. . HI COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUKGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. i i WIT 1? n a r n it in -kt iiLooMRnunn, mnuv, out. is.is.s (tall Komi Time TnMe. LACKAWANNA ft HLOOMSllUWI KAIL llOAl) KOKTII. SOUTH Accommodation Train,,.,,,, fi.ic, A.M. Mull Train ,,, j.js a. M Bxpreis Train U7 p.m. CATAWISSA HAIt. I10A1). SOH1II. AcrommMittonTinln n.vs a, M. llegulnr llxpress , 4.c o p. . S.OtlA. M. 4.19 1'. M 11.41 A. .M nrTII T.IO P.M. 11.43 A.M. Through cars on Ujprcss I ruin either to New York or Philadelphia, Accommodation train runs between Oatawissn and Wllllmnporl. rt'iu.io HALI'.S. Kxceutors of Willinm Milnes iltecn.eil, will scH'real otalp nt Kiy, l.iiuu lllilgo iintl l!u port mi N'ovemW l!lh ami aoth. AJmfiitslraUir (r Montgomery Colo elecons. oil will sell real estate In Sugarluaf, Xuv ember '-'Mil. Oiianllnn of I'lnmn Mills will sell real estate in Orecnwoml, October liOtli . Assignee of Win. Scliujlcr will sell real cs talo in Ornngcvlllc, October lillb Mnry Kvuns ofi'ers real istato In Dlooinaburg on October L'Glli. K.vcculor of Christian Wolf deceased will sell real estato in Mifflin, November Utli. Administrators of A. lies' deceased will t.ell real cstalo in Kiigailoaf, October ail. rice advertisements in other columns. The Kxceutors of Henry llci-liline, will oll'or real cstnto for sale on Iho premises in Fishing' creek township on 'November "Ih nt 1 o'clock p. in. Dr.T. I.. Oriswcdd, former principal of the Nor' rail School, was in town last week. Kov. II. II. Hewitt of Snnbury preached in the Kpiscopal church last Sunday, The old jsil will be oli'jrcil for sale on the 8lh day of November. The law now iicrmils llie killing of rabbils and partridges. The tolnl receipts ut the l'Vir were about $;!, 009. ' Democratic meeting to-night 18lli at Half way House. To-morrow night, l'Jtli at Kvuns ville. Iter. i. Ztlinr was absent hit Sunday bar Ing gone lo t)laware lo see his wife and daugh ter. 0. Ilillenlicniler Ins been appointed Notary 1'uMlc In place of II. C. Ulltcnbender resign cd. Go to Benton on the iilM, and bear the able speakers discuss the important issues of the cimpaign. The First National Hank of Tamaqua lias Buspcnded. Assets, 5150.000, liabilities, not known. Col. H. Klotz of Mauch Chunk, and A. lirau- don of Danville, candidates for Congress, were In town on Friday last. Fairbanks' ScaleB are so perfect in their coir alruction, (hat whether the article subject to their proof be a car-load of iron or a handful cf feathers, the respective scales used will indicate the exact weight. We learn tint our legil friend, James liry son, ICsrp, has moved toScranton, where ho will be associated with his brother, Win. Hryson, E"p, of Centralia, in the practice of law. They have opened an oflice in theSeranlon Hepubliean 4Slding. "Helen's Hibies." This work is acknowl edged to he the best selling article in our book stores. Druggikts, however, say that Dr. Hull " llaby Syrup sells better than any other mem cine. It Is always reliable. Death of Juikic Joiidan. The well known Judge Jordan elUtl at his resiilenic,iii Snnbury after a short illness, hleven years ago lie re tired from the bench of Lycoming county,whicl lie had occupied for upwards ol twenty years, He was a greatjurist in his day and had extensive acquaintance with the public men of Pennsylvania. His death will be deeply re grilltdtby a largo circle of acquaintances. II was over eighty years of age. IlurtwicK. Our sister town of Ilerwick i one of the liveliest along tho puqnchanna The Jackson it Wooden Manufacturing Com piny is now employing about 500 men in thei car shops anil the rolling mill. The common day laborers are paid lie dollar per day and the car builders get $11 for building a cir, Four men can complete a car in one day which is remarkably good wages thee times. We aro glad to chronicle this proqierity mid sincerely hope it will spread mindly lo neighboring towns. DILL AT IIKIIWICK, There will ho a grand miss meeting held 1; Itirwick on Saturday the t'Glli inst., which will be addressed by our candidate for Cioverno: Hon. A. II. Dill and A. O. Cochran, Kq, of Pillsbure. This may be the only point to liea Andrew II. Dill in this connly. Let ihere b a large tuin out of the Democracy, Republican and Nationalists, to hear the issues of Ihe cam palgn fairly and ably discussed. This meeting will be held under the directions of the Slat Central as well as our County Committee, Tli arranoreiuenta are beinir already made a id will be complete. Large delegations and hjnds music will be in attendance. Ourfiiend and former townsman, Willia A. Clark has launched his hark on the sea matrimony. On Thiiri-day, October 17th at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, Miss Anna Jos ephine Hubbard of Philadelphia became Mrs. W, A. Clark, ut Ihe residence of her mother, the Rev. Joel Huderow, formerly pastor of St Paul's Church of this placo performing Iho cer-. cmony. No cards were sent out, and we are informed that the wedding was a quiet one. After a visit to New Yoik State, the happy couple will return lo their home, 1831 II ran dywine street. The numerous friends of Mr. Clark wish himself and wife a long life of hap piness and prosperity, and will be pleased to tee lliem here any time. Law rou RnuotusTS, Judgo Dean, at a re cent term of the Illair county court, in senten cing tho Tyrone druggist for selling liquor with out license, took occasion to remark substan tially as follows: "Druggists are authorized to sell liquor for medical purposes, subject, however, to indict Intnl. A physician's prescription is not of Itself a safeguard for Ihe druggi't. If the latter, i-vcn on Ihe prescription of u regular physician, sells liquor to persons of known Intemperate habits, or to those who are known lo uh liquor as a beverage, he is liable to indictment, and 11 found eiiillv will bu nunbhed to the' ixlenl ol the law. In short, in the opinion of ihe court, a druggist who sells liquor for any purpose Wlmtfirpr n, mint. lli lir.'SCr I lltioil of tllC lllOnt eminent Physician in Iho county .does so at Ihelr own risk." Kobert It. Little, I'Hi XIstIc;t Attorney, has been prosecuting a Milt outside of the Quarter Sessions for some time past. On Tuesday uiurulnj nt eleven o'clock he changed bis relations from suitor to hub laud, At tho IlaptUt church In tho pre enceuf ji few friends ho was joined in the toidsof matrimony to Miss Deborah Tus tin, second daughter of Kev. .1. P. Tustlti, of this town. The ceremony was performed by the brido'a father. The happy couple left on the 1), L. & W, train for an extendi d tcur, The numerous friends of both parllis wish theru much Joy. BENTON ! ! Democratic Mnss Meeting. The Democracy and all others who are In terested In the vital questions of the day will mut at llenlon on TUKSDAY, OOIOill'.n 2A1, 1878 I two o clock in the afternoon. The mectlne III he addressed hy Hon. Hubert K. Monnghan Uiester; Hon. 0. It. ltuckalew and Hon. J. I'rccze of ltloomdiurg. f,ct there be a large alteiidanee. COLttMUIA COUNTY FA1II. The Inhibition of the Columbia Ootintv Atr- Icullural Society begin on Wednesday, October 9ih and eontii.ued until Silurd.iv. l ie 12lh lerelofore the filr has been held three days, mt the success ol ihe present year will proba- ly inaugurate the cu-toni of having it one day linger. J here was Ihe usual crowd of people il attendance, and the display was not much lilbrent from that of other yeirs, It Is estimat ed that over 10,000 tickets were sold. The leading feature of ihe exhibition was the Tournament on Tliursdar. Fifien men gaily dressed iff theatrical and fancy ilress cos nines with lances in band and mounted on fine horse, paraded through Ihe principal streets ol le town in the morning, headed by the lllooms- burg Hand. In the afternoon at three o'clock, the procession made lis appearance on the round", and si ertly afterwards the lilt began, There were three wire" strung across the track nt the Grand stand, about twenty feet apart, and from each of these an iron ring two inches in di meter was suspended. The knight who could remove the largest number of rings in four rials and ctrry them nil' on his lance, with In horse on a keen run, was Ihe victor, an. I bid the privilege of crowning the Q leen of Love am Ue.iuly. Much interest was manifeste I in lli conle-t. and one knight who carried oil' the ihree rings on two occasions met with loud applause. The largest number captured out of four trial" was seven, hy two dillerent knights. In two noro trials to settle the lie, three more ring were taken hy one, making ten rings out of eigh teen,which wa very good. After the announce ment of the result, Miss Grace Harman was crowned Queen of Love and Ileiuty hv the vic torious knight, and Miss Minnio Kyerly and Miss Sadie Iiites were crowned Maids of Honor by the two taking the next highest number of rings. Tho young ladies were becomingly dressed in white and wore gilt crowns. Afle all the knights had done honor to the fair ones Col. J. G. Freeze made a few remarks explain ng the Tournaments of the middle age". Tl Queen and her maids were then escorted horn uy the Uavalcade, and Ihe lotirnament was over. There was more music nt this fair than a any previous one. llie lown and grounds fair' ly swarmed with gay uniforms and brass horns The liloomvburg liand was engaged lo play on grounds during three davs. The band from Calawiha, lluckhorn, Orangeville, J seytown und Washingtonville were also in at tendance, and nil played remarkably welt. There was the usual number of mountebank cheap johps and side shows, on the ground. This is one of the objectionable features o! our coiiniy fairs, and ought to be discontinued though it is not so bad now as a few years a; when thimble riggers and three card monies were allowed to swindle Ihe unwary. Many of the displays this year were large. The fruit department was fine and some beauti ful specimens of corn were exhibited. M. C. Sloan iv. Ilio". entered a number of their celebrated phaetons and carriages, and George Strieker of Catawissa had two hand some phaetons and an open buggy with patent springs, on exhibition, hever.il plathirm wag- nns from Iljlh, New Vork, were entered, which lid not compare in workmanship with our home manufacture. Holtlns k Holmes exhibited stove", ranges, etc., and an elegant galvanized iron monument manufactured hy them, which could not be ill s linauished from slone. C.idmau and Correll had fine displays of furn iture. Poultry, stock and machinery of different kind", and a large assortment of fancy articles Ac, completed the list, The racing was nothing remarkable, The big race on Saturelay afternoon was won by lllack Harry of Wilkesbirre, but the race was so evidently a put up job that it excited hut Ut ile interest. The efficient President, Frances Evans and the fiiilifnl secretary, M. W. Nnss, are entitled to much credit for Iho manner in which Ihe fair was conducted. COUNCIL I'HOCEEDINtlH. The Town Council met in their room on Wednesday evening, October 9, in monthly session. Present : O. A. Herring, President, nnd Kvans, K.ibb, Holmts, Klwell nnd Sharpie, members. The minutes of the lat meeting were rend and approved, Mr. Kvans stated that the Hook nnd Ladder Company look possession of their room rent ed from A. J. Kvans on October 3d, 1878. Mr. Itabb of the committee on the opening and extension of West street, as petitioned for nt last meeting, reported that it will re quire an expenditure of about fifty dollars to opiu the street so its to make tbosame passable. On motion tho report was ncccpt' d and tho committee elii-chargeil. tin mo. thin it was ordered that the President nscer tain from Mr. 1). J. Waller whether the ground used in opening and extending West street ns contemplated would be do. tinted to tho town nnd report at the next meeting. On motion the following bills u-.i-a nnnrnved and ordered paid : Stephen ICnorr. smithing. $2 01: James Thomas1 nnd others, $22 87 ; James Sterner, police, $12.00 : Pursel et Itodarmel, sinithing.H.-lO; Illoomsbiirg Oas Co., $-10.08 j John 1''. Pur- sel. smithing, $7.05 : Samuel bballer,btreet Commissioner's return, $705 C9 j salary for Secretary, $10.00. On motion it was order cd that if nny persons owing town lax shall have rendered wvice to the Inwn.tlie amount ol tax sbnll bo first deducted and an order therefor given to the collector nnd an order for tho bnlance shall be given to them, The contract for building culvert on alley in Ihe rear of Jesse Coleman's lot was awarded to O, II. Graul, ho being the lowest bidder. On motion it was ordeieel that the penalty for allowing cattle lo run at largo between 8 ii. m. and 0 u, m. .hnll bo fifty cents n head tn bo paid to the oificer Impounding the same, Tho committee on bonds to be is' sued not being ready to report, upon motion it was ordered that tho Council adjourn to meet Thursday evening, October 17tli, nt 7 o'clock, At the Itepuhllcan meellng at the 0ra House last 1'riday night Mr. Clmso the speaker said he would rather lrut Iho worst republican than the lwt democrat. A man whose prejn dices are so bitterns that is not fit to aiteui to teach the public on any subject, while he who believes that a man's morals are govt-rnesl by tho ticket he votes, Is either a fool or knife. THK OHBENDACK SltNATOIllAL CONFERKNCK. As announced lakt week James P. Herdlc was nominated for Stale Senator at Danvlllo October 8th by Iho Greenback Conference. Hut llie machinery of the new parly does not seem to run smoothly. We publish below Ihe action of the conference at Jerseylown on the 11th, and call especial attention to the fact that this new departure, lined on nlleged corruption In the old pirtle", Is now charging Ilribmj and OirriMrfion on its own members. Not that tho eirs of tho animal have become so plainly vlsi b'e, Democrats who allow themselves to bo dup ed into following after strange god", will do It with their eve open. jntSHYTiiWN CONl'mPNCE. Immediately after the adjournment of llie Conferenee of the Nitloml Greenback Labor Party of Ihe 21th Senitorl.il District, held at I) in vllle, on the cvenlrg of the 8th of October, call was Issued and signed hy six of the mem bers of lliat Conference for another meellng at ileyseytown, Columbia counly, at 12 o'clock, on Friday, the 11th day of October, of which the following is a copy : "We, ihe undersigned, conferees from the 'countta of Lycoming and Columbia, represent ing three-fourths of ihe voter" of the Distllet, re-pndiallng the SF.C'llLT action of the Con ference, which we believe was llie direct result Cif Jhibcry and Qimtption, hereby agree to (met 'at Jeri-eylnwn, Columbia county, on Friday, ihe lllh day of October, 1878, at 12 o clock of 'said day to consult In regard lo what action is ' due our consiltuents,who in opposing tho mon ey power' have been sold out to It by some un worthy lipii'senlatlve. John IC. Gnorz, IlKiiviiV K. Smith, Thos. ISuck, Wm. J. Wood, C. II. liEi:ui:it, V. MoDonaui." Pursuant to this call the Columbia and Ly coming conferees met at tho time and place up. pointed, and were called to order by John K Grolz, Chairman. Thos. liuck nctlnji as Sec'y. The c.ill w:is read. The following conferees were (iresent: John K. Orot, IIervey I''. Smith, Tlios. Buck, William J. Wood, U. II. I'.eeber and Ciipt. J. 1!. Itobison, substitute fo' I). Mc Donald. Hun. O. 1). Klelred of Lycoming conn ly, then ileclmeel being a canilielate. Jle elid this the more re'adily fioni his knowledge of the fict tlut there was a candidate alieady seli'Ctcd in wriline and lh.it no selection having been made in the assembly of all the conferees, there fore1, be believed that the nomination so made in writing Mood as the choice of Ihe District un til revoked in open Conference of all the con ferces. At the conclusion of his remarks the conferees agreed to the withdrawal of Judge Kt Ired. He was followed by A. O. Smith, sta ting that In the interests of Irirmony he desiied not to stand in Ihe way ofl'ie success of the Xa lional party, lie was willing tli it a new mm should be selected and therefore asked to with- draw his n ime from the contest to that cud Thereupon the I'onfcru's on motion unanimous ly refused lo agree to the withdrawal of Mr. Smith. The following paper was then read : "This is to certify that we, who.e names are hereto altacheil, having been duly appointed Senatorial Conferees for the Xatioual Greenback Labor I'.irty uf our respective counties, and nw thorizcd to confer with each other and put in nomination a candidate for State Senator in the 'J lib Senatorial District of Pennsylvania, do nominate for that position Hon. A. C. Smith of Columbia county, and do cordially and earnest ly commend him to Ihe hearty support of the membcis of our own petty antl r.lt others who th't-ire a speedy change for the better in goverie mental ullairs, as one eminently mlesl to serve wiih fidelity and ability in the Senate of the Stale of Pennsylvania." John K. Oiuvrz, substitute fur K. K. Orvis, lli:uvi:v K. Smith, Dennis McDonald. Columbia Co. Victoii A. Lotiku, 1 I) win D. Williams, Montour Co. Hl-xhy Vixckxt, J C. II. IlKKIlLll, I Wm. J. Wool), LyconiingCo, Tiio, IIl'ck, ) Resolutions were then adopted to the efl'ect at Ilerdic had not received a majority of tli voles at Dinville, ami that therefore tlie paper nomination of A. C. S.nilh was binding on the listricl. Adjourned, Purther comment is iinnets.s.iry. m:IUCltATKI MEUl'INIIS. On Monday evening last a IK-mocr.Uic meet' ng wts held in Mnulmir township, ut D.et rick's school house, which was organized by the appointment of Peter A. Kvans Ksip, Preside anil Josiali liiger, hecretary. lue meeting was addressed by Williamson H. Jacoby and Charles Hirkley, Kq The attendance w,n guo.l, and the speeches iKtened to with a great deal of merest. Democratic meeting wis held In Mt Pleas ant tonnsliipon Tin silay evening. Jacob Slroiii preside-d and Held. Kisller wasSecreturv. T.J Vandersliee, K-ri , oi.e of our Democratic candi rite-s lor Assemble, made the speech. Hegiv a good report of this loun-liip, and e'onfulently looks for a full Dciiincrnlic ote on the whole tickel on the Cih of November. Mt. Pleasant will do her duty. Tltour.LF.AllKAI..-The y,,i;Bn,d Hn-nrd nf Inot week fiMitaiiw an niliclo on Janien I', Her lie, Ihe Oieeubjck candidate for Stale Senator, ehowini; what a I'eifeet m in he is and the lit- tent nomination III it could have be'cn made Last week the conferees ol Coluniliii and Ly- comlni; counties met ill Jersevlou nnd noiiii- uateil .. Iv. oiuilli lo. hlale penttor, heciu-e Ilerdic's iiouiinatioii was procured by fraud. Ileivey 10. I Smith, acliii editor ol the Jlcmrd for IhU county attended this e'ouference, ami, of ciurse, sujiports Ids filher's claims. We await the next i'.-me of the Uecord with louie curioaily to see what it will siy. tliinirs are izeltloL; lijjlitly mixed, Mr. Orvis had belter come home and lix up mallerx. Cndmun's dit-'play at the Fair iittracteel inueli nttentiou. A bi'autiful set of cottauo elmuiber furniture, wit h nil jiaiutiu on tho head board of tho bod, was ono of tho finest of thei him ever on exhibition, nnd wus oll'cred nt an tonislilugly low luiee. Tliero was also nu eic- g.uit tetof walnut furnituro A fino tiieeo of uoil;win u caned ehalr of Ids own manufac ture, covered with worsted work by Mrs. Cuil- man. Cull in and bco tho hue stock of geuer- ul fiirtiituic. KK.NATOltlAT. CUNFEKENCE. llie Democrailo senatoral (.onterence re' suiiied its labors at Danville em Wednesday of lat week. Ilsllotini! was continued until Sat tiriLiy without tfl'eelln); a nomination, when it adjourned until Monday, All day Monday was coiisuincil In halloliug until a little beforo mid night when Hon. George D.Jucknon of Sullivan County was Humiliated on the &27lli ballot. ,,ll!.',.,, ,,,! Unni,.,. . ...1. i.:... ... ...... inn, votes, and Lycoinlug one, Tho vote stood r..t,t.. i M..U ru in..,, i tii. t Jackson o, .Mellniry J, l'latl, 1, lids confer- enco was In senion nearlv iwo wet ks, anil ilur- ' ing Iho entlri limo there was harmony and friend. hip between both ronfertes and candid ates. No iuiulleuce or exciteuxnt was mani fested, nnd not uu unkind word was sioken, which Is an unuiual thing where all iartlesate so intent upon nominating I Ifieirown nun, Thrown riiosi A Train, John (Jall'ney, lireman of engine 17 on the Shore line Railroad of New Haven, Ct,, was thrown from the en gine agalnKt a rock, while Ihe train was going at the rale of 35 mill's nn hour. He was all hu killed, yet thanks lo Ci His' Liniment Iodide Ammonia, recovered completely In four dnys, bold hy all elruggnu, bend for pamphlet. Dii, UiLta, 451 Sixth Avenue, N. Y, Trial die 1!5 cents. J Suicide Is not moro sinful than neglecting cough. For only 23 cents you can buy a bottle of Dr, Hull's Cough Syrup and be saved from ileath. At the request of many friends I have consen ted to allow ray name to be usesl as an Independ ent candidate for County C 'minis. loner, und I solicit Iho suffrages of my friends. Fiiancks ICvans. Hrlarcrtck, October 1st, 1878. I.AD1KS, DKI.lCATi: AMI 1'KEllLK. Those languid tiresome sensations, causing you to feel scarcely able to be about on your fed; that constant drain ttiat takes from )our system all its former elasticity; driving the bloom from your cheek" ; that continual strain on your vital forces,rcndcrlng you Irritable nnd fretful, can easily be removed by the ii"e of that marvelous remedv, Hup Hitters. Irregulari ties and obstructions of your system are rellev ed at once, while the special cause of fcriodical pain are permanently removed, Will you heed this? See "Truths." (W Oct. 18 2w. VO TltKAbllltElt. Numerous friends In all parts of Ihe county have requested t lint I should be an Indepen dent candidate for treasurer of Columbia coun ty, and In accordance with this generally ex pressed desire I hereby announce my name as such, In asking the siillrages of the voters of the couniy without rciraril to party I pledge myself If elected to attend lo the duties of the iflice with fidelity and for tho best interest of nil. Isaiah Howku. Herwick, October 10, 1878. Business Notices A Trade Dollar will still buy n dollnr's worth of Clothing nt I). Lowenberg's. Parties wnntlwr to get clear ot Trade Dol- lars can get full valtio in clothing for them nt 1). Lowenberg's. WKSTWAKD IIO I WKSTWAKD H O I'.irtles col nc West will find it to their ndvatitngo to purchase their outfits of cloth ing, mints, uags anil satctieis ciienper man ever at u, lowcnocrg s. Fall styles of Worsted Coatinc-Knclisli cuitlngsjust received at 1). loweuberg s. The latest Novelty in Hats. Call nnd see Tin: Russian Hat just received at D ljowcnuerg s. FALL HATS just received (or Men Hoys and Children at LowenbergV Trade dollars takeu lor 100 cents nt W. C. McKinney's. DOIWLVS KLKCritlC SOAP. Having obtained tho agency of this Cr.I.KIlllATl'.I) f?OAl" for lilooinsburu and vicinitv. I Htipenil the opinion of some of our best people as to its merits. "I have used Dobbin's Klectric Soap made by I. L. Cragin efe Co., Philadelphia, Pa, (or washing about ten years, and think it superior to any other. Jlrs. U. (J. llarkley." "We have used Dobbin's Electric Soan and mid it superior to nny other or all others. jv.rs. W. H. Jacob)-, Mrs. 1!. H. Stobuer. I desire all my friends nnd customers to Give this Soap one Trial, so that they may know just how good the ise.-i soap in mo unilcu states is. J. II. Maize, july 12, 7S-ly Blootnsburg, Pa. India Cloth is perfectly water and motli proof nnd is the best thing in the market for boys' clothing, mens' light overcoats and ladies' water proof cloaks. Lutz & Sloan have it in black, brown, navy blue and grey mixed. ISoots and Shoes cheap pt McKinney's. Crampton's Palm Soan is the best latin dry soap in this or any other market. For sale by Jacob II. Maize. may 18-3w Mclvinneys Shoe Store below Court House. Try it liuy it Palm Palm Palm Soan At Jacob II. Maize's at Jacob II. Maize's. may il-lSw Itubbcrs at McKinney's. Crnmptnn Itrothcr's Palm soap at Jacob 11. iMaize's. Jt is the (jest. Try It. may !$-18w Admifcsion free at McKinney's. Lutz & Sloan have nnother lot of ynr wiile muslin lort cents a yam. Call .it McKinney's lor Shoes. " $1.35 will buy a Inilv'a All Wool Shaw nearly two yards tquarent Lutz & Sloan's. Itoot headquarters at McKinney's. Lutz & Sloau have about 100 lbs. of Ger- mantimii Wool, all colors at 8 cents per ou noe. Marriages. HTON(lE-UINnV.-On tho 12th Inst., at tho He. formed parsonage, by Iter. w. E. Krebs, Mr. A.o. ' 'estio Mney, pom ot this county. Deaths. HAKElt. Near Alton on the 5tb Inst., after a long Illness, Melancthan llascr.aged io years, 1 month and 5 daj s. EFAItVIIt. In Hhlngcreek township on the 1st t jiary hda Farver, daughter of Lloyd and Mary Fairer, aged I year, 2 m ouths and 10 days. A DMLNMSTH.VTOR'S NOTICE KSTiTBOrjOHS ClIX, DECEASED. letters of Adlnlntstratlnn nn tlx, nfitntf. nrjnlm Cain, late of Centre low nsUlp. Columbia co., dee'ei, have been grained by the ltenlster or said county to the undersigned Admlnlstrator.to whom all persous Indebted are re iiucbteil to make Immediate paj ment ur.it those having claims or demands airaliibt ihe es tale will make them kLown to tlio administrator without delay. IM.IAM MI Art EK, Arimlnlslrnl.ir C. W. Miii-ER, Centre towusuip. Attorney. oet. 11, lH-ow A DMINISTRATOltS' NOTICE. l.STATK OF MAKV K. 11BTI EII, DECEASED, letters ot administration on thoesiAtM nf xinrv E. Ili-tler, lateof .Mltnia townshlp,columbla couun, IV , deeeaseil, hale U-en gr Med by the lleglster of raid county to tho undershriied Aitminii.triiir to whom all persons Indebted to said emtate are ie uuesled to tnaku pajment, and thoso havlnir el.ilms or demands against Iho said estato will make them known m the bald admlnutrator without leiuy. WILLIAM llAltTZKI, Uftllii tnwntihin C. W. Mili ib, Administrator. Attorney. oct. 11,1s w A UDITOR'S NOTICK. John w. Wans s. No. 223 February Term J. C. hmlth. I 1S7S, Notice Is hereby given that tho balanoj of the fund remaining lu the hands of tbeblierllT. to wit i iisu s& arl-lng from the sate of the real estate of Jeremiah C. Miutli, will be distributed to and amongst tho hen creditors entitled thereto by the undersigned, w ho nas been appoiMeu an uaitor ror that purpose. I,-. .,. lUnntnsblirL' on sulltrrtfle f h till, ilnv iiicxuunui miiibil ut luv u.ni e' eil dunu I, rreeje, Noliiiber, 1IS, at ono o'clock In too afternoon. All !rw1"uv""-' claims upon said fund aro reniulred lo msko their culms known Ufore said Auditor, or "-"m mv """. C1'u,u!'u;.t. I lllAltLEa II, JAUhbON. oct. tl, 7S-4W Auditor, DITOK'S KOTICK. matter of the estate of Daniel Yelti'r. rt. Th0 uuderblgned, Auditor appointed by tho ornhans' vuavu. courtof e'oiumbla ot County to distribute Muds in hands of the administrators of said de-eedeut among heirs and pnrlles eutltluj thereto, will attend to Ihe duilesof hlsapiHilntinentHi theonieoof Charles tl. lurklev In lHouiiibburL'. on baturdav. thri sih il.iv of KoH'inbcr, A. D.lsis. al ten o'clock a. in., at which 1 1 mo snd placo all parties lliteretted may at tend If they thlak proper, I'AUI. K. WHIT, Auditor. llloomsburg, oct. II, IS JOH l'RINTINU OF EVERY DESRIPTION EXECUTED PROMPTIiY THE OOLUMBIAH Omot A T A UDITOR3 NOTICK, fuTho matter ot the exceptions to ttio account ol J. il. Heller, Bxecutir ot John Michael, de ceased, 1'. ll.ll.nlM... .... . t. A On. IB. on exceptions to the above (account wfll sit at Ms. oniee In JIlnomBburg on Hatnrdav, November Snd, HllBb u;u UCIWH n. iu,iurilio JlliriHMflCl uis i- polntment when and where all ' crsons Interested may attend II they we proicr. r. 1 lill,l,.'i I mi, Oct, 4, ';s-4w Auditor. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF VALUADLB Real Estate! The rniflprsltfnpil pxeoutnr f tho rstnt of f hrls Man Wolf. Into of Mintllu UwnAhi.i. Columbia coiin ty. rennlvnnln, ilm-ascd, M exjose lo public Siitunluy, November 9, 1878, nt ten o'clock a. m.t tlio following doBcrlbpci n?M or talo mttuntn In anlil townahln of Ml nil u on whirl, tie. ccint resided, Itoundoil and d'crttd m ioHowk t fin l ho I'fivt. Iiv llin trm n nf Mlfltlnvllln nn thn month bv land ot llllam Krown, dr-teasod nnd Mnrla u olff on 111a wcm nv iana or Jiana ui unci ii i nm Hrown, and on Iho north by Ibu UUKiueiianna river, containing 78 Acres and 150 Perches, Rtriet moa.su re. morn orlcni. all Imoroved land. through wliUU tho North K West liranch Haliroad passes win) riffia or way, on wmca are erected a Itrlclt Dwelling Hoiimc, a Frnmo Itank Barn, Woeon Hhed and Carrtdgo uousn, mm oiiut oumuiuiinKM unu un wmcu 11 n never-iaimig wen 01 water ana a uood flrri.K urch akp. Also, one other piece of land In the name township hounded on tlm north by land ot Daniel A. Hess, on thoeasthy William llron-n and Maria Wolf, and on lue souin aim wesi oy Mepneu uearnart, containing 50 Acres and 113 Perches, strict mcasurc.moro or lest about ss acres of whlcn is cleared aim nuance wen umuerea, 'jncro in nccr railing spring or water on tins tract. TMtMS of Sai.b. W.'KO to be paid on the fetrlklne down of tho property, one tli'rdof purchase inont-y Interest to her annuallv. and balance to bttnald In third equal annual payments. Interest from April 1, 1S79. N, Il.CHKASY, oet, 3, IMS Kxrcutor. ADMINISTRATORS' SALE OF VALUAI1LK REAL ESTATE ! Andrew I.nubaoh nnd Itaeliel A. lless, Administra tors. Ac., ot Alexander lless, late of Bugarloaf town- Bill p, deceased, will exposo to public 6a!o on the premises on Tuesday, October 22d, 178, at 2 o'clock p. in., the follow Ing described property, to-wlt : No. S. Tho undivided one-halt of a ccrtatn tract of land Mtuatc In Sugarloaf township, Columbia county, I'ennsjlvanla, bounded by lauds of Alexan der am Joshua lless andother lands of decedent conUilalng TIIIKTY-K1GHT ACHES and odo hundred and thirty-eight perches and al lowance of laud, the same being uatmproved land. No. 3. 'Iho undlUdcd one-half of a certain tract of land, Mtuiito in .Sugarloaf township, Columbia county, Pennsj Ivaola, containing si:vi;xtv-tiiiihi; aciii;s, described as follows : Adjoining lands ot tho heirs of Joshua Savage on the south, land ot tract No. 2, on the cast, lands ot John Itantz and Davis on tho ,west, and lands ot Cral Iilanchard on tho north, Ihe same being timber land. TKltMS OF SALK. Ten percent of one-fourth ot the purchaso money to be paid at tho striking down ot tho property, tho one-fourth less the ten rr cent. at tho confirmation of sale, and tho remaining three fourths In ono year thereafter with Interest ifrom confirmation nisi. ANDREW LAOTIACIT, ItACHEh A. HESS,' oct. 1, '"S-t-s Administrators. PUBLIC SALE OF Town Property! Tho following described property situate on Iron Street In tho Town ot Illoomsbure will bo exposed to public sale at ono o'clock p. m. on SATURDAY, OCTOUER 20, 1878, Hounded on tho west by Iron street, on tho north by lot ot John Hooper, on tho cast by an alley and on tho south by lot of Mrs. Mary Clajton, on which aro erected a two-story Frame mvcIlliiK House, on Iron slreet, and a dwelling house In tho rear on alley, iho same being 37 feet front and H25 feet deep moro or less and 40 feet on alley. Terms made known on day of sale. MAltVIKVANS. OCt. 4, TS-tS PUOVERBS. I'nOVEUBS. For sinking snells -$5O0 will be paid for a case that Hop hitters will not euro or help." "Hop Hitters builds up, strengthens and i:ures continually from the first dose." tits, dlzlnes3, palplta- iion ana low spines, re iy on nop uiiiers." Head of. procure ana use of Mop hitlers, and vouwill be siroug.neai tuy nnu nappy," "Fair sktn.rosv cheeks. Ijidles. do jou want ind the sweetest breath to bo strong, health in Hop Hitters." mil beaut iiui 7 Tiien iso Hop hitters." "The greatest anDftl "Kidney and Urinary 'omntuluta of all kinds ITiiianeut!y cured b .er, stomaeli. blood and liver regulator Hop nop imeers. ' oiiiers. Hour stomach, pick iR-adacho and dizziness, 'Clergymen. Lawiers. uoo miters cures wuu Editors. Hankers and a lew uoses. Uidles.need Hop l!ltttt idio i Tako Hod Hitters three times a day and "Hop Hitters has re ou win nave-no uoceor -loreo io sourieey hiiu ;bllls to pay." tieaiin, perfect wri'csi .iruui luieiuperuiiee. KOII SALE 11 V MOVEH DltOTUEKS. At Private Sale, A FA11M CONTAINING ABOUT 109 ACBES, mostly cleared, and whereon aro erected a LA1U1K liUICK DWELLING HOUSE, a Vramo Honk Ham, Wagon f-hed, and other out buildings a well of sort water al the house and ono at the barn. Ihere are also a large number ot Ap ple, reacn anu cnerry irees una a goou IIlON-STO.Ni: STONE (JUAIUtV. ALSO, A LOT OF GROUND at the corner of Third and Centre streets, tielng ono hundred nnd thirty-two feet on Third streetond two hundred and fourteen and one-halt feet on Centre, wnereon are erected a I.aiKC llrlt'K IMvcIIIiik IIoiinc, with Stkim Heatiko ArrARATrs, and tn thorough repair. HaMng a Well, Cistern, lee-house, Cooling House and all convenience's, both Uluato within Ihe limits of tho Tonn ot llloomsburg. and ottered to bo sold on easy ana rea souable terms. JOHN 0. FREEZE, IliAiousuri n, l'euu'a. nug. 23d, 'is-Bm Au DITOK'S NOTICE. In iho matter of tho assignment of Abrdbara AlUIer in trust tor tne Deneni ui uis creauorti. The underli;neil au'lltor, nppoioted ty the Court of Common I'ltas of CuIumMa county to distribute inn luiiu iiiiio naiiasor uic oasicneo. win meenuo lurtlea Inteiesteti at the oflice uf M. K. Jackson bon, in Herw leK, on Thursday, October 81, ls78, at to o'clock a. in., when and where all persons Interested ure reuue&ieu io uo uresem 11 mey iuiqk pfuirt. Fcpt87, TS-lw Audtt U can make money faster at work for ua than at an.vthlntrelbe Capita) not required; wo will start ou. f 18 ier day at home made hy the lndustilous. Men. women. 1ob and trlrU wanted cwrywuero tn work for us. Now In tho time. Costly outfuand Urmafrt'e. AddreHsTan & co., Augusta, uaine. March 'it, ly T)RIDC)E NOTICE. a aivioenu 01 six per cenu on inn capiuu siock ot tho Cats wlssa lirldge Company will bo paid to tho aiuexiiuiueisei! liiav coiupauv 1st, ists, at thoomcu ot the Ti stockholders of that Company on and alter October treasurer. IIKU. H. OILI1KHT. OCt, 11, 'I-3iy SHERIFFS SALE JiyMrtuecr nwrlt of Vendllicnl Exponas, tnutd outj of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, and to me directed, will ho exposed to pub lic sale or out-o ry, on; SATURDAY, OCT011ER 2Ctli, 1S78, at ono o'clock p. in., at the Court House lnl lllooms burg. All that in tain lot of ground situate In Locust township, Coluu-bU couniy, 1'ennsjlvonla, bound.ia on the north by land of Iluth Ann (lablo audi sol. Uivan, on Ihe east by William Ic and hamuel Itelnbold, on tho south by U csley hrass, on tho w est by publlo road, containing forty acres, on which aro erecuid a u iveinug house, ba ru and out-bulldlugs. Ali-O, All that certain lot of ground Uluato In Locust township, county and state aforesaid, bounded on the west by lund of it, Correll, on the south hy Jon athan Heaver aud George llejcr.on tho'eait by John Kline, on Iho north by Joseph Heater, Sr , adminis trator of William Weber, deceased, containing ten acres. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit ot Iiete illlelthodes against David Tyson and William Ty sou and to be sold as tho property of lu id T) son and William T) son. Absoit itiiAWK, Attorneys. 1 erum cash ou elay of balu. . r, , .,. J0UN HOFFMAN, -' 1 -' f i snarS3-,vJ.l,. x. .iec - BLOOM SB URG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburp:, Rev. D. THIS HCllOOl,. as at present constituted, oftrs tho i!.'!) ?ln,tf spaclous' mnS d commodious ; completely heated by steam, well ventilated, lighted by gas, and snrlnir water. i.'lwV,0'1 "SjV.JSL'A". .f TST- J"'";1""'8 experienced, cmclent, and allvo to their work. Discipline, firm but kind, uniform and thorough moderate. (My cent a week deduction to all expecting to teach. Students admitted at anv limn, liuoms reserved w hen desire.!. course's oi siuay prescnoca oy the stato i I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. Adjunct Courses i I Academic. II. Commercial. III. Course In Music. IV. Course In Art. V. Courc in Physical Culture. .JllP.Sffi 2'."5l's .aru . i',"uj''':'i-i'"-AU and Htudcnts graduatng therein, receive state Diplomas, conferring the followln th"r!?& in the other Coures receive Norma? certmcau. Jll!; V?,r ni'i;',!.!!i1AV' ? .1,'.",l,'la,l!', 1"Sra,l1"1 dentine and Classical courses are not Inferior to thoso ot our best Colleges. iV'niS)1 'iii''Si,011 Zl-'n1?; ,Thoi !"e,..'Manil,u ltw 000 ot thn prime ubjects ot this Sclsool W help to secure It. by furnishing lnlelll eent an ten clent Teachers tor her schools. To tuts end t solicits younu' persons of good abilities and good purposcs.-ihoso who desire tolmprove their llrna Cataloirue addrv's' i the l 'nnclpai premises HON. XVII.I.IA.M Ill.WlPl.l',, I'rrslilrnl llouril A SSIONEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE !' Tursuant to nn order ot tho court ot Common Pleas ot Columbia, county V.U1 be bold on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1G, 1878, nt to o'clock a. m by M.O. lhiKhea. assleiice In trust lor the Ivneilt ot the creditors ot 1 1 lie Hrothera IMnos Hue ana Mlnner Ulle).tttc following descrtDed I luui vbiuiu, biiuuiu m uie Kiwn ui uai awisso, on South utri-i't, bounded aa follows: on the eaatby latnH or .ionn uiger, west by lands of Mrs. K. ClarK, Oil the north bv land nf Mr. .1. Hnhhlnq. nnd nn thn south by tioutb street, whereon la erected a THAME DWELLING HOUSE. The satd property H located In a very desirable part ot Catawissa, the house Is laro and convenient. There are a cistern and other conveniences on the lot, together with all necessary outbuildings. The butlillhtr is new. TKUMS OV SALE. Ten per cent, ot one-fourth ot the Durchase money to bo mid at the strlklntr down of the property i the one-fourth leaa the ten per cent at thf conilrmatlon of sale, and the remaining three fourths In oue car thereafter, with interest from confirmation mst. M. fl. llUflllES. Abbott & Hhawn, Assignee of Hllo Uros. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ! The undersigned, appointed Assignee for the ben efit of tho creditors ot tvm. Schuyler, will sell at pub- lie sale on tho premises, on Saturday, October 19th, 1878, at to o'clock a. m., all that certain LOT OF GEO U-N D situate In tho town ot Orangeville, county of Colum bia, and btate of rennsylvanla.bounded on tho north by lot of Low and Savage, south by 1). K, Sloan, on the east by Mill street, and on the west by David Herring, containing one-fourth of an acre, moro or loss, whereon Is erected a two story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, and other out-bulldlngs. There Is an excellent well ot water on the premises convenient to tho kitchen door. TERMS OF SALE. Twenty-flvo per cent, to be paid at the striking down of property; twenty-tlvo percent. January 1st, ISTD, and the balanco Aprll ist, 1S"9, when deed will Up delivered and possess hoa will bo given. V. II. SMITH. Assignee ot Wm. Schuj ler. Sept. ), 'tS-ts. EXCELSIOR DYE WORKS LEWISBURGi PA. WM. DAVIS, Proprietor. Miss. M. Dcrrlckson, Notion and Fancy Store, llloomsburg, Agent. ALL KINDS OF OUSTS OAUMESTS CLEANED DYK1) ANI I'ltESSKI) WITHOUT KIITINM AND M ADi: TO LOOK ALMOST EQUAL TO NEW, LADIES SHAWLS, CLOAKS, D3ESSSS, SUES OR RIBBONS CLEANSED OR DYES AUD FINISHED IN THE BEST ilANNE 2, kiii cloves i:i,i:anm:i. Feathers Dyed and Curled In a splendid manner. Special attention to wholesolo goods. Prices reduced to suit the times. Sept. 20, 'ts-Sm. IH finn ahilnts wanted, only thoso IUiUIIU who mean business and desire to makefiomk.2 to ner day need apnly. Neudl cent stamp for particulars JCl.t . i. Ill I IV, Milton, Northumberland Co., Pa, ASK FOR THE Williamsport Hanil-Me Boots, MANUFACTURED BY J. E. DAYTON & CO.; N. B. All goods of their make are stamped on the bottom. Sept. w, "7S-3m THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY 1 GRAY'S SPE0JFI0 MEDICINE fRADE MARK If especially recom-TRAOE MARK. mebueu us uu uu falllnir cure for sem inal weakness.s-per-matorrliea, lmpo lencj', and all disea ses, such as Loss ot memory. Universal Uissltude, 1'aln In fl... llnpL- lllmnpiur COiOrO TaJaneot vision. Frcma-.. n'.Vi- o utoiOtuio old Age, and&fter lakinc many other Clwases that lead to Innanlty.Consump tlonanda l'rematuro uraee.all of which us a rule am first cause-it by devlatlug from ihe paihof nature uiidntrr iminlL-riiec. Ihe hneelllo Medicine Is the result of a life si udy and niiiuy Jearsot experience in ireiuinginese sim-chu uivavn. Full particulars in our pamphlets,whlch we desire to send free by mall to eerj one. The sptcinc Meuicine is soiu uy uu iiruj.-KiMB m n Cy' (er nnek ice. f,r M Olll'ka.'es for l. or 1 1 111 uu ri'sslng mail OU rCCCipi Ol IHO lUUIiey uy liuun-aauii; TllC (lltAYMIUIIRINKCO., No. 10, Meclmnle's mock, 1'itrult, Hhh fold In llloomsburg by C. A, Klelm, and by all Druggists ever j w nere. Harris i:wing, wholesale Agents, rntsburg sept, e, is-lf Important to Lawyers, justice's ui eue i esee, e-uiiBitiuie-a, r.A.e.uie'..'-, .m mlulslrators, tiuardun, Township ofllcers, and bust lusiiees or me ret ulstrutors. tiilard! ness men generully. Wo have nn hand a large assortment of legal blanks for the use of ilor neys, Justices and Con stable's blankH of all kluds, Note and lleeelpt bcuks tor Aumiuiniraiors ai. IMtlCE I.IHT, TTOltNEVS IIU.SKS. I'reclpo for Summons. " Kl. Fa. " " llulo lo tako Depositions. " choose Arbitrators. D cents apiece, or 1,15 per hundred. retltlon for Appointment of Guardian. " " Citation Ituloto take Deiuslllons, Narr In Debt, w ith Confession, ' " Assumpsit. Me'chanlcs Lien. 4 cents e'acli or pe-r hundre-d. i'etttton for sale of Ileal Dtalu s cents each. JUHTIltl's lit, inks. Subpanas, bumuons, Warrants, Executions, 90 fo 85 cents each. lA-asos t cents each iiium iiee-as lo I'lirehment Deeds 15 " Agreements .. s Orphan's Court bales su for il Set Cunstablo'a hales 8 cents eueh L'MKUKU HUU 1IUUU M ., IS Ml Units of Notes l Iteeelpts, Ncles, School Orders, Poor Orders, Store Orders, neatly bound, eousuently on hand, or made to order on short notice. wettie. prepared to do neater Job work than an; utUl t VAUW t AsVAa tUeJIll J . JlllOCKW'Y t K 1111. Kdllors and I'roprtetora llloomsburg, i'a T EOAL BLANKS OF ALL KINDS XJ OH HAND AT TUB CVLUM11IAN OFFICJ Columbia County, J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. very best facilities for Professional ,ni1 cins.lirliernini m aoveioping tncir powers, ana abundant opportunities for well paid labor alter 1cj iag School, ror of Tru.lre- ASSIGNEE'S SALE j OF VAIAHULK ! REAL J1STATE ! Tho undersigned, Assignee of Dartd H. uower.wlll expose at public sale on the premises on Saturday, October 12th, 1878, at. ten o'clock a. m., the following Tract of Land. situate partly In L'atawlssa and partly In IOcust townsnip, Columbia county, Pennsylvania : lloul. fl ed by lands ot John Fageley, Philip .Manhart, John leagcr and w 11.1am Hughes' estate, containing H ACRES AUD 14 PERCHES, ' whereon ts erected a GOOD SAWMILL, FRAMB UWELL1NQ HOUSP: and other out-hulldlngs. TKHMS OF SALB.-Ten per cent of ono-foiirlh ot tho purchaso money to be paid at tho fctrlklcg down of the prorcrty, the one-fourth leu the ten percent, at conilrmatlon (if Mle, snd tho remaining threO'tourths In one ear ther. alter with Intrirt fromc ontlrmatlon nlst. I'urchak.no pay for diwd mxsiw uowHit, t. L. Kvkbv, Asstgnee. Att'y. for Estate. tep sr. "."-ts p KNKRAL KLECTION rROCLAMATION. I, JOHN W. HOFFMAN, High Sheriff of Co lumbla county, do hereby make known and proclaim 1 to the qualified electors ot Columbia county that a ' general election will bn held oa TUESDAY, THIS FIFTH OF NOVEMHHlt, 1SU (being tha Tues . day next following the nrst Moaday of said month at the several districts within the county, to wit : I Heaver township, at tho public house ot Joseph II. bhuman. i Bentou township, at tho pubM nouss ot Iltrnm lless, In the town ot Ucnton. Hast Hloom, at tho Court House, in llloomsburg. West Hloom, at the Court House, In llloomsburg. Dorough ot Herw Ick. at tho storo ot John MCAnall. In tho borough of Ilerwick. Dorough of eJentralla, at the public house of Wit- Ham I'elfer. Hrtarcreck township, at the public school noise near EvansMllc. Calan tssa township, at the public houss of Samus Kostenbauder, In the town of Catawissa. Centre township, at the school house near Lafay ette Creasy's. North Conjngham District, at the school house near tho colliery of John Anderson & Co. South Conyngham District, at tha house) ot John Monroe. Flshlngcreek township, at the school house near C. II. Whlto's. Franklin township, at the Lawrenco school houso. Orecnwood township, at the houso ot Joseph It. Fatton. lemlock township, at tho public house of Chas. H, Dletterlch, In tho town of Iluck Horn. Jackson township, at the house ot Ezektel Cole. Locust township, at the public house of Daniel Kehres, In Nmncdla. Mlllllu township, at the public house of Aaron Hess, In the ton u of Minun vllle. Mail Wui to uslilp, at the public school house In Jersej town. ill. Pleasant township, at the houss ot II. W. MclllCfc. Montour township, at the public house ot Iteuben liauch, at Uupctt. Main tow nshlp, at the public house of Jeremiah E Longenberger. Poarlugcreek township, at tho hous. .t John li. Kllnger. Orange township, at the public houso ot II. C. i Conner In orangeville, I Hne township, at tho Centre. School House, lately flved by a oto of the citizens of said townsklp. Sugarloaf township, at tho houso ot AUuas Colo. Scott township, at the public houso of Wm. I'ettlt In Espy. al which lime hiiu places ine quuunsii electors will elect hy ballot tho follow lug State and County ofllcers. lz: Ono person for t.overnor or Pennsylvania. Ono rerson for Lieutenant (Jorernor of I'ennsjl- vanla. one jicrson for Supremo Judgo of Pennsylvania, ono pei son for Secretary of Internal Affairs of l'enns) lvanla. Ono person for Member of Congress fcr the Elev enth District. One person for SUto Senator. Two persons foi ltcpre-senteittvcs. Ono person for I'rothonotary and Clerk ot tho Courts ot Columbia county. Ono person for HegtsU-rand Itceordcr of Columbia connty. One ierson for Treasurer of Columbia county. Three persons for Commissioners of Columbia county. Three persons for county Auditors. It Is fuither directed that the election polls of the several dl-lrtcts shall be opened at seven o'clock in the forenoon, and shall continue open without Int cr ruptlon or adjournment until seven o'clock In the C'H-nlug w hen the polls w Ul be elose'd. NOTICE IS IIEREltY (JIYEN, That uver person creeping JnsUc.sot U Ttaes and Aldermen, Notaries Public and Persju In 1kg mllltla service ot tho State, who shall hold or shall within two months have held any r mo. ur appolut nient ot profit or trust under the Crtid staWs,or of tilts state, and city or corporati-d district, whether a commissioned otucer or otherwise, a subordinate oltlcer or agent who Is or shall be employed under the Ix-gtslature, Executive or Judiciary Department of thts State', or of any city or ot any Incorporated district, and also, that every member of Congress and of the State legislature, and of the select or common council of any city, or commissioners ot any Incorporated district, Is by law Incapable of holding or exercising at tho samu Umo the office tr appoint ment ot Judge, inspector or Clerk of any election o this commonwealth, aud that no Inspector, Judge or other oflleerof such election shall bo .Uglble to be then voted for. " The Inspectors and Judgs of the elections shall meet at the resiie-cHre places apjiolnted for holding lite eleeilon In tho district to which thoy respeetlv ely belong, before seven o'clock In the morning, and each of said liispcciora shall appoint oue clerk, who shall be ii qualMed voter of such t strict. 'Iho qualified voters of tho several districts la this comity nt all general, township bor ough and speeiil elections, aie hereby hereafter authorised luiel required to vote by tickets printed or wilt ten, or partly printed nnd partly wrltun, serer ally eiaS'Slrtcd as follows t ono ticket shall embrace the names of all Judges ot Courts voted for, and labelU-d, outside, "Judiciary " one ticket shall em brace the names ot all tho state ofllcers voted for and to bo labelled "State;" ne ticket shall embrace tho names of all county ofllce rs voted for, Including tho olllcei et senator, and Members of As sembly, If voled fur, and members ot Congress, If voted tur.and be labelled "County;" ono ticket shall embrace tho names of all township ofllcers voteel for, aud bo Libelled "Tow nshlp ;" ono ticket shall em-brae-o tho names of all borough omens voted for, and bo latieileil Horougb," nnd eaib class shall be deposited In separate bal lot boxes. JOHN W. HOFFMAN, bherlirsonire', llloomsburg, bhcrttf. Sept. at, 1-tl VIblTINU OAKDS, UJ1TBH IIKAD8, JJlia.llcVAlia, iwratu, to, txx, gently anil Cheaply primed at tun Colum wan Office. Pennsylvania. J furnished with a bountiful supply Ot pure.Mtt Expenses Dauchy 8c Co's. Advt's. Sure Reward. r Yt:tus to pay rou i'arm. Si to $10 run. ACRE. Ilfccli niiet .lltiplo t.nml In AIlclil pan In itlllitiin Act-it IJrunt eil tlic to'iimi Itnplilx anil In 1II111111 Ilallroixl 1 oiiipaii-. HTLT3 sunrscr. Slraii? oll s"r' ciiti plenty of tlnilicr-no lroui;lil-n clilnch lings no hopper"1." Itt'KMMl TRKAM l'lHK WAT! K -llHADV MARKT CUl)OIJi I'All.HOAIM'OMI'LnKlt T1IKOVOI1TUK CKN1RK OF TIIKtlllAST. Si in", leif ii;nnili!'t.;'iyi'A or German AJJress W. O. llt'CHAUT, t.ANP COMMlsglONEH, (lllNH ItAl'IDS, MICH, aprll 1!, lsts-ltsw d PllltiOS lU-tnll irkv MHXh) onlyft273. l unar i rutins 1 trice imh omy jy Puirr fuf Itnulcl V I'.fntir I WHY GO WEST? Send (or Delaware. Fnrtn C'utalcgue and MapsT, I F. MAuriu, Ihwer. IM fl bop. 27 '-4w yaraauuiiiuiii j, i,, Qq() ts'-fTT,',1 C back, lttiei 'R CAt'CISK 1'OROUS I'I.ASTKhM l untucks or weakness ct tht" , Rheumatism and all leic.il acliefJ ICpalns. thofst reraodv known, it waslnvent- a to OTfrc.int' tut) siow ucimii tir iiiu orntnarv ''n-mH WtM'TH U rpllfVis pain nt once, and! "un-H-i, it out' T i laMi r.H win i,nLcfn relieve. pojj eTeiywicri vy urutftfisis. i rice a cents. PI two tilt mm: .il i' !pnuciT7p'Ti7C! VAUXji. vre krpt sw eel by a. iLuuutb v a-ilj lMtiSSHItVING FLUID. W .INssElt York. A Co. a 17 William sttrect, New wp. a7, ';s-4w Tbe Antidoto te ALCOHOL Fcnai at Ltw:. Tho Pathcr Matthew Remedy iHaeeitatiiund i-ih-i-uj cure for Intemperance. It destroys all appeil for alcohollo II iiiurs aud builds up llli' n ivnus hy-lt u, Allrr ii ilt'liiiiii'ti, or any lini'iiiliernlt- liMlitlsi'iiee. a MMii.i TEASroONCL will letui'Tf nil infills! und ph sleal depression. 11 also din's .very kind ot t'svra, iivsrr.i-snandToa-rnuTv of the l.iv Kit olll by all dn gKlsts. Price tl rer boit;e. Pamphlet ou 'Aleoho.iis Knects,and liiteiitK.'r.ine,i us a illsease," wm fite'on wiitlngto Ihe KMIIKIt MATI1KW TKUrEluscK MinV, Co., Stl lioud street, V. d scp. St. (IKNl'S WANTED for till MAItCH'S DARK TO DAWN m:vv hook : FHO fVI III this low volume the Popular Author of Niotrr Se knes in Tim Him k prrtrajswlth Mvld and tunn ing furco and eloquence the events ot Sacred Truth, aud add, fresh ttstlmony to Ihe beauty, pithos and sublimity or the stories of Iho Hlble. Agents will Mad thts Hook with Its spaikllng thoughts, glowing style, be-autirul Kngravlngs, and rich bindings, tiie best tn the market, Tekus LinEitAU circulars Free. Address, J, C. AicCUHDV, : CO., i'niLi DEU'lllA. l'a. d sep. il, Ts-iw PARIS, 1878 i Sweden, 1878 Philada, 1875 AT EVERT WOR! D'S Exposition FOR la YEARS Highest Honors llavo Is en awarded tho Santiago, '76 I Vienna, 1873 Paris, 180? MASON & HAMLIN CAWNET OltGANS. At tho I'nrU llsiinslilon thlsear I hey ure awar ded THE oiiLD .MKD.M.. tho highest recompense at the disposal of tlio Jury. The hue o also receiv ed the IIHANII lilll.ll Mh DAL OF SWEDEN & NIlllWAV, UTs NllOTUEll AMERICAS' OtUANS HAVE RVEK A1TAUEH HIUIIkST AWASIl AT ANY WOKI.n'S Kx- rosiTios sold for e'ush or pa merits by Installments. iJltol CATAl.nriLr.s, with neveesl Hjles, lllCe-S, SC., free. 1 sON HAMLIN OltdAN CO,, HOsTUN, NHVV VOIIlv Olt ClIICAUO. sep, 27, 'Ts-lw d Ol n fl'A C'1 At iTTT" ' ("i fl In-trail street MU IU OlUWU stocksm V Hoilunesev n lnoiilh. Ilook sent Imi evplal ling ever) thing. Address lUXTL'lt a CO., llASBEKS, II Wall street. New York. d aug.lH'.'fs-iw O," FANCY CAltDS with name, 1(w Plain or Hold. 40 IMstles, Agfsoultlt we. Hull A-Co., Hudson, N. Y, d oct. II, 'ts tw Elf IS liirniiV I'ii rum TllU mako New ltlcb lllood, oodwlll complett'iy t'litu'ii tlie Lluud in tUc cmtrw nysii m In three montUs. Any iTbon who will tak I phi each iiUht fruia 1 to 12 wt-ekH may tw ribtorvrt eti lu Htuinl hctlili, l( bii(.h a thn w ilble. trend by malirur KtUr fctmp. l.b.JOHNM)N &Ct.t Uaugor mp. u oet, 11, Jt4w ChewiQlMltToliacco! lwfl4 kigKft rru tl Ctntninilt f ipDKiltnn fnr iktiririg ftnlCtiet itirl trtlltKt finj lanng fW mU 9f MetUAQ tw4 flmvrg, Th Vvit lohic'' t li oar Mut atrip ir4.tiifck i cUm1t twili4 ln(rmr t umla, ttl Joftn'i wt n rj plug, oiilfjllilli. tftil fornif c, !. lo C, a, Jictui Jk to,, UIi.t IfUriburc, M. l WWIM.i:, liriifriil Avl.f ritltuilelphln. OCU 1,78-4W d TliOMia U. IUktmas. Albekt 1 iMtiiK, TUB RED FRONT, 3Si0:O"rrEElS' BLOCK.. HARTMAN BBOS., DEALERS IN TKAS, (JAXNKI) FUUIT, CXC1AKB, TOBACCO sNurr, GONF12GTIONKHY. Spices of all titds, Glass & Guoc&Ewsro FINE GROCERIES, Foroigu and Domostio Fruits, AND tir.Nr.UAli UNR OF Family Provisions ith door below Market street, llloomsburg, l'a. I v uooda dell v ei ed to all pans ut the ua aihi.i.it-u 111
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers