianigan Reese, died at Dand's Island M. Y., August 23, 1864, buried In Cypress Bill cemetery L. I. Gandiblue Joseph Gibbons James II Gibbs James M Gibbs Charles H, discharged general order May 30, 1865. Geiger William, transferred to 167 Reg iment P. V. Henry John Heftier Jacob W Hullilieu William F, discharged gener al order July 14, 1865. Hale Epbraim K, discharged general order July5, 1865. Mawrer jonn, deserted reoruary zi, 1864. IckusJohn Ijkus Henry Jackson Gjorge W Jackson Caleb Jones William P, deserted March 1, 1865. Kercher Gottleib Kutcbman Theodore, transferred lo Veteran Reserve Cjrps. Levers Joseph Lewis William Maney Patrick Miller John Morgan Thomas P Morgan Watkin Milner William, discharged Surgeons certificate July 4, 1865. Melliu Oscar G, discharged general or der July 5, 1805. Nash William, wouaded with loss of leg at Petersburg, Virginia June 18, 1864, discharged October 31, 1865. O'Brian John Oplinger Samuel, deserted May 11, 1864, Powley Henry K I'utton Irwin T Pollan John, deserted March 1, 1805. Rank David II Reed Peter M Rishel George Kixbel Charles Roberts John Rantz Isaac Ridgway Warren M Roderick John J Spoouebager Peter Smith Edward D Slack Jacob Secbler John Stabl Samuel Snell Isaac Slack John W, discharged April 1S65, for wounds received In action, ( Suooueberger James, deserted March SI, 1865. Steward William, deserted March 31, 18C5. Thornton Grler M, dishonorably -di charged. Vaugllder George W Vogle William Wray Lewis V, wounded at Petersburg Virginia June 18, 1865 and mustered out with Company Wertmau John Wertman Elijah Werkheiser A B Ware James D WatU William M Wallace John II; Williams William Warren Henry Warren George, absent sick, at muster out. Wirt William, absent sick, at muster out. Waldren John, discharged January 6, 1865 for wounds with loss of arm, received at Petersburg Virgiuia June 28, 1864. Wray James, pe&crted l'ebeuary 2, ilW4.It Typographical Krrors. SOMB AMUotNO BLUNDERS III TYPE SET T1NO. A New York le'ter writer thus sketches a few typographical errors: Unce Mr. Greely wrote an editorial entitled "William II. Seward." Imagine bis rage when It came to him in proof headed"Rlchard tho Third." Yet anybody familiar with his chirograph, If his inky jerks can bo so designated, wil readily see, not only how such a mistake could be made, but how It probably would be. Aagaln he wrote about "three men in Buckram," and the prosaic typesetter got It "three men in a back room. And this notwithstanding the fact that two composi tors of sagacity and experience were hired at an extra salary because they could read his copy. But George Ripley has bien tho 'victim of the grossest outrages In this line. In one of his book notices bo took tlm liberty ot quoting from Shakespeare, "1'ls true, 'tis titty : ana pity 'tis 'tis true. Anil tdo wretched bungler got it, "Tis two, 'tis fifty 'tis fifty-two." That is some worse than James F. Bab cock's martyrdom, when he wrote, ''Is there no balm in Gliead?" and read the next morning, to his consternation, "Is there no barn In Guilford? Mr. Crawford, n member of parliament; recently sent to India the message, "The news Irom America favors the holders," nnd it arrived there with the information that "News from America savors of soldiers." The Indian Juggler. There was nothing very remarkable in the appenrance or dress of our conjurer, An elderly man, short and sparely made, dressed In a dlngr white ,cottou, with very tight legs to his drawers,he might have been a respectable servant out of place, but ac tually was a small land owner who bad tab en to conjuring for his amusement. When bo entered the room he spread a white cloth upon the lhor and sat down upon it with bis back to the wall, the door of the room being on his right hand. His spectators were disposed in the following fashion Mr, Smyth sat on a chair nearly In the middle of the room, I was sitting on a sofa near the door, the Parsee merchant stood in the door way, about arm's length from me. The ser vants stood about in groups, the largest group being between the door and the con jurer. As soon as no had settled himsell he turned to the Parsee and asked him for tne loan of a rupee. The peddler at first de murred n little, but, on being guaranteed against los-, he produced the coin. He was going to put it into the conjurer's hand, but the latter refused and told the Parsee to hand it to Mr. Smyth's bearer. The bearer took it, and, at the request of the conjuror, look ed at it and declared it to be really a rupee. The enjuror then told bim to hand it lo his master. Mr. Smyth took It, and then followed this dialogue: Conjurer Are you sure that it is a rupee ? ;Smy th Yes Con' jurer Close your hand on it and hold it tight. Now, think of some country in Eu rope, but do not tell me your thought, then the conjuror ran over the names of several countries, such as France, Germany, Russia, Turkey and America for the native of In dia is uuder the impression that America 1, in Europe. After a moment's pause Mr. Smyth said he had thought of a country. "Then open your hand," said the juggler; 'see what you have got, and tell me if it is a coin of the country you thought of." It was a five franc piece, and Mr. Smyth bad thought of France. He was going to hand the coin to the conjurer, but the .latter said, "No, pass it to the other sahib." Mr Smyth accordingly put the five franc piece into my hand ; I looked closely at it, then closed my hand and thought of Russia When I opened it I found not a Russian but a Turkish silver piece about the size of the five frauc, or of our own crown piece. This I handed to Mr. Smyth and suggested that he should name America, which he did, and found a Mexican dollar in his hand. The coin, whatever it was, had never been in the conjurer's baud irom the time the rupee was borrowed from the Parsee ine -chant. Mr. Smyth and his bearer had both of them closely examined the rupee, and Mr. Smyth and I turned over several times the five franc piece, the Turkish coin, aid the dollar ; bo the trick did not depend on a reversible coin. Indeed, it could not, fur the coin underwent three changes, as has been seen. I need ouly add, for the infor mation of those readers who kuow not In dia, that a rupee is only about the size of a florin, and therefore about half the weight of a five franc piece. The juggler performed several other tricks that day, but they were of a commonplace kind, and in no way com parable to the coin trick, which I have nev er seen rivalled by any other conjurer in India or Europe. 77te Univertity Maga zinc. HUNT'S fc 0M KI4ae edlelne It Sots new compound It hM been before the public 3U year And ced Lr ail cltiMei, UVVtTH UKInlDY REMEDY uu mtco iron: dfttli huo bkva been riven to die. , IIUNT'ri HEM F.I1V rnMi rave i oi in tviney. sf s . r. - lJflnrr uropiyi uravei, uiuic uq i unrn it c.Ti ci cDcuttncei iioep, crcaiei 11 rifftnau llllftT'M UKME IY la mii-rlv tccth. UMe, and mteti s, want never before t ornlibed to tpo " lll'NT'B IIK.UKOY U prepared BX- uuunc. mna inn annoii rrnancB ihbv up d arm in it. afcot diseases, and "8 has nevi Iidbm tn r On trial will son bind lor pamphlet to REMEDY VtU. K. CXATtlCK, 1'BOTtOUOI.B.I. aug. ?, IS-yl U&tei GREAT RKliJCTION IN PRICES! W will sell tho Very Best Tamily sewing jnacoino For Twenty-Five Dollars I.V VAHtt, on an ornainenU'd Iron Ktand and Trradle. with waluut lop and drawer, and nrociuary Attoenmenls and deliver li at any ltaliroud Depot In tlie United DlllKS, lreo ot Lliargo. Tlirxo machines 'are warranted to do the whole line of family t-eliKWlili more rapldlty.more eoe of inanatement, and lea fallfuo to the operator than any maiuine now in use. hend for a Clreular, Kvery maculae warranted for thrie J ears. Agents wanted In Unoccupied Territoiy Oeiitenniiil Machine Co., Limited, trv riuxnT ctt- ruiu'uxu'uii, ri. Oct. 4, 14-tin ayvtuK, ui mum uu uic iciu, auiu truewcu uruiu Uibomult. lllfNT'M KKMlvHY rare. I'aln lath Hide, lUclt, r Lolni, Urnrral DcbU- af Appetite, IlrUhi'a DIimsm- of ibt. Kid. neji ahd mi Complaint of toe Urlno-Ucnttal aKamS2f!aaattaaflHM Cure all In In In Mini anil Itcngt TESTIMONIALS I rR0t.rsrs Utbri (KalltnK ot tho Womb.) A Won derful Cure. Nino ears my Hire suffered ;witti this tejTltjlo complaint Hlie was attended by doctor af ter doctor, went to the different hospitals where fe males are (rented! Irled llinn nils woio bandaprs aud pewules wllh ouly temporary relief. Her life was miserable. Wtt applteil Dr. (II is' Ltnlniriit. Her relief was Immcdtntu. hho Is now ell. II. McDrHuorr, 40 West lath street, Now York. I had 'twelve strokes of Varaiysls. My leir, arm and tjngue wero useless was obliged to us-i a e.ilh oter ciry day. Doctor lilies' Liniment touideol AnimonU cured n.e. NVld answer any inquiries so that all anilced inny know of IU Jouk Arrsu North liranford, Conn. Chestnut 11111. rnliadpiphU. April 21, It. W. M. (Illes. K-n Dear Mr I used Jour Iodide of Ammonia Liniment on FloruTeo, pie's hind pastern olnt. hhe bad tteen iiilte lame ; the tiTect was wonilerf ul i she w nks now nulto well. Very, re spectfully ours, A. Weich. 1'. s. t am now uslnR It on Littleton's rlht tore leg. A larjte slioo boll on u valuable younff horso was remo(ed by Ulles' Llnluivut Iodide of inmonbi. itnsi'MEKD KNtrr, carpets, ITS sixth ave.. Sow York. Asthma The tortures and agonies I eudured for six j ears, none but those who havesurtered with thH terrible disease can know. My life was misera ble, in desperation 1 tried (Hies1 Liniment lo Ide of sinmonlA. II gave ma Instant relief. Used It In termtiy as well as externally. Itios. IIKANIIIAK. 117 west mil street. Xew ork. T was In a drenntul condition. Joints swollen, ftaln Intense. Injections of morphine Into my veins alleu to relieve me. lilies' looide of Ammonia took awav the depoMiH from my Joints lwanteery ouo who suffers lo knov what will cure tliem. l-'OHtiVCK IXITIIKOr. North lldtj Park, liiumollleLO. vt. Another surrerer cured. Itlsclmrtjed from the Massachusetu tleneral Hospital hs incurable, with Intla'itniatury rheumatUm lu my thonlders, nnvrers anu feet ; suffered fearlully for three jears, tried eerjthlni lost nil hopo. Ir. lilies' Liniment Iod ide of Ammonia effected a complete cure. E1.I.KN SMITH, Ko. Vi 1'rane street, FaU niter, -Mass Sprains, splluts, bruises, ljinieness lu horbes, Giles' Liniment lodlds ot Ammonia Is u isTfecl spe Clile. Noperson whuowusa horse sluuid be with out it, M. ItOUKNS. M seventh nvenue, New lork. In my family, and for the stock, 1 have used (llle'r. Liniment loulde of Ammonia. It H unsurpavd, aud I am surprised at tbe many different maladies in which It is applicable. It gives the utmost satis faction. .Tons J. Caktfr, Superintendent Eastern l'ennsylvanla Experimen tal Farm. M c. and It : and In Quarts at tJ.50, lu which there Is a great saving. 'IrUl slzs S3 cents. SOIDBV AIL DBCOOISTS. N. J. llEM)i:it-illOTT, Ail. lor llloouisburc. may 41, 'is- miiK JURAT tositivu cure JL for all IIKAHE r.stntrfromfttlprni.iTPtirooai- ttonofthfl lll.OOU, LIVJLU XKUVii UIUM 11 V Jta VHUa an. Tbe Best Family Medicine on Earth. it) nr prrton fcffllctuj with dlwais that 1 IGOTIKXR vUl not roll? or core, prorldlnK tbe ttcnei or organ tvr not iraated bssyoni point ot repair la telentiflcallj componDiled Irum lierta, Koota, barka aad Uama found In California, and the Weat Indies, combining m Tonic, Cathartic, Alterative, Dtortlc and hudoriflo. It imnwdUte effttctupon ths dlAeattve orpana, whether Impaired by dtseane or exhanBted from any caase, la to ln creaaa tbalr powera of aielrallatlon and nntrltton. It In nrl Linn tn th munralar and etrenlatlDS araUiin. It ttun nlatea tho Tttal proceaaea to renwd activity, altera, cor recta and purine the Itulda, tones tne organ and re-eatab ilahea their healthy function!. LTHE only tsue remedy eor colds. r It la naoleM to expatUta upon the Tlrtnea of thU CRFA1 RKJiUDt. .it jou are Bunrnnir irora ihiiuib nmi, VYHfk:rbU.r INDIUMTlUM, WlllLXlTl-l, (.LMIEiLUK. KILITY. 0STIFAIIO, klUSfcY cr M.U018 UIsHSilH, or anr disorder arlloff from IHPIKK nuOIi,cet a bottu of t uTOKlS. and uaelt aa per dlnvtlona upon ch bottle. In Enttllih, Oennan, Bpanlnh and rYenrh. One bottle vlL better con Tlnce jou of ita muriu than volamos exprouod Ix PrUlterl In k . m aitnntlnn In rt fumllT un Wnminnr Chtl.l ran take S l(jOakBand rematc Ions ilck. It nrat cloanaoa tbe ayttem, then repalra, the: bulVdanp.tbuicurlnKdiMaManil eatAbUablnB bealuioni permanent, aafe and enduring baala. b, rut up in large ooiuea, ana ii pivmko mi nw, m HelAyKrunlaltVemerall, Vrt, tl.Oi) per IMtle, MValker k Uadger Blfg. Co., rrop'rs, ' 40 Joaa Street, S.w lera. SVFPBilKD 30 YKARS. Jeraej City, RDtember Id, lfTI. No tonpne can tll what I hare lufferud for the paat io yean from (tnllfcii'iaQd lUnii HLkklilMl I'lLKM, at tlmea ao bad that I could not atand upon ruy feet. I could not malx balf a mile lthou aoffurUig tntenae agony which oold bring on severe IQneM. ibout one year ago I waa Induced U try a bottle of Jour mOHfcSfc and am clad to atate that after taklnr our bottles I was entirely cured of both dlafinses and aro now enjoying excellent health and strength. Vise aUatiailsxIv kfiUrted tn tr W.OKaXlL Mrs. O. f. FEKKia, 111 Sussex Kt, POX'T GO FOOLING AIIOUND, Am a regulatlnp medicine I can confidently reoomtnand IMlkaK I have vied it in my family aad know others who have tried It. and all pronounce it good and rtllable. II don't go fooling around and disappoint yon by makloir no ilira. but It attends to bustnt-ss and ac. com plla ties that wbvrvunui tt li sent. n . iil t au niTcrueaa, i. i. OF YEAItS KTAMH(i. I tiaed one bottle of TlfiORMEand ran truth fall r mat that tt has cured me of Ulbl tlU and HlLlol btJb of years standing. For Sale at N. J. STORE, ISIooinslHir, Pa. who is authorize to guarantee VIOOIIENE to proTo I as represented. lau.H, Ts.-ly. S. W. Douglass, Civil and Miniii"; E'iii?meci', ASHLAND, PA. General Surveying and Engineering Business attended to with Care and Dispatch. 1 am prupari'd to make drawings, I'laua aiid Mciatls la Wood. Hrais, lruii, or tuo above laaurlala comblDeJ as necessary of Bridges, ilinei, Breaker!, E&lllisgs, sgise, I'l'MI'B, and all Uuda of mat blnery for ub- of cases at fruit or for nf pllcailoEstotcrure tatoMs. l'tilrui. Herurr.1 uiartb l?s PAINTING, GLAZING AND PAPERING. I TITM. F. RODINE, Iron Street Wlow eeo M oua, moouuiouri;,i'a.,ia prepared to ao ail PAINTING, GLAZING, and PAI'En HANGING In the ben styles, at lowest prices, and at short uuuro. Parties bavlnir such work to do Kill save money caning on me. All work:warranted to give stutactlon. solltiuxl Orders WM. F. IIODINE. Ocu l,lW. oltttinHtornfiD invention, or for improremtntt on oMonr for wtdtonlor othtr compounds, trad mark nnl labels, Cttveats, Assignments. Inter ferences, Appeals, Halts for Infrlvgtmtnts, and atlcatts arising tinder the Vntmt,prompt It nttmded to ' tnwnltnfii that huv' Itrcn mi y the Patent Ot- iJla mau stilt. I most eases, bs . in pnttntui by vs. JHhin vnpfisite the V, R, Patent Department, n! tnpnfffd In Patent Inslnrss er etusitrlif, ct can tnuKs vloser searthes, and secure Patents tnore itrumidtu. tetlh, broader claims. than tho trim nr rtnnt fmn Washington, i are rtr m I sa VsTl smi vi a moa 1 vour device: ics mae rxum i nations n mi nurixe n in pairniaoiiiijf, Jrce cftharnf AH correspondence strlrthj pon Jtdfntlat. Prices low, find XO HAlttli; fA- ;xs.s jATi:xr is We refer In, Washington, to J ton, Potttmnster Central 1. .1f Key, Iter, F. P. ptctr. The fitrmnn American fr'uttonnl Itnnk, to officials In the V, S. Patent VJfice, and to hi-nators tnut Peprcfrntatires 1n Conaremi, and fplalli ttumr client sin every btatl in the Vnlnn nnrf fn tSinada. Addrtli Opposite Pntmt f u r, uihington, V, C LAFFERTY'S PATENT Screw Porcelain-Lined Cylinder. HECBIVED HIOUEST AWAHD At Coiitonnlnl Exposition, rilII-AIU.FIIIA, 1870. .oi'nnd cilErKST 4 Vt l '.It WO(H IMMU'S In the trntket. Vhln unoil stftcks, nlanooppfr anrl porrelalrt lluil. Justus sorvlci-ali as tlm old loir pump, utiil coifa tmt li.i'f tliu iinm'y. Hou'tbuyu punip Liilll luu ctllur iltc uu lur prices. RfiinliT We Warrant Every One to cava SATISF ACTIO. V. WVInvH alsia line of Clntn Pinnp-'at vory lor prli'i's. cut llils out ami suvo lor refiTt'tu e. ?CI1UYLKII ft SON', BLOOMSUUim, bup. 2'. ';s I in 'A. The Standard of THe Over 300 Modifications. TO THE REQUIBENTS Of EVERy BUSINESS S C ALES. Made wllh il.r Lntc r mill .l!ot Vitlwuble Impriit rmt'ttlH. Two Graiul Prizes AT PAKIS KXrOSITKKV. Itrcelvcil lllghcNt fflcilitlN at WOHLTl'S I'AIH, UN'IMIV, l MfiliMiN I'Wli, K yohk, wiinLirs kiii, ia ins. imi7 MOIII.irs Will, VIKNNA, IMS Wdlll.D-t FAIll, SANHAIlO, (fhlll) IMS WOHLIrW FA I It, I'llll.AIIEI.I'lllA, 'bio JM)r!LH' FAIU, sviiNKY, (Australia) is;i FAIRBANKS & E WING. 715 CHESTNUT ST., Philadelphia, fp. 27. TS-13 w IMPORTANT TO Y0UNQ MEN &t WOMEN The Bryant & Stratton Business College. Vo. 108 South 10th Stmt, PUl&i'a, OfferHuiiHurpiiHHeU flicllitiea for acquiring p Mtslucea edit cation. NtnafeiitM can enter nt any 11m-.. Ao vaciitluiis. UliiBtratcd clrculnm Ircc. au;. 3J, "lb-sew a & s C. jB. savage, HElLtlt IN Silverware, Watches.Jeweliy.CleckSj&c. lir llefnofd In ?hi riffi.w i.himi.... alH)e the KiUanKu HoteL ' All klul r.J WaUui's. CloeVs and Jewelry iieat ly reimlwl and warranted. ' A fcSlONhK'S hOTICE. iNutk'elu hereby oUen Hint Anrnnu irr.itna Ixiclllt towiihhln. riluifiLla rriiinit. I'h . l.v h.h m voluiitun nhMfinnri.t lias atslRH d all Idsestaieio JolinC, Mmnor lociiht toiihlpln trust lor tlm Lenellt cl eredliois tit Kald Aarou H, Knlttle. All iierHoiis llurtfore IndeMid lo ilm t.uiii Anmn h Kiilllle, vlll imike pajmntto tlie (Old AKSIunee and all pcrwuis liuvtuir i-mnnti or demand ui make uwn u iuu Duiuu w iiuoui ueiav. JOHN ft YOrvu, AsklBnee or Aaron S. Knlttle, Am oiT t IIiuwn, Ally . lor Assignee. t,eut, ,!- J41SfAPEiISKEPT0N FILE 1 AT THE OFFICE OF, 733 Smsou Sr,( PHILADELPHIA, HLo nro iur uutkorlvril ngeuts, itiitl will rcrrlro Adrt'rlUruiriits at our JllVlr VAHU UATIM, 1I.U 1. Mini tWSrSWJB,i . 1 1 liWUJ mjMf JJJSti World Begs ! I leave to inform his customers now replete with all the .Novelties for lull and Winter Wear, consisting of new nniijbontttiful styles of - ENGLISH FRENCH GERMAN AND DOMESTIC GOODS t , . AT REDUCED PRICES nuy of which lie is prepared to make up in the latest style. Itcady-mado colli in:; cheaper than ever. Cheap Suits for men, Cheap suits for Youths, Boys for Children. nlPof the best niiike and at tho lowest prices. Just received a full lino of all the latest styles in color and quality of SAXS, For Men, lor A FULL LINE OF THE CELEBRATED PEARL SHIRT. BAYED MERCHANT TAILOR, BLOOMSBURG, PA. IS THE 1EWSP1FEM AND HAS TUB OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN COLUMBIA COUNTY. Terms $1.50 a Year in Advance. Country Produce taken on Subscriptin. THE.DIFFERENT STYLES OP TYPE IN THIS PAPER -A. IRE O UNTIL. "Y" OF THE INNUMERABLE AND MATERIAL Inn the 0)IiiiiiiMlbilaiiii?.ffi(6Ba All kinds of Printing done at low rales. oei OFFICE NORTH SIDE OF THE COURT HOUSE, BLOOMSBURG, PA, -yyAINWKIGIIT A CO., WHOLESALE OltOCEUS, ruiMDiarmi, Dealers In TEAS, SVIlUrs, COFFEE, fcUOAH, MOLAtSKS, K1CE, bl'ICKS, B1CADB SODi, iC, S.C. a. E. Corner Second aud Arch tlrocts, rwordors will rccehe prompt attention tr BLOOMSBURG TANNERY. G. A. HEltllING T i:SI'i:cn'UI.LY announces to llio jiublio XVtl'athe has reopened SNYDER'S TANNERY, (old sl:ii d) liloomsburi;, l'a , nt the Forks nt tho Es- j uuu Liiiin. rireei loaas, wneru an uestripunusfii eallii r will bo inado In the mrmt t.iilistiintlnl hihI workniiinllue manntr. and sold at nrires to suit the in i s. 1 ho highest p rice In cash w 111 al nil limes bo OnEKK HIDES of en ry description In the country, Tho publlo pat ron me ris).ei Itully sollelted. ,'iu.iuiiuuri;, ui'u j, is,s. HKALTII AND HAPPINESS. I Health una lhtrriiu-i-s arc inla l. ha W i-ultli lollalr rosse-SUIK. aiicl Itt lhf urn ultliln IhH 11 iu 1. nf i-v. vry unu who will use W ItilillT'S L1VHU TILLS The nnlv sure t'UIIU for Torpt.1 I.ner, Dyspenln, cH'tdvitr, rum pii.iiiueu. i uiiMipaiion, 1'euiuiy, Nausia, and all HIIUous eomplalnlsand IikxhI dis orders ;one t'eiiulno unh'hb signed "V. m. Wrlnlit, rmu." if your UrutntM will not supLlyscndas cents (or ono box to Uarrlck, Holler cj.,to N.4tU St., t'hiu. Jan. 4. is-iy ur M. C. SLOAN & BRO. IILUOMSUVIIO, 1M, Manufacturers of Carnages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs, rLATFOHM WAGONS, tc. First-class work always on hand. 11EPA1U1NQ NEATLY DONE. I l'rlfts redured to suit the times. ' Jan, s, isn-u. ML mitt the public Unit his stock is Ufa, BASS Youths, for Boys Cheaper than Ever. FOB SOLD ONLY BY LOWEMEllMi JT9 PBsiBii ami Fancy slfiorf notice and $66 s ek- In our own ton. fsoutnt tree. rlk. Header It ou want a business which d( rfons or either w;x can make lor partllulars lo 11. Hallet A Co., rortland.lalne. marcli stv, 'is ly HAPPY RELIEF in all siilleiliii; Irnm chronic diseases ot all kinds. Conlldenllal consultation linlled personally or by mull. ew melhoil ct treatment. New and rellab reiriedles. Hook and eliculurs sent free In sealed fliWli.lies. Address IIOWAllll A-ML'IATION, 419 Mirth Ninth street, Philadelphia, l'a.. an Inslltule ha vlui; a hliih lenutalton for honornblo conduct and protisstonal skill. July io, ;s-3m Jwico ESPY PLANING MILL. The undersigned lessee c r lheEspy rianlnfillU, Is prepared to do all kinds ot mill work. Doors, Frames, Sash, BIMs, etc. made to order on short notice. Satisfaction guar. auu-ea. Kra, lllocmsburg, l'a. HALE'S HONEY OF HOREHOUND AND TAR FOn THE CURE OF Conghf, Col J l, Infloenia, Hoarieaen, Difficult Breathing, and all Affectloni of the Throat, Bronchial Tobei, sad Lnngi, leading to Ooaenmptlon. This infallible remedy is composed of the Honey of tlie plant Horeliound, in chemical union Willi TAR.ltAl.JI, extracted from the I. il E I'RiNCll'LB of the forest tree Adeis II. MSVMKA, or Halm of Gilead. The Honey of Horeliound soothes and sca n r.KS all irritations and inflammations, and the Tar-balm cleanses anh heals Ihe throat and air passages leading to Ihe lungs. Five additional ingredients keep Ihe organs cool, inout, and in healthful action. Let no pre. judice Veen you frmn tr)ing ihis great medi cine of a umous doctor who has saved thou sands of lives by it in his large private practice, N.H. The Tar-llalni has no lau taste or smell. 1'KICES 50 CENTS ANI1 $1 fFR BOTTLE. Great laving lo buy large iiie. "I'lko's TootliiU'lm l)rois" Cure In 1 Itlimitc. Sold by all Druggists. 0. N, 0RITTENT0N, Prop., N.Y, deo.lwij ALIAS'S AXTI-FAT ll tlie lircat rcmeilf for Corriil lone). II 1) piinly irirrtslile n;l H rrlcflr hnrnili-M. 1 1 a. I J on ihe r.ioil in the slonm li. rn-Ten Jw Iiim n M lum fit. Ink, n roi.llnir In illr i tlnn. H will rrrfuee n rt p.r.on rrtim IS to ft rMinntl. a wts. lu .l.ieliur IhU rviuwly l fore llio imlillc a; !' lit. lire fur nhcllr, we do o knowing III nl. Illy In cure, a sllenleil by hundreds of lejlhncnliill, or which the li.U.iln from l'r In CnllimhJS Oil 's Ii s mmn e: "(lintlruienr ourAitl-l'ntwn.iliilr reel ltd. 1 took It according lo directions nn.l II re-hiced me lite pound. 1 wni in clalcd over the re liill tlml I hiiine.lllely lent to AclnnMAlj's drag. Hore rur the iecon.1 bottle." Anolher, a ,1'hyih I in, wrhhllt ' a patient irom l'rotl.leliee. 11. I.. I ij N "lour hollies hare reduced her virlglit . mini IM rnniuli to 1 iundi,and llicrelsa p neral lupnno mint hi hiallh." A gentleman vrrlllng I roin llos tnn, til si "t lllinut ipeclal chance or atlentloti lo lint, two hollies or Allan's Anll-K it reihiced mi'Mir ati'l oiie-tiiiarnr nound. ' Ihe ittlhkntmu A hole ral.l I II llggltts, B.MIT11, 1)001 ITTI.K A SMtrtl. rf I "S ton. I us., write as rollowsl " Allan's Antl-lal has rcdiiu'l tt ladt In our city r-ctin pounili In three wiili" A gentleinan In hi. Louis writ's! "All-in'i AnllKat reduced lue twelie pouivls In lliree wii ks, and allogetlier I have lost IKcnt-IHe pounds since iminiicnclliirllaiiso." .Mesrs. I'otlHI.A I'l IKlTfiJt, Wholesale IhinrglsU. or llulTalo, N, ., wrllel "Tn TIIK I'luirillFTOIlS or ALLAN'S ANTl-FATI (leillle mi n. '1 he lollow lug report Is from Ihe lady who ni d Allan's Antl-Kal. It the Anll-liill had Ilietlelred iT..rt. rithn.iiff the hit fTOUl two lo lltP DOUIldS & week until I had lost Ihc ntj-flte lioini'K I ti'die mi er to ri train v. hat I Uftll' him. j,ii-rfti. an unexcelled Llood-purllier. It promolis illgesllon. curlnir ihsneli'la. and Is also a potent remedy ror rlieuiuatlMii. Sold hy.trngglsts. l'amphkl oil Otit-s-lly mnl on receipt of itnnin. . . .. . JIUTAN1U JIXDILINB CO., l'nor'n", Ilaffaltsh.T. WOMAN Ily on Imnien'P iimcllre nt tlio WorM'a l)Uppn fury nn-1 lnv.illl' iloUl.liaUng tr.'ntel many thou pnit'l rutci ofllKiBe illseiisc pi lo woman, I lmf tjctn rjiHlilol to perfect auiontpoUut ftiiu poll lv for tliise dlscanrs. 1 o tliBlftnate tUU naturnl f prciflc I baro named It Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Tho term, liowcwr, 1 but n fotMe rxprcalon of my hlsrti iinnriTlitlon of lti aim-, baaid umu r-pr-iniial ntfi ra'lon. I luu-.lillewltneBBliitf ltd hps1 tlro rcull lti the imicIi! dtfani liirlihnt to tlie criranUin of woman, thu'li-il tt out its Ihe Umt or tnmnlna sem of my merikol rarrrr. Oil lti merits, ii 4 a Doslihi, Btiw, ami i Ui-vtual ritm-tly lor llil clan ( f.llSertsi'8, itii'l one will, at all tlim au1 under pll clrcumMaiui-9,act kln.U, 1 am wUllii(f to stake i iv rvnn tat Ion ns n i.Ii)lchu: ami so confliu-nt am 1 tliit It will not dUuppolnt the most eamruluucx i tcUtloiiaot a alnttlc luvalM lady m ho use It forntiy of Ihindlnuntslor whh h I nromm' n lit, thnt 1 otTur mi I wll II undtr A I'OaITIVE urAIIANTL For run Itllotn, we piiinphUt w ripplmj botth-.) 'J hi lollow Inn ari' anion tlmsi' dlpasrs In whlcli my Tmortto I'rcwrtplloM hM wiirlted curvs, as If by l lulc, nud wllh a urtJliityiicrfrbi'f.ire attHlno by urn ltipdlcluct Isimorrlupa, Kxccsshe Flowing, 1'ilnfiil -MiMHlily I'lrlotl. tuppnloiis when from luiiutural cuiHii". lrnvularllU'S, Acak Hack, I'ro-I-11MU3, or rulllnir of ill" I'uriH. Antcvtrslon and Ilttrowrslon, Hi-iirlnp-lowTi nitlon8, lntemal ll.-ii, Nirom I)tpnt.slon, lhMlltr. Ih'ipon.U'njy, 'I lircutenoil Ml"irrUt'f, Chronic Conptlon, lu ll mmntloiuuid rict-ritlonot the I t rui, lmpnUncy. liirmimH4, or Mirlllly, and l'minli- Ui'Mkm-s-, I !i not At"l thli iiu-'lli'lin' its a cure-nil,'' hut It (.dmlribl? fulfill' Inelcnw of purpow, Iwlnc a limit itorfi-ct Fi'iltl In all chronic dt-.i-ani of the xml Hjnttiu of woinau. It will not disappoint, nor v HI ltd. In nil. In any Mute or condition. 'lhO!Mh.ulet,lri'fiirlli(Tlnfomitlon ou thesp sulw J. rn can obtain It In Tun 1'eoi'I.e's Common- ststB 'mkpicai. Auvislu. a tnok of over WW pnifi-s, wnt, pott-rjld.on rmlpt of $1.'A 11 treats mtuuhly of iii.iw ilix-i-wa ptcullir to Ft males, and phes much Hluibh' ivlcu In rcjrrd to tlie inanjgLtuint vt tlioii atti't -ns. . , , lYToritf rrMrtptton Mltl by llrucslol. U. V. VIVAU K. M. 1. l'mp'r, WorlJ'a Ulsptusary U.U' Hotel, ltulTalo,.'. V. auy St), ' S The Lightest Running, 'Tho Simplest, Tho Most Durable, Tho Most Popular SEWING MACHINES. It is nlly understood, makes the doublt (luend lork-Nlltt'li, 7iielf retEulnfliiff teiilon and take-up, and wilt do the lvliolo range of family u-itrhwHUnwX cliuii;e. The Ilonicatli' If made in the most datable manner, with conical steel hetrrhiu and compensating Journals throughout. PAPER FASHIONS. rifj)o.rirXA.'i,TI3Il?Tr3 for linllrs', wilc', nml rftlMrf' !, are cut on tt nyatem miiicrlor to aim in iii, anil can be understood by any olio, full direction au! llin(rol(oii onutch cnvvlopc. Send J'lre CenlM for Illustrated Cata. lofue of lOOU rashtons. Sswintc Machino Co., Now York. I. W. HARTMAtC, Apt "Doislic" Farer Fashions Rloomsburu;. l)i'cemb;r It, 187I-ly Steel and Iron Triple Flange FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES; rt,ul Inside Holt Work and, Illugl Cap 10 UFI COKPLni WITHOUT IT II W. H. TERWILLIGER, No. S4 Huldeu Lstne, J n-r WUllsst t. IIW T0U. lc. T, 1617-ly nPPT business you cauciitaifo In. istofao Uk I T day made by any viuilerct either MltW I ses, nnuv 111 ineiruwn loeuiitiKS, 1'ur licuiars unu sainpiei uortu is tree. liuprovo)Our sparo tlinti at litis business. Add ess hnssoN & I o., V. ..uuu, UIUI1U 11, t.-'y TTciin make money raster at ucrtrr.r uatiisn nt U any thin elso Capital not required! wo will start uu, fls perdaystboiuutusdebytlio Industrious. Men, women, Ixjjb and k'ltla wanted eerywbero tn work for us. Now Is tlie Uuio. Cosily ouintand terms mo. AddressTsv ,v.f auguaiu,:iA!ue iarin w, is-iy roii j'MNTiJNa f Neatly and clieapljr executed at the COLVIIBIAM Office, 64 Ninth Ptrret I'lttsburir. Dec. 10. 1174. .Mown. IHlKlini. ltKAY o tienllenien t our riilnls hatciflven rnllrn pat Isfaettoii. I litiip used Ilicin on n jjihhI many diner out kinds of work, suoh ns Iron, T n Mood, Hrlck, tec,., nnd iif ver heard an roinnlalnts, on tho eon tinn. Hie work stiilids well nnd for wear, will In my opinion, niand will) any lead In tne nniiket. When In want of reference In ihlieliyor Melnlty jou are nt liberty to 110 my name with pleasure, also touso this as jou think left. iicspectruiiy lours, .HIIIN T, (111AV. l'alnkr nnd r.cnler In I'alnts, Otis, Ac, bTItlL'TLY 1'Ulll. WHITE LEAD, AT THE LOWEST JlAltKKT ItATKS. MONTOUlt SUTK TAINTS. H CENTS. MONTOUIt.MKTAI.LIU WlllTil, N CENTS. MONTOUR METALLIC) IIIIOWN, II CENTS. UFI' C'OLOltH AT 'niltilh ll h. PURE LINSEED OIL at lours! iiisxi'lict 1:1 1 n. Samtilo cards nnd tirlre lint. rtimlHlir-il wllhnnr eharKo. (IrdrrM nnd InntilrlpN liv limit ulll inr-nlin nmmnf atlcntlun, HENRY 9. 11EAY, -MANUl'ACTUHEK, KurERT, Pa, moyick intos. WHOLIAIJi AOENTtJ, IlLOOMSIIUIKl; l'A Mays. 'JS.-ly. I SIN The Four Quarterly Reviews AND Blackwood's Magazine 1Y.o Lccnarm Sco.t Publishing Co. 41 Barclay St., New York. Continue tin lr authorized lleprlntsof the KiUNiiuitmi iikvikw omiIl',) Till: WIXl'MlNSTKIt HhVIEWIlTheral), THE LONDON liUAUTEIlLV HEV1EW (Uonserva tlie), THE HIIITlhll CJUAKTEIILY liEVlEW (Evanircl lc;il), AND In IV Thcsn lieprlnts ore t ot R-lcrtlons 1 they give the In full, and at about onu-thlrd tlie price uf (lie tiiKilsli Editions. 1 he lilet advances and dlco cries In the arts and sciences, Ihe recent additions to knouledKu In eery department of Ilurature, and all Ihe new publica tions ns they Issue rroin the press, are fully icpurtcd and dlvcii'.Med In the p.ieesof llieso iK'rIoilleaIri, In languairo at once clear, foielhle and comprclu'iisHe. I he articles aro ccnmonly more condensed and full of mailer than the atcrato books ot the period. IV rill n for H1S IiicIiiiIIiik puNlllKO l'a va bio hlrlctlv In Advancfi. ror anyone no. lew Kurany two Heilews For any three llcvlens For all four lleleus For lllackwood's Maazlno Kor lUaekuood and one Kcilew For Hlackwood and two Keviens For Hlackwood and three llcvlews For lllackw ood and fuurlleMews f4 i per annum T on 1 101KI " " 1210 " " 4 IK) " ' J (HI " 10 Oil " " 1310 " 15110 " " OJiUHS. dlf count f f Iwtnl) tr percent, will bo allowed o rlutisbf fouroniKio leieons. 'Ihus: fuui cop es of Hlackwood or of one I'eMew will be sent to one address for (It so, four copies ot the four KeWews anu Hlackwood forMs, and so on. To clubs of ton or more, In addition to the above discount, a copy gratis will bo allow ed to the center up of tlioelub. PREMIUMS. New subscribers (applying carlj ) for thn J ear 1H8 may lue, wllliout charge, llio numbers for the last quarter of lsil of such periodicals as they subscriber Or Instead, new &ub.cilbors!o any two, th.w, or Tour of Iho nboe ivrlodlcaK inav hao 0110 of the "Four lidWuws" for 1S77 ; subseiloois to all lUeinny hao tuo of llio "Four lle lews'' or ono setot black wood's &lagnzlno for ls77. Neither iemluniHto subscitbers nor discount to clubs cunbo ulloHcd, unless the money Is remitted direct to the publishers. No premiums git en to clubs. 'lo secure premiums It will bo neceRsnry to mnko early application, ns tnu stock at allablo tor that pur pose Is limited. Tho Leonard Scott Publishing Co., II IIAKtiLAY ST., NEW YOHK, feh 1. ISJS. AAIL ROAD TIME TABLE b piIlLADEU'HA AND HEADING KOAD AltltANOEMENT OF PASSENGElt TRAINS. May 12, I8is, TK11N8 I.K1TE KUl'EHT AS OI.I.OWS(8UNDAY EXCKCTID For New York, l'hlladeliihla, lteudlng, 1'otlstlUe Tamaqua, tc, 11,43 a, m Kor Cataw lssa, 11,45 u. 111. 7,20 and 7,86 p. m, .For Williamsport, 0,24 0,04 a. in. uud 4,00 p. in. TKllNSrOK Ilt'I'EKT I.EiVB AS FOLLOWS, (SCKPAT CEPTEB.) Leave New York, 8,45 a. to. Leave Philadelphia, 9,15 a. m. Lcate Heading, 11,3 a. m., I'ottsvllle, 1,10 p. 10 and Tamaqua, 1,30 p. m. Leat 0 Catatt lssa, 0,20 8,50 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Leave Williamsport ,0,45 a.m,,l j p. m. and 5,00 p. m Passengers to a ud f rom New York and l'hlladi 1 pula go throug.1 uuout change of cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, aia, HANCOCK, "cneral manager, l.eneral Ticket Agent Jan.14, llio tt. N OKTIIKKN CENTKAI, KAILWAY COMPANY. On and after November 20th, 1878, trains will leave SUNUUltY as follows 1 NOHTIIWAKD. Erie Mail 6.20 a. ui., arrive EHnlra 11 . t. Canandalgua... 3.3Q p. ta Itochester s.15 " Niagara o 40 " Itenovo accommodation 11.10 a.m. arrlte VUllams port 12.68 p. m. Elmlra Mall 4.15 a. m., arrive Elinlra 10.20 a. m. lluffalo EEpmss T.15 a. m. arrive Uuflalo 8.50 a. a SOUTHWAHD. Uufalo Express a. m, arrlvo llarrlsburg 4.50 a. " Baltimore 8.40 " Elmlra Mall 11.15 a. m., arrlvo llarrltburgl.5iip.m " Washuigtou 10.30 " Haltlmoro " " Washington 8.30 " Harrlsburg accommodation 6,40 p. in, arrive Harris burg 10.50 p, m, arrlt e Haltlmorc 2.2s a. m " Washington 6.13 " Krle Mall 12.55 a. m. arrive Harrlsburg 3 06 a. mj " Haltlmoro s.40 11 ... Washington 10.85 " All dally except Sunday. D. M. BOYD, Jr., (leneral rasscnger Ageit A. J. CASSATT, tleneral Manatc r D ELAAVAKE, LACKAWANNA WESTERN ItAlLHOAD. ANE BJ.OOM8HURO DIVISION. Time-Table No. B, Takes effect at 4:30 A. MONDAY", JUNE 10, 1878. NOltTH. STATIONS. Scran ten llelletue Tatlorvllle.,,. ..Lackawanna,,., llllston . West 1'lltston,., ... Wioming... ... ilaliby" Kennctt. ....Kingston Kingston .Plymouth June. ,,,1'lJ mouth.,,,, Atondale Nantlcoke Hunlock'B 1 reek. .Mdcksldnny.... ...Hick's Ferry,.. ...lieach Haten,. - Herwlck . ..Ilriflr I'rul SOUTII.KI p.m. p.m. a.m. 10 I 11 V 10 V 23 9 17 S 37 9 OH 9 30 8 68 3 51 9 21 H 61 9 46 9 19 8 46 3 4' 9 14 12 41 12 ?6 8 83 8 30 9 04 8 13 3 10 8 44 8 23 8 20 8 55 8 U 3 12 8 47 8 01 IU 8 89 7 61 2 61 8 28 7 88 2 89 8 17 7 .2 3 84 8 12 7 SI 2 28 8 (16 I 18 7 14 7 10 7 W S C4 T 41 6 66 1 67 7 BS 6 60 1 (1 T 83 45 1 46 1 29 6 27 1 27 I 11 t 16 6 UI 1 00 6 45 p.ra. p.m. &,m. a.m. n.m. n.111 9 85 IU 11 ID 2 16 6 20 9 45 9 22 8 tts 9 CO 6 31 9 53 2 88 2 44 9 49 2 53 6 40 e 45 6 60 fl 66 10 07 2 67 6 t9 10 18 10 83 3 16 8 16 8 10 8 15 7 10 7 18 7 IS 1 VA 10 20 3 21 7 85 10 84 S 2d T 41 10 43 8 86 on 8 14 3 60 8 25 10 15 11 07 111 13 4 10 8 43 B 65 11 21 4 18 9 09 ...Willow drove.'!!! 4 : 7 15 I sn 4 29 ....Lime itiageM. Espy .llloomsburg... . R 1 B.l 11 89 4 42 T 41 II 43 4 49 8 i fi 1 RA a fi.i ,1'ataw lssa Hrldgo. 11 67 6 0 ) 8 6 .....imntiiie , ....Chulasky...... 12 IS 0 18 8 21 9 61 1. fin u . . , .1 (UJ1C1 UU . . , . . JCorUiumberland. li 43 6 45 9 60 '. nALSTBAL? hu'pula W. F, superlMeuluit'B, bcracuio, Jsu-e'io, liuj.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers